
姓名:X XX
专业:X XXX
Certificate of Education
This is to certify the following student’s educational background:
Name: XXX
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: XX/XX/XXXX
University: XXX University
Major: X XXX
Duration of Study: From XX/XX/XXXX to XX/XX/XXXX
Upon verification, the above information is true and valid. This is to certify.
XXX University

篇一:公证书英文版certificate(90)lu zi, no. 1130(编号)this is to certificate that miss.yao xiaofen holds a diploma issued to her in june, 2013 by qinzhou university (diploma no. 1160742013000990)and that we have carefully checked the seal of the university and the signature by president xu shuye lingshan county, qinzhou city notary public office guangxi provincethe peoples republic of chinanotary:date:篇二:英文公证书范本英文公证书范本[作者:赛凌翻译 | 发表日期:2009-02-09|文章来源:赛凌翻译网 ] 此英文公证书范本源于爱尔兰公证书翻译,作为公司登记注册公证。
一般来说,英文公证书包含三部分:政府机构或法院签发的证明文书(如courts service)公证员签署的公证书(notary certificate)被公证的文件在英文公证书中,政府机构或法院签发的证明文书非常重要,也是英文公证书的组成部分之一。
该文书一般政府部门或法庭签署,如美国公证书中为各州的高级法庭(supreme court)、加拿大公证书为各省的政府服务部(ministry of government services)、爱尔兰公证书为高级法院(supreme court)。
----------------------------------------------------------------------courts servicean tseirbhis chúirteannai, name of the registrar, assistant registrar of the supreme court hereby certify that it appears from the records of this office that name of notary public whose name is subscribed to the annexed document was on the 30th day of july 2000 appointed a notary public for the city and county of dublin and that her name is at the present time on the roll of notaries.of the above-mentioned notary public on record in this office i verily believe the same to be her proper handwriting and her seal.dated this 18 day of october 2008 thsignature--------------------- name of the registrarassistant registrarseal of the supreme court英文公证书范本第一部分:政府机构或法院签发的证明文书(如courts service)英文公证书范本第二部分:公证员签署的公证书(notary certificate)其他证件翻译>>篇三:公证书中英文对照版下载亲属关系公证书(如:(2012)湘州乾证字第1174申请人:xxx男,xxxx年x月x日出生,身份证号码:住址:关系人:xxx,男,xxxx年x月x日出生,身份证号码:住址:公证事项:亲属关系兹证明xxx是xxx的儿子。

篇一:公证书英文版certificate(90)lu zi, no. 1130(编号)this is to certificate that miss.yao xiaofen holds a diploma issued to her in june, 2013 by qinzhou university (diploma no. 1160742013000990)and that we have carefully checked the seal of the university and the signature by president xu shuye lingshan county, qinzhou city notary public office guangxi provincethe peoples republic of chinanotary:date:篇二:英文公证书范本英文公证书范本[作者:赛凌翻译 | 发表日期:2009-02-09|文章来源:赛凌翻译网 ] 此英文公证书范本源于爱尔兰公证书翻译,作为公司登记注册公证。
一般来说,英文公证书包含三部分:政府机构或法院签发的证明文书(如courts service)公证员签署的公证书(notary certificate)被公证的文件在英文公证书中,政府机构或法院签发的证明文书非常重要,也是英文公证书的组成部分之一。
该文书一般政府部门或法庭签署,如美国公证书中为各州的高级法庭(supreme court)、加拿大公证书为各省的政府服务部(ministry of government services)、爱尔兰公证书为高级法院(supreme court)。
----------------------------------------------------------------------courts servicean tseirbhis chúirteannai, name of the registrar, assistant registrar of the supreme court hereby certify that it appears from the records of this office that name of notary public whose name is subscribed to the annexed document was on the 30th day of july 2000 appointed a notary public for the city and county of dublin and that her name is at the present time on the roll of notaries.of the above-mentioned notary public on record in this office i verily believe the same to be her proper handwriting and her seal.dated this 18 day of october 2008 thsignature--------------------- name of the registrarassistant registrarseal of the supreme court英文公证书范本第一部分:政府机构或法院签发的证明文书(如courts service)英文公证书范本第二部分:公证员签署的公证书(notary certificate)其他证件翻译>>篇三:公证书中英文对照版下载亲属关系公证书(如:(2012)湘州乾证字第1174申请人:xxx男,xxxx年x月x日出生,身份证号码:住址:关系人:xxx,男,xxxx年x月x日出生,身份证号码:住址:公证事项:亲属关系兹证明xxx是xxx的儿子。

