



6系列仪器的操作指南一.安装.1.ECOW ATCH软件安装在电脑.2.按标准步骤,安装传感器.传感器的O型圈必须涂薄薄一层硅油,调整好传感器和主机底口的传感器的接口,轻轻用手插到位,仔细紧固传感器的螺丝.用手紧固到位.不要用工具紧固.3.若有光学传感器,先安装光学传感器,保留光学传感器的黑色橡胶帽,以免该传感器头因安装碰撞.4.DO传感器先安装DO膜,5775的组件内有白色瓶KCL请用蒸馏水稀释到该瓶的肩部,摇匀,静止15分钟,再取膜安装传感器.5.DO膜内应无气泡,无浊物,膜无皱纹.6.安装电池在电池仓(2号碱性电池,最好使用进口电池),特别注意,涂硅油作好防水.7.检查仪器的各附件,6095B,现场电缆(6091….或者6092,6093)先采用在线方式.8.带好保护套,校正杯(运输杯)内确保存有淡水.9.采样开始,卸去光学传感器的黑色保护橡胶套.10.上好保护套,注意不要损伤传感器.11.连接现场电缆到仪器,注意在仪器的连接端的金属内有一O型圈,必须涂硅油,拧好连接的丝.不必太用力.12.连接6095B到计算机的COM口.13.在COMM图标处,点击,出现设置.COMM 口设置,选择择安装的COMM口.14.通讯设置如下:BAUT RA TE:9600,BITS 8,STOP BITS 1, PARITY NONE15.打开ECOW ATCH的文件,双击带鞭图标,选择恰当COMM.确定OK.16.出现#17.输入MENU,回车18.进入主菜单19.输入1----RUN---DISCRETE SAMPLE----START SAMPLING20.观察数据的稳定性,二.校正1.新装传感器必须校正.2.已再用仪器,从数据看是否需要校正传感器.如果传感器的数据符合要求.DO,PH,SPCOND,必须校正,3.浊度和叶绿素,光学溶解氧,BGA传感器看性能,转刷停位是否正常,(一) 电导1.电导传感器校正应选择恰当的标准电导液.注意电导单位.2.电导校正步骤.3.从主菜单-----进入CALIBERATE----CONDUCTIVITY4.选SP CONDUCTIVITY,回车5..选择恰当的电导液(1MS/CM,10MS/CM,50MS/CM)6.注意校正杯的清洁,电导液应淹没电导传感器的中间圆形口.7.输入准确的数值8.读数稳定后,按ENTER9..电导校正完毕.10退回主菜单(二).PH传感器PH传感器调试时和测试前,须校正.1.从主菜单-----选择CALIBERA TE----选择ISE PH2.出现三种选择1.---1.POINT,2---2.POINTS,3.---3POINTS3.选择2---2.POINTS4.清洁水(蒸馏水)清洗校正杯和传感器,以利于校正液的循环使用.5.装入校正杯PH7.0的缓冲液适当体积.6.按照屏幕提示输入第一点,温度下的PH值7.0 ±X,回车.(X是当前温度的PH值余数)7.待PH值稳定时,确认(回车)8.清洁水(蒸馏水)清洗校正杯和传感器.9.按回车,出现第二点值.输入第二点温度的PH值10.0±X. (X是当前温度的PH值余数)10.使用蒸馏水清洗校正杯及传感器11.倒入PH10的缓冲液12.按回车,出现第二点值.输入第二点温度的PH值10.0±X. (X是当前温度的PH值余数)13.待PH稳定,按确认(回车)14.使用ESC退到主菜单,(三) DO校正21.同上进入溶氧校正的程序,选择在不同测量方式下校正.连续性采样按35----40步骤进行.无人照料和长期监测时,请按42和43步骤设置完毕,再按35----40步骤校正22.MAINMENU――选择CALIBERATE―――――选择DISSOSIVEOXYGEN23.两个校正选项:1.DO%, 2. MG/L24.进入1.—DO%25.输入当地大气压(MMHG)26.校正杯内放少许水.仅拧一丝校正杯.27.等待15分钟.按确认.28.DO%显示近100%(或当前大气压下的饱和度)29.在线测量溶氧校正完毕.若采用无人照料方式工作,或连续检测,采用将在ADV ANCE菜单中将AUTO232击活,30.在SET UP将DO W ARM UP TIMES=60秒.(四) 浊度浊度校正1.使用过滤后的蒸馏水清洗校正杯和传感器.2.从主菜单---传感器---击活光学传感器选项从MENU----选SENSOR选到相应光学的口,选中,3.识别传感器型号(6026,6136) 确定该传感器.4.退回主菜单5.进入校正MENU----CALIBERA TE6.选浊度(TURB)校正7.选取两点校正8.校正杯内轻轻倒入蒸馏水.轻提起主机,使6136传感器离底部有一距离8CM.9.输入第一点的浊度值0 NTU10.使用无灰滤纸清洁校正杯和传感器.11.使用少量浊度液清洗校正杯和传感器两次12.轻轻倒入浊度液,不要产生气泡.13.拧几丝校正杯14.按回车15.出现第二点浊度校正值16.压3键,转动光学传感器的刷.17.待浊度读数稳定18.按回车19.完成浊度校正(五).叶绿素传感器的校正1从主菜单选传感器项2.击活光学传感器,出现传感器选项3.选中6025叶绿素选项4.退回主菜单5.选校正项,按回车.6.出现三个校正选项7.选1点校正8.使用过滤蒸馏水清洗校正杯和传感器9.轻轻将蒸馏水倒入校正杯,不要产生气泡.10.按3键转动叶绿素的光学刷.清洁光学表面.11.等叶绿素读数稳定12.按回车.13.完成叶绿素一点校正,两点校正14.若需两点校正配相应的试剂,使用天平称0.05G(罗丹明B,亚啶橙)配置500ML吸取2ML亚啶橙溶液,稀释到1000ML(或吸取罗丹明B 5ML溶液,稀释到1000ML)查取相应温度的数值(看英文说明书)输入第二点.的值,稳定时,按ENTER仪器可以进入数据测量.仪器的使用,1连续性采样,从报告菜单选择你要记录的参数.,从MENU-------选RUN-----选DISCRETE SAMPLE出现采样设置界面.1.选择采样间隔,SAMPLE INTERV AL= XX 输入你要选择的采样间隔.2.选择要记录的文件名,使用数字,字母.3.选择你要记录的参数4.压START SAMPLING5.当数据稳定,使用1---记录一条数据到文件.使用2开始记录连续性数据.6.无人照料的采样设置.长期监测,先选择你要记录的参数.传感器必须涂防污涂料.从主菜单MENU------选RUN-----选UNATTENDING SAMPLING(无人照料)选择采样间隔,(XX:YY:ZZ,即小时:分:秒)确定要开始采样的日期,如2006/02/14 即年/月/日(格式是在MENU中系统SYSTEM中设置)设置采样的时间XX/YY/ZZ 小时/分/秒根据采样计划设定.使用数字键,选择START选YES.断开电缆,上好仪器电缆的防水,尘盖.放置仪器到准确的测量位置测量四.文件的调用,从主菜单MAIN MENU -----进入3.FILE----进入4---VIEW FILES查看所记录的数据文件是否存在,如果存在,使用3.FILE----2 UP LOAD,选择文件序号,按(数字或字母),1-PROCEED,回车.选择1-PC6000或3 txt格式,回车.出现进程窗口在主菜单中.完成后,从ECOWA TCH的上文件,打开,查找该文件,双击该文件.出现图形和数据表文件.可拷贝到MICROSOFTEXCL处理.五.维护和保养1.温度/电导传感器,应再每次测试完毕使用清洁自来水清洗,以免淤泥留在电导池内影响测量.2.PH应在测试完毕后,校正杯内存有的自来水不要接初到PH传感器.3,溶解氧传感器应避免长时间脱离水饱和空气和水体的环境4,光学传感器的转刷不能使用手扭转.应在软件中,使用转刷命令.5,光学传感器转刷在有污物时,使用清洁水清洗,必要时更换.。



