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PM1000 Series Power Meters Table of contents
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CHAPTER 1 – PM1000 SERIES POWER METERS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ..............................................7 Physical Description ..........................................................................................................................................7 Front Panel......................................................................................................................................................8 8 Segment LED d
hcAT91 CPU card 说明书
hcAT91 CPU card User ManualRevision: 1.0© 2004 Andras Tantos and Modular Circuits.All rights reserved.IntroductionThe hcAT91 CPU card is a member of the H-Storm system CPU card family. The H-Storm project is a modular system-level design approach targeting hobby electronics, robotics and fast prototyping. The project defines a standard 72-pin connector as the interconnect between the various elements of the system with two optional 20-pin extension connectors. The elements of an H-Storm system are CPU cards, peripherial cards and system-boards. For detailed information on the H-Storm project please see the H-Storm System Manual available from the H-Storm website.The hcAT91 CPU card is a standard H-Storm system component and is built around the ATMEL AT91R40008 microcontroller. That device integrates a 66MHz ARM7TDMI processor core with 256kBytes of on-chip SRAM and a wide set of peripherials. The processor employs a 32-bit internal and a 16-bit external bus architecture.The CPU card combines this microcontroller with a 16-bit FLASH ROM of up to 8MByte in size, and some support circuitry.The low power microcontroller is run on 1.8V core and 3.3V I/O power supply voltages. The core power can be produced on-board by a small LDO regulator or provided externally.The processor module can be programmed in a variety of languages using the GNU toolchain, like C/C++ Pascal or ADA. There are also several other commercial development tools available from many vendors.© 2004 Andras Tantos, Modular Circuits Rev: 1.0hcAT91 CPU card User ManualTable of Contents Introduction (2)Features (3)License (3)H-Storm Non-Commercial license (HSNCL) (3)Theory of operation (4)System-bus (4)Integrated peripherials (5)PnP Bus (6)Programming mode (6)Power considerations (6)H-Storm module connector pin-out (7)Mechanical design (7)Electrical design (7)Features•66MHz ARM7TDMI processor core•256kb zero wait-state RAM•Up to 8MBytes of 16-bit FLASH memory (2MB standard)• A user-programmable LED to display program state• A watch-dog LED that lights up if a watch-dog event occurred•Optional internal core power supply•8-bit or 16-bit external bus operations are supported•Versatile bus-interface with programmable speed for each different peripherial slot•Two serial ports•Three timer/counters•Up-to 22 digital I/O lines (27 in non-H-Storm compatible mode)•JTAG debug interface provided•Can boot from internal FLASH or from external memory connected to nSEL0•On-board reset generatorLicenseThis document and all the accompanying design documentation (for example schematic and PCB files) are covered by the H-Storm Non-Commercial License (HSNCL).H-Storm Non-Commercial license (HSNCL)Copyright 2004 Andras Tantos and Modular Circuits. All rights reserved.Redistribution and use in source or binary forms, or incorporated into a physical (hardware) product, with or without modification, are permitted for non-commercial use only, provided that the following conditions are met:•The redistribution doesn't result in financial gain.•Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.3LicensehcAT91 CPU card User Manual Rev: 1.0© 2004 Andras Tantos, Modular Circuits •Redistributions in any other form must contain in printed or electronical format the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.•All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this technology must display the following acknowledgment:This product includes H-Storm technology developed by Andras Tantos and Modular Circuits.•Neither the name of Andras Tantos or Modular Circuits may be used to endorse or promote products derived from or using this technology without specific prior written permission.ALL THE INFORMATION, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ANDRAS TANTOS, MODULAR CIRCUITS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE OR TECHNOLOGY, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Theory of operationThe hcAT91 module contains three main components and some additional support circuitry. The tree main components are the AT91R40008 microcontroller, the 16-bit FLASH memory and the 72-pin H-Storm standard connector.System-busThe integrated memory-controller of the microcontroller is used to address the three available peripherial regions (nSEL0, nSEL1, nSEL2) and the FLASH memory. All I/O regions are mapped to memory locations. The mapping between these signals and the microcontrollers' external chip-selects under normal operation is asTheory of operation4© 2004 Andras Tantos, Modular Circuits Rev: 1.0hcAT91 CPU card User Manual Since the microcontroller boots from external memory connected to CS0, this change makes it possible to boot the processor from either the internal FLASH memory for normal operation or from an external memory connected to nSEL0 for initial programming purposes.Upon reset the microcontroller starts execution of the program found in a memory connected to CS0. This memory is initially mapped to physical address 0. The execution starts in ARM mode. The memory access cycles are programmed to be rather slow so that all types of FLASH devices would be compatible with the processor. After the initial program startup, the application can program faster accesses to CS0 to better match the capabilities of the FLASH memory, switch to THUMB mode to better facilitate the narrow 16-bit external bus, or copy itself into internal RAM where it can be executed full-speed with zero wait-states.Additional chip-select signals (CS1-CS3) are used to access the H-Storm peripherial and the system-board. These chip-select signals can be assigned to arbitrary physical memory locations to better suite the application needs and are highly programmable so that various communication speeds can be used with different peripherials.The CPU module supports both 8-bit and 16-bit access cycles, with and without wait-states. It does not generate burst cycles.The module support both edge- and level-triggered interrupts. The nIRQx lines of the H-Storm connector areIntegrated peripherialsThe microcontroller contains three timers/counters, two serial ports, a watch-dog timer and 32-bit GPIO lines. Many of these lines however are multiplexed to the same pins of the processor chip. All of the available peripherials are connected to the H-Storm bus, with the exception of a couple of the GPIO lines. The user-5Theory of operationhcAT91 CPU card User Manual Rev: 1.0© 2004 Andras Tantos, Modular CircuitsPnP BusThe H-Storm PnP bus signals are connected to two GPIO lines of the microcontroller. The protocol of the PnP bus is implemented in SW. The pin assignment is as follows:Programming modeWhen the nPROG signal is tied low upon reset, the microcontroller will boot from an external memory connected to nSEL0 for initial programming purposes. This allows for program execution on a module where the on-board flash is corrupted or simply blank. The external memory can contain code that erases and re-programs the FLASH memory such that consequent boot attempts from that memory would succeed. Since the standard H-Storm bus is capable of accessing only 2kBytes of external memory connected to any single peripherial select signal, only a very small boot-loader program can be placed in that external memory. The usual method therefore would be that that small boot-loader would download a bigger binary image from a host computer by means of one of the serial ports of the microcontroller. This larger program would than be capable of initializing the FLASH memory to a valid state and program a boot-image into it.When the nPROG signal is high upon reset, normal boot-sequence from the on-board FLASH memory us used. Power considerationsTwo versions of the module exist. One contains an integrated 1.8V voltage regulator and requires only a single power source of 3.3V. The other does not contain this integrated power supply and relies on dual 3.3V/1.8V external power. The power consumption of the module under various circumstances is as follows:Theory of operation6© 2004 Andras Tantos, Modular Circuits Rev: 1.0hcAT91 CPU card User ManualH-Storm module connector pin-out7H-Storm module connector pin-outhcAT91 CPU card User Manual Rev: 1.0© 2004 Andras Tantos, Modular CircuitsH-Storm module connector pin-out8© 2004 Andras Tantos, Modular Circuits Rev: 1.0hcAT91 CPU card User ManualMechanical designThe module adheres to the H-Storm standard module specification. It is 100mm wide and 47.5mm high. It is implemented on a standard double-sided 1.5mm laminate PCB process with 0.5mm via hole size and 0.2mm track width.9Mechanical design。
AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges
AISC 303-10 Code of Standard Practicefor Steel Buildingsand BridgesApril 14, 2010 Supersedes the March 18, 2005 AISC Code of Standard Practicefor Steel Buildings and Bridges and all previous versions.Prepared by the American Institute of Steel Construction under the direction of the AISC Committeeon the Code of Standard Practice.AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTIONOne East Wacker Drive, Suite 700, Chicago, Illinois 6060116.3-iiAISC © 2010byAmerican Institute of Steel ConstructionAll rights reserved. This book or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher. The AISC logo is a registered trademark of AISC.The information presented in this publication has been prepared in accordance with recognized engineering principles and is for general information only. While it is believed to be accurate, this information should not be used or relied upon for any specific application without competent professional examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability, and applicability by a licensed professional engineer, designer, or architect. The publication of the material contained herein is not intended as a representation or warranty on the part of the American Institute of Steel Construction or of any other person named herein, that this information is suitable for any general or particular use or of freedom from infringement of any patent or patents. Anyone making use of this information assumes all liability arising from such use.Caution must be exercised when relying upon other specifications and codes developed by other bodies and incorporated by reference herein since such material may be modified or amended from time to time subsequent to the printing of this edition. The Institute bears no responsibility for such material other than to refer to it and incorporate it by reference at the time of the initial publication of this edition.Printed in the United States of AmericaCode of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, April 14, 2010AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTIONCode of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, April 14, 2010 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION 16.3-iiiPREFACEAs in any industry, trade practices have developed among those that are involved in the design, purchase, fabrication and erection of structural steel. This Code provides a useful framework for a common understanding of the acceptable standards when contracting for structural steel. As such, it is useful for owners, architects, engineers, general contractors, construction managers, fabricators, steel detailers, erectors and others that are associated with construction in structural steel. Unless specific provisions to the contrary are contained in the contract documents, the existing trade practices that are contained herein are considered to be the standard custom and usage of the industry and are thereby incorporated into the relationships between the parties to a contract.The Symbols and Glossary are an integral part of this Code. In many sections of this Code, a non-mandatory Commentary has been prepared to provide background and further explanation for the corresponding Code provisions. The user is encouraged to consult it.Since the first edition of this Code was published in 1924, AISC has continuously surveyed the structural steel design community and construction industry to determine standard trade practices. Since then, this Code has been periodically updated to reflect new and changing technology and industry practices.The 2000 edition was the fifth complete revision of this Code since it was first published. Like the 2005 edition, the 2010 edition is not a complete revision but does add important changes and updates. It is the result of the deliberations of a fair and balanced Committee, the membership of which included structural engineers, architects, a code official, a general contractor, fabricators, a steel detailer, erectors, inspectors, and an attorney. The following changes have been made in this revision:•The scope in Section 1.1 has been revised to cover buildings and other structures in a manner that is consistent with how buildings and other structures are treated in AISC 360 (the AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings). A similar and corresponding revision has been made in Section 1.4.•The list of referenced documents in Section 1.2 has been editorially updated. •Section 1.9 has been added to emphasize that not all tolerances are explicitly covered in the Code, and that tolerances not covered are not to be assumed as zero. •Clarification has been added in Section 2 that base plates and bearing plates are considered structural steel if they are attached to the structural frame, but not if they are loose items that do not attach to the structural steel frame.•Editorial improvements have been made in the Commentary to Section 3.1 to improve upon the list of items that should be provided in the contract documents, as well as to link column differential shortening and anticipated deflections to information that has been added in the Commentary to Section 7.13.•Explicit requirements have been added in Section 3.1.2 as “option 3” for when connection design work is delegated by the Structural Engineer of Record (SER) to be performed by another engineer. Provisions covering connection design by theCode of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges , April 14, 2010AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION16.3-ivSER (option 1) and selection or completion of basic tabular connections by a steel detailer (option 2) also have been revised for consistency with and distinction from option 3. Additionally, the defined term substantiating connection information has been added to the Glossary, and revisions also have been made in Section 4 to correspond with the addition of option 3 in Section 3.1.2.• Information has been added to the Commentary in Section 4.1 to summarize the importance and benefits of holding a pre-detailing conference to open lines ofcommunication and develop a common understanding about the project.• Section 4.7 has been added to address requirements for erection drawings. • Section 6.4.3 has been modified to better address incidental camber in trusses. • Information has been added in the Commentary to Section 7.10.1 to better describe the provisions that relate to special erection conditions or other considerations thatare required by the design concept, as well as to highlight special considerations in the erection of cantilevered members.