毕业证明书中英文版【篇一:英文版毕业证明书】graduation certificatethis is to certify that liu ziyang, male, born on january 30, 1992,having specialized in the four-year undergraduate in the college of electric engineering at harbin university of science and technology from september 1, 2011 to june 1, 2015 was hereby awarded this certificate of graduation after meeting all the academic requirements.harbin university of science and technologypresident: li dayongcertificate no: 102141201505000882date: june 1.2015【篇二:学历证明书中英文模版】学历证明书**同学,***(性别),****年**月生。
苏州大学教务处(盖章)****年** 月**日education certificationthis is to certify that student*****(name), ***(gender), born in **(month), ****(year), studied a **-year undergraduate/junior college/ postgraduate course at soochow universityfrom**(month), ****(year) to **(month), ****(year),majoring in ******. having passed all courses stipulated in the teaching program, the above student received a graduation certificate in **(month), ****(year) .(certificate serial number:***********)academic affairs officesoochow universitydate: year-month-day【篇三:毕业证书英文翻译模板】今天老师给我们留了个作业,让我们把本科毕业证书翻译成英文的,怎么翻译啊~所以请大家帮帮忙吧~谁能给我提供一个毕业证书的英文模版啊~本科毕业证书的啊~越快越好,如果老师满意,多少钱我都不在乎~包括专升本证书,能有工商管理硕士的最好!学生学位证书英文翻译模板bachelor’s degree certificatethis is to certify that ms. wang danli, born in october 1977, has studied in the department of law, xxx university with aspecialty of law from september 1996 to june 2000. upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation. in accordance with the academic degree act of the people’s republic of china, the aforesaid student is awarded the bachelor’s degree in law. xxxchairman ofdegree appraising committee ofxx universityjune 30, 2000certificate no.: 103354003888本科毕业证书翻译模板diplomathis is to certify that ms. wang lan, born on february 29, 1980, has studied in the department of foreignlanguages,xxxuniversity with a specialty of english from september 1997 to june 2000. upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation.xxpresident ofxx universityregistration no.: 298168015date issued: june 30, 2000本科毕业证书英文翻译样本graduation certificategraduation certificatecertificate no. _____________this is to certify that ___________, born on __________, native of __________, has been majoringin the specialty of ________________ at ouruniversity/institute fromseptember ________ to july_________. upon completion of all the courses specified bythe four-year undergraduate teachingprogramme with qualified score, he/she is hereby qualified for graduation.(signature)presidentuniversity (seal)xx july xxxx学士学位证书翻译样本bachelor certificatecertificate of bachelor’s degreecertificate no.:this is to certify that , male / female, native of __________,born on __________, has beenmajoring in the specialty of at our university/ institute from september_____ tojuly _______. upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduateteaching programme with qualified score, he/she is qualifiedfor graduation. in conformity withthe articles of the regulations regarding academic degrees of the people’s republic of china,chairmancommittee of degree accreditationuniversity (seal)xx july xxxx如果学校要求寄学位证书复印件的话,可以复印一份中文的。

