











托福听力练习:鸽子血检测替代儿童血液检测Pigeons. Ever since humans established permanent agricultural settlements, we've lived side-by-side with the birds—or, as some people call them, rats with wings. They walk on our sidewalks, roost on our buildings, and eat our leftovers. But soon pigeons may help us identify risks to public health.“What we're doing here in my lab is we're assessing how we can use something that's been considered a pest that people actively try to exterminate: the pigeon. How can we use it to better the environment for not only ourselves but for pigeons and for other wildlife?"U.C. Davis neurobiologist Rebecca Calisi. She looked at lead levels in blood samples from more than 800 injured pigeons brought to a New York City wildlife rehabilitation center. And she compared those to lead levels in blood samples collected from children by the New York City Department of Health in routine screening efforts. The results were published in the journal Chemosphere."The neighborhoods where children have high rates of lead toxicity, that's where we saw pigeons with high blood lead levels...so this is a proof of concept kind of project."Most pigeons will live out their lives within just two kilometers of the place they hatched, so the birds may be able to help researchers develop a detailed map of the risk of toxic lead exposure.In people, especially kids, lead exposure can affect intelligence, brain development, social skills and memory. Having demonstrated that pigeons can pinpoint areas with high lead contamination, Calisi thinks that the birds can help researchers zero in on other potential environmental hazards as well."The thing is, we don't know what to test for right now. We know to test for lead, but what about certain pesticides? Or fire retardants are a big problem these days. We're not sure what the problems are. So instead of drawing a ton of blood from children and putting them through all these tests, why not use an animal that shares our environment, the pigeon, and test for a whole suite of different potential harmful pollutants?"So rather than dismissing them as rats with wings, why not think of them b rats with wings?鸽子。

[突破托福听力的六个方法] 托福听力突破25分

[突破托福听力的六个方法] 托福听力突破25分

《[突破托福听力的六个方法] 托福听力突破25分》摘要:r指是概述思具体指是我们听到听力材所进行概括,)因它非常短只有分钟但信息量很更重要是它是托福听力出题重要,Ggr(国地理)另是vr(探)rr指是概述思具体指是我们听到听力材所进行概括这并不要我们听懂材每细节但是要能够抓住说话人思路和框架这训练对托福听力至关重要因托福听力尤其是讲座并不要我们听懂每细节更重要是教授讲课思路和全重要细节很多学听完听力材问他听到了什么他只能说出又零散单词这是远远不够练习r方法很简单就以托福听力讲座材边听边记笔记录音结束然己根据脑记忆和笔记进行全重容英复述然再反复直到练到可以将讲座顺畅复述出止这样练上几十你对把握听力材整体能力就会有极提高也就是听写它指是将听力录音原全部听下什么要进行听写?因它是听力提高有效方法什么听写是听力提高有效方法?因它能将人听力所有细枝末节问题都暴露出然订正全部这样然有效率也深刻那么对准备托福考试考生而言听写材是什么?是老托lr什么老托lr是听写材?因新托是老托延续老托和新托题材、词汇和难上都致相当当然如基础比较薄弱学可以先花月将新概念二和三册美英版先听写完然再听写老托lr这样会更加磨刀不误砍柴功3 v lgv lg指是精听我所说精听并不只是指全神贯地听当然这是必须我所说精听步骤如下()边听边看着原手上拿着笔划出己不认识或似曾相识但反应不词;()录音结束开始生词写原旁边只要写这单词这思就可以;(3) 将这材当快速精遍彻底看懂;()再边看着原边放录音并且嘴上跟反复几遍直听到可以不看原彻底听懂止精听材可以有很多但我推荐是( r’ x )因它非常短只有分钟但信息量很更重要是它是托福听力出题重要按照上面步骤将008年全集(总共 50)全部精听完你听觉反应速、听觉词汇量以及知识面都会质提高提高托福听力有方六技巧助力gql xv lggql xv lg指是高质量泛听泛听不用像精听那样每细节都得突破只要把握住整体语流听懂说话人概思就可以而高质量泛听指是必须全神贯听泛听泛并不指态懒散而是针对整体要泛听佳材有两是l Ggr(国地理)另是vr(探)看候定要有英幕每天看集养成习惯会有极收获5 llgg rlllgg rl思是有挑战性材指是备考托福听力平听力练习高难定要超越考试难这样考试候才会有居高临下感觉稳定地取得成绩挑战性材有这么几类美国学上课课堂录像或录音现很多美国学已将己学许多教授课堂录像放了上这是极佳挑战听力难材;二巴朗和Kl上试题定要做完另外如觉得L上试题难低可以利用变速软件加两倍速做这样就会超越考试难6 b lg rb lg r思是下识听力练习它指是我们要己己创造英环境比如早晨起床我们就打开音箱播放英语可以是托福听力机材也可以是英广播也可以是部英电影vr只要是英就行这样做处是我们随都可以听到英语这样会潜移默化加强我们对英语敏感。