• The intent in Section has been clarified in the text as well as with the relocation of supporting Commentary.• The intent in Section 10.2.5 has been editorially clarified for groove welds in butt joints and outside corner joints.• The document has been editorially revised for consistency with current terms and other related documents.The Committee thanks Glenn Bishop, the Council of American Structural Engineers (CASE), and its Guidelines Committee for their assistance and partnership in the development of Section 3.1.2 in this edition of the Code. Also, the Committee thanks Rex I. Lewis and Homer R. Peterson , II for their contributions as members of the Committee for part of this cycle of development, and honors Committee member Leonard R. Middleton, who passed away during this cycle.By the AISC Committee on the Code of Standard Practice,James A. Stori, Chairman Barry L. Barger, Vice Chairman William A. Andrews Paul M. Brosnahan Richard B. Cook William B. Cooper William R. Davidson Theodore L. Droessler Donald T. Engler Lawrence G. Griffis D. Kirk Harman Viji Kuruvilla Keith G. LandwehrJames L. LarsonH. Scott MetzgerDonald G. MooreDavid B. RattermanDavid I. RubyRex D. SmithThomas S. Tarpy, Jr.James G. ThompsonMichael J. TylkMichael A. WestCharles J. Carter, SecretaryAmanuel Gebremeskel, Asst. SecretaryCode of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, April 14, 2010 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION 16.3-vTABLE OF CONTENTSGlossary (vii)Section 1. General Provisions (1)1.1. Scope (1)1.2. Referenced Specifications, Codes and Standards (1)1.3. Units (2)1.4. Design Criteria (3)1.5. Responsibility for Design (3)1.6. Patents and Copyrights (3)1.7. Existing Structures (3)1.8. Means, Methods and Safety of Erection (4)1.9. Tolerances (4)Section 2. Classification of Materials (5)2.1. Definition of Structural Steel (5)2.2. Other Steel, Iron or Metal Items (6)Section 3. Design Drawings and Specifications (9)3.1. Structural Design Drawings and Specifications (9)3.2. Architectural, Electrical and Mechanical Design Drawings and Specifications (15)3.3. Discrepancies (15)3.4. Legibility of Design Drawings (16)3.5. Revisions to the Design Drawings and Specifications (16)3.6. Fast-Track Project Delivery (17)Section 4. Shop and Erection Drawings (18)4.1. Owner Responsibility (18)4.2. Fabricator Responsibility (19)4.3. Use of CAD Files and/or Copies of Design Drawings (20)4.4. Approval (21)4.5. Shop and/or Erection Drawings Not Furnished by the Fabricator (23)4.6. The RFI Process (23)4.7. Erection Drawings (24)Section 5. Materials (25)5.1. Mill Materials (25)5.2. Stock Materials (26)Section 6. Shop Fabrication and Delivery (28)6.1. Identification of Material (28)6.2. Preparation of Material (29)6.3. Fitting and Fastening (29)6.4. Fabrication Tolerances (30)6.5. Shop Cleaning and Painting (33)6.6. Marking and Shipping of Materials (35)16.3-vi6.7. Delivery of Materials (35)Section 7. Erection (37)7.1. Method of Erection (37)7.2. Job-Site Conditions (37)7.3. Foundations, Piers and Abutments (37)7.4. Lines and Bench Marks (38)7.5. Installation of Anchor Rods, Foundation Bolts and Other Embedded Items (38)7.6. Installation of Bearing Devices (39)7.7. Grouting (40)7.8. Field Connection Material (40)7.9. Loose Material (41)7.10. Temporary Support of Structural Steel Frames (41)7.11. Safety Protection (44)7.12. Structural Steel Frame Tolerances (45)7.13. Erection Tolerances (46)7.14. Correction of Errors (56)7.15. Cuts, Alterations and Holes for Other Trades (56)7.16. Handling and Storage (56)7.17. Field Painting (57)7.18. Final Cleaning Up (57)Section 8. Quality Control (58)8.1. General (58)8.2. Inspection of Mill Material (59)8.3. Non-Destructive Testing (59)8.4. Surface Preparation and Shop Painting Inspection (59)8.5. Independent Inspection (59)Section 9. Contracts (61)9.1. Types of Contracts (61)9.2. Calculation of Weights (61)9.3. Revisions to the Contract Documents (62)9.4. Contract Price Adjustment (63)9.5. Scheduling (63)9.6. Terms of Payment (64)Section 10. Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel (65)10.1. General Requirements (65)10.2. Fabrication (65)10.3. Delivery of Materials (66)10.4. Erection (67)Appendix A. Digital Building Product Models (68)Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, April 14, 2010AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTIONCode of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, April 14, 2010 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION 16.3-viiGLOSSARYThe following abbreviations and terms are used in this Code. Where used, terms are italicised to alert the user that the term is defined in this Glossary.AASHTO. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Adjustable Items. See Section See architecturally exposed structural steel.AISC. American Institute of Steel Construction.Anchor Bolt. See anchor rod.Anchor Rod. A mechanical device that is either cast or drilled and chemically adhered, grouted or wedged into concrete and/or masonry for the purpose of the subsequent attachment of structural steel.Anchor-Rod Group. A set of anchor rods that receives a single fabricated structural steel shipping piece.ANSI. American National Standards Institute.Architect. The entity that is professionally qualified and duly licensed to perform architectural services.Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel. See Section 10.AREMA. American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association. ASME. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.ASTM. American Society for Testing and Materials.AWS. American Welding Society.Bearing Devices. Shop-attached base and bearing plates, loose base and bearing plates and leveling devices, such as leveling plates, leveling nuts and washers and leveling screws.CASE. Council of American Structural Engineers.16.3-viiiClarification. An interpretation, of the design drawings or specifications that have been released for construction, made in response to an RFI or a note on an approval drawing and providing an explanation that neither revises the information that has been released for construction nor alters the cost or schedule of performance of the work.the Code, this Code. This document, the AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges as adopted by the American Institute of Steel Construction. Column line. The grid line of column centers set in the field based on the dimensions shown on the structural design drawings and using the building layout provided by the owners designated representative for construction. Column offsets are taken from the column line. The column line may be straight or curved as shown in the structural design drawings.Connection. An assembly of one or more joints that is used to transmit forces between two or more members and/or connection elements.Contract Documents. The documents that define the responsibilities of the parties that are involved in bidding, fabricating and erecting structural steel. These documents normally include the design drawings, the specifications and the contract.Design Drawings. The graphic and pictorial portions of the contract documents showing the design, location and dimensions of the work. These documents generally include plans, elevations, sections, details, schedules, diagrams and notes.Embedment Drawings. Drawings that show the location and placement of items that are installed to receive structural steel.EOR, Engineer, Engineer of Record. See structural engineer of record.Erection Bracing Drawings. Drawings that are prepared by the erector to illustrate the sequence of erection, any requirements for temporary supports and the requirements for raising, bolting and/or welding. These drawings are in addition to the erection drawings.Erection Drawings. Field-installation or member-placement drawings that are prepared by the fabricator to show the location and attachment of the individual shipping pieces.Erector. The entity that is responsible for the erection of the structural steel. Established Column Line. The actual field line that is most representative of the erected column centers along a line of columns placed using the dimensions shown in theCode of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, April 14, 2010AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTIONCode of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, April 14, 2010 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION 16.3-ixstructural design drawings and the lines and bench marks established by the owner’s designated representative for construction, to be used in applying the erection tolerances given in this Code for column shipping pieces.Fabricator. The entity that is responsible for fabricating the structural steel.Hazardous Materials. Components, compounds or devices that are either encountered during the performance of the contract work or incorporated into it containing substances that, not withstanding the application of reasonable care, present a threat of harm to persons and/or the environment.Inspector. The owner’s testing and inspection agency.MBMA. Metal Building Manufacturers Association.Mill Material. Steel mill products that are ordered expressly for the requirements of a specific project.Owner. The entity that is identified as such in the contract documents.Owner’s Designated Representative for Construction. The owner or the entity that is responsible to the owner for the overall construction of the project, including its planning, quality, and completion. This is usually the general contractor, the construction manager or similar authority at the job site.Owner’s Designated Representative for Design. The owner or the entity that is responsible to the owner for the overall structural design of the project, including the structural steel frame. This is usually the structural engineer of record.Plans. See design drawings.RCSC. Research Council on Structural Connections.Released for Construction. The term that describes the status of contract documents that are in such a condition that the fabricator and the erector can rely upon them for the performance of their work, including the ordering of material and the preparation of shop and erection drawings.Revision. An instruction or directive providing information that differs from information that has been released for construction. A revision may, but does not always, impact the cost or schedule of performance of the work.RFI. A written request for information or clarification generated during the construction phase of the project.16.3-xSER. See structural engineer of record.Shop Drawings. Drawings of the individual structural steel shipping pieces that are to be produced in the fabrication shop.SJI. Steel Joist Institute.Specifications. The portion of the contract documents that consists of the written requirements for materials, standards and workmanship.SSPC. SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings, which was formerly known as the Steel Structures Painting Council.Standard Structural Shapes. Hot-rolled W-, S-, M- and HP-shapes, channels and angles listed in ASTM A6/A6M; structural tees split from the hot-rolled W-, S- and M- shapes listed in ASTM A6/A6M; hollow structural sections produced to ASTM A500, A501, A618 or A847; and, steel pipe produced to ASTM A53/A53M.Steel Detailer. The entity that produces the shop and erection drawings.Structural Engineer of Record. The licensed professional who is responsible for sealing the contract documents, which indicates that he or she has performed or supervised the analysis, design and document preparation for the structure and has knowledge of the load-carrying structural system.Structural Steel. The elements of the structural frame as given in Section 2.1. Substantiating Connection Information. Information submitted by the fabricator, if requested by the owner’s designated representative for design in the contract documents, when option (2) or option (3) is designated for connections per Section3.1.2.Tier. The structural steel framing defined by a column shipping piece.Weld Show-Through. In architecturally exposed structural steel, visual indication of the presence of a weld or welds on the side of the member opposite the weld.Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, April 14, 2010AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTIONCode of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, April 14, 2010 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION 16.3-1CODE OF STANDARD PRACTICEFOR STEEL BUILDINGS AND BRIDGESSECTION 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS1.1. ScopeThis Code sets forth criteria for the trade practices involved in steel buildings,bridges, and other structures, where other structures are defined as thosestructures designed, fabricated, and erected in a manner similar to buildings,with building-like vertical and lateral load resisting elements. In the absence ofspecific instructions to the contrary in the contract documents, the tradepractices that are defined in this Code shall govern the fabrication and erectionof structural steel.Commentary:The practices defined in this Code are the commonly accepted standards ofcustom and usage for structural steel fabrication and erection, which generallyrepresent the most efficient approach. This Code is not intended to define aprofessional standard of care for the owners designated representative fordesign, change the duties and responsibilities of the owner, contractor, architector structural engineer of record from those set forth in the contract documents,or assign to the owner, architect or structural engineer of record any duty orauthority to undertake responsibility inconsistent with the provisions of thecontract documents.This Code is not applicable to steel joists or metal building systems, which areaddressed by SJI and MBMA, respectively.1.2. Referenced Specifications, Codes and StandardsThe following documents are referenced in this Code:AASHTO Specification—The 2010 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 5th Edition.AISC Seismic Provisions—AISC 341-10, the 2010 AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings.AISC Specification—AISC 360-10, the 2010 AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings.ASME B46.1—ASME B46.1-02, Surface Texture (Surface Roughness, Waviness and Lay).AREMA Specification—The 2010 AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Volume II—Structures, Chapter 15.16.3-2ASTM A6/A6M—09, Standard Specification for General Requirements for Rolled Structural Steel Bars, Plates, Shapes, and Sheet Piling.ASTM A53/A53M—07, Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless.ASTM A325—09, Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength.ASTM A325M—09, Standard Specification for High-Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints (Metric).ASTM A490—08b, Standard Specification for Heat-Treated Steel Structural Bolts, 150 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength.ASTMA490M—08, Standard Specification for High-Strength Steel Bolts, Classes 10.9 and 10.9.3, for Structural Steel Joints (Metric).ASTM A500/A500M—07, Standard Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes.ASTM A501—07, Standard Specification for Hot-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing. No metric equivalent exists.ASTM A618/A618M—04, Standard Specification for Hot-Formed Welded and Seamless High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Tubing.ASTM A847/A847M—05, Standard Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless High-Strength, Low-Alloy Structural Tubing with ImprovedAtmospheric Corrosion Resistance.ASTM F1852/F1852M—08, Standard Specification for "Twist-Off" Type