常见的称呼语包括Dear(亲爱的)、Respected (尊敬的)、Esteemed(尊敬的)等。
?1 礼貌原则概述?语言学家Leech的礼貌原则包括六项准则,每个准则下有两个次准则。
?2 委婉语的礼貌功能?委婉语的交际功能是在交际中避免冒昧和非礼,如果迫不得已涉及令人不快的事情时,应选择委婉表达以避免伤害对方的感情。
如用senior citizens(长者)代替old people和elderly people,这主要是因为senior这个词既可以指年龄大也可以表示身份地位高,而old, elderly只有年迈之意。
?3 商务信函的礼貌特点?这里所说的礼貌,并不是简单用一些礼貌用语,而是书写商务信函的基本原则。
因此要尽量使用第二人称代词you和your,而较少用第一人称代词I, we, my和our,即your attitude。
例如:(1)Your active participation in this conference will be highlyappreciated.(2)We will highly appreciate your active participation in thisconference.(1)句虽合情合理,但没有完全采取对方立场。
需要注意的是,在收信人有过失时,刻意使用you,实际上强调了对方的错误,使对方面子上过不去,而多用we和I却更能表达your attitude的内涵。
例如:Apparently you misunderstood our order.Anyway you shippedthe wrong thing.应改为: Apparently our instructions are not clear,with the result that the wrong article was shipped.这种多让自己承担责任,对对方少加指责,通情达理的婉转表达无疑是吸引合作伙伴的有利因素。
1、对比分析不同国家和文化背景下的商务英语函电中礼貌原则的应用情况, 以更全面地了解礼貌原则的跨文化特性。
2、深入研究礼貌原则与其他语用原则如合作原则、得体原则等的交互作用, 以及它们如何共同影响商务英语函电的交际效果。
3、结合具体行业和业务场景,针对不同类型和级别的商务英语函电开展深 入研究,以提供更具针对性的礼貌原则应用指导。
虽然礼貌原则在商务英语函电中的重要性已经得到广泛认可,但现有的研究 大多从理论层面探讨礼貌原则的定义、特点和作用,很少涉及实际应用情况。此 外,现有的研究多以单个礼貌策略为研究对象,缺乏对礼貌原则整体应用的研究。
本次演示采用实证先,我们从多家跨国公司的英文网站收集商务英语 函电样本,确保样本的多样性和代表性。其次,我们对收集到的样本进行详细标 注,包括交际场景、交际目的、礼貌策略使用等情况。最后,我们采用定量和定 性分析方法对数据进行分析和解读。
展望未来,随着全球经济的发展和交流的不断深化,礼貌原则在更广阔的应 用前景值得期待。它不仅将继续在商务英语函电中发挥重要作用,还将在其他跨 文化、跨行业的领域中发挥更大的作用。因此,我们应持续礼貌原则的最新研究 和应用进展,以便更好地将其应用于实践当中,促进国际间的交流与合作。
商务英语函电是国际贸易中重要的沟通工具,其中礼貌原则的应用对于建立 良好的商务关系和促进贸易发展具有关键作用。礼貌原则强调在交际中尊重对方、 保持谦虚和友好,这对商务英语函电的写作具有指导意义。本次演示旨在探讨商 务英语函电中的礼貌原则应用,并通过实证研究方法分析其重要性和必要性。
本研究发现礼貌原则在商务英语函电中的应用具有重要的实际意义。首先, 礼貌原则有助于建立良好的商务关系,增强对方的信任和合作意愿。其次,恰当 的礼貌策略选择可以有效地化解商务冲突,避免不必要的误解和损失。此外,礼 貌原则还具有潜在的长期效益,如树立企业形象、巩固客户关系等。
2. 敬语:在信函中要使用适当的敬语,如需表达敬意、感激之情时,采用Thank you、Thank you very much等表达方式,表达诚挚而真诚的
1. 开头的寒暄在商务英语信函中,开头通常都应该有寒暄。
例如,您可以用一些礼貌性的问候语来开始信函,如:Dear Sir or Madam,I hope this letter finds you well.Dear Mr. Smith,I trust this letter finds you in good health and spirits.2. 表达感谢在商务英语信函中,表达感谢是非常重要的礼貌性言语。
例如,如果对方提供了帮助,您可以用以下语句来表达感谢:Thank you for your assistance in this matter.I would like to express my sincere gratitude for yourkind help.3. 表达尊重在商务英语信函中,您还需要表达对对方的尊重,以展示您的礼貌和敬意。
例如,您可以使用以下语句:I greatly respect your expertise in this matter.Your insight and experience is much appreciated.4. 使用敬语在商务英语信函中,使用敬语也是非常关键的礼貌性言语。
例如,使用 "thank you"、"excuse me"、"may I ask" 等表达方式来表示尊重和礼貌。
5. 结束礼貌在商务英语信函中,结尾也需要有礼貌性的语言。
例如,您可以使用以下语句:Thank you for your attention and consideration.I look forward to hearing from you soon.6. 注意语气在商务英语信函中,语气也非常重要,要保持积极、礼貌,避免使用过于直接或尖锐的语言。
如:have some more sugar 就比clean up the floor 要礼貌。
例如:pass me the sugar. can you pass me the sugar?can i probably ask you to pass me the sugar?这三句话的礼貌程度是逐步加深的。
当发出提供性的动作时,直接比间接礼貌,如:let me set the table.i was wondering if i could possibly set the table. 当发出请求时,间接比直接礼貌。
如:i want to borrow your car. could i possibly borrow your car?3、称赞原则即尽量减小对听者的批评,增加对听者的赞扬。
二、礼貌原则概述礼貌原则,也被称为politeness principle,是语言交际中的一个重要概念。
商务英语信函中的礼貌策略商务英语信函(Business English Letter)是以英语为媒介,以促进商务活动顺利进行为目的的信件,其涵盖的内容涉及与商务有关的诸多领域。
在西方国家,通常会使用收信人的姓氏加上先生(Mr.)或者女士(Ms.)作为称呼,比如“Dear Mr. Smith”或者“Dear Ms. Johnson”。
在西方国家的商务信函中,通常会用“Thank you for your help”或者“I am grateful for your support”等表达感谢的句子来展现诚挚的感激之情。
关键词:商务英语信函写作技巧礼貌原则Leech深入研究了语言交际中的礼貌现象,指出:为了不直接触及对方的面子,人们只能间接地、含蓄地表达真实的信息,让他人自己去理解其言外之意,在条件相同的情况下,把不礼貌的信息降低到最低限度,将他人的利益放在第一位,为他人着想, 从而使对方感到自己受到尊重, 成功实现交际目的。
这六条礼貌准则之间有着许多相互的联系, 尽量最低化自身的利益和要求,而最高化别人的利益和要求。
1 主要内含商务英语信函写作中的礼貌原则是在商贸实践中,每份商务英语信函都有其明确的目的,即成功有效地与商务交往伙伴沟通信息,使交易顺利进行。
1.称呼和问候语: 在商务信函中,使用恰当的称呼和问候语是表达礼貌的重要方式。
2.正面措辞: 在商务信函中,使用正面的措辞可以增强对方的信任和好感。
3.委婉语: 在商务信函中,有时需要表达不同意见或拒绝请求,使用委婉的语言是一个很好的策略。
4.感谢和表扬: 在商务信函中,感谢和表扬的词语经常使用,可以表达对对方的赞赏和感激之情。
商务英语信函写作中的礼貌策略探析 正文