新托福突破口 综合作文阅读听力原文(文本)全集 满分范文

新托福突破口  综合作文阅读听力原文(文本)全集 满分范文







至于很多考友不知道纸质版TPO为何物,其实很简答,纸质版TPO就是ETS在中国大陆出版的一本真题集,一共只有5套,前3套与TPO 现有的内容重复,但是第四套和第五套是全新的试题。




















托福听力题目:学生和保安托福听力考试日期:20XX年12月16日学生被保安处叫去了,说你打了三个电话你都干啥了你居然都打了三个emergency calls你要负责巴拉巴拉的。

学生开始解释说他key忘房间了打电话,工作人员说你应该打另一个电话,他们还没下班(有题:暗示学生不应该找他们),但是ok,fine,之后呢?学生说安保让我进去了但是我在房间里又没有,我blabla(这点没听清),于是我找了maintain office给我换锁,但是他们换了之后给我的钥匙居然不对,这就不是我的错了你不能怪我。






























托福听力练习:鸽子血检测替代儿童血液检测Pigeons. Ever since humans established permanent agricultural settlements, weve lived side-by-side with the birds—or, as some people call them, rats with wings. They walk on our sidewalks, roost on our buildings, and eat our leftovers. But soon pigeons may help us identify risks to public health."What were doing here in my lab is were assessing how we can use something thats been considered a pest that people actively tryto exterminate: the pigeon. How can we use it to better the environment for not only ourselves but for pigeons and for other wildlife?"U.C. Davis neurobiologist Rebecca Calisi. She looked at lead levels in blood samples from more than 800 injured pigeons brought to a New York City wildlife rehabilitation center. And she compared those to lead levels in blood samples collected from children by the New York City Department of Health in routine screening efforts. The results were published in the journal Chemosphere."The neighborhoods where children have high rates of lead toxicity, thats where we saw pigeons with high blood lead levels...so this is a proof of concept kind of project."Most pigeons will live out their lives within just two kilometers of the place they hatched, so the birds may be able to help researchers develop a detailed map of the risk of toxic lead exposure.In people, especially kids, lead exposure can affect intelligence, brain development, social skills and memory. Having demonstrated that pigeons can pinpoint areas with high lead contamination, Calisithinks that the birds can help researchers zero in on other potential environmental hazards as well."The thing is, we dont know what to test for right now. We know to test for lead, but what about certain pesticides? Or fire retardants are a big problem these days. Were not sure what the problems are. So instead of drawing a ton of blood from children and putting them through all these tests, why not use an animal that shares our environment, the pigeon, and test for a whole suite of different potential harmful pollutants?"So rather than dismissing them as rats with wings, why not think of them b rats with wings?鸽子。

















托福听力题目:同学和保安托福听力考试日期:2022年12月16日同学被保安处叫去了,说你打了三个电话你都干啥了你竟然都打了三个emergency calls你要负责巴拉巴拉的。

同学开头解释说他key 忘房间了打电话,工作人员说你应当打另一个电话,他们还没下班(有题:示意同学不应当找他们),但是ok,fine,之后呢?同学说安保让我进去了但是我在房间里又没有,我blabla(这点没听清),于是我找了maintain office给我换锁,但是他们换了之后给我的钥匙竟然不对,这就不是我的错了你不能怪我。




