攻克雅思口语:化难为易,化繁为简攻克雅思口语:化难为易,化繁为简一.〝硬碰硬〞,真金不怕火炼对于备考时间较长(半年或以上)的考生,建议大家本着务实求真的精神,彻彻底底将口语基础打牢.切记,口语和写作都是真正揭晓实力的两门,绝不能依仗技巧取胜.有经验的考官不会完全照读考题,而是会为你〝量身定做〞(Tailor-made)顺势出题,所以如果完全是所谓的技巧搭起来的空中楼阁的话,注定会不攻自破.因此,一定要充分利用这段较长的备考期,多开口,勤练习,进行实战模拟,让自己的口语有质的提高.二.由难到易,化繁为简一定的实力基础固然必不可少,但口语成绩的提高也不是完全没有捷径可走.聪明的考生能做到扬长避短,迎合评分要求回答,在短短的十来分钟内包装自己的语言,有更好的发挥.下面将介绍三种化繁为简的方法,供大家参考.第一招:减少描述,增加议论纵览各类卡片题,发现一个共同的关键词,即Describe, 如Describe a teacher who has greatly influencedyou(人物题),Describe an object you use everyday(物品题),Describe a shop you often goto(地点题),Describe a familyevent(事件题).很多考生会集中精力去思考如何Describe,所以在人物题中会试着用很多语言去描述外貌特征,如大大的眼睛,长长的睫毛,粉粉的脸颊,厚厚的嘴唇.且不论该考生是否都能将这些中文描述对应的恰当英文找到,除非是口语基础相当不错的考生,不然挑这些内容去讲无疑是搬起石头砸自己的脚.人物题还算是比较容易描述的了,那碰到物品题描述一个家用电器怎么办,如何去Describe?以awashing machine为例,我们能想到的内容可能是颜色(〝Its color is white.〞).大小(It’s one meterhigh.),别的似乎没什么可讲的了.这个时候就可以增加议论或评价.对于颜色,可以添加的内容是The reason why I chose this coloris that it matches well with my bathroom and besides, white has always been myfavorite color. It’s clean. You know. 而对于大小,也可评价一番It is actually the smallestsize at that time. I put it in the corner, and it takes only a littlespace.由此可见,评价性的语言通常比描述更为具体,可以看做是对前一句的补充说明或者是例证拓展.这种对于每一点信息都要给出议论的习惯一定要养成,可以使我们的说话内容顿时翻倍.第二招:变抽象为具体很多考生觉得口语话题难,就是因为没话说,特别是看似较为抽象的话题,如Describe asuccess.总觉得success肯定是较为光鲜的事迹,对照自己似乎找不到素材.其实如果把success具体化,看作是successfully didsth.,构思就会容易许多.可以讲成功地网上交友.购物,与网络话题结合,可以讲成功地交到一个知心益友,与朋友话题相结合.又如part3中的一些抽象问题,如How has technology changed people’slife?如果单单从较高层面总的去概括科技如何改变生活会觉得语言内容上频频受限,而换个角度,如果把change具体化,举自己的家庭为例,讲起来就顺口多了.Well,technology did change our life a lot. Take my family as an e_ample, ten yearsago, we used electric fan in hot summer but now the air-conditioning brings usmore comfort.第三招:扭转乾坤,话题巧转移短短的十几分钟时间内,讲自己有准备的话题内容肯定比临场发挥好,至少在语言质量上能略胜一筹.再次强调,口语考试重形式而非内容,只要能巧妙自然地将拿到的话题转到自己觉得熟悉的内容上来,必定会有更好的效果.如Apiece of goodlaw,这个难倒了众多考生的杀手题触及到我们较为不熟悉的领域——法律.而转身一想,法律其实是无所不在的,建议考生可以将其转移为环境问题,所以可以去讲〝限塑令(Thenew standard of plastic bags)的制定和执行;亦可转换成工作问题,讲〝劳工法〞(The Labor Law).简言之,口语成绩的提高应该是两方面结合,基本的语言能力辅之以巧妙的应对方法.希望考生们不论见到什么样〝为难〞的话题,都不要慌张,运用以上提及的一些方法,化难为易,化繁为简.最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:an activity that you feel e_citedYou should say:what you didwhere and when you did thiswho you shared the activity withand e_plain why this activity was new or e_citing for you.范文:A couple of weeks ago I went with some friends to play paintball. It’ssomething I’d never done before so I was interested to see what it would belike. My friend, who has been doing this activity for about a year, knew a placejust outside of the city where they have a special course, or site, all set upfor the participants.We arrived around 10am in the morning and one of the instructorse_plained tous all about the safety equipment, the rules, how to use the guns and talkedabout some basic techniques and how to deal with the obstacles on the site. Thattook about a half hour. Then we got ready and split into two teams. There werefour people in each team.We spent about 2 hours doing this activity. I was surprised because it’s morephysical than I thought, there’s a lot of running around involved but it’s alsovery e_citing. I could feel the adrenalin pumping inside me. It took me a fewminutes to get used to the idea of firing the gun and dodging other peopletrying to fire at me, but it was good fun as well as good e_ercise. I have toadmit that I was disappointed when I got ‘killed’ three times, but hey, it wasmy first time so I guess I still have a lot to learn if I want to become as goodat it as my friend.I can see why a lot of people like this activity, it’s quite addictive, andI’m sure the more you do it the better you become and then want to play evenmore. Two of my friends have been doing it for about a year now and they arequite serious about it. They have their own equipment and one of themparticipated in a local tournament last month.We all had a great time that day and then after we went for lunch together soit was a nice day out and it’s always interesting to try something new ande_citing that you haven’t done before. Maybe I’ll go again sometime in thefuture.最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:a website that you often useYou should say:where you saw itwhat it was aboutwhy you think it was an interesting advertisement.考官范文:what type of website it ishow you found out about itwhat it allows you to do, and why you find it useful.