Tension Control Structural Bolt/Nut/Washer Assemblies, Steel, HeatTreated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength.AWS D1.1—The AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code—Steel, 2008.CASE Document 11—An Agreement Between Structural Engineer of Record and Contractor for Transfer of Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) files onElectronic Media, 2000CASE Document 962—The National Practice Guidelines for the Structural Engineer of Record, Fourth Edition, 2000.RCSC Specification—The Specification for Structural Joints Using High-Strength Bolts, 2009.SSPC SP2—SSPC Surface Preparation Specification No. 2, Hand Tool Cleaning, 2004.SSPC SP6—SSPC Surface Preparation Specification No. 6, Commercial Blast Cleaning, 2004.1.3. UnitsIn this Code, the values stated in either U.S. customary units or metric unitsshall be used. Each system shall be used independently of the other.Commentary:In this Code, dimensions, weights and other measures are given in U.S.customary units with rounded or rationalized metric-unit equivalents in Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, April 14, 2010AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTIONCode of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, April 14, 2010 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION 16.3-3brackets. Because the values stated in each system are not exact equivalents, theselective combination of values from each of the two systems is not permitted.1.4. DesignCriteriaFor buildings and other structures, in the absence of other design criteria, theprovisions in the AISC Specification shall govern the design of the structuralsteel. For bridges, in the absence of other design criteria, the provisions in theAASHTO Specification and AREMA Specification shall govern the design ofthe structural steel, as applicable.1.5. Responsibility for Design1.5.1. When the owner’s designated representative for design provides the design,design drawings and specifications, the fabricator and the erector are notresponsible for the suitability, adequacy or building-code conformance of thedesign.1.5.2. When the owner enters into a direct contract with the fabricator to both designand fabricate an entire, completed steel structure, the fabricator shall beresponsible for the suitability, adequacy, conformance with owner-establishedperformance criteria, and building-code conformance of the structural steeldesign. The owner shall be responsible for the suitability, adequacy andbuilding-code conformance of the non-structural steel elements and shall establish the performance criteria for the structural steel frame.1.6. Patents and CopyrightsThe entity or entities that are responsible for the specification and/or selection ofproprietary structural designs shall secure all intellectual property rights necessary for the use of those designs.1.7. ExistingStructures1.7.1. Demolition and shoring of any part of an existing structure are not within thescope of work that is provided by either the fabricator or the erector. Suchdemolition and shoring shall be performed in a timely manner so as not tointerfere with or delay the work of the fabricator and the erector.1.7.2. Protection of an existing structure and its contents and equipment, so as toprevent damage from normal erection processes, is not within the scope of workthat is provided by either the fabricator or the erector. Such protection shall beperformed in a timely manner so as not to interfere with or delay the work of thefabricator or the erector.16.3-41.7.3. Surveying or field dimensioning of an existing structure is not within the scopeof work that is provided by either the fabricator or the erector. Such surveyingor field dimensioning, which is necessary for the completion of shop anderection drawings and fabrication, shall be performed and furnished to thefabricator in a timely manner so as not to interfere with or delay the work of thefabricator or the erector.1.7.4. Abatement or removal of hazardous materials is not within the scope of workthat is provided by either the fabricator or the erector. Such abatement orremoval shall be performed in a timely manner so as not to interfere with ordelay the work of the fabricator and the erector.1.8. Means, Methods and Safety of Erection1.8.1. The erector shall be responsible for the means, methods and safety of erectionof the structural steel frame.1.8.2. The structural engineer of record shall be responsible for the structuraladequacy of the design of the structure in the completed project. The structuralengineer of record shall not be responsible for the means, methods and safety oferection of the structural steel frame. See also Sections 3.1.4 and TolerancesTolerances for materials, fabrication and erection shall be as stipulated inSections 5, 6, 7, and 10.Commentary:Tolerances are not necessarily specified in this Code for every possible variationthat could be encountered. For most projects, where a tolerance is not specifiedor covered in this Code, it is not needed to ensure that the fabricated and erectedstructural steel complies with the requirements in Section 6 and 7. If a specialdesign concept or system component requires a tolerance that is not specified inthis Code, the necessary tolerance should be specified in the contractdocuments. If a tolerance is not shown and is deemed by the fabricator and/orerector to be important to the successful fabrication and erection of thestructural steel, it should be requested from the owner’s designated representative for design. The absence of a tolerance in this Code for aparticular condition does not mean that the tolerance is zero; rather, it meansthat no tolerance has been established. In any case, the default tolerance is notzero.Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, April 14, 2010AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION。
sae j2044(1)
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日 产推 出 2 1 00款 A m d r aa
尽管现 在还不 是一个正 常的经济 环境.但产品的周期
循 环并不 会因为现 在的情 况而改 变. 所以 日 仍旧会在 巨 产 大 的匪力下于近期 推出新款 的 2l r aa O OA m d 日产北羹 分部 宣布 会在 垒美 的经 销商处 开始 销售 计 划 。 款 的 A m d 会 有 3种 帧本 : ra a5 和 两 个 新 raa Am d E 特别版本Amd r aa金 属 钛 版、 ra a白 金版 新 款 的 Am d Amd r aa金屉 钛版 拥有一 系列的标 准组 伟 用以 提升车 子 的 舒适度以 殛便利 鹰, 包括 日 的智能型 车匙, 皮坐席 . 产 舆 后 向监税器 . 蕊牙 免提电 话装噩 . 带有 l 1 个扬声 器的渡 土 音 响系统, 电动 可折# 6 : 分 割式的第 三排坐席 可 啪 。柏 自动涌节 的后部空气悬 挂。 Am d 白金 版拥有的装 备除了 ra a 上面介 绍过的 A m d r aa
金 属钛版的新 组f之 还 有可加热的 前坐席以 匣方向盘 . 牛
电动 后车门 宙 、 V DD家 庭娱 乐系统 以及 日 的交通 导 产
航系 。 u e S o t r a eoS p r p rs
英 国老 牌 汽车 公 司摩 根 已运 营 1 氟 时 至今 ,公 司似 由创 始 八 ( 3 o H S r 家 旗 掌 控。为 庆祝 公 司成 立 1 Y Mo  ̄ 0 0周年 , 根 推 出 了 M ra 靡 ogn A r u eS r. e oSp r p t —款 融^现 代元素的复古 糊 车 。 e s M r n Eo ue Dr 的底盘由轻 质盘榭打造 , 接增强其 强 og A  ̄ S p r c[ a s s 强i 轫崖. 由于 浚车与 A r g t T eo h G3其享平台,蜞防掩击 安垒 系数趔过 世界标  ̄ 准水耳 A r u e S o s 载宝 马 v 发 动机, 台 6挡自动或手动 变 e ̄Sp r pr 搭 t 的 8 速器 虽然 自 挡车型丧 失了绝大 部分的驾驶 乐趣 ,H雕根汽 车坚持 丧示 动 j 自动版 A r pr p r e S e e  ̄完满 l 的传动 系 将是前所 来有魄 o u S 动 感 统 复古 风格的舱 内没地 同样无可挑 剔。 量采用 手工编缎皮 革与宴术 材 大 料 摩枢 竭力应用人体 学. “ 把 舒适”作阳 q 饰设计 的太 Sot将 l2 1 p r 住 00年初上市, s 霉告 价 1 2 7万英镑 A r pr eo u Se
延续辉煌 再战征程 一汽丰田2010年目标销量50万
易” 信用卡贷款购车项 目, 为消费者开辟 了
条 轻松 购 车 的渠 道; 外 , ・ 田还 联 此 汽丰
合保 险 公 司将 品牌 保 险项 目从 深 圳推 广 至 全 国七 大 重 点城 市 ,为 更 多客 户 带去 _久 ) 心 、便 捷 的专 业化 、标 准化 汽车 保 险服 务 。
延 续辉 煌 再 战征 程
汽丰 田 2 年 目标销 量 5 0 1 0 O
日前 , 汽丰 田汽 车 销 售 有 限公 司正 一
精准 营销
决胜 品质
服务。 在金 融 及保 险业 务 方面 , ・ 丰 田联 汽 合 招商 银 行 针 对旗 下 主 力 车 型开 展 “ 购 车
式对外发布 2 0 年各项业绩及 2 1 年销 09 00 售 目标 。 0 9 , 2 0 年 一汽丰 田累计销量4 3 47 辆 ,同比增长 2 %,再 创历史新 高;2 1 6 00
年 1标 销 量 5 7 0万辆 ,新 峰 在 望 。
精 准营 销是 一汽丰 田向来所长 , 它为 汽丰 田系列高品质商品锦上添花。 0 9 2 0
年 ,一 汽 丰 田开 展 了卡 罗 拉 “ 庭 运 动 家 会 ” 锐 志 “ 移 归来 ”威 驰 “ 尚P ry 、 、 漂 、 时 at ”
制造材料 , 排放符合中国最高的标 准要求 , 并率先推出 了先进的混合动力技术环保车
型 普锐 斯 , 从 20 年 开 始 , 展 了 “ en 更 09 开 Gr e
1月 , 2 一汽丰田旗舰车 型全新 皇冠 震 撼上市 ,豪华革新 ” “ 的商品魅 力震撼高端
车 市 ,1 份新 皇冠 更以 6 0 辆 的销 量 突 月 40 破 了以 往 皇 冠 的 销 售记 录 , 国高 级 车 市 中 由此 重 新 洗 牌 。 至 此 ,一 汽 丰 田 已形 成 了 涵盖 轿 车 、 S UV、 市 s 城 UV、 多用 途 公商 务豪 华 用 车
图1 全球汽车市场发展 (1930-2008)在全球汽车市场发展趋势和外部环境制约的背景之下,日本政府意识到社会大众对全球环境和资源问题日益关心,汽车制造业应更加重视节能减碳、燃料多样化等新的市场需求。
图2 新一代汽车战略整体图其中的“系统战略”备受关注。
SMED 快速换模
–梨型孔–U 型槽–C 型垫圈–劈开的螺纹–减少使用螺丝
< 1mm以保证高可靠性
最新研 究发现 ,2 1 年 ,南非汽 车聚氨 酯等塑料 材料 市场将达 到2 表 面 产 品 。 06 玻璃 纤维 和 聚氨酯 组 合材料 占 亿美 元 。 0 O 塑料 以其 轻质 以及优异 的复合性能在汽 车轻 量化 的过程 中,持续地 制 成 品 总重量 1 %~4 %,聚氨 酯 替代传 统的金属和玻璃材料 。相关机构通过对 聚氨 酯 、聚碳酸 酯等五类 组 合材 料含 有一 定量 的异氰 酸酯 与 汽 车用 塑料材料 的研究 ,报 告表示南 非聚氨 酯等车用 塑料 市场2 0 年 已 聚醚 多元醇 或 异氰酸酯 与聚酯 多元 09 醇。其生产 工艺包括模 具制备一 喷涂 获得 1 7 . 亿美元 的收入 ,预计2 1年将 达到2 5 06 亿美元 。 脱 模层 . 喷涂 油漆一 喷涂 隔离层 原料一 该机 构分 析师表示 ,同一 辆汽车 车重每增 加 10 克,每 百公里耗 0千 浇注玻纤增强聚氨酯. 模保压 固 合 油就会增 加O6 。未来轻量化 低能耗汽车 的销量将会 大量增 加 . 升 化. 脱模等工 艺步骤 。 本 发 明 通 过 “模 内漆 喷 涂 工 丰田纺 织牵手一汽生产汽车 内饰 及零部件 喷 日本丰 田纺 织株 式会 社近 期宣 布 ,将与 中国 当地 生产厂 家进 行合 艺 ”和 “ 涂 隔 离 层 原 料 ”等 方 法 ,解 决 了 长 玻 纤 增 强 聚 氨 酯 材 作 ,于本 月在长春市设立合 资公司,生产汽车 内饰及 内部 零件 。 据 日媒报 道 ,丰 田纺织( 上海) 限公 司 出资6 %,长春 市当地 公司 料 难 以制 作A级 表 面产 品 的技 术难 有 0 “ 春 一 汽 富 维 汽 车 零 部 件 股 份 有 限 公 司 ” 出 资4 % ,投 资 额 为 1 3 长 0 . 亿 题 。并且 一 次性制成 产 品,相 对 于 8 金 属件 的加 工缩 短 了工 序 ,降低 了 元。 报道 称 ,新 公司 生产 能力不 可 小觑 ,每年 可 为 1 万辆 车配 件 。此 生产 难度 ,制 品 具有强 度 高、重 量 0 外 ,丰 田纺织将从2 1年 开始生产小 型汽车卡 罗拉( 02 花冠) 的座椅 以及 门 轻 、隔音隔热效果好等优 点。
JTest 第83回 A~D级原题
Ι文法語嚢問題A 次の文の( )に1・2・3・4の中から最も適当な言葉を入れなさい。
(71)「また明日() 」1 あいません2 あいました3 あいましたか4 あいましょう(72)日本語()勉強はたのしいです。
1 を2 の3 に4 と(73)わたしはりょうり( )へたです。
1 を2 で3 に4 が(74) 「はじめまして、( )よろしく」1 ちょっと2 いつも3 どうぞ4 どうも(75)田中さんの家は郵便局( )向かいです。
1 の2 に3 と4 へ(76)来月旅行に( )と思います。
1 行き2 行って3 行った4 行こう(77) 「もう一度( )をくださしい」1 ゴルフ2 チャンス3 コンサート4エスカレーター(78)彼の名前を( )まちがえた。
1 よび2 よべ3 よぼう4 よばれ(79) 「ご都合は( )ですか」1 どちら2 何3 なぜ4 いかが(80) 「あれ?山口さんまだいたの?他の人はもう( )帰ったよ」1 いっこうに2 まるで3 さっぱり4 とっくに(81)一気( )ビールを飲んだ。
1 と2 が3 に4 を(82)こんな簡単な問題、少し( )わかるはずだ。
1 考えようと2 考えたり3 考えれば4 考えなければ(83)今、会社に( )ところだ。
1 戻り2 戻って3 戻った4 戻ろう(84)テスト中の不正行為は( )がたい。
1 許し2 許す3 許さ4 許せ(85)木村「もう少し今の会社でがんばってみたら」山田「うん、石田上にも( )って言うからね」1 3日2 1年3 3年4 1日l年(86)お客様の( )に応えるべきだ。
1 リスク2 コスト3 プロ4 ニーズ(87) 「申し訳ございませんが、部長町木村は( )席をはずしております」1 かろうじて2 あいにく3 せいぜい4 さいわい(88)休みを()して出動した。
1 返還2 奪還3 返上4 口上(89)「習うより( ) 」と言うように、何事も経験が大事である。
ECE R125
}Rev.2/Add.124E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/50530 January 2008AGREEMENTCONCERNING THE ADOPTION OF UNIFORM TECHNICAL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR WHEELED VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND PARTS WHICH CAN BE FITTED AND/OR BE USED ON WHEELED VEHICLES AND THE CONDITIONS FOR RECIPROCAL RECOGNITION OF APPROVALS GRANTED ON THE BASIS OFTHESE PRESCRIPTIONS /(Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October 1995)_________Addendum 124: Regulation No. 125Date of entry into force: 9 November 2007UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF MOTOR VEHICLES WITH REGARD TO THE FORWARD FIELD OF VISIONOF THE MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVER_________UNITED NATIONS∗/ Former title of the Agreement:Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.GE.08-}Rev.2/Add.124E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 125page 3Regulation No. 125UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF MOTOR VEHICLES WITH REGARD TO THE FORWARD FIELD OF VISIONOF THE MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVERCONTENTSREGULATION Page1. Scope (5)2. Definitions (5)3. Application for approval (7)4. Approval (8)5. Specifications (9)6. Test procedure (14)7. Modification of vehicle type and extension of approval (15)8. Conformity of production (15)9. Penalties for non-conformity of production (15)10. Production definitely discontinued (16)11. Names and addresses of Technical Servicesresponsible for conducting approval tests,and of Administrative Departments (16)ANNEXESAnnex 1: Communication concerning the approval or extension or refusal or withdrawal of approval or production definitely discontinued of a type of vehicle with regard tothe driver's forward field of vision pursuant to Regulation No. 125Annex 2: Arrangements of approval marksE/ECE/324}Rev.2/Add.124E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 125page 4CONTENTS (continued)Annex 3: Procedure for determining the "H" point and the actual torso angle for seating positions in motor vehiclesAppendix 1: Description of the three-dimensional "H" point machine(3-D H machine)Appendix 2: Three-dimensional reference systemAppendix 3: Reference data concerning seating positionsAnnex 4: Method for determining the dimensional relationships between the vehicle’s primary reference marks and the three-dimensional reference gridAppendix: Figures 1 to 6Figure 1: Determination of V pointsFigure 2: Observation points of the A pillarsFigure 3: Angles of obstructionFigure 4: Evaluation of obstructions in the 180° forward directfield of vision of the driverFigure 5: Dimensional diagram showing relative positions ofE points and P pointsFigure 6: Level work place}Rev.2/Add.124E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 125page 51. SCOPE1.1. This Regulation applies to the 180° forward field of vision of drivers of category M1vehicles 1/.1.2. Its purpose is to ensure an adequate field of vision when the windscreen and otherglazed surfaces are dry and clean.1.3. The requirements of this Regulation are so worded as to apply to category M1vehicles in which the driver is on the left. In category M1vehicles in which thedriver is on the right these requirements shall be applied by inverting the criteria,when appropriate.2. DEFINITIONSFor the purposes of this Regulation:2.1. "Approval of a vehicle type" means the full procedure whereby a Contracting Partyto the Agreement certifies that a vehicle type meets the technical requirements of thisRegulation;2.2. "Vehicle type with regard to the field of vision" means vehicles which differ in suchessential aspects as:2.2.1. the external and internal forms and arrangements within the area specified inparagraph 1. which may affect visibility; and2.2.2. the shape and dimensions of the windscreen and its mounting.1/ As defined in Annex 7 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) (document TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.1/Amend.2, as last amended by Amend.4).E/ECE/324}Rev.2/Add.124E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 125page 62.3. "Three-dimensional reference grid" means a reference system which consists of avertical longitudinal plane X-Z, a horizontal plane X-Y and a vertical transverse planeY-Z (see Annex 4, appendix, figure 6); the grid is used to determine the dimensionalrelationships between the position of design points on drawings and their positions onthe actual vehicle. The procedure for situating the vehicle relative to the grid isspecified in Annex 4; all coordinates referred to ground zero shall be based on avehicle in running order 2/ plus one front-seat passenger, the mass of the passengerbeing 75 kg ±1 per cent.2.3.1. Vehicles fitted with suspension enabling their ground clearance to be adjusted shallbe tested under the normal conditions of use specified by the vehicle manufacturer.2.4. "Primary reference marks" means holes, surfaces, marks and identification signs onthe vehicle body. The type of reference mark used and the position of each markrelative to the X, Y and Z coordinates of the three-dimensional reference grid and toa design ground plane shall be specified by the vehicle manufacturer. These marksmay be the control points used for body-assembly purposes.2.5."Seat-back angle" means the angle defined in Annex 3, paragraph 2.6. or "Actual seat-back angle" means the angle defined in Annex 3, paragraph "Design seat-back angle" means the angle defined in Annex 3, paragraph "V points" means points whose position in the passenger compartment is determinedas a function of vertical longitudinal planes passing through the centres of theoutermost designated seating positions on the front seat and in relation to the "R"point and the design angle of the seat-back, which points are used for verifyingcompliance with the field of vision requirements.2.9. "R point or seating reference point" means the point defined in Annex 3,paragraph "H point" means the point defined in Annex 3, paragraph "Windscreen datum points" means points situated at the intersection with thewindscreen of lines radiating forward from the V points to the outer surface of thewindscreen.2/ The mass of a vehicle in running order includes the mass of the vehicle and its body with cooling fluid, lubricants, fuel, 100 per cent of other liquids, tools, spare wheel and driver. The mass of the driver is evaluated at 75 kg (distributed as follows: 68 kg for the mass of the occupant and 7 kg for the mass of luggage, in accordance with ISO Standard 2416:1992. The tank contains 90 per cent and the other liquid-containing appliances (other than those intended for waste water) 100 per cent of the capacity declared by the manufacturer.