默认为t=0 命令报文数据域长度:小于178个字节本用户指南介绍了在SEED-DEC5502系统中利用ESAM卡成功实现版权保护的硬件设计和时序、安全保密实施方案、SCTools读写器使用、ESAM接口函数及DES和MAC 算法实现函数。
具体介绍如下:1.ESAM与DSP的连接和时序1.1 ESAM卡的硬件设计SEED-DEC5502系统中ESAM卡的硬件设计如下图所示:硬件设计说明如下:其中RST由系SEED-DEC5502系统内的CPLD给出,VC5502可以通过EMIF 来访问CPLD,使RST为高或低,完成复位的过程。
其过程如下:1、 SYSCNTL1的UARTSEL位置1。
1.2 ESAM卡的时序说明一、ESAM卡的上电复位时序1、冷复位按照图1所示,在Ta时间对CLK加时钟信号。
· 遥控信号处理器(IR) · 通用 I/O 口(GPIO) (2)存储器部分 本机使用了一片 4Mb 闪存 N019(AM29LV040B)存储本机程序。N019 的#22、#24、#31 分别与 N012 的#R1、#R2、#R3 相连,进行片选以及程序的读写控制。寻址和数据传输则 分别通过 19 位的地址线和 8 位的数据线来完成。系统开始工作时,芯片 N012 通过 8 位 数据线将闪存中的程序读到 N012 中的 RAM 中运行。 由于闪存是可擦写的,所以本机芯 片无需掩膜,只需在生产前用烧码器将程序烧入闪存 N019。另外,还可以由计算机通过 N012(GM1501)的通用异步收发器( UART),直接将程序写入闪存 N019 内,实现软件的 升级。 本机还使用一片 EEPROM N016(24C32)用来存储亮度、对比度、音量等用户数据。 (3) I/O 部分 在本系统中,芯片 N012(GM1501)的 GPIO 共有 7 个引脚用来作为控制信号,实现信 号切换、按键输入以及状态指示等。其中#AC1 连接到 XP014 的#4,用来控制静音,当系 统处于静音工作状态时,XP014 的#4 为高电平;#C25 连接到 XP020 的#3,用来控制电源 指示灯,当电视处于待机状态时, XP020 的#3 为高电平,电源指示灯发出红光,当电视 处于正常开机状态时,#3 为低电平时,电源指示灯发出蓝光; #D26 连接到 XP021 的#3, 用来控制读卡器,当此引脚变为高电平时,读卡器开始工作;#M4 连接到 XP020 的#1,用 来作为遥控接收;#D12 连接到 XP019 的#3,用来采样按键板送来的电平,检测按键的工 作状态,从而实现按键控制;#AB2 连接到 N003(PI5V330)的#1,#AB1 连接到 N004(PI5V330) 的#1,通过#AB2 和#AB1 的状态变化用来控制高清信号、读卡器以及 VGA 信号的切换。 (4)电源管理 本机待机时除 GM1501 及其外围部分电路保持工作状态外,其他部分电路的电源均需 切断以降低功耗,本机是通过三个双 P 沟道的 MOS 管集成电路来进行电源控制的。本机 待机时,N012 的#AB3 分别输出控制信号,通过将 N006、N010、N015 的电源通道关断来 实现待机功能。 (5)背光电源控制 本机背光驱动部分的开关(XP015 #3)是由 N012 的#B26 输出的信号控制的,当信号 为高电平时( 3.3V)时,背光驱动部分处于工作状态,当信号变为低电平时( 0V) 时 , 背光驱动部分将停止工作。同时,N012 的#A26 输出的信号通过控制 N026 来控制 LVDS 连 线连接的逻辑模块的供电。 本机节能调节电压(XP015 #1)是由 N012 的#C26 输出的 PWM 信号经由积分电路积分 后得到的,其电压范围为直流 0V—3.3V,通过调节这个电压的大小,可以改变背光灯的 发光强度,电压为 3.0V 时为标准状态,发光强度较高,电压为 1.0V 时处于节能状态, 发光强度较低。
本产品的安全运行取决于正确的安装和操作以及运输与保养维护,请务必遵守本手册中使用的如下安全标识: 错误的操作将引发危险情况,导致人身伤亡。
错误的操作将引发危险情况,导致轻度或中度人身伤害,损坏设备。 另外,该标识中所述事项有时也可能造成严重的后果。 驱动器及电机上标识符的意义如下: 电压高,有电击危险。
4 电气连接........................................................................................................................................ 20
4.1 电液系统构成.................................................................................................................... 20 4.2 电气连接 ........................................................................................................................... 21 4.2.1 主电路接线示意............................................................................................................ 22 4.2.2 控制端子功能简介和接线示意图 ................................................................................ 23 4.2.3 拨码开关介绍................................................................................................................ 24
ATM8F8040 数据手册说明书
第1共13页页ATM8F8040数据手册版本号更新时间更新内容V1.02020-09-05V1.0正式版本发布V1.12020-09-16V1.1版本发布,修正DNL参数V1.22020-12-10统一数据手册和应用手册的关于T2CAP的描述V1.32021-3-1增加16脚SOP16封装信息V1.42021-3-8更新IDD2测试条件第2页1.主要特色CPU 特性通信8位1T 8051内核支持两路UART 支持1/2/4/8系统分频模拟模块支持双DPTR 支持12路12位ADC 支持双线调试支持上电复位ROM支持低压复位16K 字节FLASH(擦写寿命1000次)时钟128字节EEPROM(擦写寿命10000次)内部时钟频率最高到32MHz,1%精度数据保持时间:10年内部时钟32KHz 低频振荡器RAM支持外部1-20MHz 晶振256字节内部IRAM 工作模式512字节外部XRAM 正常模式GPIO待机模式(IDLE)最多支持18个GPIO 停机模式(Stop),最小电流<1uA 支持任意端口变化中断工作条件Timer/PWM工作频率:最大32MHz 16位8051标准定时器T0/T1工作电压: 2.7~5.5V 带捕获和可编程输出的16位定时器T2工作温度:-40℃~85℃7路16位带互补输出PWM 输出模块封装唤醒Timer 20-TSSOP 看门狗定时器20-QFN 4x4SOP16其他CRC16循环冗余检测模块可配置逻辑计算单元(CPL)外部晶振停振检测1.主要特色 (2)2.概述 (4)2.1.说明 (4)2.2.应用方向 (4)3.设计框图 (4)4.引脚分布图 (5)5.封装尺寸图 (7)5.1.20-TSSOP (7)5.2.20-QFN (8)5.3.SOP16 (9)6.电气特性 (10)6.1.极限参数 (10)6.2.DC特性 (10)6.3.ADC特性 (11)6.4.内部高频振荡器特性 (11)6.5.内部低频振荡器特性 (11)6.6.外部振荡器特性 (12)6.7.存储器工作特性 (12)6.8.外部复位及中断管脚特性 (12)7.芯片选型 (13)2.概述2.1.说明ATM8F8040是一款内嵌16K字节FLASH的8位单片机。
针脚定义①-GND②-RXD③-TXD④VCC (亲测)
中兴科技ABS-S323 2晶10芯
欧视达AS-900S 1晶11芯
城市之宝BEX868 Y32S-93AT 2晶10芯
通达Y35S-8BAT/Y35S-8CAT 2晶10芯
通达Y30S-01BT 2晶12芯
高斯贝尔ABS—208 2晶14芯
吉祥ABS-2009B 3晶14芯
村村通ABS-S323- 2晶10芯
针脚定义①-GND②-RXD③-TXD④VCC (亲测)
村村通ZL5188 1晶13芯
由它的内部结构框图可以 发现, 发现,它的内部组织结构 为4个1M×16bit,数据 个 × , 按矩阵结构方式寄存。 按矩阵结构方式寄存。包 括数据输入寄存器、 括数据输入寄存器、定时 寄存器、程序寄存器、 寄存器、程序寄存器、地 址寄存器等。 址寄存器等。与地址寄存 有密切关系的功能块包括 矩阵结构选择、 矩阵结构选择、行缓冲器 和行解码器, 和行解码器,列缓冲器和 列解码器等。 列解码器等。数据寄存在 4个1M×16bit的芯片中, 的芯片中, 个 × 的芯片中 最后通过输出缓冲器输出。 最后通过输出缓冲器输出。 显然, 显然,这样的结构更有利 于显示图形的帧存储
5.6.2主芯片外部存储器的配置 主芯片外部存储器的配置
由STi5518和QAMi5516两种主芯片的电路对比可知,它们的总体结 两种主芯片的电路对比可知, 和 两种主芯片的电路对比可知 构大体相同,其差异主要反映在高频头和外部存储器的配置上。 构大体相同,其差异主要反映在高频头和外部存储器的配置上。 STi5518方案要求主板电路中 方案要求主板电路中Flah和SDRAM的最低配置为 的最低配置为4M+8M, 方案要求主板电路中 和 的最低配置为 , 的最低存储容量应达到32 即Flash的最低存储容量应达到 Mbit,SDRAM的最低存储容量应 的最低存储容量应达到 , 的最低存储容量应 达到64 达到 Mbit; ; QAMi5516方案要求主板电路中 方案要求主板电路中Flah和DRAM的最低配置为 的最低配置为4M+16M 方案要求主板电路中 和 的最低配置为 或8M+24M,随应用软件的优化程度而定。即Flash的最低存储容量 ,随应用软件的优化程度而定。 的最低存储容量 应达到32 的最低存储容量应达到64 应达到 Mbit或64Mbit;而SDRAM的最低存储容量应达到 Mbit 或 ; 的最低存储容量应达到 或192Mbit。 。 所以在 所以在STi5518方案中系统内存的数据和视频缓存的数据可以并存于 方案中系统内存的数据和视频缓存的数据可以并存于 同一个64Mbit的DRAM中,而QAMi5516方案中,系统内存和视频缓 方案中, 同一个 的 中 方案中 存常常是相互独立,分别存储在各自的SDRAM中。下面分别对这些 存常常是相互独立,分别存储在各自的 中 外部存储器的功能及要求进行一些简要说明。 外部存储器的功能及要求进行一些简要说明。
家电维修-TCL MC15P_MC21P_MC25P_MC29P监视器电路及维修手册
RGBout 40 41 42
1V+ 2V- 8H 3
ROT 200 VM 160
YPbPr 入
TDA6111Q VM 校正电路
STV8172A (原 TDA8177)
数字板 PD2(14)-主板 S201(14)
电子发烧友 电子技术论坛
本手册仅供有经验的维修人员使用,不适用于一般公众,手册中没有对非技术人员企 图维修本产品而存在的潜在危害提出警告或提醒。电器产品应由有经验的专业技术人员进 行维护和修理,任何其它人企图对本手册涉及的产品进行维护和修理将可能受到严重伤害 甚至有生命危险。
电源待机供电 5V(ST-5V)
ST-5V AV1~AV2 左右声道输入,L/R 声道输出(只对 MC15P 和 MC21P)
P903A~P905A 的 L/R 声道进入;L\R
(60) 解 码 )CPU 、
(61) RAM、ROM、
(62) OSD 、 亮 色 分
主板 S201(4)-数字板 PD2(4)
主板 S201(38)-数字板 PD2(38)
S201(5)\(7)\(11)\(13)\(17)\(19)\(2 3)\(25)\(29)\(31)-- 数 字 板
PD2(5)\( 7)\(11)\(13)\(17)\(19)\(2 3)\(25)\(29)\(31))一 一对应输入 AV 音频信号及输出 L/R 声道信 号
2.5V 3.3V
Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-47741TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01IS42S16400ISSI®This document contains TARGET SPECIFICATION data. ISSI reserves the right to make changes to its products at any time without notice in order to improve design and supply the best possible product. We assume no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this publication. © Copyright 2001, Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc.FEATURES•Clock frequency: 166, 133, 100 MHz •Fully synchronous; all signals referenced to a positive clock edge •Internal bank for hiding row access/precharge •Single 3.3V power supply •LVTTL interface•Programmable burst length – (1, 2, 4, 8, full page)•Programmable burst sequence:Sequential/Interleave •Self refresh modes•4096 refresh cycles every 64 ms•Random column address every clock cycle •Programmable CAS latency (2, 3 clocks)•Burst read/write and burst read/single write operations capability •Burst termination by burst stop and precharge command •Byte controlled by LDQM and UDQM •Industrial temperature availability •Package: 400-mil 54-pin TSOP IIOVERVIEWISSI 's 64Mb Synchronous DRAM IS42S16400 is organizedas 1,048,576 bits x 16-bit x 4-bank for improved performance. The synchronous DRAMs achieve high-speed data transfer using pipeline architecture. All inputs and outputs signals refer to the rising edge of the clock input.1 Meg Bits x 16 Bits x 4 Banks (64-MBIT)SYNCHRONOUS DYNAMIC RAMFINAL PRODUCTIONMAY 2001PIN CONFIGURATIONS54-Pin TSOP (Type II)PIN DESCRIPTIONSA0-A11Address Input BA0, BA1Bank Select Address I/O0 to I/O15Data I/OCLK System Clock Input CKE Clock Enable CS Chip SelectRAS Row Address Strobe Command CASColumn Address Strobe CommandWE Write EnableLDQM Lower Bye, Input/Output Mask UDQM Upper Bye, Input/Output Mask Vcc Power GND GroundVcc Q Power Supply for I/O Pin GND Q Ground for I/O Pin NCNo ConnectionIS42S16400ISSI®2Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-4774TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe 64Mb SDRAM is a high speed CMOS, dynamic random-access memory designed to operate in 3.3V memory systems containing 67,108,864 bits. Internally configured as a quad-bank DRAM with a synchronous interface. Each 16,777,216-bit bank is organized as 4,096rows by 256 columns by 16 bits.The 64Mb SDRAM includes an AUTO REFRESH MODE,and a power-saving, power-down mode. All signals are registered on the positive edge of the clock signal, CLK.All inputs and outputs are LVTTL compatible.The 64Mb SDRAM has the ability to synchronously burst data at a high data rate with automatic column-address generation, the ability to interleave between internal banks to hide precharge time and the capability to randomly change column addresses on each clock cycle during burst access.A self-timed row precharge initiated at the end of the burst sequence is available with the AUTO PRECHARGEfunction enabled.Precharge one bank while accessing one of the other three banks will hide the precharge cycles and provide seamless, high-speed, random-access operation.SDRAM read and write accesses are burst oriented starting at a selected location and continuing for a programmed number of locations in a programmed sequence. The registration of an ACTIVE command begins accesses,followed by a READ or WRITE command. The ACTIVE command in conjunction with address bits registered are used to select the bank and row to be accessed (BA0, BA1select the bank; A0-A11 select the row). The READ or WRITE commands in conjunction with address bits reg-istered are used to select the starting column location for the burst access.Programmable READ or WRITE burst lengths consist of 1, 2, 4 and 8 locations or full page, with a burst terminate option.FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMIS42S16400ISSI®PIN FUNCTIONSSymbol Pin No.Type Function (In Detail)A0-A1123 to 26Input Pin Address Inputs: A0-A11 are sampled during the ACTIVE29 to 34command (row-address A0-A11) and READ/WRITE command (A0-A722, 35with A10 defining auto precharge) to select one location out of the memory arrayin the respective bank. A10 is sampled during a PRECHARGE command todetermine if all banks are to be precharged (A10 HIGH) or bank selected byBA0, BA1 (LOW). The address inputs also provide the op-code during a LOADMODE REGISTER command.BA0, BA120, 21Input Pin Bank Select Address: BA0 and BA1 defines which bank the ACTIVE, READ,WRITE or PRECHARGE command is being applied.CAS17Input Pin CAS, in conjunction with the RAS and WE, forms the device command. See the"Command Truth Table" for details on device commands.CKE37Input Pin The CKE input determines whether the CLK input is enabled. The next rising edgeof the CLK signal will be valid when is CKE HIGH and invalid when LOW. WhenCKE is LOW, the device will be in either power-down mode, clock suspend mode,or self refresh mode. CKE is an asynchronous i nput.CLK38Input Pin CLK is the master clock input for this device. Except for CKE, all inputs to thisdevice are acquired in synchronization with the rising edge of this pin.CS19Input Pin The CS input determines whether command input is enabled within the device.Command input is enabled when CS is LOW, and disabled with CS is HIGH. Thedevice remains in the previous state when CS is HIGH.I/O0 to2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10,I/O Pin I/O0 to I/O15 are I/O pins. I/O through these pins can be controlled in byte units I/O1511,13, 42, 44, 45,using the LDQM and UDQM pins.47, 48, 50, 51, 53LDQM,15, 39Input Pin LDQM and UDQM control the lower and upper bytes of the I/O buffers. In read UDQM mode, LDQM and UDQM control the output buffer. When LDQM or UDQM isLOW, the corresponding buffer byte is enabled, and when HIGH, disabled. Theoutputs go to the HIGH impedance state when LDQM/UDQM is HIGH. Thisfunction corresponds to OE in conventional DRAMs. In write mode, LDQM andUDQM control the input buffer. When LDQM or UDQM is LOW, the correspondingbuffer byte is enabled, and data can be written to the device. When LDQM orUDQM is HIGH, input data is masked and cannot be written to the device.RAS18Input Pin RAS, in conjunction with CAS and WE, forms the device command. See the"Command Truth Table" item for details on device commands.WE16 Input Pin WE, in conjunction with RAS and CAS, forms the device command. See the"Command Truth Table" item for details on device commands.V CCQ3, 9, 43, 49Power Supply Pin V CCQ is the output buffer power supply.V CC1, 14, 27Power Supply Pin V CC is the device internal power supply.GND Q6, 12, 46, 52Power Supply Pin GND Q is the output buffer ground.GND28, 41, 54Power Supply Pin GND is the device internal ground.Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-47743 TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01IS42S16400ISSI®4Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-4774TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01FUNCTION (In Detail)A0-A11 are address inputs sampled during the ACTIVE (row-address A0-A11) and READ/WRITE command (A0-A7with A10 defining auto PRECHARGE). A10 is sampled during a PRECHARGE command to determine if all banks are to be PRECHARGED (A10 HIGH) or bank selected by BA0,BA1 (LOW). The address inputs also provide the op-code during a LOAD MODE REGISTER command.Bank Select Address (BA0 and BA1) defines which bank the ACTIVE, READ, WRITE or PRECHARGE command is being applied.CAS , in conjunction with the RAS and WE , forms the device command. See the “Command Truth Table ” for details on device commands.The CKE input determines whether the CLK input is enabled. The next rising edge of the CLK signal will be valid when is CKE HIGH and invalid when LOW. When CKE is LOW, the device will be in either power-down mode, CLOCK SUSPEND mode, or SELF-REFRESH mode. CKE is an asynchronous input.CLK is the master clock input for this device. Except for CKE, all inputs to this device are acquired in synchroni-zation with the rising edge of this pin.The CS input determines whether command input is enabled within the device. Command input is enabled when CS is LOW, and disabled with CS is HIGH. The device remains in the previous state when CS is HIGH. I/O0 to I/O15 are I/O pins. I/O through these pins can be controlled in byte units using the LDQM and UDQM pins.LDQM and UDQM control the lower and upper bytes of the I/O buffers. In read mode, LDQM and UDQM control the output buffer. When LDQM or UDQM is LOW, the corre-sponding buffer byte is enabled, and when HIGH, dis-abled. The outputs go to the HIGH Impedance State when LDQM/UDQM is HIGH. This function corresponds to OE in conventional DRAMs. In write mode, LDQM and UDQM control the input buffer. When LDQM or UDQM is LOW,the corresponding buffer byte is enabled, and data can be written to the device. When LDQM or UDQM is HIGH,input data is masked and cannot be written to the device.RAS , in conjunction with CAS and WE , forms the device command. See the “Command Truth Table ” item for details on device commands.WE , in conjunction with RAS and CAS , forms the device command. See the “Command Truth Table ” item for details on device commands.V CCQ is the output buffer power supply.V CC is the device internal power supply.GND Q is the output buffer ground.GND is the device internal ground.READThe READ command selects the bank from BA0, BA1inputs and starts a burst read access to an active row.Inputs A0-A7 provides the starting column location. When A10 is HIGH, this command functions as an AUTO PRECHARGE command. When the auto precharge is selected, the row being accessed will be precharged at the end of the READ burst. The row will remain open for subsequent accesses when AUTO PRECHARGE is not selected. DQ ’s read data is subject to the logic level on the DQM inputs two clocks earlier. When a given DQM signal was registered HIGH, the corresponding DQ ’s will be High-Z two clocks later. DQ ’s will provide valid data when the DQM signal was registered LOW.WRITEA burst write access to an active row is initiated with the WRITE command. BA0, BA1 inputs selects the bank, and the starting column location is provided by inputs A0-A7.Whether or not AUTO-PRECHARGE is used is deter-mined by A10.The row being accessed will be precharged at the end of the WRITE burst, if AUTO PRECHARGE is selected. If AUTO PRECHARGE is not selected, the row will remain open for subsequent accesses.A memory array is written with corresponding input data on DQ ’s and DQM input logic level appearing at the same time. Data will be written to memory when DQM signal is LOW. When DQM is HIGH, the corresponding data inputs will be ignored, and a WRITE will not be executed to that byte/column location.PRECHARGEThe PRECHARGE command is used to deactivate the open row in a particular bank or the open row in all banks.BA0, BA1 can be used to select which bank is precharged or they are treated as “Don ’t Care ”. A10 determined whether one or all banks are precharged. After executing this command, the next command for the selected banks(s)is executed after passage of the period t RP , which is the period required for bank precharging. Once a bank has been precharged, it is in the idle state and must be activated prior to any READ or WRITE commands being issued to that bank.AUTO PRECHARGEThe AUTO PRECHARGE function ensures that the precharge is initiated at the earliest valid stage within a burst. This function allows for individual-bank precharge without requiring an explicit command. A10 to enables the AUTO PRECHARGE function in conjunction with a spe-cific READ or WRITE command. For each individual READ or WRITE command, auto precharge is eitherIS42S16400ISSI®Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-47745TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01enabled or disabled. AUTO PRECHARGE does not apply except in full-page burst mode. Upon completion of the READ or WRITE burst, a precharge of the bank/row that is addressed is automatically performed.AUTO REFRESH COMMANDThis command executes the AUTO REFRESH operation.The row address and bank to be refreshed are automatically generated during this operation.The stipulated period (t RC )is required for a single refresh operation, and no other commands can be executed during this period.This com-mand is executed at least 4096 times every 64ms. During an AUTO REFRESH command, address bits are “Don ’t Care ”. This command corresponds to CBR Auto-refresh.SELF REFRESHDuring the SELF REFRESH operation, the row address to be refreshed, the bank, and the refresh interval are generated automatically internally. SELF REFRESH can be used to retain data in the SDRAM without external clocking, even if the rest of the system is powered down.The SELF REFRESH operation is started by dropping the CKE pin from HIGH to LOW. During the SELF REFRESH operation all other inputs to the SDRAM become “Don ’t Care ”.The device must remain in self refresh mode for a minimum period equal to t RAS or may remain in self refresh mode for an indefinite period beyond that.The SELF-REFRESH operation continues as long as the CKE pin remains LOW and there is no need for external control of any other pins.The next command cannot be executed until the device internal recovery period (t RC ) has elapsed.Once CKE goes HIGH, the NOP command must be issued (minimum of two clocks) to provide time for the completion of any internal refresh in progress. After the self-refresh, since it is impossible to determine the ad-dress of the last row to be refreshed, an AUTO-REFRESH should immediately be performed for all addresses.BURST TERMINATEThe BURST TERMINATE command forcibly terminates the burst read and write operations by truncating either fixed-length or full-page bursts and the most recently registered READ or WRITE command prior to the BURST TERMINATE.COMMAND INHIBITCOMMAND INHIBIT prevents new commands from being executed. Operations in progress are not affected, apart from whether the CLK signal is enabledNO OPERATIONWhen CS is low, the NOP command prevents unwanted commands from being registered during idle or wait states.LOAD MODE REGISTERDuring the LOAD MODE REGSITER command the mode register is loaded from A0-A11. This command can only be issued when all banks are idle.ACTIVE COMMANDWhen the ACTIVE COMMAND is activated, BA0, BA1inputs selects a bank to be accessed, and the address inputs on A0-A11 selects the row. Until a PRECHARGE command is issued to the bank, the row remains open for accesses.IS42S16400ISSI®TRUTH TABLE – COMMANDS AND DQM OPERATION(1)FUNCTION CS RAS CAS WE DQM ADDR DQs COMMAND INHIBIT (NOP)H X X X X X X NO OPERATION (NOP)L H H H X X X ACTIVE (Select bank and activate row)(3)L L H H X Bank/Row X READ (Select bank/column, start READ burst)(4)L H L H L/H(8)Bank/Col X WRITE (Select bank/column, start WRITE burst)(4)L H L L L/H(8)Bank/Col Valid BURST TERMINATE L H H L X X Active PRECHARGE (Deactivate row in bank or banks)(5)L L H L X Code X AUTO REFRESH or SELF REFRESH(6,7)L L L H X X X (Enter self refresh mode)LOAD MODE REGISTER(2)L L L L X Op-Code X Write Enable/Output Enable(8)————L—Active Write Inhibit/Output High-Z(8)————H—High-Z NOTES:1.CKE is HIGH for all commands except SELF REFRESH.2.A0-A11 define the op-code written to the mode register.3.A0-A11 provide row address, and BA0, BA1 determine which bank is made active.4.A0-A7 (x16) provide column address; A10 HIGH enables the auto precharge feature (nonpersistent), while A10 LOW disablesauto precharge; BA0, BA1 determine