IntroductionWith the development of the world economy, China owns an irreplaceable position in world trade. Business English, as a kind of common language for specific purpose, is an important tool in foreign economic activities. Business correspondence serves as an important intermediary of exchanging information, building and maintaining harmonious business relationships and doing other business activities. Politeness, as an important criterion in language activities, is a prerequisite to establish a good international relationship. Politeness is also an important characteristic in business correspondence. Under the guidance of the politeness principle, English correspondence can accurately express sincerity and respect, realize effective communication, promote the development of the business activities smoothly, and finally contribute to the business cooperation.In Oxford Advanced learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary politeness is defined as “1.Having or showing that one has good manner and consideration for other people; 2.(typical) of a superior class of society; refined”Politeness, as a universal phenomenon existing in our daily communication and permeating in every aspect of an individual’s life, has drawn a lot of linguists’attention. Lakeoff thinks that “politeness is a system of international relations designed to facilitate interaction by minimizing the potential for conflict and confrontation inherent in all human interchange”(Lakeoff, 1973:298). P oliteness’theory of Brown and Levinson’s was originally published in 1978; they consider politeness as forms of behavior that allow communication to take place between potentially aggressive partners (Brown &Levinson, 1978).Politeness plays such an important role in the whole process of the business communication and it is also the essential skill that all businesspersons should master. However, when we look into the writing process of business correspondence in China, we may find that much attention is paid to the informational function rather than the interpersonal function. So in the business English world the study of politeness is an imperative thing.1. An overview of politeness principlePoliteness, as a public activity existing in a lot of language communities, attracts great attention from the socialists and linguists. Due to the complex nature of politeness, it is very difficult to give a universal definition to it. Linguists attempt to explain politeness from different angles and at various levels, thus, leading to a great number of unconnected studies.Fraser reviewed three approaches counting for politeness, including the social-norm view, the conversational-maxim view, and finally, the face-saving view.1.1. The social-norm view of politeness principleThe social-norm view is one traditional view regarding politeness as the social behavior in any society. According to Fraser (1990) “the social-norm approach has few adherents among current researchers.” This view is about desirable language and behaviors when people make choices in actual language use.1.2 The conversational-maxim view of politeness principleThe Conversational-maxim view provides a set of principles to explain politeness. This view is mainly based on Grice’s Cooperative Principle. Lakoff and Leech are the two main contributors to this view. They produce works similar to that of Grice.1.2.1 Grice’s cooperative principleAccording to Grice, a conversation takes place smoothly only when the speaker and the hearer totally recognize the rules that lead their language and behaviors, and also have the same reaction of each other’s words and acts. In his famous paper Logicand Conversation, Grice proposed that a set of maxims and sub-maxims that guide and limit people’language and behaviors. The maxims include quality, quantity, relation and manner, each of which includes one or more sub-maxims, so in a letter participants should know “relevantly, clearly and sincerely, while giving useful information”.1.2.2 Lakoff’ views on politenessLakeoff is the first researcher to explain politeness with Grice’s Conversational Principle and she contributes a lot in the development of politeness. She studies politeness from the conversational-maxim point of view, which is, seeing politeness as the avoidance of offence.To be clear and to be polite are Lakoff (1973)’s two rules of pragmatic competence. She argues that if the information being conveyed in the communication is noticeable, the speaker will focus on the clarity in a conversation; if not, the speaker will pay much attention to the social position of the hearer and other related factors in the conversation than the clarity.1.2.3 Leech’s politeness principlePoliteness principle proposed by Leech is another important theory of politeness. He agrees