6.2 汽车目标市场的选择
导入: 在现代营销活动中,对任何企业而言,并非所有的环境机会都具有同
等的吸引力,由于资源有限,也为了保证资源有效,企业的营销活动必然 局限在一定的范围内,确定具体的服务对象,即选定目标市场。
目标市场是指企业的目标顾客,也就是企业营销活动所需要满足的 市场需求,是企业决定要进入的市场。
通过案例对市场细分、目标市场选择和市场定位这三 个主要步骤进行分析,阐明了汽车目标市场营销策略。
1、“细分市场越细越好”的说法你认为对吗?为什么? 2、应如何进行有效的汽车产品市场定位? 3、如何进行汽车目标市场的选择?
第六章 汽车市场细分与市场定位
(1)了解汽车市场细 分、目标市场选择 和市场定位的含义; (2)掌握制定汽车目 标市场营销策略的 方法。
(1)了解汽车市场 细分、市场定位的 概念。
(2)通过案例掌握 市场细分是汽车目 标市场选择的基础。
能Hale Waihona Puke 目标(1) 掌握做好市 场的细分和定位的 注意要点。
第1版DFAC V-up基本概念介绍目录第1版DFAC1.V-up在日产(NML)产生的历史背景1.1 产生进程--------------------------------------------------------------------------------41.2 产生的主要原因-------------------------------------------------------------------------51.3 作用与定位----------------------------------------------------------------------------82. 主要概念2.1 什么是V-up?------------------------------------------------------------------------122.2 V-up基本框架------------------------------------------------------------------------152.3 V-up与Value-up----------------------------------------------------------------------162.4 分解课题IDEA流程----------------------------------------------------------------172.5 解决课题DECIDE流程-----------------------------------------------------------202.6 解决课题V-FAST流程-------------------------------------------------------------222.7 DECIDE与V-FAST----------------------------------------------------------------252.8 角色与培训---------------------------------------------------------------------------28附件:V-up活动开展情况---------------------------------------------------------30第1版DFAC 1. V-up在日产(NML)产生的历史背景1.1 产生进程DFAC1999年戈恩提出以下要求:*希望具备更行之有效的,可操作的管理方法;*希望具有日产独特新颖的管理工具;*希望具有能够对公司的业绩做出贡献的管理工具。
势的关键因素。 本论文的研究,正是基于以上的背景,在回顾国内外战略研究成果的基础上,
通过对东风日产公司的广泛调查,获取第一手数据资料,并针对目前东风日产公 司的现状、问题及未来的经营环境和竞争对手进行系统分析。以此为据,对东风 日产公司在新形势下构建切实可行的企业战略目标和竞争战略,提出了相应的建 议,并就如何实现其竞争战略构建了策略体系。
随着企业经营实践的发展和管理经验的不断积累,特别是20世纪80年代以 来,对企业竞争战略的研究逐渐成为企业战略研究的重点,从而有力地推动了企 业竞争战略的发展。竞争战略是指在竞争发生的产业宏观平台上采取进攻性或防 御性行动,在产业中建立进退有据的地位,成功地对付五种作用力,从而为公司 赢得超长的投资收益,其中一个中心问题是企业在产业中的正确地位。
总体而言,东风日产公司成立时『自J短,文化、技术及管理积淀都不多,主要 是学习母公司(日产)的管理方式和引进母公司的产品和技术;利用NISSAN的 品牌影响力扩展市场。但随着行业增长速度的放缓,公司要想保持较快的增长速 度,提升市场份额,面临更大的竞争压力。东风日产汽车公司如何在学习和继承 母公司的成功经验的基础上,形成自己的核心竞争力,适应新的发展形势,利用 行业稳定增长机会,科学分析经营环境,设定超越对手的战略目标,构建企业中 长期的竞争战略,就成为了东风日产公司未来能否扩大市场占有率,赢得竞争优
图1.2五力模型 波特的行业结构分析战略理论主要贡献在于对产业组织经济学与企业竞争战 略的创新并兼容。将产业组织理论中的SCP分析框架引入研究中,提出了以产业 结构分析为基础的竞争战略理论,并以竞争优势为中心将战略制定与战略实施有 机地统一起来。但是,该战略理论也存在局限性,只告诉我们在一定的市场环境 下我们可以采取何种竞争战略或者说应该创造怎么样的竞争优势,但没有考虑到 什么能产生竞争优势。 3.资源能力分析理论 资源能力分析理论主要强调从企业的资源和能力出发,而不是从产业结构出 发来理解企业的竞争优势。哈默尔和普拉哈德在该理论中提出,企业获得高于行 业平均利润率的报酬在很大程度上取决于企业的内部资源与能力。利用企业资源 与能力获得高于行业平均利润率的报酬和创造新的竞争优势是进行战略管理的基 本目的。 资源能力理论有三大基本假设,分别是:第一,每个组织是独特资源和能力 的结合体,它们是战略的基础,也是利润的源泉;第二,企业具有不同资源和能 力,在特定的行业竞争中的所有企业不一定拥有相同的战略资源和能力;第三, 资源不能在公司间自由流动,资源的差异和企业利用资源的独特方式是企业形成 竞争优势的基础。 资源能力理论认为一个企业的资源可分为三类:物力、人力和组织。单项资 源是无法形成持久的竞争优势的,只有当机器、设备和企业运行的其他因素能有 效地成为一个有机整体时,才能成为战略资源。能力是指整合一系列资源完成一 项任务或活动的能力。没有这种整合能力,资源就只是一盘散沙,无法转化为生 产力,更无法形成竞争力。
1. China Vies(竞争) to Be World’s Leader in Electric Cars from Published:April 1, 2009TIANJIN, China— Chinese leaders have adopted a plan aimed at turning the country into one of the leading producers of hybri(混合)and all-electric vehicles within three years, and making it the world leader in electric cars and buses after that. The goal, which radiates from the very top of the Chinese government, suggests that Detroit‘s Big Three, already struggling to stay alive, will face even stiffer(强烈,严厉)foreign competition on the next field of automotive technology than they do today.―China is well positioned to lead in this,‖ said David Tulauskas, director of China government policy at General Motors.To some extent, China is making a virtue(品德)of a liability. It is behind the United States, Japan and other countries when it comes to making gas-powered vehicles, but by skipping the current technology, China hopes to get a jump on the next.Japan is the market leader in hybrids today, which run on both electricity and gasoline, with cars like the Toyota Prius and Honda Insight. The United States has been a laggard(落后者)in alternative vehicles.G.M.‘s plug-in hybrid Chevrolet Volt is scheduled to go on sale next year, and will be assembled in Michigan using rechargeable batteries imported from LG in South Korea.China‘s intention, in addition to creating a world-leading industry that will produce jobs and exports, is to reduce urban pollution and decrease its dependence on oil, which comes from the Mideast and travels over sea routes controlled by the United States Navy.But electric vehicles may do little to clear the country‘s smog-darkened sky or curb(限制)its rapidly rising emissions(排放)of global warming gases. China gets three-fourths of its electricity from coal, which produces more soot(烟灰)and more greenhouse gases than other fuels.A report by McKinsey & Company last autumn estimated that replacing a gasoline-powered car with a similar-size electric car in China would reduce greenhouse emissions by only 19 percent. It would reduce urban pollution, however, by shifting the source of smog from car exhaust pipes to power plants, which are often located outside cities.Beyond manufacturing, subsidies(津贴)of up to $8,800 are being offered to taxi fleets(队)and local government agencies in 13 Chinese cities for each hybrid or all-electric vehicle they purchase. The state electricity grid(系统网络)has been ordered to set up electric car charging stations in Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin.Government research subsidies for electric car designs are increasing rapidly. And an interagency panel is planning tax credits(税收抵免)for consumers who buy alternative energy vehicles.China wants to raise its annual production capacity to 500,000 hybrid or all-electric cars and buses by the end of 2011, from 2,100 last year, government officials and Chinese auto executives said. By comparison, CSM Worldwide, a consulting firm that does forecasts for automakers, predicts that Japan and South Korea togetherwill be producing 1.1 million hybrid or all-electric light vehicles by then and North America will be making 267,000.The United States Department of Energy has its own $25 billion program to develop electric-powered cars and improve battery technology, and will receive another $2 billion for battery development as part of the economic stimulus program enacted by Congress.Premier Wen Jiabao highlighted the importance of electric cars two years ago with his unlikely choice to become minister of science and technology: Wan Gang, a Shanghai-born former Audi auto engineer in Germany who later became the chief scientist for the Chinese government‘s res earch panel on electric vehicles.Mr. Wan is the first minister in at least three decades who is not a member of the Communist Party.And Premier Wen has his own connection to the electric car industry. He