2、将带有特征性形象的词译 成该形象所代表的属性的词。
1) Rich and powerful, he always goosesteps on the street.
1) Goosestep的原义是从名词 “鹅步、正步” 转化而来的动 词,根据上下文引申,译成: “他有钱有势,在街上总是耀 武扬威,横行霸道。”
2)He is in critical condition, see-sawing between life and death.
2) See-saw原义是“跷跷 板”,这里引申译为:他的病 况危急,时好时坏,在生死之 间徘徊。
2)He is a Shylock!
2) Shylock是莎士比亚笔下 的人物,其人刻薄歹毒,故该 句引申译为:他凶险狡诈。
Every life has its roses and thorns.
这里把玫瑰和刺引申,译为: “每个人的生活有苦有甜。”
2)他的学位成了他进入那家 公司获得高薪的敲门砖。
2. 英语中有些词在特定的上 下文中,含义是清楚的,但译 成汉语时还必须作具体化引申, 否则就不够清楚。
1) The car in front of me broke down and I missed the green.
She is a good Christian, a good parent, a good wife, a good daughter and a good teacher.
选择和确定词义通常从以下两个方面着手:(一)根据词在句中的词类来选择和确定词义给出下列练习1.It is not right for children to sit up late.2.The plane was right above our heads.3.In the negative, right and left, and black and white are reversed.4.She tried her best to right her husband from the charge of robbery.(二) 根据上下文联系以及词汇在句中的搭配关系来选择和确定词义给出下列练习Account for1.He is ill; that accounts for his absence.2.In this battle he accounted for the five of the enemy3.I want you to account for every cent you spent.Make up1.If the stove is not made up, it will go out.2.There is not any girl called Clementine. He is just made her up.3.Half the roads in the region are still to be made up.4.Society is made up of people with widely differing abilities.5.It took Laurence Oliver more than an hour to make up for the part of “Othello”6.They made up a bed on the sofa for the unexpected visitor.7.We have to drive fast to make up the hour we lost in Boston.Figure1.The foreign trade ha risen to unprecedented figures2.Dr. Eliot was one of the most revered figures in the world of learning.3.On the desk, there was a bronze figure of Plato.4.He saw dim figures moving towards him.5.June was good at figure skating.二、词义的引申英译汉时,有时会遇到某些词在英语词典上找不到适当的词义,如任意硬套或逐个死译,会是译文生硬晦涩,不能确切表达意愿,甚至造成误解。
(6)Your idea sounds like a good one.(不及物动词,“听起来”)
(7)Old as Cara is ,she still enjoys sound health.(形容词,“健全的”)
(1)I barreled straight ahead,across the harbor and out over the sea.我笔直地向前高速飞行,越过港口,飞临海面。
(2)He is above bribery.他从不行贿受贿。
(3)His parents are dead against the trip.他的父母坚决反对这次旅行。(dead为副词,意思是completely,against为介词,在译文中译成了动词“反对”。)
(3)Human will can overpower natural forces.人定胜天。(译文中对human will,natural forces进行了具体化引申。)
(1)Year after year and century after century ,the moon goes through its cycles of changes.月亮的盈亏变化一年又一年,一世纪又一世纪,周而复始。(译文根据原句意进行了内涵化引申。)
(3)I'm afraid that you'll have to account for every penny of the money that has entrusted you.恐怕你得把交给你的每一分钱都要报帐。
• 我爱我的伊人,因为她美丽又动人;我恨 我的伊人,因为她已相许他人;我愿奉她 为完人,带她私奔离众人;她叫爱米莉真 醉人,家住东方羡煞旁人。
城东丽人兮,美名爱弥莉; 娇姿倾城兮,吾心之所系; 初既与余订婚兮,信誓而弃;
译文3: 我爱我的爱人,因为她很迷人;我恨我的爱人,因已许配他人; 她在我心中是美人,我带她私奔,以避开外人;她名叫虞美人, 是东方丽人。(张柏然)
I love my love with an E, because she's enticing; I hate her with an E, because she's engaged; I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement; her name's Emily, and she lives in the east.