YWH600型话机使用说明书目录1产品概述 (3)1.1产品介绍 (3)1.2按键操作说明 (3)2.基本操作 (4)2.1拨打电话 (4)2.2重拨 (5)2.3查询呼叫纪录 (5)2.4接听来电 (5)2.5呼叫保持 (5)2.6呼叫转移以及三方通话的操作(此功能需要平台支持) (5)3.WEB页面设置方式 (5)3.1网络设置 (6)3.2SIP设置 (7)4YWHFXO功能介绍 (9)4.1来电转接设置 (9)4.2自动应答 (10)附录 (11)六.常见问题解答 (15)1产品概述YWH600 IP话机是基于IP的语音媒体接入设备,是郑州豫能通信设备有限公司为运营商、企业、小区住宅用户等提供VoIP解决方案中的网络设备。

YWH600 IP话机将模拟语音转化为IP网络上传输的信息,从而利用IP网络传输语音。


YWH600IP话机具有2 RJ45网口,内置路由器。


YWH600A可以注册3个SIP帐户,实现一机3号功能,并均可以随时做被叫. 也可以通过拨不同的拨号前缀,任意选择该3个帐户YWH600B,可以注册3个SIP帐户和一个普通电话号码,实现一机4号功能,并均可以随时做被叫.也可以通过拨不同的拨号前缀,任意选择4个帐户中的一个做主叫(包括切换到PSTN口电路,做普通电话主叫).YWH600B,具有真FXO口,可通过FXO口,实现上车和下车功除此之外,YWH600IP话机还集成了小型路由器功能。


1.1产品介绍支持SIP RFC3261 RFC2543支持IP/TCP/UDP/RTP/RTCPIP/ICMP/ARP/RARP/SNTPTFTP Client/DHCP Client/ PPPoE ClientT elnet/HTTP ServerDNS Clien内置路由功能和dhcp服务G.711: 64k bit/s (PCM)G.723.1: 6.3k / 5.3k bit/sG.726: 16k / 24k / 32k / 40k bit/s (ADPCM)G.729A: 8k bit/s (CS-ACELP)G.729B: adds VAD & CNG to G.729支持三套设置参数2 RJ45 PORT (1 WAN 1 LAN)1FXO (YWH600B)1.2按键操作说明2.基本操作2.1拨打电话按下免提或提起手柄然后拨打所需号码以“#”结束即可。



1 产品介绍 (2)1.1 产品简介 (2)1.2 外观说明................................................. . (2)1.3 技术参数 (3)2 使用说明 (4)2.1 标准配件............. . (4)2.2端口定义及说明 (4)2.3 参数设置............................................................................... . (5)2.3.1以太网通讯参数设置 (5)2.3.2 Zigbee通讯参数设置 (7)2.4 使用方法.............................................................. . (8)2.4.1 虚拟串口的使用 (8)2.4.2 动态链接库的使用 (10)1 产品介绍1.1 产品简介KL­W6600 型以太网数据采集模块是集 Zigbee 无线通讯网和以太网一体的 数据采集产品,是网由 KL­W6000 系列以太网数据采集模块的一种。

它使用透 明传输功能将从 Zigbee 网络当中接收到的数据传输到以太网中,从而实现了 Zigbee网络与以太网的无缝接入,延伸了 Zigbee网络的监控范围,简化了监控 网络的复杂度。

1.2 外观说明KL­W6600 型以太网数据采集模块采用金属外壳,安装方便。

其外观及尺 寸如图所示:技术参数表供电电压 DC 9V~30V最大功耗 1W串口通讯方式 RS­232串口通讯波特率 38400bps串口通讯帧格式 8 个数据位、无校验、1 个停止位频点 0~15(十进制)Zigbee网络 ID 0x0000~0xFFFE通讯距离 ≥800m(空旷环境)以太网 10/100M 自适应工作温度 -20℃~60℃工作湿度 5~95%RH产品尺寸 133mm×104mm×28mm产品重量约260g2 使用说明2.1 标准配件如上图所示,请检查包装盒内模块及相关配件是否齐全。



灵通6600 可以存储199个频道。

进入:在关机状态下同时按下[监听键]和[上箭头键] ,并开机,这时屏幕显示“SELF”进入频道编程模式。

(说明:监听键为手台侧面发射按扭PTT下面的第二个小圆按扭)操作:再按下键盘右下角[H/L]键进入操作界面,此时屏幕显示“CH-OO1 01”(注意:每一个频道的编辑操作分为9个步骤屏幕右上角的01、02、03……即是步骤的编号请大家注意按照号码的提示进行相对参数的设置。




按一下[PTT发射键] 再按一下[H/L键] 此时可以通过键盘输入想要的频率,当六位数字输入完毕后再按一下[PTT发射键],此时接受频率设置完毕自动进入第3步骤接收亚音频率的设置。


一般情况下机器会默认为关闭并显示“OFF 03”由于上面我已经提到不对亚音进行设置,所以此步骤跳过,保持机器默认的OFF状态,直接按下[PTT发射键],进入第4步骤设置发射频率。


此步骤与步骤2相同,按一下[PTT发射键] 再按一下[H/L键] 此时可以通过键盘输入想要的频率(注意发射频率要与接受的频率相同),当六位数字输入完毕后再按一下[PTT发射键],自动进入步骤5 进行发射亚音设置。


一般情况下机器会默认为关闭并显示“OFF 05”由于上面我已经提到不对亚音进行设置,所以此步骤跳过,保持机器默认的OFF状态,直接按下[PTT发射键],进入下一步骤时钟拍频偏移的开与关。