was born and grew up here in Tianjin, the longtim e capital of China‘s battery industry, 70 miles southeast of Beijing.Tianjin has thrived(兴盛)in the six years since Mr. Wen became premier. It now has China‘s first bullet train service (to Beijing), a new Airbus factory and an immaculate(整洁的)new airport. Tianjin has also received a surge of research subsidies for enterprises like the Tianjin-Qingyuan Electric Vehicle Company.Electric cars have several practical advantages in China. Intercity driving is rare. Commutes are fairly short and frequently at low speeds because of traffic jams. So the limitations of all-electric cars — the latest models in China have a top speed of 60 miles an hour and a range of 120 miles between charges —are less of a problem.First-time car buyers also make up four-fifths of the Chinese market, and these buyers have not yet grown accustomed to the greater power and range of gasoline-powered cars.But the electric car industry faces several obstacles here too. Most urban Chinese live in apartments, and cannot install recharging devices in driveways, so more public charging centers need to be set up. Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries also have a poor reputation in China. Counterfeit(仿制品)lithium-ion(锂离子)batteries in cellphones occasionally explode, causing injuries. And Sony had to recall genuine (真的)lithium-ion batteries in laptops in 2006 and 2008 after some overheated and caught fire or exploded. These safety problems have been associated with lithium-ion cobalt(钴)batteries, however, not the more chemically stable lithium-ion phosphate(磷酸盐)batteries now being adapted to automotive use.The tougher challenge is that all lithium-ion batteries are expensive, whether made with cobalt or phosphate. That will be a hurdle for thrifty Chinese consumers, especially if gas prices stay relatively low compared to their highs last summer.China is tackling the challenges with the same tools that helped it speed industrialization and put on the Olympics: immense(极大的)amounts of energy, money and people.BYD has 5,000 auto engineers and an equal number of battery engineers, most of them living at its headquarters in Shenzhen in a cluster of 15 yellow apartment buildings, each 18 stories high. Young engineers earn less than $600 a month, including benefits.When Tianjin-Qingyuan puts its entirely battery-powered Saibao midsize sedan on sale this autumn, the body will come from a sedan that normally sells for $14,600 when equipped with a gasoline engine. But the engine and gas tank will be replaced with a $14,000 battery pack and electric m otor, said Wu Zhixin, the company‘s general manager.That means the retail price will nearly double, to almost $30,000. Even if the government awards the maximum subsidy of $8,800 to buyers, that is a hefty(数额巨大)premium(加价).Large-scale production could drive down the cost of the battery pack and electric motor by 30 or 40 percent, still leaving electric cars more expensive than gasoline-powered ones, Mr. Wu said. But Mr. Wu has plenty of money to pursue improvements. He interrupted an interview at his co mpany‘s headquarters on Thursday to take a call on his cellphone, politely declined an offer from the caller, and hung up.The general manager of a state-controlled bank had called to ask if he needed a loan, he explained.2.China Automotive Electronics Industry Draws Worldwide AttentionExploring opportunities for manufacturing vehicle systems in China from by The RightSite Team on Tue, 2009-10-13 12:42With the rise of the nation's middle-class and the increasing popularity of personal vehicles, more cars are now purchased everyday in China than in any other country in the world. This burgeoning(迅速成长)auto consumption, together with the industry's move toward more advanced and cost-effective auto electronics systems, has already become a driving force behind the growth of China's automotive electronics industry. This week, RightSite takes a close look at China's automotive electronics industry parks and how to capitalize on the opportunities brought by this sector.Fast Growth of Automotive Electronics Industry◆China's auto electronics industry expected to reach RMB 148 billion by 2009◆Five consecutiv(连续的)e years of market growth◆Local electronics market projected to exceed RMB 300 billion by 2012Even for industry leaders such as GM, Ford, V olvo and Toyota, the financial crisis has made 2009 a tough year for car sales. In the midst of this gloom(沮丧,昏暗), however, the steady growth of China's auto market in China brings some hope to the rest of the industry. Although the total vehicle sales in China fell by 14.4% in January, the numbers for personal vehicles hit a new record of 860,000 cars nationwide. This marks the first time in history that China sold more cars in a single month than the US and if this trend continues then China may officially become the world's largest car market in 2009.Besides the overall growth of China's car industry, another important trend for investors is the growth of the automotive electronics market. According to a report on the 2009-2012 outlook of China auto electronics industry published by China Investment Consulting (CIC), the value of China's auto electronics sector(部门)reached more than RMB 137 billion (US$20 billion) in 2008 which represented a year-on-year increase of nearly 13%.On top of the upward trend for China's automotive market in general, sophisticated electronic systems such as fuel injection(注入), anti-lock braking, tire pressure monitoring systems and in-car entertainment systems have been playing a growing role in automotive marketing and manufacturing. Because of this increasing demand for electronic controls and monitoring systems in the industry, CIC predicts that the size of China's auto electronics sector will grow to RMB 200 billion (US$29.2 billion) by 2010.Automotive Electronics Manufacturing Bases Take Shape.With the continuous government support and huge market demand, China has also seen large- scaled automobile industrial base take shape. Large clusters of the auto industry are mainly located in Yangtze River Delta region, Pearl River Delta Region, Bohai Ring Region and North-eastern China area. The rapid development of the automotive industry in return has accelerated the growth of the automotive electronics market. At the moment, over 50% of the auto electronics makers are located in clusters which will enhance cooperation between companies at the same time lower transportation costs for moving material and products.A Survey of China's Auto Electronics Industrial ParksWuhu Auto Electronics Industrial ParkLocated in Wuhu Economic and Technological Development Zone in Anhui province, Wuhu Auto Electronics Industrial Park