EFd | 9.1 EFd | 9.2 EFd | 12.1 EFd | 12.2 Err | Eto St1 | E 1/3/5(开 路校准) St1 | E 2/4/6(开 路校准) St2 | E 7(啮合 校准) St2 | E 8/12(啮 合校准) St2 | E 9/13(啮 合校准) St2 | E 10/14(啮合校 St2 | E 11(啮合 校准) St2 | E15(啮合 校准)
使用JobMaster焊枪时 使用Licence key时
使用“焊丝末端检测”器选项 时
Err 25.x
Err 26.x
Err 31.x Err 70.x
31 70
hot H2O no | Arc no | GAS no | H2o no | Ign no | prG -St | oP-
次级电压(Usec)测量系统极性倒转或损坏 r-调节:工件无连接 r-调节:程序被反复的按焊枪开关中断 r-调节:与工件间的连接不好 接口不良 送丝系统故障(送丝机驱动过流);送丝马达卡死或损坏 送丝系统故障(推-拉丝机驱动过流) 齿轮机构驱动马达损坏 外部供电电压在允许范围之下; 损坏 外部供电电压在允许范围之上 从送丝马达处无实际转速输出 从拉丝马达处无实际转速输出 校准推-拉机构:错误的度量 速度值不正确(送丝马达) 速度值不正确(推-拉马达) "开路校准"没被执行 速度值不正确(送丝马达) 速度值不正确(推-拉马达) 马达电流超出允许范围 "啮合校准",除开驱动元件 推-拉机构电流超出允许范围
西门子SIMATIC ET200SP模块说明书
yes, firmware update
Yes; green/red DIAG LED Yes; Green LED
Potential separation Potential separation channels ● between the channels ● between the channels and backplane bus ● between the channels and the power supply of the electronics
2 545 V DC/2 s (routine test) III
DC 2545 V 2 s (routine test), impulse voltage test DC 7200 V / 5 positive and 5 negative pulses (type test) 707 V DC (type test)
Dimensions Width
20 mm
Weights Weight, approx.
last modified:
56 g 09/21/2017
6ES7136-6RA00-0BF0 Page 3/3
Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens
Data sheet
SINAMICS DCM V1.4 SP1 HF5 故障 ID 说明说明书
SIEMENS SINAMICS DCM V1.4 SP1 HF5STARTER V4.4 HF3 General conditions and function restrictions as well as notes on configuration and operation.These notes have a higher priority than statements made in other documents.Please read the notes carefully as they contain important information for installation and use of the system.SINAMICS DCM V1.4 SP1 HF5Fault ID Brief description Technical content Workaround From version STARTERTFS 44715 TFS 195319 The power supply of theSINAMICS DCM for pulseencoders is 15 V and not 24 V asshown in the STARTER encoderscreen form.The internal encoder evaluationsupplies 15 V as supply voltage,and not 24 V, as specified in theSTARTER screen form.A workaround is not requiredThe voltage lies within the HTLlevel specification (high level =13.5 V to 30 V). As aconsequence, commerciallyavailable pulse encoders can besimply supplied. The option ofselecting 5V/24V has no effect.All STARTERversionsTFS 39453 Under certain circumstances, thehorizontal scrollbar is missing inthe Wizard screen form “Drive -additional data”. Without the horizontal scrollbars,not all of the information can beseen in the screen form.If this problem occurs, then it canbe resolved by restarting theWizard.All STARTERversionsFirmwareTFS 322515 Uneven current distribution for12-pulse series circuits withparallel devices For 12-pulse series circuits, whereadditional devices are connected inparallel to the 12-pulse master andthe 12-pulse slave, sporadically(every 5 min.) in individual currentcusps, the current is very unevenlydistributed between the 12-pulsemaster and the devices connectedin parallel if additional process data(PZDs) or BICOs are transferredvia the parallel interface.Do not use the parallel interfaceto transfer BICOs (set p51801 =0).NOTES:1. This workaround is onlyeffective from V1.4 HF4 andhigher.2. The OA application OALINK isavailable to transfer BICOs.From V1.1TFS 356252 Parameter p2000 is not visible atthe BOP20 in the "Quickcommissioning" state (p0010 =1). For DCM, this parameter defines100% speed, and it is absolutelyessential that it is set whencommissioning the system.However, during quickcommissioning with the BOP20,this parameter is not listed.To set p2000 during quickcommissioning, set p0010 to 0,to be able to access p2000. Aftersetting p2000, set p0010 back to1 and complete quickcommissioning.From V1.1TFS 376135 Know-how protection with copyprotection has not been activated Fault F13101 fault value 1 isgenerated when activating know-how protection with copyprotection. The function cannot beactivated with SINAMICS DCM SDmemory cards (black) with the label"SW version" less than"". The green MMCmemory cards are not affected.1) Transfer the complete cardcontent to a SINAMICS DCMMMC memory card (green) or2) Transfer the complete cardcontent to a SINAMICS G120 SDmemory card (black)3) Replace the SINAMICS DCMSD memory card with a card withthe label “SW version01.40.19.00” or higher.From V1.4TFS 377614 When loading standard telegram390 in the drive, fault F1042 isoutput. When downloading the offlineconfiguration with standardtelegram 390 activated in the drive,fault message 1042 is output withfault information P2081, Index 8,fault cause 20.Remove the configuration of thestandard telegram 390 from theoffline configuration (setp0922=999). Carry out to thedownload Activate theparameterization of telegram 390after going online as described inthe function diagram 2420 bysetting p922=390.From V1.3Fault ID Brief descriptionTechnical contentWorkaround From version TFS 339925An overcurrent condition is signaled in the armature circuit for inverter commutation faults without CCPThis function is not described in the operating instructions. Proceed as follows for example, to use a fast circuit breaker to interrupt the overcurrent:1) Set p50774=51579.0 to connect the CCP command bit 00 (trigger quenching thyristors) with the digital output DO3.2) Copy from RAM to ROM and restart the device to activate the calculation of DO3 in the fast 250µs time slice.3) The duration of the output pulse can be set using p50778. (the minimum pulse duration is about 400µs)4) The polarity of the output pulse can be set using p50770[3].4) Connect the trigger input for the fast circuit breaker atDO3 (X177.22 and X177.24). Comment: With this functionality, not all criteria to identify a commutation fault of the commutation monitoring are evaluated, but only criteria 3 (magnitude of the current actual value). The setting value atparameter p51580 (commutation monitoring control word) is only effective if parameter p50790=6 communication with a SIMOREG CCP (if one is being used) is selected.From V1.4 SP1TFS 41373In offline projects in STARTER, the settings of the PROFIdrive telegram 220 are incorrect and incomplete.In the drive software, the settings of PROFIdrive telegram 220 have been corrected, however not in STARTER.The offline project must be loaded to the device and then back to the PG in order that the settings are also corrected in STARTER.From V1.3TFS 37899Deleting an OA application with inserted memory cardWhen deleting an OA application in the drive using STARTER, only the OA application saved in the flash memory is deleted. Otherapplications on the memory card remain unchanged. At the next power cycle, the OA application is copied from the memory card back to the flash.After deleting the OA, before the next power cycle, the directory of the OA application (OEM/OA name) must be deleted on the memory card (at a PC).From V1.1TFS 46619If two CUDs are connected via DRIVE_CLiQ, then the CUDs do not power upOnly connect the two CUDs via DRIVE_CLiQ, if the "TPOALINK" technology package was previously loaded to the drive.1) Disconnect the DRIVE_CLiQ connection2) Load the "TPOALINK" package to the CUDs to be connected.From V1.3TFS 382613Parameter r0032 (actual active power) indicates an invalid value. The display value of parameter r0032 (actual active power) is not valid.Instead, use parameter r0081[1].From V1.4 SP1TFS 44150 If, in HW Config, in theSINAMICS device, a module "DO without PZD" is inserted, then it is possible that the diagnostics view (HW Config online) does not correctly display the module.If, in HW Config, in the SINAMICS device, a module "DO without PZD" is inserted, then it is possible that the diagnostics view (HW Config online) does not correctly display the module.None. From V1.1Fault ID Brief description Technical content Workaround From version- Using a SIMATIC S7-1500 inconjunction with the standardGSD-file, data sent to individualDOs on SINAMICS DCM may bereceived by only the first DO. Using a SIMATIC S7-1500 inconjunction with the standard GSD-file and TIA-Portal, it is necessaryto separate the DOs on SINAMICSDCM using an "Axis separator" inorder for the data to be receivedand transmitted from and to thecorrect DO (see also SINAMICSDCM operating instructions forfurther details).Since this behavior applies toPROFIBUS only, as analternative PROFINET can beused for communication betweenSIMATIC S7-1500 andSINAMICS DCM (if a CBE20 isinstalled).From V1.1TFS 669428 The STARTER command "Loadto file system" doesn’t work withSINAMICS DCM. The data saved to a memory cardusing "Load to file system" will notbe loaded into the drive duringstartup.Load the project directly into thedrive using "Download to targetsystem" rather than "Load to filesystem".From V1.4 SP1DocumentationTFS 382014 Supplement to the description for"Quick stop" 1) In chapter 10.9.3 (Quick stop) ofthe operating instructions, there isno explanation regarding the effectof p50174, and there is noexplanation of the effect of OFF3 incurrent controlled operation.2) In function diagram 6840,column 4, the labels of switchpositions 0 and 1 must beinterchanged for the switch that iscontrolled by p50174.3) The description of OFF3 must becorrected in Chapter 4.1.1 of theList Manual.1) In Chapter 10.9.3 (Quick stop),the text of the last bullet pointshould be as follows:To ensure that "Quick stop"functions even after rewiring,current or torque lower limits arespecified, or when additionalsetpoints are supplied, certainfunctions are disabledautomatically when "Quick stop"is entered.- All torque limits are inactivewhile braking down to n < nmin.This function can be deactivatedusing p50174. See functiondiagram 6840, column 4.- Of the current limits, only thesystem current limit (p50171 andp50172), the speed-dependentcurrent limit and the current limitresulting from the I2t monitoringof the power units are active.- In current controlled operation(p50084 = 2 or thefollowing/slave drive selected),when entering “Quick stop,”closed-loop speed control isautomatically selected (withspeed setpoint = 0). See functiondiagram 6830, column 4.Note:When using the STARTERcontrol panel, when the inputfocus is lost, the "Quick stop"command is entered, andtherefore closed-loop speedcontrol is automatically selected.2) In function diagram 6840,column 4, the labels of switchpositions 0 and 1 must beinterchanged for the switch thatis controlled by p50174.3) In Chapter 4.1.1 of the ListManual, the description of OFF3must be corrected as follows:For torque control (p50084 = 2)- Closed-loop speed control isautomatically selected. As aconsequence, the response isthe same as for closed-loopspeed control (p50081 = 1).From V1.1Fault ID Brief descriptionTechnical contentWorkaround From version TFS 384026Important supplements to parameter p51780 in the List Manual1) In the List Manual, for thedescription of parameter p51780, "Fault message response" must be replaced by "Fault response". 2) In the List Manual, for thedescription of parameter p51780, the following texts are missing: i) Note: The fault responses are described in Chapter 4.1.1"General information on faults and alarms".ii) Alarm: When using theparameter, the fault responses of ALL fault messages are involved. Take into account this behavior when considering the safetysituation in your plant or system. If in any doubt, leave the parameter at the value 0.iii) Note: If the cause of the fault message disappears during the delay time, the fault response is still realized after this time expires. iv) Note: If the cause of the fault message disappears during the delay time, and is acknowledged before the delay time expires, the fault message disappears, and a fault response is not initiated. Not necessary.From V1.4 SP1TFS 384634"6-pulse/12-pulse mixed operation" applicationA chapter about the "6-pulse/12-pulse mixed operation" application is missing in the applicationdocument for 12-pulse applications. Please contact CustomerSupport if you wish to use such an application.From V1.4 SP1AOP30 B340Parameter p400 shows too many encoder types.Parameter p400 shows too many encoder types. Also encoders that are not supported by the encoder evaluation of the DCM.With the numerical input of 3000 you can quickly jump to the beginning of the supported encoders.From DCM V1.2B340 Optimization run does not offer a "next" option to exit the screen.All the previous screens of the wizard have a "next" option at the end of them for navigation. For the optimization runs the screen has to be exited with "0: no optimization run".Exit screen with "0: no optimization run".From DCM V1.2TFS 378029Without memory card, the texts of the technology parameters in Chinese are not displayedFor technology parameters(p21000 up to p21499), instead of Chinese characters, questionmarks are displayed on the AOP30. All other texts are not involved. Option 1: If a memory card is available, keep this permanently inserted.Option 2: Switchover the AOP30 language to English.From DCM V1.1TFS 386070 Alarm time stampsIn the drive, as factory setting(p3100=2), the number of days for the operating hours counter is increased by 10986 days. Thisnumber of days is also displayed in the AOP.If this is seen as being disturbing, then p3100 can be set to 0. This means that the state up to V1.4 has been restored.From DCM V1.4 SP1。
PROFINET V2.2 用户手册说明书
WARNING indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
PROFINET Standard V2.2 for SIMOTION V4.1 SP 2
Product Information, 08/2008
The standardization of PROFINET for IEC61158 requires a transition from Version V2.1 to V2.2. The contents related to PROFINET with IRT have changed. When using the RT class 'IRT' in the PROFINET network, versions V2.1 and V2.2 are not compatible. This means that when using PROFINET with IRT in both SIMOTION and SINAMICS, it is important to ensure that all devices that participate in IRT communication support the standard according to either V2.1 or V2.2.
