Chapter 3 Univariate linear stochastic models-further topics
Linear parabolic stochastic PDE's and Wiener chaos
Xt = X0 w and w are one-dimensional Brownian motions and X0 is a random ^ variable with density function p(x). The Brownian motions w and w and the ^ random variable X0 are de ned on the probability space ( ; F ; P ) and are assumed to be independent. The observation, process is given by
where Lu(t; x) = aij (t; x)uxi;xj + bi(t; x)uxi + c(t; x)u, Mu(t; x) = i(t; x)uxi + h(t; x)u and W is a cylindrical Brownian motion in some Hilbert space Y . The coe cients of the operator L and f (t; x) are real valued functions while the coe cients of M and g(t; x) are Y -valued. Equation (0.1) is assumed to
where u(t; x), usually referred to as the unnormalized ltering density, is a solution of the Zakai equation du(t; x) = 1 ( 2(x) + ^ 2(x))u(t; x))xx ? (b(x)u(t; x))x dt 2 + h(x)u(t; x) ? ( (x)u(t; x))x] dyt; t > 0 ; (0:4) u(0; x) = p(x) : ~ Since y is a Brownian motion on ( ; F ; P ), equation (0.4) is obviously a particular case of equation (0.1). The Cauchy problem (0.1) has been studied by many authors 27], 14], 2], etc. In the superparabolic case (the matrix A is uniformly nondegenerate) there exists a quite complete theory for this problem in Sobolev spaces W n;2(Rd) (see 29] and references therein), and in the spaces of Bessel potentials Hps (Rd) (see 13]). On the other hand, the existent theory for this problem in Holder spaces, as well as the W n;2(Rd)-theory in the degenerate case (A 0) is not completely satisfactory. For example, in the latter case the existence of solutions to (0.1) in W 1;2(Rd) is known only if aij 2 Cb2(IRd) and the remaining coe cients are assumed to have bounded derivatives of the rst order (in x). By applying this result to the backward di usion equation (0.2) one can see that the assumptions needed to make these equations meaningful are substantially stronger than those that ensure the existence of the di usion process itself. The same applies to the Zakai equation. Indeed, the conditional expectation in the left hand part of (0.3) is well de ned if the coe cients b; ; ^ and h are continuous and bounded and 2 + ^ 2 > 0 (see 9], 30]), while in order to ensure the existence of a W 1;2-solution to the Zakai equation, one needs to assume additionally that b and h are twice di erentiable and that all the derivatives are bounded. Even in the superparabolic case, the Zakai equation has a solution in W 1;p(Rd ); p 2, only if has bounded derivatives in x (see 13]). The objective of this article is to study the Cauchy problem (0.1) with nonsmooth coe cients. In particular, we would like to avoid the assumption 3
PRML第三章习题答案Chapter 3. Linear Models for Regression⽬录更新⽇志(截⾄20210710)习题简述线性回归3.1:\text{tanh}可由\sigma线性变换得到3.2:最⼩⼆乘解为正交投影:加权最⼩⼆乘对应数据依赖的噪声或重复数据:带噪声的输⼊相当于权重正则,类别神经⽹络的数据增强:带权重正则的最⼩⼆乘等同于带约束优化:多元线性回归的极⼤似然估计3.7:权重的最⼤后验估计:线性回归的序列学习:利⽤⾼斯线性模型证明3.8:计算预测分布:证明后验⽅差随数据量增⼤⽽减⼩3.12:权重分布的共轭先验:证明基于 Gaussian-gamma 先验的权重分布的预测分布是 Student's t 分布:正交基函数诱导的等价核的性质经验贝叶斯-3.19:evidence 的对数似然:推导\alpha的优化过程:利⽤⾏列式对数的导数优化\alpha:推导\beta的优化过程:计算 evidence 的边际分布:⽤贝叶斯公式重新推导 3.23习题详解Exercise 3.3Hint.\begin{aligned} E_D(\mathbf{w}) &=\frac{1}{2}\sum^N_{n=1}r_n\|\mathbf{t}_n-W^T\phi(\mathbf{x}_n)\|^2_2\\ &=-\sum^N_{n=1}\ln\mathcal{N} (\mathbf{t}_n|W^T\phi(\mathbf{x}_n),r_n^{-1}I)+\text{const.} \end{aligned}第⼀个等号可以把r_n理解为样本权重,第⼆个等号可以把r_n理解为样本噪声的精度(precision)。
Comment.Exercise 3.4Solution.由于样本独⽴,噪声与输⼊独⽴,只需考虑⼀个样本的情形。
\begin{aligned} \underset{\epsilon}{\mathbb{E}}\left[(w^T(x+\epsilon)-t)^2\right] &= \underset{\epsilon}{\mathbb{E}}\left[((w^Tx-t)+w^T\epsilon)^2\right]\\ &=\underset{\epsilon}{\mathbb{E}}\left[(w^Tx-t)^2\right] + \underset{\epsilon}{\mathbb{E}}\left[(w^T\epsilon)(\epsilon^Tw)\right] + \underset{\epsilon}{\mathbb{E}}\left[ (w^Tx-t)w^T\epsilon\right]\\ &=(w^Tx-t)^2 + w^T\underset{\epsilon}{\mathbb{E}}\left[\epsilon\epsilon^T\right]w + (w^Tx-t)w^T\underset{\epsilon}{\mathbb{E}}\left[ \epsilon\right]\\ &=(w^Tx-t)^2 + \sigma^2 w^T w \end{aligned}Comment.该结论对多元输出的情形亦成⽴,只需⽤迹技巧展开 F-范数。
线性代数 英文讲义
Chapter 1 Matrices and Systems of EquationsLinear systems arise in applications to such areas as engineering, physics, electronics, business, economics, sociology(社会学), ecology (生态学), demography(人口统计学), and genetics(遗传学), etc. §1. Systems of Linear EquationsNew words and phrases in this section:Linear equation 线性方程Linear system,System of linear equations 线性方程组Unknown 未知量Consistent 相容的Consistence 相容性Inconsistent不相容的Inconsistence 不相容性Solution 解Solution set 解集Equivalent 等价的Equivalence 等价性Equivalent system 等价方程组Strict triangular system 严格上三角方程组Strict triangular form 严格上三角形式Back Substitution 回代法Matrix 矩阵Coefficient matrix 系数矩阵Augmented matrix 增广矩阵Pivot element 主元Pivotal row 主行Echelon form 阶梯形1.1 DefinitionsA linear equation (线性方程) in n unknowns(未知量)is1122...n na x a x a x b+++=A linear system of m equations in n unknowns is11112211211222221122...... .........n n n n m m m n n m a x a x a x b a x a x a x b a x a x a x b+++=⎧⎪+++=⎪⎨⎪⎪+++=⎩ This is called a m x n (read as m by n) system.A solution to an m x n system is an ordered n-tuple of numbers (n 元数组)12(,,...,)n x x x that satisfies all the equations.A system is said to be inconsistent (不相容的) if the system has no solutions.A system is said to be consistent (相容的)if the system has at least one solution.The set of all solutions to a linear system is called the solution set(解集)of the linear system.1.2 Geometric Interpretations of 2x2 Systems11112212112222a x a xb a x a x b +=⎧⎨+=⎩ Each equation can be represented graphically as a line in the plane. The ordered pair 12(,)x x will be a solution if and only if it lies on bothlines.In the plane, the possible relative positions are(1) two lines intersect at exactly a point; (The solution set has exactly one element)(2)two lines are parallel; (The solution set is empty)(3)two lines coincide. (The solution set has infinitely manyelements)The situation is the same for mxn systems. An mxn system may not be consistent. If it is consistent, it must either have exactly one solution or infinitely many solutions. These are only possibilities.Of more immediate concerns is the problem of finding all solutions to a given system.1.3 Equivalent systemsTwo systems of equations involving the same variables are said to be equivalent(等价的,同解的)if they have the same solution set.To find the solution set of a system, we usually use operations to reduce the original system to a simpler equivalent system.It is clear that the following three operations do not change the solution set of a system.(1)Interchange the order in which two equations of a system arewritten;(2)Multiply through one equation of a system by a nonzero realnumber;(3)Add a multiple of one equation to another equation. (subtracta multiple of one equation from another one)Remark: The three operations above are very important in dealing with linear systems. They coincide with the three row operations of matrices. Ask a student about the proof.1.4 n x n systemsIf an nxn system has exactly one solution, then operation 1 and 3 can be used to obtain an equivalent “strictly triangular system ”A system is said to be in strict triangular form (严格三角形) if in the k-th equation the coefficients of the first k-1 variables are all zero and the coefficient ofkx is nonzero. (k=1, 2, …,n)An example of a system in strict triangular form:123233331 2 24x x x x x x ++=⎧⎪-=⎨⎪=⎩Any nxn strictly triangular system can be solved by back substitution (回代法).(Note: A phrase: “substitute 3 for x ” == “replace x by 3”)In general, given a system of linear equations in n unknowns, we will use operation I and III to try to obtain an equivalent system that is strictly triangular.We can associate with a linear system an mxn array of numbers whose entries are coefficient of theix ’s. we will refer to this array as thecoefficient matrix (系数矩阵) of the system.111212122212.....................n nm m m n a a a a a a a a a ⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭A matrix (矩阵) is a rectangular array of numbersIf we attach to the coefficient matrix an additional column whose entries are the numbers on the right-hand side of the system, we obtain the new matrix11121121222212n n s m m m na a ab a a a b b a a a ⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭We refer to this new matrix as the augmented matrix (增广矩阵) of a linear system.The system can be solved by performing operations on the augmented matrix. i x ’s are placeholders that can be omitted until the endof computation.Corresponding to the three operations used to obtain equivalent systems, the following row operation may be applied to the augmented matrix.1.5 Elementary row operationsThere are three elementary row operations:(1)Interchange two rows;(2)Multiply a row by a nonzero number;(3)Replace a row by its sum with a multiple of another row.Remark: The importance of these three operations is that they do not change the solution set of a linear system and may reduce a linear system to a simpler form.An example is given here to illustrate how to perform row operations on a matrix.★Example:The procedure for applying the three elementary row operations:Step 1: Choose a pivot element (主元)(nonzero) from among the entries in the first column. The row containing the pivotnumber is called a pivotal row(主行). We interchange therows (if necessary) so that the pivotal row is the new firstrow.Multiples of the pivotal row are then subtracted form each of the remaining n-1 rows so as to obtain 0’s in the firstentries of rows 2 through n.Step2: Choose a pivot element from the nonzero entries in column 2, rows 2 through n of the matrix. The row containing thepivot element is then interchanged with the second row ( ifnecessary) of the matrix and is used as the new pivotal row.Multiples of the pivotal row are then subtracted form eachof the remaining n-2 rows so as to eliminate all entries belowthe pivot element in the second column.Step 3: The same procedure is repeated for columns 3 through n-1.Note that at the second step, row 1 and column 1 remain unchanged, at the third step, the first two rows and first two columns remain unchanged, and so on.At each step, the overall dimensions of the system are effectively reduced by 1. (The number of equations and the number of unknowns all decrease by 1.)If the elimination process can be carried out as described, we will arrive at an equivalent strictly triangular system after n-1 steps.However, the procedure will break down if all possible choices for a pivot element are all zero. When this happens, the alternative is to reduce the system to certain special echelon form(梯形矩阵). AssignmentStudents should be able to do all problems.Hand-in problems are: # 7--#11§2. Row Echelon FormNew words and phrases:Row echelon form 行阶梯形Reduced echelon form 简化阶梯形 Lead variable 首变量 Free variable 自由变量Gaussian elimination 高斯消元Gaussian-Jordan reduction. 高斯-若当消元 Overdetermined system 超定方程组 Underdetermined systemHomogeneous system 齐次方程组 Trivial solution 平凡解2.1 Examples and DefinitionIn this section, we discuss how to use elementary row operations to solve mxn systems.Use an example to illustrate the idea.★ Example : Example 1 on page 13. Consider a system represented by the augmented matrix111111110011220031001131112241⎛⎫ ⎪--- ⎪ ⎪-- ⎪- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ 111111001120002253001131001130⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭………..