参考范文:I want to talk about a website called IELTS-Simon, which is a website I useand check every day.This is a website dedicated for the preparation of the IELTS e_am. It isupdated on a daily basis and is maintained by an e_-IELTS e_aminer calledSimon.I don t really remember how I found out about this website, but I guess itpopped out when I was googling for some IELTS materials on the web about twoyears ago. Since then, I ve been using and reading its contents every day. Of all the IELTS related websites available on the Internet, I think this isthe most useful one because of the following reasons. Firstly, we can e_pect anew IELTS lesson every day, and the lesson could be for the Listening, Reading,Writing, or Speaking part. Secondly, besides IELTS materials, Simon also givesus plenty of useful advice on grammar and tips to get high scores for thischallening e_am. And thirdly, which I think is the most important, visitors ofthis website can make comments and/or ask questions, which makes things moreinteractive and productive at the same time.All in all, this is a wonderful website that I recommend it to everyonepreparing for the IELTS.最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:interesting advertisement that you have seenYou should say:where you saw itwhat it was aboutwhy you think it was an interesting advertisement.考官范文:I m going to talk about an advertisement for Coca-Cola, which is one of thebiggest brands in the world. I ve seen Coke advertised everywhere, on postersand TV commercials.The advert shows a picture of Santa Claus smiling and holding a bottle ofCoke. I think the aim is to target children and associate (link/connect) thebrand with Christmas time.The advert is interesting because the company is deliberately trying toinfluence and attract children. The marketers are trying to capture youngcustomers. They are presenting the drink as something special, a gift forChristmas. However, Coca-Cola is not necessarily a healthy drink for children;it contains a lot of sugar. Maybe this kind of advertising manipulates childrenand encourages them to pester their parents.雅思八月复考:那些关于雅思口语考试不得不除了出国留学,雅思居然还有这么多用处?今天小编给大家带来雅思的作用,希望能够帮助8月雅思考试再新增考次_部分城市因疫情变化 8月雅思考试再新增考次!部分城市因疫情变化被迫取消!今天小编给大家带来8月雅思考试再取消北京语言大学_年8月雅思考试的通知雅思真人考官对话又回来了!今天小编给大家带来最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了,最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了雅思真人考官对话又回来了!今天小编给大家带来最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了,。
当出现没有话说、不知道怎么讲就可能会出现broken English,即不成句的英文。
雅思口语压分!写作压分!统统都压分!我们要逃离北上广,自愿投身于中西部与边远省份的雅思参考大军中!5分摇身一变成6分,6分一不留神上7分,怎一个“爽” 字了得啊!那么,在哪里考雅思真的那么重要吗?雅思官方特意做了一个视频解释这个问题(辟谣)。
既然是Killing IELTS Rumours, 就证明此江湖传说所言不实啊。
我们不信,请雅思官方给出合理地解释!视频一开头,一个看上去很正经的歪果仁直接点出了本视频讨论的一个争论性问题:现如今, 很多人讨论在不同城市考雅思,写作与口语分数会不会有变化。
为什么拿不到满意的分数?明明阅读听力都能上6.5甚至7分以上,为什么口语这样的可怜?难道雅思考试是故意要在写作口语上压倒烤鸭吗?其实我们不妨分析一下雅思口语分数低的原因:1. 模仿标准答案在最近一段时间里,已经很少有新题出现。
所以大多数考生会选择去一一的准备考过的题目(主要是雅思Part 1和Part2)。
2. 套用固定结构现在很多考官都已经知道考生已经准备好了第二部分,所以考官会更多的把时间集中的放在第三部分,问的题目越来越难来判断考生的真实水平。
3. 使用难的单词很多时候,我发现很多考生在说话的时候都会说一句或甚至几个单词的时候就卡住了。
下面小编给大家带来雅思口语考试第一部分part1话题之your studies,希望对大家的口语有帮助!雅思口语考试第一部分part1话题之your studiesTRY TO USE:I have been studying there for 2 years.I have been studying economics.I’ve been living ina dorm with 5 other girls.I’ve been learning a lot since I entered university.1.Where do you study?I am a college student and I have been studying at FujianNormal University in FuzhouCity for the last 3 years. My major is computerengineering and I quite enjoy it. This is why I intend to continue my studiesoverseas next year.2. Is it agood place to study?Well, yes, it’s not bad. The university has a pretty goodreputati on in Fujian Province. Obviously it’s not one of the best colleges inthe nation, but it has a good reputation inmy field, and Ihave learned a lot already. In addition, the facilities there are very modern.The classrooms are spacious and clean. We even have air-conditioners in mostclasses.The library is brand new(=extremely new).It’s a very comfortable and bright place to study. And ontop of this, the dorms are not too bad. I mean they’re not huge, but it’s goodenough to sleep and hang around with my classmates.3. Why didyou choose this university?I had applied to other, better colleges,but my results onthe College Entrance Examination were not as good as expected, soI had tolower my ambitions and go for Plan B. My university is actually not bad. It’sjust not as prestigious as what I wanted.4. Whatsubject