毕业证学位证英文翻译件(精选5篇)第一篇:毕业证学位证英文翻译件广西大学毕业证、学位证英文模板DIPLOMA Certificate No: ⑴⑵ , ⑶ , born on ⑷ , majoring in ⑸ in our university from September(6)toJune(7)and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a(8)-year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.President:(9)Guangxi University Date:(10)说明:⑴ 证书编号⑵ 姓名拼音⑶ 性别⑷ 出生日期⑸ 专业方向(6)入学年份(7)毕业年份⑻ 学制年数(9)校长姓名拼音(10)毕业证书签发日期BACHELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATE Certificate No: ⑴This is to certify that ⑵ , ⑶ , born on ⑷ , majoring in ⑸ in our university from September(6)to June(7)and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a(8)-year undergraduate program and is awarded the Bachelor of(9)upon graduation in conformity with the Degrees Regulations of the People’s Republic of China.Chairman:(10)Committee on Conferring of Degree Guangxi University Date:(11)说明:⑴ 证书编号⑵ 姓名拼音⑶ 性别⑷ 出生日期⑸ 专业方向⑹ 入学年份(7)毕业年份(8)学制年数(9)学科名称(10)学位评定委员会主席姓名(11)学位证书签发日期第二篇:毕业证学位证英文翻译DIPLOMA This is to certify that 姓名, 性别, born in 出生年月, having studied in the Specialty of专业名称in the school of学院(系)名称at 大学from入学年月to毕业年月, has completed the学制年数-year program and passed the examinations and is qualified for graduation.University :大学名称 President:校长姓名Date:毕业年月Diploma No:证书编号University No:学校编号CERTIFICATE OF BACHELOR’S DEGREEThis is to certify that 姓名,性别, born in 出生年月, having studied in the Specialty of 专业名称 in the school of 学院(系)名称at 大学名称from 入学年月to 毕业年月, has passed the examinations in the required courses for the Bachelor’s degree and is hereby, in accordance with The Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Academic Degrees, conferred the degree of Bachelor of 学科名称.大学名称Chairman of the Academic Degrees Evaluation Committee: 学位评定委员会主席姓名Date:毕业年月 Certificate No:证书编号第三篇:大学本科学位证英语英文翻译件Diploma of Bachelor’s Degree***, female, born on July 1st 1989, having completed the undergraduate program in ***majoring in English(English-French Bilingual Direction), isgranted graduation.PHOTO In accordance with The Registration on Academic Degree of the People’s Republic of China, she is awarded the degree of Bachelor of Arts.***President*** Chairman of the degree assessment committeeCertificate No.: ***2013.06.**(Undergraduate of regular institution of higher education) 第四篇:学位证毕业证模版学生学位证书英文翻译模板BACHELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that Ms.Wang Danli, born in October 1977, has studied in the Department of Law, xxx University with a specialty of Law from September 1996 to June 2000.Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation.In accordance with the academic degree act of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded the Bachelor’s Degree in Law.xxxChairman ofDegree Appraising Committee ofxx UniversityJune 30, 2000Certificate No.: 103354003888本科毕业证书翻译模板DIPLOMAThis is to certify that Ms.Wang Lan, born on February 29, 1980, has studied in the Department of Foreign Languages,xxxUniversity with a specialty of English from September 1997 to June 2000.Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation.xxPresident ofxx UniversityRegistration No.: 298168015Date Issued: June 30, 2000本科毕业证书英文翻译样本Graduation certificateGraduation CertificateCertificate No._____________This is to certify that ___________, born on __________, native of __________, has been majoringin the specialty of ________________ at our university/institute from September ________ to July_________.Upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduate teachingprogramme with qualified score, he/she is hereby qualified for graduation.(signature)PresidentUniversity(seal)XX July XXXX学士学位证书翻译样本Bachelor certificateCertificate of Bachelor’s DegreeCertificate No.:This is to certify that , male / female, native of __________, born on __________, has been majoring in the specialty of at our university/ institute from September_____ toJuly _______.Upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduate teaching programme with qualified score, he/she is qualified for graduation.In conformity with the articles of the Regulations Regarding Academic Degreesof the People’s Republic of China, he/she has been conferred to the degree of Bachelor of ___________.(signature)ChairmanCommittee of Degree AccreditationUniversity(seal)XX July XXXX如果学校要求寄学位证书复印件的话,可以复印一份中文的。

篇一:公证书英文版certificate(90)lu zi, no. 1130(编号)this is to certificate that miss.yao xiaofen holds a diploma issued to her in june, 2013 by qinzhou university (diploma no. 1160742013000990)and that we have carefully checked the seal of the university and the signature by president xu shuye lingshan county, qinzhou city notary public office guangxi provincethe peoples republic of chinanotary:date:篇二:英文公证书范本英文公证书范本[作者:赛凌翻译 | 发表日期:2009-02-09|文章来源:赛凌翻译网 ] 此英文公证书范本源于爱尔兰公证书翻译,作为公司登记注册公证。
一般来说,英文公证书包含三部分:政府机构或法院签发的证明文书(如courts service)公证员签署的公证书(notary certificate)被公证的文件在英文公证书中,政府机构或法院签发的证明文书非常重要,也是英文公证书的组成部分之一。
该文书一般政府部门或法庭签署,如美国公证书中为各州的高级法庭(supreme court)、加拿大公证书为各省的政府服务部(ministry of government services)、爱尔兰公证书为高级法院(supreme court)。
----------------------------------------------------------------------courts servicean tseirbhis chúirteannai, name of the registrar, assistant registrar of the supreme court hereby certify that it appears from the records of this office that name of notary public whose name is subscribed to the annexed document was on the 30th day of july 2000 appointed a notary public for the city and county of dublin and that her name is at the present time on the roll of notaries.of the above-mentioned notary public on record in this office i verily believe the same to be her proper handwriting and her seal.dated this 18 day of october 2008 thsignature--------------------- name of the registrarassistant registrarseal of the supreme court英文公证书范本第一部分:政府机构或法院签发的证明文书(如courts service)英文公证书范本第二部分:公证员签署的公证书(notary certificate)其他证件翻译>>篇三:公证书中英文对照版下载亲属关系公证书(如:(2012)湘州乾证字第1174申请人:xxx男,xxxx年x月x日出生,身份证号码:住址:关系人:xxx,男,xxxx年x月x日出生,身份证号码:住址:公证事项:亲属关系兹证明xxx是xxx的儿子。

