Chinese original: 三是提高基本医疗保障水平。稳定提高城镇职工、居 民医保参保率和新农合参合率。 English version: Third, we will raise the level of basic medical insurance. We will steadily cover more working and non-working urban residents under the medical insurance system and more farmers under the new rural cooperative medical care system.
clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses 菜篮子vegetable basket( non - staple foodsupply)
基层at the prim ary levels (原译) 试译: at the grassroots levels Grassroots, 直译就是流行用语草根。这 种说法始于19世纪处于淘金热的美国, 当
化、经济、政治发展状况。然而, 外宣翻译中 存在着大量中国文化特色和政治特色的词语。
由于大多数外国受众对中国的文化、政治等知 之甚少或一无所知, 所以对这类词语他们感到 很陌生。为此, 译者必须充分考虑外国读者的 认知语境知识,采取补偿策略, 即通过解释、交 代背景知识, 使外国读者取得最大关联效果。 否则, 势必会影响到交际的成功。
合”。汉语句子结构呈“竹状”, 节节延伸, 语义 环
环相扣; 英语句子呈“树状”结构, 多用主从句或 分词结构, 枝杈蔓生但逻辑严谨。此外, 汉语有时 达到加强气势的效果, 往往采用对比、排比等手 段。尤其在政府工作报告中, 多小句, 多用并列词 组或并列谓语, 一逗到底, 缺少链接成分, 逻辑层 次不明。
China suffered from a disastrous SARS outbreak last spring. The Party Central Committee and the State Council gave top priority to protecting people's health and lives and promptly investigated SARS and took steps to prevent and treat it. We enforced the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Communicable Diseases, formulated the Regulations on Public Health Emergency Response, and classified SARS as a communicable disease. We reported the facts of the SARS situation exactly as they were and mobilized the general public throughout the country to control the outbreak. 英文汇报 政府工作报告英文版
2009-03-24 10:32 来源:互联网作者:佚名 [打印] [评论]
政府工作报告完整版【中英对照】Areviewofourworkin经济运行缓中趋稳、稳中向好;Theeconomyhasregisteredaslowerbutstableperformancewithgoodm omentumforgrowth.国内生产总值达到74.4万亿元,增长6.7%;GDPreached74.4trillionyuan,representing6.7-percentgrowth.居民消费价格上涨2%;TheCPIroseby2percent.工业企业利润由上年下降2.3%转为增长8.5%;Withan8.5-percentincreaseinprofits,industrialenterprisesrev ersedthepreviousyear'snegativegrowthof2.3percent.就业增长超出预期;Employmentgrowthexceededprojections.全年城镇新增就业1314万人;Atotalof13.14millionnewurbanjobswereadded.年末城镇登记失业率4.02%,为多年来最低;Theregisteredurbanunemploymentratestoodat4.02percentatyear-end,thelowestlevelinyears.供给侧结构性改革初见成效;Initialsuesswasachievedinsupply-sidestructuralreform.服务业增加值占国内生产总值比重上升到51.6%;Thevaluecreatedbytheservicesectorroseto51.6percentofGDP.大众创业、万众创新广泛开展;Peoplewerebusylaunchingbusinessesormakinginnovations.全国居民人均可支配收入实际增长6.3%;Personalpercapitadisposableineincreasedby6.3percentinrealte rms.农村贫困人口减少1240万;Thenumberofpeoplelivinginpovertyinruralareaswasreducedby12. 4million.出境旅游超过1.2亿人次;Overseastripsexceeded120million.广义货币M2增长11.3%,低于13%左右的预期目标;TheM2moneysupplyincreasedby11.3percent,belowourprojectedtar getofaround13percent.深入推进“互联网+”行动和国家大数据战略;WetookfurtherstepstoimplementtheInterPlusactionplanandthena tionalbigdatastrategy.74个重点城市细颗粒物(PM2.5)年均浓度下降9.1%;A9.1-percentdropintheannualaveragedensityoffineparticulatem atter(PM2.5)wasseenin74majorcities.Whatthegovernmentwilldoin今年发展的主要预期目标是:Keyprojectedtargetsfordevelopmentthisyear:国内生产总值增长6.5%左右,在实际工作中争取更好结果;GDPgrowthofaround6.5percent,orhigherifpossibleinpractice.居民消费价格涨幅3%左右;CPIincreasekeptaround3percent.城镇新增就业1100万人以上,城镇登记失业率4.5%以内;Over11millionnewurbanjobs,andaregisteredurbanunemploymentra tewithin4.5percent.继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。
