口译笔记速记符号汇总简写规则目录[1].Note-taking symbols and abbreviations[2].关于缩略词[3].关于字母和图像[4].用箭头、数字符号、标点符号来表示1. Note-taking symbols and abbreviations for your reference:Abbreviations in Note takingUse only the abbreviations that fit your needs and that you will remember easily. A good idea is to introduce only a few abbreviations into your note taking at a time.Symbols helpful in math -- these are commonly used in texts and references.S = sumf = frequencyLeave out periods in standard abbreviations.cf = comparee.g. = exampledept = departmentUse only the first syllable of a word.pol = politicsdem = democracylib = liberalcap = capitalismUse entire first syllable and only 1st letter of 2nd syllable.pres = presentationsubj = subjectind = individualcons = conservative Eliminate final letters. Use just enough of the word to form a recognizable abbreviation. assoc = associatebiol = biologyinfo = informationach = achievementchem = chemistrymax = maximumintro = introductionconc = concentrationmin = minimumrep = repetitionOmit vowels, retain only enough consonants to give a recognizable skeleton of the word.ppd = preparedprblm = problemestmt = estimatebkgd = backgroundgvt = governmentUse an apostrophe in place of letters.am't = amountcont'd = continuedgov't = governmenteducat'l = educationalForm the plural of a symbol or abbreviated word by adding s.chpts = chaptersegs = examplesfs = frequenciesintros = introductionsUse g to represent ing endings.ckg = checkingestg = establishingdecrg = decreasingexptg = experimentingSpell out short words such as in, at, to, but, for, and key.Abbreviations or symbols for short words will make the notes too dense with shorthand.Leave out unimportant words.Leave out the words a and the.If a term, phrase, or name is written out in full during the lecture, substitute initials whenever the term, phrase, or name is used again. For example, Center for Aerospace Sciences becomes CAS thereafter.Use symbols for commonly recurring connective or transitional words.& = andw/ = withw/o = withoutvs = against\ = therefore= = is or equalUse technical symbols where applicable.zb = German, for exampleibid = Latin, the same worko = degreesH2O = waterMore reference:Use standard maths, accounting, and science symbols. Examples:+ plus// parallelUse standard abbreviations and leave out full stops. Examples:eg exampleIT dept Information Technology department UK United KingdomUse only the first syllable of a word. Examples:mar marketingcus customercli clientUse the entire first syllable and the first letter of the second syllable. Examples:subj subjectbudg budget ind individualTo distinguish among various forms of the same word, use the first syllable of the word, an apostrophe, and the ending of the word. Examples:tech'gy technologygen'ion generalisationdel'y deliveryUse just enough of the beginning of a word to form a recognisable abbreviation. Examples: assoc associatedach achievementinfo informationOmit vowels from the middle of words, retaining only enough consonants to provide a recognisable skeleton of the word. Examples: bkgd backgroundmvmt movementprblm problemForm the plural of a symbol or abbreviated word by adding 's.' Examples:custs customersfs frequencies/s ratiosUse 'g' to represent 'ing' endings. Examples: decrg decreasingckg checkingestblg establishingSpell out, rather than abbreviate short words. Examples:inbutaskeyLeave out unimportant verbs. Examples:iswaswereLeave out unnecessary articles. Examples:aantheIf a term, phrase, or name is initially written out in full during the talk or meeting,initialscan be substituted whenever the term, phrase, or name is used again. Example:January Advertising Campaign Budget JACB Use symbols for common connective or transition words. Examples:@ at2 to4 for& andw/ withw/o withoutvs againstCreate your own set of abbreviations and symbols. You may wish to develop separate sets of symbols and abbreviations for different courses or subjects.Other Symbols and Abbreviationsas a result of / consequences of <---> resulting in --->and / also +equal to / same as =following ffmost importantly *less than <greater than > especially esp/一、缩略词英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。
口译笔记速记符号归总缩略词英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。
缩略词的写法一般为四种方式:拿掉所有元音MKT: marketMGR: managerMSG: messageSTD: standardRCV: receive保留前几个字母INFO informationINS insuranceEXCH exchangeI owe you IOUIn stead of I/O保留开头和结尾个发音字母WK weekRM roomPL people根据发音R areTHO thoughTHRU through高级口译听力常用英语缩略词表acc = account, accountantacdg = accordingacpt = acceptad = advertisementadm = administrationads = addressadv = adviceagr = agricultureagt = agentalt = altitudea.m. = ante meridiem = before noon AMAP = as much as possibleamb = ambassadoramt = amountanal = analysisanc = ancientanon = anonymousans = answerapp = appendixApr = Aprilapt = apartmentarch = architecturearr = arrive; arrivalASAP = as soon as possibleass = assistant; associationat = atmosphere; atomicatt = attorney; attentionAug = Augustaux = auxiliaryav = averageave = avenuea.w.l. = absent with leave (准假)a.w.o.l. = absent without official leave (无故缺席) B.A. = Bachelor of Artsbal = balanceB.C. = before Christbd = boardbdl = bundlebk = bank; bookbkts = basketsB/L = bill of