康 复 医 学
其后,世界卫生组织(WHO)医疗 康复专家委员会(1969)对康复的定 义作了如下说明:“康复是指综合地 和 协调地应用医学的社会的、教育的和 职业的措施,对患者进行训练和再训
经过数10年的发展康复的目的更加明 确,即所谓重返社会。因此,1981年 WHO医疗康复专家委员会又把康复定义 为:“康复是指应用各种有用的措施以
3、作业疗法(occupational therapy) 指为复原患者功能,有目的、有针 对性地从日常生活活动(activities of daily living, ADL) 、职业劳动、 文娱活动和认知(cognitive)活动中 选择一些作业,对患者进行训练, 以缓解症状或改善功能的一种治疗 方法称为作业疗法。
二、 发展简史
(一)国内:康复搞得很早,但发展很慢 关于康复手段,祖国医学宝库中 有很多记载,如:在黄帝内经《内 经· 素向》中就提到应用针灸、导引 (医疗体育--呼吸体操和医疗体 操)、按、浴(水疗)、熨(热疗、 热敷)等。
长沙马王堆3号汉墓出土文物中的《医 经方》,提到用针灸治疗髋关节运动 障碍和膝关节强直。其帛书《导引图》 绘有医疗体操多种,并注明各种体操 的名称及其主治的疾病(参图1-3)
从事作业疗法的康复治疗技术人 员称作业疗法师或士(occupational therapy, OT)
4、言语疗法(speech therapist) 是指对脑卒中、颅脑损伤、小儿 脑性瘫痪等伤病引起的失语症、 构音障碍、言语失用、言语错乱 和痴呆性言语等进行评定,并进 行训练和矫治的方法。
2、物理疗法 物理疗法(physical therapy,PT)是 应用力、电、光、声、磁、热疗 同动力学等物理因素治疗疾病的 方法。
1. Strength training:肌肉力量训练
2. Flexibility training:柔韧性训练
3. Cardiovascular health:心血管健康
4. Rehabilitation care:康复护理
5. Physical therapy:物理治疗
6. Range of motion:运动范围
7. Resistance training:抗阻训练
8. Aerobic exercise:有氧运动
9. Anaerobic exercise:无氧运动
10. Muscle endurance:肌肉耐力
- 1 -。
1. Patient care(病人护理)2. vital sign(生命体征)3. wound care(伤口护理)4. medication administration(药物管理)5. hygiene(卫生)6. nursing assessment(护理评估)7. pain management(疼痛管理)8. IV therapy(静脉输液)9. patient education(患者教育)10. discharge planning(出院计划)二、护理交流中常见的句子1. How are you feeling today?(你今天感觉怎么样?)2. What is your pain level on a scale from 1 to 10?(你的疼痛程度是多少?)3. Can you describe the symptoms you are experiencing?(你能描述一下你正在经历的症状吗?)4. It's time for your medication.(该是你服药的时间了。
)5. I will be back to check on you in a little while.(我会在一会儿回来看你。
)6. You need to get some rest to help with your recovery.(你需要休息一下以帮助康复。
)7. Let me know if you need anything.(如果你需要什么,告诉我。
)8. I'm going to take your blood pressure now.(我现在要给你测量血压。
康复治疗师面试对话:专业技能与人文关怀的融合**English Version:****Interview Dialogue for Rehabilitation Therapist Position: A Blend of Professional Skills and Humanistic Care****Interviewer:** Good morning, could you please introduce yourself briefly?**Candidate:** Good morning, my name is John Smith. I hold a degree in Rehabilitation Sciences and have been working as a rehabilitation therapist for the past five years. My primary focus has been on helping patients recover from physical injuries and improve their quality of life.**Interviewer:** That sounds impressive. Could you tell us about a challenging case you have worked with and how you helped the patient?**Candidate:** Sure. I once worked with a patient who had suffered a stroke and was having difficulty walking and speaking.除了常规的物理治疗和言语治疗外,我还引入了音乐疗法和艺术疗法,尝试从多个角度刺激他的大脑。
1. Physical therapy:物理治疗Physical therapy is an important component of rehabilitation for patients recovering from injuries or surgeries.在康复训练英语中,还有一些常用的句型和表达方式,如下所示:1. Can you show me how to do this exercise?你能向我展示如何做这个训练吗?2. Let's start with some warm-up exercises.让我们从一些热身运动开始。
5. Are you feeling any discomfort?你感到不适吗?6. You are making great progress in your rehabilitation.你在康复训练中取得了很大进步。
康复专业英语(简单常用)来源:刘伟维的日志Aactivity limitation 活动受限assessment评价aquatic rehabilitation 水疗associated reaction 联合反应activity of daily living 日常生活活动能力agnosia失认anomia命名障碍alexia阅读困难aphasia失语arthritis关节炎adhesive capsulitis 粘连性关节囊炎ankylosing spondylitis 强直性脊柱炎amputation截肢Bbiofeedback生物反馈brace支架block阻滞Ccomprehensive rehabilitation 综合性康复contextual factor 背景因素complementary and alternative medicine 代偿和替代医学技术contraction收缩cognition认知cerebral palsy脑瘫cervical spondylosis 颈椎病Ddisablement残疾dysarthria构音障碍Eeducational rehabilitation 教育康复environmental factor 环境因素evaluation评定extensor伸肌electromyograph y肌电图evoked potentia l诱发电位Fg功能functional neuromuscular stimulation 功能性神经肌肉电刺激flexor屈肌Ggait aids步态辅助器Hhandicap残障hemiplegia偏瘫herniation of lumbar disc 腰椎间盘突出症Iimpairment损伤isometric等长isotonic等张isokinetic等速Kkinematics运动学kinetics动力学Mmedical rehabilitation 医学康复n手法治疗massage按摩manual muscle testing 手法肌力测试Nneglect忽略neurodevelopment treatment 神经发育疗法Ooutcome后果occupational therapy 作业治疗orthosis矫型器osteoarthritis骨关节炎osteoporosis骨质疏松症Pparticipation restriction 参与限制personal factor个人因素practicality实用性physical therapy物理治疗physical agents。