are you studying?My major is marketing, but I must admit to you that Ireally dislike it. This is partlythe reason why I want to study overseas, because in Chinait’s really troublesome to change majors. But in Australia, I don’t need torepeat the first two years, so I plan to go there and major in accounting.I major in computer engineering and I quite like it. Atfirst I wasn’t too sure, but my parents encouraged me to choose this field, andI don’t regret it. I have been learning a lot about software design andelectronic engineering. I will finish my Bachelor’s degree here, and then Iintend to go to England to get a Master’s.5. Whatkind of job do you want to do in the future?I intend to become a computer engineer because itinterests me a lot, and I think I have the potential to do a good job in thisfield. In addition, the pay should be quite high, which is important to me.I plan to set up my own company, although I don’t knowyet what kind of businessI could open. It might be related to logistics,because I have been studying this subject atschool. We shallsee...6. What isthe most difficult part of your studies?It is your turn toanswer now!YourStudies 一in High School1.Where do you study?I’m a high-school student. I have been studying at Number1 Middle School in Fuzhou for 3 years. I’m a senior there, and I’ll be graduatingat theend of this school year. NumberMiddle School is supposed to be the best in my city. Myclassmates are all excellent students,and the teachers push us pretty hard.2. Tell meabout your school.Okay, it’s not a huge school. I think there are only 1500students studying there, sothe classrooms are not overcrowded(=jammed).It’s a pretty oldschool and the facilities are not that great(=not so great).But the teachersare very professional and qualified.It’s a boarding school, so I get to stay there 5 days aweek. It’s quite nice to live with my classmates. We do homework together; wealways eat with our friends. Because we spend each other very well, we get toknow each other very well. You know, because it’s a good school, the teachersmake us work hard, and everyone expects a lot from us.,I think we are allglad to be able to support each other in my class.3. Howlong have you been studying there?I have been studying at the same school for 3 years. Icame there after I graduated from middle school. In China, Be careful with thetense!senior high school lasts 3 years.4. Whichpart of your studies do you find most interesting?I enjoy studying mathematics, probably because I get goodresults in this subject. I don’t find it too hard. It seems to come to mepretty naturally. In addition, my teacher,。
2新东方雅思新东方教育科技集团(New Oriental Education & Technology Group )成立于1993年11月16日。
—罗兰Topic 1: where you live1. Tell me about your hometown / apartmenta) My hometown is called Wenlin which is located in the East ofchina. It’s a costal city, and it’s famous for several kinds of fruits, such as the best honey grapefruit and juicy watermelons. It’s just a little quiet but marvelous place.b) Well, since I’m still a student, and I don’t have my own house,so I’m sharing a room with another 5 girls. It’s not very spacious, but I think it’s ok to stay.2. What do you like about your house?a) I don’t have my own house, so can I talk about my parent’splease? It’s a 4-story house, and my favorite is the basement. Because there is a pool table and I can have some great time with friends. When I’m down, I can stay there and nobody would bother me.3. Is there anything you don’t like about it?a) The only thing I don’t like about my house is that I alwaysthink the house is way too big for my family to live in. it always takes me several minutes to go to the kitchen from my bedroom.4. Would you like to move to another city?a) Yes of course. I’m actually planning to move to Shanghai tosettle down. I’m willing to enjoy the environment and the education there because people always think the bigger city it is, the better future you may have.5. What would you change about your city?a) If I were the mayor of the city, I would definitely change thehealth-care system. That means everyone in the city would get free health care by paying only small amount of medical insurance.6. Would you recommend your area as a good place to live?a) That would be an absolutely YES. Since it’s a small city thepace of living there is pretty slow compared with other big cities. And the