Michael Mayo




nba08年选秀排名NBA 2008年选秀排名2008年是NBA历史上一个重要的年份,因为在这一年的选秀中涌现出了一批优秀的篮球新秀。




1. 德里克·罗斯(Derrick Rose)- 芝加哥公牛队作为2008年选秀的状元秀,德里克·罗斯很快在NBA中崭露头角。



2. 迈克尔·比斯利(Michael Beasley)- 迈阿密热火队作为状元秀的亚军,迈克尔·比斯利曾经有过令人瞩目的大学篮球生涯。



3. 奥何迪·邓(O.J. Mayo)- 明尼苏达森林狼队奥何迪·邓在大学中表现出色,被看作是一位非常有潜力的球员。



4. 韦斯利·约翰逊(Wesley Johnson)- 孟菲斯灰熊队韦斯利·约翰逊在大学中展现出了惊人的得分能力和全面的篮球运动天赋。


5. 凯文·拉夫(Kevin Love)- 孟菲斯灰熊队(交易至明尼苏达森林狼队)凯文·拉夫在NCAA中的表现给人留下了深刻的印象,他的篮板球能力相当出色。



人名反应1氧化:1・Baeyer-Villiger氧化:酮过酸氧化成酯迁移规则:叔>仲>环己基>苄>伯〉甲基〉氢2・Corey-Kim氧化:醇在NCS/DMF作用后,碱处理氧化成醛酮3・Criegee邻二醇裂解:邻二醇由Pb(OAc)4氧化成羰基化合物4・Criegee臭氧化:烯烃臭氧化后水解成醛酮5・Dakin反应:对羟基苯甲醛由碱性H2O2氧化成对二酚6・Dess—Martin过碘酸酯氧化:仲醇由过碘酸酯氧化成酮7・Fleming氧化•硅烷经过酸化,过酸盐氧化,水解以后形成醇8・Hooker氧化:2—羟基一3烷基一1,4—醌被KMnO4氧化导致侧链烷基失去一个亚甲基,同时羟基和烷基位置互变9・Moffatt氧化(Pfitzner—Moffatt)氧化:用DCC和DMSO氧化醇,形成醛酮10・Oppenauer氧化:烷氧基催化的仲醇氧化成醛酮11・Riley氧化:活泼亚甲基(羰基a位等)被SeO2氧化成酮12・Rubottom氧化:烯醇硅烷经过m—CPBA和K2CO3处理后a—羟基化KHCO3氧化成醇13・Sarett氧化:CrO3・Py络合物氧化醇成醛酮14・Swern氧化:用(COC1)2,DMSO为试剂合Et3N淬灭的方法将醇氧化成羰基化合物15・Tamao—Kumada氧化:烷基氟硅烷被KF,H2O2,16・Wacker氧化:Pd催化剂下,烯烃氧化成酮还原:1・・Barton—McCombie去氧反应:从相关的硫羰基体中间用n—Bu3SnH,AIBN 试剂经过自由基开裂发生醇的去氧作用2・Birch还原:苯环由Na单质合液胺条件下形成环内二烯烃(带供电子基团的苯环:双键连接取代基:带吸电子基团的苯环,取代基在烯丙位。












Title: Claude Mckay’s Transnational Writing in Home to HarlemAbstract: Claude McKay’s Home to Harlem depicts the black transnational experience of the early 20th century. Academics mainly studied the influence of McKay’s personal transnational experience and black internationalist thinking on his main character, but neglected the minor plot’s protagonist Ray and his nationality, and the significance of his sojourn in Harlem. Ray’s transnational migration experience not only embodies McKay’s complex transnational feeling and identity experience, but also reflects Harlem’s spatial significance as an ideal home for African diaspora and urban black community. The paper aims to examine Caribbean immigrants’ experience of modernity in Harlem which is interpreted as the geographic space for immigrants to evoke historical memories, the political space for constructing transnational identities and the multicultural space for accommodating differences. It is to prove that they manage to extricate themselves from the shackles of traditional concepts of nation, race and class and their confusion of identity by changing their established identity and redefining themselves, and thus participate in the production of racial space in American cities.60Foreign Language and Literature Research 2 (2021)外国语文研究2021年第2期Key words: Claude Mckay; Home to Harlem; transnational writingAuthor: Shu Jinyan is Ph. D. candidate at College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University (Tianjin, 300071, China), associate professor at School of Foreign Studies, Kashi University (Kashi 844000, China). Her major academic research interest includes American literature. E-mail: ******************1925年,阿伦•洛克在《新黑人》选集中将哈莱姆描述为一个国际化的文化之都,视其重要性堪比欧洲新兴民族国家的首都。



发表于2010-4-7 06:03:00 |只看该作者|倒序浏览此表可供快速查询球员对应的面补ID号码由于所用名单的不同,球员编号可能有所不同,但并不影响对应面补ID 使用ctrl+f快速查找球员以免去REDitor的操作不便球员编号球员姓名对应面补ID0 Williams Louis 13071 Iguodala Andre 11582 Young Thaddeus 14213 Brand Elton 5504 Dalembert Samuel 8265 Speights Marreese 15226 Kapono Jason 10437 Green Willie 11488 Holiday Jrue 16079 Carney Rodney 134910 Ivey Royal 125411 Brezec Primoz 88612 Smith Jason 142913 Felton Raymond 126014 Bell Raja 82815 Wallace Gerald 83416 Diaw Boris 103317 Chandler Tyson 80118 Augustin D.J. 151519 Radmanovic Vladimir 81320 Diop DeSagana 81021 Murray Flip 114122 Henderson Gerald 161623 Mohammed Nazr 33624 Ajinca Alexis 157325 Brown Derrick 162926 Jefferson Dontell 159427 Ridnour Luke 102628 Redd Michael 83729 Mbah a Moute Luc Richard 153930 Warrick Hakim 127431 Bogut Andrew 125632 Delfino Carlos 120933 Jennings Brandon 160834 Alexander Joe 151435 Thomas Kurt 13536 Bell Charlie 131037 Gadzuric Dan 93338 Meeks Jodie 164939 Ukic Roko 155340 Elson Francisco 113741 Sharpe Walter 153642 Rose Derrick 150743 Salmons John 92644 Deng Luol 115645 Thomas Tyrus 133746 Noah Joakim 141847 Miller Brad 49748 Hinrich Kirk 101949 Pargo Jannero 99350 Johnson James 160951 Gray Aaron 154952 Hunter Lindsey 28453 Gibson Taj 163854 James Jerome 88855 Williams Mo 113256 West Delonte 117357 James LeBron 101358 Varejao Anderson 117959 O'Neal Shaquille 20160 Ilgauskas Zydrunas 6761 Parker Anthony 136462 Moon Jamario 146963 Gibson Daniel 136264 Powe Leon 137665 Jackson Darnell 157966 Green Daniel 165267 Williams Jawad 158068 Hickson J.J. 152569 Rondo Rajon 135470 Allen Ray 1371 Pierce Paul 39272 Garnett Kevin 36573 Perkins Kendrick 103974 Wallace Rasheed 38975 Davis Glen 144376 Daniels Marquis 113577 House Eddie 65578 Allen Tony 117479 Williams Shelden 133880 Scalabrine Brian 113681 Walker Bill 154282 Giddens J.R. 153583 Davis Baron 58984 Gordon Eric 151385 Thornton Al 142386 Griffin Blake 160087 Kaman Chris 101888 Camby Marcus 29589 Telfair Sebastian 116290 Butler Rasual 93791 Jordan DeAndre 153892 Davis Ricky 13893 Smith Craig 144894 Skinner Brian 44395 Collins Mardy 138296 Conley Michael 141397 Mayo O.J. 150998 Gay Rudy 134199 Randolph Zach 822 100 Gasol Marc 1548101 Iverson Allen 5102 Arthur Darrell 1532 103 Thabeet Hasheem 1602 104 Jaric Marko 987105 Young Sam 1623106 Carroll DeMarre 1639 107 Hunter Steven 824 108 Haddadi Hamed 1559 109 Bibby Mike 59110 Johnson Joe 807111 Williams Marvin 1257 112 Smith Josh 1166113 Horford Al 1412114 Crawford Jamal 631 115 Pachulia Zaza 1134 116 Evans Maurice 1204 117 Smith Joe 402118 Teague Jeff 1617119 Collins Jason 823120 Morris Randolph 1560 121 Chalmers Mario 1526 122 Wade Dwyane 1017 123 Beasley Michael 1508 124 Haslem Udonis 1118125 O'Neal Jermaine 393 126 Richardson Quentin 642 127 Jones James 1205128 Anthony Joel 1583129 Cook Daequan 1430 130 Quinn Chris 1502131 Diawara Yakhouba 1384 132 Magloire Jamaal 643 133 Wright Dorell 1168 134 Paul Chris 1259135 Posey James 576136 Stojakovic Peja 450 137 West David 1030138 Okafor Emeka 1151 139 Wright Julian 1422140 Armstrong Hilton 1345 141 Brown Devin 1149142 Marks Sean 316143 Songaila Darius 1133 144 Collison Darren 1622 145 Diogu Ike 1264146 Brown Bobby 1571 147 Thornton Marcus 1651 148 Peterson Morris 645 149 Williams Deron 1258 150 Brewer Ronnie 1347 151 Miles C.J. 1299152 Boozer Carlos 934153 Okur Mehmet 992154 Kirilenko Andrei 847 155 Millsap Paul 1379156 Korver Kyle 1126157 Price Ronnie 1381158 Maynor Eric 1613159 Fesenko Kyrylo 1445 160 Koufos Kosta 1529 161 Harpring Matt 232162 Udrih Beno 1177163 Martin Kevin 1175164 Nocioni Andres 1203 165 Thompson Jason 1518 166 Hawes Spencer 1419 167 Evans Tyreke 1606168 Garcia Francisco 1278169 May Sean 1268170 Rodriguez Sergio 1375 171 Mason Desmond 641 172 Greene Donte 1533 173 Casspi Omri 1636 174 Thomas Kenny 553 175 Brockman Jon 1647 176 Duhon Chris 1252 177 Chandler Wilson 1432 178 Harrington Al 237 179 Jeffries Jared 911180 Lee David 1285181 Robinson Nate 1276 182 Hughes Larry 256 183 Milicic Darko 1014 184 Hill Jordan 1604185 Gallinari Danilo 1512 186 Douglas Toney 1641 187 Curry Eddy 803188 Sun Yue 1566189 Fisher Derek 198190 Bryant Kobe 195191 Artest Ron 573192 Gasol Pau 809193 Bynum Andrew 1265 194 Odom Lamar 564195 Farmar Jordan 1359 196 Walton Luke 1044 197 Vujacic Sasha 1176 198 Brown Shannon 1358 199 Powell Josh 1499200 Morrison Adam 1336 201 Mbenga DJ 1207202 Nelson Jameer 1169 203 Carter Vince 110204 Lewis Rashard 275 205 Bass Brandon 1288 206 Howard Dwight 1150 207 Pietrus Mickael 1023 208 Gortat Marcin 1585 209 Johnson Anthony 449 210 Barnes Matt 1194211 Anderson Ryan 1527 212 Redick J.J. 1344213 Williams Jason 468214 Foyle Adonal 418215 Kidd Jason 226216 Howard Josh 1041217 Marion Shawn 568218 Nowitzki Dirk 349219 Dampier Erick 268220 Terry Jason 600221 Gooden Drew 904222 Barea J.J. 1550223 Ross Quinton 1197224 Thomas Tim 417225 Singleton James 1305226 Humphries Kris 1163227 Carroll Matt 1309228 Williams Shawne 1350229 Jawai Nathan 1558230 Harris Devin 1154231 Lee Courtney 1528232 Simmons Bobby 1130233 Yi Jianlian 1415234 Lopez Brook 1516235 Dooling Keyon 634236 Hayes Jarvis 1022237 Alston Rafer 619238 Boone Josh 1356239 Williams Terrence 1618 240 Douglas-Roberts Chris 1541 241 Hassell Trenton 896242 Battie Tony 415243 Williams Sean 1426244 Najera Eduardo 838245 Billups Chauncey 413246 Smith J.R. 1167247 Anthony Carmelo 1015 248 Martin Kenyon 625249 Nenê 907250 Andersen Chris 984251 Balkman Renaldo 1353 252 Carter Anthony 6253 Afflalo Arron 1436254 Lawson Ty 1615255 Allen Malik 982256 Petro Johan 1280257 White James 1409258 Ford T.J. 1020259 Dunleavy Mike 903 260 Granger Danny 1272 261 Murphy Troy 808262 Hibbert Roy 1523263 Jones Dahntay 1032 264 Foster Jeff 557265 Rush Brandon 1519 266 Watson Earl 845267 Hansbrough Tyler 1624 268 McRoberts Josh 1444 269 Diener Travis 1291 270 Jones Solomon 1453 271 Price A.J. 1658272 Stuckey Rodney 1424 273 Hamilton Richard 579 274 Prince Tayshaun 923 275 Villanueva Charlie 1262 276 Wilcox Chris 908277 Gordon Ben 1152278 Maxiell Jason 1281 279 Wallace Ben 35280 Bynum Will 1562281 Brown Kwame 800 282 Daye Austin 1619283 Summers DaJuan 1625 284 Jerebko Jonas 1648 285 Calderon Jose 1317 286 Belinelli Marco 1427 287 Turkoglu Hedo 640 288 Bosh Chris 1016289 Bargnani Andrea 1334 290 Jack Jarrett 1277291 DeRozan DeMar 1605 292 Johnson Amir 1452 293 Nesterovic Rasho 345 294 Wright Antoine 1270 295 Evans Reggie 1143 296 Weems Sonny 1568 297 O'Bryant Patrick 1342 298 Douby Quincy 1352 299 Banks Marcus 1025 300 Brooks Aaron 1435301 McGrady Tracy 419302 Ariza Trevor 1206303 Scola Luis 1451304 Yao Ming 901305 Battier Shane 802306 Landry Carl 1440307 Lowry Kyle 1357308 Andersen David 1693 309 Hayes Chuck 1386310 Barry Brent 96311 Taylor Jermaine 1644 312 Budinger Chase 1626 313 Dorsey Joey 1537314 Mensah-Bonsu Pops 1592 315 Parker Tony 839316 Mason Roger 930317 Jefferson Richard 816 318 McDyess Antonio 257 319 Duncan Tim 411320 Ginobili Manu 970321 Bonner Matt 1318322 Hill George 1531323 Finley Michael 353324 Blair DeJuan 1611325 Ratliff Theo 288326 Bogans Keith 1049327 Hairston Malik 1543328 Mahinmi Ian 1557329 Nash Steve 358330 Richardson Jason 805 331 Hill Grant 283332 Stoudemire Amar'e 909 333 Lopez Robin 1521334 Barbosa Leandro 1040 335 Frye Channing 1263336 Amundson Louis 1575 337 Dragic Goran 1555338 Clark Earl 1610339 Dudley Jared 1431340 Griffin Taylor 1654341 Tucker Alando 1438342 Westbrook Russell 1510 343 Harden James 1603344 Durant Kevin 1411345 Green Jeff 1414346 Krstic Nenad 1588347 Thomas Etan 636348 Sefolosha Thabo 1346 349 Collison Nick 1024350 Livingston Shaun 1153 351 Weaver Kyle 1540352 Mullens B.J. 1620353 Ollie Kevin 66354 White D.J. 1534355 Sessions Ramon 1498 356 Wilkins Damien 1303 357 Gomes Ryan 1297358 Love Kevin 1511359 Jefferson Al 1164360 Brewer Corey 1416361 Ellington Wayne 1614 362 Flynn Jonny 1614363 Cardinal Brian 1145 364 Daniels Antonio 414 365 Hollins Ryan 1501366 Pavlovic Sasha 1031 367 Blount Mark 833368 Pecherov Oleksiy 1351 369 Miller Andre 597370 Roy Brandon 1339371 Batum Nicolas 1530 372 Aldridge LaMarcus 1335 373 Oden Greg 1410374 Outlaw Travis 1035 375 Fernandez Rudy 1433 376 Przybilla Joel 633377 Blake Steve 1048378 Bayless Jerryd 1517 379 Webster Martell 1261 380 Howard Juwan 31381 Pendergraph Jeff 1643 382 Ellis Monta 1292383 Curry Stephen 1612 384 Jackson Stephen 93385 Randolph Anthony 1520 386 Biedrins Andris 1160 387 Maggette Corey 567 388 Turiaf Ronny 1290389 Azubuike Kelenna 1450 390 Wright Brandan 1417 391 Moore Mikki 616392 Watson C.J. 1503393 Law Acie 1420394 George Devean 590 395 Morrow Anthony 1574 396 Claxton Speedy 644 397 Arenas Gilbert 821398 Miller Mike 629399 Butler Caron 910400 Jamison Antawn 262 401 Haywood Brendan 818 402 Blatche Andray 1296 403 Foye Randy 1340404 McGee JaVale 1524 405 Young Nick 1425406 McGuire Dominic 1468 407 Oberto Fabricio 1304 408 Stevenson DeShawn 647 409 Crittenton Javaris 1428 410 James Mike 991411 Cousy Bob 734412 Robertson Oscar 733 413 Baylor Elgin 732414 Russell Bill 730415 Chamberlain Wilt 752 416 Havlicek John 735417 Pettit Bob 736418 Schayes Dolph 737419 Lucas Jerry 738420 Greer Hal 739421 Mikan George 740422 Sharman Bill 785423 Frazier Walt 745424 Gervin George 744425 Erving Julius 870426 Lanier Bob 748427 Cowens Dave 741428 Cunningham Billy 743 429 Maravich Pete 746430 McAdoo Bob 779431 Monroe Earl 747432 Reed Willis 749433 Archibald Nate 750434 Bing Dave 751435 West Jerry 756436 Thompson David 755437 Barry Rick 754438 Walton Bill 753439 Thurmond Nate 731440 Wilkens Lenny 760441 Hawkins Connie 1460442 Issel Dan 871443 Haywood Spencer 759444 Gilmore Artis 872445 Lucas Maurice 787446 Goodrich Gail 757447 Thomas Isiah 767448 Erving Julius 766449 Bird Larry 765450 McHale Kevin 764451 Ewing Patrick 874452 Wilkins Dominique 770 453 Malone Moses 763454 Moncrief Sidney 875455 Cheeks Maurice 1098456 Parish Robert 769457 Nance Larry 1102458 Richardson Micheal Ray 877 459 Johnson Earvin 778460 Drexler Clyde 777461 Worthy James 776462 Malone Karl 953463 Olajuwon Hakeem 878464 English Alex 780465 Sikma Jack 774466 Chambers Tom 775467 Blackman Rolando 1486 468 McDaniel Xavier 879469 Cooper Michael 880470 Theus Reggie 784471 Hardaway Tim 129472 Rice Glen 949473 Pippen Scottie 942474 Mourning Alonzo 946475 O'Neal Shaquille 948476 Wilkins Dominique 1321477 Ewing Patrick 940 478 Hill Grant 941479 Smith Steve 951480 Dumars Joe 1213481 Johnson Larry 1393 482 Rodman Dennis 1485 483 Kidd Jason 963484 Drexler Clyde 955 485 Mullin Chris 1146486 Olajuwon Hakeem 952 487 O'Neal Shaquille 1183 488 Malone Karl 159489 Johnson Kevin 1101 490 Richmond Mitch 174 491 Robinson David 959 492 Majerle Dan 1215493 Schrempf Detlef 1217 494 Hornacek Jeff 157495 Lam Bryan 1599496 Sapida Jerson 1494 498 Unsworth Tor 1487 497 Iwahashi Jay 1598 499 Lee Shawn 1595500 Rivas Randy 1489501 Jones Rhys 1488502 Hamre Matt 503503 Rothaug Justin 1491 504 Jackson Rick 1490 505 Peacock Larry 706 506 Yang Johnnie 509507 Gatson Rob 869508 Boucher Grayson 1484 509 Timmerman Zach 1493 510 Schroeder Tim 1403 511 Boenisch Erick 1402 512 Jones Rob 1243513 Peete Dion 1396514 Park Steve 1497515 Townsend Matt 1369 516 Townsend Brian 1368 517 Anderson Thomas 1404 518 Darroca Chris 1630 519 Copelovici David 1367 520 Marrinson Nat 602521 Cardona Alvin 865522 Lai-Fatt Kyle 666523 Jinks Lynell 976524 Thomas Greg 504525 Lee David 974526 Gregory Jonathan 1370 527 Myers Ivan 1597528 Tse Roy 1248529 Fok Herman 1400530 Jones Nick 709531 Lukas Nikki 1632532 Kaneko Quinn 853533 Zheng Ying 1477534 Bares Julien 1472535 Su Lu 1591536 Liu Leny 1475537 Liu Jing 1474538 Xu Xiao Qiang 1476539 Sun Ting 1480540 Liu Tao 1481541 Xu Jie 1482542 Fang Zhen 1483543 Alvarez Isaac 1677544 Lopez Jose 1678545 Hurd John 1679546 Stephenson Hassan 1680 547 Richards Darrell 1681 548 Jackson Christopher 1682 549 Negron Luis 1683550 Taylor Jayceon 1684551 Quarus Danny 1685552 Lee Jay 1686553 Ferguson Asa 1687554 Abdul-Karim Ammer 1688 555 Johnson Ikeem 1689556 Malheur Andy 1690557 Boyd Adam 1691558 Mohammed Mahad 1692 963 Acker Alex 1576964 Adams Hassan 1408965 Ager Maurice 1361966 Almond Morris 1434967 Atkins Chucky 615968 Augustine James 1462969 Baston Maceo 1581 970 Booth Calvin 547971 Bowen Ryan 1584972 Brown Andre 1572973 Brown Dee 1380974 Buckner Greg 583975 Butler Jackie 1391976 Byars Derrick 1446 977 Collins Jarron 966978 Davidson Jermareo 1500 979 Davis Paul 1465980 Dixon Juan 917981 Dupree Ronald 1129 982 Ely Melvin 912983 Ewing Daniel 1287984 Ewing Jr Patrick 1556 985 Farmer Desmon 1570 986 Fazekas Nick 1442987 Francis Steve 578988 Gardner Thomas 1577 989 Gelabale Mickael 1390 990 Graham Joey 1271991 Graham Stephen 1582 992 Green Gerald 1273993 Greene Orien 1311994 Greer Lynn 1463995 Ha Seung-Jin 1181996 Hardin DeV on 1545 997 Harrison David 1178 998 Hart Jason 1144999 Head Luther 1279 1000 Hendrix Richard 1544 1001 Herrmann Walter 1454 1002 Hill Steven 1586 1003 Hodge Julius 1275 1004 Hunter Othello 1578 1005 Ilyasova Ersan 1289 1006 Jackson Bobby 433 1007 Jackson Luke 1159 1008 Johnson DerMarr 630 1009 Johnson Linton 1378 1010 Johnson Trey 1593 1011 Jones Bobby 1394 1012 Jones Damon 301013 Jones Dwayne 1505 1014 Jones Fred 9141015 Jordan Jared 1447 1016 Karl Coby 15061017 Khryapa Viktor 1171 1018 Kinsey Tarence 1406 1019 Knight Brevin 426 1020 Kurz Rob 15871021 LaFrentz Raef 266 1022 Lucas John 13891023 Lue Tyronn 3031024 Madsen Mark 652 1025 Marbury Stephon 369 1026 Marshall Donyell 397 1027 Martin Cartier 1589 1028 McCants Rashad 1269 1029 McLeod Keith 1212 1030 Mihm Chris 6321031 Miles Darius 6271032 Nelson DeMarcus 1563 1033 Nichols Demetris 1561 1034 Noel David 14491035 Novak Steve 1388 1036 Parker Smush 988 1037 Pruitt Gabe 14411038 Randolph Shavlik 1308 1039 Ray Allan 14051040 Reed Justin 12531041 Richardson Jeremy 1504 1042 Roberson Anthony 1567 1043 Roberts Lawrence 1003 1044 Rose Malik 10041045 Ruffin Michael 1005 1046 Rush Kareem 1006 1047 Samb Cheikh 1007 1048 Sampson Jamal 1008 1049 Sene Mouhamed 1009 1050 Simmons Cedric 1010 1051 Singletary Sean 1011 1052 Snyder Kirk 1012 1053 Solomon Will 1013 1054 Spanoulis Vassilis 1014 1055 Stackhouse Jerry 1015 1056 Storey Awvee 10161057 Stoudamire Salim 1017 1058 Strawberry D.J. 1018 1059 Sweetney Michael 1019 1060 Swift Robert 1020 1061 Swift Stromile 1021 1062 Szczerbiak Wally 1022 1063 Taylor Donell 1392 1064 Taylor Mike 1546 1065 Thompson Dijon 1300 1066 Tinsley Jamaal 814 1067 Tolliver Anthony 1569 1068 Udoka Ime 13741069 Vaughn Jacque 437 1070 Voskuhl Jake 653 1071 Wallace Brandon 1458 1072 West Mario 1471 1073 Wilks Mike 1320 1074 Williams Justin 1467 1075 Williams Marcus 1355 1076 Wright Lorenzen 95 1077 Rubio Ricky 1601 1078 Beverley Patrick 1650 1079 Calathes Nick 1628 1080 Suton Goran 1656 1081 McClinton Jack 1657 1082 Vaden Robert 1660 1083 Mills Patrick 1621 1084 Cook Brian 1036 1085 Kleiza Linas 1282 1086 Wafer Von 15651087 Bowen Bruce 701088 Banner David 1596 1089 West Kanye 1634 1090 The Game 16661091 Wale 16671092 Mims 16681093 Roth Asher 16691094 Cannon Don 1670 1095 Big Kuntry 16711096 DJ Whoo Kid 1672 1097 Twista 16731098 Pitbull 16741099 Kingsoul 16751100 Slim Thug 16761101 Hollins Billy 5012 1102 Oliver Evan 5013 1103 Martin Doug 5014 1104 Randolph Gerald 5015 1105 Davis Cliff 50161106 Williams Marc 5017 1107 Gibson Derrick 5018 1108 Reed Albert 5019 1109 Douglas Larry 5020 1110 Brown Hal 50211111 Gregory Nick 5024 1112 Owens Marvin 5025 1113 Mason Brad 5026 1114 Rice Alexander 5027 1115 Howard Raymond 5028 1116 Saunders Jerry 5029 1117 Dixon Aaron 5030 1118 Larson Josh 5031 1119 Tucker Clyde 5032 1120 George Lewis 5033 1121 Schroeder Derek 5036 1122 May Bruce 50371123 Thomas Harvey 5038 1124 Anderson Erik 5039 1125 Hart John 50401126 Park Sam 50411127 Turner George 5042 1128 Gill Bernard 5043 1129 Fisher Joel 50441130 Reid Ricky 50451131 Scott Cory 50481132 Richardson Sean 5049 1133 Jones Dennis 5050 1134 McDaniel Lee 5051 1135 Williams Arthur 5052 1136 Daniels Chuck 5053 1137 Law Kurt 50541138 Sharp John 50551139 Parker Brandon 5056 1140 Walters Jay 5057 1141 Riley Anthony 5060 1142 Brown Ray 5061 1143 Shaw Elliot 5062 1144 Payton Rich 50631145 House Dean 5064 1146 Paul Mitch 50651147 Lee Craig 50661148 Watson Alex 5067 1149 Mitchell Mark 5068 1150 Arnold Henry 5069 1151 Washington David 5072 1152 Robinson Jake 5073 1153 Sherman Paul 5074 1154 Hill Adrian 50751155 Gray Chris 50761156 Arthur Nate 5077 1157 Weber Curtis 5078 1158 Nelson Eric 5079 1159 Patterson Joe 5080 1160 Hughes Antonio 5081 1161 Anthony Lou 5084 1162 Roberts Glen 5085 1163 Maxwell Fred 5086 1164 Simmons Al 5087 1165 Mills Jason 50881166 Francis Scott 5089 1167 White Bill 50901168 Lewis Rick 50911169 Peete Ryan 50921170 Hunt Allan 50931171 Simpson Roy 5096 1172 Fuller Karl 50971173 Williams Russell 5098 1174 Wilson Dale 5099 1175 Hall Matt 51001176 Rogers Michael 5101 1177 Terry Rob 51021178 Gadson Brian 5103 1179 Thompson Tom 5104 1180 Perkins Luis 5105 1181 Woods Steve 5108 1182 Smith Allen 5109 1183 Bailey Keith 5110 1184 Ross John 51111185 Williams Todd 5112 1186 Moon Danny 5113 1187 Long James 5114 1188 Duncan Nathan 51151189 Perkinson Jason 5116 1190 Jones Phil 51171191 Jackson Gary 5000 1192 Baker Alan 5001 1193 Johnson Lance 5002 1194 Adams Kenny 5003 1195 Davidson Clay 5004 1196 Green Andy 5005 1197 Hale Don 50061198 Malone Bobby 5007 1199 Norris Jeff 5008 1200 Hobbs Bryan 5009 1201 Rose Will 51201202 Jennings Chris 5121 1203 Atkins Peter 5122 1205 Harris Gordon 5124 1206 Perry David 5125 1207 Ford Randy 5126 1208 Monroe Edward 5127 1209 Young Carl 5128 1210 Russell Tim 5129 1211 Stokes Howard 5132 1212 Best Richard 5133 1213 Gooding Michael 5134 1214 Porter Damon 5135 1215 Hamilton Tony 5136 1216 Morris Joe 5137 1217 Carter Wes 5138 1218 Hunter Ron 5139 1219 Foster Dave 5140 1220 Lloyd Thomas 5141 1221 Hayes Chris 5144 1222 Rush Matt 51451223 Jones Ralph 5146 1224 Holt Patrick 5147 1225 Smith Nelson 5148 1226 Brooks Alvin 5149 1227 Strong Rob 5150 1228 Dailey Greg 5151 1229 Morrison Pete 5152 1230 Cook Drew 5153 1231 James Kyle 5156 1232 Ryan Jeremy 5157 1233 Banks Eddie 51581234 Tate Charles 5159 1235 Hicks Dan 5160 1236 Drew Jimmy 5161 1237 Powell Hugh 5162 1238 Myers Barry 5163 1239 Beck Joe 51641240 Thomas Gabe 5165 1241 Price Jesse 5168 1242 Evans Darryl 5169 1243 Jacobs Ed 5170 1244 Cross Grant 5171 1245 Ramsey Brian 5172 1246 Barnes Jon 5173 1247 Lucas James 5174 1248 Neal Dwight 5175 1249 Sampson Andre 5176 1250 Gordon Jared 5177 1251 Jefferson Kevin 5180 1252 Nicholson Mike 5181 1253 Clark Andrew 5182 1254 Harrison Frank 5183 1255 Ellis Pat 51841256 Graham Ben 5185 1257 Barry Steven 5186 1258 Mack Darren 5187 1259 Faulk Chad 5188 1260 Henry Brian 5189。



