Third Week国际商务谈判第三单元
国际商务谈判,课件,Unit 3

Unit Three Establishing positions
7. Watch Version 2 again. Make a list of the different ways in which Andrew involves the Levien team in his presentation.
He encourages interruptions and questions. Andrew and Karen work as a team. He shows he is in control, but flexible enough to change direction.
Unit Three Establishing positions
6. Watch Version 2. How has Andrew’s style changed?
His style is now inclusive. He involves Levien in the presentation. He makes good contact with his audience.
Unit Three Establishing positions
2. What is the best way to make sure you get feedback on your position?
Simply ask for it. Make sure when you are presenting that you check frequently that the audience is following and has an opportunity to ask questions and comment.
国际商务谈判(英文)Unit 03 Making Purchase

Unit 3 Making Purchase
More Terms
❖ to execute and order执行订单 ❖ to complete an order完成订货/已交货 ❖ to send an order寄送一份订单 ❖ to ship an order装船 ❖ to modify an order改变订货 ❖ to repeat an order继续订货 ❖ to confirm an order确认订货
❖Have a good command of special terms and useful expressions used in making purchase;
❖Know how to make a good purchase on an unfavorable market
Unit 3 Making Purchase
suggestion from the other party.
Unit 3 Making Purchase
Let’s learn some sample dialogues
❖ Refer to the textbook
Unit 3 Making Purchase
Let’s practice
❖ Practice in groups ❖ Practice with: cue card. doc ❖ Show what you have practiced ❖ Students’ comment ❖ Teacher’s comment
1. Think about the value of the concession to the other party 2. Think about the consequences to you of each concession
国际商务谈判(英文版)Chapter 3 The Negotiation Process

Settling & Ratifying
Here are some points the negotiators should pay attention to:
①Price ②Completion ③Claims settlement Last but not the least, the record of
4. Explore Alternatives to Agreement
When the disparity between the two negotiating parties seems too large to be mentioned, however, some negotiators do not want to give up easily.
Getting to Know Each Other The Opening The Review of the Opening
Getting to Know Each Other
Many relationships in international global transactions begin first with the formation of personal relationships between the players.
The reservation point means the target that negotiators have to achieve for assurance of their basic interests.
The reservation point only sets out one’s own basic interests, and to maximize one’s interests is the final target of all negotiators.

serious, it works. He know after first offer, implies
there would be second, third…
As expected, clerk became unease & said,
“Sorry for my suggestion. I would add some. How
Hale Waihona Puke The more you say, the more mistakes you’ll make.
2. Make good use of time. An example about interruption.
We can interrupt N. by phone call, got to W.C. to gain precious time. E.g. in one N. Opponent offered its final base price which → very surprised to Party. If Party showed opinion, could reach agreement. Party can’t decide if good for it to accept soon. An idea came to one of Party member’s mind. He said, “Sorry, I promised to have a call. It took 2,3 minutes. A moment please!” After that, walked out, picked out phone, as if dialed several phone numbers. Then computed quickly by himself, thus won the precious time.
国际商务谈判英文 chapter3

• 3.2.3 Where to collect information • International organizations. • Governments. • Service organizations • Directories and newsletters. • On-line service.
• 3.3.4 Open agenda and restricted agenda • ①Open agenda • ②Restricted agenda
3.4 Forming the Negotiation Team
• 3.4.1Size of the negotiation team • What then is a commendable size for a
• 3.3 Negotiation agenda • Negotiation Agenda refers to the
arrangement for the timing and site choice of the negotiation, and issues discussed. The agenda is usually prepared by the host party or discussed by both parties in advance, which can be segmented into open agenda and restricted agenda sometimes.
• 3.4.2 The staffing of the negotiation team • (1)OrganizationaI structure of the team

• Several tactics to communicate firm flexibility to the other negotiator: (1) Use competitive tactics to establish and defend basic interests. (2) Send signals of flexibility and concern about your willingness to address the other party’s interests. (3) Indicate a willingness to change your proposal. (4) Demonstrate problem solving capacity. (5) Maintain open communication channels. (6) Reaffirm what is most important to you. (7) Reexamine any aspects of your interests that are clearly unacceptable to the other party. (8) Separate and isolate contentious tactics from problem solving behavior to manage the contentious behavior.
McGraw-Hill/Irwin © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

less satisfactory to each side than what it could have been.
How to Focus on Interests Not Positions
Insist on using Objective Criteria
Frame each issue as a joint search for
objective criteria.
Reason and be open to reason as to which
standards are most appropriate and how they should be applied.
Think creatively
How to Invent Options for Mutual Gain
Diagnose — We set aside the idea that their gains have to be at our expense; — We encourage each other to help solve problems; — We do not prematurely focus on an option before people are ready.
Money Terms
Concessions Promises Dates/numbers
Modified from material obtained from the Harvard Negotiation Project. Copyright 2000 by the Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College. All rights reserved.
国际商务谈判chapter 3

Collaboration Principled Negotiation CPN
(Harvard Principled Negotiation)
Getting to Yes
BY: Roger Fisher William Ury Core: reach a solution beneficial to both parties by way of stressing interests and value not by way of bargaining.
The outcomes of negotiations: 1.overwhelming victory; 2.disastrous defeat.
Win-lose model
Conventional practice of win-lose model takes the following steps: Determine each party’s own interests and stance; Defend one’s own interests and stance; Discuss the possibilities of making concession; Reach an agreement of compromising; or Declare failure of negotiation.
Win-win concept
Determine each party’s interests and needs; Find out the other party’s interests and demand; Offer constructive options and solutions; Announce success of negotiations; or Declare failure of negotiations in impasse.