was established in 2006 as the first national-level auto electronics park in China. The park focuses on engine electronic controls, auto body electronics controls, safety and fault diagnosis(诊断)systems and onboard information systems. At the moment, the park has attracted more than 30 companies including Chery Auto, Siemens VDO, Motiontec Automotive, and ATECH Automotive.Changchun Auto Electronics Industrial ParkChangchun Auto Electronics Industry Park was established in 2007 as the second national-level auto electronics industry park in China. The park is located in Changchun Automotive Industry Development Zone and has a planned area of 5 sqkm. The city government of Changchun has also allocated another 15 sqkm to the park for future expansion. The total sales revenue(税收)of companies in the auto electronics park is expected to reach RMB 8 billion (US$1.71 billion) in 2010. Changchun, the capital city of Jilin province, is an important industrial city as well as a leading automobile production base in China.Wuhan Auto Electronics Industrial BaseWuhan Auto Electronics Industrial Base was established in 2004 by the Hubei provincial government. The industrial base, located in the Wuhan Donghu Hi-Tech Industrial Zone, consists of a main industrial park, an institutional centre and several project centers. At present, the industrial base has attracted over 36 new & hi-technology enterprises to move in. Most companies in the park focus on the development of vehicle chassis electronic controls, electronic brake systems, electronic stability programs (ESP), cruise control and telematics technology.Shanghai Auto Electronics Industry BaseShanghai Auto Electronics Industry Base is located in the Shanghai International Auto City and has a planned area of 0.8 sqkm. Two R&D centers specializing in multi-media in-car systems and auto electronics diagnosis & inspection systems are under construction now. The aim of the Shanghai auto electronics industrial base is to concentrate auto electronics makers who formerly were scattered throughout various districts of Shanghai into a cooperative cluster in Jiading, a centre for auto component manufacturing.Chongqing Konggang Auto Electronics Industrial BaseKonggang Auto Electronics Industrial Base is located in Chongqing Konggang Industrial zone, a city-level industrial zone approved by the Chongqing municipal government in 2002. The industrial base occupies over 2 sqkm and has an initial investment capital of over RMB 2 billion.Dalian Jinzhou Auto Electronics Industrial ParkEstablished in 2002, Jinzhou Auto Electronics Industrial Park is located in Dalian Jinzhou Development Zone, a provincial industrial zone in Dalian. Occupying over 2.7 sqkm, the park now has over 40 auto electronics companies, of which 60 are foreign-invested. Major investors include Alpine, Dalian Alps Electronics and TianYuan Electronics.3.2009 Shanghai Auto Show: Chery Launches Four New Sub-Brands from Published Apr 17, 2009SHANGHAI, China — Chery Automobile is extending its domestic(本国的)product range to four brands and launching more than a dozen new models at the 2009 Shanghai Auto Show next week. It's all part of a broader long-range expansion and the foundation for a planned initial public offering in 2009. Currently, the company markets all its vehicles in China under the Chery brand. This year, it is adding three new brands —Riich, Rely and Karry— each with its own separate sales and marketing network.Chery is seen as the core, mainstream brand. It will continue to sell a wide range of affordable vehicles in different sizes and body types, from the new QQ me minicar to the Tiggo3 hybrid crossover. It will also unveil the redesigned Fengyun 2 sedan and hatchback.Karry (Kairui in Chinese) will be comprised mainly of small commercial vehicles aimed primarily at the rural market, beginning with the new Viewsonic microvan.Riich (Ruiqi in Chinese) is the company's premium(优质)brand. Its four basic series include sedans, minicars, crossovers and minivans. Chery already has introduced the G6sedan and the M1 minicar, and will present debuts of the G5 sedan, the M5 sedan and the X1 crossover at the Shanghai show next week.Rely (Weilin in Chinese) is aimed more at business users. That brand will market a range of MPVs, crossovers and SUVs. Eventually, it may add pickups as well. Next week, the brand will unveil a variety of new models, including the X5 utility vehicle, the V5 and V8 crossovers and the H3 and H5 minivans. A Tiger3 pickup isalso in the works.Chery has designed new logos for each of the three new brands. The most distinctive — and derivative — is the Riich logo, which closely resembles Bentley's familiar winged B.Inside Line says:Chery is spending more money and flexing its muscles in the local market. But its eye remains on more lucrative pastures(利润丰厚的市场)overseas. —Hu Lei, Correspondent4.Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. From November 08, 2009 9:05 PM ETCompany OverviewChery Automobile Co., Ltd. manufactures, markets, and exports passenger vehicles in China. It offers cars, SUVs and MPVs, and SPVs. The company also provides engines, transmissions, and other components. Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. was formerly known as Anhui Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. The company was founded in 1997 and is headquartered in Wuhu, China with operations in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, North America, South America, and Australia.KEY DEVELOPMENTS FOR CHERY AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD.Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. Intends to Establish Assembly Plant in Nigeria10/30/2009Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. is mulling(认真思考)plans to set up a vehicle manufacturing facility in Cross River State in Nigeria. The automaker has submitted a proposal to the regional government seeking its approval.Chery Automobile to Build Plant in Turkey10/21/2009Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. decides to spend USD 500 million creating a plant in Turkey. Upon the investment plan, Chery will team up with the Mermerler to complete this project, and both sides have started the feasibility(可行性)study. The Chery A3 will likely be selected as the car model for the preliminary (初步)production locally. Last year, it launched the Chery A1 in Turkey, wining great favor of local consumers. Chery Automobile Co. Ltd. Plans to Build $550 Million Auto Plant in Turkey10/13/2009Chery Automobile Co. Ltd. announced that it will make a huge investment in Turkey at the end of 2009 and begin auto manufacturing. The company announced that a ground breaking ceremony(典礼)would take place for a new factory at the end