lading (提单)BLDG = buildingbp = birthplacebr = branch; brotherB.S. = Bachelor of Sciencebu = bureauC = capacity; century; chapter; centigrade; cost; city; center cal = calendar; caliber; caloriescap = capital; captaincat = catalogcc = carbon copy (复印件;抄送)CEO = chief executive officercert = certificateCFM = confirmcncl = cancelcp. = comparecit = citizenciv = civil; civilizationclk = clerkcml = commercialco. = companyc/o = care of(转交)col = college; colorcom = commentary; common; communication; community comm = commissioncomp = complete; computer; competition con = conclusion; againstcond = conditioncont. = continent; continuedcorp = corporationcust = customer; custom; customsDec = Decemberdec = deceased; declarationdef = defender; defensedeg = degreedep = depositDEPT = departmentdisc = discountdist = distance; distinguishdiv = divide; divorceddo. = ditto (同上)dorm = dormitorydpt = departuredz = dozene = east; earth; engineeringecon = economics; economyed. = education; editore.g. = exempli gratia = for example encl. = enclosed; enclosureesp. = especiallyetc. = et cetera = and so onex. = example; exception; extraexp. = exportexpln = explainext = extend; extensionFAX = facsimileFeb. = Februaryfem = female; feminineff. = followingfig = figuresfin = finance; financialfl = fluidFLT = flightFOB = free on board (船上交货;离岸价格) for = foreign; forestryfp = freezing pointfr = frequentFri. = Fridayfrt = freight (货物;货运)ft = foot; feet (脚;英寸)fut = futureFYR = for your reference (仅供参考)g = gold; grain; guide; gender; gravity G.A. = General Assembly (联合国大会) gen. = generallygent = gentleman; gentlemengm = gram; general managergov = governmentgs = general secretary (秘书长)h = harbor; hundred; husband; hydrogen hd = head (头部;首脑)hf = halfHon = honorable; honoraryH.Q. = headquartershr = hourht = heighthypoth = hypothesis; hypotheticali.a. = in absence; absentib. = ibidem = in the same placeID = identity; identity cardi.e. = id est = that isimp = import; imperialIMPS = impossibleIMPT = importantin. = inch; inchesind = industrial; independentindiv = individualinfo = informationins = insuranceinst. = instant; instituteint. = interior; interest (兴趣;利息)I/O = instead ofIOU = I owe you (借据)I.Q. = intelligence quotientIVO = in view of (鉴于,考虑到)is. = islandJ = judge; justicejour = journal; journalistjr. = junior (大学三年级学生; 年少的; 初级的)kg = kilogram (千克;公斤)km = kilometer (公里)lat. = latitudelb. = pounds (磅;英镑)L/C = letter of credit (信用证)leg = legallib = library; librarianliq = liquidlit = literaturelong. = longitudeM.A. = Master of Artsmach = machinerymag = magazineman. = manual; manufactureMar = Marchmath = mathematicsMDL = model (型号;模特)Mdm = Madammed. = medicine; medicalmem = member; memoir (回忆录) memo = memorandum (备忘录)mid = middlemin = minute; minimummkt. = marketmod = moderate; modernMon. = Mondaymph = mile per hour (每小时英里数; 车速) Mr. = MisterMrs. = MistressMS = manuscripts (手稿)msg = messageMt = Mount; mountainmus = music; museumn = north; noon; name; normalnat = national; native; naturaln.d. = no date (无日期)NLT = not later than (不迟于)No. = numberNov. = Novembernr = nearobj = object; objectiveobs = obsolete (过时的); observeobt = obtainOct. = Octoberoff. = office; officialop. = opera; operation; oppositeord = ordinaryorg = organizationorig = originaloz. = ounce (盎司)p. = page; power; pressurepara = paragraphpart = particular; partnerpass = passive; passengerPAT = patentpayt = paymentpc = piece; personal computerpd. = paid (钱款)已付perf = perform; performancePh.D. = Doctor of Philosophypk = park; peak (备注:pk这个符号大家可以根据时髦的用语来灵活拓展其含义) pkg = packagePLS = pleasep.m. = post meridiem = [w]afternoon POB = post-office boxpop = popular; populationpr. = pair; preferredprec = precedingprim = primary; primitiveprin. = principlepro = productProf. = professorpub. = public; publishqr. = quarterqt. = quantityqua = qualityr. = radius; railroad; retiredrcd = receivedrcpt = receiptRd = roadre = about (关于)reg = register; regionrep = representativerev = revise; reverse; revenuerm. = roomrpt = report; repeatSat. = Saturdaysch = schoolsci = sciencesec = second; section; sectorsig. = signal; signaturesitn = situationsp. = species (物种); specimen (标本) sq. = squareSTD = standardSun. = Sundaysurg = surgery; surgeontech = technologytel. = telephonetemp = temporary; temperature Thur. = ThursdayTKS = thankstrans = transaction; translationtrf = trafficTu. = TuesdayT.U. = Trade Union (英)工会ult = ultimateUN = United Nationsuniv = universityup = upperusu. = usuallyvil = villageV.P. = Vice Presidentvs. = versusv.v. = vice versa (反之亦然)wel = welcome; welfareXL = extra large (特大号)二、字母、图像Z 表示"人"people/person,因为"Z"看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。
口译笔记常用符号4.3.2 口译笔记常用符号在学会了对原语进行逻辑和思维路线再现之后,用适当的符号替换逻辑或者思维再现图中的部分文字,实际上就是口译笔记了,当然在真实的口译实践中,笔记还可以更进一步地简化。
现在我们看看口译员常用的符号来源: 汉字、汉字偏旁部首、古汉语、简化汉字、拼音大university, adult, generous, open-minded, large-size…中middle school, medium-sized, intermediate, in the middle of, neutral,…小primary (elementary), kid, children, mea n, petty,…凝聚ningju或者nju饕餮taotie或者ttie“戈”可以用来代替“武器”偏旁部首举例:简化汉字举例: 英语、英语字母英语单词的缩写规律:保留单词的辅音,去除元音,当然首字母是元音必须保留。