2017年政府工作报告中英文对照(4)_工作报告To enable the market to play the decisive role in resource allocation and to give better play to the role of government, we must deepen reforms to streamline government administration, delegate more powers, and improve regulation and service. This is a profound reform of government itself, which we need to continue to pursue with the courage to make painful self-adjustments and overcome all odds.We will fully implement the list-based management system, formulate lists of powers and responsibilities of the departments under the State Council, expand the piloting of granting market access on the basis of a negative list, and reduce the discretionary powers of the government while giving the market more freedom to take its course. We will abolish the requirement for permits for a number of production and service activities. We will deepen institutional reforms in the business sector, merge different forms of certification required of businesses into one certificate, andexpand trials to separate operating permits and business licenses. We will improve the system for conducting both registration and post-registration oversight over businesses, apply the oversight model of random inspection and public release to cover all business activities, and strengthen coordinated administrative law enforcement. We will accelerate efforts to make the information systems of the State Council departments and those of local governments better connected and form a nationally unified government service platform.To see that businesses and the public benefit more from our reforms to streamline administration, delegate powers, and improve regulation and services, we must cut red tape, level the playing field, provide greater convenience, and remove that last crucial hurdle.继续推进财税体制改革。
• • • • • • • •
部:ministry Ministry of Education/Culture/Forestry 局:bureau/department/office/agency/ administration FDA: Food and Drug Administration FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation CIA: Central Intelligence Agency Public Security Bureau
• 宏观调控:macroeconomic 宏观调控: regulation; macro-control • 微观调控: micro-control 微观调控: • 调整经济结构: 调整经济结构: • adjustment of the economic structure
• 财政政策:fiscal policy 财政政策: • 货币政策:monetary 货币政策: policy • 利率:interest rate 利率: • 存款:deposit 存款: • 贷款: loan 贷款:
• 加快构建社会主义和谐社会, 加快构建社会主义和谐社会, • to accelerate the building of a harmonious socialist society; • 加快建设小康社会的进程: 加快建设小康社会的进程: • to accelerate the process of building a moderately prosperous society
• 南水北调: 南水北调: • The South-to-North Water Diversion Project
• 着力推进改革开放和自主创新, 着力推进改革开放和自主创新, 推进改革开放和自主创新 • to advance the reform and opening up policy and independent innovation; • 监管:oversight 监管: • 调控:regulation 调控:
政府工作报告常见表达(中英对照)1 依法履职perform one's functions in accordance with the law2 从容应对挑战confidently met all challenges3 奋力攻坚克难strove to overcome difficulties4 实现目标attain the targets5 经济运行稳中向好The economy was stable and improved6 经济效益economic performance7 城镇登记失业率the registered urban unemployment rate8 创历史新高an all-time high9 再上新台阶reach a new high10 城镇居民人均可支配收入The per capita disposable income of urban residents11 农村居民人均纯收入the per capita net income of rural residents12 城乡居民收入差距the urban-rural income gap13 规模以上工业企业industrial enterprises with annual revenue of 20 million yuan or more from their main business operations14 粮食产量Grain output15 增加值value-added16 地区生产总值gross regional product17 主要实物量指标Main real physical indexes18 社会事业Social programs19 载人深潜manned deep-sea dives20 建成创新型国家make the country more innovative21 经济社会发展既有量的扩大,又有质的提升The economy and society developed bothquantitatively and qualitatively22 砥砺前行forge ahead23 工作总基调general work guideline24 稳中求进make progress while maining stability25 统筹稳增长、调结构、促改革maintain stable growth, make structure adjustments and carry out reform in a holistic way26 