


顶级百年灵BREITLING百年灵BREITLING:百年灵空狼多功能腕表(Airwolf Raven)这款翱翔高空的计时腕表不但外观炫目动感,还设置了多项实用功能——精度达1/100秒的分段计时功能、闹响、倒数计时、第二时区显示、世界标准时间及万年历等。



作为一款名副其实的飞行员旅行腕表,百年灵航空世界腕表(Navitimer World)不仅拥有实用易读的双时区显示系统,表底更镌刻世界各大主要城市的时区划分,时刻准备起飞!f百年灵BREITLING:百年灵超级星座号客机是欧洲唯一一架、全球仅存两架仍具飞行能力的洛克希德L-1049超级星座号客机之一。


#表背的光阴# 百年灵BREITLING:百年灵空狼多功能腕表(Airwolf Raven)这款翱翔高空的计时腕表不但外观炫目动感,还设置了多项实用功能——精度达1/100秒的分段计时功能、闹响、倒数计时、第二时区显示、世界标准时间及万年历等。



作为一款名副其实的飞行员旅行腕表,百年灵航空世界腕表(Navitimer World)不仅拥有实用易读的双时区显示系统,表底更镌刻世界各大主要城市的时区划分,时刻准备起飞!百年灵BREITLING:百年灵超级星座号客机是欧洲唯一一架、全球仅存两架仍具飞行能力的洛克希德L-1049超级星座号客机之一。

shimano ultegra 6870系列经销商手册说明书

shimano ultegra 6870系列经销商手册说明书

(Chinese)DM-UL0001-04ULTEGRASW-R610SW-9071SW-R671ST-6870ST-6871FD-6870RD-6870SM-EW90-A SM-EW90-B EW-SD50EW-SD50-I SM-EWC2SM-JC40SM-JC41SM-BTR1SM-BTR2BT-DN110BT-DN110-A SM-BMR1SM-BMR2BM-DN100SM-BA01SM-BCR1SM-BCR2SM-BCC1经销商手册6870系列目录重要提示 (4)为了安全起见 (5)将使用到的工具列表 (15)安装 (17)电线接线图(总概念图) (17)电线接线图(连接器A侧) (19)安装双控手柄和刹车线 (23)前拨链器的安装 (26)安装后拨链器 (30)安装换档开关 (31)安装连接器A (39)安装连接器B (40)安装电池 (41)电线的连接 (47)连接器A的连接 (47)连接器B的连接 (49)通向双控手柄的连接 (55)在车架内为连接器B和电线布线 (57)中轴的安装 (58)卡箍的安装 (59)连接的确认 (60)电线的拆卸 (61)调整 (64)后拨链器的调整 (64)前拨链器的调整 (69)调整手柄行程 (74)给电池充电 (76)部件名称 (76)充电方法 (78)当无法充电时 (80)与个人电脑的连接和通信 (83)E-TUBE PROJECT中的可自定义设置 (83)保养 (85)更换支架外套 (85)铭牌的更换 (85)支架本体和手柄本体的拆卸 (86)安装按钮组件 (87)支架组件和手柄组件的组装 (89)导轮的更换 (90)安装B轴 (91)•经销商手册主要适合专业自行车技工使用。









个人评分(五星满分)Cab30MS进攻性能:★★★★防守性能:★★★灵活性能:★★★☆技术需求:★★★★☆体力需求:★★★对Cab30MS的材质升级,“Elastic Ti”和“Ultra PEF”取代了“Ultimum Ti”。





Watch优品评介特约ESSENTIALSZ X 60V M 搭载了第六代英特尔酷睿i 56300H Q /i 7-6700H Q 四核处理器与N V I D I AGeForce GTX 1060桌面级显卡,相较于上一代显卡,不仅在游戏性能上提升了48%,还大大提高了整机的运行速度和电脑的画面处理能力,除了能够更好地满足日常工作中复杂的多任务需求,还为玩家提供流畅不卡顿的游戏世界。

ZX 60VM 还采用VRWorks Audio 技术,玩家可畅玩VR 游戏。

ASUS华硕新飞行堡垒ZX60VM148Jabra Elite Sport 捷波朗臻跃™是Elite 系列的首发产品,被誉为全新概念的真正无线运动耳机。


Jabra Elite Sport 捷波朗 臻跃™兼容主要的智能手机操作系统(Android & iOS )并且能够使声音聚焦听筒,为音乐和通话提供卓越音效,是真正的无线耳机。

JabraJabra Elite Sport组建一套完整、平衡的汽车音响系统,需要前、后声场加低音通道三组共6声道信号输出才能满足。

DP 460强大的数字全频处理能力,可以对前、后声场单独设置,让车内每一位乘客都得到剧院般的享受。

同时,DP 460使用直观的人机交互界面,调节控制区域布局简洁、功能分区明晰,中文标注的操作任务栏通俗易懂,初次接触也很容易上手,大大降低了上手难度。

EDIFIER漫步者汽车数字前级处理器DP460擅长从自然中发现惊喜的NEWPORT 在螳螂的一动一静中寻找到了属于鼻梁上的艺术。



































类型美国编号AISI 钢厂名称材料编号出厂硬度(HB)材料特性用 途经销商ASSAB 一胜百DF-2190不变形韧性工具油钢,耐磨及热处理容易.淬火温度820.可广泛使用在五金冷冲压、手饰压花模,做为塑胶模具耐磨片龙记、一胜百ASSAB 一胜百DF-3190不变形油钢,DF-2经济型可广泛使用在五金冷冲压、手饰压花模;做为塑胶模具耐磨片龙记、一胜百BOHLER 百禄K110不变形韧性高铬钢做为塑胶模具耐磨片,用于低温作业滑板,垫片,镶件,线条。