外延意义(概念意义)(denotative meaning ) 内涵意义(connotative meaning) 风格意义(stylistic meaning) 情感意义(affective meaning) 联想意义(reflective meaning) 搭配意义(collocative meaning) 主题意义(thematic meaning) --杰弗里 N 利奇 “semantics”
读书足以怡情, 足以博彩,足以 长才。其怡情也, 最见于独处幽居 之时;其博彩也, 最见于高谈阔论 之中;其长才也, 最见于处世判事 之际。
A. 根据上下文中的词性确定词义
• The little boy’s eyes grew round with delight. • 这个小男孩高兴得眼睛都睁得滚圆。 • adj. 圆(形)的
• She rounded the corner at top speed. • 她以最高速度拐弯。 • v. 环绕……而行,拐弯
• 谈恋爱要去花前月下,酒吧茶座,最好吃西餐。 如果去一些不浪漫的场合,谈情说爱就很难。朱 丽叶柔声地呼唤:“罗米欧,罗米欧,你在哪 里?”他总不能瓮声瓮气地回答:“我在洗手间, 亲爱的。”
• A. 根据上下文中的词性确定词义 • B. 根据上下文联系及搭配关系确定词义
Key to Homework
• Many of these people work in various technical jobs where they have little or no direct contact with the public – in aircraft maintenance or air traffic control, for example.
A. 根据上下文中的词性确定词义
• The lake was bathed in the soft light of the moon.
• 湖水沐浴在柔和的月光下。 • n. 光,光线,光亮
• I lighted my sister up the stairs to bed with a candle.
翻译课week 5(词义的选择与引申)
![翻译课week 5(词义的选择与引申)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1ebd162c7375a417866f8f88.png)
词语的翻译——词义的引申 第三章 词语的翻译 词义的引申
词义的具体化是指把原义抽象笼统的词语,根据 目标语的表达习惯,引申为意义明确具体的词语。 英语中常用代表抽象意义的词表示一种具体事物, 译成汉语时一般须作具体化的引申,否则意义会 不明朗。
词语的翻译——词义的引申 第三章 词语的翻译 词义的引申
词语的翻译——词义的选择 词义的选择 词语的翻译
再如“ 再如“take (off)这一动词: )这一动词: 1) To take off her boots or to put them on was an agony to her, but it had been an agony for years. 脱鞋或穿鞋对她是一种痛苦, 脱鞋或穿鞋对她是一种痛苦,但这已经是多年 以来的痛苦了。 以来的痛苦了。 2) The flyers practiced taking off time after time from this restricted space. 人员反复地在一块有限空地上练习起飞。 飞行 人员反复地在一块有限空地上练习起飞。 3)took the brake off, took 20 percent off. , 松开刹车 优惠百分之二十
词语的翻译——词义的选择 词义的选择 词语的翻译
英汉两种语言都有一词多类、一词多义的现象。一词 多类就是指一个词往往属于几个词类,具有几个不同的意义。 一词多义就是说同一个词在同一个词类中,又往往有几个不 同的词义。在英汉翻译过程中,我们在弄清原句结构后就要 善于选择和确定原句中关键词的词义。选择和确定词义 选择和确定词义通常 选择和确定词义 从以下几个方面着手: 1. 根据词在句中的词类来选择和确定词义 选择某个词的词义,首先要判明这个词在原句中应属哪 一种词类,然后再进一步确定其词义。例如: Like charges repel. Unlike charges attract.
9). I have butterflies in my stomach. 10). When I heard the news my heart came into my mouth.
9). I have butterflies in my stomach. 译文一:我胃痛。 译文二:我有一种想呕吐的感觉。 译文三:我好紧张。 10). When I heard the news my heart came into my mouth. 译文一:当我听到这个消息时,我心都跳 出来了。 译文二:当我听到这个消息时,我很吃惊。 译文三:当我听到这个消息时,我吓死了。
6 )Every life has its roses and thorns.