SIMATIC S7-1500 ET 200MP 自动化系统 系统手册说明书
SIMATICS7-1500/ET 200MP 自动化系统系统手册01/2023A5E03461186-AKSiemens AG Digital Industries Postfach 48 48 90026 NÜRNBERG 德国Ⓟ 02/2023 本公司保留更改的权利Copyright © Siemens AG 2013 - 2023.保留所有权利法律资讯警告提示系统为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。
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5250系列高能电容充能放电(晓声器)移动电缆故障定位系统 - 海普顿5250系列说明书
5250 Series – High Energy Capacitive Discharge(Thumpers)Portable Cable Fault Locating SystemsThe Hipotronics 5250 Systems meet the demanding needs of utilities, industrials, andcontractors who require a highly portable, easy to use, complete fault location system. The 5250 systemutilizes the most innovative TDR techniques; along with the highest energy, battery operated, portable compact thumper the market has to offer. These systems will reduce your fault location time by up to 80% allowing quick and easy sectionalizing of faulted loop feed URD installations with out disconnecting transformers and provide fast fault location in underground cables. Isolation of a cable fault between two transformers is easily identified.Our 5250 battery powered cable fault locator combines a high voltage filter, digital high voltage TDR and battery charger into one complete, easy to use, cost-effective package. Operation of the entire system is done from the controls of the TDR1150, or manually from the 5250 control panel. Connection to the cable under test is easy with quick clamp connectors on an HV output cable. Once the 5250 is connected to the cable under test, a trained operator will be able to find faults in a matter of minutes. The digital TDR1150 allows built-in storage of waveforms. In addition, the 5250 TDR1150 has a built-in serial port to allow an operator to download waveforms to a computer for evaluation or long-term storage.FEATURES; Complete Fault Location System in a Single Package; Highly Portable Lightweight Package ; Output Energy up to 2000 Joules @ Either Voltage Range.; User Friendly Step by Step Operation ; 100 MHz TDR Sampling Rate; Saves up to 16 Three Phase Cable Traces and 16 User Defined Test Profiles; Windows ™ -based TDR with RS232 Port to Download Traces to Computer; Dual Mode Operation Automatic through the TDR and Manual from 5250; Fully Powered from AC or 12V Battery (Included);Waterproof Interlocked CabinetBENEFITSSingle Piece Solution - the need to buy and maintain several pieces of equipment goes awayReduce Damage to Residential Property - this compact lightweight unit mounted on a hand cart with wheels is ideal for field use anywhereEasier Fault Finding - a fast rise time pulse makes testing of URD cable and locating the fault simpler Time Saving - fault location time and time spentdigging up the cable is reduced with the high resolution TDR (2.5 feet)Use It Regardless of the Weather - wholly self-contained and waterproof design, minimizes setup hasslesSimple Fault Pinpointing - operators can simply pinpoint faults due to the high energy output of the power supply1981European Contact Locate your local USA Contact Haefely Test AG Lehenmattstrasse 353 CH-4028 Basel Switzerland+ 41 61 373 4111 + 41 61 373 4912 | *****************sales representative atHipotronics Inc.1650 Route 22 PO Box 414Brewster, NY 10509 USA + 1 845 279 8091 + 1 845 279 2467 | *********************Hipotronics has a policy of continuous product improvement. Therefore we reserve the right to change design and specification without notice5250-DS / 02.2010TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSGeneral Model Number 5250-30-*5250-15-*TDR Specifications TDR Operating System Windows ™Measuring Accuracy 2.5 feet (77 cm) - sampling rate of 100 MHz Pulse Amplitude / Width 25 V into 50 Ohms / 100 nS to 20µsRange - Time / Distance 1.28µs to 0.66 mS / 1 to 196,000 feet (0.3 to 59,740 m)Trace Storage Total of 32, 16 cable traces and 16 user test profilesMonitorLCD Display 7” (18 cm) DiagonalInput Protection/Isolation 480 volts ACHV Section SpecificationsPower Requirements Sealed gel, 12 V dc rechargeable battery*Input voltages -A 120 V, 60 Hz -B 220 V, 50/60 HzPulse Output Voltage 0 – 15 kV or 0 -30 kV 0 – 15 kV Controlled Energy 2000 J @ 30 kV or 15 kV1000 J @ 15 kV Charge Time 10 seconds 10 seconds DC Proof Test Output0 – 30 kV0 – 15 kVWeights and Dimensions (W x H x D, net weight, ship weight) 5150-30-*28” x 51” x 22” (71 x 130 x 56 cm) 365 lbs (166 kg) 415 lbs (189 kg) 5150-15-*28” x 51” x 22” (71 x 130 x 56 cm)345 lbs (000kg) 395 lbs (000 kg)CONNECTION DIAGRAM ORDERING INFORMATIONSystem*********µF/*********µF max 2000 Joules 5250-30-* ********µF/**********µF max 1000 Joules 5250-15-** Indicate input voltage –A for 120 V, 60 Hz or -B for 220 V, 50/60 HzAccessoriesRetrofit kit for MC connector installation on HV cable HH211082 Connects TDR to Hagenuk M 219 filter HH210945SCOPE OF SUPPLYQty. 1 CFFR-30 or CFFR-15 Hipot/Thumper Qty. 1 TDR1150 and Power SupplyQty. 1 50 feet HV Cable, MC connector, vise-grip clamp andgrounding clampQty. 1 25 feet Safety ground with grounding clampQty. 2 Interconnect Cables, BNC to BNC, 3 feet (0.91 m) Qty. 1 Wheeled hand cartQty. 1 Internal 12 V rechargeable battery, charger Qty. 1 TDR SoftwareQty. 1 Calibration Certificate Qty. 1 User’s Manual。
Vishay SiliconixSi7270DPDocument Number: Dual N-Channel 30 V (D-S) MOSFETFEATURES•Halogen-free According to IEC 61249-2-21Definition•TrenchFET ® Power MOSFET •PWM Optimized •100 % R g Tested •100 % UIS Tested•Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/ECAPPLICATIONS•Fixed Telecom- Server•Notes:a.Surface mounted on 1" x 1" FR4 board.b.t = 10 s.c.See solder profile (/ppg?73257). The PowerPAK SO-8 is a leadless package. The end of the lead terminal is exposed copper (not plated) as a result of the singulation process in manufacturing. A solder fillet at the exposed copper tip cannot be guaranteed and is not required to ensure adequate bottom side solder interconnection.d.Rework conditions: manual soldering with a soldering iron is not recommended for leadless components.e.Maximum under steady state conditions is 80 °C/W.f.Package limited.PRODUCT SUMMARYV DS (V)R DS(on) (Ω)I D (A)f Q g (Typ.)300.021 at V GS = 10 V 8 6.60.025 at V GS = 4.5 V8ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T A = 25 °C, unless otherwise noted)ParameterSymbol LimitUnit Drain-Source Voltage V DS30VGate-Source VoltageV GS ± 20Continuous Drain Current (T J = 150 °C)T C = 25 °C I D8f AT C = 70 °C 8fT A = 25 °C 8 a, b, f T A = 70 °C8a, bPulsed Drain Current (300 µs)I DM 35Source-Drain Current Diode Current T C = 25 °C I S8fT A = 25 °C 3.0a, bSingle Pulse Avalanche Current L = 0.1 mH I AS 15Avalanche EnergyE AS11.2mJ Maximum Power DissipationT C = 25 °C P D17.8WT C = 70 °C 11.4T A = 25 °C 3.6a, b T A = 70 °C 2.3a, bOperating Junction and Storage Temperature Range T J , T stg - 55 to 150°CSoldering Recommendations (Peak Temperature)c, d260THERMAL RESISTANCE RATINGSParameterSymbol Typ.Max.Unit Maximum Junction-to-Ambient a, e t ≤ 10 s R thJA 2835°C/WMaximum Junction-to-Case (Drain)Steady StateR thJC5.57.0 Document Number: 66817Vishay SiliconixSi7270DPNotes:a. Guaranteed by design, not subject to production testing.b. Pulse test; pulse width ≤ 300 µs, duty cycle ≤ 2 %.Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.SPECIFICATIONS (T J = 25 °C, unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ.Max.Unit StaticDrain-Source Breakdown Voltage V DS V GS = 0 V , I D = 250 µA 30V V DS Temperature Coefficient ΔV DS /T J I D = 250 µA 34mV/°C V GS(th) Temperature Coefficient ΔV GS(th)/T J I D = 250 µA - 5.5Gate Threshold Voltage V GS(th) V DS = V GS , I D = 250 µA 1.22.8V Gate-Body LeakageI GSS V DS = 0 V , V GS = ± 20 V 100nA Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current I DSS V DS = 30 V, V GS = 0 V 1µA V DS = 30 V , V GS = 0 V , T J = 85 °C10On-State Drain Current bI D(on) V DS ≥ 5 V , V GS = 10 V 20A Drain-Source On-State Resistance b R DS(on) V GS = 10 V , I D = 8 A 0.01750.021ΩV GS = 4.5 V, I D = 6 A 0.02050.025Forward T ransconductance b g fs V DS = 10 V , I D = 8 A31SDynamicaInput Capacitance C iss V DS = 15 V, V GS = 0 V , f = 1 MHz 900pFOutput CapacitanceC oss 150Reverse Transfer Capacitance C rss 60Total Gate Charge Q g V DS = 15 V , V GS = 10 V , ID = 10 A 1421nCV DS = 15 V , V GS = 4.5 V, I D = 10 A6.610Gate-Source Charge Q gs 2.5Gate-Drain Charge Q gd 1.7Gate Resistance R g f = 1 MHz0.31.42.8ΩTurn-On Delay Time t d(on) V DD = 15 V , R L = 1.5 Ω I D ≅ 10 A, V GEN = 4.5 V , R g = 1 Ω1428nsRise Timet r 1020Turn-Off Delay Time t d(off) 1530Fall Timet f 816Turn-On Delay Time t d(on) V DD = 15 V , R L = 1.5 Ω I D ≅ 10 A, V GEN = 10 V , R g = 1 Ω1020Rise Timet r 816Turn-Off Delay Time t d(off) 1836Fall Timet f 816Drain-Source Body Diode Characteristics Continuous Source-Drain Diode Current I S T C = 25 °C 8A Pulse Diode Forward Current aI SM 35Body Diode VoltageV SD I S = 3 A0.77 1.2V Body Diode Reverse Recovery Time t rr I F = 5 A, dI/dt = 100 A/µs, T J = 25 °C1326ns Body Diode Reverse Recovery Charge Q rr 6.513nC Reverse Recovery Fall Time t a 8nsReverse Recovery Rise Timet b5Document Number: Vishay SiliconixSi7270DPTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (25°C, unless otherwise noted)Output CharacteristicsOn-Resistance vs. Drain CurrentGate ChargeTransfer CharacteristicsOn-Resistance vs. Junction Temperature Document Number: 66817Vishay SiliconixSi7270DPTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (25°C, unless otherwise noted)Source-Drain Diode Forward VoltageThreshold VoltageOn-Resistance vs. Gate-to-Source VoltageDocument Number: Vishay SiliconixSi7270DPTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (25°C, unless otherwise noted)* The power dissipation P D is based on T J(max.) = 150 °C, using junction-to-case thermal resistance, and is more useful in settling the upper dissipation limit for cases where additional heatsinking is used. It is used to determine the current rating, when this rating falls below the package limit.Current Derating*Power Derating, Junction-to-CasePower Derating, Junction-to-AmbientSi7270DPVishay SiliconixTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (25°C, unless otherwise noted)Normalized Thermal Transient Impedance, Junction-to-CaseVishay Siliconix maintains worldwide manufacturing capability. Products may be manufactured at one of several qualified locations. Reliability data for Silicon Technology and Package Reliability represent a composite of all qualified locations. For related documents such as package/tape drawings, part marking, and reliability data, see /ppg?66817. Document Number: 66817Package Information Vishay SiliconixPowerPAK® SO-8, (Single/Dual)Revison: 20-May-131Document Number: 71655Application Note 826Vishay SiliconixA P P L I C A T I O N N O T ERECOMMENDED MINIMUM PADS FOR PowerPAK ® SO-8 DualLegal Disclaimer Notice VishayDisclaimerALL PRODU CT, PRODU CT SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA ARE SU BJECT TO CHANGE WITHOU T NOTICE TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN OR OTHERWISE.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively,“Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vishay disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability.Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Vishay’s knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Vishay products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer’s responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and/or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer’s technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein.Except as expressly indicated in writing, Vishay products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.Material Category PolicyVishay Intertechnology, Inc. hereby certifies that all its products that are identified as RoHS-Compliant fulfill the definitions and restrictions defined under Directive 2011/65/EU of The European Parliament and of the Council of June 8, 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) - recast, unless otherwise specified as non-compliant.Please note that some Vishay documentation may still make reference to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC. We confirm that all the products identified as being compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC conform to Directive 2011/65/EU.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. hereby certifies that all its products that are identified as Halogen-Free follow Halogen-Free requirements as per JEDEC JS709A standards. Please note that some Vishay documentation may still make reference to the IEC 61249-2-21 definition. We confirm that all the products identified as being compliant to IEC 61249-2-21 conform to JEDEC JS709A standards.Revision: 02-Oct-121Document Number: 91000。
HT-69020NP-0, HT-69030NP-0 Duct Probe RH Transmitt
HT-69020NP-0, HT-69030NP-0 Duct Probe RHTransmitter Installation GuideIntroductionThe HT-69 Series Duct Probe Relative Humidity (RH)Transmitters use a highly accurate and reliable thermosetpolymer-based capacitance humidity sensor and state-of-the-art digital linearization and temperature-compensated circuitry to monitor humidity levels in a duct. The humidity sensor is encapsulated in a 60 micron HDPE filter at the end of a 9 in. (230 mm) stainless steel (S/S) probe and a compact enclosure.Figure 1: HT-69 Duct Probe RH Transmitter DimensionsFigure 2: Dimensions of the HT-69 Duct Probe RH Transmitter*241102556A*Part No. 24-11025-56 Rev. A2022-11-11MountingThe transmitter installs directly into any air duct with a minimum width or diameter of 10 in. (25.5 cm).-Select a suitable installation area in the middle of the duct wall.-To achieve the best reading, do not place in an area where air stratification may be present.-Mount the sensor at least 5 ft. (1.5 m) in either direction from elbows, dampers, filters, or other duct restrictions.-Avoid areas that expose the transmitter to vibrations or rapid temperature changes.To install the transmitter, complete the following steps:1.When you select a suitable spot, drill a 0.6 in. (15mm) to 0.75 in. (20 mm) hole for the probe.2.Slide the probe into the drilled hole until the enclosure is flush against the duct. The airflow direction is not important.3.Secure the enclosure to the duct with two No. 10 x 1 in. (25 mm) self-tapping screws (not provided).4.Tighten the screws until the enclosure is tight against the duct so that there is no movement of the enclosure. A foam gasket on the back of the enclosure provides a tight seal against any air leaks. See Step 1 in Figure 3.5.The enclosure includes a hinged cover with a latch.To open the cover, pull slightly on the latch on the right side of the enclosure. At the same time, pull on the cover as shown in Step 2 of Figure 3.6.A 0.5 in. NPT threaded connection hole is in the bottom of the enclosure. Screw the EMT or cable gland connector into the threaded connection holeuntil tight. See Step 3 in Figure 3.Note: Preferably use weatherproof EMT or cable gland fittings. The E-style enclosure includes 0.5 in. NPT to M16 thread adaptor and cable gland fitting.7.Make wire connections as shown in the wire diagram in Wiring .8.Swing the door closed until it securely latches. For added security, install the two provided screws in the integrated screw tabs. See Step 4 of Figure 3.Wiring•Deactivate the 24 VAC/DC power supply before you make all connections to the device to prevent electrical shock or equipment damage.•Use 14 AWG to 22 AWG shielded wiring for allconnections and do not locate the device wires in the same conduit with wiring that supplies inductive loads such as motors. Make all connections in accordance with national and local codes.