一般保留三至五个辅音就可以帮助回忆整个单词,例如:impoverishment: impvrdebility: dbltrejuvenate: rjvndepartment: dptstandard: stdreference: rfr口译学习者还需要记住常用国际组织、专用名词、国家名及其首都名的缩写,例如:UN, UNESCO, NATO, APEC, OPEC, …Intellectual property protection: IPPNK, SK, CN, US, UK…口译学习者还可以自己开动脑筋,充分发挥自己的创造性和想象力,开发出简介实用的笔记符号,下面以英文大写字母为例,看看如何创造性地在笔记中使用这些大写字母:A: first, top, excellent, extraordinary, outstanding, remarkable, unusualE: eyesight, economy, economic, economical, electronic, East F: failure, false, wrong, not true, full, flagG: government, GodH: health, help, support, connect, bridge, cross, HourI: I / we, my (our) party, eyeL: long, lengthen, prolongM: money, mail, mother, mountain, movement, McDonald, man, May, Member (ship), mm…N: nose, nation, name, nothing, no, negation, deny, need, necessary, NorthO: zero, circle, old, orange, our, one, empty, world, all, success, completeP: pm, peace, park, pay, politics, people, perfect, president, prime minister, head, flagshipQ: quality, quantity, quarter, question, cute, balloon, head, suspect, doubt, unknown, difficultyR: respect, representative, request, about, relations, returnS: smile, snake, turns and twists, society, social, silence, curve, slimT: time, tea, cross-disciplinary, compound, T-shirt, T-stage, disagreement, dispute, disapprovalU: you (your party), pitfall, trap, recycle, cycle, return, valley V: victory, triumph, vs, valley, bottom, tipW: west, western, wave, fluctuate, ups and downsX: X-ray, XL, wrong, negation, cross, times, execute, killY: why, year, yes, approve, agree, young, deviate, tree, servant Z: zero, zoo, last, zigzag, turns and twists, dream, sleep (comic strip)从以上例子可以看出,我们可以从拼写、发音以及字母的结构等方面来进行联想,在笔记中创造性地使用这些符号。
口译笔记速记符号归总2下面举例说明听力笔记的一些技巧:1、不要大量记录文字(汉字、单词)——而要使用符号来表示意思(缩写、图形)Eg:“powerful country”记作“强口”,“我同意”记作“I√ ”;“观点,看法一致”记作“⊙ same”,“economic development”记作“经↑”↑表示“上升、快速上升、快速发展、快速上涨等”↓表示“下降、减少、急剧下降、急速下跌等”;↗表示“缓慢上升,缓慢发展、缓慢上涨等”;←表示“返回,倒退等”;→表示“达到,至,导致,前进等”;+表示“加,增加,此外,另外,又加之”;—表示“减少,减”;>表示“多于,大于,强于”;<表示“少于,小于,不如”;∵表示“因为,由于”;∴表示“所以,因此”;=表示“等于,相同,与……相同”。
t表示thousand;m表示million;b表示 billion;1st表示first。
总体上来说,速记符号主要有以下几类 :A。
保留大写字母或第一音节经济: E 教育: Edu 文化: C 政治: P 科技: ST 卫生: H旅游: T 环境: En 工业: I 农业: AB.简写缩略AFAC : as far as … is concerned( 就 …… 而言 )LFT : look forward to ( 期待 )ASAP : as soon as possible( 尽快 )C.图象⊕ 高兴,同意,满意等,如: happy , pleased , satisfied , agree…◎ 悲伤,生气,不满,不同意等,如:sad , angry , irritated , unsatisfied , sorrowful , discomfort , disagree… ⊙ 会议,如 conference , meeting , seminar , symposium…□ 国家,地区,如:中国:□ C ,俄国:□ RD.符号﹢高兴,男性,同意,增加等,如happy , male , agree , many , +2=more , +3=most , beneficial , good , beautiful , great , gorgeous…-悲伤,女性,不同意,减少等,如sad , female , disagree , little , few , -2=less , -3=least , lack of ,short of…√同意,正确等,如: agree , correct , right…×不同意,错误等,如: disagree , incorrect…↑增长,进步等,如: increase , soar , mushroom , rocket , make progress… ↓下降,退步,恶化等,如 decrease , sink , slide , subside , plump , plunge ,drop , degrade ,deteriorate…>多于,超过,比 …… 低一级等,如: more than , greater than , begger than ,better than , superior to , surpass , transcend , overtake…<少于,比 …… 低级等,如: less than , lower than , smaller than , inferior to…~大约,如: approximately , about , around , some , nearly , almost , similar to…/否定,清除,如: clear , settle , solve , tackle , conquer , eliminate ,extinct…≠与 …… 不同,如: differ from , different from , distinct , unique…$ 金钱,利益,如: interest , benefit , money , fund , capital…E.标点? 问题,麻烦,障碍,如: question , issue , difficult , hardship , barrier ,obstacle…: 主观想法和说辞,如: think , consider , speak , say , talk , mark , announce ,declare , hope ,例: repeat 或 reaffirm 可以用 :2 来替代,声明支持可以用 + :来替代,谴责用 - :。
英语听力速记符号一、字母和缩写1. A - 代表“always” 总是2. B - 代表“because” 因为3. C - 代表“can’t” 不能4. D - 代表“don’t” 不要5. E - 代表“everything” 每件事6. F - 代表“friend” 朋友7. G - 代表“goodbye” 再见8. I - 代表“if” 如果9. J - 代表“just” 只是10. K - 代表“known” 知道二、数字和数学符号1. # - 代表“number” 数字2. × - 代表“multiply” 乘法3. / - 代表“divide” 除法4. + - 代表“plus” 加法5. - - 代表“minus” 减法6. < - 代表“less than” 小于7. > - 代表“greater than” 大于8. = - 代表“equals” 等于9. ( - 代表“open parenthesis” 开括号10. ) - 代表“close parenthesis” 闭括号三、标点和符号1. , - 代表“comma” 逗号2. . - 代表“period” 句号3. ? - 代表“question mark” 问号4. ! - 代表“exclamation mark” 感叹号5. ; - 代表“semicolon” 分号6. " - 代表“quotation marks” 双引号或单引号7. ' - 同上,也是引号的意思8. : - 同上,也是引号的意思9. & - 代表“and” 和10. * - 代表“star” 星号或乘号的意思四、图像和图形1. @ - 可以代表“at the” 在某处或某个时间点前2. @@ - 可以代表重复前一个符号或单词3. ~ - 可以代表“wave” 波浪形状,也可以表示声音的延长。
口译笔记法常用符号inquiry, interrogate, ask, mystery,…问题;question, problem, …!危险,警告,当心,值得注意的是;dangerous, warning, alarm, watch out, of course°人,人民,伙伴,朋友;people, partner, …✉信息,消息,情报;information, message, intelligence, …删除,废除,放弃;delete, discard, give up, …ഗ贸易,交换,交流,关于,关联,替代;trade, exchange, communication, relationship__ 这个,强调;emphasize a certain word/ phrase.…继续,持续,不断的,长期的,各种各样的,多的;more, continuous, …=> 加强,推动,促进;enhance, promote, …×#不仅;not only, …& 和,而且;and…@关于;aboute.g.