(The details will given in class)We see that at this stage the reduction to strict triangular form breaks down. Since our goal is to simplify the system as much as possible, we move over to the third column. From the example above, we see that the coefficient matrix that we end up with is not in strict triangular form,it is in staircase or echelon form (梯形矩阵).111111001120000013000004003⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪- ⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭The equations represented by the last two rows are:12345345512=0 2=3 0=4 03x x x x x x x x x ++++=⎧⎪++⎪⎪⎨⎪-⎪=-⎪⎩Since there are no 5-tuples that could possibly satisfy these equations, the system is inconsistent.Change the system above to a consistent system.111111110011220031001133112244⎛⎫ ⎪--- ⎪ ⎪-- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ 111111001120000013000000000⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭The last two equations of the reduced system will be satisfied for any 5-tuple. Thus the solution set will be the set of all 5-tuples satisfying the first 3 equations.The variables corresponding to the first nonzero element in each row of the augment matrix will be referred to as lead variable .(首变量) The remaining variables corresponding to the columns skipped in the reduction process will be referred to as free variables (自由变量).If we transfer the free variables over to the right-hand side in the above system, then we obtain the system:1352435451 2 3x x x x x x x x x ++=--⎧⎪+=-⎨⎪=⎩which is strictly triangular in the unknown 1x 3x 5x . Thus for each pairof values assigned to 2xand4x , there will be a unique solution.★Definition: A matrix is said to be in row echelon form (i) If the first nonzero entry in each nonzero row is 1.(ii)If row k does not consist entirely of zeros, the number of leading zero entries in row k+1 is greater than the number of leading zero entries in row k.(iii) If there are rows whose entries are all zero, they are below therows having nonzero entries.★Definition : The process of using row operations I, II and III to transform a linear system into one whose augmented matrix is in row echelon form is called Gaussian elimination (高斯消元法).Note that row operation II is necessary in order to scale the rows so that the lead coefficients are all 1.It is clear that if the row echelon form of the augmented matrix contains a row of the form (), the system is inconsistent.000|1Otherwise, the system will be consistent.If the system is consistent and the nonzero rows of the row echelon form of the matrix form a strictly triangular system (the number of nonzero rows<the number of unknowns), the system will have a unique solution. If the number of nonzero rows<the number of unknowns, then the system has infinitely many solutions. (There must be at least one free variable. We can assign the free variables arbitrary values and solve for the lead variables.)2.2 Overdetermined SystemsA linear system is said to be overdetermined if there are more equations than unknowns.2.3 Underdetermined SystemsA system of m linear equations in n unknowns is said to be underdetermined if there are fewer equations than unknowns (m<n). It is impossible for an underdetermined system to have only one solution.In the case where the row echelon form of a consistent system has free variables, it is convenient to continue the elimination process until all the entries above each lead 1 have been eliminated. The resulting reduced matrix is said to be in reduced row echelon form. For instance,111111001120000013000000000⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ 110004001106000013000000000⎛⎫⎪- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭Put the free variables on the right-hand side, it follows that12345463x x x x x =-=--=Thus for any real numbersαandβ, the 5-tuple()463ααββ---is a solution.Thus all ordered 5-tuple of the form ()463ααββ--- aresolutions to the system.2.4 Reduced Row Echelon Form★Definition : A matrix is said to be in reduced row echelon form if :(i)the matrix is in row echelon form.(ii) The first nonzero entry in each row is the only nonzero entry in its column.The process of using elementary row operations to transform a matrix into reduced echelon form is called Gaussian-Jordan reduction.The procedure for solving a linear system:(i) Write down the augmented matrix associated to the system; (ii) Perform elementary row operations to reduce the augmented matrix into a row echelon form;(iii) If the system if consistent, reduce the row echelon form into areduced row echelon form. (iv) Write the solution in an n-tuple formRemark: Make sure that the students know the difference between the row echelon form and the reduced echelon form.Example 6 on page 18: Use Gauss-Jordan reduction to solve the system:1234123412343030220x x x x x x x x x x x x -+-+=⎧⎪+--=⎨⎪---=⎩The details of the solution will be given in class.2.5 Homogeneous SystemsA system of linear equations is said to be homogeneous if theconstants on the right-hand side are all zero.Homogeneous systems are always consistent since it has a trivial solution. If a homogeneous system has a unique solution, it must be the trivial solution.In the case that m<n (an underdetermined system), there will always free variables and, consequently, additional nontrivial solution.Theorem 1.2.1 An mxn homogeneous system of linear equations has a nontrivial solution if m<n.Proof A homogeneous system is always consistent. The row echelon form of the augmented matrix can have at most m nonzero rows. Thus there are at most m lead variables. There must be some free variable. The free variables can be assigned arbitrary values. For each assignment of values to the free variables, there is a solution to the system.AssignmentStudents should be able to do all problems except 17, 18, 20.Hand-in problems are 9, 10, 16,Select one problem from 14 and 19.§3. Matrix AlgebraNew words and phrases:Algebra 代数Scalar 数量,标量Scalar multiplication 数乘 Real number 实数 Complex number 复数 V ector 向量Row vector 行向量 Column vector 列向量Euclidean n-space n 维欧氏空间 Linear combination 线性组合 Zero matrix 零矩阵Identity matrix 单位矩阵 Diagonal matrix 对角矩阵 Triangular matrix 三角矩阵Upper triangular matrix 上三角矩阵 Lower triangular matrix 下三角矩阵 Transpose of a matrix 矩阵的转置(Multiplicative ) Inverse of a matrix 矩阵的逆 Singular matrix 奇异矩阵 Singularity 奇异性Nonsingular matrix 非奇异矩阵 Nonsingularity 非奇异性The term scalar (标量,数量) is referred to as a real number (实数) or a complex number (复数). Matrix notationAn mxn matrix, a rectangular array of mn numbers.111212122212.....................n nm m m n a a a a a a a a a ⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭()ij A a =3.1 VectorsMatrices that have only one row or one column are of special interest since they are used to represent solutions to linear systems.We will refer to an ordered n-tuple of real numbers as a vector (向量).If an n-tuple is represented in terms of a 1xn matrix, then we will refer to it as a row vector . Alternatively, if the n-tuple is represented by an nx1 matrix, then we will refer to it as a column vector . In this course, we represent a vector as a column vector.The set of all nx1 matrices of real number is called Euclidean n-space (n 维欧氏空间) and is usually denoted by nR.Given a mxn matrix A, it is often necessary to refer to a particular row or column. The matrix A can be represented in terms of either its column vectors or its row vectors.12(a ,a ,,a )n A = ora (1,:)a(2,:)a(,:)A m ⎛⎫ ⎪⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭3.2 EqualityFor two matrices to be equal, they must have the same dimensions and their corresponding entries must agree★Definition : Two mxn matrices A and B are said to be equal ifij ij a b =for each ordered pair (i, j)3.3 Scalar MultiplicationIf A is a matrix,αis a scalar, thenαA is the mxn matrix formed by multiplying each of the entries of A byα.★Definition : If A is an mxn matrix, αis a scalar, thenαA is themxn matrix whose (i, j) is ij a αfor each ordered pair (i, j) .3.4 Matrix AdditionTwo matrices with the same dimensions can be added by adding their corresponding entries.★Definition : If A and B are both mxn matrices, then the sum A+B is the mxn matrix whose (i,j) entry isij ija b + for each ordered pair (i, j).An mxn zero matrix (零矩阵) is a matrix whose entries are all zero. It acts as an additive identity on the set of all mxn matrices.A+O=O+A=AThe additive of A is (-1)A since A+(-1)A=O=(-1)A+A.A-B=A+(-1)B-A=(-1)A3.5 Matrix Multiplication and Linear Systems3.5.1 MotivationsRepresent a linear system as a matrix equationWe have yet to defined the most important operation, the multiplications of two matrices. A 1x1 system can be writtena xb =A scalar can be treated as a 1x1 matrix. Our goal is to generalize the equation above so that we can represent an mxn system by a single equation.A X B=Case 1: 1xn systems 1122... n n a x a x a x b +++=If we set()12n A a a a =and12n x x X x ⎛⎫ ⎪⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭, and define1122...n n AX a x a x a x =+++Then the equation can be written as A X b =。
Numerical Approximation, implicit Euler scheme
Numerical Approximation of ParabolicStochastic Partial Differential EquationsErika Hausenblas1Institute of Mathematics,University SalzburgAddress5020-Salzburg,Hellbrunnerstr.34, topic of the talk were the time approximation of quasilinear stochastic partial differential equations of parabolic type.Theframework were in the setting of stochastic evolution equations.An errorbounds for the implicit Euler scheme was given and the stability of thescheme were considered.Keywords:Stochastic Partial Differential Equations,Stochastic evolution Equa-tions,Numerical Approximation,implicit Euler scheme1IntroductionIn the talk I used the same notation as DaPrato and Zabyzcyk[1]and Pazy[2].Let X be a separable Hilbert space.Let A be an infinitesimal generator of an analytic semigroup of negative type.Further,W(t)is a Wiener process taking values in X with nuclear covariance operator Q.We consider the evolution equationdu(t)=(Au(t)+f(t,u(t)))dt+σ(t)u(t)dW(t),u(0)=u0∈D((−A)γ),where D((−A)γ)is the domain of(−A)γ,equipped with norm · γ= (−A)γ· , 0<γ<1.A typical example of such an evolution equation is a parabolic SPDEs defined on a smooth domain with Dirichlet or Neumann boundary condition.Ifσand f satisfy certain smoothness condition,existence and uniqueness is given.But there are only few evolution equations where the solution is explicitly given and one has to simulate it on computers.The main idea is to discretize the SPDE spatially obtaining a system of SDEs that can be solved by e.g.the implicit Euler scheme.In the talk I considered the accuracy of approximation by the implicit Euler scheme,where I presented the order of convergence and gave a sketch of the proof.The talk were based on the work Hauseblas[3].Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 04401Algorithms and Complexity for Continuous Problems E.HausenblasReferences1.Da Prato,G.,Zabczyk,J.:Stochastic equations in infinite dimensions.Volume44of Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications.Cambridge University Press (1992)2.Pazy,A.:Semigroups of linear operators and applications to partial differentialequations.Volume44of Applied Mathematical Sciences.New York etc.:Springer-Verlag(1983)3.Hausenblas,E.:Approximation for semilinear stochastic evolution equations.Po-tential Analysis18(2003)141–186。
Linear Algebra Done Right 思路札記September 28, 2009 by 茅盛 終于在掙扎中,把這本書的線性空間部分看完了,行列式部分也在看,不過札記是可以寫了。
開篇作者就特意快速瀏覽了一下復數(complex number)的性質,并且定義域,或者。
瀏覽完復數的性質,就引入了最關鍵的向量空間(Vector Space)的定義。
向量大家都很熟悉,向量空間定義為向量的集合,滿足加法(addition)和標量乘法(scalar multiplication)。
文中列舉了六個基本性質,但是作為后面討論子空間(subspace),最重要的就是三個:加法單位元(additive identity),對加法封閉(closed under addition),對標量乘法的封閉性(closed under scalar multiplication)。
引入子空間后,連接子空間和空間的是和(sum)與直和(direct sum)。
y(x0 ) , y(x0 )
其中 x [a,b] , x0 在区间[a,b] 上,解存在且唯一.
(3.1.2) (3.1.3)
我们不在此给出冗长的证明过程,只介绍证明的思路.令 z y 之后,原方程
z p(x)z q(x)y
y z
这是一阶的齐次线性方程组.它与原方程等价.容易看出,与原方程等价的问题是, 我们只要一般地证明下述初值问题的的解存在与唯一性就行了.