which bank is being read from or written to.5.A10 LOW: BA0, BA1 determine the bank being precharged. A10 HIGH: All banks precharged and BA0, BA1 are “Don’t Care.”6.AUTO REFRESH if CKE is HIGH, SELF REFRESH if CKE is LOW.7.Internal refresh counter controls row addressing; all inputs and I/Os are “Don’t Care” except for CKE.8.Activates or deactivates the DQs during WRITEs (zero-clock delay) and READs (two-clock delay).6Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-4774TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01IS42S16400ISSI®TRUTH TABLE – CKE (1-4)CURRENT STATE COMMANDn ACTIONn CKEn-1CKEn Power-Down X Maintain Power-Down L L Self Refresh X Maintain Self Refresh L L Clock Suspend X Maintain Clock Suspend L L Power-Down(5)COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP Exit Power-Down L H Self Refresh(6)COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP Exit Self Refresh L H Clock Suspend(7)X Exit Clock Suspend L H All Banks Idle COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP Power-Down Entry H L All Banks Idle AUTO REFRESH Self Refresh Entry H L Reading or Writing VALID Clock Suspend Entry H LSee TRUTH TABLE – CURRENT STATE BANK n, COMMAND TO BANK n H H NOTES:1.CKEn is the logic state of CKE at clock edge n; CKEn-1was the state of CKE at the previous clock edge.2.Current state is the state of the SDRAM immediately prior to clock edge n.MANDn is the command registered at clock edge n, and ACTONn is a result of COMMANDn.4.All states and sequences not shown are illegal or reserved.5.Exiting power-down at clock edge n will put the device in the all banks idle state in time for clock edge n+1 (provided that t CKS is met).6.Exiting self refresh at clock edge n will put the device in all banks idle state once t XSR is met. COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP commandsshould be issued on clock edges occurring during the t XSR period. A minimum of two NOP commands must be sent during t XSR period.7.After exiting clock suspend at clock edge n, the device will resume operation and recognize the next command at clock edge n+1.TRUTH TABLE – CURRENT STATE BANK n, COMMAND TO BANK n (1-6)CURRENT STATE COMMAND (ACTION)CS RAS CAS WE Any COMMAND INHIBIT (NOP/Continue previous operation)H X X X NO OPERATION (NOP/Continue previous operation)L H H H Idle ACTIVE (Select and activate row)L L H H AUTO REFRESH(7)L L L HLOAD MODE REGISTER(7)L L L LPRECHARGE(11)L L H L Row Active READ (Select column and start READ burst)(10)L H L H WRITE (Select column and start WRITE burst)(10)L H L LPRECHARGE (Deactivate row in bank or banks)(8)L L H L Read READ (Select column and start new READ burst)(10)L H L H (Auto WRITE (Select column and start WRITE burst)(10)L H L L Precharge PRECHARGE (Truncate READ burst, start PRECHARGE)(8)L L H L Disabled)BURST TERMINATE(9)L H H L Write READ (Select column and start READ burst)(10)L H L H (Auto WRITE (Select column and start new WRITE burst)(10)L H L L Precharge PRECHARGE (Truncate WRITE burst, start PRECHARGE)(8)L L H L Disabled)BURST TERMINATE(9)L H H LIntegrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-47747 TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01IS42S16400ISSI®NOTE:1.This table applies when CKE n-1 was HIGH and CKE n is HIGH (see Truth Table - CKE) and after t XSR has been met (if theprevious state was SELF REFRESH).2.This table is bank-specific, except where noted; i.e., the current state is for a specific bank and the commands shown are thoseallowed to be issued to that bank when in that state. Exceptions are covered in the notes below.3.Current state definitions:Idle:The bank has been precharged, and t RP has been met.Row Active:A row in the bank has been activated, and t RCD has been met. No data bursts/accesses and no register accesses are in progress.Read:A READ burst has been initiated, with auto precharge disabled, and has not yet terminated or been terminated.Write:A WRITE burst has been initiated, with auto precharge disabled, and has not yet terminated or been terminated.4.The following states must not be interrupted by a command issued to the same bank. COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP commands, orallowable commands to the other bank should be issued on any clock edge occurring during these states. Allowable commands to the other bank are determined by its current state and CURRENT STATE BANK n truth tables.Precharging:Starts with registration of a PRECHARGE command and ends when t RP is met. Once t RP is met, the bank will be in the idle state.Row Activating:Starts with registration of an ACTIVE command and ends when t RCD is met. Once t RCD is met, the bank will be in the row active state.Read w/AutoPrecharge Enabled:Starts with registration of a READ command with auto precharge enabled and ends when t RP has been met.Once t RP is met, the bank will be in the idle state.Write w/AutoPrecharge Enabled:Starts with registration of a WRITE command with auto precharge enabled and ends when t RP has been met.Once t RP is met, the bank will be in the idle state.5.The following states must not be interrupted by any executable command; COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP commands must beapplied on each positive clock edge during these states.Refreshing:Starts with registration of an AUTO REFRESH command and ends when t RC is met. Once t RC is met, the SDRAM will be in the all banks idle state.Accessing ModeRegister:Starts with registration of a LOAD MODE REGISTER command and ends when t MRD has been met. Once t MRD is met, the SDRAM will be in the all banks idle state.Precharging All:Starts with registration of a PRECHARGE ALL command and ends when t RP is met. Once t RP is met, all banks will be in the idle state.6.All states and sequences not shown are illegal or reserved.7.Not bank-specific; requires that all banks are idle.8.May or may not be bank-specific; if all banks are to be precharged, all must be in a valid state for precharging.9.Not bank-specific; BURST TERMINATE affects the most recent READ or WRITE burst, regardless of bank.10.READs or WRITEs listed in the Command (Action) column include READs or WRITEs with auto precharge enabled and READsor WRITEs with auto precharge disabled.11.Does not affect the state of the bank and acts as a NOP to that bank.8Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-4774TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01IS42S16400ISSI®TRUTH TABLE – CURRENT STATE BANK n, COMMAND TO BANK m (1-6)CURRENT STATE COMMAND (ACTION)CS RAS CAS WE Any COMMAND INHIBIT (NOP/Continue previous operation)H X X X NO OPERATION (NOP/Continue previous operation)L H H H Idle Any Command Otherwise Allowed to Bank m X X X X Row ACTIVE (Select and activate row)L L H H Activating,READ (Select column and start READ burst)(7)L H L H Active, or WRITE (Select column and start WRITE burst)(7)L H L L Precharging PRECHARGE L L H L Read ACTIVE (Select and activate row)L L H H (Auto READ (Select column and start new READ burst)(7,10)L H L H Precharge WRITE (Select column and start WRITE burst)(7,11)L H L L Disabled)PRECHARGE(9)L L H L Write ACTIVE (Select and activate row)L L H H (Auto READ (Select column and start READ burst)(7,12)L H L H Precharge WRITE (Select column and start new WRITE burst)(7,13)L H L L Disabled)PRECHARGE(9)L L H L Read ACTIVE (Select and activate row)L L H H (With Auto READ (Select column and start new READ burst)(7,8,14)L H L H Precharge)WRITE (Select column and start WRITE burst)(7,8,15)L H L L PRECHARGE(9)L L H L Write ACTIVE (Select and activate row)L L H H (With Auto READ (Select column and start READ burst)(7,8,16)L H L H Precharge)WRITE (Select column and start new WRITE burst)(7,8,17)L H L L PRECHARGE(9)L L H L NOTE:1.This table applies when CKE n-1 was HIGH and CKE n is HIGH (Truth Table - CKE) and after t XSR has been met (if the previousstate was self refresh).2.This table describes alternate bank operation, except where noted; i.e., the current state is for bank n and the commands shownare those allowed to be issued to bank m (assuming that bank m is in such a state that the given command is allowable). Exceptions are covered in the notes below.3.Current state definitions:Idle:The bank has been precharged, and t RP has been met.Row Active:A row in the bank has been activated, and t RCD has been met. No data bursts/accesses and no register accesses are in progress.Read:A READ burst has been initiated, with auto precharge disabled, and has not yet terminated or been terminated.Write:A WRITE burst has been initiated, with auto precharge disabled, and has not yet terminated or been terminated.Read w/AutoPrecharge Enabled:Starts with registration of a READ command with auto precharge enabled, and ends when t RP has been met.Once t RP is met, the bank will be in the idle state.Write w/AutoPrecharge Enabled:Starts with registration of a WRITE command with auto precharge enabled, and ends when t RP has been met. Once t RP is met, the bank will be in the idle state.4.AUTO REFRESH, SELF REFRESH and LOAD MODE REGISTER commands may only be issued when all banks are idle.5.A BURST TERMINATE command cannot be issued to another bank; it applies to the bank represented by the current state only.6.All states and sequences not shown are illegal or reserved.Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-47749 TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01IS42S16400ISSI®7.READs or WRITEs to bank m listed in the Command (Action) column include READs or WRITEs with auto precharge enabledand READs or WRITEs with auto precharge disabled.8.CONCURRENT AUTO PRECHARGE: Bank n will initiate the AUTO PRECHARGE command when its burst has been inter-rupted by bank m’s burst.9.Burst in bank n continues as initiated.10.For a READ without auto precharge interrupted by a READ (with or without auto precharge), the READ to bank m will interrupt theREAD on bank n, CAS latency later (Consecutive READ Bursts).11.For a READ without auto precharge interrupted by a WRITE (with or without auto precharge), the WRITE to bank m will interruptthe READ on bank n when registered (READ to WRITE). DQM should be used one clock prior to the WRITE command to prevent bus contention.12.For a WRITE without auto precharge interrupted by a READ (with or without auto precharge), the READ to bank m will interruptthe WRITE on bank n when registered (WRITE to READ), with the data-out appearing CAS latency later. The last valid WRITE to bank n will be data-in registered one clock prior to the READ to bank m.13.For a WRITE without auto precharge interrupted by a WRITE (with or without auto precharge), the WRITE to bank m will interruptthe WRITE on bank n when registered (WRITE to WRITE). The last valid WRITE to bank n will be data-in registered one clock prior to the READ to bank m.14.For a READ with auto precharge interrupted by a READ (with or without auto precharge), the READ to bank m will interrupt theREAD on bank n, CAS latency later. The PRECHARGE to bank n will begin when the READ to bank m is registered (Fig CAP 1).15.For a READ with auto precharge interrupted by a WRITE (with or without auto precharge), the WRITE to bank m will interrupt theREAD on bank n when registered. DQM should be used two clocks prior to the WRITE command to prevent bus contention. The PRECHARGE to bank n will begin when the WRITE to bank m is registered (Fig CAP 2).16.For a WRITE with auto precharge interrupted by a READ (with or without auto precharge), the READ to bank m will interrupt theWRITE on bank n when registered, with the data-out appearing CAS latency later. The PRECHARGE to bank n will begin after t WR is met, where t WR begins when the READ to bank m is registered. The last valid WRITE to bank n will be data-in registered one clock prior to the READ to bank m (Fig CAP 3).17.For a WRITE with auto precharge interrupted by a WRITE (with or without auto precharge), the WRITE to bank m will interrupt theWRITE on bank n when registered. The PRECHARGE to bank n will begin after t WR is met, where t WR begins when the WRITE to bank m is registered. The last valid WRITE to bank n will be data registered one clock prior to the WRITE to bank m (Fig CAP 4). 10Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-4774TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01。
Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-47741TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01IS42S16400ISSI®This document contains TARGET SPECIFICATION data. ISSI reserves the right to make changes to its products at any time without notice in order to improve design and supply the best possible product. We assume no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this publication. © Copyright 2001, Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc.FEATURES•Clock frequency: 166, 133, 100 MHz •Fully synchronous; all signals referenced to a positive clock edge •Internal bank for hiding row access/precharge •Single 3.3V power supply •LVTTL interface•Programmable burst length – (1, 2, 4, 8, full page)•Programmable burst sequence:Sequential/Interleave •Self refresh modes•4096 refresh cycles every 64 ms•Random column address every clock cycle •Programmable CAS latency (2, 3 clocks)•Burst read/write and burst read/single write operations capability •Burst termination by burst stop and precharge command •Byte controlled by LDQM and UDQM •Industrial temperature availability •Package: 400-mil 54-pin TSOP IIOVERVIEWISSI 's 64Mb Synchronous DRAM IS42S16400 is organizedas 1,048,576 bits x 16-bit x 4-bank for improved performance. The synchronous DRAMs achieve high-speed data transfer using pipeline architecture. All inputs and outputs signals refer to the rising edge of the clock input.1 Meg Bits x 16 Bits x 4 Banks (64-MBIT)SYNCHRONOUS DYNAMIC RAMFINAL PRODUCTIONMAY 2001PIN CONFIGURATIONS54-Pin TSOP (Type II)PIN DESCRIPTIONSA0-A11Address Input BA0, BA1Bank Select Address I/O0 to I/O15Data I/OCLK System Clock Input CKE Clock Enable CS Chip SelectRAS Row Address Strobe Command CASColumn Address Strobe CommandWE Write EnableLDQM Lower Bye, Input/Output Mask UDQM Upper Bye, Input/Output Mask Vcc Power GND GroundVcc Q Power Supply for I/O Pin GND Q Ground for I/O Pin NCNo ConnectionIS42S16400ISSI®2Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-4774TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe 64Mb SDRAM is a high speed CMOS, dynamic random-access memory designed to operate in 3.3V memory systems containing 67,108,864 bits. Internally configured as a quad-bank DRAM with a synchronous interface. Each 16,777,216-bit bank is organized as 4,096rows by 256 columns by 16 bits.The 64Mb SDRAM includes an AUTO REFRESH MODE,and a power-saving, power-down mode. All signals are registered on the positive edge of the clock signal, CLK.All inputs and outputs are LVTTL compatible.The 64Mb SDRAM has the ability to synchronously burst data at a high data rate with automatic column-address generation, the ability to interleave between internal banks to hide precharge time and the capability to randomly change column addresses on each clock cycle during burst access.A self-timed row precharge initiated at the end of the burst sequence is available with the AUTO PRECHARGEfunction enabled.Precharge one bank while accessing one of the other three banks will hide the precharge cycles and provide seamless, high-speed, random-access operation.SDRAM read and write accesses are burst oriented starting at a selected location and continuing for a programmed number of locations in a programmed sequence. The registration of an ACTIVE command begins accesses,followed by a READ or WRITE command. The ACTIVE command in conjunction with address bits registered are used to select the bank and row to be accessed (BA0, BA1select the bank; A0-A11 select the row). The READ or WRITE commands in conjunction with address bits reg-istered are used to select the starting column location for the burst access.Programmable READ or WRITE burst lengths consist of 1, 2, 4 and 8 locations or full page, with a burst terminate option.FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMIS42S16400ISSI®PIN FUNCTIONSSymbol Pin No.Type Function (In Detail)A0-A1123 to 26Input Pin Address Inputs: A0-A11 are sampled during the ACTIVE29 to 34command (row-address A0-A11) and READ/WRITE command (A0-A722, 35with A10 defining auto precharge) to select one location out of the memory arrayin the respective bank. A10 is sampled during a PRECHARGE command todetermine if all banks are to be precharged (A10 HIGH) or bank selected byBA0, BA1 (LOW). The address inputs also provide the op-code during a LOADMODE REGISTER command.BA0, BA120, 21Input Pin Bank Select Address: BA0 and BA1 defines which bank the ACTIVE, READ,WRITE or PRECHARGE command is being applied.CAS17Input Pin CAS, in conjunction with the RAS and WE, forms the device command. See the"Command Truth Table" for details on device commands.CKE37Input Pin The CKE input determines whether the CLK input is enabled. The next rising edgeof the CLK signal will be valid when is CKE HIGH and invalid when LOW. WhenCKE is LOW, the device will be in either power-down mode, clock suspend mode,or self refresh mode. CKE is an asynchronous i nput.CLK38Input Pin CLK is the master clock input for this device. Except for CKE, all inputs to thisdevice are acquired in synchronization with the rising edge of this pin.CS19Input Pin The CS input determines whether command input is enabled within the device.Command input is enabled when CS is LOW, and disabled with CS is HIGH. Thedevice remains in the previous state when CS is HIGH.I/O0 to2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10,I/O Pin I/O0 to I/O15 are I/O pins. I/O through these pins can be controlled in byte units I/O1511,13, 42, 44, 45,using the LDQM and UDQM pins.47, 48, 50, 51, 53LDQM,15, 39Input Pin LDQM and UDQM control the lower and upper bytes of the I/O buffers. In read UDQM mode, LDQM and UDQM control the output buffer. When LDQM or UDQM isLOW, the corresponding buffer byte is enabled, and when HIGH, disabled. Theoutputs go to the HIGH impedance state when LDQM/UDQM is HIGH. Thisfunction corresponds to OE in conventional DRAMs. In write mode, LDQM andUDQM control the input buffer. When LDQM or UDQM is LOW, the correspondingbuffer byte is enabled, and data can be written to the device. When LDQM orUDQM is HIGH, input data is masked and cannot be written to the device.RAS18Input Pin RAS, in conjunction with CAS and WE, forms the device command. See the"Command Truth Table" item for details on device commands.WE16 Input Pin WE, in conjunction with RAS and CAS, forms the device command. See the"Command Truth Table" item for details on device commands.V CCQ3, 9, 43, 49Power Supply Pin V CCQ is the output buffer power supply.V CC1, 14, 27Power Supply Pin V CC is the device internal power supply.GND Q6, 12, 46, 52Power Supply Pin GND Q is the output buffer ground.GND28, 41, 54Power Supply Pin GND is the device internal ground.Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-47743 TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01IS42S16400ISSI®4Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-4774TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01FUNCTION (In Detail)A0-A11 are address inputs sampled during the ACTIVE (row-address A0-A11) and READ/WRITE command (A0-A7with A10 defining auto PRECHARGE). A10 is sampled during a PRECHARGE command to determine if all banks are to be PRECHARGED (A10 HIGH) or bank selected by BA0,BA1 (LOW). The address inputs also provide the op-code during a LOAD MODE REGISTER command.Bank Select Address (BA0 and BA1) defines which bank the ACTIVE, READ, WRITE or PRECHARGE command is being applied.CAS , in conjunction with the RAS and WE , forms the device command. See the “Command Truth Table ” for details on device commands.The CKE input determines whether the CLK input is enabled. The next rising edge of the CLK signal will be valid when is CKE HIGH and invalid when LOW. When CKE is LOW, the device will be in either power-down mode, CLOCK SUSPEND mode, or SELF-REFRESH mode. CKE is an asynchronous input.CLK is the master clock input for this device. Except for CKE, all inputs to this device are acquired in synchroni-zation with the rising edge of this pin.The CS input determines whether command input is enabled within the device. Command input is enabled when CS is LOW, and disabled with CS is HIGH. The device remains in the previous state when CS is HIGH. I/O0 to I/O15 are I/O pins. I/O through these pins can be controlled in byte units using the LDQM and UDQM pins.LDQM and UDQM control the lower and upper bytes of the I/O buffers. In read mode, LDQM and UDQM control the output buffer. When LDQM or UDQM is LOW, the corre-sponding buffer byte is enabled, and when HIGH, dis-abled. The outputs go to the HIGH Impedance State when LDQM/UDQM is HIGH. This function corresponds to OE in conventional DRAMs. In write mode, LDQM and UDQM control the input buffer. When LDQM or UDQM is LOW,the corresponding buffer byte is enabled, and data can be written to the device. When LDQM or UDQM is HIGH,input data is masked and cannot be written to the device.RAS , in conjunction with CAS and WE , forms the device command. See the “Command Truth Table ” item for details on device commands.WE , in conjunction with RAS and CAS , forms the device command. See the “Command Truth Table ” item for details on device commands.V CCQ is the output buffer power supply.V CC is the device internal power supply.GND Q is the output buffer ground.GND is the device internal ground.READThe READ command selects the bank from BA0, BA1inputs and starts a burst read access to an active row.Inputs A0-A7 provides the starting column location. When A10 is HIGH, this command functions as an AUTO PRECHARGE command. When the auto precharge is selected, the row being accessed will be precharged at the end of the READ burst. The row will remain open for subsequent accesses when AUTO PRECHARGE is not selected. DQ ’s read data is subject to the logic level on the DQM inputs two clocks earlier. When a given DQM signal was registered HIGH, the corresponding DQ ’s will be High-Z two clocks later. DQ ’s will provide valid data when the DQM signal was registered LOW.WRITEA burst write access to an active row is initiated with the WRITE command. BA0, BA1 inputs selects the bank, and the starting column location is provided by inputs A0-A7.Whether or not AUTO-PRECHARGE is used is deter-mined by A10.The row being accessed will be precharged at the end of the WRITE burst, if AUTO PRECHARGE is selected. If AUTO PRECHARGE is not selected, the row will remain open for subsequent accesses.A memory array is written with corresponding input data on DQ ’s and DQM input logic level appearing at the same time. Data will be written to memory when DQM signal is LOW. When DQM is HIGH, the corresponding data inputs will be ignored, and a WRITE will not be executed to that byte/column location.PRECHARGEThe PRECHARGE command is used to deactivate the open row in a particular bank or the open row in all banks.BA0, BA1 can be used to select which bank is precharged or they are treated as “Don ’t Care ”. A10 determined whether one or all banks are precharged. After executing this command, the next command for the selected banks(s)is executed after passage of the period t RP , which is the period required for bank precharging. Once a bank has been precharged, it is in the idle state and must be activated prior to any READ or WRITE commands being issued to that bank.AUTO PRECHARGEThe AUTO PRECHARGE function ensures that the precharge is initiated at the earliest valid stage within a burst. This function allows for individual-bank precharge without requiring an explicit command. A10 to enables the AUTO PRECHARGE function in conjunction with a spe-cific READ or WRITE command. For each individual READ or WRITE command, auto precharge is eitherIS42S16400ISSI®Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-47745TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01enabled or disabled. AUTO PRECHARGE does not apply except in full-page burst mode. Upon completion of the READ or WRITE burst, a precharge of the bank/row that is addressed is automatically performed.AUTO REFRESH COMMANDThis command executes the AUTO REFRESH operation.The row address and bank to be refreshed are automatically generated during this operation.The stipulated period (t RC )is required for a single refresh operation, and no other commands can be executed during this period.This com-mand is executed at least 4096 times every 64ms. During an AUTO REFRESH command, address bits are “Don ’t Care ”. This command corresponds to CBR Auto-refresh.SELF REFRESHDuring the SELF REFRESH operation, the row address to be refreshed, the bank, and the refresh interval are generated automatically internally. SELF REFRESH can be used to retain data in the SDRAM without external clocking, even if the rest of the system is powered down.The SELF REFRESH operation is started by dropping the CKE pin from HIGH to LOW. During the SELF REFRESH operation all other inputs to the SDRAM become “Don ’t Care ”.The device must remain in self refresh mode for a minimum period equal to t RAS or may remain in self refresh mode for an indefinite period beyond that.The SELF-REFRESH operation continues as long as the CKE pin remains LOW and there is no need for external control of any other pins.The next command cannot be executed until the device internal recovery period (t RC ) has elapsed.Once CKE goes HIGH, the NOP command must be issued (minimum of two clocks) to provide time for the completion of any internal refresh in progress. After the self-refresh, since it is impossible to determine the ad-dress of the last row to be refreshed, an AUTO-REFRESH should immediately be performed for all addresses.BURST TERMINATEThe BURST TERMINATE command forcibly terminates the burst read and write operations by truncating either fixed-length or full-page bursts and the most recently registered READ or WRITE command prior to the BURST TERMINATE.COMMAND INHIBITCOMMAND INHIBIT prevents new commands from being executed. Operations in progress are not affected, apart from whether the CLK signal is enabledNO OPERATIONWhen CS is low, the NOP command prevents unwanted commands from being registered during idle or wait states.LOAD MODE REGISTERDuring the LOAD MODE REGSITER command the mode register is loaded from A0-A11. This command can only be issued when all banks are idle.ACTIVE COMMANDWhen the ACTIVE COMMAND is activated, BA0, BA1inputs selects a bank to be accessed, and the address inputs on A0-A11 selects the row. Until a PRECHARGE command is issued to the bank, the row remains open for accesses.IS42S16400ISSI®TRUTH TABLE – COMMANDS AND DQM OPERATION(1)FUNCTION CS RAS CAS WE DQM ADDR DQs COMMAND INHIBIT (NOP)H X X X X X X NO OPERATION (NOP)L H H H X X X ACTIVE (Select bank and activate row)(3)L L H H X Bank/Row X READ (Select bank/column, start READ burst)(4)L H L H L/H(8)Bank/Col X WRITE (Select bank/column, start WRITE burst)(4)L H L L L/H(8)Bank/Col Valid BURST TERMINATE L H H L X X Active PRECHARGE (Deactivate row in bank or banks)(5)L L H L X Code X AUTO REFRESH or SELF REFRESH(6,7)L L L H X X X (Enter self refresh mode)LOAD MODE REGISTER(2)L L L L X Op-Code X Write Enable/Output Enable(8)————L—Active Write Inhibit/Output High-Z(8)————H—High-Z NOTES:1.CKE is HIGH for all commands except SELF REFRESH.2.A0-A11 define the op-code written to the mode register.3.A0-A11 provide row address, and BA0, BA1 determine which bank is made active.4.A0-A7 (x16) provide column address; A10 HIGH enables the auto precharge feature (nonpersistent), while A10 LOW disablesauto precharge; BA0, BA1 determine which bank is being read from or written to.5.A10 LOW: BA0, BA1 determine the bank being precharged. A10 HIGH: All banks precharged and BA0, BA1 are “Don’t Care.”6.AUTO REFRESH if CKE is HIGH, SELF REFRESH if CKE is LOW.7.Internal refresh counter controls row addressing; all inputs and I/Os are “Don’t Care” except for CKE.8.Activates or deactivates the DQs during WRITEs (zero-clock delay) and READs (two-clock delay).6Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-4774TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01IS42S16400ISSI®TRUTH TABLE – CKE (1-4)CURRENT STATE COMMANDn ACTIONn CKEn-1CKEn Power-Down X Maintain Power-Down L L Self Refresh X Maintain Self Refresh L L Clock Suspend X Maintain Clock Suspend L L Power-Down(5)COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP Exit Power-Down L H Self Refresh(6)COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP Exit Self Refresh L H Clock Suspend(7)X Exit Clock Suspend L H All Banks Idle COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP Power-Down Entry H L All Banks Idle AUTO REFRESH Self Refresh Entry H L Reading or Writing VALID Clock Suspend Entry H LSee TRUTH TABLE – CURRENT STATE BANK n, COMMAND TO BANK n H H NOTES:1.CKEn is the logic state of CKE at clock edge n; CKEn-1was the state of CKE at the previous clock edge.2.Current state is the state of the SDRAM immediately prior to clock edge n.MANDn is the command registered at clock edge n, and ACTONn is a result of COMMANDn.4.All states and sequences not shown are illegal or reserved.5.Exiting power-down at clock edge n will put the device in the all banks idle state in time for clock edge n+1 (provided that t CKS is met).6.Exiting self refresh at clock edge n will put the device in all banks idle state once t XSR is met. COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP commandsshould be issued on clock edges occurring during the t XSR period. A minimum of two NOP commands must be sent during t XSR period.7.After exiting clock suspend at clock edge n, the device will resume operation and recognize the next command at clock edge n+1.TRUTH TABLE – CURRENT STATE BANK n, COMMAND TO BANK n (1-6)CURRENT STATE COMMAND (ACTION)CS RAS CAS WE Any COMMAND INHIBIT (NOP/Continue previous operation)H X X X NO OPERATION (NOP/Continue previous operation)L H H H Idle ACTIVE (Select and activate row)L L H H AUTO REFRESH(7)L L L HLOAD MODE REGISTER(7)L L L LPRECHARGE(11)L L H L Row Active READ (Select column and start READ burst)(10)L H L H WRITE (Select column and start WRITE burst)(10)L H L LPRECHARGE (Deactivate row in bank or banks)(8)L L H L Read READ (Select column and start new READ burst)(10)L H L H (Auto WRITE (Select column and start WRITE burst)(10)L H L L Precharge PRECHARGE (Truncate READ burst, start PRECHARGE)(8)L L H L Disabled)BURST TERMINATE(9)L H H L Write READ (Select column and start READ burst)(10)L H L H (Auto WRITE (Select column and start new WRITE burst)(10)L H L L Precharge PRECHARGE (Truncate WRITE burst, start PRECHARGE)(8)L L H L Disabled)BURST TERMINATE(9)L H H LIntegrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-47747 TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01IS42S16400ISSI®NOTE:1.This table applies when CKE n-1 was HIGH and CKE n is HIGH (see Truth Table - CKE) and after t XSR has been met (if theprevious state was SELF REFRESH).2.This table is bank-specific, except where noted; i.e., the current state is for a specific bank and the commands shown are thoseallowed to be issued to that bank when in that state. Exceptions are covered in the notes below.3.Current state definitions:Idle:The bank has been precharged, and t RP has been met.Row Active:A row in the bank has been activated, and t RCD has been met. No data bursts/accesses and no register accesses are in progress.Read:A READ burst has been initiated, with auto precharge disabled, and has not yet terminated or been terminated.Write:A WRITE burst has been initiated, with auto precharge disabled, and has not yet terminated or been terminated.4.The following states must not be interrupted by a command issued to the same bank. COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP commands, orallowable commands to the other bank should be issued on any clock edge occurring during these states. Allowable commands to the other bank are determined by its current state and CURRENT STATE BANK n truth tables.Precharging:Starts with registration of a PRECHARGE command and ends when t RP is met. Once t RP is met, the bank will be in the idle state.Row Activating:Starts with registration of an ACTIVE command and ends when t RCD is met. Once t RCD is met, the bank will be in the row active state.Read w/AutoPrecharge Enabled:Starts with registration of a READ command with auto precharge enabled and ends when t RP has been met.Once t RP is met, the bank will be in the idle state.Write w/AutoPrecharge Enabled:Starts with registration of a WRITE command with auto precharge enabled and ends when t RP has been met.Once t RP is met, the bank will be in the idle state.5.The following states must not be interrupted by any executable command; COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP commands must beapplied on each positive clock edge during these states.Refreshing:Starts with registration of an AUTO REFRESH command and ends when t RC is met. Once t RC is met, the SDRAM will be in the all banks idle state.Accessing ModeRegister:Starts with registration of a LOAD MODE REGISTER command and ends when t MRD has been met. Once t MRD is met, the SDRAM will be in the all banks idle state.Precharging All:Starts with registration of a PRECHARGE ALL command and ends when t RP is met. Once t RP is met, all banks will be in the idle state.6.All states and sequences not shown are illegal or reserved.7.Not bank-specific; requires that all banks are idle.8.May or may not be bank-specific; if all banks are to be precharged, all must be in a valid state for precharging.9.Not bank-specific; BURST TERMINATE affects the most recent READ or WRITE burst, regardless of bank.10.READs or WRITEs listed in the Command (Action) column include READs or WRITEs with auto precharge enabled and READsor WRITEs with auto precharge disabled.11.Does not affect the state of the bank and acts as a NOP to that bank.8Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-4774TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01IS42S16400ISSI®TRUTH TABLE – CURRENT STATE BANK n, COMMAND TO BANK m (1-6)CURRENT STATE COMMAND (ACTION)CS RAS CAS WE Any COMMAND INHIBIT (NOP/Continue previous operation)H X X X NO OPERATION (NOP/Continue previous operation)L H H H Idle Any Command Otherwise Allowed to Bank m X X X X Row ACTIVE (Select and activate row)L L H H Activating,READ (Select column and start READ burst)(7)L H L H Active, or WRITE (Select column and start WRITE burst)(7)L H L L Precharging PRECHARGE L L H L Read ACTIVE (Select and activate row)L L H H (Auto READ (Select column and start new READ burst)(7,10)L H L H Precharge WRITE (Select column and start WRITE burst)(7,11)L H L L Disabled)PRECHARGE(9)L L H L Write ACTIVE (Select and activate row)L L H H (Auto READ (Select column and start READ burst)(7,12)L H L H Precharge WRITE (Select column and start new WRITE burst)(7,13)L H L L Disabled)PRECHARGE(9)L L H L Read ACTIVE (Select and activate row)L L H H (With Auto READ (Select column and start new READ burst)(7,8,14)L H L H Precharge)WRITE (Select column and start WRITE burst)(7,8,15)L H L L PRECHARGE(9)L L H L Write ACTIVE (Select and activate row)L L H H (With Auto READ (Select column and start READ burst)(7,8,16)L H L H Precharge)WRITE (Select column and start new WRITE burst)(7,8,17)L H L L PRECHARGE(9)L L H L NOTE:1.This table applies when CKE n-1 was HIGH and CKE n is HIGH (Truth Table - CKE) and after t XSR has been met (if the previousstate was self refresh).2.This table describes alternate bank operation, except where noted; i.e., the current state is for bank n and the commands shownare those allowed to be issued to bank m (assuming that bank m is in such a state that the given command is allowable). Exceptions are covered in the notes below.3.Current state definitions:Idle:The bank has been precharged, and t RP has been met.Row Active:A row in the bank has been activated, and t RCD has been met. No data bursts/accesses and no register accesses are in progress.Read:A READ burst has been initiated, with auto precharge disabled, and has not yet terminated or been terminated.Write:A WRITE burst has been initiated, with auto precharge disabled, and has not yet terminated or been terminated.Read w/AutoPrecharge Enabled:Starts with registration of a READ command with auto precharge enabled, and ends when t RP has been met.Once t RP is met, the bank will be in the idle state.Write w/AutoPrecharge Enabled:Starts with registration of a WRITE command with auto precharge enabled, and ends when t RP has been met. Once t RP is met, the bank will be in the idle state.4.AUTO REFRESH, SELF REFRESH and LOAD MODE REGISTER commands may only be issued when all banks are idle.5.A BURST TERMINATE command cannot be issued to another bank; it applies to the bank represented by the current state only.6.All states and sequences not shown are illegal or reserved.Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-47749 TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01IS42S16400ISSI®7.READs or WRITEs to bank m listed in the Command (Action) column include READs or WRITEs with auto precharge enabledand READs or WRITEs with auto precharge disabled.8.CONCURRENT AUTO PRECHARGE: Bank n will initiate the AUTO PRECHARGE command when its burst has been inter-rupted by bank m’s burst.9.Burst in bank n continues as initiated.10.For a READ without auto precharge interrupted by a READ (with or without auto precharge), the READ to bank m will interrupt theREAD on bank n, CAS latency later (Consecutive READ Bursts).11.For a READ without auto precharge interrupted by a WRITE (with or without auto precharge), the WRITE to bank m will interruptthe READ on bank n when registered (READ to WRITE). DQM should be used one clock prior to the WRITE command to prevent bus contention.12.For a WRITE without auto precharge interrupted by a READ (with or without auto precharge), the READ to bank m will interruptthe WRITE on bank n when registered (WRITE to READ), with the data-out appearing CAS latency later. The last valid WRITE to bank n will be data-in registered one clock prior to the READ to bank m.13.For a WRITE without auto precharge interrupted by a WRITE (with or without auto precharge), the WRITE to bank m will interruptthe WRITE on bank n when registered (WRITE to WRITE). The last valid WRITE to bank n will be data-in registered one clock prior to the READ to bank m.14.For a READ with auto precharge interrupted by a READ (with or without auto precharge), the READ to bank m will interrupt theREAD on bank n, CAS latency later. The PRECHARGE to bank n will begin when the READ to bank m is registered (Fig CAP 1).15.For a READ with auto precharge interrupted by a WRITE (with or without auto precharge), the WRITE to bank m will interrupt theREAD on bank n when registered. DQM should be used two clocks prior to the WRITE command to prevent bus contention. The PRECHARGE to bank n will begin when the WRITE to bank m is registered (Fig CAP 2).16.For a WRITE with auto precharge interrupted by a READ (with or without auto precharge), the READ to bank m will interrupt theWRITE on bank n when registered, with the data-out appearing CAS latency later. The PRECHARGE to bank n will begin after t WR is met, where t WR begins when the READ to bank m is registered. The last valid WRITE to bank n will be data-in registered one clock prior to the READ to bank m (Fig CAP 3).17.For a WRITE with auto precharge interrupted by a WRITE (with or without auto precharge), the WRITE to bank m will interrupt theWRITE on bank n when registered. The PRECHARGE to bank n will begin after t WR is met, where t WR begins when the WRITE to bank m is registered. The last valid WRITE to bank n will be data registered one clock prior to the WRITE to bank m (Fig CAP 4). 10Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-4774TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01。