那么如何突破托福听力呢?一起来学习下吧!如何突破托福听力要诀: 猜, 听。


为什么小朋友们花了这么长时间钻研英语, 结果还是听不明白说不出来?这个固然和我们的英语教学有关系,但是在我看来,跟国内学校的环境关系更大。

你为什么能听懂汉语? 不光能听明白一般话和你的家乡话,什么河南话,陕西话,你还都能猜出大概的精神。

嘿,偏偏到了英语这里,再标准的伦敦音,语速略微一快, 听上去都跟老和尚念经似的。


托福听力, 就有很多相对固定的场景和规律。

最大的一条规律, 就是托福听力考试的主要目的是检验考生能不能在英语环境中很好的适应学校生活。


再比如一个男同学和一个女同学对话, 总是女同学学习成绩好啦,爱干净啦,等等。






































3、Intensive listeningIntensive listening是指精听。


托福精听材料有很多,推荐SSS(Scientific American’s Sixty-second Science),非常短,但信息量很大,更重要的是,SSS是托福听力出题的重要来源。

4、High-quality extensive listeningHigh-quality extensive listening是指高质量的泛听。



新世纪托福听力突破文本Test 11. A. He’s going to run for gas. B. They need gas for the car soon.C. He sees a gas station ahead.D. They won’t be able to find gas.2. A. In a drugstore. B. In a post office. C. In a hospital. D. In a supermarket.3. A. He didn’t have any ideas to express. B. He spoke enough at the meeting.C. He couldn’t think that morning.D. He should have spoken up more.4. A. She is very active. B. She is usually pale.C. She is somewhat sick.D. She has to save energy.5. A. She wants to have a picnic outside. B. She hopes to eat in the car.C. She wants to park the car.D. She thinks it’s a nice park.6. A. He’s not sure where it is. B. Sam borrowed the hammer.C. He can’t lend the hammer.D. The hammer belongs to John.7. A. The food isn’t fresh.B. She wants to know whether vegetables are sold or not.C. The store doesn’t sell vegetables.D. She agrees with the man.8. A. He paid more for the suit than had admitted.B. He doesn’t want to reveal the price of the suit.C. He cares for the suit more than the woman does.D. The suit was admitted as evidence.9. A. It’s a rough one. B. It’s one she likes.C. It’s far from where she lives.D. It doesn’t require any homework.10. A. Make a purchase in a supermarket. B. Obtain help form customer service.C. Order some food in a restaurant.D. Wait patiently for some assistance.11. A. The man doesn’t need to check the battery.B. The tow truck will come soon.C. He can get a battery form the tow truck driver.D. There might be a problem with the electrical system.12. A. It’s not his fault. B. He was afraid it was going to be bad.C. He wants to go there again.D. He wanted to waste some time.13. A. James has decided to keep the tape recorder.B. James has to be constantly reminded.C. She will return the tape recorder to James.D. James is about to return the tape recorder.14. A. He didn’t have any reasons for quitting his work.B. He quit for the wrong reasons.C. He hasn’t shared his reasons for giving up his job.D. He’s given different reasons to various friends.15. A. Postpone finding a tenant until he feels better. B. Rent an apartment himself.C. Look for someone to rent his apartment.D. Get on the roof to fix the antenna.16. A. Find out where the woman should go.B. Give the woman directions to the supermarket.C. Find the answer to the woman’s question.D. Locate his supervisor for the woman.17. A. The man shouldn’t agree with her. B. The water may be too cold to swim in.C. She wants to swim some more.D. She wonders why the water is so chilly.18. A. She didn’t see what the man saw. B. She doesn’t have any topic to talk about.C. She wants to know when he saw it.D. She has no idea who he talked to.19. A. In a bank. B. In a gift shop. C. In a post office. D. In a supermarket.20. A. He’s finishing some business for Yuri.B. He needs help in getting his own work done.C. His business takes him all over the world.D. She shouldn’t be concerned about his work.21. A. She’d rather not go out to eat.B. She ants to eat at a fast food restaurant.C. She minds having to put together a meal for him.D. She’d like to eat out instead of staying home.22. A. A repairman. B. A shopper. C. A delivery man. D. A store clerk.23. A. She met someone who can pay the bills.B. She billed her new roommate for the suit.C. She hasn’t found a suitable roommate yet.D. She’s looking for someone who can lend her money.24. A. What Fred asked her to do. B. Why Fred quit school.C. When Fred started giving study lessons.D. How Fred is able to beat everyone.25. A. All his courses are demanding.B. He isn’t having much trouble with is classes.C. The biology class is not demanding at all.D. He thinks they should ask for easier class-work.26. A. He wants to spend a long time at the zoo. B. He doesn’t like to go to the zoo.C. He’s