§3.3 The Polynomial Solutions of Sturm-Liouville Equations 3.3.1Possible forms of kernel and weight functions 3.3.2The expresions in series and in derivative of the polynomials 3.3.3 Generating functions 3.3.4 The completeness theorem of orthogonal polynomials as Sturm-Liouville solutions
对于边值问题,可能有解,可能无解。这要根据边界条件来定。 我们先介绍齐次方程解的结构,然后给出非齐次方程解的表达式.
3.1.2 齐次方程解的结构
1. 基本解组 定义 4 设有两个函数 y1(x) 和 y2 (x) ,如果存在两个不同时为零的常数 c1 和
c2 ,使得
c1y1(x) c2 y2 (x) 0
c1y1(x) c2 y2 (x) 0 在[0,1] 上成立时,可以推知 c1 0 ;若上式在[1, 2] 上成立可得 c2 0 ;故若上式 在[0, 2] 上成立,只有 c1 c2 0 .但是他们的朗斯基行列式
Ax = b
has the same solution set as the vector equation
which, in turn, has the same solution set as the system of linear equation whose augmented matrix is
with c1,…,cp scalars.
§1.4 The Matrix Equation Ax = b
If A is an m×n matrix, with column a1,…,an, and if x is in Rn, then the product of A and x, denoted by Ax, is the linear combination of
§ 1.1 Systems of Linear Equations § 1.2 Row Reduction and Echelon Forms § 1.3 Vector Equation
§ 1.4 The Matrix Equation Ax = b
§ 1.5 Solution Sets of Linear Systems § 1.7 Linear Independence § 1.8 Introduction to Linear Transformation § 1.9 The Matrix of a Linear Transformation
§1.4 The Matrix Equation Ax = b
2. Existence of Solutions
The equation Ax=b has a solution if and only if b is a linear combination of columns of A.
Chapter 3 Probability and InformationTheory
makes heavy use of probability theory. This is because machine learning must always deal with uncertain quantities, and sometimes may also need to deal with stochastic (non-deterministic) quantities. Uncertainty and stochasticity can arise from many sources. Researchers have made compelling arguments for quantifying uncertainty using probability since at least the 1980s. Many of the arguments presented here are summarized from or inspired by Pearl (1988). Nearly all activities require some ability to reason in the presence of uncertainty. In fact, beyond mathematical statements that are true by definition, it is difficult to think of any proposition that is absolutely true or any event that is absolutely guaranteed to occur. There are three possible sources of uncertainty: 1. Inherent stochasticity in the system being modeled. For example, most interpretations of quantum mechanics describe the dynamics of subatomic particles as being probabilistic. We can also create theoretical scenarios that we postulate to have random dynamics, such as a hypothetical card game where we assume that the cards are truly shuffled into a random order. 2. Incomplete observability. Even deterministic systems can appear stochastic when we cannot observe all of the variables that drive the behavior of the system. For example, in the Monty Hall problem, a game show contestant is asked to choose between three doors and wins a prize held behind the chosen door. Two doors lead to a goat while a third leads to a car. The outcome given the contestant’s choice is deterministic, but from the contestant’s point of view, the outcome is uncertain. 3. Incomplete modeling. When we use a model that must discard some of the information we have observed, the discarded information results in uncertainty in the model’s predictions. For example, suppose we build a robot that can exactly observe the location of every object around it. If the robot discretizes space when predicting the future location of these objects, then the discretization makes the robot immediately become uncertain about the precise position of objects: each object could be anywhere within the discrete cell that it was observed to occupy. In many cases, it is more practical to use a simple but uncertain rule rather than a complex but certain one, even if the true rule is deterministic and our modeling system has the fidelity to accommodate a complex rule. For example, the simple rule “Most birds fly” is cheap to develop and is broadly useful, while a rule of the form, “Birds fly, except for very young birds that have not yet learned to fly, sick or injured birds that have lost the ability to fly, flightless species of birds
A=[a1 a2 … an] = a11 a 21 M am1
a12 a22 M am 2
L a1n =( a ) = [ a ] ij m×n ij m×n L a2 n O M L amn
aj――the jth column vector of A aij――the scalar entry in the ith row and jth column of A
Each elementary matrix is invertible.
Each elementary matrix is invertible.
1 0 0 1 0 0 E1 = 0 1 0 , E1−1 = 0 1 0 −4 0 1 4 0 1
2.2 The Inverse of a Matrix 矩阵的逆
• DEFINITION An n×n matrix A is said to be invertible if there is an n×n matrix C such that CA=In and AC=In. In this case, C is an inverse of A. A matrix that is not invertible is called a singular matrix, and an invertible matrix is called a nonsingular matrix. 奇异矩阵,非奇异矩阵
I n = I, 0 n = 0
Warning: AB=AC B=C ? AB=0 A=0 or B=0 ?
The Transpose of a Matrix 矩阵的转置
Axioms of Rational Choice
• Transitivity
– if A is preferred to B, and B is preferred to C, then A is preferred to C – assumes that the individual’s choices are internally consistent – 内在一致:可以比较,不是傻瓜
Quantity of x
• Can any two of an individual’s indifference curves intersect?
Quantity of y
The individual is indifferent between A and C. The individual is indifferent between B and C. Transitivity suggests that the individual should be indifferent between A and B
Quantity of y
This implies that “well-balanced” bundles are preferred to bundles that are heavily weighted toward one commodity
y1 (y1 + y2)/2 y2
注意:比经济物品更好用了 (“益善”不一定“都”“ 多多”:E不仅仅比红线的 U 地方好)
微积分——Differential and integral calculus第一章函数——Chapter 1. Function邻域 Neighborhoodneighborhood开邻域 Open函数 Functionfunction;One-valued function;Monotropic function;单值函数 Monodromefunction;Many-value function;Multivalued function多值函数 Multiform分段 Piecewisefunction分段函数 Piecewisefunction显函数 Explicit定义域Domain of definition复合 Composition;function复合函数 Composite反函数 Inversefunction单调 Monotone单调性 Monotonicity单调序列 Monotonesequence单调数列Monotone sequence of numbersfunction单调函数 Monotonicincreasing;Monotonic increasing单调增加 Monotone单调增加函数Monotonically increasing functiondecreasing;Monotonic decreasing单调减少 Monotone单调减少函数Monotonically decreasing functionmonotone严格单调 Strictly严格单调递减Strictly monotone decreasing严格单调递增Strictly monotone increasing有界的 Boundedbound上界 Upperbound下界 Lower上有界的 Boundedabovebelow下有界的 Bounded上确界 Supremumlowerbound下确界 Greatestvariable有界变量 Bounded奇偶性 Odevityfunction偶函数 Even奇函数 Oddfunctionfunction狄利克雷函数 Dirichlet’sfunction初等函数 Elementary基本函数 Fundamentalfunctionfunction基本初等函数 Fundamentalelementary指数 Exponentfunction指数函数 Exponential对数 Logarithmfunction对数函数 Logarithmfunctioncircular反三角函数 Inverse第二章极限与连续——Chapter 2. Limit and continuity序列 Sequencenumbersof数列 Sequence极限 Limit单侧 One-sided单侧极限 One-sidedlimit;Unilateral limitlimit左极限 Left收敛 Converge收敛性 Convergence发散 Diverge趋于零 Vanishingquantity无穷小量 Infinitelysmall无穷小的阶Order of infinitesimaldivisor零因子 Null无穷大量Infinitely large quantityinfinity正无穷大 Plusinfinity负无穷大 Minuslimit无穷极限 Infinite无穷大的阶Order of infinity单调收敛定理Monotone convergence theorem复利 Compoundinterest连续性 Continuity;Property of continuitycontinuous;Continuity from the left左连续 Leftcontinuous;Continuity from the right右连续 Rightpoint连续点 Continuitypoint不连续点 Discontinuitydiscontinuityof间断点 Point第一类不连续点Discontinuity point of the first kind第二类不连续点Discontinuity point of the second kinddiscontinuity可去间断点 Removablepoint;Moving singularitysingular可去奇点 Movablediscontinuity无穷间断点 Infinitediscontinuity跳跃间断点 Jumpvalue最大值 Greatesttheoremvalue介值定理 Intermediatepoint零点 Null第三章导数与微分——Chapter 3. Derivative and differential瞬时 Instantaneousspeed瞬时速度 Instantaneous导数 Derivativederivative单侧导数 One-sidedderivative;Derivative on the left左导数 Leftderivative;Derivative on the right;Progressive derivative右导数 Rightrule链式法则 Chain尖点 Cusp曲线的尖点Cusp of a curveorder高阶 Higherderivative;Higher derivative高阶导数 Higher-order微分 Differential可微的 Differentiablefunction不可微函数 Non-differentiableoperation微分运算 Differential求微分 Differentiatecoefficient微商 Differentialdifferential;Higher differential;Differentials of higher order 高阶微分 Higher-orderderivative相对导数 Relative弹性 Elasticity;Resilience第四章微分中值定理与导数应用——Chapter 4. differential mid-value theorem and application of derivative 中值 Mid-valuetheorem罗尔定理 Rolle’s未定式 Indeterminateformvalue;Extremal极值 Extreme极值点 Extremepointmaximum局部极大值 Localminimum局部极小值 Local凹 Concave凸 Convexpoint;knee拐点 Inflection渐近线 Asymptote;Asymptotic lineasymptote水平渐近线 Horizontalasymptote铅垂渐近线 Vertical第五章不定积分——Chapter 5. Indefinite integralfunction原函数 Primary积分 Integralintegral不定积分 Indefinite求积分 Quadrature可积的 Integrable曲线簇Family of curve积分法 Integration代换 Substitution换元积分法Integration by substitution分部积分法Integration by parts部分分式积分法Integration by partial fraction部分分式展开Partial fraction expansion第六章定积分——Chapter 6. Definite integralintegral定积分 Definite积分中值Integral mean value牛顿-莱布尼兹公式 Newton-Leibniz’sformulaofrotation旋转体 Bodyintegral广义积分 ImproperfunctionΓ函数 Gamma第七章级数——Chapter 7. Series级数 Seriesseries无穷级数 Infinite级数的项Term of a series部分和 Partialsumseries发散级数 Divergentseries振荡级数 Oscillatory几何级数 Geometricseries;Geometrical seriesseries正项级数 Positivetermseries调和级数 Harmoniccriterion达朗贝尔准则 D’Alembert’s绝对收敛 Absolutelyconvergent绝对收敛级数Absolutely convergent seriesconvergent条件收敛 Conditional条件收敛级数Conditional convergent series函数级数Series of functionsseries幂级数 Powerradius收敛半径 Convergencedomain;Region of convergence收敛域 Convergenceconvergence收敛区间 Intervalof逐项微分Term by term differentiationexpansion级数展开 Series幂级数展开Power series expansion;Expansion into power-seriesseries泰勒级数 Taylorformula泰勒公式 Taylor’sseries马克劳林级数 Maclaurin第八章多元函数微分学——Chapter 8. Differential for function of many variables 有界区域 Boundedregionregion开区域 Openregion连通区域 Connect不连通的 Disconnectedpoint;Interior point内点 Innerpoint外点 Outerpoint边界点 Frontiersurface柱面 Cylindrical母线 Generator柱的母线Element of cylinder;Generator of cylinder椭球 Ellipsoidcylinder椭圆柱面 Ellipticcylinder抛物柱面 Parabolic双曲面 Hyperboloid单叶双曲面Hyperboloid of one sheet双叶双曲面Hyperboloid of two sheets鞍点 Saddle齐次 Homogeneousfunction齐次函数 Homogeneouslimit;Two-limit二重极限 Double多重极限 Multiplelimitslimitn重极限 n-foldlimits累次极限 Repeatedderivative偏导数 Partialdifferential偏微分 Partialdifferential;Total differentiation全微分 Total高阶偏导数Higher-order partial derivative混合偏导数Mixed partial derivativecondition约束条件 Constraintequation拉格朗日方程 Lagrange拉格朗日乘数 Lagrangemultiplier第九章二重积分——Chapter 9. Double integral积分区域Domain of integrationelement;Differential of area面积元素 Areaintegral二重积分 Doubleintegral多重积分 Multipleintegral;Repeated integral累次积分 Iterated雅可比行列式 Jacobian广义二重积分 Improperintegraldouble第十章微分方程——Chapter 10. Differential equationequation微分方程 Differential常微分 Ordinarydifferentialequationdifferential常微分方程 Ordinary偏微分方程Partial differential equation微分方程的阶Order of a differential equation一阶微分方程Differential equation of first orderequationdifferential线性微分方程 Linearcondition初始条件 Initialvalue;Original value;Starting value初始值 Initialsolution特解 Particularequation齐次方程 Homogeneousequation 齐次微分方程 Homogeneousdifferential齐次线性微分方程Homogeneous linear differential equation非齐次的 Non-homogeneousequation非齐次微分方程 Non-homogeneousdifferential非齐次线性微分方程Non-homogeneous linear differential equation非线性的 Nonlinearequation非线性方程 Nonlinear常数变异法Method of variation of constantsequation;Differential equation of higher orderdifferential高阶微分方程 Higher-order高阶常微分方程Higher-order ordinary differential equation高阶偏微分方程Higher-order partial differential equationequation特征方程 Characteristicroot特征根 Characteristicequationintegral微分积分方程 Differention第十一章差分方程——Chapter 11. Difference equation差、差分 Differencedifference高阶差分 Higherequation差分方程 Difference。
