Quiz_MKTG 2_Chap5-8,19
市场营销Quiz 6
1.Which of the following statements is most correct? Target marketing:2.Which statement best explains the transition from segmentation to target marketing?3.The first step in target marketing is market:4.Which of the following is one of the primary service differentiators of services?5.Because consumer needs and wants change with age, to segment their market, companies may use:6.The process of evaluating each segment's attractiveness and selecting one or more of those segments is called market:7.Which of the following statements about design is true?8.Mentos is a brand of sweets that has marketed itself to appeal especially to a younger crowd that likes to take some risks. This is an example of ________ positioning.9.The final step in the development of a positioning strategy is to:10.The seller identifies market segments, selects one or more of those segments, and develops products and marketing mixes tailored to each segment in:11.A finance company offers prospects a toll-free number to call and promises itcan tell them within fifteen minutes if they are eligible for a loan is using________ as its services differentiation strategy.12.Which of the following is an example of a behavioral segmentation variable?13.In an attempt to attract as many buyers as possible, the Gray Corporation offers its product in a variety of styles, quality, and sizes with a variety of featuresavailable. The firm is using:14.A seller produces and distributes large quantities of a single product to allbuyers in:15.The Cyclops Corporation is attempting to determine which of several possible market segments to enter. The firm is involved in:。
产业经济学_浙江财经大学2中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.( )学派被称为“结构主义学派”。
答案:哈佛学派2.下列说法中对SCP的认识正确的一项( )答案:市场绩效优劣的评价主要包括产业资源配置效率、利润率水平、生产效率等方面3.度量企业规模经济的指标是()答案:AC/MC4.苹果公司不仅生产智能手机,还生产PC机和平板电脑,这在一定程度上可以获得()答案:范围经济5.请根据题干信息,回答5-8题。
考虑一个计算机市场,其中各企业及销售额具体如下:企业销售额(万元)A计算机公司1000B计算机公司800C计算机公司600D计算机公司400E计算机公司300F计算机公司200G计算机公司150H计算机公司100I计算机公司50J计算机公司 1则前4位企业的绝对集中度指数为()答案:77.8%6.根据第5题提供的相关信息,计算该市场的赫芬达尔指数(HHI)为()答案:0.17937.根据第5题提供的相关信息,如果A计算机公司与B计算机公司合并,各企业的销售额保持不变,计算新市场的赫芬达尔指数(HHI)为()答案:0.32078.根据第5题提供的相关信息,可了解HHI指数的优势在于()答案:HHI对规模最大的前几个企业的市场份额变化反映特别敏感9.现有企业通过拥有先进技术导致单位产品投入更少形成的进入壁垒是()答案:绝对成本优势壁垒10.在具有网络效应的产品市场中,为了鼓励竞争企业进入,政府应该着力降低网络效应壁垒,其主要做法是()答案:推动网络间互联互通11.掠夺性定价的特征有( )答案:价格一般定在低于平均成本之下12.以价格为决策变量,探讨同质产品双寡头竞争的市场博弈模型是()答案:伯川德模型13.联想收购IBM公司的PC部门属于()答案:横向并购14.企业采取下列哪项并购行为,主要目的是获得规模经济()答案:横向并购15.请根据题干信息,回答15-17题。
Chapter 1 Introduction1.What are the basic goals of marketing? Are these goals relevant to globalmarketing?2.What is meant by global localization? Is Coca-Cola a global product?Explain.3.Describe some of the global marketing strategies available to companies.Give examples of companies using the different strategies.4.How do the global marketing strategies of the Harley-Davidson andToyota differ?5.Describe the difference among ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, andgeocentric management orientations.6.Identify and briefly describe some of the forces that have resulted inincreased global integration and the growing importance of global marketing.7.Define leverage and explain the different types of leverage utilized bycompanies with global operations.8.What, in your view, is the future of a company such as Renault? Will it beable to continue as an independent company? Why? Why not?9.What are some major trends in the world that will affect marketing?Chapter2 Entry and Expansion Strategies1.What are the alternative tools or strategies for expanding internationally?What are the major advantages and disadvantages of each strategy?2.The president of XYZ Manufacturing Company of Buffalo, New York,comes to you with a license offer from a company in Osaka. In return for sharing the company’s patents and know-how, the Japanese company will paya license fee of 5 percent of the ex-factory price of all products sold based onthe U.S. company’s license. The president wants your advice. What would you tell him?3.What are the differences among companies at international, multinational,global, and transnational stages of development? Find examples of companies that fit the characteristics of each of these types.4.Why is exporting from the United States dominated by large companies?What, if anything, could be done to increase exports from smaller companies?5.What six criteria should be assessed when evaluating potential exportmarkers?6.What does it take to be a successful exporter?7.Which strategic options for market entry or expansion would a smallcompany be likely to pursue? A large company?Chapter3 The Global Economic Environment1.Explain the differences among a market allocation economic system, acommand allocation system, and a mixed system.2.What are the stages of national market development, and what percentageof world income is found in each of the stages?3.What is the pattern of income distribution in the world today? How dodeveloping country markets compare with high-income country markets in the proportion of income going to the bottom and the top 20 percent of the population?4. A manufacturer of long-range radios is assessing the world marketpotential for his product. He asks you if he should consider developing countries as potential markets. How would you advise him?5.Are income and standard of living the same thing? What is meant by theterm “standard of living”?6.Describe the similarities and differences among a free trade area, acustoms union, a common market, and an economic union. Give an example of each.Chapter 4 The Social and CulturalEnvironmentof Global Marketing1.What is culture? Is there such a thing as a cultural universal or culturaluniversals: If your answer is affirmative, give an example of a cultural universal. If it is negative, explain why there is no such thing.2.Can Hofstede’s cultural typologies help marketers better understandcultures outside their home country? Is you answer is yes, explain how, and if it is no, explain why not.3.Explain the self-reference criterion. Go to the library and find examples ofproduct failures that might have been avoided through the application of the SRC.4.What is the difference between a low-context culture and a high-contextculture? Give an example of a country that is an example of each type, and provide evidence for your answer. How does this apply to marketing?5.Consider the equation Y= f(A, B, C, D, E, F, G), where Y stands forconsumption of soft drinks and D is the variable for cultural elements. How would this equation help a soft-drink marketer understand demand for soft drinks in global markets?Chapter5 The Political, Legal, and RegulatoryEnvironments of Global Marketing1.What is sovereignty? Why is it an important consideration in the politicalenvironment of global marketing?1Briefly describe some of the differences that relate to marketing between the legal environments of a country that embraces common law as opposed to a country that observes civil law.2Global marketers can avoid legal conflicts by understanding the reasons conflicts arise in the first place. Identify and describe several legal issues that relate to global commerce. What alternatives are available from a marketing perspective?3See you in court” is one way to respond when legal issues arise. What other approaches are possible?Chapter6 Global Marketing Information4What is the major source of information for headquarters executives of global companies?5What are the different modes of information acquisition? Which is the most important for gathering strategic information?6Assume that you have been asked by the president of your organization to devise a systematic approach to scanning. The president does not want to be surprised by major market or competitive developments. What would you recommend?7What is the difference between existing, latent, and incipient demand? How might these differences affect the design of a marketing research project?8Describe some of the analytical techniques used by global marketers. When is it appropriate to use each technique?9How does the Internet affect market information systems?Chapter7 Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning10What is a global market segment? Pick a market that you know something about, and describe the global segments for this market.11Identify the major geographic and demographic segments in global markets. has been an early winner in the on-line book business. Which market segments has Amazon served? Are the Amazon target market segments in the United States and the rest of the world identical?13Smoking is on the decline in high-income countries where the combination of longer life expectancy, education, income, and legal action has created a powerful anti-smoking campaign. Global tobacco companies are shifting their focus from high income to emerging markets where the combination of rising income and theabsence of anti-smoking campaigns is leading to ever-increasing demand for cigarettes. Is this shift in focus by global tobacco companies ethical? What, if anything, should residents in high-income countries do about the rise in smoking in emerging markets?Chapter8 Product Decisions1.What is the difference between a product and a brand?2.What are the differences among a local, an international, and a globalproduct or brand? Cite examples.3.What criteria should global marketers consider when making productdesign decisions?4.How can buyer attitudes about a product’s country of origin affectmarketing strategy?5.Identify several global brands. What are some of the reasons for the globalsuccess of the brands you chose?6.Briefly describe various combinations of product/communicationstrategies available to global marketers. When is it appropriate to use each?Chapter9 Global Marketing Channelsand Physical Distribution1.What factors influence the channel structures and strategies available toglobal marketers?2.What is “cherry picking”? What approaches can be used to deal with thisproblem?pare and contrast the typical channel structures for consumer productsand industrial products.4.Briefly discuss the global issues associated with physical distribution andtransportation logistics. Cite one example of a company that is making efficiency improvements in its physical distribution.5.What special distribution challenges exist in Japan? What is the best wayfor a non-Japanese company to deal with these challenges?Chapter 10 Pricing Decisions1.What are the three basic factors affecting price in any market? Whatconsiderations enter into the pricing decision?2.Identify some of the environmental constraints on global pricing decision3.What is “dumping”? Is it an important trade issue or a red herring?4.What is a transfer price? What is the difference, if any, between a transferprice and a “regular” price? What are three methods for determining transfer prices?5.What are three alternative approaches to global pricing? Which one wouldyou recommend to a company that has global market aspirations?6.If you were responsible for marketing CAT scanners worldwide (averageprice, $1,200,000) and your country of manufacture was experiencing a strong and appreciating currency against almost all other currencies, what options are available for adjusting prices to take into account the strong currency situation?Chapter 11 Globalcommunication1.In what ways can global brands and global advertising campaigns benefit acompany?2.How does the standardized-versus-localized debate apply to advertising?3.When creating advertising for world markets, what issues must artdirectors and copywriters take into account?4.How do the media options available to advertisers vary in different partsof the world? What can advertisers do to cope with media limitations in certain countries?5.What is the role of public relations in global marketing?6.What is the role of sales promotion in the marketing mix? How do theseroles differ for industrial and consumer products?7.Does the role of promotion in the marketing mix vary from one country tothe next for the same product?8.How does personal selling differ in international markets?9.What effect will the Internet have on global promotion?10.One important impact is that buyers will be able to scan the world to get thebest price for the product of their choice. The balance of power will shift from producers to consumers; price disparities in different parts of the world are likely to be diminished as producers adjust to the new world of price transparency.Chapter 12 Leading, Organizing theGlobal Marketing Effort14What are the major variables influencing control in a global company?15What is the major complaint of managers in subsidiary companies about the control practices of headquarters?16What is a global marketing audit?17What kind of planning problems develop in the headquarters of a global company?18What are the problems in planning at the country or subsidiary level in a global company?19How would you advise a company manufacturing a line of construction equipment to organize on a global scale?。
a. Brand image: Defined by entire array of associations activated from memory when consumers think about a brand May involve product attributes and associations May also include endorsers, ad campaigns, symbols, product slogans, etc.
c. Perceptual mapping: image analysis that derives brand images from consumers’ similarity judgments Consumers judge the similarity of brands examined in the analysis Brands perceived as similar are located close together on the perceptual map Placement of the ‘ideal brand’ may suggest new products
Customer knowledge affects product demand
Importance of consumer knowledge
Knowledge about a brand’s associations (linkages in memory between the brand and other concepts) can affect consumer behaviour in many ways
consumer evaluate fairness of the price of a particular brand Businesses are concerned about the accuracy of consumers’ price knowledge and what consumers know about their competitors’ prices (relative price knowledge)
商务综合英语_山东财经大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.Which one of the following is not the basic function the managementperforms?答案:discussing2.According to the World Bank, there are 28 emerging markets in the worldwith the economies of China, India, Indonesia, __________ and Russiaconsidered to be by far the five largest.答案:Brazil3._____________ is a set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue itsmarketing objectives before launching any new product.答案:Marketing mix4.An advertising ___________ is the phrase used in TV or print advertisements.For example: Nike - Just do it . This is sometimes also called a tagline.答案:slogan5.E-commerce is defined as the buying and selling of goods and services usingthe ____________答案:Internet6. A company’s ____________ are the core of its culture.答案:values7.____________ refers to a country’s general facilities, tr ansport systems and evenits Internet and media capabilities.答案:Infrastructure8.An ______________ of an organization is a customer who is not directlyconnected to that organization including wholesalers, retailers, etc.答案:external customer9.Which is the best subject for an email?答案:Question about Tuesday’s lecture10.A(n) __________ is a written document for a business meeting which includesthe order of the matters to occur in the meeting.答案:agenda11.Which of the following belong to ownership investment?答案:stockreal estatebusiness12.Product is composed of ___________, ___________, or ______________.答案:servicesgoodsmoney13.Which of the following statements illustrate the importance of branding?答案:Brand serves as a guide to understanding the purpose of business objectives.Branded products is one of the best ways to attract loyal customers.The brand is a foundation in marketing communication.Brand not only creates loyal customers, but it creates loyal employees.14.There are four types of market segmentation which are most commonly used.They are _______.答案:geographic segmentationbehavioral segmentationdemographic segmentationpsychographic segmentation15.Which of the following are the principal media for advertising?答案:PosterInternetBillboardNewspaper16.Why is e-commerce a convenient way to do business?答案:People can order goods from anywhere at any time. That is, there are nobarriers of geography, or place; no barriers of time.E-commerce sites are open 24/7. That means, they are always open, 24 hoursa day, 7 days a week.17.There are some basic elements of culture relevant to international business.For example, ___________, ____________, __________ and _____________.答案:religionsocial structurelanguagevalues18. A company's culture will be reflected in its _____________, ________,_____________, ___________, etc.答案:office setupdress codevisual symbolsclient satisfaction19.The triple bottom line, which refers to _______, _______ and _______, form one wayto evaluate CSR.答案:planetprofitpeople20.Which departments are often outsourced?答案:call-centertech-support21.Mining belongs to the secondary industry.答案:错误issez-faire is a leadership style where the team leader will allow the teammembers to carry out their duties on their own and at their own pace.答案:正确23.Personal finance defines all financial decisions and activities of an individualor household, including budgeting, insurance, mortgage planning, savings, and retirement planning.答案:正确24.Tariffs are taxes imposed on all products.答案:错误25.In C2C, the sellers are organizations, and the buyers are individualconsumers.答案:错误26.Cross-cultural awareness training is usually a generic introduction into aculture, country, region or religion.答案:正确27.There are some special terms which are created or used by a certain group orteam, but can not be understood by the other people outside the team.答案:正确28.Stakeholders include employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers, localpeople and environment, etc.答案:正确29.For big corporation in developed countries, there may be a demand or needin a foreign market for a product or service because of saturation of domestic markets.答案:正确30. A resume is typically a 1-2 page, reverse chronological, introduction andsummary of your experience and skills.答案:正确31.Business enterprises customarily take one of three forms: _______________,partnership, or limited-liability company (or corporation).答案:sole proprietorship32. A normal corporate structure consists of various departments. Commondepartments include Marketing, Finance, ____________, Production andResearch and Development(R&D).答案:Human Resources33.____________ is a type of private equity, a form of financing that is provided byfirms or funds to small, early-stage, emerging firms that are deemed to have high growth potential, or which have demonstrated high growth.答案:Venture capital34.A(n) ____________ product is a product that can only be perceived indirectly.答案:intangible35.Advertising can provide constant reminders and ___________ to produce theconsumers’ desire.答案:reinforcements36.By performing ____________, businesses treat employees fairly.答案:ethical labor practice37.Globalization is the process of interaction and ______________ among people,companies, and governments worldwide.答案:integration38.Economic globalization is the increasing economic ______________ of nationaleconomies across the world.答案:interdependence39.Customer _____________ is a measure of how products and services supplied bya company meet or surpass customer expectation.答案:satisfaction40._______________ is a circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating numericalproportion.答案:Pie chart。
Marketing智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下上海对外经贸大学上海对外经贸大学第一章测试1.根据管理大师彼得·德鲁克(Peter Drucker)的说法,“营销的目的是()。
Chapter 02 Major Business Initiatives: Gaining Competitive Advantage with IT Multiple Choice Questions1. What is the name of the non-paid, non-employee business model of collaboration used by Goldcorp a Toronto-based gold mining company in Canada?A. Online shoppingB. Collaborative shoppingC. OutsourcingD. Crowdsourcing2. What is a distribution chain?A. The path a product follows once it leaves the warehouseB. The business partners involved with supplying and distributing products or servicesC. The path a product or service follows from its originator to the consumerD. The distribution list for e-communications established for any product or service3. In contemporary business, success depends on minimizing the _____ in an attempt to reduce the costs of producing and selling products or services.A. Level of internal communicationsB. Level of customer supportC. Distribution chainD. Complexity of needed information technology4. Which of the following activities tracks inventory and information among business processes and across companies?A. Supply chain management (SCM)B. Enterprise resource management (ERM)C. Business intelligence (BI)D. Distribution information systems (DIS)5. Which of the following is a method for producing or delivering a product or service just at the time the customer wants it?A. Direct salesB. Just-in-time manufacturingC. Hyper manufacturingD. Immediate production6. Which term describes an approach that produces or delivers a product or service just at the time the customer wants it?A. Just-in-timeB. Supply chainC. Distribution chainD. Value chain7. If you were to purchase a car before it was manufactured and the assembly of that car was dictated by your requirements, you would be utilizing which type of manufacturing process?A. Customer-driven manufacturingB. Just-in-time manufacturingC. Customized constructionD. Transaction-based production8. Which type of transportation uses multiple channels to transport products from the manufacturing location to the customer destination?A. HyperB. DivergentC. Inter-modalD. Complex9. The complexity of SCM is supported by technology. Which intricate SCM activity needs strong monitoring by SCM systems?A. Multi-channel service deliveryB. Customer trackingC. Inter-modal transportationD. Sales force tracking10. What is the primary focus of supply chain management (SCM)?A. Overall cost leadershipB. Below the line initiativeC. Run-grow-transform frameworkD. Overall cost leadership and below the line initiative11. Which of the following results from a well-designed supply chain management system?A. Enhanced fulfillment of supplies needed for productionB. Minimizing transportation costsC. The smooth production of productsD. Well-designed SCM systems can enhance any of these stated activities12. In relation to SCM, what is an information partnership?A. Sharing production information with potential customersB. Two or more companies cooperating by integrating their IT systemsC. Competitive suppliers providing production schedules to the manufacturerD. Functional areas within your business sharing information13. Optimizing what ensures that the right quantity of parts arrive at the right time for production or sale?A. LogisticsB. ProductionC. Cost and PriceD. Fulfillment14. Optimizing what keeps the cost of transporting materials as low as possible?A. LogisticsB. ProductionC. Cost and PriceD. Fulfillment15. For a moment, imagine yourself visiting your local florist to order flowers for a party you were preparing for. The florist, however, did not have the type of flower arrangement you hoped for but the florist was able to immediately find, order and deliver this arrangement directly to your home from their supplier. What kind of relationship does this represent?A. An information partnershipB. A collaborative businessC. Dynamic communicationD. Customer sharing16. Which of the following systems primarily concentrates on the customer?A. CRMB. ERPC. SCMD. CCM17. Which of the following systems uses information about customers to gain insights into their needs, wants, and behaviors in order to serve them better?A. Supply chain management (SCM)B. Transaction information processing (TIP)C. Enterprise resource management (ERP)D. Customer relationship management (CRM)18. Which of the following systems can be used to gain insights into the needs, wants, and behaviors of customers?A. Sales force automation systems (SFA)B. Customer relationship management systems (CRM)C. Transaction processing systems (TPS)D. Collaborative information systems (CIS)19. Which term describes a business' approach to offering multiple ways in which customers can interact with it?A. Customer relationship managementB. Customer collaborative systemsC. Multi-channel service deliveryD. Multi-path convergence20. What is a fundamental goal of CRM systems?A. To provide customers with information partnershipsB. To lower the costs of maintaining inventory systemsC. To manage and track customer interactionsD. To manage, track, and supply products and services to customers in a timely manner21. What of the following is not the primary focus of customer relationship management?A. Bottom-line initiative (reducing operating costs)B. Differentiation and focus (Porter's three generic strategies)C. Top-line initiative (revenue enhancement)D. Growing the organization (RGT framework)22. What is the difference between SCM and CRM?A. CRM records information about products and services; SCM records information about customersB. CRM stores and processes transactional information; CRM stores and processes business intelligenceC. SCM manages product information; CRM manages customer informationD. CRM records and processes operational data; SCM records and processes tactical information23. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems include which of the following functions?A. Sales force automationB. Customer service and supportC. Marketing campaign management and analysisD. All of the above24. Is CRM software?A. No, it is a total business objective consisting of hardware, software, processes, and goalsB. Yes, it is the software solutions that make up a CRM systemC. CRM is a process, not ITD. CRM is a way of thinking supported by the culture of business people and customers25. One function in CRM is the sales force automation (SFA) system. What is its purpose?A. To track all the steps in the sales processB. To track the movements of salespeople so that, at any moment, the company can determine where they are locatedC. To track products as they move from inventory to the customerD. To track the sales process and the movement of people and products26. Which of the following systems can perform sales lead tracking, contact management, and market analysis?A. Sales force automation systems (SFA)B. Customer relationship management systems (CRM)C. Transaction processing systems (TPS)D. Collaborative information systems (CIS)27. IT supports CRM with front and back office systems. Which statement describes a front office system?A. The notepad that salespeople use to record customer information while at the customer siteB. The computer interfaces that collect customers' information and sends it to the main information systemC. The computer systems that process customer orders and other customer informationD. The systems that interact with the supply chain management systems28. Which systems are typically used to support customers or sales?A. Back office systemsB. Front office systemsC. Side office systemsD. Information sales systems29. Which systems are typically used to fulfill and support customer orders?A. Back office systemsB. Front office systemsC. Side office systemsD. Information sales systems30. What is the difference between front and back office systems?A. Front office systems are external systems; back office systems are internalB. Front office systems are Web based; back office systems are built on database systemsC. Front office systems process information in the beginning of a customer's transaction; back office systems process information at the end of the customer's transactionD. Front office systems focus on getting the sale; back office systems focus on follow-up31. Which type of system improves the performance of teams by supporting the sharing and flow of information?A. E-communicationB. E-messagingC. WorkflowD. Collaborative32. What type of technology is needed to support integrated collaborative work environments, knowledge management, social networking, e-learning, and open-source collaboration?A. ERPB. V-systemsC. ICED. E-collaboration33. Which type of online environment supports virtual teams and the online activities they complete?A. Integrated collaboration environments (ICEs)B. V-systemsC. WikiD. Geographical information systems (GIS)34. If you were working on a project with a team whose membership was spread out over the US, Europe, and Asia, you would probably be working in a(n) _____ team.A. Multi-spectrumB. Shared partneredC. Cross-organizationalD. Virtual35. What term is used to describe teams whose members are located in varied geographical locations and whose work is supported by specialized ICE software?A. Virtual teamsB. Innovative crewsC. E-teamsD. ICEware36. Which type of system facilitates the automation and management of business processes?A. E-systemB. WorkflowC. AllianceD. Integrated37. Which of the following terms is used to define all the steps or business rules, from beginning to end, required for a business process?A. Business conventionsB. WorkflowsC. Work methodsD. Organizational practices38. Which type of information system manages a document through all the stages of its processing?A. Word processing systemB. Database management systemC. File management systemD. Document management system39. Which type of system supports the capturing, organizing, and dissemination of knowledge throughout the organization?A. Database management (DBM) systemB. Knowledge management (KM) systemC. Business Intelligence (BI) systemD. 40. Which of the following is an IT system that supports the capturing, organization, and dissemination of knowledge?A. Business process management systemB. Knowledge management systemC. Workflow systemD. Automatic workflow system41. The objective of a(n) _____ system is to ensure that the expertise contained within the minds of the employees is available to that organization.A. Database managementB. Business intelligenceC. InformationD. Knowledge management42. If you were to create, read, or respond to a blog on Facebook, you would be working with which of the following applications?A. Knowledge managementB. Social networking siteC. E-CommunicationD. E-Community43. What is the difference between a social networking site and a social networking system?A. A social networking site is a physical location; a social networking system is a virtual locationB. A social networking site is a virtual place to socialize; a social networking system is the tools that link you to peopleC. A social networking site is a local space; a social networking system is a global spaceD. The two phrases can be used interchangeably44. Do businesses use social networking systems?A. Not during business hours or with organizational systemsB. Contemporary businesses provide space in their systems for socializing but time and space is limited and monitoredC. Yes, to connect to influential people from outside your immediate environment or organizationD. Social networking systems are an emerging technology whose potential is still unknown45. What is an e-learning tool?A. Online testing environmentsB. Wizards that accompany applicationsC. Online encyclopediasD. IT-enabled systems that facilitate learning46. What is a Wiki?A. A product, such as a Webkinz, who is tied to a virtual life through the manufacturerB. A Web site that allows you to create, change, or eliminate contentC. A reference site for technical information related to the Web; the sites are usually geared towards e-learningD. Technology that supports virtual relationships and social networking47. What is open-source information?A. Programming code that is available or open to customersB. Information that is linked with the originator of the information and any related sources of informationC. Evolving information or information that can be edited by the community that uses itD. Information that requires further investigation into its credibility48. According to the authors, which information technology will change the face of business with respect to finding and making new contacts and facilitating learning?A. WikiB. V-learning and e-communicationC. Social networking and e-learningD. Webcasting and podcasting49. The IT ____ within an organization will determine the philosophical approach to IT development, deployment, and usage.A. Strategic management teamB. DepartmentC. LeadershipD. Culture50. The structure of IT develops from the culture within that organization and can develop into what type of approach?A. Top-down siloB. MatrixC. Fully-integratedD. Top-down silo, matrix, or fully-integrated51. A _____ IT structure develops from a strong "command and control" management approach.A. Fully-integratedB. MatrixC. Top-down siloD. Most IT structures develop from a strong "command and control" management approach.52. A(n) _____ IT structure develops from a centralized IT department; one that serves the whole organization and not just a piece of it.A. Top-down siloB. Fully-integratedC. MatrixD. Operational53. A(n) _____ IT structure develops from decentralized IT functional units; these units support an individual department or functional area.A. Fully-integratedB. Top-down siloC. OperationalD. Matrix54. What is the title for the person responsible for overseeing every aspect of an organization's information resource?A. CIO (chief information officer)B. CTO (chief technology officer)C. CSO (chief security officer)D. CPO (chief privacy officer)55. If every technology officer working for your organization reported to you, your title would be _____.A. CTO (chief technology officer)B. CSO (chief security officer)C. CIO (chief information officer)D. CPO (chief privacy officer)56. What is the title of the person responsible for overseeing both the underlying IT infrastructure within an organization and the user-facing technologies?A. CIO (chief information officer)B. CPO (chief privacy officer)C. CSO (chief security officer)D. CTO (chief technology officer)57. What is the title of the person responsible for the technical aspects of ensuring the security of information such as the development and use of firewalls, intranets, extranets, and anti-virus software?A. CTO (chief technology officer)B. CIO (chief information officer)C. CPO (chief privacy officer)D. CSO (chief security officer)58. What is the title of the person responsible for ensuring that information is used in an ethical way and that only the right people have access to certain types of information?A. CPO (chief privacy officer)B. CIO (chief information officer)C. CTO (chief technology officer)D. CSO (chief security officer)59. If one of your responsibilities within an organization was to determine who had access to employee's social security IDs, your title would probably be _____.A. CIO (chief information officer)B. CTO (chief technology officer)C. CSO (chief security officer)D. CPO (chief privacy officer)60. What is an advantage of being an early adopter of technology?A. Increasing the competitive advantage of the organizationB. Enhancing the reputation of the organizationC. Cutting operational costsD. Increasing productivity61. If you rewarded employees for trying new technologies even if they proved to be unsuccessful, what would you be encouraging?A. Increased risk of failureB. Technology innovative failureC. Emerging technologyD. Runaway trains62. What is the advantage of being a late adopter of technology (wait-and-see organization)?A. Minimizing wasted spending and loss of productivityB. Increasing market share by grabbing disgruntled customers from the competitionC. Increasing overall revenues by cutting operational costsD. Enhancing the reputation of the organization63. What is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system?A. An integrated software system for every functional area within an organizationB. A collaborative document management system that stores and manages documents needed by the entire organizationC. A database management system that maintains information on the information resources for the entire enterpriseD. A strategic planning methodology that promotes enterprise-wide planning rather than decentralized planning64. Which type of software dominates the supply chain management (SCM) environment?A. Transaction processingB. E-collaborationC. Front office systemsD. Enterprise resource planning65. If you needed direct access to stored information from another functional area within your organization, what type of system would you need?A. Legacy information system (LIS)B. Data warehouseC. Enterprise-wide database management system (E-DBM)D. Enterprise resource planning system (ERP)66. What is a legacy information system (LIS)?A. A massive, outdated information systemB. A powerful DBMS that supports ERPC. A Web-based information system that connects the information collected from distinct systemsD. A retired information system67. Which of the following is not required of an ERP system?A. Modular designB. Decentralized database systemsC. Integrated functionsD. Internet-enabledTrue / False Questions68. The distribution chain is simply the path followed from the distributor of a product or service to the end consumer.True False69. A supply chain management system automates inventory tracking but still requires that information be transferred manually.True False70. Domestic supply chains rarely use inter-modal transportation.True False71. Revenue and profit are optimized by a well-designed supply chain management. True False72. Supply chain management includes fulfillment.True False73. Information partnership occurs when all functional areas in a company cooperate by integrating their IT systems.True False74. Information partnerships require the integration of IT systems from two or more independent companies.True False75. Customer relationship management systems cannot help you acquire new customers. True False76. When a business offers multiple ways in which customers can interact with it, its approach is a multi-channel service delivery.True False77. Customer relationship management should be completely based upon software—there are no other components to consider.True False78. CRM systems automatically track all of the steps in the sales process.True False79. A CRM system only interfaces with front office systems in order to better serve the customer.True False80. Both the front office and the back office systems send customer information to the corporate database.True False81. Front office systems are the primary interface to customers and sales channels.True False82. A back office system is used to fulfill and support customer orders.True False83. An e-collaboration system supports integrated collaborative work environments, knowledge management, social networking, e-learning, and open-source collaboration.True False84. Virtual team members are typically located in the same geographic areas.True False85. Virtual teams work in an integrated collaboration environment (ICE).True False86. Collaboration systems are designed to support the sharing and flow of information between companies.True False87. A "work course" system facilitates the automation and management of business processes. True False88. A "work course" defines all of the steps or business rules, from beginning to end, required for a business process.True False89. The document management system manages a document through all the stages of its processing.True False90. A social networking site is a virtual space that allows people to build and maintain friendships.True False91. A social networking system is the set of links and communication privileges for an online social community.True False92. E-Learning tools are IT-enabled systems that facilitate collaboration.True False93. A nanonite is a Web site that allows you to create, change, or eliminate content from their site.True False94. Open source information is software for which the code is available and free to the customer.True False95. The broad integrated collaboration environment market is dominated by the likes ofIBM/Lotus, Microsoft, and Novell.True False96. The IT structure determines the culture within an organization.True False97. In a top-down silo approach, an organization would create a department or IT function devoted exclusively to everything related to technology.True False98. The chief information officer (CIO) is responsible for overseeing every aspect of an organization's information resource.True False99. The chief technology officer is responsible for overseeing both the underlying IT infrastructure within an organization and the user-facing technologies.True False100. The chief security officer is responsible for the ethical use of information within an organization.True False101. The chief privacy officer is responsible for ensuring that only the people who should see information have access to that information.True False102. When a company encourages it employees to seek new and innovative ways to use technology without punishment of failure, that company supports the theory of Porter's 5 Force Model.True False103. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems primarily support the strategic planning processes and the creation of tactical information.True False104. A legacy information system is a powerful system capable of supporting the needs of many functional areas in business.True FalseFill in the Blank Questions105. The _____ is the path followed from the originator of a product to the end consumer.________________________________________106. _____ tracks inventory and information among business processes and across companies. ________________________________________107. A supply chain management system automates the tracking of _____ and information among business processes and across companies.________________________________________108. _____ is a method for producing or delivering a product or service at the time the customer wants it.________________________________________109. _____ is the use of multiple channels of transportation used to move products from their source to the customer.________________________________________110. _____ refers to ensuring the right quantity of parts for production or products for sale arrive at the right time.________________________________________111. _____ refers to keeping the costs of transportation as low as possible and consistent with safe and reliable delivery.________________________________________112. _____ refers to ensuring that production lines function smoothly and that high quality parts are available as needed.________________________________________113. _____ and _____ refer to keeping the cost of purchased parts and products at acceptable levels.________________________________________114. _____ and _____ refer to ensuring that no sales are lost because sales are empty.________________________________________115. _____ occurs when two or more companies cooperate by integrating their IT systems. ________________________________________116. _____ is a total business objective which encompasses many different aspects of a business including software, hardware, services, support, and strategic business goals.________________________________________117. A(n) _____ helps companies understand customer needs so that they can serve them better.________________________________________118. A(n) _____ system automatically tracks the steps in the sales process.________________________________________119. _____ tracks a salesperson contacting habits towards obtaining potential customers.________________________________________120. If you were to create a list of potential customers for your sales team to contact, you would be undertaking _____.________________________________________121. A(n) _____ system serves as the primary interface for customers and the sales process. ________________________________________122. A(n) _____ system is used to fulfill and support customer orders.________________________________________123. _____ is the use of technology to support work activities with integrated collaboration environments.________________________________________124. ____________ teams are teams whose members are located in varied geographical locations and whose work is supported by specialized ICE software or by more basic collaboration systems.________________________________________125. A(n) ____________ system facilitates the automation and management of business processes.________________________________________126. A company must complete all steps in a ____________ to complete a business process. ________________________________________127. Many companies, such as banks, maintain copies of your documents for many years. A(n) _____ system could be used to track these documents.________________________________________128. A(n) _____ system supports the capturing, organization, and dissemination of knowledge. ________________________________________129. A(n) _____ system links you to people you know, and from there, to people your contacts know.________________________________________130. _____ are IT-enabled systems that facilitate learning.________________________________________131. A(n) _____ is a Web site that allows its visitor to create, edit, change, and even eliminate content from its site.________________________________________132. The most popular and well-known _____ is Wikipedia.________________________________________133. _____ information is content that is publicly available, free of charge, and most often updateable by anyone.________________________________________134. _____ refers to how the IT function is placed structurally within an organization and the organization's philosophical approach to the development, deployment, and use of IT.________________________________________。
科特勒市场营销题库 2016新版Chapter5
Principles of Marketing, 16e (Kotler)Chapter 5 Consumer Markets and Buyer Behavior1) Individuals and households that buy or acquire goods and services for personal consumption make up the ________.A) consumer marketB) market offeringC) market mixD) subcultureE) social classAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.1: Define the consumer market and construct a simple model of consumer buyer behavior.Difficulty: Easy2) Marketing stimuli include which of the following?A) economic stimuliB) price stimuliC) technological stimuliD) social stimuliE) cultural stimuliAnswer: BAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.1: Define the consumer market and construct a simple model of consumer buyer behavior.Difficulty: Easy3) Which of the following is one of the other stimuli present in a buyer's environment apart froma marketing stimuli?A) product stimuliB) cultural stimuliC) price stimuliD) place stimuliE) promotion stimuliAnswer: BAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.1: Define the consumer market and construct a simple model of consumer buyer behavior.Difficulty: Easy4) According to the model of buyer behavior, which of the following is one of the two primary parts of a "buyer's black box"?A) technological stimuliB) buyer's decision processC) buyer's spending habitsD) social stimuliE) promotion stimuliAnswer: BSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.1: Define the consumer market and construct a simple model of consumer buyer behavior.Difficulty: Easy5) Marketing stimuli consist of the four Ps. Which of the following is NOT one of these?A) productB) packagingC) priceD) promotionE) placeAnswer: BSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.1: Define the consumer market and construct a simple model of consumer buyer behavior.Difficulty: Easy6) In the model of buyer behavior, which of the following is NOT a major type of force or event in the buyer's environment?A) economicB) technologicalC) socialD) politicalE) culturalAnswer: DAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.1: Define the consumer market and construct a simple model of consumer buyer behavior.Difficulty: Easy7) The starting point of understanding how consumers respond to various marketing efforts is called the stimulus-response model of buyer behavior.Answer: TRUESkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.1: Define the consumer market and construct a simple model of consumer buyer behavior.Difficulty: Easy8) What role do the four Ps play in consumer behavior?Answer: The four Ps are the marketing stimuli that affect buyer behavior: marketers use product, price, place, and promotion to attract the targeted consumers.Skill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.1: Define the consumer market and construct a simple model of consumer buyer behavior.Difficulty: Easy9) ________ is the most basic determinant of a person's wants and behavior.A) CultureB) Brand personalityC) Cognitive dissonanceD) MotiveE) AttitudeAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy10) Each culture contains smaller ________, or groups of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences and situations.A) cultural universalsB) reference groupsC) subculturesD) monoculturesE) social networksAnswer: CSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy11) Which consumer group tends to show more brand loyalty and make shopping a family event, with children having a big say in the purchase decision?A) Hispanic AmericansB) African AmericansC) Arab AmericansD) working class consumersE) middle class consumersAnswer: AAACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environmentsSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy12) ________ consumers are one of the fastest-growing U.S. population subsegments and are expected to surge to nearly one third of the total U.S. population by 2060.A) African AmericanB) Hispanic AmericanC) Asian AmericanD) Baby BoomerE) MillennialAnswer: BAACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environmentsSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy13) Hispanic Americans tend to be deeply family oriented and make shopping a family affair. Older consumers are brand loyal, while younger Hispanics have shown increasing price sensitivity and willingness to choose store brands. Hispanic Americans make up a ________.A) subcultureB) social classC) social networkD) life-cycle stageE) lifestyleAnswer: AAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Challenging14) Although more price-conscious than other population segments, ________ consumers tend to be strongly motivated by quality and selection, and give importance to brands.A) lower upperB) African AmericanC) Asian AmericanD) FilipinoE) working classAnswer: BAACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environmentsSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy15) ________ consumers are the most affluent U.S. demographic segment and are expected to have an annual buying power approaching $1 billion by 2017.A) Hispanic AmericanB) African AmericanC) Asian AmericanD) Baby boomersE) Generation XAnswer: CAACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environmentsSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate16) Many