6 )Every life has its roses and thorns. 译文一:生活中既有鲜花又有芒刺(荆 棘)。 译文二:每个人的生命都其玫瑰和刺。 译文三:生活总会跌荡起伏。(有平坦和 坎坷的时候) 译文四:人生总是有两面性的。
参考译文: 1. 我父亲是那家餐馆的常客, 那里所有的服 务员都认识他. 2. 请看一下上次会议的记录. 3. 在中国我们每到一个城市, 就逛大街, 逛 商店, 逛公园, 上剧院, 下饭馆.
5). There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the imperialists.
参考译文: 5. 帝国主义者的性格既残暴, 又狡猾. 6.每个人的生活都是有甜有苦. 7. 我们都被他那种崇高的气质所打动了. . 10. 听到这个消息我吓得要命.
二 词义的引申
选择性必修四Unit 5 词汇讲义1.bounce v 〔使〕弹起;上下晃动n 弹性;弹跳;活力bounce around 蹦来蹦去;弹来弹去I have an idea bouncing around in my heard.有一个想法在我的脑子里晃来晃去。
2.heard start 起步前的优势;领先;有利的开端A good education gives your child a head start in life. 良好的教育会使你的孩子赢在人生的起跑线。
w n法律;法规;法律学;法那么lawyer n 律师I want to be a lawyer when I grow up.4.drawer n 抽屉 a chest of drawers 抽屉柜5.bridegroom n新郎bride n新娘6.debt n 债务;欠债;情意;恩情in debt 负债in heavy debt 负债累累in debt to sb = in sb’s debt 欠某人的债/情out of debt 摆脱债务get into debt 负债get out of debt 摆脱债务pay off one’s debt 还清某人的债务My uncle Tom is in heavy debt.I need to pay off my debt before I leave the country.我得在我离开这个国家之前还清我得债务。
It’s much easier to get into debt than to get out of debt.欠债简单还债难。
7.profile n 简介;概述;侧面轮廓vt 扼要介绍;概述;写简介keep a low profile 保持低调The newspaper publishes a profile of a leading sportsman every week.该报每周刊登一篇关于一个优秀运发动的简介。
Grey hair should be respected(synecdoche) The pen is mightier than the sword. (metonymy) The invention of machinery had brought into the world a new era---the Industrial Age. Money had become King. (metonymy) 机器的发明使世界进入到一个新纪元即工业时 代,金钱成了主宰一切的权威。 He is a rolling stone. I don’t think he can go far. 他是个见异思迁的人,我想他不会有多大出息。
有些词义是中立的,本身不表示褒义或者贬义, 但在一定的上下文中可能有褒贬的意味. demanding He found that being a CEO was a demanding job. 他发现当首席执行官是个费力的工作。 As a demanding boss, he expected total loyalty and dedication from his employers. 他是个苛刻的老板,要求手下的人对他忠心耿 耿,鞠躬尽瘁。
词义的选择: 根据词性来选择词义(word meaning) 根据上下文来选择词义(context) 根据搭配关系来选择词义(collocation)
引申的方法:抽象化引申 & 具体化引申 抽象化引申:具体——抽象 Do you think this dictionary of English is the supreme court in all matters concerning English words? 你认为这本英语词典是英语词汇的权威词典吗? See-sawing between partly good and faintly ominous, the news for the next four weeks was never distinct. 在那以后的四个星期内,消息时而部分有所好转,时而 又有点不妙,两种情况不断地交替出现,一直没有明朗 化。
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例3(p.70): It was as if he were reading me, absorbing all the information I provided, and adding details from his own experience and imagination to create a truer understanding of my words. (Marlena
5. 1. 5 词义选择, 看词在句中的位置
词义选择要看词在句子中的位置,前后的“邻居”等, 位置改变,意思随之而改变,邻居不同,词义不同。 例1:only (p.67) 1) The French only love arts. 【译文】法国人只爱文艺而已。(“only”是副词,强调动词
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例2:sight(p.65) 1) It cost him a sight of trouble. 【译文】那给他招来一大堆麻烦。 2) I know him only by sight. 【译文】我跟他只是面熟。 3) He fell in love with her at first sight.【译文】他对她一见钟情。 4) The next election was already in sight. 【译文】下届选举已经临近。 5) Take a careful sight before firing. 【译文】瞄准之后再射击。 【译文】做你认为对的事。 6
例2(p.69):Watch out for Harlow, he’s full of mickey mouse ideas.