《微积分1》英⽂术语:Chapter 2 sequence (数列)Unit 1 limit of a sequence (数列的极限)The n-th term 第n项 infinite sequences ⽆穷数列convergent收敛的 divergent 发散的Proof 证明Unit 2 theorem on limits of sequences(数列极限定理)Unit 3 infinity and bounded monotone sequences(⽆穷⼤和单调有界数列)Infinity ⽆穷⼤ Every convergent sequence is bounded,but the converse is not necessarily true.(只要数列收敛,就⼀定有界;但有界不⼀定收敛)eg:(-1)^n(Strictly )monotone increasing (严格)单调递增(strictly) monotone decreasing(严格)单调递减Every bounded monotone(increasing or decreasing sequence has a limit(单调的有界序列⼀定有极限)Unit 4 limit superior and limit inferior(上极限和下极限)Th:A sequence {un} converges if and only if lim sup un=lim inf un is a finite number(⼀个序列un是收敛的充分必要条件是它的上极限和下极限相等,⽽且是个有限的数)Unit 5 Nested Intervals Theorem and Cauchy’s Convergence Criterion(区间套定理和柯西收敛准则)Nested intervals 区间套。
目录第一部分英汉微积分词汇Part 1 English-Chinese Calculus Vocabulary第一章函数与极限Chapter 1 function and Limit (1)第二章导数与微分Chapter 2 Derivative and Differential (2)第三章微分中值定理Chapter 3 Mean Value theorem of differentials and theApplicati on of Derivatives (3)第四章不定积分Chapter 4 Indefinite Intergrals (3)第五章定积分Chapter 5 Definite Integral (3)第六章定积分的应用Chapter 6 Application of the Definite Integrals (4)第七章空间解析几何与向量代数Chapter 7 Space Ana lytic Geomertry and Vector Algebra (4)第八章多元函数微分法及其应用Chapter 8 Differentiation of functions Several variablesand Its Application (5)第九章重积分Multiple Integrals (6)第十章曲线积分与曲面积分Chapter 10 Line(Curve ) Integrals and Sur face Integrals……………………6 第十一章无穷级数Chapter 11 Infinite Series……………………………………………………6 第十二章微分方程Chapter 12 Differential Equation (7)第二部分定理定义公式的英文表达 Part 2 English Expression for Theorem, Definition and Formula第一章函数与极限Chapter 1 Function and L imit (19)1.1 映射与函数(Mapping and Function ) (19)1.2 数列的极限(Limit of the Sequence of Number) (20)1.3 函数的极限(Limit of Function) (21)1.4 无穷小与无穷大(Infinitesimal and Inifinity) (23)1.5 极限运算法则(Operation Rule of L imit) (24)1.6 极限存在准则两个重要的极限(Rule for theExistence of Limits Two Important Limits) (25)1.7 无穷小的比较(The Comparison of infinitesimal) (26)1.8 函数的连续性与间断点(Continuity of FunctionAnd Discontinuity Points) (28)1.9 连续函数的运酸与初等函数的连续性(OperationOf Continuous Functions and Continuity ofElementary Functions) (28)1.10 闭区间上联系汗水的性质(Properties ofContinuous Functions on a Closed Interval) (30)第二章导数与数分Chapter2 Derivative and Differential (31)2.1 导数的概念(The Concept of Derivative) (31)2.2 函数的求导法则(Rules for Finding Derivatives) (33)2.3 高阶导数(Higher-order Derivatives) (34)2.4 隐函数及由参数方程所确定的函数的导数相关变化率(Derivatives of Implicit Functions and Functions Determined by Parametric Equation and Correlative Change Rate) (34)2.5 函数的微分(Differential of a Function) (35)第三章微分中值定理与导数的应用Chapter 3 Mean Value Theorem of Differentials and theApplication of Derivatives (36)3.1 微分中值定理(The Mean Value Theorem) (36)3.2 洛必达法则(L’Hopital’s Rule) (38)3.3 泰勒公式(Taylor’s Formula) (41)3.4 函数的单调性和曲线的凹凸性(Monotonicityof Functions and Concavity of Curves) (43)3.5 函数的极值与最大最小值(Extrema, Maximaand Minima of Functions) (46)3.6 函数图形的描绘(Graphing Functions) (49)3.7 曲率(Curvature) (50)3.8 方程的近似解(Solving Equation Numerically) (53)第四章不定积分Chapter 4 Indefinite Integrals (54)4.1 不定积分的概念与性质(The Concept andProperties of Indefinite Integrals) (54)4.2 换元积分法(Substitution Rule for Indefinite Integrals) (56)4.3 分部积分法(Integration by Parts) (57)4.4 有理函数的积分(Integration of Rational Functions) (58)第五章定积分Chapter 5 Definite Integrals (61)5.1 定积分的概念和性质(Concept of Definite Integraland its Properties) (61)5.2 微积分基本定理(Fundamental Theorem of Calculus) (67)5.3 定积分的换元法和分部积分法(Integration by Substitution andDefinite Integrals by Parts) (69)5.4 反常积分(Improper Integrals) (70)第六章定积分的应用Chapter 6 Applications of the Definite Integrals (75)6.1 定积分的元素法(The Element Method of Definite Integra (75)6.2 定积分在几何学上的应用(Applications of the DefiniteIntegrals to Geometry) (76)6.3 定积分在物理学上的应用(Applications of the DefiniteIntegrals to Physics) (79)第七章空间解析几何与向量代数Chapter 7 Space Analytic Geometry and Vector Algebar (80)7.1 向量及其线性运算(Vector and Its Linear Operation) (80)7.2 数量积向量积(Dot Produc t and Cross Product) (86)7.3 曲面及其方程(Surface and Its Equation) (89)7.4 空间曲线及其方程(The Curve in Three-space and Its Equation (91)7.5 平面及其方程(Plane in Space and Its Equation) (93)7.6 空间直线及其方程(Lines in and Their Equations) (95)第八章多元函数微分法及其应用Chapter 8 Differentiation of Functions of SeveralVariables and Its Application (99)8.1 多元函数的基本概念(The Basic Concepts of Functionsof Several Variables) (99)8.2 偏导数(Partial Derivative) (102)8.3 全微分(Total Differential) (103)8.4 链式法则(The Chain Rule) (104)8.5 隐函数的求导公式(Derivative Formula for Implicit Functions). (104)8.6 多元函数微分学的几何应用(Geometric Applications of Differentiationof Ffunctions of Severalvariables) (106)8.7方向导数与梯度(Directional Derivatives and Gradients) (107)8.8多元函数的极值(Extreme Value of Functions of Several Variables) (108)第九章重积分Chapter 9 Multiple Integrals (111)9.1二重积分的概念与性质(The Concept of Double Integralsand Its Properities) (111)9.2二重积分的计算法(Evaluation of double Integrals) (114)9.3三重积分(Triple Integrals) (115)9.4重积分的应用(Applications of Multiple Itegrals) (120)第十章曲线积分与曲面积分Chapte 10 Line Integrals and Surface Integrals………………………………121 10.1 对弧长的曲线积分(line Intergrals with Respect to Arc Length) ………121 10.2 对坐标的曲线积分(Line Integrals with respect toCoordinate Variables) ……………………………………………………123 10.3 格林公式及其应用(Green's Formula and Its Applications) ………………124 10.4 对面积的曲面积分(Surface Integrals with Respect to Aarea) ……………126 10.5 对坐标的曲面积分(Surface Integrals with Respect toCoordinate Variables) ………………………………………………………128 10.6 高斯公式通量与散度(Gauss's Formula Flux and Divirgence) …… 130 10.7 斯托克斯公式环流量与旋度(Stokes's Formula Circulationand Rotation) (131)第十一章无穷级数Chapter 11 Infinite Series (133)11.1 常数项级数的概念与性质(The concept and Properties ofThe Constant series) ………………………………………………………133 11.2 常数项级数的审敛法(Test for Convergence of the Constant Series) ……137 11.3 幂级数(powe r Series). ……………………………………………………143 11.4 函数展开成幂级数(Represent the Function as Power Series) ……………148 11.5 函数的幂级数展开式的应用(the Appliacation of the Power Seriesrepresentation of a Function) (148)11.6 函数项级数的一致收敛性及一致收敛级数的基本性质(The Unanimous Convergence of the Ser ies of Functions and Its properties) (149)11.7 傅立叶级数(Fourier Series).............................................152 11.8 一般周期函数的傅立叶级数(Fourier Series of Periodic Functions) (153)第十二章微分方程Chapter 12 Differential Equation……………………………………………155 12.1 微分方程的基本概念(The Concept of DifferentialEqu ation) ……155 12.2 可分离变量的微分方程(Separable Differential Equation) ………156 12.3 齐次方程(Homogeneous Equation) ………………………………156 12.4 一次线性微分方程(Linear Differential Equation of theFirst Order) (157)12.5 全微分方程(Total Differential Equation) …………………………158 12.6 可降阶的高阶微分方程(Higher-order DifferentialEquation Turned to Lower-order DifferentialEquation) (159)12.7 高阶线性微分方程(Linear Differential Equation of Higher Order) …159 12.8 常系数齐次线性微分方程(Homogeneous LinearDifferential Equation with Constant Coefficient) (163)12.9 常系数非齐次线性微分方程(Non HomogeneousDifferential Equation with Constant Coefficient) (164)12.10 欧拉方程(Euler Equation) …………………………………………164 12.11 微分方程的幂级数解法(Power Series Solutionto Differential Equation) (164)第三部分常用数学符号的英文表达Part 3 English Expression of the Mathematical Symbol in Common Use第一部分英汉微积分词汇Part1 English-Chinese Calculus Vocabulary映射 mappingX到Y的映射 mapping of X ontoY 满射 surjection 单射 injection一一映射 one-to-one mapping 双射 bijection 算子 operator变化 transformation 函数 function逆映射 inverse mapping复合映射 composite mapping 自变量 independent variable 因变量 dependent variable 定义域 domain函数值 value of function 函数关系 function relation 值域 range自然定义域 natural domain 单值函数 single valued function 多值函数 multiple valued function 单值分支 one-valued branch 函数图形 graph of a function 绝对值函数 absolute value 符号函数 sigh function 整数部分 integral part 阶梯曲线 step curve 第一章函数与极限Chapter1 Function and Limit 集合 set元素 element 子集 subset 空集 empty set 并集 union交集 intersection 差集 difference of set 基本集 basic set补集 complement set 直积 direct product笛卡儿积 Cartesian product 开区间 open interval 闭区间 closed interval 半开区间half open interval 有限区间 finite interval区间的长度 length of an interval 无限区间 infinite interval 领域 neighborhood领域的中心 centre of a neighborhood 领域的半径 radius of a neighborhood 左领域left neighborhood 右领域 right neighborhood当且仅当 if and only if(iff) 分段函数 piecewise function 上界 upper bound 下界lower bound 有界 boundedness 无界 unbounded函数的单调性 monotonicity of a function 单调增加的 increasing 单调减少的decreasing单调函数 monotone function函数的奇偶性 parity(odevity) of a function对称 symmetry 偶函数 even function 奇函数 odd function函数的周期性 periodicity of a function 周期 period反函数 inverse function 直接函数 direct function 复合函数 composite function 中间变量 intermediate variable 函数的运算 operation of function基本初等函数 basic elementary function 初等函数 elementary function 幂函数 power function指数函数 exponential function 对数函数 logarithmic function 三角函数 trigonometric function反三角函数 inverse trigonometric function 常数函数 constant function 双曲函数hyperbolic function 双曲正弦 hyperbolic sine 双曲余弦 hyperbolic cosine 双曲正切hyperbolic tangent反双曲正弦 inverse hyperbolic sine 反双曲余弦 inverse hyperbolic cosine 反双曲正切 inverse hyperbolic tangent 极限 limit数列 sequence of number 收敛 convergence 收敛于 a converge to a 发散 divergent极限的唯一性 uniqueness of limits收敛数列的有界性 boundedness of aconvergent sequence子列 subsequence函数的极限 limits of functions函数f(x)当x趋于x0时的极限 limit of functions f(x) as x approaches x0 左极限 left limit 右极限 right limit单侧极限 one-sided limits水平渐近线 horizontal asymptote 无穷小 infinitesimal 无穷大 infinity铅直渐近线 vertical asymptote 夹逼准则 squeeze rule单调数列 monotonic sequence高阶无穷小 infinitesimal of higher order 低阶无穷小 infinitesimal of lower order 同阶无穷小 infinitesimal of the same order 等阶无穷小 equivalent infinitesimal 函数的连续性 continuity of a function 增量 increment函数f(x)在x0连续 the function f(x) is continuous at x0左连续 left continuous 右连续 right continuous区间上的连续函数 continuous function 函数f(x)在该区间上连续 function f(x) is continuous on an interval 不连续点 discontinuity point第一类间断点 discontinuity point of the first kind第二类间断点 discontinuity point of the second kind初等函数的连续性 continuity of the elementary functions定义区间 defined interval最大值 global maximum value (absolute maximum)最小值 global minimum value (absolute minimum)零点定理 the zero point theorem介值定理 intermediate value theorem 第二章导数与微分Chapter2 Derivative and Differential 速度 velocity匀速运动 uniform motion 平均速度 average velocity瞬时速度 instantaneous velocity 圆的切线 tangent line of a circle 切线 tangent line切线的斜率 slope of the tangent line 位置函数 position function 导数 derivative 可导derivable函数的变化率问题 problem of the change rate of a function导函数 derived function 左导数 left-hand derivative 右导数 right-hand derivative 单侧导数 one-sided derivativesf(x)在闭区间【a,b】上可导 f(x)isderivable on the closed interval [a,b] 切线方程 tangent equation 角速度 angular velocity 成本函数 cost function 边际成本 marginal cost 链式法则 chain rule隐函数 implicit function 显函数 explicit function 二阶函数 second derivative 三阶导数 third derivative 高阶导数 nth derivative莱布尼茨公式 Leibniz formula 对数求导法 log- derivative 参数方程 parametric equation 相关变化率 