(完整版)英文版毕业证明书Graduation CertificateThis is to certify that WU ZEFENG, male, born on August 12, 1955, having specialized in the Four year undergraduate program of Applied Chemistry in the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at HUIZHOU UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY from September 10, 2011 to June 26, 2015 is hereby awarded this Certificate of Graduation after meeting all the academic requirements.President of HUNAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCEAND TECHNOLOGYTIAN YINHUACertificate No: Date: June 24, 2009Academic Degree CertificationThis is to certify that student ***(name), ***(gender), born in *** (Month), ***(Year), studied a ***-year undergraduate/junior college/ postgraduate course at Soochow University from*** (Month), *** (Year) to *** (Month), *** (Year),majoring in ****** The student has duly completed the program and graduated. a Bachelor/Master/Doctor Degree of *** is hereby conferred on the student in **(Month), ****(Year) through verification in accordance with the requirement of PRC Regulations of Academic Degrees. (certificate serial number:***********) Academic Affairs OfficeSoochow UniversityDate:一、学位证书BACHELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that Ms. Wang Danli, born in October 1977,has studied in the Department of Law, Zhejiang University with a specialty of Law from September 1996 to June 2000. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation. In accordance with the academic degree act of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded the Bachelor’s Degree in Law.Pan YunheChairman ofDegree Appraising Committee ofZhejiang UniversityJune 30, 2000Certificate No.: 103354003888二、毕业证书DIPLOMAThis is to certify that Ms. Wang Lan, born on February 29, 1980,has studied in the Department of Foreign Languages, Zhejiang University with a specialty English from September 1998 to June 2000. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 2-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation.Pan YunhePresident ofZhejiang UniversityRegistration No.: 298168015Date Issued: June 30, 2000毕业证书DIPLOMAThis is to certify that XXNAMEXXX, born on XXDATEXXX,YEAR, has studied in the XXXXXXXX University with a specialty of XXMAJORXXXXXXXXXX from XXMONTHXXYEARXXX to XXMONTHXXYEARXXX. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, he is granted graduation.President of XXXXXXXX University: 校长姓名Issue Date: XXDATEXXXXXNo.: 101XXXXXXElectronic Registration No.: 102XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 学位证书:CERTIFICATE OF BACHELOR DEGREE(For the Graduates of Higher Education)XXNAMEXXXX, male, born in XXDATEXXXX. From XXMONTHXXYEARXXX to XXMONTHXXYEARXXX, completed the learning plan of the regular college course (4-year system) in XXXXXXXXXX University, majoring in XXMAJORXXXXXXXXX and has graduated. The academic record has been examined and verified. It accords with the stipulation in the Academic Degree Regulations of P.R. China. Hereby the Bachelor Degree of XXMAJORXXXXXXXXXX is awarded.XXXXXXXXXXXX UniversityPresident of Evaluation Committee of Academic Degree: 校长姓名拼音Issue Date: XXDATEXXXXXDiploma No: 10XXXXXXXXXXX。

特此证明________大学教务处________年____月____日Certificate of Graduation(Student **,male,be born on **(月) **th(日),***(年),study at the Four-year full time undergraduate program of the school from **(月),**(年)to **(月),**(年).Finish all the prescript courses of the teaching plan with score qualified.Allow to graduate and get the Bachelor of Science in the Public.Certificate No.*****.Degree Certificate No.***.pateat universis per praesentes(特此证明)***university registrars**(月) **th(日),***(年)范毕业证明本二***,学号***,性别** ,身份证号 ** ,系我校信息科学与工程学院***专业2015届应届本科毕业生。
***,*** Student ID,gender,** ID number **,Department of our school of Information Science and Engineering *** Professional 2015 session of the fresh graduates.According to "** college student credit student status management regulations" and "Rules ** a bachelor's degree awarded," courses the student has success,consistent with the conditions required to grant a bachelor's degree.Hereby certify that.** University of Registry。

学士学位证书及毕业证英文翻译模板Bachelor's Degree Certificate and Graduation Certificate English Translation TemplateI. STUDENT INFORMATIONName: [Full Name]Student ID: [Student ID Number]Date of Birth: [Date of Birth]Major: [Major]University: [University Name]Graduation Year: [Year of Graduation]II. CERTIFICATE OF BACHELOR'S DEGREEThis is to certify that [Full Name], born on [Date of Birth], has completed the requirements prescribed by [University Name] for the degree of Bachelor of [Major]. The conferred degree is in recognition of the successful completion of the undergraduate program in [Major].III. GRADUATION CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that [Full Name] has fulfilled all the academic requirements of [University Name] and is hereby awarded the Graduation Certificate. The Graduation Certificate serves as proof of the completion of the undergraduate program.IV. TRANSLATIONI hereby declare that the above information has been accurately translated from the original language into English.Date: [Date of Translation]Translator's Name: [Translator's Full Name]Translator's Signature: __________________________________V. AUTHENTICATIONThis document is issued in English. In case of any discrepancies between the English translation and the original document written in another language, the original document shall prevail.VI. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION1. The Bachelor's Degree Certificate and Graduation Certificate are official documents issued by [University Name].2. The authenticity of these certificates can be verified by contacting the issuing university.3. The certificates should be presented in their original form and should not be altered or tampered with in any way.4. The English translation is provided for reference purposes only and does not replace the original document.[End of Document]。