选修一unit5重点词汇精讲●Devote v.献身,致力;用于近义词:mit oneself to/bend oneself to同根词:adj.devoted献身的;忠诚的devotional虔诚的,祷告的;的;献身的n.devotion献身,奉献;忠诚;喜爱词组:devote to致力于; 奉献;devote oneself to doing sth献身于做某事devote exclusively to特地从事be devoted to献身于●近义词:defining moment/critical stage词组:financial crisis;财政危机economic crisis经济危机crisis management危机管理,处理危险的方法credit crisis信用危机energy crisis能源危机ecological crisis生态危机debt crisis债务危机;倒债危机environmental crisis环境危机subprime crisis次贷危机crisis intervention[心]危机干预;危机处理;危机介入currency crisis货币危机subprime mortgage crisis次贷危机crisis of confidence信任危机humanitarian crisis人道主义危机identity crisis认同的转折点liquidity crisis流淌性危机;清偿危机monetary crisis货币危机;financial crisis in Asia亚洲midlife crisis中年危机fiscal crisis财政危机●Boost v/n.促进;增加近义词:facilitate/promote/enhance/further/jack 同根词:n.booster升压机;支持者;扩爆器词组:boost up向上推boost pressure升压;吸入管压力●Attain v.获得,实现;到达近义词:acplish/carry out/earn/acquire/ e true同根词:adj.attainable可得到的;可到达的;可到达的n.attainment到达;成就;学识attainability可到达;可获得词组:attain to到达; 获得; 到达; 抱负的状态attain to power获得权力; 得到权力attain one's goal到达目的; 到达目标attain the people's trust取信于民Attain one's hopes实现某人心愿attain our goals到达目标attain real happiness获得真正的欢乐近义词:export/crop/harvest/yield词组:output power[化]输出功率output voltage输出电压output value 输出值,产值power output功率输出;电源输出high output高输出;高产量annual output年产量output signal输出信号total output总产量;总输出量;总功率output data输出数据output current输出电流output shaft输出轴;从动轴cardiac output心输出量signal output信号输出;输出信号data output数据输出economic output经济产出;经济产量,流量output torque输出转矩;输出力矩;输出扭矩output file输出文件value of industrial output工业产值production output生产量daily output日产量●prise v.包括,包含;构成,组成近义词:involve/contain词组:be prised of由…组成learn to cooperate and prise学习合作和妥协●Celebrity n.名声,名望;名人,明星近义词:personality/lion/fame词组:celebrity effect 明星效应celebrity endorsement 明星代言●Extension n.延长,扩展;展期,延长期;扩建局部,延长局部;近义词:delay/spread同根词:V.extend延长;扩大;伸展;使疏开adj.extensive广泛的;大量的;宽阔的extended延长的;扩大的;长期的;宽阔的extensible可延长的;可扩张的extendable可延长的;可绽开的;可扩张的extensional外延的;详细的;事实的extendible可伸长的adv.extensively宽阔地;宽阔地n.extensiveness延长;大范围词组:brand extension品牌延长by extension相关地;引申开来extension service推广效劳crack extension裂纹扩展;裂纹扩张extension set分机;增设装置research and extension讨论与推广extension number分机号码extension of time延期;延长时间;延长合约期file extension文件扩展名;档案延长extension methods扩展方法university extension高校附校;高校推广教育extension spring拉簧;牵簧,牵引簧;拉伸弹簧extension line延长线;分机线;引出线time extension时间延长credit extension援权〔信用状期限延长〕extension cord延长线;分机线绳hair extension接发elastic extension弹性伸长;弹性延长extension telephone 分机extend one's business扩大其营业Organic adj.有机的,绿色的;有机物的,生物的;近义词:fundamental/ultimate/radical/underlying同根词:adj.organizational组织的;编制的organised有组织的;组织起来的〔等于organized〕organismal生物的;有机体的adv.organically有机地;有组织地;器官上地n.organization组织;机构;体制;团体organ[生物] 器官;机构;风琴;管风琴;嗓音organism有机体;生物体;微生物organisation组织;团体〔等于organization〕organelle[细胞] 细胞器;细胞器官organicism有机体说;唯器官变化论词组:organic matter有机质;有机物;有机物质organic synthesis[化]有机合成organic chemistry有机化学organic solvent有机溶剂organic pollutants有机污染物organic acid有机酸organic pound. 有机化合物organic food有机食品,有机食物organic carbon有机碳organic fertilizer有机肥;有机肥料;有机质organic waste有机废物;生化废物organic material有机物;有机材料;有机物质organic silicon有机硅organic substance有机物;有机物质organic glass有机玻璃organic agriculture有机农业organic phase有机相organic polymer有机高分子;有机聚合物organic pigment有机颜料total organic carbon总有机碳In turn 反过来;转而;轮番,依次近义词:by turns/in file词组:take in turn依次act as host in turn轮番做仆人请客exchanges in turn轮番交换。
高二英语必修五Unit5重点词汇及语言解析Unit 5 First aid,旨在提供综合运用所需材料!常言说:万事开头难。
