


临床试验iwrs操作流程Clinical trial IWRS (Interactive Web Response System) operations involve a complex process that requires a deep understanding of the system and its functions.临床试验IWRS(交互式网上反馈系统)的操作涉及一个复杂的流程,需要深入了解系统及其功能。

First and foremost, it is essential to understand the basic functions of IWRS. This includes the ability to randomize patients into different treatment arms, manage drug supplies, capture and report adverse events, and track overall trial progress.首先,并且非常重要的是,我们要了解IWRS的基本功能。


In addition, a thorough knowledge of the specific protocols and requirements of the clinical trial is necessary in order to accuratelyinput data and execute the appropriate actions within the IWRS system.此外,对临床试验的具体协议和要求进行全面的了解是必要的,以便准确输入数据并在IWRS系统中执行适当的操作。

Furthermore, the operational flow of IWRS also involves coordinating with various stakeholders such as clinical research coordinators, pharmacists, and site investigators to ensure that the system is being utilized effectively and efficiently.此外,IWRS的操作流程还涉及与临床研究协调员、药剂师和试验中心研究者协调合作,以确保该系统得到有效和高效地使用。



accounting A set of concepts and techniques that are used to measure and report financial information about an economic unit. accounting equation A financial relationship at the heart of the accounting model: A ssets = Liabilities + Owners' EquityassetsauditingThe examination of transactions and systems that underlie an organization's financial statements with the goal or reporting thereonbalance sheetA financial statement that presents a firm's assets, liabilities, and owners' equity at a particular point in timecertified public accountant (CPA ) A n individual who is licensed by a state to practice public accountingcorporationA form of business organization where ownership is represented by divisible units called shares of stockdividends A mounts paid from profits of a corporation to shareholders as a return on their investment in the stock of the entity expenses The costs incurred in producing revenuesfinancial accountingA n area of accounting that deals with external reporting to parties outside the firm; usually based on standardized rules an proceduresFinancialA ccountingStandards Board A n organization charged with producing standards for financialreporting in the USA (FA SB)financial statements Core financial reports that are prepared to represent the financial position and results of operations of a companyhistorical cost principleThe concept that many transactions and events are to be measured and reported at acquisition costincome statementA financial statement that summarizes the revenues, expenses, and results of operations for a specified period of timeinternal auditor A person within an organization who reviews and monitors the controls, procedures, and information of the organization liabilities A mounts owed by an entity to othersmanagerial accounting A n area of accounting concerned with reporting results to managers and others who are internal to an organization net incomeThe excess of revenues over expenses for a designated period of timenet loss The excess of expenses over revenues for a designated period of timeownerinvestments Resources provided to an organization by a person in exchange for a position of ownership in the organizationowners' equityThe residual of assets minus liabilities, representing the collective interest or position of the entity's ownerspartnershipA non-corporation representing an association of two or more persons organized to carry out a business plan for a profit motivepublic accountingA ccounting activities provided by a person to the general public, typically relating to audit, tax and similar servicesretained earnings The excess of a corporation's income over its dividends revenue Inflows and other benefits received in exchange for the providing of goods and servicessoleproprietorshipA non-corporation business owned by a sole individualstatement ofretained earningsA financial statement that discloses changes in retained earningsduring a designated period of time; those changes usuallyattributable to income and dividendsⅠ. Concept会计等式客观性可靠性记账凭证收款凭证付款凭证转账凭证会计期间账项调整应计制会计现金制会计备抵账户账面净值多栏式日记账留存收益实质重于形式销售成本毛利营业费用定期盘存制永续盘存制购货退回与折让商业折扣购货折扣长期资产减值销售退回与折让销售折扣特种日记账销售日记账购货日记账现金等价物商业票据备用金银行对账单银行余额调节表在途存款未兑现支票坏账资本公积个别认定法生产成本完工产品制造费用可变现净值存货跌价准备成本法权益法资本性支出收益性支出实质重于形式一揽子购入商业实质或有事项暂时性差异永久性差异交易性金融资产持有至到期投资可供出售金融资产公认会计原则股票分割库藏股可转换债券成本和市价孰低法每股收益Ⅱ. Journal Entries1. Accounting for purchase and sales: cash discount2. Accounting for trading securities & available-for-sale securities3. Accounting for PP&E –acquisition through exchange/disposition of PP&E4. Accounting for Bond P ayables/effective interest methodⅡ。



海试的流程The sea trial process typically involves a series of meticulous steps that ensure the safety and functionality of the vessel or underwater system being tested. Initially, a comprehensivepre-trial inspection is conducted to verify the integrity of all systems and components. This includes checking the propulsion systems, navigation equipment, and any specialized instrumentation that will be utilized during the trial.海试流程通常包括一系列细致入微的步骤,旨在确保被测试船只或水下系统的安全性和功能性。



Once the inspection is complete, the vessel is moved to the designated testing area, usually a designated sea zone with favorable conditions for the specific type of trial. The sea trial itself begins with a slow and cautious maneuvering to assess the vessel's handling characteristics and responsiveness to commands. Gradually, the speed and complexity of the maneuvers are increased to push the vessel to its operational limits.完成检查后,船只被移至指定的测试区域,这通常是针对特定类型试验而选定的具有有利条件的海域。








日产日产的流程是分为从Phase1~Phase5,初看让人觉得日系的项目很简单,其实只是化繁为简,可以看看图二,每个阶段中有小的任务和里程碑,只有将所有任务验证完成并且合格,才能进入到下一个大阶段,其中一些关键字:1、VC lot代表试装样件,主机厂试验和实车试装;2、PT1预批量生产,需要完成量产流程和产品尺寸过程能力验证;3、PT2预批量生产,需要完成制造过程能力审核;日系这种地图指导式的项目开发流程,让人觉得非常可靠,一环扣一环的感觉。




crc临床试验流程英文回答:Clinical trial process for CRC:Clinical trials for colorectal cancer (CRC) follow a standardized process to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new treatments. The following is a general outline of the steps involved in a typical CRC clinical trial:1. Study Design: The clinical trial is designed by researchers and experts in the field. They determine the objectives, eligibility criteria for participants, treatment interventions, and outcome measures.2. Ethical Approval: Before the trial can begin, it must receive approval from an ethics committee or institutional review board (IRB). This ensures that thetrial meets ethical standards and protects the rights and welfare of the participants.3. Participant Recruitment: Researchers activelyrecruit eligible participants who meet the specificcriteria defined in the study design. Participants are informed about the trial, its potential benefits and risks, and are given the opportunity to provide informed consent.4. Randomization and Blinding: Participants are randomly assigned to different treatment groups. This helps to minimize bias and ensures that the results are reliable. In some trials, blinding is also implemented, where neither the participants nor the researchers know who is receiving the experimental treatment.5. Treatment Intervention: Participants receive the assigned treatment according to the study protocol. This could involve a new drug, a combination of drugs, or a different treatment approach. The treatment is closely monitored, and any adverse events or side effects are documented.6. Data Collection and Analysis: Throughout the trial,various data points are collected, including participant demographics, treatment response, and any adverse events. This data is carefully analyzed to assess the safety and efficacy of the treatment.7. Endpoint Evaluation: The trial has predefined endpoints, such as overall survival, progression-free survival, or response rate. These endpoints are evaluated to determine if the treatment is effective in achieving the desired outcomes.8. Statistical Analysis: The collected data is statistically analyzed to determine the significance of the treatment's effects. This analysis helps to draw conclusions about the treatment's efficacy and safety.9. Publication and Reporting: The trial results are typically published in scientific journals to share the findings with the medical community. The results may also be presented at conferences or shared with regulatory authorities for potential drug approval.10. Follow-up and Post-Trial Care: After the trial, participants may be followed up to monitor their long-term outcomes and provide any necessary post-trial care. This helps to assess the treatment's long-term effects and gather additional data for further analysis.中文回答:CRC临床试验流程:CRC(结直肠癌)的临床试验遵循一套标准化的流程,以评估新治疗方法的安全性和疗效。