例如,比如;for example, such as, …(三)图形符号☺高兴,激动;happy, pleased, excited, …☹失望,不满意,生气;unhappy, unsatisfied, angry, …会议,聚会;conference, symposium, convention, session, forum, seminar, council, congress, meeting, assembly, gathering, committee,commission, association, union, senate, parliament, convocation, …学校,大学,教育机构;school, college, educational institution, …医院,医疗机构;hospital, medical institution, …○全部的,整个的,所有的,完整的,彻底的;complete, whole, …目标,目的;aim, objective, target, …ര看到,注意到;see, notice, watch, …ര重视,强调;pay attention to, highlight, …□国家,民族;nation, state, republic, kingdom, federal, union, …国际,世界;international, world, …∧领导,顶点,顶级,最高级(上标);top, peak, leader, boss, king, governor, mayor,…国家领导人,政府首脑;state leader, …出口;export, …进口;import, …△城市,都市;city, urban, metropolitan, cosmopolitan, …▽农村,乡村;village, rural, country, countryside, farm, suburb, outskirt, …☆重点,重心,重视,重要的,主要的,杰出的;important, significant, remarkable* 特征,特点,代表;feature, characteristic, quality, nature, trademark, on behalf of…♀女性;woman, female, …♂男性;man, male, …V 胜利,凯旋;victory, triumph, …﹩美元,钱;有钱的,富裕的;dollar, money, rich, well-off, …∪协议,决议,合约,条约;agreement, treaty, contract, compact, convention resolution结束,停止,完成,实现;halt, stop, complete, …‖渠道;channel, tunnel, tube, pipe, ditch, duct, …发展;development, advancement, …开放;opening, …∟过去;in the past, long before, past time, …∟将来;in future, in the future, …↓影响,效果,压力,负担;influence, effect, affect, pressure, stress, burden, load,…(四)趋向符号←邀请,需要,访问,来到;be invited, needed, come (here), …→去,到,走;to, go (there)…↑增加,提升,提高,升级,升值;increase, improve, enhance, grow, lift, promote…↓减少,下降,降低,贬值;decline, decrease, reduce, degrade, lower, diminish, …(五)英文字母y 年;year M 月;month改编自吴钟明. 《英语口译笔记法实战指导》.武汉大学出版社。
英语听力速记符号第一篇:英语听力速记符号新东方张腾老师对托福雅思听力中的做笔记的速记符号的分享1.表示到达、传达:go into,arrive at,give to,send to,present to etc.2.表示导致、引导:lead to, result in, in the direction of, etc.3.表示屈服:submit to1.表示来自于:be/come from,return,receive from, etc.2.表示追溯到:come/go back to,originate1.表示上升:up/upward/rise,increase,arise,ascend, etc.2.表示发射、投放市场、发行:launch,open, start, etc.3.表示发展、加强、推进:develop,strengthen,promote, etc 表示“波折”:ups and downs, twists and turns, etc.常用速记数学符号汇编+表示“多”: many, lots of, a great deal of, a good many of, etc.++(+2)+3 -表示“多”的比较级:more 表示“多”的最高级:most表示“少”: little, few, lack ,in short of/ be in shortage of etc.×表示“错误”、“失误”和“坏”的概念:wrong/incorrect,something bad,notorious,negative, etc.>1.表示“多于”概念:bigger/larger/greater/more than/better than, etc.2.表示“高” 概念:superior to,surpass, etc.<1.表示“少于”概念:less/smaller,etc.2.表示“低”概念:inferior to,etc.=1.表示“同等”概念:means,that is to say,in other words,the same as,be equal to, etc.2.表示“对手”概念:a match, rival, comp etitor, counterpart, etc.()≠表示“在......之间”:among, within, etc.1.表示“不同”概念:be different from, etc.新东方张腾老师对托福雅思听力中的做笔记的速记符号的分享2.表示“无敌”概念:matchless, peerless, etc.~表示“大约”概念:about/around,or so,approximately, etc./APT apartment ACC accountant 表示“否定”,“消除”等概念:cross out, eliminate, etc.ACDG ACPT ADADS ADV AMAP AMT APV ASAP BALBLDG CERT CFM CNCL CNF CMICMPL CMPE CMU CONC COND CO.DEPT DISC according advertisement address advise as much as possible amount approvesoon as possible balance building conform cancel conference concern company department discountacceptascertificatecommissioncompletecompetecommunicationcondition新东方张腾老师对托福雅思听力中的做笔记的速记符号的分享DRTdeparture EXCHexchange EXPLN explain EXTextent一、缩略词(缩略词的写法一般为四种方式)拿掉所有元音MKT market MGR manager MSG message STD standard RCV receive 保留前几个字母 INFO information INSinsurance EXCH exchange IOU I owe you I/OIn stead of 保留开头和结尾个发音字母 WKweek RM room PLpeople根据发音 Rare THO though THRU through 新东方张腾老师对托福雅思听力中的做笔记的速记符号的分享高级口译听力常用英语缩略词表缩略词原词APTApartment ACCAccountant ACDGAccording ACPTAccept ADADSADVAMAPAMTAPVASAPBALBLDGCERTCFMCNCLCNFCMICMPCMPECMUCONDCO.DEPTDISCDPTEXCHAdvertisementAddress Advice As much/many as possible Amount Approve As soon as possible Balance Building Certificate Conform Conference Commission Complete Compete/competitive Communication Concern/concerning/concerned Condition Company Department Discount DepartureCancelExchange 新东方张腾老师对托福雅思听力中的做笔记的速记符号的分享EXPLNExplain EXTExtent FLTFlight FNTFinal FRTFreight FYRFor your reference GDGUAR IMPSIMP(T)INCDINDIV INSINTST I/OIOU IVOMANUF MDLMEMO MGRMKTMSGNCRY NLTOBSOBTGood Guarantee Home office Information Impossible Important Include Individual Insurance Interested In stead of I owe you In view ofManufacture Model Manger Minimum Market Message Necessary No later than Observe ObtainMemorandum新东方张腾老师对托福雅思听力中的做笔记的速记符号的分享ORDOrdinary PATPatent PCPiece PKGPacking PLPeople PLS Please POSN Position POSS(BL)Possible PROD Product QLTY QualityⅠ箭头→ export to, send to ,cause(导致),arrive in/at Eg.: 我今天下午到达北京I → BJ at 6:00 pm d.← import, receive(from),come back(from)↑ increase, rise develop, promote, grow, expand Eg.: this company keep expanding(↑)↓decrease, decline, bomb(爆炸),dropⅡ数学用符号+ plus, and, in addition to ,further more(而且,此外,更近一步说)Eg.: there are five students plus ten teachers attending(旁听)5stus+10tea -minus, lack × wrong, incorrect, bad > more than, greater, more and more, superior to < less than, smaller, fewer, inferior to ≥ more than or equal to ≤ less than or equal to ≠ be not match for…Eg.: jack ≠ Brandy jack 不是 Brandy 的对手≈around, almostEg.: 这辆自行车大约要花500美元才能买下自行车≈$500 ∵ because of, owing to ,due to , thanks to ∴ so, therefore Ⅲ 其它新东方张腾老师对托福雅思听力中的做笔记的速记符号的分享。