1916年起义被处决的人七位签约人:意蒙∙圣特(Éamonn Ceannt): 1881年出生于高围(Galway),起义之前圣特是都柏林公会的一位职员。

他是爱尔兰自愿者(the Irish Volunteers)的创办人之一,参与了1914年的成功的豪思枪支走私行动(Howth gun-running operation)。


作为在起义运行中爱尔兰自愿者第四大队的指挥官,他攻取了南都柏林公会(the South Dublin Union),也就是现在的圣詹姆斯医院(St. James’s Hospital)的前身。


汤马斯∙詹姆斯∙克拉克(Thomas James Clarke): 于1857年出生于怀特岛(the Isle of Wight),克拉克的父亲是英国军队的一位士兵。

在美国度过他的年青时代时,他加入了娜可尔集团(Clann na nGael) ,而后因为他参与了1883至1898在伦敦发生的轰炸运动而被判了十五年的徒刑。

在1907年,从美国第二次旅居回国后,他与美国娜可尔集团 (Clann na nGael) 之间的联系进一步加固了他在爱尔兰革命运行中的重要性。


因为他的资历,他是独立宣言的第一位签字人,克拉克当时和占领邮政总局(G. P. O.)的大队成员在一起。


詹姆斯∙科劳里(James Connolly)(1868-1916): 于1868年出生于爱丁堡格(Edinburgh),科劳里首先是英国军队的一位成员。


Morgan Stanley翻译

Morgan Stanley翻译

Morgan Stanley摩根斯坦利Getting back to business恢复商务活动After failing to out-Goldman Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley hopes to reinvent itself as Wall Street’s client-friendly firm在没能拯救高盛之后,摩根斯坦利希望重塑自我成为华尔街的便民公司IN A speech to Morgan Stanley’s staff during the market turmoil of 2008, John Mack, the firm’s street-fighting boss, wondered aloud: “How do you get through chaos?” Wall Street’s most blue-blooded firm survived, bloodied, with government help and some timely investments from Asia. The question facing Mr Mack’s successor as chief executive, James Gorman (pictured), an urbane Australian, is equally vexing: how should the 75-year-old firm be reshaped so that it can prosper in a post-crisis world?2008年市场动荡之时,摩根斯坦利的员工做了一场演讲,公司的街战老板约翰•马克大声的道问倒:“如何渡过混乱时期?”由于得到政府的帮助以及来自亚洲的一些及时投资,华尔街最高贵的公司幸存了,遍身浴血。

作为马克先生的继任者,新一任的行政主管詹姆斯•戈尔曼(上图)是一个温文尔雅的澳大利亚人,他面临的问题也同样令人恼怒:75岁的公司如何打开新局面以便在世界后危机时期蓬勃发展?The answer lies partly in undoing much of the firm’s pre-crisis expansion under Mr Mack into mortgages and other risky, leveraged assets. The balance-sheet has shrunk by about 20%. Proprietary-trading desks have been closed or are being spun off, as are hedge funds. A push into more stable, and capital-light, wealth management and retail brokerage was made through the opportunistic purchase of 51% of Smith Barney from Citigroup. New people have been brought in to run the firm’s key divisions.这个答案部分在于,其毁灭了马克先生领导时期金融危机前公司在抵押贷款及其他危险的杠杆资产上大部分的扩张业绩。