此步骤用处也不是很大直接默认缺省值“Add”按下[PTT 发射键],进入下一步骤。



After use fill the sprayer part way with water. Start the sprayer and allow clear water to be pumped through the plumbing system and out through the spray wand. Refill the tank about half full with plain water and use a chemical neutralizer such as Nutra-Sol® or equivalent and repeat cleaning instructions. Flush the entire sprayer with the neutralizing agent. Follow the chemical manufacturer’s disposal instructions of all wash or rinsing water.Drain all water and chemical out of sprayer, paying special attention to pump and valves. These items are especially prone to damage from chemicals and freezing weather. The sprayer should be winterized before storage by pumping a solution of RV antifreeze through the entire plumbing. Proper care and maintenance will prolong the life of the sprayer.Pump will not run:1. Check fuse next to the power switch. If blown or damaged replace with a new 5 Amp fuse.2. Insure the battery is fully charged3. Check that the on/off switch is in the on position4. Insure that strainer located on bottom of tank is free of debris.5. Insure there are NO kinks in the inlet/outlet hoses.This unit comes fully assembledThis sprayer is designed to be pulled or pushed by hand.Pour solution into the tank and stir to mix. For liquid chemicals it is possible to mix by spraying the handgun into the tank. Turn the switch to the “ON” position and spray by squeezing the lever on the handgun. The unit is supplied with ademand pump that will only operate while the lever on the handgun is depressed.It is recommended to charge the battery for 8-10 hours before using, or if the battery has been stored for 6 or more months without usage. Once fully charged you should be able to spray 40 gallons of fluid, or 8 consecutive tanks.To charge the battery…1. Plug the charger into a 110 Volt AC electrical receptacle.2. Insert the plug on the opposite end of the charger into the charging jack located on the back panel of the sprayer.3. Reverse the above steps when charging is complete.CAUTION: Never leave the charger connected to the battery for more the 20 hours, as this may damage the battery.The purpose of this manual is to assist you in assembling, operating and maintaining your sprayer. Please read it carefully as it furnishes information which will help you achieve years of dependable trouble-free operation.Workhorse products are warranted for one year from the date of purchase against manufacture or workmanship defects for personal or homeowner usage with proof of purchase. Work-horse products are warranted for 90 days for commercial users. Any unauthorized modification of a Workhorse brand sprayer will void warranty.Your authorized dealer is the best source of replacement parts and service. To obtain prompt, efficient service, always remember to give the following information:1. Correct part description and part number.2. Model number of your sprayer.Part description and part numbers can be obtained from the illustrated parts list section of this manual.Whenever you need parts or repair service, contact your distributor / dealer first. For warranty work always take your original sales slip, or other evidence of purchase date, to your distributor / dealer.Operation Precautions1.Do not operate pump in an explosive environment.Arcing from the motor brushes, switch or excessive heat from an improperly cycled motor may cause an explosion.2.3Do not assume fluid compatibility. If the fluid isimproperly matched to the pumps’ elastomers, a leak may occur.Do not pump gasoline or other flammable liquids.* Important return safety instructions:When you return your pump for warranty or repair,you must always do the following:1.Flush chemical residue from the unit2.Tag unit with type of chemicals having been sprayed.3.Include complete description of operation problem,such as how unit was used, symptoms of malfunction, etc. Since unit can contain residues of toxic chemicalsthese steps are necessary to protect all the people who handle return shipments, and to help pinpoint the reason for the breakdown.WORKHORSE SPRAYERS ®, a division of Green Leaf, Inc. 9490 N BALDWIN ST FONTANET, IN 47851 888-433-6631P A R T S L I S TD E S C R I P T I O NP A R T #Q T Y I T E M B 3400 P60013911P i n c h C l a m p60014942#8x 3/4 T E K S c r e w60019943B a c k P a n e l61000214R e t r a c t a b l e H a n d l e A s s y .610006151/4" S u c t i o n H o s e61001116E c o n o m y W a n d A s s e m b l y61001217W 40661002318E L 14Q D61002429C 1400 C P610026110W i r e K i t A s s e m b l y610033111L i t h i u m B a t t e r y P a c k610039112F o a m B a t t e r y A d a p t e r6100401131.0 G P M Q A P u m p640454114L i t h i u m I o n B a t t e r y C h a r g e r610041115** - N o t S h o w nW O R K H O R S E S P R A Y E R S ®, a d i v i s i o n o f G r e e n L e a f , I n c . 9490 N B A L D W I N S T F O N T A N E T , I N 47851 w w w .w o r k h o r s e s p r a y e r s .c o m 888-433-6631P a r t s L i s tD E S C R I P T I O NP A R T N U M B E R Q T Y I T E M 5 G a l l o n T a n k 610000115 G a l l o n T a n k L i d 61000112B a c k P a n e l 61000213C h a r g e r P a n e l D o o r 61000314φ3/8" A x e l M o u n t i n g B r a c k e t61000525W h e e l 61000426φ3/8" x 14 7/8" A x e l 61001317φ3/8 C a p N u t B l a c k610019281/4-20 x 1/2" P a n H e a d S c r e w 61001769W a n d C l i p 600151210W a n d C l i p S c r e w600152211 05/21W O R K H O R S E S P R A Y E R S ®, a d i v i s i o n o f G r e e n L e a f , I n c . 9490 N B A L D W I N S T F O N T A N E T , I N 47851 w w w .w o r k h o r s e s p r a y e r s .c o m 888-433-6631— 5 GALLON SPOT SPRAYER —MODEL # LG 05 SS•5 Gallon Polyethylene Tank •1.0 GPM Demand Pump •Lever Handgun•Rechargeable 12V Battery •AC Charger w/built in Storage Compartment•Telescoping Handle •Large 8 Inch WheelsLG 05 SS5 gal. 12V RechargeableSprayerWORKHORSES P R A Y E R Sa Division of Green Leaf, Inc®WORKHORSE SPRAYERS ®, a division of Green Leaf, Inc. 9490 N BALDWIN ST FONTANET, IN 47851 888-433-6631。




目录第一章系统简介 (3)概述 (3)技术参数 (4)第二章控制放大器的安装与接线 (5)控制放大器的固定 (5)控制放大器接线 (5)驱动电机或伺服阀的接线 (5)探测器的接线 (5)液压锁定装置( 电磁阀’C’ ) 或电机制动器的接线 (6)警报器的接线 (6)外接测量仪表的接线 (6)远程安装带材置偏仪的接线 (6)纠偏辊置中或位置反馈传感器的接线 (6)电源连接 (6)AC接线端子 (7)DC接线端子 (8)电源 (9)伺服阀调零(仅电液伺服控制式纠偏系统适用) (9)第三章初始设定 (10)探测器的选择和标定 (10)H3109探测器的标定过程举例 (10)纠偏方向确认 (11)第四章系统的操作和运行模式 (12)自动控制模式 (12)手动控制模式 (12)纠偏辊置中控制模式 (12)H6600显示屏 (13)H6600按键说明 (15)H6600内部控制功能 (15)保险丝盒 (15)开关及其调节旋钮 (15)发光二极管 (16)优化系统功能的操作 (16)调节PID控制回路 (16)调节北美伺服阀的颤幅 (17)手动及自动控制速度的调节 (17)零点(纠偏基准点)的调节 (17)带材置偏仪的调节 (17)在带材一边同时安装两个探测器时的设定 (18)第五章探测器的标定 (19)探测器的选择和标定 (19)H3109,H3176,H3144,H3177,H3111和H3300探测器的标定 (19)H3167-300探测器的标定 (20)H3118,H3119,H3134,H3135,H3166,H3700或其它输出为1电压信号的传感器/探测器的选定 (20)H6600内部电压表功能的使用 (21)第六章系统功能设置菜单说明 (22)系统设置 (22)H6600系统设置菜单 (22)第七章H6600系统工作原理 (29)H6600系统的组成 (29)H6600电子控制器 (29)探测器 (29)带材置偏控制仪 (30)H6600一般工作方式 (30)H6600的控制原理 (31)PID控制回路 (32)纠偏辊架位置反馈回路 (32)纠偏辊置中控制回路 (32)探测器自动搜索定位控制回路 (33)错边卷取控制回路 (33)第八章故障诊断 (34)探测器故障诊断 (34)H6600控制放大器的故障诊断 (36)伺服阀和其它执行元件的故障诊断 (38)H6600 I/0 控制板 (40)保险丝的更换 (41)继电器的更换 (42)H6600的缺省设定 (42)第九章探测器自搜索定位控制电路(选购项目) (44)接线说明 (44)电源连接 (45)电机驱动器的接线与设置 (45)自搜索AC接线端子(TS402端子条上的A17-A23号端子)功能说明 (45)自搜索DC接线端子(TS401端子条上的D17-D22号端子)功能说明 (46)初始设定 (46)操作 (47)指示灯和继电器 (47)自搜索故障诊断 (47)第十章带材错边卷取控制电路(选购项目) (48)电气接线说明 (48)电源连接 (49)编码器的接线 (49)AC交流接线端子(TS402端子上的A20-A23端子)功能说明 (49)DC交流接线端子(TS401端子上的D23-D25端子)功能说明 (50)初始设定 (50)错边卷取故障诊断 (51)2第一章系统简介1—1 概述以微处理器为核心的H6600系列电子控制放大器适用于多种形式的纠偏场合,如带材对边纠偏、对中纠偏及其它主/从动纠偏系统等。



目录一、概述 (1)二、用途 (1)三、附属设备 (1)四、型号、规格、参数 (2)五、结构与工作原理 (2)六、外形与地基尺寸 (4)七、安装 (15)八、操作 (15)九、维护和保养 (16)十、常用配件拆卸与装配 (18)十一、故障排除 (19)十二、易损件 (20)一、概述WLW系列为无油(耐腐)立式往复真空泵,是我厂与科研单位联合开发并经十余年不断改进的成熟产品,其主要优点是(与W型卧式往复泵比较):1、极限真空度高(4.5-15mmHg)2、无油润滑,可获得洁净真空,并利于尾气的洁净回收。
