记笔记:常用符号和缩略语(Note-taking: Useful Signs and Abbreviations)1.常用笔记符号:符号信息意义箭头符号↑上升;提高;增强;上涨;增长;扩大;起飞;升空;提拔;晋升(grow, expand, develop, rise, go up, increase , ascend, launch, skyrocket, soar, appreciation涨价,promote, upwards)↓ 下降;下沉;降低;滑坡;轰炸;减少;恶化;降职;削减/裁减(drop to, bomb, jump, go down, descend, decrease, deteriorate腐烂变坏, depreciation小看轻视贬值减价reduce, downwards)↗上扬;渐渐好转(become better and better)↘下挫;不断亏损(become worse and worse)→出口;去;向前;出国;前往;运往;导致;发展成为…(export to, enter, arrive in/at, present to, result in, send to, transmit to, lead to, export to, cause)←回顾;从前;进口;倒退;来自;源于(come from, originate from, receive from, go back to, import from)例如:café← French意为: café源自于法语数学符号+ 增加;补充;除此之外另外(furthermore, in addition to, with, and, besides, etc) —减少;删除;缺乏(minus, lack)×表示“不对的,错的,坏的,不好的,臭名昭著的”(incorrect, wrong, bad, inappropriate, notorious)> 超过,大于,胜过,优于(more than, bigger than, surpass, better than, superior to)< 小于,不足,次于,逊色(fewer than, less than, worse than, inferior to)= 等于符号(equal) 在听力笔记中相当于“与…一样”(equal to, the same as),另外可以表示“是…的对手“(a ri-val, a competitor)等意思。
二、常用口译笔记介绍1. 口译笔记应记要点,切忌追求记“全”2. 口译笔记的主要内容是概念、命题、名称、数字、组织机构和逻辑关系3. 口译笔记求快求精,但不可潦草4. 口译笔记可以使用来源语,也可使用目标语,也可以双语兼用5. 译员应该随身携带一本开本稍窄、可上下翻动的记事本//箭头的使用→表示: 出口, 输出、打入、出国、到达、前往、派遣、交给、运往、导致(export to, enter, arrive in, lead to, present to, give to, submit to, result in, send to, cause)例如:1.在大连生产,然后出口给日本(大→ J )2.我们每年向欧洲输出劳务。
口译笔记速记符号汇总及简写规则目录[1].Note-taking symbols and abbreviations[2].关于缩略词[3].关于字母和图像[4].用箭头、数字符号、标点符号来表示1. Note-taking symbols and abbreviations for your reference:Abbreviations in Note takingUse only the abbreviations that fit your needs and that you will remember easily. A good idea is to introduce only a few abbreviations into your note taking at a time.Symbols helpful in math -- these are commonly used in texts and references.S = sumf = frequencyLeave out periods in standard abbreviations.cf = comparee.g. = exampledept = departmentUse only the first syllable of a word.pol = politicsdem = democracylib = liberalcap = capitalismUse entire first syllable and only 1st letter of 2nd syllable.pres = presentationsubj = subjectind = individualcons = conservativeEliminate final letters. Use just enough of the word to form a recognizable abbreviation.assoc = associatebiol = biologyinfo = informationach = achievementchem = chemistrymax = maximumintro = introductionconc = concentrationmin = minimumrep = repetitionOmit vowels, retain only enough consonants to give a recognizable skeleton of the word.ppd = preparedprblm = problemestmt = estimatebkgd = backgroundgvt = governmentUse an apostrophe in place of letters.am't = amountcont'd = continuedgov't = governmenteducat'l = educationalForm the plural of a symbol or abbreviated word by adding s.chpts = chaptersegs = examplesfs = frequenciesintros = introductionsUse g to represent ing endings.ckg = checkingestg = establishingdecrg = decreasingexptg = experimentingSpell out short words such as in, at, to, but, for, and key.Abbreviations or symbols for short words will make the notes too dense with shorthand.Leave out unimportant words.Leave out the words a and the.If a term, phrase, or name is written out in full during the lecture, substitute initials whenever the term, phrase, or name is used again. For example, Center for Aerospace Sciences becomes CAS thereafter.Use symbols for commonly recurring connective or transitional words.& = andw/ = withw/o = withoutvs = against\ = therefore= = is or equalUse technical symbols where applicable.zb = German, for exampleibid = Latin, the same worko = degreesH2O = waterMore reference:Use standard maths, accounting, and science symbols. Examples:+ plus// parallelUse standard abbreviations and leave out full stops. Examples:eg exampleIT dept Information Technology departmentUK United KingdomUse only the first syllable of a word. Examples:mar marketingcus customercli clientUse the entire first syllable and the first letter of the second syllable. Examples:subj subjectbudg budgetind individualTo distinguish among various forms of the same word, use the first syllable of the word, an apostrophe, and the ending of the word. Examples:tech'gy technologygen'ion generalisationdel'y deliveryUse just enough of the beginning of a word to form a recognisable abbreviation. Examples: assoc associatedach achievementinfo informationOmit vowels from the middle of words, retaining only enough consonants to provide a recognisable skeleton of the word. Examples:bkgd backgroundmvmt movementprblm problemForm the plural of a symbol or abbreviated word by adding 's.' Examples:custs customersfs frequencies/s ratiosUse 'g' to represent 'ing' endings. Examples:decrg decreasingckg checkingestblg establishingSpell out, rather than abbreviate short words. Examples:inbutaskeyLeave out unimportant verbs. Examples:iswaswereLeave out unnecessary articles. Examples:aantheIf a term, phrase, or name is initially written out in full during the talk or meeting, initials can be substituted whenever the term, phrase, or name is used again. Example:January Advertising Campaign Budget JACBUse symbols for common connective or transition words. Examples:@ at2 to4 for& andw/ withw/o withoutvs againstCreate your own set of abbreviations and symbols. Y ou may wish to develop separate sets of symbols and abbreviations for different courses or subjects.Other Symbols and Abbreviationsas a result of / consequences of <--->resulting in --->and / also +equal to / same as =following ffmost importantly *less than <greater than > especially esp/一、缩略词英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。