}Rev.2/Add.124E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 125page 72.12. "Armoured vehicle" means a vehicle intended for the protection of conveyedpassengers and/or goods and complying with armour plating anti-bullet requirements.2.13. "Transparent area" means that area of a vehicle windscreen or other glazed surfacewhose light transmittance measured at right angles to the surface is not less than70 per cent. In the case of armoured vehicles the light transmittance factor is not lessthan 60 per cent.2.14. "P points" means the points about which the driver’s head rotates when he viewsobjects on a horizontal plane at eye level.2.15. "E points" means points representing the centres of the driver’s eyes and used toassess the extent to which A pillars obscure the field of vision.2.16. "A pillar" means any roof support forward of the vertical transverse plane located68 mm in front of the V points and includes non-transparent items such as windscreenmouldings and door frames, attached or contiguous to such a support.2.17. "Horizontal seat-adjustment range" means the range of normal driving positionsdesignated by the vehicle manufacturer for the adjustment of the driver’s seat in thedirection of the X axis (see paragraph 2.3. above).2.18. "Extended seat-adjustment range" means the range designated by the vehiclemanufacturer for the adjustment of the seat in the direction of the X axis (seeparagraph 2.3. above) beyond the range of normal driving positions specified inparagraph 2.16. and used for converting seats into beds or facilitating entry to thevehicle.3.APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL3.1. The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to the driver’s field ofvision shall be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer or by his authorizedrepresentative.3.2. It shall be accompanied by the documents mentioned below in triplicate and includethe following particulars:3.2.1. a description of the vehicle type with regard to the items mentioned inparagraph 2.2., together with dimensional drawings and either a photograph or anexploded view of the passenger compartment. The numbers and/or symbolsidentifying the vehicle type shall be specified; andE/ECE/324}Rev.2/Add.124E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 125page 83.2.2. particulars of the primary reference marks in sufficient detail to enable them to bereadily identified and the position of each in relation to the others and to the "R"point verified.3.3. A vehicle representative of the vehicle type to be approved shall be submitted to theTechnical Service conducting the approval tests.4. APPROVAL4.1. If the vehicle type submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation meets therequirements of paragraph 5. below, approval of that vehicle shall be granted.4.2. An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved; its first two digits(00 for the Regulation in its initial form) shall indicate the series of amendmentsincorporating the most recent major technical amendments made to the Regulation atthe time of issue of the approval. The same Contracting Party shall not assign thesame number to the same vehicle type equipped with another type of field of vision,or to another vehicle type.4.3. Notice of approval or of refusal or withdrawal of approval pursuant to this Regulationshall be communicated to the Parties to the Agreement which apply this Regulationby means of a form conforming to the model in Annex 1 and photographs and/orplans supplied by the applicant being in a format not exceeding A4 (210 x 297 mm),or folded to that format, and on an appropriate scale.4.4. There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible place specified onthe approval form, to every vehicle conforming to a vehicle type approved under thisRegulation, an international approval mark conforming to the model described inAnnex 2, consisting of:}Rev.2/Add.124E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 125page 94.4.1 a circle surrounding the letter "E" followed by the distinguishing number of thecountry which has granted approval 3/;4.4.2. the number of this Regulation, followed by the letter "R", a dash and the approvalnumber to the right of the circle prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1. above.4.5. If the vehicle conforms to a vehicle type approved under one or more otherRegulations, annexed to the Agreement, in the country which has granted approvalunder this Regulation, the symbol prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1. need not berepeated; in such a case, the Regulation and approval numbers and the additionalsymbols shall be placed in vertical columns to the right of the symbol prescribed inparagraph 4.4.1. above.4.6. The approval mark shall be clearly legible and be indelible.4.7. The approval mark shall be placed close to or on the vehicle data plate.5. SPECIFICATIONS5.1. Driver’s field of vision.5.1.1. The transparent area of the windscreen must include at least the windscreen datumpoints (see Annex 4, appendix, figure 1): a horizontal datum point forward of V1 and 17° to the left (see Annex 4, appendix,figure 1);3/ 1 for Germany, 2 for France, 3 for Italy, 4 for the Netherlands, 5 for Sweden, 6 for Belgium, 7 for Hungary, 8 for the Czech Republic, 9 for Spain, 10 for Serbia, 11 for the United Kingdom, 12 for Austria, 13 for Luxembourg, 14 for Switzerland, 15 (vacant), 16 for Norway, 17 for Finland, 18 for Denmark, 19 for Romania, 20 for Poland, 21 for Portugal, 22 for the Russian Federation, 23 for Greece, 24 for Ireland, 25 for Croatia, 26 for Slovenia, 27 for Slovakia, 28 for Belarus, 29 for Estonia, 30 (vacant), 31 for Bosnia and Herzegovina, 32 for Latvia, 33 (vacant), 34 for Bulgaria, 35 (vacant), 36 for Lithuania, 37 for Turkey, 38 (vacant), 39 for Azerbaijan, 40 for The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 41 (vacant), 42 for the European Community (Approvals are granted by its Member States using their respective ECE symbol), 43 for Japan, 44 (vacant), 45 for Australia, 46 for Ukraine, 47 for South Africa, 48 for New Zealand, 49 for Cyprus, 50 for Malta, 51 for the Republic of Korea, 52 for Malaysia, 53 for Thailand, 54 and 55 (vacant) and 56 for Montenegro. Subsequent numbers shall be assigned to other countries in the chronological order in which they ratify or accede to the Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions, and the numbers thus assigned shall be communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Contracting Parties to the Agreement.E/ECE/324}Rev.2/Add.124E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 125page an upper vertical datum point forward of V1 and 7° above the horizontal; a lower vertical datum point forward of V2 and 5° below the horizontal; to verify compliance with the forward-vision requirement on the opposite half ofthe windscreen, three additional datum points, symmetrical to the points definedin paragraphs to in relation to the median longitudinal plane ofthe vehicle, are obtained.5.1.2. The angle of obstruction for each "A" pillar, as described in paragraph,shall not exceed 6° (see Annex 4, appendix, figure 3). In the case of armouredvehicles that angle shall not exceed 10°.The angle of obstruction of the "A" pillar on the passenger side, as defined inparagraph, need not be determined if the two pillars are locatedsymmetrically in relation to the median longitudinal vertical plane of the vehicle. The angle of obstruction of each A pillar shall be measured by superimposing in aplane the following two horizontal sections:Section 1: Starting from the Pm point situated at the location defined inparagraph, draw a plane forming an angle of 2° upwards inrelation to the horizontal plane passing forward through Pm.Determine the horizontal section of the "A" pillar starting from theforemost point of the intersection of the "A" pillar and the inclinedplane (see Annex 4, appendix, figure 2).Section 2: Repeat the same procedure, taking a plane declining at an angleof 5° downwards in relation to the horizontal plane passingforward through Pm (see Annex 4, appendix, figure 2). The angle of obstruction of the A pillar on the driver’s side is the angle formed onthe plane view by a parallel, starting from E2, to the tangent joining E1 with theouter edge of section S2 and the tangent joining E2 to the inner edge of section S1(see Annex 4, appendix, figure 3). The angle of obstruction of the A pillar on the passenger side is the angle formedon the plane view by the tangent joining E3 to the inner edge of section S1 and aparallel, starting from E3, to the tangent joining E4 to the outer edge of section S2(see Annex 4, appendix, figure 3). No vehicle shall have more than two A pillars.E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505 } Rev.2/Add.124Regulation No. 125 page 115.1.3.Other than the obstructions created by the A pillars, the fixed or movable vent or side window division bars, outside radio aerials, rear-view mirrors and windscreen wipers, there should be no obstruction in the driver’s 180° forward direct field of vision below a horizontal plane passing through V 1, and above three planes through V 2, one being perpendicular to the plane X-Z and declining forward 4° below the horizontal, and the other two being perpendicular to the plane Y-Z and declining 4° below the horizontal (see Annex 4, appendix, figure 4).The following are not considered to be obstructions to the field of vision: (a) embedded or printed "radio aerial" conductors, no wider than thefollowing: (i) embedded conductors: 0.5 mm, (ii) printed conductors: 1.0 mm. These "radio aerial" conductors shallnot cross zone A 4/. However, three "radio aerial" conductors may cross zone A if their width does not exceed 0.5 mm.(b) within zone A located "defrosting/demisting" normally in "zigzag" orsinusoidal form having the following dimensions: (i) maximum visible width: 0.030 mm (ii) maximum conductor density:a. if the conductors are vertical: 8/cm,b. if the conductors are horizontal: 5/cm. obstruction created by the steering-wheel rim and the instrument panel inside the steering wheel will be tolerated if a plane through V 2, perpendicular to the plane x - z and tangential to the highest part of the steering-wheel rim, is declined at least 1° below the horizontal. 5.2. Position of the V points5.2.1. The position of the V points in relation to the "R" point, as indicated by XYZ coordinates from the three dimensional reference grid, are as shown in Tables I and IV.5.2.2.Table I indicates the basic coordinates for a design seat-back angle of 25°. The positive direction for the coordinates is indicated in Annex IV, appendix, figure 1.TABLE I4/ As defined in Annex 18, paragraph 2.2. of Regulation No. 43 concerning the approval of safety glazing and glazing material.V-point X Y Z V 1 68 mm -5 mm 665 mm V 2 68 mm -5 mm 589 mmE/ECE/324}Rev.2/Add.124E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 125page 125.3. Position of the P points5.3.1. The position of the P points in relation to the "R" point, as indicated by the XYZcoordinates from the three-dimensional reference grid, are as shown by Tables II, IIIand IV. Table II sets out the base coordinates for a design seat-back angle of 25°. Thepositive direction of the coordinates is set out in Annex IV, appendix, figure 1.The Pm point is the point of intersection between the straight line joining P1 , P2 andthe longitudinal vertical plane passing through the "R" point.TABLE IIPoint P X Y ZP1 35 mm -20 mm 627 mmP2 63 mm 47 mm 627 mmPm 43.36 mm 0 mm 627 mm5.3.1.2. Table III indicates the further corrections to be made to the X coordinates of P1 andP2 when the horizontal seat-adjustment range as defined in paragraph 2.16. exceeds108 mm. The positive direction for the coordinates is indicated in Annex IV,appendix, figure 1.TABLE IIIHorizontal seat-adjustment range ∆x108 to 120 mm -13 mm121 to 132 mm -22 mm133 to 145 mm -32 mm146 to 158 mm -42 mmmore than 158 mm -48 mm5.4. Correction for design seat-back angles other than 25°Table IV indicates the further corrections to be made to the X and Z coordinates ofeach P point and each V point when the design seat-back angle is not 25°. Thepositive direction for the coordinates is indicated in Annex IV, appendix, figure 1.E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505}Rev.2/Add.124 Regulation No. 125page 13TABLE IVSeat-back angle (in °) Horizontalcoordinates∆xVerticalcoordinates∆zSeat-backangle(in °)Horizontalcoordinates∆xVerticalcoordinates∆z5 -186 mm 28 mm 23 -18 mm 5 mm6 -177 mm 27 mm 24 -9 mm 3 mm7 -167 mm 27 mm 25 0 mm 0 mm8 -157 mm 27 mm 26 9 mm -3 mm9 -147 mm 26 mm 27 17 mm -5 mm10 -137 mm 25 mm 28 26 mm -8 mm11 -128 mm 24 mm 29 34 mm -11 mm12 -118 mm 23 mm 30 43 mm -14 mm13 -109 mm 22 mm 31 51 mm -18 mm14 -99 mm 21 mm 32 59 mm -21 mm15 -90 mm 20 mm 33 67 mm -24 mm16 -81 mm 18 mm 34 76 mm -28 mm17 -72 mm 17 mm 35 84 mm -32 mm18 -62 mm 15 mm 36 92 mm -35 mm19 -53 mm 13 mm 37 100 mm -39 mm20 -44 mm 11 mm 38 108 mm -43 mm21 -35 mm 9 mm 39 115 mm -48 mm22 -26 mm 7 mm 40 123 mm -52 mm5.5. Position of the E points5.5.1. E1 and E2 points are each 104 mm from P1.E2 is 65 mm from E1 (see Annex 4, appendix, figure 4).5.5.2. The straight line joining E1 and E2 is rotated about P1 until the tangent joining E1 tothe outer edge of Section 2 of the "A" pillar on the driver’s side is normal to thestraight line E1 - E2 (see Annex 4, appendix, figure 3).5.5.3. E3and E4are each 104 mm from point P2. E3is 65 mm from E4(see Annex 4,appendix, figure 4).E/ECE/324}Rev.2/Add.124E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 125page 145.5.4. The straight line E3- E4 is rotated about P2 until the tangent joining E4 to the outeredge of Section 2 of the A pillar on the passenger’s side is normal to the straight lineE3 – E4 (see Annex 4, appendix, figure 3).6.TEST PROCEDURE6.1. Driver’s field of vision6.1.1. The dimensional relationships between the vehicle’s primary reference marks and thethree-dimensional reference grid shall be determined by the procedure prescribed inAnnex The position of the points V1and V2is determined in relation to the "R" point asindicated by the XYZ coordinates of the three-dimensional reference grid and areshown in Table I under 5.2.2. and Table IV under 5.4. The windscreen datum pointsshall then be found from the corrected V points as prescribed in paragraph The relationship between the P points, the "R" point, and the centre-line of thedriver’s seating position, as indicated by XYZ coordinates from thethree-dimensional reference grid, shall be determined from Tables II and III inparagraph 5.3. The correction for design seat-back angles other than 25° is shown inTable IV under The angle of obstruction (see paragraph 5.1.2.) shall be measured in the inclinedplanes, as indicated in Annex 4, appendix, figure 2. The relationship between P1 andP2, which are connected to E1and E2and E3and E4respectively, is shown inAnnex 4, appendix, figure Straight line E1-E2shall be set as described in paragraph 5.5.2. The angle ofobstruction of the A pillar on the driver’s side shall be measured as specified inparagraph Straight line E3-E4shall be set as described in paragraph 5.5.4. The angle ofobstruction of the A pillar on the passenger side shall then be measured as specifiedin paragraph The manufacturer may measure the angle of obstruction either on the vehicle or inthe drawings. In the event of doubt the Technical Services may require the tests becarried out on the vehicle.