学位证书公证件翻译件第一篇:学位证书公证件翻译件公证书(2010)鄂洪兴证字第5159号兹证明前面的影印件与XX大学于二00九年六月三十日发给XX 的证书编号为123456789的《学士学位证书》原件相符。
中华人民共和国湖北省武汉市洪兴公证处公证员:李建军二0一0年十月十九日NOTARIELLE URKUNDE(ÜBERSETZUNG)(2010)E Hongxing Zheng Zi Nr.5159Hiermit beglaubigt das Notariat die Übereinstimmung der vorstehenden Kopie mit dem Original der Urkunde für den akademischen Grad Bachelor, die mit Urkunde-Reg.-Nr: 123456789 zum XX von XX Universität XX im 30.Juni.2009 vergeben wurde.Die Sicherheit des Prägestempels, des Siegels und der Unterschrift des Rektors & Präsidents der Bewertungskommission für akademische Grade XXX im Original ist bestätigt worden.Die deutsche Üb ersetzung der vorstehenden Kopie übereinstimmt auch mit chinesichem Original.Notariat Wuhan Hongxing Im Hubei Provinz Der VR ChinaNotar: LI JianjunDen 19.Oct.2010第二篇:高中毕业证书公证件翻译件公证书(2010)鄂洪兴证字第5162号兹证明前面的影印件与XX中学于二00五年六月八日发给XX的毕业证编号为123456789的《毕业证书》原件相符。

中英文学历公证书中英文学历公证书篇一:学历公证涉外公证中英文(固定格式,办理前准备好,不用花冤枉钱)图片已关闭显示,点此查看图片已关闭显示,点此查看篇二:关于公正处英语范文的资料1. 出生证明(Birth Cer tificate)Birth Cert ificate (81) Ning Zi, N. 1232This is tcertify th at Guangzu u, male,as brn n M ay 21, 1941, in Nanj ing, Jiang su Prvince. Guangzu’s father i s Yide u,and Guangz u’s mtheris MeiqinShi. Nanji ng Ntary P ublic ffic e JiangsuPrvince Th e Peple’sRepublic f China Nta ry: Xia Na n Septembe r 20, 1981出生证明书 (81)宁公证字第1232号吴光祖,男,1941年5月21日在江苏南京市出生。
中华人民共和国江苏省南京市公证处公证员:肖南 1981年9月20日 2.死亡证明 (D eath Certi ficate) De ath Certif icate (78) Ning Zi,N.859 This is t cert ificate th at Yide u, died f il lness n Nv ember 27,1967. Yi de u, male, native f Nanjing,Jiangsu Pr vince, brn in July,1908. N anjing Nta ry Publicffice Jian gsu Prvinc e The Pepl e’s Republ ic f China Ntary: Xi a Nan Febu rary 19, 1978 死亡证明书 (78)宁公证字第859号兹证明吴义德,男,1908年七月生于江苏南京,于1967年11月27日病故。

毕业证明书英文版篇一:毕业证书英文翻译模板今天老师给我们留了个作业,让我们把本科毕业证书翻译成英文的,怎么翻译啊~所以请大家帮帮忙吧~谁能给我提供一个毕业证书的英文模版啊~本科毕业证书的啊~越快越好,如果老师满意,多少钱我都不在乎~包括专升本证书,能有工商管理硕士的最好!学生学位证书英文翻译模板BACHELOR’SDEGREECERTIFICATEThisistocertifythatMs.WangDanli,borninOctober1977,hasstudie dintheDepartmentofLaw,xxxUniversitywithaspecialtyofLawfromS eptember1996toJune2000.Uponcompletingandpassingalltherequir edcoursesofthe4-yearundergraduateprogram,sheisgrantedgradua tion.InaccordancewiththeacademicdegreeactofthePeople’sRepublicofChina,theaforesaidstudentisawardedtheBachelor’sDegreeinLaw.xxxChairmanofDegreeAppraisingCommitteeofxxUniversityJune30,2000CertificateNo.:103354003888本科毕业证书翻译模板DIPLOMAThisistocertifythatMs.WangLan,bornonFebruary29,1980,hasstud iedintheDepartmentofForeignLanguages,xxxUniversitywithaspec ialtyofEnglishfromSeptember1997toJune2000.Uponcompletingand passingalltherequiredcoursesofthe4-yearundergraduateprogram ,sheisgrantedgraduation.xxPresidentofxxUniversityRegistrationNo.:298168015DateIssued:June30,2000本科毕业证书英文翻译样本GraduationcertificateGraduationCertificateCertificateNo._____________Thisistocertifythat___________,bornon__________,nativeof___ _______,hasbeenmajoringinthespecialtyof________________atouruniversity/institutefr omSeptember________toJuly_________.Uponcompletionofallthecoursesspecifiedbythefour-y earundergraduateteachingprogrammewithqualifiedscore,he/sheisherebyqualifiedforgradu ation.ChairmanCommitteeofDegreeAccreditationUniversity42ofJiangsuProvicialGovernment,SuzhouMedicalCollegehasbeenincorporatedintoSoochowUniversityonMar ch30th,2000.AcademicAffairsOfficeSoochowUniversityDate:Year-Month-Day。