of 2009. The location of the factory has not been decided yet. Chery's new factory in Turkey will cost $550 million. Once completed, it will employ around 6,000 workers.5.Chrysler CEO on Chery Deal From Posted by: Matt Vella on January 02, 2009Chrysler‘s corporate b log, TheFireHouse (registration required) just posted (about 15 mins ago) an interesting ―interview‖ between the blog‘s ―editor‖ and Chrysler Group President and CEO Tom LaSorda. The topic? The dea l to distribute Chery‘s made-in-China small cars, a.k.a. subcompacts, a.k.a B-segment vehicles, in North America. Though somewhat padded, the exchange hits up some interesting topics, notably the political implications and the copmany‘s lack of non-truck or SUV models.The exchange with the juicy in bold:Question – Why partner with Chery, or any Chinese car company for that matter, instead of building the car here in North America or at a DaimlerChrysler plant in China?LaSorda –―Well, first of all, we‘r e talking about a B-segment, which is a very small compact car, and if you look at the U.S. market or even in NAFTA, all the B-segment vehicles are being imported from the Asia region. The major reason is their cost structure and their ability to engineer and design in those segments. And we really cannot compete nor can anyone making it in this region.‖Q – This being an election year, will this be used as a political statement about more jobs going to China?LaSorda –―Well, first of all, I can‘t contro l what people say politically. What I can control is the fact that we are already exporting cars into China –the Chrysler Group. We‘re also producing locally the 300, the minivan into China, and most people don‘t know that we‘re exporting a large percenta ge of the componetries of these cars –the engines, the transmissions and major high-cost parts that are made by Americans and Canadians primarily – are being shipped over to these markets for us in China. I tell you, there are a lot of jobs being preserved by our growth in China and our exports there. And this (the Chery deal) will have no impact because we‘re not even involved in the B-segment today.‖Q – Can China build a quality car that will satisfy North American consumers?LaSorda –―Well, absolute ly, and our role here is to ensure that our engineering and design and quality teams are working with Chery along the way to meet the stringent standards, not only in North America but around the world. And that teamwork will continue throughout this proje ct.‖Q – Will this car mean the death of the Hornet, the muscular small car concept that we saw at the Geneva auto show this year?LaSorda –―The Hornet is a great statement of our design. It is also a statement that it‘s something that we‘re going to co ntinue to take a look at, and depending on the business case going, we‘ll look at that independently from this particular project.‖Q –How will this help the Chrysler Group‘s attempts here in the United States to shift some of the mix away from pickup trucks, minivans and SUVs with gas prices high right now?LaSorda –―Well, the consumers are, quite frankly, just looking for choice, and the fact that the Chrysler Group doesn‘t even play in this segment, it‘s very important that we do. This is important for our growth here, but not only here in the NAFTA region - and I‘m talking Canada, Mexico and the United States - but the European markets and other growth areas, where the growth is going. We need to follow with a cross-section of great cars and trucks across our whole portfolio(系列产品). That‘s why we need this in this region as well. Our attempt here will help us in this region because the gas mileage of this car will be exceptionally good and we‘re looking forward to this coming in to help us as this segm ent is growing in this region and we just need to play a part.‖6.Geely rises to record high on Volvo progress From Posted by: Ian Rowley on October 29,2009Even with confirmation from Ford that China‘s Geely is the preferred buyer for the U.S. automaker‘s Volvo marque, there are still concerns that the long-rumored deal won‘t get off the ground. Bloomberg News reports that talks may yet fail as the two companies must still resolve protection for intellectual-property rights. Bloomberg notes that Beijing Auto couldn‘t work out a deal to buy Opel earlier this year due to similar concerns.For sure, Chinese automakers are renowned, if that is the right word, for the similarities between their cars and those of foreign rivals. Indeed, one of the highlights of the Shanghai auto show in April was the Geely GE (pictured above) which is, if nothing else, a first-class Rolls Royce Phantom imitation. The Geely GE is not yet on sale and perhaps shouldn‘t be taken too seriously. Still, at the time, Rolls Royce said it was considering legal action.Analysts, meanwhile, say that even if the V olvo deal is finally sealed, success isn‘t guaranteed. While backers of overseas expansion reckon that such deals can help the Chinese automakers get footholds in European and U.S. markets, access to advanced technologies, and, in the case of brands like V olvo, a chance to piggyback on their reputations for sturdiness and safety, the record of Chinese automakers doesn‘t offer too much encouragement. China watchers warn that making big deals work may be even tougher for its automakers, given the challenge of bridging the large cultural and legal differences between China and elsewhere.For all that, there were signs today that many investors like the prospect of Geely paying a possible $2 billion for V olvo. Shares in Geely Automobile Holdings, which is listed in Hong Kong, rose 4.5% at one point, reaching a record high despite the market as a whole declining.The latest gains - Geely‘s stock has quadrupled this year - followed comments from Li Shufu, the carmaker‘s founder and chairman of Zhejiang Geely Holding Group, the parent of Geely Automobile Holdings. ―We aredelighted with the progress of our discussions with Ford,‖ he said in a statement on Oct. 28.―This is an important strategic step for Geely.