climate there is the best, 4 clear seasons. The city has been strongly recommended to others through our commercials.Topic 2 what you do – your studies7. What are you studying?a) I major in Accounting in the North-Eastern University, and I’mdoing my 3rd year there.8. Where are you studying?a) I’m a student of the North-Eastern University in Shenyangand the city is taken as the biggest in the northeast.9. Why did you choose this university?a) First of all, it was a coincidence that one of my neighbors hadbeen studying with the university for over 3 years. She was the one whopersuaded me to come and study together. So I took the advice.10. What’s good about where you’re studyinga) It’s a university with a long history. And I do enjoy theatmosphere. I can get access to a variety of facilities they have for students, such as swimming pool, tennis court and so on.11. What would you like to do after your studies?a) After i graduate, I will go for a master degree in England andmaybe one more year to travel around the world after that. I probably will come back to China to settle down like others.Topic 3: hobbies / free-time activities12. Do you have any hobbies?a) Sure. I love playing basketball, table tennis and volleyball, ijust love sports. And I’m a super movie fan. I usually go to cinema with my friends a lot.13. What do you do in your free time?a) It depends. Sometimes I stay in my dorm and watch somemovies on the internet, but I also go out with friends to have some fun.14. What hobbies are popular in your country?a) People in China like to watch DVDs at home. They like tosing in Karaoke. And some of them just love to play Mahjong when they’re free.15. Is it important to have a hobby?a) Yes, of course. I think having a hobby can make people enjoylives more. Once you start a hobby, you soon will find there’s always something you want to do, and some people just take the hobbies as their careers.16. Why is it important for people to have free-time activities?a) People do need free-time activities to relax and to release thepressure they get from work or study. I guess after the activities, they’ll forget how stressful life could be.17. What free-time activities would you like to try in the future?a) I’d love to try mountain-hiking. Probably I will do that with myfriends together. I could enjoy the scenery there and the hiking itself. Topic 4: sports18. Do you like playing sports?a) Of course i do. I take myself as a sports fan. I like to watchand do some sports myself.19. How often do you play sports?a) It depends. If I’m busy with my study, I will only do twice aweek. But if I’m on my summer or winter vocation, I will play sports almost every day.20. What sports are most popular in your country?a) I have to say that’s table tennis. And Chinese people takethat as our national sport. You know, we even have table tennis lessons inprimary school.21. Do you think it is important to play a sport?a) Yes. First we can keep fit, and stay healthy. of course,sometimes we can learn about teamwork from the competitions.22. What sports would you like to try in the future?a) I would say skiing. That’s something I would always dreamabout. I guess it would be very exciting and challenging.23. Do you prefer watching or playing sports?a) I love watching sports more than playing them. First, it’s safersitting among the audience or in front of TV. And I can also enjoy as much as the athletes.Topic 5: television24. Do you like watching TV?a) Yes, a lot. Sometimes when I’m not busy, i will watch TV tokill time.25. How much time do you spend watching TV?a) Well, when I’m on vocation, I spend at least 5 hours a day towatch TV, I know it’s a lot. But if I’m very busy with my study, I will only have1 hour to enjoy the TV shows.26. When do you usually watch TV?a) In the evenings I guess. Because the shows are nicer thanthe ones in the morning.27. What types of TV program do you like watching?a) I like talk shows, especially hosted by ladies. For exampleOpera Winfrey, and a Chinese talented hostess Ms. Yang.28. What types of TV program are popular in your country?a) Some talent shows I suppose. Like talent contests whichoffers opportunities to some ordinary people with talents to be outstanding on the stage.29. Why do children like watching TV?a) Because TV is one way for them to get to know the world,and I guess cartoons or some children shows are much more interesting