NBA球员 | 按所在球队 | 按球员姓名老鹰0号杰夫-蒂格,Jeff Teague 1号莫里斯-埃文斯,Maurice Evans 2号乔-约翰逊,Joe Johnson5号约什-史密斯,Josh Smith 7号贾马尔-克劳福德,Jamal Crawford 10号迈克-毕比,Mike Bibby15号艾尔-霍福德,Al Horford 24号马文-威廉姆斯,Marvin Williams 27号扎扎-帕楚里亚,Zaza Pachulia32号乔-史密斯,Joe Smith 33号兰多夫-莫里斯,Randolph Morris 34号杰森-科林斯,Jason Collins凯尔特人4号 J.R.-吉登斯,J.R. Giddens 5号凯文-加内特,Kevin Garnett 6号马奎斯-丹尼尔斯,Marquis Daniels9号拉简-隆多,Rajon Rondo 11号格伦-戴维斯,Glen Davis 12号比尔-沃克,Bill Walker20号雷-阿伦,Ray Allen 23号谢尔顿-威廉姆斯,Shelden Williams34号保罗-皮尔斯,Paul Pierce43号肯德里克-帕金斯,Kendrick Perkins44号布莱恩-斯卡拉布莱尼,Brian Scalabrine 50号埃迪-豪斯,Eddie House 33号沙奎尔-奥尼尔,Shaquille O`Neal山猫2号东泰尔-杰弗森,Dontell Jefferson3号杰拉德-华莱士,Gerald Wallace 6号耐泽-莫罕默德,Nazr Mohammed7号德桑加纳-迪奥普,DeSagana Diop 10号瓦拉迪米-拉德马诺维奇,Vladimir Radmanovic 14号 D.J.-奥古斯丁,D.J. Augustin15号杰拉德-享德森,Gerald Henderson 16号泰森-钱德勒,Tyson Chandler 19号拉贾-贝尔,Raja Bell20号雷蒙德-费尔顿,Raymond Felton 21号亚历克西斯-阿金萨,Alexis Ajinca 32号鲍里斯-迪奥,Boris Diaw公牛1号德里克-罗斯,Derrick Rose 2号杰尼罗-帕戈,Jannero Pargo5号卡洛斯-布泽尔,Carlos Boozer 9号洛尔-邓,Luol Deng11号林赛-亨特,Lindsey Hunter 12号科克-辛里奇,Kirk Hinrich 13号乔金-诺阿,Joakim Noah15号约翰-萨尔蒙斯,John Salmons 16号詹姆斯-约翰逊,James Johnson 22号塔基-吉布森,Taj Gibson24号泰鲁斯-托马斯,Tyrus Thomas 31号杰罗姆-詹姆斯,Jerome James 52号布拉德-米勒,Brad Miller 9号罗尼-布鲁尔,Ronnie Brewer骑士0号达内尔-杰克逊,Darnell Jackson 0号莱昂-鲍威,Leon Powe 1号丹尼尔-吉布森,Daniel Gibson2号莫-威廉姆斯,Mo Williams 11号兹德鲁纳斯-伊尔戈斯卡斯,Zydrunas Ilgauskas 13号德隆特-韦斯特,Delonte West15号贾马里奥-穆恩,Jamario Moon 17号安德森-瓦莱乔,Anderson Varejao 18号安东尼-帕克,Anthony Parker21号 J.J.-希克森,J.J. Hickson 31号贾瓦德-威廉姆斯,Jawad Williams小牛2号杰森-基德,Jason Kidd3号罗德里格-比波斯,Rodrigue Beaubois 4号肖恩-威廉姆斯,Shawne Williams5号约什-霍华德,Josh Howard 7号格雷格-巴克纳,Greg Buckner 11号何塞-胡安-巴里亚,Jose Juan Barea13号马特-卡罗尔,Matt Carroll 21号内森-贾瓦伊,Nathan Jawai 22号蒂姆-托马斯,Tim Thomas23号昆顿-罗斯,Quinton Ross 25号埃里克-丹皮尔,Erick Dampier 30号肖恩-马里昂,Shawn Marion31号杰森-特里,Jason Terry 34号艾哈迈德-尼文斯,Ahmad Nivins 41号德克-诺维茨基,Dirk Nowitzki43号克里斯-汉弗里斯,Kris Humphries 90号德鲁-古登,Drew Gooden掘金1号 J.R.-史密斯,J.R. Smith 4号肯扬-马丁,Kenyon Martin 7号昌西-比卢普斯,Chauncey Billups15号卡梅罗-安东尼,Carmelo Anthony25号安东尼-卡特,Anthony Carter 27号乔翰-佩特罗,Johan Petro28号阿隆-阿弗拉罗,Arron Afflalo 30号马里克-阿伦,Malik Allen 31号内内-希拉里奥,Nene Hilario32号雷纳多-巴尔克曼,Renaldo Balkman活塞3号罗德尼-斯塔基,Rodney Stuckey 5号奥斯汀-戴耶,Austin Daye 7号本-戈登,Ben Gordon9号本-华莱士,Ben Wallace 12号威尔-拜纳姆,Will Bynum 22号泰夏安-普林斯,Tayshaun Prince31号查理-维兰纽瓦,Charlie Villanueva 32号理查德-汉密尔顿,Richard Hamilton 33号约纳斯-杰雷科,Jonas Jerebko35号达胡安-萨莫斯,DaJuan Summers 38号夸梅-布朗,Kwame Brown 54号杰森-马克希尔,Jason Maxiell99号克里斯-威尔考克斯,Chris Wilcox勇士1号斯蒂芬-杰克逊,Stephen Jackson 4号阿西-劳,Acie Law 5号安东尼-兰多夫,Anthony Randolph7号科伦纳-阿祖布克,Kelenna Azubuike 8号蒙塔-埃利斯,Monta Ellis 12号斯比迪-克莱克斯顿,Speedy Claxton15号安德里斯-比德林斯,Andris Biedrins 21号罗尼-图里亚夫,Ronny Turiaf 22号安东尼-莫罗,Anthony Morrow23号 C.J.-沃特森,C.J. Watson 30号斯蒂芬-库里,Stephen Curry 32号布兰登-莱特,Brandan Wright33号米奇-摩尔,Mikki Moore 40号德文-乔治,Devean George 50号科里-马盖蒂,Corey Maggette火箭0号阿隆-布鲁克斯,Aaron Brooks 1号特雷沃-阿里扎,Trevor Ariza4号路易斯-斯科拉,Luis Scola 5号杰梅因-泰勒,Jermaine Taylor 7号凯尔-洛瑞,Kyle Lowry8号詹姆斯-怀特,James White 10号蔡斯-巴丁格,Chase Budinger 11号姚明,Yao Ming14号卡尔-兰德里,Carl Landry 15号乔伊-多西,Joey Dorsey 17号布伦特-巴里,Brent Barry31号肖恩-巴蒂尔,Shane Battier 43号布莱恩-库克,Brian Cook 44号查克-海耶斯,Chuck Hayes99号大卫-安德森,David Andersen步行者3号特洛伊-墨菲,Troy Murphy 5号 T.J.-福特,T.J. Ford 10号杰夫-福斯特,Jeff Foster12号特拉维斯-迪纳,Travis Diener 17号迈克-邓利维,Mike Dunleavy 25号布兰顿-拉什,Brandon Rush30号邓台-琼斯,Dahntay Jones 32号约什-麦克罗伯茨,Josh McRoberts 33号丹尼-格兰杰,Danny Granger35号厄尔-沃特森,Earl Watson 44号所罗门-琼斯,Solomon Jones 50号泰勒-汉斯布鲁,Tyler Hansbrough55号罗伊-希伯特,Roy Hibbert快船1号拜伦-戴维斯,Baron Davis3号塞巴斯蒂安-特尔费尔,Sebastian Telfair 5号克莱格-史密斯,Craig Smith8号布莱恩-斯金纳,Brian Skinner 9号德安德烈-乔丹,DeAndre Jordan 10号埃里克-戈登,Eric Gordon12号艾尔-索顿,Al Thornton 20号史蒂夫-诺瓦克,Steve Novak 23号马库斯-坎比,Marcus Camby25号马迪-科林斯,Mardy Collins 31号里奇-戴维斯,Ricky Davis 32号布雷克-格里芬,Blake Griffin35号克里斯-卡曼,Chris Kaman 99号拉苏-巴特勒,Rasual Butler湖人2号德里克-费舍尔,Derek Fisher 4号卢克-沃顿,Luke Walton6号亚当-莫里森,Adam Morrison 7号拉玛尔-奥多姆,Lamar Odom 12号香农-布朗,Shannon Brown16号保罗-加索尔,Pau Gasol 17号安德鲁-拜纳姆,Andrew Bynum 18号萨沙-武贾西奇,Sasha Vujacic21号约什-鲍威尔,Josh Powell 24号科比-布莱恩特,Kobe Bryant 28号 DJ-姆本加,DJ Mbenga37号罗恩-阿泰斯特,Ron Artest灰熊0号达雷尔-亚瑟,Darrell Arthur 1号阿伦-艾弗森,Allen Iverson 1号德马尔-卡罗尔,DeMarre Carroll4号萨姆-杨,Sam Young 11号迈克-康利,Mike Conley 15号哈米德-哈达迪,Hamed Haddadi22号鲁迪-盖伊,Rudy Gay 32号 O.J.-梅奥,O.J. Mayo33号马克-加索尔,Marc Gasol34号哈希姆-塔比特,Hasheem Thabeet 45号史蒂文-亨特,Steven Hunter42号托尼-阿伦,Tony Allen 55号马科-贾里奇,Marko Jaric热火1号达雷尔-莱特,Dorell Wright 3号德维恩-韦德,Dwyane Wade 4号罗伯特-道泽尔,Robert Dozier6号马里奥-查尔默斯,Mario Chalmers 7号杰梅因-奥尼尔,Jermaine O`Neal 9号雅克霍巴-迪亚瓦拉,Yakhouba Diawara11号克里斯-奎因,Chris Quinn 14号达奎安-库克,Daequan Cook 21号贾马尔-马格洛伊尔,Jamaal Magloire22号詹姆斯-琼斯,James Jones 23号昆廷-理查德森,Quentin Richardson 25号帕特里克-贝弗利,Patrick Beverley30号迈克尔-比斯利,Michael Beasley 40号乌杜尼斯-哈斯勒姆,Udonis Haslem 50号乔尔-安东尼,Joel Anthony 4号克里斯-波什,Chris Bosh雄鹿1号罗科-乌基奇,Roko Ukic 3号布兰顿-詹宁斯,Brandon Jennings 6号安德鲁-博格特,Andrew Bogut9号弗朗西斯科-埃尔森,Francisco Elson 11号乔-亚历山大,Joe Alexander 12号卢克-理查德-巴莫特,Luc Richard Mbah a Moute13号卢克-里德诺,Luke Ridnour 19号厄尔森-伊利亚索瓦,Ersan Ilyasova 20号约迪-米克斯,Jodie Meeks21号哈基姆-瓦里克,Hakim Warrick 22号迈克尔-里德,Michael Redd 30号卡洛斯-德尔菲诺,Carlos Delfino40号科特-托马斯,Kurt Thomas 41号沃尔特-夏普,Walter Sharpe 42号查理-贝尔,Charlie Bell50号丹-加祖里奇,Dan Gadzuric森林狼1号莱恩-霍林斯,Ryan Hollins 3号萨沙-帕夫洛维奇,Sasha Pavlovic 7号雷蒙-塞申斯,Ramon Sessions7号查基-阿特金斯,Chucky Atkins 8号莱恩-戈麦斯,Ryan Gomes 11号琼尼-弗林,Jonny Flynn13号奥雷克谢-佩彻罗夫,Oleksiy Pecherov 14号布莱恩-卡迪纳尔,Brian Cardinal 15号马克-布朗特,Mark Blount21号戴米恩-威尔金斯,Damien Wilkins 22号科里-布鲁尔,Corey Brewer 25号艾尔-杰弗森,Al Jefferson42号凯文-勒夫,Kevin Love 49号安东尼奥-丹尼尔斯,Antonio Daniels 篮网1号拉夫-阿尔斯通,Rafer Alston 2号约什-布恩,Josh Boone 4号托尼-巴蒂,Tony Battie11号布鲁克-洛佩斯,Brook Lopez 12号库特尼-李,Courtney Lee14号埃杜阿多-纳胡拉,Eduardo Najera 17号克里斯-道格拉斯-罗伯茨,Chris Douglas_Roberts 21号鲍比-西蒙斯,Bobby Simmons22号贾维斯-海耶斯,Jarvis Hayes 34号德文-哈里斯,Devin Harris 44号特伦登-哈塞尔,Trenton Hassell51号希恩-威廉姆斯,Sean Williams 55号肯扬-杜林,Keyon Dooling黄蜂2号达伦-科里森,Darren Collison 3号克里斯-保罗,Chris Paul 4号希恩-马克斯,Sean Marks5号马库斯-索顿,Marcus Thornton 9号莫里斯-皮特森,Morris Peterson 9号达柳斯-桑盖拉,Darius Songaila12号希尔顿-阿姆斯特朗,Hilton Armstrong 16号佩贾-斯托贾科维奇,Peja Stojakovic 23号德文-布朗,Devin Brown30号大卫-韦斯特,David West 32号朱利安-莱特,Julian Wright 41号詹姆斯-波西,James Posey42号埃克-迪奥古,Ike Diogu 50号埃梅卡-奥卡福,Emeka Okafor 91号鲍比-布朗,Bobby Brown尼克斯0号拉里-休斯,Larry Hughes 1号克里斯-杜洪,Chris Duhon 5号乔-克劳福德,Joe Crawford7号艾尔-哈灵顿,Al Harrington 8号达尼罗-加里纳利,Danilo Gallinari 20号贾里德-杰弗里斯,Jared Jeffries 21号威尔森-钱德勒,Wilson Chandler 23号托尼-道格拉斯,Toney Douglas30号达科-米利西奇,Darko Milicic 31号克里斯-亨特,Chris Hunter 32号卡蒂诺-莫布利,Cuttino Mobley34号埃迪-库里,Eddy Curry 43号乔丹-希尔,Jordan Hill 1号阿玛雷-斯塔德迈尔,Amar`e Stoudemire雷霆0号拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克,Russell Westbrook 2号萨博-塞弗罗萨,Thabo Sefolosha 3号 D.J.-怀特,D.J. White4号尼克-科里森,Nick Collison 5号凯尔-维弗尔,Kyle Weaver 9号塞尔吉-伊巴卡,Serge Ibaka11号凯文-奥利,Kevin Ollie 12号奈纳德-克里斯蒂奇,Nenad Krstic 13号詹姆斯-哈登,James Harden14号沙恩-利文斯顿,Shaun Livingston 22号杰夫-格林,Jeff Green 23号B.J.-穆伦斯,B.J. Mullens30号罗伯特-瓦登,Robert Vaden 35号凯文-杜兰特,Kevin Durant 36号伊坦-托马斯,Etan Thomas魔术7号 J.J.-雷迪克,J.J. Redick 8号安东尼-约翰逊,Anthony Johnson 9号拉沙德-刘易斯,Rashard Lewis12号德怀特-霍华德,Dwight Howard 13号马尔辛-戈塔特,Marcin Gortat 14号贾米尔-尼尔森,Jameer Nelson15号文斯-卡特,Vince Carter 20号迈克尔-皮特鲁斯,Mickael Pietrus 22号马特-巴恩斯,Matt Barnes22号莫里斯-阿尔蒙德,Morris Almond 30号布兰顿-巴斯,Brandon Bass 31号阿多纳尔-福耶尔,Adonal Foyle33号莱恩-安德森,Ryan Anderson 54号林顿-约翰逊,Linton Johnson 55号杰森-威廉姆斯,Jason Williams76人1号萨缪尔-戴勒姆波特,Samuel Dalembert 9号安德烈-伊戈达拉,Andre Iguodala 10号罗德尼-卡尼,Rodney Carney11号伊尔-霍利迪,Jrue Holiday 12号罗伊-埃维,Royal Ivey 14号杰森-史密斯,Jason Smith16号马里斯-斯贝茨,Marreese Speights 21号赛迪斯-杨,Thaddeus Young 23号路易斯-威廉姆斯,Louis Williams24号杰森-卡波诺,Jason Kapono 33号威利-格林,Willie Green 41号普里莫茨-布雷泽克,Primoz Brezec42号埃尔顿-布兰德,Elton Brand太阳2号戈兰-德拉季奇,Goran Dragic 5号贾里德-达德利,Jared Dudley10号莱昂德罗-巴博萨,Leandro Barbosa 13号史蒂夫-纳什,Steve Nash 15号罗宾-洛佩斯,Robin Lopez17号路易斯-阿曼德森,Louis Amundson 23号杰森-理查德森,Jason Richardson 29号阿兰杜-塔克,Alando Tucker33号格兰特-希尔,Grant Hill 44号钱宁-弗莱,Channing Frye 15号希顿-特克格鲁,Hedo Turkoglu开拓者2号史蒂夫-布雷克,Steve Blake 4号杰里德-贝勒斯,Jerryd Bayless 5号朱万-霍华德,Juwan Howard5号鲁迪-费尔南德斯,Rudy Fernandez 7号布兰顿-罗伊,Brandon Roy 8号马特尔-韦伯斯特,Martell Webster10号乔尔-普尔兹比拉,Joel Przybilla 12号拉马库斯-阿尔德里奇,LaMarcus Aldridge 24号安德烈-米勒,Andre Miller25号特拉维斯-奥特洛,Travis Outlaw 52号格雷格-奥登,Greg Oden 88号尼古拉斯-巴图姆,Nicolas Batum国王5号安迪斯-诺西奥尼,Andres Nocioni 9号肯尼-托马斯,Kenny Thomas 11号塞尔吉奥-罗德里格斯,Sergio Rodriguez13号泰瑞克-埃文斯,Tyreke Evans 18号欧米-卡斯比,Omri Casspi 19号本诺-乌德里,Beno Udrih20号东特-格林,Donte Greene 23号凯文-马丁,Kevin Martin 31号斯宾塞-霍伊斯,Spencer Hawes32号弗朗西斯科-加西亚,Francisco Garcia 34号杰森-汤普森,Jason Thompson 34号戴斯蒙德-梅森,Desmond Mason40号琼-布洛克曼,Jon Brockman 42号希恩-梅,Sean May马刺1号马里克-海尔斯顿,Malik Hairston 2号马库斯-威廉姆斯,Marcus Williams 3号乔治-希尔,George Hill4号迈克尔-芬利,Michael Finley 8号罗杰-梅森,Roger Mason 9号托尼-帕克,Tony Parker12号马库斯-海斯利普,Marcus Haislip 15号马特-邦纳,Matt Bonner 20号马努-吉诺比利,Manu Ginobili21号蒂姆-邓肯,Tim Duncan 24号理查德-杰弗森,Richard Jefferson 28号伊恩-马辛米,Ian Mahinmi33号杰克-麦克林顿,Jack McClinton 34号安东尼奥-麦克戴斯,Antonio McDyess 42号西奥-拉特利夫,Theo Ratliff45号德胡安-布莱尔,DeJuan Blair猛龙2号贾瑞特-杰克,Jarrett Jack 3号马库斯-班克斯,Marcus Banks5号昆西-杜比,Quincy Douby 7号安德里亚-巴尼亚尼,Andrea Bargnani 8号何塞-卡尔德隆,Jose Calderon9号拉休-内斯特洛维奇,Rasho Nesterovic 13号帕特里克-奥布莱恩特,Patrick O`Bryant16号索尼-威姆斯,Sonny Weems 18号马科-贝里内利,Marco Belinelli 21号安托万-莱特,Antoine Wright25号阿米尔-约翰逊,Amir Johnson 30号雷吉-埃文斯,Reggie Evans爵士8号德隆-威廉姆斯,Deron Williams 9号罗尼-布鲁尔,Ronnie Brewer 13号梅米特-奥库,Mehmet Okur 15号马特-哈普林,Matt Harpring 17号罗尼-普莱斯,Ronnie Price24号保罗-米尔萨普,Paul Millsap 26号凯尔-科沃尔,Kyle Korver 34号C.J.-迈尔斯,C.J. Miles41号科斯塔-库佛斯,Kosta Koufos 44号基里洛-费森科,Kyrylo Fesenko 47号安德烈-基里连科,Andrei Kirilenko奇才0号吉尔伯特-阿里纳斯,Gilbert Arenas 1号尼克-杨,Nick Young 2号德肖恩-史蒂文森,DeShawn Stevenson3号卡隆-巴特勒,Caron Butler 4号安托万-贾米森,Antawn Jamison 5号多米尼克-麦克奎尔,Dominic McGuire6号迈克-米勒,Mike Miller 7号安德雷-布莱切,Andray Blatche 8号贾瓦里斯-科里坦顿,Javaris Crittenton13号迈克-詹姆斯,Mike James 15号兰迪-弗耶,Randy Foye 17号法布里希奥-奥博托,Fabricio Oberto33号布兰登-海伍德,Brendan Haywood 34号贾维尔-麦基,JaVale McGee9号易建联,Yi Jianlian。



行政管理学八大管理理论科学管理理论科学管理理论是由美国管理学家弗雷德里克·泰勒(Frederick Taylor)提出的,它强调通过科学方法来提高生产效率。




人际关系理论人际关系理论是由美国心理学家伊尔顿·梅奥(Elton Mayo)提出的,它强调了员工的情感和人际关系对组织绩效的影响。




行政权力理论行政权力理论是由美国政治学家伍德罗·威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)提出的,它强调政府行政机构的权力和责任。




议程设置理论议程设置理论是由美国传播学者麦可·麦克米兰(Michael McCombs)和唐纳德·肖(Donald Shaw)提出的,它强调媒体在公共议程设置和政策制定中的重要作用。





小学上册英语第三单元全练全测英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do you call the place where you go to borrow books?A. SchoolB. LibraryC. StoreD. Park答案:B2.The __________ (历史的启蒙) ignites curiosity.3.Insects are important for the _____ (授粉) process.4.What is the opposite of "day"?A. NightB. MorningC. EveningD. AfternoonA5.The chemical symbol for bromine is ____.6.The __________ (历史的深刻理解) informs perspectives.7. A spider's web is an engineering marvel for catching ________________ (猎物).8. A _____ is a small rocky body that orbits the sun.9.My dog loves to _______ (追逐) after the ball.10. A __________ is a large body of freshwater.11.The __________ (历史的回味) lingers in our minds.12.The book is on the _____ (table).13.The ________ (环境监测) helps protect plants.14.What do you call a small, round fruit that is usually sour?A. AppleB. CherryC. GrapeD. LemonD15.The __________ is a region known for its fjords.16.My ________ (玩具名称) can be found in many toy stores.17. A _______ is a chemical reaction that changes the physical state of a substance.18.What is the name of the famous American singer known for "Firework"?A. Katy PerryB. Taylor SwiftC. Ariana GrandeD. Demi LovatoA19.How many strings does a violin have?A. 2B. 4C. 6D. 8B20. A _______ (小乌龟) hides in its shell when scared.21.The _____ (小兔) hops in the grass.22.What do bees produce?A. MilkB. HoneyC. SugarD. Butter23.I play ________ (棋) with my dad.24.I think art is a wonderful way to express emotions. I love visiting art exhibits and seeing different styles. My favorite artist is __________ because his/her work is amazing.25.The Boston Massacre was a confrontation between British soldiers and _______ colonists.26.Hydrogen is the simplest and most abundant _____.27.What is the name of the first man to walk on the moon?A. Neil ArmstrongB. Buzz AldrinC. Yuri GagarinD. Michael Collins28.Before bed, I read a ________ (书) or watch a little TV. Then I brush my teeth and say ________ (晚安) to my parents.29.What do we call a story that is not true?A. Non-fictionB. BiographyC. FictionD. HistoryC30.Australia is known for its unique ________ (澳大利亚以其独特的________) and wildlife.31.The hedgehog rolls into a _________ (球) when scared.32.The flower pot is colorful and ______.33.Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. VenusB. MarsC. JupiterD. MercuryB34.What is the name of the largest freshwater lake in the world?A. Lake SuperiorB. Lake VictoriaC. Caspian SeaD. Lake BaikalDdybugs are small insects that are ______ (红色) with black spots.36.carbon neutrality) aims for zero net emissions. The ____37.What do you call the shared community of plants and animals?A. EcosystemB. HabitatC. BiomeD. PopulationA38.Which animal is known as man's best friend?A. CatB. DogC. HorseD. FishB39.I have a special place for my __________ (玩具名).40.The __________ (土壤) should be rich in nutrients.41.How many colors are there in a rainbow?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 842.根据图片提示,选出正确的答案。