坚持宏观政策要稳、微观政策要活、社会政策要托底We ensured that the government's macropolicies are stable, micro policies are flexibleand social policies meet people's basic needs.27 采取一系列既利当前、更惠长远的举措we adopted measures with both short-term and long-term benefits in mind28 稳中有为,稳中提质,稳中有进We strove to break new ground, improve quality, and make progress while ensuringstability.29 各项工作实现了良好开局All our work got off to a good start.30 激发市场活力invagorate the market31 内生动力internal driving force to growth32 国内外错综复杂的环境complex international and domestic developments33 深处着力endeavor to resolve deep-seated problems and difficulties34 放开市场这只“看不见的手”,用好政府这只“看得见的手”give full rein to both the invisible hand of themarket and the visible hand of the government35 加快转变职能accelarate the transformation of government functions36 简政放权streamline administration and delegate more power to lower-level governments37 国务院机构改革Reform of State Council bodies38 有序实施be carried out in an orderly maner39 取消和下放了416项行政审批等事项abolish or delegate to lower-level governments 416 items previously subject to State Council review and approval40 分批in batches41 政府核准的投资项目目录the list of investment projects requiring government review and approval42 工商登记制度business registration system43 “营改增”replace business tax with value-added tax (VAT)44 行政事业性收费administrative fees45 为市场松了绑improved the market environment46 为企业添了力invigorate businesses47 新注册企业newly registered businesses48 民间投资private investment49 全面放开贷款利率管制completely lift interest rate controls on loans50 在全国进行中小企业股份转让系统试点。
2017年政府工作报告中英文【实录】(2)_工作报告Personal per capita disposable income increased by 6.3 percent in real terms. The number of people living in poverty in rural areas was reduced by 12.4 million, including more than 2.4 million people relocated from inhospitable areas. More than 6 million homes in rundown urban areas and over 3.8 million dilapidated rural houses were renovated. In tourism, domestic trips showed rapid growth, and overseas trips exceeded 120 million. People in both urban and rural areas saw a rise in living standards.我国成功主办二十国集团领导人杭州峰会,推动取得一系列开创性、引领性、机制性重要成果,在全球经济治理中留下深刻的中国印记。
China successfully hosted the G20 2016 Hangzhou Summit, and helped to deliver a number of important pioneering, leading, and institutional outcomes, thus doing its part for global economic governance.回顾过去一年,走过的路很不寻常。
(一)讲求确切, 逻辑严谨,《政府工作报告》属于政论文,其内容就有很强的客观性,重事实的阐述,语言精确,逻辑性强。
译文:We cannot cross the line and reduce the total amount of farmland in China to less than 120 million hectares.乍一看18亿译为120 million似乎是译者出错了,然而仔细一看,原文是以亩胃计量单位,而译文则是以“hectares”(公顷)胃计量单位,有些读者也许会产生疑问,不就是就是“1.8 billion mu ”吗?为什么必须改成“120 million”?这是因为“亩”是个典型的中国计量单位,在翻译时要将它处理成国际通用的单位“公顷”才能为外国读者所知。
历年政府工作报告中英文对照版和《经济学家》中英文对照版建议多看看,上面的习题最好都亲自做一下,三级没多大难度,充分准备应该可以通过汉英翻译技巧的培养(translation competence development)应涉及以下内容:一.要培养对英语的语感和悟性(language intuition – open and alert mind to pick up idioms, specific expressions, etc.);二.要培养对英语的判断能力和鉴赏能力(evaluation capacity – judgment);三.要培养对英语的洞察能力和剖析能力(power of observation – insight);四.要培养对英语细微特征的反应能力(linguistic nuances alertness);-五.要培养对社会文化和跨文化交流的敏感性(social-cultural sensitivity – cross-cultural awareness);六.要培养对英语和汉语之间差别的意识(sense of differences between Chinese and English);七.要培养对英语和汉语之间的辩证关系的认识(awareness of the dialectic relationship between Chinese and English);八.要培养对英语“洋为中用”的意识(“use things foreign to serve Chinese purposes”);九.要培养对英语“学以致用”的意识(apply what you have learned in your translation);十.要培养对翻译的多层次、多角度的立体思维方式(a multi-tier approach )。
十一.一名称职的翻译工作者必须懂得什么是翻译的真谛(a clear conception of what translation is)。