博乐BOHLER 百禄K107耐磨高铬钢做为塑胶模具耐磨片,用于低温作业滑板,垫片,镶件,线条。

博乐BOHLER 百禄K460225Max不变形耐磨油钢各类五金冲压模及木工切割工具;做为塑胶模具耐磨片博乐DORRENBERG 多来特RS2510230淬透性和耐磨性良好;淬火温度780-820适用于冷冲压加工,冲裁模,成形模,凸模及剪切片模;做为塑胶模具耐磨片DAIDO 大同GOA 217淬透性和耐磨性均良好的合金工具钢透用于冷压加工、冲裁模、成型模、冲头及剪切片模;塑胶模具耐磨片龙记、大同HITACHL 日立SGT 190不变形耐磨油钢透合于冷压加工、冲裁加;做为塑胶模具耐磨片SAARSTAHL GS-2510230淬透性和耐磨性良好,不变形耐磨油钢,淬火温度780-820适用于冷压加工、冲裁模、成型模、冲头及剪切片模;塑胶模具耐磨片THYSSEN 斯穆GS-510230Max 不变形油钢各类冲压模及木工切割工具;做为塑胶模具耐磨片02(1.2842)THYSSEN 斯穆GS842230Max 韧性好,易加工不变形,油钢各类冲压模及木工切割刀具;做为塑胶模具耐磨片ASSAB 一胜百XW-10215空冷淬透铬钢、韧性极佳、高耐磨损,热处理变形低形状复杂工件及长期生产冲压模THYSSEN 斯穆GS-363230Max 最通用空冷铬钢、高韧性、高硬度、热处理变形低冲孔,剪口,穿刺,抽刺等高韧性冲压模及高韧性塑胶模具ASSAB 一胜百XW-41210韧性高铬钢、耐磨性佳、高抗压强度、热处理变形少;螺钉滚齿板、冷挤压成形模ASSAB 一胜百XW-42210韧性高铬钢、耐磨性佳、高抗压强度、热处理变形少螺钉滚齿板、冷挤压成形模BOHLER 百禄K100250Max 特高韧性铬钢重负荷冲压模、冲不锈钢、铜、硅铜片、铝片等DORRENBERG 多来特RS2379250Max 高耐磨空冷淬硬高铬工具钢,铜,硅钢片,铝片冲击模DORRENBERG 多来特RS2436250Max 高韧性空冷淬硬高铬工具钢,比SKD 钢材有更佳之硬度及韧性铜,硅钢片,铝片冲击模DAIDO 大同DC11255优秀的耐磨高铬工具钢,热处理后硬度(56~63HRC)适用于冷挤压成形、拉伸模及啤不锈钢片等DAIDO 大同DC53255高韧性高硬度空冷淬硬高铬工具钢,比SKD有更佳硬度与韧性宜线割加工、用于冲压,深拉,搓牙模HITACHL 日立SLD 210高耐磨冷作工具钢适合冲压模、拉伸模等HITACHL 日立HPM1156-69HRC SHD11改良,淬火回火钢HITACHL 日立SLD8210高耐磨、高淬透性及高韧性冷作铬钢适用于冷锻模、高负荷冲模、滚筒、刀具SAARSTAHL 萨尔GS2379255高耐磨,冷作工具韧性铬钢;淬火温度1000-1050.冷挤压成形、拉伸模、啤不锈钢片、冲裁模THYSSEN 斯穆GS379250Max 韧性高钢重型不锈钢、铜、硅铜片、铝片冲压模THYSSEN 斯穆GS821 ESR 250Max 超级D2高铬钢、变形低、韧性强3mm 厚以上铜片冷冲压模及高耐磨可抛光塑胶模HITACHL 日立SKD11韧性冷作工具铬钢,淬火温度1000-1050顶针,斜顶,导柱HITACHL 日立SKD21255高韧性冷作工具铬钢冲模,刀模HITACHL 日立SKD11S255SKD11改良型,超卓加工性,能降低机加工时间,高耐磨冷作工具钢冲压模,拉伸模NKS 高周波KD21255高韧性冷作工具铬钢冲模,刀模NKS 高周波KD11S 255SKD11改良型,超卓加工性,能降低机加工时间冲压模,拉伸模BOHLER 百禄K100250Max 耐磨铬钢耐磨五金冲压模BOHLER 百禄K110250Max耐磨铬钢重型五金冲压模HITACHL 日立SKD1耐磨高铬钢,淬火温度940-960ASSAB 一胜百XW-5耐磨高铬钢,淬火温度950-980THYSSEN 斯穆GS080(1.2080)250Max 耐磨铬钢,淬火温度940-960重型五金冲压模ASSAB 一胜百XW5240高碳高铬、极耐磨损、抗回火能力高不锈钢、硅铜片冲压模、深冲模BOHLER 百禄K107250Max 特极耐磨高铬钢中等负荷冲压模、冲不锈钢、铜、硅铜片、铝片等THYSSEN 斯穆GS436250Max耐磨铬钢巨型不锈钢、铜、硅铜片、铝片冲压模附表16:常见模具材料一览表O1美国AISI/1.2510德国DIN/SKS3日本JIS/中国GB 标准9CrWMn 不变形油钢,淬火温度780-820,见硬至54—56HRCA2D3耐磨高铬钢,淬火温度940-960冷作钢D2合金铬钢/DIN-1.2379/JIS-SKD11/GB-YB:Cr12MoV;淬火温度1000-1050D6ASSAB 一胜百S7200(15HRC)重力模钢厚片剪模、耐磨损、加纤塑料模,一般用于碰击模件,垫板,垫片;ASSAB 一胜百ASSAB88235耐磨损,抗崩角性好,可火焰硬化至HRC56-60达5㎜深五金冲压,挤压,拉伸,需要线割加工形状复杂模具BOHLER 百禄K340250Max 高韧性磨铬钢深冲模及花模、特别适合不锈钢,耐磨塑胶模NKS 高周波TAK 174高塑性,韧性特佳眼镜用模A FINKL芬可乐S7200(15HRC)重力模钢厚片剪模、耐磨损、加纤塑料模,一般用于碰击模件,垫板,垫片;THYSSEN 斯穆GS307230Max高韧性耐磨不变形铬钼钢厚锡片冲剪、耐磨塑胶模,手工具,刀具,剪刀,装修工具SPECIAL STEEL 龙记LKM 龙记 2767最高预硬至262极佳的韧性及冲压能力,可淬硬至约HRC50-54,6F7(高韧性多功能钢)适用于冷冲压模及剪切片模,可冲裁10mm 以上五金材料THYSSEN 斯穆GS-767250Max 变形小高强度精密塑胶模钢及高韧性冷作钢塑料硬模及厚片冲压模P2THYSSEN 斯穆GS-162210Max 高精光度表面渗碳复模钢高精光度长寿塑胶模P4ASSAB 一胜百8416100复模用钢塑胶及压铸模具用之模钢ASSAB 一胜百618280-320预加硬、高硬度、纯洁均匀抛光度高模具、适合PA 、POM 、PS 、PE 、PP 、ABS 塑胶ASSAB 一胜百618HH 280-320预加硬、高硬度、纯洁均匀抛光度高模具、适合PA 、POM 、PS 、PE 、PP 、ABS 塑胶ASSAB 一胜百OPTIMAX HB215极高纯洁度及鏡面度,抗锈防酸能力极佳,热处理变形少防酸性高,特别适用于高要求之镜面模及注塑光学产品DAIDO 大同PDS-529-33HRC 预加硬钢长期生产塑胶模钢、具良好抛光性能DAIDO 大同PX4预硬30-33HRC 通用预硬钢,溶接性,放电加工性,镜面性良好大量生产用镜面模具DAIDO 大同PX5N 预硬30-33HRC 通用预硬钢,溶接性,切削性良好大量生产用镜面模具BOHLER 百禄M201预硬预硬塑胶模钢高要求的大小塑胶模具、尢其适合电蚀操作BOHLER 百禄M202预硬预硬塑胶模钢一般要求的大小塑胶模具、可电蚀操作BOHLER 百禄M238预硬超级预硬塑胶模钢高要求的大小塑胶模具、尢其适合电蚀操作EDEL31829-34HRC 预加硬塑胶塑胶模钢大型塑胶模钢EDEL231130-35HRC 预加硬塑胶塑胶模钢适合制造如电视机壳、电栉、洗耳恭听衣机、水桶等DORRENBERG 德国多来特RS2738300-350优质预硬、硬度均匀易切削加工长期生产高质塑胶模具DORRENBERG 德国多来特RS2311280-325预硬塑胶模具钢适用于一般塑胶模具及下模件DORRENBERG 德国多来特RS2312280-325极易切削、适宜大批量快速加工适用于高要求大型模架及下模件DORRENBERG 德国多来特RS638250-280加工性能良好适用于高要求大型模架及下模件HITACHL 日立HPM2310-340预加硬高纯度塑胶模钢、切削性、焊接性特佳高要求的模具如大型日用品、家用电器及汽车部件MITSUBLSHI MUP 270-320硬度良好、耐磨性高、加工性能良好、适合电蚀加工适合电蚀加工,长期生产塑胶模具SAARSTAHL 萨尔GS738300-350优质预硬、硬度均匀易切削加工高韧性及高磨光度模具SAARSTAHL 萨尔GS2311280-325预硬塑胶模具钢长期生产高质塑胶模具SAARSTAHL 萨尔GS2312280-325极易切削、适宜大批量快带加工适用于一般塑胶模具及下模件SAARSTAHL 萨尔GS638270-300加工性能良好适用于高要求大型模架及下模件SAARSTAHL 萨尔GS688250-320预硬塑胶模具钢738经济型适用于高要求大型模架及下模件SOREL CSM231-34HRC 预加硬钢长期生产大型塑胶模具钢、可电蚀及具良好抛光性SORELP20M 29-35HRC 预加硬钢长期生产大型塑胶模具钢、可电蚀及具良好抛光性THYSSEN 斯穆GS-P20M 28-32HRC 预硬塑胶模钢普通用途塑胶模具THYSSEN 斯穆GS73830-33HRC 超级P20预硬塑胶模钢需求更高韧性和磨光度塑胶模具THYSSEN 斯穆GS31828-30HRC 预硬优质塑胶模钢需求较高质塑胶胶模具、适合电蚀操作THYSSEN 斯穆GS31229-33HRC 预硬塑胶模钢、机械加工极易切削普通用途塑胶模具USINOR 法国阿森诺SUP300300焊接性能佳,加工区和抛光或电蚀后分别不大适合高要求大型塑胶模,电蚀及具良好抛光性ASSAB 一胜百718S 290-330预硬塑胶模具钢,纯洁均匀、抛光性特佳抛光度高模具、适合PA 、POM 、PS 、PE 、PP 、ABS 塑胶ASSAB 一胜百718H 330-370预加硬塑胶模具钢,纯洁均匀、抛光性特佳抛光度高模具、适合PA 、POM 、PS 、PE 、PP 、ABS 塑胶葛利兹XPM 35-38HRC 预加硬塑胶模具钢,纯洁均匀、抛光性特佳抛光度高模具、适合PA 、POM 、PS 、PE 、PP 、ABS 塑胶葛利兹 1.273835-38HRC 预加硬塑胶模具钢,纯洁均匀、抛光性特佳抛光度高模具、适合PA 、POM 、PS 、PE 、PP 、ABS 塑胶葛利兹1.2738H35-38HRC预加硬塑胶模具钢,纯洁均匀、抛光性特佳抛光度高模具、适合PA 、POM 、PS 、PE 、PP 、ABS 塑胶P20 /1.2311预硬普通塑胶模具钢;一般不需要热处理,但亦可用油淬;抗拉强度:915N/mm2~1100N/mm2.良好的抛光性及皮纹性能,6F7P20+Ni/1.2738预硬优质塑S7/1.2357,油淬最少三次回火,见硬至54-56HRCLKM 龙记818H 35-38HRC 预加硬塑胶模具钢,纯洁均匀、抛光性特佳抛光度高模具、适合PA 、POM 、PS 、PE 、PP 、ABS 塑胶LKM 龙记838HS 35-38HRC 预加硬塑胶模具钢,纯洁均匀、抛光性特佳抛光度高模具、适合PA 、POM 、PS 、PE 、PP 、ABS 塑胶ASSAB 一胜百718HI 35-38HRC 预加硬塑胶模具钢,纯洁均匀、抛光性特佳抛光度高模具、适合PA 、POM 、PS 、PE 、PP 、ABS 塑胶DAIDO 大同PX88预硬30-33HRC 通用预硬钢,溶接性,放电加工性,镜面性良好长期生产塑胶模钢、具良好抛光性能A FINKL 芬可乐P20H 35-38HRC 预硬优质塑胶模钢THYSSEN 斯穆GS2738330-370HB 预硬优质塑胶模钢THYSSEN 斯穆GS271135-38HRC高强度P20预硬塑胶钢、硬度达成34至36HRC适合加工精细的表面结构DAIDO 大同NAK55 370-400(40~43HRC)高硬度、易切削、加厚焊接性良好高性通塑胶模具、橡胶及冲压模具DAIDO 大同NAK80 370-400(40~43HRC)高硬度、镜面效果特佳期、放电加工良好、焊接性能及佳电蚀及镜面研磨高性能模具USINOR 法国阿森诺SP40037-41HRC 高硬度,机械加工,烧焊及镜面抛光性优越塑胶及冲压模,镜面模NKS 高周波KAP8838-41HRC 高硬度,塑胶模钢,镜面抛光性特佳高级塑胶模DORRENBERG 德国多来特RS80380-420高硬度,镜面效果特佳,放电加工良好,焊接性能极佳电蚀及镜面研磨高性能模具HITACHL 日立CENA1(ESR)38-42HRC 高纯度预硬塑胶模钢,改良防锈性,组织均匀,镜面抛光,放电加工及电蚀性能佳精密蚀纹及镜面抛光模具HITACHL 日立HPM5036-41HRC 预硬化钢、最适用于镜子面抛光加工、焊接性及放电加工特性佳镜面抛光模具、精密THYSSEN 斯穆GS808VAR38-42HR 高硬度、易切削、焊接性好、锡面佳、期限空重落新一代钢材长寿镜面模具钢ASSAB 一胜百168RAMAX -S 340易加工不锈钢、极佳抗锈蚀性、高硬度防酸性高模胚、与STAVAX 配合成整组不锈钢、可保证冷却不受锈钢HITACHL 日立HPM77DORRENBERG 德国多来特RS2316235-250抗腐蚀镜面模钢镜面模及防酸性极强塑胶模DORRENBERG 德国多来特RS2083230Max 可加硬至约52HRC 、防酸及抛光性能良好适合镜面模及酸性塑胶料的模具EDEL 2316235-250抗腐蚀镜面模钢;退火状态,淬火温度1000-1050镜面模及防酸性极强塑胶模BOHLER 百禄M310 HITACHL 日立HPM38285-320镜面抛光持性极佳及具有优良的耐腐蚀性、热处理变形少镜面模具及防腐蚀塑胶模具;PVC模件:46-48HRC SAARSTAHL GS2083215-240可加硬至约52HRC 、防酸及抛光性能良好适合镜面模及酸性塑胶料的模具THYSSEN 斯穆GS083230Max 抗腐蚀镜面塑胶模具钢需求镜面抛光及防腐蚀塑胶模具ASSAB 一胜百S33632HRC 沉淀硬化不锈钢,抗腐蚀性较420更佳各类含腐蚀塑料的注塑,挤压模THYSSEN 斯穆GS-128H 38-42HRC 超级预硬抗腐蚀镜子面塑胶模钢需求防腐性能力更强塑胶模具及镜面模具THYSSEN 斯穆GS083H290-340预硬抗腐蚀镜面塑胶模具钢可以加工精细的表面结构SAARSTAHL GS2083H 280-310预加硬、防酸及抛光性能良好,优质防酸模具钢适合镜面模及酸性塑胶料的模具EDEL 2316H 290-330钢材经ESR 处理,品质更纯洁均匀镜面模及防酸性极强塑胶模DORRENBERG 德国多来特RS2083H 230Max 预加硬,防酸及抛光性能良好适合镜面模及酸性塑胶料的模具DORRENBERG 德国多来特RS80380-420高硬度,镜面效果特佳,放电加工良好,焊接性能极佳电蚀及镜面研磨高性能模具DAIDO 大同PXZ 预硬27-34HRC 通用预硬钢切削性,焊接性良好通用大型蚀花模具THYSSEN 斯穆GS083M 290-340预硬抗腐蚀镜面塑料模具钢、加工性良好可以加工精细的表面结构THYSSEN 斯穆GS316S 28-32HRC 易切削含硫不锈钢耐腐蚀模具及嵌入件SAARSTAHL GS2316260-310预加硬、抗腐蚀性效果特佳,镜面模具钢适合高酸性塑料的模具BOHLER 百禄M300 260-310预加硬、抗腐蚀性效果特佳,镜面模具钢THYSSEN 斯穆GS-316265-325预硬抗腐蚀镜面塑胶模具钢需求防腐性能力更强塑胶模具及镜面模具ASSAB 一胜百OPTIMAX 200超高精度镜面抛光,纯洁度极高,耐腐蚀性能佳。