项目进度英文缩写【篇一:项目进度英文缩写】序号缩写英文原文解释 otsoff tool sample 用批量生产的工模器具制造出的样件 pvsproduktions serie 批量试生产 tmatrial manufacturing agreement 试制协议 qsvqualitaes-sicherungs-vereinbarung 质量保证协议 bmgbau-muster-genehmigung 产品工程样件性能检验认可 b-freigabe采购认可 p-freigabe计划认可 tl技术资料汇编 10 lh lastenheft 要求汇总书 11 pflichtenheft 责任汇总书 12 me markt-einfuehrung 市场导入 13 mis management informations-system 管理信息系统 14 nullserie 零批量 15 qpn qualifizierungs-programm neuteile 新零件质量提高计划 16 sop start-of-production 批量生产启动standard operating procedure 标准操作程序 17 qsr quality system requirement 质量体系要求试制/0批量的认可 18 apqp adavanced part quality plan 高级产品质量计划 19 ppap product part approval procedure 生产件批准程序 20 qsa quality system assessment 质量体系评审 21 msa measurement system analysis 测量系统分析 22 fmea failure mode effectanalysis 失效模式及结果分析 23 spc statistical process control 统计过程控制【篇二:项目进度英文缩写】序号缩写1英文原文off tool sampleots2pvsproduktions versuchs - serie3tmatrial manufacturing agreement4qsvqualitaes-sicherungs-vereinbarung5bmgbau-muster-genehmigung6b-freigabe7d-freigabe8p-freigabe9tl1 0lhlastenheft1 1pflichtenheft1 2memarkt-einfuehrung1 3mismanagement informations-system1 4nullserie1 5qpnqualifizierungs-programm neuteilestart-of-productionstandard operating procedure1 7qsrquality system requirement1 8apqpadavanced part quality plan19ppapproduct part approval procedure20qsaquality system assessment21msameasurement system analysis22fmeafailure mode and effect analysis23spcstatistical process control1 6sop解释用批量生产的工模器具制造出的样件批量试生产试制协议质量保证协议产品工程样件性能检验认可采购认可试制/0批量的认可计划认可技术资料汇编要求汇总书责任汇总书市场导入管理信息系统零批量新零件质量提高计划批量生产启动标准操作程序质量体系要求高级产品质量计划生产件批准程序质量体系评审测量系统分析失效模式及结果分析统计过程控制【篇三:项目进度英文缩写】客户名称中英文对照清单中文名称简称英语名称上海大众 svw shanghai volkswagen 上海通用 sgm shanghai general motors 上海通用五菱(柳州) sgmw shanghai general motors wuling 上海汽车 saic shanghai automotive industry corporation 一汽大众faw-vw faw-volkswagen 一汽轿车 faw first automotive work shop 天津一汽 tj faw tianjin faw 长城汽车 gwm great wall motor 东风日产(东风有限) df-nissan dongfeng nissan 神龙汽车 dpca dongfeng peugeot citroen automotive 长安标致 capsa changan psa 标致雪铁龙 psa 长安福特马自达 cfma changan ford mazda automotive 长安铃木 ca suzuki changan suzuki 长安汽车 chana changan auto 北京奔驰 bbdc beijing benz daimler chrysler bhmc bj-hyundai motor company 北汽福田 foton beijing foton beibenbei ben heavy-duty truck corporation 北京汽车 baic beijing automotive industry corporation 广汽乘用车 gac/gamcguangzhou automobile motor company 宝马 bmw bayerische motoren werhe ag 华晨汽车 brillance brillance automotive 沃尔沃 volvo volvo car corporation 华泰汽车 hawtai hawtai motor 众泰汽车 zotye zotye motor 奇瑞 chery chery 江淮汽车 jac jianghuai automotive 昌河铃木 chlm changhe suzuki 吉利汽车geely geely automobile 北京现代节点中文英文 vff 批量前装车vorserien-freigabe-fahrzeuge ots 工装样件 off-tool sample em 首批样件 erstmuster pvs 小批量试装车 produktion versuch serie 0s 零批量装车 null serie sop 批量投产 start productionbmg 工程鉴定样件缩写 lh 要求汇总书(一个项目的所有资料) tpb 技术产品描述(图纸,技术供货条件等) dkm daten-kontroll-modell freigabe=dispositionsfreigable2tp 两日生产(供货厂的批量预生产,用来验证批量能力) 2-tagesproduktion sf 批量认可(对批量生产的产品认可) serien-freigabe epf einplanungs-freigabe kaf 集团路试验收(质量方面的批量认可) konzern-abnehmefahrt cad 计算机辅助设计 computer alded design cop 沿用件 carry over parts ckd 全部拆散 completely knocked down skd 部分拆散 semi knocked down ht 自制件 haustell kt 外购件 kaufteil ts 产品零件表 technische stueckliste zp 检查点 zaehlpunkt zsb 总成zusammenbau svw常用缩写词和概念bemusterungsgenehmigung lastenheft(saemtliche unterlagen zu elnem projekt) technische produkt beschreibungen (zeichnugen,tl usw.) 数据控制模型(汽车形状1:1的基准样车)p认可=计划认可(决定投入批量生产) b认可=采购认可(对生产手段的投资认可) d认可=零件生产和供应认可(为零批量) (批量供货)计划认可节点中文英文 db 耐久性试验车 durability build mpo 工艺验证 manufacturing prove-out tool try-out 1pp 第一次试生产 first production pre-lauch feu 整车验证 field evluation unit cb 正式生产状态验证 continously build ots 工装样件 off-tool sample vp 样件验证 verification prototype lr 投产准备启动launch readiness ls 投产批准 launch sign-off job1 批量投产缩写ptcc 项目目标兼容性关卡 program target compatibility checkpoint ptc/m-1dj-ptcc program target compatibility/m-1 data judgement fdj 最终数据发布 final data judgement vp 模型确认 1st verification prototype pec 初始工程完成 preliminaryengineering completion tt 工装制造搭建 tooling trial-build start pp 预批量搭建 pilot production-build start mp1 mass production 1-build start si 策略意向 strategic intent sc 策略确认strategic confirmation ph 比例与固定点 proportions&hardpoints 项目批准 program approval st 表面转移 surface transfer 产品准备就绪 product readiness cp 确认样车 confirmation prototype cc 设计冻结 change cut-off lr 投产准备 launch readiness ls 投产验收 launch sign-off j1 整车投产 job 最终状态final status ford常用缩写词和概念 tto 工装验证/生产验证 cfma节点目标兼容性/m-1数据评价批量搭建(sop) pa pr fs 节点中文法文 jap 项目预分析jep 立项 jst 造型选择 jro jmp项目成熟 vrs 线外装成 jel 线上装车jml 批接受 jamc 批量爬产 lnc 商业投放缩写 aqmpp 通过产品和过程控制的质量保证方法 assurance qualit par la matrise du produit et du processus dfe 设计发放 prototyperelease/diffusion d’etude sru stade reprsentatif unique ro 工装制造ralisation d’outillage ocm 新设计或更改指令(或正式化)iod–prs hl 工装条件认可 validation offtool condition iod issu des outillages dfinitifs prshl 线外预批量 prsrie hors ligne prsel 线上预批量 prsrie en ligne adlc 批准商业化投放日期 accord de date de lancement commercial ppm 百万分之几(缺陷单位)partie par million demif 供应商质量事故扣分 demrite incident fournisseur aaqo 质量保证推进操作人 animateur assurance qualit oprationnel ppp pilote produit process cdp 项目经办(零件设计人) charg de projet cpa 项目采购经理 chef de projet achats fnr 供应商 fournisseur rt 技术负责人 responsable technique atp 预技术分析 analyse technique prliminaire dml 启动批接受方法 dmarrage de la mthode des lots lnc 商业化投放lancement commercial dfe 设计发放diffusion d’etude pmr 风险控制计划 plan de matrise des risques ctfe 关键功能和技术特性caractristiques techniques et fonctionnelles essentielles ecm 装配条件的评估valuation des conditions de montage epc 满产评估 valuation pleine cadence pf 功能指导 pilote fonctionnel piv 国产化和认可计划plan d’intgration et de validation pvs 现生产平台 plateau vie srie retex 经验反馈retour d’exprience ped 缺陷消除计划plan d’radication des dfauts pmr 风险控制计划 plan dematrise des risques ctfe 关键功能和技术特性 caractristiques techniques et fonctionnelles essentielles epc 满产评估valuation pleine cadence pf 功能指导 pilote fonctionnel piv 国产化和认可计划plan d’intgration et de validation pvs 现生产平台plateau vie srie retex 经验反馈retour d’exprience ped 缺陷消除计划plan d’radication des dfauts aaqo 质量保证推进操作人animateur assurance qualit oprationnel adlc 批准商业化投放日期 accord de date de lancement commercial amdec 故障模态分析 ap 项目采购员 aqmpp 通过产品和过程控制的质量保证方法assurance qualit par la matrise du produit et du processus atp 预技术分析 analyse technique prliminaire cdp 项目经办(零件设计人) charg de projet clnp 新产品投产委员会 commission de lancement de nouveaux produits dpca常用缩写词和概念唯一代表性阶段零件(用于代表设计的样件) ordre (ou officialisation) de cration ou de modification 出自最终工装的零件(产品和过程尚未最后确定) 产品-工艺指导 amdec 潜在失效模式及后果分析(fmea) amdec 潜在失效模式及后果分析(fmea) psa缩写 cpa 项目采购经理chef de projet achats ctf 技术和功能特性 caractristique technique et fonctionnelle ctfe 关键功能和技术特性caractristiques techniques et fonctionnelles essentielles cse 关键监控特性 caractristique surveille essentielle cs 监控特性caractristique surveille ei 工装样件 demif 供应商质量事故扣分demrite incident fournisseur dfe 设计发放diffusion d’etude 启动批接受方法 dmarrage de la mthode des lots ecm 装配条件的评估 valuation des conditions de montage epc 满产评估 valuation pleine cadence fnr 供应商 fournisseur initi 初始化检查 iod 出自最终工装的零件 issu des outillages dfinitifs 外观质量总扣分值indice qualit aspect 功能质量总扣分值 indice qualit fonctionnel lnc 商业化投放 lancement commercial ocm 新设计或更改指令(或正式化)缺陷消除计划plan d’radication des dfauts pmr 风险控制计划 plan de matrise des risques pf 功能指导 pilote fonctionnel piv 国产化和认可计划plan d’intgration et de validation ppm 百万分之几(缺陷单位) partie par million ppp pilote produit process prshl 线外预批量 prsrie hors ligne prsel prsrie en ligne psf 供应商现场牵头人 pvs 现生产平台 plateau viesrie q3p 产品和过程的渐进式审核 qualification progressive du produit et du processus retex 经验反馈retour d’exprience 工装制造ralisation d’o utillage rt 技术负责人 responsable technique sru 唯一代表性阶段零件 stade reprsentatif unique tmp 产品材料工程师 dml iqa iqf ordre (ou officialisation) de cration ou de modification ped 产品-工艺指导线上预批量 ro 节点中文英文et1/et2 工程测试 vh 车辆认证 vehicle homologation pt1-1 pt1-2 pt2 sop 量产开始缩写 qas 品质保证监察 gac 常用缩写词和概念engineering testing 生产试制1-1 production trail 1-1 生产试制1-2 production trail 1-2 生产试制2 production trail productionquality assure supervise 节点英文 dcv 设计确认车design confirmation vehicle body dc(pucf,ucf) body design confirmation 日本检具 united checking fixture tto1 tool try-out tto2tool try-out pp1prodution proveout pp2prodution proveout mp批量生产 mass production mp1(job1) 整车投产缩写production united checking fixture dc design confirmation mazda常用缩写词和概念中文车身设计确认 ucf 工装设备试运行1(样件认可)工装设备试运行2(样件认可)试生产1 试生产2 mass production(job1) pucf/pcf cfma本地检具设计确认节点中文英文工装样件 off tooling sample mc 尺寸匹配 matching pvv 产品和工艺验证 product processvalidation ns 非销售车制造验证 none-saleable ppap 生产件批准程序 production part approval process 销售车制造验证saleable sop 批量生产启动start production缩写 psa 潜在供应商评审 potential supplier audit sor 供应商要求声明 statement requirementsrfq 询价请求request quotationkcds 关键特性指令系统 key characteristic dictation system fmea 潜在失效模式及后果分析 failure mode effectionanalysis ewo 工程更改授权指令 engineering warranty order 不)可销售件lcr 正常生产能力 lean capacity rate mcr 最大生产能力 maximum capacity rate pcr 问题交流报告 sop 正式投产开始 start production生产件认可(批准) pre-production /pilot material shipping procedure 供应商质量过程与测量 supplier quality processes measurementsprocedure 可追溯性component verification。