than their textbooks.Topic 6: music30. Do you like listening to music?a) I can’t go without music. It relaxes me and inspires me a lot,especially when I focus more on lyrics.31. What types of music do you like listening to?a) Well, I prefer pop, because most of them are the hits and Ican always share the songs with my friends.32. Where do you usually listen to music?a) I carry my iPod with me all the time wherever I go, andsometimes i will go to some live concerts to enjoy more.33. Can you play any musical instruments?a) Well, I know how to play the piano, but only a little. I learnt itwhen I was a little girl.34. Do you think it’s important for children to learn to play a musicalinstrument?a) Well, I don’t think so. I guess the kids should have enoughtime to enjoy their childhood rather than being pushed to learn to play a musical instrument.35. Do you prefer listening to live performances or recorded music?a) At this point of my life, I prefer recorded music, cos I can’tafford the tickets to live performances. But maybe in the future, I would love live concerts for its atmosphere.Topic 7: Reading36. Do you like reading?a) I’m fond of reading. Sometimes my friends call me abookworm.37. How often do you read?a) All the time! When I’m studying, when I’m free, when I’m on abus, well, all the time, seriously.38. What do you like to read?a) All kinds, but science-fiction is my favorite.39. Where do you usually read?a) Anywhere. I always read in the library because it’s quiet there.But i often read in the classroom or my dorm as well.40. Do you read for pleasure or to get information?a) I think for both. I do can get a lot of information from reading,and i also take reading as my hobby which offers me pleasure.Topic 8: Email41. How often do you use email?a) To be honest, i don’t use email regularly, maybe once aweek.42. What do most people in your country use email for?a) For younger generation, well, someone like me, i use email tokeep in touch with my friends or classmates. But for people who are working, they use email for their jobs or business.43. What are the advantages of email?a) You can’t deny that email is the fastest way to communicatewith others, and most of the emails are free of charge.44. Are there any disadvantages?a) Sometimes emails are lost in the cyberspace. And the worstthing is that you always get spams / junk mails which occupy your inbox.45. Do you think that email will replace letter-writing?a) More and more people start to use emails in their daily lives,so i suppose there’s a trend that letter-writing will be replaced soon.Topic 9: Learning English46. How long have you been learning English?a) Let me see...it’s been over 8 years since my middle school.47. What do you find difficult about learning English?a) To me, the tough part is speaking. Since I don’t have thechance to practice with native speakers, so i find it’s very difficult for me to make huge progress in a short time. But don’t worry, I’m working on it. 48. What advice would you give to someone starting to learnEnglish?a) I would tell them to work harder since it’s not the mothertongue. And I will suggest them to watch more English movies in order to improve the listening and the speaking as well.49. Would you like to learn another language in the future?a) If I have the chance, I’d love to learn something about French.Cos i take it as the most amazing language in the whole world.Topic 10: Writing50. How often do you write something by hand?a) I do that very often cos I’ve been keeping diaries for years.And of course, i need to write for my assignments as well.51. What types of things do you usually write by hand?a) No wonder diaries, and sometimes assignments by handwhich is required by my lecturers.52. Do you think it is important to have good handwriting?a) Of course it’s important. People can tell the personalities bylooking at the handwriting of a person. And sometimes it will give a good impression to others.53. What are the advantages of writing something by hand?a) People may feel closer by using written letters. And you maykeep yourself away from the radiation from the computers.Topic 11: Clothes54. What types of clothes do you like wearing?a) I like wearing something casual, like jeans, sneakers, andmaybe t-shirts.55. Where do you usually buy your clothes?a) Actually I usually buy my clothes on the internet. First, i willtry on the ones i like