1. 常见疾病及症状•心脏病:heart disease•癌症:cancer•糖尿病:diabetes•高血压:hypertension•发热:fever•头痛:headache•呼吸困难:shortness of breath•肌肉疼痛:muscle pain•腹痛:abdominal pain•呕吐:vomiting•腹泻:diarrhea2. 医学检查和治疗•血液检查:blood test•X光检查:X-ray examination•药物治疗:medication therapy•手术治疗:surgical treatment•化疗:chemotherapy•放疗:radiation therapy•康复理疗:rehabilitation therapy3. 医学专业人员称谓•医生:doctor/physician•护士:nurse•手术室护士:operating room nurse•实习医生:intern•住院医生:resident•外科医生:surgeon•小儿医生:pediatrician•心脏专家:cardiologist•神经科医生:neurologist4. 医学相关情况表达•我感觉不舒服:I am feeling unwell.•我需要看医生:I need to see a doctor.•我有发热和头痛:I have a fever and headache.•我需要紧急治疗:I need urgent treatment.•请给我开药方:Please write me a prescription.•我需要进行手术:I need to undergo surgery.•我需要住院观察:I need to be hospitalized for observation.以上仅为医学专业中部分常见的英语术语及表达,希望对需要学习或工作于医疗行业的人士有所帮助。
正因康复医学是在物理医学的基础 上发展起来的,所以有“物理医学是 康复医学之母”的说法。
迄今欧美各国常将康复医学这一 专业称为物理医学与康复就是这个 道理。
另外,这一新兴学科是继预防医 学(第一医学)、临床医学(第二 医学)之后发展起来的,因而有人 称它为第三医学。“预防、临床治 疗、康复”三结合是医学的一个新 飞跃、新阶段,它使医学更完整、 更彻底地向社会提供了优质服务。
美国物理医 学会成立 (1922)
“教育康复”(educational rehabilitation, 通
“职业康复”(vocational rehabilitation,恢 复就业,取得就业机会)、
“社会康复”(social rehabilitation,在社会 的层次上采取与社会生活有关的措施,促 进残疾人能重返社会)。 实现以上四个领域 的康复也就是“全面康复”
2、物理疗法 物理疗法(physical therapy,PT)是 应用力、电、光、声、磁、热疗 同动力学等物理因素治疗疾病的 方法。
(1) 、力学类:
a、主动的运动疗法: 运动疗法(kinesiotherapy)(又称为治 疗性锻炼,therapeutic exercise)是指利 用运动的方法,对身体的功能障碍和 功能低下,起到预防,改善和恢复作 用的一种特殊疗法。是在治疗师的指 导下,为达到某种目的而进行的积极 的运动。患者无此愿望是无法进行的, 因此,运动是以患者主动参与为主体 的特殊治疗方法。
值得说明的:医学康复(medical rehabilitation)和康复医学(rdhabilitation medicine)是两个完全不同的概念。医 学康复是指专业医务人员采用医学的方 法和手段(如药物、手术等)来预防和 治疗残疾,并在其他非医学手段的配合 下,使病人最大限度地回归社会,但其 本身不是一种专业或学术的概念。
髋关节置换术后康复相关的专业英语术语A外展角abduction angle外展支具abduction hip braces外展机制abductor mechanism髋臼加强笼acetabular cage髋臼发育不良acetabular dysplasia同种异体移植物allograft强直性脊柱炎ankylosiong spondylitis抗生素骨水泥间隔器antibiotic-loaded spacer关节融合术arthrodesis关节镜arthroscopy无菌性松动aseptic loosening自体移植物autograft内收adductionB双极头假体bipolar prostheses植骨bone grafting股二头肌biceps femorisC股骨矩calcar femoris腔隙性缺损cavitary defect骨水泥床cemented beds股水泥假体cemented component环扎术cerclage限制性constrained交叉腿crossing leg禁忌症contra-indicationD清创术debridement臼顶dome深静脉血栓deep venous thrombosis脱位dislocationF疲劳性骨折fatigue fracture骨髓腔femoral canal股骨打压植骨femoral impaction grafting屈曲flexionG臀大肌gluteus maximus臀中肌gluteus medius臀小肌gluteus minimus腓肠肌gastrocnemiusH半球形hemispheric异位骨化heterotopic ossification高交联聚乙烯high corss-linked polyethylene 股二头肌hamstringsI撞击impingement粗隆间截骨intertrochanteric osteotomy适应症indication髂肌iliacusJ巨型的jumboL松弛laxity下肢长度差limb-length difference低分子肝素low molecular weight heparin腰丛病变lumbar plexopathy腰椎强直lumbar spondylosisM移位的malpositioned代谢性骨病metabolic bone disease小切口手术mini-incision procedures组配式假体modular stemN坏死necrosis神经阻滞nerve block神经肌肉疾病neuromuscular disease不愈合nonunionO偏心距offset骨关节炎osteoarthritis骨量减少osteopenia骨溶解osteolysis骨软化症osteomalacia骨坏死osteonecrosis骨质疏松症osteoporosis截骨osteotomyP瘫痪palsy骨盆不连pelvic discontinuity骨盆倾斜pelvic obliquity髋臼周围骨缺损periacetabular bone deficiency 腓神经麻痹peroneal nerve palsy体格检查physical examination失误pitfalls术后脱位postoperative dislocation髋臼突出protrusion acetabulum俯卧位prone腰大肌肌腱增生psoas tendon hypertrophy腰大肌psoas major腓骨长肌peroneus longus腓骨短肌peroneus brevisR放疗radiation therapy牵引器rectratorS瘢痕组织scar tissue坐骨神经sciatic nerves坐骨切迹sciatic notch节段性骨缺损segmental defects椎管狭窄spinal stenosis应力遮挡stress shielding缝匠肌sartorius半腱肌semitendinosus半膜肌semimembranosus比目鱼肌soleus仰卧supine侧卧side-lying坐位sittingT全髋关节置换total hip replacement, total hip arthroplasty 模板template大粗隆截骨greater trochanteric osteotomy胫骨前肌tibialis anterior胫骨后肌tibialis posteriorU非股水泥uncemented尿潴留urinary tetentionV分型vancouver type Vancouver内翻截骨varus osteotomy静脉血栓栓塞疾病venous thromboembolic disease (VTED) 体积磨损volumetric wear光阴无涯的荒原,于一段温柔往事里,缄默不语。
一、健康状况1. Physical health - 身体健康Physical health refers to the overall condition of a person's body and how well it functions.2. Mental health - 心理健康Mental health refers to a person's emotional well-being, ability to cope with stress, and overall psychological state.3. Well-being - 幸福感Well-being describes the state of being happy, healthy, and contentwith one's life.4. Fitness - 健身Fitness refers to the ability of the body to perform physical activities.5. Nutrition - 营养Nutrition is the process of providing the body with the necessary substances for growth, maintenance, and repair.