companies use ethnically specific themes in their mainstream marketing strategy because marketers have realized that insights gleaned from ethnic consumers can influence their broader markets. This type of marketing is known as ________ marketing.A) cross-culturalB) buzzC) social networkD) word-of-mouthE) life-styleAnswer: AAACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environmentsSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate17) ________ are society's relatively permanent and ordered divisions whose members share similar values, interests, and behaviors.A) Social classesB) Societal normsC) Reference groupsD) Universal culturesE) Social networksAnswer: AAACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environmentsSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy18) Which of the following statements is true of cultural factors that influence consumer behavior?A) Cultural influences on buying behavior are identical across countries.B) Social classes show distinct product and brand preferences in areas such as clothing and travel.C) Subcultures include nationalities and racial groups, but exclude religions.D) Subcultures are groups within which each individual has a unique and distinct value system.E) Hispanic Americans and African Americans are examples of racially-segregated groups and not subcultures.Answer: BAACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environmentsSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate19) Which of the following statements is true of social classes?A) Social classes are society's temporary divisions.B) Members of a social class have unique and distinct values, interests, and behaviors.C) People within a social class tend to exhibit similar buying behavior.D) Income is the single factor that determines social class.E) Social classes universally exhibit identical product and brand preferences.Answer: CAACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environmentsSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate20) Which of the following statements is true regarding social classes in the United States?A) Social class is determined by income alone.B) Lines between social classes in the United States are fixed and rigid.C) Social classes show distinct product preferences in clothing and automobiles.D) Wealth is more critical than education level in measuring social class.E) People are relegated to a permanent social class in the United States.Answer: CAACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environmentsSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate21) Family is one of the ________ factors that influence consumer behavior.A) regionalB) socialC) personalD) psychologicalE) businessAnswer: BSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy22) ________ are groups to which an individual wishes to belong, as when a young basketball player hopes to play someday for the Los Angeles Lakers.A) Membership groupsB) Aspirational groupsC) Leading adoptersD) SubculturesE) Reference groupsAnswer: BAACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environmentsSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy23) A shoe manufacturing company uses ads featuring the members of a country music band with the hope that the band's fans will see them wearing the company's shoes and hence purchase the same brand of shoes. The shoe company believes that the band portrays the image of a________ to the band's fans.A) membership groupB) reference groupC) status symbolD) subcultureE) lifestyleAnswer: BAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Challenging24) Rachel loves fashion and is always seen wearing the trendiest fashion outfits. She actively shares her knowledge with a wide group of friends and colleagues about where to shop for the latest fashion at great deals. Most of her friends and colleagues follow her fashion tips. Rachel portrays the image of a(n) ________.A) surrogate consumerB) lagging adopterC) opinion leaderD) brand personalityE) social networkerAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Challenging25) ________ are people within a reference group who, because of special skills, knowledge, personality, or other characteristics, exert influence on others.A) Opinion leadersB) InnovatorsC) Surrogate consumersD) Stealth marketersE) Lagging adoptersAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy26) Opinion leaders are also referred to as ________.A) influentialsB) lower uppersC) innovatorsD) lagging adoptersE) surrogate consumersAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy27) ________ are ambassadors who share their passion for a company's products with large circles of friends and acquaintances in return for insider knowledge and other rewards.A) Leading adoptersB) Brand evangelistsC) Surrogate consumersD) Market mavensE) InnovatorsAnswer: BAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy28) Companies that use brand ambassadors are most likely involved in ________ marketing.A) ambushB) spamC) buzzD) viralE) databaseAnswer: CSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy29) Facebook and Second Life are both examples of ________.A) brand alliancesB) opinion leadersC) social networksD) early adoptersE) market mavensAnswer: CAACSB: Information technologySkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy30) Which of the following is characteristic of online social networks?A) use of one-way communication techniquesB) negligible adoption ratesC) guaranteed positive resultsD) easy methods to measure resultsE) user-controlled contentAnswer: EAACSB: Information technologySkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate31) What is the most important consumer buying organization in society?A) familyB) social classC) membership groupD) subcultureE) reference groupAnswer: AAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy32) A ________ consists of the activities an individual is expected to perform according to the people around him/her.A) motiveB) roleC) lifestyleD) life cycleE) perceptionAnswer: BSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy33) A buyer's decisions are influenced by ________ such as the buyer's age and life-cycle stage, occupation, economic situation, lifestyle, personality, and self-concept.A) personal characteristicsB) stereotypesC) perceptionsD) attitudesE) psychographicsAnswer: AAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy34) Consumer information provider Nielsen uses a life-stage segmentation system that places U.S. households into one of 66 different life-stage groups. According to Nielsen's groups, which of the following refers to the group consisting of hip, single twenty-somethings who are politically liberal, listen to alternative music, and enjoy lively nightlife?A) Striving SinglesB) Young AchieversC) Bohemian MixD) Young InfluentialsE) Young DigeratiAnswer: BAACSB: Information technologySkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy35) ________ is a person's pattern of living as expressed in his/her psychographics, and it includes the individual's activities, interests, and opinions.A) PersonalityB) CultureC) LifestyleD) MotiveE) Social classAnswer: CSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy36) In the context of the AIO dimensions for measuring consumers' lifestyles, "A" stands for________.A) activitiesB) achievementsC) admirationsD) attitudesE) associationsAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy37) The latest trend in the United States involves rediscovering the benefits of home-cooked food and the use of organic ingredients. People are choosing to spend hours in the kitchen using only the freshest ingredients to cook healthy and nutritious meals. This change in ________ is one of the reasons for the increasing demand for organic ingredients.A) self-conceptB) subcultureC) lifestyleD) personalityE) life-cycleAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Challenging38) ________ refers to the unique psychological characteristics that distinguish an individual or group.A) AttitudeB) BeliefC) PerceptionD) PersonalityE) Self-awarenessAnswer: DSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy39) Which of the following terms refers to a specific mix of human traits that may be attributed to a particular brand?A) brand perceptionB) brand identityC) brand personalityD) brand conceptE) brand equityAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy40) Shoez Inc., a manufacturer of shoes, has recently launched a brand of sturdy shoes ideal for hiking and other outdoor activities. Which of the following brand personalities could be best associated with the new brand?A) sincerityB) excitementC) sophisticationD) competenceE) ruggednessAnswer: EAACSB: Application of knowledgeSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate41) Many marketers use the self-concept premise that people's possessions contribute to and reflect their identities—that is, "we are what we consume." According to this premise, consumers ________.A) buy products to support their self-imageB) rarely identify with brand personalitiesC) are affected by opinion leadersD) compare product brandsE) conduct primary researchAnswer: AAACSB: Application of knowledgeSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Moderate42) Harley-Davidson promotes its motorcycles with images of independence, freedom, and power. Harley-Davidson has created a ________.A) motiveB) life-cycle stageC) self-conceptD) brand personalityE) self-actualization needAnswer: DAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Challenging43) A marketer of women's hair care products targeting Chinese customers created an advertising message that told women their hair could be worn any way they wanted as opposed to wearing it straight. The message suggested the women did not need to conform to the mainstream media definition of beauty. It is most accurate to say that this ad was based on an understanding of customers' ________.A) social classB) life-cycle stageC) self-conceptD) statusE) roleAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Challenging44) A person's buying choices are influenced by four major psychological factors. Which of the following is NOT one of these factors?A) motivationB) perceptionC) associationD) learningE) beliefsAnswer: CSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy45) A ________ is a need that is sufficiently pressing to direct a person to seek satisfaction.A) stimulusB) perceptionC) cultureD) motiveE) traditionAnswer: DSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy46) According to Freud, a person's buying decisions are primarily affected by ________.A) family influencesB) societal expectationsC) brand imagesD) cultural normsE) subconscious motivesAnswer: ESkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy47) ________ refers to qualitative research designed to probe consumers' hidden, subconscious motivations.A) Perception analysisB) Subliminal analysisC) Motivation researchD) Need recognitionE) Market segmentationAnswer: CSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy48) A marketing research company asked members of a focus group to describe several brands as animals. The purpose of the request is to measure the prestige of the various brands. This is an example of ________.A) brand strength analysisB) interpretive consumer researchC) quantitative researchD) buzz marketingE) brand extensionAnswer: BAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy49) Maslow's theory is that ________ can be arranged in a hierarchy.A) marketing stimuliB) personal beliefsC) perceptionsD) human needsE) decisionsAnswer: DSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy50) Which of the following is NOT part of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?A) physiological needsB) safety needsC) spiritual needsD) esteem needsE) social needsAnswer: CSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy51) According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following is the LEAST pressing need?A) physiological needsB) social needsC) esteem needsD) self-actualization needsE) safety needsAnswer: DAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy52) ________ is the process by which people select, organize, and interpret information to forma meaningful picture of the world.A) MotivationB) PerceptionC) DissonanceD) LearningE) Self-actualizationAnswer: BSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy53) People cannot focus on all of the stimuli that surround them each day. A person's tendency to screen out most of the information is called ________.A) subliminal retentionB) selective distortionC) cognitive dissonanceD) selective attentionE) cognitive inertiaAnswer: DSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy54) People tend to interpret new information in a way that will support what they already believe. This is called ________.A) selective retentionB) selective distortionC) cognitive dissonanceD) selective attentionE) cognitive biasAnswer: BSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy55) ________ means that consumers are likely to remember good points made about a brand they favor and forget good points made about competing brands.A) Selective attentionB) Selective retentionC) Cognitive dissonanceD) Selective distortionE) Cognitive biasAnswer: BAACSB: Application of knowledgeSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy56) Mark has long supported a particular brand of footwear and has always bought that brand. Recently, the footwear manufacturer was embroiled in a controversy for using child labor at its manufacturing plants. Mark doubts the news reports and continues to purchase the same brand of footwear. It is most accurate to say that Mark displays ________.A) selective distortionB) cognitive dissonanceC) selective retentionD) selective attentionE) consumer ethnocentrismAnswer: AAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Challenging57) Juana looked at the September issue of her favorite fashion magazine and did not find anything particularly interesting despite the fact that the magazine had several advertisements that were targeted at Juana's demographic. The only thing that interested her was an article about an upcoming fashion show. Which consumer behavior is being illustrated in this instance?A) subliminal advertisingB) groupthinkC) selective attentionD) social loafingE) consumer ethnocentrismAnswer: CAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Challenging58) Stephanie and John wanted to purchase a high-end sports car. They viewed a commercial fora particular sports car that highlighted the cost, design, and power of the car. After viewing the ad, Stephanie felt that the car's price was acceptable, considering the superior and unique design. John thought that the car was expensive owing to the high power engine installed in it. They used the information in different ways, focusing on issues that that each considered important. Which of the following concepts does this scenario demonstrate?A) selective distortionB) consumer ethnocentrismC) selective retentionD) selective attentionE) cognitive dissonanceAnswer: AAACSB: Analytical thinkingSkill: ApplicationObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Challenging59) Some consumers worry that they will be affected by marketing messages without even knowing it. They are concerned about ________.A) alternative evaluationB) subliminal advertisingC) selective retentionD) cognitive dissonanceE) selective communicationAnswer: BSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy60) ________ describes changes in an individual's behavior arising from experience.A) LifestyleB) LearningC) PerceptionD) Cognitive dissonanceE) Selective attentionAnswer: BSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy61) ________ are minor stimuli that determine where, when, and how a person responds to an idea.A) CuesB) DrivesC) ReinforcersD) CognitionsE) ImpulsesAnswer: ASkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy62) A(n) ________ is a descriptive thought that a person has about something.A) lifestyleB) motiveC) beliefD) attitudeE) cognitionAnswer: CSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Easy63) A(n) ________ is a person's relatively consistent evaluations, feelings, and tendencies toward an object or idea.A) lifestyleB) motiveC) beliefD) attitudeE) perceptionAnswer: DSkill: ConceptObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: EasyRefer to the scenario below to answer the following question(s).The Attic Trunk opened in 1999 as an upscale dress shop in Forest Ridge's fashionable shopping district, catering to a wealthy, mature clientele consisting mostly of older, first-generation Hispanics. Many other specialty shops lined the main avenue over the next few years. But as Forest Ridge began to attract a more price-conscious, younger, and more demographically diverse population, the once-popular shopping district was increasingly perceived as stodgy and snobby by the new segment of customers.By the mid-2000s, many of these specialty shops suffered financially. Most shops attracted only tourists who enjoyed browsing through the displays of alligator belts and shoes, piles of scented soaps, and so on, often laughing at the ridiculously high prices.Owners of The Attic Trunk had noticed the shifts in buying behavior of customers by themid-2000s. In fact, the owners had observed that the once-fashionable shopping district in Forest Ridge no longer attracted the wealthy, mature clientele. This clientele had been replaced with price-conscious families with children, a mix of Asian and African Americans as well as Caucasians.Specialty items at The Attic Trunk gradually disappeared, replaced by brand-name apparel, fashion accessories, and jewelry. Other owners followed suit in the late 2000s, bringing restaurants, an outdoor cafe, and a day spa to the main avenue in Forest Ridge.64) Which of the following best supports the idea that The Attic Trunk's mature, wealthy clientele can remain a viable target market?A) Older, first generation Hispanic consumers are not especially family-oriented.B) Older, first-generation Hispanic consumers favor sellers who show special interest in them.C) Older, first generation Hispanic consumers tend to be very price conscious.D) Older, first generation Hispanic consumers tend to display little brand loyalty.E) Older, first generation Hispanic consumers are motivated by mainstream marketing. Answer: BAACSB: Reflective thinkingSkill: Critical ThinkingObjective: LO 5.2: Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior. Difficulty: Challenging。
QUIZ(小测验) :From Chap01-Chap12(从第一章到第十二章)1.The group of logical, related, and sequential activities and transactions in which businesses engageare often collectively referred to as _____.Answer: business processes2._____ occurs when one business transmits computer-readable data in a standard format to anotherbusiness.Answer: Electronic data interchange (EDI)3.Businesses that engage in EDI with each other are called _____.Answer: trading partners4.The combination of store design, layout, and product display knowledge is called _____.Answer: merchandising5._____ are the total of all costs that a buyer and seller incur as they gather information andnegotiate a purchase-sale transaction.Answer: Transaction costs6.Economists have found that most activities yield less value as the amount of consumptionincreases. This characteristic of economic activity is called the _____.Answer: law of diminishing returns7.True or false: Network organizations are particularly well suited to technology industries that areinformation intensive.Answer: True8.The practice of an existing firm replacing one or more of its supplier markets with its ownhierarchical structure for creating the supplied product is called _____.Answer: vertical integration9.A(n) _____ is any technology that allows people to connect computers to each other.Answer: computer network10.The _____ is a large system of interconnected computer networks that spans the globe.Answer: Internet11.True or false: A newsgroup is an e-mail address that forwards any message it receives to any userwho has subscribed to the list.Answer: False12.A(n) _____ is a computer that stores files written in the hypertext markup language and lets othercomputers connect to it and read these files.Answer: hypertext serverworks of computers that are connected over greater distances are called _____.Answer: wide area networks (WANs)14.(n) _____ is a collection of rules for formatting, ordering, and error-checking data sent across anetwork.Answer: protocol15.True or False: The Internet Protocol controls the disassembly of a message or a file into packetsbefore it is transmitted over the Internet, and it controls the reassembly of those packets into their original formats when they reach their destinations.Answer: Falseputers do all of their internal calculations using a(n) _____ number system.Answer: base 2 (binary)17._____ are a series of IP numbers that are not permitted on packets that travel on the Internet.Answer: Private IP addresses18.A(n) _____ is an interconnected network (or internet), usually one that uses the TCP/IP protocolset, and does not extend beyond the organization that created it.Answer: intranet19.True or False: Intranets are an excellent low-cost way to distribute internal corporateinformation.Answer: True20.Connections that operate at speeds of greater than about 200 Kbps are called _____.Answer: broadband connections21.A(n) _____ is a device that transmits network packets between Wi-Fi-equipped computers andother devices that are within its range.Answer: wireless access point (WAP)22.The _____ is an intelligent agent program that learns the customer’s preferences and makessuggestions.Answer: personal shopper23.The _____ is a graphic image built from customer measurements on which customers can tryclothes.Answer: virtual model24.True or false: Firms that own intellectual property or rights to that property have embraced theWeb as a new and highly efficient distribution mechanism.Answer: True25.The set of characteristics that marketers use to group visitors is called _____, which includes suchthings as address, age, gender, income level, type of job held, hobbies, and religion.Answer: demographic information26.A(n) _____ is a listing of hyperlinks to Web pages.Answer: Web directory27.Channel conflict is also referred to as _____.Answer: cannibalization28.An organization’s _____ is the public image it conveys to its stakeholders.Answer: presence29.The _____ of a firm include its customers, suppliers, employees, stockholders, neighbors, and thegeneral public.Answer: stakeholders30.Putting the customer at the center of all site designs is called a(n) _____ approach to Web sitedesign.Answer: customer-centric31.This personal contact approach to identifying and reaching customers is sometimes called _____.Answer: prospecting32.Advertisers’ response to this decrease in effectiveness was to identify specific portions of theirmarkets and target them with specific advertising messages. This practice, called _____.Answer: market segmentation33.The practice of targeting very small market segments is called _____.Answer: micromarketing34.In _____, marketers try to group customers by variables such as social class, personality, or theirapproach to life.Answer: psychographic segmentation35.Most companies use the term _____ to describe the combination of elements that they use toachieve their goals for selling and promoting their products and services.Answer: marketing mix36.The creation of separate experiences for customers based on their behavior is called _____.Answer: behavioral segmentation37._____ prompt visitors to stay and investigate the products or services offered on Web sites.Answer: Trigger words38.A(n) _____ is the part of a Web site that keeps track of selected items for purchase and automatesthe purchasing process.Answer: shopping cart39.The total amount of money that a site spends, on average, to draw one visitor to the site is calledthe _____.Answer: acquisition cost40.The _____ of an advertising method is the percentage of recipients who respond to an ad orpromotion.Answer: conversion rate41.The information that a Web site can gather about its visitors (which pages were viewed, how longeach page was viewed, the sequence, and similar data) is called a(n) _____.Answer: clickstream42.In _____, one firm’s Web site includes descriptions, reviews, ratings, or other information about aproduct that is linked to another firm’s site that offers the item for sale.Answer: affiliate marketing43._____ relies on existing customers to tell other people (the company’s prospective customers)about the products or services they have enjoyed using.Answer: Viral marketing44.The part of procurement activity devoted to identifying suppliers and determining thequalifications of those suppliers is called _____.Answer: sourcing45.The total dollar amount of the goods and services that a company buys during a year is called its_____.Answer: spend46._____ are those materials that become part of the finished product in a manufacturing process.Answer: Direct materialsrge companies usually assign responsibility for purchasing direct and indirect materials toseparate departments.Answer: True48.The long-term relationships created among participants in the supply chain are called _____.Answer: supply alliances49._____ sites offer private stores along with