利用MODTRAN 进行大气校正的方法说明一. 大气校正公式、原理以及所需参数大气是介于传感器和地球表层之间由多种气体和气溶胶组成的介质层,电磁波在地物和传感器之间传输时,必然受到大气的影响。
由卫星传感器获取的表观反射率ρ*可由下式表出: '()(,,)(,,)(())1v s s v s v a s v s v t t v d t T Se t τμθρθθφφρθθφφρρθρ-*-=-++- (1) 式中: s θ:太阳天顶角 , s φ:太阳方位角 ,v θ :传感器天顶角,v φ :传感器方位角, t ρ:目标反射率,(,,)a s v s v ρθθφφ-:大气的路径辐射项等效反射率, τ:大气的光学厚度, S :大气的半球反照率,'()v d t θ:散射透过率,cos()v v μθ=。
通过MODTRAN4对大气辐射传输进行模拟,求得大气校正所需参数,将所求的大气校正参数和传感器获得的表观反射率一并代入大气辐射传输公式 (1),便可计算出目标的真实反射率t ρ,从而完成大气校正的任务。
在实际的工作中,我们可以用下面的公式:0()()()1t v v d v t L L F T S ρμμμρ=+- (2) 是传感器接收到的辐射亮度,0()v L μ是路径辐射项,d F =式中:s μ0F ()s T μ是太阳下行总辐射(0F 是大气层顶的太阳辐照度), ()v T μ=v e τμ-+'()v d t θ是传感器和目标之间的透过率(v e τμ-是直射透过率,'()v d t θ是散射透过率)。
在已知的观测条件(太阳和传感器的几何参数,大气廓线,地表反射率等)下,设定一组t ρ值以及相应的传感器高度,通过MODTRAN4模拟得到一组辐射亮度()v L μ,代入方程(2),再经过简单的代数运算就可以求出大气校正所需的参数(路径辐射项、透过率、大气半球反照率和太阳下行总辐射)。
第一行:(CARD1参数,主要是大气模式方面的参数) CARD 1:FORMAT (2A1, I3, 12I5, F8.3, F7.0) 第二行:(CARD 1A 的参数) FORMAT (2L1, I3, L1, I4, F10.5, 2A10, 3(1X, A1), 4X, F10.3) (MOD4.0) 第三行: FORMAT(A80) 第四行:(CARD2 的参数,主要是气溶胶及云雨模式方面的参数) FORMAT (A2, I3, A1, I4, A3, I2, 3(I5), 5F10.5) 第五行:(CARD3 的参数,主要是探测几何方式方面的参数) FORMAT (6F10.3, I5, 5X, F10.3) 第六行:(CARD3 A1 的参数) FORMAT (415) 第七行:(CARD3 A2 的参数) FORMAT (8F10.3) 第八行:(CARD4 的参数,主要是波段及分辨率方面的参数) FORMAT (4F10.0, 2A1, A8, A7) 第九行:(CARD5 的参数) FORMAT (I5)
2.1 MODTRAN及特点
(1)模式选择性强。可任意选择 LOETRAN7或MODTRAN辐射 传输模式,在选择的模式下,可以计算吸收物质的路径透射比、 大气辐射率、单次 (多次 )散射的太阳/月亮辐射率和直接透过的太 阳辐射等;
(2)辐射过程几乎考虑了大气中所有大气分子的吸收、散射和气 溶胶、云的吸收和散射效应;
( ,; ,)Lai tm ( ) cos d
atm i
Latm i
为到达传感 器的实际辐 射亮度;
穿透大气而进 入传感器的地 物的辐射亮度
MODTRAN®5.2.2 USER’S MANUALA. Berk *, G.P. Anderson #, P.K. Acharya *, E.P. Shettle ^* Spectral Sciences, Inc.4 Fourth AvenueBurlington, MA 01803-3304(lex@)# Air Force Research LaboratorySpace Vehicles DirectorateAir Force Materiel CommandHanscom AFB, MA 01731-3010(Gail.Anderson@)^ Naval Research LaboratoryRemote Sensing DivisionWashington, DC 20375-5351May 2011SPECTRAL SCIENCES, INC.4 Fourth Ave.Burlington, MA 01803-3304AIR FORCE RESEARCH LABORATORYSpace Vehicles DirectorateAIR FORCE MATERIEL COMMANDHANSCOM AFB, MA 01731-3010TABLE OF CONTENTSSection Page 1. INTRODUCTION (5)1.1 Changes from Mod5.2.0 to Mod5.2.1 (5)1.2 Changes from Mod5.2.1 to Mod5.2.2 (5)1.3 Original Introduction (5)2. OVERVIEW OF INPUT DATA FORMAT (6)2.1 Listing of MODTRAN®5 CARDs and Their Format (7)3. CARD 1 (REQUIRED) – MAIN Radiation Transport DRIVER (10)4. CARD 1A (REQUIRED) –RADIATIVE TRANSPORT DRIVER CONT’D (13)5. OPTIONAL CARDs 1A1, 1A2, 1A3, 1a4, 1A5, 1a6, 1A7, 1b (18)6. CARD 2 (REQUIRED) – MAIN aerosol and cloud options (21)7. OPTIONAL CARD 2A+ (FLEXIBLE AEROSOL MODEL) (25)8. OPTIONAL CARD 2A (CLOUD MODELS) (26)8.1 CARD 2A Standard Form (CIRRUS CLOUD MODELS, ICLD = 18 or 19) (26)8.2 CARD 2A Alternate Form (WATER/ICE CLOUD MODELS, ICLD = 1 - 10) (26)9. OPTIONAL CARD 2B (ARMY VERTICAL STRUCTURE ALGORITHM) (29)10. OPTIONAL CARDs 2C, 2CY, 2C1, 2C2, 2C2X, 2C2Y, 2C3 (29)10.1 CARD 2C (30)10.2 CARDs 2C1, 2C2, 2C2X, 2C2Y (31)10.3 CARD 2C3 (33)11. OPTIONAL CARDs 2D, 2D1, 2D2 (USER-DEFINED AEROSOL AND CLOUD PARAMETERS) (34)11.1 CARD 2D (34)11.2 CARD 2D1 (34)11.3 CARD 2D2 (34)12. OPTIONAL CARDs 2E1 AND 2E2 (USER-DEFINED CLOUD PARAMETERS) (35)12.1 CARD 2E1 (35)12.2 CARD 2E2 (36)12.3 Alternate CARD 2E2 (37)13. CARD 3 (REQUIRED) – LINE-OF-SIGHT GEOMETRY (38)13.1 Standard CARD 3 (38)13.2 Alternate CARD 3 (TRANSMITTED SOLAR/LUNAR IRRADIANCE, IEMSCT = 3) (40)14. OPTIONAL CARDs 3A1 AND 3A2 (SOLAR / LUNAR SCATTERING GEOMETRY) (41)14.1 CARD 3A1 (41)14.2 CARD 3A2 (41)15. OPTIONAL CARDs 3B1, 3B2, 3C1-3C6 (USER-DEFINED SCATTERING PHASE FUNCTIONS) (42)15.1 CARD 3B1 (43)15.2 CARD 3B2 (43)15.3 CARDs 3C1-3C6 (43)16. CARD 4 (REQUIRED) - SPectral range and resolution (44)17.OPTIONAL CARDs 4A, 4B1, 4B2, 4B3, 4L1 and 4L2 (46)17.1 CARD 4A (46)17.2 CARD 4B1 (47)17.3 CARD 4B2 (50)17.4 CARD 4B3 (50)17.5 CARD 4L1 (50)17.6 CARD 4L2 (51)18. CARD 5 (REQUIRED) – Repeat run option (51)19. DEDICATION AND aCKNOWLEDGEMENTS (52)20. REFERENCES (53)APPENDIX A: MODTRAN® USER-SUPPLIED AEROSOL UPGRADES (55)A.1 User-Supplied Aerosol Spectral Parameters (ARUSS Option) (55)A.3 User-Supplied Aerosol Profiles (CARD 2C3) (57)A.4 Example tape5 File (58)APPENDIX B: NOVAM IN MODTRAN® (58)B.1 NOVAM Code (58)B.2 Incorporation into MODTRAN® (60)B.3 Some Results (61)B.4 NOVAM input and MODTRAN® input Files (61)B.5 Future Upgrades to NOVAM Implementation (64)B.6 Modifications to NOVAM to Code (64)B.7 References (65)APPENDIX C: MODTRAN® INSTALLATION (65)C.1 MODTRAN5.2.1 PC Installation Steps (65)C.2 MODTRAN5.2.1 MAC Installation Steps (65)C.3 MODTRAN5.2.1 linux (UNIX) Installation Steps (65)C.4 I/O Files (66)APPENDIX D: BAND MODEL FILES FOR USER-DEFINED SPECIES (67)APPENDIX E: BINARY OUTPUT OPTION (68)APPENDIX F: SPECIAL DISORT OPTION FOR ATMOSPHERIC CORRECTION (69)APPENDIX G: MODTRAN FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) ............................................... V olume 2LIST OF TABLESTable Page Table 1. Columns List Allowed Values of MODTRAN®CARD 1Input Parameters MODTRN, SPEED, MODEL ITYPE, IEMSCT, IMULT, MDEF, NOPRNT and SURREF. (13)Table 2. Shows the Value of IVULCN Corresponding to the Different Choices of Extinction Coefficient Model and the Vertical Distribution Profile. (22)Table 3. MODTRAN® CARD 2 Input Parameters: IHAZE, ISEASN, IVULCN, VIS (23)Table 4. Default Wind Speeds for Different Model Atmospheres Used with the Navy Maritime Model (IHAZE = 3) (24)Table 5. MODTRAN® CARD 2 Input Parameter: ICLD (25)Table 6. Default Aerosol Region Boundaries. (26)Table 7. Properties of the MODTRAN® Cumulus and Stratus Type Model Clouds. (27)Table 8. Association of the JCHAR(J) Index (J = 1, 14) with the Variables P, T & WMOL. (31)Table 9. Various Names for the Heavy Molecular Gases, (WMOLX(J), J = 1, 13) (32)Table 10. VARSPC Fixed (Required) Wavelength Grid for the Multiply Read CARD 2D2 (35)Table 11. Default Values of the Earth Radius for Different Model Atmospheres. (38)Table 12. Allowed Combinations of Slant Path Parameters (40)Table 13. CARD 3A2: Options for Different Choices of IPARM (42)Table 14. MODTRAN® CARD 5 Input Parameter: IRPT. (52)1. INTRODUCTION1.1 Changes from Mod5.2.0 to Mod5.2.1Most changes in this revision are minor, such as correcting comments or removing unused source code. The more important changes are listed below:Corrected error in calculation of spherical albedo term in <rootname>.acd file;Corrected error in <rootname>.7sc brightness temperatures for nanometer based response functions;Eliminated geometry problem most prevalent for line-of-sight paths that terminate near a tangent point;Introduced the 2009 series of band model parameter data based on HITRAN2008 with 2009 updates.Added the <rootname>.wrn output file which contains a duplicate listing of all warning and errormessages written to the <rootname>.tp6 and <rootname>.tp8 files;Modified source for compatibility to GNU compilers and FORTRAN77; andEliminated DISORT scaling of thermal radiance