二、常见疾病与症状1. Allergy - 过敏An allergy is an immune response to a substance that is usually harmless. Common allergies include pollen, dust, and certain foods.2. Asthma - 哮喘Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that causes difficulty in breathing, wheezing, and coughing.3. Diabetes - 糖尿病Diabetes is a condition that affects the body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels. It can result in high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).4. Hypertension - 高血压Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a condition in which the force of blood against the artery walls is too high.5. Fever - 发烧Fever is a temporary increase in body temperature, often accompanied by symptoms such as sweating, chills, and fatigue. It is a sign that the body is fighting off an infection.6. Headache - 头痛A headache is a pain or discomfort in the head or neck region. It can be caused by various factors, such as tension, stress, or a medical condition.三、医疗机构与专业人员1. Hospital - 医院A hospital is a medical institution where patients receive diagnosis, treatment, and care for various illnesses and injuries.2. Clinic - 诊所A clinic is a healthcare facility that provides medical services and treats minor illnesses and injuries.3. Doctor - 医生A doctor is a qualified medical professional who diagnoses and treats illnesses, provides medical advice, and prescribes medication.4. Nurse - 护士A nurse is a healthcare professional who assists doctors and provides care for patients, such as administering medication, monitoring vital signs, and offering emotional support.5. Pharmacist - 药剂师A pharmacist is a healthcare professional who dispenses medications, provides information on drug usage, and offers advice on maintaining optimal health.四、常用诊断方法与治疗1. X-ray - X光X-ray is a diagnostic imaging technique that uses electromagnetic waves to create images of the internal structures of the body.2. Blood test - 血液检查A blood test is a laboratory analysis of a blood sample to evaluate various aspects of a person's health, such as blood cell count, cholesterol levels, and organ function.3. Prescription - 处方A prescription is a written order from a doctor for a specific medication or treatment.4. Surgery - 手术Surgery is a medical procedure that involves invasive techniques to repair, remove, or replace diseased or damaged tissues or organs.5. Rehabilitation - 康复Rehabilitation is a process of restoring physical and mental health after an illness, injury, or surgery through exercises, therapy, and lifestyle modifications.通过学习以上这些健康与医疗术语,我们可以更好地理解和运用英语,进一步提升我们的健康意识和医疗素养。
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针对南京 中医药大 学第二 临床 医学 院康 复治疗专业 大
三学生进行理疗学双语教学 。学生共 4 人 , 5 男生 l 人 , 3 女生
展专业课双语教学 ( 1。 表 ) 针对双语教 学对学 生学 习专业 外语兴趣 和投入 的调查 显示 , 理疗学双语教学 促进 了学生 专业 外语学 习的兴趣 ( < 尸 0 1 和查 找学 习专 业外语 学 习资料 的投 入 ( < . ) 见 表 .) 0 P 00 , 5
1. 康复(Rehabilitation)康复是指通过协调不同的医疗和康复服务,使丧失能力或功能减退的个体恢复其尽可能高的身体、精神和社会功能的过程。
2. 职业康复(Vocational Rehabilitation)职业康复是指帮助因意外事故、疾病或其他原因导致职业能力受损的个体恢复或重新融入职业生活的过程。
3. 物理治疗(Physical Therapy)物理治疗是一种通过运动、按摩、热敷、冷敷等手法,来改善个体的运动功能、减轻疼痛、增强肌肉力量和恢复日常生活能力的治疗方法。
4. 言语治疗(Speech Therapy)言语治疗是一种帮助个体改善语言和沟通能力的治疗方法,常见于吞咽障碍、语言发育迟缓、发音困难等病症的康复过程中。
5. 职业治疗(Occupational Therapy)职业治疗是一种通过日常活动和职业训练来帮助个体恢复、提高或维持其在日常生活和工作中的独立性和功能能力的治疗方法。
6. 假肢与矫形器(Prosthetics and Orthotics)假肢与矫形器是指用于替代缺失肢体或支撑和矫正异常肢体的辅助装置。
康复 专业术语
康复专业英语1.最大心率AAMHR2.腹式呼吸运动abdominal breathing exercises3.擦浴ablution4.可进入;可使用accessibility5.适应比值accommodation ratio6.主动助力运动active assistant exercises7.主动运动active exercises8.日常生活活动activities of daily living,ADL9.日常生活活动Activities of Daily Living,ADL10.适应性活动adaptive activity11.有氧训练aerobic training,aerobic exercise12.空气离子化疗法aeroionotherapy13.空气疗法aerotherapy14.冲浴afusion15.步行训练ambulation training16.减痛步态antalgic gait17.失语症aphasia18.失用症apraxia19.水疗,水中运动治疗aqua-therapy20.氯离子激光疗法argon ion laser therapy21.假肢artificial limb22.工艺疗法arts and crafts therapy23.助力运动assistant exercises24.辅助器具Assistive Devices25.联合运动associated movement26.共济失调ataxia27.手足徐动athetoid28.自我训练autotraining29.轴索断裂axonotmesis30.八段锦Baduanjin31.平衡运动balance exercises32.无障碍通行barrier free accessibility,barrier free passage33. Barthel指数Bartbel index34.巴氏指数评分Barthel Index,BI35.狭义ADL,基本ADLBasic ADL,BADL36.床上运动bed exercises37.行为疗法behavior therapy38.行为模式behavioral model39.行为理论behavioral theory40.阅读治疗bibliotherapy41.生物反馈疗法biofeedback therapy,BFT42.眨眼反射blink reflex43.蓝紫光疗法blue and violet light therapy44.支架brace45.脑可塑性Brain Plasticity46.脑干听觉诱发电位brainstem auditory evoked potential,BAEP47.屏气试验breath holding test48.呼吸运动breathing exercises49.