IS42S81600 IS42S16800Copyright © 2006 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. All rights reserved. ISSI reserves the right to make changes to this specification and its products at any time with-out notice. ISSI assumes no liability arising out of the application or use of any information, products or services described herein. Customers are advised to obtainthe latest version of this device specification before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products.FEATURES• Clock frequency: 200, 166, 143, 133 MHz • Fully synchronous; all signals referenced to a positive clock edge • Internal bank for hiding row access/precharge • Power supply V dd V ddqIS42S81600 3.3V 3.3V IS42S16800 3.3V 3.3V• LVTTL interface• Programmable burst length – (1, 2, 4, 8, full page)• Programmable burst sequence: Sequential/Interleave • Auto Refresh (CBR)• Self Refresh• 4096 refresh cycles every 64 ms• Random column address every clock cycle • Programmable CAS latency (2, 3 clocks)• Burst read/write and burst read/single write operations capability • Burst termination by burst stop and precharge command • Industrial T emperature Availability • Lead-free AvailabilityOVERVIEWISSI 's 128Mb Synchronous DRAM achieves high-speeddata transfer using pipeline architecture. All inputs and outputs signals refer to the rising edge of the clock input.The 128Mb SDRAM is organized as follows.16M x 8, 8M x16128Mb SYNCHRONOUS DRAMMARCH 2009KEY TIMING PARAMETERSParameter -5 -6 -7 -75E Unit Clk Cycle Time CAS Latency = 3 5 6 7 — ns CAS Latency = 2 10 10 10 7.5 ns Clk Frequency CAS Latency = 3 200 166 143 — Mhz CAS Latency = 2100 100 100 133 Mhz Access Time from Clock CAS Latency = 3 5.0 5.4 5.4 — ns CAS Latency = nsIS42S81600 IS42S16800 4M x8 x4 Banks 2M x16 x4 Banks 54-pin TSOPII 54-pin TSOPII 54-ball BGAIS42S81600, IS42S16800 DEVICE OVERVIEWThe 128Mb SDRAM is a high speed CMOS, dynamic random-access memory designed to operate in 3.3V V dd and 3.3V V ddq memory systems containing 134,217,728 bits. Internally configured as a quad-bank DRAM with a synchronous interface. Each 33,554,432-bit bank is orga-nized as 4,096 rows by 512 columns by 16 bits or 4,096 rows by 1,024 columns by 8 bits.The 128Mb SDRAM includes an AUTO REFRESH MODE, and a power-saving, power-down mode. All signals are registered on the positive edge of the clock signal, CLK. All inputs and outputs are LVTTL compatible.The 128Mb SDRAM has the ability to synchronously burst data at a high data rate with automatic column-address generation, the ability to interleave between internal banks to hide precharge time and the capability to randomly change column addresses on each clock cycle during burst access.A self-timed row precharge initiated at the end of the burst sequence is available with the AUTO PRECHARGE function enabled. Precharge one bank while accessing one of the other three banks will hide the precharge cycles and provide seamless, high-speed, random-access operation. SDRAM read and write accesses are burst oriented starting at a selected location and continuing for a programmed number of locations in a programmed sequence. The registration of an ACTIVE command begins accesses, followed by a READ or WRITE command. The ACTIVE command in conjunction with address bits registered are used to select the bank and row to be accessed (BA0, BA1 select the bank; A0-A11 select the row). The READ or WRITE commands in conjunction with address bits registered are used to select the starting column location for the burst access.Programmable READ or WRITE burst lengths consist of 1, 2, 4 and 8 locations or full page, with a burst terminate option.FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM (FOR 2MX16X4 BANKS ONlY)2 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. AIS42S81600, IS42S16800PIN CONFIGURATIONS54 pin TSOP - Type II for x8PIN DESCRIPTIONSA0-A11 Row Address InputA0-A9 Column Address Input BA0, BA1 Bank Select Address DQ0 to DQ7 Data I/OCLK System Clock Input CKE Clock Enable CS Chip SelectRAS Row Address Strobe Command CASColumn Address Strobe CommandWE Write EnableDQM Data Input/Output Mask V dd Power Vss GroundV ddq Power Supply for I/O Pin Vss q Ground for I/O Pin NCNo Connection4 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. AIS42S81600, IS42S16800PIN CONFIGURATIONS54 pin TSOP - Type II for x16PIN DESCRIPTIONSA0-A11 Row Address InputA0-A8 Column Address Input BA0, BA1 Bank Select Address DQ0 to DQ15 Data I/OCLK System Clock Input CKE Clock Enable CS Chip SelectRAS Row Address Strobe Command CASColumn Address Strobe CommandWE Write EnableDQML x16 Lower Byte, Input/Output Mask DQMH x16 Upper Byte, Input/Output Mask V dd Power Vss GroundV ddq Power Supply for I/O Pin Vss q Ground for I/O Pin NCNo ConnectionIS42S81600, IS42S16800PIN CONFIGURATION54-ball fBGA for x16(T op View) (8.00 mm x 8.00 mm Body, 0.8 mm Ball Pitch) PACKAGE CODE: BPIN DESCRIPTIONSA0-A11 Row Address InputA0-A8 Column Address InputBA0, BA1 Bank Select AddressDQ0 to DQ15 Data I/OCLK System Clock InputCKE Clock EnableCS Chip SelectRAS Row Address Strobe Command CAS Column Address Strobe Command WE Write EnableDQML x16 Lower Byte Input/Output Mask DQMH x16 Upper Byte Input/Output Mask V dd PowerVss GroundV ddq Power Supply for I/O PinVss q Ground for I/O PinNC No ConnectionIS42S81600, IS42S16800PIN FUNCTIONSSymbol Type Function (In Detail)A0-A11 Input Pin Address Inputs: A0-A11 are sampled during the ACTIVEcommand (row-address A0-A11) and READ/WRITE command (column address A0-A9 (x8), or A0-A8 (x16); with A10 defining auto precharge) to select one location outof the memory array in the respective bank. A10 is sampled during a PRECHARGEcommand to determine if all banks are to be precharged (A10 HIGH) or bank se-lected byBA0, BA1 (LOW). The address inputs also provide the op-code during a LOADMODE REGISTER command.BA0, BA1 Input Pin Bank Select Address: BA0 and BA1 defines which bank the ACTIVE, READ, WRITEor PRECHARGE command is being applied.CAS Input Pin CAS, in conjunction with the RAS and WE, forms the device command. See the"Command Truth Table" for details on device commands.CKE Input Pin The CKE input determines whether the CLK input is enabled. The next rising edgeof the CLK signal will be valid when is CKE HIGH and invalid when LOW. When CKEis LOW, the device will be in either power-down mode, clock suspend mode, or selfrefresh mode. CKE is an asynchronous i nput.CLK Input Pin CLK is the master clock input for this device. Except for CKE, all inputs to this deviceare acquired in synchronization with the rising edge of this pin.CS Input Pin The CS input determines whether command input is enabled within the device.Command input is enabled when CS is LOW, and disabled with CS is HIGH. Thedevice remains in the previous state when CS is HIGH.DQML, Input Pin DQML and DQMH control the lower and upper bytes of the I/O buffers. In readDQMH mode,DQML and DQMH control the output buffer. WhenDQML orDQMH is LOW, thecorresponding buffer byte is enabled, and when HIGH, disabled. The outputs go tothe HIGH impedance state whenDQML/DQMH is HIGH. This function corresponds toOE in conventional DRAMs. In write mode,DQML and DQMH control the input buffer.When DQML or DQMH is LOW, the corresponding buffer byte is enabled, and datacan be written to the device. When DQML or DQMH is HIGH, input data is maskedand cannot be written to the device. For IS42S16800 only.DQM Input Pin For IS42S81600 only.DQ0-DQ7 or Input/Output Data on the Data Bus is latched on DQ pins during Write commands, and buffered forDQ0-DQ15 output after Read commands.RAS Input Pin RAS, in conjunction with CAS and WE, forms the device command. See the "Com-mand Truth Table" item for details on device commands.WE Input Pin WE, in conjunction with RAS and CAS, forms the device command. See the "Com-mand Truth Table" item for details on device commands.V ddq P ower Supply Pin V ddq is the output buffer power supply.V dd P ower Supply Pin V dd is the device internal power supply.V ssq P ower Supply Pin V ssq is the output buffer ground.V ss P ower Supply Pin V ss is the device internal ground.6 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. AIS42S81600, IS42S16800GENERAl DESCRIPTION READThe READ command selects the bank from BA0, BA1 inputs and starts a burst read access to an active row. Inputs A0-A9 (x8); A0-A8 (x16) provides the starting column location. When A10 is HIGH, this command functions as an AUTO PRECHARGE command. When the auto precharge is selected, the row being accessed will be precharged at the end of the READ burst. The row will remain open for subsequent accesses when AUTO PRECHARGE is not selected. DQ’s read data is subject to the logic level on the DQM inputs two clocks earlier. When a given DQM signal was registered HIGH, the corresponding DQ’s will be High-Z two clocks later. DQ’s will provide valid data when the DQM signal was registered LOW.WRITEA burst write access to an active row is initiated with the WRITE command. BA0, BA1 inputs selects the bank, and the starting column location is provided by inputs A0-A9 (x8); A0-A8 (x16). Whether or not AUTO-PRECHARGE is used is determined by A10.The row being accessed will be precharged at the end of the WRITE burst, if AUTO PRECHARGE is selected. If AUTO PRECHARGE is not selected, the row will remain open for subsequent accesses.A memory array is written with corresponding input data on DQ’s and DQM input logic level appearing at the same time. Data will be written to memory when DQM signal is LOW. When DQM is HIGH, the corresponding data inputs will be ignored, and a WRITE will not be executed to that byte/column location.PRECHARGEThe PRECHARGE command is used to deactivate the open row in a particular bank or the open row in all banks. BA0, BA1 can be used to select which bank is precharged or they are treated as “Don’t Care”. A10 determined whether one or all banks are precharged. After execut -ing this command, the next command for the selected bank(s) is executed after passage of the period t RP , which is the period required for bank precharging. Once a bank has been precharged, it is in the idle state and must be activated prior to any READ or WRITE commands being issued to that bank.AUTO PRECHARGEThe AUTO PRECHARGE function ensures that the pre -charge is initiated at the earliest valid stage within a burst. This function allows for individual-bank precharge without requiring an explicit command. A10 to enable the AUTO PRECHARGE function in conjunction with a specific READ or WRITE command. For each individual READ or WRITE command, auto precharge is either enabled or disabled. AUTO PRECHARGE does not apply except in full-page burst mode. Upon completion of the READ or WRITE burst, a precharge of the bank/row that is addressed is automatically performed.AUTO REFRESH COMMANDThis command executes the AUTO REFRESH operation. The row address and bank to be refreshed are automatically generated during this operation. The stipulated period (t rc ) is required for a single refresh operation, and no other com -mands can be executed during this period. This command is executed at least 4096 times for every 64ms. During an AUTO REFRESH command, address bits are “Don’t Care”. This command corresponds to CBR Auto-refresh.BURST TERMINATEThe BURST TERMINA TE command forcibly terminates the burst read and write operations by truncating either fixed-length or full-page bursts and the most recently registered READ or WRITE command prior to the BURST TERMINA TE.COMMAND INHIBITCOMMAND INHIBIT prevents new commands from being executed. Operations in progress are not affected, apart from whether the CLK signal is enabledNO OPERATIONWhen CS is low, the NOP command prevents unwanted commands from being registered during idle or wait states.lOAD MODE REGISTERDuring the LOAD MODE REGISTER command the mode register is loaded from A0-A11. This command can only be issued when all banks are idle.ACTIVE COMMANDWhen the ACTIVE COMMAND is activated, BA0, BA1 inputs selects a bank to be accessed, and the address inputs on A0-A11 selects the row. Until a PRECHARGE command is issued to the bank, the row remains open for accesses.8 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. AIS42S81600, IS42S16800CKE DQM Function n-1 n U lData write / output enable H × L L Data mask / output disable H × H H Upper byte write enable / output enable H × L ×Lower byte write enable / output enable H × × L Upper byte write inhibit / output disable H × H ×Lower byte write inhibit / output disableH × ×HCKE A11Function n – 1 nCS RAS CAS WE BA1 BA0 A10 A9 - A0Device deselect (DESL) H × H × × × × × × ×No operation (NOP) H × L H H H × × × ×Burst stop (BST) H × L H H L × × × ×Read H × L H L H V V L V Read with auto precharge H × L H L H V V H V Write H × L H L L V V L V Write with auto precharge H × L H L L V V H V Bank activate (ACT) H × L L H H V V V V Precharge select bank (PRE) H × L L H L V V L ×Precharge all banks (P ALL) H × L L H L × × H ×CBR Auto-Refresh (REF) H H L L L H × × × ×Self-Refresh (SELF) H L L L L H × × × ×Mode register set (MRS) H×LLLLLLL VCOMMAND TRUTH TABlEDQM TRUTH TABlENote: H=V ih , L=V il x= V ih or V il , V = Valid Data.Note: H=V ih , L=V il x= V ih or V il , V = Valid Data.IS42S81600, IS42S16800CKE TRUTH TABlECKECurrent State /Function n – 1 n CS RAS CAS WE Address Activating Clock suspend mode entry H L × × × × ×Any Clock suspend mode L L × × × × ×Clock suspend mode exit L H × × × × ×Auto refresh command Idle (REF) H H L L L H ×Self refresh entry Idle (SELF) H L L L L H ×Power down entry Idle H L × × × × ×Self refresh exit L H L H H H × L H H × × × ×Power down exit L H × × × × ×Note: H=V ih, L=V il x= V ih or V il, V = Valid Data.IS42S81600, IS42S16800FUNCTIONAl TRUTH TABlECurrent State CS RAS CAS WE Address Command ActionIdle H X X X X DESL Nop or Power Down(2)L H H H X NOP Nop or Power Down(2)L H H L X BST Nop or Power DownL H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA ILLEGAL (3)L H L L A, CA, A10 WRIT/ WRIT A ILLEGAL(3)L L H H BA, RA ACT Row activatingL L H L BA, A10 PRE/P ALL NopL L L H X REF/SELF Auto refresh or Self-refresh(4)L L L L OC, BA1=L MRS Mode register setRow Active H X X X X DESL NopL H H H X NOP NopL H H L X BST NopL H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA Begin read (5)L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/ WRIT A Begin write (5)L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL (3)L L H L BA, A10 PRE/P ALL PrechargePrecharge all banks(6)L L L H X REF/SELF ILLEGALL L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGALRead H X X X X DESL Continue burst to end toRow activeL H H H X NOP Continue burst to end RowRow activeL H H L X BST Burst stop, Row activeL H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA T erminate burst,begin new read (7)L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/WRIT A T erminate burst,begin write (7,8)L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL (3)L L H L BA, A10 PRE/P ALL T erminate burstPrechargingL L L H X REF/SELF ILLEGALL L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGALWrite H X X X X DESL Continue burst to endWrite recoveringL H H H X NOP Continue burst to endWrite recoveringL H H L X BST Burst stop, Row activeL H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA T erminate burst, start read :Determine AP (7,8)L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/WRIT A T erminate burst, new write :Determine AP (7)L L H H BA, RA RA ACT ILLEGAL (3)L L H L BA, A10 PRE/P ALL T erminate burst Precharging (9) L L L H X REF/SELF ILLEGALL L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGALNote: H=V ih, L=V il x= V ih or V il, V = Valid Data, BA= Bank Address, CA+Column Address, RA=Row Address, OC= Op-Code10 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. AFUNCTIONAl TRUTH TABlE Continued:Current State CS RAS CAS WE Address Command ActionRead with auto H × × × × DESL Continue burst to end, Precharge PrechargingL H H H x NOP Continue burst to end, Precharge L H H L × BST ILLEGALL H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA ILLEGAL (11)L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/ WRIT A ILLEGAL (11)L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL (3)L L H L BA, A10 PRE/P ALL ILLEGAL (11)L L L H × REF/SELF ILLEGALL L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGALWrite with Auto H × × × × DESL Continue burst to end, Write Precharge recovering with auto prechargeL H H H × NOP Continue burst to end, Writerecovering with auto prechargeL H H L ×BST ILLEGALL H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA ILLEGAL(11)L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/ WRIT A ILLEGAL (11)L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL (3,11)L L H L BA, A10 PRE/P ALL ILLEGAL (3,11)L L L H × REF/SELF ILLEGALL L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGALPrecharging H × × × × DESL Nop, Enter idle after tRPL H H H × NOP Nop, Enter idle after tRPL H H L × BST Nop, Enter idle after tRPL H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA ILLEGAL (3)L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/WRIT A ILLEGAL (3)L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL(3)L L H L BA, A10 PRE/P ALL Nop Enter idle after tRPL L L H × REF/SELF ILLEGALL L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGALRow Activating H × × ×× DESL Nop, Enter bank active after tRCD L H H H × NOP Nop, Enter bank active after tRCD L H H L × BST Nop, Enter bank active after tRCD L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA ILLEGAL (3)L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/WRIT A ILLEGAL (3)L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL (3,9)L L H L BA, A10 PRE/P ALL ILLEGAL (3)L L L H × REF/SELF ILLEGALL L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGALNote: H=V ih, L=V il x= V ih or V il, V = Valid Data, BA= Bank Address, CA+Column Address, RA=Row Address, OC= Op-CodeFUNCTIONAl TRUTH TABlE Continued:Current State CS RAS CAS WE Address Command ActionWrite Recovering H × × × × DESL Nop, Enter row active after tDPLL H H H × NOP Nop, Enter row active after tDPLL H H L × BST Nop, Enter row active after tDPLL H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA Begin read (8)L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/ WRIT A Begin new writeL L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL (3)L L H L BA, A10 PRE/P ALL ILLEGAL (3)L L L H × REF/SELF ILLEGALL L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGALWrite Recovering H × × × × DESL Nop, Enter precharge after tDPL with Auto L H H H × NOP Nop, Enter precharge after tDPL Precharge L H H L × BST Nop, Enter row active after tDPLL H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA ILLEGAL(3,8,11)L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/WRIT A ILLEGAL (3,11)L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL (3,11)L L H L BA, A10 PRE/P ALL ILLEGAL (3,11)L L L H × REF/SELF ILLEGALL L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGALRefresh H × × × × DESL Nop, Enter idle after tRCL H H × × NOP/BST Nop, Enter idle after tRCL H L H BA, CA, A10 READ/READA ILLEGALL H L L BA, CA, A10 WRIT/WRIT A ILLEGALL L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGALL L H L BA, A10 PRE/P ALL ILLEGALL L L H × REF/SELF ILLEGALL L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGALMode Register H × × × × DESL Nop, Enter idle after 2 clocks Accessing L H H H × NOP Nop, Enter idle after 2 clocks L H H L × BST ILLEGALL H L × BA, CA, A10 READ/WRITE ILLEGALL L × × BA, RA ACT/PRE/P ALL ILLEGALREF/MRSNote: H=V ih, L=V il x= V ih or V il, V = Valid Data, BA= Bank Address, CA+Column Address, RA=Row Address, OC= Op-Code Notes:1. All entries assume that CKE is active (CKEn-1=CKEn=H).2. If both banks are idle, and CKE is inactive (Low), the device will enter Power Down mode. All input buffers except CKE will bedisabled.3. Illegal to bank in specified states; Function may be legal in the bank indicated by Bank Address (BA), depending on the state ofthat bank.4. If both banks are idle, and CKE is inactive (Low), the device will enter Self-Refresh mode. All input buffers except CKE will bedisabled.5. Illegal if tRCD is not satisfied.6. Illegal if tRAS is not satisfied.7. Must satisfy burst interrupt condition.8. Must satisfy bus contention, bus turn around, and/or write recovery requirements.9. Must mask preceding data which don’t satisfy tDPL.10. Illegal if tRRD is not satisfied.11. Illegal for single bank, but legal for other banks.12 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. ACKE RElATED COMMAND TRUTH TABlE(1)CKECurrent State Operation n-1 n CS RAS CAS WE Address Self-Refresh (S.R.) INVALID, CLK (n - 1) would exit S.R. H X X X X X XSelf-Refresh Recovery(2) L H H X X X XSelf-Refresh Recovery(2) L H L H H X XIllegal L H L H L X XIllegal L H L L X X XMaintain S.R. L L X X X X X Self-Refresh Recovery Idle After t rc H H H X X X X Idle After t rc H H L H H X XIllegal H H L H L X XIllegal H H L L X X XBegin clock suspend next cycle(5) H L H X X X XBegin clock suspend next cycle(5) H L L H H X XIllegal H L L H L X XIllegal H L L L X X XExit clock suspend next cycle(2) L H X X X X XMaintain clock suspend L L X X X X X Power-Down (P.D.) INVALID, CLK (n - 1) would exit P.D. H X X X X X —EXIT P.D. --> Idle(2) L H X X X X XMaintain power down mode L L X X X X X Both Banks Idle Refer to operations in Operative Command Table H H H X X X —Refer to operations in Operative Command Table H H L H X X —Refer to operations in Operative Command Table H H L L H X —Auto-Refresh H H L L L H XRefer to operations in Operative Command Table H H L L L L Op - Code Refer to operations in Operative Command Table H L H X X X —Refer to operations in Operative Command Table H L L H X X —Refer to operations in Operative Command Table H L L L H X —Self-Refresh(3) H L L L L H XRefer to operations in Operative Command Table H L L L L L Op - Code Power-Down(3) L X X X X X X Any state Refer to operations in Operative Command Table H H X X X X X other than Begin clock suspend next cycle(4) H L X X X X X listed above Exit clock suspend next cycle L H X X X X XMaintain clock suspend L L X X X X XNotes:1. H : High level, L : low level, X : High or low level (Don’t care).2. CKE Low to High transition will re-enable CLK and other inputs asynchronously. A minimum setuptime must be satisfiedbefore any command other than EXIT.3. Power down and Self refresh can be entered only from the both banks idle state.4. Must be legal command as defined in Operative Command Table.5. Illegal if t srx is not satisfied.STATE DIAGRAMAutomatic sequenc eManual Input14Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. AABSOlUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (1)Symbol Parameters RatingUnit V dd max Maximum Supply Voltage–0.5 to +4.6 V V ddq max Maximum Supply Voltage for Output Buffer –0.5 to +4.6 V V in Input Voltage –0.5 to V dd + 0.5 V V out Output Voltage –1.0 to V ddq + 0.5V P d max Allowable Power Dissipation 1 W I cs o utput Shorted Current 50 mA T opr o perating T emperature Com. 0 to +70 °CInd. –40 to +85T stgStorage Temperature–55 to +150°CDC RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSSymbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit V dd Supply Voltage 3.0 3.3 3.6 V V ddq I/O Supply Voltage 3.0 3.3 3.6 V V ih (1) Input High Voltage 2.0 — V ddq + 0.3 V V il (2)Input Low Voltage -0.3 — +0.8 VCAPACITANCE CHARACTERISTICS (At T a = 0 to +25°C, V dd = V ddq = 3.3 ± 0.3V)Symbol Parameter Min. M ax. Unit-5 -6 -7 -75E C in1 Input Capacitance: CLK2.53.5 3.54.0 4.0 pF C in2 Input Capacitance:All other input pins 2.5 3.8 3.85.0 5.0 pFC i /oData Input/Output Capacitance:I/Os4.06.56.5 6.5 6.5pFNote:1. V ih (max) = V ddq +1.2V (pulse width < 3ns ).2. V il (min) = -1.2V (pulse width < 3ns ).3. All voltages are referenced to Vss.Notes:1. Stress greater than those listed under ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RA TINGS may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability.2. All voltages are referenced to Vss.DC ElECTRICAl CHARACTERISTICS 1 (Recommended Operation Conditions unless otherwise noted.)Symbol Parameter Test Condition-5 -6 -7-75E Unit i dd1 (1) Operating Current One bank active, CL = 3, BL = 1, 160 140 120 120 mAt clk = t clk (min), t rc = t rc (min)i dd2p Precharge Standby Current CKE ≤V il (max), t ck = 15ns 2 2 2 2 mA(In Power-Down Mode) CS ≥ V dd - 0.2Vi dd2ps Precharge Standby Current CKE ≤V il (max), CLK ≤V il (max) 2 2 2 2 mAwith clock stop CS ≥ V dd - 0.2V(In Power-Down Mode)i dd2n(2) Precharge Standby Current CS ≥ V dd - 0.2V, CKE ≥ V ih (min) 35 35 35 35 mA(In Non Power-Down Mode) t ck = 15nsI dd2ns Precharge Standby Current CS ≥ V dd - 0.2V, CKE ≥ V ih (min) 20 20 20 20 mAwith clock stop(In Non Power-Down Mode)All inputs stablei dd3p(2) Active Standby Current CKE ≤V il (max), CS ≥ V dd - 0.2V 4 4 4 4 mA(In Power-Down Mode) t ck = 15nsi dd3ps Active Standby Current CKE ≤V il (max), CLK ≤V il (max), 3 3 3 3 mAwith clock stop CS ≥ V dd - 0.2V(In Power-Down Mode)i dd3n(2)Active Standby Current CS ≥ V dd - 0.2V, CKE ≥ V ih (min) 55 55 55 55 mA(In Non Power-Down Mode) t ck = 15nsI dd3ns Active Standby Current CS ≥ V dd - 0.2V, CKE ≥ V ih (min) 30 30 30 30 mAwith clock stop All inputs stable(In Non Power-Down Mode)i dd4 Operating Current All banks active, BL = 4, CL = 3, 180 150 130 130 mAt ck = t ck (min)i dd5 Auto-Refresh Current t rc = t rc (min), t clk = t clk (min) 200 180 160 160 mA i dd6 Self-Refresh Current CKE ≤ 0.2V 2 2 2 2 mA Notes:1. I dd (max) is specified at the output open condition.2. Input signals are changed one time during 30ns.DC ElECTRICAl CHARACTERISTICS 2 (Recommended Operation Conditions unless otherwise noted.)Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min Max Uniti il Input Leakage Current 0V ≤ Vin ≤ V dd, with pins other than -5 5 µAthe tested pin at 0Vi ol Output Leakage Current Output is disabled, 0V ≤ Vout ≤ V dd, -5 5 µAV oh Output High Voltage Level I oh = -2mA 2.4 —VV ol Output Low Voltage Level I ol = 2mA —0.4V16 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — Rev. AAC ElECTRICAl CHARACTERISTICS (1,2,3)-5 -6 -7 -75E Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Units t ck3 Clock Cycle Time CAS Latency = 3 5 — 6 — 7 — — — ns t ck2CAS Latency = 2 10 — 10 — 10 — 7.5 — ns t ac3 Access Time From CLK CAS Latency = 3 — 5 — 5.4 — 5.4 — — ns t ac2CAS Latency = 2 — 6.5 — 6.5 — 6.5 — 5.5 ns t chi CLK HIGH Level Width 2 — 2.5 — 2.5 — 2.5 — ns t cl CLK LOW Level Width 2 — 2.5 — 2.5 — 2.5 — ns t oh3 Output Data Hold Time CAS Latency = 3 2.5 — 2.7 — 2.7 — 2.7 — ns t oh2CAS Latency = 2 2.5 — 2.7 — 2.7 — 2.7 — ns t lz Output LOW Impedance Time 0 — 0 — 0 — 0 — ns t hz Output HIGH Impedance Time 2.5 5 2.7 5.4 2.7 5.4 2.7 5.4 ns t ds Input Data Setup Time(2) 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — ns t dh Input Data Hold Time(2) 0.8 — 0.8 — 0.8 — 0.8 — ns t as Address Setup Time(2) 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — ns t ah Address Hold Time(2) 0.8 — 0.8 — 0.8 — 0.8 — ns t cks CKE Setup Time(2) 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — ns t ckh CKE Hold Time(2) 0.8 — 0.8 — 0.8 — 0.8 — ns t cs Command Setup Time (CS, RAS, CAS, WE, DQM)(2) 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — 1.5 — ns t ch Command Hold Time (CS, RAS, CAS, WE, DQM)(2) 0.8 — 0.8 — 0.8 — 0.8 — ns t rc Command Period (REF to REF / ACT to ACT) 55 — 60 — 67.5 — 67.5 — ns t ras Command Period (ACT to PRE) 38 100K 42 100K 45 100K 45 100K ns t rp Command Period (PRE to ACT) 15 — 18 — 20 — 15 — ns t rcd Active Command To Read / Write Command Delay Time 15 — 18 — 20 — 15 — ns t rrd Command Period (ACT [0] to ACT[1]) 10 — 12 — 14 — 15 — ns t dpl Input Data To Precharge 10 — 12 — 14 — 15 — ns Command Delay timet dal Input Data To Active / Refresh 25 — 30— 35— 30 — ns Command Delay time (During Auto-Precharge)t mrd Mode Register Program Time 10 — 12 — 15 — 15 — ns t dde Power Down Exit Setup Time 5 — 6.0 — 7.0 — 7.5 — ns t srx Self-Refresh Exit Time 60 — 67 — 70 — 70 — ns t t Transition Time 0.3 1.2 0.3 1.2 0.3 1.2 0.3 1.2 ns t ref Refresh Cycle Time (4096) — 64 — 64 — 64 — 64 ms Notes:1. The power-on sequence must be executed before starting memory operation.2. m easured with t t= 1 ns. If clock rising time is longer than 1ns, (t r /2 - 0.5) ns should be added to the parameter.3. The reference level is 1.4V when measuring input signal timing. Rise and fall times are measured between V ih(min.) and V il (max).。
Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-47741TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01IS42S16400ISSI®This document contains TARGET SPECIFICATION data. ISSI reserves the right to make changes to its products at any time without notice in order to improve design and supply the best possible product. We assume no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this publication. © Copyright 2001, Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc.FEATURES•Clock frequency: 166, 133, 100 MHz •Fully synchronous; all signals referenced to a positive clock edge •Internal bank for hiding row access/precharge •Single 3.3V power supply •LVTTL interface•Programmable burst length – (1, 2, 4, 8, full page)•Programmable burst sequence:Sequential/Interleave •Self refresh modes•4096 refresh cycles every 64 ms•Random column address every clock cycle •Programmable CAS latency (2, 3 clocks)•Burst read/write and burst read/single write operations capability •Burst termination by burst stop and precharge command •Byte controlled by LDQM and UDQM •Industrial temperature availability •Package: 400-mil 54-pin TSOP IIOVERVIEWISSI 's 64Mb Synchronous DRAM IS42S16400 is organizedas 1,048,576 bits x 16-bit x 4-bank for improved performance. The synchronous DRAMs achieve high-speed data transfer using pipeline architecture. All inputs and outputs signals refer to the rising edge of the clock input.1 Meg Bits x 16 Bits x 4 Banks (64-MBIT)SYNCHRONOUS DYNAMIC RAMFINAL PRODUCTIONMAY 2001PIN CONFIGURATIONS54-Pin TSOP (Type II)PIN DESCRIPTIONSA0-A11Address Input BA0, BA1Bank Select Address I/O0 to I/O15Data I/OCLK System Clock Input CKE Clock Enable CS Chip SelectRAS Row Address Strobe Command CASColumn Address Strobe CommandWE Write EnableLDQM Lower Bye, Input/Output Mask UDQM Upper Bye, Input/Output Mask Vcc Power GND GroundVcc Q Power Supply for I/O Pin GND Q Ground for I/O Pin NCNo ConnectionIS42S16400ISSI®2Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-4774TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe 64Mb SDRAM is a high speed CMOS, dynamic random-access memory designed to operate in 3.3V memory systems containing 67,108,864 bits. Internally configured as a quad-bank DRAM with a synchronousinterface. Each 16,777,216-bit bank is organized as 4,096rows by 256 columns by 16 bits.The 64Mb SDRAM includes an AUTO REFRESH MODE,and a power-saving, power-down mode. All signals are registered on the positive edge of the clock signal, CLK.All inputs and outputs are LVTTL compatible.The 64Mb SDRAM has the ability to synchronously burst data at a high data rate with automatic column-address generation, the ability to interleave between internal banks to hide precharge time and the capability to randomly change column addresses on each clock cycle during burst access.A self-timed row precharge initiated at the end of the burst sequence is available with the AUTO PRECHARGEfunction enabled.Precharge one bank while accessing one of the other three banks will hide the precharge cycles and provide seamless, high-speed, random-access operation.SDRAM read and write accesses are burst oriented starting at a selected location and continuing for a programmed number of locations in a programmed sequence. The registration of an ACTIVE command begins accesses,followed by a READ or WRITE command. The ACTIVE command in conjunction with address bits registered are used to select the bank and row to be accessed (BA0, BA1select the bank; A0-A11 select the row). The READ or WRITE commands in conjunction with address bits reg-istered are used to select the starting column location for the burst access.Programmable READ or WRITE burst lengths consist of 1, 2, 4 and 8 locations or full page, with a burst terminate option.FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMIS42S16400ISSI®PIN FUNCTIONSSymbol Pin No.Type Function (In Detail)A0-A1123 to 26Input Pin Address Inputs: A0-A11 are sampled during the ACTIVE29 to 34command (row-address A0-A11) and READ/WRITE command (A0-A722, 35with A10 defining auto precharge) to select one location out of the memory arrayin the respective bank. A10 is sampled during a PRECHARGE command todetermine if all banks are to be precharged (A10 HIGH) or bank selected byBA0, BA1 (LOW). The address inputs also provide the op-code during a LOADMODE REGISTER command.BA0, BA120, 21Input Pin Bank Select Address: BA0 and BA1 defines which bank the ACTIVE, READ,WRITE or PRECHARGE command is being applied.CAS17Input Pin CAS, in conjunction with the RAS and WE, forms the device command. See the"Command Truth Table" for details on device commands.CKE37Input Pin The CKE input determines whether the CLK input is enabled. The next rising edgeof the CLK signal will be valid when is CKE HIGH and invalid when LOW. WhenCKE is LOW, the device will be in either power-down mode, clock suspend mode,or self refresh mode. CKE is an asynchronous i nput.CLK38Input Pin CLK is the master clock input for this device. Except for CKE, all inputs to thisdevice are acquired in synchronization with the rising edge of this pin.CS19Input Pin The CS input determines whether command input is enabled within the device.Command input is enabled when CS is LOW, and disabled with CS is HIGH. Thedevice remains in the previous state when CS is HIGH.I/O0 to2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10,I/O Pin I/O0 to I/O15 are I/O pins. I/O through these pins can be controlled in byte units I/O1511,13, 42, 44, 45,using the LDQM and UDQM pins.47, 48, 50, 51, 53LDQM,15, 39Input Pin LDQM and UDQM control the lower and upper bytes of the I/O buffers. In read UDQM mode, LDQM and UDQM control the output buffer. When LDQM or UDQM isLOW, the corresponding buffer byte is enabled, and when HIGH, disabled. Theoutputs go to the HIGH impedance state when LDQM/UDQM is HIGH. Thisfunction corresponds to OE in conventional DRAMs. In write mode, LDQM andUDQM control the input buffer. When LDQM or UDQM is LOW, the correspondingbuffer byte is enabled, and data can be written to the device. When LDQM orUDQM is HIGH, input data is masked and cannot be written to the device.RAS18Input Pin RAS, in conjunction with CAS and WE, forms the device command. See the"Command Truth Table" item for details on device commands.WE16 Input Pin WE, in conjunction with RAS and CAS, forms the device command. See the"Command Truth Table" item for details on device commands.V CCQ3, 9, 43, 49Power Supply Pin V CCQ is the output buffer power supply.V CC1, 14, 27Power Supply Pin V CC is the device internal power supply.GND Q6, 12, 46, 52Power Supply Pin GND Q is the output buffer ground.GND28, 41, 54Power Supply Pin GND is the device internal ground.Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-47743 TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01IS42S16400ISSI®4Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-4774TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01FUNCTION (In Detail)A0-A11 are address inputs sampled during the ACTIVE (row-address A0-A11) and READ/WRITE command (A0-A7with A10 defining auto PRECHARGE). A10 is sampled during a PRECHARGE command to determine if all banks are to be PRECHARGED (A10 HIGH) or bank selected by BA0,BA1 (LOW). The address inputs also provide the op-code during a LOAD MODE REGISTER command.Bank Select Address (BA0 and BA1) defines which bank the ACTIVE, READ, WRITE or PRECHARGE command is being applied.CAS , in conjunction with the RAS and WE , forms the device command. See the “Command Truth Table ” for details on device commands.The CKE input determines whether the CLK input is enabled. The next rising edge of the CLK signal will be valid when is CKE HIGH and invalid when LOW. When CKE is LOW, the device will be in either power-down mode, CLOCK SUSPEND mode, or SELF-REFRESH mode. CKE is an asynchronous input.CLK is the master clock input for this device. Except for CKE, all inputs to this device are acquired in synchroni-zation with the rising edge of this pin.The CS input determines whether command input is enabled within the device. Command input is enabled when CS is LOW, and disabled with CS is HIGH. The device remains in the previous state when CS is HIGH. I/O0 to I/O15 are I/O pins. I/O through these pins can be controlled in byte units using the LDQM and UDQM pins.LDQM and UDQM control the lower and upper bytes of the I/O buffers. In read mode, LDQM and UDQM control the output buffer. When LDQM or UDQM is LOW, the corre-sponding buffer byte is enabled, and when HIGH, dis-abled. The outputs go to the HIGH Impedance State when LDQM/UDQM is HIGH. This function corresponds to OE in conventional DRAMs. In write mode, LDQM and UDQM control the input buffer. When LDQM or UDQM is LOW,the corresponding buffer byte is enabled, and data can be written to the device. When LDQM or UDQM is HIGH,input data is masked and cannot be written to the device.RAS , in conjunction with CAS and WE , forms the device command. See the “Command Truth Table ” item for details on device commands.WE , in conjunction with RAS and CAS , forms the device command. See the “Command Truth Table ” item for details on device commands.V CCQ is the output buffer power supply.V CC is the device internal power supply.GND Q is the output buffer ground.GND is the device internal ground.READThe READ command selects the bank from BA0, BA1inputs and starts a burst read access to an active row.Inputs A0-A7 provides the starting column location. When A10 is HIGH, this command functions as an AUTO PRECHARGE command. When the auto precharge is selected, the row being accessed will be precharged at the end of the READ burst. The row will remain open for subsequent accesses when AUTO PRECHARGE is not selected. DQ ’s read data is subject to the logic level on the DQM inputs two clocks earlier. When a given DQM signal was registered HIGH, the corresponding DQ ’s will be High-Z two clocks later. DQ ’s will provide valid data when the DQM signal was registered LOW.WRITEA burst write access to an active row is initiated with the WRITE command. BA0, BA1 inputs selects the bank, and the starting column location is provided by inputs A0-A7.Whether or not AUTO-PRECHARGE is used is deter-mined by A10.The row being accessed will be precharged at the end of the WRITE burst, if AUTO PRECHARGE is selected. If AUTO PRECHARGE is not selected, the row will remain open for subsequent accesses.A memory array is written with corresponding input data on DQ ’s and DQM input logic level appearing at the same time. Data will be written to memory when DQM signal is LOW. When DQM is HIGH, the corresponding data inputs will be ignored, and a WRITE will not be executed to that byte/column location.PRECHARGEThe PRECHARGE command is used to deactivate the open row in a particular bank or the open row in all banks.BA0, BA1 can be used to select which bank is precharged or they are treated as “Don ’t Care ”. A10 determined whether one or all banks are precharged. After executing this command, the next command for the selected banks(s)is executed after passage of the period t RP , which is the period required for bank precharging. Once a bank has been precharged, it is in the idle state and must be activated prior to any READ or WRITE commands being issued to that bank.AUTO PRECHARGEThe AUTO PRECHARGE function ensures that the precharge is initiated at the earliest valid stage within a burst. This function allows for individual-bank precharge without requiring an explicit command. A10 to enables the AUTO PRECHARGE function in conjunction with a spe-cific READ or WRITE command. For each individual READ or WRITE command, auto precharge is eitherIS42S16400ISSI®Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-47745TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01enabled or disabled. AUTO PRECHARGE does not apply except in full-page burst mode. Upon completion of the READ or WRITE burst, a precharge of the bank/row that is addressed is automatically performed.AUTO REFRESH COMMANDThis command executes the AUTO REFRESH operation.The row address and bank to be refreshed are automatically generated during this operation.The stipulated period (t RC )is required for a single refresh operation, and no other commands can be executed during this period.This com-mand is executed at least 4096 times every 64ms. During an AUTO REFRESH command, address bits are “Don ’t Care ”. This command corresponds to CBR Auto-refresh.SELF REFRESHDuring the SELF REFRESH operation, the row address to be refreshed, the bank, and the refresh interval are generated automatically internally. SELF REFRESH can be used to retain data in the SDRAM without external clocking, even if the rest of the system is powered down.The SELF REFRESH operation is started by dropping the CKE pin from HIGH to LOW. During the SELF REFRESH operation all other inputs to the SDRAM become “Don ’t Care ”.The device must remain in self refresh mode for a minimum period equal to t RAS or may remain in self refresh mode for an indefinite period beyond that.The SELF-REFRESH operation continues as long as the CKE pin remains LOW and there is no need for external control of any other pins.The next command cannot be executed until the device internal recovery period (t RC ) has elapsed.Once CKE goes HIGH, the NOP command must be issued (minimum of two clocks) to provide time for the completion of any internal refresh in progress. After the self-refresh, since it is impossible to determine the ad-dress of the last row to be refreshed, an AUTO-REFRESH should immediately be performed for all addresses.BURST TERMINATEThe BURST TERMINATE command forcibly terminates the burst read and write operations by truncating either fixed-length or full-page bursts and the most recently registered READ or WRITE command prior to the BURST TERMINATE.COMMAND INHIBITCOMMAND INHIBIT prevents new commands from being executed. Operations in progress are not affected, apart from whether the CLK signal is enabledNO OPERATIONWhen CS is low, the NOP command prevents unwanted commands from being registered during idle or wait states.LOAD MODE REGISTERDuring the LOAD MODE REGSITER command the mode register is loaded from A0-A11. This command can only be issued when all banks are idle.ACTIVE COMMANDWhen the ACTIVE COMMAND is activated, BA0, BA1inputs selects a bank to be accessed, and the address inputs on A0-A11 selects the row. Until a PRECHARGE command is issued to the bank, the row remains open for accesses.IS42S16400ISSI®6Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-4774TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01TRUTH TABLE – COMMANDS AND DQM OPERATION (1)FUNCTIONCS RAS CAS WE DQM ADDR DQs COMMAND INHIBIT (NOP)H X X X X X X NO OPERATION (NOP)L H H H X X X ACTIVE (Select bank and activate row)(3)L L H H X Bank/RowXREAD (Select bank/column, start READ burst)(4)L H L H L/H (8)Bank/Col XWRITE (Select bank/column, start WRITE burst)(4)L H L L L/H (8)Bank/ColValid BURST TERMINATEL H H L X X Active PRECHARGE (Deactivate row in bank or banks)(5)L L H L X Code X AUTO REFRESH or SELF REFRESH (6,7)L L L H X X X (Enter self refresh mode)LOAD MODE REGISTER(2)L L L L X Op-CodeX Write