(一)讲求确切, 逻辑严谨,《政府工作报告》属于政论文,其内容就有很强的客观性,重事实的阐述,语言精确,逻辑性强。
译文:We cannot cross the line and reduce the total amount of farmland in China to less than 120 million hectares.乍一看18亿译为120 million似乎是译者出错了,然而仔细一看,原文是以亩胃计量单位,而译文则是以“hectares”(公顷)胃计量单位,有些读者也许会产生疑问,不就是就是“1.8 billion mu ”吗?为什么必须改成“120 million”?这是因为“亩”是个典型的中国计量单位,在翻译时要将它处理成国际通用的单位“公顷”才能为外国读者所知。
汉语中存在着大量的修饰语, 意在加强语气。如果将这 些直译成英语, 可能不符合逻辑, 甚至造成语意曲解。 当然, 译与不译要视情况而定, 要推敲上下文的逻辑关 系, 力求信息准确又符合情理,避免用词堆砌, 使译文流 于空洞庸俗之感。汉语句子结构往往重整体, 重综合, 免不了会出现一些评论性话语, 常使用”情况”、”问
This time last year witnessed severe recession of world s' economy resulting from the spread of global financial crisis. Our economy was severely affected featured by sudden slowdown of economic growth,exports and operating difficulties in many enterprises, even some of which suspended or closed down. The number of unemployed people increased sign ificantly, and many migrant workers had to return to their home villages.
政论文大多主题明确,议论生动,体不诡异, 辞不险怪,体现出“意与理胜”的特点。一年一 度的《政府工作报告》是中国政府向其人民代表所 做的工作总结和工作部署。总结的是建设中国特色 社会主义所取得的新成就,部署的是国家针对国情 的大政方针和政策措施。作为政论文的典型文本, 《政府工作报告》所具有的特点不仅是具体的,而 且也是政论文的基本共性所在。
在第十一届全国人民代表大会第三次会议上的政府工作报告国务院总理温家宝20xx年3月5日REPORT ON THE WORK OF THE GOVERNMENT--Delivered at the Third Session of the Eleventh National People’s Congresson March 5, 2010Wen JiabaoPremier of the State Council各位代表,Fellow Deputies,现在,我代表国务院向大会作政府工作报告,请予审议,并请全国政协各位委员提出意见。
On behalf of the State Council, I now present to you my report on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval. I also invite themembers of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) to provide comments and suggestions.一、20xx年工作回顾I. Review of Work in 200920xx年是新世纪以来我国经济发展最为困难的一年。
2020年政府工作报告双语要点作者:来源:《英语世界》2020年第11期☞支持灵活就业Support flexible employment.☞依靠改革激发市场主体活力,增强发展新动能Energizing market entities through reform and strengthening the new drivers of growth 深化“放管服”改革Press ahead with reforms to streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services.☞促进全面复工复产、复市复业Boost the resumption of work, production, and business activities.☞持续打造市场化、法治化、国际化营商环境Make sustained efforts to create a market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized business environment.☞推进智能制造Boost smart manufacturing.☞坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战Win the fight against poverty.☞加大剩余贫困县和贫困村攻坚力度Channel greater energy into eliminating poverty in all remaining poor counties and villages.☞接续推进脱贫与乡村振兴有效衔接Continue to promote both poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.。
2017年政府工作报告英文(4)_工作报告Fiscal and tax reforms will be stepped up. We will move forward with the reform of the way powers and expenditure responsibilities are shared between the central and local governments, ensuring that the proportion of V AT revenue received by the central and local governments is determined appropriately. Taxes suitable as sources of local government revenue will be handed over to local governments along with the corresponding administrative powers. Central government special transfer payments to local governments will be further reduced, while this year’s general transfer payments will be increased by 12.2%. We will extend ad valorem rates to all resource taxes. We will promote the law-based administration of tax collection. We will establish a well-regulated mechanism for local governments to secure financing through bond issuance and make moderate upward adjustments to debt ceilings for local governments with strong financial resources and low debt risks through statutory procedures. Governments at all levels must tighten their belts and spend every sum of money where it can be seen and where it’s most needed.稳健的货币政策要灵活适度。