•Pull at least 6 in. (15 cm) of wire into the enclosure,then complete the wiring connection according to the wire diagram for the applicable power supply and output signal type. See Figure 4.•Place the output switch in the required position to select the required signal output type (mA or VDC), as shown in Step 2 of Figure 4. The factory default setting is 4 mA to 20 mA.•If you select mA, no further output set up is required.If you select VOLT output as shown in Figure 5, place the voltage output switch to the required span position,that is 10 VDC = 0 VDC to 10 VDC. The factory default setting is 0 VDC to 10 VDC. See Step 1 of Figure 4.•Connect the DC positive or the AC voltage hot side to the PWR terminal. For voltage output or AC power,connect the supply common to the COM terminal.The device is reverse voltage-protected and does not operate if you connect it backwards. The device contains a half-wave power supply so the supplycommon is the same as the signal common. See Step 3of Figure 4.•The analog output is available on the OUT terminal.Check the controller Analog Input to determine the correct connection before you apply power as shown in Step 3 of Figure 4.Figure 3: Mounting the HT-69 Duct Probe RH TransmitterFigure 4: Wiring of the HT-60 Duct Probe TransmitterTechnical specificationsTable 1: HT-69020NP-0, HT-69030NP-0 Duct Probe RH Transmitter technical specificationsThe performance specifications are nominal and conform to acceptable industry standards. For application at conditions beyond these specifications, consult the local Johnson Controls office. Johnson Controls shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products.Product warrantyThis product is covered by a limited warranty, details of which can be found at / buildingswarranty.Software termsUse of the software that is in (or constitutes) this product, or access to the cloud, or hosted services applicable to this product, if any, is subject to applicable end-user license, open-source software information, and other terms set forth at /techterms. Your use of this product constitutes an agreement to such terms. PatentsPatents: https://Single point of contactContact informationContact your local branch office: /locationsContact Johnson Controls: /contact-us© 2022 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision and。
VNIV .EX15208 - Sprinklers, Automatic and OpenSprinklers, Automatic and OpenSprinkler Identification Number (SIN) HD 201, 202, 101, 102, 204, 104, HD211, HD212, HD108, HD208, HD105, HD205, HD243, HD172, HD171, HD272,HD271, HD173, HD273, HD602, HD702, HD601, HD701, HD603, HD703, HD608, HD708 glass bulb type sprinklers.sprinklers.UPRIGHT AND PENDENT STANDARD SPRAY SPRINKLERSNOMINAL 5.6 K-FACTORSIN Response Type Type Nom K-FactorSystem Working Pressure, psig Temp Rating, °FHD201QR Pendent 5.6175135, 155, 175, 200, 286HD202QR Upright 5.6175135, 155, 175, 200HD101SR Pendent 5.6175135, 155, 175, 200, 286, 360HD102SR Upright 5.6175135, 155, 175, 200HD402SR Upright 5.6175135, 155, 175, 200HD502QR Upright 5.6175135, 155, 175, 200HD401SR Pendent 5.6175135, 155, 175, 200HD501QRPendent5.6175135, 155, 175, 200HD602SR Upright 5.6175135, 155, 175, 200, 286HD702QR Upright 5.6175135, 155, 175, 200, 286HD601SR Pendent 5.6175135, 155, 175, 200, 286HD701QRPendent5.6175135, 155, 175, 200, 286NOMINAL 1.4 TO 4.2 K-FACTORSIN Response Type Type Nom k-Factor System Working Pressure, psigTemp Rating, °FHD211QR Pendent 4.2175135, 155, 175, 200HD212QRUpright4.2175135, 155, 175, 200NOMINAL 8.0 K-FACTORSIN Response Type Type Inlet Thread NPT System Working Pressure, psig Temp Rating, °F HD172SR Upright3/4175135, 155, 175, 200HD171SR Pendent 3/4175135, 155, 175, 200HD272QRUpright3/4175135, 155, 175, 200HD FIRE PROTECT PVT LTD D-6/2, Road No. 34Wagle Industrial EstateThane, Maharashtra 400604 IndiaEX15208HD271QR Pendent3/4175135, 155, 175, 200FLUSH, RECESSED AND CONCEALED SPRINKLERSSIN ResponseType TypeNomK-FactorTemp Rating, °FCover SprinklerHD204QR Conc. Pendent 5.6135155HD201QR Rec. Pendent 5.6—135, 155,175, 200, 286HD104SR Conc. Pendent 5.6135135 ,155HD104SR Conc. Pendent 5.6155175, 200HD101SR Rec. Pendent 5.6—135, 155, 175, 200, 286, 360 HD171SR Rec. Pendent8.0—135, 155, 175, 200HD271QR Rec. Pendent8.0—135, 155, 175, 200HD173SR Rec. HSW8.0—135, 155, 175, 200HD273QR Rec. HSW8.0—135, 155, 175, 200HD404SR Concealed 5.6135, 155135, 155, 175, 200HD504QR Concealed 5.6135, 155135, 155, 175, 200STANDARD SIDEWALL SPRAY SPRINKLERSSIN ResponseType TypeNomk-FactorSystemWorkingPressure, psigTempRating, °FHD103#SR HSW 5.6175135, 155, 175, 200 HD203#QR HSW 5.6175135, 155, 175, 200 HD105#SR VSW 5.6175155, 175, 200HD205#QR VSW 5.6175155, 175, 200HD173#SR HSW8.0175135, 155, 175, 200 HD273#QR HSW8.0175135, 155, 175, 200 HD403+#SR Horizontal 5.6175135, 155, 175, 200 HD503+#QR Horizontal 5.6175135, 155, 175, 200 HD603*#SR Horizontal 5.6175135, 155, 175, 200, 286 HD703*#QR Horizontal 5.6175135, 155, 175, 200, 286 + - Installed 4 to 12 in. below ceiling.# - For ordinary hazard occupancies.CONVENTIONAL (OLD STYLE) SPRINKLERSHD108SR 5.6135, 155, 175, 200, 286, 360HD208QR 5.6135, 155, 175, 200, 286HD608SR 5.6135, 155, 175, 200, 286HD708QR 5.6135, 155, 175, 200, 286QUICK RESPONSE (QR)-EXTENDED-COVERAGE SPRINKLERS - LIGHT HAZARDSIN Type Max WidthFt (A)Max LengthFt (B)MinFlowGPMSystemWorkingPressure,psigNomK-FactorDistanceBelowCeiling,In.TempRating,°FHD243HSW, Rec.HSW161626175 5.6 4 to 12135, 155, 175, 200HD243HSW, Rec.HSW161829175 5.6 4 to 12135, 155, 175, 200HD243HSW, Rec.HSW162032175 5.6 4 to 12135, 155, 175, 200HD243HSW, Rec.HSW162236175 5.6 4 to 6135, 155, 175, 200HD243HSW, Rec.HSW162242175 5.6 6 to 12135, 155, 175, 200HD223HSW, Rec.HSW1616281758.0 4 to 12135, 155, 175, 200HD223HSW, Rec.HSW1618291758.0 4 to 12135, 155, 175, 200HD223HSW, Rec.HSW1620321758.0 4 to 6135, 155, 175, 200HD223HSW, Rec.HSW1620361758.0 6 to 12135, 155, 175, 200HD223HSW, Rec.HSW1622361758.0 4 to 12135, 155, 175, 200HD223HSW, Rec.HSW1624391758.0 4 to 12135 HD223HSW1624391758.0 4 to 12175(A) Dimension of wall on which a sidewall sprinkler is installed.(B) Dimension perpendicular to wall on which a sidewall sprinkler is installed.Trademark and/or Tradename: "HD"Last Updated on 2022-05-19The appearance of a company's name or product in this database does not in itself assure that products so identified have been manufactured under UL's Follow-Up Service. Only those products bearing the UL Mark should be considered to be Certified and covered under UL's Follow-Up Service. Always look for the Mark on the product.UL permits the reproduction of the material contained in the Online Certification Directory subject to the following conditions: 1. The Guide Information, Assemblies, Constructions, Designs, Systems, and/or Certifications (files) must be presented in their entirety and in a non-misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2. The statement "Reprinted from the Online Certifications Directory with permission from UL" must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition, the reprinted material must include a copyright notice in the following format: "© 2022 UL LLC"。
能源控制器Ⅰ型使用说明书青岛东软载波科技股份有限公司能源控制器类型标识代码分类说明NC X X X X-XXXX 能源控制器场景远程通信本地通信总线通信产品代号NC-能源控制器1-公变2-专变1-4G2-5G0-无1-HPLC2-微功率无线3-双模1-RS-4852-M-bus3-CAN由不大于8位的英文字母和数字组成。
功能模块类型标识代码分类说明G X X X X-XXXX功能模块功能模块类型功能模块类型属性接口数量温度级别产品代号G-功能模块K-控制模块X-遥信模块B-本地通信模块Y-远程通信模块M-模拟量采集模块T-其他功能模块类型无补充属性,则为X;本地通信模块:Z-窄带电力线载波H-HPLCJ-微功率无线S-双模通信模块(载波&无线)M-MBUS通信模块R-RS485通信模块C-CAN通信模块T-其它信道远程通信模块:2-无线公网2G3-无线公网3G4-无线公网4G5-无线公网5GA-230MHz专网L-以太网有线网络N-公共交换电话网F-光纤有线网络T-其他信道多功能组合模块类型属性定义为:Z。
OptiX OSN1500PQ1单板的功能和特性及工作原理
OptiX OSN1500PQ1单板的功能和特性及工作原理一.功能和特性PQ1单板支持E1信号的处理、开销处理、告警和性能事件、维护特性、TPS保护。
表1PQ1单板的功能和特性功能和特性描述N1PQ1 N2PQ1基本功能63路E1信号处理。
支持FPGA 的在线加载功能。
IF = IS, VGS = 0 V,
Pulse test, t ≤ 300 µs, duty cycle d ≤ 2 %
100 A 250 A 1.5 V
IF = 25 A
-di/dt = 100 A/µs
VR = 100 V
TO-268 Outline
TO-264 Outline
IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions, and dimensions.