完整版英文版毕业证明书[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, ZIP][Country][Email Address][Phone Number][Date]Graduation Office[University Name][University Address][City, State, ZIP][Country]Subject: Full Version English Graduation CertificateTo Whom It May Concern,I am writing to request the issuance of the full version of my English graduation certificate for the completion of my [Bachelor's/Master's/Ph.D.] program at [University Name]. This certificate is required for various purposes such as employment opportunities, further education, and personal records.I, [Your Full Name], completed the requirements for the [Degree Program] on [Graduation Date]. During my time at [University Name], I successfully completed all the necessary courses and obtained the required credits. This letter serves as a formal request for the issuance of my full version English graduation certificate.For your reference, my personal details are as follows:Name: [Your Full Name]Date of Birth: [Date of Birth]Student ID: [Student ID]Please kindly provide the following details in the English graduation certificate:1. Full Name: [Your Full Name]2. Date of Birth: [Date of Birth]3. Gender: [Male/Female]4. Academic Program: [Degree Program]5. Major: [Major]6. University Name: [University Name]7. Dates of Enrollment: [Start Date - End Date]8. Duration of Study: [Number of Years/Months]9. Degree Earned: [Degree Title]10. Honors/Awards (if applicable): [List any honors/awards received]11. Date of Graduation: [Graduation Date]12. Signature: [Your Signature]I understand that there may be a processing fee for the issuance of the full version English graduation certificate. Kindly inform me about the payment details and any additional requirements, if applicable.I would appreciate it if you could process my request at your earliest convenience. If there are any questions or further information needed, please do not hesitate to contact me via the provided contact details. I am available to provide any additional documents or information as required for the issuance of the certificate.Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to receiving the full version of my English graduation certificate.Sincerely,[Your Full Name]。

1. 出生证明(Birth Certificate)Birth Certificate(81) Ning Zi, No. 1232This is to certify that Guangzu Wu, male, was born on May 21, 1941, in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. Guangzu’s father is Yide Wu, and Guangzu’s mother is Meiqin Shi.Nanjing Notary Public OfficeJiangsu ProvinceThe People’s Republic of ChinaNotary: Xiao NanSeptember 20, 1981出生证明书(81)宁公证字第1232号吴光祖,男,1941年5月21日在江苏南京市出生。
中华人民共和国江苏省南京市公证处公证员:肖南1981年9月20日2.死亡证明 (Death Certificate)Death Certificate(78) Ning Zi, No.859This is to certificate that Yide Wu, died of illness on November 27,1967. Yide Wu, male, native of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, born in July, 1908.Nanjing Notary Public OfficeJiangsu ProvinceThe People’s Republ ic of ChinaNotary: Xiao NanFeburary 19, 1978死亡证明书(78)宁公证字第859号兹证明吴义德,男,1908年七月生于江苏南京,于1967年11月27日病故。
中华人民共和国公证员:肖南1978年2月19日3. 学历证明 (Schooling Record Certificate)Schooling Record Certificate(81) Ning Zi, No.1233This is to certify that Guangzu Wu, male, born in May, 1941, studied Chinese Language in the Chinese Department of Jiangsu Teacher’s College from September, 1962 to July, 1966, and then he was enrolled in September, 1977 to study in the Chinese Department of Nanjing University as a postgraduate on Modern Chinese. He had been studying there for two years and finished the courses in July, 1979.The report of the results in his examinations are followed:The History of Chinese Language: GoodChinese Literature: GoodModern Chinese: ExcellentDebate: PassGraduation Thesis: PassNanjing Notary Public OfficeJiangsu ProvinceThe People’s Republic of China Notary: Xiao NanOctober 17, 1980学历证明书(81)宁公证字第1233号吴光祖,男,生于1941年5月。