with Grice’s framework of Cooperative Principle but he suggests that it should be improved and expanded. In his opinion, politeness has nothing to do with “pragmatic progress”, but with “the attainment of social goals”(Watts, 1992)1.3 The face-saving view of politeness principle1.3.1 The definition of faceFace-saving view is based on the rational person, who has certain state in the social communication. The concept of “face” is introduced by Erving Goffman, who defines “face”as the “the public self-image that every member wants to claim for himself” (Goffman, 1967).Based on the notion raised by Goffman, Brown and Levinson have their own face-saving theory. According to them, “face” covers two aspects:(1) Negative face: the want of a person not to be appreciated, understood by others.(2) Positive face: the want of a person that his ideas, achievements, goals, etc. should be desirable to at least certain others.1.3.2 Face-threatening actsIn order to achieve their particular goal, rational people tend to minimize their loss of face and avoid confliction. However, it is quite likely that some people will act against the hearers’willing and threaten their face. Those speech acts are called Face-Threatening Acts (FTA) by Brown and Levinson.Brown and Levinson distinguish the face-threatening acts as follows:(1) Those that threaten the addressee’s negative face want, by indicating (potentially) that the speaker does not intend to avoid impeding the hearer’ freedom of action, including: orders and requests, suggestions, advice, reminding, threats, warnings, dares, offers, promises, compliments, expressions of envy or admiration, expressions of strong emotions toward the hearer, e.g., hatred, lust;(2) Those acts that threaten the positive face want of the addressee, by indicating that the speaker does not care about the addressee’s feelings, wants and so on.(3) Those that offend the speaker’s negative face, including: accepting the hearer’ s thanks or the hearer’ s apology, excuses, acceptance of offer, response to the hearer’ s faux pas, unwilling promises and offers and so on;(4) Those that directly damage the speaker’s positive face, including: apologies, acceptance of a compliment, self-contradiction, and confessions, admissions of guilt or responsibility and so on.1.3.3 Face-saving politeness strategiesIn order to have a more successful communication and achieve their goals, people always try to avoid face-threatening acts as mentioned above in the process of communication. But a lot of people have to say or do something undesirable to the hearer, and in these situations politeness strategies are needed to reduce the impact of the unfavorable words and actions.On the basis of two aspect of negative face or positive face, politeness principle can be classified into three major forms: positive politeness, negative politeness and off-record politeness.(1) Positive politeness is oriented toward the face of the hearers’ desire, showing that the speaker recognizes hearer’s positive face want. Positive politeness strategies include: noticing to the hearer’s wants, exaggerating interest, intensifying interest, seeking agreement, assert knowledge of the hearer’ wants, be optimistic, givereasons, give gift to the hearer.(2) Negative politeness is oriented toward the hearers’ desire to maintain claims of territory. Negative politeness strategies include: being conventionally indirect, questioning, being pessimistic, and giving deference.(3) Off-record politeness refers to the indirect strategies that avoid making any definite or clear imposition on the hearer. By going off record, there is more than one interpretation of an utterance, so the speaker cannot be held to have done the FTA and the hearers can choose not to understand.This thesis discusses politeness strategies from different aspects, including the social-norm view, the conversational-maxim view and the face-saving view. Thus, knowing how to use a language correctly just means being able to assess these values accurately and correlate them with certain language expressions, ways of speaking. The study of politeness principle can contribute to the accuracy of business correspondence.2. An overview of business