飞行员系列TYPE 20银质特别款秉持该系列的开拓精神,继承了真力时于航空史初期在机载仪器领域的不凡成就。



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Patek Phillipe175 (8): In-house manuelt. Variant cal. 177215 (9): In-house manuelt. Variant cal. 215PS, 215/45 (small sec.), 215 PS FUS (2. timezone) 240 (9): In-house automatic. Div. Komplikationsvarianter 240 xxx.315 SC (8): In house automatic. Identisk med 330 SC p?n?r datohjulets diameter.315 xxx (8): In-house automatic. Div. komplikationsvariationer med 315 SC som basisv?rk330 SC (8): In House automatic. Tidligere versioner: 310 SC efterfulgt af 335 SC. Discontinued.330 SC xx (8): In-house automatic. Div. Komplikationsvarianter med 330 SC som basisv?rkR27 PS (9): In-house automatic minute repeater. R27 xxx (9): In-house automatic div. komplikationer med R 27 som basisv?rkRTO 27 PS (10): In-house manuelt tourbillon minute repeater. Findes i andre varianter.109 RTO 27 QR SID LUCL (10): In-house grand complication, Sky moonCH 27-70 (8): Lemania 2310 manuelt kronograf CH 27-70 /150 (8): Lemania CH 27 manuelt split-sekund kronograf m. complete calendarCHR 27-70 Q (9): Lemania 2310 manuelt split-sekund kronograf og perpetual calendar CHR 27-525 PS (9): In-house manuelt split-second kolonnehjulskronograf28-20 (9): In-house manuelt tonneau-formet. Variant 28-20/222 (tourbillon)28-255 (9): JLC 920 automatic. Discontinued.28-520 (8): In-house automatic kolonnehjul chrono og complete calendar16.250 (8): In-house manuelt. Variant 16.250 PS (small sec.), 16.250 PS/LU (moonphase) Vacheron Constantin1003 (7): JLC 8491120 (9): Tidligere JLC 920, nu Audemars P. 2120. Variant VC1121 (dato)1124 (7): JLC 889/2 automatic1125(7): JLC891 automatic calendar baseret p?JLC 889 1127 (7): JLC 928 automatic powerreserve baseret p? JLC 889 1137 (8): FP 1185 automatic kronograf1126 (7): JLC 889/2 automatic date1141 (8): Lemania 2320 manuelt kronograf1190 (7): FP 9.51. Var 11301206 (7): FP 11.50 automatic. Var 12041222 (7): JLC 889 automatic1311(7): Girard Perregaux 3100 automatic.Variant 1312 1400 (8): In-house manuelt1755 (9): in-house manuelt minute repeater1790 (9): In-house manuelt tourbillon2475 (8): in-house automatic. Varianter 24xx2750(10): In-house manuelt. Verdens mest komplicerede armb?ndsur-v?rk.Ulysse NardinUN 01 (8): In-house model FreakUN 10 (8): Lemania 389 manual minute repeaterUN 13 (4-5): ETA 2892UN16 (6): Frederic Piguet automatic complete calendar UN 20 (4-5): ETA 2892UN 22 (4-5): ETA 2892UN 26 (4-5): ETA 2892UN 32 (7): Lemania 8815. Perpetual calendarUN 33 (7): Lemania 8815. Perpetual calendarUN 44 (8): Venus 179 manuelt split-sekund kronograf UN 51 (5): Dubois-Depraz 4900UN 57 (5): ETA/V aljoux 7750 split-sekund kronograf UN 60 (4-5): ETA 2892UN 78 (9): Christoph Clarét minute repeater tourbillon UN 80 (8): ???? automatic pertetual calendarUN 97 (4-5): ETA 2892MU-RW (9): Frederic Piguet jumping hour tourbillon UN-79 (9): In-house ? manuelt tourbillonTag HeuerCal. 5-6 (2): ETA 2824Cal. 7 (3): ETA 2892Cal. 11 (3): ETA 2894 samt DD-chronomodulCal. 16 (3): ETA/Valjoux 7750Cal. 17 (3): ETA 2894 samt DD-chronomodulCal 36 (7): Zenith El Primero cal. 400 automatic chrono. Variant: SLR McLaren (7)Cal.60(3): ETA/V aljoux 7750 eller ETA 2894 samt DD-chronomodulCal. 360 (5): ETA 2824 m. in-house 1/100 sec. chrono. Cal. V4 (7): In-house belt-driveRoger DubuisRD01 (9): In-house dobbelt tourbillon automaticRD02 (9): In-house tourbillon manuelt skeletonRD 03 (9): In-house tourbillonRD 08 (9): In-house tourbillon automaticRD14 (8): In-house automatic time-onlyRD27 (7): Tavannes Watch Co. of La Chaux de Fonds NOS cal. 507RD28(8):In-house manuelt 2-counter kolonnehjulskronografRD54 (8): In-house manuelt time-onlyRD56(8): Lemania 2320 manuelt 2-counter kolonnehjulskronograf. Variant RD 10RD57(8): Lemania8815 automatic.Variant RD39, RD40 RD82 (8): In-house manuelt time-onlyRD98 (8): In-house manuelt time-onlyRD 8230 (9): ??? Manuelt 8-days kronografPiaget600P (9): In-house tourbillon9P (6): In-house manuelt. Discontinued. Forg?nger for 430P12P (6): In-house automatic. Discontinued. Forg?nger for 500P25P (6): Lemania 2010500P –561P (6): In-house automatic. Div. varianter baseret p? cal. 500P400P - 430P (6): In-house manuelt. Div. varianter baseret p? cal. 400P. Efterf?lger at 9P.8532P (5): ETA 2892 automatic complete calendar 9512P (6): Frederic Piguet 9.51automaticLonginesL650 (3): Valjoux 7750L878 (4): Longines 550 manueltL678 (3): ETA 7751L693 (3): ETA A07-161L512 (2): ETA/Unitas 6498-2L600 (3): ETA 2892A2Maurice LacroixML05 (3): ETA 2892-A2 med fly-back chronograf modulML06 (4): AS 5008 automatic alarm, 2. timezoneML07 (2): ETA/Unitas 6498ML15 (3): ETA 2892-A2 med fly-back chronograf modulML16 (4): ETA/Unitas 6498 skeletonML19 (4): Unitas 1380 Regulateur ML20 (4): AS 5008 automatic alarmML22 (4): AS 5008 automatic alarmML27 (4): ETA 2836-2 calendarML28 (4): Peseux 7046 manuel jumping hourML29 (2): ETA 2836-2 automatic 2. timezoneML30 (3): ETA/V aljoux 7750ML35 (5): Fabrique d'Horlogerie Fontainemelon cal.29 tonneau manueltML36 (8): Venus 175 kolonnehjulskronografML37 (2): ETA 2824-2 automatic DD-calendar modul ML45 (4): AS 5008 automatic alarmML46 (3): Valjoux 7736 manuelt koblingskronografML50 (4): Unitas 6376 manuelt power-reserveML51 (3): ETA 2892-2 automatic power-reserveML53 (4): Unitas 6376 manuelt regulateurML54 (2): ETA2824-2 automaticML56 (3): Unitas 6376 manueltML57 (2): ETA 2000ML58 (3): ETA 2892-2 automatic big dateML61 (5): ETA/V aljoux 7750 automatic split-second ML63 (5): AS1931 manueltML66 (3-4): ETA/Valjoux 7751ML67 (3-4): ETA/Valjoux 7750ML70 (8): Valjoux 72c manuelt kolonnehjulskronograf m. kalenderML76 (5): ETA/Unitas 6498 manuelt retrogradeML77 (7): Venus 188 manuelt koblingskronografML83 (8): Valjoux 23 manuelt kolonnehjulskronograf ML88 (3): Valjoux 7750ML91 (3): ETA 2892-2 automatic power-reserveML93 (4): Peseux 7046ML99 (7): Venus 188 manuelt koblingskronografML100(5):ETA/Unitas6497-1manuelt dobbelt retrogradeML101 (4): Peseux 7046ML102 (3): ETA 2892-2ML103 (3): ETA 2892-2 automatic big dateML104 (4): ETA 6498-1 manuelt retrograde moonML105 (5): ETA/Unitas 6498-1 manuelt regulateurML107 (3): ETA 2824-2 automatic calendarML110 (9): In-house manuelt retrograde tourbillon Omega1120 (4): ETA 28921128 (4): ETA 2893 GMT1151 (4): ETA /Valjoux 77511152 (4): ETA/Valjoux 77501164 (4): ETA/Valjoux 77501866 (5): Lemania 18741861 (5): Lemania 18732200 (4): ETA 2892 small second2201 (4): ETA/Unitas 6498-22202 (5): ETA 2892 co-axial small second2401 (4): ETA 28922403 (5): ETA 2892 co-axial2500 (5): ETA 2892 co-axial2600 (8): In-house tourbillon2610 (5): ETA 2892 co-axial big date2627 (5): ETA 2892 co-axial power-reserve2628 (5): ETA 2892 co-axial GMT3220 (3): ETA 2892 m. DD-chronograf modul3301 (6): FP 1185 Chrono3303 (6): FP 1185 Chrono3313 (7): FP 1185 co-axial Chrono3601 (4): ETA 2892 m. countdown modul3602 (4): ETA 2892 m. countdown og kronograf modul 3612 (7): FP 1185 m. splitsekundFleurier Parmigiani (8-9)PF 110 (8): In-house manuelt tonneau 8-daysPF 252 (9): In-house manuelt perpetual kalender, minuterepeaterPF 350 (8): Lemania 389 manuelt minute repeaterPF 331(8): In-house automatic. Variant PF 332 m. perpetual calendarPF 370 (8): In-house 10-days. Bugatti-modellenPF5000(10): In-house manuelt 8-days, 30 sec tourbillon Basica (7): Frederic Piguet cal. ??Kronograf (8): Zenith El Primero 400 automatic chrono Audemars PiguetAP 2003 (8): Jaeger LeCoultre (JLC) 849 manuelt. Variant AP 2003/2805 m. perpetual cal.AP 2120 (9): In-house automatic, dog tidligere JLC 920. Variant AP 2120/2802 m. perpetual cal.AP 