contributions.1.2 Changes from Mod5.2.1 to Mod5.2.2The number of changes in this revision is small, and they are delineated below:Mod5.2.1 had an error in its treatment of the boundary term for down-looking radiance calculationswhich used DISORT multiple scattering; the sensor-to-ground attenuation was being modeled usingthe true transmittance when the delta-M transmittance should have been used. For particularwavelength bins, spectral radiances could be in error by as much as a few percent.MODTRAN *.tp6 output file lists the vertical and line-of-sight total path 550nm extinction opticaldepths for molecular scattering, the aerosol components and cirrus clouds. For calculations in thethermal infrared (TIR), for example, the visible wavelength optical depths are not particularly helpful.MODTRAN *.tp6 output file now also lists the vertical and line-of-sight total path extinction opticaldepths at the central frequency of the input spectral range for molecular scattering, the aerosolcomponents and cirrus clouds.The MODTRAN headed, which previously was only written to the *.tp6 file, is now included in thestandard output and in the *.wrn file. The header has been modified to remind users who obtainMODTRAN via a Government Purpose Use license that their copy of the model is only to be used forGovernment Purposes as described in the license. Finally, the header is now only written once to eachfile.MODTRAN now includes a frequently asked questions (FAQ) document. It is listed as Appendix G ofthis document, but distributed in a separate volume.1.3 Original IntroductionMODTRAN®[Berk et al., 1989; Berk et al., 1998; Berk et al., 2000] serves as the U.S. Air Force (USAF) standard moderate spectral resolution radiative transport model for wavelengths extending from the thermal Infrared (IR) through the visible and into the ultraviolet (0.2 to 10,000.0 m). The spectroscopy of MODTRAN®5.2.2 is based on HITRAN2008 line compilation (Rothman et al., 1992; Rothman et al., 1998) with updates through June, 2009. The original MODTRAN® 1 cm-1 statistical band model was developed collaboratively by Spectral Sciences, Inc. and the USAF Research Laboratory to provide a fast alternative to the first principles, high accuracy line-by-line (LBL) radiative transport approach. Comparisons between MODTRAN® and LBL [Clough and Kneizys, 1979; Clough et al., 1981; Clough, 1988; and Snell et al., 1995]. Comparisons between MODTRAN® and the LBL model FASE (FASCODE for the Environment) [Clough et al., 1992; Clough and. Iacono, 1995; Clough et al., 2005] spectral transmittances and radiances show agreement to within a few percent or better in the thermal IR. FASE shares its LBL line shape fitting algorithms with LBLRTM, which evolved from FASCODE; see, for instance, Clough et al., 1992; Clough and. Iacono, 1995; Clough et al., 2005]. The MODTRAN®model includes flux and atmosphere-scattered solar calculations, essential components in analysis of near-IR and visible spectral region data that are not readily generated by LBL models.Technical descriptions of the MODTRAN®5 approach are available from a variety of sources. The original MODTRAN®2 code and many of the MODTRAN®3 upgrades are described in the 1996 report "MODTRAN® 2/3Report and LOWTRAN 7 Model" [Abreu and Anderson, 1996]. The current documentation incorporates material from that report, from Section 3 of the 1988 Users Guide to LOWTRAN7 [Kneizys et al., 1988], from the 1989 Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) report on the MODTRAN® band model [Berk et al., 1989], and from the 1996 Spectral Sciences, Inc. report on the cloud and rain model upgrades [Berk and Anderson, 1995]. Articles [Bernstein et al., 1995; Berk et al., 1998] discuss improvements to the band model. P lease email “Gail P. Anderson” <Gail.Anderson@>; “Michael L Hoke” <Michael.Hoke@> and / or “Alexander Berk” <lex@> for additional information on MODTRAN®5.MODTRAN®5 upgrades and improvements take the utility and science of the code to a new level, which includes, among other features, a much finer spectroscopy – spectral resolution can now be as fine as 0.1 cm-1– and the ability to handle new species not already included in the built-in profile and molecular parameter files. A summary of new features include:Reformulating the band model parameters and radiation transport formalism to increase the resolutionof MODTRAN® spectral calculations to 0.1 cm-1;Increasing the TOA solar database resolution to 0.1 cm-1;Incorporating code interface changes between MODTRAN® and DISORT to increase its speed andaccuracy of multiple scattering calculations;Upgrading MODTRAN®to perform spectral radiance computations for auxiliary molecules (byincluding their concentrations and spectral parameters) that are not part of the traditionalMODTRAN® database; Band models are provided for all HITRAN molecular species;Incorporating effect of a thin layer of water, which can either simply wet the ground or accumulate onit, on radiance computations;Capability to model a boundary layer aerosol whose extinction coefficient obeys the Angstrom law orto modify the extinction of a model aerosol with an Angstrom law perturbation;Capability to determine the spherical albedo and reflectance of the atmosphere and diffusetransmittance from a single MODTRAN® run;Ability to include only the solar contribution to multiple scattering and ignore the thermal componentwhere it is not significant;Option to write spectral output in binary, and a utility to convert the binary output to ASCII;Capability to process several tape5 input files by a single execution of MODTRAN®;Upgrade to the MODTRAN®-DISORT interface so that only a single parameter (MXCMU in routinePARAMS.h) needs to be modified to change the maximum number of streams available for DISORTruns.Added dithering of the solar angle in cases where the DISORT particular solution to the solar problemwas unstable.And more ….These user instructions for MODTRAN®5.2.2 describe each input in the MODTRAN®input files, tape5 or rootname.tp5.2. OVERVIEW OF INPUT DATA FORMATMODTRAN®5 makes it easy for the users to keep track of input and output (I/O) files. A MODTRAN® input file named either '' or 'MOD5ROOT.IN' contains a list of file root names. If '' does not exist, MODTRAN®checks for the existence of a 'MOD5ROOT.IN' file. If neither of these files exists, MODTRAN® I/O files are the traditional ones: 'tape5', 'tape6', 'tape7', 'tape8', etc. If a root name file exists and its very first line contains a non-null string (maximum length is 80 characters), this string is treated as a prefix. If the string consists of all blanks or is a null string, the traditional I/O file names are assumed. The root name should contain no embedded blanks; leading and trailing blanks are properly ignored. If the rootname file has the extension “.tp5”, this extension is also ignored. The character string is used as a prefix for the I/O files