Enable/Output Enable (8)————L —Active Write Inhibit/Output High-Z(8)————H—High-ZNOTES:1.CKE is HIGH for all commands except SELF REFRESH.2.A0-A11 define the op-code written to the mode register.3.A0-A11 provide row address, and BA0, BA1 determine which bank is made active.4.A0-A7 (x16) provide column address; A10 HIGH enables the auto precharge feature (nonpersistent), while A10 LOW disables auto precharge; BA0, BA1 determine which bank is being read from or written to.5.A10 LOW: BA0, BA1 determine the bank being precharged. A10 HIGH: All banks precharged and BA0, BA1 are “Don ’t Care.”6.AUTO REFRESH if CKE is HIGH, SELF REFRESH if CKE is LOW.7.8.IS42S16400ISSI®TRUTH TABLE – CKE (1-4)CURRENT STATE COMMANDn ACTIONn CKEn-1CKEn Power-Down X Maintain Power-Down L L Self Refresh X Maintain Self Refresh L L Clock Suspend X Maintain Clock Suspend L L Power-Down(5)COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP Exit Power-Down L H Self Refresh(6)COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP Exit Self Refresh L H Clock Suspend(7)X Exit Clock Suspend L H All Banks Idle COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP Power-Down Entry H L All Banks Idle AUTO REFRESH Self Refresh Entry H L Reading or Writing VALID Clock Suspend Entry H LSee TRUTH TABLE – CURRENT STATE BANK n, COMMAND TO BANK n H H NOTES:1.CKEn is the logic state of CKE at clock edge n; CKEn-1was the state of CKE at the previous clock edge.2.Current state is the state of the SDRAM immediately prior to clock edge n.MANDn is the command registered at clock edge n, and ACTONn is a result of COMMANDn.4.All states and sequences not shown are illegal or reserved.5.Exiting power-down at clock edge n will put the device in the all banks idle state in time for clock edge n+1 (provided that t CKS is met).6.Exiting self refresh at clock edge n will put the device in all banks idle state once t XSR is met. COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP commandsshould be issued on clock edges occurring during the t XSR period. A minimum of two NOP commands must be sent during t XSR period.7.After exiting clock suspend at clock edge n, the device will resume operation and recognize the next command at clock edge n+1.TRUTH TABLE – CURRENT STATE BANK n, COMMAND TO BANK n (1-6)CURRENT STATE COMMAND (ACTION)CS RAS CAS WE Any COMMAND INHIBIT (NOP/Continue previous operation)H X X X NO OPERATION (NOP/Continue previous operation)L H H H Idle ACTIVE (Select and activate row)L L H H AUTO REFRESH(7)L L L HLOAD MODE REGISTER(7)L L L LPRECHARGE(11)L L H L Row Active READ (Select column and start READ burst)(10)L H L H WRITE (Select column and start WRITE burst)(10)L H L LPRECHARGE (Deactivate row in bank or banks)(8)L L H L Read READ (Select column and start new READ burst)(10)L H L H (Auto WRITE (Select column and start WRITE burst)(10)L H L L Precharge PRECHARGE (Truncate READ burst, start PRECHARGE)(8)L L H L Disabled)BURST TERMINATE(9)L H H L Write READ (Select column and start READ burst)(10)L H L H (Auto WRITE (Select column and start new WRITE burst)(10)L H L L Precharge PRECHARGE (Truncate WRITE burst, start PRECHARGE)(8)L L H L Disabled)BURST TERMINATE(9)L H H LIntegrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-47747 TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01IS42S16400ISSI®NOTE:1.This table applies when CKE n-1 was HIGH and CKE n is HIGH (see Truth Table - CKE) and after t XSR has been met (if theprevious state was SELF REFRESH).2.This table is bank-specific, except where noted; i.e., the current state is for a specific bank and the commands shown are thoseallowed to be issued to that bank when in that state. Exceptions are covered in the notes below.3.Current state definitions:Idle:The bank has been precharged, and t RP has been met.Row Active:A row in the bank has been activated, and t RCD has been met. No data bursts/accesses and no register accesses are in progress.Read:A READ burst has been initiated, with auto precharge disabled, and has not yet terminated or been terminated.Write:A WRITE burst has been initiated, with auto precharge disabled, and has not yet terminated or been terminated.4.The following states must not be interrupted by a command issued to the same bank. COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP commands, orallowable commands to the other bank should be issued on any clock edge occurring during these states. Allowable commands to the other bank are determined by its current state and CURRENT STATE BANK n truth tables.Precharging:Starts with registration of a PRECHARGE command and ends when t RP is met. Once t RP is met, the bank will be in the idle state.Row Activating:Starts with registration of an ACTIVE command and ends when t RCD is met. Once t RCD is met, the bank will be in the row active state.Read w/AutoPrecharge Enabled:Starts with registration of a READ command with auto precharge enabled and ends when t RP has been met.Once t RP is met, the bank will be in the idle state.Write w/AutoPrecharge Enabled:Starts with registration of a WRITE command with auto precharge enabled and ends when t RP has been met.Once t RP is met, the bank will be in the idle state.5.The following states must not be interrupted by any executable command; COMMAND INHIBIT or NOP commands must beapplied on each positive clock edge during these states.Refreshing:Starts with registration of an AUTO REFRESH command and ends when t RC is met. Once t RC is met, the SDRAM will be in the all banks idle state.Accessing ModeRegister:Starts with registration of a LOAD MODE REGISTER command and ends when t MRD has been met. Once t MRD is met, the SDRAM will be in the all banks idle state.Precharging All:Starts with registration of a PRECHARGE ALL command and ends when t RP is met. Once t RP is met, all banks will be in the idle state.6.All states and sequences not shown are illegal or reserved.7.Not bank-specific; requires that all banks are idle.8.May or may not be bank-specific; if all banks are to be precharged, all must be in a valid state for precharging.9.Not bank-specific; BURST TERMINATE affects the most recent READ or WRITE burst, regardless of bank.10.READs or WRITEs listed in the Command (Action) column include READs or WRITEs with auto precharge enabled and READsor WRITEs with auto precharge disabled.11.Does not affect the state of the bank and acts as a NOP to that bank.8Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-4774TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01IS42S16400ISSI®TRUTH TABLE – CURRENT STATE BANK n, COMMAND TO BANK m (1-6)CURRENT STATE COMMAND (ACTION)CS RAS CAS WE Any COMMAND INHIBIT (NOP/Continue previous operation)H X X X NO OPERATION (NOP/Continue previous operation)L H H H Idle Any Command Otherwise Allowed to Bank m X X X X Row ACTIVE (Select and activate row)L L H H Activating,READ (Select column and start READ burst)(7)L H L H Active, or WRITE (Select column and start WRITE burst)(7)L H L L Precharging PRECHARGE L L H L Read ACTIVE (Select and activate row)L L H H (Auto READ (Select column and start new READ burst)(7,10)L H L H Precharge WRITE (Select column and start WRITE burst)(7,11)L H L L Disabled)PRECHARGE(9)L L H L Write ACTIVE (Select and activate row)L L H H (Auto READ (Select column and start READ burst)(7,12)L H L H Precharge WRITE (Select column and start new WRITE burst)(7,13)L H L L Disabled)PRECHARGE(9)L L H L Read ACTIVE (Select and activate row)L L H H (With Auto READ (Select column and start new READ burst)(7,8,14)L H L H Precharge)WRITE (Select column and start WRITE burst)(7,8,15)L H L L PRECHARGE(9)L L H L Write ACTIVE (Select and activate row)L L H H (With Auto READ (Select column and start READ burst)(7,8,16)L H L H Precharge)WRITE (Select column and start new WRITE burst)(7,8,17)L H L L PRECHARGE(9)L L H L NOTE:1.This table applies when CKE n-1 was HIGH and CKE n is HIGH (Truth Table - CKE) and after t XSR has been met (if the previousstate was self refresh).2.This table describes alternate bank operation, except where noted; i.e., the current state is for bank n and the commands shownare those allowed to be issued to bank m (assuming that bank m is in such a state that the given command is allowable). Exceptions are covered in the notes below.3.Current state definitions:Idle:The bank has been precharged, and t RP has been met.Row Active:A row in the bank has been activated, and t RCD has been met. No data bursts/accesses and no register accesses are in progress.Read:A READ burst has been initiated, with auto precharge disabled, and has not yet terminated or been terminated.Write:A WRITE burst has been initiated, with auto precharge disabled, and has not yet terminated or been terminated.Read w/AutoPrecharge Enabled:Starts with registration of a READ command with auto precharge enabled, and ends when t RP has been met.Once t RP is met, the bank will be in the idle state.Write w/AutoPrecharge Enabled:Starts with registration of a WRITE command with auto precharge enabled, and ends when t RP has been met. Once t RP is met, the bank will be in the idle state.4.AUTO REFRESH, SELF REFRESH and LOAD MODE REGISTER commands may only be issued when all banks are idle.5.A BURST TERMINATE command cannot be issued to another bank; it applies to the bank represented by the current state only.6.All states and sequences not shown are illegal or reserved.Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-47749 TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01IS42S16400ISSI®7.READs or WRITEs to bank m listed in the Command (Action) column include READs or WRITEs with auto precharge enabledand READs or WRITEs with auto precharge disabled.8.CONCURRENT AUTO PRECHARGE: Bank n will initiate the AUTO PRECHARGE command when its burst has been inter-rupted by bank m’s burst.9.Burst in bank n continues as initiated.10.For a READ without auto precharge interrupted by a READ (with or without auto precharge), the READ to bank m will interrupt theREAD on bank n, CAS latency later (Consecutive READ Bursts).11.For a READ without auto precharge interrupted by a WRITE (with or without auto precharge), the WRITE to bank m will interruptthe READ on bank n when registered (READ to WRITE). DQM should be used one clock prior to the WRITE command to prevent bus contention.12.For a WRITE without auto precharge interrupted by a READ (with or without auto precharge), the READ to bank m will interruptthe WRITE on bank n when registered (WRITE to READ), with the data-out appearing CAS latency later. The last valid WRITE to bank n will be data-in registered one clock prior to the READ to bank m.13.For a WRITE without auto precharge interrupted by a WRITE (with or without auto precharge), the WRITE to bank m will interruptthe WRITE on bank n when registered (WRITE to WRITE). The last valid WRITE to bank n will be data-in registered one clock prior to the READ to bank m.14.For a READ with auto precharge interrupted by a READ (with or without auto precharge), the READ to bank m will interrupt theREAD on bank n, CAS latency later. The PRECHARGE to bank n will begin when the READ to bank m is registered (Fig CAP 1).15.For a READ with auto precharge interrupted by a WRITE (with or without auto precharge), the WRITE to bank m will interrupt theREAD on bank n when registered. DQM should be used two clocks prior to the WRITE command to prevent bus contention. The PRECHARGE to bank n will begin when the WRITE to bank m is registered (Fig CAP 2).16.For a WRITE with auto precharge interrupted by a READ (with or without auto precharge), the READ to bank m will interrupt theWRITE on bank n when registered, with the data-out appearing CAS latency later. The PRECHARGE to bank n will begin after t WR is met, where t WR begins when the READ to bank m is registered. The last valid WRITE to bank n will be data-in registered one clock prior to the READ to bank m (Fig CAP 3).17.For a WRITE with auto precharge interrupted by a WRITE (with or without auto precharge), the WRITE to bank m will interrupt theWRITE on bank n when registered. The PRECHARGE to bank n will begin after t WR is met, where t WR begins when the WRITE to bank m is registered. The last valid WRITE to bank n will be data registered one clock prior to the WRITE to bank m (Fig CAP 4). 10Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 1-800-379-4774TARGET SPECIFICATION Rev.C05/04/01。
第1章SmartARM2400工控开发平台1.1 功能特点1.2 硬件电路分析1.2.1 电路原理图SmartARM2400工控开发平台的核心板电路原理图和底板电路原理图见产品光盘“SmartARM2400开发板硬件参考资料\开发板原理图”内。
1.2.2 核心板原理图说明1.核心板电源电路2.看门狗复位电路由于ARM芯片的高速、低功耗、低工作电压等特性导致其噪声容限低,对电源的纹波、瞬态响应性能、时钟源的稳定性、电源监控可靠性等诸多方面也提出了更高的要求。
如图1.1所示,在电路中已经将看门狗复位信号输出脚(WDO)通过R47连接到 SP706S 的手动复位输入脚(MR)上,信号RST连接到CPU的复位脚RESET。
CPU通过定时翻转P3.22脚电平来喂狗,一旦CPU在1.6秒内未翻转P3.22的电平,则SP706S内部的看门狗溢出,WDO脚输出低电平,MR脚被WDO脚拉低为低电平,导致SP706S 在RST脚输出200ms的复位脉冲令CPU复位,同时SP706S内部清零看门狗让其重新计数。
图1.1 系统复位和ISP电路注:喂狗信号引脚为P3.22。
MIMXRT1064 EVK板硬件用户指南说明书
© 2018 NXP B.V.MIMXRT1064 EVK Board Hardware User’sGuide1. IntroductionThis document is a Hardware User’s Guide for theMIMXRT1064 Evaluation Kit (EVK) based on the NXP Semiconductor i.MX RT1064 Processor. This board is fully supported by NXP Semiconductor. This manual includes system setup and debugging, and provides detailed information on the overall design and usage of the EVK board from a hardware systems perspective.1.1. Board overviewThis EVK board is a platform designed to showcase themost commonly used features of the i.MX RT1064 Processor in a small, low cost package. The MIMXRT1064 EVK board is an entry leveldevelopment board, which gives the developer the option of becoming familiar with the processor before investing a large amount or resources in more specific designs.NXP Semiconductors Document Number: MIMXRT1064EVKHUGUser's GuideRev. 0 , 10/2018Contents1.Introduction ........................................................................ 1 1.1. Board overview ....................................................... 1 1.2. MIMXRT1064 EVK vontents ................................. 3 1.3. MIMXRT1064 EVK board revision history ............ 3 2.Specifications ..................................................................... 3 2.1. i.MX RT1064 processor .......................................... 5 2.2. Boot mode configurations ....................................... 6 2.3. Power tree ................................................................ 6 2.4. SDRAM memory .................................................... 9 2.5. SD card slot ............................................................. 9 2.6. Hyper flash .............................................................. 9 2.7. QSPI flash ............................................................... 9 2.8. Ethernet connector ................................................. 10 2.9. USB PHY connector.............................................. 10 2.10. Audio input / output connector .............................. 10 2.11. OpenSDA circuit (DAP-link) ................................ 10 2.12. JTAG connector .................................................... 10 2.13. Arduino expansion port ......................................... 11 2.14. Camera module connector ..................................... 12 2.15. User interface switch ............................................. 12 2.16. Power switch ......................................................... 13 2.17. ON/OFF button...................................................... 13 2.18. Reset button ........................................................... 13 2.19. USER button ......................................................... 13 2.20. Sensor .................................................................... 13 2.21. User interface LED indicator ................................. 13 2.22. LCD interface ........................................................ 14 3.PCB information ............................................................... 14 4. EVK design files............................................................... 14 5. Contents of the evaluation kit ........................................... 15 6.Revision history (15)SpecificationsFeatures of the MIMXRT1064 EVK board are shown in Table 1Specifications 1.2. MIMXRT1064 EVK vontentsThe MIMXRT1064 EVK contains the following items:•MIMXRT1064 EVK Board•USB Cable (Micro B)•Camera1.3. MIMXRT1064 EVK board revision history•EVK: Mass Product.2. SpecificationsThis chapter provides detailed information about the electrical design and practical considerations of the EVK Board, and is organized to discuss each block in the following block diagram of the EVK board.Figure 1. Block diagramThe overview of the MIMXRT1064 EVK Board is shown in Figure 1 & Figure 2.SpecificationsFigure 2. Overview of the MIMXRT1064 EVK Board (Front side)SpecificationsFigure 3. Overview of the MIMXRT1064 EVK Board (Back side)2.1. i.MX RT1064 processorThe i.MX RT1064 is a new processor family featuring NXP's advanced implementation of the ARM Cortex-M7 Core. It provides high CPU performance and best real-time response. The i.MX RT1064 provides various memory interfaces, including SDRAM, Raw NAND FLASH, NOR FLASH,SD/eMMC, Quad SPI, HyperBus and a wide range of other interfaces for connecting peripherals, such as WLAN, Bluetooth™, GPS, displays, and camera sensors. Same as other i.MX processors, i.MXRT1064 also has rich audio and video features, including LCD display, basic 2D graphics, camera interface, SPDIF and I2S audio interface.The i.MX RT1064 applications processor can be used in areas such as industrial HMI, IoT, motor control and home appliances. The architecture's flexibility enables it to be used in a wide variety of other general embedded applications too. The i.MX processor provides all interfaces necessary to connect peripherals such as WLAN, Bluetooth™, GPS, camera sensors, and multiple displays.The more detail information about i.MX RT1064 can be found in the Datasheet and Reference Manual documents.Specifications2.2. Boot mode configurationsThe device has four boot modes (one is reserved for NXP use). The boot mode is selected based on the binary value stored in the internal BOOT_MODE register. Switch (SW7-3 & SW7-4) is used to select the boot mode on the MIMXRT1064 EVK Board.Typically, the internal boot is selected for normal boot, which is configured by external BOOT_CFG GPIOs. The following Table 3 shows the typical Boot Mode and Boot Device settings.NOTEFor more information about boot mode configuration, see the System Boot chapter of theMIMXRT1064 Reference Manual.For more information about MIMXRT1064 EVK boot device selection and configuration, see the respective main board schematic on .2.3. Power treeA DC 5V external power supply is used to supply the MIMXRT1064 EVK Board at J2, and a slide switch SW1 is used to turn the Power ON/OFF. J41 and J9 also can be used to supply the EVK Board. Different power supply need to configure different Jumper setting of J1. Table 4 shows the details:The power tree is shown in the following figure.SpecificationsFigure 4. Power TreeThe power control logic of the MIMXRT1064 EVK board is shown in the following figure: •It will power up SNVS firstly, then PMIC_REQ_ON will be switched on to enable external DC/DC to power up other power domains.•ON/OFF button is used to switch ON/OFF PMIC_REQ_ON to control power modes.