‖7.Geely's Volvo coup raises eyebrows fromNicolas Van Praet, Financial Post Published: Wednesday, October 28, 2009Chinese automaker Geely has become a shining star in its domestic market by selling affordable small cars to buyers hungry to jump off their scooters and into auto ownership.Now it wants to build up its image and international credibility with a takeover of a Swedish corporate icon prized for its safety technology and reputation for quality: Volvo.Ford Motor Co. said Wednesday it picked Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co. Ltd.'s as its preferred bidder to buy its Volvo unit. Terms of Geely's bid were not disclosed but estimates for a transaction price are in the US$2-billion range."Ford believes Geely has the potential to be a responsible future owner of V olvo and to take the business forward while preserving its core values and the independence of the Swedish brand," Ford Chief financial officer Lewis Booth said in a statement. "But there is much work that needs to be completed."There is no specific timeline to conclude the negotiations, Mr. Booth said. Ford will not retain a stake in V olvo, he said.Geely welcomed the development, saying V olvo's manufacturing plants, research facilities, union agreements and dealer networks would all be maintained. V olvo management would be independent and headquartered in Gothenberg, Sweden, Geely said. The company said it would enhance Volvo's access to sales networks and parts sourcing opportunities in the growing Chinese market, where automakers now sell more new vehicles than the United States.But exactly how a deal will play out is unclear.Ford said that in any sale the deep connections between Ford and V olvo in shared component supply and engineering would have to be resolved. The Detroit maker of F-150 trucks and Focus cars is understood to be worried that its patents and other intellectual property may leak to rivals in China.The nature of Chinese state involvement in a transaction and subsequent ownership is also unknown. Geely said its bid is backed by "Chinese banks" which it did not name.Chinese automakers are desperately trying to shed their reputation for low-quality so they can grow their share of the domestic market and speed up their export capablity. In 2008, barely one in three new vehicles bought in China were Chinese brands.By leveraging the capacity of some parts suppliers and selectively buying some of them, Geely has introduced several vehicles and brands at higher price points than its namesake Geely marque, China-based auto consultant Bill Russo said in an analysis published Oct. 27. These include Gleagle, London Taxi, Shanghai Maple and Emgrand."Geely intends to increase their brand equity by sourcing from the world's leading auto parts suppliers, and in the process upgrade their image from a maker of ‗affordably priced cars' to one that delivers ‗safe, fuel efficient, and environmentally-friendly cars,'" Mr. Russo said.However, unlike previous acquisitions by Chinese companies of Western automotive assets like SAIC's purchase of the Rover brand, a deal for V olvo isn't about buying off-the-shelf technology for a cheap price. And some analysts say Geely may be biting off more than it can chew."I'm somewhat stunned to be honest that Ford are even entertaining it," said Paul Newton, a London-based analyst for IHS Global Insight. "If [Geely] was a larger concern with a bit more international experience, I'd say that ‗Yeah, it could well be a posit ive thing for the Chinese companies.' But Geely I'm not so sure. They don't have a joint venture. They don't have any alliances with anyone. And they're buying a very complex, subtle, European premium brand that is struggling."1。
1.The market
• Uncertainty events are completely beyond the control eg new competitor customer tastes change a new policy
Markets and marketing
• Markets were places where buyers and sellers would meet to exchange goods.
• Today it is possible to trade goods and services without buyers and sellers meeting up. (telephone, mail order, Internet)
Market size
• The size of a market can be estimated by the total sales of all business
Ways to estimate market size • Value • Volume
Market share
Market share: the proportion of a particular that is held by a business • Calculation: Sales of a business/Total sales in the market x
from home • easier to gather personal information • selling cost can be avoided and charge lower price (sales staff) • marketing costs will be lower • reach more customers • open 24/7 • greater flexibility
• 介绍 • 丰田汽车公司国际营销现状分析 • 丰田汽车公司国际营销策略分析 • 丰田汽车公司国际营销战略的SWOT分析 • 丰田汽车公司国际营销战略的制定与实施 • 结论和建议
本报告旨在分析丰田汽车公司在国 际市场的营销战略,通过深入研究 其战略制定、实施和评估过程,为 企业制定更具针对性的国际营销策 略提供参考。
丰田汽车的产品线涵盖了轿车、SUV、MPV等多种车型,并且在混合动力汽车、新能源汽车、智能网联汽车等领域拥有丰 富的产品线和技术实力。
丰田汽车在国际市场的定位注重多元化、高端化和全球化。除了在传统汽车市场保持领先地位,丰田汽车还积极拓展新兴 市场,并且在不同市场环境中持续优化和调整市场策略,以保持竞争优势和市场占有率。
为确保在全球范围内优化资源配置,丰田汽车公司积极寻找并利用全球范围内的优势资源 ,包括人力、物资和财务等资源,降低成本并提高效率
丰田汽车公司在国际营销中注重品牌形象的塑造与维护,通过不断提升品牌知名度和美誉 度来增强消费者对品牌的信任和认可
丰田汽车公司在实施国际营销战略时,采用多元化渠道,包括线 上和线下渠道,直接和间接渠道等,以适应不同市场和消费者的 购买需求
汽车产业技术创新不断涌现,新能源汽车、智能网联汽车等新兴领域为汽车企业提供了新 的发展机遇和挑战。
丰田汽车在全球汽车市场中占据重要地位,是全球最大的汽车生产商之一。 根据2021年的数据,丰田汽车的全球市场份额达到了约17%,成为全球汽车 市场的领导者。
国际市场营销策划方案英文Introduction:The purpose of this international marketing plan is to outline the strategies and tactics that will be used to enter and expand into new international markets. The company, XYZ Corporation, is a leading provider of high-tech products and services in the technology industry. With a strong presence in the domestic market, XYZ Corporation is now seeking to explore new opportunities in international markets to increase its global reach and customer base. This marketing plan aims to define the target international markets, identify the marketing objectives, establish the marketing strategies, and outline the implementation and control measures to effectively penetrate these markets.1. Executive Summary:The executive summary provides a brief overview of the entire marketing plan, highlighting the key objectives, strategies, and tactics.2. Situation Analysis:This section provides an analysis of the internal and external factors that will have an impact on the international marketing plan. It includes a market analysis, competitive analysis, and a SWOT analysis. The market analysis examines the target international markets, their size, growth potential, and cultural, economic, and regulatory factors. The competitive analysis assesses the major competitors in these markets and their market share, pricing, distribution channels, and marketing strategies. The SWOT analysis identifies the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the international markets.3. Marketing Objectives:The marketing objectives identify the specific goals that the company aims to achieve in the target international markets. These objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Examples of marketing objectives include increasing market share by a certain percentage, expanding the customer base, establishing strategic partnerships, and achieving a certain level of brand awareness and recognition.4. Target Market Segmentation:This section identifies the target market segments in the international markets. The segmentation criteria can be geographic, demographic, psychographic, or behavioral. By dividing the market into smaller segments, the company can better understand the needs, preferences, and