services such as part number cross-referencing, productusage guidelines, safety information, and other services that would be needlessly duplicated if the sellers were to participate in an industry marketplace.Answer: Customer portal50.A(n) _____ is a marketplace that provides auctions, request for quote postings, and other features(many of which are similar to those of e-procurement software) to companies that want to operate their own marketplaces.Answer: private company marketplace51.A(n) _____ is a marketplace formed by several large buyers in a particular industry.Answer: industry consortia-sponsored marketplace52.True or False: Companies that implement e-procurement software usually require their suppliers tobid on their business.Answer: True53.In a(n) _____ bidders publicly announce their successive higher bids until no higher bid isforthcoming.Answer: English54.The _____ is a form of open auction in which bidding starts at a high price and drops until a bidderaccepts the price.Answer: Dutch auction55.True or False: Second-price sealed-bid auctions are commonly called Vickrey auctions.Answer: True56.In a(n) _____, buyers and sellers each submit combined price-quantity bids to an auctioneer.Answer: double auction57.True or False: Small businesses often sell their unusable and excess inventory to liquidationspecialists.Answer: False58._____ uses its software and hardware tools to coordinate private online auctions that allowbusinesses to solicit bids from suppliers.Answer: FreeMarkets59._____ allows Web pages formatted in HTML to be displayed on devices with small screens, suchas PDAs and mobile phones.Answer: Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)60.Intelligent agents are also called _____.Answer: software robots, bots61.A(n) _____ is a gathering place for people and businesses that does not have a physical existence.Answer: virtual community62._____ refers to the conversion of existing regular site visitors seeking free information or servicesinto fee-paying subscribers or purchasers of services.Answer: Monetizing63.A(n) _____ is a Web page whose content is shaped by a program in response to user requests.Answer: dynamic page64._____ is nonstatic information constructed in response to a Web client’s request.Answer: Dynamic content65._____ is electronic junk mail and can include solicitations, advertisements, or e-mail chain letters.Answer: Spam66.A(n) _____ looks for From addresses in incoming messages that are known to be spammers.Answer: black list spam filter67._____ is a program that allows users to log on to a computer that is connected to the Internet.Answer: Telnet68.A(n) _____ examines each page on the site and reports on any URLs that are broken, seem broken,or are in some way incorrect.Answer: link checker69.A(n) _____ is a simple list written in HTML that appears on a Web page or a series of Web pages.Answer: static catalog70._____ occurs when the shopper proceeds to the virtual checkout counter by clicking a checkoutbutton.Answer: Transaction processing71.Making a compan y’s information systems work together is called _____.Answer: interoperability72.A(n) _____ a computer that takes the request messages received by the Web server and runsapplication programs that perform some kind of action based on the contents of the request messages.Answer: application server73._____ refers to protecting against unauthorized data disclosure and ensuring the authenticity of thedata source.Answer: Secrecy74.Any organization concerned about protecting its electronic commerce assets should have a(n)_____ in place.Answer: security policy75._____ refers to programs that are embedded transparently in Web pages and that cause action tooccur.Answer: Active content76.A(n) _____ is a program hidden inside another program or Web page that masks its true purpose.Answer: Trojan horse77.A(n) _____ is a tiny graphic that a third-party Web site places on another site’s Web page.Answer: Web bug78._____ is a scripting language developed by Netscape to enable Web page designers to build activecontent.Answer: JavaScript79.A(n) _____ is a list or database of files and other resources and the usernames of people who canaccess the files and other resources.Answer: access control list80.A(n) _____ is a computer and software combination that is installed at the Internet entry point of anetworked system.Answer: firewall81._____ are firewalls that filter traffic based on the application requested.Answer: Gateway firewalls82.Internet payments for items costing from a few cents to approximately a dollar are called _____.Answer: micropayments83.True or False: Online cash storage is the virtual equivalent of money kept in a wallet.Answer: False84._____ is a technique used by criminals to convert money that they have obtained illegally into cashthat they can spend without having it identified as the proceeds of an illegal activity.Answer: Money laundering85._____ is electronic cash that, like bills and coins, cannot be traced back to the person who spent it.Answer: Anonymous electronic cash86.A(n) _____ wallet stores a cust omer’s information on a remote server belonging to a particularmerchant or wallet publisher.Answer: server-side electronic87.True or False: The ECML standard will expedite online processing for customers by simplifyingthe form-filling procedure.Answer: True88.A(n) _____ can be an elaborate smart card with a microchip or a plastic card with a magnetic stripthat records the currency balance.Answer: stored-value card89.True or False: Smart cards are safer than conventional credit cards because the information storedon a smart card is encrypted.Answer: True90._____ is a collection of formal techniques for planning and controlling the activities undertaken toachieve a specific goal.Answer: Project management。
第一章测试1【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A.Ethicsareasetofrules.B.Ethicsdependonsocial,culturalandindividualfactors.C.Ethicsareasetofmoralprinciplesthatguideattitudesandbehaviour.D.Ethicsaresubjectiveandimprecise.2【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingwouldbeconsideredapartnerintheformaldefinitionofmarketing?A.CustomersB.Anorganisation'ssupplierofrawmaterialsC.Retailerswhosellanorganisation'sproductsD.Anadvertisingagencywhowritesthecopyforanorganisation'stelevisioncommercial3【多选题】(10分) Stakeholdersofanorganisationcouldinclude:______.A.customersB.shareholdersC.ownersD.employees4【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingsareaboutmarketingethicsissue?A. IncreasingthepriceofaproductduetoincreasedcustomerdemandandlimitedavailabilityB. AsalespersonexaggeratingthebenefitsofaproducttopersuadeacustomertopurchaseitC.Advertisingjunkfoodonchildren'stelevisionD. Failingtoinformconsumersofknownpotentialrisksofusingaproduct5【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingsarepotentialbenefitsofanorganisationactinginasociallyresponsible manner?A.Itcanencourageconsumerstosupporttheorganisation.B.GoodpublicityC.ThegenerationofgoodwillD.Itcanattractfutureemployees.6【多选题】(10分)Aproductcanbe______.A.anideaB.apersonC.agoodD.aservice7【多选题】(10分)Abrandcanbe______.A.aname,logo,sloganordesignthatdifferentiatesaproductB.anythingofferedtoamarketC.acollectionofsymbolsintendedtocreateanimageinacustomer'smindD.thebundleofattributesofaproduct8【多选题】(10分)Inmarketing,whichofthefollowingstatementsaboutpromotionarecorrect?A.Itcanbeusedtoremindcustomersaboutaproduct.B.Itcanbeusedtoinformorpersuadecustomers.C.Itissimplyanothernameforadvertising.D.Itcanbeusedtocreateawareness.9【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingaremarketingactivities?A.PublicrelationsB.PersonalsellingC.Research&DevelopmentD.Accounting10【多选题】(10分)Thetraditional4Psframeworkincludes______.A.peopleB.productC.placeD.partners第二章测试1【多选题】(10分) Anorganisationthatoutsourcesfunctionsthatcanbedonemoreefficientlybyspecialistextern alprovidersisshiftingthosefunctionsfrom_________.A.itsmicro-environmenttoitsmacro-environmentB.itsinternalenvironmenttoitsmacro-environmentC.itsinternalenvironmenttoitsmicro-environmentD.itsinternalenvironmenttoitsexternalenvironment2【多选题】(10分) Amoviestudiolobbyinggovernmentstointroduceharsherpenaltiesforthemasscopyingofpir atedDVDsisanexampleofanorganisationattemptingtoinfluenceits_________.A.internalenvironmentB.marketingenvironmentC.targetmarketD.externalenvironment3【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingsarepartofanorganisation'smacro-environment?A.PoliticalforcesB.CompetitiveforcesC.TechnologicalforcesD.Socioculturalforces4【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingsareexamplesofaneconomicmacro-environmentalforce?A.TheAustraliandollarrisinginvalueB. AfallindemandforcommoditiessuchascoalandironoreduetotheglobalfinancialcrisisC.AriseininterestratesD.Thelevelofconsumerspendingdecreasing5【多选题】(10分)Therisinguseofsocialnetworkingsitescouldbeattributedto_________.A.technologicalforcesB.legalforcesC.economicforcesD.socioculturalforces6【多选题】(10分)Factorsthosearebeyondtheorganisation'sdirectcontrol,thoughtheorganisationmaybeabl etohavesomeinfluenceoverthem,are_________.A.weaknessesB.strengthsC.opportunitiesD.threats7【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingsaredemographiccharacteristics?A.EthnicityB.GenderC.AgeD.Maritalstatus8【多选题】(10分)Themacro-environmentencompasses_________.A.localandstategeographiclevelsB.countryandregionalgeographiclevelsC.thefactorsoutsideoftheindustrythatinfluencethesurvivaloftheorganisationD.marketingplanning9【多选题】(10分) Keyenvironmentalfactorsthatmarketersneedtoconsiderwhenanalysingthemarketingenvi ronmentincludepolitical,economic,sociocultural,_________forces.A.legalB.culturalC.technologicalD.environmental10【多选题】(10分)SWOTincludes_________.A.weaknessandoppositionB.weaknessesandopportunitiesC.situationandthreatsD.strengthsandthreats第三章测试1【多选题】(10分) Thebroadinfluencesonconsumerbehaviourcanbecategorisedas_________.A.psychologicalB.situationalC.individualD.group2【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingwoulddescribeanopinionleaderfromamarketingperspective?A.Yourone-month-oldbabysisterB.MediacommentatorswhohavealargeaudienceC.AreferencegroupmemberwhoprovidesrelevantandinfluentialadviceD.Apersonofhighstandinginthecommunity3【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingpurchasesituationswouldlikelybedescribedashighinvolvementinter msofconsumerdecision-making?A.ThepurchaseofmoreexpensiveproductsB.InfrequentlypurchaseC.WeeklysupermarketshoppingD.Thepurchaseoffamiliarproducts4【多选题】(10分) Howcanamarketerattempttoreducethelikelihoodofapurchaseroftheirproductexperiencin gcognitivedissonance?A.Byofferingbonusesorrebatestoberedeemedsometimeafterpurchase,togivethepurchaseradditionalvalueB.Byensuringthattheirproducts,whenused,willmeetconsumerexpectationsC.ByincreasingthepriceoftheirproductD. Itisnotpossibleforamarketertoinfluencethepotentialcognitivedissonanceofaconsumer.5【多选题】(10分) WhichcountriesbelowwouldscorelowerthanAustraliaorNewZealandonHofstede's'individ ualism'dimensionofculture?A.UnitedStatesB.IndiaC.ChinaD.Japan6【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingstatementsregardingsubculturesarecorrect?A. Subculturesareimportanttomarketerswhentheirshoppingandpurchasingbehaviourissignificantlydifferentfr omthereminderofpopulation.B. Asubcultureisagroupcomprisingindividualsofsimilarrankwithinasocialhierarchy.C.Asubcultureisagroupofindividualswhosharecommonattitudes,valuesandbehavioursthatdistinguishthemfro mthebroaderculture.D.Ahip-popculturewouldbeanexampleofasubculture.7【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingcouldbeareferencegroupforanindividual?A.TheiridolsB.AworkorprofessionalgroupC.TheirfamilyD.Theirpets8【多选题】(10分)Demographiccharacteristicsinclude_________.A.educationlevelandgender.B.ageandincome.C.lifestyleandpersonality.D.raceandreligiousbelief.9【多选题】(10分)AccordingtoMaslow'stheory,whichofthefollowingneedswouldanindividualattempttosatisf ybeforetheothers?A.HungerB.ThirstC.FinancialD.Safety10【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A.Perceptionisobjective.B.Perceptioncanbeparticulartoanindividual.C.Perceptionissubjective.D.Perceptioncanbeselective.第四章测试1【多选题】(10分) Juicybuyssugarfromalocalfactoryandsellslolliestodepartmentstoresandsupermarkets.W hichmarketsdothesetransactionstakeplacein?A.ProducermarketsB.RetailmarketsC.ResellermarketsD.Wholesalemarkets2【多选题】(10分) Institutionalmarketsaredistinguishedfromotherbusinessmarketsby_________.A.thenot-for-profitnatureoftheiractivities.B.thefacttheydonotsellservices.C.thefacttheydonotsellgoods.D.theirnon-publicnature.3【多选题】(10分)High-valuepurchasesarerelativelycommoninwhichbusinessmarkets?A.ResellerandgovernmentB.ProducerandinstitutionalC.ConsumerandresellerD.Onlineandconsumer4【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsaboutbusiness-to-businesstransactionsingeneralarelikel ytobecorrect?A.Theycaninvolveregularrepeatpurchases.B.Priceandotherconditionsofsalecanbeopentonegotiation.C.Theycanbeforhighvolumeandhighvaluepurchases.D.Therelationshipsbetweenbuyersandsellerstendtobeshortterm.5【多选题】(10分)Guitarsusuallyhaveebonyorrosewoodfretboards.Thedemandforebonyandrosewoodvari eswiththedemandforguitars.Thisisanexampleof_________.A.elasticdemandB.consumerdemandC.deriveddemandD.jointdemand6【多选题】(10分) CompanyAbuysglueforuseinmanufacturingitsproductsfromcompaniesB,CandD.Whichof thefollowingareunlikelytodecreasetheamountofgluethatCompanyAdemands?A.CompanyBbeginssellinggluetoconsumers.B.CompanyDstopsproducingglue.C.CompanyEbeginsbuyinggluefromcompaniesB,CandD.D.CompanyCincreasesitsglueprices.7【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingsarecorrect?A. Businesspurchasingdecisionsofteninvolvedevelopmentofaformalproductrequirementspecification.B.Buyershavethefinalauthoritytomakebusinesspurchasingdecisions.C. Manybusinessesusemultiplesupplierssotheyarenotoverlyreliantonanyoneotherbusiness.D.Newtaskpurchasesarelikelytoinvolveextensiveevaluationofoptions.8【多选题】(10分)Inwhichofthefollowingbusinessmarketsarehigh-volumepurchaseslikelytobeacharacteris tic?A.GovernmentmarketB.InstitutionalmarketC.ResellermarketD.Consumermarket9【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A.Demandforcomponentsinbusinessmarketsmostlytendstobepriceinelastic.B. Equipmentsupplierscantakeadvantageofjointdemandbyofferingongoingsupplyofmaintenanceandconsum ables.C.Ajust-in-timeapproachtotakingdeliveryofcomponentsreducesinventorycosts,butincreasestheriskthatthepr oductionprocesswillbebroughttoahaltbytheshortageofanycomponent.D.Whileindustrydemandtendstobeinelastic,demandforthebusinessproductsofanyparticularcompanycanbeel astic.10【多选题】(10分)Whichstepsofthebusinessdecision-makingprocessmaybeomittedforthestraightrebuy?A.Post-purchaseevaluationB.EvaluationofoptionsC.InformationsearchD.Problem/needrecognition第五章测试1【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A. Targetmarketingisbestsuitedtosituationswheresubgroupsinthemarketcanbeidentifiedthathavesimilarchar acteristics.B.Massmarketingisbestsuitedtosituationswherebuyershavecommonwants,needsanddemands.C.Customisedmarketingisbestsuitedtosituationswherebuyershaveuniquewants,needsanddemands.D.Targetmarketingisbestsuitedtosituationswherebuyershavecommonwants,needsanddemands.2【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A. Massmarketingallowsforanorganisationtobuildcloserelationshipswithcustomers.B. Anundifferentiatedapproachtomarketingpotentiallyallowsanorganisationtoachieveeconomiesofscaleinpro duction.C.Andifferentiatedapproachtomarketingpotentiallyallowsanorganisationtoachieveeconomiesofscaleinprodu ction.D.Massmarketingisanundifferentiatedapproachtomarketing.3【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingwouldbeadvantagesofacustomisedmarketingstrategy?A.Positiveword-of-mouthcustomerreferralsB.CustomerloyaltyC.PotentialrepeatpurchasesfromthecustomerD.Buildingcloserelationshipswithacustomer4【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A.Amarketsegmenthasdistinctiveneeds,butthemembersofthesegmenthavesimilarneeds.B.Anarchitectdesigningacouple's'dream'homeisanexampleofcustomisedmarketing.C.Amarketsegmenthasdistinctiveneeds,andthemembersofthesegmenthavedistinctiveneeds.D.Amarketsegmenthassimilarneeds,butthemembersofthesegmenthavedistinctiveneeds.5【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A.Differenttargetmarketsmayrequireadifferentpositioningstrategy.B. Anorganisationfollowingthetargetmarketingconceptshouldtargetallmarketsegments.C. Marketscanbesegmentedmanydifferentwaysusingdifferentsegmentationvariables.D.Marketsegmentsshouldbeselectedfortargetingafteranevaluationprocess.6【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A. Targetinggeographicareasthathaveahighnumberofpotentialcustomersmaycreatedistributionefficienciesfo ranorganisation.B.Geographicsegmentationallowsforthesegmentationofverysmallgeographicalareas,suchasasinglesuburb.C.Geographicsegmentationvariablesincludeclimate.D.Geographicsegmentationvariablesincludeageandgender.7【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A.Thepositioningofanorganisation,itsproduct/sandbrand/sshouldbeconsistentlyreinforced.B.Thepositioningofanorganisation,itsproduct/sandbrand/sshouldbechangedregularly.C. Howanorganisationwishestopositionitsproductofferingtoatargetmarketshouldinfluencethedevelopmentofit smarketingmixforthattargetmarket.D.Aproduct,organisationorbrandmaybeabletoberepositioned.8【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingcaninfluencethemarketpositionofanorganisation,itsproducts,oritsbr andsinthemindsoftargetconsumers?A.AdvertisingandotherpromotionaleffortsB.Thepriceoftheorganisation'sproductC.Thecustomer'sexperienceoftheorganisation,product,orbrandD.Thefeaturesoftheorganisation'sproduct9【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingwouldbeconsiderationsforanorganisationinevaluatingmarketsegme ntsanddecidingwhichtotarget?A. TheabilityoftheorganisationtosatisfytheneedsandexpectationsofdifferentmarketsegmentsB.Anunderstandingand/oranalysisofcompetitorsandhowtheirofferingsareseenbypotentialtargetmarketsegm entsC.ThecosttotheorganisationoftargetingthatmarketsegmentD.Thepotentialsalesvolumeandrevenuesofdifferentmarketsegments10【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A.Psychographicsegmentationvariablesincludeconsumer'sbenefitexpectationsofaproduct.B. Psychographicsegmentationvariablesincludeconsumerbrandloyalty.C. Psychographicsegmentationvariablesincludeconsumerpersonalityattributes.D. Psychographicsegmentationvariablesincludeconsumerlifestyles.第六章测试1【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A.Aserviceusuallyinvolvestransferofownership.B.Aphysicalgoodisaproduct.C.Aserviceisaproduct.D.Aphysicalgoodistangible,aserviceisintangible.2【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A.Aproductcanbeaconsumerproductorabusiness-to-businessproduct,butnotboth.B. Thecoreproductcomprisesthefundamentalproductbenefitthatsatisfiestheconsumer'sneedorwant.C.Forsomeproducts,supportservicesandguaranteesmaybeattheaugmentedproductlevel,andforotherproduct s,thesesamefeaturesmaybeattheexpectedlevel.D.Formanyproducts,ascompetitionincreasesovertime,featuresthatcouldoncehavebeenclassifiedasaugment edbecomeexpectedorevencorefeatures.3【多选题】(10分) Forwhichofthefollowingproductsisaconsumerlikelytopurchasewithlittleornoengagementi nthedecision-makingprocess?A.UnsoughtB.ShoppingC.ConvenienceD.Specialty4【多选题】(10分) Convenienceproductsinclude_________.A.business-to-businessproductsB.stapleproductsC.emergencyproductsD.impulseproducts5【多选题】(10分)Business-to-businessproductsinclude_________.A.servicesandsuppliesB.partsandmaterialsC.equipmentD.stapleproducts6【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A. Thestagethataproductisatintheproductlifecycledependssolelyonhowlongtheproducthasbeeninthemarket.B.Inthematurityphaseoftheproductlifecycle,saleswillmostlikelypeakorstarttofall.C.Productsmaybeunprofitableintheintroductionphaseoftheproductlifecycle.D. henewproductdevelopmentphaseoftheproductlifecyclecaninvolvesubstantialcostsforanorganisation.7【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A.Business-to-businessproductsincludeproductsthatorganisationsuseintheirdailyoperations.B. Promotionalactivitiestobuildawarenessofaproductaremostlikelytobenecessaryintheintroductionphaseofth eproductlifecycle.C.Business-to-businessproductsincludeproductsthatorganisationsuseintheproductionofotherproducts.D.Onceaproducthasreachedthematurityphaseoftheproductlifecycle,itisnotpossibletomovebacktothegrowths tage.8【多选题】(10分)Abrand_________.A.isanameB.isadesignC.isasloganD.isacollectionofsymbols9【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsareincorrect?A.Brandequityisdeterminedbytheorganisationratherthantheconsumer.B.Acustomer'sbrandloyalty,onceestablished,willneverchange.C.Atrademarklegallyregistersabrandnameorbrandmarkinorderthatanorganisationmayexclusivelyuseitinthe market.D.Brandequityistheaddedvaluethatabrandgivesaproduct.10【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A. Manufacturerbrandsareownedbyproducersandclearlyidentifiedatthepointofsale.B.Privatelabelbrandsarebecomingmorecommon.C.Manufacturerbrandsarethemostcommontypeofbrand.D.Privatelabelbrandsareownedbyresellers(suchaswholesalersandretailers).第七章测试1【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingfactorswouldbelikelytoinfluenceanorganisation'spricingdecisionforit sproducts?A.Production,communicationanddistributioncostsB.Competitors'pricesC.Customers'willingnesstopayD.Requiredprofitability2【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A. Anexchangeofvaluealwaysinvolvesamonetarytransaction.B.Priceisameasureofvalueforbuyers.C.Not-for-profitorganisationsmaychargeapricefortheirproducts.D.Priceisameasureofvalueforsellers.3【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A.Anorganisationmayadjustitspricesatvarioustimesoftheyeartostimulatedemandandgeneratecashflow.B. Theunitcostofproductionofaproductmaydecreaseasproductionquantityofitincreases.C.Pricecannotbeflexibleintheshortterm.D.Aproduct'spricemaybesetlowinitiallyinordertopenetrateamarket.4【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarelikelytobeincorrect?A.Pricesarelesslikelytobeintheadvertisement.B.High-price,high-marginspecialtybrandsareusuallysoldthroughintensive,conveniencedistribution.C.Lowpricesareconsistentwithahighqualitypositioningapproach.D.Low-priced,high-volumeproductsareusuallysoldthroughselectiveretaildistribution.5【多选题】(10分)WhichofthefollowingassumptionswouldsupportMcDonald'sdecisiontochargehigherprice sattheirrestaurantsthatarelocatedinlowerincomesuburbs?A.McDonald'sdoesn'tbelieveindemand-basedpricing.B.McDonald'sbelievesindemand-basedpricing.C. Thatdemandfortheirproductinlowincomeareasispriceinelastic.D. Thatdemandfortheirproductinlowincomeareasispriceelastic.6【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingwouldlikelybeflexiblecostforanorganisation?A.SalescommissionsB.RawmaterialsC.PackagingD.Officerent7【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A.Wheremarginalcostislessthanmarginalrevenue,eachadditionalunitsoldincursalossfortheorganisation.B.Wheremarginalcostismorethanmarginalrevenue,eachadditionalunitsoldincursalossfortheorganisation.C.Wheremarginalcostislessthanmarginalrevenue,anorganisationcanincreaseprofitsbysellingmoreunits.D.Wheremarginalcostismorethanmarginalrevenue,anorganisationcanincreaseprofitsbysellingmoreunits.8【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingwouldbeclassifiedas'non-price'competition?A.BrandimageB.ConvenienceC.ProductqualityD.Customerservice9【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A. Anorganisationwithlowfixedcostsandhighvariablecostscouldleastaffordtoengageinpricecompetition.B. Anorganisationchoosingtocompeteonaspectsotherthanpricehasgreaterpowertodecideontheprofitmarginp erunitsoldforitsproducts.C. Pricecompetitionisundesirableforasellerunlessithasacostadvantageovercompetitors.D. Anorganisationwithhighfixedcostsandlowvariablecostscouldleastaffordtoengageinpricecompetition.10【多选题】(10分)Aboutthecost-pluspricing,whichofthefollowingstatementarecorrect?A.Itisoftenusedwhenitiseasytodeterminethecostsoftheproduct.B.Itisoftenthecaseforlarge,complexprojectssuchasroadsandcommercialbuildingconstruction.C. Theselleraddstheirrequiredprofitmarginasadollaramountorpercentagetothecostsoncetheprojectiscomplet e.D.Theadvantageforthebuyeristhattheycanbeassuredofthefinalpricetheywillpay.