B-11 6600系列产品说明说明书

B-11 6600系列产品说明说明书

B-11Performance:6600 Series (1/4")Test Fluid: Oil - 150 SUS05101520250. in USGPMP r e s s u r e D r o p i n P S I D1/4"The 6600 Series are versatile for use in a wide range of hydraulic applications where fluid lines require connection and disconnection for equipment operation or maintenanceFeatures:• Accepts ISO 7241-1, Series A compliant nipples • Poppet valves and a metal perch to maintain valve alignment and prevent flow checking• Coupler sleeve and nipple body are hardened to be damage resistant• Standard end configurations include female pipe and straight thread ORB• Protective zinc plating with clear trivalent chromate finishApplications include:• Snow plows• Truck trailer connections • Mobile applications • Attachments6600 Series (3/8"& 1/2")Test Fluid: Oil - 150 SUS51015202530354045024681012141618Flow in USGPMP r e s s u r e D r o p i n P S I D3/8"1/2"6600 Series (3/4" & 1")Test Fluid: Oil - 150 SUS05101520253035404550010203040506070Flow in USGPMP r e s s u r e D r o p i n P S ID3/4"1"Hydraulic Quick Couplings General PurposeParker Hannifin Corporation Quick Coupling Division Minneapolis, MN/quickcouplingsB H y d r a u l i c s6600 SeriesISO 7241 Series AManual sleeve, poppet valveB-12Parker Hannifin Corporation Quick Coupling Division Minneapolis, MN/quickcouplingsB H y d r a u l i c s6600 SeriesISO 7241 Series AManual sleeve, poppet valveHydraulic Quick Couplings General PurposeB-13Parker Hannifin Corporation Quick Coupling Division Minneapolis, MN/quickcouplingsB H y d r a u l i c s6600 SeriesISO 7241, Series AManual sleeve, poppet valveHydraulic Quick Couplings General PurposeContact QCD for availability and additional options.To select proper seal materials, see Fluid Compatibility Chart or contact QCD.Code Description Part Number Examplesuffix -SL Sleeve-Lok (Couplers)6601-6-6-SL suffix W Ethylene Propylene seal material (EPR) 6601-6-6W suffix Y Fluorocarbon seal material 6601-6-6Y suffix Z Neoprene seal material6601-6-6ZOptional Materials and Features:(add code to part number)。

PEREL CH0006 电动风凉器说明书

PEREL CH0006 电动风凉器说明书

Manuals+— User Manuals Simplified.PEREL CH0006 Heater Convector User ManualHome » PEREL » PEREL CH0006 Heater Convector User ManualCH0006USER MANUALCONVECTOR HEATERThis product is only suitable for well-insulated spaces or occasional use.Contents1 Introduction2 Safety Instructions3 General Guidelines4 Technical Specifications5 Overview6 Installation7 Operation8 Cleaning andMaintenance9 Troubleshooting10 Documents / Resources10.1 ReferencesIntroductionTo all residents of the European UnionImportant environmental information about this productIf in doubt, contact your local waste disposal authorities.Thank you for choosing Perel! Please read the manual thoroughly before bringing this device into service. If thedevice was damaged in transit, do not install or use it and contact your dealer.Safety InstructionsRead and understand this manual and all safety signs before using this appliance.Warning:For household use only.CAUTIONbe given where children and vulnerable people are present.Model identifier(s): CH0006Item Symbol Value Unit Item UnitHeat output Type of heat input, for electric storage local space he aters only (select one)Nominal heat out put 1.8-2.0kWmanual heat charge control, with integrated thermostatnoMinimum heatoutput (indicative )Pmin0.8kWmanual heat charge control with room and/or outdoor temperature feedbacknoMaximumcontinuous heat output Pmin 2.0kWelectronic heat charge control with room and/or outdoor temperature feedbacknoAuxiliary electricity consumption fan assistedheat output noAt nominal heat output elmax N.A.kWType of heat output/room temperature control (selectone)At minimum heat output elmin N.A.kWsingle-stage heat output and no room temperature controlnoIn standby mode elsb0.00091kW two or more manual stages, no room temp erature controlnowith mechanic thermostat room temperature control yeswith electronic room temperature control no electronic room temperature control plus day timernoelectronic room temperature control plusweek timerno Other control options (multiple selections possible)room temperature control, with presence detection nonoroom temperature control, with open window detection nono with distance control option no with adaptive start control no with working time limitation no with black bulb sensor noContact details Velleman Group nv Legen Heirweg, 33 9890 Gavere, Belgium OverviewRefer to the illustrations on page 2 of this manual.1heat setting buttons2thermostat knob3feetInstallationInstall the feet on the bottom of the appliance. Fix each foot with two screws.Install vertically on a flat, dry, stable and non-slippery surface.Operation7.1 General OperationInsert the power plug into the mains.Turn the thermostat knob fully to the right.Switch on the heater by selecting the power:o I = minimum (750 W)o II = medium (1250 W)o I + II = maximum (2000 W)When the room has reached the desired temperature, turn the thermostat knob to the left until the heater switches off. The temperature is now set and the heater will automatically switch on/off to keep the temperature at a constant level.Switch off and disconnect the heater after use.7.2 Overheating ProtectionThis heater is equipped with an overheating protection, which will automatically switch off the heater in case of overheating. If this occurs, please unplug from the mains and allow cooling for 30 minutes before re-connecting and switching on again.To avoid overheating, check that the appliance is sufficiently ventilated and that the air intakes are unobstructed. Please contact your local dealer if the heater keeps switching off.Cleaning and MaintenanceBefore cleaning, switch of the appliance, disconnect from the mains and allow to cool completely.Never immerse the appliance in water or any other liquid. Protect it from splashes and spraying liquid. Occasionally wipe with a damp cloth to keep it looking new. Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents or strong detergents.TroubleshootingProblem Possible cause Possible solutionThe appliance will not switch on.The appliance is not connected to themains.Connect to the mains.The appliance automatically switches itself off.The overheating protection has been triggered.Allow the appliance to cool down.The selected temperature has been reached.Set a higher temperature.Please contact your dealer if problems persist.Use this device with original accessories only. Velleman Group nv cannot be held responsible in the event ofdamage or injury resulting from (incorrect) use of this device. For more info concerning this product and the latest version of this manual, please visit our website www.velleman.eu. The information in this manual is subject to change without prior notice.© COPYRIGHT NOTICEThe copyright to this manual is owned by Velleman Group nv. All worldwide rights reserved. No part of this manual may be copied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or otherwise without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.Velleman® Service and Quality WarrantySince its foundation in 1972, Velleman® acquired extensive experience in the electronics world and currently distributes its products in over 85 countries.All our products fulfil strict quality requirements and legal stipulations in the EU. In order to ensure the quality, our products regularly go through an extra quality check, both by an internal quality department and by specialized external organisations. If, all precautionary measures notwithstanding, problems should occur, please make appeal to our warranty (see guarantee conditions).General Warranty Conditions Concerning Consumer Products (for EU):All consumer products are subject to a 24-month warranty on production flaws and defective material as from the original date of purchase.Velleman® can decide to replace an article with an equivalent article, or to refund the retail value totally or partially when the complaint is valid and a free repair or replacement of the article is impossible, or if the expenses are out of proportion. You will be delivered a replacing article or a refund at the value of 100% of the purchase price in case of a flaw occurred in the first year after the date of purchase and delivery, or a replacing article at 50% of the purchase price or a refund at the value of 50% of the retail value in case of a flaw occurred in the second year after the date of purchase and delivery.Not covered by warranty:– all direct or indirect damage caused after delivery to the article (e.g. by oxidation, shocks, falls, dust, dirt, humidity…), and by the article, as well as its contents (e.g. data loss), compensation for loss of profits;– consumable goods, parts or accessories that are subject to an aging process during normal use, such as batteries (rechargeable, nonrechargeable, built-in or replaceable), lamps, rubber parts, drive belts… (unlimited list);– flaws resulting from fire, water damage, lightning, accident, natural disaster, etc.…;– flaws caused deliberately, negligently or resulting from improper handling, negligent maintenance, abusive use or use contrary to the manufacturer’s instructions;– damage caused by a commercial, professional or collective use of the article (the warranty validity will be reduced to six (6) months when the article is used professionally);– damage resulting from an inappropriate packing and shipping of the article;– all damage caused by modification, repair or alteration performed by a third party without written permission by Velleman®.Articles to be repaired must be delivered to your Velleman® dealer, solidly packed (preferably in the original packaging), and be completed with the original receipt of purchase and a clear flaw description.Hint: In order to save on cost and time, please reread the manual and check if the flaw is caused by obvious causes prior to presenting the article for repair. Note that returning a non-defective article can also involve handling costs.Repairs occurring after warranty expiration are subject to shipping costs.The above conditions are without prejudice to all commercial warranties.The above enumeration is subject to modification according to the article (see article’s manual).Made in PRCImported for Perel by Velleman Group nvLegen Heirweg 33, 9890 Gavere, Belgiumwww.velleman.eu Documents / ResourcesPEREL CH0006 Heater Convector [pdf] User ManualCH0006, CH0006 Heater Convector, Heater Convector, ConvectorReferencesVelleman – Wholesaler and developer of electronicsManuals+,。