}Rev.2/Add.124E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 125page 157. M ODIFICATION OF VEHICLE TYPE AND EXTENSION OF APPROVAL7.1. Every modification of the vehicle type as defined in paragraph 2.2. above shall benotified to the Administrative Department which approved the vehicle type. Thedepartment may then either:7.1.1. consider that the modifications made do not have an adverse effect on the conditionsof the granting of the approval and grant an extension of approval;7.1.2. consider that the modifications made affect the conditions of the granting of theapproval and require further tests or additional checks before granting an extensionof approval.7.2. Confirmation or refusal of approval, specifying the alterations, shall becommunicated by the procedure specified in paragraph 4.3. above to the ContractingParties to the Agreement which apply this Regulation.7.3. The Competent Authority shall inform the other Contracting Parties of the extensionby means of the communication form which appears in Annex 2 to this Regulation.It shall assign a serial number to each extension, to be known as the extensionnumber.8. CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION8.1. Procedures concerning conformity of production shall conform to the generalprovisions defined in Appendix 2 to the Agreement(E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2) and meet the following requirements:8.2. A vehicle approved pursuant to this Regulation shall be so manufactured as toconform to the type approved by meeting the requirements of paragraph 5. above; 8.3. The Competent Authority which has granted approval may at any time verify theconformity of control methods applicable to each production unit. The normalfrequency of such inspections shall be once every two years.9. PENALTIES FOR NON-CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION9.1. The approval granted in respect of a vehicle type pursuant to this Regulation may bewithdrawn if the requirements laid down in paragraph 8. above are not compliedwith.9.2. If a Contracting Party withdraws an approval it had previously granted, it shallforthwith so notify the other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation by sendingthem a communication form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation.E/ECE/324}Rev.2/Add.124E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 125page 1610. PRODUCTION DEFINITELY DISCONTINUEDIf the holder of the approval completely ceases to manufacture a type of vehicleapproved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform the authority whichgranted the approval, which in turn shall forthwith inform the other ContractingParties to the Agreement applying this Regulation by means of a communicationform conforming to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation.11. NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF THE TECHNICAL SERVICES RESPONSIBLEFOR CONDUCTING APPROVAL TESTS AND OF ADMINISTRATIVEDEPARTMENTSThe Contracting Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation shallcommunicate to the United Nations Secretariat the names and addresses of theTechnical Services responsible for conducting approval tests and of theAdministrative Departments which grant approval and to which forms certifyingapproval or extension or refusal or withdrawal of approval are to be sent.E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505 } Rev.2/Add.124Regulation No. 125 page 17 Annex 1Annex 1COMMUNICATION(Maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm))concerning: 2/APPROVAL GRANTED APPROVAL EXTENDED APPROVAL REFUSED APPROVAL WITHDRAWNPRODUCTION DEFINITELY DISCONTINUEDof a type of vehicle with regard to the driver’s forward field of vision pursuant to Regulation No. 125Approval No.: .............................................................Extension No.: ................................ 1. Trademark: ................................................................................................................ 2. Type and trade name(s): ............................................................................................ 3. Name and address of manufacturer: ........................................................................... 4. If applicable, name and address of manufacturer’s representative: ............................. .................................................................................................................................... 5. Brief description of vehicle: ....................................................................................... 6. Data to enable the identification of reference point "R" of the seating position designatedfor the driver in relation to the primary reference marks: ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7. Identification, place and relative positions of the primary reference marks: ............... 8. Date of submission of vehicle for approval: ............................................................... 9. Technical Service performing the approval tests: .......................................................issued by :Name of administration: ...................................... ...................................... ......................................。
ANSI C57.12.20-1997American National Standard for Transformers—Standard for Overhead Type Distribution Transformers, 500 kVA and Smaller:High Voltage, 34500 Volts and Below:Low Voltage, 7970/13800Y Volts and BelowApproved 5/3/97American National Standards Institute, Inc.American National StandardApproval of an American National Standard requires verification by ANSI that the requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by the standards developer.Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward their resolution.The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations shall be addressed to the secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the title page of this standard.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of approval. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute.Foreword (This Foreword is not part of American National Standard C57.12.20-1997)In 1938 the EEI-NEMA (Edison Electric Institute-National Electrical Manufacturers Association) Joint Committee on Standards for Distribution Transformers was organized to develop standards for the various types of distribution transformers. For 23 years the continuous work of this Joint Committee was evidenced by a series of reports published jointly by the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). The last report on overhead-type distribution transformers was the Seventh Report published in April 1961. The Joint Committee’s last two reports on overhead-type distribution transformers were approved as American National Standards, the Seventh Report being reissued as American National Standard C57.12.201938-1962.To avoid further duplication of effort and to simplify future revisions, the EEI-NEMA Joint Committee on Standards for Distribution Transformers was dissolved and replaced by new subcommittees of Accredited Standards Committee on Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors, C57. The work on standards for overhead-type distribution transformers was taken over by the Subcommittee on Distribution Transformers, Overhead and Pad-Mounted, C57.12.2.This standard was prepared by IEEE Subcommittee C57.12.2 on behalf of C57 and is a revision of ANSI C57.12.20-1988, Requirements for Overhead-Type Distribution Transformers, 500 kVA and Smaller: High-V oltage, 67000 Volts and Below; Low-V oltage, 15000 Volts and Below. The previous edition was dated 1981. The 1981 revision included detailed requirements on relief of excessive pressure. The 1988 revision recognized the step-down and series-multiple designs in distribution transformers, and omitted the platform- or station-type transformer. In recognition of the dramatic reduction in catastrophic failures of overhead transformers since the formulation of NEMA Standards Proposal Number TR-P7-1975, the 1988 revision included in Section 8. this updated NEMA proposal that is now designated 2.02 of NEMA Standards Publication for Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors, NEMA TR 1-1980. The general industry consensus is that transformers that are built in conformance with this standard and that have adequate overcurrent protection, and recognizing the limitations included therein, will provide for enclosures with reasonable withstand capability.Suggestions for improvement of this standard will be welcome. They should be sent to the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1847, Rosslyn, Virginia, 22209This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by Accredited Standards Committee on Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors, C57. Committee approval of the standard does not necessarily imply that all committee members voted for its approval.At the time it approved this standard, the C57 Committee had the following members:Paul Orehek, (Chairman)J. D. Borst, (Vice Chairman)John A. Gauthier, (Secretary)Organization of RepresentativeU.S. Dept. of Energy,Western Area Power Administration..............................................................Kenneth C. WolohonDept of Navy Civil Engineer Corps.Civil Engineer Corps.....................................................................................C.M. MandevilleDept of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation............................................................D. J. MulliganDept of Agriculture, REA..................................................................................J. BohlkTennessee Valley Authority................................................................................F. LewisElectric Light & Power DelegationPublic Service Electric & Gas Co..................................................................P.E. Orehek (Chairman of Delegation) Consolidated Edison Co. of NY, Inc. ...........................................................E. A. BertoliniNiagara Mohawk Power Corp. .....................................................................T. DiamantisT.U. Electric ..................................................................................................K. S. HanusEdison Electric Institute ...............................................................................Gary Miller (Alternate)Southern California Edison Co. ......................................................................G. A. PaivaTampa Electric Co. ..........................................................................................J. SullivanInstitute of Electrical & Electronic EngineersDelegationABB Power T& D Company ...........................................................................J. D. Borst (Chairman of Delegation) Penn Power ......................................................................................................W. B. BinderBeckwith Electric Company .............................................................................J. H. HarlowBaltimore Gas & Electric Company ................................................................J. W. MatthewsSouthern Company Services Inc. ....................................................................B. PatelPEMCO Corporation........................................................................................H. Smith (Alternate) Commonwealth Edison ...................................................................................T. P. TraubNational Electrical ManufacturersAssociation DelegationGeneral Electric Company ..............................................................................G. Coulter (Chairman of Delegation) Cooper Power Systems .....................................................................................M. AustinR. E. Uptegraff Manufacturing Co....................................................................S. EndersbeCooper Power Systems......................................................................................A. Ghafourian (Alternate)Square D Company............................................................................................P.J. HopkinsonABB Power T&D Company..............................................................................K. R. LinsleyABB Power T&D Company ............................................................................R. Plaster (Alternate)North American Transformer, Inc. ..................................................................H. RobinHevi-Duty Electric ............................................................................................J. Sims (Alternate)Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. ...........................................................................M. SchackerMembers of Working Group C57.12.20Glenn Andersen Rick Anderson Jerry Bishop Charles V. Brown Ned Brush Charles Bryant William E. Carter Tom Diamantis Kevin Edwards Ali Ghafourian Ken Hanus David Helriegel Richad HollingsworthJohn HuntRon JordanBrian KlaponskiJohn LazarJames LongMark LovelessDave LyonAl McGuireMatthew MingoiaSam MichaelNorvin MoheskyGerry PalvaJesse PattonTom PekarekClyde PearsonJerry RoweDavie RollingRobert ScheuJeff SchneiderEd SmithJerry SmithRon StaharaAl TrautMiguel ValbuenaDorman WhitleyAlan WilksCLAUSE PAGE 1. Scope (1)1.1 (1)1.2 (1)2. Referenced and related publications (1)2.1Referenced American National Standards (1)2.2Related publications (2)3. Ratings (2)3.1Kilovolt-ampere ratings (2)3.2Voltage ratings and tap ratings (2)4. Basic lightning impulse insulation levels and dielectric test levels (5)4.1 (5)4.2 (5)5. Tests (5)5.1General (5)5.2Dielectric tests (5)6. Construction (6)6.1Bushings and terminals (8)6.2Accessory equipment (20)6.3Polarity, terminal markings, and angular displacement (24)6.4Oil preservation (36)6.5Tanks (36)7. Storage and installation (37)7.1Storage (37)7.2Installation (37)8. Design tests for fault current capability of overhead distribution transformer enclosures (37)8.1Objective (37)8.2Definitions (38)8.3General requirements (38)8.4Tests (38)8.5Test number 1 — an arcing fault in an enclosure (38)8.6Test number 2 — for enclosures with internal fusible elements (39)8.7Test results (39)Annex A (informative) Informational (40)AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDfor Transformers—Standard For Overhead Type Distribution Transformers,500 kVA and Smaller: High Voltage, 34500 Volts and Below; Low Voltage, 7970/13800Y Volts and Below1. Scope1.1This standard is intended for use as a basis for determining the performance, interchangeability, and safety of the equipment covered, and to assist in the proper selection of such equipment.1.2This standard covers certain electrical, dimensional, and mechanical characteristics and takes into consideration certain safety features of single- and three-phase, 60-Hz, mineral-oil-immersed, self-cooled, overhead-type distribution transformers 500 kVA and smaller, with high voltages 34500 volts and below and low voltages 7970/ 13800Y volts and below. Such transformers may include one or more of the following features:1)High-voltage, overcurrent protection2)High-voltage, overvoltage protection3)Low-voltage, overcurrent