correspondence2.1 The definition of business correspondenceBusiness refers to all the activities of buying and selling goods and services. To most companies, business letters are the main means of establishing business relations with the outside world. As one of the most popular means of communication in business activities, business correspondence plays an irreplaceable role in the fulfillment of business communication. Generally speaking, business correspondence can be defined as the correspondence used in business transaction.2.2 Functions of business correspondenceAccording to different contents and information, business correspondence has three functions.(1) To influence the reader’s attitude and action, such as sales letters for promoting products.(2) To inform the readers, such as letters placing orders, making complaints, and giving responses to request.(3) To entertain readers, such as thank-you letters, that is, to establish good relationships with certain people.According to the long-term role the letters also have three functions.(1) It is one of the best ways to ensure that your message is received, particularly if you are discussing complicated, technical or highly detailed information.(2) Business correspondence also serves as a part of a company’s permanent record.(3) It is also function as written contracts by the courts.2.3 Classification of business correspondenceBusiness correspondence is widely used in business activities and is influenced by lots of factors. Usually there are three main ways of classifying business correspondence.(1) According to the content of the letters, business letters have some major types: sales letters, placing an order, request letters, response letters, letters cancelingan order, collection letters, explaining problems and so on.(2) According to the function, business correspondence includes letters to inform the reader’s letters to enjoin the readers and letters to influence the readers.(3) According to the message or information appealed in the business correspondence, it includes good-news letters, neutral-news letters, bad-news letters and persuasive letters.Routine business correspondence threatens neither the positive nor the negative face of the reader. And most of the business correspondence aims at conveying information other than conducting the reader’ behavior or criticizing the reader. This thesis will give a detail expression through several business correspondences.2.4 Importance of politeness in business correspondencePoliteness contributes mainly to the interpersonal communication part of business correspondence. That is to say, it helps to create and maintain the friendly relation between the writer and the reader. Courtesy emphasizes the messages in the good-news letters and lightens the negative information in the bad-news letters, and enhances the cooperative relation between the two parts.On the contrary, if the writer does not pay much attention to the politeness, the letters may easily be treated as a routine business letters and can not enhance the business relationships.From the above analysis we may see that politeness is one of the basic ways of leading and constraining the business communication. So we should pay much attention to the principle of politeness.2.5 Methods of showing politeness in business correspondenceIn order to giving people a good business letters, there are some general methods of achieving politeness in business English letters.(1) The writer should use polite words and expressions, such as “thank you”, “would you please…”, “please”, “would you like to…” etc. whenever necessary.(2) The writer should be considering the reader’s problems and thoughts. Thus the writer must be very thoughtful.(3) The proper tone is needed in the letters. Before writing the letter, the writer should think about the relationship between the writer and the reader and at last choose the proper tone to express the idea of them.