第八章测试1【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A. Choosingappropriatemediamakesitpossibletoaimadvertisingatpotentialtargetmarkets.B.Publicrelationscampaignsaregenerallyhighcost.C. Thechoiceofmediainwhichtoadvertisecanpositivelyornegativelyimpactonabrand'simage.D. Publicrelationsactivitiescanbeusedasatooltocombatnegativeperceptionsorevents.2【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A. Anorganisationcanimplementsalespromotionstrategiestoofferextravaluetoconsumersinabidtoincreasesal es.B. Anorganisationcanimplementsalespromotionstrategiestoofferextravaluetoretailersinabidtoincreasesales.C. Anorganisationcanimplementsalespromotionstrategiestoofferextravaluetosalespeopleinabidtoincreasesa les.D.Anorganisationcanimplementsalespromotionstrategiestosmoothdemand.3【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingaredisadvantagesofpersonalsellingoverotherpromotionalactivities?A.Themarketingmessagecanbetailoredtosuitthepotentialbuyer'sneeds.B.Personalsellingisrelativelyexpensive.C.Personalsellinghasamorelimitedreach.D.Personalsellingistime-consuming.4【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A.c.Advertisinginnewspapercanbeeffectiveinreachingnichetargetmarkets.B. Advertisingviatelevisioncanbeeffectiveintargetingageographicallyconcentratedaudience.C.Advertisinginmagazinescanbeeffectiveinreachingnichetargetmarkets.D.Theoveralleffectivenessofadvertisingcanbedifficulttomeasure.5【多选题】(10分) Apublicrelationscampaigncouldpotentiallybeusedbyanorganisationforwhichofthefollowi ngreasons?A.TogeneratepositivepublicityandgoodwillB.AspartofcrisismanagementC.TobuildandsustaingoodrelationshipswithstakeholdersD.Tocounternegativepublicity6【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A.Advertisinginnewspapercanbeeffectiveinreachingnichetargetmarkets.B.Theoveralleffectivenessofadvertisingcanbedifficulttomeasure.C.Advertisinginmagazinescanbeeffectiveinreachingnichetargetmarkets.D. Advertisingviatelevisioncanbeeffectiveintargetingageographicallyconcentratedaudience.7【多选题】(10分) Apublicrelationsprofessionalwouldlikelyengageinwhichofthefollowingactivities?A.MedialiaisonB.EventpromotionC.LobbyingD.Productpricing8【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A.Loyaltyprogramsincludesignageanddisplaysinstores,andfreeproducttrialsofdemonstrationsinstores.B.Loyaltyprogramscanbeaformofconsumersalespromotion.C.Loyaltyprogramsrewardconsumersfortheamounttheyspend.D.Loyaltyprogramsaredesignedtoencouragerepeatpurchases.9【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrectinrelationtopost-purchasedissonance?A. Aconsumerfeelingtheyhavepurchasedwhattheyexpectedafterashoppingtripisanexampleofpost-purchased issonance.B. Asalespersonwhofollowsupwithacustomeraftertheyhavemadeapurchasemaybeabletoreducethatcustome r'spost-purchasedissonance.C. Aconsumerhavingsecondthoughtsaboutthewisdomofaproductpurchaseisanexampleofpost-purchasediss onance.D. Aconsumerfeelingtheyhavepurchasedtoomuchafterashoppingtripisanexampleofpost-purchasedissonanc e.10【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A. Asponsormustlegallyensurethataneventorpersontheyaresponsoringhassomeformofrelationshipwiththeirp roductsoractivities.B.Inreturnforfinancialorothersupport,asponsorwillusuallyhavetherighttodisplayorassociatetheirbrandname,l ogo,oradvertisingwithaneventorperson.C.Sponsorshipisapublicrelationstool.D.Consumersarebeginningtopaylessattentiontocorporatesponsorships.第九章测试1【多选题】(10分)Intermediariesinadistributionchannelcaninclude_________.A.industrialdistributorsB.customersC.wholesalersD.retailers2【多选题】(10分) BestWesternallowspeopletobookamotelroombycontactingthem,orviaretailtravelagentso .Whichofthefollowingoptionsbestdescribesthisdistributi onmodel?A.selectivelyB.DirectC.IndirectD.Exclusive3【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingdistributionchannelsarecorrect?A.Producer,wholesaler,retailer,consumerB.Producer,retailer,wholesaler,consumerC.Producer,agent/broker,consumerD.Producer,consumer4【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingwouldberelevantconsiderationsforthelocationofaretailstore?A.Proximitytocomplementaryretailers.B.Proximitytocompetitors.C.Customeraccesstopublictransportandpublicparkingavailableinapotentialarea.D. Whetherthegeographicareacontainsasignificantproportionoftheirtargetmarketdemographic.5【多选题】(10分) Abenefitthatretailersofferinthedistributionchannelisexchangeefficiency.Thismeansthat_ ________.A.thenumberofpartiesthatproducersandwholesalersmustdealwithisincreasedB.thenumberofsellersthatconsumersmustdealwithisincreasedC.thenumberofsellersthatconsumersmustdealwithisreducedD. thenumberofpartiesthatproducersandwholesalersmustdealwithisreduced6【多选题】(10分)Discountstoresarecharacterisedby_________.A.lowmarginsB.highlevelsofcustomerserviceC.self-serviceD.highturnover7【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingsareformsofdirectmarketing?A.Door-to-doorsellingB.AutomaticvendingmachinesC.TelemarketingD.Cataloguemarketing8【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A. Agentsandbrokerscanoperateonbehalfofbothbuyersandsellers.B. Agentsandbrokerscanactasintermediariestoconnectmembersofthemarketingchannel.C.Agentsandbrokerscanoperateonbehalfofsellers.D.Agentsandbrokerscanoperateonbehalfofbuyers.9【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A.Wholesalersdealwithbusinessesinthedistributionchannel.B. Wholesalerstendtodealwithlargevolumesofproductsintheirtransactions.C.Wholesalersgenerallyadvertiseinthemassmedia.D.Wholesalingdoesnotincludetransactionswithendconsumers.10【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingsarepotentialbenefitsprovidedbywholesalers?A.Awholesalercanreduceriskwhenconductingtransactions.B.Awholesalercanpromoteandsellamanufacturer'sproductstoretailers.C. Awholesalercanhavebulkbuyingpowerwithmanufacturersandareabletopassonsavingstoretailers.D.Awholesalercanholdandmanageamanufacturer'sinventory.第十章测试1【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsareincorrect?A.Directdistributionisparticularlycommonforphysicalgoods.B.Directdistributionisparticularlycommonforserviceproducts.C.Directdistributionisparticularlycommonforbothgoodsandservices.D.Directdistributionisn’tparticularlycommonforneithergoodsnorservices.2【多选题】(10分)Whichofthefollowingstatementsarecorrect?A.Servicesinvolveatransferoftitle.B.Servicesareintangible.C.Servicescanincludeactivities,performancesandbenefitsofferedforsale.D. Aproductofferingcanconsistofbothaphysicalgoodandaservicecomponent.3【多选题】(10分) Whichofthefollowingcharacteristicsdistinguishesaservicefromaphysicalgood?A.PerishabilityB.。
市场营销Quiz 4
1.The research that involves the gathering of primary data by watching relevant people, actions, and situations is known as:2.The major disadvantage associated with the use of information from internal records is:3.________ data is data that was gathered for another purpose and already exists.4.Hypotheses are typically tested through the use of:5.Information collected for a specific, current purpose is called:6.Which of the following is an example of how Delta, a manufacturer of acrylic paints used in arts and crafts, would use observational research to gatherprimary data?7.The type of research a food-products manufacturer would use in supermarkets to find out the prices of competing brands would be:8.The stage in the marketing research process that provides direction for the entire marketing research effort is:9.The type of sample in which each member of the population has a known and equal chance of selection is called a:10.A funeral director who watches and records data on how consumers select acasket would be engaged in ________ research.11.The source of marketing information that is typically the fastest and leastexpensive to use is:12.Data that has already been collected for some purpose other than that of thecurrent application is called:13.Sue Smith, president of the local Rotary club , had difficulty getting members to assist in running the organization. She felt it was because of lack ofcommitment to Rotary. Her vice-president felt it was due to having too many meetings. The organization's secretary felt it was because there were several other professional organizations to which the members also belonged. If Sue wants to do research to determine the real reason why members do not want to run for office, she should begin by:14.The type of research that is best used for gathering causal information is called:15.That part of a population selected to represent the population as a whole iscalled a(n) :。
10149 跨境电商实务英语
10149 跨境电商实务英语填空题1.Mechanical Twist Leather Watch Brown 棕色皮革()腕表本题标准答案是:机械2.amazon: BEST Extendable Selfie Stick Monopod with Bluetooth Remote by Snap Stick -fits iPhone 6 plus! -60 DaY MONEY BaCK ( ) (可延伸单杆自拍杆并支持蓝牙远程-适合iPhone 6 plus - 60天退款保证)本题标准答案是:GUaRaNTEE3.Escrow: a financial instrument or an asset held by a third party on behalf of ( ) other parties that are in the process of completing a transaction.(第三方托管)本题标准答案是:two4.Women's Camo Print Light French Terry Shorts 女性()法国毛圈短裤本题标准答案是:迷彩5.SNS: Social ( ) Services(社交媒体营销)本题标准答案是:Network6.EMS: ( ) Mail Service(邮政特快专递服务)本题标准答案是:Express7.( ) sale 清仓大甩卖本题标准答案是:clearance8.真皮手工缝制国际足联许可比赛足球Genuine leather hand-sewn FIFa ( ) football本题标准答案是:approved9.eBay: 2 Person Camping Tent Double-layer Waterproof Windproof Outdoor ( )(双人野营双层防水防风户外徒步旅行帐篷)本题标准答案是:Hiking10.Rockland Melbourne 20 Inch Expandable Luggage 罗克兰墨尔本20英寸可()行李箱本题标准答案是:加大11.You will enjoy 40% off for the ( ) shop. 您将享受全场6折的优惠。
CHAPER51. What went wrong with Coke in 1985?a. Management defined its marketing research problem too narrowly.b. The research looked only at taste and not feeling about droppingthe old Coke.c. No account of intangibles was taken.d. All of the above(d; Moderate)4. Your firm has just developed its first successful MIS. It interacts withinformation users to assess information needs, develop neededinformation, _____ the marketing information, and help managers use it in their decision making.a. distributeb. collectc. retrieved. store(a; Challenging)12. Your marketing department is attempting to improve strategicdecision making, assess and track competitors’ actions, and provide early warning of opportunities and threats. Your department would do well to use _____.a. internal databasesb. external databasesc. marketing intelligenced. the Internet(c; Challenging15. Which of the following was not mentioned in your text as a source of marketing intelligence?a. competitors’ gar bageb. buying competitors’ productsc. monitoring competitors’ salesd. checking for new goodwill(d; Moderate)25. It is important to note that research objectives must be translated intospecific _____.a. marketing goalsb. information needsc. dollar amountsd. results that justify the means(b; Challenging)29. Which form of data can usually be obtained more quickly and at alower cost?a. primaryb. censusc. secondaryd. syndicated(c; Moderate)32. Loft Industries sells roof trusses to contractors and builders and usesobservation in its marketing research. Which of the following methods would be best for this firm?a. people metersb. checkout scannersc. cookiesd. mechanical observation(d; Challenging)36. Experimental research is best suited for gathering _____ information.a. unknownb. causalc. complicatedd. interactive(b; Challenging)38. ABCV Company has decided to use mail questionnaires to collect largeamounts of information. Management recognizes this method has all the following advantages except one. Can you locate it?a. low cost per respondentb. may provide more honest answersc. has an average response rated. no interview to bias respondents’ answers(c; Challenging)55. Terri Hayes uses CRM analysis to assess the individual values of hercompany’s customers and to identify the best ones to target. Whatother application could she try?a. customizing the company’s products to each customerb. customizing interactions to each customerc. computing the lifetime value of each customerd. customizing the company’s products and interactions to eachcustomer(d; Challenging)69. A common problem in international marketing research is theavailability of _____.a. primary datab. research specialistsc. secondary datad. intelligence limitations(c; Challenging)75. Even when respondents in other countries are willing to respond toresearch questions, they may not be able to because of _____.a. high functional illiteracy ratesb. language barriersc. lack of availabilityd. limitations imposed by government(a; Challenging76. According toyour text, there are two major public policy and ethicalissues in marketing research. What are they?a. child pornography and spamb. intrusions on consumer privacy and misuse of research findingsc. misuse of research findings and spamd. selling of personal information to other firms and intrusions onconsumer privacy(b; Challenging79. The Chrysler study is an example of _____ survey findings.a. ignoringb. misplacingc. errodingd. stretching(d; Challenging)81. Some companies often use study results as claims in their _____.a. advertisingb. promotionc. advertising and promotiond. annual reports(c; Easy)Essay114. Discuss the functions of a marketing information system (MIS).A typical MIS consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers. First, it interacts with information users to assess information needs. Next, it develops needed information from internal company databases, marketing intelligence activities, and marketing research. Then it helps users to analyze information to put it in the right form for making marketing decisions and managing customer relationships. Finally, the MIS distributes the marketing information and helps managers use it in their decision making. (Moderate; p. 112115. Marketers can obtain needed information from internal data, marketing intelligence, and marketing research. Explain some common sources for each of these.Internal databases are built upon statements and records from the accounting department. Operations reports on production-related issues. Sales and marketing provide data on resellers, competitors, buyer behavior, and the industry. These are cheaper sources that are easy toaccess. Marketing intelligence is a collection and analysis of publicly available data about competitors and developments in the industry. It can come from quizzing employees, studying their ads and annual reports, and analyzing their products.Marketers often need formal studies of specific situations where they seek sources of secondary and primary data to form decisions. The process and methods used to collect the data should fit the purpose and budget of the researching firm.(Moderate; p. 114-116)116. Describe the basic marketing research process.The marketing research process has four steps: defining the problem and research objectives, developing the research plan, implementing the research plan, and interpreting and reporting the findings.The manager must know what is wrong and the specific causes in defining the problem. Three objectives must be set and reached: exploratory research, descriptive research, and causal research. Next, the exact information needed and a plan for gathering and presenting it must be made.The research must be implemented, gathering secondary and primary data to compile and analyze. The information must be written and the important information presented to management for decision making. (Moderate; pp. 116-126)117. Provide the advantages/benefits of each of the contact methods.Mail questionnaires can be used to collect large amounts of information at a lowcost per respondent. Respondents may give more honest answers to more questions than to an unknown interviewer in person or on the phone. Also, nointerviewer is involved to bias the answers. Telephone interviewing is one of thebest methods for gathering information quickly and provides great flexibility.Interviewers can explain difficult questions, skip some questions, or probe on others. Rates of response tend to be higher than mail methods. Personal and group interviewing allow interviewers to guide respondents and explore issues as they evolve, and they are flexible. Visual aids can be used, products can be demonstrated, and reactions and behaviors can be observed. Computer-assisted interviewing aids in eliminating interviewer bias. Online methods allow the person to be more honest, the costs are greatly reduced, and reports come back faster.(Challenging; p. 121)118. What would a researcher need to know about drawing conclusions about large groups of consumers by studying a small sample of the total population?First, it is imperative to determine who is to be surveyed. Next, we must determine the sample size by deciding how many people need to be surveyed. Third, the sampling procedure should be chosen to know how the respondents should be chosen. The correct combination of secondary and primary data should be researched to provide reliable information. (Easy; p. 122 and 124)119. Compare and contrast closed-end questions and open-end questions for gathering data.Closed-end questions make it easier for respondents to choose among relevant answers. They are also easier for the researcher to interpret and tabulate. Open-end questions allow respondents to answer in their own words and do not limit their choices.(Easy; p. 124)120. How can a company overcome the problem of gathering internal data for research purposes when it is usually scattered widely across the organization?Many companies are using customer relationship management (CRM). CRMoffers the benefits of managing detailed information about individual customers and carefully managing customer “touch points” in order to maximize customer loyalty. By using sophisticated software and analytical tools, information about customers can be integrated from all sources and analyzed in depth, and the results can be applied to build stronger customer relationships. CRM integrates everything that a company’s sales, service, and marketing teams know about individual customers to provide a 360-degree view of the customer relationship.(Challenging; pp. 126-127)121. Explain the common problems of marketing research in Asia that researchers encounter.Researchers deal with a unique set of challenges, for example, problems with secondary data in the region which may be guesses or just extrapolations of past numbers. The collection of primary data is also saddled with problems.Survey research suffers from a lack of sampling lists, few or unqualified interviewers, poor language translation of questions, respondent refusals to be interviewed, or less than truthful responses. In many Asian countries, the researcher cannot send a mailed questionnaire because of low population literacy or poor postal service, and telephone interviews are infeasible where telephone ownership or service is poor.Asian countries also vary in their research capabilities.(Challenging; pp. 128-129)。
商务英语 Quiz of Unit 2(Lesson 5-12)
Quiz of Unit 2I.Matching. (20’)1. express2. vomit3. distinctively4. manicure5. deluxe6. sideburns7. press8. cutlery9. convert 10. stud11. inflammation 12. vacancy 13. invisibly 14. spiced 15. deposit16.remittance 17. groggy 18. prescribe 19. measurement 20. tintA. 着色B. 快递C. 无形地D. 储蓄E. 呕吐F. 鬓角G.. 熨H. 修指甲I. 刀叉J. 开药K. 点缀L. 空房M. 发炎N. 有特色的O. 豪华的P. 汇款Q. 尺寸R. 头晕S. 香辣的T. 转换II.Translation. (80’)Part 1 Phrases and expressions (20’)21. 挂号信22. 护发素23. 波波头24. 切脉25. 手绣台布26. 畅销货27. 印刷品28. 文具店29. 粤菜30. 中国工商银行Part 2 Dishes (20’)31. 麻婆豆腐32. 辣味虾33. 凉拌黄瓜34. 蛋炒饭35. 麻辣子鸡36. 糖醋排骨37. 锅贴38. 荷叶粉蒸肉39. 剁椒鱼头40. 红烧狮子头Part 3 Sentences (25’)41. Business is concluded on the table.42. 我要一份沙朗牛排,五分熟的;一份什锦沙拉,要千岛酱;一杯啤酒。
43. Please see to it that your belongings are with you.44. 景泰蓝是中国的传统工艺品,其制作过程想到复杂,我说不清楚。
45. 湖南菜和四川菜味浓且带有辣味。
产业组织期末考试试题(2021 秋)请回答所有问题,表述务必清楚,准确,简洁。
消费者在第一期的需求为Q = 20 - 2R ,在第二期的需求为Q = 40 - 2R ,其中R是当期的租价。
现有一家独立的科技企业获得一项新技术,可将该产品的边际成本从6 降低到3。
(i)若该科技企业通过出售的方式,将该技术的专利转让给两个生产企业,请问最多可以获得多少销售收入?(6 分)(ii)若该科技企业通过出售的方式,将该技术的专利转让给两个生产企业之一,请问最多可以获得多少销售收入?(8 分)6.假设国家A 的消费者对某产品的需求函数为Q=24-P,该产品由一个外国垄断企业提供,其边际成本为零。
marketing quiz1 answer
1.Five basic marketing management philosophies.1)Production concept: The production concept holds that consumers will favor products that are available & highly affordable, and therefore management should focus on production and distribution efficiency . 2)Produce concept:The product concept holds that customers prefer existing products and product forms, and the job of management is to develop good version of these products.3)Selling concept:The selling concept holds that consumers will not buy enough of the organization’s products unless the organization undertakes a large selling and promotion effort.4)Marketing concept:The marketing concept holds that achieving organizational goals depends on determining the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors.5)Societal Marketing concept:The societal marketing concept holds that the organization should determine the needs, wants, and interests of target markets and deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that maintains or improves the consumer’s and society’s well-being.2.Customer value is the difference between benefits the customer gains from owning and/or using a product, and the costs of obtaining theproduct.Customer expectations are based on past buying experiences, the opinions of friends, and market information.For example,we might specialize in fresh locally caught seafood.Customer satisfaction depends on a product's perceived performance in delivering value relative to a buyer's expectations.If the product's perceived performance falls short of the customer's expectations,the buyer is dissatisfied.If performance matches expectations,the buyer is satisfied.If performance exceeds expectations,the buyer is delighted.3.Five Links:1).internal service quality- superior employee selection and training, a high quality work environment, and strong support for those dealing with customers.2).satisfied and productive service employees- more satisfied, loyal, and hardworking employees.3).greater service value- more effective and efficient customer value creation and service delivery.4). Satisfied and loyal customers- satisfied customers who remain loyal, repeat purchase, and refer other customers.5).healthy service profits and growth- superior service firm perfomance4.Internal marketing means the service firm must effectively train and motivate customer contact employeesInteractive marketing means the perceived service quality depends heavily upon the buyer-seller interaction during the service encounter5.Intangibility.Unlike physical products,services cannot be seen,tasted,felt,heared,or smelled before they are purchased.To reduce uncertainty caused by intangibility ,buyers look for tangible evidence that will provide information and confidence about the service.High riskDifficult to evaluate before the experienceLack of tangibility after the experienceTangibilizing the intangible:Create strong organization imageEngage in post-purchase communicationStimulate “Word of Mouth” & Publicity6.Market Penetration: making more sales to current customers without changing its products. (Add new stores in current market areas, improve advertising, prices, service or store design.)Market Development: develop new markets for its currentproducts(Identify new demographic or geographic markets.)Product Development: offering modified or new products to current markets. (New styles, flavors, colors, or modified products.) Diversification: new products for new markets. (Start up or buy new businesses. )7.Concentric diversification strategy:The company could seek new products with technological or marketing synergies with existing product lines, even though the products may appeal to a new class of customers Horizontal diversification strategy:The company might search for new products that could appeal to its current customers, although technologically unrelated to its current product line.Conglomerate diversification strategy :The company might seek new businesses that have no relationship to the company’s current technology, products, or markets.8.Backward integration (acquiring a supplier):A growth strategy by which companies acquire businesses supplying them with products or services.e.g. a restaurant chain purchaseing a bakery.Forward integration (acquiring distributor of your product):A growthstrategy by which companies acquire businesses that are closer to the ultimate consumer,such as a hotel acquiring a chain of travel agents. Horizontal integration (acquiring a competitor):A hotel company acquires one or more competitors,provided that the government does not bar the move.9.1)A company can view its competitiors as other companies that offer similar products and services to the same customers at a similar price.At this level,Mcdonald's view its competition as Burger King.2)A company can see its competitiors as all companies making the same products or class of products.Here McDonald's may see its competitors as all fast-food restaurant,including KFC.3)A company can see its competitors as more brosdly as all companies supplying same services.Here McDonald's would see itself competing with all restaurants and other suppliers pf perpared food,such as the deli section of a supermarket.4)A company can see its competition as even more broadly as all companies that compete for the same consumer dollars.Here McDonald's would see itself competing with the self-provision of the meal by the consumer.10.Many companies view the marketing environment as an"uncontrollable"element to which they must adapt.Other comapnies take an environment mangaement perspective.Rather than simple watching and reacting,these firms take aggressive action to affect the public and forces in their marketing environment.Lobbyists are hired to influence legislation affecting thrie indusustries and to stage media events to gain favorable press coverage.They run advertorials to shape public opinion.They press lawsuits and file complaints with regulators to keep competitors in line.They form contractual agreement to control their distribution channels better.Many companies feel the marketing environment is uncontrollable.An environmental management perspective takes action to sway the marketing environment.Take a proactive rather than a reactive approach.Environmental Management Perspective .Taking a proactive approach to managing the environment by taking aggressive (rather than reactive) actions to affect the publics and forces in the marketing environment.This can be done by:Hiring lobbyistsRunning “advertorials”Pressing law suitsForming agreements to control channelsQuiz 2Culture factors1.Culture is the most basic determinant of a person’s wants andbehavior. It compromises the basic values, perceptions, wants, and behaviors that a person learns continuously in a society.2.Subcultures are groups of people with shared value systemsbased on common life experiences and situations.3.Social classes are relatively permanent and ordered divisions in asociety whose members share similar values, interests, and behaviors.Social Factors1)Groups Membership groups Reference *Aspirational groupsOpinion leaders2)Family Husband, wife, kid Children can influence3)Roles and Status4)Online Social networksPersonal factors1.Age and life-cycle stageThe types of goods and services people buy change during their lifetimes. As people grow older and mature, the products they desire change.2.OccupationA person's occupation affects the goods and services bought.3.Economic situationA person's economic situation greatly affects product choiceand the decision to purchase a particular product.4.Life Stylea person’s pattern of living as expressed in his or her activities,interests, and opinions5.Personality and Self-ConceptPersonality is a person’s distinguishing psychological characteristics that lead to relatively consistent and lasting responses to his or her environment.Self-Concept is the complex mental pictures people have of themselves, also known as self-image.Psychological factors1.MotivationA need becomes a motive when it is aroused to a sufficient levelof intensity. Creating to a tension state causes a person to act to release the tension.2.Perceptionperception is the process by which a person selects,organizes,and interprets information to create a meaningful picture of the world.3.LenrningLearning describes changes in an individual’s behavior arising from experience.4.Beliefs and AttitudesA belief is a descriptive thought that a person holds aboutsomething.An attitude describes a person’s relatively consistent evaluations, feelings, and tendencies toward an object or an idea.Maslow’s Theory of MotivationSought to explain why people are driven by particular needs at particular times. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in order of importance are physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self actualization needs.Herzberg’s TheoryA two-two factor theory that distinguishes dissatisfiers andsatisfiers. The absence of dissatisfiers is not enough; satisfiers must be actively presently to motivate a purchase. For example, a computer that does not come with a warranty would be a dissatisfier.Buyer decision processA.Problem recognition.rmation search.C.Evaluation of alternatives.D.Purchase decision.E.Postpurchase behavior.Chapter8:Kinds of variables used in segmenting consumer markets: Geographic,Nations,States,Regions,Counties,Cities,Neighborhoods; Demographic, age gender,family size, family life cycle, income, occupation, education, religion, race, generation, nationality; Psychographic, social class, lifestyle, personality; Behavioral, occasions, benefits, user status, usage rate, loyalty status, readiness stage, attitude toward product.PLC: 1.Product development begins when the company finds and develops a new product idea. During product development, sales arezero and the company’s investment costs add up.2. Introduction is a period of slow sales growth as the product is being introduced into the market. Profits are nonexistent at this stage because of the heavy expenses of product introduction. 3.Growth is a period of rapid market acceptance and increasing profits. 4.Maturity is a period of slowdown in sales growth because the product has achieved acceptance by most of its potential buyers. 5.Decline is the period when sales fall off quickly and profits drop.Requirements for effective segmentationMeasurability•Size, purchasing power, profilesAccessibility•Segments can be effectively reached and served Substantiality•Segments are large or profitable enough to serveActionability•Effective programs can be designed to attract and serve the segmentsEvaluating Market Segments1)Segment Size and Growth2)Segment Structural Attractiveness3)Company Objectives and ResourcesTarget MarketsTarget market is a set of buyer sharing common needs or characteristics that the company decides to serve.Selecting Market SegmentsUndifferentiated MarketingIgnores market segmentation differences and goes after the whole market with one market offer.Differentiated MarketingA company targets several market segments and design separate offers for each.Bifurcated MarketingA market that contains two major market segmentsConcentrated MarketingA market-coverage strategy in which a firm goes after a large share of one or a few market segments.Choosing a Market – Coverage Strategy•Company resources•Degree of product homogeneity•Market homogeneity•Competitors’ strategiesChoosing and implementing a positioning strategyThe positioning task consists of three steps:1)Identifying a set of possible competitive advantages upon which tobuild a position2)Selecting the right competitive advantages3)Effectively communicating & delivering the chosen position to acarefully selected target marketChapter 9Product LevelsCore Product----What the buyer is really buying.Every product is a package of problem-solving servicesFacilitating Products ---Goods or services that must be present for the guest to use the core productSupporting Products---Extra products offered to add value to the core product and help to differentiate it from the competitionAugmented products---The additional consumer services and benefits built around the actual product.Includes accessibility, atmosphere, customer interaction with the service organization, customer participation, and customers’ interaction with each other.BrandA brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these elements that is intended to identify the goods or services of a seller and differentiate them from competitors.New Product Development Process1.Idea GenerationAwareness of External Environment.Internal Sources (55%).Customers (28%).Competitors (27%).Distributors and Suppliers .Other Sources2.Idea Screening3.Concept development and testing.4.Marketing strategy development.5.Business analysis.6.Product development.7.Market testing.Chapter 10Internal market1.the hospitality is unique in that employees are part of the product2.Marketer must develop technique and procedures to ensure thatemployees are able to deliver the quality service.3.Is aimed at the firm’s employees.4.Employees’ satisfaction and customers’ satisfaction are correlated. Internal marketing is a process that involves the following steps:1. Establishment of a service culturesupports customer service through policies, procedures, reward systems, and actions.An organizational culture is the pattern of shared values & beliefs giving members of an organization meaning, providing them with rules for behavior in the organization.An advantage of a strong culture is that it prepares employees to handle nonroutine transactions.2. Development of a marketing approach to human resourcemanagementCreating jobs that attract good peopleThe hiring processTeamworkThe importance of initial trainingContinuous trainingManaging emotional laborImplementation of a reward and recognition system3. Dissemination of marketing information to employeesOften, the most effective way of communicating with customers is through customer-contact employees.Marketing tell managers & supervisors about upcoming events, ad campaigns and new promotions.All staff should be informed about promotions.Employees should receive information on new products and product changes, marketing campaigns, and changes in the service delivery process.All action steps in the marketing plan should include internal marketing.Quiz 3。
Chapter 1-Marketing Channel ConceptsMULTIPLE CHOICE1.卡夫决定要在美国市场定位和分销Altoids(薄荷型口香糖)使用哪一类策略? ea. 频繁广告b。
混合渠道2.在市场营销渠道战略里,下面哪一个不是引起营销渠道战略转变的因素? aa. 市场营销渠道的重要性下降b. 分销商的权利上升c。
获得保持竞争优势的困难e. 增加角色技术3。
关于电商革命下面表述哪个是错误的 d a。
一个可持续的竞争优势是 d a。
竞争者难以匹敌e. 强调频繁的推广支出5.根据课本,获得可持续竞争优势的最理想的方式是通过 ba。
价格策略b. 渠道策略c. 促销策略d. 产品策略e. 供应策略6。
课本中的团队“看门人”指的是 ba。
制造商在渠道中的力量b. 零售商在渠道中的力量c. 消费者在渠道中的力量d。
供应商在渠道中的力量e. 制造商代表在渠道中的力量7。
根据课本展示的数据,以下分销成本最高的是 aa. 包装食品b。
传真机c. 汽油d。
软件e. 汽车8。
根据课本,以下技术中可能对营销渠道的影响最大的是 ca。
电视机b. 自动化立体仓库c. 因特网d. 手提式计算机e。
手机9.根据课本,造成营销渠道的概念混乱的主要源于以下哪个原因? da. 营销渠道很复杂b。
涉及到太多的学术类型d. 不同的视角和观点e。
有太多的营销渠道以至于任何人都难以理解10.课本认为营销渠道在营销管理中的角色是ca. 极其重要的战术问题b。
第一章测试1.Which of the following statements are correct?A:Ethics are subjective and imprecise.B:Ethics are a set of moral principles that guide attitudes and behaviour.C:Ethics depend on social, cultural and individual factors.D:Ethics are a set of rules.答案:ABC2.Which of the following would be considered a partner in the formaldefinition of marketing?答案:BCD3.Stakeholders of an organisation could include: ______.A:employeesB:customersC:ownersD:shareholders答案:ABCD4.Which of the followings are about marketing ethics issue?答案:ABD5.Which of the followings are potential benefits of an organisation acting in asocially responsible manner?A:It can attract future employees.B:Good publicityC:It can encourage consumers to support the organisation.D:The generation of goodwill答案:ABCD6. A product can be ______.A:an ideaB:a serviceC:a goodD:a person答案:ABCD7. A brand can be ______.A:a collection of symbols intended to create an image in a customer’s mindB:the bundle of attributes of a productC:anything offered to a marketD:a name, logo, slogan or design that differentiates a product答案:AD8.In marketing, which of the following statements about promotion are correct?A:It can be used to create awareness.B:It can be used to inform or persuade customers.C:It is simply another name for advertising.D:It can be used to remind customers about a product.答案:ABD9.Which of the following are marketing activities?A:Public relationsB:AccountingC:Personal sellingD:Research&Development答案:AC10.The traditional 4Ps framework includes ______.A:partnersB:peopleC:productD:place答案:CD第二章测试1.An organisation that outsources functions that can be done more efficientlyby specialist external providers is shifting those functions from _________.A:its internal environment to its external environmentB:its internal environment to its macro-environmentC:its internal environment to its micro-environmentD:its micro-environment to its macro-environment答案:AC2. A movie studio lobbying governments to introduce harsher penalties for themass copying of pirated DVDs is an example of an organisation attempting to influence its _________.A:external environmentB:target marketC:internal environmentD:marketing environment答案:AD3.Which of the followings are part of an organisation’s macro-environment?A:Sociocultural forcesB:Political forcesC:Competitive forcesD:Technological forces答案:ABD4.Which of the followings are examples of an economic macro-environmentalforce?A:The Australian dollar rising in valueB:A fall in demand for commodities such as coal and iron ore due to theglobal financial crisisC:The level of consumer spending decreasingD:A rise in interest rates答案:ABCD5.The rising use of social networking sites could be attributed to _________.A:economic forcesB:sociocultural forcesC:legal forcesD:technological forces答案:BD6.Factors those are beyond the organisation’s direct control, though theorganisation may be able to have some influence over them, are _________.A:threatsB:weaknessesC:opportunitiesD:strengths答案:AC7.Which of the followings are demographic characteristics?A:EthnicityB:Marital statusC:GenderD:Age答案:ABCD8.The macro-environment encompasses _________.A:the factors outside of the industry that influence the survival of theorganisationB:local and state geographic levelsC:country and regional geographic levelsD:marketing planning答案:ABC9.Key environmental factors that marketers need to consider when analysingthe marketing environment include political, economic, sociocultural,_________ forces.A:technologicalB:culturalC:legalD:environmental答案:ACD10.SWOT includes _________.A:situation and threatsB:weakness and oppositionC:strengths and threatsD:weaknesses and opportunities答案:CD第三章测试1.The broad influences on consumer behaviour can be categorised as _________.A:groupB:situationalC:psychologicalD:individual答案:ABD2.Which of the following would describe an opinion leader from a marketingperspective?A:Media commentators who have a large audienceB:A reference group member who provides relevant and influential advice C:Your one-month-old baby sisterD:A person of high standing in the community答案:ABD3.Which of the following purchase situations would likely be described as highinvolvement in terms of consumer decision-making?A:Infrequently purchaseB:The purchase of more expensive productsC:Weekly supermarket shoppingD:The purchase of familiar products答案:AB4.How can a marketer attempt to reduce the likelihood of a purchaser of theirproduct experiencing cognitive dissonance?A:It is not possible for a marketer to influence the potential cognitivedissonance of a consumer.B:By offering bonuses or rebates to be redeemed some time after purchase, to give the purchaser additional valueC:By ensuring that their products, when used, will meet consumerexpectationsD:By increasing the price of their product答案:BC5.Which countries below would score lower than Australia or New Zealand onHofstede’s ‘individualism’ dimension of culture?A:United StatesB:IndiaC:JapanD:China答案:BCD6.Which of the following statements regarding subcultures are correct?A:Subcultures are important to marketers when their shopping andpurchasing behaviour is significantly different from the reminder ofpopulation.B:A subculture is a group of individuals who share common attitudes, values and behaviours that distinguish them from the broader culture.C:A subculture is a group comprising individuals of similar rank within asocial hierarchy.D:A hip-pop culture would be an example of a subculture.答案:ABD7.Which of the following could be a reference group for an individual?A:Their idolsB:Their familyC:Their petsD:A work or professional group答案:ABD8.Demographic characteristics include _________.A:education level and gender.B:age and income.C:race and religious belief.D:lifestyle and personality.答案:ABC9.According to Maslow’s theory, which of the following needs would anindividual attempt to satisfy before the others?A:HungerB:ThirstC:FinancialD:Safety答案:AB10.Which of the following statements are correct?A:Perception is objective.B:Perception is subjective.C:Perception can be particular to an individual.D:Perception can be selective.答案:BCD第四章测试1.Juicy buys sugar from a local factory and sells lollies to department storesand supermarkets. Which markets do these transactions take place in?A:Reseller marketsB:Retail marketsC:Producer marketsD:Wholesale markets答案:AC2.Institutional markets are distinguished from other business markets by_________.A:the not-for-profit nature of their activities.B:their non-public nature.C:the fact they do not sell goods.D:the fact they do not sell services.答案:AB3.High-value purchases are relatively common in which business markets?A:Consumer and resellerB:Reseller and governmentC:Producer and institutionalD:Online and consumer答案:BC4.Which of the following statements about business-to-business transactions ingeneral are likely to be correct?A:They can involve regular repeat purchases.B:The relationships between buyers and sellers tend to be short term.C:Price and other conditions of sale can be open to negotiation.D:They can be for high volume and high value purchases.答案:ACD5.Guitars usually have ebony or rosewood fretboards. The demand for ebonyand rosewood varies with the demand for guitars. This is an example of_________.A:elastic demandB:derived demandC:consumer demandD:joint demand答案:BDpany A buys glue for use in manufacturing its products from companiesB, C and D. Which of the following are unlikely to decrease the amount of glue that Company A demands?A:Company B begins selling glue to consumers.B:Company C increases its glue prices.C:Company D stops producing glue.D:Company E begins buying glue from companies B, C and D.答案:ABCD7.Which of the followings are correct?A:Many businesses use multiple suppliers so they are not overly reliant on any one other business.B:New task purchases are likely to involve extensive evaluation of options.C:Business purchasing decisions often involve development of a formalproduct requirement specification.D:Buyers have the final authority to make business purchasing decisions.答案:ABC8.In which of the following business markets are high-volume purchases likelyto be a characteristic?A:Government marketB:Consumer marketC:Reseller marketD:Institutional market答案:ACD9.Which of the following statements are correct?A:A just-in-time approach to taking delivery of components reducesinventory costs, but increases the risk that the production process will bebrought to a halt by the shortage of any component.B:While industry demand tends to be inelastic, demand for the businessproducts of any particular company can be elastic.C:Demand for components in business markets mostly tends to be priceinelastic.D:Equipment suppliers can take advantage of joint demand by offeringongoing supply of maintenance and consumables.答案:ABCD10.Which steps of the business decision-making process may be omitted for thestraight rebuy?A:Evaluation of optionsB:Information searchC:Post-purchase evaluationD:Problem/need recognition答案:AB第五章测试1.Which of the following statements are correct?A:Target marketing is best suited to situations where buyers have commonwants, needs and demands.B:Customised marketing is best suited to situations where buyers haveunique wants, needs and demands.C:Mass marketing is best suited to situations where buyers have commonwants, needs and demands.D:Target marketing is best suited to situations where subgroups in themarket can be identified that have similar characteristics.答案:BCD2.Which of the following statements are correct?A:An differentiated approach to marketing potentially allows an organisation to achieve economies of scale in production .B:Mass marketing is an undifferentiated approach to marketing.C:Mass marketing allows for an organisation to build close relationships with customers.D:An undifferentiated approach to marketing potentially allows anorganisation to achieve economies of scale in production .答案:BD3.Which of the following would be advantages of a customised marketingstrategy?A:Positive word-of- mouth customer referralsB:Potential repeat purchases from the customerC:Customer loyaltyD:Building close relationships with a customer答案:ABCD4.Which of the following statements are correct?答案:AB5.Which of the following statements are correct?A:Markets can be segmented many different ways using differentsegmentation variables.B:Market segments should be selected for targeting after an evaluationprocess.C:An organisation following the target marketing concept should target all market segments.D:Different target markets may require a different positioning strategy.答案:ABD6.Which of the following statements are correct?A:Geographic segmentation variables include age and gender.B:Geographic segmentation variables include climate.C:Targeting geographic areas that have a high number of potential customers may create distribution efficiencies for an organisation.D:Geographic segmentation allows for the segmentation of very smallgeographical areas, such as a single suburb.答案:BCD7.Which of the following statements are correct?A:How an organisation wishes to position its product offering to a targetmarket should influence the development of its marketing mix for that target market.B:The positioning of an organisation, its product/s and brand/s should be consistently reinforced.C:A product, organisation or brand may be able to be repositioned.D:The positioning of an organisation, its product/s and brand/s should be changed regularly.答案:ABC8.Which of the following can influence the market position of an organisation,its products, or its brands in the minds of target consumers?答案:ABCD9.Which of the following would be considerations for an organisation inevaluating market segments and deciding which to target?A:An understanding and/or analysis of competitors and how their offerings are seen by potential target market segmentsB:The potential sales volume and revenues of different market segmentsC:The ability of the organisation to satisfy the needs and expectations ofdifferent market segmentsD:The cost to the organisation of targeting that market segment答案:ABCD10.Which of the following statements are correct?答案:BD第六章测试1.Which of the following statements are correct?A:A physical good is a product.B:A service is a product.C:A service usually involves transfer of ownership.D:A physical good is tangible, a service is intangible.答案:ABD2.Which of the following statements are correct?答案:ABD3.For which of the following products is a consumer likely to purchase withlittle or no engagement in the decision-making process?A:UnsoughtB:ShoppingC:ConvenienceD:Specialty答案:AC4.Convenience products include_________.A:staple productsB:emergency productsC:impulse productsD:business-to-business products答案:ABC5.Business-to-business products include_________.A:parts and materialsB:services and suppliesC:staple productsD:equipment答案:ABD6.Which of the following statements are correct?A:The stage that a product is at in the product life cycle depends solely onhow long the product has been in the market.B:In the maturity phase of the product life cycle, sales will most likely peak or start to fall.C:he new product development phase of the product life cycle can involvesubstantial costs for an organisation.D:Products may be unprofitable in the introduction phase of the product life cycle.答案:BCD7.Which of the following statements are correct?A:Once a product has reached the maturity phase of the product life cycle, itis not possible to move back to the growth stage.B:Business-to-business products include products that organisations use inthe production of other products.C:Business-to-business products include products that organisations use intheir daily operations.D:Promotional activities to build awareness of a product are most likely to be necessary in the introduction phase of the product life cycle.答案:BCD8. A brand_________.A:is a sloganB:is a designC:is a nameD:is a collection of symbols答案:ABCD9.Which of the following statements are incorrect?答案:AD10.Which of the following statements are correct?A:Manufacturer brands are the most common type of brand.B:Manufacturer brands are owned by producers and clearly identified at the point of sale.C:Private label brands are owned by resellers (such as wholesalers andretailers).D:Private label brands are becoming more common.答案:ABCD第七章测试1.Which of the following factors would be likely to influence an organisation’spricing decision for its products?答案:ABCD2.Which of the following statements are correct?A:Not-for-profit organisations may charge a price for their products.B:Price is a measure of value for buyers.C:An exchange of value always involves a monetary transaction.D:Price is a measure of value for sellers.答案:ABD3.Which of the following statements are correct?答案:ABD4.Which of the following statements are likely to be incorrect?A:High-price, high-margin specialty brands are usually sold throughintensive, convenience distribution.B:Low-priced, high-volume products are usually sold through selective retail distribution.C:Prices are less likely to be in the advertisement.D:Low prices are consistent with a high quality positioning approach.答案:ABD5.Which of the followi ng assumptions would support McDonald’s decision tocharge higher prices at their restaurants that are located in lower income suburbs?A:McDonald’s believes in demand-based pricing.B:That demand for their product in low income areas is price inelastic.C:That demand for their product in low income areas is price elastic.D:McDonald’s doesn’t believe in demand-based pricing.答案:AB6.Which of the following would likely be flexible cost for an organisation?A:PackagingB:Raw materialsC:Sales commissionsD:Office rent答案:ABC7.Which of the following statements are correct?A:Where marginal cost is more than marginal revenue, an organisation can increase profits by selling more units.B:Where marginal cost is more than marginal revenue, each additional unit sold incurs a loss for the organisation.C:Where marginal cost is less than marginal revenue, an organisation can increase profits by selling more units.D:Where marginal cost is less than marginal revenue, each additional unit sold incurs a loss for the organisation.答案:BC8.Which of the following would be classified as ‘non-price’ competition?A:Customer serviceB:Product qualityC:Brand imageD:Convenience答案:ABCD9.Which of the following statements are correct?A:Price competition is undesirable for a seller unless it has a cost advantage over competitors.B:An organisation with low fixed costs and high variable costs could least afford to engage in price competition.C:An organisation choosing to compete on aspects other than price hasgreater power to decide on the profit margin per unit sold for its products.D:An organisation with high fixed costs and low variable costs could least afford to engage in price competition.答案:ABC10.About the cost-plus pricing, which of the following statement are correct?A:It is often used when it is easy to determine the costs of the product.B:The seller adds their required profit margin as a dollar amount orpercentage to the costs once the project is complete.C:The advantage for the buyer is that they can be assured of the final pricethey will pay.D:It is often the case for large, complex projects such as roads andcommercial building construction.答案:BD第八章测试1.Which of the following statements are correct?答案:ACD2.Which of the following statements are correct?A:An organisation can implement sales promotion strategies to offer extravalue to salespeople in a bid to increase sales.B:An organisation can implement sales promotion strategies to offer extravalue to retailers in a bid to increase sales.C:An organisation can implement sales promotion strategies to offer extravalue to consumers in a bid to increase sales.D:An organisation can implement sales promotion strategies to smoothdemand.