D6600INTL 编程手册说明书

D6600INTL 编程手册说明书

D6600INTL编程手册34596293司1公限有子电星澳州广D6600INTL 编程手册 2编程D6600INTL 键盘解说♦ [M/E]按钮用来进入主菜单和子菜单,并对所做的修改进行确认。



♦ 按[CAN]键退出前一菜单或者回到操作显示状态。

♦ 如有修改,须按[M/E]进行确认,否则修改无效。

使用键盘进行修改1. 使用或键上下选择适当的菜单选项,按[M/E]确认。

2. 编辑输入内容:按[M/E]键后可输入新数据。


3. 按[CAN]键回到前一菜单。

使用D6600INTL 编程软件进行修改在PC 机上单击所需选项后就可进行编辑。

详见D6600INTL 操作手册。

储存修改记录单击“Save CPU Configuration As (CPU 配置另存为)”或“Save Line Card Configuration As (线卡配置另存为)”储存所作的修改。

一般建议您在把已修改过的记录装载到D6600INTL 前,应使用D6200编程软件储存修改过的内容。

装载记录于D6600INTL 接收机储存新记录后,单击D6200编程软件下的“Parameters Programming (参数编程)”,把记录装载至D6600INTL 后,接收机将按照新载入的参数来工作。

1. 报警数据库1.1 显示按时间/日期的归类使用键盘上的箭头键可浏览报警记录。


1.2 显示当前系统故障 使用箭头键查看故障。

广州澳星电子有限公司139260950432.CPU CONFIGURATION (CPU 配置)2.1 CHANGE PASSWORD (改变密码) 注:密码最大的允许范围为8位数字字符。

2.1.1 Manager Password (管理员密码) 预设置为6600使用D6600INTL 键盘时,LCD 灯显示:(NEW PASSWORD :新密码)键入新密码后,按[M/E]键确认。

Philips 7000系列无线洗净器说明书

Philips 7000系列无线洗净器说明书

Bagless vacuum cleaner900 WPowerCyclone 8Allergy LockOn board accessoriesFC9743Highest suction powerwith PowerCyclone 8*The Philips Bagless Vacuum 7000 Series features our highest ever suction power. Makesupreme cleaning effortlessly simple with PowerCyclone 8 technology and TriActive+nozzle featuring 3 optimized cleaning actions in one.Superior performance•900W motor for high suction power•99.9% dust pick-up*** to deliver high cleaning performance•Allergy Lock traps dust inside for a high level of hygiene•PowerCyclone 8 enables highest suction power for longer•TriActive+ nozzle to deliver high performance on all floors•CarpetClean nozzle slides easy for a deep carpet cleaning•Allergy H13 filter system captures >99.9% of fine dustEffortless cleaning•On board accessories: Conveniently stored, always at hand•Digital power control function to adjust suction power•Dust container designed for hygienic emptying with one hand•Soft brush integrated into handle, always ready to useHighlightsHigh-efficiency 900W motorHigh-efficiency 900W motor with over 50,000 RPM, generates high suction power for a superior clean every time. Register at within 3 months of purchase for a 5-year motor warranty.99.9% dust pick-up***TriActive+ nozzle and extreme suction power ensure you can vacuum 99.9% of fine dust***.PowerCyclone 8 technologyPowerCyclone 8 technology features apowerful, swirling action to maximize air flow and enable highest suction power. Superaccelerated air flow in the cylindrical chamber efficiently separates dust from the air at >185km/h, ensuring stronger suction power for longer, for immaculate cleaning results.Allergy lock Allergy Lock system uses a sensor to ensure dust container is fully sealed before operating, trapping dust and allergens inside for a clean and ultra hygienic environment.TriActive+ nozzleTriActive+ nozzle utilizes 3 cleaning actions in one go. It features a larger opening at the front to suck up larger debris while the specially designed soleplate removes dust from deep within carpets. Air channels and brushes on both sides of the nozzle pick up any dust and dirt alongside walls or furniture.On board accessoriesOnboard accessories are stored conveniently inside the back compartment so they're always easy to access when you need them.Digital power controlDigital power control function easily adjusts suction power for different cleaning tasks, from hard floors to soft furnishings, with the touch of a button.Hygienic dust disposalEasy-to-empty dust container is designed for hygienic disposal with one hand to help minimize dust cloud.Integrated brushDusting brush tool is built into the handle so it's always ready to use on furniture, flat surfaces and upholstery.Issue date 2021-01-23 Version: 0.0.112 NC: 0000 041 02555 EAN: 87 10895 69046 1© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsPerformance•Airflow (max): 32,5 l/s•Input power (max): 900 W•Sound power level: 67 – 75 dBNozzles and accessories•Accessory storage: On board•Standard nozzle: TriActive+ nozzle •Accessories included: Crevice tool, Integrated brush, Small nozzle•Additional nozzle: Carpet Clean nozzle, Hard floor nozzle•Extra accessories: Filter replacement: FC8003/01 Design•Color: Louros BlueFiltration•Dust capacity: 2 L•Exhaust filter: Allergy H13 filter •Motor filter: Lifetime washable filter•Filtration level: HEPA13 level****Sustainability•Packaging: > 90% recycled materials•Stand-by power consumption: < 0,5 W•User manual: 100% recycled paperUsability•Action radius: 10 m•Carrying handle: Top and front•Cord length:7 m•Power control: Electronic on appliance•Tube coupling: SmartLock•Tube type: Metal 2-piece telescopic tube•Wheel type: RubberWeight and dimensions•Dimensions of product (LxWxH):505x292x292 mm•Weight of product: 5.5 kg*suction power compared to 10 most selling high end bagless vacuumcleaners (> 150€) in Germany H1’2019**Filtration performance is tested to DIN EN 60312/11/2008.***99.9% dust pick-up on hard floors with crevices (IEC62885-2).****Filtration levels are tested according EN60312-1-2017 and areequivalent to HEPA 13.。

Pro-face 12英寸 TFT 彩色 LCD 平面显示器 FP6600WCD 参数规格说明书

Pro-face 12英寸 TFT 彩色 LCD 平面显示器 FP6600WCD 参数规格说明书

©2022 Pro-face. All rights reserved. Specifications may change without notice.
FP6600WCD - External Dimensions FP6600WCD - Cut-Out Dimensions
DVI-D Cable
Installation Fastener
Pro-face America Phone: 734.477.0600
Customer Service Hotline: 800.289.9266
For more information ACCESS
Two (2) year
*1 Some products are not yet rated as suitable for use in hazardous locations. Always use your product in conformance with the product labeling and this manual.
DVI-D Cable 5m
12-inch Installation Gasket
12-inch Anti-Glare Sheet
Installation Fastener
Panel Cutout Adapter*2
or registered trademarks of their respective companies. - All information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.

