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学号Student number



思想道德与法律基础The moral and legal basis

大学生心理健康指导Mental health counseling for college students 大学英语1 College English 1

体育1Sports 1

高等数学Advanced mathematics

医学基础化学Basic medical chemistry

人体解剖学Human Anatomy

细胞生物学Cell biology

组织胚胎学Histology and Embryology

近现代史纲要The outline of modern history

大学生职业生涯规划Career planning for college students

大学英语2 College English 2

体育2 Sports 2

军事理论Military theory

计算机应用基础Computer application Foundation

大学物理ⅡCollege physics II

医学基础化学实验Basic chemistry experiment in medicine

生理学ⅠPhysiology I

物理实验ⅡPhysics experiments II

大学英语3 College English 3

体育3Sports 3

VFP程序设计VFP Programming

病原生物学ⅠPathogen biology Ⅰ

病原生物学ⅡPathogen biology Ⅱ

生物化学ⅠBiochemistry Ⅰ

医学免疫学Medical Immunology

毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论Introduction to Mao Zedong thought and the theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics 体育4 Sports 4

分子生物学Molecular Biology

病理生理学ⅠPathophysiology I

病理学ⅠPathology I


医学遗传学Medical genetics

分析化学Analytical chemistry

马克思主义基本原理The basic principles of Marxism

临床检验学Clinical laboratory medicine

仪器分析Instrumental analysis

预防医学Preventive medicine

医学统计学Medical statistics

诊断学ⅡDiagnostics Ⅱ

外科学总论General Surgery

儿科学ⅡPediatrics II

分子生物学检验Molecular Biology test

临床生物化学及生物化学检验Clinical Biochemistry and biochemistry examinations

临床血液学及血液检验Clinical Hematology and blood test

内科学ⅣInternal medicine IV

传染病学ⅡEpidemiology I

妇产科学ⅡObstetrics II

空气与水质理化检验Air and water physical and chemical inspection

临床免疫学检验Clinical Immunology laboratory /Clinical immunology and immune inspection

临床微生物学及微生物检验Clinical Microbiology Laboratory/Clinical microbiology and microbiological examination

食品理化检验Food physical and chemical tests