仿制药临床试验流程英文回答:Clinical Trial Process for Generic Drugs.Generic drugs are similar to brand-name drugs in dosage, safety, effectiveness, strength, stability, and quality. However, generic drugs are typically available at a lower cost than brand-name drugs.To ensure that generic drugs are safe and effective, they must undergo rigorous clinical trials. The clinicaltrial process for generic drugs is similar to the processfor brand-name drugs.The clinical trial process for generic drugs typically includes the following steps:1. Preclinical studies: These studies are conducted in the laboratory to evaluate the safety and effectiveness ofthe generic drug in animals.2. Phase I clinical trials: These studies are conducted in a small number of healthy volunteers to evaluate the safety of the generic drug in humans.3. Phase II clinical trials: These studies are conducted in a larger number of patients to evaluate the effectiveness of the generic drug in treating a specific condition.4. Phase III clinical trials: These studies are conducted in a large number of patients to confirm the effectiveness of the generic drug and to compare it to the brand-name drug.5. New Drug Application (NDA): The manufacturer of the generic drug submits an NDA to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The NDA contains all of the data from the clinical trials.6. FDA review: The FDA reviews the NDA to determinewhether the generic drug is safe and effective. If the FDA approves the NDA, the generic drug can be marketed.The clinical trial process for generic drugs is essential to ensuring that these drugs are safe and effective. By following this process, manufacturers can help to ensure that patients have access to affordable, high-quality generic drugs.中文回答:仿制药临床试验流程。



★★★★★美国民事诉讼程序由于意识形态和文化传统等的影响,英美法系(Anglo-American Legal System)国家的诉讼程序在许多方面与大陆法系有着巨大差异。

这里以美国为例谈谈美国的民事诉讼程序(the Civil Procedure)。

一、审前程序(The Pretrial Procedure)1.庭前诉答程序(Prosecute and Answer)这是法院受理当事人(Part)的起诉开始诉讼的程序。

这也是法院开庭审理案件前,当事人之间交换诉状(Statement of Claim)和答辩状(Answer)的诉讼程序。

根据“联邦民事诉讼规则”(Federal Rules of Civil Procedure)①,原告(Plaintiff) 的诉状必须记载当事人的基本情况,简要说明受诉法院的管辖权(Jurisdiction)及其法律依据,原告有权得到的请求和要求法院作出的判决的请求等。





2.证据的开示程序(Evidential Opening Procedure)此程序的目的是庭审前,当事人双方通过交换案件的有关信息和证据,使双方当事人充分了解对方当事人所拥有的证据,进一步明确争议的焦点,并且固定主要证据。


具体操作程序是:1)召开当事人会议, 目的是使当事人双方为“计划达成协议而真诚努力”;2)与诉求有关的,且不属于保密特权的任何事项都在证据开示的范围。




简述临床试验项目流程Clinical trials are an essential part of the process to bring new treatments and medications to the market. 临床试验是将新治疗方法和药物引入市场过程中的一个重要部分。

These trials involve rigorous testing to ensure the safety and efficacy of the treatment being studied. 这些试验需要进行严格的测试,以确保所研究的治疗方法的安全性和有效性。

The process of conducting a clinical trial is complex and involves many different steps that must be followed in order to obtain accurate and reliable results. 进行临床试验的过程复杂,涉及许多不同的步骤,必须遵循才能获得准确可靠的结果。

The first step in the clinical trial process is to design a study protocol. 临床试验过程的第一步是设计研究计划。

This protocol outlines the objectives of the trial, the methods that will be used to conduct the study, and the criteria for determining the success or failure of the treatment. 这个计划概述了试验的目标,用于进行研究的方法,以及确定治疗成功或失败的标准。

It is essential that this protocol be carefully developed and approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to ensure that the rights and welfare of the participants are protected.非常重要的是,必须仔细制订这个计划,并由机构审查委员会批准,以确保保护参与者的权利和福祉。



临床crc的工作流程英文回答:Clinical research coordinators (CRCs) play a crucial role in the clinical trial process. As a CRC, my main responsibility is to ensure the smooth and efficient running of clinical trials. This involves a variety of tasks, from study initiation to study closeout.The workflow of a clinical CRC can be divided into several stages: pre-study, study initiation, study conduct, and study closeout.During the pre-study phase, I work closely with the study team to plan and prepare for the trial. This includes reviewing the study protocol, developing study-specific documents, and obtaining necessary approvals. For example, I may assist in drafting the informed consent form and submitting it to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for approval. I also collaborate with the study team toidentify potential study participants and ensure that the study site is adequately equipped and staffed.Once the study is approved and ready to start, thestudy initiation phase begins. This involves recruiting and screening eligible participants, obtaining informed consent, and collecting baseline data. As a CRC, I may conduct study visits, administer study interventions or treatments, and collect and record data. I also ensure that the study is conducted in compliance with Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines and applicable regulations.During the study conduct phase, I continue to monitor and manage the progress of the trial. This includes scheduling and coordinating study visits, monitoring participant adherence to the study protocol, and addressing any issues or concerns that may arise. For example, if a participant experiences an adverse event, I would promptly report it to the sponsor and take appropriate actions asper the protocol. I also maintain accurate and complete study documentation, such as case report forms and source documents.Finally, when the study is completed or terminated, the study closeout phase begins. This involves ensuring thatall study-related activities are properly concluded. As a CRC, I may assist in data analysis and reporting, prepare study closure reports, and archive study documents. I also coordinate with the study team to ensure that participants are appropriately informed about the study results and any follow-up care that may be required.中文回答:临床研究协调员(CRC)在临床试验过程中扮演着至关重要的角色。



iit临床项目流程I understand that you are looking for information on the clinical trial process at IIT. 我理解您正在寻找有关IIT临床试验过程的信息。

The clinical trial process at IIT, or Investigator-Initiated Trials, is a complex and detailed procedure. These trials are initiated and conducted by individual researchers or healthcare providers, rather than by pharmaceutical companies. IITs are often focused on exploring new uses for existing medications or investigating potential benefits of non-pharmaceutical interventions. Unlike industry-sponsored trials, IITs typically have fewer financial resources and may face additional challenges in terms of regulatory compliance and data collection. IIT临床试验过程是复杂而详细的程序。




The first step in the IIT clinical trial process is the development of a research protocol. This protocol outlines the objectives,methodology, participant selection criteria, and data analysis plan for the trial. It is essential for ensuring the safety and ethical conduct of the trial and serves as a guide for researchers throughout the study. IIT临床试验过程的第一步是制定研究方案。



水光针临床试验过程中的操作流程The clinical trial process for water light needle (水光针) involves a series of important operational steps to ensure the safety and efficacy of the treatment. In the initial stages, the research team must carefully plan and design the trial, considering factors such as target population, objectives, and potential risks. 在水光针的临床试验开始阶段,研究团队必须仔细规划和设计试验,考虑到目标人群、目标和潜在风险等因素。

Once the trial design is in place, the next step is to obtain approval from relevant ethics committees and regulatory authorities. This process involves submitting detailed protocol documents and ensuring that the trial meets all necessary legal and ethical requirements. 一旦试验设计确定,下一步就是获得相关伦理委员会和监管机构的批准。


Recruitment and screening of participants is another crucial aspect of the operational flow in a clinical trial for water light needle. It's important to identify and enroll suitable individuals who meet thespecific inclusion and exclusion criteria, as well as to ensure that informed consent is obtained from each participant. 招募和筛选参与者是水光针临床试验操作流程中的另一个至关重要的方面。