•RESET button and WDOG output are used to reset the system power.SpecificationsFigure 5. Power Control Diagram The power rails on the board are shown in Table 5.Specifications2.4. SDRAM memoryOne 256 MB, 166 MHz SDRAM (IS42S16160J-6BLI) is used on the EVK Board.2.5. SD card slotThere is a SD card slot(J39) on the MIMXRT1064 EVK Board.J39 is the Micro SD slot for USDHC1 interface. If the developer wants to boot from the SD Card, the boot device switch (SW7) settings should be: ON, OFF, ON, OFF, as shown in Table 3.2.6. Hyper flashOn the MIMXRT1064 EVK Board, there is one 512Mbit Hyper Flash device for developer to rework MIMXRT1064 EVK Board and use the onboard Hyper Flash.By default, this Hyper Flash is disabled on the EVK. To enable the onboard Hyper Flash, the settings need to be changed.Step 1:Weld resistors: R356, R361 - R366.Step 2:Removed 0 Ω resistors: R153 - R158.2.7. QSPI flashA 64 Mbit QSPI Flash is used on the MIMXRT1064 EVK Board for developer to reworkMIMXRT1064 EVK Board and use the onboard QSPI Flash.Specifications2.8. Ethernet connectorThere is one Ethernet Mac controller in the MIMXRT1064 processor. The Ethernet subsystem of the MIMXRT1064 EVK Board is provided by the KSZ8081RNB 10/100M Ethernet Transceiver (U16) anda RJ45 (J19) with integrated Magnetic.2.9. USB PHY connectorThe MIMXRT1064 contains 2 integrated USB 2.0 PHYs capable of connecting to USB host/device systems at the USB low-speed (LS) rate of 1.5 Mbits/s, full-speed (FS) rate of 12 Mbits/s or at the USB 2.0 high-speed (HS) rate of 480 Mbits/s.2.10. Audio input / output connectorThe Audio CODEC used on the MIMXRT1064 EVK Board is Wolfson’s Low P ower, high quality Stereo Codec, WM8960.The MIMXRT1064 EVK Board include one headphone interface (J12), one onboard MIC (P1), two speaker interfaces (J16, J17), and the SPDIF interface (J14 & J18, DNP). J12 isa 3.5mm audio stereo headphone jack, which supports jack detect.2.11. OpenSDA circuit (DAP-link)The OpenSDA circuit (CMSIS–DAP) is an open-standard serial and debug adapter. It bridges serial and debug communications between a USB host and an embedded target processor.CMSIS-DAP features a mass storage device (MSD) bootloader, which provides a quick and easy mechanism for loading different CMSIS-DAP Applications such as flash programmers, run-control debug interfaces, serial-to-USB converters, and more. Two or more CMSIS-DAP applications can run simultaneously. For example, run-control debug application and serial-to-USB converter runs in parallel to provide a virtual COM communication interface while allowing code debugging via CMSIS-DAP with just single USB connection.For the MIMXRT1064 EVK Board, J41 is the connector between the USB host and the target processor. Jumper to serial downloader mode to use stable DAP-Link debugger function. If developer wants to make OpenSDA going to the bootloader mode, J43 should jumper to 1-2, and press SW4 when power on. Meanwhile, the OpenSDA supports drag/drop feature for U-Disk. First, use the seral downloader mode and drag/drop the image file to U-Disk. Then select QSPI Flash as boot device and reset the Board, the image will run.2.12. JTAG connectorJ21 is a standard 20-pin/2.54 mm Box Header Connector for JTAG. The pin definitions are shown in the following figure. Support SWD by default.SpecificationsFigure 6. JTAG pin definitionsNOTEIf developer wants to use JTAG, J47 and J48 should be removed.2.13. Arduino expansion portJ22 – J25 is defined as Arduino Interface. The pin definitions of Arduino Interface are shown in Table 6.Specifications2.14. Camera module connectorOne parallel CSI (Camera Sensor Interface) is supported by the i.MX RT1064. There is a Camera Module Connector (J35) on the MIMXRT1064 EVK Board. The CA031C based on OV7725 and CA111C based on MT9M114 can be used directly.NOTEJ35 supports both MT9M114 and OV7725 camera module, but 3.3 V is aviolation to MT9M114 spec 3.1 V. It proved fine for evaluation/demowith 3.3 V supply, but in product design, it is recommended to adjustDCDC output or add level shifter.2.15. User interface switchThere are four user interface switches on the MIMXRT1064 EVK Board. Their functionality is as below.Specifications 2.16. Power switchSW1 is a slide switch to control the power of the MIMXRT1064 EVK Board when the power supply is from J2. The function of this switch is listed below:•Sliding the switch to the ON position connects the 5V power supply to the Evaluation board main power system.•Sliding the switch to OFF position immediately removes all power from the board.2.17. ON/OFF buttonSW2 is the ON/OFF button for MIMXRT1064 EVK Board. A short pressing in OFF mode causes the internal power management state machine to change state to ON. In ON mode, a short pressing generates an interrupt (intended to be a software-controllable(power-down). An approximate 5 seconds or more pressing causes a forced OFF. Both boot mode inputs can be disconnected.2.18. Reset buttonThere are two Reset Button on the EVK Board. SW3 is the Power On Reset Button. Pressing the SW3 in the Power On state will force to reset the system power except SNVS domain. The Processor will be immediately turn off and reinitiate a boot cycle from the Processor Power Off state. SW4 is Reset Button.2.19. USER buttonSW8 is the USER Button(GPIO5-00) for developers using. Pressing can produce changes in high and low levels.2.20. SensorU32 on the EVK Board is a 6-Axis Ecompass (3-Axis Mag, 3-Axis Accel) sensor FXOS8700CQ. The Ecompass is connected to i.MX RT1064 I2C1 port.NOTEThe sensor on some boards are unpopulated.2.21. User interface LED indicatorThere are four LED status indicators located on the EVK Board. The functions of these LEDs include: •Main Power Supply (D3)Green: DC 5 V main supply is normal.Red: J2 input voltage is over 5.6 V.Off: the board is not powered.Specifications•Reset RED LED(D21)•OpenSDA LED(D20)•USER LED(D18)2.22. LCD interfaceThe enhanced Liquid Crystal Display Interface (eLCDIF) is a general purpose display controller.The eLCDIF block supports the following:•Displays that support moving pictures and require the RGB interface mode (DOTCLK interface). The eLCDIF provides fully programmable functionality to supported interfaces:•Bus master interface to source frame buffer data for display refresh.•8/16/18/24/32 -bit LCD data bus support available depending on I/O mux options.•Programmable timing and parameters for DOTCLK LCD interfaces.If developers want to use LCD, NXP provides an optional LCD module RK043FN02H-CT which has a 4.3 inches touch-screen and supports a resolution of up to 480*3(RGB)*272. This module contains two FPC cables. The LCD interface can be connected to J8(A1-A40) and the CPT interface can be connected to J8(B1-B6). LCD modules can be purchased from the NXP website.3. PCB informationThe MIMXRT1064 EVK Board is made using standard 4-layer technology. The material used was FR-4. The PCB stack-up information is shown in Table 7.4. EVK design filesThe schematics, layout files, and gerber files (including Silkscreen) can be downloaded from/MIMXRT1064-EVK.Specifications 5. Contents of the evaluation kitNOTEPower adaptor, Micro SD Card and LCD Module are not standard parts of the evaluation kit.6. Revision historyTable 9 summarizes the changes made to this document since the initial release.Document Number: MIMXRT1064EVKHUGRev. 0 10/2018How to Reach Us: Home Page: Web Support: /supportInformation in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use NXP products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document. NXP reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein.NXP makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does NXP assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in NXP data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “typicals,” must bevalidated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. NXP does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. NXP sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the following address: /SalesTermsandConditions .While NXP has implemented advanced security features, all products may be subject to unidentified vulnerabilities. Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products to reduce t he effect of these vulnerabilities on customer’sapplications and products, and NXP accepts no liability for any vulnerability that is discovered. Customers should implement appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products.NXP, the NXP logo, NXP SECURE CONNECTIONS FOR A SMARTER WORLD,COOLFLUX, EMBRACE, GREENCHIP, HITAG, I2C BUS, ICODE, JCOP, LIFE VIBES, MIFARE, MIFARE CLASSIC, MIFARE DESFire, MIFARE PLUS, MIFARE FLEX, MANTIS, MIFARE ULTRALIGHT, MIFARE4MOBILE, MIGLO, NTAG, ROADLINK, SMARTLX,SMARTMX, STARPLUG, TOPFET, TRENCHMOS, UCODE, Freescale, the Freescale logo, AltiVec, C ‑5, CodeTEST, CodeWarrior, ColdFire, ColdFire+, C ‑Ware, the Energy Efficient Solutions logo, Kinetis, Layerscape, MagniV, mobileGT, PEG, PowerQUICC, Processor Expert, QorIQ, QorIQ Qonverge, Ready Play, SafeAssure, the SafeAssure logo, StarCore, Symphony, VortiQa, Vybrid, Airfast, BeeKit, BeeStack, CoreNet, Flexis, MXC, Platform in a Package, QUICC Engine, SMARTMOS, Tower, TurboLink, and UMEMS are trademarks of NXP B.V. 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器件型号封装数量功能备注运放THS3115ID SOIC-14 1具有关断状态的双路低噪声高输出电流的110MHz 放大器电源:±5V-±15V输出电流:150mA OPA2691 SOIC-14 3具有禁用功能的双路宽带电流反馈运算放大器高速放大器(大于等于50MHz)THS3115ID SOIC-14 2具有关断状态的双路低噪声高输出电流的110MHz 放大器电流反馈AD811 DIP-8 2TLC27L2ACD SOIC-8 2LinCMOS(TM) 精密双路运算放大器低功耗OPA209 SOIC-8 1单通道2.2nV/rtHz、18MHz、36V RRO 精密运算放大器电源:±2.25V to±18V, +4.5V to+36V OPA2209 SOIC-8 7双通道,其他同OPA209OPA699 SOIC-8 2宽带高增益限压放大器带宽积1000M;G=6,-3dB,BW=260M;SR=1400V/us电源:±5V SN10502 SOIC-8 2双路低失真高速轨至轨输出运算放大器;BW=100M(-3dB,G=2);SR=500V/us;电源:3V-15V MAX4477 SOIC-8 2低噪声、低失真、宽带、满摆幅运算放大器电源:2.7V-5.5VGBW=10M AD603 SOIC-8 4低噪声、90 MHz可变增益放大器AD603 DIP-8 4INA103 SOL-16 1低噪声低失真仪表放大器,GBW=100M(G=1000)内置增益设置电阻:G=1,100电源:±9V/±25 OPA4830 TSSOP-14 1低功耗宽带放大器280MHz (G = +1)120MHz (G = +2)双电源:1.4V to ±5.5V单电源:+2.8V to +11VOPA2340PA DIP-8 3 单电源轨至轨运算放大器带宽: 5.5MHzTLC2262CD SOIC-8 4双路高级LinCMOS(TM) 轨至轨运算放大器低噪声PGA103U SOIC-8 3 可编程增益放大器NE5532DR SOIC-8 8 双路低噪声高速音频运算放大器OPA4354AIPWT SSOP-14 2 250MHz 轨至轨I/O CMOS 四路运算放大器OPA642 SOIC-8 1 单路宽带低失真放大器;GBW = 400M电源:±6.5VSN761666DGKR MSOP- 8 2 AGC 放大器Input Frequency(MHz)30 to 70LF353 DIP-8 1 宽带放大器,增益带宽积:3MHz双电源电压:±5,±9, ±12, ±15VMAX419EPD DIP-14 1 转换速率0.08V/us,增益带宽积150kHzLF411CN SOP-8 1 低偏置、低漂移JFET输入运算放大器线性运算放大器OP070 SOIC-8 4 低噪声JFET 输入解补偿运算放大器标准线性放大器TLV2472 DIP-8 1 双路低功耗轨至轨输入/输出运算放大器低噪声MAX414BCPD DIP-14 2 28M单位增益带宽低电源电压±2.4伏特到±5 VMAX9939 µMAX-10 1 MAX9939为通用、差分输入可编程增益放大器(PGA),可理想动态变化范围较宽的信号调理超低增益温漂OPA2544T TO-220-11 2 增益带宽积1.4MHz,转换速率8 V/µs单路/双路(±)±10 V ~ 35 VSA7454C DIP-18 5 双通道AB类音频功率放大器D类功放SD7408 Hsop-28-375-0.8 72×10W模拟输入的D类音频功放TPA3123D2PWP SSOP-24 4具有SE 输出的25W 立体声D 类音频功率放大器乘法器AD835 SOIP-8 1AD835是一款完整的四象限电压输出模拟乘法器,采用先进的介质隔离互补双极性工艺制造。
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RTL8139CLTM-IP5600 Motorola PCI 3 (Si3052+Si3007) TM-EC5658V Intel MD5660 + MD4450 + MD1724。
Seiko Epson 显示控制器 S5U13517P00C100 评估板用户手册说明书
SEIKO EPSON CORPORATIONRev. 1.0S1D13517 Display ControllerS5U13517P00C100 Evaluation Board UserManualNOTICENo part of this material may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means without the written permission of Seiko Epson. Seiko Epson reserves the right to make changes to this material without notice. Seiko Epson does not assume any lia-bility of any kind arising out of any inaccuracies contained in this material or due to its application or use in any product or cir-cuit and, further, there is no representation that this material is applicable to products requiring high level reliability, such as, medical products. Moreover, no license to any intellectual property rights is granted by implication or otherwise, and there is no representation or warranty that anything made in accordance with this material will be free from any patent or copyright infringement of a third party. This material or portions thereof may contain technology or the subject relating to strategic products under the control of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law of Japan and may require an export license from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry or other approval from another government agency.All other product names mentioned herein are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.©SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 2009, All rights reserved.S1D13517 Display ControllerTable of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Chapter 2 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Chapter 3 Installation and Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73.1 Configuration DIP Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73.2 Configuration Jumpers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Chapter 4 Technical Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.1 Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.1.1 Power Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.1.2 Voltage Regulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.1.3 S1D13517 Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.2 Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124.3 Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124.4 Host Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134.4.1 Direct Host Bus Interface Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134.4.2 Connecting to the Epson S5U13U00P00C100 USB Adapter Board . . . . . . . . . 144.5 LCD Panel Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154.6 GPO and PWM Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Chapter 5 Parts Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Chapter 6 Schematic Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Chapter 7 Board Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Chapter 8 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248.1 Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248.2 Document Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24S5U13517P00C100 Evaluation Board User Manual (Rev. 1.0)EPSON3S1D13517 Display Controller4EPSON S5U13517P00C100 Evaluation Board User Manual (Rev. 1.0)S1D13517 Display ControllerChapter 1 IntroductionThis manual describes the setup and operation of the S5U13517P00C100 Evaluation Board. The evaluation board is designed as an evaluation platform for the S1D13517Display Controller.The S5U13517P00C100 evaluation board can be used with many native platforms via the host connector which provides the appropriate signals to support a variety of CPUs. The S5U13517P00C100 evaluation board can also connect to the S5U13U00P00C100 USB Adapter board so that it can be used with a laptop or desktop computer, via USB 2.0.This user manual is updated as appropriate. Please check the Epson Research and Development Website at for the latest revision of this document before beginning any development.*******************************************************************************************.com. S5U13517P00C100 Evaluation Board User Manual (Rev. 1.0)EPSON5S1D13517 Display ControllerChapter 2 FeaturesThe S5U13517P00C100 Evaluation Board includes the following features:•S1D13517 Display Controller (128-pin QFP)•Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. IS42S16800E-7TLI 128M-bit SDRAM (54-pin TSOP)•Header with all S1D13517 Host Bus Interface signals•Headers for connection to the S5U13U00P00C100 USB Adapter board•Headers for connecting to LCD panels•Header for S1D13517 GPO pins and PWM pin•On-board 24MHz oscillator•14-pin DIP socket (if a clock other than 24MHz must be used)•3.3V input power•On-board voltage regulator with 2.5V output•On-board voltage regulator with adjustable 6~24V output, 40mA max., to provide power for LED backlight of LCD panels.6EPSON S5U13517P00C100 Evaluation Board User Manual (Rev. 1.0)S1D13517 Display ControllerS5U13517P00C100 Evaluation Board User Manual (Rev. 1.0)EPSON 7Chapter 3 Installation and ConfigurationThe S5U13517P00C100 evaluation board incorporates a DIP switch, jumpers, and 0 ohm resistors which allow it to be used with a variety of different configurations.3.1 Configuration DIP SwitchThe S1D13517 has 2 configuration inputs (CNF[1:0]). A DIP switch (SW1) is used to configure CNF[1:0] as described below.The following figure shows the location of DIP switch SW1 on the S5U13517P00C100 board.Figure 3-1: Configuration DIP Switch (SW1) LocationTable 3-1: Summary of Power-On/Reset OptionsSDU13517P00C100 SW1-[2:1] ConfigS1D13517 CNF[1:0] ConfigPower-On/Reset State1 (ON)0 (OFF)SW1-[1]CNF0Host data bus is 8-bit Host data bus is 16-bit SW1-[2]CNF1Host interface is ALE busHost interface is i80 bus= Required settings when using S5U13U00P00C100 USB Adapter boardDIP SwitchSW1S1D13517 Display Controller8EPSON S5U13517P00C100 Evaluation Board User Manual (Rev. 1.0)3.2 Configuration JumpersThe S5U13517P00C100 has 6 jumpers which configure various board settings. The jumper positions for each function are shown below.J1, J2, J3 - Power Supplies for the S1D13517J1, J2, J3 can be used to measure the current consumption of each S1D13517 power supply. When the jumper is at position 1-2, normal operation is selected.When no jumper is installed, the current consumption for each power supply can be measured by connecting an ammeter between pins 1 and 2 of the jumper.The jumper associated with each power supply is as follows:J1 for COREVDD J2 for IOVDD J3 for PLLVDDFigure 3-2: Configuration Jumper Locations (J1, J2, J3)Jumper Function Position 1-2Position 2-3No Jumper J1COREVDD Normal —COREVDD current measurement J2IOVDD Normal —IOVDD current measurement J3PLLVDD Normal —PLLVDD current measurementJ4IOVDD source 3.3V CN1 connector, pin 32—J524MHz control24MHz stop—Normal= Required settings when using S5U13U00P00C100 USB Adapter boardJumper Function Position 1-2Position 3-4Position 5-6J6Clock sourceOn board 24MHzSecond oscillatorCLKI pin to GNDJ3J2, J1S1D13517 Display ControllerJ4 - IOVDD SourceJ4 is used to select the source for the IOVDD supply voltage.When the jumper is at position 1-2, the IOVDD voltage is provided by the 3.3V power supply of the board. When the jumper is at position 2-3, the IOVDD voltage must be provided to the CN1 connector, pin 32.J5 - 24MHz ControlJ5 is used to control the 24MHz oscillator.When no jumper is installed, the 24MHz oscillator is running.When the jumper is at position 1-2, the 24MHz oscillator is stopped.J6 - Clock SourceJ6 is used to select the source for the clock input.When the jumper is at position 1-2, the on board 24MHz oscillator is selected.When the jumper is at position 3-4, the second oscillator is selected.When the jumper is at position 5-6, the CLKI pin is forced to GND.J5J4J6Figure 3-3: Configuration Jumper Location (J4, J5, J6)S5U13517P00C100 Evaluation Board User Manual (Rev. 1.0)EPSON9S1D13517 Display ControllerChapter 4 Technical Description4.1 Power4.1.1 Power RequirementsThe S5U13517P00C100 evaluation board requires an external regulated power supply (3.3V / 0.5A). The power is supplied to the evaluation board through pin 34 of the CN1 header, or pin 5 of the P2 header.The green LED ‘3.3V Power’ is turned on when 3.3V power is applied to the board.4.1.2 Voltage RegulatorsThe S5U13517P00C100 evaluation board has an on-board linear regulator to provide the 2.5V power required by the S1D13517 Display Controller. It also has a step-up switching voltage regulator to generate adjustable 6~24V, which can be used to power the LED backlight on some LCD panels.4.1.3 S1D13517 PowerThe S1D13517 Display Controller requires 2.5V and 3.0~3.6V power supplies.2.5V power for COREVDD and PLLVDD is provided by an on-board linear voltage regulator.IOVDD can be in the range of 3.0~3.6V. When J4 is set to the 1-2 position, IOVDD is connected to 3.3V. If a different voltage is required for IOVDD, set JP4 to the 2-3 position and connect the external power supply to pin 32 of connector CN1.10EPSON S5U13517P00C100 Evaluation Board User Manual (Rev. 1.0)S1D13517 Display Controller4.2 ClocksThe clock for the S1D13517 Display Controller is provided by a 24MHz oscillator.The S5U13517P00C100 evaluation board has a DIP14 footprint for an optional second oscillator, Y2. This is provided for cases requiring a different clock frequency for the S1D13517 Display Controller. To use Y2, an oscil-lator must be populated in the Y2 footprint and the J6 jumper placed at position 3-4.4.3 ResetThe S1D13517 Display Controller on the S5U13517P00C100 evaluation board can be reset using a push-button (SW2), or via an active low reset signal from the host development platform (pin 33 on the CN1 connector).SW2Y2Figure 4-1: Second oscillator and Reset switch Location (Y2, SW2)S1D13517 Display Controller4.4 Host Interface4.4.1 Direct Host Bus Interface SupportAll S1D13517 host interface pins are available on connector CN1 which allows the S5U13517P00C100 evaluation board to be connected to a variety of development platforms.The following figure shows the location of host bus connector CN1. CN1 is a 0.1x0.1 inch 34-pin header (17x2).CN1Figure 4-2: Host Bus Connector Location (CN1)For the pinout of connector CN1, see Chapter 6, “Schematic Diagrams” on page 18.S1D13517 Display Controller4.4.2 Connecting to the Epson S5U13U00P00C100 USB Adapter BoardThe S5U13517P00C100 evaluation board is designed to connect to a S5U13U00P00C100 USB Adapter Board. The USB adapter board provides a simple connection to any computer via a USB 2.0 connection. TheS5U13517P00C100 directly connects to the USB adapter board through connectors P1 and P2.The USB adapter board also supplies the 3.3V power required by the S5U13517P00C100. IOVDD should be selected for 3.3V and J4 should be set to the 1-2 position.When the S5U13517P00C100 is connected to the S5U13U00P00C100 USB Adapter board, there are 2 LEDs on S5U13517P00C100 which provide a quick visual status of the USB adapter. LED1 blinks to indicate that the USB adapter board is active. LED2 turns on to indicate that the USB has been enumerated by the PC.The following diagram shows the location of connectors P1 and P2. P1 and P2 are 40-pin headers (20x2).P1P2Figure 4-3: USB Adapter Connector Locations (P1 and P2)For the pinout of connectors P1 and P2, see Chapter 6, “Schematic Diagrams” on page 18.NoteA windows driver must be installed on the PC when the S5U13517P00C100 is used with the S5U13U00P00C100 USB Adapter Board. The S1D13xxxUSB driver is available at .S1D13517 Display Controller4.5 LCD Panel InterfaceThe LCD