protection4)Low-voltage, overvoltage protectionNOTE — For polychlorinated-biphenyl (PCB) contamination in transformers, refer to the latest federal regulations.2. Referenced and related publications2.1 Referenced American National StandardsThis standard is intended for use in conjunction with the following American National Standards. All characteristics, definitions, terminology, voltage designations, and tests, except as specified herein, shall be in accordance with these referenced American National Standards. When the following referenced standards are superseded by a revision approved by the American National Standards Institute, Inc., the latest revision shall apply.ANSI C57.12.70, Terminal Markings and Connections for Distribution and Power TransformersANSI C135.1, Galvanized Steel Bolts and Nuts for Overhead Line ConstructionANSI/IEEE C37.40 and C37.40a, Service Conditions and Definitions for High-Voltage Fuses, Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and AccessoriesANSI/IEEE C37.41, Design Tests for High-Voltage Fuses, Distribution Enclosed Single-Pole Air Switches, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and AccessoriesANSI/IEEE C57.12.00, General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating TransformersANSI/IEEE C57.12.80, Terminology for Power and Distribution TransformersANSI/IEEE C57.12.90, Test Code for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers and Guide for Short-Circuit Testing of Distribution and Power TransformersANSI/IEEE C57.91, Guide for Loading Mineral-Oil-Immersed Overhead and Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers Rated 500 kVA and Less with 65°C or 55° Αverage Winding Rise2.2 Related publicationsThe following publications are listed for information only and are not essential for the completion of the requirements of this standard: (Latest Revision shall apply)NEMA MG2, Safety Standard for Construction and Guide for Selection, Installation, and Use of Electric Motors (available from National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1847, Rosslyn, Virginia 22209).NEMA TR 1, Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors (available from National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1847, Rosslyn, Virginia 22209).MIL-STD-209C, Swinging Eyes and Attachments for Lifting and Tying Down Military Equipment. (available from Commanding Officer, Naval Publications and Forms, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120).3. Ratings3.1 Kilovolt-ampere ratingsKilovolt-ampere ratings are continuous and are based on not exceeding either a 65°C average winding temperature rise or an 80°C hot-spot temperature rise. The temperature rise of the insulating oil shall not exceed 65°C when measured near the top of the tank. Kilovolt-ampere ratings for single-phase and three-phase transformers shall be as shown in Table 1. These ratings are based on the usual temperature and altitude service conditions specified in ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00 .3.2 Voltage ratings and tap ratings3.2.1V oltage ratings for single-phase and three-phase transformers shall be in accordance with Tables 2, 3, and 4. No taps are to be provided unless otherwise specified in accordance with specified, tap ratings for single- and three-phase transformers shall be in accordance with Table 5. All tap ratings shall be at rated kilovolt-amperes, except as otherwise indicated. V oltages in Tables 2, 3, and 4 are without tapsTable 1— Kilovolt-ampere ratingsTable 2— Ratings for single-phase transformers (single ratio)Single PhaseThree Phase10301545257537-1/2112-1/25015075225100300167500250333500Transformer High VoltageMinimum kVA Rating for Low Voltage Rating of:RatingBIL (kV)120/240 (1)(1)Low-voltage rating of 120/240 volts or 240/480 volts is suitable for series, multiple, or three-wire service 277or 240/480 (1)2400 or 48007200 or 7620 or 7970Table 7 Figure Reference2400/4160Y 601010------94800/8320Y 751010------97200/12470Y 95101050---1012 470GrdY/720095101050---6, 77620/13 200Y 95101050---1013 200GrdY/762095101050---6, 712 000951010505010, 1113 200/22 860Y (2)(2) Suitable for wye-connection on systems where ground connections permit the use of 18-kV arresters 1251010505010, 1113 200951010505010, 1113 800GrdY/797095101050---6, 713 800/23 900Y (2)1251010505010, 1113 800951010505010, 1114 400/24 940Y (2)1251010505010, 1124 940GrdY/14 400(2)125101050506, 7, 816 340951010505010, 1134 500GrdY/19 920 (3) (4)(3) Suitable for wye-connection on systems where ground connections permit the use of 27-kV arresters (4) 125 KV BIL may be used based on user vendor agreement150101050506, 7, 834 5002002525505010, 11Table 3— Ratings for single-phase transformers (series — multiple)Table 4— Ratings for three-phase transformersTransformer High VoltageMinimum kVA Rating for Low Voltage Rating of:RatingMinimum BIL (kV) (1)(1) Arrester coordination may require higher BIL on Multiple connection than indicated to achieve a minimum protective level of 20%.120/240 (2)(2)Low-voltage rating of 120/240 volts or 240/480 volts is suitable for series, multiple, or three-wire service277or 240/480 (2)2400 or 4800Figure Table 8 Reference2400/4160Y x 7200/12 470Y 60 x 95101050104160GrdY/2400 x 12 470GrdY/720060 x 951010---6, 72400/4160Y x 7620/13 200Y 60 x 95101050104160GrdY/2400 x 13 200GrdY/762060 x 951010---6, 74800/8320Y x 7200/12 470Y 75 x 95101050108320GrdY/4800 x 12 470GrdY/720075 x 951010---6, 74800/8320Y x 7620/13 200Y 75 x 95101050108320GrdY/4800 x 13 200GrdY/762075 x 951010---6, 77200/12 470Y x 14 400/24 940Y 95 x 1251010501012 470GrdY/7200 x 24 940GrdY/14 40095 x 1251010---6, 77620/13 200Y x 14 400/24 940Y 95 x 1251010501013 200GrdY/7620 x 24 940GrdY/14 40095 x 1251010---6, 7Transformer High VoltageMinimum kVA Rating for Low Voltage Rating of:Rating (1)(1) All transformers are delta-connected unless otherwise specifiedMinimum BIL (kV)208Y/120240 or 480240 x 480480Y/2772400 or 4160Y/2400 or 4800 or 8320Y/4800Table 15 Figure Reference24004530303030---124160Y/24006030------30---124160Y 60303030------1241606030303030---1248006030303030---128320Y/48007530------30---128320Y 75---3030------12720075303030301501312 00095303030301501312 470Y/72009530------30---1312 470Y 95---3030------1313 200Y/76209530------30---1313 200Y 95---3030------1313 2009530---30301501313 80095303030301501313 800GrdY/79709530------30---1324 940GrdY/14 40012530------30---1334 500GrdY/19 92015030------30---13Table 5— Recommended taps for single-phase and three-phase transformersNOTE — No taps will be supplied if taps are not specified.4. Basic lightning impulse insulation levels and dielectric test levels4.1Basic lightning impulse insulation levels (BILs) shall be as shown in Tables 2, 3, and 4.4.2Dielectric test levels shall be in accordance with the distribution levels specified in ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00 .5. Tests5.1 GeneralExcept as specified in 5.2, tests shall be performed as specified in ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00 and in ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90 .5.2 Dielectric testsFor single-phase transformers with a BIL of 150 kV or less that have one high-voltage bushing and a high-voltage terminal permanently connected to ground, no applied-voltage test is required. Induced-voltage tests shall be performed by applying between the terminals of one winding a voltage that will be developed from the high-voltage line terminals to ground. This voltage shall be 1000 volts plus 3.46 times the rated transformer winding voltage, but in no case shall the line-to-ground voltage developed exceed 40 000 volts for 125 kV BIL or 50 000 volts for 150 kV BIL.For this test the neutral terminal shall be grounded. An applied potential test shall be applied on the low-voltage winding.Winding Voltage Above RatingBelow RatingThe Following Options are available for All Voltages:2400/4160Y 4800/8320Y 7200/12470Y 12 470GrdY/72007620/13 200Y Option 1(2) 2 - 1/2%(2) 2 - 1/2%13 200GrdY/762012 00013 200/22 860Y Option 2None (4) 2 - 1/2%13 20013 800GrdY/797034 500GrdY/19 92013 800/23 900Y 14 400/14 10013 500/13 20013 80014 400/14 10013 500/13 20014 400/24 940Y None 13 800/13 200/12 870/12 54016 340 (1)(1)Single Phase Only.17 200/16 77015 910/15 48024 940GrdY/14 400None 13 800/13 200/12 870/12 5406. ConstructionFor the purpose of this standard, two principal reference locations have been established, as shown in Figures 1 and 2. The first of these is a horizontal plane that passes through the top of the bolt slot in the upper support lug. For the second, the transformer cover has been divided into four segments. The segments are numbered in a clockwise direction with the centerline of segment 1 on the centerline of the low-voltage bushings, as shown in Figures 1 and 2.Figure 1— Segment designations and interchangeability dimensions forsingle phase transformersFigure 2— Segment designations and interchangeability dimensions for three phase transformersTable 6— Electrical characteristics of bushings6.1 Bushings and terminals6.1.1 Bushings characteristics of transformer bushings shall be as listed in Table number, location, and arrangement of bushings for single-phase and three-phase transformers shall be as shown in Tables 7, 8, 9, and 15, and Figure 3. The centerline of the high-voltage bushings shall be located within the shaded areas. The positions of high-voltage bushings for three-phase transformers need not be symmetrical. Low-voltage bushings shall be of the sidewall or cover type and shall be individually mounted. otherwise specified, the color of bushings shall match Light Gray Number 70, Munsell Notation 5BG7.0/ Terminals details shall be as shown in Figure bushings of transformers 200 kV BIL and below shall be equipped with tinned, copper-alloy solderless connectors. High-voltage terminal sizes shall be as shown in Tables 10 and terminal sizes shall be as shown in Tables 12 and of low-voltage windings 600 volts and below shall be arranged for vertical take-off. spacing between low-voltage bushing terminals shall be such as to provide the maximum clearance between live metal parts in the working area. For low-voltage ratings above 600 volts, the electrical characteristics of the bushings determine the spacing. For low-voltage ratings 600 volts and below, spacings shall be within the limits of Table 14.BIL Withstand (kV)Creepage Distance (1)(1)Creepage distances are minimum values where no tolerance is specified.60-Hz Dry 1-Minute Withstand (kV)60-Hz Wet 1-Minute Withstand(kV)Inches Millimeters 30------10645------151360------212075------27249510-1/2 +/- 1/2267 +/- 133530150174326050Single Phase Transformer Bushings Only 95 (2)(2) For 16.34 kV rating only.16-1/2 +/- 1-1/2419 +/- 38353012516-1/2 +/- 1-1/2419 +/- 384236200266608075ANSI C57.12.20-1997Table 9— Number of low voltage terminals and arrangement for single-phase transformers Table 10— High-voltage terminal sizes for single-phase transformerskVA Range for High Voltage Rating of 34.5 kV and Below,14.4/24.94Y kV and Below, 34.5GrdY/19.92 kV and BelowLow-VoltageRatings(Volts)120/240------10 - 50(1)(1) Transformers with single high-voltage bushing. See - 100 (1)167 (1)250 - 500240/480---------10 – 100167---277(2)(2) For 167 kVA and Below, low-voltage grounding provision on centerline below low-voltage terminals.10 - 500---------------2400 - 480050 - 500---------------7200 - 7970---50 - 500------------Size of TerminalOpening TerminalDetailFigureAWG Size of ConductorTerminal will AccommodatekVA Range for High-VoltageRating of:Inches Millimeters5 kVand Below7.2 kV - 34.5 kV5/167.94a No. 8 Solid to No 2 Stranded10 - 16710 - 500 5/815.94a No 6 Solid to No 4/0-19 Stranded250 - 500---Table 16— Angular displacementFigure 3— Number of terminals, descriptions, and arrangement for three phase transformersNOTES:1 — Threaded parts of connector shall be removeable without removing bushings.2 — Connector Clamping Bolts shall be 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, or 3/4 NC threads, class 2 fit.3 — One or two connector clamping bolts may be used, but U-bolts or J-bolts shall not be used.4 — Terminal of low-voltage windings 600 volts and below shall be arranged for vertical takeoff.5 — Terminals are to be tin plated and aluminum conductors are to be properly prepared.Figure 4a— Terminal detailsFigure 4b— Spade H — Terminal detailsFigure 4c— Spade J — Terminal details6.1.3 Neutral termination6.1.3.1On single-phase transformers having one high-voltage bushing, the H2 end of the winding shall be securely connected internally to the grounded clamping structure or the tank. This connection shall be independent of all other electrical connections. all three-phase transformers, a fully insulated low-voltage neutral bushing, X0, shall be provided when the low-voltage windings are wye-connected. three-phase transformers, a fully insulated high-voltage neutral bushing, H0, and a fully insulated low-voltage neutral bushing X0, shall be provided where wye-connected, high-voltage windings are rated 8.32Y kV and below. The low-voltage windings are rated 208Y/120 volts or 480Y/277 volts. The high-voltage and low-voltage neutrals shall be connected internally by a link that is accessible and capable of reconnection. three-phase transformers, a common fully insulated low-voltage type neutral bushing H0X0, shall be provided where wye-connected high-voltage windings are rated above 8.32Y kV and low-voltage windings are rated 208Y/120 or 480Y/277 volts. The high-voltage and low-voltage neutrals shall be connected internally by a link that is accessible and capable of reconnection.6.1.4 Terminal boardsOn single-phase transformers with low-voltage ratings of 120/240 volts or 240/480 volts, the internal connections to the low-voltage bushings on sizes 25 kVA and smaller shall, and on sizes 37-1/2 kVA to 100 kVA inclusive may, be arranged to serve in lieu of a low-voltage terminal board. These connections shall be in conformance with and arranged as shown in Figure 5.6.2 Accessory equipmentAccessory equipment listed in Tables 7, 8, and 15 shall be provided and located as shown in Figures 6– Tap changer(See item 9 in Tables 7 and 15.) Tap changers for deenergized operation shall be provided on tapped transformers. Each tap-changer position and the tap voltage or percentage associated with it shall be clearly identifiable by reference to nameplate information. All positions of the tap changer shall be operative positions. Transformers may have either an internal tap changer or an externally operated tap changer unless one or the other is specified.The internal tap changer shall have the operating handle inside the tank above the oil level. The tap changer shall rotate in a clockwise direction from a high tap voltage to a lower tap voltage in the high-voltage winding. The tap changer shall be provided with mechanical stops to identify the highest and lowest tap positions.NOTE — The H1 terminal for either additive or subtractive polarity is located on the left-hand side when facing the low-voltage terminals.Figure 5— Connections and polaritybushingsThe handle of the externally operated tap changer shall be brought out through the side of the tank in or near segment3, as shown in Tables 7 and 15. It shall be designed to prevent accidental operation by requiring a preliminary step before the tap setting can be changed. Position number or letters corresponding to the nameplate shall be clearly identifiable near the handle. There shall be located on or adjacent to the operating mechanism a written caution statement to deenergize the transformer before operating.6.2.2 Series-multiple connections(See item 33 in Table 8.) The series-multiple voltage-changing device may be an internally mounted terminal board or externally operated switch, unless one or the