盐水浴brine bath50.气泡浴bubble bath51.蝶形槽浴butterfly shaped tank bath,Hubbard tank bath52.手杖cane,walking stick53.二氧化碳激光疗法carbondioxide laser therapy54.木工疗法carpentry therapy55.雕刻疗法carving therapy56.厘米波疗法centimeter wave therapy57.小脑共济失调步态cerebellar ataxic gait58.脑瘫cerebral palsy59.推拿Chinese manipulation,traditional manipulation60.中医传统作业疗法Chinese Style OT61.脊柱推拿法chiropractic62.时值chronaxia,CHR63.循环训练(法)circuit training64.古典式电诊断法classical electrodiagnosis65.以患者为中心的治疗Client-centered Intervention66.气候疗法climatotherapy67.攀登运动climbing exercises68.认知干预Cognitive Intervention69.认知疗法cognitive therapy70.认知训练cognitive training71.冷敷cold compress72.冷疗法cold therapy73.社基康复community-based-rehabilitation,CBR74.补偿适应Compensation/Adaptation75.全面康复comprehensive rehabilitation76.压力衣Compression Garments,Pressure Suit77.加压疗法compression therapy78.向心收缩concentric contraction79.保健操conditioning exercises80.传导阻滞conduction block81.传导热疗法conductive heat therapy82.冷热交替浴contrast bath83.整理活动cooling-down84.协调运动coordination exercises85.紧张控制技术模式coping skill model86.矫正运动corrective exercises87.皮层重组Cortical Reorganization88.爬行运动crawling exercises89.矿泉疗养学crenology90.矿泉疗法crenotherapy91.危机理论crisis theory92.腋杖crutch93.冷冻疗法cryotherapy94.舞蹈疗法,dance therapy95.导引daoyin96.达松伐电疗法d‘Arsonval electrotherapy,d’Arsonvalization97.分米波疗法decimeter wave therapy98.失神经支配denervation99.缺损detect100.间动电疗法diadynamic current therapy,Bernard therapy 101-200——1.膈式呼吸运动diaphragmatic breathing exercises2.透热疗法diathermy3.残疾是病损、失能、残障三者之总称。
医学英语的一些词汇学习资料常见的医学专业英语词汇应用生物学 Applied Biology 医学技术 Medical Technology细胞生物学 Cell Biology 医学 Medicine生物学 Biology 护理麻醉学 Nurse Anesthesia进化生物学 Evolutionary Biology 口腔外科学 Oral Surgery海洋生物学 Marine Biology 口腔/牙科科学 Oral/Dental Sciences微生物学 Microbiology 骨科医学 Osteopathic Medicine分子生物学 Molecular Biology 耳科学 Otology医学微生物学 Medical Microbiology 理疗学 Physical Therapy口腔生物学 Oral Biology 足病医学 Podiatric Medicine寄生物学 Parasutology 眼科学 Ophthalmology植物生物学 Plant Physiology 预防医学 Preventive Medicine心理生物学 Psychobiology 放射学 Radiology放射生物学 Radiation Biology 康复咨询学 Rehabilitation Counseling 理论生物学 Theoretical Biology 康复护理学 Rehabilitation Nursing 野生生物学 Wildlife Biology 外科护理学 Surgical Nursing环境生物学 Environmental Biology 治疗学 Therapeutics运动生物学 Exercise Physiology 畸形学 Teratology有机体生物学 Organismal Biology 兽医学 Veterinary Sciences生物统计学 Biometrics 牙科卫生学 Dental Sciences生物物理学Biophysics 牙科科学 Dentistry生物心理学 Biopsychology 皮肤学 Dermatology生物统计学 Biostatistics 内分泌学 Endocrinology生物工艺学 Biotechnology 遗传学 Genetics生物化学 Biological Chemistry 解剖学 Anatomy生物工程学 Biological Engineering 麻醉学 Anesthesia生物数学 Biomathematics 临床科学 Clinical Science生物医学科学 Biomedical Science 临床心理学 Clinical Psychology 细胞生物学和分子生物学 Celluar and Molecular Biology医学专业英语词汇学习-外科护理常用英语伤口护理 wound management伤口 wound一、伤口的性质 nature of wound bed1、健康肉芽形成 healthy granulation2、上皮形成 epithelization3、腐肉 slough4、黑色或棕色坏死组织 black/brown necrotic tissue5、其他(具体说明) specify二、渗出液 extravasate1、容量 volume 1)较少 slight 2)中等 moderate 3)大量 large2、性质 type 1)血清的 serous 2)血污的 blood stained 3)脓性的purulent3、气味 odour 1)没有 none 2)温和的 mild 3)刺激的 offensive三、伤口周边 wound margin1、颜色 colour2、水肿的 dropsical四、伤口深度 wound depth五、红斑 erythema1、呈现 present2、离伤口的最远距离 max, distance from wound六、周围皮肤的性质 general condition of surrounding skin1、干燥 dry2、湿疹 eczema七、疼痛程度 pain1、没有 0 none 温和 1 mild 中等 2 moderate 严重 3 severe2、间歇的 intermittent 恒定不变的 constant 换药时 at dressing change八、感染 infection1、疑似 suspected2、伤口拭子送检 wound swab sent3、确诊病菌感染 confirmed医学英语—常用护理词汇Nursing processes 护理过程assessment 估计nursing diagnosis 护理诊断planning 计划intervention (implementation, management) 措施(实施、管理) evaluation 评价Daily care of the patient 对病人的日常护理morning (evening) care, AM (HS) care 晨(晚)间护理bedmaking 整理床铺oral hygiene (mouth care) 口腔卫生brushing the teeth 刷牙flossing the teeth 清牙垢denture care 清洗假牙bathing 洗澡cleanliness and skin care 清洁与皮肤护理perineal care 洗会阴hair 梳头shaving 刮脸Care of nails and feet 指甲修剪和洗脚changing hospital gowns 更换住院服装massage 按摩bedsore care 褥疮护理Measurement of vital signs 测量生命体征taking oral (rectal, axillary) temperature量口腔(直肠、腋下)体温taking a radial pulse 测量桡动脉脉搏counting respirations 计呼吸次数measuring (taking) blood pressure 量血压Catheterization 导管插入术 cardiac catheterization 心导管插入术laryngeal catheterization喉插管术retro-urethral catheterization 逆行导尿管插入术urethral catheterization 尿道导管插入术Clean techniques, medical asepsis 消毒灭菌asepsis 无菌(法)integral asepsis 