Explore the Chinese CultureConfucianism (儒家; pinyin: Rújiā) is a Chinese ethical and philosophical system developed from the teachings of Confucius (Kǒng Fūzǐ, lit. "Master Kong", 551–478 BC).It is a complex system of moral, social, political, philosophical, and quasi-religious thought that has had tremendous influence on the culture and history of East Asia.Main Figure Confucious Mencius Hsun TzuMencius' Mother Moving Three Times学而时习之,不亦说乎?Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseveranceand application?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters?温故而知新,可以为师矣。
If a man keeps cherishing his old knowledge, so as continually to be acquiring new, he may be a teacher of others.学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。
Learning without thought is labourlost; thought without learning is perilous.敏而好学,不耻下问。
In the north of Sichuan, a province in south western China.
It is known for its many multi-level waterfalls and colorful
The Potala Palace
With a long history Mysterious charm
Confucianism was originally the philosophy of Confucius who stressed the maintenance of a stable system of inter-personal relationships at different levels of society.
水煮鱼 Boiled fish
回锅肉 twice-- cooked pork
豆汁 Mung Bean Milk
爆肚 Quick-Fried Tripe
驴打滚 Fried Chop Rice Cake
Chinese Tea Culture
Referring to Chinese tea, it can be traced back to the ancient times, and it was flourished in the Tang dynasty and the Song dynasty. China is the homeland of tea, and tea have become the national drink.
•Chinese philosophy and religion
Hundred Schools of Thought:
Inherent Vice
Han Fei
Han Feizi
Lao zi
Yin Yang & Eight Trigrams
•Chinese philosophy and religion The three religions:
• • • •
approximately 4100-year recorded history 9.6 million square kilometers 1.35 billion people 56 ethnic groups
•O u t l i n e
I. Overview of the Chinese traditional philosophy and religion II.A brief introduction to the main religions: Confucianism, Buddhism & Taoism III.Introduce the Confucianism and the Confucius Institute IV.Summary
• It passes on just like this, not ceasing day or night! • 逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。
• What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others. • 己所不欲,勿施于人。
• Keep what you say and carry out what you do. • 言必信,行必果。
儒家文化英文介绍 PPT
Dong Zhongshu ,who is a Han Dynesty
Chinese scholor,promoted Confucianism
as the official ideology of the Chinese
imperial state.He advocated“oust others
(biographical [baɪə'græfɪk(ə)l] a.纪传体的)
Book of Documents
Spring and Autumn Annals [‘æn(ə)lz] n. 编年史
Confucian classics
Book of Changes
Book of Rites [raɪtz] n. 仪式
➢孔子是儒家学派的创始人,也是春秋时期人本主 义思想的集大成者。 ➢Confucius was the founder of the Confucian school and the main Humanist thinker of the Spring and Autumn Period. “仁” Benevolence “礼”Rites “中庸之道”the “Golden Mean” of the Way 教育家 educator 今 天 : 中 国 文 化 的 象 征 , C o n f u c i u s i s remembered today and come to symbolise Chinese culture. Advocated“Benevolence”、“Righteousness”、 “Moral”、“Wisdom”、“Trustworthiness”
Thanks for you listts’ hobby 14.Approve single parents remirred 15.Let parents do periodic medical examination 16.Buy insurance for parents 17.Exange of news and current affairs with parents 18.Participete in activities with parents
3.Paternity .The elderly are infirm and easily get ill.So when your parents get sick, you should accompany with them to give them timely diagnosis and treatment and more life and spiritual care. 4.Behave yourself.Doing something good for the country and raising your name to the world is the end of Filial Piety.Parents will feel proud and happy for your success.So it is also unfilial for parents to do nothing all day long.