⑸ 了解对方谈判人员 的其他情况。
如:①谈判对手谈判班子的组成情况, 即主谈人背景、谈判班子内部的相 互关系、谈判班子的个人情况; ② 谈判对手的谈判目标, 即所追求的中心利益和特殊利益; ③谈判对手对己方的信任程度。
㈢ 与谈判者自身相关的资料 古人云:
要看到对方比较讲信誉,占领我国市场的心情比较 迫切,技术服务和培训工作比较好,对己方在技术 方面和合作生产的条件比较易于接受, 是较好的贸易伙伴。
只要确认其身份地位,深入了解其资产、技术、 服务等方面的情况,也是很好的合作伙伴。 因为其知名度不高,其所提的谈判条件一般也不 会太苛刻,他们也希望多与中国合作以打出其知 名度。
产品的市场声誉、财务状况, 在以往的商务活动中是否具有良好的商 业信誉。
要走出以下国际商务活动中对风险和信用认识上的误 区: “外商是我们的老客户,信用应该没问题”; “客户是朋友的朋友,怎么能不信任”; “对方商号是大公司,跟他们做生意,放心”
对老客户的资信状况也要定期调查,特别是当其突然下 大订单或有异常举措时,千万不要掉以轻心。 “防人之心不可无。”无论是何方来的大老板,打交道 前先摸摸底细,资信好的大公司不能保证其属下的公司 也有良好的资信。
谈判者自身的情况, 是指谈判者所代表的组织及己方谈判人员的 相关信息。
⑴ 己方经济实力的评价。
⑵ 己方贸易谈判人员实力评价。
⑶ 谈判项目的可行性分析。
⑷ 己方贸易谈判的目标定位
国际商务谈判 Chapter 3 Choosing the Negotiation Team

3. 1 Who qualifies as a negotiator?
3.1.1 A negotiator as an individual There are countless reasons that one should seek to empower
The advantages and disadvantages of single
negotiator and team negotiations. The advantages of a single negotiator might be: to prevent the opposer from aiming questions at the weaker members of the team or creating disagreement among team members; to prevent from placing complete responsibility on one person; to prevent the weakening of stated positions through differences of opinion between team members and to avoid making on-the-spot decisions.
Age range, too, may be important and there are
certain age limits within which effective negotiators are most likely to be found. Early stages of a career :competitive attitudes, some elements of idealism, and high concern to gain experience and establish one’s own position with promotion prospects. Late stages of a career :a much higher tolerance for other people’s viewpoints and by increasing commitment to domestic and social goals.
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Third Week, week of March 18th, 2012
First Semester International Business Negotiating
Foreign Teacher: Gregory Brubaker
Material in the class email inbox
Today’s class
1st hour concepts concerning Negotiating-
Introduce the case study.
How can one be a good negotiator?
What is the ultimate goal of negotiating?
2nd hour- The first presentation
1.Get into back into your groups, dust off your business
1st hour: Negotiating Ethics
Today’s class
From last week & the week before, concepts;
1.Q. Who is in a position of power? (in a business negotiation)
A.Who needs whom less
2.Does one always know the answer to this question?
3.How can you put yourself into a position of power?
Next; Negotiation styles
Is there one way to negotiate?
Knowledge is power, time is money
Next; Negotiation styles Research Reputation
Is there one way to negotiate?
Knowledge is power, time is money
What is a ‘win win’ negotiation?
a.Both sides benefit from the negotiation
b.Both sides get what they want and feel that they ‘WON’
c.Both objectively benefit from the deal.
When does one ‘tend’ to want ‘win win’ negotiations
a.Negotiating for the long term & continuous business
b.You need the other party’s enthusiasm & creativity
c.You will spend time with the person and want to be
happy- buy the peace
What is zero sum negotiating?
a.One side is able to extract concessions from the other
b.One side gets what it wants, while the other gets what it
needs only.
c.One side uses an ethical negotiating ploy to extract
concessions from the other.
When do people tend to use ‘zero sum’ negotiating?
a.More simple the issues, more likely zero sum (price &
b.Will never see the other party again.
Why are ‘win win’ and ‘zero sum’ negotiating always present?
I told you all a business story.
2nd Hour-
1. Optional presentations 8 points- I will explain the first presentation today- selling a product or good to a buyer from overseas.
8 points for the first presentation March-April
5 points for oral, 3 for written
12 points for the final presentation in May- June
8 points for oral, 4 for written
New group project:
1st negotiation?
You will get on teams and prepare for a negotiation meeting next week in class-
half the teams will buy half will sell- You pick what you are buying
Big Four
1. Price
2. Quantity, quality and kind of product.
3. Method of delivery.
4. Method of payment.
Smaller issues to be negotiated- Page I emailed this last night and have hand-outs in class today。