interface signals are available on connectors CN3 and CN5.Connector CN3 is 0.1x0.1 inch 40-pin header (20x2) and connector CN5 is 0.1x0.1 inch 10-pin header (5x2). For the pinout of connectors CN3 and CN5, see Chapter 6, “Schematic Diagrams” on page 18.On the evaluation board there is an adjustable 6~24V, 40mA max. power supply. This voltage is provided only on connector CN3 (it is not used elsewhere on the board). It is intended for use to power the LED backlight on some LCD panels. The voltage is adjusted by the VR1 pot.NoteFor LCD panels that use a CCFL backlight, an external power supply must be used to provide power to the inverter for the CCFL backlight. Usually, the inverter current consumption is higher than the maximum 40mA current available from the on-board voltage regulator.The following diagram shows the location of the LCD panel connectors CN3 and CN5.CN5CN3Figure 4-4: LCD Panel Connectors Location (CN3, CN5)S1D13517 Display Controller4.6 GPO and PWM ConnectionsThe S1D13517 Display Controller has 4 GPO pins and PWM pin. All the GPO pins and PWM pin are routed to the CN4 connector. Connector CN4 is 0.1x0.1 inch 10-pin header (5x2).The following figure shows the location of the GPO and PWM connector, CN4.CN4Figure 4-5: GPIO and PWM Connector Location (CN4)For the pinout of connector CN4, see Chapter 6, “Schematic Diagrams” on page 18.S1D13517 Display ControllerChapter 5 Parts ListsTable 5-1: Parts ListItem Quantity Reference Part11CN1A1-34PA-2.54DSA(71)21CN3HIF3FC-40PA-2.54DSA32CN4,CN5A1-10PA-2.54DSA(71)427C1,C3,C5,C7,C9,C11,C13,C15,C17,C19,C21,C23,C25,C27,C28,C31,C32,C34,C35,C37,C43,C45,C47,C49,C51,C53,C550.1u523C2,C4,C6,C8,C10,C12,C14,C16,C18,C20,C22,C24,C26,C29,C33,C38,C44,C46,C48,C50,C52,C54,C560.01u61C302000p71C36100u81C4047u 10v91C4110p101C421u 50V111D1SML-310VT121D2SML-310DT131D3SML-310PT141D4MBR0530152F1,F2ACF451832-222 164J1,J2,J3,J5WL-1-2P171J4WL-1-3P181J6WLW-3192L1,L2BLM21P201L3LQH32CN100K23L 213PAD1,PAD2,PAD32mm diameter222P1,P2PRPN202PAEN-RC 231R13k 1%243R2,R3,R410kS1D13517 Display Controller2549R5,R6,R7,R8,R10,R11, R12,R14,R15,R21,R22, R23,R24,R25,R26,R27, R28,R29,R30,R31,R32, R33,R34,R35,R36,R37,R38,R39,R40,R41,R42, R43,R44,R45,R46,R47, R48,R49,R50,R51,R52, R53,R54,R55,R56,R57,R58,R59,R60261R9150k 272R13,R1733 1%281R16NM 293R18,R19,R20270301R61887k 311R6222k 321R6347k336SH1,SH2,SH3,SH4,SH5,SH6.100 in. Jumper Shunt341SW1CFS-0400MB 351SW2SKRKAEE0103610TP1,TP2,TP3,TP4,TP5,TP6,TP7,TP8,TP9,TP10HK-2-S371U1S1D13517381U2TPS76915DBVT391U3IS42S16800E (128Mbit SDRAM)401U4TPS61040411VR1200k421Y1SG-210 24MHz 431Y2XR2A-1405Table 5-1: Parts ListItemQuantityReferencePartS1D13517 Display ControllerFigure 6-1: S5U13517P00C100 Schematic Diagram (1 of 3)S1D13517 Display ControllerFigure 6-2: S5U13517P00C100 Schematic Diagram (2 of 3)S1D13517 Display ControllerFigure 6-3: S5U13517P00C100 Schematic Diagram (3 of 3)S1D13517 Display Controller Chapter 7 References7.1 Documents•Epson Research and Development, Inc., S1D13517 Hardware Functional Specification, document numberX92A-A-001-xx•Epson Research and Development, Inc., S5U13U00P00C100 USB Adapter Board User Manual, document number I00Z-G-018-xx7.2 Document Sources•Epson Research and Development Website: S5U13517P00C100 Evaluation Board User Manual (Rev. 1.0)EPSON21S1D13517 Display ControllerChange RecordX92A-G-001-01 Revision 1.0 - Issued: May 8, 2009•initial release22EPSON S5U13517P00C100 Evaluation Board User Manual (Rev. 1.0)Document Code: X92A-G-001-01Issued 2009/04/28International Sales OperationsAMERICAEPSON ELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC.2580 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131,USA Phone: +1-800-228-3964FAX: +1-408-922-0238EUROPEEPSON EUROPE ELECTRONICS GmbHRiesstrasse 15, 80992 Munich,GERMANYPhone: +49-89-14005-0 FAX: +49-89-14005-110ASIAEPSON (CHINA) CO., LTD.7F, Jinbao Bldg., No.89 Jinbao St.,Beijing 100005, CHINAPhone: +86-10-6410-6655 FAX: +86-10-6410-7320SHANGHAI BRANCH7F, Block B, High-Tech Bldg., 900, Yishan Road,Shanghai 200233, CHINAPhone: +86-21-5423-5522 FAX: +86-21-5423-5512EPSON HONG KONG LTD.20/F, Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour Road Wanchai, Hong Kong Phone: +852-2585-4600 FAX: +852-2827-4346 Telex: 65542 EPSCO HXSHENZHEN BRANCH12F, Dawning Mansion, Keji South 12th Road,Hi-Tech Park, Shenzhen 518057, CHINAPhone: +86-755-2699-3828 FAX: +86-755-2699-3838EPSON TAIWAN TECHNOLOGY & TRADING LTD.14F, No. 7, Song Ren Road, Taipei 110, TAIWANPhone: +886-2-8786-6688 FAX: +886-2-8786-6660EPSON SINGAPORE PTE., LTD.1 HarbourFront Place,#03-02 HarbourFront Tower One, Singapore 098633 Phone: +65-6586-5500 FAX: +65-6271-3182SEIKO EPSON CORP. KOREA OFFICE50F, KLI 63 Bldg., 60 Yoido-dongYoungdeungpo-Ku, Seoul, 150-763, KOREA Phone: +82-2-784-6027 FAX: +82-2-767-3677SEIKO EPSON CORP.SEMICONDUCTOR OPERATIONS DIVISION IC Sales Dept.IC International Sales Group421-8, Hino, Hino-shi, Tokyo 191-8501, JAPAN Phone: +81-42-587-5814 FAX: +81-42-587-5117Dongcheng District,Mouser ElectronicsAuthorized DistributorClick to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information:E pson:S5U13517P00C100。
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IS42S81600D IS42S16800DCopyright © 2006 Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. All rights reserved. ISSI reserves the right to make changes to this specification and its products at any time without notice. ISSI assumes no liability arising out of the application or use of any information, products or services described herein. Customers areadvised to obtain the latest version of this device specification before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products.FEATURES•Clock frequency: 166, 143, 133 MHz •Fully synchronous; all signals referenced to a positive clock edge •Internal bank for hiding row access/precharge •Power supply V DDV DDQ IS42S81600D 3.3V 3.3V IS42S16800D 3.3V 3.3V•LVTTL interface•Programmable burst length – (1, 2, 4, 8, full page)•Programmable burst sequence:Sequential/Interleave •Auto Refresh (CBR)•Self Refresh with programmable refresh periods •4096 refresh cycles every 64 ms•Random column address every clock cycle •Programmable CAS latency (2, 3 clocks)•Burst read/write and burst read/single write operations capability •Burst termination by burst stop and precharge command •Industrial Temperature Availability •Lead-free AvailabilityOVERVIEWISSI 's 128Mb Synchronous DRAM achieves high-speeddata transfer using pipeline architecture. All inputs and outputs signals refer to the rising edge of the clock input.The 128Mb SDRAM is organized as follows.16Meg x 8, 8Meg x16128-MBIT SYNCHRONOUS DRAMJULY 2008KEY TIM ING PARAM ETERSParameter -6-7-75E Unit Clk Cycle Time CAS Latency = 367—ns CAS Latency = 28107.5ns Clk F requency CAS Latency = 3166143—Mhz CAS Latency = 2125100133Mhz Access Time from Clock CAS Latency = 3 5.4 5.4—ns CAS Latency = IS42S16800D 4M x8x4 Banks 2M x16x4 Banks 54-pin TSOPII54-pin TSOPII 54-ball BGAIS42S81600D, IS42S16800D DEVICE OVERVIEWThe 128Mb SDRAM is a high speed CMOS, dynamic random-access memory designed to operate in 3.3V V DD and 3.3V V DDQ memory systems containing 134,217,728 bits. Internally configured as a quad-bank DRAM with a synchronous interface. Each 33,554,432-bit bank is orga-nized as 4,096 rows by 512 columns by 16 bits or 4,096 rows by 1,024 columns by 8 bits.The 128Mb SDRAM includes an AUTO REF RESH MODE, and a power-saving, power-down mode. All signals are registered on the positive edge of the clock signal, CLK. All inputs and outputs are LVTTL compatible.The 128Mb SDRAM has the ability to synchronously burst data at a high data rate with automatic column-address generation, the ability to interleave between internal banks to hide precharge time and the capability to randomly change column addresses on each clock cycle during burst access.A self-timed row precharge initiated at the end of the burst sequence is available with the AUTO PRECHARGE func-tion enabled.Precharge one bank while accessing one of the other three banks will hide the precharge cycles and provide seamless, high-speed, random-access operation. SDRAM read and write accesses are burst oriented starting at a selected location and continuing for a programmed num-ber of locations in a programmed sequence. The registra-tion of an ACTIVE command begins accesses, followed by a READ or WRITE command. The ACTIVE command in conjunction with address bits registered are used to select the bank and row to be accessed (BA0, BA1 select the bank; A0-A11 select the row). The READ or WRITE commands in conjunction with address bits registered are used to select the starting column location for the burst access.Programmable READ or WRITE burst lengths consist of 1, 2, 4 and 8 locations or full page, with a burst terminate option.FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM (FOR 2MX16X4 BANKS ONLY)2Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — IS42S81600D, IS42S16800DPIN CONFIGURATIONS54 pin TSOP - Type II for x8PIN DESCRIPTIONSA0-A11Row Address Input A0-A9Column Address Input BA0, BA1Bank Select Address DQ0 to DQ7Data I/OCLK System Clock Input CKE Clock Enable CS Chip SelectRAS Row Address Strobe Command CASColumn Address Strobe CommandWE Write EnableDQM Data Input/Output Mask V DD Power Vss GroundV DDQ Power Supply for I/O Pin Vss Q Ground for I/O Pin NCNo Connection4Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — IS42S81600D, IS42S16800DPIN CONFIGURATIONS54 pin TSOP - Type II for x16PIN DESCRIPTIONSA0-A11Row Address Input A0-A8Column Address Input BA0, BA1Bank Select Address DQ0 to DQ15Data I/OCLK System Clock Input CKE Clock Enable CS Chip SelectRAS Row Address Strobe Command CASColumn Address Strobe CommandWE Write EnableDQML x16 Lower Byte, Input/Output Mask DQMH x16 Upper Byte, Input/Output Mask V DD Power Vss GroundV DDQ Power Supply for I/O Pin Vss Q Ground for I/O Pin NCNo ConnectionIS42S81600D, IS42S16800DPIN CONFIGURATION54-ball fBGA for x16 (Top View) (8.00 mm x 13.00 mm Body, 0.8 mm Ball Pitch) PACKAGE CODE:BPIN DESCRIPTIONSA0-A11Row Address InputA0-A8Column Address InputBA0, BA1Bank Select AddressDQ0 to DQ15Data I/OCLK System Clock InputCKE Clock EnableCS Chip SelectRAS Row Address Strobe Command CAS Column Address Strobe Command WE Write EnableDQML x16 Lower Byte Input/Output Mask DQMH x16 Upper Byte Input/Output Mask V DD PowerVss GroundV DDQ Power Supply for I/O PinVss Q Ground for I/O PinNC No ConnectionIS42S81600D, IS42S16800DPIN FUNCTIONSSymbol Type Function (In Detail)A0-A11Input Pin Address Inputs: A0-A11 are sampled during the ACTIVEcommand (row-address A0-A11) and READ/WRITE command (column address A0-A9(x8), or A0-A8 (x16); with A10 defining auto precharge) to select one location out of thememory array in the respective bank. A10 is sampled during a PRECHARGE commandto determine if all banks are to be precharged (A10 HIGH) or bank selected byBA0, BA1 (LOW). The address inputs also provide the op-code during a LOAD MODEREGISTER command.BA0, BA1Input Pin Bank Select Address: BA0 and BA1 defines which bank the ACTIVE, READ, WRITE orPRECHARGE command is being applied.CAS Input Pin CAS, in conjunction with the RAS and WE, forms the device command. See the"Command Truth Table" for details on device commands.CKE Input Pin The CKE input determines whether the CLK input is enabled. The next rising edge of theCLK signal will be valid when is CKE HIGH and invalid when LOW. When CKE is LOW,the device will be in either power-down mode, clock suspend mode, or self refreshmode. CKE is an asynchronous i nput.CLK Input Pin CLK is the master clock input for this device. Except for CKE, all inputs to this deviceare acquired in synchronization with the rising edge of this pin.CS Input Pin The CS input determines whether command input is enabled within the device.Command input is enabled when CS is LOW, and disabled with CS is HIGH. The deviceremains in the previous state when CS is HIGH.DQML,Input Pin DQML and DQMH control the lower and upper bytes of the I/O buffers. In read DQMH mode,DQML and DQMH control the output buffer. WhenDQML orDQMH is LOW, thecorresponding buffer byte is enabled, and when HIGH, disabled. The outputs go to theHIGH impedance state whenDQML/DQMH is HIGH. This function corresponds to OEin conventional DRAMs. In write mode,DQML and DQMH control the input buffer. WhenDQML or DQMH is LOW, the corresponding buffer byte is enabled, and data can bewritten to the device. WhenDQML or DQMH is HIGH, input data is masked and cannotbe written to the device. For IS42S16800D only.DQM Input Pin For IS42S81600D only.DQ0-DQ7 or Input/Output Data on the Data Bus is latched on DQ pins during Write commands, and buffered for DQ0-DQ15output after Read commands.RAS Input Pin RAS, in conjunction with CAS and WE, forms the device command. See the "CommandTruth Table" item for details on device commands.WE Input Pin WE, in conjunction with RAS and CAS, forms the device command. See the "CommandTruth Table" item for details on device commands.V DDQ Power Supply Pin V DDQ is the output buffer power supply.V DD Power Supply Pin V DD is the device internal power supply.V SSQ Power Supply Pin V SSQ is the output buffer ground.V SS Power Supply Pin V SS is the device internal ground.6Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — IS42S81600D, IS42S16800D GENERAL DESCRIPTIONREADThe READ command selects the bank from BA0, BA1 inputs and starts a burst read access to an active row. Inputs A0-A9 (x8); A0-A8 (x16) provides the starting column location. When A10 is HIGH, this command functions as an AUTO PRECHARGE command. When the auto precharge is selected, the row being accessed will be precharged at the end of the READ burst. The row will remain open for subsequent accesses when AUTO PRECHARGE is not selected. DQ’s read data is subject to the logic level on the DQM inputs two clocks earlier. When a given DQM signal was registered HIGH, the corresponding DQ’s will be High-Z two clocks later. DQ’s will provide valid data when the DQM signal was registered LOW.WRITEA burst write access to an active row is initiated with the WRITE command. BA0, BA1 inputs selects the bank, and the starting column location is provided by inputs A0-A9 (x8); A0-A8 (x16). Whether or not AUTO-PRECHARGE is used is determined by A10.The row being accessed will be precharged at the end of the WRITE burst, if AUTO PRECHARGE is selected. If AUTO PRECHARGE is not selected, the row will remain open for subsequent accesses.A memory array is written with corresponding input data on DQ’s and DQM input logic level appearing at the same time. Data will be written to memory when DQM signal is LOW. When DQM is HIGH, the corresponding data inputs will be ignored, and a WRITE will not be executed to that byte/ column location.PRECHARGEThe PRECHARGE command is used to deactivate the open row in a particular bank or the open row in all banks. BA0, BA1 can be used to select which bank is precharged or they are treated as “Don’t Care”. A10 determined whether one or all banks are precharged. After executing this command, the next command for the selected bank(s) is executed afterpassage of the period tRP , which is the period required forbank precharging. Once a bank has been precharged, it is in the idle state and must be activated prior to any READ or WRITE commands being issued to that bank.AUTO PRECHARGEThe AUTO PRECHARGE function ensures that the precharge is initiated at the earliest valid stage within a burst. This function allows for individual-bank precharge without requir-ing an explicit command. A10 to enable the AUTO PRECHARGE function in conjunction with a specific READ or WRITE command. F or each individual READ or WRITE command, auto precharge is either enabled or disabled. AUTO PRECHARGE does not apply except in full-page burst mode. Upon completion of the READ or WRITE burst, a precharge of the bank/row that is addressed is automati-cally performed.AUTO REFRESH COMMANDThis command executes the AUTO REFRESH operation. The row address and bank to be refreshed are automatically generated during this operation.The stipulated period (t RC) is required for a single refresh operation, and no other com-mands can be executed during this period.This command is executed at least 4096 times for every 64ms. During an AUTO REF RESH command, address bits are “Don’t Care”. This command corresponds to CBR Auto-refresh. BURST TERM INATEThe BURST TERMINATE command forcibly terminates the burst read and write operations by truncating either fixed-length or full-page bursts and the most recently registered READ or WRITE command prior to the BURST TERMI-NATE.COMMAND INHIBITCOMMAND INHIBIT prevents new commands from being executed. Operations in progress are not affected, apart from whether the CLK signal is enabledNO OPERATIONWhen CS is low, the NOP command prevents unwanted commands from being registered during idle or wait states. LOAD MODE REGISTERDuring the LOAD MODE REGISTER command the mode register is loaded from A0-A11. This command can only be issued when all banks are idle.ACTIVE COMMANDWhen the ACTIVE COMMAND is activated, BA0, BA1 inputs selects a bank to be accessed, and the address inputs on A0-A11 selects the row. Until a PRECHARGE command is issued to the bank, the row remains open for accesses.8Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — IS42S81600D, IS42S16800DCKE DQM Functionn-1n U L Data write / output enable H ×L L Data mask / output disableH ×H H Upper byte write enable / output enable H ×L ×Lower byte write enable / output enable H ××L Upper byte write inhibit / output disable H ×H ×Lower byte write inhibit / output disableH××HCKEA11Function n – 1nCS RAS CAS WE BA1BA0A10A9 - A0Device deselect (DESL)H ×H ×××××××No operation (NOP)H ×L H H H ××××Burst stop (BST)H ×L H H L ××××Read H ×L H L H V V L V Read with auto precharge H ×L H L H V V H V Write H ×L H L L V V L V Write with auto precharge H ×L H L L V V H V Bank activate (ACT)H ×L L H H V V V V Precharge select bank (PRE)H ×L L H L V V L ×Precharge all banks (PALL)H ×L L H L ××H ×CBR Auto-Refresh (REF )H H L L L H ××××Self-Refresh (SELF )H L L L L H ××××Mode register set (MRS)H×LLLLLLLVCOMMAND TRUTH TABLEDQM TRUTH TABLENote: H=V IH , L=V IL x= V IH or V IL , V = Valid Data.Note: H=V IH , L=V IL x= V IH or V IL , V = Valid Data.IS42S81600D, IS42S16800DCKE TRUTH TABLECKECurrent State /Function n – 1n CS RAS CAS WE Address Activating Clock suspend mode entry H L×××××Any Clock suspend mode L L×××××Clock suspend mode exit L H×××××Auto refresh command Idle (REF)H H L L L H×Self refresh entry Idle (SELF)H L L L L H×Power down entry Idle H L×××××Self refresh exit L H L H H H×L H H××××Power down exit L H×××××Note: H=V IH, L=V IL x= V IH or V IL, V = Valid Data.IS42S81600D, IS42S16800DFUNCTIONAL TRUTH TABLECurrent State CS RAS CAS WE Address Command ActionIdle H X X X X DESL Nop or Power Down(2) L H H H X NOP Nop or Power Down(2)L H H L X BST Nop or Power DownL H L H BA, CA, A10READ/READA ILLEGAL (3)L H L L A, CA, A10WRIT/ WRITA ILLEGAL(3)L L H H BA, RA ACT Row activatingL L H L BA, A10PRE/PALL NopL L L H X REF/SELF Auto refresh or Self-refresh(4)L L L L OC, BA1=L MRS Mode register setRow Active H X X X X DESL NopL H H H X NOP NopL H H L X BST NopL H L H BA, CA, A10READ/READA Begin read (5)L H L L BA, CA, A10WRIT/ WRITA Begin write (5)L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL (3)L L H L BA, A10PRE/PALL PrechargePrecharge all banks(6) L L L H X REF/SELF ILLEGALL L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGALRead H X X X X DESL Continue burst to end toRow activeL H H H X NOP Continue burst to end RowRow activeL H H L X BST Burst stop, Row activeL H L H BA, CA, A10READ/READA Terminate burst,begin new read (7)L H L L BA, CA, A10WRIT/WRITA Terminate burst,begin write (7,8)L L H H BA, RA ACT ILLEGAL (3)L L H L BA, A10PRE/PALL Terminate burstPrechargingL L L H X REF/SELF ILLEGALL L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGALWrite H X X X X DESL Continue burst to endWrite recoveringL H H H X NOP Continue burst to endWrite recoveringL H H L X BST Burst stop, Row activeL H L H BA, CA, A10READ/READA Terminate burst, start read :Determine AP (7,8)L H L L BA, CA, A10WRIT/WRITA Terminate burst, new write :Determine AP (7)L L H H BA, RA RA ACT ILLEGAL (3)L L H L BA, A10PRE/PALL Terminate burst Precharging (9)L L L H X REF/SELF ILLEGALL L L L OC, BA MRS ILLEGALNote: H=V IH, L=V IL x= V IH or V IL, V = Valid Data, BA= Bank Address, CA+Column Address, RA=Row Address, OC= Op-Code10Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. — 分销商库存信息:ISSIIS42S81600D-7TL IS42S16800D-6B IS42S16800D-6B-TRIS42S16800D-6T IS42S16800D-6T-TR IS42S16800D-7BIS42S16800D-7B-TR IS42S16800D-7T IS42S16800D-7T-TRIS42S16800D-7TI IS42S16800D-7TI-TR IS42S81600D-7TL-TR IS42S16800D-75ETL IS42S81600D-6TL IS42S16800D-75ETLIIS42S16800D-75EBL IS42S16800D-75EBLI IS42S16800D-75ETL-TR IS42S81600D-6TL-TR IS42S16800D-75ETLI-TR IS42S16800D-75EBL-TR IS42S16800D-75EBLI-TR。