2121 (9): In-house automatic date (basis: AP 2120)AP 2125 (7): JLC 889/2 automaticAP 2124 –2129 (7): Alle JLC 889/2 automatic. Varianter AP 21xx/xxxx har komplikationsmodulAP 2140 (7): JLC 960 automaticAP 2224 –2229 (7): Alle JLC 889/2 automatic. Varianter AP 22xx/xxxx har komplikationsmodulAP 2225 (7): JLC 889/2 automaticAP 2385 (8): Frederic Piguet 11.85 automatic kolonnehjulskronografAP2866: (9): In-house manuelt minute rep. Variant AP 2865 m. star wheelAP2868 (9): In-house manuelt. Minute rep.AP2869 (10): In-house manuelt. Perp. cal, tourbillon, minute rep.AP2871 (10): In-house manuelt. Tourbillon tonneauAP2872 (10): In-house manuelt. Tourbillon minute rep. tonneauAP2873 (10): In-house manuelt. Minute rep.AP2875 (10): In-house manuelt. Tourbillon power reserveAP2880 (10): In-house automatic. Minute rep. Perp. cal. Chrono.AP2885 (10): In-house manuelt. Minute rep. Perp. cal. split-sec.AP2887 (10): In-house automatic. Minute rep. Perp. cal. split-sec.AP2890 (10): In-house manuelt. Minute rep. V ariabel AP2891AP2896(10): In-house manuelt tourbillon dynamograph AP28xx (9-10): In-house. Div. varianter udviklet og prod. hos Audemars Piguet (Renaud et Papi)AP3090 (9): In-house manuelt. Variant AP 3091 SQ skelletonAP3120 (9): In-house automatic.AP5026 (9): star wheel manuelt.BlancpainBP Fxxx (8): Frederic Piguet (FP) 11.85 automatic med div. komplikationerBP M185 (8): FP 11.85 automatic single bottom chronographBP 5A50 (7): FP 11.50 GMTBP 5Lxx, 56F9A (7): FP 11.50 automatic m. komplikationsmodulBP 11xx (7): FP 11.50 automatic og 11.00 manuelt, m. div. komplikationerBP 21 (7): FP 21 automaticBP 23 (9): FP manuelt tourbillon 8-days for BP only. Variant BP 25 (automatic)BP 33 (9): FP manuelt minute repeater for BP only. Variant BP 35 (automatic)BP 40F6 (8): FP 11.85 automatic med split-sec chrono og power reserveBP 56F9U (9): FP for BP only tourbillon, perp. calendar, chrono-split. Var: 23F9ABP 67A6 (7): FP 11.50 m. kalender modulBP 71 (7): FP 71P automaticBP118x (8): FP 11.85 (automatic) og 11.80 (manuel) kronograf, FP 11.86 auto split-secondBP1735(10): FP automatic grand complication for BP onlyBP 558x (8): FP 11.80 (manuel) eller FP 11.85 (automatisk) med div. komplikationBP 6763 (7): FP 11.50 m. kalender modul. Var: BP 6850-6950 m. big-date, BP 5653 m. perp. cal.BP 7663 (7): FP 11.50 automatic retrograde sec. Var: BP4053 med powerreserveBreguetCal.502 (8): Frederic Piguet 71 P automatic. Modellen er nu overtaget af LemaniaCal.507 (7): In-house Lemania model ???Cal.51x automatic (8): Frederic Piguet 11.50. Div varianter med FP 1150 som basisv?rkCal.51x manuelt (8): Frederic Piguet 11.00. Div. varianter med FP11.00 som basisv?rkCal.530 (7): Jaeger LeCoultre 818 manueltCal.532 (7): In-house Lemania model ???Cal.533xx(8): In-house Lemania 2320 manuelt kolonnehjulskronograf. Variant cal. 535Cal.533NT(8): In-house Lemania 2393 manuelt split-sec chrono. Variant af cal. 2320Cal.537 (7): In-house Lemania model ??? (simpel automatic)Cal.549 (7): JLC 889/2 automaticCal.550 (7): In-house Lemania 1050Cal.552 (7): Frederic Piguet 95Cal.554 (9): In-house Lemania 2397 manuelt kronograf, tourbillonCal.558T (9): In-house Lemania 387 manuelt tourbillon. Varianter: cal. 577, cal. 587Cal.567 (9): In-house Lemania 389 manuelt minute repeaterCal.576 (8): Frederic Piguet 11.85 automaticCal.579 (7): In-house Lemania 980Cal.582 (6): In-house Lemania 1350 automatic koblingskronograf. Variant cal. 583Cal. 591 (8): In-house Lemania 8810. Variant cal. 563 CartierCal 021 (6): Frederic Piguet 21PCal 048 (4): ETA 2893Cal x49 (3): ETA 2892/A2 Cal 077 (3): ETA 2671Cal 078 (3): ETA 2512Cal 096 (5): Frederic Piguet 99PCal 191 (6): Girard Perregaux 3100Cal 200 & 220 (2): ETA 2000Cal 205 (7): Frederic Piguet 1185Cal 222P (6): Piaget 212Cal 430C (6): Piaget 430CCal 437 MC (6): Piaget 430 manueltCal 480 (6): Girard Perregaux 3100Cal 8000 MC (6): JLC automatic exclusive for Cartier onlyCal 8510 (4): ETA 2894Cal 9421MC (8): Girard Perregaux 3000 DD-perpetual calendar modulCal 9701 (6): Piaget 400P manueltCal VC200043 (6): Piaget 212Cal VC20049 (6): Piaget 9 PZChronoswissC.7xx (5): ETA/Valjoux 7750. Kronograf automatic modeller.C.12x (6): Enicar 165. Automatic Regulateur modeller C.111 (6): Marvin 700. Manuel time-onlyC.361 (8): Progress 6361.101 Manuel tourbillon (discontinued)C.672 (4): Unitas 6497C.9xx (4): ETA 2892C.1722 (6): Minerva 1722 manuelC.361 (8): STT manuelt tourbillon. Afl?ser for Progress 6361C. ??? (6): FEF 130 manuelt digital visning Kronograf manuel: Lemania 1873 (5)Daniel RothDR 052 (9): in-house tourbillonDR101(7):Girard Perregaux 3080 automatic kolonnehjulskronografDR113(7):GP3100automatic jumping hour retrograde DR 114 (7): GP 3100 automatic perpetual calendarDR 130 (8): Zenith El Primero 400 automatic chrono DR 190 (8): Zenith El Primero 400 automatic chrono DR300(8):Lemania8810 automatic perpetual calendar DR 307 (9): Lemania 2187 manuelt tourbillonDR 340 (7): Frederic Piguet 11.50DR 500 (8): Zenith El Primero 400 automatic chrono DR 600 (9): Genta 13000 minute repeaterDR 700 (x): ??DR 720 (9): In-house tourbillon. Variant DR 197.xDR 730 (9): Automatic tourbillonDR ??? (9): Lemania 389 minute repeaterDR 904 (8): Lemania 1908 manuelt power reserve EbelEbel 122 (3): ETA 2892Ebel 124 (3): ETA 2892Ebel 136 (7): Zenith El Primero 410 automaticEbel 137 (5): Lemania 1350 manuelt koblingschrono Ebel 139 (3): ETA 2892 ???Ebel Perpetual calendar (8): Zenith El Primero 400 EternaCal. 608 (3): ETA 2892Cal. 636 (2): ETA2836Cal. 1504 (6): In-house automaticFranck MullerFM 750 (7): FP 11.50 manuelt kronografFM1185 (8): Frederic Piguet 11.85 automatic kronograf FM 1870 (7): Lemania 1872FM 1751 (7):FM 2800 (5): ETA 2892FP 5000 (5): ETA/Valjoux 7750FM 7000 automatic(5): ETA/Valjoux 7750FM 7000 manuelt (8): Venus 179 manuelt split-sekund kronografFM 7500 (x):TFC 01 (8): In-house tourbillonRevo. 1 (9): In-house tourbillonRevo. 3 (10): In-house tourbillon 3-DFM 3210 (8): In-house automatic kolonnehjuls chrono FM???? (8): In-house manuelt kolonnehjulschrono RMF93 (x): ???TRM 95 (9): in-house tourbillonGDT4600 (5): ETA 2892QP4100 (9): In-house manuelt tourbillon perpetual calendarGirard-PerregauxGP 2201 (4): Peseux 7001. Manuel. Discontinued.GP220-2200(4): ETA 2892. Automatic. Discontinued. GP 2291 (5): AS 5008. Automatic. Produceres pt. af Jaquet SA.GP2280(4):ETA2892 med DD-chrono modul. Discontinued.GP 3080 (7): In-house automatic kolonnehjulschrono baseret p? GP 3000. Discontinued.GP 30CO (7): Ny version af GP 3080. GP 3100 (6): In-house Time onlyGP 3x00 (6): In-house. Benyttes ogs? som "motor" p? div. automatic komplikationerGP8381(6): Lemania 1872 manuelt 2-counter chrono GP 9780(8): In-house baseret p? manuelt Venus 179 split-second.GP 9892-070 (9): In-house. Haute Horlogerie manuelt minute repeaterGP 9981 (10): In-house three-bridge tourbillonGP V97 (9): In-house tourbillonIWC30110 (5): ETA 289230710 (5): ETA 2892 GMT33110 (5): ETA 289250900 (9): In-house automatic tourbillon 7-days 51010 (8): In-house automatic 7-days51110 (8): In-house automatic 7-days79091 (8): ETA/Valjoux 7760 Grand Complication 79230 (6): ETA/Valjoux 7750 Split-second79240 (5): ETA/Valjoux 775079261 (6): ETA/Valjoux 7750 perpetual calendar 79320 (5): ETA/Valjoux 775079350 (5): ETA/Valjoux 775079470 (6): ETA/Valjoux 7750 Split minute80110 (6): In-house. Automatic95290 (8): In-house minute repeater manuelt95611(8):In-houseperpetualcalendar 7-days automatic 98290(7):In-house. FA. Jones manuelt baseret p? lommeursv?rket IWC cal. 982887 (7): JLC 889/2. Benyttes ikke l?ngere。