一、缩略词(缩略词的写法一般为四种方式)拿掉所有元音MKT marketMGR managerMSG messageSTD standardRCV receive保留前几个字母INFO informationINS insuranceEXCH exchangeIOU I owe youI/O In stead of保留开头和结尾个发音字母WK weekRM roomPL people根据发音R areTHO thoughTHRU through高级口译听力常用英语缩略词表缩略词原词APT ApartmentACC AccountantACDG AccordingACPT AcceptAD AdvertisementADS AddressADV AdviceAMAP As much/many as possible AMT AmountAPV ApproveASAP As soon as possibleBAL BalanceBLDG BuildingCERT CertificateCFM ConformCNCL CancelCNF ConferenceCMI CommissionCMP CompleteCMPE Compete/competitiveCMU CommunicationCONC Concern/concerning/concerned COND ConditionCO. CompanyDEPT DepartmentDISC DiscountDPT DepartureEXCH ExchangeEXPLN ExplainEXT ExtentFLT FlightFNT FinalFRT FreightFYR For your referenceGD GoodGUAR GuaranteeH.O. Home officeINFO InformationIMPS ImpossibleIMP(T)ImportantINCD IncludeINDIV IndividualINS InsuranceINTST InterestedI/O In stead ofIOU I owe youIVO In view ofMANUF ManufactureMDL ModelMEMO MemorandumMGR MangerMIN MinimumMKT MarketMSG MessageNCRY NecessaryNLT No later thanOBS ObserveOBT ObtainORD OrdinaryPAT PatentPC PiecePKG PackingPL PeoplePLS PleasePOSN PositionPOSS(BL)PossiblePROD ProductQLTY QualityQUTY QuantityRCV ReceiveREF ReferenceREGL RegularREP RepresentativeRESN ReservationRPT RepeatRESPON ResponsibleSEC SectionSITN SituationSTD StandardTEL TelephoneTEMP TemporaryTGM TelegraphTHO ThoughTKS ThanksTRD TradeTRF TrafficTTL TotalU YouUR YourWK WeekWL WillWT WeightXL Extra large二、字母、图像Z 表示"人"people/person,因为"Z"看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。
(一)、数学符号∵:because, due to, thanks to…∴:so, therefore, consequently…=:the same as, equal to, agree…≠:difference, disparity, dispute, disagreement, divergence…≈:about, almost, nearly, similar…>:surpass, exceed, more than, superior to…<:less than, inferior to…+:plus, moreover, b esides, add, more…-:minus, deduct, except…:action, act, implement, carry out, conduct, execute, finish,complete, fulfill…[ ]:among, within…∈:belong to…×:① mistake, wrong, bad, notorious ② no, refuse, decline, rebuff…√:① correct, affirmative, precise,accurate, right ② done…(二)、常用符号::think, hear, look, say, see, express…:problem, question, problem, issue, ask, puzzle, query, confused, mystery, bewildered…!:watch out, dangerous, warning, heed, alarming, alert, hazardous, perilous, jeopardy...:mess age, information, intelligence…~:trade, exchange, communication, relationship…_:underline, emphasize, highlight, pay attention to…e.g.:for example, such as, for instance…)(:confrontation, conflict, faced with…$:dollar, currency, cash, coin, income, salary, wage, money, rich,well-off, expensive, cost…¥:value, benefit, worthy…4:accident, event,incident…#:only, just...×#:not only...→:go, come, arrive…(三)、偏旁或部首文:①school, college, university ②culture, civilization…:study, learn...。
1.缩略(Abbreviations)AMAP——尽可能多(as much as possible)APEC——亚太经合组织ASAP——尽快(as soon as possible)ASEAN——东盟B.A.——文学士B.C.——公元前B.S.——理学士CPC——中国共产党DEPT——系;部门e.g.——例如esp.——尤其是FIE——外资企业H.Q.——总部ID——身份;身份证IOU——欠条org——组织Ph.D.——博士EU——欧盟UN——联合国V.P.——副主席2.数学符号(Mathematical Symbols)+ 可以表示“增加”,“另外”,“除此以外”,还可表示“正确”或“好”。
3.箭头符号(Arrow Symbols)↑可以表示“上升”,“发展”,“加强”,“改善”,“发射”,“提拔”,“晋升”。
4.标点符号(Punctuation Marks):可以表示“说”,“认为”,“宣称”,“声明”,“抗议”。
. 可以表示“观点”,“论点”,“难点”。
! 可以表示“惊讶”,“非常”,“关键”。
英语专八听力与口译笔记符号Symbols1. 字母、图像Z 表示"人"people/person,因为"Z"看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。
例如:日本人:J Z.C 表示政府,统治:government,govern 希腊字母C读/ga:ma/,近似government, 所以就用C来表示govern, government. governmental official 可以表示为C ZP 表示政治:politics, political希腊字母P读/pai/,近似politics, political.那么politician 就可以表示为P Z∑ 表示总数:total, totally, entire, entirely, on the whole, all in all, to sum up, etc. ∑ 数学符号表示总值。
G 表示效率:efficient, effective. G为效率符号。
Q 表示"通货膨胀":inflation因为这个符号酷似一个上升的气球。
A 表示农业: agriculture. agriculture经常用到,所以用首字母代替。
B 表示商业:business.C×表示冲突,矛盾:conflict,confrontation "C×"中的"×"表示反对,字母"C"将反对的概念缩小为conflict 和confrontation.W 表示工作,职业: work, employ 等。
所以W Z就可以用来表示worker, 而W(Z在字母上方表示employer, 在字母下方表示employee)。
i 表示工业: industry, industrial 字母i 像只烟囱,所以用来可以用来表示工业。
一、缩略词英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。
缩略词的写法一般为四种方式:F拿掉所有元音MKT: marketMGR: managerMSG: messageSTD: standardRCV: receiveF保留前几个字母INFO informationINS insuranceEXCH exchangeI owe you IOUIn stead of I/OF保留开头和结尾个发音字母WK weekRM roomPL peopleF根据发音R areTHO thoughTHRU through高级口译听力常用英语缩略词表缩略词原词APT ApartmentACC AccountantACDG AccordingACPT AcceptAD AdvertisementADS AddressADV AdviceAMAP As much/many as possibleAMT AmountAPV ApproveASAP As soon as possibleBAL BalanceBLDG BuildingCERT CertificateCFM ConformCNCL CancelCNF ConferenceCMI CommissionCMP CompleteCMPE Compete/competitiveCMU CommunicationCONC Concern/concerning/concerned COND ConditionCO. CompanyDEPT DepartmentDISC DiscountDPT DepartureEXCH ExchangeEXPLN ExplainEXT ExtentFLT FlightFNT FinalFRT FreightFYR For your referenceGD GoodGUAR GuaranteeH.O. Home officeINFO InformationIMPS ImpossibleIMP(T) ImportantINCD IncludeINDIV IndividualINS InsuranceINTST InterestedI/O In stead ofIOU I owe youIVO In view ofMANUF ManufactureMDL ModelMEMO MemorandumMGR MangerMIN MinimumMKT MarketMSG MessageNCRY NecessaryNLT No later thanOBS ObserveOBT ObtainORD OrdinaryPAT PatentPC PiecePKG PackingPL PeoplePLS PleasePOSN PositionPOSS(BL) PossiblePROD ProductQLTY QualityQUTY QuantityRCV ReceiveREF ReferenceREGL RegularREP RepresentativeRESN ReservationRPT RepeatRESPON ResponsibleSEC SectionSITN SituationSTD StandardTEL TelephoneTEMP TemporaryTGM TelegraphTHO ThoughTKS ThanksTRD TradeTRF TrafficTTL TotalU YouUR YourWK WeekWL WillWT WeightXL Extra large二、二、字母、图像Z 表示"人"people/person,因为"Z"看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。