correlative change rata 微分 differential 可微的 differentiable 函数的微分 differential of function自变量的微分 differential of independent variable微商 differential quotient间接测量误差 indirect measurement error 绝对误差 absolute error相对误差 relative error第三章微分中值定理与导数的应用Chapter3 MeanValue Theorem of Differentials and the Application of Derivatives 罗马定理Rolle’s theorem 费马引理Fermat’s lemma拉格朗日中值定理Lagrange’s mean value theorem驻点 stationary point 稳定点 stable point 临界点 critical point辅助函数 auxiliary function拉格朗日中值公式Lagrange’s mean value formula柯西中值定理Cauchy’s mean value theorem洛必达法则L’Hospital’s Rule0/0型不定式 indeterminate form of type 0/0不定式 indeterminate form泰勒中值定理Taylor’s mean value theorem泰勒公式 Taylor formula 余项 remainder term拉格朗日余项 Lagrange remainder term 麦克劳林公式Maclaurin’s formula 佩亚诺公式 Peano remainder term 凹凸性 concavity凹向上的 concave upward, cancave up 凹向下的,向上凸的concave downward’ concave down拐点 inflection point函数的极值 extremum of function 极大值 local(relative) maximum 最大值global(absolute) mximum 极小值 local(relative) minimum 最小值 global(absolute) minimum 目标函数 objective function 曲率 curvature弧微分 arc differential平均曲率 average curvature 曲率园 circle of curvature 曲率中心 center of curvature 曲率半径 radius of curvature渐屈线 evolute 渐伸线 involute根的隔离 isolation of root 隔离区间 isolation interval 切线法 tangent line method第四章不定积分Chapter4 Indefinite Integrals原函数 primitive function(antiderivative) 积分号 sign of integration 被积函数integrand积分变量 integral variable 积分曲线 integral curve 积分表 table of integrals换元积分法 integration by substitution 分部积分法 integration by parts分部积分公式 formula of integration by parts有理函数 rational function 真分式 proper fraction 假分式 improper fraction第五章定积分Chapter5 Definite Integrals 曲边梯形 trapezoid with 曲边 curve edge窄矩形 narrow rectangle曲边梯形的面积 area of trapezoid with curved edge积分下限 lower limit of integral 积分上限 upper limit of integral 积分区间 integral interval 分割 partition积分和 integral sum 可积 integrable矩形法 rectangle method积分中值定理 mean value theorem of integrals函数在区间上的平均值 average value of a function on an integvals牛顿-莱布尼茨公式 Newton-Leibniz formula微积分基本公式 fundamental formula of calculus换元公式 formula for integration by substitution递推公式 recurrence formula 反常积分 improper integral反常积分发散 the improper integral is divergent反常积分收敛 the improper integral is convergent无穷限的反常积分 improper integral on an infinite interval无界函数的反常积分 improper integral of unbounded functions绝对收敛 absolutely convergent第六章定积分的应用Chapter6 Applications of the Definite Integrals元素法 the element method 面积元素 element of area平面图形的面积 area of a luane figure 直角坐标又称“笛卡儿坐标 (Cartesian coordinates)”极坐标 polar coordinates 抛物线 parabola 椭圆 ellipse旋转体的面积 volume of a solid of rotation旋转椭球体 ellipsoid of revolution, ellipsoid of rotation曲线的弧长 arc length of acurve 可求长的 rectifiable 光滑 smooth 功 work水压力 water pressure 引力 gravitation 变力 variable force第七章空间解析几何与向量代数Chapter7 Space Analytic Geometry and Vector Algebra向量 vector自由向量 free vector 单位向量 unit vector 零向量 zero vector 相等 equal 平行parallel向量的线性运算 linear poeration of vector 三角法则 triangle rule平行四边形法则 parallelogram rule 交换律 commutative law 结合律 associative law 负向量 negative vector 差 difference分配律 distributive law空间直角坐标系 space rectangular coordinates坐标面 coordinate plane 卦限 octant向量的模 modulus of vector向量a与b的夹角 angle between vector a and b方向余弦 direction cosine 方向角 direction angle向量在轴上的投影 projection of a vector onto an axis数量积,外积,叉积 scalar product,dot product,inner product曲面方程 equation for a surface 球面 sphere旋转曲面 surface of revolution 母线 generating line 轴 axis圆锥面 cone 顶点 vertex旋转单叶双曲面 revolution hyperboloids of one sheet旋转双叶双曲面 revolution hyperboloids of two sheets柱面 cylindrical surface ,cylinder 圆柱面 cylindrical surface 准线 directrix抛物柱面 parabolic cylinder 二次曲面 quadric surface 椭圆锥面 dlliptic cone 椭球面ellipsoid单叶双曲面 hyperboloid of one sheet 双叶双曲面 hyperboloid of two sheets 旋转椭球面 ellipsoid of revolution 椭圆抛物面 elliptic paraboloid旋转抛物面 paraboloid of revolution 双曲抛物面 hyperbolic paraboloid 马鞍面 saddle surface椭圆柱面 elliptic cylinder 双曲柱面 hyperbolic cylinder 抛物柱面 parabolic cylinder 空间曲线 space curve空间曲线的一般方程 general form equations of a space curve空间曲线的参数方程 parametric equations of a space curve 螺转线 spiral 螺矩 pitch 投影柱面 projecting cylinder 投影 projection平面的点法式方程 pointnorm form eqyation of a plane法向量 normal vector平面的一般方程 general form equation of a plane两平面的夹角 angle between two planes 点到平面的距离 distance from a point to a plane空间直线的一般方程 general equation of a line in space方向向量 direction vector直线的点向式方程 pointdirection form equations of a line方向数 direction number直线的参数方程 parametric equations of a line两直线的夹角 angle between two lines 垂直 perpendicular直线与平面的夹角 angle between a line and a planes平面束 pencil of planes平面束的方程 equation of a pencil of planes行列式 determinant系数行列式 coefficient determinant第八章多元函数微分法及其应用Chapter8 Differentiation of Functions of Several Variables and Its Application 一元函数 function of one variable 多元函数 function of several variables 内点 interior point 外点 exterior point 边界点 frontier point,boundary point 聚点 point of accumulation 开集 openset 闭集 closed set 连通集 connected set 开区域 open region 闭区域 closed region有界集 bounded set 无界集 unbounded setn维空间 n-dimentional space 二重极限 double limit 多元函数的连续性 continuity of function of seveal 连续函数 continuous function 不连续点 discontinuity point 一致连续 uniformly continuous 偏导数 partial derivative 对自变量x的偏导数 partial derivative with respect to independent variable x 高阶偏导数 partial derivative of higher order 二阶偏导数 second order partial derivative 混合偏导数 hybrid partial derivative 全微分 total differential 偏增量 oartial increment 偏微分 partial differential 全增量 total increment 可微分 differentiable 必要条件 necessary condition充分条件 sufficient condition 叠加原理 superpostition principle 全导数 total derivative中间变量 intermediate variable 隐函数存在定理 theorem of the existence of implicit function 曲线的切向量 tangent vector of a curve 法平面 normal plane 向量方程vector equation 向量值函数 vector-valued function 切平面 tangent plane 法线 normal line 方向导数 directional derivative梯度 gradient数量场 scalar field 梯度场 gradient field 向量场 vector field 势场 potential field 引力场 gravitational field 引力势 gravitational potential 曲面在一点的切平面 tangent plane to asurface at a point 曲线在一点的法线 normal line to asurface at a point 无条件极值 unconditional extreme values 条件极值 conditional extreme values 拉格朗日乘数法 Lagrange multiplier method 拉格朗日乘子 Lagrange multiplier 经验公式 empirical formula 最小二乘法 method of least squares 均方误差mean square error 第九章重积分 Chapter9 Multiple Integrals 二重积分 double integral 可加性 additivity累次积分 iterated integral 体积元素 volume element 三重积分 triple integral 直角坐标系中的体积元素 volumeelement in rectangular coordinate system 柱面坐标 cylindrical coordinates 柱面坐标系中的体积元素 volumeelement in cylindrical coordinate system 球面坐标 spherical coordinates 球面坐标系中的体积元素 volumeelement in spherical coordinate system 反常二重积分 improper double integral 曲面的面积 area of a surface 质心 centre of mass 静矩 static moment 密度 density 形心centroid 转动惯量 moment of inertia 参变量 parametric variable 第十章曲线积分与曲面积分Chapter10 Line(Curve)Integrals and Surface Integrals对弧长的曲线积分 line integrals with respect to arc hength第一类曲线积分 line integrals of the first type对坐标的曲线积分 line integrals with respect to x,y,and z第二类曲线积分 line integrals of the second type有向曲线弧 directed arc单连通区域 simple connected region 复连通区域 complex connected region 格林公式Green formula第一类曲面积分 surface integrals of the first type对面的曲面积分 surface integrals with respect to area有向曲面 directed surface对坐标的曲面积分 surface integrals with respect to coordinate elements第二类曲面积分 surface integrals of the second type有向曲面元 element of directed surface 高斯公式 gauss formula拉普拉斯算子 Laplace operator 格林第一公式Green’s first formula 通量 flux散度 divergence斯托克斯公式 Stokes formula 环流量 circulation 旋度 rotation,curl第十一章无穷级数Chapter11 Infinite Series 一般项 general term 部分和 partial sum 余项 remainder term 等比级数 geometric series 几何级数 geometric series 公比 common ratio调和级数 harmonic series柯西收敛准则 Cauchy convergence criteria, Cauchy criteria for convergence 正项级数series of positive terms 达朗贝尔判别法D’Alembert test 柯西判别法 Cauchy test交错级数 alternating series 绝对收敛 absolutely convergent 条件收敛 conditionally convergent 柯西乘积 Cauchy product 函数项级数 series of functions 发散点 point of divergence 收敛点 point of convergence 收敛域 convergence domain 和函数 sum function 幂级数 power series幂级数的系数 coeffcients of power series 阿贝尔定理 Abel Theorem收敛半径 radius of convergence 收敛区间 interval of convergence 泰勒级数 Taylor series麦克劳林级数 Maclaurin series 二项展开式 binomial expansion 近似计算approximate calculation舍入误差 round-off error,rounding error 欧拉公式Euler’s formula魏尔斯特拉丝判别法 Weierstrass test 三角级数 trigonometric series 振幅 amplitude 角频率 angular frequency 初相 initial phase 矩形波 square wave谐波分析 harmonic analysis 直流分量 direct component 基波 fundamental wave 二次谐波 second harmonic三角函数系 trigonometric function system 傅立叶系数 Fourier coefficient 傅立叶级数 Forrier series 周期延拓 periodic prolongation 正弦级数 sine series 余弦级数cosine series 奇延拓 odd prolongation 偶延拓 even prolongation傅立叶级数的复数形式 complex form of Fourier series第十二章微分方程Chapter12 Differential Equation解微分方程 solve a dirrerential equation 常微分方程 ordinary differential equation偏微分方程 partial differential equation,PDE微分方程的阶 order of a differential equation微分方程的解 solution of a differential equation微分方程的通解 general solution of a differential equation初始条件 initial condition微分方程的特解 particular solution of a differential equation初值问题 initial value problem微分方程的积分曲线 integral curve of a differential equation可分离变量的微分方程 variable separable differential equation隐式解 implicit solution隐式通解 inplicit general solution 衰变系数 decay coefficient 衰变 decay齐次方程 homogeneous equation一阶线性方程 linear differential equation of first order非齐次 non-homogeneous齐次线性方程 homogeneous linear equation非齐次线性方程 non-homogeneous linear equation常数变易法 method of variation of constant暂态电流 transient stata current 稳态电流 steady state current 伯努利方程 Bernoulli equation全微分方程 total differential equation 积分因子 integrating factor高阶微分方程 differential equation of higher order悬链线 catenary高阶线性微分方程 linera differentialequation of higher order自由振动的微分方程 differential equation of free vibration强迫振动的微分方程 differential equation of forced oscillation串联电路的振荡方程 oscillation equation of series circuit二阶线性微分方程 second order linera differential equation线性相关 linearly dependence 线性无关 linearly independce二阶常系数齐次线性微分方程 second order homogeneour linear differential equation with constant coefficient二阶变系数齐次线性微分方程 second order homogeneous linear differential equation with variable coefficient 特征方程 characteristic equation无阻尼自由振动的微分方程 differential equation of free vibration with zero damping 固有频率 natural frequency简谐振动 simple harmonic oscillation,simple harmonic vibration微分算子 differential operator待定系数法 method of undetermined coefficient共振现象 resonance phenomenon 欧拉方程 Euler equation幂级数解法 power series solution 数值解法 numerial solution 勒让德方程 Legendre equation微分方程组 system of differential equations常系数线性微分方程组 system of linera differential equations with constant coefficient第二部分定理定义公式的英文表达Part2 English Expression for Theorem, Definition and Formula第一章函数与极限Chapter 1 Function and Limit1.1 映射与函数 (Mapping and Function)一、集合 (Set)二、映射 (Mapping)映射概念 (The Concept of Mapping) 设X, Y是两个非空集合 , 如果存在一个法则f,使得对X中每个元素x,按法则f,在Y中有唯一确定的元素y与之对应 ,则称f为从X到 Y的映射 , 记作f:X→Y。
Numerical solution of SDE
f (t) dWt = lim
f (ti−1 )∆Wi