篇一:公证书英文版certificate(90)lu zi, no. 1130(编号)this is to certificate that miss.yao xiaofen holds a diploma issued to her in june, 2013 by qinzhou university (diploma no. 1160742013000990)and that we have carefully checked the seal of the university and the signature by president xu shuye lingshan county, qinzhou city notary public office guangxi provincethe peoples republic of chinanotary:date:篇二:英文公证书范本英文公证书范本[作者:赛凌翻译 | 发表日期:2009-02-09|文章来源:赛凌翻译网 ] 此英文公证书范本源于爱尔兰公证书翻译,作为公司登记注册公证。
一般来说,英文公证书包含三部分:政府机构或法院签发的证明文书(如courts service)公证员签署的公证书(notary certificate)被公证的文件在英文公证书中,政府机构或法院签发的证明文书非常重要,也是英文公证书的组成部分之一。
该文书一般政府部门或法庭签署,如美国公证书中为各州的高级法庭(supreme court)、加拿大公证书为各省的政府服务部(ministry of government services)、爱尔兰公证书为高级法院(supreme court)。
----------------------------------------------------------------------courts servicean tseirbhis chúirteannai, name of the registrar, assistant registrar of the supreme court hereby certify that it appears from the records of this office that name of notary public whose name is subscribed to the annexed document was on the 30th day of july 2000 appointed a notary public for the city and county of dublin and that her name is at the present time on the roll of notaries.of the above-mentioned notary public on record in this office i verily believe the same to be her proper handwriting and her seal.dated this 18 day of october 2008 thsignature--------------------- name of the registrarassistant registrarseal of the supreme court英文公证书范本第一部分:政府机构或法院签发的证明文书(如courts service)英文公证书范本第二部分:公证员签署的公证书(notary certificate)其他证件翻译>>篇三:公证书中英文对照版下载亲属关系公证书(如:(2012)湘州乾证字第1174申请人:xxx男,xxxx年x月x日出生,身份证号码:住址:关系人:xxx,男,xxxx年x月x日出生,身份证号码:住址:公证事项:亲属关系兹证明xxx是xxx的儿子。