IXYS MOSFETs and IGBTs are covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents:
gfs Ciss Coss Crss td(on) tr td(off) tf Qg(on) Qgs Qgd RthJC RthCK RthCK
IXTQ 100N25P IXTT 100N25P IXTK 100N25P
Test Conditions
Characteristic Values
ID - Amperes
IXTQ 100N25P IXTT 100N25P IXTK 100N25P
Fig. 2. Extended Output Characteristics
@ 25ºC
VGS = 10V
175 8V
50 6V
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
SIMATIC DP CPU 1510SP F-1 PN 等设备的数据表说明书
1 0
80; CPU + 64 modules + server module (mounting width max. 1 m) + 16 ET 200AL modules 1
the number of connectable PtP CMs is only limited by the number of available slots
1 024; max. number of modules / submodules
32 kbyte; All inputs are in the process image 32 kbyte; All outputs are in the process image
8 kbyte 8 kbyte
8 kbyte 8 kbyte
0 ... 65 535 100 kbyte
Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens
● Number range ● Size, max. OB ● Size, max. ● Number of free cycle OBs ● Number of time alarm OBs ● Number of delay alarm OBs ● Number of cyclic interrupt OBs
CPU processing times for bit operations, typ. for word operations, typ. for fixed point arithmetic, typ. for floating point arithmetic, typ.
CPU-blocks Number of elements (total) DB ● Number range
PROFINET with 100 Mbit/s full duplex (100BASE-TX) No Yes; PROFINET with 100 Mbit/s full duplex (100BASE-TX) Yes Yes
No Yes No No
Data sheet
SIMATIC ET 200SP, MultiFieldbus, 2-port interface module, IM 155-6MF High Feature, PN IO, Ethernet IP, Modbus TCP, 1 slot for BusAdapter, max. 64 I/O modules and 16 ET 200AL modules, multi-hot swap, optional cable grip, including server module
via IM155-6PN/2 HF in compatibility mode GSDML V2.3 V1.0 Update 2
24 V 19.2 V 28.8 V Yes
10 ms; according to IEC 61131-2 ( severity degree PS2
connection method / header ET-Connection ● via BU/BA Send
6ES71556MU000CN0 Page 3/4
Yes Yes Yes No
500 byte; (246 byte outputs / 500 byte inputs) 250 byte; (246 byte outputs / 250 byte inputs)
03597 03/18For service, spare parts or product information, please contact Smart Marketing Group Pty. Ltd. AUST. 1300 660 457 N.Z. 0800 474 876Recyclable CardboardPortable compressor for medium duty DIY task around the homeMODEL NO.BR140DAIR COMPRESSOR MANUALAs soon as you have purchased the compressor, we recommend that you check to make sure it is intact and that you read the operating instructions carefully before using it. The purchase receiptfor this product is to be retained and must be presented if making a claim under the terms of the Smart Marketing Group (SMG) warranty. Bank account statements are not acceptable for proof of purchase.This warranty does not cover compressors intended for hire or use in commercial applications or in commercial premises. The warranty will under no circumstances extend to reimbursement or payment of damages, whether direct, indirect or consequential. The warranty is void if thereis evidence the compressors has been modifiedor tampered with in any way or used with unauthorised accessories without our consent. SMG declines any responsibility or liability whatsoever arising from misuse or abuse, negligent handling of the compressors or if the product has not been installed or failure to comply with the relevant safety, operating, setting and maintenance instructions (see further in this manual).The warranty does not extend to installation or disconnection costs.Any item sent freight forward/collect for repair will be refused. Warranty repairs are free of charge, provided the appliance is delivered to our service department or authorised service agent. The compressor will need to be returned, adequately protected in a box. SMG will not be responsible for any in-transit loss or damage. Assistance under the warranty will only be made available if the request is made to our customer service team on the contact numbers listed below and proof of purchase is provided.This is a repair only warranty you will need to take the compressor to the authorised service agent after contacting our customer service centre.If the product includes various accessories or components, only the defective accessory or component will be replaced or repaired.SMG reserves the right to replace defective parts of the product with parts and components of similar quality, grade and composition where an identical part or component is not available. Products presented for repair may be replaced by refurbished products of the same type rather than being repaired. Refurbished parts may be used to repair the products.Damage caused by third party accessories is not covered under this warranty.Damage caused to attached equipment or third party accessories will not be covered under this warranty.Rust and corrosion are not covered under this warranty.If a warranty fault is found the freight cost willbe credited to the owner. If no fault is found the product will be returned and any costs associated with the service will be charged to the owner. Blockages caused by spider webs, insects, dirt, accumulated dust, incorrect fuel or incorrectly mixed 2-stroke fuel are not covered by warranty. SMG reserves the right to replace or repair the appliance within the warranty period. Parts found to be defective due to a manufacturing default will be replaced free of charge.In the event of SMG choosing to replace the appliance, the warranty will expire at the original date of purchase. If no warranty fault is found the owner will be advised and the product will be returned and any costs associated with the service will be charged to the owner.Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund fora major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure. The benefits of this warranty arein addition to any rights and remedies imposedby Australian State and Federal legislation that cannot be excluded.In New Zealand, this SMG warranty is in addition to the conditions and guarantees which are mandatory as implied by the New Zealand Consumer Guarantee Act 1993. For service, spare parts or product information please contact customer service:Australia: 1300 660 457New Zealand: 0800 474 876CONTACT DETAILSSmart Marketing Group Pty Ltd33-35 Lionel Road, Mt. WaverleyVictoria 3149, Australia.Tel (+613) 9543 7266Fax (+613) 9543 9839***********************.auCOMPLETE WARRANTY STATEMENT – COMPRESSORLUBRICATION OF COMPRESSORBefore attempting to operate this air compressor the transport plug must be removed, thrown out and replaced with the oil breather. Check the oil level to ensure the level is to the top of the red dot on the sight glass; refer to page 10 for complete details and diagram. Failure to do these may result in damage to the air compressor and / or injury to the user.PLEASE follow the instructions noted on page 10 on changing the transport plug to the oil breather.ASSEMBLYThis compressor MUST be fully assembled by you prior to use. Failure to do so will result in the warranty being VOID. Failure to fully assemble this compressor may also result in personal injury.MANOEUVRINGWhen moving this air compressor always use the handle to lift slightly and pull/push using the attached wheels. If you must lift this air compressor always use a 2 person lift due to its weight and size. Failure to use 2 person lift may result in personal injury.SAFETYBefore attempting to operate this air compressor the following basic