2025届辽宁抚顺新抚区初三5月阶段测试英语试题试卷注意事项1.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.2.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置.3.请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符.4.作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效.5.如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗.Ⅰ. 单项选择1、一The manager has come back from his business trip. He's asking you for the report.一Oh, my god! I haven't finished it yet. But he back at the company tomorrow.A.is expected B.expected C.was expected D.will be expected2、— Would you like to drink, madam?— Yes. Tea, please.A.anything B.everything C.something D.nothing3、With the development of the society, parents _______ more and more money on their children’s education.A.take B.cost C.pay D.spend4、—Shall we go out for Chinese food or Western food?—I would rather _____ Chinese food. I think Chinese food looks nice and it tastes delicious.A./ B.have C.having D.to have5、Lucy knew nothing about it _____ her sister told her.A.because B.until C.if D.since6、My mother teaches English in _____ university. She is one of the twenty-five _____ in this major.A.a; women teachers B.an; women teachers C.a; woman teachers D.an; woman teachers7、I have some information about the astronauts _______ is helpful to you.A.who B.what C.that D.whose8、We are all encouraged to work hard and succeed life.A.on B.in C.out D.up9、----I think Mr Zhang may be in his office. ----No, he be there. I saw him just now.A.needn’t , left B.mustn’t , leaving C.can’t , leave D.shouldn’t , leave10、—What kind of TV shows do you prefer?—I like the ones ________ make me laugh.A.who B.whom C.that D.whatⅡ. 完形填空11、阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。



老鹰1号莫里斯-埃文斯,Maurice Evans 2号乔-约翰逊,Joe Johnson 3号托马斯-加德纳,Thomas Gardner4号阿西-劳,Acie Law 5号约什-史密斯,Josh Smith 6号马里奥-韦斯特,Mario West10号迈克-毕比,Mike Bibby 12号斯比迪-克莱克斯顿,Speedy Claxton 15号艾尔-霍福德,Al Horford22号菲利普-穆雷,Flip Murray 24号马文-威廉姆斯,Marvin Williams 27号扎扎-帕楚里亚,Zaza Pachulia33号兰多夫-莫里斯,Randolph Morris 44号所罗门-琼斯,Solomon Jones 50号奥赛罗-亨特,Othello Hunter凯尔特人0号莱昂-鲍威,Leon Powe 4号J.R.-吉登斯,J.R. Giddens 5号凯文-加内特,Kevin Garnett7号米奇-摩尔,Mikki Moore 8号史蒂芬-马布里,Stephon Marbury 9号拉简-隆多,Rajon Rondo11号格伦-戴维斯,Glen Davis 12号比尔-沃克,Bill Walker 13号加布-普鲁伊特,Gabe Pruitt20号雷-阿伦,Ray Allen 34号保罗-皮尔斯,Paul Pierce 42号托尼-阿伦,Tony Allen43号肯德里克-帕金斯,Kendrick Perkins 44号布莱恩-斯卡拉布莱尼,Brian Scalabrine 50号埃迪-豪斯,Eddie House山猫1号卡蒂尔-马丁,Cartier Martin 2号东泰尔-杰弗森,Dontell Jefferson 3号杰拉德-华莱士,Gerald Wallace5号朱万-霍华德,Juwan Howard 6号耐泽-莫罕默德,Nazr Mohammed 7号德桑加纳-迪奥普,DeSagana Diop10号瓦拉迪米-拉德马诺维奇,Vladimir Radmanovic 14号D.J.-奥古斯丁,D.J. Augustin 19号拉贾-贝尔,Raja Bell20号雷蒙德-费尔顿,Raymond Felton 21号亚历克西斯-阿金萨,Alexis Ajinca 32号鲍里斯-迪奥,Boris Diaw42号希恩-梅,Sean May 44号希恩-辛格特里,Sean Singletary 50号埃梅卡-奥卡福,Emeka Okafor公牛1号德里克-罗斯,Derrick Rose 2号蒂姆-托马斯,Tim Thomas 5号安东尼-罗伯森,Anthony Roberson7号本-戈登,Ben Gordon 9号洛尔-邓,Luol Deng 11号林赛-亨特,Lindsey Hunter12号科克-辛里奇,Kirk Hinrich 13号乔金-诺阿,Joakim Noah 15号约翰-萨尔蒙斯,John Salmons21号德马库斯-尼尔森,DeMarcus Nelson 24号泰鲁斯-托马斯,Tyrus Thomas 31号杰罗姆-詹姆斯,Jerome James34号阿隆-格雷,Aaron Gray 52号布拉德-米勒,Brad Miller 54号林顿-约翰逊,Linton Johnson骑士0号达内尔-杰克逊,Darnell Jackson 1号丹尼尔-吉布森,Daniel Gibson 2号莫-威廉姆斯,Mo Williams3号萨沙-帕夫洛维奇,Sasha Pavlovic 4号本-华莱士,Ben Wallace 8号泰伦斯-金赛,Tarence Kinsey10号沃利-斯泽比亚克,Wally Szczerbiak 11号兹德鲁纳斯-伊尔戈斯卡斯,Zydrunas Ilgauskas 13号德隆特-韦斯特,Delonte West17号安德森-瓦莱乔,Anderson Varejao 21号J.J.-希克森,J.J. Hickson 23号勒布朗-詹姆斯,LeBron James31号贾瓦德-威廉姆斯,Jawad Williams 32号乔-史密斯,Joe Smith 55号洛伦岑-莱特,Lorenzen Wright小牛1号莱恩-霍林斯,Ryan Hollins 2号杰森-基德,Jason Kidd 4号肖恩-威廉姆斯,Shawne Williams5号约什-霍华德,Josh Howard 8号杰拉德-格林,Gerald Green 11号何塞-胡安-巴里亚,Jose Juan Barea13号马特-卡罗尔,Matt Carroll 21号安托万-莱特,Antoine Wright 25号埃里克-丹皮尔,Erick Dampier31号杰森-特里,Jason Terry 32号布兰顿-巴斯,Brandon Bass 33号詹姆斯-辛格尔顿,James Singleton40号德文-乔治,Devean George 41号德克-诺维茨基,Dirk Nowitzki 42号杰里-斯塔克豪斯,Jerry Stackhouse掘金1号J.R.-史密斯,J.R. Smith 4号肯扬-马丁,Kenyon Martin 6号杰森-哈特,Jason Hart7号昌西-比卢普斯,Chauncey Billups 11号克里斯-安德森,Chris Andersen 13号索尼-威姆斯,Sonny Weems15号卡梅罗-安东尼,Carmelo Anthony 25号安东尼-卡特,Anthony Carter 27号乔翰-佩特罗,Johan Petro30号邓台-琼斯,Dahntay Jones 31号内内-希拉里奥,Nene Hilario 32号雷纳多-巴尔克曼,Renaldo Balkman43号里纳斯-克雷扎,Linas Kleiza 45号史蒂文-亨特,Steven Hunter活塞1号阿伦-艾弗森,Allen Iverson 3号罗德尼-斯塔基,Rodney Stuckey 5号沃尔特-赫尔曼,Walter Herrmann12号威尔-拜纳姆,Will Bynum 22号泰夏安-普林斯,Tayshaun Prince 24号安东尼奥-麦克戴斯,Antonio McDyess25号阿米尔-约翰逊,Amir Johnson 28号阿隆-阿弗拉罗,Arron Afflalo 30号拉希德-华莱士,Rasheed Wallace32号理查德-汉密尔顿,Richard Hamilton 38号夸梅-布朗,Kwame Brown 42号沃尔特-夏普,Walter Sharpe54号杰森-马克希尔,Jason Maxiell勇士1号斯蒂芬-杰克逊,Stephen Jackson 4号安东尼-兰多夫,Anthony Randolph 6号贾马尔-克劳福德,Jamal Crawford7号科伦纳-阿祖布克,Kelenna Azubuike 8号蒙塔-埃利斯,Monta Ellis 15号安德里斯-比德林斯,Andris Biedrins18号马科-贝里内利,Marco Belinelli 21号罗尼-图里亚夫,Ronny Turiaf 22号安东尼-莫罗,Anthony Morrow23号C.J.-沃特森,C.J. Watson 31号罗伯-库兹,Rob Kurz 32号布兰登-莱特,Brandan Wright33号杰马里奥-戴维森,Jermareo Davidson 50号科里-马盖蒂,Corey Maggette火箭0号阿隆-布鲁克斯,Aaron Brooks 1号特雷西-麦克格雷迪,Tracy McGrady 4号路易斯-斯科拉,Luis Scola7号凯尔-洛瑞,Kyle Lowry 8号詹姆斯-怀特,James White 11号姚明,Yao Ming13号范-韦弗,Von Wafer 14号卡尔-兰德里,Carl Landry 15号乔伊-多西,Joey Dorsey17号布伦特-巴里,Brent Barry 31号肖恩-巴蒂尔,Shane Battier 43号布莱恩-库克,Brian Cook44号查克-海耶斯,Chuck Hayes 55号迪肯贝-穆托姆博,Dikembe Mutombo 96号罗恩-阿泰斯特,Ron Artest步行者1号贾瑞特-杰克,Jarrett Jack 3号特洛伊-墨菲,Troy Murphy 5号T.J.-福特,T.J. Ford6号马奎斯-丹尼尔斯,Marquis Daniels 8号拉休-内斯特洛维奇,Rasho Nesterovic 9号马赛奥-巴斯顿,Maceo Baston10号杰夫-福斯特,Jeff Foster 11号贾马尔-汀斯利,Jamaal Tinsley 12号特拉维斯-迪纳,Travis Diener17号迈克-邓利维,Mike Dunleavy 23号斯蒂芬-格拉汉姆,Stephen Graham 25号布兰顿-拉什,Brandon Rush32号约什-麦克罗伯茨,Josh McRoberts 33号丹尼-格兰杰,Danny Granger 55号罗伊-希伯特,Roy Hibbert快船1号拜伦-戴维斯,Baron Davis 2号弗雷德-琼斯,Fred Jones 3号亚历克斯-艾克尔,Alex Acker4号迈克-泰勒,Mike Taylor 8号布莱恩-斯金纳,Brian Skinner 9号德安德烈-乔丹,DeAndre Jordan10号埃里克-戈登,Eric Gordon 12号艾尔-索顿,Al Thornton 20号史蒂夫-诺瓦克,Steve Novak23号马库斯-坎比,Marcus Camby 25号马迪-科林斯,Mardy Collins 31号里奇-戴维斯,Ricky Davis35号克里斯-卡曼,Chris Kaman 50号扎克-兰多夫,Zach Randolph湖人2号德里克-费舍尔,Derek Fisher 3号特沃尔-阿里扎,Trevor Ariza 4号卢克-沃顿,Luke Walton5号乔丹-法玛尔,Jordan Farmar 6号亚当-莫里森,Adam Morrison 7号拉玛尔-奥多姆,Lamar Odom9号孙悦,Sun Yue 12号香农-布朗,Shannon Brown 16号保罗-加索尔,Pau Gasol17号安德鲁-拜纳姆,Andrew Bynum 18号萨沙-武贾西奇,Sasha Vujacic 21号约什-鲍威尔,Josh Powell24号科比-布莱恩特,Kobe Bryant 28号DJ-姆本加,DJ Mbenga灰熊0号达雷尔-亚瑟,Darrell Arthur 3号达柳斯-迈尔斯,Darius Miles 4号克里斯-米姆,Chris Mihm7号格雷格-巴克纳,Greg Buckner 11号迈克-康利,Mike Conley 13号昆顿-罗斯,Quinton Ross15号哈米德-哈达迪,Hamed Haddadi 21号哈基姆-瓦里克,Hakim Warrick 22号鲁迪-盖伊,Rudy Gay29号迈克-维尔克斯,Mike Wilks 31号达科-米利西奇,Darko Milicic 32号O.J.-梅奥,O.J. Mayo33号马克-加索尔,Marc Gasol 55号马科-贾里奇,Marko Jaric热火1号达雷尔-莱特,Dorell Wright 3号德维恩-韦德,Dwyane Wade 6号马里奥-查尔默斯,Mario Chalmers7号杰梅因-奥尼尔,Jermaine O`Neal 8号贾马里奥-穆恩,Jamario Moon 9号雅克霍巴-迪亚瓦拉,Yakhouba Diawara11号克里斯-奎因,Chris Quinn 13号卢瑟-海德,Luther Head 14号达奎安-库克,Daequan Cook15号马克-布朗特,Mark Blount 21号贾马尔-马格洛伊尔,Jamaal Magloire 22号詹姆斯-琼斯,James Jones30号迈克尔-比斯利,Michael Beasley 40号乌杜尼斯-哈斯勒姆,Udonis Haslem 50号乔尔-安东尼,Joel Anthony雄鹿6号安德鲁-博格特,Andrew Bogut 7号雷蒙-塞申斯,Ramon Sessions 9号弗朗西斯科-埃尔森,Francisco Elson10号基斯-博甘斯,Keith Bogans 11号乔-亚历山大,Joe Alexander 12号卢克-理查德-巴莫特,Luc Richard Mbah a Moute13号卢克-里德诺,Luke Ridnour 19号达蒙-琼斯,Damon Jones 22号迈克尔-里德,Michael Redd23号萨利姆-斯塔德迈尔,Salim Stoudamire 24号理查德-杰弗森,Richard Jefferson 30号马里克-阿伦,Malik Allen31号查理-维兰纽瓦,Charlie Villanueva 42号查理-贝尔,Charlie Bell 50号丹-加祖里奇,Dan Gadzuric森林狼1号鲍比-布朗,Bobby Brown 3号塞巴斯蒂安-特尔费尔,Sebastian Telfair 4号兰迪-弗耶,Randy Foye5号克莱格-史密斯,Craig Smith 8号莱恩-戈麦斯,Ryan Gomes 10号罗德尼-卡尼,Rodney Carney12号凯文-奥利,Kevin Ollie 14号布莱恩-卡迪纳尔,Brian Cardinal 22号科里-布鲁尔,Corey Brewer23号谢尔顿-威廉姆斯,Shelden Williams 25号艾尔-杰弗森,Al Jefferson 33号迈克-米勒,Mike Miller34号杰森-科林斯,Jason Collins 35号马克-马德森,Mark Madsen 42号凯文-勒夫,Kevin Love篮网2号约什-布恩,Josh Boone 9号易建联,Yi Jianlian 11号布鲁克-洛佩斯,Brook Lopez13号莫里斯-安格,Maurice Ager 14号埃杜阿多-纳胡拉,Eduardo Najera 15号文斯-卡特,Vince Carter17号克里斯-道格拉斯-罗伯茨,Chris Douglas_Roberts 20号莱恩-安德森,Ryan Anderson 21号鲍比-西蒙斯,Bobby Simmons22号贾维斯-海耶斯,Jarvis Hayes 34号德文-哈里斯,Devin Harris 44号特伦登-哈塞尔,Trenton Hassell51号希恩-威廉姆斯,Sean Williams 55号肯扬-杜林,Keyon Dooling黄蜂3号克里斯-保罗,Chris Paul 4号希恩-马克斯,Sean Marks 6号泰森-钱德勒,Tyson Chandler9号莫里斯-皮特森,Morris Peterson 12号希尔顿-阿姆斯特朗,Hilton Armstrong 16号佩贾-斯托贾科维奇,Peja Stojakovic23号德文-布朗,Devin Brown 30号大卫-韦斯特,David West 32号朱利安-莱特,Julian Wright33号梅尔文-伊莱,Melvin Ely 40号莱恩-鲍文,Ryan Bowen 41号詹姆斯-波西,James Posey45号拉苏-巴特勒,Rasual Butler 50号安东尼奥-丹尼尔斯,Antonio Daniels尼克斯0号拉里-休斯,Larry Hughes 1号克里斯-杜洪,Chris Duhon 4号内特-罗宾逊,Nate Robinson5号乔-克劳福德,Joe Crawford 7号艾尔-哈灵顿,Al Harrington 8号达尼罗-加里纳利,Danilo Gallinari9号克里斯-威尔考克斯,Chris Wilcox 18号穆罕默德-塞内,Mouhamed Sene 20号贾里德-杰弗里斯,Jared Jeffries21号威尔森-钱德勒,Wilson Chandler 23号昆廷-理查德森,Quentin Richardson 31号克里斯-亨特,Chris Hunter32号卡蒂诺-莫布利,Cuttino Mobley 34号埃迪-库里,Eddy Curry 42号大卫-李,David Lee雷霆0号拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克,Russell Westbrook 2号萨博-塞弗罗萨,Thabo Sefolosha 3号D.J.-怀特,D.J. White4号尼克-科里森,Nick Collison 5号凯尔-维弗尔,Kyle Weaver 8号查基-阿特金斯,Chucky Atkins9号马里克-罗斯,Malik Rose 12号奈纳德-克里斯蒂奇,Nenad Krstic 14号沙恩-利文斯顿,Shaun Livingston21号戴米恩-威尔金斯,Damien Wilkins 22号杰夫-格林,Jeff Green 25号厄尔-沃特森,Earl Watson31号罗伯特-斯威夫特,Robert Swift 34号戴斯蒙德-梅森,Desmond Mason 35号凯文-杜兰特,Kevin Durant魔术1号拉夫-阿尔斯通,Rafer Alston 4号托尼-巴蒂,Tony Battie 7号J.J.-雷迪克,J.J. Redick8号安东尼-约翰逊,Anthony Johnson 9号拉沙德-刘易斯,Rashard Lewis 10号泰伦-卢,Tyronn Lue11号库特尼-李,Courtney Lee 12号德怀特-霍华德,Dwight Howard 13号马尔辛-戈塔特,Marcin Gortat14号贾米尔-尼尔森,Jameer Nelson 15号希顿-特克格鲁,Hedo Turkoglu 20号迈克尔-皮特鲁斯,Mickael Pietrus31号阿多纳尔-福耶尔,Adonal Foyle 32号杰里米-理查德森,Jeremy Richardson76人1号萨缪尔-戴勒姆波特,Samuel Dalembert 4号卡里姆-拉什,Kareem Rush 7号安德烈-米勒,Andre Miller8号唐耶尔-马绍尔,Donyell Marshall 9号安德烈-伊戈达拉,Andre Iguodala 12号罗伊-埃维,Royal Ivey14号杰森-史密斯,Jason Smith 16号马里斯-斯贝茨,Marreese Speights 21号赛迪斯-杨,Thaddeus Young23号路易斯-威廉姆斯,Louis Williams 30号雷吉-埃文斯,Reggie Evans 33号威利-格林,Willie Green42号埃尔顿-布兰德,Elton Brand 50号西奥-拉特利夫,Theo Ratliff太阳1号阿玛雷-斯塔德迈尔,Amar`e Stoudemire 2号戈兰-德拉季奇,Goran Dragic 3号贾里德-达德利,Jared Dudley4号斯特罗迈尔-斯威夫特,Stromile Swift 10号莱昂德罗-巴博萨,Leandro Barbosa 13号史蒂夫-纳什,Steve Nash15号罗宾-洛佩斯,Robin Lopez 17号路易斯-阿曼德森,Louis Amundson 22号马特-巴恩斯,Matt Barnes23号杰森-理查德森,Jason Richardson 29号阿兰杜-塔克,Alando Tucker 32号沙奎尔-奥尼尔,Shaquille O`Neal33号格兰特-希尔,Grant Hill开拓者2号史蒂夫-布雷克,Steve Blake 4号杰里德-贝勒斯,Jerryd Bayless 5号鲁迪-费尔南德斯,Rudy Fernandez7号布兰顿-罗伊,Brandon Roy 8号马特尔-韦伯斯特,Martell Webster 9号里夫-拉弗伦茨,Raef LaFrentz10号乔尔-普尔兹比拉,Joel Przybilla 11号塞尔吉奥-罗德里格斯,Sergio Rodriguez 12号拉马库斯-阿尔德里奇,LaMarcus Aldridge25号特拉维斯-奥特洛,Travis Outlaw 42号沙夫里克-兰多夫,Shavlik Randolph 44号钱宁-弗莱,Channing Frye51号迈克尔-鲁芬,Michael Ruffin 52号格雷格-奥登,Greg Oden 88号尼古拉斯-巴图姆,Nicolas Batum国王3号埃克-迪奥古,Ike Diogu 5号安迪斯-诺西奥尼,Andres Nocioni 7号拉沙德-麦坎茨,Rashad McCants9号肯尼-托马斯,Kenny Thomas 15号塞德里克-西蒙斯,Cedric Simmons 19号本诺-乌德里,Beno Udrih20号东特-格林,Donte Greene 23号凯文-马丁,Kevin Martin 24号鲍比-杰克逊,Bobby Jackson31号斯宾塞-霍伊斯,Spencer Hawes 32号弗朗西斯科-加西亚,Francisco Garcia 34号杰森-汤普森,Jason Thompson52号卡尔文-布斯,Calvin Booth马刺2号马库斯-威廉姆斯,Marcus Williams 3号乔治-希尔,George Hill 4号迈克尔-芬利,Michael Finley5号艾米-乌度卡,Ime Udoka 7号法布里希奥-奥博托,Fabricio Oberto 8号罗杰-梅森,Roger Mason9号托尼-帕克,Tony Parker 11号雅克-沃恩,Jacque Vaughn 12号布鲁斯-鲍文,Bruce Bowen15号马特-邦纳,Matt Bonner 20号马努-吉诺比利,Manu Ginobili 21号蒂姆-邓肯,Tim Duncan28号伊恩-马辛米,Ian Mahinmi 40号科特-托马斯,Kurt Thomas 90号德鲁-古登,Drew Gooden猛龙1号罗科-乌基奇,Roko Ukic 3号马库斯-班克斯,Marcus Banks 4号克里斯-波什,Chris Bosh5号昆西-杜比,Quincy Douby 7号安德里亚-巴尼亚尼,Andrea Bargnani 8号何塞-卡尔德隆,Jose Calderon13号帕特里克-奥布莱恩特,Patrick O`Bryant 14号乔伊-格拉汉姆,Joey Graham 18号安东尼-帕克,Anthony Parker21号内森-贾瓦伊,Nathan Jawai 24号杰森-卡波诺,Jason Kapono 31号肖恩-马里昂,Shawn Marion43号克里斯-汉弗里斯,Kris Humphries 44号波普斯-门萨邦苏,Pops Mensah_Bonsu 77号杰克-沃斯库尔,Jake Voskuhl爵士2号布莱文-奈特,Brevin Knight 5号卡洛斯-布泽尔,Carlos Boozer 8号德隆-威廉姆斯,Deron Williams9号罗尼-布鲁尔,Ronnie Brewer 13号梅米特-奥库,Mehmet Okur 15号马特-哈普林,Matt Harpring17号罗尼-普莱斯,Ronnie Price 22号莫里斯-阿尔蒙德,Morris Almond 24号保罗-米尔萨普,Paul Millsap26号凯尔-科沃尔,Kyle Korver 31号贾伦-科林斯,Jarron Collins 34号C.J.-迈尔斯,C.J. Miles41号科斯塔-库佛斯,Kosta Koufos 44号基里洛-费森科,Kyrylo Fesenko 47号安德烈-基里连科,Andrei Kirilenko奇才0号吉尔伯特-阿里纳斯,Gilbert Arenas 1号尼克-杨,Nick Young 2号德肖恩-史蒂文森,DeShawn Stevenson3号卡隆-巴特勒,Caron Butler 4号安托万-贾米森,Antawn Jamison 5号多米尼克-麦克奎尔,Dominic McGuire8号贾瓦里斯-科里坦顿,Javaris Crittenton 9号达柳斯-桑盖拉,Darius Songaila 12号胡安-迪克森,Juan Dixon13号迈克-詹姆斯,Mike James 14号奥雷克谢-佩彻罗夫,Oleksiy Pecherov 32号安德雷-布莱切,Andray Blatche33号布兰登-海伍德,Brendan Haywood 34号贾维尔-麦基,JaVale McGee 36号伊坦-托马斯,Etan Thomas。