19.Visit the workplace with parents
20.Travel with parents 21.Exercise with parents 22.Take part in parents’ activities 23.Accompany parents to visit their old friends 24.Accompany parents to the movie
• 孟子,与孔子并称“孔孟”,战国时期伟大的思想家,儒家的主要代表之一,是儒家 的理想主义流派。 • Meng Zi, and Kong Zi, "Kong Meng", a great thinker in the Warring States period, one of the main representatives of Confucianism, Confucianism is the ideal school. • 孟子发展了孔子“仁”的思想,提出了“民为贵、社稷次之、君为轻”的民本思想, 并提出了人性本善。 • Mencius developed Kong Zi thought of "benevolence", put forward "people are expensive, followed by state, king of light" thought of the people, and put forward the goodness of human nature. • 后世尊称为“亚圣”,受儒教祭祀。其弟子及再传弟子将孟子的言行记录成《孟子》 一书,属语录体散文集,是孟子的言论汇编,由孟子及其弟子万章共同编写完成。 • Later known as the "sage", by the Confucian ritual. His disciples and his disciples will be Meng Zi's words and deeds recorded into the book of Meng Zi, is a collection of quotations, is Meng Zi's speech, written by Meng Zi and his disciples together to complete.
Calligraphy is considered as an active way of keeping one fit and health for the practice is either relaxing or self-entertaining. Historically, many calligraphy artists in China was well known for their longevity.
Plum blossom represent a kind of haughty, orchid represent secluded while bamboo represent strong mind,chrysanthemum representthe balance.
Ancient Chinese are eager to use plants to show their spirit. And actually,there must be some reasons that the poets would like to chose this kind of plants.
Zhengbanqiao is the most famous painters on painting bamboos.Actually,his also a person who got high moral character .Let’s enjoy his paintings.
Tell the difference
of the Tang Dynasty
garment襟 Openings 衩 Embroidery 刺绣
Chinese Food
Chinese Rice Dumplings(粽子) The Moon Cake(月饼)
Traditional holiday meals are different from everyda y meals in terms of quantity and quality. In addition,
The Qi Pao, also known as mandarin gown, is a bodyhugging one-piece dress,
it is one of the most typical, traditional
The structure
some foods with a long history and symbolic
significance are indispensable on these occasions. For example, on the Dragon Boat Festival, a day set
aside in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan, people will hold dragon boat races and eat zongzi, a kind o f
glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves.
The moon cake
中国传统文化中的儒家孝道 英文
Zeng Zi(曾子)
There are three kinds of filial piety: first respect one’s parents; second, avoid bringing humiliation to one’s parents; third, support one’s parents. (孝有三,大孝尊亲其次弗 辱,其下能养。)
6.Ending.The viewpoint "point out:" the son, is also close to its respect, in a caused the joy, the disease is caused the loss of sorrow, is the ",offering is severe, causing it to the right, and then five for can kiss ".The Confucian doctrine of the funeral of filial piety see very heavy, when at the funeral to do all kinds of etiquette.
The Book of Filial Piety That is filial piety, which is the very foundation of all virtues, and from which all enlightenments for the common people are engendered. (夫孝,德之本也,教之所由生也。)
的 传 说 (3)指导设施的部分停工,并与领导小组成员的关键人员配合指挥现场人员撤离,并确保任何伤害者都能得到主够的重视; (9)双向板板底短向应在长向钢筋之下,板面短向钢筋应在长向钢筋之上;当因施工困难底板钢筋在支座处不能设在基础梁钢筋内侧时,可将板中钢筋放于外侧,但应采取措施保证基础梁的有效高度和底板的保护层厚度。
中国孝文化的含义 (3)、柱高在3米之内,可在柱顶直接下灰浇筑,超过3米时应采取措施(用串桶)或在模板侧面开门子洞安装斜溜槽分段浇筑。 主要河流有湘江、潇水、宁远河、泠江、白水、祁水、舂陵水、永明河等。
天地重孝孝当先 一个孝字全家安 孝顺能生孝顺子 孝顺子弟必明贤 孝是人道第一步 孝子谢世即为仙 自古忠臣多孝子 君选贤臣举孝廉 尽心竭力孝父母 孝道不独讲吃穿 孝道贵在心中孝 孝亲亲责莫回言 惜乎人间不识孝 回心复孝天理还 诸事不顺因不孝 怎知孝能感动天 孝道贵顺无他妙 孝顺不分女共男 福禄皆由孝字得 天将孝子另眼观
二十四孝:亲尝汤药 ——前汉文帝
十 四 孝 3、 梁受压区、受拉区人防要求同一截面接头数量不宜≥25% 。 为了防止密封材料在施工中的溶剂中毒,对溶剂进行严格的保管制度;
二十四孝:啮指痛心—— 周曾参
二十四孝:百里负米 — —周仲由
中国孝文化的含义 水土保持方案经水行政主管部门批复后,由业主、当地水行政主管部门水土保持机构监督实施。 f 应严禁结构施工层水、砂浆、砼等物质的坠落,土建应严格做好楼层防护.