been to the zoo many times.D. He wants to visit the zoo with her.27. A. The work has exhausted him. B. He wants her to repeat what she said.C. The work never tires him out.D. He bets that he can keep doing it.28. A. She can start the work on Monday.B. She prefers working on the report alone.C. She expects the report to be done before Monday.D. She needs help completing the work.29. A. She thinks that Aaron wears strange clothes.B. She finds Aaron’s sense of humor enjoyable.C. She thinks that the clothing has a strange smell to it.D. Aaron’s clothing appeals to her.30. A. She’s feeling normal again. B. She’s hoping for better weather.C. She doesn't feel so well.D. She’ll feel better in a few days.Test 21. a. Writing a letter. b. Filling out a form.c. Answering an invitation.d. Cashing a check.2. a. He’s going to the fourth floor. b. He gets off at two o’clock.c. He’s going to Room 44.d. He gets off the train.3. a. A grade list. b. The notes. c. A news report. d. An announcement.4. a. Every Thursday. b. Every two evenings. c. Twice a week. d. Once a week.5. a. Keep busy. b. Talk to Marie. c. Remember to call. d. Touch Marie.6. a. In a clothing store. b. On a bus. c. In a car. d. At a travel agency.7. a. Leave in two minutes. b. Get off the bus.c. Wait for two students.d. Wait for the second bus.8. a. I’ll see you later. b. I’ll be up soon.c. You can leave it with me.d. You can decide that.9. a. Going to a movie. b. Writing a schedule.c. Getting change for $25.d. Parking a car.10. a. The backyard. b. A map. c. Stolen property. d. A photograph.11. a. He might not make the bus. b. She can see the bus stop.c. He lost his watch on the bus.d. She won’t let him leave.12. a. She’s already sent hers in. b. Frank should send it in soon.c. She’s going to get one next week.d. Frank can wait two weeks.13. a. Return from Montreal early. b. Leave him in Montreal.c. Go to Montreal without Alice.d. Go back to Montreal later.14. a. A story in last week’s newspaper. b. A scientific writing method.c. The way the teacher writes.d. The difficulty of writing papers.15. a. She needs to join her friends. b. She has no umbrella.c. Her raincoat doesn’t fit.d. Her legs and arms hurt.16. a. She recently arrived from abroad. b. She was in the country.c. She came back to earn more money.d. She’s just come form the bank.17. a. The Nelsons are wealthy.b. Mr. Nelson doesn’t know how to drive.c. The Nelsons must not spend much money.d. Mr. Nelson doesn’t make that much money.18. a. It’s very difficult to enroll. b. No one has seen the sign.c. Few people show interest in it.d. It costs too much money.19. a. In a taxi. b. In an elevator. c. On the subway. d. At a post office.20. a. She shouldn’t have been late. b. Her timing was very poor.c. She probably wasn’t having fun.d. Before long, she was enjoying it.21. a. At a department store. b. At an airport. c. In a supermarket. d. In a bank.22. a. May will be a bad month. b. They can be optimistic.c. Will prices keep rising?d. Did they look them up?23. a. Jack will probably not pass the class. b. Jack will not make the project in class.c. Jack’s class is very difficult.d. Jack’s accounting project is incomplete.24. a. It’s not polite to ask. b. The question is naïve.c. He did hear the question.d. He was born in the city.25. a. At a florist shop. b. At a sporting goods store.c. At a grocery store.d. At a service station.26. a. Only six people are here. b. They could be sick.c. It’s not late at all.d. Four more people will come.27. a. A professor. b. A businessman. c. A secretary. d. A doctor.28. a. The books are on the right shelf. b. Sixteen copies of the book remain.c. The books are to his right.d. The text is not available.29. a. His check was lost. b. He’s unable to find his watch.c. He can’t set his watch.d. His check didn’t arrive.30. a. At a restaurant. b. At the dry cleaners.c. At a barber shop.d. At a tailor shop.Test 31. a. The room is too small for the audience.b. The show is very difficult to understand.c. The room is full of theatrical people.d. The crowd is very noisy.2. a. Karen. b. A neighbor. c. A professional hairstylist. d. A friend.3. a. Fuel cannot be transported to the northeastern states.b. There are too few houses in the northeast.c. People in the northeast are inexperienced in dealing with snow.d. Cold weather in the northeast