Philips L-Line 7000系列LED显示屏说明书

Philips L-Line 7000系列LED显示屏说明书

Philips Signage Solutions LED Display31''Direct View LED31BDL7324LUnleash your imagination even moreLED Display for every form and shapeNo limits. No boundaries. The Philips L-Line 7000 series is an LED signage solution for endless possibilities in shape and size. Seamless linking and multiple size options enable truly unique displays of any dimension for perfect results.Ready for impact•High brightness: 1200 nits / peak 1600 nits •Conformal coating and ingress protection •Forms any shape, L-shape corner or curvature Next-level performance•Philips Active Health Monitoring •Dynamic Panel Connect •Factory calibratedEndless possibilities •Available in 3 dimensions•Seamless linking for perfect imagery•Optional bevelled corners allow curved displays •Dynamic Power SavingHighlightsL-shape corner or curvatureThe Philips L-Line 7000 series LED panels come with a height of 25 cm and are available in 50 cm, 75 cm and 100 cm widths. These displays are ready to be installed in any landscape format with no limitations to size. Also available with bevelled corners to form curved designs in both convex and concave formats.Active Health MonitoringAchieve perfection through precision. Active Health Monitoring makes maintenance fast, simple and predictable by displaying the exact item of failure and location. Utilising this software that works in real-time both online and offline, replacing the relevant part becomes an efficient process and a must for display owners with many geographical locations.Factory calibratedEvery Philips L-Line LED panel is calibrated in our factory under perfect circumstances. That means that there's no need for further calibration on location, resulting in quicker installations. Calibration and configuration files are available to ensure fast maintenance. Dynamic Panel ConnectMix and match each of the Philips L-Line 7000 LED panel sizes to form a single display of any shape and dimension. Dynamic flexiblealignment pins ensure a perfect fit in anycircumstance — resulting in a smooth,seamless display surface. For addedconvenience and efficiency, each LED panelfeatures openings on each side to allow forversatile wired connection between the LEDpanels and any external input connection.Openings on the top and bottom of the LEDpanel can be popped out in case access is onlyavailable from the top or bottom of the panel.Optional bevelled cornersCreate bezel-free displays of any shape, size orresolution. The modular design of PhilipsProfessional LED panels means you can adaptto any space. Build vast, immersive installationsor assemble intriguing patterns. Easily createdisplays that flow seamlessly around doorwaysand other openings. Even corners and curveddisplays become easy to create with the newPhilips 7000 series.Perfect imageryYour Philips Professional LED Display featuresbuilt-in cable wiring to keep power and datacables tidy. Display panels are daisy-chained forboth power and data, allowing you to minimiseclutter and speed up installation.Dynamic Power SavingPhilips Professional LED Displays use high-performance LEDs, which are testedthoroughly, energy efficient and cost effective.Furthermore, enhanced technology allows thedisplay to dynamically save on powerconsumption.Ingress protectionDust, dirt, fungus and moisture resistantconformal coating protects this product andenables easier maintenance. IP30 rated andcertified against ingress for reduced chance ofshort circuit from dust and corrosion.Fire retardant designFire retardant design slows down the spread offlames in the event of fire and help protect thestructural integrity of the LED panel in case offire. Tested and certified with Europeanstandard B1 DIN4102, British standard(BS476-7) and North-American standardUL94.Optional easy-mount bracketsPatented easy-mount brackets makeinstallation even faster. These optional itemsare available for flat LED mounting, convexcurved (177.5/175/172.5 degree) and L-shape90 degree corners.Issue date 2022-09-30Version: 3.0.112 NC: 8670 001 69544EAN: 87 12581 76997 0© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsPicture/Display•Colour temperature default: 6500±500 K•Colour temperature adjust range: 4000~9500 K (by software)•Viewing Angle (H / V): 160 / 160 degree •Calibration (brightness/colour): Supported•Refresh rate (Hz): 2100~3900 (14 bits: 3900 Hz)•Frame frequency (Hz): 50 & 60•Aspect ratio: 3:1•Picture enhancement: Wide colour gamut display •Placement: Landscape •Usage: Indoor•Brightness uniformity: >=97%•Brightness before calibration: 1200 nits •Brightness after calibration: 900 nits •Contrast ratio (typical): 3500:1Convenience•Signal control loop through: RJ45•Ease of installation: Guide pins, Light weight •Power loop through: For 230 V environments: 12 cabinets or less, for 110 V environments: 6 cabinets or less, 10 A maxOperating conditions•Temperature range (operation): -20~45 °C •Temperature range (storage): -20~50 °C •Humidity range (operation)[RH]: 10~80%•Humidity range (storage) [RH]: 10~85% Power•Input voltage: AC100~240 V (50 and 60 Hz)•Max. power cons. BC (W): <115•Typical power cons. (W): <31.67•Black screen power cons. (W): <10•Max. power cons. AC (W): <95Miscellaneous•Warranty: 2 years•Regulatory approvals: EN55032, EN55035, EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3, IEC/UL60950, IEC/UL62368, IEC62471, RoHS, FCC SDOC, Part 15, Class A•Fire retardancy certification: BS 476 Part7:1997, UL94, DIN4102-1•Conformal coating: hub board, backside LED moduleCabinet•Cabinet size (mm): 750 x 250 x 40•Side angle (degree): 45•Cabinet diagonal (inch): 31.1"•Cabinet resolution (W x H): 312 x 104•Weight (kg): 4.57 (±230 g)•Cabinet pixels (Dot): 32.448•Cabinet area (m2): 0.1875•Power connector: 3 core socket (C14 in, C13 out)•Data connector: RJ45•Cabinet construction: Die-Casting Aluminium •Receiving card quantity: 1 pcs •Receiving card spec.: A5S plus •Receiving card brand: NovaStarModule•LED type: SMD 1515 Copper wire •Pixel constitution: 1R1G1B•LED lifetime(Hrs): 100,000 at half brightness •Pixel pitch (mm): 2.4•Module resolution (WxH pixels): 104 x 104•Module size (W x H in mm): 249.9*249.9Accessories•Power cable: 2 pcs•LAN cable (RJ45, CAT-5): 2 pcs •QSG:1pcsPackaging Data•Dimension of packaging (mm): 1056 x 392 x 221。

Philips Series 7000 湿 dry 电sha вто器说明书

Philips Series 7000 湿 dry 电sha вто器说明书

Shaver series 7000SkinGlide RingsGentlePrecisionPRO BladesSmartClick nose trimmerS7360/42Smooth glide, sensitive shavePhilips’ no 1 on sensitive skin*The Philips series 7000 protects against the key signs of skin irritation. SkinGliderings with anti-friction coating enable the shaver to glide effortlessly across yourface. Its blades cut close and protect skin, even with 3-day stubble.Designed for maximum skin comfortSkinGlide rings with anti-friction coating for smooth glide5 direction flex heads follow contours with less pressureAquatec gives you a comfortable dry or refreshing wet shaveA close and smooth shaveBlades protect skin and cut close even with 3-day stubbleEasy to useIntuitive display with 1-level battery indicator50 minutes of cordless shavingShaver can be rinsed clean under the tapComes with a 2-year guaranteeGet the most out of your shaverFast and safe trim of nose & ear hairHighlightsSkinGlide ringsExperience a more comfortable shave with anti-friction SkinGlide rings coated with microspheres. Thousands of tiny glass-like rounded spheres reduce friction and surface resistance between the shaver and the skin.This gives the shaver a smooth, easy glide and helps protect against skin irritation.5-direction Dynamic Flex HeadsOur shaver heads flex easily in 5 directions,gently following all the contours of the face and neck. Less pressure is needed to shave closely and skin stress is minimized.GentlePrecision PRO bladesOur updated cutting system has skin protection technology, designed to only cut hair not skin.V shaped blades guide the skin away from the blades for a close smooth shave - even on 3-day stubble.1 level battery indicatorThe intuitive display shows relevantinformation, enabling you to get the bestperformance out of your shaver: 1-level battery indicator - cleaning indicator - battery low indicator - replacement head indicator - travel lock indicatorAquatec Wet & DryAdapt your shave routine to your needs. With the Aquatec Wet & Dry, you can go for a comfortable dry shave or a refreshing wet shave. You can shave with gel or foam even under the shower.50 minutes of cordless shavingThe energy-efficient, powerful lithium-Ion battery system gives you two convenient options: Charge it for an hour for up to 50minutes of shaving time, or a quick charge for one full shave. All Shaver series 7000 models are designed to operate only in cordless mode to ensure safety in wet environments.Built to lastWe back this Philips shaver with a 2-year guarantee. Our Series 7000 shavers aredesigned for performance and durability.iF DESIGN AWARD 2016Shaver series 7000iF DESIGN AWARD 2016Philips Green LogoPhilips Green Products can reduce costs,energy consumption and CO2 emissions. How?They offer a significant environmentalimprovement in one or more of the Philips Green Focal Areas – Energy efficiency,Packaging, Hazardous substances, Weight,Recycling and disposal and Lifetime reliability.Red Dot Award 2016: WinnerShaver series 7000Red Dot Award 2016:WinnerSpecificationsShaving PerformanceSkinComfort: SkinGlide Rings, SkinProtection System, AquaTec Wet & DryShaving system: GentlePrecisionPRO Blades Contour following: 5-direction DynamicFlex HeadsAccessoriesSmartClick: Nose trimmerPouch: Travel pouch PowerRun time: 50 min / 17 shavesCharging: 1 hour full charge, Quick charge 5min for 1 shaveBattery Type: Lithium-ionAutomatic voltage: 100-240 VMax power consumption: 5.4 WStand-by power: 0.15 WEase of useDisplay: 1 level battery indicator, Battery lowindicator, Cleaning indicator, Replace shavingheads indicator, Travel lock indicatorCleaning: Fully washableWet & Dry: Wet and dry useOperation: Cordless use, Unplug before useDesignHandle: Ergonomic grip & handlingService2-year guaranteeReplacement head: Replace every 2 yrs withSH70* Philips' no.1 on sensitive skin - compared to other Philipsshavers© 2019 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2019‑08‑01 Version: 1.1.1。