other is specified. Either device is for deenergized operation.Internal terminal boards with movable links shall have all studs identified on the board, and the nameplate shall show the connections to be made for each voltage.The handle of the externally operated switch shall be brought out through the side of the tank in or near segment 3, as shown in Table 8. It shall be designed to indicate voltage position and to prevent accidental operation by requiring a preliminary step before the voltage setting can be changed. Actual voltages or position numbers corresponding to the nameplate shall be clearly identifiable near the handle. There shall be located on or adjacent to the operating mechanism a written caution statement to deenergize the transformer before operating.6.2.3 Liquid-level marking(See item 5 in Tables 7, 8, and 15.) A suitable marking inside the tank shall indicate the correct oil level at 25°C. 6.2.4 Lifting lugs(See item 16 in Tables 7, 8, and 15.) The lifting lugs shall be permanently attached to and arranged on the tank to provide a balanced lift in a vertical direction for the completely assembled transformer and shall be designed to provide a safety factor of five. 1 The safety factor of five is the ratio of the ultimate stress to the working stress of the material used. The working stress is the maximum combined stress developed in the lifting lugs by the static load of the completely assembled transformer.26.2.5 Relief of excessive pressureA means as specified in or shall be provided to relieve pressure in excess of pressure that results from normal operation. This excess pressure may build up slowly due to overloads, high ambient temperatures, or external secondary faults, or internal incipient faults in the low-voltage winding. This excess pressure should result in an emission of only a negligible amount of oil. item 32, Tables 7, 8, and 15.) A replaceable valve shall be located on the tank above the 140°C top oil level, by the manufacturer’s calculation, and so located as not to interfere with use of support lugs, lifting lugs, operating handles of switches and circuit breakers, or sidewall bushings.The inlet port shall be 1/4-inch (6.4-mm) or larger NPT (or NC thread with gasket), sized for specified minimum flow rate. Exposed parts shall be of weather- and corrosion-resistant materials. Gaskets and O-rings shall withstand oil vapor at 105°C continuously and under operating conditions as described in ANSI/IEEE C57.91, without seizing or deteriorating, for the life of the transformer.1This value is taken from 1.3, Lifting Means, in NEMA MG2-1983, Safety Standard for Construction and Guide of Selection, Installation, and Use of Electric Motors (available from National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2101 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037).2This value is taken from MIL-STD-209C, Swinging Eyes and Attachments for Lifting and Tying Down Military Equipment; (available from Commanding Officer, Naval Publications and Forms, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120).。
ECE 100
E/ECE/324 )Rev.2/Add.99/Amend.1E/ECE/TRANS/505 )May 7, 2002STATUS OF UNITED NATIONS REGULATIONECE 100UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF:BATTERY ELECTRIC VEHICLES WITH REGARD TO SPECIFICREQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, FUNCTIONALSAFETY AND HYDROGEN EMISSIONIncorporating:00 series of amendments Date of Entry into Force: 23.08.96 Corr. 1 to the 00 series of amendments Date of Entry into Force: 28.06.96 Supplement 1 to the 00 series of amendments Date of Entry into Force: 21.02.02E/ECE/324 )Rev.2/Add.99/Amend.1E/ECE/TRANS/505 )May 7, 2002UNITED NATIONSAGREEMENTCONCERNING THE ADOPTION OF UNIFORM TECHNICAL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR WHEELED VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND PARTS WHICH CAN BE FITTED AND/OR BE USED ON WHEELED VEHICLES AND THE CONDITIONS FOR RECIPROCAL RECOGNITION OFAPPROVALS GRANTED ON THE BASIS OF THESE PRESCRIPTIONS (*) (Revision 2, including the amendments entered into force on October 16, 1995)Addendum 99: Regulation No. 100Amendment 1Supplement 1 to the original version of the Regulation − Date of entry into force: February 21, 2002UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF BATTERYELECTRIC VEHICLES WITH REGARD TO SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTSFOR THE CONSTRUCTION, FUNCTIONAL SAFETY ANDHYDROGEN EMISSION(*)Former title of the Agreement:Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on March 20, 1958.REGULATION No. 100UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF BATTERYELECTRIC VEHICLES WITH REGARD TO SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FORTHE CONSTRUCTION, FUNCTIONAL SAFETY AND HYDROGEN EMISSIONCONTENTSREGULATION1. Scope2. Definitions3. Application for approval4. Approval5. Specifications and tests6. Modifications and extension of the type approval for vehicle type7. Conformity of production8. Penalties for non-conformity of production9. Production definitely discontinued10. Names and addresses of technical services responsible for conducting approval tests and ofadministrative departmentsANNEXESAnnex 1 ― CommunicationAnnex 2―Arrangements of approval marksAnnex 3―Protection against direct contacts of parts under voltageAnnex 4―Measurement of the insulation resistance using the traction batteryAnnex 5―Symbol for the indication of a voltagecharacteristics of the vehicleAnnex 6― EssentialAnnex 7―Determination of hydrogen emissions during the charge procedures of the traction battery1.SCOPEThe following prescriptions apply to safety requirements with respect to all battery electricroad vehicles of categories M and N, with a maximum design speed exceeding 25 km/h.2. DEFINITIONSFor the purposes of this Regulation:2.1."Battery electric road vehicle" means a vehicle with bodywork intended for road use,powered exclusively by an electric motor whose traction energy is supplied exclusively by atraction battery installed in the vehicle.2.2."Vehicle type" means battery electric road vehicles which do not differ in such essentialaspects as:Dimensions, structure, shape and nature of constituting materials;Installation of the power system components, battery or battery packs;Nature and type of electric and electronic components.2.3."Approval of a type of battery electric road vehicle" means the approval of a type ofelectric vehicle regarding construction and functional safety requirements specific to the useof electric energy.2.4."Traction battery" means the assembly of all battery modules which are electricallyconnected, for the supply of energy of the power circuit.2.5."Battery module" means the smallest single energy storage consisting of one cell or anassembly of cells, electrically connected in serial or in parallel, placed in one container andmechanically associated.2.6."Battery pack" means a single mechanical assembly comprising battery modules andretaining frames or trays. A vehicle may have one or several, or no battery pack.2.7."Auxiliary battery" means the battery unit whose reserve of energy is used only for theauxiliary network supply.2.8.Auxiliary network" means the assembly of auxiliary electric equipment with similarfunctions to the one used on vehicles equipped with an internal combustion engine.2.9."On-board charger" means an energy electronic converter linked by construction to thevehicle and used for charging the traction battery from an external electric power supply(mains network).2.10."Coupling system" means all the parts used to connect the vehicle to an external electricpower supply (alternative or direct current supply).2.11."Power train" means the electrical circuit including:(i) The traction battery;(ii) The electronic converters (on-board charger, electronic control of the traction motor, DC/DC converter, etc.);(iii) The traction motors, the associated wiring harness and connectors, etc.chargingcircuit;The(iv)(v) The power auxiliary equipment (e.g. heating, defrosting, power steering, …).2.12."Driver train" means specific components of power train: traction motors, electronic controlof the traction motors, the associated wiring harness and connectors.2.13."Electronic converter" means an apparatus allowing the control and/or transfer of electricenergy.2.14."Passenger and load compartment" means the space in the vehicle for occupantaccommodation and bounded by the roof, floor, side walls, outside glazing, front bulkheadand the plane of the rear-seat back support and eventually the partition between it and thecompartment(s) containing the battery modules.2.15."Drive direction control unit" means a specific device physically actuated by the driver inorder to select the drive direction (forwards or backwards), in which the vehicle will travel ifthe accelerator is actuated.2.16."Direct contact" means the contact of persons or livestock with live parts.2.17."Live parts" means any conductor or conductive part(s) intended to be electricallyenergised in normal use.2.18."Indirect contact" means contact or persons or livestock with exposed conductive parts. 2.19."Exposed conductive part" means any conductive part which can readily be touched andwhich is not normally alive, but which may become electrically energised under faultconditions.2.20."Electrical circuit" means an assembly of connected live parts through which an electricalcurrent is designed to pass in normal operation conditions.2.21."Active driving possible mode" means a vehicle mode when application of pressure tothe accelerator pedal (or activation of an equivalent control) will cause the drive train tomove the vehicle.2.22."Nominal voltage" means the root-mean-square (r.m.s.) value of the voltage specified bythe Manufacturer, for which the electrical circuit is designed and to which its characteristicsare referred.2.23."Working voltage" means the highest root-mean-square (r.m.s.) value of an electricalcircuit voltage, specified by the Manufacturer, which may occur across any insulation, inopen circuit conditions or under normal operating conditions.2.24."Electrical chassis" means a set made of conductive parts electrically linked together, andall other conductive parts electrically linked to them, whose potential is taken as a reference.2.25."Key" means any device designed and constructed to provide a method of operating alocking system which is designed and constructed to be operated only by that device.3.APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL3.1.The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to specific requirements for theconstruction and functional safety of battery electric road vehicles shall be submitted byvehicle Manufacturer or by his duly accredited Representative.3.2.It shall be accompanied by the under-mentioned documents in triplicate and followingparticulars:3.2.1.Detailed description of the battery electric road vehicle type as regards to the shape of thebodywork, the electric drive train (motors and controllers), traction battery (type, capacity,battery management).3.3. A vehicle representative of the vehicle type to be approved shall be submitted to thetechnical service responsible for conducting the approval tests.3.4.The competent Authority shall verify the existence of satisfactory arrangements for ensuringeffective control of the conformity of production before type approval is granted.4.APPROVAL4.1.If the vehicle submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation meets the requirements ofParagraph 5 below and Annexes 3, 4,5 and 7 to this Regulation, approval of this vehicletype shall be granted.4.2.An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved. Its first two digits (at present00 for the Regulation in its original form) shall indicate the series of amendmentsincorporating the most recent major technical amendments made to the Regulation at thetime of issue of the approval. The same Contracting Party shall not assign the samenumber to another vehicle type.4.3.Notice of approval or of refusal or of extension or withdrawal of approval or productiondefinitely discontinued of a vehicle type pursuant to this Regulation shall be communicatedto the Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation, by means of a form conforming tothe model in Annex 1 to this Regulation.4.4.There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible place specified on theapproval form, to every vehicle conforming to a vehicle type approved under this Regulationan international approval mark consisting of:4.4.1. A circle surrounding the Letter "E" followed by the distinguishing number of the countrywhich has granted approval (1)4.4.2.The number of this Regulation, followed by the Letter "R", a dash and the approval numberto the right of the circle described in Paragraph the vehicle conforms to a vehicle type approved under one or more other Regulationsannexed to the Agreement in the country which has granted approval under this Regulation,the symbol prescribed in Paragraph 4.4.1. need not be repeated; in this case the Regulationand approval numbers and the additional symbols of all the Regulations under whichapproval has been granted in the country which has granted approval under this Regulationshall be placed in vertical columns to the right of the symbol prescribed in Paragraph approval mark shall be clearly legible and shall be indelible.4.7.The approval mark shall be placed on or close to the vehicle data plate affixed by theManufacturer.4.8.Annex 2 to this Regulation gives examples of the arrangements of the approval mark.5.SPECIFICATIONS AND TESTS5.1.Vehicle Construction Requirements5.1.1.Traction Battery5.1.1.1. Installation of the traction battery in the vehicle shall not allow any potential dangerousaccumulation of gas pockets. Battery compartments containing battery modules which may produce hazardous gasesshall be safely ventilated. The traction battery and the power train shall be protected by properly rated fuses or circuitbreakers. The Manufacturer shall supply data to the laboratory which allows verification thattheir calibration ensures opening, if necessary.