(4) The writer should use a positive attitude during writing the business letters. Taking the positive point of view lays stress on the favorable side of the message, which can help to create the positive climate and attend to the reader’s positive face want.These methods of being polite in business English letters can be used in almost all kinds of business letters and they will help us to approach favorable business writing.3. Politeness strategies in business correspondenceThe previous sections show the importance of politeness in business correspondence. This section will examine the four major types of business English letters carefully and discusses the application of different kinds of politeness strategies in each of them.3.1 Politeness strategies in good-news lettersGood-news letters show favorable messages to the reader, so it is easy to get a pleased response from the reader. In the good-news business letters, the words showed just what the reader expects, so it is beneficial to the reader. In writing a good-news business letters, the more concrete, the more direct, the more personal and vivid the language is, the more polite and effective the letters are.3.1.1 Politeness strategies in good-news business correspondence at the word level3.1.1.1 Using specific wordsGenerally speaking, as the words of the letters are beneficial to the reader, the specific words are better than general words. Specific words give a much vivid and detailed presentation of the words. Thus it helps to develop a great thought in the reader’ mental world. Using “You” instead of “I” or “We”Treat the reader as if they are sitting next to you. This means that you can call them you rather than the supplier, or the customer, or the receiver. Likewise use me and us when you are referring to yourself or your organization. Using “you” or using “I” and“we” stand for two different approaches in writing: you-oriented approach and I(we)-oriented approach. You-oriented approach focuses the attention on the reader while I (we)-oriented approach focuses on the writer.3.1.2 Politeness strategies in good-news business letters at the sentence levelProper words are the most foundation part of successful communication. Butsome times words themselves cannot express perfect meanings until they are arranged in a sentence. So it is important to learn how to arrange the words and expressions in a letter. There are some useful techniques in the development of the letter. Using short sentencesAs mentioned previously, the more clearly and direct, the more polite the letter will be. Short sentences contain fewer words and are simple in structure, so it is easier to read and understand. Using short sentences decreases the possibility for the messages to be missed or misunderstood, and guarantees the successful delivery of the messages. Here are some examples:Example (1): We are interested in buying a large quantity of Liangmianzhen toothpaste advertized in the July issue of China today.Example (2): All the relevant documents are ready.Example (3): For your first-time order, I want to thank you on behalf of the company.Example (1) is really a brief and simple sentence. In this sentence, the writer expresses his/her idea in a direct way. Example (2) is telling a piece of good news in a very short and simple sentence without any unnecessary related information. Example (3) is expressing thanks to the reader; the writer uses a prepositional phrase to explain the reason so as to make the sentence short and effective. Using active voiceUsing Active voice is the best way in transferring the good messages.Sentences in active voice are clearer and more direct than those in passive voice, which is the requirement of the politeness principle. It can also show the writer’s willingness to the reader and consider the reader’s benefit. For instance: Example (4): We are in receipt of your payment.Example (5): We have received your payment.Example (6): Thanks for sending us your payment.Example (4) uses a noun phrase to state the fact of having received the payment, dull and without any personal emotion. Example (5) is more natural and forceful, thus is betters than example (4). Example (6) uses the active voice. The tone is natural, friendly and sincere, thus is most likely to get a favorable response from the reader. So, Example (6) is the most politeness one among the three. Using affirmative structuresAs mentioned above, politeness plays a more important role in a