.英语四级单词分类government n. 治理;政治international a. 国际的,世界(性 )的league n. 联盟,结盟;结合会territory n. 国土,疆域;领域congress n. 大会;国会,议会session n. 会议,一段时间democracy n. 民主,民主制democratic a. 民主的,民主政体的interior a. 内的;内陆的n.内部internal a. 内的;国内的people n. 人民,民族;人native a. 当地的n.当地人chairman n. 主席;议长,会长parliament n. 议会,国会statesman n. 政治家,国务活动家political a. 政治的,政治上的politician n. 政治家;政客politics n. 政治,政治学;政纲policy n. 政策,目标treaty n. 合约;协议,协议convention n. 风俗,老例;条约conversation n. 会话,非正式会商republic n. 共和国,共和政体republican a. 共和国的committee n. 委员会;全体委员commission n. 任命状;委员会leader n. 领袖,领导人;领袖leadership n. 领导nation n. 民族;国家national a. 民族的;国家的country n. 国家,国土;乡村rural a. 乡村的,田园的countryside n. 乡间,乡村nationality n. 国籍;民族,族.Marxist a. 马克思主义的socialism n. 社会主义socialist a. 社会主义的共产主义,共产主义者共产党员,共产党social a. 社会的;交际的community n. 社区;社会;公社constitution n.( 宪法 )章程;体质;结构society n. 社会;集体;交际界foreign a. 外国的;外来的neighbor n. 街坊,邻国,街坊neighborhood n.街坊关系;周边tribe n. 部落,宗族secretary n. 秘书;书记;大臣senate n. 参议院,上院federal a. 联邦的;结盟的lord n. 贵族;上帝,基督crown n. 王冠,冕;花冠prince n. 王子,亲王queen n. 王后;女王princess n. 公主,王妃prince n. 王子,亲王princess n. 公主,王妃royal a. 王的;皇家的Negro n. 黑人governor n. 州长;主管人员county n. 英国的郡,美国的县Soviet n. 苏维埃 a.苏维埃的state n. 状态;国家;州president n. 总统;校长;会长premier n. 总理,首相chair n. 椅子;主席province n. 省;领域,部门minister n. 部长,大臣;公使ministry n. 部department n. 部,司,局,处,系bureau n. 局,司,处;社,所officer n. 官员;做事;军官.office n. 办公室;处,局,社official a. 官员的;官方的army n. 军队;陆军headquarters n. 司令部;总部commander n. 司令官,指挥员command vt. 命令,指挥;控制colonel n. 陆军上校;中校lieutenant n. 陆军中尉;副职官员captain(capital 国都 ) n.陆军上尉;队长scout n. 侦探员,侦探机soldier n.( 陆军 )士兵,军人spy n. 间谍,特务vt.侦探queue n. 队列 vi.排队等候war n. 战争;矛盾,斗争attack vt.&vi.&n.攻击,攻击campaign n. 战斗;运动camp n. 野营,阵营,军营battle n. 战斗;斗争vi.作战horn n. 军号;警报器;角march vi. 行军; pageant 示威troop n. 军队;一群,大批veteran n. 老兵,老手military a. 军事的;军人的triumph n. 凯旋;成功vi.成功arrow n. 箭;箭状物warn vt. 警示vi.发生警示weapon n. 武器,兵器bullet n. 枪弹,子弹,弹丸cannon n. 大炮,火炮;榴弹炮rifle n. 步枪,来复枪pistol n. 手枪banner n. 旗,旌旗,横幅gun n. 枪,炮,手枪helmet n. 头盔,钢盔missile n. 发射物;导弹naval n. 海军的,军舰的navy n. 海军.navigation n. 航行;航海;航submarine a. 水下的n.潜水艇submerge vt. 淹没 vi.潜入水中shock n. 冲;震撼vi.震shot n. 射;丸;射shoot vt. 射;射中n.芽sword n. ,刀tank n. 坦克;大容器,槽target n. 靶,的;目victim n. 牲者,受害者compass n. ,指南;fight vi. 打 (仗 );斗争flag n. 旗,旗;旗旗flame n. 火焰;光;情flare vi. 耀vt.使亮flash n. 光vi.,powder n. 粉末;粉;火pound vt. 碎;舂;猛blast n. 爆炸,冲波vt.炸bang n. 巨响,声;猛burn vi. ,燃n.burst vt. 使爆裂vi.&n. 爆炸blaze n. 火;光vi.燃bury vt. 埋葬,葬;埋藏gunpowder n. 黑色火;有烟火bomb n.BoB!!! vt. 炸law n. 法律,法律;法例police n. 警察局、公安局policeman n. 警察criminal n. 犯人,犯人,刑事犯jail禁judgment n. 意;判;判断justice n. 正,公正;司法justify vt. 明⋯是正当的jury n. 陪;ignore vt. 不,不理,忽.content n. 内容,目;容量contest vat. 争,争取;contract n. 契,合同;婚hazard n. 危;公害harm n. 害,害vt. 害suit n. 起拆,vt.合适lawyer n. 律;法学家court n. 法院,法庭;庭院ownership n. 全部 ( ),全部制prison n. ,禁steal vt. ,取prisoner n. 监犯judge n. 法官;裁判arrest vt. 拘捕,拘禁;阻挡argue vi. 争,争,argument n.争,;原由arise vi. 出;由⋯惹起ask vt. ;要求;邀application n.求,申;施用Appeal VI. &n.号召;申诉appear vi. 出;到达;仿佛appearance n.出,到达;外announce vt.宣布,宣布,表courage n. 勇气,胆子,胆cover vat. 盖,包含n.盖子coward n. 胆小鬼;胆寒者crisis n.危机;生死之criticism n. 批;批评;criticize vat. 批;;非murder n.&vi. ,凶murderer n. 人犯,凶手prison n. ,禁prisoner n. 监犯privilege n. 特,惠prize n. ,金vt.珍probability n. 可能性;概率problem n. ;,procedure n. 程序;手;程proceed vi. 行;行process n. 程;工序vt.加工.procession n. 伍,队列proclaim vt. 宣布,宣布;表示proof n. 据;明;校property n. ,;性proposal n. 提,建;求婚propose vt. 提vi.求婚prospect n. 展望;远景,前程prosperity n. 繁华;鼎盛,旺protect vt. 保,保,戒备protection n. 保,戒备protest vt.&vi.&n.抗prove vt. 明 vi.果是provide vt. 供给;装,供provided conj. 以⋯条件punish vt. ,,punishment n. ,,prohibit vt. 严禁,阻挡researcher n. 者;研究者research n.&vi. ,研究safe n.保箱safety n. 安全,保sin n. 罪,罪孽vi.犯法sentence n. 裁决;句子vt.宣判separation n. 分别,分开;分居sequence n. ,;序次series n.,系列;thief n. 窃,窃犯treason n. 反,通,叛国罪trap n. 圈套;vt.trial n. ,;判trick n. ;vt.哄try vt. ;vi.vice n. 罪;;弊端witness n. 据;人vt. 目crime n. 罪,罪状;犯法debate n.&vi. 争,damage vt. 害,坏n.害.dare vt.&aux.v. 敢;竟敢deceit n. 欺,欺deceive vt. 欺,蒙蔽,行decide vt. 决定,信心;解决decision n. 决定,信心;坚决determine vt. 决定;明;信心declare vt. 断言;申明;表示definition n. 定,;定界delay vt. 推;耽;延;除vt.除;擦掉decrease vi.&n. 减少,减少deduce vt. 演,推,推测deed n. 行;功;契deepen vt. 加深vi.深入defeat vt. ,;挫defect n. 弊端,缺点,短缺defence n. 防守;防;defend vt. 保,防守define vt. ⋯下定;限制deny vt. 否认;拒相信detect vt. 察,;察detection n. 察,;察determination n.信心;决定;确立devil n. 魔鬼,魔discard vt. 弃,扔掉,弃discharge vt. 放;排出n.放discipline n. 律;vt.disclose vt. 揭开,揭;流露discover vt. ;裸露,示discovery n. ;被的事物discuss vt. ,;述discussion n. ,;述disagree vi. 有分歧;不一致disappear vi. 不,失散;消逝fine n. 金,款finish vt. 达成,束n.束fire n. 火;火灾vi.开火find vt. 找到;;找出finding n. ;的果mask n. 面具;装vt.掩pardon n. 原;赦免vt. 原ignorant a. 不知道的;无知的.illegal a. 不合法的,非法的harmful a. 有害的legal a. 法律的;合法的applicable a.能应用的;合适的apparent a. 表面上的;显然的probable a. 或有的;大体的probably ad. 也许,大体private a. 个人的;私下的protective a. 保护的,防备的prosperous a. 繁华的,鼎盛的proud a. 骄傲的;骄傲的safe a.安全的;慎重的safely ad. 安全地;靠谱地separate a. 分其他;个其他separately add分别地serious a. 严肃的;仔细的seriously ad. 严肃地,仔细地headmaster n.校长scholar n. 学者 (尤指文学方面)scholarship n. 学业成绩;奖学金school n. 学校;学院;学派student n. 学生;研究生,学者study n. 学习,研究vat. 学major a.较大的n.专业scientific a. 科学 (上 )的psychological a. 心理的,心理学的style n. 风格;文体;式样subject n. 题目;学科;主语philosopher n. 哲学家philosophy n. 哲学;真谛;人生观science n. 科学,科学研究computer n. 计算机,电脑professor n. 教授pole n. 极 (点 ) ,磁极,电极physicist n. 物理学家physics n. 物理学.materialism n. 唯物主mathematics n. 数学maths n.( 英 )数学geometry n. 几何,几何学sphere n. 球,体;范curve n. 曲;弯vat.弄弯cut vat. 切,割,剪;减少number n. 数,数字;号data n. 数据 ; 料figure n. 数字;外形;人物square n. 正方形;广arithmetic n.算,四运算triangle n. 三角(形 )tuition n. 教,教;学trust n. 相信vt.相信;拜托truth n. 真谛;真;真性chart n. ,表;海chemistry n. 化学calculate vt. 算;估;划calculation n. 算,算果calculator n. 算器,算者circle n. ,周;圈子circulate vt. 使循vi.循circumference n. 周,周,周transmission n. 送;;射transmit vt. 送,达;射circuit n. 路;行;巡行radioactivity n. 放射性,放射 (象 )X-ray n.射,X光nuclear a. 原子核的;中心的radioactive a. 放射性的specialist n. 家scientist n.