小学下册英语第六单元综合卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The __________ (国界) separates two countries.2. A _______ is a reaction that occurs when an acid reacts with a base.3.My mom reads me a ______ (book) at night.4.__________ (分解) occurs when compounds break down into simpler substances.5.The chemical symbol for cobalt is ______.6.Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. EarthB. MarsC. JupiterD. Venus7.He is very ___. (funny)8.The _______ (鸭子) waddles around.9.What do we call the person who creates art?A. ArtistB. PainterC. SculptorD. IllustratorA10.His favorite book is about a ________.11.I enjoy planting ______.12.I love spending time with my grandparents. They tell the best __________.13.What do you call a type of story that explains how something happened?A. MythB. LegendC. FableD. FairytaleB14.Elements in the same column of the periodic table have similar __________.15. A __________ is a reaction that absorbs heat.16.What do you call the layer of gases surrounding the Earth?A. OceanB. AtmosphereC. LithosphereD. BiosphereB17.I can ______ (应对) pressure when studying.18.I like to ________ (听音乐) while studying.19.What do we call the process of heat transfer through direct contact?A. ConvectionB. ConductionC. RadiationD. Insulation20.Which is a mode of transportation?A. BicycleB. TableC. ChairD. LampA21.We will visit our _____ this weekend. (grandparents)22.The ________ (气候变化) affects wildlife.23.The chemical formula for glucose is ______.24.I love to watch ______ movies.25.What do you call a group of wolves?A. PackB. FlockC. SchoolD. HerdA26.My friend is a ______. He enjoys sharing knowledge.27.She is learning to ________ the guitar.28.What do we call a scientist who studies the relationships between organisms and their environment?A. EcologistB. BiologistC. ChemistD. GeologistA29.My favorite fruit is _____ (banana/apple).30.The __________ (中国古代) civilization is one of the oldest in the world.31.The _______ (The Mexican-American War) resulted in significant territorial gains for the US.32.The ______ is a talented public speaker.33.I enjoy going outside when it’s __________. (阳光明媚的)34.The _______ (Glorious Revolution) occurred in England in 1688.35. A ______ is a systematic review of literature.36.The bumblebee collects pollen from _______.37.What is the largest city in the USA?A. Los AngelesB. New York CityC. ChicagoD. HoustonB38.The _______ can grow in rocky areas.39.I believe that dreams can motivate us to __________.40.What is the capital of Spain?A. MadridB. BarcelonaC. ValenciaD. Sevilla41.We should _______ (珍惜) our time.42.The fox is very ______ (机灵) and clever.43. A _______ can provide a lovely fragrance to your home.44. A ____(community visioning) process develops future goals.45.What do you call a person who plays sports?A. AthleteB. PlayerC. CompetitorD. All of the aboveD46.We have a ______ (快乐的) bonding day planned.47.What is the capital of Somalia?A. MogadishuB. HargeisaC. KismayoD. BosasoA48.What do we call the mountains that separate Europe and Asia?A. HimalayasB. AlpsC. Ural MountainsD. AndesCets have long _____ that trail behind them as they travel.50.The kitten is _____ (cute/ugly).51.How many sides does a triangle have?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 652.The ________ (植物调查) gathers valuable data.53. A _____ (城市绿化) initiative can improve living conditions.54.The _____ (果园管理) requires knowledge and care.55.The fox is known for its _______ (机智).56.What is 4 x 2?A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 9C57.What is the name of the famous palace in Paris?A. Buckingham PalaceB. VersaillesC. LouvreD. NeuschwansteinB58. A _____ (草本) plant is often used in cooking.59.My mom grows _____ (vegetable) in our backyard.60.My friend loves __________ (进行科学实验).61.The __________ is a large archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. (菲律宾)62.What is the fastest land animal?A. LionB. GazelleC. CheetahD. HorseC63.The __________ is a famous city known for its historical landmarks. (罗马)64.Which fruit is known for its high vitamin C content?A. AppleB. OrangeC. BananaD. Grape65.The ancient Romans built impressive ______ (桥梁) to connect their cities.66.The birds are ______ together in the trees. (singing)67.The _______ (金鱼) swims in circles in its bowl.68.They are going to ________ a movie.69.What is a common pet that purrs?A. DogB. CatC. FishD. Rabbit70.Which animal is known as "man's best friend"?A. CatB. DogC. RabbitD. HorseB71.The _____ (牛仔裤) fit well.72.The dog barks happily at the ______.73.My mom loves to organize __________ (聚会) for the family.74.My brother is great at ____.75.I have a toy _______ that dances (我有一个会跳舞的玩具_______).76.The ______ (绿色植物) purify the air.77.We visited the ________ (动物园) last week.78.What is the name of the sport where you ride a horse?A. FootballB. BasketballC. EquestrianD. Rugby79.My grandma teaches me how to ____ (sew).80.The __________ (古代艺术) reflects the beliefs of past cultures.81.The child is ___ a song. (singing)82.We visit the ______ (博物馆) for educational trips.83.I have a ______ (cat).84. A ______ (刺猬) is small and covered in spikes.85.Chemical reactions can occur in ________ environments.86.Which instrument has black and white keys?A. GuitarB. FluteC. PianoD. ViolinC87.I enjoy ________ (玩耍) with my friends.88.I made a toy _________ (动物) that sings songs.89.The boy is ___ a ball. (catching)90.htenment emphasized ________ (理性和科学). The Enli91.The movie was very ___. (funny)92.What do we call the process of changing from a caterpillar to a butterfly?A. MetamorphosisB. EvolutionC. TransformationD. Development93.What do we call a person who composes music?A. ComposerB. MusicianC. SongwriterD. All of the above94.The leaves change color in the ______.95.What is the name of the famous race car driver known for his success in Formula 1?A. Michael SchumacherB. Lewis HamiltonC. Ayrton SennaD. Sebastian VettelB96.The _______ of an object can change when it moves.97.What is the main source of light during the day?A. StarsB. MoonC. SunD. FireC98.What do you call a person who teaches?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. EngineerD. Chef99.The process of making wine involves fermentation of _______.100.My mom is a ______. She takes care of our family.。



Frederick Sanger
酶法核苷酸测 序的设计者
Walter Gilbert 化学测序法的设计者
Paul Berg
DNA重组,在细菌中表 达胰岛素
测定了牛胰岛素的化学结构而获 1958 年的 Nobel 化学奖
1984 Kohler(德) Milstein(美) Jerne(丹麦)
2、 重要机制的发现 * 1949 Chargaff 测定出不同来源的A、T、G、 C 四种核酸碱基 * 1950 Chargaff Markham A=T G=C * 1953 Watson &Crick DNA Double Helix Model
随着DNA双螺旋结构的提出和蛋白质空间结构的解析开始了分 子生物学时代,此后对遗传信息的载体DNA和生物功能的体现者 蛋白质的研究的研究也成为生命科学研究的主要内容
Francis Jacob Jacques Monod 提出并证实了Operon作为调节细菌细 胞代谢的分子机制 首次提出mRNA分子的存在
1969 Nirenberg(美) Holly & Khorana
Marshall W. Nirenberg
Robert W. Holley 酵母Ala-tRNA的 核苷酸序列并证 明了所有tRNA三 级结构的相似性
断裂基因(splitting gene) PCR仪的发明者 基因定点突变
1994 Gilman & Rodbell 发现G蛋白在细胞信号传导中的作用
1995 Lewis(美)、Nusslein-Volhard(德)、Wieschaus(美) 20世纪40~70年代先后独立鉴定了控制果蝇( Drosophila ) 体节发育基因



小学上册英语第2单元综合卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the capital of Somalia?A. MogadishuB. HargeisaC. KismayoD. Bosaso答案:A2. A ____ is known for its distinctive calls and is often found in forests.3.The ancient Romans are distinguished for their ________ and governance.4.The ________ (mountaineer) climbs high peaks.5.The cat is _______ (sleeping/eating) on the sofa.6.The Martian atmosphere is very ______.7. A turtle's shell protects it from ______ (危险).8.The chemical symbol for hydrogen is ______.9. A _____ (小马) is often friendly and gentle with people.10.Which animal is known for being slow?A. RabbitB. TurtleC. CheetahD. Lion答案:B Turtle11.In the periodic table, elements are organized by their ________ properties.12.The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids as _______ for their rulers.13.The ocean is ________ (深蓝色).14.My cousin is very __________ (有趣)。



小学下册英语第四单元期中试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.My aunt is a ______. She works in a clinic.2.The owl's big eyes help it see in the _________. (黑暗)3.What is the name of the famous musician known for his moonwalk?A. Elvis PresleyB. Michael JacksonC. PrinceD. Madonna答案:B4.What is the capital of Italy?A. FlorenceB. MilanC. VeniceD. Rome5.The butterfly is ___ (flapping) its wings.6.What is the name of the famous Egyptian structure?A. ColosseumB. Great WallC. PyramidsD. Eiffel TowerC7.I want to be an _______ (艺术家) because I love creating.8.He is a student, ______ (他是一名学生), studying hard for exams.9.My friend has a pet _____ (龙虾).10. A ______ (植物的生命周期) involves unique stages.11.My favorite season is ______ (春天) because the flowers ______ (开花) and the weather is ______ (温暖).12.What do we call the process of taking care of someone?A. NurturingB. NeglectingC. AbandoningD. IgnoringA Nurturing13.My grandmother has a __________ house. (温暖的)14.The capital city of Kuwait is __________.15.What do you call a young gorilla?A. BabyB. CubC. KidD. Kit16.What is the capital of the British Virgin Islands?A. Road TownB. Virgin GordaC. TortolaD. AnegadaA17.What is the name of the red fruit often mistaken for a vegetable?A. StrawberryB. TomatoC. CherryD. RaspberryB18.What is the largest mammal in the world?A. ElephantB. Blue WhaleC. GiraffeD. HippopotamusB19.What do we call a person who studies insects?A. EntomologistB. BiologistC. ZoologistD. BotanistA20.What is the capital of Somalia?A. MogadishuB. HargeisaC. KismayoD. BaidoaA21.What do you call a group of wolves?A. PackB. FlockC. SwarmD. HerdA22.What is the name of the famous American actress known for her role in "Breakfast at Tiffany's"?A. Marilyn MonroeB. Audrey HepburnC. Grace KellyD. Elizabeth TaylorB23.What do we call a shape with three sides?A. TriangleB. SquareC. PentagonD. HexagonA24. A suspension is a mixture where particles are _____ in a liquid but not dissolved.25.The __________ (水果) is sweet and delicious.26.What is the name of the famous mouse character?A. Donald DuckB. Mickey MouseC. GoofyD. PlutoB27.What is 2 + 2?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 628.What is the primary color of a fire truck?A. BlueB. YellowC. RedD. GreenC Red29.What is the capital city of the Seychelles?A. VictoriaB. MaleC. Port LouisD. AntananarivoA30.What is the name of the famous American author known for writing about the American South?A. William FaulknerB. Harper LeeC. Tennessee WilliamsD. All of the aboveD31.I can ______ (保持) a positive mindset.32.What do we call the study of stars and planets?A. BiologyB. GeographyC. AstronomyD. ChemistryC33.My friend has a unique __________ (视角) on life.34.What do we call the process of changing from solid to liquid?A. MeltingB. FreezingC. BoilingD. EvaporatingA35.I admire people who follow their passions. They inspire me to pursue my own interests and dreams. I hope to find my passion in __________.36.The invention of the printing press helped spread __________ (知识).37. A ______ is a type of mammal that lays eggs.38.I enjoy taking ______ (照片) of beautiful sunsets and landscapes.39.Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. EarthB. MarsC. JupiterD. Saturn40.What is the capital of Finland?A. HelsinkiB. EspooC. TurkuD. Oulu41.They are _______ (painting) the house.42.The ______ is known for her friendly personality.43.My mom encourages me to ____.44.Which animal can swim?A. DogB. CatC. FishD. BirdC45.The stars are ________ at night.46.What is the name of the famous scientist known for his work on electricity?A. Nikola TeslaB. Thomas EdisonC. Alexander Graham BellD. Albert EinsteinA Nikola Tesla47.My puppy loves to play in the ______ (水).48.The cockroach is not a ______ (受欢迎的) insect.49.Goldfish are often kept in _________ (鱼缸).50.The _____ (窗帘) is blue.51.Minerals are classified based on their ______ properties.52.Asteroids are mostly found in the ______ belt.53. A ______ (草本植物) is often used for culinary purposes.54.The dog is ________ outside.55.My friend’s birthday is in ____.56.My sister is my best _______ who loves to share laughter and joy.57.Certain plants can thrive in ______ (低光) conditions.58.My ________ (玩具名称) helps me learn about teamwork.59.I like to play ________ with my friends after school.60.The ____ has a long beard and loves to eat leaves.61.I enjoy creating my own games with my ________ (玩具名称).62.What is the name of the famous American holiday celebrated on the second Monday in October?A. ThanksgivingB. Columbus DayC. Memorial DayD. Independence DayB63.The goldfish swims gracefully in the _________ (水).64.The chemical formula for magnesium chloride is ______.65.What is the name of the famous detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle?A. Hercule PoirotB. Sam SpadeC. Sherlock HolmesD. Philip Marlowe66.My cousin is a __________ (舞蹈家).67.The pangolin has protective scales covering its ________________ (身体).68.Which of these is a vegetable?A. AppleB. CarrotC. BananaD. Peach69.The ancient Greeks used ______ (戏剧) for entertainment.70.I have a ________ in my pocket.71.The chemical formula for glycine is ______.72.What is the name of the person who writes books?A. AuthorB. EditorC. PublisherD. Reporter73.What is the main ingredient in bread?A. SugarB. FlourC. SaltD. Water74.It is ___ (sunny) today.75.The __________ were known for their contributions to literature. (莎士比亚的同时代人)76.I enjoy cooking new recipes with my _______ (家人). It’s a fun way to bond and try _______ (新事物).77.What do we call the study of the universe?A. AstronomyB. AstrologyC. CosmologyD. AstrophysicsA78.Which planet is known for having the most moons?A. EarthB. SaturnC. JupiterD. Venus79.The __________ is a famous historical site in Peru. (马丘比丘)80.We will go to the _____ (zoo) tomorrow.81.What do we call the place where we keep our cars?A. GarageB. BasementC. AtticD. GardenA82.What do we call the practice of growing plants?A. HorticultureB. AgricultureC. BotanyD. Gardening83.The _____ (玉米) grows tall in the field.84.The __________ (历史的深度) enriches insights.85.What do we call the act of gathering information?A. ResearchB. InvestigationC. InquiryD. ExplorationA86.I like to _______ (参观) museums.87.听录音,把图片与颜色连起来。