has increased the demand for fuel.4. a. Ask the stewardess for change. b. Move to another part of the plane.c. Sit where there is a breeze.d. Extinguish his cigarette.5. a. Go out for supper. b. Go to the movies.c. Have supper and then study.d. Get ready for the show.6. a. She will be changing jobs soon. b. She will have to accept a reduced salary.c. Her boss notified her that she’s been fired. d. She always does the right thing.7. a. The man is an exceptional student and will write the exam for the class.b. The student will probably not be able to complete the course.c. The student’s request will be granted.d. Circumstances will not permit the student to take the make-up exam.8. a. She was apologetic. b. She was well spoken.c. She was very kind. d. She was unforgiving.9. a. He’s a plumber. b. He’s an electrician.c. He’s a carpenter.d. He’s an interior decorator.10. a. Go hiking with her friend. b. Rest and take care of herself.c. Stay at home and do her exercises.d. Catch up with her reading.11. a. The man has more work to do on his paper than Edward on his.b. The man himself will speak to Edward about his research paper.c. The man has been talking to Edward about his paper.d. The man has finished more than half of his research paper.12. a. Both of them have overcome their fear.b. They are both afraid of high places.c. The woman is still afraid of high places, but the man isn’t.d. Both of them prefer high places these days.13. a. He doubts David’s reliability. b. He’s willing to trust David.c. He has confided some of his doubts to David.d. He thinks David will benefit from this experience.14. a. In his office. b. In his waiting room.c. In an airplane.d. In New York.15. a. Demand a check to cover the difference. b. Get a new television set.c. Find another repairman.d. Ask for an adjustment in his bill.16. a. Change her clothes. b. Drive her car. c. Have a meal. d. Type an essay.17. a. She feels unable to express an opinion about what’s happened to George.b. She isn’t speaking to George.c. George is always late for appointments.d. She finds it difficult to tolerate George’s behavior.18. a. The man has not been asked what he thinks.b. Both speakers think half the staff are very efficient.c. The woman approves of the hotel staff, but the man doesn’t.d. The man and the woman disapproved of the hotel staff’s attitude.19. a. In a theater. b. In a library. c. In a sporting goods store. d. In a book store.20. a. She’s typewriter repairwoman. b. She’s an accountant.c. She’s carpenter.d. She’s typist.21. a. Open the window a little bit. b. Bring her a bowl of chili.c. Leave the window closed. d. Tell her how he’s feeling.22. a. Since Phil moved to Los Angeles, his standing has improved.b. Phil is not doing very well in Los Angeles.c. Phil has always lived with his father in Los Angeles.d. His father was not satisfied with Phil’s work.23. a. The man. b. The woman. c. The woman’s mother. d. A baker.24. a. Dr. Johnson’s class is already full.b. The reserved spaces are for faculty only.c. He will give the student a chance after she waits a while.d. No exceptions can be made with regard to registration policy.25. a. He was interested in the woman’s request.b. He was nervous about lending the woman money.c. He was offended by the woman’s inconsistency.d. He acted as if he didn’t know the woman.26. a. It is one of their favorite places to eat.b. The doctor and food are the best around.c. They are both disappointed in the recent changes.d. They haven’t been able to find another that they like as much.27. a. Put on expensive costumes. b. Leave the city for the night.c. Telephone his younger sister and then go downtown.d. Have a night out with his wife.28. a. He must attend a meeting first thing on Monday.b. He is bored with the tour.c. He dislikes meeting people on Mondays.d. He is facing financial ruin.29. a. Opening a gallery.b. Losing weight before getting any new clothes.c. Adding up the cost before going shopping.d. Buying some new clothes in a hurry.30. a. A movie she has recently seen. b. A book she is reading.c. A political campaign.d. The financial dealings of her cousins in Washington.新世纪托福听力突破keyTest 11—10 BCACA CDBBC11—20 DABCC DBACD21—30 ADCBB DADACTEST 21—10 BADDB CCDDD11—20 ABCCD ADCCC21—30 ABADC CDBBC Test 31—10 ACDBC ACDBB 11—20 AABDC DADBC 21—30 CABDC CDABB。