高中英语必修五单词及语言点总结Unit 5 First aidWord usage1. aid n. 1) support or helpv. 2) to give support or helpShe made no effort to aid Sophia.A good dictionary can aid language learning.He should be able to read this without the aid of a dictionary.2. bleed v. 1) to lose blood2) to make someone to pay too much money3) to draw blood from, as doctors did in former times to treat diseasesHe was bleeding badly.My heart bleeds for you.He bled them for US$1,500.Doctors used to bleed people when they were ill.3. choke v 1) to cause to have great difficulty in breathing or stop breathing2) fill a space or passage completelyThe child was almost choked by the heavy smokeThe storeroom was choked with furnitureLeaves choked the drain.I managed to choke back my tears.4. perform v. 1) to do, carry out a piece of work, duty, ceremony etc.2) to give, act or showThe young doctor performed the heart operation.They always perform their duties faithfully.The students will perform an opera next Friday.The soloist had never performed in London before.5. essential adj. 1) completely necessary for the existence, success etc.2) most important; central3) something necessaryHard work is essential to success.There is no essential difference between the two drafts.Our course deals with the essentials of management.6. recognize vt 1) to show official gratefulness for2) to know again3) to accept as being legal or realThe policeman recognized her as a pickpocket.He looked at the envelope and recognized Jennys handwriting immediately.Many countries recognized the new government.I recognized that I had made a mistake.7. stab v. 1) to strike forcefully into with the point of something sharp2) to make forceful pushing movements with sth pointed3) an act of stabbing or trying to stab someoneThe man was stabbed to death in his office.I was stabbed with remorse.The escaped prisoner stabbed at the policeman with a knife.I felt a stab of pain in the back.8. congratulate vt 1) express your pleasure for someone2) to have pleasure and pride in yourself for somethingI congratulate you on your great discovery.I want to congratulate you with all my heart.He congratulated himself on having survived the air-crash.9. suffer vi 1) to experience pain, difficulty or lossvt 2) to experience or have to deal with sth painfulHe suffered many humiliations before he became a football star.I cannot suffer such rudeness.He suffered from poverty all his life.They suffered a great deal in those days.This scientific instrument suffered severely.10. survive vi 1) to continue to live or exist, especially after coming close to deathvt 2) to continue to live or exist afterOnly two passengers survived the air-crash.She survived her husband by twenty years.Few survived after the flood.11. operation n. 1) the cutting of the body in order to remove a disease2) the condition or process of workingThe operation of this machine is simple.The operation of a railroad needs many men.Her father underwent a major operation last week.He continued his operations in cotton futures12. follow v. 1) to accept and act according to2) to move behind in the same direction3) to happen or come directly after somethingMy dog follows me to school.Night follows day.The dogs followed the fox.The cat followed every movement of the mouse.Do you follow me?13. accident n. 1) something unpleasant or damaging that happens by chance or unexpectedly2) something that happened that was not intentional and cant be blamed on anyoneHe died in an automobile accident years ago.The discovery was a happy accident.14. doubt v. 1) to be uncertain aboutn 2) uncertainty of befief or opinionI doubt whether Tom has taken my watch.The judge doubted him.I do not doubt that he will succeed.The outcome of the election remains in doubt.There is no doubt about his innocence.15. scene n. 1) a place where an event happens2) in a play any of the divisions, often within an act.What a fantastic mountain scene!The criminal fled the scene.The scene of this play is set in Ireland.They made a scene of trifles.16. honor vt. 1) to show or bring honor ton. 2) the great respect and admirationWe fight for the honor of our country.The business honor of the company is beyond suspicion.He is a man of honor.Children should be taught to show honor to their elders.He graduated with honors.17. pour v. 1) to cause something to flow out of or into a container2) to flow steadily and rapidly3) to