successful business correspondence. In good-news business letters, positive ness can be gained through using affirmative structures. Here, affirmative structures mean not only affirmative words but also phrases with affirmative meanings. Affirmative structures express the messages from positive point of view and stress the benefit brought to the reader, it can attends to the reader’s positive face want. Compare the following examples:Example (7): We are withholding your shipment until we receive the payment.Example (8): We will deliver your order to you as soon as the payment is received.Example (7) uses the negative conjunction until, which lays the stress on the payment. This way of expression weakens favorable effect of the massage and also it maximizes the writer’s benefit and gives the impression that the writer thinks only of himself. Besides, the tone of the sentence sounds arrogant and threatening to the reader. Example (8) focuses on the beneficial side of the message, the delivery of the reader’s order. It also uses the affirmative phrase “as soon as”to enhance the beneficial effect by showing the writer’s willingness and thoughtfulness for the reader. Compared with example (7), example (8) is much more friendly and polite, thus is more acceptable to the reader.3.2 Politeness strategies in bad-news business correspondenceDifferent from the good-news business letters, bad-news business letters show message that is undesirable to the reader’s benefit and may not be accepted by the reader. So in bad-news letters, the letter should be less direct, and includes elements which help to lessen the impact. We should not start the letters with the bad news. 3.2.1 Politeness strategies in bad-news business correspondence at the wordLevel3.2.1.1 Avoiding you-languageAs we all know, you-language gives readers a very strong tone and stress attitude to the reader. When the words are good for the reader, we should use more that kind of words to emphasis the effect. But when the words are bad for the reader, it is better for us to avoid you-language. In order to show the correct meaning of the sentence, the writer should pay much attention to the “you-language”. Using noun phrases instead of verb phrasesIn conveying unfavorable messages, it is better to use noun phrases than verbs. Compared with verb phrases, noun phrases focus on the statement or the facts themselves rather than the action of the actor. In other words, noun phrases state the facts without centering the actor’s intention. So they can make the transferring of the bad news more indirect and less offensive. To conclude, noun phrases should be extensively used in bad-news business letters. Compare the two examples: Example (9): I made a mistake in accepting Mr. Taylor’s credit application.Example (10): It was a mistake to accept Mr. Taylor’s credit application.Example (9) uses the verb phrase “I made a mistake”, which emphasizes the action of making, and at the same time shows the writer is active in making the mistake and should be responsible for the mistake. Things are different in example (10). A noun phrase is used to state the mistake, which is more neutral and more objective. Besides, the sentence does not point out directly who should be responsible for the mistake, which greatly attends to the writer’s positive face. Using neutral words instead of negative onesIt is very important to avoid words that with negative meanings in business English writings. Generally speaking, the meaning of a word consists of two parts, which are conceptual meaning and associative meaning. Negative words make people feel unpleasant and upset. So it is important for the writer to choose the right words. Compare the following two examples:Example (11): Please ignore this reminder if your payment is already in themail.Example (12): Please disregard us for this reminder if your payment is already in the mail.In example (11), the use of the word “ignore”, which contains an implied accusation that the reader is not paying attention to the letter, is not easy to understand by the reader. Example (12) uses the word “disregard”, which is neutral in meaning and more natural, thus is more acceptable to the reader. So, in