( 自然 )科学家specialty n. ,特;特specialize vi. 成⋯家;攻particle n. 粒子,微粒atom n. 原子;微粒;微量geography n. 地理,地理学semester n. 半年;学期,半学年heat n. ,炎vi.heating n. 加,供暖.agriculture n.农业,农艺;农学molecule n. 分子,克分子medicine n. 内服药;医学germ n. 微生物,细菌,幼芽physicist n. 物理学家physics n. 物理学physical a. 物质的;物理的radium n. 镭radar n. 雷达,无线电探测器radiate vi. 发射光芒;辐射radiation n. 放射,发射;辐射能pole n. 极(点 ),磁极,电极radio n. 无线电;收音机ray n. 光芒,射线,辐射线mechanics n. 力学;技术性细节physician n. 医生,内科医生degree n. 程度;度;学位certificate n. 证书,证件,执照college n. 学院;大学academy n. 私立中学;专科院校institute n. 研究所;学院laboratory n. 实验室,研究室test n.&vt. 试验;查验text n. 原文,本文;课文textbook n. 课本,教科书theory n. 理论;学说;建议title n. 标题,题目;称呼topic n. 题目,论题,话题tradition n. 传统,老例lab n. 实验室,研究室physical a. 物质的;物理的mechanical a. 机械的;力学的mechanically ad. 机械地learned a. 有学识的;学术上的atomic a. 原子的;原子能的academic a. 学院的;学术的mathematical a. 数学的,数学上的literary a. 文学 (上 )的medical a. 医学的;内科的memorial a. 纪念的;记忆的mental a. 智力的;精神的noticeable a. 不言而喻的;重要的public a. 公众的n.公众voluntary a. 自发的,志愿的special a. 特别的;特意的specially ad. 特意地,特别地specific a. 独有的;详细的substantial a. 物质的;牢固的sympathetic a. 怜悯technical a. 技术的,工艺的tedious a. 冗长无聊的,烦闷的theoretical a. 理论 (上)的traditional a. 传统的,老例的true a. 真的;忠实的truly ad. 真实地;忠实地true a. 真的;忠实的truly ad. 真实地;忠实地quite ad. 完整;相当;确实learn vi.&vt. 学,学习teach vt. 讲;教育vt.教书teacher n. 教师,老师,先生teaching n. 教课,讲解;教育ceremony n. 典礼,仪式;礼仪graduate n. 毕业生vi.大学毕业university n. 大学,综合性大学undergraduate n.大学肄业生vacation n. 假期,休假campus n. 校园,学校场所playground n. 操场,体育场class n.班,班级;阶级schedule n. 时间表;计划表lesson n. 功课,课;课程course n. 课程;过程;一道菜monitor n. 班长;监督器classmate n. 同班同学classroom n. 教室,讲堂blackboard n. 黑板book n. 书,书本vt.预约chalk n. 白垩;粉笔paper n. 纸;官方文件;文章pen n. 钢笔,自来水笔pencil n. 铅笔dictionary n. 典,词典ink n. 墨水,油墨rubber n. 橡皮 (擦子 );橡胶desk n. 桌,公桌dictation n. 口传笔,听写formula n. 公式,式knowledge n. 知,学;知道grammar n. 法;法vocabulary n. 表;,spell vat. 拼写vi.拼字spelling n. 拼字,拼法,拼写法phrase n. 短;用idiom n. ,成word n. ;;信息;言phrase n. 短;用dialect n. 方言,土,地方joke n. 笑vi.笑dialog n. ,白language n. 言,言程pronounce vt.⋯的音;宣布pronunciation n.音,音法Latin a. 拉丁的 n.拉丁interpreter n. ,口者translate vt. 翻, vt.翻translation n. 翻;文,本inventor n. 明者;明家headline n. 大字;新概要lecture n.&vi. 演,congratulate vat.祝,向⋯道贺congratulation n.祝;祝heading n. ,,名handwriting n. 字迹,手迹,法librarian n.library n. ;藏publication n. 宣布;第一版;第一版物publish vt. 宣布;表;第一版literature n. 文学;文件novel n. 小说 a.新的volume n. 卷,册;容积;音量paragraph n. ( 文章的 ) 段,节chapter n. 章,回,篇poem n. 诗,韵文,诗体文poet n. 诗人poetry n. 诗,诗歌,诗作magazine n. 杂志,期刊reading n. 读,阅读;念书read vt. 读,看懂vi.读reader n. 读者;读物,读本recite vt.&vi. 背诵,朗读material n. 资料;素材 a.物质的meaning n. 意义,意思;企图means n. 方法,手段,工具mechanic n. 技工,机械,机修工medal n. 奖章,勋章,纪念章memory n. 记忆;回想;储存mention vt.&n.说起,说起merit n. 优点,优点;功过monument n. 纪念碑;纪念馆collect vat. 采集vi.收款collection n. 采集,采集;珍藏品choice n. 选择,决断circumstance n. 状况,条件;境遇choose vat. 选择,精选;宁愿note n. 笔录;条子;说明notebook n. 笔录本,期票簿notice vt. 注意n.通知;注意nucleus n. 核,中心; (原子 )核platform n. 平台;站台;讲台amount n.总数;数目;和award n. 奖,奖品;判断address n. 地址;演说;辞吐play vi. 玩,游戏;演奏player n. 游戏的人;比赛者phase n. 阶段;方面;相位phenomenon n. 现象.point n. 点;重点;详目;分pupil n. 学生,小学生recognize vt. 认识,认出;认可recollect vt. 回想,追想,想起recommend vt. 介绍,介绍;劝说recommendation n.介绍,介绍;劝说record n. 记录;简历vt.记录recorder n. 记录者;录音机wisdom n. 智慧,才华;名言wise a.有智慧的,聪慧的wish vt. 祝;想要n.希望wit n. 智力,才华,智能winner n. 获胜者,优越者voice n. 说话声;建议;语态phase n. 阶段;方面;相位phenomenon n. 现象platform n. 平台;站台;讲台pupil n. 学生,小学生riddle n. 谜,谜语scheme n. 计划,规划;诡计screen n. 屏;屏幕vt.遮蔽specify vi. 指定,详尽说明specimen n. 样本,标本,样品spectacle n. 光景,情形;眼镜speech n. 语言;演说;方言speed n. 快;速率vi.快行spend vat. 用钱,花销;度过stamp n. 戳子;邮票;标记story n. 故事,小说,传说copy n. 抄件vat.抄录,复制correction n. 更正,纠正,改正substance n. 物质;本质;本意symbol n. 象征;符号,记号rumor n. 谣言,谣传,听说table n. 桌子;餐桌;项目表tale n. 故事,传说talent n. 天才;才能;人材task n. 任,工作,作team n. ,technician n. 技,技technique n. 技,技巧;技术technology n. 工学,工,技term n. 期;学期;条件;train vt. 培育n.列;列training n. ,,培育civilization n. 文明,文化;开化civilize vt. 使文明;教育claim vt. 宣称,主;讨取clap vi. 拍手vt.拍,拍culture n. 文化,文明;修养custom n. ,俗;海关diamond n. 金石,石;菱形diary n. 日,日簿dictate vt.&vi. 口传;命令fiction n. 小;虚假,杜撰file n. 档案vt.把⋯档fill vt. 装,盛;占filter vt.n.journal n. 日,志;日记journey n. 旅行,旅途n.旅行label n. ;,符号list n. 表,目n.列margin n. 的空白;mark n. 斑点;号vt.明meeting n. 齐集,会集,会news n. 新,信息newspaper n. ,paradise n. 伊甸园;天堂package n. 包裹,包,捆packet n. 小包 (裹),小捆parcel n. 包裹,小包,邮包pad n. 垫;簿本vt.填塞question n. 提问;问题;疑问puzzle n. 难题;谜vi.使诱惑quiz n. 小型考试,测试quotation n. 引用;引文;报价单quote vat. 引用,引证;报价pack vat. 捆扎;挤满n.包package n. 包裹,包,捆packet n. 小包 (裹),小捆pad n. 垫;簿本vat.填塞page n. 页paradise n. 伊甸乐园;天堂parcel n. 包裹,小包,邮包paragraph n.( 文章的 )段,节talk vi. 发言vt.讨论tell vt. 叙述;嘱咐;鉴别verify vt. 证明,查证;证明version n. 译文;说法;改写本view n. 看;视力;景色viewpoint n. 看法,看法,看法waste n. 浪费;废物;垃圾want vt. 要 n.需要;缺少win vi. 获胜,赢vt. 博得baggage n. 行李chess n.棋;国际象棋kite n. 风筝party , party 派;聚会friendship n. 友情,友好message n. 信息,信息;启迪well-known a. 尽人皆知的,有名的mail n. 邮件vt.邮寄post n. 邮政,邮寄;邮件post n. 岗位,哨所;职位postage n. 邮费,邮资send vt. 送,寄发;差遣write vt. 书写;写vi.写writing n. 书写,写;著作work n. 工作;职业vi.工作workshop n. ,工;作室strange a. 陌生的;奇异的tour n.&vi. 旅行,游transfer vt. 移;vi.移transform vt. 改;改造;transformation n.化;改造;type n. 型,型vi.打字typewriter n. 打字机typical a. 典型的,代表性的party , party 派;聚会sightseeing n. 光,游wait vi. 等,等候n.等候ad n. 广告advertisement n.广告;通告;登广告advice n. 告;忠告;意advise vt. 告;建;通知china n. 瓷器,瓷料demand vt. 要求;需要;demonstrate vt. 明;;显露colleague n. 同事,同僚clarify vt. 澄清,明clue n. 索,表示,提示code n. 准;法典;代classification n. 分;分;分法background n. 背景,后景,,作⋯的背景classify vt. 把⋯分companion n. 伙伴;共事者;伴comrade n. 同志,密的伙伴council n. 理事会,委会govern vt. 治,治理;支配chamber n. 会室;房;腔conference n. 会,会leading a. 指的;最主要的masterpiece n. 杰作,名著mass n.众多;;民众passport n. 照rule n. 治;定;ruler n. 治者;尺,直尺famous a. 有名的,有名的vote n. ,投票,表决organization n. ;体,机构organize vt. ,puppet n. 木偶,玩偶;傀儡primarily ad. 第一;主要地primary a. 最先的;基本的prime a. 首要的n.春,青春primitive a. 原始的;粗拙的principal a. 主要的n.人principle n. 原,原理;主prior a. 在先的;先的private a. 个人的;私下的privilege n. 特,惠prize n. ,金vt.珍probability n. 可能性;概率probable a. 或有的;大体的probably ad. 