Ⅰ. 单项选择1、— How do you like ________ school?—Well, it’s fine. Just a bit smaller than ________.A.their; ours B.theirs; our C.them; our D.their; us2、The math problem is so hard that ________ students can work it out.A.a few B.a little C.many D.few3、Dick __________ in America, but he has been ___________ Chinese food since he moved to China.A.used to live; used to eatingB.is used to live; used to eatC.is used to live; used to eatingD.used to living; used to eat4、The witness told the judge Tony ______ the thief who broke into the villa, because they were watching a movie together ______ that dark night.A.couldn’t be; on B.must be; on C.couldn’t be; in D.may be; in5、Mary got two dolls from her grandfather on her birthday, and she liked ______ very much.A.it B.him C.her D.them6、—Would you like to tell me ?—Sure. Practice makes perfect.A.how can I study English well. B.why do I learn English wellC.how I can study English well. D.why I learn English well7、When I write down what I am showing thanks to, it’s alw ays for things that money ______buy.A.needn’t B.shouldn’t C.may not D.can’t8、I found a letter ________ on the floor when I came into the classroom.A.lying B.lay C.lie9、Why not ___________ your teacher for help when you can’t finish ___________ it by yo urself?A.ask; write B.to ask; writing C.ask; writing D.asking; write10、We usually accept a gift ________both hands in China.A.on B.to C.with D.atⅡ. 完形填空11、Nowadays more and more Chinese teenagers find life more difficult without their parents. Their parents help them do almost everything at home, so many of them don’t know how to do 1 This is really a big problem.Liu Jie is 14-year-old. One day her partens left home for another city for work, so she had to stay at home 2 At first she thought she would be happy 3 her parents are not at home. She could do 4 she liked to do. But at about six o’clock in the afternoon, she felt 5 “Oh, it's time to have supper. Where can I get my food?” She said to herself. Later she found some food in the fridge, but she 6 know how to cook. At that moment she 7 her mom very much. In the end, she could only go to the supermarket and 8 some food to eat.Many of teenagers are 9 as Liu Jie. So I think they should learn some basic life skills, like cooking, cleaning their rooms or dressing themselves 10 They shouldn’t depend too much on their partens.1.A.their homework B.some shopping C.housework2.A.lonely B.alone C.herself3.A.so B.because C.but4.A.that B.what C.where5.A.hungry B.full C.excited6.A.couldn’t B.didn’t C.might not7.A.thought B.considered C.missed8.A.made B.bought C.gave9.A.the same B.difficult C.different10.A.actually B.carelessly C.properlyⅢ. 语法填空12、Positive(积极的) people are usually happy. They often have a lot of friends. When they have a problem, they try to change the problem i1.a chance. They believe things always work out. But can positive thinking really make someone’s life better? Many scientists are studying positive thinking. They are finding out some very interesting information. Your HealthThe Mayo Clinic is a famous medical organization in the United States. It studies many things, including positive thinking. Their research proves that positive thinking has many advantages. First, positive thinking2.good health. Positive people don’t worry about the bad events in life, so they stay healthy. Positive people are3.likely to exercise and eat healthy foods. Because of this, they don’t usually get sick and don’t have many health problems.At workDr.Michael is a professor in Germany. His research shows that positive people do well in jobs. There are several reasonsfor this. Positive people are creative. They don’t expect4.to help them with problems. They solve problems themselves. And positive people don’t give up. They keep trying to learn new things.Becoming PositiveIn the past, scientists thought attitude5.changed. Now, many psychologists think people can become more positive. There are many different ways to change. Here are some examples. First, think about good events in your life. At the end of a day, ask, “What good things happened to me today?”Think about these things for a few minutes. Second, find interesting6.to do. Laugh at a funny movie or read a good book. Finally, always try new things. For example, you can talk to people you don’t know or shop in a different store. Do different things every day.A Good LifeLife can be7.sometimes. Don’t give up or be negative. Take action. Think about the future and make a plan. You can learn to be positive.Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、Here are some easy tips for getting to sleep. They can help you deal with tension, stress and anxiety, and enjoy a good night sleep. Not every one of these tips alone will get you to sleep, but a few of them at least should be useful.Get some physical exercise during the day. Even 15 minutes a day of exercise (at least half an hour before going to bed, so your body will have a chance to slow down) will give your body the activity and oxygen(氧) it needs to help you relax more and sleep better.Listen to the light music. Play some soft, smooth music that help you sleep. Of course you must have a recorder or CD player that will automatically(自动地) turn off because if you get up and turn it off in the end, it’ll lose its effect.Drink warm milk. A glass of warm milk 15 minutes before going to bed will keep you calm.Keep regular bedtime hours. Your body likes regular routines(常规),.It likes to know that it’s going to get up at the same time each day, eat at the same time, and go to bed at the same time. Keep far away from caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. Before you go to sleep, you’d better not drink coffee or cola which has caffeine. Don’t drink wine, beer or champagne which has alcohol and don’t sm oke.Don’t watch TV or read before going to bed. Wait at least half an hour before going to bed after reading or watching TV. 1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned(提到) in this text?A.Listening to music.B.Drinking warm milk.C.Keeping far away from caffeine.D.Using sleeping pills.2.According to the passage, we can infer(推断) that the way of getting some physical exercise during the day is moreeffective for _______.A.sportsman B.office workers C.postmen D.farmers3.If you choose to use the method of listening to music, the writer advises us _______.A.not to listen to soft musicB.not to make the record or CD player lose its effectC.to have a record or CD player that will turn off by itselfD.not to listen to smooth music4.According to the passage, which of the following is good before going to bed?A.Watching TV or reading. B.Drinking Coffee.C.Drinking warm milk. D.Drinking beer.5.Which is the best title for this passage?A.Music and Sleep B.Caffeine and SleepC.Keeping Regular Bedtime D.Tips for Getting to SleepB14、Thomas Edison lost his first job. For the next five years he went around the country from job to job. At last Edison went to New York. He had little money. He could not buy enough food to eat. He had no place to sleep.For many days Edison looked for work. He was hungry. At last he found work fixing machines. He could repair the old machines. He could also make new ones. The head man liked Edison’s new machines. He was going to give Edison $40,000 for them. Edison would now have money to do what he wanted.Thomas Edison was then 23. He used the money to build a shop in New Jersey. He had many people working for him. But he worked harder than any of them. He rested very little. Soon he was making more than 40 new things at one time.In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell made a telephone. But it could carry voices only a short way. Edison wanted to make a better telephone. He soon made one. It could carry voices a long way.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

credit card information

credit card information

The $915 Billion Bomb in Consumers' Wallets by Peter GumbelThursday, November 1, 2007provided byThis past summer's subprime meltdown involved about $900 billion in now -suspect securitized debt, reckless lending, and consumers who buckled under the weight of loans they couldn't afford. Now another link in the consumer debt chain - credit cards - is starting to show signs of strain. And the fear that the $915 billion in U.S. credit card debt (an uncannily similar figure) may blow up has major financial institutions like Citigroup, American Express, and Bank of America strapping on their Kevlar vests.Last month, as banks reported their worst quarterly results since 2001, concerns about rising credit card delinquencies began to make their way onto earnings announcements alongside mentions of subprime woes.First Citigroup, reporting a 57% decline in earnings, cited higher consumer credit costs and said it would put aside $2.24 billion in loan-lossreserves to cover future defaults.In describing the situation to analysts, CFO GaryCrittenden said Citi's credit card holders werebeginning to increase the balance on their cards ortake cash advances on those cards for the first time -behavior that, in his experience (which includes sevenyears as CFO of American Express), can translate intofuture trouble. Citi said the change in loan losses was"inherent in the portfolio but not yet visible indelinquencies."Then American Express said that it too was seeing "signs of stress" and would boost its loss reserves in its core U.S. card unit by 44%. Capital One, Bank of America, and Washington Mutual all said they are bracing for a 20% or higher increase in credit card losses over the near and medium term.So are U.S. credit cards going to be the catalyst for the next seizing up of the global credit markets? It depends on whom you ask."We are in a heightened state of alert to monitor a potential domino effect," says Michael Mayo, Deutsche Bank's U.S. banking analyst.Dennis Moroney, an analyst at T owerGroup, expects credit card delinquencies will rise as consumers, who have until now used home-equity lines of credit to pay off their cards, start More From : • T en Most 'Accountable' Companies • Mortgage Meltdown 2007 • Six Big Banks, Six Big Shake-Upsratcheting up higher card debt. When housing prices were rising, it was easy for consumers to tap the escalating values of their homes to keep borrowing. With the home-equity spigot turned off, over-leveraged consumers may have trouble keeping up with payments.The doomsday scenario would play out something like this: Just like CDOs and other asset-backed securities, credit card debt is sliced, diced, and sold off again as packages of securities. Rising delinquencies would hurt not only the banks involved but the securities backed by the credit card receivables. Those securities would decline in value as consumers defaulted, leading to bank losses as well as portfolio losses in the hedge funds, institutions, and pensions that own the securities. If the damage is widespread enough, it could wreak havoc on the economy much as the subprime crisis has done.T o be sure, there are key differences between the subprime market and the problems brewing with credit cards. The first is that while rising mortgage delinquencies were apparent for months before the subprime market blew up, credit card delinquencies are actually coming off unusually low levels."This is absolutely not the next one to blow," says Meredith Whitney, banking analyst at CIBC. Christopher Marshall, CFO of Fifth Third Bancorp in Cincinnati, points out that the U.S. has a long history of credit card securitization, "so it's fairly well understood." The securitization of the subprime sector, by comparison, "got blurry, and people didn't focus on what it meant."Credit agencies that monitor credit cards in the asset-backed securities market share that confidence. "The performance in the core consumer [asset-backed securities] sectors is expected to deteriorate modestly, but not enough to cause substantial downgrades," says Kevin Duignan, managing director at Fitch.But credit card debt is different from subprime debt in another way: Unlike mortgages, credit card debt is unsecured, so a default means a total loss. And while missed payments are at a historical low, they show signs of an uptick: The quarterly delinquency rate for Capital One, Washington Mutual, Citigroup, J.P. Morgan Chase, and Bank of America rose an average of 13% in the third quarter, compared with a 2% drop in the previous quarter.What's more, consumers and the people who market financial services to them may not have learned their lesson. Klaus-Peter Müller, CEO of Germany's Commerzbank, told Fortune he was stunned on a recent trip to the U.S. to see TV ads still aggressively touting no-questions-asked credit. In Germany he's calling for tighter standards."I'm speaking out on the ethical questions about consumer lending," he says.If there is an international precedent the U.S. should be watching, it's actually that of the U.K. British consumers are just as overstretched as Americans, but since the real estate market there rose faster and fell earlier, they're about 18 months ahead in the credit cycle. Since the last quarter of 2005, credit card delinquencies and charge-off rates in Britain have risen as much as 50%, forcing banks to take huge write-offs.It's a sign of the times that, according to one survey last month, 6% of British homeowners have been using their credit cards to pay their mortgages. That's suicidal, of course, given that credit card interest rates are more than double even the heftiest mortgage. Keep your fingers crossed that it's not a trend that crosses the Atlantic.Copyrighted, Fortune. All rights reserved.Credit Card Minimum Payment CalculatorBy just paying the minimum payment requirement on your credit card can cost thousands extra in interest charges. Most credit card companies and banks set their required minimum payment levels too low, on average 2 to 2.5%.By using our minimum payment calculator you will be shocked at just how much you would be required to pay back by just keeping to a minimum payment. The sad fact is many people do not realize how much interest they are paying on their credit card balance.Remember, banks and credit card companies make bigger profi t s by setting their minimum payment requirements so low.The Bottom LineIt'll take you 232 months (t hat's over 19 years) to pay back £5,000 if you only pay the requiredminimum of 3.00%. Over that period of t ime, you'll pay an additional £3,330.07 in interest.If you could afford to pay an extra £10 a month towards your credit card debt, it would meanyou'd repay it in 125 months (just over 10 years) and you'd save yourself £822.53 in interest. Infact, if you could afford an extra £25 a month, you'd repay it in 84 months (just over 7 years), andsave £1,400.62.Totals (pay ing minimum of 3.00% per mont h):Original debt£5,000.00Time to clear debt 232 monthsInterest charged £3,330.07Total paid £8,330.07Reduce credit card debtBuilding up debt is very easy on a credit card especially if you are spending more a month than is going back in to pay your statement.Paying the minimum due ever month is only going to add up to trouble in the long run, though it may feel as if you are keeping on top of you bills, you are in fact only adding to them, as the small amount that you pay will barely cover the interest payments on past purchases. This can lead to a never-ending spiral towards a debt that you j ust can’t afford to pay off; this should be a cause for concern to you.Cards holders of the MBNA are finding that when paying the minimum mount, that they just only covering the amount of interest and can paying back as little as £5 to their original debt. This is not a finding just with MBNA who supply cards through the Abbey, Virgin, Alliance & Leicester and a range of affinity cards but to ever credit card on the market.If your bill is starting to get on top of you a bit, an idea is to change to a card that is offering 0% on balance transfers for anything up to 12 months or with a lower APR card that will give you that bit if breathing space to try and stop spending and get your finances into order.We all know what its like to have cash flow once in a while, so maybe paying the minimum payment is a way of re leasing a bit of cash to maybe go for a meal or treat that loved one to some thing special, that’s fine if its every once in a while but doing this ever month is going to lead you into dire straits.So pay to get your balance down and don’t give the credit card companies anymore of that hard-earned cash you worked hard all month for, just for them to announce massive profi t s on the TV as you sit down to your microwave dinner.Get Out of Credit Card DebtIf you are finding that paying back your credit card debts a bi t of a struggle then a few suggestions can maybe help get you back on your feet and off the slippery slope that you are on right now.Learning to see when the debt that you are accumulating, is starting to take up more of the repayments just trying to cover the interest that is being added monthly. If paying say £100 a month to your bill, take a good long hard look at your statement and see how much of this is interest and how much is actually going to pay back the original debt.Most credi t card company’s used to ask for a minimum payment of £5 or 5% of the total amount owed, but are now asking for as little as 2% in some cases because of the 5% minimum was meaning people were finding this a struggle to pay back.If you are getting to this stage the best advice is to stop using the card that has built up these debts and start to look for ways of reducing it. Balance transfers are the best way of trying to give yourself a little bit of breathing space, search for one of the 0% deals that some lenders are offering at the moment. But make sure that the card that you plump for has a low Standard Rate once the 0% introductory rate has expired, and cut up the previous card and cancel it because a card wi t h a zero balance will only act as temptation and you will end up in an impossible situation.Also make sure that you keep up with the minimum payments on the card that you have transferred your balance because if you don’t charges and penalties will then be added to the total balance.Once you have got the debt under control and at an amount that you feel is manageable, the next step is to try and curb the spending and clear the debt completely and get back on an even keel, then you can enjoy the spending freedom that a credit card brings you, but under your terms.Build Up Your Credit Rating With a Credit CardIf your credit rating has taken a bit of a bashing in the past, due to financial problems then trying to get back on the credi t ladder can seem a bit of lottery. This will mean that if you are looking for a poor credi t, credit card, make sure that you try and choose the right card for you and that will help your rating go up.Checking wi t h credi t reference agencies can be your first port of call, to find out why you are being refused the credit that you are applying for. This can be for a few reasons such as past bills that were never paid, either household or personal loans. Not being on the Electoral Register can also be a factor as can the credit history for the area that you live in, even though you could have a clean bill of health wi t h credit history.Making your credit history better can be done if you follow this simple plan of action and stick to it. Firstly once you have received your bad credit, credit card is to make larger payments on the card than you would usually do, thus sending out the signal to would be creditors that you are reliable and your credit rating will soon rise, even better if you can afford to pay the bill in full. An important factor also is to make sure that the that you have match up in both billing address and the electoral voting address, because any difference can make it look as if you might have another agenda and will make your credit file look bad.If you don’t stick to this format to try and have a better credi t rating, then failing to pay your bills on a bad credit, credit card will make things a lot worse for you. Getting your hands on one of these cards is no impossible, but the price you will have to pay once you have one will be a lot higher than a standard credit card, this comes again by being a higher credit risk so the lenders will offer these cards with a much higher APR than usual, one such credit card is the Vanquis card that is taking almost 70% APR, this is extreme though and a little word of warning about the type of problems that you could find yourself having.Though your credit rating is not up to scratch, being fleeced is not called for so be careful wi t h your choices, though another little tip is, if you are looking at a card with an annual fee attached don’t throw it to the side as a credit card charging a fee can also mean a lower APR, just make sure the deal is right for you and pay your bill this will get you back on a better financial footing in the long run.Credit Cards Are All To Easy Run Up DebtsThe need to be seen to be living the up to the minute lifestyle, is causing more and more people to run into massive debt worries that in turn leads to filing for bankruptcy, wi t h the average being owed running at £27,000 according to the debt advice charity, The Consumer Credit Counselling Service.With the means there, where credi t card companies are offering you the chance to have spending freedom, the temptation to Spend! Spend! Spend is far to great for some to resist, and they end up spending a lot more on, than they are bringing in with their income.This has led to insolvency cases in mostly people based in the 20-30 age group, running up debts up to and over £60,000, as they try to keep up with all the up-to date fashions and trendy gizmos, this is a worrying trend and is happening all over the UK.Credit cards are great and handy if you can afford to pay off your balance at the end of the month, but it is all to becoming aware that less well off are getting into huge debts. A lot of this is down to the credit card issuers themselves, as in the hunt for more an more customers, they are letting people who run up debts on other cards take out a card with them without finding out if they owe on other cards, thus compounding people further into debt that they obviously cant pay back.This is why the government has to make the card issuers address this and make them liable for their actions, which have left many, especially the poor run up large debts.The fact that spending on can seem so painless makes it easier to run up debts, this has meant that t he rise in inso lvencies last October to December was up by over 35%, on the totals of the same period the previous year, to 13,000. This does not include the Personal bankruptcies that rose to almost 33% to 9,803 in the same period.If you feel that you are going down this road then the best advice is to pull back and refrain from using your cards and seek some advice from a debt counselor, who will try to help you put your finances back on an even keel.Credit Card Debt And How To Avoid ItApril 16, 2005Falling into the black hole that is credit card debt in the U.K, can happen so easily and can make you feel as if the situation is ever going to end. It can all come closing in on you when you start to receive the dreaded phone calls and lettered reminders from your creditors, can only add to the stress that you are allready going through. The best way people will probably tell you is that you should stay away from altogether, but that is all well said and done when you don’t have this sort of credit card debt.The first thing that you should be thinking about when you think about a credit card, is how do I avoid getting myself into a financial mess? Well hopefully if you follow these few simple rules will keep the wolves from your door.The first and most obvious plan of action is to receive your statement and pay it off in full at the end of each month and on time, will save you any high interest charges and late payment penalties being added to your bill. An advantage of doing this means that your credit status will get you any more credi t if you need it, for things such as a personal loan or mortgage.This can be a privileged position to be in and most of us don’t or cant pay in full, so the best way to pay for the credit card debt, is by making sure that you pay more than the minimum payment that the credit card issuer is asking for, which will usually be 2% of the amount due or £5 which ever is greater. If you stick to minimum payments then you are only basically paying towards the interest and will ge t into a situation where you will be paying this debt for longer than it takes to pay off the mortgage.If you fell that you are going down this road then my advice to you is to ask your credit card company if they could give you a lower APR, when doing this have a plan of what to say to them. Say such things as you have had a better deal offered to you by another credit card issuer, but add in that you are happy wi t h the services that your current card issuer has given you and you would rather stay a custo mer of theirs, this will usually work, though if i t doesn’t make sure that your plan includes a credi t card that has a better APR and will let you balance transfer your debt on to the new card.Another tip is to consolidate the debt into a single monthly payment, this will mean that you will know that with every payment you will be paying off the debt and you will know the time span of the debt, but remember to get rid of the cards in the mean time so that you don’t fall into using them again because they have a balance of zero, this will only worsen the situation.Once you are back on your feet make sure that you learn from the mistakes that you made the last time and not to over spend, leading to not being able to pay back what you cant afford. are a handy way of paying for things and if used to their full potential can be more advantageous than cash.Credit Card Debt – How To Limit ItJune 5, 2005Having some form of credit card debt is one thing, but how do you know when your credi t card spending is starting to become a problem? Well it should be noted that if roughly 15% of your monthly wage is going towards paying off your credit card bill, then you have stepped into the danger zone. But a more dangerous way of dealing with i t is by borrowing from one credi t card to give to another, you will not be clearing your debt you will only be adding to it.If you are reading through this article and are starting to note some comparisons wi t h your own financial position, then i t might be about time that you started to get your act together, wi t h your financial affairs.Though don’t think that you are alone in this way of dealing with your debt, because almost 40% of credit card holders will find themselves in the same position as you, down to the fact of only paying the minimum asked for each month from the credit card company.So what can I do to get myself back on an even keel?I hear you ask. Well first things first stop using the credi t card to make any more purchases, if you cant then try and cut back on the spending as much as possible.One of the main uses for the credi t card these days is for everyday things like petrol and groceries. So by showing you how to cut back on these you will start to notice the difference in your pocket and your health.Firstly the car, if you can walk to where you are heading, probably to the local supermarket for the groceries, then do so, you will not only save cash on petrol you will get fi t ter and you will also be doing your little bit for the environment.You have walked to the supermarket; you are now feeling proud of yourself, now you have to keep i t going, you dip into your bag or pocket for those money off coupons, thinking that you are doing this to save a further bit of cash that can go towards your credit card debt, but that cant be further from the truth.The money off vouchers that you have clutched in your hand, are for brand name goods that are overpriced in the first place and you will still be cheaper heading for the supermarkets own brand goods. Though if you can avoid processed food altogether, then you will be doing your body a huge favour.Another product that you will save a good chunk of your monthly expendi t ure will be soft drinks, not only are they an expensive way to quench a thirst, think of the damage that they are doing to your teeth and the little wobble that they are starting to add to your midriff, water will do the purpose that it was meant for and will do it better.Remember don’t think that you have done well and you will treat yourself to a mea l from your local takeaway, as you will only be succeeding in giving them what you are trying to save. Your credi t card debt is your main aim, so the sooner you get that under control, the sooner you can get the odd little treat and just remember, take a WALK to get it.Having Trouble Paying BackMarch 24, 2006By Peter KennyIf you’ve ever been over your head in debt, you will be well aware of how much stress and turmoil it can cause. Recent surveys have shown that along with relationship problems, debt is one of the most stressful problems facing people. And now, with the explosion of the consumer debt mountain, there are few things that cause as much stress on a day-to-day basis.Every day in the UK, consumers in the form of credit card and store card transactions are borrowing millions of pounds. These debts are typically high interest charging and very flexible, which makes it easy for the balance to be reduced as well as to grow, but the definite trend in the market is for the debt level to be steadily increasing.That is why it is becoming more and more common, and also it is becoming easier, for credi t card debts to simply get a little out of hand. There are a number of strategies you should take however for getting these debts back under control.Take ControlThe first step is to stop using the cards. If this is not possible, then at least cut back on credi t card usage. You will only ever be able to reduce the balance if you stop adding to it. Otherwise, no matter how much you allocate to paying it back each month, you will never make a dent on the total.Pay Off The Most Expensive FirstAnother thing you should consider is, if you have a number of, each wi t h different interest rates, and then you should concentrate on repaying the highest interest cards off first. This might mean reducing the amount you pay back each month on the other cards to the minimum payment so that you will be able to clear off the most expensive card fastest.Cancel Your Payment Protection InsuranceIf you are paying for option extras such as payment protection insurance, then maybe you will wish to consider cancelling this option, as it will be again taking more money away from repaying the card, and instead, spending it on a service that you may or may not want. Of course, payment protection insurance is a genuine insurance that offers you protection against the possibility that you will become unable to meet all of your repayment obligations, but if you do think that you can get by without payment protection insurance, then this is probably one expense that you should remove from your credit card.Save money with credit cardCredit Cards a Loan AlternativeCredit cards are a money source of getting your hands on that item in a shop window that you just have to have, but don’t possess the ready cash. Using the card will give you a personal loan on the spot, and offer you different ways to pay in whichever way suit’s your needs. All card issuers ask is that you pay a minimum of either 5% or £5 of the balance whichever is greater or to save incurring any interest pay off your balance in full at the end of the month if you have the funds to do so.There are all different types of cards on the market, including Affinity cards that are affiliated to Charities, Football Clubs and Human Rights Organisations such as Amnesty International, who receive a donation every time that you use them, though be careful as these cards usually carry a higher interest rate than the usual cards.A spending limit is set when you first take out a card, of say £500 and then will be steadily raised if the credit card company feels that you are reliable with your payments and have the ability to pay.The credit card is a god send at times but can also be a burden as the temptation to over spend is always in your purse or wallet, this of coarse can lead to not being able to pay of your card at the end of the month thus leading to interest being charged to your account, and will build up the longer it takes for you to pay the balance.Competition is now quite fierce among credit card companies, with the influx of American cards that are now on the market, things such as the annual fee that was charged, usually in the region of £10- £15, has now been dropped by most companies and also offering such benefits as lower APR and 0% free periods for balance transfers and purchases, as they fight and scrap for the old and new customer.If you are thinking of changing or taking out a card for the first time, then take your time and make sure that the card that you are applying for is the right one for you and suit’s your needs. Al w ays read the small print especially on insurance that has been sold to you on the card, as it doesn’t always cover you for what you think it does, and maybe offers such things as holiday accident cover of £100,000, though if you went to an independent travel insurer who would cover you for up to £1 million, and with this added to your statement it can cost you even more in added interest if you haven’t got a clear balance.Using a Credit Card to Your AdvantageCredit cards are a great invention don’t you think? I can guarantee you that some are saying Yes and some are pulling their hair out and shouting what is this guy on?Well the answer is yes and no, it all depends on how you use them and not to abuse them. are a handy thing to have in your purse or wallet and I say this to people who use them to the full and can pay off their balance at the end of each month, this will help you climb the credit rating ladder and be good for any future needs in the borrowing market.Credit cards used wisely..........I will say again that are a handy thing to have in your purse or wallet, but I’m now saying it to the people who use them to borrow and pay back as little as they can and find that they are running up a large slice of debt. And I can bet you they are shouting back that they are too handy, they will also be correct.A lot of blame is put on credit card companies for getting people into debt, some of that is fair but some is also unfair. Sure a APR can be a little over zealous, but in recent years these have came down and in many cases just now we are being offered up to a year of interest free credi t. But again this can been seen from the other side that they are trying to snare the less w ell off into taking cards in the hope that they run up a debt that they cannot pay off before the 0% period is over.The simple fact of the matter is that credit card companies are in this to make money, we should and probably will be all aware of this, and so we should really take it upon ourselves to look after our own interests and make sure that we use the cards to our advantage and not that of the credit card issuers.Some simple guidelines...........If you feel that you would need a credit card then here are a few simple guidelines to follow, APR will be your biggest headache if you don’t watch i t, choose a card that is offering a low interest rate, even if that means overlooking that great deal that one card is giving you, for example a 9 months 0% period on purchases, the sting can be the 17.9% APR that comes at the end of that period and will be added straight to any debt that you have accrued. So by choosing a credit card that starts off low and stays low, you will save in the long run. Also watch out for cards that charge a yearly fee and stay away Insurance Protection Payments as in most cases they are not worth the paper they are written on.One more to do, if you can avoid paying the minimum payment then do so, credit card companies have dropped they’re minimum payments to around about the 2% mark, this is to give some the feeling that they are paying off their debt, but the truth of the matter is you aren’t, if you had to pay the minimum payment i t would take you years to pay off your debt and t hat’s even if you stop using it. Try and pay as much as you can.Take control of your finances.........。