safety precautions should be taken to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and personal injury. It is important to read the instruction manual and to understand applications, limitations and potential hazards associated with the air compressor. This air compressoris not intended for use by persons (including children)with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning the use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.BEWARE OF CHILDREN AND PETSChildren and pets should be kept out of the work area. Children should not be allowed to touch or operatethe air compressor, tools or extension cords. This air compressor is not designed for use by young children or infirm persons without supervision. The air compressor and tools should be kept out of reach of children, preferably stored or locked in a secure cabinet or room when not in use.WORK AREAWork areas and benches should be kept tidy. Cluttered benches and work areas can cause accidents. Floors should be kept clean and free from rubbish. Special care should be taken when the floor is slippery due to sawdust or wax. Always leave sufficient distance, at least 5 metres between the air compressor and the work area, especially when using tools designed for sanding or spraying liquids.WORK ENVIRONMENTDo not expose your air compressor to rain or use in damp or wet conditions. Keep the work area well lit. Always ensure your compressor is level and stable. Using your compressor on unlevel or unstable ground may cause a lack of lubrication and the pump to seize, this damage will not be covered under warranty.GUARD AGAINST ELECTRIC SHOCKAvoid body contact with earthed or grounded surfaces (e.g. pipes and refrigerators).DO NOT OVERLOAD AIR COMPRESSORSThe air compressor will do a better, safer job and give you much better service if it’s used at the duty cycle for which it was designed. The duty cycle will only take effect after the initial (1st ) tank fill for the day. This air compressors duty cycle is 75%. Duty cycle is the proportion of time during which the air compressor is operating compared with not operating. For example a 75% duty cycle could mean after 45 seconds of operation, motor pumping, the air compressor must be left for 15 seconds resting, motor not pumping. When the motor is pumping the attached air tool can not be used. Simple way to understand duty cycle is only use the attached air tool while the compressor is not pumping. Stop using the attached tool as soon as the air compressor starts pumping.USE THE RIGHT TOOLSelect the right tool for the job. Do not use a tool for a job for which it was not designed. Do not force a small air compressor to do the job of a heavy–duty air compressor. Do not use the air compressor for purposes not intended.DO NOT ABUSE THE POWER CORDNever yank or pull on the power cord to disconnect itfrom the mains supply socket. Never carry or pull your air compressor by its power cord. Keep the power cord away from heat, oil, solvents and sharp edges. Regularly check the plug and cord and if damaged have it replaced by an authorised service facility.EXTENSION CORDS AND REELSThis air compressor MUST be plugged directly into a 240V AC wall socket.This air compressor is NOT designed to be run off an extension cord/ lead. If you need extra distance do NOT use an extension cord, USE A LONGER AIR HOSE.The use of extension cords may cause power voltage loss and will result in damage to the motor. This will NOT be covered under warranty.SECURE THE WORK PIECEWhenever possible secure the work piece using clamps or a vice. It is safer than using your hands or feet and leaves both hands free to control the tool.HOT COMPONENTSBeware many of the components will get hot during use. Never touch any of the metal pipes, pump or motor as these may burn.MAINTAIN YOUR AIR COMPRESSOR WITH CAREFollow the instructions for lubricating and changing accessories. Check the air compressor power cord periodically and if damaged have it replaced by an authorised service facility. Keep handles clean, dry and free from oil and grease. Ensure that ventilation slots are kept clean and free from dust at all times. Blocked ventilation slots or air filter can cause overheating and damage to the motor and this will not be covered under warranty.DISCONNECT AIR COMPRESSOREnsure that the air compressor is disconnected from the mains supply when not in use, before servicing, lubricating, making adjustments or when changing any accessories.REMOVE ADJUSTING KEYSAND WRENCHESForm the habit of always checking to see that any adjusting keys or wrenches have been removed from the air compressor or attached air tools before operating.AVOID UNINTENTIONAL STARTINGEnsure that the switch is in the ‘OFF’ position before plugging the air compressor into the mains supply.PROTECT FURNISHINGSIf using the air compressor inside your house, protect furnishings and floors with a suitable dust sheet.FIRE PRECAUTIONSWhen using the air compressor inside your house or workshop general fire precautions should be observed. This means never leaving your air compressor turned on while not in attendance, never cover the air compressor while being used or while still hot from use, never use in areas where a spark may cause a fire, always use in clean areas. As a precaution it is recommended that an expert is consulted on obtaining and using a suitable fire extinguisher.CLEANING YOUR AIR COMPRESSORNEVER UN-ASSEMBLE your air compressor to clean. Always disconnect your air compressor from the mains power supply before you commence cleaning. Always ensure that your air compressor has cooled, about one (1) hour, before cleaning and storing. When cleaning your air compressor use only a damp soft cloth. NEVER use liquid or solvents of any type.27812131491113121516Oil level should be to the top of the red dot on the sight glassas per the labelPIC. 7Slide handleinto tubesPIC. 8RUNNING IN YOUR NEW AIR COMPRESSOR Before running in ensure that the following has been completed:1. The transport plug has been removed and discarded, seepic. 2 page 10.2. The oil breather has been fitted,see pic 4. page 10.3. Oil level is correct, see page 10.4. The air compressor has been fully assembled, see pages10 – 12.Your new air compressor requires running in:1. Plug the power cord into a standard 240V AC powerpoint2. Open the tank drain tap3. Start the air compressor using theON / OFF button4. Run the air compressor for approximately 1 minute This ensures that the air compressor is fully lubricated under no load.After the 1 minute stop the air compressor using the ON/ OFF button. Allow to cool approximately 10 minutes. Recheck the oil level and top up if needed, additional oil, SAE30, not included.Before starting your air compressor again ensure:1. Tank drain tap is closedPositioning your new compressorChoose a location away from your work area and near to a mains power point.NOTE: 1. N ever use an extension lead. Always use a longer air hose2. A lways position compressor on level ground3. A lways position compressor away from work areaso that the inflator does not get covered in dust orpaint - use a longer air hose to ensure inflator isin clean air USING THE AIR COMPRESSORBefore starting run through this simple list:1. Transport plug removed and discarded, see Pic. 2, page10.2. Oil breather