2017年政府工作报告中英文版(3)_工作报告The projected target for this year’s growth is realistic and in keeping with economic principles; it will help steer and steady expectations and make structural adjustments; and it will help achieve the goal of finishing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects.An important reason for stressing the need to maintain stable growth is to ensure employment and improve people’s lives. As employment pressure grows this year, we will continue to give top priority to creating jobs and implement a more proactive employment policy. This year’s target for urban job creation is one million more than last year, underlining the greater importance we are attaching to employment.Considering our sound economic fundamentals and the capacity they bring for job creation, with hard work, this target isattainable.今年要继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,在区间调控基础上加强定向调控、相机调控,提高预见性、精准性和有效性,注重消费、投资、区域、产业、环保等政策的协调配合,确保经济运行在合理区间。
Report on the Work of the Government 政府工作报告
Report on the Work of the Government 政府工作报告income distribution 收入分配reform of household registration system 户籍制度改革fiscal revenue 财政收入per capi t a disposable income 人均可支配收入net per capita income 人均纯收入the central government's public investment 中央政府公共投资technological upgrading projects 技改项目actual utilized foreign direct investment 实际利用外商直接投资defense budget 国防预算registered unemployment rate 登记失业率rise in the CPI 居民消费价格涨幅balance of payments 国际收支状况income gap 收入差距income distribution 收入分配low-carbon economy 低碳经济industrial restructuring 产业结构调整local government bonds 地方债local government budgets 地方财政预算precipitous rise of housing prices 房价过快上涨basic need for housing 基本住房需求property hoarding 捂盘惜售new old-age insurance system for rural residents 新型农村社会养老保险new type of rural cooperative medical care system 新型农村合作医疗rates for individual contributions 个人缴费标准fostering new areas of economic growth 培育新的经济增长点tourism and leisure industry 旅游休闲产业economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) 两岸经济合作框架协议intangible cul t ural heritage: 非物质文化遗产 hold off:保持距离barrage:接连发问sound-detection gear:声音探测器spam:垃圾邮件hideout: 藏身点snap: 仓促的coup plotter: 政变策划者lip synching: 假唱stem cell: 干细胞play up: 大肆渲染graffiti: 涂鸦fever pitch: 高度兴奋, 狂热overstaff: 人员过多peace saboteur: 和平破坏者comatose:昏迷的crackdown:取缔,制裁down-to-earth:实际的,切实的美国报刊用语社会篇Ballistic Missile Test:弹道导弹试验Ordeal:严峻的考验Kidnapper:拐子、绑匪Atomic Nucleus:原子核Confidence Vote:信任票Denuclearization:非核化Blast:爆炸,冲击波Argumentative:爱争论的Cram:塞满、拥挤 Snap Poll:即席调查Premature:过早的,仓促的Paralyzed:瘫痪的Lift An Embargo:解除禁运Barbecuestoppage: 中止;中断abstention: 弃权clinical trial: 临床试验Chrysanthemum Throne:天皇王位时事热词Red tape:繁文缛节Abduct:诱拐,绑架Preemptive:先发制人的Footage:电影胶片Incumbent:现任者,在职者Military Chief:军事最高统帅State Visit:国事访问Permanent Member:常任理事国 Relevance:意义,实用性Uranium Enrichment:铀浓缩Power Plant:发电站Evacuate:撤退、疏散Bayard:骑士,勇武异常者launch pad: 发射台Constituency:选区,选民Preset Orbi t:预定轨道Milestone:里程碑,转折点Ballistic Missile:弹道导弹NASA:美国国家宇航局Heart Bbypass Surgery:心脏搭桥手术Wail:大哭Denunciation:谴责、指责Hole up:藏匿Step Down:辞职,下台Benchmark:基准点,衡量标准Beaked Whale: 突吻鲸,喙鲸Procurement: 采购Handset: 手机Stake: 股份Portal: 门户网站Showcase: 展示Sedan: 小轿车Strategic Petroleum R eserve: 战略石油储备Back Tax: 退缴税Semiconductor: 半导体Crude Output: 原油生产Log On: 进入系统Lag Behind: 落在后面Team Up: 合作,协作Audience Rating: 收视率Play Down: 对……不太重视Floor Trader: 场内交易人A Package Of Proposals: 一揽子建议Operating