或,大体problem n. ;,procedure n. 程序;手;程proceed vi. 行;行process n. 程;工序vt.加工procession n. 伍,队列proclaim vt. 宣布,宣布;表示service n. 服;行政部state vt. 述,明,明statement n. 述,申明standard n. 准 a.准的standpoint n. 立,点statistical a. 的,学的succeed vt.⋯以后vi.成功success n.成功,成就,利successful a.成功的,果优秀的successfully ad. 成功地succession n. 连续;继任,继承successive a.连续的;接连的treatment n. 待遇;治疗,疗法understand vt. 懂;获悉vi.懂得understanding n. 理解;理解力;协议undertake vt. 从事;肩负;保证union n. 结合;团结;协会undertaking n. 任务,事业;承诺unique a. 独一的,独一无二的unit n. 单位;单元;零件unite vi. 结合vt.使结合unity n. 单调;一致;团结delegation n. 代表团form n. 形式;形状vt.形成formation n. 形成;组成;形成物freedom n. 自由;自主fortune n. 命运,运气;财富found vt. 创办,创办;成立foundation n. 基础;地基;基金profession n. 职业job n. 职业;工作;零活name n. 名字;声誉vt.说出origin n. 发源,由来;身世career n. 生涯,职业,经历professional a. 职业的n.专业人员journalist n. 记者,新闻工作者astronaut n.宇宙航行员,宇航员announcer n.宣布者;播音员barber n. 剪发师miner n. 矿工butcher n. 屠夫;屠戮者beggar n. 乞丐,穷人carpenter n. 木工,木工chemist n. 化学家;药剂师captive n. 俘虏,被监管的人beauty n. 美,漂亮;佳人.beginner n. 初学者,新手candidate n. 候人;投考者clerk n. 店;事,conductor n. 售票; ()指director n. 指者;理事;演correspondent n.通讯者;通cripple n. 跛子;残的人critic n. 批家,挑剔的人customer n. 客,主dishonour n. 不但彩;的人gentleman n. 士;有修养的人gardener n. 园丁,花匠genius n. 天才,天,天friend n. 朋友,友人giant n. 巨人;巨物guide n. 游者vt.⋯游guest n. 客人,客;游客guard vt. 守;看守n.兵fool n. 蠢人,傻子vt.欺fisherman n. 民,夫,打人fireman n. 消防;司炉工farmer n. 民,夫;主hero n. 男主角;英豪;猛士heroic a. 英豪的;勇敢的heroine n. 女主角;女英豪host n. 主人;道主hostess n. 女主人;空姐landlady n. 女房;女地主landlord n. 地主;房,店东mayor n. 市messenger n. 送信者,信使postman n.nurse n. 保姆;士vt.看owner n. 物主,全部人partner n. 伙伴;搭档;配偶passenger n. 乘客,游客,路人peasant n. 民physician n. 医生,内科医生pioneer n. 开荒者;先者porter n. 搬运工人reporter n. 者,通robber n. 盗,盗revolutionary a. 革命的n.革命者writer n. 作者,作家,文学家worker n. 工人;工作者,人workman n. 工人,者,工匠waiter n. 侍从,服visitor n. 者;游客pioneer n. 开荒者;先者porter n. 搬运工人crowd n. 群;大众;一伙人stranger n. 陌生人;新来者traitor n. 叛徒,国rider n. 的人;乘的人salesman n. 售,推seaman n. 海,水手;水兵typist n. 打字servant n. 仆人,仆人,雇工sir n.先生,下;⋯爵士slave n.奴隶;苦工tenant n. 肩负人,房客,佃user n. 用,使用者tourist n. 旅行者,光者tramp n. 漂泊者,游民partner n. 伙伴;搭;配偶inhabitant n. 居民,住popular a. 公众的;流行的public a. 公众的n.公众residence n. 居住;扎;住resident a. 居住的n.居民rest n. 节余部分;其他的人slavery n. 奴隶制度;苦力slum n. 民窟,民区status n. 地位,身分surname n. 姓selfish a. 自私的,利己的orphan n. 孤儿keeper n. 看护人;饲养员widow n. 寡妇wife n. 老婆lady n. 女士,夫人;贵妇人listener n. 听者,听众之一madam n. 夫人,女士,太太miss n. 小姐Mister n. 先生mistress n. 女主人;夫人maid n. 女佣,女仆;少女male a. 男的,雄的n.男子manly a. 男子气派的,坚决的human a. 人的,人类的n.人man n. 男人;人;人类mankind n. 人类master n. 主人;好手;硕士mate n. 伙伴,同事;配偶member n. 成员,会员young a. 年青的n.青年们people n. 人民,民族;人person n. 人;人身;自己personal a. 个人的;自己的personnel n. 全体人员,全体职员popular a. 公众的;流行的population n. 人口;全体居民youthful a. 年青的,青年的woman n. 妇女,女人,女性youth n. 青春;青年们;青年person n. 人;人身;自己personal a. 个人的;自己的personnel n. 全体人员,全体职员population n. 人口;全体居民pronoun n. 代名词I pron. ( 主格 ) 我me pron. ( 宾格 ) 我my pron. 我的mine pron. 我的myself pron. 我自己;我自you pron. 你,你your pron. 你的,你的yours pron. 你的 (西 ) yourself pron. 你自己;你自he pron. ( 主格 )他his pron. 他的,他的西him pron.( 格 )他himself pron. 他自己;他自She pron. ( 主格 ) 她her pron. ( 格 ) 她;她的hers pron. 她的 (全部物 ) herself pron. 她自己;她自we pron.( 主格 )我us pron. ( 格 )我our pron. 我的ours pron. 我的ourselves pron. 我自己they pron.( 主格 )他 (她) their pron. 他 (她、它 )的theirs pron. 他(她 )的西them pron.( 格 )他themselves pron. 他自己it pron. ,那,它its pron. 它的itself pron. 它自己;自己One num. pron. 一个人self n. 自我,自己oneself pron. 自己;自none pron. 没有人ad.绝不nobody pron.也不;无人own a. 自己的vt.有,有owner n. 物主,全部人somebody pron.某人,有人someone pron. 某人,有人anybody prep.任何人anyhow ad. 无怎样anyone pron.任何人who pron. ;⋯的人Whom pron. ( 格 ) whoever pron. ;无whose pron. 谁的;哪个人的nature n. 大自然;天性;性质universal a. 宇宙的;广泛的universe n. 宇宙,世界natural a. 自然界的;天然的naturally ad. 自然地;天然地Atlantic a. 大西洋的n.大西洋ocean n. 大海;洋Oceania n. 大洋洲volcano n. 火山river n. 江,河,水道gulf n. 海湾bay n. 湾;山脉中的凹处coast n. 海岸,海滨 (地域 )tide n. 潮,潮汐;潮流beach n. 海滩,湖滩,河滩cliff n. 绝壁,峭壁water n. 水 vt.使湿,浇灌waterfall n. 瀑布waterproof a. 防水的wave n. 波;波浪vi.颠簸spray n. 浪花;喷雾vat.喷wavelength n. 波长brook n. 小河,溪流fountain n. 泉水,喷泉;源泉forest n. 森林;森林地带flood n. 洪水vat.吞没hill n. 小山,山岗;丘陵hillside n.( 小山 )山腰,山坡horizon n. 地平线;眼界,见解horizontal a. 地平的;水平的island n. 岛,岛屿peak n. 山顶,巅 a.最高的mountain n. 山,山岳;山脉cave n. 山洞,洞窟,窑洞valley n.( 山 )谷,溪谷;流域ridge n. 脊;岭,山脉;垄rock n. 岩,岩石;石头pebble n. 卵石,细砾pearl n. 珍珠;珍珠母.lake n. 湖pebble n. 卵石,细砾peaceful a. 和平的;寂静的path n. 路,小道;道路peak n. 山顶,巅 a.最高的plain n. 平原 a.清楚的source n. 河的源泉;本源corner n. 角;犄角;边远地域land n. 陆地;土地vi.登岸lane n.( 乡间 )小道;跑道lawn n. 草地,草坪,草场marine a. 海的;海上的reed n. 芦苇,芦杆,芦丛meadow n. 草地,牧草地mine n. 矿,矿山;地雷mud n. 软泥,泥浆muddy a. 多泥的,泥泞的pit n. 坑,地坑;煤矿pond n. 池塘pool n. 水塘,游泳池,水池plot n. 小块土地vat.密谋shore n. 滨,岸soil n. 泥土,土壤,土地stream n. 河;流vi.&vt. 流surface n. 地面,表面;表面swamp n. 沼泽,沼泽地sand n. 沙,沙子;沙岸sandy n. 沙的,含沙的torrent n. 奔腾,激流,大水clay n. 黏土,泥土;肉体desert n. 荒漠 vt. 离弃;擅离dirt n. 尘,土;污物,污垢float vi. 飘荡vt.使飘荡flow vi. 流动;飘垂;涨潮fluid n. 流体,液体flush vi. 奔腾; (脸 )发红humid a. 湿的,湿气重的.bloom n. 花;开花,开花期blossom n. 花,开花vi.开花pluck vt. 采,摘;拉下n.拉cultivate vat. 耕;种植;培育grass n. 草;牧草;草地grain n. 谷物,谷粒;颗粒greenhouse n. 温室,玻璃暖房wood n. 树林,森林;木头wooden a. 木制的;古板的flower n. 花,花卉;开花route n. 路,路线,行程root n. 根,根子vi.生根rose n. 蔷薇花,蔷薇科植物weed n. 杂草,野草vi.除草tree n. 树pine n. 松树,松木bough n. 树枝trunk n. 树干;大衣箱,皮箱wild a. 野生的;野蛮的leaf n. 叶,叶子bud n. 芽,萌芽;蓓蕾bush n. 灌木,灌木丛,矮树branch n. 树枝;分部;分科jungle n. 森林,密林,莽丛plant n. 植物;工厂vt.种植plantation n. 种植园;栽种pine n. 松树,松木seed n. 种(子 ),籽,萌芽stem n. 茎, (树 )干 vi.发源shade n. 荫;遮光物vi.隐蔽shadow n. 暗影,阴,影子shady a. 成荫的,阴凉的tender a. 嫩的;柔弱的violet n. 紫罗兰vivid a. 娇艳的;生动的vigorous a. 生机蓬勃的wreath n. 花环,花圈,花冠plough n. 犁 vt.&vi. 犁,耕.atmosphere n. 大气;空气;氛围atmospheric a.大气的;大气层的weather n. 天气climate n. 天气;风土,地带warm a. 暖和的;热情的warmth n. 暖和,暖和;热情tropical a. 热带的breeze n. 细风,微风wind n. 风;气味,呼吸air n. 空气;空中;外观cloud n. 云;云状物;暗影cloudy a. 多云的;云一般的chill vt. 使变冷n.寒冷frost n. 冰冻,寒冷;霜freeze vi. 冻;结冻vt.使结冰planet n. 行星moon n. 月球,月亮;卫星star n. 星;恒星;明星Mercury n. 水星sky n.天,天空heaven n. 天堂;天,天空sun n. 太阳,日sunlight n. 日光,阳光sunshine n.