where ∆Wi = Wti − Wti−1 , a step of Brownian motion across the interval. Note a major difference: while the ti in the Riemann integral may be chosen at any point in the interval (ti−1 , ti ), the corresponding point for the Ito integral is required to be the left endpoint of that interval. Because f and Wt are random variables, so is the Ito integral I = d f (t) dWt . The differential dI is a notational convenience; thus c
t t
X (t) = X (0) +
a(s, y ) ds +
b(s, y ) dWs ,
where the meaning of the last integral, called an Ito integral, will be defined next. Let c = t0 < t1 < . . . < tn−1 < tn = d be a grid of points on the interval [c, d]. The Riemann integral is defined as a limit
Introduction To Linear Algebra 第三版 Wellesley-Cambridge Press线性代数是高等数学中一个非常重要而且基础的分支,它是数学中处理线性方程组和线性变换的工具箱。
本文主要介绍“Introduction To Linear Algebra”第三版,该书由Gilbert Strang编著,由Wellesley-Cambridge Press 出版。
作者简介Gilbert Strang是MIT的应用数学教授,他在教学和研究中一直致力于线性代数的教学。
此外,他还出版了许多线性代数相关的著作,其中包括“Introduction To Linear Algebra”第三版。
下面是每章的简要介绍:1.Introduction To Vectors:介绍向量和向量的基本运算。
2.Solving Linear Equations:介绍如何应用线性代数求解线性方程组。
3.Vector Spaces And Subspaces:介绍向量空间和子空间的概念及其性质。
6.Eigenvalues And Eigenvectors:介绍特征值和特征向量以及它们的应用。
A Practical Guide to Quantitative Finance Interview (Part)
Table of ContentsChapter 1 General Principles (1)1. Build a broad knowledge base (1)2. Practice your interview skills (1)3. Listen carefully (2)4. Speak your mind (2)5. Make reasonable assumptions (2)Chapter 2 Brain Teasers (3)2.1 Problem Simplification (3)Screwy pirates (3)Tiger and sheep (4)2.2 Logic Reasoning (5)River crossing (5)Birthday problem (5)Card game (6)Burning ropes (7)Defective ball (7)Trailing zeros (9)Horse race (9)Infinite sequence (10)2.3 Thinking Out of the Box (10)Box packing (10)Calendar cubes (11)Door to offer (12)Message delivery (13)Last ball (13)Light switches (14)Quant salary (15)2.4 Application of Symmetry (15)Coin piles (15)Mislabeled bags (16)Wise men (17)2.5 Series Summation (17)Clock pieces (18)Missing integers (18)Counterfeit coins I (19)2.6 The Pigeon Hole Principle (20)Matching socks (21)Handshakes (21)Have we met before? (21)Ants on a square (22)Counterfeit coins II (22)Contentsii 2.7 Modular Arithmetic (23)Prisoner problem (24)Division by 9 (25)Chameleon colors (26)2.8 Math Induction (27)Coin split problem (27)Chocolate bar problem (28)Race track (29)2.9 Proof by Contradiction (31)Irrational number (31)Rainbow hats (31)Chapter 3 Calculus and Linear Algebra (33)3.1 Limits and Derivatives (33)Basics of derivatives (33)Maximum and minimum (34)L’Hospital’s rule (35)3.2 Integration (36)Basics of integration (36)Applications of integration (38)Expected value using integration (40)3.3 Partial Derivatives and Multiple Integrals (40)3.4 Important Calculus Methods (41)Taylor’s series (41)Newton’s method (44)Lagrange multipliers (45)3.5 Ordinary Differential Equations (46)Separable differential equations (47)First-order linear differential equations (47)Homogeneous linear equations (48)Nonhomogeneous linear equations (49)3.6 Linear Algebra (50)Vectors (50)QR decomposition (52)Determinant, eigenvalue and eigenvector (53)Positive semidefinite/definite matrix (56)LU decomposition and Cholesky decomposition (57)Chapter 4 Probability Theory (59)4.1 Basic Probability Definitions and Set Operations (59)Coin toss game (61)Card game (61)Drunk passenger (62)A Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance InterviewsN points on a circle (63)4.2 Combinatorial Analysis (64)Poker hands (65)Hopping rabbit (66)Screwy pirates 2 (67)Chess tournament (68)Application letters (69)Birthday problem (71)100th digit (71)Cubic of integer (72)4.3 Conditional Probability and Bayes’ formula (72)Boys and girls (73)All-girl world? (74)Unfair coin (74)Fair probability from an unfair coin (75)Dart game (75)Birthday line (76)Dice order (78)Monty Hall problem (78)Amoeba population (79)Candies in a jar (79)Coin toss game (80)Russian roulette series (81)Aces (82)Gambler’s ruin problem (83)Basketball scores (84)Cars on road (85)4.4 Discrete and Continuous Distributions (86)Meeting probability (88)Probability of triangle (89)Property of Poisson process (90)Moments of normal distribution (91)4.5 Expected Value, Variance & Covariance (92)Connecting noodles (93)Optimal hedge ratio (94)Dice game (94)Card game (95)Sum of random variables (95)Coupon collection (97)Joint default probability (98)4.6 Order Statistics (99)Expected value of max and min (99)Correlation of max and min (100)Random ants (102)Chapter 5 Stochastic Process and Stochastic Calculus (105)iiiContentsiv 5.1 Markov Chain (105)Gambler’s ruin problem (107)Dice question (108)Coin triplets (109)Color balls (113)5.2 Martingale and Random walk (115)Drunk man (116)Dice game (117)Ticket line (117)Coin sequence (119)5.3 Dynamic Programming (121)Dynamic programming (DP) algorithm (122)Dice game (123)World series (123)Dynamic dice game (126)Dynamic card game (127)5.4 Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus (129)Brownian motion (129)Stopping time/ first passage time (131)Ito’s lemma (135)Chapter 6 Finance (137)6.1. Option Pricing (137)Price direction of options (137)Put-call parity (138)American v.s. European options (139)Black-Scholes-Merton differential equation (142)Black-Scholes formula (143)6.2. The Greeks (149)Delta (149)Gamma (152)Theta (154)Vega (156)6.3. Option Portfolios and Exotic Options (158)Bull spread (159)Straddle (159)Binary options (160)Exchange options (161)6.4. Other Finance Questions (163)Portfolio optimization (163)Value at risk (164)Duration and convexity (165)Forward and futures (167)Interest rate models (168)A Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance Interviews Chapter 7 Algorithms and Numerical Methods (171)7.1. Algorithms (171)Number swap (172)Unique elements (173)Horner's algorithm (174)Moving average (174)Sorting algorithm (174)Random permutation (176)Search algorithm (177)Fibonacci numbers (179)Maximum contiguous subarray (180)7.2. The Power of Two (182)Power of 2? (182)Multiplication by 7 (182)Probability simulation (182)Poisonous wine (183)7.3 Numerical Methods (184)Monte Carlo simulation (184)Finite difference method (189)vChapter 2 Brain TeasersIn this chapter, we cover problems that only require common sense, logic, reasoning, and basic—no more than high school level—math knowledge to solve. In a sense, they are real brain teasers as opposed to mathematical problems in disguise. Although these brain teasers do not require specific math knowledge, they are no less difficult than other quantitative interview problems. Some of these problems test your analytical and general problem-solving skills; some require you to think out of the box; while others ask you to solve the problems using fundamental math techniques in a creative way. In this chapter, we review some interview problems to explain the general themes of brain teasers that you are likely to encounter in quantitative interviews.2.1 Problem SimplificationIf the original problem is so complex that you cannot come up with an immediate solution, try to identify a simplified version of the problem and start with it. Usually you can start with the simplest sub-problem and gradually increase the complexity. You do not need to have a defined plan at the beginning. Just try to solve the simplest cases and analyze your reasoning. More often than not, you will find a pattern that will guide you through the whole problem.Screwy piratesFive pirates looted a chest full of 100 gold coins. Being a bunch of democratic pirates, they agree on the following method to divide the loot:The most senior pirate will propose a distribution of the coins. All pirates, including the most senior pirate, will then vote. If at least 50% of the pirates (3 pirates in this case) accept the proposal, the gold is divided as proposed. If not, the most senior pirate will be fed to shark and the process starts over with the next most senior pirate… The process is repeated until a plan is approved. You can assume that all pirates are perfectly rational: they want to stay alive first and to get as much gold as possible second. Finally, being blood-thirsty pirates, they want to have fewer pirates on the boat if given a choice between otherwise equal outcomes.How will the gold coins be divided in the end?Solution: If you have not studied game theory or dynamic programming, this strategy problem may appear to be daunting. If the problem with 5 pirates seems complex, we can always start with a simplified version of the problem by reducing the number of pirates. Since the solution to 1-pirate case is trivial, let’s start with 2 pirates. The seniorBrain Teasers4pirate (labeled as 2) can claim all the gold since he will always get 50% of the votes from himself and pirate 1 is left with nothing.Let’s add a more senior pirate, 3. He knows that if his plan is voted down, pirate 1 will get nothing. But if he offers private 1 nothing, pirate 1 will be happy to kill him. So pirate 3 will offer private 1 one coin and keep the remaining 99 coins, in which strategy the plan will have 2 votes from pirate 1 and 3.If pirate 4 is added, he knows that if his plan is voted down, pirate 2 will get nothing. So pirate 2 will settle for one coin if pirate 4 offers one. So pirate 4 should offer pirate 2 one coin and keep the remaining 99 coins and his plan will be approved with 50% of the votes from pirate 2 and 4.Now we finally come to the 5-pirate case. He knows that if his plan is voted down, both pirate 3 and pirate 1 will get nothing. So he only needs to offer pirate 1 and pirate 3 one coin each to get their votes and keep the remaining 98 coins. If he divides the coins this way, he will have three out of the five votes: from pirates 1 and 3 as well as himself.Once we start with a simplified version and add complexity to it, the answer becomes obvious. Actually after the case 5,n a clear pattern has emerged and we do not need to stop at 5 pirates. For any 21n pirate case (n should be less than 99 though), the most senior pirate will offer pirates 1,3,, and 21n each one coin and keep the rest for himself.Tiger and sheepOne hundred tigers and one sheep are put on a magic island that only has grass. Tigers can eat grass, but they would rather eat sheep. Assume: A . Each time only one tiger can eat one sheep, and that tiger itself will become a sheep after it eats the sheep. B . All tigers are smart and perfectly rational and they want to survive. So will the sheep be eaten?Solution: 100 is a large number, so again let’s start with a simplified version of the problem . If there is only 1 tiger (1n ), surely it will eat the sheep since it does not need to worry about being eaten. How about 2 tigers? Since both tigers are perfectly rational, either tiger probably would do some thinking as to what will happen if it eats the sheep. Either tiger is probably thinking: if I eat the sheep, I will become a sheep; and then I will be eaten by the other tiger. So to guarantee the highest likelihood of survival, neither tiger will eat the sheep.If there are 3 tigers, the sheep will be eaten since each tiger will realize that once it changes to a sheep, there