writing a bad-news business, to avoid words with negative meanings is necessary. Using modal auxiliariesModal auxiliaries play a very important way in expressing requirement or suggestion in a more polite way. There are some words like: will, would, can, could, may, might and so on. At the same time, these words are also used to show the politeness in our communication. In bad-news business letters, the writer can use modal auxiliaries to refuse the reader’s requests or suggestions, and to avoid threatening the face need of the reader. Compare the following two examples: Example (13): Please make the payment by July 1.Example (14): Would you please make the payment by July 1?The above two sentences are both acceptable, but the latter one sounds more mannerly. Instead of making a request directly like example (13), example (14) makes a suggestion by asking about the speaker’s attitude towards the request, which is much more diplomatic, thus is more acceptable.Beside, modal auxiliaries are often used in subjective mode, which we willdwell on later.3.2.2 Politeness strategies in bad-news business letters at the sentence level3.2.2.1 Using longer sentences with complex structuresWhen writing a bad-news business letters,longer sentences with complex sentence structures are a better choice. According to Leech (1983), when a message is unbeneficial to the reader, the more indirect it is shown, the more polite it is. So in writing a bad-news letters, we should try our best to de-emphasize the bad news to decrease the negative emotion caused by the bad news. Longer sentences avoid stressing the bad news, thus lessen the negative emotional impact on the reader. Compare the following two examples:Example (15): The repair will cost $ 13,000Example (16): Although the repair will cost 13,000, additional work will not be required for two years.Example (15) conveys the unfavorable message in a short simple sentence with only five words. The whole sentence draws the reader’s attention to the negative information, the cost of $13,000, which is indeed a big cost to the reader and is just what the reader would not like to see, thus greatly threatens the reader’s negative face want. Different from example (15), example (16) chooses a longer complex sentence, which cushions the overreaction that may be caused by the bad news. Besides, it inlays the unpleasant news in an adverbial clause of concession introduced by although, which shifts the reader’s attention to the following information that benefits the reader.To sum up, longer complex sentences help convey the unpleasant message in a roundabout way and de-emphasize the unpleasant message, thus mitigate the face threat to the reader. Using longer complex sentences facilitates the realization of politeness and friendly relationship. Starting from the positive point of viewAs is known to all, positive plays an important role in helping to achieve politeness in bad-news business correspondence. Expressing the message from the positive point of views shows the message in an indirect way, which avoids the direct irritation to the reader. And also emphasizing the positive aspects helps the reader forget the bad emotion. To sum up, it provides the reader with reasons or options for the bad news and lessens imposition by giving the reader more freedom in making a decision. Compare the following two examples:Example (17): There can be no exceptions to this policy.Example (18): This policy must apply equally and fairly to everyone.The negative message of refusal threatens the reader’s positive face. Using the word “no”, to which most of the people are sensitive, to express the refusal strengthens the negative effect.Instead of expressing the refusal directly, example (18) chooses to present it in a positive way by stating it as a general rule that is not directed at the reader. Also, it gives out the reason why to refuse and assumes the reader is rational enough to realize the necessity of the refusal. Once accepting the reason of the refusal, it is much easier for the reader to accept the refusal and react cooperatively. The unfavorable emotionof the reader is greatly soothed by the positive tone. Lessening the degree of imposition by