之阿布丰王创作1. Note-taking symbols and abbreviations for your reference: Abbreviations in Note takingUse only the abbreviations that fit your needs and that you will remember easily. A good idea is to introduce only a few abbreviations into your note taking at a time. Symbols helpful in math -- these are commonly used in texts and references.S = sumf = frequency Leave out periods in standardabbreviations.cf = comparee.g. = examplede pt = department Use only the first syllable of aword.pol = politicsdem = democracylib= liberalcap = capitalism Use entire first syllable and only 1st letter of 2ndsyllable.pres = presentationsubj = subject ind = individualcons = conservative Eli minate final letters. Use just enough of the word to form a recognizableabbreviation.assoc = associatebiol = biolo gyinfo = informationach = achievementchem = chemistrymax = maximumintro = introductionconc = concentrationmin = minimu mrep = repetition Omit vowels, retain only enough consonants to give a recognizable skeleton of the word.ppd = preparedprblm = problemestmt = estimatebkgd = backgroundgvt = gov ernment Use an apostrophe in place ofletters.am't = amountcont'd = continuedgov 't = governmenteducat'l = educationalForm the plural of a symbol or abbreviated word by addings.chpts = chaptersegs = examplesfs = frequenciesintros = introductions Use g to represent ingendings.ckg = checkingestg = establishingd ecrg = decreasingexptg = experimenting Spell out short words such as in, at, to, but, for, and key. Abbreviations or symbols for short words will make the notes too dense with shorthand. Leave out unimportant words.Leave out the words a and the. If a term, phrase, or name is written out in full during the lecture, substitute initials whenever the term, phrase, or name is used again. For example, Center for Aerospace Sciences becomes CAS thereafter. Use symbols forcommonly recurring connective or transitionalwords.& = andw/ = withw/o = withou tvs = against\ = therefore= = is or equal Use technical symbols whereapplicable.zb = German, forexampleibid = Latin, the sameworko = degreesH2O = waterMorereference:Use standard maths, accounting, and science symbols. Examples:+ plus// parallelUse standard abbreviations and leave out full stops. Examples:eg exampleIT dept Information Technology departmentUK United KingdomUse only the first syllable of a word. Examples:mar marketingcus customercli clientUse the entire first syllable and the first letter of the second syllable. Examples:subj subjectbudg budgetind individualTo distinguish among various forms of the same word, use the first syllable of the word, an apostrophe, and the ending of the word. Examples:tech'gy technologygen'ion generalisationdel'y deliveryUse just enough of the beginning of a word to form a recognisable abbreviation. Examples:assoc associatedach achievementinfo informationOmit vowels from the middle of words, retainingonly enough consonants to provide a recognisable skeleton of the word. Examples:bkgd backgroundmvmt movementprblm problemForm the plural of a symbol or abbreviated word by adding 's.' Examples:custs customersfs frequencies/s ratiosUse 'g' to represent 'ing' endings. Examples:decrg decreasingckg checkingestblg establishingSpell out, rather than abbreviate short words. Examples:inbutaskeyLeave out unimportant verbs. Examples:iswaswereLeave out unnecessary articles. Examples:aantheIf a term, phrase, or name is initially written out in full during the talk or meeting, initials can be substituted whenever the term, phrase, or name is used again. Example:January Advertising Campaign Budget JACBUse symbols for common connective or transition words. Examples:@ at2 to4 for& andw/ withw/o withoutvs againstCreate your own set of abbreviations and symbols. You may wish to develop separate sets of symbols and abbreviations for different courses or subjects.Other Symbols and Abbreviationsas a result of / consequences of <--->resulting in --->and / also +equal to / same as=following ffmost importantly *less than <greater than > especially esp/关于缩略词一、缩略词英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。
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ⅹ表示政府,统治:government,govern;governmental official 可以表示为ⅹo。
A:农业: agriculture. agriculture经常用到,所以用首字母代替。
C×:冲突,矛盾(conflict,confrontation)W:工作,职业(work, employ )。
??Worker employer employee employmenti:工业(industry, industrial)字母i 像只烟囱,所以用来可以用来表示工业。
□:“国家”、“民族”、“领土”(country, state, nation)→□表示进口,□→表示出口;□/□国家之间,国与国椅子:主持、主办:chair, host, preside over。
??chairman, host, presidentU:合同、协议类(treaty, agreement, contract)在U内填入2,就可以表示为bilateral(双边的), 填入3表示为trilateral (三边的)。
︿表示“领导人”:leader, head??head of government, head of companyV 表示victory,success 成功等⊙:会议、开会等(meeting,conference,negotiation,seminar,discussion,symposium)∞;“捕鱼业”等合fishery 有关的词汇。