fall hard and steadilyShe poured herself another cup of tea.They have poured money into the tourist industry.The crowd poured out of the concert hall.Sweat poured from Martins face.Useful expressions1. take off 1) to remove sth2) to give a holiday from work3) begin to become successful, popular4) a plane to rise into the air at the beginning of a flightHe took off his raincoat and took out the key.The plane will take off soon.He took two weeks off in August.2. sit up v. 1) to cause to rise to a sitting position from a lying position2) to sit properly upright in a chair3) to stay up lateThe doctor sat up all night with the patientSit up straight, dont slouch over the table.Sit up and take your medicine.3. knock over: to strike to the groundHe knocked a glass over.She was knocked over by the newsWe have knocked over every difficulty.4. in place: in the proper or usual positionShe likes to have everything in place.Im afraid your proposal is not quite in place.5. a lot: much, a great dealThanks a lot.She is a lot older than him.This is a lot more interesting.6. catch fire: start to burnPaper catches fire easily.The pile of papers couldnt catch fire by itself.7. carry out: 1) to perform or complete2) to fulfillShe had finally carried out her promise to quit smoking.They have failed to carry out their orders.They are carrying out urgent repairs.8. cut off v. 1) to separate by cutting2) to disconnect or discontinue3) to block off or surroundHe had a finger cut off by a machine while working.I was cut off on my line to London.He was cut off in his prime.9. start with: begin withHer illness started with a high fever.The boss paid him only 5 dollars a week to start with.This book starts with a tale of country life.10. in case conj. 1) so as to safe if something happens2) ifIn case she comes back, let me know immediately.Take the raincoat in case it rains.11. leave sb/sth alone: to stop having annoyingly in someones presenceGo away and leave me alone!Leave behind leave for leave off leave out12. call for v. 1) to demand2) to need or deserve3) to go and get someone from their house, office etc. This is a problem that calls for immediate solution. We will call for her early tomorrow morningThe sort of work calls for a lot of patience.。
Unit5 单词讲解课件-2022-2023学年高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册
![Unit5 单词讲解课件-2022-2023学年高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ae54b6a582d049649b6648d7c1c708a1284a0a34.png)
7. sow
词块:sow the seeds (of sth) 谚语:you reap what you sow
8. wisdom
wise (adj 有智慧的) + -dom (表示状况或状态) 同后缀词:freedom;词块:words of wisdom
9. employ
em- (in 进入、使) + ploy (to fold 折叠、卷入) → 使卷 入、成为其中的一份子 → 雇用、使用 词族:employ, employee, employer, employment,
12. swimsuit 合成词:swim (n 游泳) + suit (n 套装) 13. dragonfly dragon + fly,因其形如小龙而得名
14. physician physic (自然科学、医学) + -ian (……人) → (内科) 医 生;词块:a resident physician
同族词:employ, employee, employer, employment, unemployed, unemployment
取钱 withdraw money
withdraw (withdrew, withdrawn) v
构词:with- (back 回) + draw (to pull 拉) → 往回拉 → 拿回 (基本义)
【词汇拓展】 employee n [C] 受雇者;雇员 employer n [C] 雇主;雇用者【选必一 Unit 1】 employment n [U] 雇用;聘用: Mexican law prohibits the employment of children under 14. ❖ [C] & [U] 职业;工作;就业: out of employment create employment opportunities full-time / part-time employment
Sharp 本义: 尖的,锋利的 本义: 尖的,
A sharp pin 尖利的大头针 A sharp knife 锋利的刀子 A sharp needle 尖细的针 A sharp sword 锋利的剑 敏锐的目光 灵敏的听觉 机灵的孩子 清晰的形象 鲜明的对比 眼睛鼻子很突出的人 剧痛 急转弯 激烈的斗争 犀利的语言 易怒的脾气 尖锐的批评 刺骨的严寒 刺鼻的气味 刺耳的声音
(二) 根据搭配
请让一让。 请让一让。 Excuse me. / Please let me pass. 她让我在雨里等了两个钟头。 她让我在雨里等了两个钟头。 She kept me waiting in the rain as long as two hours. 大夫让我卧床。 大夫让我卧床。 The doctor advised me to stay in bed. 他把客人让进来。 他把客人让进来。 He invites the guest in. 他是你弟弟,你该让着他点儿。 他是你弟弟,你该让着他点儿。 He is your brother. You should humor him a little. (迁就,迎合 迁就, 迁就 迎合) 店主让我父亲一天干16个小时的活。 店主让我父亲一天干 个小时的活。 个小时的活 The shop-owner made my father work 16 hours a day.