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Blanco tequila布兰克特基拉的颜色是?a)Clear无色;b)Golden金色;c)Tawny茶色;d)Mahogany红褐色
Cote Or科多尔位于?a)Bordeaux波尔多;b)Burgundy勃艮第;c)Loire卢瓦尔;d)Provence普罗旺斯
Pomerol AC的主要葡萄品种是: a)赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon);b)梅洛(Merlot);c)西拉(Syrah);d)黑皮诺(Pinot Noir)
波本是: a)来自苏格兰的威士忌;b)来自法国的白兰地;c)来自美国的威士忌;d)来自加勒比海的朗姆酒
勃艮第红葡萄酒的典型水果特征是: a)热带水果;b)草莓;c)黑加仑;d)桃子



FX-05的瞄準具設計包括可摺疊機械瞄具、紅點鏡和雷射瞄準器系統;冷鍛碳鋼式槍管;可伸縮及摺疊式槍托;以及可選擇半自動,3點發和全自動射擊該槍支是發射的5.56 × 45 毫米北約標準彈藥。

它具有750 發/分鐘的射速。



目前FX-05正在研製著一個可編程的空中爆破的榴彈發射器,雖然墨西哥新註冊的RSE-7燃料空氣榴彈能夠被其他發射北約標準的40 毫米榴彈發射器所發射,但到了最後的FX-05將使用一種外型上類似下掛於HK G36的AG-36榴彈發射器。







後坐力的消除也使得FX-05的三發點放極為準確,例如在40 米(43.74 碼)內,三發子彈的命中位置以相差小於4.9 毫米的相同幅度。

使用這個系統令FX-05的發射速率達到非常快的2,100 發/分鐘,儘管在三發點放以後的全自動射擊時內部機構會自動地把發射速率降至750 發/分鐘。



Traducción del manual original 1Documentos aplicablesTodos los documentos disponibles sobre el producto è/pk.Observar los documentos aplicables:–Instrucciones motor –Instrucciones eje2Seguridad 2.1Instrucciones de seguridad–Montar el producto solamente en aquellos componentes cuyo estado sea se­guro.–Limpiar los ejes. El cubo de acoplamiento [17] solo se agarrará sin desliza­miento en un gorrón que esté seco y libre de grasa. –Respetar la alineación del cubo de acoplamiento [17].–Apoyar la combinación:–en caso de componentes de motor pesados o de gran saliente–en caso de vibraciones fuertes y cargas de choque y de masas excéntri­cas–Realizar un recorrido de referencia de los ejes después de soltar o de girar elmotor.–Seleccionar elementos de fijación necesarios. El conjunto incluye los elemen­tos de fijación máximos necesarios.–Respetar los pares de apriete. Si no hay indicaciones especiales, la toleranciaes de ± 20 %.2.2Uso previsto 2.2.1UtilizaciónConexión en paralelo de un eje con un motor.2.2.2Ejes y motores admisiblesFallo funcional y daños materiales por sobrecarga.Las magnitudes de salida del motor no deben superar los valores admisibles de los componentes empleados.Valores admisibles è /catalogue.•Limitar en consecuencia las magnitudes de salida del motor.•Deducir el eje y el motor de los códigos de interfaz.Ejemplo: EAMM­U­...­T42­60P T42: acoplamiento de eje 60P : acoplamiento de motor Acoplamiento de ejeEje 1)T42EGSC­BS­60, ELGC­BS­60, EPCC­BS­60T46ELGC­BS­801) Mini carro EGSC­BS, eje de accionamiento por husillo ELGC­BS, cilindro eléctrico EPCC­BSTab. 1Acoplamiento de motorMotor 1)55A EMMS­AS­55, motor de otras marcas 58AA Motor de otras marcas 60AA Motor de otras marcas 60AB Motor de otras marcas 60PA Motor de otras marcas 60RMotor de otras marcasAcoplamiento de motorMotor 1)60RAMotor de otras marcas70A EMMS­AS­70, motor de otras marcas70AA Motor de otras marcas 80PAMotor de otras marcas 80PB Motor de otras marcas 85AAMotor de otras marcas1) Servomotor EMM...­ASTab. 2La cualificación de los motores de otras marcas con acoplamiento mecánico apro­piado utilizados en la combinación es responsabilidad del usuario.Su representante local de Festo le podrá indicar cuáles son los motores válidos de otras marcas è /sp.2.3Cualificación del personal técnicoEl montaje solo debe ser realizado por personal técnico cualificado. 3Información adicional–Accesorios è /catalogue.4Cuadro general del producto 4.1Suministro1Cuerpo (1x)2Tornillo (4x)5Correa dentada (1x)6Disco para correa dentada de eje (1x)7Tapa (1x)8Tornillo (3x)10Tornillo (4x)15Disco para correa dentada de mo­tor (1x)16Tornillo prisionero (1x)17Cubo de acoplamiento (1x)18Anillo de retención (2x)19Estrella de elastómero (2x)20Anillo deslizante (2x)Fig. 1 Suministro30Manguito reductor (4x)Fig. 2 Complemento con EAMM­U­...­60PA/60R/70AA/85AA 5Montaje 5.1Ensamblaje5.1.1Premontaje del acoplamientoFig. 3 Instalar el anillo deslizante, lado del motor8096426EAMM-U-...-T...-...A/P/R-3Conjunto paralelo80964262019­01[8096429]Festo SE & Co. KG Ruiter Straße 82 73734 Esslingen Alemania+49 711 347­1.Instalar el anillo deslizante [20] en la ranura [K] del acoplamiento [17] del la­do del motor.2.Desenroscar el tornillo prisionero [16].Fig. 4 Deslizar el cubo de acoplamiento del lado del motor •Insertar el cubo de acoplamiento [17] con el taladro apropiado en elgorrón [C].Fig. 5 Alinear el cubo de acoplamiento del lado del motor 1.Respetar la distancia (Y).2.Apretar el tornillo prisionero del lado del motor [16].Fig. 6 Instalar el anillo deslizante, lado del eje •Instalar el anillo deslizante [20] en la ranura [L] del cubo de acoplamiento [P]del lado del eje.5.1.2Alineación de acoplamientoAlineación defectuosa del acoplamientoSi la dimensión Y está mal ajustada, se produce un mayor desgaste de la correa y puede provocar el contacto mecánico entre disco para correa dentada y cuerpo y tapa.•Respetar la distancia.Fig. 7 Alineación del cubo de acoplamiento EAMM-U-Y ±0,3[mm]65­T42­55A 23,865­T42­58AA 19,865­T42­60AA 19,865­T42­60AB 19,865­T42­60PA22,865­T42­60R 22,865­T42­60RA 22,887­T46­70A 23,887­T46­70AA 23,887­T46­80PA41,587­T46­80PB 41,587­T46­85AA26,8Tab. 35.1.3Conexión motor y ejeFig. 8 Fijar el disco para correa dentada del lado del motor1.Insertar la estrella de elastómero [19], con el rebaje [M] mirando hacia el ex­terior, en el disco para correa dentada [15].2.Deslizar hasta el tope el disco para correa dentada [15] junto con la estrellade elastómero [19] en el cubo de acoplamiento [17].3.Insertar el anillo de retención [18] en la ranura [N] del cubo deacoplamiento [17].Fig. 9 Fijar el disco para correa dentada por el lado del eje1.Insertar la estrella de elastómero [19], con el rebaje [M] mirando hacia el ex­terior, en el disco para correa dentada [6].2.Deslizar hasta el tope el disco para correa dentada [6] junto con la estrella deelastómero [19] en el cubo de acoplamiento [P].3.Insertar el anillo de retención [18] en la ranura [C] del cubo deacoplamiento [P].Fig. 10 Fijar el cuerpo al eje•Fijar el cuerpo [1] al eje con los tornillos [10].Fig. 11 Posicionamiento del motor •Posicionar el motor en el cuerpo [1].ÄEl motor puede desplazarse y puede inclinarse fácilmente.Fig. 12 Colocar la correa dentada1.Desplazar el motor, hasta hacer tope, en el sentido del eje, e inclinar ligera­mente.2.Colocar la correa dentada [5] primero en el disco para correa dentada [15] y,después, en el disco para correa dentada [6].Con el EAMM­U­T...­60PA/60R/70AA/85AA se requieren los manguitos reducto­res [30].Fig. 13 Colocar el manguito reductor •Montar los manguitos reductores [30] en los orificios de fijación del motor.Fig. 14 Fijar el motor •Fijar el motor con los tornillos [2] al cuerpo [1].ÄEl motor puede desplazarse pero no se puede inclinar más.5.1.4Tensado de la correa dentadaExcesiva pretensión de la correa dentada.Cargas radiales inadmisibles o rotura del eje.Elevado desgaste de la correa dentada, así como de los cojinetes del eje y del mo­tor.•Evítese una excesiva pretensión de la correa dentada.Se recomienda que la pretensión de la correa dentada sea reducida.La correa dentada [5] estará tensada cuando los ramales [D] discurran más o me­nos en paralelo:–Destensada: y > x–Tensada: y L1 … 1,05 xFig. 15 Ramales de la correa dentadaFig. 16 Tensar la correa dentada1.Desplazar el motor hasta que sobre la correa dentada [5] se ejerza la fuerzaelástica Fv.2.Apretar los tornillos [2].EAMM-UFuerza elástica Fv[N]6527 (6087)45 (100)Tab. 4 Fuerza de tensión admisible de la correa dentada 5.1.5Montaje de la tapaFig. 17 Montar la tapa •Antes de la puesta en funcionamiento: fijar la tapa [7] con los tornillos [8] alcuerpo [1].5.2Instalación 5.2.1Soporte de la combinación de eje y motorFig. 18 La combinación debe soportarse sin crear tensiones •Apoyar la combinación libre de tensiones para evitar daños.6Durante el funcionamiento Riesgo de lesiones al tocar superficies calientes.El juego de montaje del motor se calentará debido al calor generado por el motor.•No tocar el juego de montaje del motor durante el funcionamiento ni inmedia­tamente después.Riesgo de lesiones por movimiento inesperado de componentes en caso de fallo de la correa dentada.•Cumplir las medidas de seguridad complementarias.7Mantenimiento 7.1Comprobación de la correa dentadaLa correa dentada [5] es una pieza de desgaste è /spareparts. probar la correa dentada [5] periódicamente:–cuando se cumplen los plazos de mantenimiento de la máquina –cuando se sustituye un eje2.Sustituir la correa dentada [5] cuando aparezcan los siguientes indicios dedesgaste:–fuerte acumulación de partículas de desgaste en la carcasa –grietas en el dorso de la correa dentada–hilado de tracción de fibra de vidrio visible en la base de los dientes7.2Sustitución de la correa dentadaFig. 19 Desmontar la correa dentadaEn caso de montaje en posición vertical o transversal:•Respetar las instrucciones de seguridad correspondientes incluidas en las instrucciones del eje.1.Retirar los tornillos [2].ÄEl motor puede desplazarse y puede inclinarse fácilmente.2.Desplazar el motor, hasta hacer tope, en el sentido del eje, e inclinar ligera­mente.3.Retirar la correa dentada [5] de los discos para correa dentada [6] y [15].8Especificaciones técnicas8.1Tamaño de tornillos y pares de aprieteEAMM-U-[2] [Nm][8] [Nm][10][Nm][16][Nm] 65­T42­55A M5x206M4x103M4x103M4x12465­T42­58AA M4x163M4x103M4x103M4x12465­T42­60AA M4x163M4x103M4x103M4x12465­T42­60AB M4x163M4x103M4x103M4x12465­T42­60PA M4x203M4x103M4x103M4x12465­T42­60R M4x203M4x103M4x103M4x12465­T42­60RA M4x203M4x103M4x103M4x12487­T46­70A M5x206M5x126M6x2010M4x12487­T46­70AA M5x206M5x126M6x2010M4x12487­T46­80PA M6x4010M5x126M6x2010M4x12487­T46­80PB M6x4010M5x126M6x2010M4x12487­T46­85AA M5x256M5x126M6x2010M4x124 Tab. 5。

KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S 产品介绍文件说明书

KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S 产品介绍文件说明书

KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S THE ULTIMATE HIGH-PERFORMANCE ADVENTURE BIKEMEET THE ALL-NEW KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE SThe arrival of the KTM 1190 ADVENTURE in 2013 heralded a new era of technology and versatility for KTM in the Travel-Enduro segment. Ground-breaking electronics married to improved ergonomics and a powerful LC8 engine introduced more riders to KTM’s unique READY TO RACE approach to adventure motorcycling in the ‘over 1000 cc’ category. A mere 2 years later, the 2nd generation KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE range broke cover, bringing with it a game changing amount of tech, like cornering ABS, Cruise control, motor slip regulation and hill hold control to name a few. This was also the year of power, with the debut of a bigger 1,301 cc LC8 engine generating a massive 160 hp. The 2021 KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S has continued that trend with a 3rd generation evolution that has seen the sportiest and most technologically advanced Adventure bike to ever roll off the Mattighofen-based production line. In short, the KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S is the ultimate high-performance Adventure bike.MODEL HIGHLIGHTS•New ergonomics ➔ new fuel tank, lower seat & new bodywork•Reworked chassis ➔ shorter frame, new subframe, longer swingarm•New generation of Semi Active Suspension Technology (SAT) ➔ faster reactions, greater adjustment•Optimized weight distribution ➔ added agility & comfort•New generation electronics ➔ innovative ACC & reworked cornering MTC•More intuitive 7" TFT display ➔ optimal accessibility, redesigned handlebar switches, improved Connectivity Unit•Revised 1,301 cc LC8 engine ➔ 160 hp & 138 Nm•Remodeled optional technology ➔ Suspension Pro, Rally Pack & Tech PackREDESIGNED ERGONOMICS FOR OPTIMUM RIDEABILITYWith a focus on sportier handling, the new KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S introduces a complete chassis overhaul that enhances weight distribution and riding agility.ENHANCED FRAMEThe laser-cut and robot-welded chrome-molybdenum stainless steel trellis frame on the KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S is shorter than its predecessor and weighs only 10 kgs. The engine has also been rotated forward by two degrees at the swingarm axle and secured by new aluminum struts. This has been made possible by moving the steering head 15 mm rearward. The result is even greater corner maneuverability, stability, and improved acceleration.NEW SUBFRAMEAn all-new aluminum subframe has increased overall strength and stability to cater to the demands of a pillion or extra luggage weight. The subframe has also been engineered to provide a lower seat height with practical storage space underneath.SEATThe KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S makes use of an adjustable two-seat setup. The main seat is dedicated to the rider with refined ergonomics to suit sportier riding. The other is dedicated to the pillion, with maximum comfort at the forefront. The seat height can be adjusted between 849 mm and 869 mm, and can easily be removed with the touch of a button. The KTM PowerParts collection for the KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S now also features 11 different seat options with a diverse range of shape, size, and thickness - as well as a heated option.BODYWORKExtensive design and development have gone into the bodywork of the KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S, with special attention being given to tactility, strength, and rider movement. This has been done to bring the rider closer to the center of the bike and reduce overall weight. An all-new 23-liter fuel tank features a three-cell design with an electronically activated fuel cap. The handguards have also received the wind tunnel treatment for improved high-speed road manners.WINDSHIELDLarger and redesigned for improved wind resistance and protection, the adjustable windshield on the 2021 KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S has benefited from extensive wind tunnel work and CFD calculations. The windshield can also be rais ed by 55 mm and with two laterally mounted ‘wheels’ for easy adjustment on the go.WP SEMI-ACTIVE SUSPENSION (SAT)Featuring improved suspension sensitivity, feedback, and personalization options, the 2021 KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S sets the standard in SEMI-ACTIVE SUSPENSION technology. Thanks in part to a re-engineered Suspension Control Unit (SCU) which adjusts damping rates and via magnetic valves and stroke sensors in real-time to react to surfaces and rider input.Riders are able to customize their suspension preferences via the all-new TFT display and re-designed switchgear. This can be done on the fly for both the front and rear units individually - with an optional SUSPENSION PRO - or via a number of preset damping modes.Riders can opt for COMFORT, STREET, and SPORT settings as well as OFFROAD and AUTO available as optional extras. All modes make use of the data provided by the 6-axis lean angle sensor, terrain and riding styles to adjust the suspension accordingly.The KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S uses a 48 mm WP APEX SAT fork setup with 200 mm of travel. This also features an engageable anti-dive function that keeps the front end from diving under hard braking, improving safety and control. This works in conjunction with an automatic damping mode, which adapts the damping according to the riding style and conditions. The automatic damping option is available and is electronically controlled via the TFT display.At the rear, a WP APEX SAT shock absorber with 200 mm of wheel travel features a completely new hydraulic preload adjuster that is also manipulated electronic. The new shock absorber also benefits from a sensor which delivers information to the SCU for automatic preload adjustment to achieve optimal balance, independent of weight. The preload can be adjusted by 20 mm on the 2021 KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S, which is an added 10 mm over its predecessor. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY BOOSTING PERFORMANCE ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL (ACC)Another first for KTM and standard fitment specific to the 2021 KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S is ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL developed in close cooperation with Bosch. This has been designed to allow for easier highway riding on longer adventures.Using radar te chnology to regulate following distance, ACC allows riders to ‘lock onto’ a preceding vehicle and match their speed. This can be activated at speeds over 30 km/h in second gear and up to 150 km/h. Following distance can be set in five stages, namely Very Short (0.90 secs), Short (1.00 secs), Middle (1,20 secs), Long (1,50 secs) and Very Long (2.00 secs) with both ‘comfort’ and ‘sport’ response characteristics.The ACC makes use of a Front Radar Sensor, or FRS, with a wide detection range and software algorithm which looks for and chooses plausible objects moving in the same direction as the motorcycle. While steel tends to have better reflection characteristics for radar beams, special attention has been engineered into the system to largely ignore stationary or oncoming objects like barriers, signs and bridges. This means that the ACC will not apply any brakes if you approach a barrier of a 90° corner, for example.ACC also incorporates special dynamics such as an ‘overtake assist’ which automatically pro vides a short burst of acceleration to aid in passing, and cornering declaration based on lean angle. This ACC system also accommodates gear changes with both Quickshifter+ and conventional clutched operation without deactivating. The system is disengaged immediately when the rider touches either the front or rear brake, or if the rider shifts into 1st gear. The system will also disengage when the clutch is pulled in for longer than 0.5 seconds below 30 km/h, or after 2.5 seconds above 30 km/h, or if prolonged wheelspin of over 1 seconds is detected.Initiating traditional Cruise Control is done via new handlebar ‘paddles’ and for 2021, has been improved to allow for effective pace control on hill descents, with faster reaction to sudden reductions of speed. The traditional Cruise Control can be engaged any time and used independently of the ACC. 6-AXIS LEAN ANGLE SENSORA new 6-axis lean angle sensor has been fitted to the KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S to offer a largely improved riding experience. This play s a key role in the bike’s behavior by monitoring the position of the motorcycle at all times, applying brakes or adding acceleration where necessary. This benefits Motorcycle Stability Control and Cornering ABS, as well as Offroad ABS, working in unison with the high-grade Brembo componentry.RIDER AIDSThe KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S benefits from re-worked and upgraded riding modes to enrich the connection and feeling between the rider, motorcycle and road surface. A refined Motorcycle Traction Control (MTC) is now more predictable and intuitive, adding more feel and control to the individual, pre-set RIDE MODES.The KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S allows riders to choose between a number of RIDE MODES to suit their needs.•RAIN MODE provides maximum traction control, a softened throttle response and limits power output to 100 hp.•STREET MODE is the default setting, providing full power, medium traction control, standard throttle response and mild engine braking.•SPORT MODE has a direct throttle response, softer traction control to allow more wheelspin and maximum acceleration, with full power output.•OFFROAD MODE limits power output to 100 hp, but allows more wheelspin and rear wheel slip to suit gravel or slick terrain.Available for the first time on an S model ADVENTURE is optional RALLY MODE.The RALLY MODE setting allows advanced riders to select and peg the amount of wheelspin in nine different levels, as well as set the degree of throttle response from smooth to aggressive.TFT DISPLAYAn all-new, tilt-adjustable 7” TFT display takes center stage on the KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S dashboard. This screen is both scratch and glare resistant, boasting a more intuitive and accessible menu system with clear, easy-to-understand infographics. Riders can also def ine four ‘favorites’ for the home screen for faster viewing of their presets, as well as control all areas of suspension, ACC, MTC and ABS adjustments, with a newly adjustable Tire Pressure Monitoring System.The TFT also features a new Connectivity Unit for faster and more reliable Bluetooth synchronization with the KTM MY RIDE app for turn-by-turn navigation, music and incoming calls.ABS & MTCThe KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S boasts revolutionary upgrades in both the ABS and Motorcycle Traction Control stakes.HANDLEBAR SWITCHESIntuitive switch gear has been developed to allow for easier menu navigation. Extensive design and research was done to simplify the rider’s interaction with the motorcycle and find theIdea compromise of practicality and efficiency. New paddle-toggles now make Cruise Control settings even easier to initiate, while two programmable switches mean more frequent control requests can be selected in fewer steps. A new set of quick select and favorites switches will allow for set-up changes on the fly by providing quick access to the preferred menu pages.KTM RACE ON: TRANSPONDER-BASEDThe 2021 KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S comes with a state-of-the-art transponder based keyless system called ‘KTM RACE ON’. This features ARA (Anti Relay Attack) technology providing added security by requiring activation before the ignition can be started.This works by allowing a 10 minute window between activation and ignition. This allows riders enough time for final preparations before firing up the motor and setting off. If the motorcycle is not fired-up in that time frame, the ARA deactivates along with all keyless functions. A 5 minute ‘suspend mode’ comes into play when the bike is stopped during a ride, allowing time for refueling or any traffic issues before ARA needs to be disengaged once more through a button press on the transponder. The ARA system can also be completely disengaged if chosen.QUICKSHIFTER+The KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S is primed for the optional Quickshifter+. For 2021, the dual sensor system has been overhauled for improved functionality in all conditions - even if the central advantages of the technology remain the same: short shift times, more stability thanks to the clutch-less actions, less load reversal impact on the rear wheel, better traction and improved physical control.KEY PERFORMANCE UPGRADESINTERNAL ENGINE UPGRADESThe KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S boasts an updated LC8 V-Twin with an astonishing 160 hp and 138 Nm of torque. KTM engineers have also elevated the engine settings for Euro5 compliance but also shaved weight keeping the LC8 in the running as one of the most outrageous power plants in the market for sheer performance.ENGINE UPGRADES INCLUDEThinner engine casing walls, saving almost 1 kg of weightNew generation exhaust system featuring two headers and dual catalytic convertersTwin ignition with new coils and a centralized spark plug for better combustionRevised oil routing to minimize friction lossesA new internal aluminum tube replaces the oil channel from the engine cases, saving weightClutch discs provide improved friction with rotated pads for better low-speed disengagementPREMIUM AND SOPHISTICATED DESIGNFeaturing key KTM design-thinking with a reduced, yet sporty appeal. By reducing the bulk of the front tank area, the 2021 KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S has a narrower profile in its hunt for more agility and rider connection. The level of premium standards has also been raised with top-shelf componentry, design ethos and usability. The 2021 KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S doesn’t sh y away from its rally origins, displaying solid, quality invitation to a wider world waiting for safe, practical and thrilling discovery.KEY DESIGN UPGRADES INCLUDE•New profile and graphics emphasizing Rally genesis and heritage•New fuel tank and bodywork refashioned for efficiency, tactility, strength and functionality •Restyled to allow for more movement, rider feel, sensitivity and comfort•11 different styles of KTM PowerPart Ergo seats to suit any rider or preference•Aluminum and steel componentry through the chassis for weight-saving purposes•New wider beam, brighter LED headlightLED HEADLIGHTThe KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S boasts an all-new LED headlight which provides a wider beam, exceptional daylight performance and integrated cornering detection. The unit has been redesigned to accommodate the front radar sensor for the ACC and to give the 2021 KTM 1290 SUPER ADVENTURE S a new, KTM-specific ‘face’. The rear tail light has also been redesigned with the addition of an adaptive brake light as an optional extra for those riders that want the full lighting package. The Automatic turn indicator reset function stays in place.。