答案:ABCD3.Which of the following are disadvantages of personal selling over otherpromotional activities?A:Personal selling has a more limited reach.B:Personal selling is time-consuming.C:The marketing message can be tailored to suit the potential buyer’s needs.D:Personal selling is relatively expensive.答案:ABC4.Which of the following statements are correct?A:Advertising in magazines can be effective in reaching niche target markets.B:The overall effectiveness of advertising can be difficult to measure.C:Advertising via television can be effective in targeting a geographicallyconcentrated audience.D:Advertising in newspaper can be effective in reaching niche target markets.答案:AB5. A public relations campaign could potentially be used by an organisation forwhich of the following reasons?A:To generate positive publicity and goodwillB:To counter negative publicityC:To build and sustain good relationships with stakeholdersD:As part of crisis management答案:ABCD6.Which of the following statements are correct?A:Advertising in magazines can be effective in reaching niche target markets.B:Advertising in newspaper can be effective in reaching niche target markets.C:Advertising via television can be effective in targeting a geographicallyconcentrated audience.D:The overall effectiveness of advertising can be difficult to measure.答案:ABC7. A public relations professional would likely engage in which of the followingactivities?A:Media liaisonB:Event promotionC:LobbyingD:Product pricing答案:ABC8.Which of the following statements are correct?A:Loyalty programs can be a form of consumer sales promotion.B:Loyalty programs reward consumers for the amount they spend.C:Loyalty programs are designed to encourage repeat purchases.D:Loyalty programs include signage and displays in stores, and free product trials of demonstrations in stores.答案:ABC9.Which of the following statements are correct in relation to post-purchasedissonance?答案:ACD10.Which of the following statements are correct?A:In return for financial or other support, a sponsor will usually have theright to display or associate their brand name, logo, or advertising with anevent or person.B:Consumers are beginning to pay less attention to corporate sponsorships.C:Sponsorship is a public relations tool.D:A sponsor must legally ensure that an event or person they are sponsoring has some form of relationship with their products or activities.答案:ABC第九章测试1.Intermediaries in a distribution channel can include _________.A:customersB:wholesalersC:industrial distributorsD:retailers答案:BCD2.Best Western allows people to book a motel room by contacting them, or viaretail travel agents or online services such as . Which of thefollowing options best describes this distribution model?A:IndirectB:ExclusiveC:selectivelyD:Direct答案:ACD3.Which of the following distribution channels are correct?A:Producer, agent/broker, consumerB:Producer, wholesaler, retailer, consumerC:Producer, consumerD:Producer, retailer, wholesaler, consumer答案:ABC4.Which of the following would be relevant considerations for the location of aretail store?A:Customer access to public transport and public parking available in apotential area.B:Whether the geographic area contains a significant proportion of theirtarget market demographic.C:Proximity to competitors.D:Proximity to complementary retailers.答案:ABCD5. A benefit that retailers offer in the distribution channel is exchange efficiency.This means that _________.A:the number of parties that producers and wholesalers must deal with isreducedB:the number of parties that producers and wholesalers must deal with isincreasedC:the number of sellers that consumers must deal with is increasedD:the number of sellers that consumers must deal with is reduced答案:AD6.Discount stores are characterised by _________.A:low marginsB:high turnoverC:self-serviceD:high levels of customer service答案:ABC7.Which of the followings are forms of direct marketing?A:Automatic vending machinesB:TelemarketingC:Catalogue marketingD:Door-to-door selling答案:ABCD8.Which of the following statements are correct?A:Agents and brokers can operate on behalf of sellers.B:Agents and brokers can act as intermediaries to connect members of themarketing channel.C:Agents and brokers can operate on behalf of buyers.D:Agents and brokers can operate on behalf of both buyers and sellers.答案:ABCD9.Which of the following statements are correct?A:Wholesalers generally advertise in the mass media.B:Wholesalers tend to deal with large volumes of products in theirtransactions.C:Wholesaling does not include transactions with end consumers.D:Wholesalers deal with businesses in the distribution channel.答案:BCD10.Which of the followings are potential benefits provided by wholesalers?答案:ACD第十章测试1.Which of the following statements are incorrect?A:Direct distribution isn’t parti cularly common for neither goods norservices.B:Direct distribution is particularly common for physical goods.C:Direct distribution is particularly common for service products.D:Direct distribution is particularly common for both goods and services.答案:ABD2.Which of the following statements are correct?A:Services can include activities, performances and benefits offered for sale.B:Services are intangible.C:Services involve a transfer of title.D:A product offering can consist of both a physical good and a servicecomponent.答案:ABD3.Which of the following characteristics distinguishes a service from a physicalgood?A:HeterogeneityB:IntangibilityC:InseparabilityD:Perishability答案:ABCD4.Which of the following statements are false?A:The tangible nature of services makes their evaluation prior to purchasedifficult.B:The intangible nature of services makes their evaluation prior to purchase difficult.C:The intangible nature of services makes their evaluation prior to purchase easy.D:The tangible nature of services makes their evaluation prior to purchaseeasy.答案:ACD5.In order to reduce consumer feelings of uncertainty prior to purchasing aservice, marketers can use _________.A:positive word-of-mouth promotionB:guaranteesC:tangible cuesD:honeyed but fraud words答案:ABC6.Which of the following would be classed as physical evidence in terms of thetangible cues that customers may use to evaluate a service?A:AttitudeB:Delivery vehiclesC:Staff uniformsD:Price答案:BC7.Which of the following statements regarding services are correct?A:A service is a tangible product offering that does not involve ownership.B:A service is a tangible product offering that does involve ownership.C:A service is an intangible product offering that does not involve ownership.D:A service is experienced.答案:CD8.Which of the following statements are correct?A:Price may be used by consumers as a guide to service quality.B:Services can be delivered online.C:A service is usually produced and consumed at the same time.D:The inseparable characteristic of services means that a service provider and a service consumer must be in the same location.答案:ABC9.Which of the following could potentially reduce the heterogeneous nature ofa service product?A:The use of technologyB:Reducing ing the number of transactionsC:The use of machineryD:Staff training答案:ACD10.Which of the following statements are correct?A:Services can be standardised.B:Unlike physical goods, there can be no intermediaries in a servicedistribution channel.C:Services can be customised.D:Balancing supply and demand helps to overcome issues that may arise due to the service characteristic of perishability.答案:ACD。
当代商业概论(全英)> 习题作业> QUIZ > 进行测验:CH01-QUIZWhat are profits?A. total money taken in by a corporationB. difference between revenues and expensesC. increases in a corporation's stock priceD. increases in income from year to yearE. none of the above问题 2 2 分保存A(n) _________________ is a nation’s basis for allocating its resources among its citizens.A. capital structureB. economic systemC. distribution networkD. ownership systemE. none of the above问题 3 2 分保存The key difference between economic systems is the different ways in which they manage theA. factors of production.B. transportation of goods within their borders.C. governmental rules and regulations.D. payment of workers.E. forests and lakes.问题 4 2 分保存A(n) _________ is an individual who accepts the risks and opportunities entailed by creating and operating a new business.A. directorB. proprietorC. entrepreneurD. partnerE. officer问题 5 2 分保存Which of the following is NOT an example of physical resources?A. market forecastsB. office facilitiesC. computersD. production facilitiesE. land问题 6 2 分保存A planned economy relies on a centralized government toA. support free enterprise in every way possible.B. control all or most factors of production.C. encourage citizens to buy shares of stock in small corporations.D. keep its control activities to a minimum.E. none of the above问题7 2 分保存Which of the following is identified by the textbook as being a communist nation?A. VietnamB. Sri LankaC. IndonesiaD. MalaysiaE. Iraq问题8 2 分保存In a(n) __________ market, firms buy resources from suppliers.A. supplyB. inputC. outputD. buyerE. open问题9 2 分保存Ford Motor Company sells its cars and trucks in a(n)A. output marketB. input market.C. supply market.D. selling market.E. open market问题10 2 分保存Which economic system provides forthe private ownership of the factors of production and also encourages entrepreneurship by offering profits as an incentive?A. socialismB. communismC. fascismD. state medical planE. capitalism问题11 2 分保存The process of converting government enterprises into privately owned firms is calledA. supply.B. demand.C. privatization.D. socialism.E. communism.问题12 2 分保存Which of the following responses best defines the term demand?A. willingness and ability of buyers to purchase a product, good, or serviceB. an inner desire that must be satisfiedC. an order given to a supplier of a much-needed productD. a want and need felt by the consuming public in a free-market systemE. none of the above问题13 2 分保存"Buyers will purchase (demand) more of a product as its price drops and less of a product as its price increases." This is referred to asA. the buyers' code of conduct.B. the eternal purchase guideline.C. the "asking factor."D. the law of demand.E. the greater sucker theory.问题14 2 分保存Which statement below best states the law of demand?A. As the price goes up, I like it better.B. When I want it, price makes no difference to me.C. As the price goes down, I like it better.D. Good advertising affects my desire for a product more than price.E. Well over 90 percent of shoppers pay no attention to price问题15 2 分保存Under the law of demand, which situation sketched below will be accompanied by more purchasing of a product?A. the consumer's need for the productB. lowering the price of the productC. raising the price of the product as an indication that it is hign qualityD. the so-called "popularity" of the productE. the knowledge that possessing such a product can add to a person's positive image问题16 2 分保存A __________ shows how many of a given product will be demanded at different prices.A. demand curveB. supply curveC. price listD. price controlE. none of the above问题17 2 分保存When plotted on the same graph, the supply curve and the demand curve will normallyA. run parallel to one another.B. one curve point up, one curve point downC. cross one another at some point.D. be far apart due to the "eruption factor" known for years in supply and demand.E. get closer together as demandincreases, but never intersect.问题18 2 分保存The price at which the quantity of goods demanded and the quantity of goods supplied are equal is referred to asA. the equilibrium price.B. consumer equality price.C. the deal maker price.D. the motion point price.E. market equality price.问题19 2 分保存In the city of Westminster, market analysts have observed that all Christmas trees offered for sale will be purchased at a price of $20.00 and all demand will be satisfied. In this market, $20.00 is theA. equilibrium price.B. demand price.C. supply price.D. enterprise price.E. margin price.问题20 2 分保存In the city of Westminster, Christmas trees are being sold for $25.00. At this price, all trees are buyers are able to satisfy their demand and some trees remain unsold. This is the market condition known asA. demand deficit.B. stoppage.C. supply deficit.D. shortage.E. surplus.问题21 2 分保存When the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied, a __________ will result.A. demand deficitB. stoppageC. equilibrium pointD. shortageE. surplus问题22 2 分保存Of the following statements, which bestcaptures the notion of private enterpriseA. Individuals pursue their owninterests without government restriction.B. Certain business activities are toremain "private."C. Businesses can do anything theywant, free of any legal restraints.D. Small businesses will do better thanbig businesses.E. None of the above.问题23 2 分保存Which of the following is NOT one of the four elements required in private enterprise?A. private property rightsB. stability of cash flowC. freedom of choiceD. profitsE. competition问题24 2 分保存In perfect competition, which of the following conditions must prevail?A. All firms in a given industry must besmall.B. The number of firms in the industrymust be large.C. The products offered by the firmsare so similar that buyers can't tell the difference.D. All of the above are true.E. None of the above are true.问题25 2 分保存Which of the following is NOT characteristic of perfect competition?A. many firms in industryB. firms are smallC. great similarity among productsoffered by different firmsD. easy entry into the industryE. products from different firms areeasily differentiated from one another 问题26 2 分保存In the United States, milk is produced on thousands of farms, with no producer3dominating the market. Producers sell milk at the going price and are unable to influence this price. Millions of gallons of milk are purchased every day. The market for milk is best described asA. a monopoly.B. an oligopoly.C. perfect competition.D. monopolistic competition.E. passive competition.问题27 2 分保存Of the following, which is a way in which monopolistic competition differs from perfect competition?A. There are more sellers in a market characterized by monopolistic competition.B. It is easier for sellers to enter a market/industry characterized by monopolistic competition.C. In a perfectly competitive market, products are more dissimilar.D. In a market characterized by monopolistic competition, individual firms have some control over price.E. None of the above.问题28 2 分保存__________ exists when an industry has only a handful of sellers, most of which are large.A. A monopolyB. An oligopolyC. Perfect competitionD. Monopolistic competitionE. None of the above问题29 2 分保存Which of the following is NOT true of an oligopoly?A. Competing firms have very similar prices for products.B. There are few sellers.C. Prices differ greatly among sellers.D. Entry into the industry is difficult.E. The actions of one firm will significantly affect the sales of other firms.问题30 2 分保存In an oligopoly, when one firm reduces its prices, how do the other members of the oligopoly react?A. There is no reaction--usually.B. Others reduce theirs also--usually quite quickly.C. Others may reduce their prices, too, but only very, very gradually.D. Other companies are not even aware that a change in price has taken place.E. None of the above.问题31 2 分保存Which of the following seems the most likely pricing approach for a monopoly?A. Charge customers whatever you please.B. Give customers a real bargain on price.C. Charge a price that will not cause consumer demand to drop.D. Undercut the prices of the competition.E. Concentrate on quality and service, and not on price.问题32 2 分保存Which of the following is an example of a natural monopoly?A. automobilesB. sporting goodsC. motion picturesD. electric companiesE. airlines问题33 2 分保存__________ refers to the total quantity of goods and services produced by an economic system during a given period.A. The business cycleB. Aggregate outputC. The standard of livingD. The consumer price indexE. The national debt问题34 2 分保存Increases in an economic system’s standard of living results primarily from increases inA. balance of tradeB. real GNP.C. productivity.D. nominal GDP.E. imports.问题35 2 分保存A nation’s ___________ is the economic value of all of the products that a company exports minus the economic value of its imports.A. standard of livingB. balance of tradeC. balance of paymentsD. national debtE. none of the above问题36 2 分保存The chief goal of an economic system isA. stability.B. growth.C. productivity.D. equality.E. freedom of choice.问题37 2 分保存Which of the following statements about inflation is true?A. The Consumer Price Index is a good way of measuring inflation.B. Inflation decreases the purchasing power of consumer dollars.C. Inflation increases the purchasing power of consumer dollars.D. Both a and bE. None of the above.问题38 2 分保存Which of the following is NOT a potential result of low unemployment?A. increased prices for productsB. decreased purchasing powerC. decreased profit marginsD. economic stabilityE. all are potential results of lowunemployment问题39 2 分保存A nation manages the collection andspending of its revenues through _________ policy.A. fiscalB. monetaryC. militaryD. welfareE. Congressional问题40 2 分保存Taken together, fiscal policy and monetary policy make up __________ policy.A. economicB. financialC. militaryD. welfareE. stabilization当代商业概论(全英)> 习题作业> QUIZ > 进行测验:CH02-QUIZ问题 1 2 分保存Behavior that conforms to individual beliefs and social norms about what is right and good is referred to asA. collusion.B. check kiting.C. social reaction.D. ethical behavior.E. GAAP问题 2 2 分保存Ethics are based on individual beliefs and social concepts and vary fromA. person to person.B. situation to situation.C. culture to culture.D. all of the above.E. none of the above.问题 3 2 分保存A(n) __________ occurs when an activity may benefit the individual to the detriment of his or her employer.5A. agency disputeB. loss leaderC. conflict of interestD. ethical dilemmaE. ethics code问题 4 2 分保存A firm’s customers, competitors, stockholders, suppliers, dealers, and unions are consideredA. fiduciaries.B. investors.C. sphere of influence.D. primary agents of interest.E. extended community.问题 5 2 分保存Save-a-Bunch Hardware has doubled its prices for plywood and other building supplies after a tornado strikes the area. Save-a-Bunch Hardware is likely guilty ofA. price gouging.B. price lining.C. maximization.D. price fixing.E. collusion.问题 6 2 分保存The Brazilian term _________ means “to find a way.”A. pesoB. jeitinhoC. cartelD. anovaE. pelisse问题7 2 分保存When evaluating a decision based on the ethical norm of utility, a manager will consider which of the following questions?A. Is the decision consistent with what we regard as fair?B. Does the decision respect the rights of the individuals involved?C. Is the decision consistent with people’s responsibilities to each other?D. Does the decision optimize what is best for those who are affected by it?E. None of the above.问题8 2 分保存When evaluating a decision based on the ethical norm of rights, a manager will consider which of the following questions?A. Is the decision consistent with what we regard as fair?B. Does the decision respect the rights of the individuals involved?C. Is the decision consistent with people’s responsibilities to each other?D. Does the decision optimize what is best for those who are affected by it?E. None of the above.问题9 2 分保存The most effective step that a company can take to promote ethical behavior is toA. conduct frequent comprehensive audits of all financial information.B. have employees sign a code of conduct upon hiring.C. monitor employee behavior on an ongoing basis.D. demonstrate top management support of ethical standards.E. publicize efforts to become more ethical.问题10 2 分保存Through ___________, companies formally acknowledge their intent to do business in an ethical manner.A. government regulationsB. EEOC guidelinesC. codes of ethicsD. blue sky lawsE. mission statements问题11 2 分保存Software developed by Tumbleweed CommunicationsA. encrypts email messages so that only intended recipients can view them.B. creates a digital backup of emailattachments.C. searches for banned words and blocks transmission of emails.D. all of the above.E. both a and c.问题12 2 分保存The way in which a business tries to balance its commitments to groups and individuals in its social environment is calledA. business ethics.B. socialization.C. corporate responsibility.D. social responsibility.E. government regulation.问题13 2 分保存Which of the following groups is NOT considered an organizational stakeholder?A. employeesB. investorsC. customersD. suppliersE. all of the above are organizational stakeholders问题14 2 分保存Companies such as MBNA, 3M Corporation, Continental Airlines, Hoecsht Celanese, and Southwest Airlines have reputations for demonstrating a high level of social responsibility toA. the investors.B. local communities.C. their employees.D. their customers.E. their suppliers.问题15 2 分保存The economic turmoil of the ____________ led to new laws that described an expanded role for businesses in protecting and enhancing the general welfare of society.A. Great DepressionB. Middle AgesC. Era of Social ActivismD. Colonial EraE. Entrepreneurial Era问题16 2 分保存_________ are waste industrial gases that trap heat in the atmosphere.A. ByproductsB. ExajoulesC. Greenhouse emissionsD. Energy suppliesE. Acid rain问题17 2 分保存Under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's "worst-case" scenario for world-wide climate changes, we would find a(n)A. decrease in the number ofhurricanes.B. decrease in the number ofhurricanes.C. decrease in severe winter weather.D. decrease in energy supplies.E. decrease in water consumption.问题18 2 分保存Carbon monoxide emitted by automobiles contributes toA. land pollution.B. air pollution.C. noise pollution.D. kiting.E. consumption.问题19 2 分保存Much of the damage to forests and streams in the eastern United States and Canada has been attributed to acid rain originating in sulfur from manufacturing and power plants inA. Canada.B. the midwestern United States.C. Mexico.D. Europe.E. the rain forests of Brazil.问题20 2 分保存7Which of the following types of wastes can be separated and used as fuels in industrial boilers?A. phosphatesB. acid rainC. combustibleD. carbon dioxideE. chloride问题21 2 分保存Dangerous chemical and/or radioactive byproducts of manufacturing processes are calledA. green rain.B. phosphates.C. exajoules.D. toxic wastes.E. spreaders.问题22 2 分保存The reconversion of waste materials into useful products is referred to asA. acid rain.B. manufacturing.C. solidifying.D. recycling.E. proliferating.问题23 2 分保存Which of the following organizations enforces guidelines for labeling food products?A. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)B. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)C. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)D. Federal Communication Commission (FCC)E. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)问题24 2 分保存Which of the following has NOT been identified as a basic consumer right?A. Consumers have a right to safe products.B. Consumers have a right to low prices.C. Consumers have a right to be informed about a product.D. Consumers have a right to be heard.E. Consumers have a right to choose what they buy.问题25 2 分保存Responding to increased demand with overly steep, and often unwarranted, price increases is calledA. price fixing.B. price matching.C. unit pricing.D. segmentation pricing.E. price gouging.问题26 2 分保存A company that provides its employees with equal opportunities for rewards and advancement without regard to race, sex, or other relevant factors is meeting itsA. legal responsibility.B. social responsibility.C. affirmative responsibility(书没)D. all of the above.E. both a and b.问题27 2 分保存An employee who detects and tries to put an end to a company's unethical, illegal and/or socially irresponsible actions by publicizing them is referred to as a(n)A. buyers’ agent.B. whistle-blower.C. investor.D. corporate manager.E. government inspector.问题28 2 分保存Whistle-blowers generally receive _________ of what the government collects.A. 50 percent to 60 percentB. 10 percent to 20 percentC. 25 percent to 30 percentD. 5 percent to 10 percentE. none问题29 2 分保存Writing a check against money that has not yet arrived at the bank upon which it is drawn is calledA. insider trading.B. GAPP financing.C. shorting the bank.D. margin purchasing.E. check kiting.问题30 2 分保存In maintaining and reporting its financial status, every corporation must conform toA. corporate rules.B. the FDA.C. GAAP.D. insider information.E. AACSP.问题31 2 分保存Firms that have adopted a(n) _____________ stance to social responsibility have little regard for ethical conduct and will generally go to great lengths to hide wrongdoing.A. accommodativeB. obstructionistC. proactiveD. defensiveE. societal问题32 2 分保存A(n) _____________ stance to social responsibility occurs when a companymeets only the minimum legal requirement in its commitments to groups andindividuals in its social environment.A. accommodativeB. obstructionistC. proactiveD. defensiveE. societal问题33 2 分保存In a(n) _____________ stance to social responsibility, a company actively seeksopportunities to contribute to the well being of groups and individuals in its social environment.A. accommodativeB. obstructionistC. proactiveD. defensiveE. societal问题34 2 分保存Which of the following is NOT a step mentioned by the authors of your textbook to foster a company wide sense of social responsibility?A. Social responsibility must start atthe top.B. A committee of top managers mustdevelop a plan.C. Governmental initiatives dictatestarting a plan.D. Governmental initiatives dictatestarting a plan.E. The organization must conductoccasional social audits.