in the clothing shop, and then I will buy the ones with same design on the internet. Cheaper, faster, and sometimes better quality.56. Did you wear a school uniform when you were younger?a) Well, unfortunately yes. Cos that’s the rule of the school. Anduntil now, that “wearing the uniform when you’re in school” rule is still there.We just can’t change it.57. What can we learn about a person from the clothes that theywear?a) If they wear something casual, we can say that they areeasy-going, a bit happy-go-lucky. But if someone always wears somethingsmart, like a suit or a tie, we may say he or she is serious, and maybe sometimes strict.Topic 12: School that you went when you were younger58. tell me about the school you went to when you were youngera) the name is Wenlin High. And I really enjoyed the teachersand the facilities there which brought me a very unforgettable school life.59. What did you like about that school?a) I loved everything there but the plants in the school were myfavorite. You know what, it looked like a botanic garden, and that cost the school a lot of money. But I did enjoy the scenery a lot.60. What subject did you like best at that school?a) Biology was the one I love most. Well, I liked doingexperiments and I learnt a lot. Of course, to me, at that time, was so fun.61. What would you like to change about that school?a) The school was almost perfect to me. But if there was achance and I could be the head master, I would love to change a bit. I would allow the students to go to the Grand Hall of the school to enjoy a free movie every week.Topic 13: Restaurants62. how often do you eat out in restaurants?a) I don’t eat out quite often, maybe once a fortnight.63. what types of restaurants do you like best?a) I prefer small restaurants such as a cafeteria. I can enjoydelicious food at a reasonable price in that little cozy place.64. what types of restaurants are common in your city?a) I guess fast food restaurants are common in my city. Maybenowadays more and more people are getting much busier, and fast food restaurants are the best choices.65. what are the advantages of eating out in restaurants?a) I think the only advantage of eating out is that you don’t haveto do the dishes after meals. And of course you can choose from various foods served by different restaurants.Topic 14: Friends66. how much time do you spend with your friends?a) As long as I’m free. If it’s summer or winter vacation, I will sayeveryday.67. what do you usually do with your friends?a) We usually hang out in the school library, in the movie theater,in Karaoke bar, and shopping, I guess.68. do you prefer spending time with your family or friends?a) I have to say FAMILY. Because parents are the ones whoreally care about you and never leave you. And of course they are always there for me when I need help.69. is friendship important to you?a) Yes, of course. I can share my happiness and sorrows withmy friends and they will share theirs with me. We’re always here for each other. But if I don’t have any friends; I would feel so lonely and desperate all the time.Topic 15: Festivals70. do you often celebrate festivals in your culture?a) Why not. Chinese love festivals and we celebrate every oneof them.71. what do people usually do during festivals?a) Generally people will have a big family dinner at home, andsometimes a get-together with friends. Chinese people also like to play Mahjong during festivals. But to some children, they just love watching TV shows.72. which is your favorite festival?a) It’s Christmas. I usually celebrate this festival with my friendsbecause at that time of every year I don’t have any days off from school.We go out to shop on the Christmas Eve because of the promotions the shops offer. And sometimes we go to the church on Christmas to get some free food and gifts as well.73. do you think festivals are important?a) Yes, of course. Because festivals represent the culture of acountry. Other people may get to know your country much better from theculture or we say from the festivals we celebrate.Topic 16: Meeting New People74. do you often meet new people?a) Not really. I’m a junior in my university and I’m quite busy withmy study and my projects. And I guess I’m just too quiet to meet new people.75. in your country where can you meet new people?a) I’m not sure. But my classmates tell me that they usuallymeet new people on the Internet, on