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Simple enough? 问题是怎么传送回来原文没写……)coc UFOCrashSite01 (传送出去)set timescale to [insert number here](时间加速减速。




[美国北部]这是为GBA SP打开的主码,口袋妖怪火红。


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美国4d83b1bf e0f5f5078e883eff 92e9660db6c5368a 08be8ff490b4977c c0151dc2一旦你已经抓住了对手的比赛结束有口袋妖怪。

改变野生神奇éMon水平[美国北部]必须有:754ed27a 8b1befee1级:8bb602f7 8ceb681a2级:00939804 4086ff3b3级:2bd38f05 d5a578b14级:5685b807 3787dacb5级:a9e4ea45 3651cadd6级:e37d365e d7eab6ab7级:51374592 f7a277688级:a08dd229 10d187e39级:d84d4738 70f68a8010级:4c6c2b8c cd0528eb12级:b4f6f07d 8f56ba4013级:e32bccb1 07782cd6 14级:d4abf236 d713b4e0 15级:3cd3295f 921f1d1c16级:b9c51f47 95395496 17级:784e8a1b 83a3e0ef 18级:902d754c 80afe55f19级:9d362b43 96a4d044 20级:8c434e48 f703a9e1 21级:cc449941 f0bbb13a22级:ceddb323 ffa50bb1 23级:4688f12f ff9dbe10 24级:f6da2242 e2eda64425级:2d02a8ea 9b748c49 26级:9d2895ef 6a2bee59 27级:1bb7262e 80989b5728级:79693c0b a82c5a23 29级:b98e773a d6e0d6ad 30级:a457fa67 bcd9c47831级:881976cc 20b658ff 32级:0073f88a 0a4e81b6 33级:792e7a0f f4bf8ddb34级:0965b686 64e170f2 35级:c70600e8 789a0dac 36级:0cf8b98b 706a26be37级:2e7a201e 5edbdee3 38级:9b169ff5 cbaba5a6 39级:7928bba3 c55bbeab40级:155d7103 d66b8a15 41级:7b9dfcef 830c6bda 42级:ba697c16 93d7691043级:cced8f7a 8ec0f43c45级:710d8a2d 45e999f346级:2ec0f0ec 6b1a061f 47级:e951e67f bfd89e41 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68da1b0595级:32dce4f7 2abbc36696级:9f6ee1b2 d14f1e6f97级:095f268d 77b7d90698级:c2955a45 b3cbc61099级:fcefe173 1dcceb51100级:56307399 25df4466cool码[美国北部] “口袋妖怪火红”[ M ]必须0000295f000a101dc9d40007830050000000830050020000没有随机战斗a202166eff00820255ac0000有最大的现金82025838104e8202583ae971都pokeballs 420259d80001 0001000c0004420259da5212 0000000 c0004所有浆果42025af400850001002b0004 42025af65212 000000 2b0004所有HM的42025a0c0153 000100080004都TM的42025a2c0121 00010032000442025a2e5212 000000 320004骑自行车在水72036e3c010032036e430000访问所有飞往区42026592ffff 0000000 70002单一的口袋妖怪战斗420240e60000 0000000 50064复位时间4202461200000000000 20002停止计时器320246160000获得1000经验7300218c000182023d5003e8获得5000经验7300218c000182023d501388精灵升到100级(用于Codebreaker) 02023d50:999免费的日托820370c20000快速电平增益(日托)820285b0ffff8202863cffff快速的卵孵化3202864200fe即时雄卵320286400016即时的女性的卵子320286400093无限狩猎时间820399960258无限狩猎球820399940063野生口袋妖怪出来72023d749a3c82023d749a53野生口袋妖怪出来72023d749a3082023d749a53所有的徽章+图鉴8202658cffff完成图鉴4202462cffff000000 3c000242025ba0ffff000000 1a000242028fc0ffff000000 1a0002使国家dex3202461f00b9320265900001 820266446258无限的PC项目420258420063无限的PP42023c086363 0000000 20002第一口袋妖怪最大的统计420242da03e70000000 70002第二口袋妖怪最大的统计4202433e03e70000000 70002第三口袋妖怪最大的统计420243a203e7 0000000 70002第四口袋妖怪最大的统计4202440603e7 0000000 70002第五口袋妖怪最大的统计4202446a03e7 0000000 70002第六口袋妖怪最大的统计420244ce03e70000000 70002访问项目PC [按L +上] 7400013001bf830050e0bcd97400013001bf830050e2080e 7400013001bf830050e40601访问存储PC [按R +上] 7400013002bf830050e0c39d 7400013002bf830050e20808 7400013002bf830050e800047400013002bf830050ec0001学习运动激活(注1)72023d74891982023d748a2572023d748a4b82023d748a6572023d748a3182023d748a65口袋妖怪的改性剂(注2)820265ac XXXX收到口袋妖怪[ L + R +上](注3)7400013000bf83000ea800007400013000bf83000eb002007400013000bf83000eb200017400013000bf83000eb4d4057400013000bf83000eb608097400013000bf83000eb89c757400013000bf83000eba0816将改性剂(注4)82024022 XXXX在战斗中移动的改性剂槽1 82023bf0 XXXX在战斗中移动的改性剂槽2 82023bf2 XXXX在战斗中移动的改性剂槽3 82023bf4在战斗中移动的改性剂槽4 82023bf6 XXXX岛上的传送点[按L + R + ](注5)7400013000fe8300509403017400013000fe83005108e80d7400013000fe8300510a08077400013000fe8300510cfe017400013000fe8300510e00007400013000fe8300511000027400013000fe8300511200017400013000fe82031dbc XXXX代码触发:(注6)【按R + B +上]74000130 02bd【按R + B +右]74000130 02ed【按R + B +下]74000130 027d【按R + B +左]74000130 02dd 【按L + B +上] 74000130 01bd【按L + B +右] 74000130 01ed 【按L + B +下] 74000130 017d【按L + B +左] 74000130 01dd岛上的ID数字:神秘岛80002神秘岛93a02PC项目改性剂槽1 82025840 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽282025844 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽3 82025848 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽48202584c XXXXPC项目改性剂槽5 82025850 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽682025854 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽7 82025858 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽88202585c XXXXPC项目改性剂槽9 82025860 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽10 82025864 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽11 82025868 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽12 8202586c XXXXPC项目改性剂槽13 82025870 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽14 82025874 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽15 82025878 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽16 8202587c XXXXPC项目改性剂槽17 82025880 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽18 82025884 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽19 82025888 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽208202588c XXXXPC项目改性剂槽21 82025890 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽22 82025894 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽23 82025898 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽24 8202589c XXXXPC项目改性剂槽25 820258a0 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽26 820258a4 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽27 820258a8 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽28 820258ac XXXXPC项目改性剂槽29 820258b0 XXXXPC项目改性剂槽30 820258b4 XXXX PC项目ID数字:药水0 0 0 D解毒剂000e烧伤愈合火箭冰疗愈0010觉醒0011parlyz治愈0012完全恢复0013最大的药水0014超级药水0015超级药水0016完全治愈0017恢复0018最大的复兴0019淡水前提下汽水001b柠檬水001c Moomoo牛奶001d energypowder 001e能根0021治愈粉0020复活草0021醚0022麦克斯醚0023长生不老药0024最大的药剂0025熔岩饼0026蓝笛0027黄色的长笛0028红色的笛0029黑色的长笛002A白笛002b莓汁002c神圣的灰002d滩盐002E浅滩壳002f红色碎片0030蓝色碎片0031黄色的碎片0032绿色碎片0033惠普了003f蛋白0040铁0041 carbos 0042钙0043罕见的糖果0044PP了0045锌0046PP max 0047警卫规格。