whose names have mnemonic suffixes. As an example, if the string is Denver, the MODTRAN® I/O files will have these names:Overview of Input Data FormatDenver.tp5(corresponding to tape5)Denver.tp6(corresponding to tape6)Denver.tp7(corresponding to tape7)Denverb.tp7(corresponding to tape7b)Denver.tp8(corresponding to tape8)Denverb.tp8(corresponding to tape8b)Denver.7sc(corresponding to tape7.scn)Denver.7sr(corresponding to tape7.scr)Denver.plt(corresponding to pltout)Denverb.plt(corresponding to pltoutb)Denver.psc(corresponding to pltout.scn)Denver.clr(corresponding to clrates)Denver.chn(corresponding to channels.out)Denver.flx(corresponding to specflux)Denver.acd(corresponding to atmcor.dat)A useful feature of MODTRAN®5 is the ability to process several input files in a single execution of MODTRAN®. To accomplish this, list the rootname of each input file as consecutive lines (without intervening blank lines) in '' or 'MOD5ROOT.IN'. When the user executes MODTRAN®, each input ‘.tp5’ file, whose rootname is listed in '' or 'MOD5ROOT.IN', is processed until the first blank line is encountered. Any ‘.tp5’ file whose rootname is encountered after the first blank line is not processed.As noted above, MODTRAN®is controlled by a input file, 'tape5' or 'rootname.tp5', which consists of a sequence of six or more formatted CARDS (inputs lines). The input file format is summarized below. With the exception of file names, character inputs are case insensitive. Also, blanks are read in as zeroes for numerical inputs, and as default values otherwise. Detailed descriptions of the card formats and parameters are given in the following sections.2.1 Listing of MODTRAN®5 CARDs and Their FormatIn the following, optional cards are indented. The mandatory input CARDS are CARD 1, CARD 1A, CARD 2, CARD 3, CARD 4 and CARD 5. Newer inputs are in Italics. Note that all floating point inputs are entered using a ‘Fn.0’ format; this format will properly read any floating point entry, e.g. ‘1.234’, AND will also properly read integers as floating point real variables, (either 1234. or 1234 with no decimal).CARD 1: MODTRN, SPEED, BINARY, LYMOLC, MODEL, T_BEST, ITYPE, IEMSCT, IMULT, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, MDEF, I_RD2C, NOPRNT, TPTEMP, SURREFFORMAT (4A1, I1, A1, I4, 10I5, 1X, I4, F8.0, A7)CARD 1A:DIS, DISAZM, DISALB, NSTR, SFWHM, CO2MX, H2OSTR, O3STR, C_PROF, LSUNFL, LBMNAM, LFLTNM, H2OAER, CDTDIR, SOLCON, CDASTM, ASTMC, ASTMX, ASTMO,AERRH, NSSALBFORMAT(3A1, I3, F4.0, F10.0, 2A10, 2A1, 4(1X, A1), F10.0, A1, F9.0, 3F10.0, I10) CARD 1A1:USRSUNFORMAT (A256) (If LSUNFL = 'T') CARD 1A2: BMNAMEFORMAT (A256) (If LBMNAM = 'T', 't', '4' or '2') CARD 1A3: FILTNMFORMAT (A256) (If LFLTNM = 'T') CARD 1A4: DATDIRFORMAT (A256) (If CDTDIR = 'T')Overview of Input Data FormatCARD 1A5: (S_UMIX(IMOL), IMOL = 4, 12)FORMAT (9F5.0) (If C_PROF = 1, 3, 5 or 7) CARD 1A6: (S_XSEC(IMOL), IMOL = 1, 13)FORMAT (13F5.0) (If C_PROF = 2, 3, 6 or 7) CARD 1A7: (S_TRAC(IMOL), IMOL = 1, 16)FORMAT (16F5.0) (If C_PROF = 4, 5, 6 or 7) CARD 1B:(AWAVLN(ISSALB), ASSALB(ISSALB), ISSALB=1, NSSALB)FORMAT ((8F10.0)) (If NSSALB > 0) Alternate CARD 1B:ACOALB, RHASYMFORMAT(2F10.0) (If NSSALB < 0) CARD 2:APLUS, IHAZE, CNOVAM, ISEASN, ARUSS, IVULCN, ICSTL, ICLD, IVSA, VIS, WSS, WHH, RAINRT, GNDALTFORMAT (A2, I3, A1, I4, A3, I2, 3I5, 5F10.0)CARD 2A+:ZAER11, ZAER12, SCALE1, ZAER21, ZAER22, SCALE2, ZAER31, ZAER32, SCALE3, ZAER41, ZAER42, SCALE4FORMAT ((3(1X, F9.0), 20X, 3(1X, F9.0))) (If APLUS = 'A+') CARD 2A:CTHIK, CALT, CEXTFORMAT (3F8.0) (If ICLD = 18 or 19) Alternate CARD 2A:CTHIK, CALT, CEXT, NCRALT, NCRSPC, CWAVLN, CCOLWD, CCOLIP, CHUMID, ASYMWD, ASYMIPFORMAT (3F8.0, 2I4, 6F8.0) (If 0 < ICLD ≤ 10) CARD 2B:ZCVSA, ZTVSA, ZINVSAFORMAT (3F10.0) (If IVSA = 1) CARD 2C:ML, IRD1, IRD2, HMODEL, REE, NMOLYC, E_MASS, AIRMWTFORMAT(3I5, A20, F10.0, I5, 2F10.0) (If MODEL = 0, 7 or 8; & I_RD2C = 1) CARD 2CY: (YNAME(I), I=1, NMOLYC)FORMAT ((8A10)) (If NMOLYC > 0) CARDs 2C1, 2C2, 2C2X, 2C2Y and 2C3 (as required) are each repeated ML times.CARD 2C1:ZM, P, T, WMOL(1), WMOL(2), WMOL(3), (JCHAR(J), J = 1, 14), JCHARX, JCHARY FORMAT 6F10.0, 14A1, 1X, 2A1)CARD 2C2:(WMOL(J), J = 4, 12)FORMAT (8F10.0, /F10.0) (If IRD1 = 1) CARD 2C2X:(WMOLX(J), J = 1, 13)FORMAT (8F10.0, /5F10.0) (If MDEF = 2 & IRD1 = 1) CARD 2C2Y: (WMOLY(J), J = 1, NMOLYC)FORMAT ((8F10.0)) (If NMOLYC > 0 & IRD1 = 1) CARD 2C3:AHAZE, EQLWCZ, RRATZ, IHA1, ICLD1, IVUL1, ISEA1, ICHRFORMAT (10X, 3F10.0, 5I5) (If IRD2 = 1) CARD 2C3: AHAZE(1), RRATZ, AHAZE(2), AHAZE(3), AHAZE(4)FORMAT(10X, F10.0, 10X, 4F10.0) (If IRD2 = 2) CARD 2D:(IREG(N), N = 1, 2, 3, 4)FORMAT (4I5) (If IHAZE = 7, ICLD = 11 or ARUSS=’USS’)CARDs 2D1 and 2D2 pairs are repeated for each N (1 to 4) for whichIREG(N) > 0 and ARUSS=USS or IREG(N) ≠ 0 and (IHAZE=7 or ICLD=11)CARD 2D1:AWCCON, AERNAMFORMAT (F10.0, A70)CARD 2D2:(VARSPC(N, I), EXTC(N, I), ABSC(N, I), ASYM(N, I), I = l, 2, ..., I max)If ARUSS = 'USS' & IREG(N) > 1, then I max = IREG(N); Else I max = 47 FORMAT ((3(F6.2, 2F7.5, F6.4)))CARD 2E1:(ZCLD(I, 0), CLD(I, 0), CLDICE(I, 0), RR(I, 0), I = 1, NCRALT)FORMAT ((4F10.5)) (If ICLD = 1 - 10, NCRALT 2, MODEL < 8) Alternate CARD 2E1:(PCLD(I, 0), CLD(I, 0), CLDICE(I, 0), RR(I, 0), I = 1, NCRALT)FORMAT ((4F10.5)) (If ICLD = 1 - 10, NCRALT 2, MODEL = 8) CARD 2E2:(WAVLEN(I), EXTC(6, I), ABSC(6, I), ASYM(6, I), EXTC(7, I), ABSC(7, I), ASYM(7, I),I = 1, NCRSPC)FORMAT ((7F10.5)) (If ICLD = 1 - 10, NCRSPC 2) Alternate CARD 2E2:C FILE, CLDTYP, CIRTYPFORMAT ((A256)) (If ICLD = 1 - 10, NCRSPC = 1) CARD 3: H1, H2, ANGLE, RANGE, BETA, RO, LENN, PHIFORMAT (6F10.0, I5, 5X, 2F10.0)Alternate CARD 3:H1, H2, ANGLE, IDAY, RO, ISOURC, ANGLEMFORMAT (3F10.0, I5, 5X, F10.0, I5, F10.0) (If IEMSCT = 3) CARD 3A1:IPARM, IPH, IDAY, ISOURCFORMAT (4I5) (If IEMSCT = 2 or 4) CARD 3A2: PARM1, PARM2, PARM3, PARM4, TIME, PSIPO, ANGLEM, GFORMAT (8F10.0) (If IEMSCT = 2 or 4) CARD 3B1: NANGLS, NWLFFORMAT (2I5) (If IEMSCT = 2 or 4; IPH = 1)CARD 3B2:(ANGF(I), F(1, I, 1), F(2, I, 1), F(3, I, 1), F(4, I, 1), I = l, NANGLS)FORMAT (5F10.0) (If IEMSCT = 2 or 4; IPH = 1; NWLF = 0) CARD 3C1:(ANGF(I), I = 1, NANGLS)FORMAT (8F10.0) (If IEMSCT = 2 or 4; IPH = 1; NWLF > 0) CARD 3C2:(WLF(J), J = 1, NWLF)FORMAT (8F10.0) (If IEMSCT = 2 or 4; IPH = 1; NWLF > 0) In CARDs 3C3-3C6, 'IANG' is angle index as in CARD 3C1and 'JWAV' is the wavelength index as in CARD 3C2.CARD 3C3:(F(1, IANG, JWAV), JWAV = 1, NWLF)FORMAT (8F10.0) (If IEMSCT = 2 or 4; IPH = 1; NWLF > 0) CARD 3C4:(F(2, IANG, JWAV), JWAV = 1, NWLF)FORMAT (8F10.0) (If IEMSCT = 2 or 4; IPH = 1; NWLF > 0) CARD 3C5: (F(3, IANG, JWAV), JWAV = 1, NWLF)FORMAT (8F10.0) (If IEMSCT = 2 or 4; IPH = 1; NWLF > 0) CARD 3C6:(F(4, IANG, JWAV), JWAV = 1, NWLF)FORMAT (8F10.0) (If IEMSCT = 2 or 4; IPH = 1; NWLF > 0) CARD 4:V1, V2, DV, FWHM, YFLAG, XFLAG, DLIMIT, FLAGS, MLFLX, VRFRACFORMAT (4F10.0, 2A1, A8, A7, I3,F10.0)CARD 4A:NSURF, AATEMP, DH2O, MLTRFLFORMAT (I1, 2F9.0, A1) (If