O 圆圈代表地球,横线表示赤道,所以这个符号就可以表示国际的、世界的、全球的等: international, worldwide, global, universal, etc.笑脸:表示开心:pleasant, joyful,happy,excited, etc.??unsatisfied, discomfort, angry, sadO表示听到、众所周之:as we all know, as is known to all, as you have already heard of, etc.O表示漠不关心、无动于衷:indifferent, apathetic, unconcern, don’t care much, etc.@ 表示位于箭头线条→包含许多意思,如出口、输入、打入、到达、传达、前往、交给、导致、运往、开放,或lead to, cause, result in, as a result, consequently, export to, go to, arrive in, end in, present to, give to, submit to, etc.←表示来源,来自,进口,收到,回归,回到或be/come from,return,receive from, result from, develop from, etc.↓表示向下、下跌、下降、减少、恶化、使降职、削减或decrease, reduce, decline, drop, deteriorate, descend, etc.↑表示上升,增长,增加,扩大,提高,发展,加强,上涨,提拔,晋升或up/ upward/ rise,increase,arise,ascend, go up, improve, promote. etc.﹋表示“波折”:ups and downs, twists and turns, roller coaster, etc.数学符号+表示加上、另外、多或plus, in addition to, many, lots of, a great deal of, a good many of, etc. ++(+2)“多”的比较级:more,越来越+3 表示“多”的最高级:most-表示“少”: little, few, lack ,in short of/ be in shortage of etc.- -越来越少less and less×表示“错误”、“失误”和“坏”的概念或不同意、否定、不等于等:wrong/incorrect,something bad,notorious,negative, etc.√表示正确、好、肯定、被采取、有名、著名、同意、赞同、批准、支持或famous,good,affirmative, agree, approve, stand up for support.、./ 表示“否定”,“消除”等概念:cross out, eliminate>表示大于、好于、超过、多于、优于或bigger/larger/greater/more than/better than或,superior to,surpass 。
<表示少于、小于,不如,次于,低于,逊色或less/smaller/ fewer than, under, worse than, inferior to,etc.= 表示“同等”概念:means,that is to say,in other words,the same as,be equal to 表示“对手”概念:a match, rival, competitor, counterpart, etc.≠表示“不同”概念:be different from,表示“无敌”概念:matchless, peerless,~表示“大约”概念about/around,or so,approximately, etc.∴表示所以、因此、因而、从而或therefore, thus, so, etc.∵表示因为或because, because of, due to, thanks to, owing to, etc.( ) 表示“在......之间”或包括在内:among, within, include/ including, inside, etc.↔表示属于belong to标点符号: 表示各种各样“说”的动词:say, speak, talk, marks, announce, declare, etc.? 表示“问题”:question,issue,例如:台湾问题:tw?. (dot) 这个“.”点的位置不同表示的概念也不一样无点表示现在当下Wk表示this week “y”表示this year,点在左边表示过去:“.d”表示yesterday, “.y”表示last year, “.2m”表示two months ago。
点在右边表示将来“2y.”two year later ;“next week”, 可以表示为“wk.”∧表示转折but yet however☆表示“重要的”状态:important,exemplary(模范的)best,outstanding,brilliant,etc.表示“交流”状态:exchange,mutual, etc.☆○??& 表示“和”,“与”:and,together with,along with,accompany,along with,further more,etc.∥表示“结束”:end,stop,halt,bring sth to a standstill/stop, etc缩略词去元留辅mkt: market mgr: managermsg: message std: standardrcv: receive infm: information去尾留首imp:importantins:insurance exch:exchangeIOU:I owe you I/O:Instead of首尾皆留wk:week rm:room pl:peoplehr:hour amt:amount根据发音r: are tho: though thru: through4mal: formal before:b4 / bfyour: ur th4: therefore长单词缩略常用缩略词Acc account, accountant Acdg accordingAcpt acceptAdm administratorAds address Agr agricultureAgt agentAlt altitudeAmap as much as possible Amb ambassadorAmt amountAnc ancientAnon anonymousApt apartmentArch architectureArr arrival/arriveAsap as soon as possibleAss assistant, associationAt atmosphereAtt attorney, attentionAv averageAve avenueBal balanceBd boardBk bookB/L bill of loadingBLDG buildingBp birthplaceBr branch, brotherBu bureauC capacityCap capital, century, centigrade Cat catalogueCc carbon copy 复印件,抄送Cert certificateCFM confirmCncl cancelCp compareCit citizenCiv civil/ civilizationCml commercial c/o care ofcomm. Commissioncorp corporationdec declarationdef defendant 被告,保卫dept departmentdep deposit 存款disc discountdz dozened education, editorencl enclosure, enclosedexp exportexch Exchangeext Extenteco ecnonomyff and the followingfig figuresfin finance/ financialfit flightfr frequentft foot, feetfut futureFYR for your referenceGA General Assembly 联合国大会Gen generallyGent gentlemenGov governmentHf halfHQ headquartersHr hourHt heightImp importImps impossibleImpt importantIndv individualinfo InformationI/O Instead ofIOU I owe youIvo In view ofLat latitudeL/C letter of credit 信用证Lib library/librarianLiq liquidLit literatureMag magzineMdl ModelMed medicine/medical Mem memberMemo MemorandumMin MinimumMkt MarketMod modern, moderate Mph mile per hourMsg MessageNLT no later thanOrg organizationOrig originalPara paragraphPc piece, personal computer Pd paid PE physical education Pkg Packing, packagePL PeoplePls pleasepoli political, politicspop popular, population prim primary, primitive prin principleprof professorpub public, publishqr quarterqt quantityqua qualityref Referencerept receiptrep representative, represent rev revise, reverse, revenue sci scienceSec SectionSig signal, signatureSq squareStd Standardsoc society,socialstab stabiltiy, stabletech technologyTel TelephoneTemp temperature, temporary Tho ThoughTKS ThanksTrans transactionTrf TrafficUlt ultimateUsu usuallyVs versusVv vice versa 反之亦然Wt WeightXL Extra largeAPT ApartmentACC AccountantACDG AccordingACPT AcceptAD AdvertisementADS AddressADV AdviceAMAP As much/many as possible AMT AmountBAL Balancebene benefit,beneficialBLDG BuildingC China, ChineseCERT CertificateCMPE Compete/competitive CMU CommunicationCO. Companycoo cooperationcorp corporationcul cultural, cultureDEPT DepartmentDISC DiscountEXCH Exchange EXT Extenteco ecnonomyINFO InformationI/O In stead ofIOU I owe you MDL Model MEMO Memorandum MIN Minimum MKT MarketMSG Message PKG PackingPL PeoplePLS Pleasepoli political, politics REF ReferenceSEC SectionSTD Standard socio societystab stabiltiy, stable TEL Telephone THO ThoughTKS ThanksTRF TrafficWT WeightXL Extra large。