暗⿊所有物品代码(⼆武器 A)⼆.武器1.Axe 斧Hand Axe ⼿斧 hax 1 Hatchet ⼩斧 9ha 94 Tomahawk 战戟 7ha 197Axe 斧 axe 2 Cleaver 切⾁斧 9ax 95 Small Crescent 弯⽉斧 7ax 198Double Axe 双刃斧 2ax 3 Twin Axe 强化双斧 92a 96 Ettin Axe 双头斧 72a 199Military Pick 军⽤锹 mpi 4 Crowbill 喙钳 9mp 97 War Spike 战刺 7mp 200War Axe 巨战斧 wax 5 Naga 纳卡 9wa 98 Berserker Axe 狂战⼠斧 7wa 201Large Axe 巨斧 lax 6 Military Axe 军斧 9la 99 Feral Axe 猛禽斧 7la 202Broad Axe 阔斧 bax 7 Bearded Axe 钩斧 9ba 100 Silver Edged Axe 银刃斧 7ba 203Battle Axe 战⽃斧 btx 8 Tabar 战⽃斧 9bt 101 Decapitator 斩⾸斧 7bt 204Great Axe 卓越之斧 gax 9 Gothic Axe 哥德之斧 9ga 102 Champion Axe 豪杰斧 7ga 205Giant Axe ⼤斧 gix 10 Ancient Axe 古代之斧 9gi 103 Glorious Axe 荣光之斧 7gi 2062.Maces 钉头锤Club ⽊棒 clb 15 Cudgel 棍棒 9cl 108 Truncheon 战仪杖 7cl 211Spiked Club 狼⽛棒 spc 19 Barbed Club 倒钩槌 9sp 112 Tyrant Club 暴君之棒 7sp 215Mace 钉头锤 mac 20 Flanged Mace 凸缘钉头锤 9ma 113 Reinforced Mace 强化钉头锤 7ma 216 Morning Star 流星锤 mst 21 Jagged Star 锯齿流星锤 9mt 114 Devil Star 恶魔流星锤 7mt 217Flail 连枷 fla 22 Knout 铁⽪鞭 9fl 115 Scourge 天罚之锤 7fl 218War Hammer 巨战铁槌 whm 23 Battle Hammer 战⽃铁槌 9wh 116 Legendary Mallt 传说之锤 7wh 219 Maul ⼤⽊棍 mau 24 War Club 巨战⽊棍 9m9 117 Ogre Maul ⾷⼈魔之槌 7m7 220Great Maul 卓越巨棍 gma 25 Martel de Fer 战槌 9gm 118 Thunder Maul 雷槌 7gm 2213.Swords 剑Short Swrod 短剑 ssd 26 Gladius 羅⾺短劍 9ss 119 Falcata 短剑 7ss 222Scimitar 弯⼑ scm 27 Cutlass 微彎劍 9sm 120 Ataghan ⼟⽿其剑 7sm 223Saber 军⼑ sbr 28 Shamshir 虛偽之刃 9sb 121 Elegant Blade 优雅之剑 7sb 224Falchion 弯形⼤⼑ flc 29 Tulwar 圓⽉彎⼑ 9fc 122 Hydra Edge 九头蛇刃 7fc 225Crystal Sword ⽔晶剑 crs 30 Dimensional Bld 空間之刃 9cr 123 Phase Blade 幻化之刃 7cr 226 Broad Sword 阔剑 bsd 31 Battle Sword 戰⾾劍 9bs 124 Conquest Sword 征服之剑 7bs 227 Long Sword 长剑 lsd 32 Rune Sword 符⽂劍 9ls 125 Cryptic Sword 神秘之剑 7ls 228War Sword 巨战之剑 wsd 33 Ancient Sword 古代之劍 9wd 126 Mythical Sword 秘仪之剑 7wd 229 Two-handed Swrd 双⼿剑 2hs 34 Espadon 斬鐵劍 92h 127 Legend Sword 传说之剑 72h 230 Claymore 双刃⼤⼑ clm 35 Dacian Falx 雙刃鎌 9cm 128 Highland Blade ⾼地之剑 7cm 231 Giant Sword ⼤剑 gis 36 Tusk Sword ⾧⽛劍 9gs 129 Balrog Blade 炎魔之刃 7gs 232 Bastard Sword 巨剑 bsw 37 Gothic Sword 哥德劍 9b9 130 Champion Sword 冠軍之劍 7b7 233 Flamberge 双⼿饰剑 flb 38 Zweihander 韓瑞德之劍 9fb 131 Colossal Sword 巨神之剑 7fb 234 Great Sword 卓越之剑 gsd 39 Executioner Swr 死刑之劍 9gd 132 Colossus Blade 巨神之刃 7gd 235 4.Daggers ⼔⾸Dagger ⼔⾸ dgr 40 Poignard 锐⼔ 9dg 133 Bone Knife 骸⾻⼩⼑ 7dg 236Dirk 长⼔⾸ dir 41 Rondel 诗歌⼔⾸ 9di 134 Mithral Point 秘银⼩⼑ 7di 237Kriss 波形⼑ kri 42 Cinquedeas 强波⼑ 9kr 135 Fanged Knife 齿缘⼩⼑ 7kr 238Blade 短⼑ bld 43 Stilleto ⼩剑 9bl 136 Legend Spike 传说尖刺 7bl 2395.Throwing 投掷武器Throwing Knife 飞⼑ tkf 44 Battle Dart 战⽃飞镖 9tk 137 Flying Knife 飞⼑ 7tk 240Throwing Axe 飞斧 tax 45 Francisca 法兰飞斧 9ta 138 Flying Axe 飞斧 7ta 241Balanced Knife 平衡⼩⼑ bkf 46 War Dart 巨战飞镖 9bk 139 Winged Knife 翼⼑ 7bk 242 Balanced Axe 平衡斧 bal 47 Hurlbat 短战戟 9b8 140 Winged Axe 翼斧 7b8 2436.Javelins 标枪Javelin 标枪 jav 48 War Javelin 巨战标枪 9ja 141 Hyperion Javeln 亥伯龙之枪 7ja 244Pilum 短标枪 pil 49 Great Pilum 卓越标枪 9pi 142 Stygian Pilum 冥河标枪 7pi 245Short Spear 短⽭ ssp 50 Simbilan 锐⽭ 9s9 143 Balrog Spear 炎魔之⽭ 7s7 246Glaive ⼤长⼑ glv 51 Spiculum 阔针长⽭ 9gl 144 Ghost Glaive ⿁魂尖枪 7gl 247Throwing Spear 飞⽭ tsp 52 Harpoon 鱼叉 9ts 145 Winged Harpoon 翼鱼叉 7ts 2487.Spears 长⽭Spear 长⽭ spr 53 War Spear 巨战长⽭ 9sr 146 Hyperion Spear 亥伯龙之⽭ 7sr 249 Trident 三叉戟 tri 54 Fuscina 魔⿁之叉 9tr 147 Stygian Pike 冥河之枪 7tr 250 Brandistock 叉 brn 55 War Fork 巨战之叉 9br 148 Mancatcher 刺⼈枪 7br 251Spetum ⼤战戟 spt 56 Yari 三叉长枪 9st 149 Ghost Spear ⿁魂之⽭ 7st 252Pike ⽭ pik 57 Lance 长枪 9p9 150 War Pike 战枪 7p7 2538.Polearms 长杆武器Bardiche ⼤砍⼑ bar 58 Lochaber Axe 罗佳伯斧 9b7 151 Ogre Axe ⾷⼈魔之斧 7o7 254 Voulge 钩镰枪 vou 59 Bill ⽐尔长⼑ 9vo 152 Colossus Voulge 巨神之斧 7vo 255Scythe 镰⼑ scy 60 Battle Scythe 战⽃镰⼑ 9s8 153 Thresher 锐利之斧 7s8 256Poleaxe 长柄战斧 pax 61 Partizan 战戟 9pa 154 Cryptic Axe 神秘之斧 7pa 257 Halberd 长戟 hal 62 Bec-de-Corbin 双锋战戟 9h9 155 Great Poleaxe 巨长斧 7h7 258War Scythe 巨战镰⼑ wsc 63 Grim Scythe 残酷镰⼑ 9wc 156 Giant Thresher 蛟尾巨斧 7wc 259。

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