buying behaviors of its target customers and develop tailored marketing strategies and tactics.5. Positioning and Branding Strategy:This section outlines the positioning and branding strategy for the company's products and services in the target international markets. It defines the unique value proposition and competitive advantage that the company offers and highlights the key benefits and features that differentiate the company from its competitors.6. Marketing Strategies:This section outlines the marketing strategies that will be used to achieve the marketing objectives in the target international markets. It includes product strategy, pricing strategy, distribution strategy, and promotion strategy.a) Product Strategy: This strategy defines the product offering for the international markets, including the product features, packaging, branding, and customization options.b) Pricing Strategy: This strategy determines the pricing approach for the company's products and services in the international markets. It takes into account factors such as production costs, competitor pricing, customer willingness to pay, and market demand.c) Distribution Strategy: This strategy outlines the distribution channels and logistics that will be used to deliver the company's products and services to customers in the international markets. It may involve direct sales, joint ventures, strategic partnerships, or third-party distributors.d) Promotion Strategy: This strategy defines the promotional activities that will be used to create awareness and generate demand for the company's products and services in the international markets. It includes advertising, public relations, sales promotions, direct marketing, and digital marketing tactics.7. Implementation Plan:The implementation plan details the specific actions, timelines, and responsibilities for executing the marketing strategies in the target international markets. It includes a budget allocation, resource allocation, and a timeline for each marketing activity. This section also outlines the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure the success of the marketing efforts.8. Control and Evaluation:The control and evaluation section establishes the monitoring and control measures that will be used to track the progress and performance of the international marketing plan. It includes regular performance reviews, data analysis, and feedback mechanisms to ensure that the marketing strategies are effectively implemented and aligned with the marketing objectives.Conclusion:In conclusion, this international marketing plan outlines the strategies and tactics that will be used to enter and expand into new international markets. By conducting a thorough analysis of the target markets, defining the marketing objectives, and implementing a comprehensive marketing strategy, XYZ Corporation can successfully penetrate these markets and achieve its business goals. Continuous monitoring and evaluation will be crucial to ensure the success of the plan and make any necessary adjustments to maximize results.。
Marketing Plan
¨ Allocate more marketing fund for Bluebird promotion such as ad., seminar & souvenir
¨ Improve brand recognition by ourselves instead of through distributors or dealers
¨ Threat
• Attract more attention among local competitors • •
Focusing on the New Micra
Marketing Plan
¨ Remaining the advantage of high quality & low price
Bluebird vs. New Micra
Market Integration of the EC
France, Italy, Spain
Bluebird vs. New Micra
¨ Nissan Motor Co.,Ltd ¨ Nissan’s European Market Penetration ¨ Trends in the European Market ¨ Market Integration of the EC
Market Integration of the EC
•Liberate the movement of products, services, people, and capital within the EC •Harmonization of technical standards for cars •Production & logistics costs decrease •Intensify competition in the car industry •The bilateral import quotas imposed by France, Italy, and Spain had to cease
英菲尼迪英文名称:Infiniti 日产旗下的汽车1989年11月8日创立品牌名称。
1.2 产生的主要原因
2. 历史的积淀
DFAC 历史背景
*深厚的群众基础:善于拿来,注重改良,精于创新,追求程式; *丰富的活动经验:合理化建议、TQM、QCC、QCD、JIT、JQA; *复合的思维方式:多年的东、西方交流,在继承和发扬东方民 族传统思维方式的优秀核心时,借鉴并吸收 了西方先进的成分,如CFT理念,冲击了部门 壁垒和按部就班的处事方式。
2. 主要概念 2.1 什么是V-up?------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 2.2 V-up基本框架------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 2.3 V-up与Value-up---------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 2.4 分解课题IDEA流程---------------------------------------------------------------- 17 2.5 解决课题DECIDE流程 ----------------------------------------------------------- 20 2.6 解决课题V-FAST流程------------------------------------------------------------- 22 2.7 DECIDE与V-FAST- --------------------------------------------------------------- 25 2.8 角色与培训--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 附件:一、V-up活动开展情况---------------------------------------------------------30 二、DFAC V-up活动大事记 -------------------------------------------------- 35
经典国外品牌策划英文版Classic Foreign Brand PlanningIntroductionIn today's globalized world, foreign brands have become an integral part of our daily lives. From clothing and accessories to electronics and cars, these classic brands have carved out a niche for themselves in the highly competitive market. In this article, we will delve into the strategies utilized by some of the most iconic foreign brands, examining their successful brand planning and marketing strategies.1. AppleApple is a brand that needs no introduction. With its sleek and innovative products, Apple has revolutionized the technology industry. The key to Apple's success lies in their brand positioning. Instead of focusing solely on the products, Apple markets itself as a lifestyle brand. Their advertisements appeal to the emotions of their consumers, highlighting how their products can enhance their lives and make them more creative. Additionally, Apple maintains a sense of exclusivity, creating a sense of anticipation and demand for their new product releases. This strategic brand planning has made Apple one of the most valuable brands in the world.2. Coca-ColaCoca-Cola is a brand that has achieved global recognition. The secret to their success lies in their consistency. Coca-Cola has maintained a consistent brand identity since its inception, focusing on happiness, joy, and togetherness. Their advertisements are filled with smiling faces, promoting the idea that consuming Coca-Colabrings people together and creates moments of happiness. Coca-Cola has also successfully localized its marketing campaigns, adapting to different cultures while still maintaining their core brand values. This attention to cultural relevance has enabled Coca-Cola to become a household name in countries across the globe.3. NikeNike is