(二) 根据搭配
我可不吃这一套。 我可不吃这一套。 I won’t take all this lying down. 他要请我们吃馆子。 他要请我们吃馆子。 He is going to invite us out to dinner. 这种纸不吃墨水。 这种纸不吃墨水。 This kind of paper doesn’t absorb ink. 这件事你如果说出去,我叫你吃不了兜着走。 这件事你如果说出去,我叫你吃不了兜着走。 If you let this leak out, I’ll make you sorry for it. 只要技术好,到哪儿都吃得开。 只要技术好,到哪儿都吃得开。 A person who has expertise is welcome anywhere. 他在银行存款,吃利息。 他在银行存款,吃利息。 He deposits money in the bank to get interests.
Book 1 Unit 5 导学案1.billion /ˈbɪljən /n. 十亿数以十亿计的;大量的They have spent billions of dollars on the problem.2.native /ˈneɪtɪv/adj. 本国的,本土的Chinese is our native language.be native to...原产于Panda is native to China.n. 本地人,当地人 a native of Heze3.attitude /ˈætɪtju:d/n. 态度;看法a positive /negative /firm attitude to对…积极/消极/坚定的态度We should develop a good attitude to/towards life. 我们应该树立良好的生活态度。
4.refer /rɪˈfɜ:(r)/vi. 提到;(referred, referred, referring)refer to 谈到;提到The expert referred to volcanic eruption at least three times in his speech.vi. 参考;查阅refer to a dictionary查词典reference /ˈrefrəns / n. 指称关系;参考reference books 参考书5.system /ˈsɪstəm /n.体系;系统The Chinese writing system: connecting the past and the present.汉语书写系统:连接过去和现在a transport system 运输系统educational system 教育体制ecosystem生态系统6.despite /dɪˈspaɪt /prep. 即使;尽管despite the many ups and downs in its history 尽管在历史上有许多起起伏伏尽管…的事实She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it boring.in spite of/despite+doing可以转换成though/although 引导的从句He always did well at school despite/in spite of doing part-time jobs every now and then.= He always did well at school although/though he did part-time jobs every now and then.7.ups and downs 浮沉;兴衰;荣辱When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing.当生活很艰难,你想要放弃的时候,请记住,生活充满了起起落落,如果没有低谷,那站在高处也失去了意义。
八年级英语上学期词语解释与延伸Unit5 Section A B 人教新目标版 教案
![八年级英语上学期词语解释与延伸Unit5 Section A B 人教新目标版 教案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4465861353d380eb6294dd88d0d233d4b14e3f40.png)
八年级上学期英语词语解释与延伸(Unit5)(SectionA B)1. another adj 又一个,再一个(1) That’s quite another matter. 那是另一回事。
(2) Don’t worry ,Have atry. 不要着急。
* another pron 另一个,指三个或三个以上中的另一个。
(2) I don’t like this coat . Please show me another. 我不喜欢这件大衣。
(3)She has three pens ,One is red ,another is black and the third one is blue..她有三支钢笔,一支是红色的,另一支是黑色的,第三支是羊兰色的。
(4)- I don’t like this red skirt . Will you please give me another one ?我不喜欢这件红色的裙子。
请你再给我一件好吗?* other 别的other + n(pl)(5) We study Chinese ,math English and other subjects at school .我们在学校学语文,数学,英语和其它的课程。
(6)What other school things can you see in the shop? 你在商店能看到其它什么学习用品了吗?* one …… the other 一个、、、、、、另一个、、、、、、(两者中的一个、、、、、、另一个、、、、、、)(7)I have two children .One is a son . the other is a daughter. 我有两个孩子。
(8)Here are two flowers. One is red, the other is white .这儿有两朵花。