fitted, see Pic. 2, page 10.3. Oil level – CORRECT (top of red dot). Please refer todiagram, Pic. 4, page 10.4. Drain tap – open and drain tank5. Drain tap – close fully6. Check power lead for any damage. If damaged havereplaced by an authorised service centre.7. Plug air compressor into a standard 240V 10Amp ACpower point and turn ON.8. Lift the air compressor button to turn ON, see page 12,Pic. 9.9. Allow the air compressor to fill the air tank.10. Turn the air compressor OFF.11. Turn the power point OFF and disconnect the powerlead from the power point.12. Connect your air hose and air tools.13. Reconnect to the power lead to the power point andturn ON.14. Turn your air compressor ON.15. Once turned and you begin using the connected airtools the air compressor will start and stop withoutwarning. This is controlled by the pressure switch.These pressure settings are factory set and should not be changed.Pumping starts at (minimum) 85PSI and stops at (maximum) 115PSI. Once the initial pump up stage has finished you can adjust the outlet air pressure to the tools recommended working pressure.Above accessories and tools Not supplied, purchased separately.PIC. 11Tank pressuregaugePressure RegulatorOutlet nittostyle socket(female)Outlet pressure gaugeDrain Tap SealedORTo close and seal push lever up Right or leftDrain tap opened un-sealedPIC. 13Tank pressuregaugeOutlet nitto style socket (Air Outlet)Outletpressure gaugePARTS DIAGRAMDescription Qty SMG Part No. Cylinder Head195 BRC95CH Oil Breather195 BRC95OB Sight Glass Seal195 BRC95OLSG Part Description Qty SMG Part No. 43Pressure Gauge Small195 BRC95OPG 44One Way Valve195 BRC95OWV 50Handle195 BRC120THNOTES:*Blackridge® is a registered trademark of Super Cheap Auto Pty LtdFor any queries or assistance call Customer ServiceAUST. 1300 660 457 NZ 0800 474 876Hours of operation:Monday to Friday 8.00am - 5.00pm AESTDo not return to place of purchase. Keep your purchase receipt, this willbe required to make any claims under the 12 month warranty.SpecificationsAir Compressor BR140D Voltage 240V AC ~ 50Hz Motor Electric 2.5 HP Wattage 1875W No Load Speed 2800 RPM FAD (Free Air Delivery)135L per minute*Tank Size 30L Duty Cycle 75%Max Tank Pressure 115PSI (8BAR)Outlet Pressure1PSI - 115PSI Adjustable Lubrication Oil Splash Oil TypeSAE30Minimum Generator Size Pure Sine Wave 3500W Noise Rating 80dB@5m Motor/Pump Kicks In 85PSI Pressure Cycle Stops 115PSI Number Of Outlets2。
爱斯顿高压低电压电源保护电路断寿器 MPS5163VEAXX2Q说明书
Eaton MPS5163VEAXX2QEaton Magnum low voltage power circuit breaker, Magnum PXR,Standard frame, 1600 A, 50 kA, Three-pole, Fixed verticalmounting, PXR25 LSIAM trip unitGeneral specificationsEaton Magnum low voltage power circuitbreakerMPS5163VEAXX2Q78668962078314.6 in16.8 in16.2 in118 lbCCC Marked SABA Listed NEMA Compliant CE Marked CSA CertifiedLloyd's Register Certified KEMA CertifiedANSIUL ListedABS CertifiedDNV GL CertifiedProduct Name Catalog NumberUPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances CertificationsStandard Three-pole Magnum PXRStandard Magnum PXR25 LSI ARMSThree-pole1600 A50 kAIC50 kAIC1600 AZone selective interlocking application paper Magnum circuit breakers with Power Xpert Release trip units product aid Selevctive coordination application paper - IA0120000E3Magnum PXR and PD-SB double and double narrow frame UL Certificate of ComplianceMagnum PXR and PD-SB standard and narrow frame UL Certificate of CompliancePower Xpert Release trip unit for Magnum PXR circuit breakers PXR 20/25 user manualMicrosoft Word - Power Xpert Protection Manager Quick Start Guide.docxFrame Number of poles TypeFrame Series Trip TypeNumber of poles Rated uninterrupted current (Iu)Interrupt rating Interrupt rating Rated uninterrupted current (Iu)Application notesBrochuresCatalogsCertification reportsManuals and user guidesEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaMagnum PXR low voltage power circuit breakers user manual Power Xpert Protection Manager x32 22.06 1 Power Xpert Protection Manager x64 22.6 1 Eaton Specification Sheet - MPS5163VEAXX2Q Low voltage circuit breakers guide spec Magnum PXR 20/25 electronic trip units time current curves Cyber security white paperMolded case and low-voltage power circuit breaker health Safer by design: arc energy reduction techniquesSoftware, firmware, and applications Specifications and datasheetsTime/current curvesWhite papers。
爱立智5PX Gen2 USV 2200 VA 产品说明书
Eaton 5PX2200IRT3UG2Eaton 5PX Gen2 USV, 2200 VA, 2200 W, Eingang: C20, Ausgang: (8) C19, (2) C19, Baugruppenträger/Tower, 3 HEAllgemeine spezifikationEaton 5PX Gen2 UPS 5PX2200IRT3UG2483 mm 129 mm 438 mm 27.5 kg IEC/EN 62040-1 IEC/EN 62040-2 IEC/EN 62040-3 RoHS-konform REACH UL 1778 CSA 22.2CE cTUVus EAC Cm UKCA UkrENERGY STAR-zertifiziert 743172104762Eaton 5PX 2200i RT3U G2ProduktnameKatalognummer Produkt Länge/Tiefe Produkthöhe Produktbreite Produktgewicht Einhaltung(en)Zertifikat(e)UPCModellcodeBleisäure, wartungsfrei (austauschbar)Anzeige des LaufzeitgraphsAuswechselbar6ABM® und temperaturkompensiertes Ladeverfahren (vom Benutzer wählbar), automatischer Batterietest, Tiefentladungsschutz, automatische Erkennung von externen Batterieeinheiten12 V / 7 Ahja (8) C13, (2) C19230 V2200 W1230 V (+6%/-10%)Sinuswelle230 V Standard (200/208/220/230/240 V) 1Line-Interaktiv2200 VAC20230 V Standard (200/208/220/230/240 V)50-60 Hz1,8 m160-294 V (einstellbar auf 150 V - 294 V)47–70 Hz (50-Hz-System), 56,5–70 Hz (60-Hz-System), 40 Hz im Modus mit geringer Empfindlichkeit NeinMultilinguales Grafik-LCD DisplayBatterietyp Laufzeitgrafik BatteriewechselAnzahl Batterien AkkumanagementBatterieleistung Erweiterte Akkukapazität SteckdosenSpannungLeistungAusg.leist.faktor Ausgangsspannungsbereich Ausgangswellenform Ausgangsnennspannung EinspeisungstypTopologieVA WertEingangsanschluss Eingangsnennspannung Nennfrequenz Eingangskabellänge Eingangsspannungsbereich Eingangsfrequenz-Bereich Beinhaltet Netzwerkkarte KommunikationBenutzeroberflächeUSB-Port (HID-konform) serieller Anschluss RS-232 Mini-Klemmleiste für Remote On/Off und Remote Power OffMini-Klemmleiste für AusgangsrelaisKontakte (3 Ausgänge, 1 Eingang, optocoupler, DB9)JaSteckplatz für optionale KommunikationskarteEaton Intelligent Power Manager Eaton Intelligent Power Protectorsonstige 3000 m< 40 dB bei 1 Meter0° bis 40 °C (32° bis 104 °F), Batt. max. empfohlen 25 °C (77 °F) 0-90 % nicht kondensierendGerät mit 482,6 mm (19 Zoll)1JaSchwarz/Silber98Ja1Eaton 5PX Gen2 - Advanced User Guide_DE Eaton 5PX Gen2 - Quickstart guideEaton 5PX Gen2 - EU Declaration of ConformityPotentialfreier SchaltkontaktErweiterungssteckplätze Softwarekompatibilität Schnittstellentyp HöheGeräuschpegel Temperaturbereich Relative LuftfeuchtigkeitBauformVerpackungsinhaltPhase (Ausg.)Automatische Ausschaltfunktion FarbeEffizienzRack-Montage-BausatzPhase (Ein.)Benutzerhandbücher ZertifizierungsberichteEingangskabel Rackmount-Kit(2) Standfüße für Tower-Verwendung KabelverriegelungUSB-KabelSerielles Kabel(2) IEC-IEC Kabel Schnellstartanleitung Sicherheitshinweise,Eaton Konzern plc Eaton-Haus30 Pembroke-Straße Dublin 4, Irland © 2023 Eaton. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Eaton ist eine eingetrageneMarke.Alle anderen Warenzeichen sindEigentum ihrer jeweiligenBesitzer./socialmedia。
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