Philips Series 7000 湿哦干哦电 Whether Shaver说明书

Philips Series 7000 湿哦干哦电 Whether Shaver说明书

Shaver series 7000Protective SkinGlide coatingSteelPrecision bladesMotion Control sensor360-D Flexing headsS7783/50Close shave, advanced skin protectionwith SkinIQ TechnologyThe Philips Series 7000 glides smoothly over your skin, while cutting each hairclose - even on 3-day beards. Equipped with advanced SkinIQ technology, theshaver senses, adapts and guides on the correct motion, for better skin protection.A close shavePowerful performance in every passFlexible heads follow your facial contoursEngineered for precision and cutting efficiencySkinIQ technologyReduces friction on skin to minimize irritationGuides you to an improved technique with fewer passesEnhanced shaving experience with appAdjusts to your beard for effortless shavingFor a convenient shaveDeep cleaning in just 1 minute for hygienic shavingShave wet, dry and even under the showerPrecision trimmer integrated in the handleUp to 60 minutes of cordless shaving when fully charged1-hour charging time and 5-min quick chargeHighlightsProtective SkinGlide coatingA protective coating lies between the shaver heads and your skin. Made of up to 2.000micro-tech beads per square millimeter, it reduces friction on skin by 25%*, to minimize irritation.SteelPrecision bladesWith up to 90.000 cutting actions per minute,the SteelPrecision blades shave close, cutting more hair per stroke**. The 45 high-performance blades are self-sharpening and made in Europe.Motion Control sensorMotion-sensing technology tracks how you shave and guides you to a more efficienttechnique. After just three shaves, the majority of men achieved a better shaving technique for fewer passes***.Personalization via appPerfect your shave by pairing your shaver with the Philips GroomTribe app. Shave by shave,track the progress of your skin, personalize your shave and master your technique for a shave that's as close as it is kind to skin.Power Adapt sensorThe intelligent facial-hair sensor reads hair density 125 times per second. The technology auto-adapts cutting power for an effortless and gentle shave.360-D Flexing heads Fully flexible heads turn 360° to follow yourfacial contours. Experience optimal skin contact for a thorough and comfortable shave.Hair-Guide precision headsThe new shape of the shaving heads is engineered for precision. The surface is enhanced with hair guiding channels,designed to move hair into an effective cutting position.Cable-free Quick Clean PodPowerful cleaning pod thoroughly cleans and lubricates your shaver in just 1 minute, keeping it performing at its best for longer. The pod is 10x more effective than cleaning with water****.It is the world's smallest cleaning pod, so youcan store it easily and use it anywhere.Philips Green LogoPhilips Green Products can reduce costs,energy consumption and CO2 emissions. How?They offer a significant environmentalimprovement in one or more of the Philips Green Focal Areas – Energy efficiency,Packaging, Hazardous substances, Weight,Recycling and disposal and Lifetime reliability.SpecificationsShaving PerformanceShaving system: SteelPrecision blades Contour following: 360-D Flexing heads SkinIQ technology: Motion Control sensor, Protective SkinGlide coating, Power Adapt sensorEase of useWet & Dry: Wet and dry useDisplay: Motion control indicator, LED display, Battery level indicator, Travel lock Cleaning: One-touch open, Fully washable PowerRun time: 60 minutesCharging: 1 hour full charge, 5 min quickchargeAutomatic voltage: 100-240 VStand-by power: 0.04 WMax power consumption: 9 WBattery type: Li-ionDesignHandle: Rubber gripColor: Ink BlackShaving heads: AngularSoftwareApp: GroomTribe, Connects via Bluetooth®Smartphone compatibility: iPhone andAndroid™ devicesService2-year warrantyReplacement head SH71: Replace every 2 yrswith SH71AccessoriesIntegrated pop-up trimmerQuick Clean Pod: 1 cartridge included, YesMaintenance: Cleaning brushTravel and storage: Travel case* compared to non-coated material* * Tested versus Philips Series 3000.* * * Based on Philips Series S7000 and GroomTribe appusers in 2019.* * * * comparing shaving debris after using cleaning fluidvs. water in the cartridge© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2021‑03‑16 Version: 4.0.1EAN: 08 71010 39630 73 。




Contents 目录万华“零境界”禾香板产品终端导购手册1销售文化 4 企业介绍01销售文化01万华公司企业简介02销售卖点02未来专项研究和发展方向2产品特性 5 卖场职责规范01零甲醛6营业接待顾客规范02防火性能03坚固性能7常见问题答疑04品质认证05全过程零甲醛质量控制3高溢价阐述01全球优质板材02新设计新款式03全进口配件万华“零境界”禾香板产品终端导购手册| 销售文化01销售文化永远站在顾客的立场上帮助顾客思考问题,提供最完善的购买建议帮助顾客拿主意。

万华“零境界”禾香板产品终端导购手册| 销售文化02销售卖点一个顾客对商品会有许多需求,但其中必须有一个需求是主要的,能否满足这个主要的要求是促使顾客购买的最重要的因素。


销售卖点——无醛无毒顶级设计全球最新款成品关爱家人健康第一万华“零境界”禾香板产品终端导购手册| 产品特性01零甲醛零甲醛甲醛对居室环境的危害甲醛(HCHO)是一种无色易溶的刺激性气体,甲醛可经呼吸道吸收,其水溶液“福尔马林”可经消化道吸收。