SURREF = 'BRDF' or 'LAMBER') The set of CARD4B1, 4B2, and 4B3 inputs is repeated NSURF times.CARD 4B1:CBRDFFORMAT (A80) (If SURREF = 'BRDF') CARD 4B2:NWVSRF, SURFZN, SURFAZFORMAT (*) (If SURREF = 'BRDF') CARD 4B3 is repeated NWVSRF times.CARD 4B3:WVSURF, (PARAMS(I), I = 1, NPARAM)FORMAT (*) (If SURREF = 'BRDF')CARD 4L1:SALBFLFORMAT (A256) (If SURREF = 'LAMBER') CARD4L2 is repeated NSURF times.CARD 4L2:CSALBFORMAT (A80) (If SURREF = 'LAMBER') CARD 5: IRPTFORMAT (I5)3. CARD 1 (REQUIRED) – MAIN RADIATION TRANSPORT DRIVERAlthough CARD 1 format has been modified over the years, the format is backward compatible if inputs are right justified.CARD 1: MODTRN, SPEED, BINARY, LYMOLC, MODEL, T_BEST, ITYPE, IEMSCT, IMULT, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, MDEF, I_RD2C, NOPRNT, TPTEMP, SURREFFORMAT (4A1, I1, A1, I4, 10I5, 1X, I4, F8.0, A7)MODTRN selects the band model algorithm used for the radiative transport, either the moderate spectral resolution MODTRAN®band model or the low spectral resolution LOWTRAN band model. LOWTRAN spectroscopy is obsolete and is retained only for backward compatibility. The MODTRAN® band model may be selected either with or without the Correlated-k treatment.MODTRN = 'T', 'M' or blank MODTRAN® band model.= 'C' or 'K' MODTRAN® correlated-k option (IEMSCT radiance modes only; mostaccurate but slower run time).= 'F' or 'L' 20 cm-1LOWTRAN band model (not recommended except for quickhistoric comparisons).SPEED = 'S' or blank 'slow' speed Correlated-k option using 33 absorption coefficients (kvalues) per spectral bin (1 cm-1or 15 cm-1). This option isrecommended for upper altitude (> 40 km) cooling-rate and weighting-function calculations only.= 'M' 'medium' speed Correlated-k option (17 k values).BINARY = 'F' or blank All outputs are in ASCII (normal situation).= 'T' The tape7 (.tp7), tape8 (.tp8), plot (.plt), flux (.flx) and atmosphericcorrection data (.acd) files are all generated by MODTRAN® in binaryformat. The ASCII versions are retrieved by running the auxiliaryprogram M5_bn2as.f. See Appendix E for details.LYMOLC = '+' Include 16 auxiliary trace species when either a model atmosphere isselected (MODEL = 1 to 6) or a user-defined atmosphere is selected(MODEL = 0, 7 or 8) AND input NMOLYC (CARD 2C) is zero. Inthe latter case, NMOLYC is reset to 16 requiring that both JCHARY(CARD 2C1) and CARDs 2C2Y be read in. The 16 auxiliary tracespecies are referred to as “Y” species within the source code.Thespecific 16 species, in order, are OH, HF, HCl, HBr, HI, ClO, OCS,H2CO, HOCl, N2, HCN, CH3Cl, H2O2, C2H2, C2H6, and PH3.= blank Do not include auxiliary species with model atmosphere.CARD 1 (Required)MODEL selects one of the six geographical-seasonal model atmospheres or specifies that user-defined meteorological or radiosonde data are to be used.MODEL = 0 If single-altitude meteorological data are specified (constant pressure, horizontal path only;see instructions for CARDs 2C, 2C1, 2C2, 2C2X, 2C2Y and 2C3).1 Tropical Atmosphere (15 North Latitude).2 Mid-Latitude Summer (45 North Latitude).3 Mid-Latitude Winter (45 North Latitude).4 Sub-Arctic Summer (60 North Latitude).5 Sub-Arctic Winter (60 North Latitude).6 1976 US Standard Atmosphere.7 If a user-specified model atmosphere (e.g. radiosonde data) is to be read in; see instructionsfor CARDs 2C, 2C1, 2C2, 2C2X, 2C2Y and 2C3.8 Pressure-dependent atmospheric profiles. A user-specified model atmosphere (e.g.radiosonde data) is to be read in with altitudes determined from the pressure profile bysolving the hydrostatic equation. See instructions for I_RD2C on CARD 1and forCARDs 2C, 2C1, 2C2, 2C2X, 2C2Y and 2C3 for further details.T_BEST provides a debug option for the Voigt single line finite bin transmittance calculation. This option is very slow and requires a FORTRAN90 executable. The results should be in very good agreement with MODTRAN run in normal mode, i.e. with the standard Voigt single line finite bin transmittance algorithm. This option should only be used if one has reasons to suspect that MODTRAN transmittances are in error, and one wishes to verify that the problem is not caused that the MODTRAN Voigt transmittance algorithm.T_BEST = ″T″ or ″t″Use benchmark Voigt single line finite bin transmittance algorithm.Otherwise Use MODTRAN standard Voigt single line finite bin transmittance algorithm.ITYPE indicates a geometric type for the atmospheric line-of-sight (LOS) path.ITYPE = 1 Horizontal (constant-pressure) path, i.e., flat Earth constant altitude path.2 Vertical or slant path between two altitudes.3 Vertical or slant path to space or ground.IEMSCT determines the radiation transport mode of execution of the program.IEMSCT = 0 Program executes in spectral transmittance only mode.1 Program executes in spectral thermal radiance (no sun / moon) mode.2 Program executes in spectral thermal plus solar / lunar radiance mode (if IMULT = 0, onlysingle scatter solar radiance is included).3 Program calculates directly transmitted spectral solar / lunar irradiance.4 Program executes in spectral solar / lunar radiance mode with no thermal scatter. Thermalpath and surface emission is included.IMULT determines inclusion of multiple scattering (MS).IMULT = 0 Program executes without multiple scattering.±1 Program executes with multiple scattering.IEMSCT must equal 1, 2 or 4 to execute with multiple scattering. MS contributions are calculated using plane parallel geometry (the solar illumination impingent upon each atmospheric level (altitude) is determined with spherical refractive geometry, important for low sun angles, when the ISAACS MS model is selected on CARD 1A but not with DISORT MS). If IMULT = 1, the solar geometry at the location of H1 (latitude and longitude) is used in the MS calculation; if IMULT = -1, the MS calculation is instead referenced to H2. The quantity H2 is the final path altitude unless ITYPE = 3 and H2 0; in that case, the MS plane parallel atmosphere is defined near the tangent point of the limb path. (The path zenith of 90° at the tangent point is a forbidden input to the plane-parallelCARD 1 (Required)MS models because it leads to a mathematical singularity.) For simulation of sensors on satellite platforms, IMULT should generally be set to -1 since MS will only be significant nearer to H2 (the surface or tangent height).M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, and MDEF are used to modify or supplement user-specified altitude profiles for temperature, pressure, and default molecular gases: H2O, O3, CH4, N2O, CO, CO2, O2, NO, SO2, NO2, NH3, HNO3, and 13 “heavy molecules.” For operation of the program using the standard model atmospheres (MODEL 1 to 6), the CARD1 profile inputs M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6 and MDEF are all overwritten with values appropriate for the standard models.If MODEL equals 0 (horizontal path) or equals 7 or 8 (radiosonde data) and if M1 through M6 are set to zero or left blank and MDEF is set to -1, then the JCHAR parameter on each CARD 2C1 must be defined to supply the necessary profiles. If M1 through M6 are non-zero and MDEF not equal to -1, then the chosen default profiles will be utilized only if a specific JCHAR input is blank:M1 = 1 to 6 Default temperature and pressure to specified model atmosphere.M2 = 1 to 6 Default H2O to specified model atmosphere volume mixing ratio.