Unit 5 词汇讲解-高中英语课件(人教版2019)(选择性必修第三册)
![Unit 5 词汇讲解-高中英语课件(人教版2019)(选择性必修第三册)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6bcc6077ce84b9d528ea81c758f5f61fb6362840.png)
1. Heidi struggled constantly _a_g_a_i_n_s_t_h_e_r_s_o_r_ro_w___ (抵制悲伤), but in vain. 2. She is good, sir, and giveth me _n_e_i_th__e_r _s_o_rr_o_w__n_o_r_p_a_i_n_ (既不悲伤,也 不痛苦) of any sort. 3. The country lowered its flag to half-mast _t_o__e_x_p_re_s_s_s_o_r_r_o_w__ (表达悲痛) for people died in the earthquake. 4. Her blindness was always _a__g_re_a_t__so_r_r_o_w__t_o_ (一个巨大的悲哀) the child, and she had been struck with it anew.
6. blank adj. 空白的;无图画(或韵律、装饰)的;没表情的 n. 空白;空格
If you can’t answer the question, leave a blank. 如果回答不了问题,就空着它。 When Tony asked me what her name was, my mind just went blank. 当Tony问我她叫什么名字时,我的脑子一片空白。 I found a pencil and some blank paper in her desk. 我在她的书桌里找到了一支铅笔和一些白纸。 I am trying to think of his name, but my mind is a complete blank. 我努力想他的名字,可脑子里一片空白。
Unit 5 翻译技巧--词义的选择与引申
![Unit 5 翻译技巧--词义的选择与引申](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/44dcb9b79e314332396893ea.png)
Translation techniques 1
3. He likes making chemical experiments. (v.) 他喜欢做化学实验。
Translation techniques 1
4. Like charges repel each other, unlike charges attract. (adj.) 同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。
10. He always sits on the very edge of his chair when he is working, as though about to take off. 他工作时总是坐在椅子边上,好象随时都会跳起来的样子。
11. Every material takes up space. 一切物质都占有空间。
2. The car in front of me suddenly stopped and I missed the green.
Translation techniques 1
在现代英语中,常常用一个表示具体形象的词来表示一 种属性,一个事物或一种概念。翻译这类词时,一般可 将其词义作为抽象化的引申,译文才能流畅、自然。
5. Instruments capable of measuring most kinds of error automatically and methods of feeding the information back to the machines’ controls have been developed. 能自动测量多种误差的仪器, 以及把信息反馈给机器 控制机构的方法已经研制出来了。
英国语言学家弗思(J. R. Firth)说:Each word when used in a new context is a new word(每个词用于新的上下文中,就成为一个新词)。
一般说来,选择和确定词类可以从以下三方面着手:1.1 根据词类确定词义选择词义,首先要判明一个词在句中属于哪一种词类,起什么作用,然后再根据词类选择适当的词义。
例如:up在下列例句中所属词类不同,词义也就不同:例1. What are you doing up there? 你在那边做什么?He is (well) up in mathematics. 他精通数学。
例2. They went up wind. 他们迎风而行。
The ship is sailing up the river. 这船正向河的上游航行。
例3. The new museum is up and opens to the public. 新博物馆已落成开放。
When will the up train start? 上行车何时开行?【评析】以上两例中up为形容词。
例4. The landlord promised his tenants there would be no further ups this year. 房东向房客们保证今年不再提高房租。
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. 形象引申
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. 典故引申
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. 到了那里以后,我们才发现那地方前不着村,后不着店。
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