a brand that has mastered the art of storytelling. From their iconic "Just Do It" slogan to their empowering advertisements featuring athletes from various sports, Nike has built a brand that is associated with determination, inspiration, and achievement. Nike understands the importance of connecting with its target audience on an emotional level, using their marketing campaigns to tell stories that inspire and motivate. By aligning themselves with successful athletes, Nike has positioned itself as a brand that champions performance and excellence, creating a loyal customer base that spans generations.4. Mercedes-BenzMercedes-Benz is a luxury car brand that exudes elegance and sophistication. Their brand planning focuses on showcasing a combination of style, power, and cutting-edge technology. Mercedes-Benz advertisements portray their vehicles as status symbols, appealing to the desire for luxury and prestige. They also emphasize their commitment to innovation and safety, building trust and credibility among their customers. Mercedes-Benz has successfully positioned itself as a brand that offers both performance and luxury, attracting customers who value comfort, quality, and exclusivity.5. McDonald'sMcDonald's is a global fast-food brand that has successfully adapted to various cultures and markets. Their brand planning centers around delivering consistent quality and convenience to their customers. Whether it's their familiar menu items or their iconic golden arches, McDonald's has created a brand identity that is recognized worldwide. They have also localized their menus to suit the tastes and preferences of different countries, making their offerings more appealing to local consumers. McDonald's understands the importance of convenience in today's fast-paced world and has integrated technology into their brand planning, introducing mobile ordering and delivery services to cater to the needs of their customers.ConclusionForeign brands like Apple, Coca-Cola, Nike, Mercedes-Benz, and McDonald's have achieved iconic status through effective brand planning and marketing strategies. They have successfully connected with their target audience on an emotional level, creating a strong brand identity and maintaining consistency throughout their campaigns. By understanding the desires and aspirations of their customers, these brands have managed to stay relevant and adapt to changing markets, securing their place in the competitive world of global commerce.6. Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton is a renowned luxury brand known for its high-quality and stylish products, particularly its iconic handbags. The brand planning of Louis Vuitton focuses on exclusivity, craftsmanship, and a sense of heritage. Louis Vuitton emphasizes its French heritage and the meticulous craftsmanship that goes intocreating each product. This positioning strategy appeals to customers who appreciate the artistry and attention to detail that goes into each piece. The brand has also successfully collaborated with influential designers and artists, creating limited-edition collections that generate buzz and desirability among fashion enthusiasts. Louis Vuitton's brand planning combines traditional elements with modern innovation, ensuring its continued success in the luxury market.7. SamsungSamsung is a global leader in electronics and technology. The brand planning of Samsung centers around innovation, cutting-edge technology, and user experience. Samsung consistently introduces new and improved products across a wide range of categories, including smartphones, televisions, and home appliances. The brand positions itself as a leader in technological advancements, appealing to tech-savvy consumers who value quality and performance. Samsung also invests in marketing campaigns that highlight the functionality and versatility of its products, showcasing how they can seamlessly integrate into consumers' lives. By focusing on innovation and user experience, Samsung has established itself as a trusted and reliable brand in the competitive electronics industry.8. ChanelChanel is a luxury fashion brand that epitomizes elegance and timeless style. The brand planning of Chanel revolves around sophistication, craftsmanship, and classic designs. Chanel's iconic products, such as the little black dress and the Chanel suit, have stood the test of time and remain coveted by fashion enthusiasts.The brand maintains a sense of exclusivity by using high-quality materials and a meticulous attention to detail. Chanel's marketing campaigns often feature celebrities and influential figures, associating the brand with glamour and prestige. Moreover, Chanel has successfully expanded its product offerings beyond fashion, venturing into beauty and fragrance, further solidifying its brand presence in the luxury market.9. ToyotaToyota is a leading automotive brand known for its reliability, durability, and efficiency. The brand planning of Toyota focuses on quality, innovation, and sustainability. Toyota's vehicles are renowned for their longevity and low maintenance costs, appealing to practical-minded consumers who prioritize dependability. The brand has also invested heavily in hybrid and electric vehicles, highlighting their commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Toyota's marketing campaigns emphasize the brand's reliability, safety features, and technological advancements, building trust and loyalty among its customer base. By consistently delivering high-quality and efficient vehicles, Toyota has become a household name globally.10. StarbucksStarbucks is a global coffeehouse chain that has successfully created a unique brand experience. The brand planning of Starbucks revolves around providing a welcoming and cozy atmosphere, quality coffee, and personalized customer service. Starbucks outlets are designed to be comfortable and inviting, creating a third place experience for customers. The brand has also emphasized sustainability and ethical sourcing, appealing tosocially conscious consumers. Starbucks' marketing campaigns often feature personalization, allowing customers to customize their beverages and promoting a sense of individuality. The brand actively engages with its customers through loyalty programs and digital platforms, nurturing long-term relationships and ensuring repeat business. Starbucks has successfully built a strong brand identity centered around the coffeehouse experience and has become a beloved brand globally.In conclusion, these classic foreign brands have demonstrated successful brand planning strategies that have helped them establish themselves as iconic brands in their respective industries. By understanding their target audience and reflecting their values and desires in their marketing campaigns, these brands have created strong brand identities that resonate with consumers around the world. Consistency, innovation, and a focus on customer experience are common themes among these brands, allowing them to stand out in the highly competitive global market. Through effective brand planning, these foreign brands have not only achieved commercial success but have also become cultural symbols and representatives of their industries.。