( 直射 )日光,阳光solar a. 太阳的,日光的sunny a. 阳光充分的;快活的mist n. 薄雾fog n. 雾;烟雾,尘雾moist a. 润湿的;多雨的rain n. 雨,雨水vi. 下雨shower n. 阵雨; (一)阵;淋浴rainbow n. 虹,彩虹rainy a. 下雨的,多雨的dew n. 露,露珠wet a. 湿的;下雨的moisture n. 湿润,湿气;温度snow n. 雪 vi.下雪snowy a. 雪的,下雪的snowstorm n. 雪暴,狂风雪storm n. 风暴;暴 (风)雨stormy a. 有狂风雨的;激烈的thunder n. 雷 vi.打雷vt.吼出lightning n. 闪电,闪电放电.typhoon n. 台风Fahrenheit n. 华氏温度计map n. 地图;图;天体图globe n. 地球,世界;地界仪world n. 世界;世人;人间world-wide a.遍布全世界的Asia n. 亚洲Asian a. 亚洲的n.亚洲人Africa n. 非洲African a. 非洲的n.非洲人Oceania n. 大洋洲America n. 美洲;美国American a. 美洲的n.美国人pacific a. 和平的n.太平洋ocean n. 大海;洋sea n.海,大海port n. 港,港口mainland n. 大陆peninsula n. 半岛channel n. 海峡;渠道;频道road n. 路,道路,公路harbor n. 海港,港口vt.包庇reservior n. 水库;蓄水池dam n. 水坝,水堤;阻碍物seaport n. 海港,港市canal n. 运河;水渠;管Mediterranean n. 地中海 a.地中海的continent n. 大陆;陆地;洲Arabian a. 阿拉伯的Australia n. 澳大利亚Australian a.澳大利亚的Russian a.俄罗斯的n.俄国人Portuguese n. 葡萄牙人;葡萄牙语Japan n.日本,日本国Japanese a.日本的n.日自己Britain n. 不列颠,英国British a. 不列颠的,英联邦的Jewish a.犹太人的China n. 中国Chinese a.中国的n.中国人.Canada n. 加拿大Canadian a. 加拿大的Spanish a. 西班牙的n.西班牙人Greek a.希腊的n.希腊人French a. 法国的n.法国人France n. 法国,法兰西Italian a. 意大利的n.意大利人India n. 印度Indian a. 印度的n.印度人German a. 德国的n.德国人Germany n. 德意志,德国Swiss a.瑞士的n.瑞士人citizen n. 公民;市民,居民zone n. 地域,地区,范围region n. 地域,地带;领域city n. 城市,都市civil a.公民的;文职的colony n. 殖民地;侨居地Roman n. 古罗马人 a.罗马的frontier n. 边疆;边疆;新领域foreigner n. 外国人realm n. 王国,国土;领域king n. 国王,君主kingdom n. 王国;领域,界time n. 时间;机遇;次,回calendar n. 日历,历书;历法B.C. (缩 ) 公元前century n. 世纪,百年decade n. 十年,十年期year n. 年;年年yearly a. 每年的ad.一年一度annual a. 每年的n.年报season n. 季,季节,节气quarterly a. 季度的ad.季度地spring n. 春季,春季springtime n. 春季,春季summer n. 夏,夏天autumn n. 秋,秋天winter n. 冬季,冬季month n. 月,月份.monthly a. 每个月的ad.每个月January n. 一月February n. 二月March n. 三月April n. 四月May n. 五月June n. 六月July n.七月August n. 八月September n. 九月October n. 十月November n. 十一月December n. 十二月fortnight n. 两星期,十四天week n. 星期,周weekday n. 周日,工作日weekend n. 周末,周末假期weekly a. 每周的ad.每周date n. 日期vt.注⋯日期Monday n. 星期一Tuesday n. 星期二Wednesday n. 星期三Thursday n. 星期四Friday n. 星期五Saturday n. 星期六Sunday n. 星期日,星期日timetable n. 表,刻表yesterday n.&ad. 昨天,昨日midnight n. 子夜,子夜,夜半night n. 夜,夜today ad. 在今日;在day n.( 一 )天,日间,白日daily a. 每天的n.日sunrise n. 日出 (分 )dawn n. 拂晓;初步vi. 破daylight n. 日间,日光;拂晓morning n. 清晨,上午a.m ( )上午,午前.midday n. 正午,正午noon n. 正午,正午P.M. n.下午,午后afternoon n.下午,午后sunset n. 日落 (分 )tonight ad. 在今晚n.今晚tomorrow ad. 在明日n.明日o'clock ad. ⋯点hour n. 小;,刻minute n. 分,分;一会儿second n. 秒once ad. 一次;曾n.一次present a. 在的n.当前presently ad. 一会儿;当前recent a. 新近的,近来的recently ad. 近来,新近as conj. 当⋯的候after prep.在⋯ 此后;次于afterward ad.此后,此后Ago ad.以前future n. 未来,未来;前程contemporary a. 今世的,同代的already ad. 早已,已always ad. 是,向来;永ancient a. 古代的,古老的instant n. 瞬 a.马上的instantly ad. 马上,马上moment n. 片晌,瞬,刻immediately ad. 马上;直接地holiday n. 假日,日;假期historical a. 史的,相关史的history n. 史;个人period n. 期;学;句号last vi.持,长久;持久late a. 的ad. ,晚last a.最后的ad. 最后lately ad. 近来,不久前later ad. 此后;一会儿leisure n. 空;悠meantime n. 其,其ad.当meanwhile ad. 同,当modern a. 代的,近代的now ad. 在;马上;于是nowadays ad. 今,在overnight ad. 一夜;忽然period n. 期;学;句号present a. 在的n.当前presently ad. 一会儿;当前shortly ad. 马上;短地since conj. 从⋯以来;因sometime ad. 在某一候;以前sometimes ad. 不,有soon ad. 不久;早,快temporary a. 的,的ultimate a. 最后的,最的ultimately ad. 最,最后worthwhile a. 得花的a art. 一(个);每一 (个)adverb n. 副alphabet n.字母表,字母系adjective n. 形容 a.形容的but conj. 但是,但是conjunction n. 接合,接;接and conj. 和,又,并,although conj.只管,然altogether ad.完整;而言之also ad. 亦,也;并且,because conj. 因为,因could aux.v.(can 的去式 ) despite prep. 不论,不for prep. ;;因if conj. 若是,假如hello int. 喂noun n. 名no ad. 不;其实不a.没有not ad. 不,没有nor conj. 也不;不nothing n. 没有西ad.绝不of prep. ⋯的;因为or conj. 或,或许;即with prep. 和⋯一同;拥有preposition n. 前置,介tense n. ,thereby ad. 所以,进而,由此therefore ad. 所以,所以that a. 那 pron. 那 ad.那than conj.( 比 )比the art.( 定冠 ),那then ad. 当;而后;那么these a.&pron. 些this a. ;今pron.those pron. 那些though conj. 然 ad. 但是thus ad. 这样,;因此there ad. 在那边;在那点上through prep. 穿 ad.从到尾throughout prep.遍布ad.到till prep. Conj. 直到⋯止too ad. 也,;太,分unless conj. 除非,假如不unlike a. 不一样的prep. 不象⋯until prep conj.直到⋯ 止verb n.via prep. ;通what pron. 什么 a.什么whatever pron. 无什么when ad. 什么候;当⋯whenever conj. 无何,每当where ad. 在哪里pron. 哪里wherever ad. 终究在哪里whether conj. 能否which pron. 哪一个 a.哪一个whichever a. 无哪个,无哪些while conj. 当⋯的候;而whilst conj.&n. 当⋯的候why ad. 什么will aux.v. 将要,会;愿without prep. 无,没有,不yes ad. 是,是的yet ad. ;已conj.而would aux.v. 将;愿;是well ad. 好;完整地int. 嘿welcome int.&n.&vt.迎another a. 再一个的;的any a. 什么,一些;任何的anything pron.任何事物;全部anyway ad. 无怎样can aux.v. 能,会,可能concerning prep. 对于have v.aux. 已vt.有;吃hence ad. 所以,所以;此后here ad. 里;向里hi . (表示候等 )how ad. 怎么;怎;多少however ad. 但是;不论怎may v.aux. 可能;能够,祝maybe ad. 大体,或;也might v.aux. 可能,会,也moreover ad. 再者,加之,其他other a. 此外的;其他的otherwise ad. 此外;要否则ought v.aux. 当,plus prep. 加,加上 a.正的plural a. 复数的n.复数point n. 点;重点;目;分other a. 此外的;其他的otherwise ad. 此外;要否则or conj. 或,或许;即ought v.aux. 当,outcome n. 果,结果,成就regarding prep. 对于some a.&pron. 一些,若干somehow ad. 因为某种原由something pron.某事,某物somewhat pron. 一点儿ad.有点somewhere ad. 在某n.某地lest conj. 生怕,免得like prep. 像,如;像要must v.aux. 必;必定要oh int. ,哦,唉呀okay ( 作 OK)a.&ad. ,好plus prep. 加,加上 a.正的shall aux.v. 将要;必;should aux.v. 将;万一;就be aux.v.&vi. 是,在,做方向approach vt.向⋯凑近n.凑近along prep.沿着ad. 向前ahead ad. 在前;向前;提早aboard ad. 在船 ( )上;上船about prep.对于;above prep.在⋯ 上边;高于abroad ad.( 在 )外国;到across prep. 横;在⋯面against prep.倚在;逆,着among prep.在⋯ 之中amongst prep在⋯ 中(=among) altitude n.高,高度;高anywhere ad.在什么地方aside ad. 在旁,到旁around prep.在⋯ 周at prep. 在⋯里;在⋯axis n. ,;中心before prep. 在⋯以前;向⋯back ad. 在后;回原;回backward a. 向后的;倒的ad.倒behind prep. 在⋯后边below prep. 在⋯下边 (以下 ) beneath prep. 在⋯下方beside prep. 在⋯旁besides ad. 并且 prep. 除⋯以外between prep. 在⋯中beyond prep. 在⋯的那by prep. 在⋯旁;被,由central a. 中心的;主要的centre n. 中心;中枢vt.集中away ad. 走开,离;⋯去forth ad. 向前;向外,往外indoors ad. 在室内,在屋里in prep. 在⋯里 ad.,入height n. 高,高度;高north n. 北,北方 a.北方的northeast n. 北 a.位于北的northern a. 北方的,北部的northwest n. 西北 a.位于西北的nowhere ad. 任何地方都不middle n. 中部 a.中部的midst n. 中部,中,中间on prep. 在⋯上;在⋯旁。