天地重孝孝当先 一个孝字全家安 孝顺能生孝顺子 孝顺子弟必明贤 孝是人道第一步 孝子谢世即为仙 自古忠臣多孝子 君选贤臣举孝廉 尽心竭力孝父母 孝道不独讲吃穿 孝道贵在心中孝 孝亲亲责莫回言 惜乎人间不识孝 回心复孝天理还 诸事不顺因不孝 怎知孝能感动天 孝道贵顺无他妙 孝顺不分女共男 福禄皆由孝字得 天将孝子另眼观
人人都可孝父母 孝敬父母如敬天 孝子口里有孝语 孝妇面上带孝颜 公婆上边能尽孝 又落孝来又落贤 女得淑名先学孝 三从四德孝在前 孝在乡党人钦敬 孝在家中大小欢 孝子逢人就劝孝 孝化风俗人品端 生前孝子声价贵 死後孝子万古传 处世惟有孝力大 孝能感动地合天 孝经孝文把孝劝 孝父孝母孝祖先 父母生子原为孝 能孝就是好儿男 为人能把父母孝 下辈孝子照样还
中国孝文化的含义 幕墙系统与主体结构防雷可靠连接,形成电气通路。 2)干挂墙体四周、干挂墙体内表面与主体结构之间间隙节点的安装。
千念此大念百为羔孝生赶父孝兄能五孝孝亲孝堂 遍得篇哉佛行人羊顺前紧母从弟孝谷子在在子上 万十句孝行万若跪传为孝双难和不丰齐心应面父 遍遍句乎善善是乳家孝来全处睦在登家孝孝带母 常千不大也孝不尚孝方光正见即贫皆全不不太不 常个离哉是为知知是为阴宜真为和因家在知和知 念孝孝孝孝首孝孝宝孝快孝孝孝富孝乐貌孝象孝 消念离孝孝当不乌孝死亲孝孝忍善一孝孝亲入不 灾得孝矣仗知如鸦顺後由思容让体孝子贵死孝孝 免百人无佛孝禽反温尽我鳏满二亲即治实如出受 难遍伦穷力字兽哺和孝孝寡面字心是国行孝悌穷 百万颠孝超是实孝孝徒寿亲承把是太万不後自莫 孝孝倒无九根可亲味枉由影亲孝孝平民在悔然怨 篇全颠边天源怜颜甘然天单颜全男年安言难安天
《中国传统文化》英文版本 5.四书.ppt
The Four Books
▪ The Four Books and The Five Classics were the canonical works of the Confucian culture in the feudal society in ancient China.
The Great Learning
▪ The Great Learning is in fact an essay in The Book of Rites. It is about the cultivation of one’s moral character and the wisdoms of governing a country during the “daxue” (or great learning or higher education) period of ancient China.
The Doctrine of the Mean
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
。, 道 本
பைடு நூலகம்
▪ 阐旧邦以辅新命; ▪ 极高明而道中庸。 ——冯友兰
▪ The Four Books refers to: ▪ The Great Learning ▪ The Doctrine of the Mean ▪ The Analects (of Confucius), or Confucian
Analects ▪ The Works of Mencius.