完全无菌disinfection 消毒concomitant (concurrent) disinfection 随时消毒,即时消毒steam disinfection 蒸汽消毒terminal disinfection 终末消毒disinfection by ultraviolet light 紫外线消毒Sterilization 灭菌,消毒chemical sterilization 化学灭菌法fractional sterilization 间歇灭菌法intermittent sterilization 间歇灭菌法mechanical sterilization 器械灭菌法Decompression 减压(术)oardiac decompression 心减压术cerebral decompression 脑减压术orbital decompression 眼眶减压术decompression of decompression 心包减压术gastro-intestinal decompression 胃肠减压术decompression of rectum 直肠减压术decompression of spinal cord 脊髓减压术Dialysis透析peritoneal dialysis腹膜透析hemodialysis 血液透析Drainage 引流、导液aspiration (suction) drainage 吸引导液(引流)closed drainage 关闭引流法negative pressure drainage 负压吸引法open drainage 开放引流法postural drainage 体位引流法vaginal drainage 阴道引流法vesicocelomic drainage 膀胱腹腔引流Drainage 灌肠barium enema钡灌肠blind enema肛管排气法contrast enema对比灌肠glycerin enema甘油灌肠high (low) enema 高(低)位灌肠magnesium sulfate enema 硫酸镁灌肠retention (non-retention) enema 保留(无保留)灌肠soapsuds enema 肥皂水灌肠turpentine enema 松节油灌肠Feeding 饲,喂养Forced (forcible) feeding 强制喂养intubtaion (tube) feeding 管饲法nasal feeding 鼻饲法rectal feeding 直肠营养法Heat and clod applications 冷、热敷 applying hot compresses 热敷applying hot soaks 湿热敷assisting the patient to take a sitz bath 帮病人坐浴applying hot water bottles 用热水瓶applying an ice bag (collar0 用冰袋applying cold compresses 冷敷giving a cold (an alcohol) sponge bath 冷水(酒精)擦浴Infusion 输入,注入glucose infusion 葡萄糖液输注glucose-saline infusion 葡萄糖-盐水输注saline infusion 盐水输注Injection 注射endermic (intracutaneous) injection 皮内注射hypertonic saline injection 高渗盐水注射hypodermic injection 皮下注射intramuscular injection 肌内注射intraocular injection 眼球注射intrapleural injection 胸膜腔注射intrauterine injection 子宫内注射nasal injection 鼻内注射peritoneal injection 腹膜腔注射rectal injection 直肠注射subconjunctival injection 结膜下注射urethral injection 尿道注射vaginal injection 阴道注射Irrigation 冲洗vaginal irrigation 阴道冲洗bladder irrigation 膀胱冲洗continuous irrigation 连续冲洗法mediate irrigation 间接冲洗法Isolation 隔离、分离strict isolation 严密隔离contact isolation 接触隔离respiratory isolation 呼吸隔离drainage (secretion) precautions 引流预防措施enteric precautions 肠道预防措施blood (body fluid) precautions 血液(体液)预防措施protective isolation 保护性隔离Lavage 灌洗blood (systemic) lavage 血液毒素清洗法ether lavage (腹腔内)乙醚洗法gastric lavage 洗胃intestinal lavage 洗肠peritoneal lavage 腹膜腔灌洗pleural lavage 胸膜腔灌洗Medication 药疗,投药,给药 endermic medication 皮内透药法hypodermatic medication 皮下投药法intramuscular medication 肌肉投药法ionic medication 离子透药疗法nasal medication 鼻内投药法oral medication 口服法rectal medication 直肠投药法sublingual medication 舌下投药法transduodenal medication 十二指肠内投药法vaginal medication 阴道投药法Suctioning 吸气引液upper airway suctioning 上呼吸道抽吸法nasogastric suctioning 鼻胃抽吸wound suctioning 伤口吸引Transfusion 输血arterial transfusion 动脉输血blood transfusion 输血direct (immediate ) transfusion 直接输血drip transfusion 滴注输(血)液indirect transfusion 间接输血plasma transfusion 输血浆serum transfusion 输血清venous transfusion 静脉输血,静脉输液Diet nursing 伙食护理 absolute diet (fasting) 禁食balanced diet 均衡伙食convalescent diet 恢复期饮食diabetic diet 糖尿病饮食eucaloric diet 适当热量饮食fat-free diet 无脂饮食salt-free diet 无盐饮食fever diet 热病饮食full diet 全食,普通饮食half diet 半食high caloric diet 高热量饮食high-carbohydrate diet 高糖类饮食high-protein (protein rich) diet 高蛋白饮食invalid diet 病弱者饮食light diet 易消化饮食liquid diet 流质饮食high fat diet 高脂饮食low fat diet 低脂饮食low caloric diet 低热量饮食low-protein diet 低蛋白饮食low-residue diet 低渣饮食nourishing diet 滋补饮食obesity diet 肥胖病饮食prenatal diet 孕期饮食regimen diet 规定食谱smooth (soft) diet 细软饮食Preparing the patient for the surgery 为病人手术前做准备s having the patient‘s skin (skin prep) 备皮医.学anesthesia 麻醉Postoperative care 手术后护理coughing and deep-breathing exercises 咳嗽呼吸练习applying elastic stockings 穿弹性袜applying elastic bandages 用弹性绷带Emergency care (first aid) 急救护理cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺循环复苏术mouth-to-mouth(mouth-to-nose,mouth-to-stoma) resuscitation口对口(口对鼻,口对颈部小口)循环复苏术emergency care for fainting (shock, stroke) victims昏厥(休克、中风)患者急救emergency care used to control hemorrhage 止血急救emergency care given to help a patient who is vomiting呕吐患者急救emergency care for a patient during a seizure 癫痫发作急救hospice care 临终护理postmortem care 死后护理医学英语词汇学习资料。
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation
The Essence of TCM
Discover the core principles and philosophy behind Traditional Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation.