the train heading home, and even from other friends’ parties.76. how easy is it to meet new people in your city?a) I can’t say how easy it is but I’m 100% sure that it’s difficult tome. I seldom chat online, I don’t usually travel, and I don’t even like parties.77. is it possible to meet people from other countries where youlive?a) Yes, it is possible. Take an example, I can always see severalinternational students studying in the library of my university, and we often have the same class and we even hang out together.Topic 17: The sea78. Have you spent much time near the sea?a) Not too much. Well, to be honest, there was only once that Iwent to a coast city with my classmates when I was a freshman for afriend’s wedding. We only stayed there for 2 days. And of course we did nothing near the sea.79. what do people usually do when they visit the sea?a) Some ones enjoy the sunshine, some ones enjoy the sea,and of course some of them enjoy nothing but relaxing themselves.80. Why do people like spending time near the sea?a) I guess because of the fresh air, the white sand, and thewaves, maybe. There are also lots of water activities for people to kill time, surfing, sailing and maybe water-skiing.81. Would you like to live near the sea?a) Definitely not! You know that the global warming is gettingworse, the sea level is rising, and if I lived anywhere near the sea, I would start to worry about how soon my house would be flushed.Topic 18: Computers82. how often do you use computers?a) I use computers all the time, from the moment I get up, I needcheck my emails, till the moment before I go to bed, I need some soft music to relax myself.83. in what ways do people use computers in your country?a) People use computers for business, for communication, andof course, for leisure as well.84. how did you learn to use a computer?a) I was not very into computers at first, but after a friend ofmine showed me how great this invention was, I started to take a course at school. And now I can’t live without it.85. how much have computers changed your life?a) Computers have changed my life in several ways. I used togo shopping but now I go online-shopping. I used to go to banks to withdraw money but now I use internet banking more. And I guess there’ll be an e-me soon.Topic 19: Collecting Things86. have you ever collected anything?a) Never. I hate collecting actually, time-consuming,money-wasting, and this hobby takes ages to return the money to you.87. what things do people collect in your country?a) I guess things like stamps, coins and even bottle caps. Notvery expensive, but with a lot of personal value.88. why do people like collecting things?a) I’m not sure. But I guess some people like collecting becausethey need hopes in their lives. Once you start collecting, there’s always something which keeps you moving.89. would you like to start collecting something new in the future?a) Sure, maybe I can give it a try. But I’m not sure if I can last itlong. And I’ve been thinking about collecting Chinese paintings. I maymake it come true in the near future.Topic 20: Dancing90. do you like dancing?a) No. I don’t think I have talents for that.91. what kinds of dancing are popular in your country?a) Maybe folk dance, group dance.92. is traditional dancing popular among young people in yourcountry?a) Young people prefer hip-hop more here in china.93. what kind of dancing do people like watching?a) Hmm, maybe something elegant, like ballet, or waltz.Topic 21: Learning Languages94. what languages do you speak?a) Chinese, English, and some French as well.95. do you think it’s important to learn a foreign language?a) Of course it is. Because I don’t need an interpreter to goanywhere with me if I’m in another country for vacation.96. what languages are spoken in your country?a) Of course Chinese. But we have 2 kinds, Mandarin andCantonese.97. would you like to learn another language in the future?a) Yeah, maybe German. I hope I can visit Germany one day.Topic 22: Weather98. w hat’s the weather like where you live?a) Seasons here are well-defined. So we have all kinds ofweather here, hot in summer, maybe rainy sometimes. Butit’s freezing in winter and of course snowy. For spring andautumn, cool and windy, and you know what, and dusty.99. w hat do you do when the weather is bad?a) I choose to stay in the house and do nothing at all, coswhen the weather is bad, I’m