经历总结我的TOEFL听力突破笔记所有PART A题型分类和答案,请背诵和大声朗读,我觉得结合“200句”后对自己PART A题目的提高很大。

短对话:BUT类型题W: Roger is always promising to do things for us around the house.M: But he's never here when we need him, is he?Q: What is the man implying about Roger?A: He doesn't do what he says he will.W: Ja insists she's ing to my graduation.M: But she has to work that week, doesn't she?Q: What does the man imply about Ja?A: She won't be able to e.短对话:中BUT类型题W: You look tired. Can I help you with those boxes?M: Thanks, But they weigh a ton each.Q: What is the man implying?A: The boxes might be too heavy for her to lift.W: Is paul playing both soer and tennis for the school?M: He was. But now he's given up playing tennis.Q: What does the man say about paul?A: He is giving tennis lessons now.短对话:"才不是呢!"类型题W: The plaarium's new show on space stations is pretty interesting.M: Pretty interesting? I could spend hours there.Q: What does the man say about the show?A: He found it fascinating.M: This is a very nice view of the ocean.W: Nice? I thought such views existed only in one's imagination?Q: What does the woman mean?A: The view is exceptionally good.M: I just met the new lecturer in economics, prof. Stevens.W: The new lecturer? But she's been here for several years.Q: What was the man mistaken about?A: how recently professor Stevens began teaching there.短对话:Oh, so类型题W: We got the tape recorder repaired last week.M: Oh, so it could be repaired.Q: What had the man assumed?A: The tape recorder couldn't be fixed.W。