Rehabilitation of Neurological Disorders with Traditional Chinese Medicine
Stroke Rehabilitation
Discover how Traditional
Pain Management
Chinese Medicine approaches stroke rehabilitation and
Cardiovascular Disorders
Learn about the holistic approach to cardiovascular health and rehabilitation through Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Respiratory Disorders
Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation
The Concept of Qi
Uncover the significance of Qi
as the vital energy in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine
硕士研究生考试康复医学和理疗学专业英语词汇activity limitation活动受限assessment评价aquatic rehabilitation水疗associated reaction联合反应activity of daily living日常生活活动能力agnosia失认anemia命名障碍alexia阅读困难aphasia失语arthritis关节炎amputation截肢biofeedback生物反馈brace支架block阻滞comprehensive rehabilitation综合性康复contextual factor背景因素complementary and alternative medicine代偿和代替医学技术contraction收缩cognition认知cerebral palsy脑瘫disablement残疾educational rehabilitation教育康复environmental factor环境因素evaluation评定extensor伸肌evoked potential诱发电位functioning功能flexor屈肌gait aids步态辅助器herniation of lumber disc腰椎间盘突出症kinematics运动学kinetics动力学medical rehabilitation医学康复manipulation手法治疗Massage按摩manual muscle testing手法肌力测试outcome后果occupational therapy作业治疗osteoarthritis骨关节炎osteoporosis骨质疏松症participation restriction参与限制personal factor个人因素practicality实用性physical therapy物理治疗physical agents物理因子rheumatoid arthritis类风湿关节炎rating of perceived exertion主观用力程度rehabilitation康复rehabilitation engineering康复工程rehabilitation medicine康复医学reliability信度recreation and sport therapy文娱体育治疗speech therapy言语治疗sprouting神经发芽splint夹板stroke脑卒中spinal cord injury脊髓损伤total rehabilitation全面康复therapeutic exercise治疗性训练traction牵引prosthesis假肢paraplegia截瘫quality of life生活质量rheumatoid arthritis类风湿关节炎reflex反射range of motion关节活动度social rehabilitation社会康复speech therapy言语治疗sprouting神经发芽splint夹板stroke脑卒中spinal cord injury脊髓损伤total rehabilitation全面康复therapeutic exercise治疗性训练traction牵引torque力矩traumatic brain injury脑外伤vocational rehabilitation职业康复validity效度voluntary movement随意运动wheel chair轮椅。
cerebral palsy脑性瘫痪脑卒中cerebral vascular accident=stroke [CVA] 颅脑损伤traumatic brain injury[TBI]脊髓损伤spinal cord injury[SCI] 类风湿关节炎rheumatoid arthritis[RS] 骨性关节炎osteoarthritis[OA] 截肢amputa tion 脊柱侧突scoliosis 颈椎病cervical spondylosis 肩周炎scapulohumeral periarthritis 腰椎间盘突出症lumbar disc herniation[LDH] 冠心病coronary artery disease=coronary heart disease[CAD]or[CHD] 糖尿病diabetes melli tus 骨质疏松症osteoporosis[OP] 癌症康复cancer rehabilitation 痉挛spasticity日常生活活动:ability of Daily Living(ADL)关节松动术:joint mobilization 牵引:traction关节活动度:range of joint motion(ROM)物理治疗:physical therapy作业治疗:occupational therapy言语训练:speech therapy心理治疗:rehabilitation psychology康复工程:rehabilitation bioengineeringCerebral palsy , CP脑性瘫痪Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy , HIE缺氧缺血性脑病按瘫痪部位分类Tetraplegia/quadriplegia四肢瘫Diplegia双瘫Pareplegia截瘫Hemiplegia偏瘫Doule hemiplegia重复偏瘫Triplegia 三肢瘫Monoplegia单瘫分型A spastic type 痉挛型B athetotic type 手足徐动型1、tension 紧张性2、nontension 非紧张性3、dystonia 低紧张性4、tremoro 震颤C rigid type 强直型D ataxic type 失调型E tremor type震颤性F atonia type 弛缓型G mixed type 混合型H unc lassified 不明分型Palmar grasp 手掌握Ridia palmar grasp 桡侧手掌握Ridia digital grasp桡侧手指握Reflex 反射response 反应Stretch reflex 牵张反射Deep tendon reflex 深部腱反射Positive supporting teaction 阳性支持反应Crossed extension reflex 交叉性伸展反射Flexion reflex 屈曲反射tonic neck reflex,TNR紧张性颈反射asymmetrical tonic neck reflex,ATNR 非对称性紧张性颈反射symmetrical tonic neck reflex,STNR 对称性紧张性颈反射Equilibrium reaction 平衡反应Pathological reflex 病理反射Babinski sign 巴宾斯基征Chaddock 卡道克反射Oppenheim 奥奔汉姆反射Gordon 戈尔登反射Schaeffer斯哈夫Gonda 戈思达Hoffman霍夫曼反应Ankle clonus踝阵挛Extensibility 伸展性Spasficify 痉挛性Rigidity 强直On elows 肘支撑位On hands 手支撑位Command crawing 匍匐前进运动On hands-knees 四爬Crawing 腹爬运动Plantigrand walking 高爬运动Total extension patten 伸展协同运动模式Total flexion patten 屈曲协同运动模式Dorsi flexion reflex 背屈反射Plantart flexion reflex 跖屈反射Hopping reaction 跳跃反应Range of motion 关节活动度Activities of daily living,ADL 日常生活动作Impairmet 功能障碍Physical therapy,PT 物理疗法Occupational therap y,OT 作业疗法Botulinum toxiA,BTA 肉毒毒素ANeuro-developmental treatments,NDT 神经发育学治疗法Associa movements 联合运动1.steppage gait 跨阀步态2.scissors gait 剪刀步态3.ataxic gait 共济失调步态4.inter mittent claudication 间歇性跛行5.festination gait 慌张步态6.duanken man gait 醉酒步态7.knee hyperextension 膝过伸步态8. hemiplegic gait 划圈步态9. foot eversion 足外翻步态10. foot inversion 足内翻步态11.reeling gait 蹒跚步态12.equine gait 屈步态13.intoed gait 内八字步态14.out-toe gait 外八字步态1. 