will be 2 tigers left and it will not be eaten. So the first tiger that thinks this through will eat the sheep. If there are 4 tigers, each tiger will understandA Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance Interviews5that if it eats the sheep, it will turn to a sheep. Since there are 3 other tigers, it will be eaten. So to guarantee the highest likelihood of survival, no tiger will eat the sheep.Following the same logic, we can naturally show that if the number of tigers is even, the sheep will not be eaten. If the number is odd, the sheep will be eaten. For the case 100,n the sheep will not be eaten.2.2 Logic ReasoningRiver crossingFour people, A ,B ,C and D need to get across a river. The only way to cross the river is by an old bridge, which holds at most 2 people at a time. Being dark, they can't cross the bridge without a torch, of which they only have one. So each pair can only walk at the speed of the slower person. They need to get all of them across to the other side as quickly as possible. A is the slowest and takes 10 minutes to cross; B takes 5 minutes; C takes 2 minutes; and D takes 1 minute.What is the minimum time to get all of them across to the other side?1Solution: The key point is to realize that the 10-minute person should go with the 5-minute person and this should not happen in the first crossing, otherwise one of them have to go back. So C and D should go across first (2 min); then send D back (1min); A and B go across (10 min); send C back (2min); C and D go across again (2 min). It takes 17 minutes in total. Alternatively, we can send C back first and then D back in the second round, which takes 17 minutes as well.Birthday problemYou and your colleagues know that your boss A ’s birthday is one of the following 10 dates:Mar 4, Mar 5, Mar 8Jun 4, Jun 7Sep 1, Sep 5Dec 1, Dec 2, Dec 8A told you only the month of his birthday, and told your colleague C only the day. After that, you first said: “I don’t know A ’s birthday; C doesn’t know it either.” After hearing 1 Hint: The key is to realize that A andB should get across the bridge together.Brain Teasers6what you said, C replied: “I didn’t know A ’s birthday, but now I know it.” You smiled and said: “Now I know it, too.” After looking at the 10 dates and hearing your comments, your administrative assistant wrote down A ’s birthday without asking any questions. So what did the assistant write?Solution: Don’t let the “he said, she said” part confuses you. Just interpret the logic behind each individual’s comments and try your best to derive useful information from these comments.Let D be the day of the month of A ’s birthday, we have {1,2,4,5,7,8}.D If the birthday is on a unique day, C will know the A ’s birthday immediately. Among possible D s, 2 and 7 are unique days. Considering that you are sure that C does not know A ’s birthday, you must infer that the day the C was told of is not 2 or 7. C onclusion: the month is not June or December. (If the month had been June, the day C was told of may have been 2; if the month had been December, the day C was told of may have been 7.) Now C knows that the month must be either March or September. He immediately figures out A ’s birthday, which means the day must be unique in the March and September list. It means A ’s birthday cannot be Mar 5, or Sep 5. C onclusion: the birthday must be Mar 4, Mar 8 or Sep 1.Among these three possibilities left, Mar 4 and Mar 8 have the same month. So if the month you have is March, you still cannot figure out A ’s birthday. Since you can figure out A ’s birthday, A ’s birthday must be Sep 1. Hence, the assistant must have written Sep 1.Card gameA casino offers a card game using a normal deck of 52 cards. The rule is that you turn over two cards each time. For each pair, if both are black, they go to the dealer’s pile; if both are red, they go to your pile; if one black and one red, they are discarded. The process is repeated until you two go through all 52 cards. If you have more cards in your pile, you win $100; otherwise (including ties) you get nothing. The casino allows you to negotiate the price you want to pay for the game. How much would you be willing to pay to play this game?2Solution: This surely is an insidious casino. No matter how the cards are arranged, you and the dealer will always have the same number of cards in your piles. Why? Because each pair of discarded cards have one black card and one red card, so equal number of2Hint: Try to approach the problem using symmetry. Each discarded pair has one black and one red card. What does that tell you as to the number of black and red cards in the rest two piles?A Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance Interviews7red and black cards are discarded. As a result, the number of red cards left for you and the number of black cards left for the dealer are always the same. The dealer always wins! So we should not pay anything to play the game.Burning ropesYou have two ropes, each of which takes 1 hour to burn. But either rope has different densities at different points, so there's no guarantee of consistency in the time it takes different sections within the rope to burn. How do you use these two ropes to measure 45 minutes?Solution: This is a classic brain teaser question. For a rope that takes x minutes to burn, if you light both ends of the rope simultaneously, it takes /2x minutes to burn. So we should light both ends of the first rope and light one end of the second rope. 30 minutes later, the first rope will get completely burned, while that second rope now becomes a 30-min rope. At that moment, we can light the second rope at the other end (with the first end still burning), and when it is burned out, the total time is exactly 45 minutes. Defective ballYou have 12 identical balls. One of the balls is heavier OR lighter than the rest (you don't know which). Using just a balance that can only show you which side of the tray is heavier, how can you determine which ball is the defective one with 3 measurements?3Solution: This weighing problem is another classic brain teaser and is still being asked by many interviewers. The total number of balls often ranges from 8 to more than 100.Here we use 12nto show the fundamental approach. The key is to separate the original group (as well as any intermediate subgroups) into three sets instead of two. The reason is that the comparison of the first two groups always gives information about the third group.Considering that the solution is wordy to explain, I draw a tree diagram in Figure 2.1 to show the approach in detail. Label the balls 1 through 12 and separate them to three groups with 4 balls each. Weigh balls 1, 2, 3, 4 against balls 5, 6, 7, 8. Then we go on to explore two possible scenarios: two groups balance, as expressed using an “=” sign, or 1, 3Hint: First do it for 9 identical balls and use only 2 measurements, knowing that one is heavier than the rest.Brain Teasers82, 3, 4 are lighter than 5, 6, 7, 8, as expressed using an “<” sign. There is no need to explain the scenario that 1, 2, 3, 4 are heavier than 5, 6, 7, 8. (Why?4)If the two groups balance, this immediately tells us that the defective ball is in 9, 10, 11 and 12, and it is either lighter (L ) or heavier (H ) than other balls. Then we take 9, 10 and 11 from group 3 and compare balls 9, 10 with 8, 11. Here we have already figured out that 8 is a normal ball. If 9, 10 are lighter, it must mean either 9 or 10 is L or 11 is H . In which case, we just compare 9 with 10. If 9 is lighter, 9 is the defective one and it is L ; if 9 and 10 balance, then 11 must be defective and H ; If 9 is heavier, 10 is the defective one and it is L . If 9, 10 and 8, 11 balance, 12 is the defective one. If 9, 10 is heavier, than either 9 or 10 is H, or 11 is L.You can easily follow the tree in Figure 2.1 for further analysis and it is clear from the tree that all possible scenarios can be resolved in 3 measurements. In general if you have the information as to whether the defective ball is heavier or 4 Here is where the symmetry idea comes in. Nothing makes the 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, 6, 7, 8 labels special. If 1, 2, 3, 4 are heavier than 5, 6, 7, 8, let’s just exchange the labels of these two groups. Again we have the case of 1, 2, 3, 4 being lighter than 5, 6, 7, 8.1/2L or 6H5H or 3L4L or 7/8H 12L or 12H 9/10H or 11L 9/10L or 11H 5,6,7,8+?1,2,53,6,9_1/2/3/4 L or 5/6/7/8 H1L 6H 2L 8H 4L 7H 3L 5H 2_18_79_39,108,11_9/10/11/12 L or H 9L 11H 10L 12H 11L 12L 10H 9H_912_8_9Figure 2.1 Tree diagram to identify the defective ball in 12 ballsA Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance Interviews9lighter, you can identify the defective ball among up to 3n balls using no more than n measurements since each weighing reduces the problem size by 2/3. If you have no information as to whether the defective ball is heavier or lighter, you can identify the defective ball among up to (33)/2n balls using no more than n measurements. Trailing zerosHow many trailing zeros are there in 100! (factorial of 100)?Solution: This is an easy problem. We know that each pair of 2 and 5 will give a trailing zero. If we perform prime number decomposition on all the numbers in 100!, it is obvious that the frequency of 2 will far outnumber of the frequency of 5. So the frequency of 5 determines the number of trailing zeros. Among numbers 1,2,,99, and 100, 20 numbers are divisible by 5 (5,10,,100 ). Among these 20 numbers, 4 are divisible by 52 (25,50,75,100). So the total frequency of 5 is 24 and there are 24 trailing zeros.Horse raceThere are 25 horses, each of which runs at a constant speed that is different from the other horses’. Since the track only has 5 lanes, each race can have at most 5 horses. If you need to find the 3 fastest horses, what is the minimum number of races needed to identify them?Solution: This problem tests your basic analytical skills. To find the 3 fastest horses, surely all horses need to be tested. So a natural first step is to divide the horses to 5 groups (with horses 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21-25 in each group). After 5 races, we will have the order within each group, let’s assume the order follows the order of numbers (e.g., 6 is the fastest and 10 is the slowest in the 6-10 group)5. That means 1, 6, 11, 16 and 21 are the fastest within each group.Surely the last two horses within each group are eliminated. What else can we infer? We know that within each group, if the fastest horse ranks 5th or 4th among 25 horses, then all horses in that group cannot be in top 3; if it ranks the 3rd, no other horse in that group can be in the top 3; if it ranks the 2nd, then one other horse in that group may be in top 3; if it ranks the first, then two other horses in that group may be in top 3. 