= -1 to -6 Default H2O to specified model (= |M2|) atmosphere relative humidity.M3 = 1 to 6 Default O3 to specified model atmosphere.M4 = 1 to 6 Default CH4 to specified model atmosphere.M5 = 1 to 6 Default N2O to specified model atmosphere.M6 = 1 to 6 Default CO to specified model atmosphere.MDEF = 0 or 1 Default CO2, O2, NO, SO2, NO2, NH3, and HNO3 species profiles.Note that for H2O there are 2 options. With a positive value of M2, the H2O concentration is only a function of altitude and model profile. When a negative value of M2 is selected, the model atmosphere relative humidity is held constant. Thus, with this later option, a change in the temperature profile will result in a change in the water concentration. The positive M2 option is preferred when one desires a H2O profile that is independent of the temperature profile; the negative M2 option can be used to insure that over saturation (RH > 100%) is avoided.If MDEF = 1, default heavy species profiles are used. If MDEF = 2, the user must input the profiles for the heavy species, which include nine chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) plus ClONO2, HNO4, CCl4, and N2O5. The 1 cm-1 absorption cross-sections are stored in "DATA/CFC99_01.ASC"; "DATA/CFC99_15.ASC" is the 15 cm-1 version of the file. The specification of user-defined profiles is modeled after the MODEL = 7 option in LOWTRAN, but only one unit definition (see JCHARX definition in CARD 2C1) can be used for the whole set of heavy species. The "default" profiles for these species are stored in BLOCK DATA /XMLATM/ and are based on 1990 photochemical predictions (after M. Allen, JPL). Since some of the CFCs have increased by as much as 8% per year, the user might well wish to redefine these values. Note that both CFC11 and CFC12 are now as much as 80% larger than the default profiles.If MODEL = 0, 7 or 8, MODTRAN® expects to read user-supplied atmospheric profiles. Set I_RD2C = 1 for the first run. To sequentially rerun the same atmosphere for a series of cases, set I_RD2C to 0 in subsequent runs; MODTRAN® will then reuse the previously read data and not read in CARD 2C, 2C1, … inputs.I_RD2C = 0 For normal operation of program or when calculations are to be run with the atmosphere MODEL last read in.= 1 When user input data are to be read.NOPRNT = 0 Normal writing to tape6 and tape7.= 1 Create a tape6 with no writing out of model atmosphere profiles.= 2 Create a tape6 with no spectral data or writing of model atmosphere profiles.= 3 Delete tape6 at end of processing if run is successful.= −1 Create additional tape8 output, including either weighting functions in transmission mode (IEMSCT = 0) or fluxes in radiation modes with multiple scattering on (IMULT = 1 andIEMSCT = 1, 2 or 4).= −2 Generates spectral cooling rate data in addition to the tape8 output; spectral cooling rates are written to the 'clrates' or 'rootname.clr' file.。
MODTRANTP5文件参数设置说明MODTRAN (MODerate resolution atmospheric TRANsmission) is a software package widely used for modelling the transmission of electromagnetic radiation through the Earth's atmosphere. TheTP5 file is a text file that contains parameters necessary for running MODTRAN simulations. In this article, we will discuss the various parameters and their settings in the TP5 file.1.VERSIONThe VERSION parameter specifies the version of MODTRAN being used. It should be set to the appropriate version number.2.OPTIONSThe OPTIONS parameter controls the type of simulation to be performed. It is a bitwise sum of various integer values that correspond to different simulation options. For example, setting OPTIONS to 1 will perform a radiance calculation, while setting it to 4 will perform a visibility calculation. Multiple options can be selected by summing the corresponding values.3.RANGESThe RANGES parameter specifies the wavelength range over which the simulation will be performed. It is specified as two integers representing the lower and upper limits of the range,in nanometers.4.REFRACTIVITYThe REFR activity parameter controls the modeling of refractivity in the atmosphere. It can be set to either 0 (no refraction), 1 (ignore dispersion), or 2 (include dispersion).5.WATER6.OZONEThe OZONE parameter specifies the total columnar amount of ozone in the atmosphere, in Dobson Units (DU). It affects the calculation of transmittance in the ultraviolet region.7.AEROSOLSThe AEROSOLS parameter controls the modeling of aerosols in the atmosphere. It can be set to either 0 (no aerosols), 1 (urban aerosols), or 2 (continental aerosols).8.ALTITUDESThe ALTITUDES parameter specifies the altitude levels at which calculations will be performed. It is specified as a list of integers representing the altitude levels, in kilometers.9.SOLARThe SOLAR parameter specifies the solar spectrum to be used in the simulation. It can be set to either 0 (extraterrestrial spectrum), 1 (solar constant), or 2 (constant solar spectral irradiance).10.GROUNDThe GROUND parameter specifies the type of ground surface to be simulated. It can be set to either 0 (flat surface), 1 (Lambertian surface), or 2 (user-defined BRDF).11.VIEWINGThe VIEWING parameter specifies the atmospheric pathway for the observer. It can be set to either 0 (vertical path), 1 (slant path), or 2 (user-defined).12.ANGLESThe ANGLES parameter specifies the viewing and solar angles to be used in the simulation. It is specified as a list of integers representing the azimuth and zenith angles of the observer and the sun, respectively.These are some of the key parameters and their settings in the MODTRAN TP5 file. Other parameters like aerosol models,solar zenith angles, and atmospheric profiles can also be modified as per the requirements of the simulation. Understanding and configuring these parameters accurately is crucial for obtaining accurate and meaningful results from the MODTRAN simulations.。
MODTRAN TP5文件参数设置说明
批注 [j23]: 指示反射率,非其本身 批注 [j24]: 继续执行下一个 tp5 文件
批注 [j25]: 执行结束
(4) 臭氧含量 垂直臭氧柱含量特性。如果设置为空格或 0,使用缺省的臭氧柱含量值。如
果第一个非空字符为‘g’,‘g’字符后紧跟臭氧含量且单位为 gm/cm2(例如 g 0.0001)。如果第一个非空字符为‘a’,‘a’字符后紧跟臭氧含量且单位为 atm-cm (例如 a 0.2),或者是一个绝对值来表示臭氧柱比例因子(例如 2.0 表示两倍于 臭氧柱含量的缺省值)。
水平对流雾,VIS=0.2km 发散型雾,VIS=0.5km 沙漠型,根据风速 WSS 决定能见度
(9) 传感器高度 默认值为 100km。
(10) 目标高程
单位 km。
(11) 与观测天顶角互补 如观测天顶角v 为 30 度,则 tp5 中相应位置值为 150。
(12) 成像日期 用顺序天数表示。
(23) 中间符 = -1,指示继续运行下一个输入文件。
(24) 休止符 = 0,指示本 tp5 运行结束。
2.3 格式说明
各参数格式及相邻参数间隔同示例文件。也可见附加的 summer_rural25.tp5。
TM 2 3 2 -1 tt 8t 0 380.00000
12 2
00 0.500 93 0 20.000 2500.