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新世纪托福听力突破文本Test 11. A. He’s going to run for gas. B. They need gas for the car soon.C. He sees a gas station ahead.D. They won’t be able to find gas.2. A. In a drugstore. B. In a post office. C. In a hospital. D. In a supermarket.3. A. He didn’t have any ideas to express. B. He spoke enough at the meeting.C. He couldn’t think that morning.D. He should have spoken up more.4. A. She is very active. B. She is usually pale.C. She is somewhat sick.D. She has to save energy.5. A. She wants to have a picnic outside. B. She hopes to eat in the car.C. She wants to park the car.D. She thinks it’s a nice park.6. A. He’s not sure where it is. B. Sam borrowed the hammer.C. He can’t lend the hammer.D. The hammer belongs to John.7. A. The food isn’t fresh.B. She wants to know whether vegetables are sold or not.C. The store doesn’t sell vegetables.D. She agrees with the man.8. A. He paid more for the suit than had admitted.B. He doesn’t want to reveal the price of the suit.C. He cares for the suit more than the woman does.D. The suit was admitted as evidence.9. A. It’s a rough one. B. It’s one she likes.C. It’s far from where she lives.D. It doesn’t require any homework.10. A. Make a purchase in a supermarket. B. Obtain help form customer service.C. Order some food in a restaurant.D. Wait patiently for some assistance.11. A. The man doesn’t need to check the battery.B. The tow truck will come soon.C. He can get a battery form the tow truck driver.D. There might be a problem with the electrical system.12. A. It’s not his fault. B. He was afraid it was going to be bad.C. He wants to go there again.D. He wanted to waste some time.13. A. James has decided to keep the tape recorder.B. James has to be constantly reminded.C. She will return the tape recorder to James.D. James is about to return the tape recorder.14. A. He didn’t have any reasons for quitting his work.B. He quit for the wrong reasons.C. He hasn’t shared his reasons for giving up his job.D. He’s given different reasons to various friends.15. A. Postpone finding a tenant until he feels better. B. Rent an apartment himself.C. Look for someone to rent his apartment.D. Get on the roof to fix the antenna.16. A. Find out where the woman should go.B. Give the woman directions to the supermarket.C. Find the answer to the woman’s question.D. Locate his supervisor for the woman.17. A. The man shouldn’t agree with her. B. The water may be too cold to swim in.C. She wants to swim some more.D. She wonders why the water is so chilly.18. A. She didn’t see what the man saw. B. She doesn’t have any topic to talk about.C. She wants to know when he saw it.D. She has no idea who he talked to.19. A. In a bank. B. In a gift shop. C. In a post office. D. In a supermarket.20. A. He’s finishing some business for Yuri.B. He needs help in getting his own work done.C. His business takes him all over the world.D. She shouldn’t be concerned about his work.21. A. She’d rather not go out to eat.B. She ants to eat at a fast food restaurant.C. She minds having to put together a meal for him.D. She’d like to eat out instead of staying home.22. A. A repairman. B. A shopper. C. A delivery man. D. A store clerk.23. A. She met someone who can pay the bills.B. She billed her new roommate for the suit.C. She hasn’t found a suitable roommate yet.D. She’s looking for someone who can lend her money.24. A. What Fred asked her to do. B. Why Fred quit school.C. When Fred started giving study lessons.D. How Fred is able to beat everyone.25. A. All his courses are demanding.B. He isn’t having much trouble with is classes.C. The biology class is not demanding at all.D. He thinks they should ask for easier class-work.26. A. He wants to spend a long time at the zoo. B. He doesn’t like to go to the zoo.C. He’s been to the zoo many times.D. He wants to visit the zoo with her.27. A. The work has exhausted him. B. He wants her to repeat what she said.C. The work never tires him out.D. He bets that he can keep doing it.28. A. She can start the work on Monday.B. She prefers working on the report alone.C. She expects the report to be done before Monday.D. She needs help completing the work.29. A. She thinks that Aaron wears strange clothes.B. She finds Aaron’s sense of humor enjoyable.C. She thinks that the clothing has a strange smell to it.D. Aaron’s clothing appeals to her.30. A. She’s feeling normal again. B. She’s hoping for better weather.C. She doesn't feel so well.D. She’ll feel better in a few days.Test 21. a. Writing a letter. b. Filling out a form.c. Answering an invitation.d. Cashing a check.2. a. He’s going to the fourth floor. b. He gets off at two o’clock.c. He’s going to Room 44.d. He gets off the train.3. a. A grade list. b. The notes. c. A news report. d. An announcement.4. a. Every Thursday. b. Every two evenings. c. Twice a week. d. Once a week.5. a. Keep busy. b. Talk to Marie. c. Remember to call. d. Touch Marie.6. a. In a clothing store. b. On a bus. c. In a car. d. At a travel agency.7. a. Leave in two minutes. b. Get off the bus.c. Wait for two students.d. Wait for the second bus.8. a. I’ll see you later. b. I’ll be up soon.c. You can leave it with me.d. You can decide that.9. a. Going to a movie. b. Writing a schedule.c. Getting change for $25.d. Parking a car.10. a. The backyard. b. A map. c. Stolen property. d. A photograph.11. a. He might not make the bus. b. She can see the bus stop.c. He lost his watch on the bus.d. She won’t let him leave.12. a. She’s already sent hers in. b. Frank should send it in soon.c. She’s going to get one next week.d. Frank can wait two weeks.13. a. Return from Montreal early. b. Leave him in Montreal.c. Go to Montreal without Alice.d. Go back to Montreal later.14. a. A story in last week’s newspaper. b. A scientific writing method.c. The way the teacher writes.d. The difficulty of writing papers.15. a. She needs to join her friends. b. She has no umbrella.c. Her raincoat doesn’t fit.d. Her legs and arms hurt.16. a. She recently arrived from abroad. b. She was in the country.c. She came back to earn more money.d. She’s just come form the bank.17. a. The Nelsons are wealthy.b. Mr. Nelson doesn’t know how to drive.c. The Nelsons must not spend