Supply Chain Vulnerability in Developing Markets: A Research NoteMichael A. Mayo, Ph.D., Department of Marketing, Kent State University, USALawrence J. Marks, Ph.D., Department of Marketing, Kent State University, USAABSTRACTFew research studies have systematically examined supply chain management and practices in developing markets. Consequently, firms sourcing from vendors in these markets have limited information to assess related risks and opportunities. The present study examines how the concept of supply chain vulnerability, which is gaining the attention of researchers in industrialized and develop markets, might be used to highlight the kind of disruptions and sourcing challenges found in the developing world. Supply chain vulnerability is defined as unexpected variations in the quantity and/or quality of supply flows resulting from the failure of a single, direct vendor (atomistic source) or multiple, collaborative channel partners (holistic source). A chi-square analysis was conducted to compare the types (quantitative or qualitative) and sources (atomistic or holistic) of inbound flow disruptions between developed and developing markets. Results indicated that these markets differ in terms of quantitative rather than qualitative disruptions. Drawing upon previous research, several explanations are offered to account for the results. Recommendations include the need to expand the concept of supply chain vulnerability to include a number of macro level variables to better anticipate disruptions.Keywords: Supply chain vulnerability, supply chain management, developing markets, supply chain disturbancesINTRODUCTIONAs firms seek the major performance gains promised by integrated global sourcing strategies (Sparks and Wagner 2003), it is increasing important both to anticipate the risks and assess the opportunities posed by suppliers from developing markets (Coates 2003). Developing market channels have been reported to be long, financially constrained, manufacturer dominated and fragmented (Tesfom, Lutz and Ghauri 2004). By and large, however, the study of sourcing and channel management in developing countries is limited (Mehta, Larsen, Rosenbloom and Ganitsky, 2006) and often anecdotal. The present study examines the concept of supply chain vulnerability, which has successfully identified the sources and types of disturbances found in supply chains from developed economies (Svensson 2000; 2002), to determine whether it is applicable in the developing world and if it might provide a more systematic approach to guide research efforts in this area. To begin, the literature on supply chain vulnerability (SCV) is reviewed, followed by a discussion of the results from a study designed to identify the sources and types of disturbances prevalent in developing markets.LITERATURE REVIEWSupply Chain VulnerabilitySupply chain vulnerability (SCV) is defined “as the existence of random disturbances that lead to deviations in the supply chain of components from normal, expected or planned schedules or events, all of which cause negative effects or consequences for the involved manufacturer of its sub-contractors (Swensson 2000). Other researchers since have noted that some drivers of SCV include the degree of time and relationship dependencies between firms (Mattssoon 1999) as well as the resilience of supply chains to absorb or mitigate the impact of a disturbance (Peck 2006). Additionally, Peck (2005) proposed a multi-level framework to describe how the risks posed by SVC may result from disruptions at the micro (value stream or product process between firms) and macro (informational and logics infrastructures, inter-organizational networks and general environment) levels.In addition to this conceptual work, Swensson (2000) developed a framework from in-depth field interviews to document the sources and types of inbound supply chain disturbances. This research suggest two sources of disturbances(Atomistic: supply disruption between two firms; Holistic: disruption results from lack of coordinationamong multiple supply chain members) and two types of disturbances (Qualitative: lack of product/service reliability, quality or precision; Quantitative: sources of deviation that lead to stock-outs or back-orders. Statistical analysis of the pattern of disturbances reported by Swensson (2000) indicated that atomistic and quantitative disturbances were most frequently reported (see table 1).Table 1: A conceptual framework for the analysis of vulnerabilityin supply chains and survey results (Svensson 2000)SCV and Developing MarketsAnecdotal reports of inbound supply chain disturbances from developing markets suggest that this framework may be applicable and provide insights into these markets as well. For example, Polat and Arditi (2005) found that managers from developing economies often employ a Just-In-Case (JIC) approach to purchasing and keeping extra inventory to offset supply chain uncertainties (and prevent quantitative disturbances). Humphrey and Schmitz (1998) report that when foreign buyers enter a developing market they often pit local firms competitively against each other damaging social bonds and trust within the channel (raising the possibility of holistic disturbances). Still, it is unknown how well the SCV framework captures supply chain disturbances in developing markets or if the pattern of disturbances is comparable to those found in more developed economies. Knowing this would help firms to develop better sourcing plans given the lack of experience most supply managers have with developing markets (Pedersen 2005).METHODOLOGYThe SCV framework was used to classify supply disruptions in developing country channels as depicted in case studies developed by the International Trade Center (ITC), a United Nations trade development agency, to adapt its standard purchasing-supply chain management (PSCM) curriculum (module learning system, MLS) to local business conditions1. 59 cases were used in this study from a wide range of developing countries (China 3; India 13; Indonesia 5; Malaysia 6; Nepal 7; Philippines 6; Sri Lanka 11; Thailand 8). Cases are approximately 1 ½ to 3 pages in length and were written and published within the past 5 years.Data AnalysisSince the MLS is a comprehensive PSCM training program it includes general administrative and management issues (e.g., budgeting) as well. Consequently, not all of the cases depicted supply disruptions (27 of 59 cases or 45.7%) and were eliminated in the analysis. Each of the remaining cases was analyzed and assigned to one of the four SCV cells. The sources and types of inbound supply disturbances reported in the remaining cases (n = 32) are reported in table 2.Table 2: Sources and Categories of Supply Disturbances from Developing Markets1The authors are grateful to the ITC for permission to use its case materials in this publication.RESULTSTo determine if the sources and types of inbound supply disturbances varied by market type (developing versus develop), independent percentage chi-square tests (Agresti 1996) were conducted (see table 3; in each cell, percentages for developed countries are reported first, and those for developing countries next, in parentheses). Results indicated that differences between markets were found for quantitative as opposed to qualitative sources of disturbance. Specifically, more atomistic – quantitative disturbances are evidenced in developed versus developing markets (55.42% versus 31.25%; z = 2.754, p < .006) with fewer holistic – quantitative disturbances were reported (3.21% versus 31.25%; z = 3.390; p < .0007). No differences between developed versus developing markets were found for qualitative disturbances (atomistic: 39.36% versus 31.25%; z = .926; p > .355; holistic: 2.01% 6.25%; z = .971; p > .332).Table 3: Comparison of Sources and Categories of Supply Disturbances for Developed (and Developing Markets)DISCUSSIONThe results indicate that different sources for quantitative disruptions are found in developed as opposed to developing markets. Inasmuch as the SVC framework is a descriptive, rather than a causal model, it does not explain why such differences might exit. Developed markets may inherently have more atomistic quantitative disturbances due to the shear number of components sourced from multiple vendors to produce more technical and complex products there than generally found in developing markets. Indeed, the disturbances reported in the SCV framework for developed markets were collected from the transportation industry (Swensson 2000) while those from developing markets often involved more commodity-like sourced items (e.g., concrete telephone poles, rollers for granaries,…) employing fewer, less complex supply chains that may be in fact more reliable.When quantitative disruptions do occur in developing markets, they tend to be holistic rather than atomistic in contrast to what is found in developed markets. The literature provides two plausible reasons for this. First, foreign buyers often impose higher product standards and delivery terms which no one firm can meet alone. In response, more collaborative or holistic supply networks are forged by channel members in developing markets to meet these demands (Humphrey and Schmitz 1998). So when disruptions do occur, they are more likely to be holistic as reported in the present study. Second, as developing countries make infrastructure upgrades (e.g., runway or port expansions) to attract foreign trade, they often discount initiatives to make supply chains more efficient by improving network components (Dobberstein, Neumann and Zils 2005). Sawhney and Sumukadas (2005) for example, report the negative impact on the flow of goods to and from developing countries due to inefficient customers clearing activities. Thus, while access to developing markets may improve with “hard” infrastructure upgrades (helping to prevent atomistic quantitative disruptions) neglecting network challenges may lead to ongoing holistic challenges in the supply chain.The frequency of qualitative disturbances, both holistic and atomistic, was similar for developing and developed markets. This may be due in part to the fact that globalization has reduced the disparity between production management issues in developed and developing countries as noted by Onwubolu, Haupt, Ciercq and Visser (1999).Limitations, Implications and Research RecommendationsDue to the small number of case reports from developing markets, the reliability of results is of concern. Hence, the study should be considered exploratory. Its contribution is that it introduces recognized concepts and framework from an important and upcoming area in the supply chain literature, SCV, to help guide future research in developingmarkets in this area. This is of practical importance as more and more firms source from developing markets in order to lower costs and increase customer value and satisfaction (Sparks and Wagner 2003). Future research may want to consider SVC as a critical risk factor that the firm needs to include in its business continuity planning (Peck 2006). Finally, it is recommended that future research expand on this exploratory work by increasing the number of supply chains relationships analyzed and by adopting a multi-level framework to help analyze the various micro and macro causes of SCV. Doing so may help firms to better anticipate supply chain disruptions and assist policy makers to develop infrastructure and inter-organizational networks to mitigate SCV (Peck 2005).REFERENCESAgresti, A. (1996), “An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis,” New York: Wiley.Coates, Douglas J. (2003), “Sourcing In Emerging Markets,” World Trade, Jul, Vol. 16 Issue 7, p.40Dobberstein, Nikolai., Carl-Stefan Neumann and Markus Zils (2005), “Logistics in Emerging Markets,” McKinsey Quarterly, Issue 1, p.15-18 Humphrey, John and Hubert Schmitz (1998), “Trust and Inter-firm Relations in Developing and Transition Economies,” Journal of Development Studies, Apr, Vol. 34 Issue 4, p32-61Mattssoon, S. A. (1999), “Effektivisering av Materialfloden I Supply Chains,” Acta Wexionesia, Samhallsvetenskap, Mr 2, Vexjo Universitet Mehta, Rajiv, Trina Larsen, Bert Rosenbloom and Joseph Ganitsky (2006) “The Impact of Cultural Differen ces in U.S. Business-to-Business Export Marketing Channel Strategic Alliances,” Industrial Marketing Management, Feb, Vol. 35 Issue 2, p156-165Onwubolu, Godfrey C., Wilhelm Haupt, Gerhard De Ciercq and Jan Visser (1999), “Production Management Issues in Developing Nations,”Production Planning and Control, Mar, Vol. 10 Issue 2, p110-117Peck, Helen (2005), “Drivers of Supply Chain Vulnerability: An Integrated Framework,” International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Vol. 35 Issue 4,p 210-232Peck, Helen (2006), “Reconciling Supply Chain Vulnerability, Risk and Supply Chain Management,” International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, Jun, Vol. 9 Issue 2, p127-142Pedersen, Arvid (2005), “Staffing an International Procurement Office,” Purchasing, April 7 (Metals Edition), Vol. 134 Issue 6, p60Polat, Gul and David Arditi (2005), “The JIT Materials Management System in Developing Countries,” Construction Management and Economics, Sep, Vol. 23 Issue 7, p697-712Sawhney, Rajeev and Narendar Sumukadas (2005), “Coping with Customs Clearance Uncertainties in Global Sourcing,” International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Vol. 35 Issue 4, p278-295Sparks, Leigh and Beverly A. Wagner (2003), “Retail exchanges: a research agenda,” Supply Chain Management, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p17-25 Svensson, Goran (2000), “A Conceptual Framework for the Analysis of Vulnerability in Supply Chains,” International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Vol. 30 Issue 9, p731-749Svensson, Goran (2002), “Dynamic Vulnerability in Companies' Inbound and Outbound Logistics Flows,” International Journal of Logistics: Research & Applications, Apr, Vol. 5 Issue 1, p13-43Tesfom, Goitom, Clemens Lutz and Pervez Ghaur i (2004), “Comparing Export Marketing Channels: Developed Versus Developing Countries,”International Marketing Review, Vol. 21 Issue 4/5, p409-422。