22 g0.000
00 150.000
2222 a0.3 f t f t
10 0.000
MOD37 使用要点1 MODTRAN 文件1.1 输出文件输入Edit|Edit File 可查看运行 Modtran 产生的 ASCII 数据文件,在 usr 目录下有:Modout1、Modout2、Modout3Modout1 包含完整结果,波段平均透过率、辐亮度在最后一段。
INTEGRATED ABSORPTION FROM 625 TO 25000 CM-1 = 7170.3120 CM-1 AVERAGE TRANSMITTANCE = 0.7058INTEGRATED TOTAL RADIANCE = 2.602227E-03 WATT S CM-2 STER-1 (FROM 625 TO 25000 CM-1 )MINIMUM SPECTRAL RADIANCE = 0.000000E+00 WATT S CM-2 STER-1 / CM-1 AT 25000 CM-1MAXIMUM SPECTRAL RADIANCE = 1.168842E-05 WATT S CM-2 STER-1 / CM-1 AT 640 CM-1BOUNDARY TEMPERATURE = 0.000BOUNDARY EMISSIVITY = 1.0001.2 输入文件1.2.1 数据库文件文件名.LTN,包含Modtran 模型参数的输入文件和输出曲线打印方式的输入文件。
1.2.2 NOVAM 参数文件:文件名.NPR,6000 米以下海面气溶胶分布,较以前海洋气溶胶模型有明显改进。
1.2.3 滤波器函数文件:文件名.FLT滤波器函数可用于计算有效大气透过率或有效路径辐亮度。
辐射源的光谱特性用黑体温度表示,仪器光谱特性取决于探测器光谱响应和光学元件光谱透过或反射特性,Modtran 可设置最多 80 个波数点的相对响应。
1.2.4 扫描函数文件:文件名.SCNModtran 内部计算样点的光谱间隔为 1cm-1,为降低输出数据的光谱分辨率,Modtran 提供了扫描功能,可将输出光谱数据与一个狭缝函数进行卷积运算。
MODTRAN介绍使用MODTRAN(Moderate Resolution Atmospheric Transmission)是一种常用的大气传输模型,它用于计算大气对电磁辐射的传输和吸收。
2.1 MODTRAN及特点
(1)模式选择性强。可任意选择 LOETRAN7或MODTRAN辐射 传输模式,在选择的模式下,可以计算吸收物质的路径透射比、
大气辐射率、单次 (多次 )散射的太阳/月亮辐射率和直接透过的太
3.1 MODTRAN的使用
边界温度。执 行模式选择计 算路径的透射 率和辐亮度或 计算大气辐亮 度和太阳/月亮 散射辐亮度时 ,对应地表或 云表面
地表反照 率设置。
3.1 MODTRAN的使用
3.1 MODTRAN的使用
观测参数 设置 波长范围 设置
CARD CARD1 CARD1A CARD1A1 CARD1A2 CARD1A3 CARD2 CARD2C CARD3 CARD3A1 必选/可选 必选 必选 可选 可选 可选 必选 可选 必选 可选 功能 主要辐射传输的驱动 控制DISORT算法 TOA太阳辐照度数据库的选择 选择波段模式参数文件 选择指定仪器的响应函数 气溶胶模式以及云雨模式的选择 大气层数以及读取指定文件的大气模式 定义几何路径参数 太阳的散射几何条件以及气溶胶散射相函数
1 大气辐射传输简单介绍
3.1 MODTRAN的使用
3.1 MODTRAN的使用
MODTRAN Input →Model Atmosphere
1技术路线DOM 技术流程图数据查询数据获取数据预处理质量检查整理提交 原始数据正射校正平面控制高程数据辐射校正辐射定标大气校正配准融合整体镶嵌范围裁切高景一号MUX 影像大气校正植被指数多样性选择NDVI/EVI/NDWI/...光谱特征影像集随机森林分类研究区作物分类结果精度评价训练样本验证样本影像预处理辐射定标影像融合纹理特征多样性选择Mean/Entropy/ASM/...GLCM 计算高景一号Pan 影像灰度级量化...纹理特征影像集影像集验证样本集训练样本集实地调查高分解译样本筛选样本数据影像数据分类土地利用分类技术流程遥感图像水体粗提取先验阈值区间ROI 区域图像分割阈值水陆二值图边界膨胀直方图统计图像分割最小连通区去除水体掩膜图像水体分布提取技术流程模块开发数据处理数据获取水面实测光谱数据光学遥感数据实测水质参数数据水体固有光学量数据光谱特征分析固有光学特性分析基于水面实测光谱的水质参数反演算法基于光学遥感数据的水质参数反演策略最优反演算法精度评价水质参数反演软件模块开发反演算法水体光学分类大气校正水体提取水质参数反演技术路线图建筑物提取提取技术路线图2影像正射校正方案2.1正射校正原理遥感影像获取的过程中会受到各种不定因素的影响,如:传感器的成像方式、地形起伏、地球曲率、大气折射等,导致图像本身的几何位置、形状、尺寸等与其对应的地物不一致,发生变形。
此时,需要利用DEM 数据对全色影像做正射校正,生成全色影像的正射影像图。
CARD 1: MODTRN, SPEED, MODEL, ITYPE, IEMSCT, IMULT, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5,M6, MDEF, IM, NOPRNT, TBOUND, SALBFORMAT (2A1, I3, 12I5, F8.3, F7.0)1. MODTRN = 'T', 'M' or blank 选择MODTRAN波段模式(光谱分辨率1cm-1)= 'C' or 'K'MODTRAN相关k选项(仅进行IEMSCT=1和2辐亮度模式计算;计算更精确但速度慢)= 'F' or 'L' 选择LOWTRAN波段模式(光谱分辨率20cm-1)2. SPEED = 'S' or blank‘slow’相关系数k选项,每个光谱间隔(1cm-1或15cm-1)使用33个吸收系数(k值)= 'M' 'medium'相关系数k选项(17个k值)3. MODEL = 0 仅指定一定海拔高度上的气象参数(常压,仅水平路径,查看CARDs 2C, 2C1, 2C2, 2C2X, and 2C3)=1 热带大气(北纬15度)=2 中纬度夏季大气(北纬45度,7月)=3 中纬度冬季大气(北纬45度,1月)=4 亚北极区夏季大气(北纬60度,7月)=5 亚北极区冬季大气(北纬60度,1月)=6 1976年美国标准大气=7 用户提供大气数据(查看CARDs 2C, 2C1, 2C2, 2C2X, and 2C3)4. ITYPE大气路径类型ITYPE=1 水平路径(气压为常数)=2 两个海拔高度间的垂直或倾斜路径=3 从某一海拔高度到空间的垂直或倾斜路径5. IEMSCT程序运行模式IEMSCT=0 程序仅计算路径的透射率=1 计算路径的透射率和辐亮度=2 计算大气辐亮度和太阳/月亮散射辐亮度(如IMULT=0,仅包括太阳辐亮度单次散射)=3 计算太阳/月亮直射辐照度6. IMULT决定多次散射IMULT=0 不考虑多次散射=1 考虑多次散射,大气内部的应用通常推荐此设置=-1 考虑多次散射,主要应用于卫星传感器高度处的模拟(除非ITYPE=3或H2≥0,H2是路径末端的海拔高度)z只有IEMSCT=1或2时,才可以选择多次散射。
Modtran(Moderate Resolution Atmospheric Transmission)是一种用于计算大气传输的软件,广泛应用于气象学、环境科学、遥感技术等领域。
1. Modtran软件简介Modtran是由美国空军航空航天局(AFRL)开发的大气传输模拟软件,旨在模拟大气层中各种气体对光的传输情况。
2. 单位甲烷吸收光谱曲线计算我们需要准备计算所需的输入参数,包括大气条件、光源条件以及单位甲烷的吸收特性参数。
3. 结果分析与讨论获得单位甲烷吸收光谱曲线后,我们可以对结果进行分析和讨论。
modtran 海洋型气溶胶参数 非对称因子g
主题:Modtran 海洋型气溶胶参数的研究与应用一、背景介绍Modtran是一种用于大气红外辐射传输模拟的计算机程序,能够对大气成分、温度、压强等参数进行模拟,用于研究大气红外辐射的传输和作用。
三、Modtran对海洋型气溶胶参数的模拟和研究1. 海洋型气溶胶参数的输入在Modtran程序中,我们可以通过指定海洋型气溶胶参数的数值来模拟不同海洋环境下的大气光学效应。
2. 海洋型气溶胶参数对模拟结果的影响通过对比不同海洋型气溶胶参数输入条件下的模拟结果,可以发现海洋型气溶胶参数对大气光学特性的影响。
五、Modtran对非对称因子g的模拟和研究1. 非对称因子g的输入和模拟在Modtran中,我们可以通过指定非对称因子g的数值来模拟不同散射特性的气溶胶颗粒,从而研究其对大气辐射传输的影响。
2. 非对称因子g对模拟结果的影响通过对比不同非对称因子g输入条件下的模拟结果,可以发现非对称因子g对大气辐射传输过程的影响。
Mod4U 使用说明
Discrete Ordinate Multiple Scattering Algorithm:
Issacs Two-Stream Algorithm (fast but less accurate);
Multiple Scattering Algorithm;
2.2.3 NSTR
DISORT 算法的计算流数,推荐此参数设置为 8. Number of Streams to be used by DISORT – the higher the number the longer the run time,8 is a recommended value for most applications.