(1)1 for Germany,2 for France,3 for Italy,4 for the Netherlands,5 for Sweden,6 for Belgium,7 for Hungary,8 for the CzechRepublic, 9 for Spain, 10 for Yugoslavia, 11 for the United Kingdom, 12 for Austria, 13 for Luxembourg, 14 for Switzerland,15 (vacant), 16 for Norway, 17 for Finland, 18 for Denmark, 19 for Romania, 20 for Poland, 21 for Portugal, 22 for theRussian Federation, 23 for Greece, 24 for Ireland, 25 for Croatia, 26 for Slovenia, 27 for Slovakia, 28 for Belarus, 29 for Estonia, 30 (vacant), 31 for Bosnia and Herzegovina, 32 for Latvia, 33 (vacant), 34 for Bulgaria, 35 (vacant), 36 for Lithuania,37 for Turkey, 38 (vacant), 39 for Azerbaijan, 40 for The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 41 (vacant), 42 for theEuropean Community (Approvals are granted by its Member States using their respective ECE symbol), 43 for Japan,44 (vacant), 45 for Australia, 46 for Ukraine, 47 for South Africa and 48 for New Zealand. Subsequent numbers shall beassigned to other countries in the chronological order in which they ratify or accede to the Agreement concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approval s Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions, and the numbers thus assigned shall be communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Contracting Parties to the Agreement.5.1.2.Protection against Electric Shock5.1.2.1. Protection against direct contact with live parts of the power train: If the working voltage of the electric circuit is lower than 60 volts DC or 25 volts AC, norequirements are necessary.with live parts of the electrical power train whose maximum voltage is at least contact5. Direct60 volts DC or 25 volts AC shall be prevented either by insulation or by the use of covers,protection grilles, perforated metal sheets, etc. These protections shall be reliably securedand shall be mechanically resistant. They shall not be able to be opened, disassembled orremoved without the use of tools. In passenger and load compartments live parts in any case shall be protected by enclosureshaving a protection degree of at least IPXXD. Enclosures in other areas of the vehicle shall have a protection degree of at least IPXXB. In the engine compartment the access to live parts shall only be possible with voluntary action. After opening the cover, the access to the parts of the coupling system shall be protectedwith IPXXB protection.degrees IPXXB and IPXXD are related respectively, to the contact of a jointed Protectiontest finger and a test wire with hazardous parts (Annex 3).markings5. VehicleProtection covers of live parts described in Paragraph shall be marked by asymbol as described in Annex Protection against indirect contacts with exposed conductive parts of the power train. If the working voltage of the electric circuit is lower than 60 volts DC or 25 volts AC, norequirements are necessary; The design, installation, and manufacture of electric material shall be such that insulationfailures are avoided; Protection against indirect contacts shall be ensured by using insulation and additionally, theexposed conductive parts of the on-board equipment shall be galvanically connectedtogether. This potential equalisation is obtained by connecting the exposed conductiveparts together either by a protective conductor, e.g. wire, ground truss, or directly by thevehicle metallic chassis. Two exposed conductive parts welded together are considered ashaving no discontinuity points. If there is some discontinuity, this point shall be by-passedby potential equalisation. InsulationResistance5. The insulation resistance measurement is performed after maintaining the vehicle for aconditioning time of 8 hours with the following conditions:Temperature: 23 ± 5°C,+10/-5%.Humidity: 90% Using a measuring DC voltage equal to the nominal voltage of the traction battery, insulationresistances between any exposed conductive part and each polarity of the battery shallhave a minimum value of 500 Ω/V of the nominal voltage (Annex 4 contains an example ofhow this test may be conducted).ofthe Protective Conductor: ResistanceThe potential equalisation resistance between any two exposed conductive parts shall belower than 0.1 Ω. This test shall be performed by a current of at least 0.2 A. Connection of the vehicle to the mains network: In no case the vehicle shall be capable to move by its own means when it is galvanicallyconnected to an energy supply network or to an off-board charger; The components used when charging the battery from an external source shall allow thecharging current to be cut in case of disconnection without physical damage; The coupling system parts likely to be live shall be protected against any direct contact in alloperating conditions;conductive parts shall be electrically linked through a conducting wire plugged exposed5. Allto earth when charging.5.2.Functional Safety Requirements5.2.1. Power on Procedure: The power on procedure shall be applied via a key switch. It shall not be possible to remove this key in any position that energises the drive train ormakes active driving possible.5.2.2.Running and Stopping Conditions: At least a momentary indication must be given to the driver either:(a) When the vehicle is in "active driving possible mode" or,(b) When one further action is required to place the vehicle in "active driving possiblemode". When the state of charge of the battery reaches the minimum state of charge value definedby the Manufacturer, the user shall be warned to perceive this situation quickly enough to beable to drive the vehicle, on its own power, at least out of the traffic zone. Unintentional acceleration, deceleration and reversal of the drive train shall beprevented. In particular, a failure (e.g. in the power train) shall not cause more than 0,1 mmovement of a standing unbraked vehicle. When leaving the vehicle, the driver shall be informed by an obvious signal (e.g. optical oraudible signal) if the drive train is still in the active driving possible mode.5.2.3.Reversing5.2.3.1. Reversing shall be possible only after operation of a specific control. This action shallrequire either:(a) The combination of two different actuation’s, or(b) An electric switch which allows reverse to be engaged only when the vehicle ismoving at a forward speed not exceeding 5 km/h. Above this speed all actions onthis device shall be ignored. The device shall have only one stable position. The state of the drive direction control unit shall be readily identified to the driver.5.2.4.Emergency Power Reduction5.2.4.1. If the vehicle is equipped with a device to limit the performance in an emergency(e.g. overheating of a component) the user shall be informed by an obvious signal.5.3.Determination of Hydrogen Emissions5.3.1.This test must be carried out on all battery electric road vehicles referred to in Paragraph 1of this Regulation.Road vehicles equipped with non-aqueous electrolyte batteries or sealed "gas recombinant"batteries are excluded.5.3.2.The test must be conducted following the method described in Annex 7 to the presentRegulation. The hydrogen sampling and analysis must be the ones prescribed. Otheranalysis methods can be approved if it is proven that they give equivalent results.5.3.3.During a normal charge procedure in the conditions given in Annex 7, hydrogen emissionsmust be below 125 g during 5 h, or below 25 x t2 g during t2 (in h).5.3.4.During a charge carried out by an on-board charger presenting a failure (conditions given inAnnex 7), hydrogen emissions must be below 42 g. Furthermore the on-board charger mustlimit this possible failure to 30 minutes.5.3.5.All the operations linked to the battery charging are controlled automatically, included thestop for charging.5.3.6.It shall not be possible to take a manual control of the charging phases.5.3.7.Normal operations of connection and disconnection to the mains or power cuts must notaffect the control system of the charging phases.5.3.8.Important charging failures must be permanently signalled to the driver. An important failureis a failure that can lead to a disfunctioning of the on-board charger during charging later on.5.3.9.The manufacturer has to indicate in the owner's manual, the conformity of the vehicle tothese requirements.5.3.10.The approval granted to a vehicle type relative to hydrogen emissions can be extended todifferent vehicle types belonging to the same family, in accordance with the definition of thefamily given in Annex 7, Appendix 2.6.MODIFICATION AND EXTENSION OF THE TYPE APPROVAL FOR VEHICLE TYPE6.1.Every modification of the vehicle type shall be notified to the administrative departmentwhich approved the vehicle type. The department may then either:6.1.1.Consider that the modifications made are unlikely to have an appreciable adverse effect andthat in any case the vehicle still complies with the requirements or6.1.2.Require a further test report from the technical service responsible for conducting the tests.6.2.Confirmation or refusal of approval, specifying the alteration, shall be communicated by theprocedure specified in Paragraph 4.3. above to the Parties to the Agreement applying thisRegulation.6.3.The competent Authority issuing the extension of approval shall assign a series number forsuch an extension and inform thereof the other Parties to the 1958 Agreement applying theRegulation by means of a communication form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to thisRegulation.7.CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION7.1.Every vehicle approved under this Regulation shall be so manufactured as to conform to thetype approved by meeting the requirements set out in Paragraph 5. above.7.2.In order to verify that the requirements of Paragraph 7.1. are met, suitable controls of theproduction shall be carried out.7.3.The holder of the approval shall, in particular:7.3.1.Ensure the existence of procedures for the effective quality control of vehicles;7.3.2.Have access to the testing equipment necessary for checking the conformity of eachapproved type;7.3.3.Ensure that test result data are recorded and that the annexed documents remain availablefor a period to be determined in agreement with the administrative department;7.3.4.Analyse the results of each type of test, in order to verify and ensure the consistency ofcharacteristics of the vehicle, making allowance for permissible variations in industrialproduction;7.3.5.Ensure that for each type of vehicle at least the tests prescribed in Paragraph 5. of thisRegulation are carried out;7.3.6.Ensure that any set of samples or test pieces giving evidence of non-conformity with thetype of test in question shall give rise to a further sampling and test. All necessary stepsshall be taken to re-establish conformity of the corresponding production.7.4.The competent Authority which has granted type approval may at any time verify theconformity control methods applied in each production unit.7.4.1.At every inspection, the test records and production records shall be presented to thevisiting inspector.7.4.2.The inspector may take samples at random to be tested in the Manufacturer'slaboratory. The minimum number of samples may be determined according to the results ofthe Manufacturer's own checks.7.4.3.When the quality level appears unsatisfactory or when it seems necessary to verify thevalidity of the tests carried out in application of Paragraph 7.4.2., the inspector shall selectsamples to be sent to the technical service which has conducted the type approval tests.7.4.4.The competent Authority may carry out any test prescribed in this Regulation.7.4.5.The normal frequency of inspections by the competent Authority shall be one per year. Ifunsatisfactory results are recorded during one of this visits, the competent Authority shallensure that all necessary steps are taken to re-establish the conformity of production asrapidly as possible.8.PENALTIES FOR NON-CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION8.1.The approval granted in respect of a vehicle type, pursuant to this Regulation may bewithdrawn if the requirements laid down in Paragraph 7 above are not complied with, or ifthe vehicle or its components fail to pass the tests provided for in Paragraph 7.3.5. above.8.2.If a Contracting Party to the Agreement applying this Regulation withdraws an approval ithas previously granted, it shall forthwith so notify the other Contracting Parties applying thisRegulation, by means of a communication form conforming to the Model in Annex 1 to thisRegulation.9.PRODUCTION DEFINITIVELY DISCONTINUEDIf the holder of the approval completely ceases to manufacture a type of vehicle approved inaccordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform the Authority which granted theapproval. Upon receiving the relevant communication, that Authority shall inform thereof theother Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement applying this Regulation by means of acommunication form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation.S AND ADDRESSES OF TECHNICAL SERVICES RESPONSIBLE FORCONDUCTING APPROVAL TESTS, AND OF ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTSThe Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement applying this Regulation shall communicateto the United Nations Secretariat the names and addresses of the technical servicesresponsible for conducting approval tests and the administrative departments which grantapproval and to which forms certifying approval or extension or refusal or withdrawal ofapproval or production definitely discontinued, issued in other countries are to be sent.ANNEX 1COMMUNICATION(maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm))issued by: Name of administration.............................................(1)..........................................................................................GRANTED,concerning: (2) APPROVALEXTENDED,APPROVALAPPROVALREFUSED,WITHDRAWN,APPROVALPRODUCTION DEFINITELY DISCONTINUED,of a battery electric road vehicle pursuant to Regulation No. 100.Approval No...................................................Extension No.................................1. Trade name or mark of the vehicle............................................................................................2. Vehicle type................................................................................................................................category.........................................................................................................................3. Vehiclename and address............................................................................................4. Manufacturer's5. If applicable, name and address of manufacturer's representative...........................................submitted for approval on .............................................................................................6. Vehicle7. Technical service responsible for conducting approval tests ...................................................8. Date of report issued by that service ........................................................................................9. Number of report issued by that service ...................................................................................10. Location of the approval mark ...................................................................................................11. Reason(s) for extension of approval (if applicable) (2)...............................................................granted/extended/refused/withdrawn (2) .....................................................................12. Approval13. Place ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................14. Date15. Signature ...................................................................................................................................16. The documents filed with the request for approval or extension may be obtained on request.(1)Distinguishing number of the country which has granted/extended/refused/withdrawn approval (see approval provisions in the Regulation)(2)Strike out what does not apply.。
Tier 4 - ‘15
EPA Line-haul PM (g/hp-hr) 干线车颗粒物数值
4 - 仅适用新造机车 - 超低含硫柴油 - 先进柴油机技术 - 颗粒氧化催化
4/ Heavy Haul Workshop/
Tier4 机车采用的新技术
• 基型… 峰值爆发压力 & 可靠性 • T3柴油机的~50% 再利用 增强相应部件: 连杆,曲轴,主机体, 气缸头,气缸套,活塞,排气装置 • 废气增压再循环
• 米勒循环 • 后处理技术 • 2200 Bar 共轨油路设计 • 双级增压 • 油水分离器
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GE运输集团 GE Transportation
GE – 重载机车
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The information contained in the document is GE Proprietary Information and is disclosed in confidence. It is the property of General Electric Company and shall not be disclosed to others or reproduced.
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丰田与电装将量产工程转移到MathWorks R2010B 版
MathWorks 今日宣布,丰田和电装(丰田的主要汽车电子供应商)决定将其大规模汽车产品开发转移到MathWorks R2010b 版。
该版本的MATLAB 和Simulink 产品系列提高了定点汽车控制系统生成代码的ROM 和RAM 效率,缩减了大规模生产的成本。
计划中,都采用了MathWorks 的建模、仿真和代码生成产品。
采用R2010b 可让丰田和电装的工程师们能够将基于模型的设计应用到现行和未来的汽车生
产计划中,将自动生成的定点化产品级 C 代码用于复杂的实时嵌入式系统中。
丰田汽车软件工程部总经理Shigeru Kuroyanagi 说:我们自2003 年开始与MathWorks 合作开发,经过八年的努力已成熟了许多。
MathWorks 根据我们提出的质量-成本-交期(QCD) 计划的需求不断地进步。
其R12.1 版提供了支持开发所需要的工具包,R2006b 则满足生产用途所需的优秀品质,最新版本R2010b 则成功实现了缩减成本的目的。
选用R2010b 作为第三代开发工具,我们可以将R2010b 生成的高效代码运用到定点ECU 中,从而为大规模生产缩减成本。
另外,我们也希望通过更多地使用定点ECU 的自动代码生成
在过去三年,MathWorks 与丰田和电装密切合作,使Simulink、Stateflow 和Embedded Coder 具备了适用于动力总成生产项目的高级功能。
丰田和电装的工程师们做好将其生产工作从R2006b 转移到R2010b 的准备。