超声透入疗法phonophoresis2.光化学疗法photochemotherapy3. 光动力学疗法photodynamic therapy, PDT4. 光量子血液疗法photo-quantized blood therapy5.光敏疗法photosensitization therapy6.光疗法phototherapy, light therapy. 7. 物理医学与康复医师,康复医师physiatrist 8. 物理医学与康复学,康复医学physiatry 9. 躯体的日常生活活动能力physical activities of daily living,PADL 10. 生理性ADL Physica l ADL,PADL 11. 理医学physical functional reconstruction 12. 物理医学与康复(学) physical medicine 13. 物理预防physical medicine and rehabilitation, physiatry 14. 躯体康复physical prophylaxis 15. 理疗法p hysical rehabilitation 16. 游戏疗法physical therapy, physiotherapy 17. 文娱治疗,休闲文娱治疗Play and Lei sure Treatment 18. 多相电位play therapy, game therapy 19. 体位保持polyphase potential 20. 正相波p ositioning 21. 姿势训练positive wave 22. 功率谱postural training 23. 实用性运动power spectrum 24.预防性康复practical exercises 25. 压力疗法Pressure Therapy 26. 就业前评定preventive rehabilitation 27. 就业前训练prevocational evaluation 28. 渐进抗阻运动prevocational training 29. 职业前治疗Pre-voc ational Training 30. 本体感神经肌肉易化法progressive resistant exercises 31. 假体proprioceptive neuromu scular facilitation, PNF 32. 假肢Prosthesis 33. 心理咨询psychological counseling 34. 心理评定psycho logical evaluation 35. 心理疗法psychotherapy36. 脉冲磁场疗法pulsed magnetic field therapy 37. 脉冲短波疗法pulsed short wave therapy 38. 脉冲超短波疗法pulsed ultrashort wave therapy 39. 气功qigong, meditation 40. 股四头肌步态quadriceps femori s gait41.活质量quality of life, QOL 42. 辐射热疗法radiant heat therapy 43. 射频疗法radiofrequency th erapy 44. 关节活动度range of motion, ROM 45. 自感劳累分级rating of perceived exertion, RPE 46.绝对变性反应reaction of absolute degeneration47. 变性反应reaction of degeneration 48. 部分变性反应reaction of partial degeneration 49.完全变性反应reaction of total degeneration 50. 功能重建reconstruction, functional reconstruction 51.文娱疗法recreational therapy 52. 红光疗法red light therapy 53. 再教育reeducation54. 康复(学),复健,复能rehabilitation 55. 康复评估rehabilitation assessment 56. 康复咨询rehabilitation counseling 57. 康复工程rehabilitation engineering 58. 康复评定rehabilitation evaluat ion 59. 康复医学rehabilitation medicine 60. 康复护理rehabilitation nursing 61. 康复程序re habilitation procedure 62. 康复心理学rehabilitation psychology 63. 康复方案rehabilitation scheme, rehabilitation program 64. 强化法reinforcement 65. 放松运动relaxation exercises 66. 修复重建Remediation/Restoration 67. 抗阻运动resistant exercises 68. 再训练retraining 69. 基强度rheohase, RB 70. 节律性运动 rhythmic exercises 71. 峰间期rorer-peak interval 72. 旋转磁场疗法rotated magnetic field therapy 73. 红宝石激光疗法ruby laser therapy 74. 疗养院sanator ium 75. 砂疗法sand therapy 76. 桑那浴,芬兰浴Sauna bath, Finnish hath 77. 冷热交替直喷浴Scotch douche 78. 海水浴seawater bath, tbalassotherapy 79. 剪刀步态seissors'gait 80. 自我评估self-assessment 81. 助器self-help device, aids82. 半导体激光疗法semi-conductor laser therapy 83. 感知觉训练sensory and perceptual training 84. 感觉整合技术Sensory Integrative Treatment, SIT 85. 摇动法shaking 86. 福利工场sh elter workshop87. 短腿步态short leg gait 88. 短波疗法short wave therapy89. 淋浴shower, shower bath 90. 睡眠/清醒周期sleep/wake cycle91. 悬带sling 92. 社会康复social rehabilitation 93. 社会理论social theory 94. 躯体感觉诱发电位somatosensory evoked potential, SSEP, SEP 95. 痉挛性截瘫步态spastic paraplegic gait 9 6. 言语功能测试speech function test 7. 言语治疗speech therapy 98. 盲语训练speech trai ning 99. 自发电位spontaneous activity 100. 步态站立期stance phase1 骨折bone fragment, fracture2 大小,幅度magnitude3 枕颏带chin strap4 骨盆带pelvic belt5 脊柱侧弯scoliosis6 驼背kyphosis7 退行性变degenerative process8 外伤trauma9 神经根病radiculopathy10 滑轮pulley11 椎间孔intervertebral foramina12 胸thoracic13 骶骨sacrum14 先天性畸形congenital deformity 15 液压hydraulic16 椎间盘前突disc protrusion17 椎间盘intervertebral disc18 滑膜synovial membrane19 粘连adherent20 脱出herniate21 韧带ligament22 痉挛spasm23 连续牵引continous traction24 持续牵引sustained traction25 间断牵引intermittent traction26 下颌mandible27 前屈曲线lordotic curve28 摩擦friction29 胸chest30 静脉venous31 禁忌症c ontraindication32 恶性肿瘤?malignancy33 结核tuberculosis34 主动脉动脉瘤aortic aneurysm35 痔疮hemorrhoid36 骨髓炎osteomyelitis37 椎间盘炎discitis38 骨质疏松osteoporosis39 高血压hypertension40 心血管疾病cardiovascular disease41 颈动脉carotid42 椎动脉vertebral artery43怀孕pregnancy44 马尾神经cauda equian45 神经源性膀胱neurogenic bladder46 颞下关节紊乱t emporomandibular joint dysfunction47 心脏收缩的systolic48 心脏舒张的diastolic49 咽的pharyngeal5 0 淤点,出血点petechiae51 肌筋膜myofascial52 使恶化exacerbation53 以经验为主地empirically康复专业英语1.最大心率AAMHR2.腹式呼吸运动abdominal breathing exercises3.擦浴ablution4.可进入;可使用accessibility5.适应比值accommodation ratio6.主动助力运动active assistant exercises7.主动运动active exercises8.日常生活活动activities of daily living,ADL9.日常生活活动Activities of Daily Living,ADL 10.适应性活动adaptive activity 11.