苏州大学教务处(盖章)****年** 月**日education certificationthis is to certify that student*****(name), ***(gender), bornin **(month), ****(year), studied a **-year undergraduate/junior college/ postgraduate course at soochow universityfrom**(month), ****(year) to **(month), ****(year),majoring in******. having passed all courses stipulated in the teaching program, the above student received a graduation certificate in **(month), ****(year) .(certificate serial number:***********)academic affairs officesoochow universitydate: year-month-day【篇二:毕业证书英文翻译模板】今天老师给我们留了个作业,让我们把本科毕业证书翻译成英文的,怎么翻译啊~所以请大家帮帮忙吧~谁能给我提供一个毕业证书的英文模版啊~本科毕业证书的啊~越快越好,如果老师满意,多少钱我都不在乎~包括专升本证书,能有工商管理硕士的最好!学生学位证书英文翻译模板bachelor’s degree certificatethis is to certify that ms. wang danli, born in october 1977, has studied in the department of law, xxx university with aspecialty of law from september 1996 to june 2000. upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation. in accordance with the academic degree act of the pe ople’srepublic of china, the aforesaid student is awarded the bachelor’s degree in law. xxxchairman ofdegree appraising committee ofxx universityjune 30, 2000certificate no.: 103354003888本科毕业证书翻译模板diplomathis is to certify that ms. wang lan, born on february 29, 1980, has studied in the department of foreignlanguages,xxxuniversity with a specialty of english from september 1997 to june 2000. upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation.xxpresident ofxx universityregistration no.: 298168015date issued: june 30, 2000本科毕业证书英文翻译样本graduation certificategraduation certificatecertificate no. _____________in the specialty of ________________ at ouruniversity/institute fromseptember ________ to july_________. upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduate teachingprogramme with qualified score, he/she is hereby qualified for graduation.(signature)presidentuniversity (seal)xx july xxxx学士学位证书翻译样本bachelor certificatecertificate of bachelor’s degreecertificate no.:this is to certify that , male / female, native of __________,born on __________, has beenmajoring in the specialty of at our university/ institute from september_____ tojuly _______. upon completion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduateteaching programme with qualified score, he/she is qualifiedfor graduation. in conformity withthe articles of the regulations regarding academic degrees of the people’s republic of china,he/she has been conferred to the degree of bachelor of___________. (signature)chairmancommittee of degree accreditationuniversity (seal)xx july xxxx如果学校要求寄学位证书复印件的话,可以复印一份中文的。
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毕业公证书中英文篇一:毕业证公证英文模板NOTARIAL CERTIFICATEShang Fu Zheng Wai Min Zi No. 35Applicant: Feng Bingru, female, was born on January 17, 1994, ID Card No.: ………………………., now resides at No.3, Feng Yi Lane, North of Dongguang Street, Chengguan Town, Xiayi County, Henan Province, China.Notarial affair: Graduation CertificateThis is to certify that the above copy conforms to the original Graduation Certificate issued to Feng Bingru by Xiayi County High School of Henan Province on June 2, 20XX. The original is authentic. The English translation attached to the above copy conforms to the content of Chinese original.Shangfu Notary Public Office of Shangqiu City Henan Province the People’s Republic of China Notary: Song HelinJanuary 8, 20XX篇二:毕业证英文公证书notarial certificateshang fu zheng wai min zi no. 35 applicant: fengbingru, female, was born on january 17, 1994, id card no.: ?????????., now resides at no.3, feng yi lane, north of dongguangstreet, chengguan town, xiayi county, henan province, china. notarial affair: graduation certificate this is to certify that the above copy conforms to the original graduationcertificate issued to feng bingru by xiayi county high school of henan province onjune 2, 20XX. the original is authentic. the english translation attached to the abovecopy conforms to the content of chinese original. shangfu notary public office of shangqiu city henan province the people’srepublic of chinanotary: song helin january 8, 20XX篇二:毕业证书公证件翻译件公证书(20XX)鄂洪兴证字第5171号兹证明前面的影印件与xx大学于二00九年六月三十日发给xx的证书编号为123456789的《毕业证书》原件相符。
中华人民共和国湖北省武汉市洪兴公证处公证员:李建军二0一0年十月十九日 notarielle urkunde(20XX)e hongxing zheng zi .5158 hiermit beglaubigt das notariat die übereinstimmung der vorstehenden kopie mitdem original des abschlusszeugnises, das mit urkunde-reg.-: 123456789 zum xx vonxxx universit?t im30.juni.20XX vergeben wurde. die sicherheit des pr?gestempels, des siegels undder unterschrift des rektors xxx im original ist best?tigt worden. die deutsche übersetzung der vorstehenden kopie übereinstimmt auch mit chinesichem original. notariat wuhan hongxing im hubei provinz der vr china notar: li jianjun den 19. oct. 20XX篇三:高中毕业证公证翻译标准版篇四:毕业证,学位证,成绩单翻译及样本毕业证,学位证,成绩单翻译及样本在准备澳洲留学材料过程中,发现毕业证、学位证、成绩单、户口薄、出生证明都是需要公证滴很大菜鸟们开始面对这些杂七杂八的材料和从未接触过的公证时不晓得从哪里入手也不晓得该如何准备材料其实即使是中介代理申请国外学校的亲们在起初遇到公证问题的时候都会有一萝框的疑问,更何况是那些diy的童鞋?例如,申请学校和办理签证需要哪些公证?在哪里办理,是自己家乡还是自己所在地?公证如何收费?可以自己翻译证书么? 公证错了应该找谁负责?希望看了这篇贴后,亲们能找到答案。
可能mq 大学在审理我的材料的时候不是很仔细,所以给了我offer,而悉大则相对严格,所以迟迟没给我offer。
tips: 筒子们在申请学校或者做签证的时候,不要太相信公证处,拿到公证后一定要仔细检查公证是否有疏漏;如果亲的公证处允许,亲可以自己翻译你要公证的证件,这样可以节约大概50%的公证费;用来申请悉尼大学的成绩单可以不用公证,公证了反而可能增加不必要的麻烦,亲可以直接用学校承认的英文成绩单申请;拿到任何公证,亲都应该及时发现公证件错误的地方,因为如果因为公证的问题而耽误了亲的申请,即使公证处愿意给你重新公证,或者赔偿,亲也是得不偿失啦,关键是要保证亲能顺利拿到offer。
中华人民共和国湖北省武汉市洪兴公证处公证员:李建军二0一0年十月十九日notarielle urkunde(20XX)e hongxing zheng zi .5158 hiermit beglaubigt das notariat die übereinstimmung dervorstehenden kopie mit dem original des abschlusszeugnises, das mit urkunde-reg.-: 123456789 zum xx von xxx universit?t im30.juni.20XX vergeben wurde. die sicherheit des pr?gestempels, des siegels und der unterschrift des rektors xxx im original ist best?tigtworden. die deutsche übersetzung der vorstehenden kopieübereinstimmt auch mit chinesichem original. notariat wuhan hongxing im hubei provinz der vr china notar: li jianjun den 19. oct. 20XX 附表:1合作经营协议书甲方:乙方:经甲乙双方友好协商,就中石油煤层气保德区块地面工程合作经营事宜,自愿达成如下协议,以资信守:一、合伙宗旨:共同合作、合法经营、利益共享、风险共担。