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对购物环境的评价 请给予商店购物环境一个总体评价。 Shopping Please give an overall comment on the entry to the store. Environment Comments
顾客接待 Customer Service
进口 Entry
序号 No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 电话响铃是否超过三声仍无人接听? 电话接待 接待员是否以专业礼貌的用语进行问候?是否提及公司名称? Phone Service 接待员的态度是否热情、亲切,并努力满足您在电话中所提问题或要求? 您所接触的销售顾问是否身着统一制服? 着装 Clothing 销售顾问的制服是否整洁、干净、平整?
问题 Question
问题备注 Notes to questions
进口处是否有迎宾员? Were there a 'Greeter' in position at the entrance to the store? 迎宾员是否主动与您对视、向您微笑?她是否同时也这样对待其他顾客? 态度 Did the 'Greeter' make positive eye contact, smile and make you feel welcome Attitude or were they doing this with other customers? 迎宾员是否向您或其他顾客问候,如“您好”,“欢迎”等? Did the 'Greeter' offer any verbal greeting (Hello, Hi, Welcome etc.) to you or to other customers as they entered the store? 当您向迎宾员询问商品的位置及信息时,她是否能自信且迅速地回答您? 产品知识 When you asked the 'Greeter' a question regarding the location and infomations Knowledege of certain items in the store, were they able to respond you immediately and with confidence? Of Pruducts 请解释您对第五题的回答。 文字表述 Please explain your response to Q9. Text
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
问题备注 Notes to questions
请在此详细说明。Please explain.
文字表述 Text
不打分 Non-scoring
特殊订单 S/O
序号 No.
问题 Question
您对商店预付全额定金,是否可接受? Could you accept that pay sum deposit for products in advance if you use check? 当您向厂商代表询问非其促销商品时是否能得到满意服务? Could you gain satisfying service when you inquired vendor rep about promotional products of other brands?
Action Alley 核心通道
序号 No.
6a 7
您等了多久才有员工招呼您? Exactly how long did you wait before you were approached? 您花了多长时间才找到员工帮助您? How long did it take for you to find a staff member to help you? 请描述 Please explain. 员工是否根据您的询问,带领你去正确的通道?如否,请解释。 Did the staff member lead you to the appropriate aisle to respond to your query? 通道内是否有该部门员工等待或正在为顾客服务? Was the staff member waiting in the aisle or serving customers? 员工是否主动帮助搬运较重的商品? Did staff member help you carry heavy products actively? 请给予员工帮助您解答问题的具体事件作一个总体评价。 Please make an overall comment on the way that your enquiry was handled.
购物环境 Shopping Environment
序号 No.
1 2 环境氛围 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 展厅整洁 Clean Of Store
问题 Question
店内标识是否清晰可见,您是否能方便的了解整个店内购物区域? Is instore signage clear and obvious to let you know whole store easily? CI标识是否干净、明亮且无破损? Is the CI clean and bright and brokeness? 空调运行是否正常?展厅内温度是否适宜? 展厅内是否播放音乐?是否能被接受?原因? Do you accept instore broadcast? 能否较容易的获得店内信息?(如促销手册、促销商品及其价格和相关促销信息) Is it easy to gain instore information, such as DM, promotional product and its price and relative promotional information? 展厅玻璃上是否存在阻挡视线的宣传物? 门口是否放置有雨伞架? 接待台上是否有鲜花,且整洁无杂物?
不打分 Non-scoring
神秘顾客调查报告 Mystery Shopper Survey Report
对进口处的评价 Entry Comments 请给予商店进口一个总体评价。 Please give an overall comment on the entry to the store. 文字表述 Text 不打分 Non-scoring
不打分 Non-scoring
问题备注 Notes to questions
序号 No.
26 27 对出口处的评价 Exit Comments
问题备注 Notes to questions
问题 Question
从收银台至出口处是否有送宾员? Was there a 'Fareweller' present in the area between the check-out and the exit. 送宾员是否答谢您及周围顾客? Did the 'Fareweller' acknowledge you or the customers around you? 请对商店出口处作一个总体评价。 Please make an overall comment on the exit from the store.
神秘顾客调查报告 Mystery Shopper Survey Report
调查日期 Date of Visit : 进店时间 Time In: 离店时间 Time Out: Header Questions 表头信息 进店时,商店是否热闹? On arrival, how busy was the store? 日/月/年 dd/mm/yyyy 时:分 hh:mm 时:分 hh:mm 不热闹 Light 比较热闹 Moderate 热闹 Heavy 非常热闹 Packed 不打分 Non-scoring 不打分 Non-scoring 不打分 Non-scoring
问题备注 Notes to questions
展车是否进行了适当、和谐且人性化的装潢? 展厅布置 Arrangement 展车是否明亮,可吸引您的注意力和购买欲望? Of Store 展车四扇车门及前排门窗是否处于打开状态? 展车上是否有该车辆的标准配置表? 洽谈桌上是否有烟灰缸及糖果,且有人招呼您使用? 在顾客洽谈休息区是否有种类丰富的杂志,报纸是否最新? 您能否非常方便且不需询问就找到卫生间么? 商店内的厕所是否清洁无异味? Is instore toilet clean and without peculiar smell? 商店内的厕所在使用上是否为你考虑?(例如提供洗手液、卫生纸,干手机等) Is instore toilet considerate for you, such as providing soap, tissue, handdryer, etc? 商品上是否清洁整齐无灰尘? Are products clean, order and without dust? 花盆内是否有烟头,周围是否有散落的花叶等杂物? 商场内的空气质量是否令您满意? Are you satisfied with instore air quality? 文字表述 Text 不打分 Non-scoring
分:秒 mm:ss 分:秒 mm:ss 文字表述 Text
不打分 Non-scoring 不打分 Non-scoring 不打分 Non-scoring
8 9 14 对核心通道的评价 Scenario Comments
文字表述 Text
不打分 Non-scoring
序号 No.
文字表述 Text
不打分 Non-scoring
与商店相关部门服务调查 Store Related Department Service
序号 No.
29 31 32 对其他相关服务的 评价 Store Related Service Comments
问题 Question
对于您的咨询,团购服务台员工是否能给予耐心且满意的答复? Could Trade Desk give you a satisfying reply to your consultation? 您是否满意商店内咖啡吧的服务? 无论满意与否都请详细说明当天情况。 Are you satisfied with the service of Coffee Shop? Please explain in details. 商店内的ATM机是否可以正常使用?如果不能,请说明。 Could ATM in the store be used? If it couldn't, please explain. 请对商店其他相关服务作一个总体评价。 Please make an overall comment on the exit from the store.
21 21a 23
文字表述 Text
问题 Question
您是否感觉到收银员提供给您人性化的服务? Did the operator attempt to personalise the transaction? 如果是,收银员提供了怎样的人性化服务? If yes, how did the check-out operator personalised the transaction? 收银员是否向您致谢? Did the check-out operator thank you?
请用24小时制记录下时间 Please record the time in 24hr clock. 请用24小时制记录下时间 Please record the time in 24hr clock.
请根据您对商店热闹程度的感觉回答此题。 不打分 Please code this question accordingly to Non-scoring your own perception of the level of business in the score.