5 Such an assumption does not affect the generality of the solution. If the order is not as described, just change the labels of the horses.Chapter 4 Probability TheoryC hances are that you will face at least a couple of probability problems in most quantitative interviews. Probability theory is the foundation of every aspect of quantitative finance. As a result, it has become a popular topic in quantitative interviews. Although good intuition and logic can help you solve many of the probability problems, having a thorough understanding of basic probability theory will provide you with clear and concise solutions to most of the problems you are likely to encounter. Furthermore, probability theory is extremely valuable in explaining some of the seemingly-counterintuitive results. Armed with a little knowledge, you will find that many of the interview problems are no more than disguised textbook problems.So we dedicate this chapter to reviewing basic probability theory that is not only broadly tested in interviews but also likely to be helpful for your future career. 1 The knowledge is applied to real interview problems to demonstrate the power of probability theory. Nevertheless, the necessity of knowledge in no way downplays the role of intuition and logic. Quite the contrary, common sense and sound judgment are always crucial for analyzing and solving either interview or real-life problems. As you will see in the following sections, all the techniques we discussed in Chapter 2 still play a vital role in solving many of the probability problems.Let’s have some fun playing the odds.4.1 Basic Probability Definitions and Set OperationsFirst let’s begin with some basic definitions and notations used in probability. These definitions and notations may seem dry without examples—which we will present momentarily—yet they are crucial to our understanding of probability theory. In addition, it will lay a solid ground for us to systematically approach probability problems.Outcome (Ȧ):the outcome of an experiment or trial.Sample space/Probability space ( ):the set of all possible outcomes of an experiment.1 As I have emphasized in Chapter 3, this book does not teach probability or any other math topics due to the space limit—it is not my goal to do so, either. The book gives a summary of the frequently-tested knowledge and shows how it can be applied to a wide range of real interview problems. The knowledge used in this chapter is covered by most introductory probability books. It is always helpful to pick up one or two classic probability books in case you want to refresh your memory on some of the topics. My personal favorites are First Course in Probability by Sheldon Ross and Introduction to Probability by Dimitri P. Bertsekas and John N. Tsitsiklis.Probability Theory60()P Z : Probability of an outcome (()0,,()1P P Z Z Z Z :t : ¦).Event:A set of outcomes and a subset of the sample space.()P A : Probability of an event A , ()()AP A P Z Z ¦.A B : Union A B is the set of outcomes in event A or in event B (or both).A B or AB : Intersection A B (or AB ) is the set of outcomes in both A and B .c A : The complement of A , which is the event “not A ”.Mutually Exclusive :A B ) where ) is an empty set.For any mutually exclusive events 12,,N E E E ,11().N N i i i i P E P E §· ¨¸©¹¦ Random variable: A function that maps each outcome (Ȧ) in the sample space ( ) into the set of real numbers.Let’s use the rolling of a six-sided dice to explain these definitions and notations. A roll of a dice has 6 possible outcomes (mapped to a random variable): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Sothe sample space :is {1,2,3,4,5,6} and the probability of each outcome is 1/6 (assuming a fair dice). We can define an event A representing the event that the outcomeis an odd number {1,3,5},Athen the complement of A is {2,4,6}.c A Clearly ()P A (1)(3)(5)1/2.P P P Let B be the event that the outcome is larger than 3: {4,5,6}.B Then the union is {1,3,4,5,6}A B and the intersection is {5}.A B One popular random variable called indicator variable (a binary dummy variable) for event A is defined as the following:1,{1,3,5}.0,{1,3,5}A if x I if x ® ¯ Basically 1A I when A occurs and 0A I if c A occurs. The expected value of A I is []()A E I P A .Now, time for some examples.A Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance Interviews61Coin toss gameTwo gamblers are playing a coin toss game. Gambler A has (1)n fair coins; B has n fair coins. What is the probability that A will have more heads than B if both flip all their coins?2Solution: We have yet to cover all the powerful tools probability theory offers. What do we have now? Outcomes, events, event probabilities, and surely our reasoning capabilities! The one extra coin makes A different from B . If we remove a coin from A ,A and B will become symmetric. Not surprisingly, the symmetry will give us a lot of nice properties. So let’s remove the last coin of A and compare the number of heads in A ’s first n coins with B ’s n coins. There are three possible outcomes:1E :A ’s n coins have more heads than B ’s n coins;2E :A ’s n coins have equal number of heads as B ’s n coins;3E :A ’s n coins have fewer heads than B ’s n coins.By symmetry, the probability that A has more heads is equal to the probability that B has more heads. So we have 13()().P E P E Let’s denote 13()()P E P E x and 2().P E y Since ()1,P Z Z :¦ we have 2 1.x y For event 1,E A will always have more headsthan B no matter what A ’s (1)n th coin’s side is; for event 3E ,A will have no moreheads than B no matter what A ’s (1)n th coin’s side is. For event 2E ,A ’s (1)n thcoin does make a difference. If it’s a head, which happens with probability 0.5, it will make A have more heads than B . So the (1)n th coin increases the probability that A has more heads than B by 0.5y and the total probability that A has more heads is 0.50.5(12)0.5x y x x when A has (1)n coins.Card gameA casino offers a simple card game. There are 52 cards in a deck with 4 cards for each value jack queen king ace 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,,,,J Q K A . Each time the cards are thoroughly shuffled (so each card has equal probability of being selected). You pick up a card from the deck and the dealer picks another one without replacement. If you have a larger number, you win; if the numbers are equal or yours is smaller, the house wins—as in all other casinos, the house always has better odds of winning. What is your probability of winning? 2 Hint: What are the possible results (events) if we compare the number of heads in A ’s first n coins withB ’s n coins? By making the number of coins equal, we can take advantage of symmetry. For each event, what will happen if A ’s last coin is a head? Or a tail?。
operator polynomial
rse transform
Chapter7Power Series Solutions of Differential Equations
Cauchy theorem
analytic solution
constant matrix
non-homogeneous linear differential equations
constant arrange vector
formula of variation of constant
computing formula
Jordan normal form
matrix function
real-valued function
complex-value function
algebraic cofactor
characteristic equation
operator method
first-order linear equation
method of integration factor
method of constants variation
elementary method of transformation
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3.1.2 Testing for a unit root: an introduction
The zero mean AR(1) process with normal innovations
t = 1, 2,L, T (3.1) xt = φ xt −1 + at 2 where at ~ NID(0, σ ) and x0 = 0 . The OLS esti-
Functional Central Limit Theorem. Three implications of the theorem are
W (1) ~ N (0,1)
σ ⋅W (r ) ~ N (0, σ 2 r )
[W (r )]2 r ~ x12
A further implication is that, if f (⋅) is a continuous functional on [0,1], then through the continuous mapping theorem,
f ( RT (r )) ⇒ f (W (r ))
We are now in a position to derive the asymptotic distribution of the denominator of (3.2) (see Phillips, 1987a, theorem 3.1)
RT ( r ) = x[ rT ] (r ) σ T = xt −1 σ T
In effect, the interval [0,1] is divided into T + 1 parts at r = 0,1 T , 2 T , K,1 and RT ( r ) is constant at values of r but with jumps at successive integers. As T → ∞ , RT ( r ) becomes increasingly ‘dense’ on [0,1]. In the limit, RT ( r ) weakly converges to standard Brownian motion (or the Weiner process), W (r ) , denoted
Chapter 3 Univariate linear stochastic models: further topics
3.1 Determining the order of integration of a time series
2.1.1. Distinguishing between different values of d.
xT (σ T ) is N (0,1) , so its square is x12 , and T −1 2 σ 2 . Thus T ∑ t =1 at converges in probability to
a T ∑ t =1 xt −1at ~ (1 2)σ 2 ( X − 1)
−1 T
ˆ T (φT − 1) ⇒
(1 2)([W (1)]2 − 1)
[W (r )]2 dr
The denominator of (3.3) must be positive. Since [W (1)]2 is x12 and the probability that a x12 variable is less than ˆ unity is 0.68, the probability that T (φT − 1) is negative approaches 0.68 as T becomes large. Thus, in twothirds of samples generated by a random walk, the estiˆ mate φT will be less than unity. Furthermore, when 2 [W (1)] is large so will be the denominator of (3.3), ˆ implying that the limiting distribution of T (φT − 1) will be skewed to the left, with negative values twice as likely as positive values. Note that, from Phillips (1987a)
Which has to be scaled by T −2 in order to converge to a finite value T −2 2 2 2 E[T xt −1 ] = (σ 2)(1 − 1 T ) → σ 2 as T → ∞ t =1 Hence T
ˆ T (φT − 1) =
If xt is I (0) , which we will denote xt ~ I (0) even though such a notation has been used previously to denote the distributional characteristics of a series, then, assuming for convenience that it has zero mean: (i) the variance of xt is finite and does not depend on t , (ii) the innovation at has only a temporary effect on the value of xt ,
xt2 = ( xt −1 + at ) 2 = xt2−1 + 2 xt −1at + at2 xt −1at = (1 2)( xt2 − xt2−1 − at2 )
implying that Thus, the numerator of the ratio can be written as
xt −1at = (1 2)( x − x ) − (1 2)∑ t =1 at2 ∑ t =1
(iii) the expected length of times between crossings of x = 0 is finite, i.e., xt fluctuates around its mean of zero, (iv) the autocorrlations, ρ k , decrease steadily in magnitude for large enough k , so that their sum is finite.
If xt ~ I (1) with x0 = 0 then: (i) the variance of xt goes to infinity as t goes to infinity, (ii) an innovation at has a permanent effect on the value of xt because xt is the sum of all previous innovations: see, e.g., equation (2.10), (iii) the expected time between crossings of x0 = 0 is infinite, (iv) the autocorrelations ρ k → 1 for all k as t goes to infinity.
−2∑Leabharlann ∑t =1 t −1 t T 2 t =1 t −1
x a x
has an asymptotic distribution that is a ratio of a (sca2 led) x1 variable to a non-standard distribution. Let us consider the limiting distribution of the standardised variable xt σ T and map the increasing interval from 0 to T into the fixed interval [0,1] so that results will be invariant to the actual value of T . We thus define the random step function RT ( r ) as follows. Denote [ rT ] as the integer part of rT , where r ∈ [0,1] and define
Where X ~ x12 .
E ( xt2 ) = σ 2t , it follows that the expectation Since
of the denominator of the ratio is
2 t =1 t −1
x ]=σ
(t − 1) = σ 2 (T − 1) T 2 ∑ t =1
mate of φ is given by
ˆ = ∑ t =1 φT T
xt −1 xt x
2 t =1 t −1