Margin: 营运利润率Hedge-Fund: 对冲基金Shortfall: 不足、差额、赤字Anti-Trust: 反托拉斯Full Swing: 达到活动的GCClaw Back: 夺回,费力收回Balance Sheet: 资产负债表Inventory: 货存、库存量Mutual Fund: 共同基金Loan Guarante: 借款保函Class Action: 集体诉讼Antidumping:反倾销Confetti: 五彩纸屑Federal Reserve: 美国联邦储备系统Ink:签署(合同、文件等)HSBC: 汇丰银行Hot Money: 国际套利资本Scooter:速克达、踏板车、单脚滑行车IMF:国际货币基金组织In A Row:一个接一个Net Worth:资本净值APEC:亚太经合组织ABM = anti-ballistic missile 反弹道导弹abortive coup attempt 未遂政变absent trial / absent voting 缺席审判/缺席投票 absolute majority 绝对多数abstain from voting 弃权abuse of power for personal gain 以权谋私academia 学术界academic career 学历,学业academician 院士Academy Award 奥斯卡金像奖academy sciences 科学院accredited journalist 特派记者 acqui t / be acquitted 宣告无罪/ 无罪释放acting president 代总统active capi t al 流动资本active substance 放射性物质active trade balance 顺差activist 活跃分子administration party 执政党admit the best examinee 择优录取adverse trade balance 逆差advisory body 顾问团after-sale service 售后服务air crash 飞机失事album 专辑allied powers 同盟国all-out ban 全面禁止all-round title 全能冠军alumnus (复数: alumni)校友amendment 修正案,附加条款amicable relations 友好关系amnesty 特赦anarchy 无政府状态animal year 本命年anti-corruption 反腐败anti-robbery bell 防盗铃apartheid 种族隔离appropriate authorities 有关当局arch-foe 主要的劲敌armed intervention 武装干涉arm-twisting 施加压力arson 放火,纵火assembly hall 会议厅assembly line 生产流水线assembly man 议员,装配工assistant secretary (美)助理部长assistant secretary of state (美)助理国务卿 attaché 专员,(外交使团的)随员audience rating 收视率audiophile 音乐发烧友authoritative information 官方消息authoritative source 权威人士autonomous region / prefecture自治区/ 州axis power 轴心国bachelor mother 未婚母亲background briefing 吹风会,背景情况介绍会 bacteria 细菌bail 保释,保释金ballot 选票,投票bank book 银行存折bank failure 银行倒闭bar code 条形码bargain price 廉价be responsible for one's own profit and loss 自负盈亏be honest in performing one's official duties 廉洁奉公beeper BP机behind-the-scene maneuvering 幕后操纵benefit concert 义演音乐会best supporting actress award 最佳女配角 bid up price 哄抬物价big gun 有势力的人,名人big lie 大骗局bistro 夜总会black box 测谎器black market price 黑市价blanket ballot 全面选举blast 爆炸blind alley 死胡同blockade 封锁bloodless coup 不流血政变Blue Berets 蓝盔部队bluff diplomacy 恫吓外交bombard 轰炸,炮击boom (经济)繁荣,兴旺borrower 债方botanical garden 植物园bottle up 抑制bottom out 走出低谷box office returns 票房收入box office smash 卖座率高的演出boycott 联合抵制brain drain 人才流失brain gain 人才引进brain trust 智囊团brawn drain 劳工外流bread-and-butter letter 感谢信bribery 行贿bubble economy 泡沫经济bureaucracy 官僚主义bureaucrat 官倒cabinet lineup 内阁阵容cabinet re-shuffle 内阁改组cable car 缆车cable-stay bridge 斜拉桥cadre 干部cafeteria 自助餐厅calamity 灾难campaign against porns 扫黄运动candidate for exam 考生cargo handling capaci t y 货物吞吐量carnival 狂欢节casualty 遇难者,伤亡人员catch phrase 口头禅,口号ceasefire 停火ceiling price 最高限价celebrity 知名人士cellular phone 移动电话,大哥大censure vote 不信任投票census 人口普查ceremonial usherette 迎宾小姐chamber concert 室内音乐会charity 慈善组织chartered plane 包机china hand 中国通China's actual condi t ions 中国国情 Chinese descendant in America 美籍华裔cholesterol 胆固醇civil servant 公务员civilian 平民classroom boycott 罢课climbout 经济复苏closing address 闭幕辞cloverleaf intersection 立交桥comfortably-off level 小康水平commuter 乘车上班族complains box 意见箱computernik 电脑迷condo(minium)商品房condolence 慰问,吊唁conducted tour 团体旅游confiscate 没收,充公conscience forum 道德法庭conscript 征兵,入伍conservative party 保守党construction of a clean government 廉政建设 convenience food 方便食品corruption reporting center 举报中心countdown 倒计时county magistrate 县长cramming system 填鸭式教学法crash program 应急计划criminal law 刑法crude oil 原油cultural undertakings 文化事业curfew 宵禁curriculum vitae 履历表curtain call 谢幕daily necessities 日用品daily turnover 日成交量dan (围棋的)段deadlock 僵局death toll 死亡人数,死亡率defendant 被告deli(catessen)熟食dictatorship 