问题35 2 分保存Samuel Waksal faces additional charges for inappropriate use of a _________ to buy 350,000 shares of stock for collateral on two loans.A. contractB. proxyC. warrantD. tradeE. organization当代商业概论(全英)> 习题作业> QUIZ > 进行测验:CH03-QUIZ问题 1 2 分保存A locally owned and operatedrestaurant is typically a(n)A. monopoly.B. oligopoly.C. competitor.D. small business.E. corporation.问题 2 2 分保存9The SBA bases its definition of small businesses onA. number of suppliers.B. annual net income after taxes.C. number of employees.D. total annual sales.E. both c and d.问题 3 2 分保存Approximately _________ of all U.S. businesses employ 20 or fewer people.A. 86 percentB. 59 percentC. 38 percentD. 19 percentE. 14 percent问题 4 2 分保存Most of the products made by big manufacturers are sold to consumers byA. large retailers.B. large wholesalers.C. small businesses.D. large discount stores.E. middlemen.问题 5 2 分保存Which of the following industry groups is the fastest growing segment of small business enterprise?A. manufacturingB. wholesalingC. retailingD. servicesE. agriculture问题 6 2 分保存Which of the following forms of businesses buy products from manufacturers or other producers and then sell them to retailers?A. retailersB. wholesalersC. service firmsD. agriculture storesE. all of the above问题7 2 分保存Because of the investment normally required in equipment, energy, and raw materials, a good deal of money is usually needed to start a(n)A. manufacturing business.B. retailing business.C. service business.D. agriculture business.E. wholesaling business.问题8 2 分保存Jack Matz starts a photocopying business near a local university. His goal is to earn enough money to lead a comfortable life and retire in ten years. Matz has no plans to grow or expand. Jack Matz is a(n)A. entrepreneur, yet not a small business owner.B.entrepreneur and a small business owner.C. small business owner, yet not an entrepreneur.D. partner.E. limited partnership.问题9 2 分保存New businesses need a(n) _________ to estimate the required size of a plant, store, or office; to decide how much inventory to carry; and how many employees to hire.A. revenue forecastB. financial planC. objectiveD. cash budgetE. credit report问题10 2 分保存Which of the following are reasons provided by the authors of your textbook for buying an existing business rather than starting a new one from scratch?A. better odds of successB. proven ability to draw customersC. established working relationshipsD. an established track recordE. all of the above问题11 2 分保存Of the new businesses started in the past decade, what percent were started from scratch?A. 15 percentB. 27 percentC. 64 percentD. 98 percentE. 82 percent问题12 2 分保存Which of the following sources of funds are usually relied on by individuals starting up new businesses?A. bond marketsB. stock marketsC. capital marketsD. personal resourcesE. lending institutions问题13 2 分保存Which of the following are federally licensed to borrow money from the SBA to invest in or lend to small businesses?A. SECB. SBICsC. USDAD. UNESCOE. Unit Investment Trusts问题14 2 分保存Under the ______________ program, sponsored by the SBA, a small business can borrow from a commercial lender.A. SBDC programB. guaranteed loans programC. local development company programD. MESBIC company programE. advisory program问题15 2 分保存Under the ____________, the SBA works with a corporation founded by local citizens who want to boost the local economy to finance the small business, with the SBA's share not to exceed $500,000 for each small business.A. guaranteed loans programB. immediate participation loansprogramC. venture capital subsidy programD. local development companiesprogramE. long-term progressive loan program问题16 2 分保存McDonald's, Taco Bell, and Subway are examples of a(n)A. government entity.B. university sponsored business.C. franchise.D. networking business.E. mom and pop operation.问题17 2 分保存Under a franchise arrangement, the buyer is called theA. franchisee.B. franchiser.C. bank.D. parent company.E. wholesaler.问题18 2 分保存Which of the following is the most significant disadvantage of franchising?A. high startup costsB. increased chance of failureC. difficulty in obtaining financingD. lengthy contractsE. lack of managerial skills问题19 2 分保存Which of the following is the most significant recent trend dealing with new businesses?A. entrepreneurs who cross over frombig businessB. increased opportunities forminoritiesC. increased opportunities for womenD. new opportunities in globalenterpriseE. emergence of e-commerce问题20 2 分保存11The number of black-owned businesses has increased by _________ over the past five-year period.A. 10 percentB. 25 percentC. 46 percentD. 60 percentE. 76 percent问题21 2 分保存According to SBA estimates, roughly __________ of all new businesses can expect to survive for six years.A. 10 percentB. 20 percentC. 40 percentD. 70 percentE. 90 percent问题22 2 分保存Which of the following factors contribute to small business failure?A. managerial incompetence or inexperienceB. neglectC. weak control systemsD. insufficient capitalE. all of the above问题23 2 分保存Which of the following legal forms of business is owned and usually operated by one person who is responsible for its debts?A. corporationB. general partnershipC. sole proprietorshipD. monopolyE. cartel问题24 2 分保存The most important benefit of sole proprietorships isA. failure.B. freedom.C. lack of privacy.D. no liability.E. lower risk.问题25 2 分保存Jan Pennington is opening a flower shop and has decided to operate as a sole proprietorship. Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages of operating the business as a sole proprietorship?A. freedomB. simple to formC. limited liabilityD. low start-up costsE. tax benefits问题26 2 分保存Marsha Brady has organized her craft shop as a sole proprietorship. Her sister has warned her about ______________, the legal principal holding Marsha responsible for paying off all of the debts of the business.A. unlimited liabilityB. limited liabilityC. privityD. unconnectednessE. unrestricted debt问题27 2 分保存A sole proprietorship depends primarily on the resources ofA. the corporation.B. foreign investors.C. capital markets.D. a single individual.E. the partnership.问题28 2 分保存The most common type of partnership is aA. limited partnership.B. corporate partnership.C. general partnership.D. sole partnership.E. none of the above问题29 2 分保存Tim Nelson and Jim Norris have decided to start a landscaping business.One of the first things that they do is sign the _________________, which describes the investments and responsibilities of the partners and makes provisions for the allocations of profits and dissolution of the business.A. articles of incorporationB. partnership charterC. partnership agreementD. corporate charterE. consent decree问题30 2 分保存A(n) __________ invests money in a partnership, but is liable only to the extent of his/her investment.A. agentB. general partnerC. limited partnerD. officerE. sole proprietor问题31 2 分保存Corporations account for about __________ of all businesses in the United States.A. 5 percentB. 20 percentC. 40 percentD. 50 percentE. 75 percent问题32 2 分保存The biggest advantage of regular corporations isA. private ownership.B. limited liability.C. ease of limiting ownership.D. lack of continuity.E. the availability of insurance问题33 2 分保存Which of the following is NOT an advantage of the corporate form oforganization?A. continuityB. professional managementC. limited liabilityD. low startup costE. the ability to raise money问题34 2 分保存American Business Machines is organized as a corporation. Its income will be taxes first at the corporate level and also on shareholder returns as dividends. This situation is known asA. a tender offer.B. double taxation.C. regulatory costs.D. limited liability.E. acquisition.问题35 2 分保存A(n) ___________________ has stock that is widely held and available for sale to the general public.A. private corporationB. public corporationC. S-corporationD. limited liability corporationE. professional corporation问题36 2 分保存The owners of a corporation are theA. board of directors.B. officers.C. stockholders.D. top managers.E. governing body.问题37 2 分保存Top managers hired by the board of directors to run the corporation on a day-to-day basis are calledA. corporate officers.B. first-line supervisors.C. staff members.D. stockholders.E. department heads.问题38 2 分保存A summary of the company's financialhealth communicated with stockholdersand potential investors is13。
Assessment item 1 PART BMultiple Choice QuizzesValue: 10%Length: 40Questions1. At which product level is a marketer most likely to be able to differentiate a product?a. Coreb. Expectedc. Augmentedd. None of the abovee. Both a and b2. Which of the following statements is correct?a. For many products, as competition increases over time, features that could once have been classified as augmented become expected or even core features.b. The core product comprises the fundamental product benefit that satisfies the consumer's need or want.c. For some products, support services and guarantees may be at the augmented product level, and for other products, these same features may be at the expected level.d. All of the above statements are correct.3. If a consumer is prepared to spend time comparing competing offerings before making a purchase decision, the product is most likely to be a(n)a. unsought product.b. specialty product.c. convenience product.d. shopping product.e. core product.4. Which of the following depicts the phases of the product life cycle in the correct chronological order?a. Introduction, growth, maturity, declineb. New product development, growth, maturity, declinec. New product development, introduction, growth, maturity, declined. New product development, introduction, growth, declinee. None of the above.5. Which of the following could not potentially be an example of product differentiation?a. An organisation offering a product warrantyb. A car manufacturer offering a model with a built in global positioning systemc. An organisation offering a 24 hour product help deskd. A and ce. All of the above are potentially product differentiators6. McDonald's 'golden arches', Qantas's 'flying kangaroo' and the International Olympic Committee's 'olympic rings' are examples ofa. brand names.b. brand marks.c. brand image.d. brand equity.e. none of the above.7. A toy manufacturer who enters into an agreement with the owners of 'The Simpsons' brand name to sell Simpsons toys and associated merchandise would most likely be in a __________ agreement with the Simpson's brand owner.a. franchise.b. licensing.c. brand equity.d. brand loyalty.e. none of the above.8. Which one of the following would not be a potential function or role of product packaging?a. To make a product easier to storeb. To make a product more convenient to usec. To protect a product from waste, damage, or spoilaged. To differentiate a product from competitor's offeringse. To increase the price of the product9. Which of the following statements is incorrect?a. The unit cost of production of a product may decrease as production quantity of it increases.b. Price cannot be flexible in the short term.c. A product's price may be set low initially in order to penetrate a market.d. An organisation may adjust its prices at various times of the year to stimulate demand and generate cash flow.e. Raising prices can lead to a decline in revenue if sales volume declines.10. Which of the following price situations is inherently illegal?a. An organisation establishes an artificially low price for one item in a product line in order to attract buyers into a store, but has sufficient stock of that item and is willing to sell it for that price.b. An organisation charges different prices to customers in different geographic regions due to higher transportation costs.c. An organisation offers a low entry price for a basic product, then charges more for desirable additional parts or functions.d. An organisation offers volume purchase discounts.e. None of the above situations are illegal.11. Which of the following statements is correct?a. For most products, there is an inverse relationship between price and quantity sold.b. The demand curve has a downward, or negative slope.c. Both a and b are correct.d. The demand curve for prestige products has a downward, or negative slope.e. Both a and d are correct.12. A retailer who adds a 50 per cent 'markup' to the price charged to them by a wholesaler could best be described as using a __________ based pricing model?a. demandb. costc. competitiond. marginal analysise. none of the above13. Which of the following statements is/are correct?a. Price competition is undesirable for a seller unless it has a cost advantage over competitors.b. An organisation choosing to compete on aspects other than price has greater power to decide on the profit margin per unit sold for its products.c. Some government owned monopolies price products below cost.d. All of the above statements are correct.e. Both a and b are correct.14. Which of the following would be classified as 'non-price' competition?a. Brand imageb. Product qualityc. Customer serviced. Conveniencee. All of the above15. A computer game retailer first offers a new computer game release for $80, but after three months reduces the price to $49. This could best be described as an example ofa. penetration pricing.b. price skimming.c. prestige pricing.d. differential pricing.e. odd-even pricing.16. Which of the following statements is correct?a. Multiple-unit pricing involves selling multiple units of different products for a single price.b. Bundle pricing involves selling two or more units of the same product for a single price.c. Both a and b are correct.d. Neither a nor b is correct.17. In terms of a communication model, a script for a radio or television advertisement could be described asa. the channel medium.b. message encoding.c. message decoding.d. the field of experience.e. none of the above.18. Which of the following statements is incorrect?a. Public relations campaigns are generally high cost.b. Public relations activities include communications aimed at creating and maintaining relationships between an organisation and its stakeholders.c. Public relations activities can be used as a tool to combat negative perceptions or events.d. An organisation submitting a press release to the media is an example of a public relations activity.e. All of the above.19. An air conditioning manufacturer that offers free ceiling insulation to consumers who purchase an air conditioner during a winter sale could best be described as implementing a/n __________ strategy.a. integrated marketing communicationsb. sales promotionc. advertisingd. public relationse. personal selling20. Which of the following is a disadvantage of personal selling over other promotional activities?a. The marketing message can be tailored to suit the potential buyer's needs.b. Personal selling is time-consuming.c. Personal selling has a more limited reach.d. All of the above are disadvantages.e. Both b and c are disadvantages.21. Which of the following statements is correct?a. A manufacturer who promotes its products directly to consumers in order to generate demand through the distribution channel is following a ‘pull’ promotional strategy.b. A manufacturer who promotes its products to wholesalers and retailers, rather than consumers, is following a ‘push’ promotional strategy.c. A manufacturer who promotes its products to wholesalers and retailers could best be described as having an integrated marketing communications strategy.d. Both a and b are correct.22. A public relations campaign could potentially be used by an organisation for which of the following reasons?a. To counter negative publicityb. To generate positive publicity and goodwillc. As part of crisis managementd. To build and sustain good relationships with stakeholderse. All of the above23. Vouchers that offer consumers a discounted price on a product or service could be best described as a/n ___________ strategy.a. advertisingb. public relationsc. sales promotiond. integrated marketing communicationse. none of the above24. Sony giving away 5 free DVDs to consumers who purchase the latest model DVD player is an example ofa. a rebate.b. a premium offer.c. a free sample.d. a loyalty program.e. a trade discount.25. What does the 'P' stand for in the INPLCF model of personal selling?a. productb. promotionc. prospectingd. pricee. place26. Intermediaries in a distribution channel can includea. wholesalers.b. retailers.c. industrial buyers.d. all of the above.27. Milk could best be described as a product that is __________ distributed.a. intensivelyb. selectivelyc. exclusivelyd. directlye. none of the above28. Freedom Furniture recently bought out one of their competitors, Bay Swiss, to create one retail entity. This is an example ofa. vertical channel integration.b. horizontal channel integration.c. a vertical marketing system.d. a horizontal marketing system.e. exclusive distribution.29. Which of the following statements regarding just-in-time inventory management is incorrect?a. JIT increases inventory holding costs.b. JIT is suited to situations where order lead times and usage rates are predictable.c. JIT relies on a reliable supply chain.d. An organisation operating under a JIT system will only hold stock that is about to be used or sold.e. JIT requires a high level of supply chain visibility.30. A benefit that retailers offer in the distribution channel is exchange efficiency. This means thata. the number of parties that producers and wholesalers must deal with is reduced.b. the number of sellers that consumers must deal with is reduced.c. both a and b.d. the number of parties that producers and wholesalers must deal with is increased.e. the number of sellers that consumers must deal with is increased.31. Which of the following statements is/are correct?a. Freight forwarders are specialist transportation businesses that combine cargo from multiple businesses in order to achieve efficient load sizes.b. A pipeline is a mode of transportation.c. Efficient intermodal transportation relies on the use of standard-sized shipping containers.d. All of the above statements are correct.e. Both a and c are correct.32. Which of the following statements is correct?a. Agents are intermediaries engaged on a short term or one-off basis to represent buyers or sellers in negotiations.b. Brokers are intermediaries engaged on a long term basis to represent buyers or sellers in negotiations.c. Brokers are intermediaries engaged on a short term or one-off basis to represent buyers or sellers in negotiations.d. Both a and b.e. None of the above statements are correct.33. Which of the following statements is correct?a. A merchant wholesaler is owned by a producer/manufacturer.b. A merchant wholesaler takes ownership of products from theproducer/manufacturer.c. A manufacturer's wholesaler is an example of horizontal integration.d. All of the above are correct.34. Which of the following statements is incorrect?a. Services can include activities, performances and benefits offered for saleb. Services are intangible.c. Services involve a transfer of title.d. A product offering can consist of both a physical good and a service component.e. Services are provided through the application of intellectual or physical efforts to a person or object.35. When comparing the services marketing mix to the physical goods marketing mix in terms of the "Ps" framework, which of the following is not one of the additional three "Ps" of services marketing?a. Peopleb. Placec. Processd. Physical evidencee. None of the above36. A service's intangibility can best be described asa. its inability to be stored for use at a later date.b. it being produced and consumed simultaneously.c. inevitable, but minimisable, variations in the quality of its delivery.d. its lack of physical form.e. none of the above.37. Lost revenue from empty seats on an aeroplane flight or vacant seats at a rock concert best illustrate the service characteristic ofa. heterogeneity.b. perishability.c. intangibility.d. homogeneity.e. none of the above.38. The airline Jetstar charges passengers extra for meals, in-flight entertainment and additional baggage. Jetstar would be best described as focusing on its ____________ service.a. augmentedb. potentialc. cored. expectede. none of the above39. Which of the following statements is correct?a. Credence qualities are based on an evaluation of the service provider's trustworthiness, integrity and professionalism.b. Services can enjoy the protection of legal patents.c. Search qualities enable a service to be evaluated during or after purchase.d. Experience qualities enable a service to be evaluated prior to purchase.e. None of the above statements are correct.40. A restaurant is an example of a service that would most likely be evaluated by customers usinga. search qualities.b. experience qualities.c. credence qualities.d. total quality management.e. none of the above.学号:姓名:Answers。
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Of all the factors that affect consumer decision making, psychological factors exert the broadest and deepest influence.
True False
status: not answered () correct: false your answer:
When buying products, consumers generally follow the consumer decision-making process in the following order: need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase, and postpurchase behavior.
b. internal information search.
c. want.
d. need.
e. nonmarketing-controlled information source.
status: not answered () correct: b your answer: A group of brands, resulting from an information search, from which a buyer can choose is a(n): a. evoked set.
b. an internal information search. 9
c. an external information search.
d. cognitive dissonance.
e. All of these answers are correct.
status: not answered () correct: d your answer: A group in society that influences an individual's purchasing behavior is a(n): a. reference group.
Disintermediation means eliminating intermediaries such as wholesalers or distributors from a marketing channel.
3 True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer:
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In Japan, exchange between firms is kept impersonal and business-like at all times, a concept
4 they call amae, or interpersonal independence.
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2011-8-22 15:28
b. Safety 12
c. Social
d. Esteem
e. Self-actualization
status: not answered () correct: e your answer:
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2011-8-22 15:28
Quiz: Lamb/Hair/McDaniel, MKTG 2.0, 2008 - 2009 Student Edition, Chapter 6
Quiz: Lamb/Hair/McDaniel, MKTG 2.0, 2008 - 2009 Student Edition, Chapter 5
Web Quiz
Assignment Name: Lamb/Hair/McDaniel, MKTG 2.0, 2008 - 2009 Student Edition, Chapter 5 Summary of Results Total Possible: 12.0 Time Spent: 00:00:18 / 01:00:00
b. opinion leader.
c. social class.
d. subculture.
e. early adaptor.
status: not answered () correct: a your answer: A person's buying decisions are influenced by personal characteristics that are unique to each individual. Which of the following is not an example of a personal characteristic? a. Gender 11 b. Age
Quiz: Lamb/Hair/McDaniel, MKTG 2.0, 2008 - 2009 Student Edition, Chapter 6
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True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer:
True False
status: not answered () correct: true your answer:
Marketing managers can create wants on the part of the consumer.
3 True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer: 4 All consumer buying decisions generally fall into one of two broad categories: routine response
Web Quiz
Assignment Name: Lamb/Hair/McDaniel, MKTG 2.0, 2008 - 2009 Student Edition, Chapter 6 Summary of Results Total Possible: 12.0 Time Spent: 00:00:16 / 01:00:00
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2011-8-22 15:28
Quiz: Lamb/Hair/McDaniel, MKTG 2.0, 2008 - 2009 Student Edition, Chapter 5
Summary of Results
behavior or extensive decision making.
The sale of a personal computer to your college or university is an example of business marketing.
1 True False status: not answered () correct: true your answer:
6 True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer: The process of recalling past information stored in the memory is called a(n): a. external information search.
The key characteristic distinguishing business products from consumer products are their physical characteristics, not their intended use.
2 True False status: not answered () correct: false your answer:
b. marketing mix.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
c. subset.
第2页 共4页
2011-8-22 15:28
Quiz: Lamb/Hair/McDaniel, MKTG 2.0, 2008 - 2009 Student Edition, Chapter 5
Summary of Results
d. product category.
status: not answered () correct: e your answer: Maslow's hierarchy of needs arranges needs in ascending order of importance. Which of the following is considered the highest human need? a. Physiological
Consumers' product and service preferences have been shown to be remarkably stable and consistent over time, so it is simple for marketing managers to study these preferences and create a proper marketing mix.