日产ANPQPR 培训资料
流程:雷诺/日产 RFQ目标设定---供应商根据其要求进行分析--产品工程基本构想的研究--RFQ答复----客户根据RFQ答复的分析 ----确定厂商
完成产品・工程开发;确认制造工程有达成QCD挑战目标的能力。涉及到初期 流动管理活动(量产期间中,为了确保品质及交付的要求得到维持而 实施的追加活动;编制、实施初期流动管理活动计划;确认活动计划 的进度状况;对初期流动管理期间中国发现的不良问题实施对策) 完成初期流动管理计划书(ANPQP没有指定格式,供应商自己编制 专用文件;对于初期流动管理的解除条件也必须在初期流动管理计划 书中明确记载!) 量产承认:确认完全满足了ANPQP的要求;提交量产承认申请书; 接收雷诺/日产承认 完成量产承认申请书 PSW (证明供应商具有交付满足雷诺/日产 要求的产品能力;是附有雷诺/日产要求的文件的汇总文件;在取得量 产承认前,不能向雷诺/日产发送零部件)
4.1特殊特性和主要特性的明确化--输出文件:管理计划书附图、 品质功能展开(QFD)、
商务英语阅读:中国市场的日本汽车Japan's Carmakers Outrun Rivals in ChinaThe six major automakers from Japan are coming on strong in the fastest-growing auto market, with new model rollouts and production expansionOver the past year, Japanese automakers have surprised the global car industry by outperforming both European and U.S. rivals as a group in the hyper-kinetic Chinese auto market, the fastest-growing in the world. Japan's six major auto manufacturers operating on the mainland—Honda (HMC), Toyota Motor (TM), Nissan (NSANY), Mazda (MZDAF), Mitsubishi (MMTOF), and Suzuki—have grabbed roughly 27% of the market. Plus, they're coming on strong in 2006 with new product rollouts and capacity expansions. Take Honda and Toyota. On Sept. 27, Honda will start selling its RL and TL versions of its Acura luxury sedan. Honda, which enjoys a 5.7% share of the Chinese passenger car market, set up its first joint venture with Guangzhou Auto Group back in 1998 about a half-decade before Toyota and Nissan became serious about the mainland. It just opened a new factory in Guangzhou in southern China that will have an annual capacity of 120,000 vehicles and make the Accord.In addition, Honda already sells Chinese versions of the Fit and City compacts, plus the Odyssey minivan and the Civic, with Guangzhou Auto and another joint venture with Dongfeng Motor, the mainland's third biggest domestic manufacturer.GOING HIGH-END. With the RL and TL Acura sedans, Honda is now aiming at the luxury segment and at "rich, high-end consumers," said Honda President Takeo Fukui while attending a press event back in Tokyo regarding the company's latest environmentally friendly concept cars. Both will be imported to China, says Fukui. "We will start off with the Japan-made RL and the North American-made TL models," he says.The Acura RL and TL sedans to be sold in China will be similar to the models now sold in the U.S. that retail there for about $45,000 and $33,000, respectively, according to a Honda spokesman in Shenzhen, where the Japanese automaker will launch its first Acura dealership. The exact retail price in China won't be released until Sept. 27. But sticker prices likely will be 40% higher than in the U.S. due to import duties. Meanwhile, Toyota is aiming to ramp up its China sales 60% this year to 290,000 units and reach a 10% market share by 2010. Toyota's current market share is about 4.5%, according to the first-half estimates by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.HUGE ASPIRATIONS. Recent additions to Toyota's China car lineup include the hybrid-engine Prius, the new Camry, the redesigned RAV4 and Previa, and the Lexus ES350 and IS300 luxury vehicles.The Lexus LS460 will make its China debut in November. Toyota Motor President Katsuaki Watanabe said at a press conference in Tokyo in late September that, "A strengthening and expanding product line-up is critical for continued growth in China."With the exception of Honda, Japanese automakers were relative latecomers to the game in China. Now it looks as if they have aspirations to dominate.单词:sedan:私家轿车joint venture:合资luxury:豪华,奢贵high-end:高端start off with:从…开始,用…开始dealership:代理权,经销权retail price:零售价sticker prices:价目表价格hybrid-engine:混合动力型press conference:记者招待会注释:Honda (HMC):日本汽车制造商本田汽车(Honda Motor Co., HMC)Toyota Motor (TM):日本汽车制造商丰田汽车Nissan (NSANY):日本汽车制造商日产汽车,也叫尼桑。
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Feature – Local Production in Europe
Nissan Motor Iberica, SA(NMISA) Nissan Motor Manufacturing UK
Trends in the European Market
•High profit margin per unit •High experience curve & scale economy •Indirect competition with major southern Euro car makers •Improving Nissan’s image in Europe
• Survey
• Feature
Survey -- Export to Europe
50000 0
3600 1964
240000 163000
Survey – New-Car Sales in Major Southern
Trends in the European Market
• Italy
•Market highly restricted •Fiat held the largest market share (60%) •The large market share of the supermini car •Price rather than quality sensitive •Sales performance was not strong
European Countries, 1987 (000s of Units)
1200 1000
800 600 400 200
0 France
VW Group Ford Europe Fiat Group Peugeot Group GM Eroupe Renault Group Nissan Total Japannese
Trends in the European Market
• Spain
•Car demand concentrated on supermini, and lower-medium classes •Price tended to be more important than quality •SEAT, who made smaller cares considered fairly competitive •The dealerships had very limited experience in selling passenger cars
Bluebird vs. New Micra
Market Integration of the EC
France, Italy, Spain
Bluebird vs. New Micra
Nissan Motor Co.,Ltd Nissan’s European Market
尊敬的女士/先生: NISSAN欧洲公司将于今天
晚上召开市场战略决策会议, 敬请光临!
NISSAN’s Opportunity & Option
Opቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱortunity:
Market Integration of the EC
Staff of Nissan Europe Co.(Group 14):
沈 战 Nissan欧洲公司总裁 李爱民 Nissan欧洲公司营销副总裁 胡 南 Nissan欧洲公司Bluebird产品经理 张菁芸 Nissan欧洲公司New Micra产品经理 王 云 会议主持人 李 军 新闻发言人
Penetration Trends in the European Market Market Integration of the EC
Background --Nissan Motor Co.,Ltd
Background --Nissan’s European Market Penetration
Bluebird Introduction
1800cc Upper-medium-Sized Car Produced by UMUK in 1986 Regarded as a UK-made car in 1988
Franc e
Ital y
Trends in the European Market
• France
•Large Car Market •Supermini Class was the Largest Segment •Price more sensitive than quality •Peugeot & Renault held 60%+ market share •Nissan’s marketing organization was weak •Sales had been restricted
Market Integration of the EC
•Liberate the movement of products, services, people, and capital within the EC •Harmonization of technical standards for cars •Production & logistics costs decrease •Intensify competition in the car industry •The bilateral import quotas imposed by France, Italy, and Spain had to cease