独裁disaster-hit area 灾区disc jockey DJdissolve 解散division chief 处长,科长doctorial tutor 博士生导师door money 入场费dove 主和派,鸽派duet 二重唱Duma (俄)杜马,俄罗斯议会dux 学习标兵,学习尖子economic sanction 经济制裁economic take-off 经济腾飞El Nino 厄尔尼诺现象electric power 电力eliminate 淘汰embargo 禁运en route to 在……途中enlisted man 现役军人epidemic 流行病exclusive interview 独家采访expo(sition)博览会face-to-face talk 会晤fairplay trophy 风格奖family planning 计划生育flea market 跳蚤市场flying squad 飞虎队frame-up 诬陷,假案front page 头条front row seat 首席记者full house 满座gear…to the international conventions 把…与国际接轨grass widow / widower 留守女士/ 留守男士 guest of honor 贵宾guest team / home team 客队/ 主队hawk 主战派heroin 海洛因highlights and sidelights 要闻与花絮his-and-hers watches 情侣表hit parade 流行歌曲排行榜hit product 拳头产品hit-and-runner 肇事后逃走者Hong Kong compatriot 香港同胞honor guard 仪仗队hostage 人质housing reform 住房改革hypermedia 多媒体ideology 意识形态idle money 闲散资金in another related development 另据报道incumbent mayor 现任市长info-highway 信息高速公路in-service training 在职训练inspector-general 总监interim government 过渡政府invitation meet 邀请赛judo 柔道karate 空手道kiosk 小卖部knock-out system 淘汰制knowledge economy 知识经济ksei 棋圣laid-off 下岗leading actor 男主角lease 租约,租期man of mark 名人,要人manuscript 原稿,脚本marriage lines 结婚证书master key 万能钥匙medium 媒体,媒介mercy killing 安乐死moped 助力车Moslem 穆斯林multimedia 多媒体music cafe 音乐茶座national anthem 国歌 negative vote 反对票nest egg 私房钱news agency 通讯社news briefing 新闻发布会news conference 记者招待会news flash 短讯,快讯nominee 候选人notions 小商品null and void 无效的off-hour hobby 业余爱好off-the-job training 脱产培训on standby 待命on-the-job training 在职培训on-the-spot broadcasting 现场直播 opinion poll 民意测验overpass (人行)天桥overseas student 留学生overture 序曲overwhelming majority 压倒性多数 palm phone 大哥大parliament 国会passerby 过路人pay-to-the-driver bus 无人售票车peaceful co-existence 和平共处peace-keeping force 维和部队peak viewing time 黄金时间pedestrian 行人pension insurance 养老保险Pentagon 五角大楼perk 外快PM = prime minister 首相,总理politburo 政治局poor box 济贫箱pope 教皇pose for a group photo 集体合影留念 poverty-stricken area 贫困地区power failure 断电,停电premiere 首映,初次公演press briefing 新闻发布会press corps 记者团press spokesman 新闻发言人prize-awarding ceremony 颁奖仪式 professional escort "三陪"服务profiteer 投机倒把者protocol 草案,协议puberty 青春期public servant 公务员questionnaire 调查表quick-frozen food 速冻食品quiz game 智力竞赛racial discrimination 种族歧视rapport 默契reciprocal visits 互访reci t al 独唱会,独奏会red-carpet welcome 隆重欢迎red-hot news 最新消息red-letter day 大喜之日redundant 下岗人员re-employment 再就业rep = representative 代表rip off 宰客senate 参议院tenure of office 任职期the other man / woman 第三者 top news 头条新闻tornado 龙卷风tour de force 代表作township enterprises 乡镇企业 township head 乡长traffic tie-up 交通瘫痪truce 停火,休战trustee 董事two-day dayoffs 双休日tycoon 巨富umpire 裁判V.D. = venereal disease 性病vaccine 疫苗vehicle-free promenade 步行街 vote down 否决well-off level 小康水平well-to-do level 小康水平Who's Who 名人录working couple 双职工Green Bel t Movement:绿带运动。
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Take targeted policies to cut excess urban real estate inventoryAt present, there is still excess supply in the real estate markets of third- and fourth- tier cities. We will support both local and new residents in buying homes for personal use.We need to be clear that housing is for people to live in, and local governments should take primary responsibility in this respect. We should move faster to establish robust long-term mechanisms for promoting the steady and sound development of the real estate sector, with multiple levels of demand being met primarily by the market, and basic housing support provided by the government. We will take more category-based and