有氧训练aerobic training,aerobic exercise 12.空气离子化疗法aeroionotherapy 13.空气疗法aerotherapy 14.冲浴afusion 15.步行训练ambulation training 16.减痛步态antalgic gait 17.失语症aphasia 18.失用症apraxia 19.水疗,水中运动治疗aqua-therapy 20.氯离子激光疗法argon ion laser therapy 21.假肢artificial limb 22.工艺疗法arts and crafts therapy 23.助力运动assistant exercises 24.辅助器具Assistive Devices 25.联合运动associated movement 26.共济失调ataxia 27.手足徐动athetoid 28.自我训练autotraining 29.轴索断裂axonotmesis 30.八段锦Baduanjin 31.平衡运动balance exercises 32.无障碍通行barrier free accessibility,barrier free passage 33. Barthel指数Bartbel index 34.巴氏指数评分Barthel Index,BI 35.狭义ADL,基本ADLBasic ADL,BADL 36.床上运动bed exercises 37.行为疗法behavior therapy 38.行为模式behavioral model 39.行为理论behavioral theory 40.阅读治疗bibliotherapy 41.生物反馈疗法biofeedback therapy,BFT 42.眨眼反射blink reflex 43.蓝紫光疗法blue and violet light therapy 44.支架brace 45.脑可塑性Brain Plasticity 46.脑干听觉诱发电位brainstem auditory evoked potential,BAEP 47.屏气试验breath holding test 48.呼吸运动breathing exercises 49.盐水浴brine bath 50.气泡浴bubble bath 51.蝶形槽浴butterfly shaped tank bath,Hubbard tank bath 52.手杖cane,walking stick 53.二氧化碳激光疗法carbondioxide laser therapy 54.木工疗法carpentry therapy 55.雕刻疗法carving therapy 56.厘米波疗法centimeter wave therapy 57.小脑共济失调步态cerebellar ataxic gait 58.脑瘫cerebral palsy 59.推拿Chinese manipulation,traditional manipulation 60.中医传统作业疗法Chinese Style OT 61.脊柱推拿法chiropractic 62.时值chronaxia,CHR 63.循环训练(法)circuit training 64.古典式电诊断法classical electrodiagnosis 65.以患者为中心的治疗Client-centered Intervention 66.气候疗法climatotherapy 67.攀登运动climbing exercises 68.认知干预Cognitive Intervention 69.认知疗法cognitive therapy 70.认知训练cognitive training 71.冷敷cold compress 72.冷疗法cold therapy 73.社基康复community-based-rehabilitation,CBR 74.补偿适应Compensation/Adaptation 75.全面康复comprehensive rehabilitation 76.压力衣Compression Garments,Pressure Suit 77.加压疗法compression therapy 78.向心收缩concentric contraction 79.保健操conditioning exercises 80.传导阻滞conduction block 81.传导热疗法conductive heat therapy 82.冷热交替浴contrast bath 83.整理活动cooling-down 84.协调运动coordination exercises 85.紧张控制技术模式coping skill model 86.矫正运动correctiveexercises 87.皮层重组Cortical Reorganization 88.爬行运动crawling exercises 89.矿泉疗养学crenology 90.矿泉疗法crenotherapy 91.危机理论crisis theory 92.腋杖crutch 93.冷冻疗法cryotherapy 94.舞蹈疗法,dance therapy 95.导引daoyin 96.达松伐电疗法d‘Arsonval electrotherapy,d’Arsonvalization97.分米波疗法decimeter wave therapy 98.失神经支配denervation 99.缺损detect 100.间动电疗法diadynamic current therapy,Bernard therapy 101-200——1.膈式呼吸运动diaphragmatic breathing exercises 2.透热疗法diathermy 3.残疾是病损、失能、残障三者之总称。
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activity limitation 活动受限assessment 评价
aquatic rehabilitation 水疗associated reaction 联合反应activity of daily living 日常生活活动能力agnosia 失认
anomia 命名障碍
alexia 阅读困难
aphasia 失语
arthritis 关节炎
adhesive capsulitis 粘连性关节囊炎ankylosing spondylitis 强直性脊柱炎amputation 截肢
biofeedback 生物反馈
brace 支架
block 阻滞
comprehensive rehabilitation 综合性康复contextual factor 背景因素complementary and alternative medicine 代偿和替代医学技术contraction 收缩
cognition 认知
cerebral palsy 脑瘫
cervical spondylosis 颈椎病
disablement 残疾
dysarthria 构音障碍
educational rehabilitation 教育康复environmental factor 环境因素
evaluation 评定
extensor 伸肌
electromyography 肌电图
evoked potential 诱发电位
functioning 功能
functional neuromuscular stimulation 功能性神经肌肉电刺激flexor 屈肌
gait aids 步态辅助器
handicap 残障
hemiplegia 偏瘫
herniation of lumbar disc 腰椎间盘突出症
impairment 损伤
isometric 等长
isotonic 等张
isokinetic 等速
kinematics 运动学
kinetics 动力学
medical rehabilitation 医学康复manipulation 手法治疗massage 按摩
manual muscle testing 手法肌力测试
neglect 忽略neurodevelopment treatment 神经发育疗法O
outcome 后果occupational therapy 作业治疗orthosis 矫型器osteoarthritis 骨关节炎osteoporosis 骨质疏松症
participation restriction 参与限制personal factor 个人因素practicality 实用性
physical therapy 物理治疗
physical agents 物理因子
prosthesis 假肢
proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation 神经肌肉易化技术psychological and neuropsychological therapy 心理和神经心理学治疗pyrexia 失用
paraplegia 截瘫
quality of life 生活质量
rheumatoid arthritis 类风湿关节炎
rating of perceived exertion 主观用力程度rehabilitation 康复
rehabilitation engineering 康复工程
rehabilitation medicine 康复医学
reliability 信度
recreation and sport therapy 文娱体育治疗
reflex 反射
range of motion 关节活动度
social rehabilitation 社会康复sensibility 敏感性speech therapy 言语治疗sprouting 神经发芽splint 夹板spasticity 痉挛
stroke 脑卒中
spinal cord injury 脊髓损伤
total rehabilitation 全面康复therapeutic exercise 治疗性训练traction 牵引
torque 力矩traumatic brain injury 脑外伤
vocational rehabilitation 职业康复validity 效度
voluntary movement 随意运动W
wheelchair 轮椅