letting the reader make the decision, it is a typical manifestation of negative politeness strategy.3.3 Politeness strategies in persuasive business correspondenceBusiness is often about selling, and to sell we often need to persuade customers to buy. This is normally left to specialists within a company, such as sales and marketing staff, or outsourced agencies with the relevant expertise. Therefore, writing a persuasive business letter, it is of vital importance to think from the reader’s point of view, arouse the reader’s interest and maximize the emphasis on the reader’s benefit. The following is the sample of this view:Sample:Dear Ms. Smith:ABC has always generously supported the Rainbow RidgeGeneral Hospital. Your donation last year of $ 1,000 was asignificant contribution to our 200-campaign.In this time of economic restraint, there is a large gapbetween available funds and the health care needs of the peopleof Rainbow Ridge. I am aware that ABC, like several othercompanies in the community, bases its corporate gift to thehospital on a per employee amount. However, we are asking youto rise to the current challenge and increase your donation fromlast year’s $11.7 to $12.94 per employee for 200.The new amount represents the average per employee giftour ten Rainbow Ridge companies donate, and it will make adifference to the health of our community members. In addition,your increased contribution will encourage other companies in。
本文将基于 Brown 和Levinson 的面子威胁理论及其所包括的礼貌策略对商务英语信函的词汇、句法特点进行分析。
【关键词】商务英语信函;礼貌策略;面子威胁行为一、引言根据Blum-Kulka 的观点,礼貌原理不仅被广泛地运用于人们的日常对话中,同时对书写得体的商务信函,实现其交流的目的也起到了重要作用。
Brown 和 Levinson 的礼貌原理包括三个主要概念:面子、面子威胁行为和礼貌策略。
按照 Brown 和 Levinson 的说法,大部分言语行为都会成为威胁面子的行为。
2. 使用you-attitude。
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在 商 务信 函 的 写作 过程 中 , 及 时 是 礼 貌 之 首 …。及 时 回 复 信 函 是 尊 重对 方 、 展 现 我 方 良好 职业 道 德 的重 要环 节 。 如果 对 方 没 有 在 合 理 的 时 间 内收 到 回 函 。 就会认 为我方无礼 , 问题 、 要 求 或 建 议 没 有 得 到 应 有 的重 视 ;或 者 认 为 我方 故 意 回避 或 拖延 , 推卸责任 , 因而心存芥蒂 , 无 形 中 破 坏 了双 方 关 系 , 甚 至 会 使 双方 的 交 易 合 作 中 断 。尤 其 对 于 抱 怨 、 索赔信函 , 更 是要 给 予 及 时 、迅 速 和 明确 的答 复 ,若 问题 的 出 现 确属 自己 的 责 任, 应立即纠正并谋 求解决 的方法 ; 若 一 时无 法 定 论 。 也 应 先 回复 来 函 ,告 知 对 方 正 在 调 查 。并 表 明一 定 会 妥善 处 理 的 态 度; 即使 遇 到 不 合 理 的要 求 , 也 要 冷 静 礼 貌 地 指 明 。 这样 即使 之 前 有 某 些误 会 ,如 果 处 理 得 当 .反 而 会 给对 方 留 下 办 事认 真、 诚 实 可 信 的 良好 印象 , 从 而继 续 保 持 友 好 的合 作 关 系 。
2 . 使 用Yo u a t t i t u d e 商 务 信 函应 以 收 函 人 为 中心 , 采用Y o u a t t i t u d e . 设 法 理 解
/ J 。 h n —a r e y 。 u I a l l r i g h t ? I I \ D o 。 t 0 r —I , m 。 v e r y 、 a n x i o u s . I
探 讨 使 商务 英语 信 函礼 貌 得 体 的主 要 方 法 和 技 巧 。
作 中运 用 得 恰 当 与 否 直 接 影 响 经 济 贸 易 与 商 业 合 作 能 否 顺 利 进行 。 礼 貌 的 商 务英 语 信 函可 以促 进 人 与 人 之 间 的 交 流 , 使 人 与人 之 间 的关 系更 融 洽 。给 对 方 愉 悦 的感 觉 而 乐 意 采 取 合 作 的态 度 . 带 来 无 限 商 机 。 因此 。 对 礼 貌 原 则 在 商 务 英 语 信 函写 作 中 的运 用进 行 分 析 与 探讨 是 十 分 必 要 的 。本 文 将 探 讨 使商 务 英 语 信 函 礼 貌得 体 的 主要 方 法 和技 巧 。
I ̄ ml mu c h ̄ b e t t e r
D 。 c t 。 r . I I
但 是 ,说 话 者 并 不 完 全 依 照 一 个 从 句 为一 个 语 调 短语 的 原则 。 语调短语根据说话者想要表达的意思 , 有 许 多 种 划 分 方 式。 / ) AWe d o n ’ t k n o ww h o s h ei s 为例 。 它 可 以 有 以下 五 种 划 分 方式 :
函 中 的 礼 貌 策 略
4 3 8 0 0 0 )
陈 征 张
( 黄 冈 师 范学 院 外 国语 学 院 , 湖北 黄冈
摘 要 : 商务 英语信 函作 为沟通 的桥 梁 , 在对 外 贸易 中 起 着不 容 忽 视 的 作 用 。随 着我 国对 外 贸 易的 进 一 步 发 展 , 商务 英 语 信 函的 适 用 范 围越 来越 广 。礼 貌 是 商 务 英 语 信 函 写作 中 要遵循的一个重要原则 . 一 封 礼 貌 得 体 的 商务 英语 信 函 , 有 助 于 双 方 建 立和 加 强友 好 合 作 关 系 。 因此, 对 礼 貌 原 则 在 商 务 英 语 信 函 写作 中 的 运 用 进行 分 析 与 探 讨 是 十 分 必要 的 。 本 文 将
Bu t I I d o n' t t h i n k y 。 u’ r e r i g h t
Ma r y .
We d o n’ t k n o w wh o s h e i S . We —d 0 n’ t k n o w w h o s h e i S . We d o n’ t k n o w — — w h 0 s h e i S .
罨 ; 试 周 刊2 0 1 4 年 第 8 5 期
商 务 英 语 信
1 . 及 时 回 复
关键词 : 商务 英 语 信 函
写 作
商务 英语信 函( B u s i n e s s E n g l i s h L e t t e r ) 是 以 英 语 为媒 介 , 以促 进 商 务 活动 顺 利 进行 为 目的 的 信 件 ,其 涵 盖 的 内 容 涉 及 与 商 务 有 关 的诸 多 领 域 。 随着 经 济 全 球 化 和 中 国加 入 世 界 贸 易组 织 . 我 国的 涉 外 商 务 活 动 日益 频 繁 , 商 务 英 语 已经 成 为 世 界 经济 活 动 中必 不 可少 的 语 言 交 际 工 具 ,作 为 涉 外 商 务 活 动 中传 递 信 息 和洽 谈 业 务 主 要 手 段 的 商 务 信 函得 到 越 来 越 广 泛 的 使用 和普 遍 的 重视 。 在 世 界 经 济 和 信 息 技 术 快 速 发 展 的 时 代 ,商务 英 语 信 函 已 经成 为 对 外 贸 易 不 可 或 缺 的 重要 组 成 部 分. 为 双 方 的沟 通 交 流 搭 起 桥 梁 , 准 确 而 具 体 地 传 递 双 方 的 各 类 相关 的商 务信 息 。 鉴 于 商 务 英 语信 函 的 重要 性 , 商 务 英 语 信 函的 写 作 就 显得 尤 为 重 要 。 其中 , 礼 貌 是 商 务 英 语 信 函 写 作 中 要 遵 循 的一 个 重 要 原 则 。可 以 说 礼 貌 原 则 在 商 务 英语 信 函 写