down.100. what type of weather do you like best?a) I love sunny days most. I can go out for sports, and shopping,picnic with friends, lots of things. And I feel happy when theweather is lovely.101. would you like to have that type of weather all year round?a) I can’t take that weather all year long. Well, it’s good for me,you know, I love sunshine. But sunny for the whole year?That will kill the farmers. So…I like the weather we have now. Topic 23: Happiness102. what kinds of things make you happy?a)103. what do you do if you feel unhappy?a) That depends. but most of time I will spend a few hours withfriends in karaoke to sing loudly, as loud as it can be.104. is unhappiness always a bad thing?a) To me, yes. Because when I’m unhappy, I can’t concentrateon anything. So that means bad, I guess.Topic 24: Shopping105. do you like shopping?a) Y106. how often do you go shopping?a) Once or twice a week. I’m a student with limited pocketmoney and leisure time.107. what kind of shops are there in the area where you live?a) A department store, a dollar shop, and I remember there’s ashop which has exported clothes.108. what’s the worst thing about shopping?a) I think the worse thing has to be….when I want to buysomething, but the money I have is not enough. Then I’ll tryto save more for that. It’s very tiring.Topic 25: Films109. do you like watching films?a) Yup. And I’ve seen a lot.110. what types of film do you like watching?a) Harry Porter are the kinds of the films I love, and I rememberthat word is called Science-Fiction.111. how often do you watch films?a) The school provides this facility to students. and the moviesare often shown 2or 3 times a week. I won’t skip any of those if I have enough time.112. do you prefer watching films at home or at the cinema?a) Cinema, sound affect, atmosphere better113. would you like to be in a movie?a) I don’t want to be in the movie industry. Too tiring, toostressful, and sometime too difficult。
1、雅思口语Part 1——4-5分钟在Part 1考官通常会向考生做自我介绍并核实考生的身份,随后会对考生生活中较为熟悉的话题做一些询问,而这些问题通常都是从一个事先拟定的范围内抽取的,可能是有关于朋友、兴趣习惯或是喜爱的食物等。
2、雅思口语Part 2——3-4分钟在Part 2考官通常会交给考生一个答题任务卡、铅笔以及草稿纸做笔记,答题任务卡上还会给出一个话题以及要在个人陈述里包涵的要点,同时在最后去提醒考生解释这个话题的某一个方面。
3、雅思口语Part 3——4-5分钟在Part 3考官会结合Part 2涉及的话题进行更深入地探讨,谈论也更加广泛和抽象。
雅思口语考试中你所不知的那些方法雅思口语考试中你所不知的那些方法一个好的开场白极为重要,可以做到缓和气氛(ice breaker)和放松自己的双重目的。
1.Good morning/afternooon ,sir/madam!2.(talk about weather)It’s a nice day today ,isn’t it?3.This is Rita (sayyourEnglishname,notChinese becausehewillaskyouthatlater)4.Can I take a seat please?以上都是不错的开场白可以使用的句子,很快就可以拉近和考官之间的距离而又不显得刻意和生硬。
避免紧张是重中之重,雅思口语考试测试的是考生在不同环境/问题当中与人沟通的能力,侧重点并不在于考官所问的问题的答案中,况且所有雅思口语考试中出现的话题/问题都没有正确/错误答案的说法,放下包袱会让自己头脑清醒很多,思路就源源不断了,做到“滔滔不绝”(keep talking)也就是水到渠成。
考官全部都是native speaker,早考试当中经常需要用自己的大脑去反映和理解考生使用的不恰当的词语,无形中会有一种压力。
雅思写作高分范文评点:StressYou should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Is Stress A Bad Thing?You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.“I can’t understand the pressure and competition,” explained one friend of mine when asked why he decided to quit his highly-paid but demanding position in his company recently. My friend may have his own reasons, but I don’t think his decision is wise in reality.It’s true that my friend’s case is not unique. In the last few years quite a number of men and women have chosen to do something less competitive at the cost of a comfortable, easy life a highly-paid job can obtain. They are afraid that the stresses and strains of work will rob them of joy and happiness and do them harm both physically and me ntally. In fact, however, stress isn’t the bad thing it is often supposed to be. Unless it gets out of control, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and challenge, and to give purpose and significance to an otherwise meaningless, idle life. People under stress tend to express their full range of potential and to actualize their own personal worth— the very aim of a human life.Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. What we can do is to develop our adaptive abilities to deal with it rather than to escape from it. (216 words)!以上就是关于压力的雅思高分写作范文,可以看出这篇写作范文的论据是非常有力的,逻辑结构也非常清晰,而在句型运用上,简单句搭配复杂句,而且并不重复,这些都构成了一篇雅思高分写作范文所需的各种因素。
第二部分:制定学习计划1. 划分时间根据自己的学习目标,制定出合理的学习时间表。
2. 制定学习计划在每个学习阶段,制定出具体的学习计划。
1. 听力部分听力部分的学习方法主要是多听多练。
2. 口语部分口语部分的学习方法主要是多练多说。
3. 阅读部分阅读部分的学习方法主要是多读多练。
4. 写作部分写作部分的学习方法主要是多写多练。
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