2.2.7 H2OSTR
垂直水汽柱特性。如果设置为空格或 0,使用缺省的水汽柱含量值。如果第 一个非空字符为‘g’,‘g’字符后紧跟水汽含量且单位为 gm/cm2(例如 g 2.0)。 如果第一个非空字符为‘a’,‘a’字符后紧跟水汽含量且单位为 atm-cm(例如 a 3000),或者是一个绝对值来表示水汽柱比例因子(例如 2.0 表示两倍于水汽柱 含量的缺省值)。
Modtran 的参数非常复杂,而 Mod4U 是一个专门为 Modtran 开发的参数输入软件,从 而简化了 Modtran 的参数输入过程。
2、Mod4U 卡片详解
2.1 CARD 1
2.3.2 ISEASN
Model Atomosphere根据自己的情况选择其大气模式。
我们根据其过程是计算大气透过率,其具体设置如下(如果想知道每个参数的详细说明还是需要看说明书,本说明只是对某个操作作具体的步骤分析图解,以中纬度夏季为例,计算其透过率):设置好上述参数以后,点击NEXT继续;根据自己的需要选择水汽含量,然后点击NEXT,继续;设置好以后点击NEXT继续;此页面中有的参数需要计算才行,计算其方位角需要用到6S里面的子程序,各个参数设置好以后,点击NEXT,就完成了其参数的设置过程;然后点击运行;然后就可以查看其透过率的图像,其过程如下:然后点击Export Output To Excel就可以看到其每个波数的透过率与图像到此其计算大气透过率的过程就全部完成了。
第二部分MODTRAN参数输入中文说明CARD 1: MODTRN, SPEED, MODEL, ITYPE, IEMSCT, IMULT, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5,M6, MDEF, IM, NOPRNT, TBOUND, SALBFORMAT (2A1, I3, 12I5, F8.3, F7.0)1. MODTRN = 'T', 'M' or blank 选择MODTRAN波段模式(光谱分辨率1cm-1)= 'C' or 'K'MODTRAN相关k选项(仅进行IEMSCT=1和2辐亮度模式计算;计算更精确但速度慢)= 'F' or 'L' 选择LOWTRAN波段模式(光谱分辨率20cm-1)2. SPEED = 'S' or blank‘slow’相关系数k选项,每个光谱间隔(1cm-1或15cm-1)使用33个吸收系数(k值)= 'M''medium'相关系数k选项(17个k值)3. MODEL = 0 仅指定一定海拔高度上的气象参数(常压,仅水平路径,查看CARDs2C, 2C1, 2C2, 2C2X, and 2C3)=1 热带大气(北纬15度)=2 中纬度夏季大气(北纬45度,7月)=3 中纬度冬季大气(北纬45度,1月)=4 亚北极区夏季大气(北纬60度,7月)=5 亚北极区冬季大气(北纬60度,1月)=6 1976年美国标准大气=7 用户提供大气数据(查看CARDs 2C, 2C1, 2C2, 2C2X, and 2C3)4. ITYPE大气路径类型ITYPE=1 水平路径(气压为常数)=2 两个海拔高度间的垂直或倾斜路径=3 从某一海拔高度到空间的垂直或倾斜路径5. IEMSCT程序运行模式IEMSCT=0 程序仅计算路径的透射率=1 计算路径的透射率和辐亮度=2 计算大气辐亮度和太阳/月亮散射辐亮度(如IMULT=0,仅包括太阳辐亮度单次散射)=3 计算太阳/月亮直射辐照度6. IMULT决定多次散射IMULT=0 不考虑多次散射=1 考虑多次散射,大气部的应用通常推荐此设置=-1 考虑多次散射,主要应用于卫星传感器高度处的模拟(除非ITYPE=3或H2≥0,H2是路径末端的海拔高度)只有IEMSCT=1或2时,才可以选择多次散射。
2.1 MODTRAN及特点
(3)数据输入、结果输出方便。既可以应用现有标准模式大 气和模式气溶胶、云等,又可以由用户直接输入观测或指定资
(4) 该程序在 Windows 环境下操作。操作界面简便直观,输
3.1 MODTRAN的使用
边界温度。执 行模式选择计 算路径的透射 率和辐亮度或 计算大气辐亮 度和太阳/月亮 散射辐亮度时 ,对应地表或 云表面
地表反照 率设置。
3.1 MODTRAN的使用
3.1 MODTRAN的使用
观测参数 设置 波长范围 设置
1. 大气辐射传输简单介绍
1.1 辐射能量传输的应用
不同辐射特性,进行目标物与背景区分,达到高准确 度和高精度的目标识别(以及动目标跟踪); 另一种应用则是遥感,即利用大气和地表介质在 电磁辐射传输中的不同特征,通过对特征性辐射的
Bisensor ( , ) = [ i ( ) Bi0 (Ts ) + b,i ( s , s ; , ) Es ,i ( s )
为到达传感 器的实际辐 射亮度;
atm ( , ; , ) L ( ) cos d ] i i b ,i
③ 第三类为大气参数:其中大气廓线类型通过CARD1中的选项 确定。其它具体参数(水平气象视距VIS、大气各类分子廓线)包括 气溶胶主要通过CARD2来进行设置。 ④ 第四类为观测几何条件:在CARD1中有关于几何条件的选项 ,另外在CARD3中主要为几何参数的输入选项,MODTRAN通过 多种方式组合来实现几何参数的输入。可根据计算的方便进行选 择。
1) modtran输入输出参数
,主要在card1中完成,card5提供了多重复计算的选项遥感器参数:如遥感器的波段参数,观测的波束(波长范围),其中在card1a 中有是否输入遥感器波段响应函数的选项,在card1a3中输入波段响应函数的文件名,在card4中输入模拟计算的波长范围。
自由状态下的模态:保持网格形式在geom页中user profile/nastran(选择nastran模板) (1)选择材料:collectors/creat/collector type: mats name=mcard image=MA T1creat/edit: mats:E=2.1e5 NU=0.3 RHO=7.8e-9User Comments: Hide In Menu/Exportreturn(2)给单元赋名并选择单元形式:collectors/creat/collector type:comps name = pshellcard image=Pshell点击material再选m(3)将材料赋给单元:collectors/update 点update:comps选择pshell和全部组件,选择update选择materialid 再点updatecollectors/card image/点load/edit T=1 return(4)改变单元的默认形式,1D或2D或3D面板中,选择elem types,bars=cbar,rod=cweldelems:collector:选择要改变单元形式的项。
Update/return(5):焊接单元cweld: collectors/creat/collector type:propertyname=pweldcard image:pweldmaterial:mcreat/edit:输入D(如5)(6):梁单元cbar: collectors/creat/collector type:propertyname=pbarcard image: pbarmaterial:mcreat/edit:输入:A:(如78.5)T1(如491)T2: (如491)J: (如982)(7)给梁(cbar)单元赋属性:选择1D:bars:update:elems:by collector,选择hanfeng (梁单元的命名)单元property= pbar:选择Director nodes,在任意单元上任意选择一节点,定义梁截面的方向(因为是圆形横截面).选择update:选择direction nodeproperty选择update(8)给焊接(cweld)单元赋属性:选择1D:rods选择update:elems:by collector,选择焊点单元,property=pweld选择update:(9): 设置输出模态:collectors/creat/collector type:loadcolsname = loadcard image = EIGRLcreat/edit: ND = 20return(10)选择求解形式:求解的是模态:BCs/control cards/SOL里选择User Comments: Hide InMenu/Export Analysis:Normal Modesreturn(11)设置输出有op2文件产生以在hyperview里面后处理.:BCs/control cards/PARAM里选择User Comments: Hide In Menu/Expor 选postreturn(12): 设置载荷步,设置输出选项:BCs/loadstep name=sub点loadcols 选load点creat点edit /User Comments: Hide In Menu/Export:output---displacement--all stress—all(等)return(13): 输出.bdf:export---template template:nastran/general output输出.bdf文件Nastran执行.bdf文件输入Hperview里时的文件为.op2文件=====================SWLDPRM GSPROJ 60.0 PROJTOL 0.2 CHKRUN 1 PRTSW 1SWLDPRM GSPROJ 60.0 PROJTOL 0.2SCR=YESSWLDPRM GSPROJ 60.0 PROJTOL 0.2==========================(gangdu)-------SOL 101TIME 3.15E7CEND$$SUBCASE 1SPC =1LOAD =1DISPLACEMENT=ALLSTRESS =ALL$BEGIN BULKPARAM,POST,-1-----------------------------(qiangdu)abaqus10000nglor yes0.1 1 1e-006 1--------------------------------(motai)SQL=103post =-1DISPLACEMENT=ALLSTRESS=ALLEiGrl 中,20。