much money.d. Mr. Nelson doesn’t make that much money.18. a. It’s very difficult to enroll. b. No one has seen the sign.c. Few people show interest in it.d. It costs too much money.19. a. In a taxi. b. In an elevator. c. On the subway. d. At a post office.20. a. She shouldn’t have been late. b. Her timing was very poor.c. She probably wasn’t having fun.d. Before long, she was enjoying it.21. a. At a department store. b. At an airport. c. In a supermarket. d. In a bank.22. a. May will be a bad month. b. They can be optimistic.c. Will prices keep rising?d. Did they look them up?23. a. Jack will probably not pass the class. b. Jack will not make the project in class.c. Jack’s class is very difficult.d. Jack’s accounting project is incomplete.24. a. It’s not polite to ask. b. The question is naïve.c. He did hear the question.d. He was born in the city.25. a. At a florist shop. b. At a sporting goods store.c. At a grocery store.d. At a service station.26. a. Only six people are here. b. They could be sick.c. It’s not late at all.d. Four more people will come.27. a. A professor. b. A businessman. c. A secretary. d. A doctor.28. a. The books are on the right shelf. b. Sixteen copies of the book remain.c. The books are to his right.d. The text is not available.29. a. His check was lost. b. He’s unable to find his watch.c. He can’t set his watch.d. His check didn’t arrive.30. a. At a restaurant. b. At the dry cleaners.c. At a barber shop.d. At a tailor shop.Test 31. a. The room is too small for the audience.b. The show is very difficult to understand.c. The room is full of theatrical people.d. The crowd is very noisy.2. a. Karen. b. A neighbor. c. A professional hairstylist. d. A friend.3. a. Fuel cannot be transported to the northeastern states.b. There are too few houses in the northeast.c. People in the northeast are inexperienced in dealing with snow.d. Cold weather in the northeast has increased the demand for fuel.4. a. Ask the stewardess for change. b. Move to another part of the plane.c. Sit where there is a breeze.d. Extinguish his cigarette.5. a. Go out for supper. b. Go to the movies.c. Have supper and then study.d. Get ready for the show.6. a. She will be changing jobs soon. b. She will have to accept a reduced salary.c. Her boss notified her that she’s been fired. d. She always does the right thing.7. a. The man is an exceptional student and will write the exam for the class.b. The student will probably not be able to complete the course.c. The student’s request will be granted.d. Circumstances will not permit the student to take the make-up exam.8. a. She was apologetic. b. She was well spoken.c. She was very kind. d. She was unforgiving.9. a. He’s a plumber. b. He’s an electrician.c. He’s a carpenter.d. He’s an interior decorator.10. a. Go hiking with her friend. b. Rest and take care of herself.c. Stay at home and do her exercises.d. Catch up with her reading.11. a. The man has more work to do on his paper than Edward on his.b. The man himself will speak to Edward about his research paper.c. The man has been talking to Edward about his paper.d. The man has finished more than half of his research paper.12. a. Both of them have overcome their fear.b. They are both afraid of high places.c. The woman is still afraid of high places, but the man isn’t.d. Both of them prefer high places these days.13. a. He doubts David’s reliability. b. He’s willing to trust David.c. He has confided some of his doubts to David.d. He thinks David will benefit from this experience.14. a. In his office. b. In his waiting room.c. In an airplane.d. In New York.15. a. Demand a check to cover the difference. b. Get a new television set.c. Find another repairman.d. Ask for an adjustment in his bill.16. a. Change her clothes. b. Drive her car. c. Have a meal. d. Type an essay.17. a. She feels unable to express an opinion about what’s happened to George.b. She isn’t speaking to George.c. George is always late for appointments.d. She finds it difficult to tolerate George’s behavior.18. a. The man has not been asked what he thinks.b. Both speakers think half the staff are very efficient.c. The woman approves of the hotel staff, but the man doesn’t.d. The man and the woman disapproved of the hotel staff’s attitude.19. a. In a theater. b. In a library. c. In a sporting goods store. d. In a book store.20. a. She’s typewriter repairwoman. b. She’s an accountant.c. She’s carpenter.d. She’s typist.21. a. Open the window a little bit. b. Bring her a bowl of chili.c. Leave the window closed. d. Tell her how he’s feeling.22. a. Since Phil moved to Los Angeles, his standing has improved.b. Phil is not doing very well in Los Angeles.c. Phil has always lived with his father in Los Angeles.d. His father was not satisfied with Phil’s work.23. a. The man. b. The woman. c. The woman’s mother. d. A baker.24. a. Dr. Johnson’s class is already full.b. The reserved spaces are for faculty only.c. He will give the student a chance after she waits a while.d. No exceptions can be made with regard to registration policy.25. a. He was interested in the woman’s request.b. He was nervous about lending the woman money.c. He was offended by the woman’s inconsistency.d. He acted as if he didn’t know the woman.26. a. It is one of their favorite places to eat.b. The doctor and food are the best around.c. They are both disappointed in the recent changes.d. They haven’t been able to find another that they like as much.27. a. Put on expensive costumes. b. Leave the city for the night.c. Telephone his younger sister and then go downtown.d. Have a night out with his wife.28. a. He must attend a meeting first thing on Monday.b. He is bored with the tour.c. He dislikes meeting people on Mondays.d. He is facing financial ruin.29. a. Opening a gallery.b. Losing weight before getting any new clothes.c. Adding up the cost before going shopping.d. Buying some new clothes in a hurry.30. a. A movie she has recently seen. b. A book she is reading.c. A political campaign.d. The financial dealings of her cousins in Washington.新世纪托福听力突破keyTest 11—10 BCACA CDBBC11—20 DABCC DBACD21—30 ADCBB DADACTEST 21—10 BADDB CCDDD11—20 ABCCD ADCCC21—30 ABADC CDBBC Test 31—10 ACDBC ACDBB 11—20 AABDC DADBC 21—30 CABDC CDABB。