下面是一些常见的实施步骤的英文表达形式:1.Procedure2.Steps3.Actions4.Measures5.Processes详细解释1. ProcedureProcedure是一个常见的用于表示实施步骤的英文词汇。


Procedure 通常是针对具体的任务或活动而言的,它提供了一个清晰的指导,使得操作人员能够按照特定的步骤顺利地完成任务。

2. StepsSteps是一个更加简明扼要的表达形式,用于描述执行某项任务所需的各个步骤或阶段。


例如:•Step 1: 准备材料•Step 2: 执行任务•Step 3: 检查结果•Step 4: 完成任务3. ActionsActions是用于描述特定任务或活动中需要执行的动作或操作的术语。


例如:•Take out the necessary materials.•Start the process.•Follow the instructions closely.•Evaluate the outcome.4. MeasuresMeasures是一个稍微正式和技术性一些的术语,用于描述执行某个操作或任务所需的具体措施或方法。


例如:•Implement security measures.•Apply appropriate measures.•Take necessary safety precautions.•Evaluate and adjust measures as needed.5. ProcessesProcesses(过程)是用于描述包括一系列步骤、方法和规定的系统化过程的术语。





例如,"The company processes theraw materials into finished products."(公司把原材料加工成成品。

)2.进程:在计算机科学中,"process" 通常指的是一个正在运行的程序。

例如,"There are five processes running on this computer."(这台计算机上有五个进程正在运行。


例如,"The process of learning anew language can be challenging, but also very rewarding."(学习新语言的过程可能充满挑战,但也是非常有益的。


例如,"The processfor applying for a job involves several steps, including creating a resume and sending it to the potential employer."(申请工作的过程包括几个步骤,包括创建简历并将其发送给潜在的雇主。


例如,"The factoryprocesses the raw cotton into yarn."(工厂将原棉加工成纱线。

)6.诉讼:法律上,"process" 可以指传票或其他法律文件,用于通知某人出庭或履行某项法律义务。

例如,"The court issued a summons as part of the process to bring the defendant to trial."(法院发出传票,作为将被告送上法庭的过程的一部分。





二、trial作为名词的用法1. 表示“审判”•The trial of the accused will begin next week.(被告的审判将于下周开始。

)2. 表示“试验”或“实验”•We conducted a clinical trial to test the new drug.(我们进行了一项临床试验,测试新药的效果。

)3. 表示“考验”或“困难”•Going on a survival trip is a great trial of one’s physical and mental strength.(进行一次生存之旅是对一个人身心力量的巨大考验。

)三、trial作为动词的用法1. 表示“试用”•You can trial our software for 30 days before making a purchase decision.(在做出购买决定之前,你可以试用我们的软件30天。

)2. 表示“实验”或“试验”•The company is trialing a new marketing strategy to attract more customers.(该公司正在试验一种新的营销策略,以吸引更多顾客。

)3. 表示“审判”或“审理”•The court is currently trialing the case against the defendant.(法庭目前正在审理针对被告的案件。

)四、常见短语和表达1. on trial•The suspect is now on trial for the murder of his wife.(嫌疑人现正因杀害妻子而受审。

)2. stand trial•The accused will have to stand trial for his alleged crimes.(被告将会因其涉嫌的罪行而受审。






那么,你知道过程的英语怎么说吗?过程的英文释义:processcourse of eventsproceduresprocprocedurecourse过程的英文例句:这位作家叙述了创作的过程。

The writer described the creative process.装配过程的这一部分现在是全自动的。

This part of the assembly process is now fully automated.卸货的过程很缓慢。

Unloading the cargo was a slow process.以下是他被颁赠一九六四年诺贝尔和平奖的过程。

What follows is the process of his being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.编成一本字典是一个缓慢的过程。

Producing a dictionary is a slow process.水印的提取过程是嵌入过程的逆过程。

The watermark extraction process is the reverse process of the embedding.过程模板定义团队项目的初始过程设置。

Process templates define the initial process settings for team projects.具有亚共析组织的钢种其石墨化过程一直很难,因此该钢种开发的关键是促进其石墨化过程。

The hypoeutectoid graphitized free cutting steel was proposed.现代建筑的发展过程是现代建筑设备技术的不断更新与发展的过程。




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n engl j med 370;18 may 1, 20141750T h e ne w engl a nd jour na l o f medicineThe ProCESS Trial — A New Era of Sepsis ManagementCraig M. Lilly, M.D.The importance of early detection and treatment for reducing the mortality associated with sepsis has been a tenet of medical training since the middle ages, when it was noted that “. . . the physicians say it happens in hectic fever, that in the beginning of the malady it is easy to cure but difficult to detect, but in the course of time, not having been either detected or treated in the be-ginning, it becomes easy to detect but difficult to cure.”1,2 The critical role of the clinician in the early recognition of sepsis continues to this day to be fundamental to our efforts to improve the rate of survival.3 Identification of the combina-tion of signs and symptoms that make up the sys-temic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)4 in the context of an infection allows the astute clinician to recognize the malady.Early recognition of sepsis was incorporated into the trial design, prompts, and protocols of the Protocolized Care for Early Septic Shock (ProCESS) trial, the results of which are now re-ported in the Journal .5 For all the groups in the trial, the goal was early recognition of sepsis, as specified in the Surviving Sepsis Campaign guide-lines,3 and the design called for early treatment with antimicrobial agents 6 and conservative transfusion thresholds; in addition, the patients received low tidal-volume ventilation and had moderate glycemic control.Indeed, septic shock was recognized early in a majority of the patients; 76% of the patients received antimicrobial agents by the time they underwent randomization, which occurred a mean of approximately 3 hours after patients’ arrival in the emergency department. The rate of intravenous antimicrobial administration 6 hours after randomization was approximately 97%, a finding that suggests that notification that sep-tic shock is present encourages the administra-tion of antibiotics. A study that attributed in-creased mortality to delays in the administration of appropriate antibiotics 6 suggested that early administration of antibiotics increased survival in all groups of the trial. Indeed, in the ProCESS trial, the early or facilitated recognition of sep-tic shock, administration of intravenous antibi-otics, and other best practices were associated with rates of survival that were higher than pro-jected and higher than predicted on the basis of scores on the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II,7 and a thought-ful design allowed the sample size of the trial to be recalculated to preserve the power of the study to test the primary outcome. One impor-tant contribution of the ProCESS trial is the evi-dence it provides regarding the ongoing role of early recognition of and antibiotic treatment for sepsis in improving survival.The ProCESS trial also provides transforma-tive insights about the treatments for septic shock that bring generalizable benefits when septic shock is recognized in the first hours af-ter arrival in the emergency department. The use of central hemodynamic and oxygen-saturation monitoring in the protocol-based early goal-directed therapy (EGDT) group did not result in better outcomes than those that were achieved with clinical assessment of the adequacy of cir-culation. The finding that adjusting therapies to surrogate physiological targets measured with invasive catheters was not required to reduce mortality is consistent with the results of a study that showed that serial measurement of blood lactate levels was noninferior to catheter-derived measurements 8 and of analyses that have not found benefits of the use of pulmonary-artery catheters.9 State legislation and clinical guide-lines, including those endorsed by the National Quality Forum, should be updated to remove the requirement for central hemodynamic moni-The New England Journal of MedicineDownloaded from at Yale University on May 12, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.editorialsn engl j med 370;18 may 1, 20141751toring and to focus on less costly, lower-risk, and equally effective alternatives.The association of the implementation of the multifaceted EGDT intervention with significantly lower mortality in an earlier study 10 launched the EGDT era of sepsis management. This milestone study encouraged coordinated efforts 3 to improve the outcomes in patients with this common 11 and life-threatening condition. These efforts translated into the earlier identification of septic shock and into an increased number of patients receiving earlier administration of a larger vol-ume of resuscitation fluid. The ProCESS trial allows refinement of the EGDT approach to fluid administration by defining lower boundaries that are associated with equivalent outcomes and setting limits that are needed to avoid the twin problems of renal failure from too little fluid and pulmonary dysfunction from fluid over-load. Another interesting and seemingly paradox-ical finding is that patients in whom sepsis was managed without a protocol had an outcome as good as those in patients in whom the sepsis was managed with the use of a protocol. If one assumes that the treatments for septic shock, as well as the timing of the treatments, that would be administered in all emergency departments, regardless of size or available resources, would be equivalent to those used in the no-protocol (usual-care) group of the ProCESS trial (which included strategies for early recognition of sep-sis), one could come to the dubious conclusion that protocols and decision prompts do not have a role in the treatment of septic shock. I prefer to think differently. I believe that the prompt-ing, serum lactate screening and assessment of SIRS criteria, and reporting of activities that were parts of the study by Rivers et al. and the ProCESS trial can be applied in clinical practice to ensure early diagnosis and treatment for all patients with septic shock.The ProCESS trial identifies early recognition of sepsis, early administration of antibiotics, early adequate volume resuscitation, and clinical assessment of the adequacy of circulation as the elements we should focus on to save lives. The publication of the ProCESS trial launches the era of early recognition and treatment in the man-agement of sepsis.Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with thefull text of this article at .From the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medi-cine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, UMass Me-morial Medical Center, Worcester.This article was published on March 18, 2014, at .1. Machiavelli N. Il principe. S.l. [nach Ebert vielleicht Genf]; 1550.2. Idem. The prince. Ann Arbor, MI: Borders Classics, 2006.3. Vassalos A, Rooney K. Surviving sepsis guidelines 2012. CritCare Med 2013;41:e485-6.4. Levy MM, Fink MP, Marshall JC, et al. 2001 SCCM/ESICM/ACCP/ATS/SIS International Sepsis Definitions Conference. Crit Care Med 2003;31:1250-6.5. The ProCESS Investigators. A randomized trial of protocol-based care for early septic shock. N Engl J Med 2014;370:1683-93.6. Kumar A, Roberts D, Wood KE, et al. Duration of hypoten-sion before initiation of effective antimicrobial therapy is the critical determinant of survival in human septic shock. Crit Care Med 2006;34:1589-96.7. Knaus WA, Draper EA, Wagner DP, Zimmerman JE. APACHEII: a severity of disease classification system. Crit Care Med 1985;13:818-29.8. Jones AE, Shapiro NI, Trzeciak S, Arnold RC, Claremont HA,Kline JA. Lactate clearance vs central venous oxygen saturationas goals of early sepsis therapy: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2010;303:739-46.9. Rajaram SS, Desai NK, Kalra A, et al. Pulmonary artery cath-eters for adult patients in intensive care. Cochrane Database SystRev 2013;2:CD003408.10. Rivers E, Nguyen B , Havstad S, et al. Early goal-directed therapy in the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock. N Engl J Med 2001;345:1368-77.11. Angus DC, Linde-Zwirble WT, Lidicker J, Clermont G, Car-cillo J, Pinsky MR. Epidemiology of severe sepsis in the United States: analysis of incidence, outcome, and associated costs of care. Crit Care Med 2001;29:1303-10.DOI: 10.1056/NEJMe1402564Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society.Left Bundle-Branch Block Myopathy in Heart FailureJeffrey J. Goldberger, M.D., M.B.A.Cardiac-resynchronization therapy (CRT), also known as biventricular pacing, has emerged as a pivotal therapy in selected patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. The mech-anism of benefit of CRT is complex and not yet completely understood, but it is probably multi-factorial, with effects on contractile function, β-adrenergic responsiveness, and other cellular functions.1 The dramatic clinical improvement that has been observed in some patients with New York Heart Association (NYHA) class III or IV heart failure 2 has prompted the evaluation ofThe New England Journal of MedicineDownloaded from at Yale University on May 12, 2014. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.。