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Model Atomosphere根据自己的情况选择其大气模式。
我们根据其过程是计算大气透过率,其具体设置如下(如果想知道每个参数的详细说明还是需要看说明书,本说明只是对某个操作作具体的步骤分析图解,以中纬度夏季为例,计算其透过率):设置好上述参数以后,点击NEXT继续;根据自己的需要选择水汽含量,然后点击NEXT,继续;设置好以后点击NEXT继续;此页面中有的参数需要计算才行,计算其方位角需要用到6S里面的子程序,各个参数设置好以后,点击NEXT,就完成了其参数的设置过程;然后点击运行;然后就可以查看其透过率的图像,其过程如下:然后点击Export Output To Excel就可以看到其每个波数的透过率与图像二:计算Radiance步骤3:计算Irradiance步骤(注:其参数没有进行设置好,需要细致的计算才能确定。
第二部分MODTRAN参数输入中文说明CARD 1: MODTRN, SPEED, MODEL, ITYPE, IEMSCT, IMULT, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5,M6, MDEF, IM, NOPRNT, TBOUND, SALBFORMAT (2A1, I3, 12I5, F8.3, F7.0)1. MODTRN = 'T', 'M' or blank 选择MODTRAN波段模式(光谱分辨率1cm-1)= 'C' or 'K'MODTRAN相关k选项(仅进行IEMSCT=1和2辐亮度模式计算;计算更精确但速度慢)= 'F' or 'L' 选择LOWTRAN波段模式(光谱分辨率20cm-1)2. SPEED = 'S' or blank‘slow’相关系数k选项,每个光谱间隔(1cm-1或15cm-1)使用33个吸收系数(k值)= 'M' 'medium'相关系数k选项(17个k值)3. MODEL = 0 仅指定一定海拔高度上的气象参数(常压,仅水平路径,查看CARDs 2C, 2C1, 2C2, 2C2X, and 2C3)=1 热带大气(北纬15度)=2 中纬度夏季大气(北纬45度,7月)=3 中纬度冬季大气(北纬45度,1月)=4 亚北极区夏季大气(北纬60度,7月)=5 亚北极区冬季大气(北纬60度,1月)=6 1976年美国标准大气=7 用户提供大气数据(查看CARDs 2C, 2C1, 2C2, 2C2X, and 2C3)4. ITYPE大气路径类型ITYPE=1 水平路径(气压为常数)=2 两个海拔高度间的垂直或倾斜路径=3 从某一海拔高度到空间的垂直或倾斜路径5. IEMSCT程序运行模式IEMSCT=0 程序仅计算路径的透射率=1 计算路径的透射率和辐亮度=2 计算大气辐亮度和太阳/月亮散射辐亮度(如IMULT=0,仅包括太阳辐亮度单次散射)=3 计算太阳/月亮直射辐照度6. IMULT决定多次散射IMULT=0 不考虑多次散射=1 考虑多次散射,大气内部的应用通常推荐此设置=-1 考虑多次散射,主要应用于卫星传感器高度处的模拟(除非ITYPE=3或H2≥0,H2是路径末端的海拔高度)只有IEMSCT=1或2时,才可以选择多次散射。
7. M1、M2、M3、M4、M5、M6和MDEF是用于改进或提供使用者指定的温度、压力、大气分子和剖面。
M1=1 -6 指定大气模式的温度和压力剖面M2=1 -6 指定大气模式的H2O剖面M3=1 -6 指定大气模式的O3剖面M4=1 -6 指定大气模式的CH4剖面M5=1 -6 指定大气模式的N2O剖面M6=1 -6 指定大气模式的CO剖面MDDF=0 指定大气模式下的其他一些分子剖面=1 1976美国标准剖面=2 用户输入剖面8. IM=0 读取MODEL最后输入的类型=1 读取使用者输入的剖面数据9. NOPRNT=0 程序正常运行,生成tape6输出文件=1 将tape6文件内的透射率或辐亮度表格数据,大气剖面的数据最少=-1 生成tape8输出文件=-2 除了tape8文件,还生成光谱冷却比率数据‘clrates’文件●如果NOPRNT设置为-1并进行多次散射计算,沿着视场方向上的光谱漫射和总辐射值将写入tape8文件内。
10. TBOUND>0 边界温度(K)。
11. SALB ≥0 地表反照率(如果TBOUND>0,可以是在H2处反照率),SALB等与1减去表面发射率,其值在0到1之间。
< 0 负的整数值允许使用者读取‘DATA/refbkg’文件已保存的表面光谱反照率数据●SALB负值包括:-1=新雪,-2=森林,-3=农田,-4=沙漠,-5=海洋,-6=云盖,-7=干草地,-8=湿草地,-9=枫叶地,-10=烧过草地。
CARD 1A: DIS, DISAZM, NSTR, LSUN, ISUN, CO2MX, H2OSTR, O3STR, LSUNFL,LBMNAM, LFLTNM,SOLCONFORMAT (2L1, I3, L1, I4, F10.5, 2A10, 3(1X, A1), 4X, F10.3) (MOD4.0)DIS = t, f or blank 在CARD1中的IMULT=±1时此参数使用,DIS设置为True(t)激活DISORT多次散射算法,DIS设置为False(f或空格)使用Isaac的二流算法计算多次散射DISAZM = t, f or blank DISORT算法的方位角相关标识。
DISAZM设置为True(t)将考虑太阳多次散射视场内的方位角影响,如果仅需要垂直方向辐射,太阳或观测天顶角近似垂直,或太阳的多次散射是较小辐亮度成分,那么将DISAZM设置为False(f或空格)NSTR=2,4,8或16 DISORT算法的计算流数,推荐此参数设置为8LSUN = t, f or blank LSUN设置为f(或空格)将使用缺省的5cm-1光谱分辨率辐照度值;LSUN设置为t(即选择File Sun选项)将读取1cm-1间隔的太阳辐照度数据文件且需要ISUN参数的确定ISUN≥2的整数设置三角扫描函数的FWHM用于TOA太阳辐照度的平滑CO2MX CO2体积混合比(ppmv),缺省值是330ppmv;当前推荐为360ppmv(1997)H2OSTR 垂直水汽柱特性。
如果第一个非空字符为‘g’,‘g’字符后紧跟水汽含量且单位为gm/cm2(例如g 2.0)。
如果第一个非空字符为‘a’,‘a’字符后紧跟水汽含量且单位为atm-cm(例如a 3000),或者是一个绝对值来表示水汽柱比例因子(例如 2.0 表示两倍于水汽柱含量的缺省值)。
O3STR 垂直臭氧柱含量特性。
如果第一个非空字符为‘g’,‘g’字符后紧跟臭氧含量且单位为gm/cm2(例如g 0.0001)。
如果第一个非空字符为‘a’,‘a’字符后紧跟臭氧含量且单位为atm-cm(例如a 0.2),或者是一个绝对值来表示臭氧柱比例因子(例如 2.0 表示两倍于臭氧柱含量的缺省值)。
LSUNFL = t, f or blank. 如果选择t,读取CARD1A1指定的太阳辐照度数据文件。
LBMNAM = t, f or blank.如果设置为t,从CARD1A2上读取波段模型参数文件。
LFLTNM = t, f or blank. 如果设置为t,从CARD1A3上读取用户指定仪器滤光片函数文件。
SOLCON < 0 SOLCON的绝对值(可能接近于+1)是作为TOA太阳辐照度比例因子来使用。
=0或空格TOA太阳辐照度不进行比例调整> 0 输入太阳常数[W/m2]OPTIONAL CARDS 1A1, 1A2, 1A3(用于光谱数据和传感器响应函数文件)CARD 1A1: SUNFL2FORMAT(A80)CARD1A1用于选择TOA太阳辐照度数据库。
SUNFL2 =1或空格使用校正的Kurucz数据库(DATA/newkur.dat)=2 使用Chance数据库(DATA/chkur.dat)=3 使用Cebula加Chance数据库(DATA/cebchkur.dat)=4 使用Thullier加校正的Kurucz数据库(DATA/thkur.dat)=文件名用户指定数据库文件CARD 1A2: BMNAMEFORMAT(A80)CARD1A2用于选择波段模式参数文件。
BMNAME = 波段模式参数文件名。
这里也有15 cm-1间隔的应用于快速短波长计算的波段模式文件—DATA/BMP97_15.BIN’。
选择1cm-1(15 cm-1)这两种波段模式文件,当MODTRAN(CARD1)选择‘C’或‘K’时MODTRAN也将打开1cm-1(15 cm-1)相关系数k数据文件。
CARD 1A3: FLTNAMFORMAT(A80)CARD1A3用于选择使用者指定的仪器响应函数。