targeted steps to regulate the real estate market. Cities that are under big pressure from rising housing prices need to increase as appropriate the supply of land for residential use, and we should better regulate housing development, marketing, and intermediary services.Today, several dozen million people still live in rundown areas in cities and towns. We must continue housing renovations in these areas. This year, we will renovate another 6 million housing units in these areas, continue to develop public rental housing, encourage according to local circumstances the greater use of monetary compensation for those affected by such rebuilding, and improve local infrastructure and public services. With these efforts, we will help more families struggling with housing to bid farewell to rundown areas, and see that with good roofs over their heads our people move on to better lives.积极稳妥去杠杆。
Carry out deleveraging in an active and prudent wayThere is high leverage in nonfinancial Chinese firms. This is caused by high savings rates and the composition of financing which is primarily based on credit.While working to control overall leverage, we should focus on bringing down the leverage of enterprises. We need to see that the idle assets of enterprises are put to use, push ahead with securitization of corporate assets, support market- and law- based debt-to-equity swaps, expand equity financing, and place tighter constraints on enterprises, especially SOEs, in leveraging, so as to gradually reduce enterprise debt to an acceptable level.多措并举降成本。
Take multiple measures to cut costsMore small businesses with low profits will enjoy halved corporate income tax, with the upper limit of taxable annual income raised from 300,000 to 500,000 yuan. For small and medium high-tech enterprises, the proportion of R&D expenses that are tax deductible is to be raised from 50 to 75 percent. We will do all we can to see the intensity and impact of structural tax cuts deliver further results. The great number of charges have placed an unbearable burden on many businesses; we are going to slash non-tax burdens.First, we will completely overhaul government-managed funds, abolish municipal public utility surcharges, and authorize local governments to reduce and cancel some funds.Second, we will abolish or suspend 35 administrative charges paid by enterprises to the central government, which represents more than a 50-percent reduction in the number; and then reduce as far as possible those that still apply.Local governments also need to make significant cuts to government administrative fees.Third, we will reduce government-set operating fees for businesses. Unauthorized fees charged by intermediaries for government review and approval will be overhauled or abolished. We will work toward lower operating fees levied on businesses in the finance and railway freight sectors. We will strengthen oversight over the collection of market-set service fees.Fourth, we will continue to lower as appropriate the share paid by enterprises for contributions to social security.Fifth, we will deepen reforms and improve policies to reduce government imposed transaction costs for businesses and lower their energy and logistics costs.All government departments and agencies concerned should have in mind the overall interests of the country instead of their narrow departmental interests, reduce the financial burden on enterprises, and help them develop new advantages over international competition.精准加力补短板。