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Constraint-Based Tutors:a Success StoryAntonija MitrovicMichael MayoPramuditha SuraweeraBrent MartinIntelligent Computer Tutoring GroupDepartment of Computer Science,University of CanterburyPrivate Bag4800,Christchurch,New Zealand{tanja,mmayo,psu16,brent}@Abstract.Student modeling(SM)is recognized as one of the central problems in the area ofIntelligent Tutoring Systems.Numerous SM approaches have been proposed and used withmore or less success.Constraint-based modeling is new approach,which has been usedsuccessfully in three tutors developed in our group.The approach is extremely efficient,and itovercomes many problems that other student modelling approaches suffer from.We present theadvantages of CBM over other similar approaches,describe three constraint-based tutors andpresent our future research plans.Keywords:Intelligent Tutoring,AI application to Design,Knowledge Representation1IntroductionIt is well known that one-on-one human tutoring is much more effective than traditional classroom instruction,providing an increase of two standard deviations in learning performance[4].The goal of the research in the area of Intelligent Tutoring Systems(ITS)is to build computer-based tutors that achieve the effects of learning individually with a human tutor.It is a very ambitious goal,and currently available systems are nowhere near achieving it,although there are ITSs that provide an increase of one standard deviation over a longer time period[3].Student modeling is widely accepted as one of the central problems in ITSs.If a system is to be effective,it must reason about student’s knowledge and adapt its actions to the needs and abilities of each individual student.Many SM approaches have been suggested over the years.Some of them are suited to a particular domain,or a teaching strategy.The research presented here focuses on effective and computationally tractable student modeling.We adopted Constraint-Based Modeling, a student modeling approach recently proposed by Ohlsson[15],and have had extremely good experiences with it.We have developed three constraint-based tutors,all supporting problem solving,conceptual and meta-learning.Our focus is on student models;they should be precise enough to guide instruction,and computationally tractable at the same time.In the next section we present CBM briefly,and then turn to the three implemented systems in the following section.The final section presents conclusions and directions for future work.2Constraint-Based ModelingStudent modeling can be defined as the process of gathering relevant information in order to identify and represent the knowledge state of a student.In an ideal case,the model of a student should illustrate his/her knowledge,preferred learning strategies,areas of interest besides that of instruction,preferred presentation style,level of concentration and so on.Several techniques for student modeling have been developed for particular domains,the generality of which is yet to be determined by applying them elsewhere.The survey of SM approaches is outside the scope of such a paper and the interested reader is referred to[7].The task of building a student model is extremely difficult and laborious,due to huge search spaces involved.Several researchers have pointed to the inherent intractability of the task[8,15, 16].Various approaches to dealing with the intractability of student modeling have been introduced. Self[16,17]recommends such design of the interactions that information necessary for building a student model is provided by the student,and not inferred by the system.Also,it is not useful to be able to identify misconceptions in the student knowledge that cannot be dealt with by the tutor.An ITS should model only what it is capable of using in order to generate remedial or other pedagogical actions.If the goal is to model student's knowledge completely and precisely,student modeling is bound to be intractable.However,a student model can be useful even if it is not complete and accurate [15,17,18].Even simple and constrained modeling is sufficient for instruction purposes,and this claim is supported by findings that human teachers also use very loose models of their learners,and yet are highly effective in what they do[8,17].Anderson[2]also argues against such modeling, saying that it is not very useful for students to be told about the sources of their misconceptions,and that students benefit much more by being given an informative error message.One of the SM approaches that focus on reducing the complexity of the task is Constraint-Based Modeling(CBM)[15].CBM is based on Ohlsson's theory of learning from performance errors[14]. CBM focuses on faulty knowledge,realizing that it is not sufficient to describe what the student knows correctly.The basic assumption is that diagnostic information is not hidden in the sequence of student's actions,but in the situation(or the problem state)that the student arrived at.This assumption is supported by the fact that there can be no correct solution of a problem that traverses a problem state,which violates the fundamental ideas,or concepts of the domain.The student model does not represent student's actions,but the effects of his or her actions instead.Because the space of false knowledge is vast,much more so than the space of correct knowledge,Ohlsson suggest the use of an abstraction mechanism realized in the form of state constraints.A state constraint is an ordered pair(C r,C s),where C r is the relevance condition and C s is the satisfaction condition.C r is used to identify the equivalence class,or the class of problem states in which C r is relevant.C s identifies the class of relevant states in which C s is satisfied.Each constraint specifies the property of the domain that is shared by all correct paths.In other words,if C r is satisfied in a problem state,in order for that problem state to be a correct one,it must also satisfy C s.Conditions may be any kinds of logical formulas,hence may be constructed from various tests on the problem state in question.In such a way,CBM represents domain knowledge as a set of state constraints.Constraints define sets of equivalent problem states.An equivalence class triggers the same instructional action; hence the states in an equivalence class are pedagogically equivalent.All correct problem solutions do not violate any of the constraints.A violated constraint signals the error,which translates to incomplete and incorrect knowledge.CBM does not require a runnable expert module,as many other SM approaches do.This is a very important advantage of CBM,because in many domains it can be very difficult to build the problem solver.CBM-based computerized tutors are able to generate instructional actions even without being able to solve problems on their own,by focusing on violated constraints.Of course, CBM does not prevent an ITS from having a domain module.On the contrary,the existence of adomain module can be very beneficial to the student,as it can provide the answer to student's questions such as``What do I do next?''.Expert modules are based on a different type of knowledge (i.e.,prescriptive)and hence can be used for such purposes.However,the constraint set,if appropriately represented,might also form the knowledge base of a runnable domain module, because it contains rich information about the domain.We have developed a constraint representation for this purpose,and are currently evaluating its potential[9].Another advantage of CBM is its computational simplicity.Instead of using complex reasoning as required by other diagnostic approaches,CBM reduces student modeling to pattern matching. Conditions are combinations of patterns,and can therefore be represented in compiled forms,such as RETE networks[6],which are very fast.In the first step all relevance patterns are matched against the problem state.In the second step,the satisfaction components of constraints that matched the problem state in the first step(i.e.,relevant constraints)are matched.If a satisfaction pattern matches the state,then the constraint is satisfied,and the ITS is not to take any action.In the opposite case,the constraint is violated.The student model consists of all violated constraints.This technique can be used for both on-and off-line student modeling.Furthermore,CBM does not require extensive studies of student bugs as in enumerative modeling[1].Another deficiency of many SM approaches that CBM is not sensitive to is the radical strategy variability ly,some approaches assume that a student systematically uses a single procedure for the task at hand.However,Ohlsson shows[15]that each student applies just one of a family of procedures applicable to the problem at hand,and that the procedure selection strategy is ad hoc.Ohlsson claims that each student knows several procedures at the same time and that he or she can switch between them on different problems.On the other hand, CBM allows students to be inconsistent;it ignores the particular strategy the student applied,since different strategies may result in the same constraint broken.The approach is also neutral with respect to the pedagogy,since different pedagogical actions(immediate or delayed ones)may be generated on the basis of the model.3SQL-TutorSQL-Tutor is an intelligent educational system,which helps university-level students to learn SQL. The architecture of the stand-alone version of the system is illustrated in Figure1.For a detailed discussion of the system,see[10,11,12,13];here we present only some of its features.SQL-Tutor consists of an interface,a pedagogical module,which determines the timing and content of pedagogical actions,and a student modeller(CBM),which analyzes student answers.The system contains definitions of several databases,and a set of problems and the ideal solutions to them. SQL-Tutor contains no domain module.In order to check the correctness of the student’s solution,SQL-Tutor compares it to the correctsolution,using domain knowledgerepresented in the form of more than500constraints.At the beginning of a session,SQL-Tutor selects a problem for thestudent to work on.When thestudent submits a solution,thepedagogical module sends it to thestudent modeller,which analyzes thesolution,identifies mistakes(if thereare any)and updates the studentmodel appropriately.On the basis ofthe student model,the pedagogicalmodule generates an appropriatepedagogical action(i.e.feedback).Whenthe currentproblem is solved,orthe studentrequires a newproblem towork on,the pedagogical module selects an appropriate problem on the basis of the student model.The interface of the Web-enabled version of SQLT-Tutor [11],illustrated in Figure 2,has been designed to be robust,flexible,and easy to use and understand.It reduces the memory load by displaying the database schema and the text of a problem,by providing the basic structure of the query,and also by providing explanations of the elements of SQL.The main page is divided into three areas.The upper part displays the text of the problem being solved and students can remind themselves easily of the elements requested in queries.The middle part contains the clauses of the SQL SELECT statement,thus visualizing the goal structure.Students need not remember the exact keywords used and the relative order of clauses.The lowest part displays the schema of the currently chosen database.Schema visualization is very important;all database users are painfully aware of the constant need to remember table and attribute names and the corresponding semantics as well.Students can get the descriptions of databases,tables or attributes,as well as the descriptions of SQL constructs.The motivation here is to remove from the student some of the cognitive load required for checking the low-level syntax,and to enable the student to focus on higher-level,query definition problems.We have also implemented an animated pedagogical agent,which had a very positive motivational effect on the students [13].Students have several ways of selecting problems in SQL-Tutor.They may work their way through a series of problems for each database,ordered by their complexity,by clicking on the Next Problem button.The other option is a system-selected problem (the System’s choice button),when the system selects an appropriate problem for the student on the basis of his/her student model.We have also implemented a problem-selection strategy based on Bayesian networks [10].SQL-Tutor has been extensively evaluated.Four evaluation studies have been performed during 1998-2000,which proved that students who learnt with the system achieved significantly higher results than those who did not use the system.An improvement of nearly one standard deviation Fig.2.Interface of the Web-enabled version of SQL-Tutorwas achieved in the1998study,which included a single two-hour long session[12].All the studies showed that CBM has sound psychological foundations and that students acquire constraints at a high rate[12].4CAPIT:a punctuation tutorCAPIT(Capitalisation And Punctuation Intelligent Tutor)is a constraint-based tutor designed for,and evaluated with,school children in the10-11year old age group.The system teaches a subset of the basic rules of English capitalisation and punctuation,and currently contains46 problems and25constraints.The problems are relevant to the constraints in roughly equal proportions,although a small number of constraints(such as capitalisation of sentences)are relevant to all the problems.The constraints cover the following parts of the domain:capitalisation of sentences and the names of both people and places,ending sentences with periods,contracting is and not using apostrophes,denoting ownership using apostrophes,separating clauses using commas,separating list items using commas,denoting direct speech with quotation marks and the correct punctuation of the possessive pronoun its.In CAPIT the student must punctuate and capitalise a fully lowercase,unpunctuated piece of text. If the child makes a mistake,an error message is displayed.For example,Figure3(a)depicts one of the shorter problems in the ITS.Figure3(b)shows an incorrect solution submitted by a student, with two errors:the direct speech does not start with a capital letter,and the period is outside the quotation marks.The system displays only one error message at a time,and the student is expected to correct the error and resubmit the problem before any more feedback is displayed.A feedback message would be displayed if the student submitted this solution,e.g.The full stop should be within the quotation marks!Hint:look at the word books in your solution.Error messages are typically short and relate to only a single mistake,but if the student wants more detailed information,she/he can click Why?to be shown further explanatory material.(a)the teacher said open your books(b)The teacher said,“open your books”.(c)The teacher said,“Open your books.”Fig.3(a).A problem,(b).a student’s incorrect solution,and(c).the correct solution.The user interface was designed with the target age group of10-11year olds in mind.Two issues of importance when designing interfaces for this age group are facileness(the degree to which the interface is intuitive and self-explanatory),and motivation.Before starting the exercises,a short tutorial is given to all new users of the system.A child can review the tutorial at any time by clicking the help button.The main interface is then displayed,as depicted in figure4.Brief instructions relevant to the current problem are clearly displayed at the top of the main interface.This reduces the cognitive load by enabling the child to focus on the current goals without needing to remember them.Immediately below the instructions,and clearly highlighted,is the current problem.In this area,the child interacts with the system by moving the cursor,capitalising letters,and inserting punctuation marks.The child can provide input either by pointing and clicking the mouse,or by pressing intuitive key combinations such as Shift-M to capitalise the letter m.By requiring the cursor to be positioned at the point where the capital letter or punctuation mark is to go,the child’s ability to locate errors as well as correct them is tested.Motivation is provided in two forms.Firstly,children accrue points every time they submit a correct solution.The total number of points accrued so far,and the value in points of the current problem,is clearly displayed on the main interface.Secondly,when a correct solution is submitted,a simple animation is displayed as a reward.We have found this to be adequate motivation for10-11year olds.Fig.4.The tutor’s main user interfaceThe architecture of CAPIT comprises databases of constraints,problems and student models,the user interface,the student modeller,and the pedagogical module.When the student submits a solution,it is passed to the student modeller.The student modeller determines firstly which constraints are relevant to the current solution,and secondly,which constraints are satisfied.The violated constraints are then passed to the pedagogical module so that an error message can be selected.The pedagogical module solves two key decision tasks:it selects the next problem when the child clicks Pick Another Problem,and it selects a single error message for display when the child submits an incorrect solution.A probabilistic student model is used for these decisions.Initially,a student model is set to a population student model,which is later individualized after each student’s action.The system uses Bayesian networks and decision theory to decide what problem or feedback to give to the student.CAPIT was evaluated with three classes of9-10year olds at an elementary school in Christchurch,New Zealand,over four-weeks.The first class(Group A)did not use CAPIT.The second class(Group B)used the version of the tutor with randomised problem and error message selection,and the third class(Group C)used the full version of the tutor with the adaptive Bayesian student model.The groups using the tutor,B and C,had one45-minute session per week.Every student attempt and tutor decision was logged.All groups were administered the same pre-and post-tests.No statistically significant differences were found between the results of the pre-test for the three groups,indicating that the groups were all of comparable ability to start with.Group Pre-test(%)Post-test(%)A54.547.8B58.162.7C51.061.3Table1.Mean pre-and post-test scores.The pre-and post-tests were comparable(and challenging)and consisted of eight exercises similar to those presented by CAPIT,but done with pencil-and-paper.The score for each test was calculated by subtracting the number of punctuation and capitalisation errors from the number of marks for a perfectly correct solution.The mean scores and standard deviations are shown in Table 1.Both Group B and C show an improvement in mean test scores,although the improvement is more marked for Group C.Group A,the class that did not use the tutor,actually regressed.Because the same pair of students in each group completed both a pre-and a post-test,a one-tailed paired difference experiment was performed to gauge the significance of the improvement.Both groups improved significantly(for group B,α=0.05,t=1.86,rejection region±1.75;for group C,α= 0.01,t=3.4,rejection region±2.6).The improvement is thus much more significant for Group C, which used the full version of the tutor.Figure5shows how the students learned the constraints.We looked at the proportion of violated constraints following the n th attempt,averaged across all students and all constraints.Just over half of the students were still using the tutor by the55th attempt,so the data analysis was concluded at this point.Very similar behaviour was observed in SQL-Tutor[12].Such a smooth learning curve is5KERMIT:an ITS for database designDatabase(DB)modelling is a complicated task,which requires significant amounts of practice to achieve expertise.DB modelling is traditionally taught in a classroom environment where concepts and solutions to typical databases are explained.Our experiences in teaching DB modelling point to the need of providing students with individualized feedback,as students’solutions differ enormously between each other.We have developed KERMIT,an ITS for ER modelling,a popular high-level conceptual data model.KERMIT is implemented in Microsoft Visual Basic,and supports the entity relationship data model as defined in[5].The workspace of KERMIT is implemented using Microsoft Visio. KERMIT consists of a user interface,a student modeller and a pedagogical module.The interface of KERMIT is illustrated in Figure6.It consists of three separate windows that are tiled below each other.The top window is used to display the problem to the student.It also has a drop down list for students to choose their desired level of feedback.The middle window is the workspace for students to model their solution.The feedback window is positioned under the workspace.The feedback window displays textual pedagogical messages whereas the animated agent communicates them verbally.The workspace consists of a stencil developed for ER modelling,which contains allrequired constructs.Students can drag and drop constructs on to their workspace to construct their ER model.When the student has composed their solution to the given problem,the student modeller evaluates it,and after that the PM would generate appropriate feedback depending on the errors. When the current problem is solved the PM selects the next problem that best suits the student model.The feedback is grouped into six levels in an increasing amount of information:“Correct”,“Error flag”,“Hint”,“Detailed hint”,“All errors”and“Solution”.The first level of feedback simply indicates whether the submitted solution is correct or not.The“Error flag”indicates the type of construct(e.g.entity,relationship,etc.)that is incorrect.“Hint”and“detailed hint”offer instructions on the most important error(chosen from a hierarchy)from all errors.“Hint”is a general message,whereas“detailed hint”provides a more specific message.Feedback on all violated constraints is displayed at the“all errors”level.The complete solution is presented as an image in the final level.At the current stage,KERMIT’s constraint base consists of90constraints.These deal with both syntactic and semantic errors.The syntactic constraints vary from simple constraints such as“an entity name should be in upper case”,to more complex constraints such as“the weak entity participating in an identifying relationship should have a total participation”.The syntactic constraints only concentrate on the student’s solution and are independent of the ideal solution.The semantic constraints compare the student’s solution to the system’s solution.“The student’s solution should consist of all the entities present in the ideal solution”is an example of a semantic constraint. The evaluation of KERMIT is planned for early2001.6ConclusionsThis paper presented three intelligent tutoring systems that implement Constraint–based Modeling. CBM is a promising new student modeling approach that resolves many of the difficulties present in other diagnostic approaches.It does not require a runnable expert module,which may be difficult or even impossible to develop for some domains.Furthermore,CBM does not require extensive studies of typical errors made by students(i.e.bug libraries)necessary for enumerative bug modeling,and it does not require complex reasoning about possible origins of student errors.CBM is also advantageous over probabilistic methods,such as Bayes networks,which require estimates of prior probabilities.All that CBM requires is a description of the basic principles and concepts in a domain.From our experiences,CBM is extremely effective and efficient.It may be used in various kinds of domain,such as highly structured procedural tasks and open-ended tasks.CBM does not dictate any pedagogical approach,it equally well supports online and off-line learning,immediate and delayed feedback.We presented three constraint-based tutors:a system that teaches the SQL database language,a system that teaches punctuation and capitalization rules,and a system for database design.The domains for which these systems are developed are very different,and range from a fairly small set of punctuation rules,which are almost always deterministic,over an artificial language to an open task such as database modeling.Although DB modeling may seem as a much wider domain as the other two,the nature of CBM allows the domain knowledge to be represented as a relatively small set of constraints.In the case of SQL-Tutor,the fact that there are usually several correct ways of solving the problem results in a large knowledge base,containing over500constraints.SQL-Tutor and CAPIT were evaluated in real classrooms,and the results show that the students who learnt with the systems achieved significantly higher results on the post-test than those who were in the traditional classroom environment.Furthermore,the analysis of how constraints are learned shows that CBM has a sound psychological foundation.Current work at ICTG includes enhancements of the presented systems and the development of new constraint-based tutors.We have started developing a generic language tutor,which will be able to support student learning English or a set of foreign languages,when supplied with appropriate constraint nguage learning is a task of very different nature to those we have developed tutors for so far,and our primary intention is to evaluate our methodology and CBM in general.We have also started work on an authoring system based on CBM,which will make the development of new tutors much easier.AcknowledgementsThe work presented here was supported by the University of Canterbury research grants U6242and U6430.7References1.Anderson,J.R.,Jeffries,R.:Novice LISP Errors:Undetected Losses of Information fromWorking Memory.Human--Computer Interaction.22,403-423,1985.2.Anderson,J.R.:Rules of the Mind.Hillsdale,NJ:Lawrence 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