EPSON 20,000-Lumen 3LCD 激光投影仪说明书

EPSON 20,000-Lumen 3LCD 激光投影仪说明书

Large VenueSPECIFICATION SHEETSpecification Sheet | Page 1 of 2/largevenueEB-PU2120W 20,000-Lumen 3LCD Laser Projector with 4K EnhancementThe world’s smallest and lightest 20,000-lumen projector 2.The world's smallest and lightest 20,000-lumen projector 2 — produces incredibly bright images from a light and compact bodyIncredible color — Epson ® 3-chip 3LCD technology produces 20,000 lumens of equal white and color brightness 1WUXGA with 4K Enhancement 3 — accepts 4K content and delivers up to 4.6 million pixels on-screen for an incredibly crisp and vibrant image Long-lasting laser light source — 20,000-hour virtually maintenance-free laser light source 4Simplified installation — 9 optional powered lenses (sold separately), including an ultra short-throw .35 throw lens with unique zero offset design, provide enhanced flexibility and convenience during installationEngineered for reliability — hermetically sealed optical engine offers high dust resistance while filterless cabinet and liquid cooling system support easy, low-maintenance operationOutstanding image quality — high native contrast ratio produces deep blacks; frame interpolation delivers realistic moving images; HDR support 5 and scene adaptive gamma correction for true-to-life imagesFast installation — built-in NFC functionality 6 to streamline multi-projector installations using the easy-to-use Epson Projector Configuration Tool (EPCT)7mobile app for Android ™ and iOS ®Optional attachable PixAlign™ camera — provides access to powerful features, including projector stacking assist function 8, tiling assist 8 for edge blends, color calibration 9 and screen matching 9Product shown with lens. Lens sold separately.Ultra BrightColor Brightness: 20,000 lumens 1 White Brightness: 20,000 lumens 13Specification Sheet | Page 2 of 2Specifications and terms are subject to change without notice. EPSON is a registered trademark, EPSON Exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark and Better Products for a Better Future is a trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation. PixAlign is a trademark of Epson America, Inc. and Epson Connection is a service mark of Epson America, Inc. Android is a trademark of Google LLC. SmartWay is a registered trademark of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. All other product and brand names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Epson disclaims any and all rights in these marks. Copyright 2022 Epson America, Inc. Com-SS-Oct-13 CPD-62053R1 3/221 Color brightness (color light output) and white brightness (white light output) will vary depending on usage conditions. Color light output measured in accordance with IDMS 15.4; white light output measured in accordance with ISO 21118. |2 Comparison based on projectors rated at 20,000 lumens. Lumens, size and weight based on the manufacturers' onlinespecifications and industry-available data as of December, 2021. Excludes other Epson models. | 3 4K Enhancement Technology shifts each pixel to surpass Full HD resolution on screen. | 4 No required maintenance for the light source for up to 20,000 hours. Approximate time until brightness decreases 50% from first usage. Measured by acceleration test assuming use of 0.04 - 0.20 mg/m 3 of particulate matter. Time varies depending on usage conditions and environment. Replacement of parts other than the light source may be required in a shorter period. | 5 HDR performance available with select third-party devices. For more information, see /hdrcompatibility | 6 NFC requires use of a device that includes NFC, and may require additional software. | 7 Internet connection required for download. Data usage fee may apply. | 8 Requires Epson external camera or built-in camera for each projector and the Epson Projector Professional Tool app. | 9 Using separate camera for each projector. | 10 IP5X-certified optical engine and laser light source module in accordance with IEC standard 60529. | 11 For convenient and reasonable recycling options, visit /recycle | 12 SmartWay is an innovative partnership of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that reduces greenhouse gases and other air pollutants and improves fuel efficiency.See the latest innovations from Epson Business Solutions at /forbusinessEpson America, Inc.3131 Katella Ave., Los Alamitos, CA 90720Epson Canada Limited185 Renfrew Drive, Markham, Ontario L3R 6G3 www.epson.ca/largevenueContact:Keystone Correction Vertical: ±45 degrees; horizontal: ±30 degreesIllumination Technology Laser DiodeProjection Lens (Standard)See website for information on optional lenses.Standard Lens ELPLM15 (sold separately)Type Powered shift/focus/zoom F-Number 2.0 – 2.1Focal Length 14.8 mm – 17.7 mm Zoom Ratio Optical zoom: 1.0 – 1.6Throw Ratio Range 1.57 – 2.56Lens Shift Vertical: ±60%; horizontal: ±18%Other FeaturesOperating Temperature 32 ˚ to 122 ˚F (0 ˚ to 50 ˚C)Power Supply Voltage 220 – 240 V ± 10%, 50/60 Hz AC Power Consumption 1,301 W (Normal / Custom) 899 W (Quiet / Extended)2.0 W Standby (Network Standby)0.4 W Standby (Energy Saving)Fan Noise 45 dB (Normal Mode); 37 dB (ECO)IP Rating IP5X 10Security Security cable hole, lens lock, Kensington ® lock provision, wireless LAN unit lockVideo I/OInput Signal Input Video Signal (HDMI ®, DVI-D and HDBaseT™ ports) 480i/480p/576i/576p/720p/1080i/1080p/3840 x 2160/ 4096 x 2160Weight 53.7 lb (24.4 kg)Remote ControlFeatures Power; Source Search Selection; Lens Shift/Zoom/Focus; Test Pattern Selection; A/V Mute, Freeze, User ID, Auto Aspect, Color Mode, Number, Page Up and Down, E-Zoom, Volume, Help, Menu, Enter, ESC and Pointer Functions Operating AngleFront: Right/Left: 60 to +60; Upper/Lower: +30 to 30 degrees Rear: Right/Left: 30 to +30; Upper/Lower: +40 to +10 degrees Operating Distance 98 ftEco FeaturesRoHS compliant Recyclable product 11Epson America, Inc. is a SmartWay ® Transport Partner 12SupportEpson Connection SMPre-sales support: U.S. and Canada: 800-463-7766 Internet website: Service ProgramsThe projector has a limited warranty of 3 yearsWhat’s in the BoxEB-PU2120W projector, power cable, remote control with two batteries, cable cover, user guide and warranty sheetUltra Short-Throw Lens (ELPLX02S)V12H004X0B Ultra Short-Throw Lens - White (ELPLX02WS) V12H004Y0B Short-Throw #1 Zoom Lens (ELPLU03S) V12H004UA3Short-Throw #2 Zoom Lens (ELPLU04) V12H004U04Wide-Throw #2 Zoom Lens (ELPLW06) V12H004W06Wide-Throw #3 Zoom Lens (ELPLW08) V12H004W08Middle-Throw #2 Zoom Lens (ELPLM15) V12H004M0F Middle-Throw #3 Zoom Lens (ELPLM10) V12H004M0A Middle-Throw #4 Zoom Lens (ELPLM11) V12H004M0B Long-Throw Zoom Lens (ELPLL08) V12H004L08Rigging Frame (ELPMB59)V12H996A01Wireless LAN Module (ELPAP11) V12H005A02Projector Ceiling Mount (ELPMB67) V12HA54010Suspension Adapter (ELPFP15) V12HA55010PixAlign Camera (ELPEC01)V12HA46010。

Philips 乾濕兩用電鬚刨 Shaver series 7000 系列说明书

Philips 乾濕兩用電鬚刨 Shaver series 7000 系列说明书

S7782/53採用SkinIQ技術Philips 7000 系列電鬚刨可在皮膚順滑移動,即使是 3 日鬚亦能貼面、徹底剃淨每條毛髮。


貼服的剃毛效果緊貼面部曲線每一下剃鬚動作可以剃除更多鬍鬚將鬍鬚移至最有效的修剪位置SkinIQ技術指引您改善剃鬚技巧使用Philips GroomTribe應用程式,掌握您的剃鬚技巧有效理順鬍鬚有效減少阻力和對皮膚造成刺激便捷剃鬚選擇方便的乾剃或清爽的濕剃修剪八字鬚和鬢角鼻毛修剪器配件強勁的清潔機,有助保持效能和衛生充電 1 小時即可使用 60 分鐘產品特點具保護效能的 SkinGlide塗層具保護效能的塗層在剃鬚刀頭和皮膚之間。

每平方毫米多達 2,000 顆微技術珠子,可減少 25%* 面部肌膚阻力,有效減少刺激皮膚。

SteelPrecision刀片這款 Philips 電鬚刨具備 45 片自動研磨SteelPrecision 刀片,效能強勁卻又溫和親膚,每分鐘可修剪高達 90,000 次,每一下可以剃除更多鬍鬚**,帶來潔淨舒適的剃鬚效果。

Motion Control感應器電鬚刨動作感應技術會追蹤您的剃鬚方式,並指引您掌握更有效的技巧。


透過應用程式帶來個人化的體驗將 Philips 電鬚刨與 GroomTribe 應用程式配合使用,助您掌握剃鬚技巧。


鬍鬚密度智能感應電鬚刨的智能鬍鬚感應器以每秒 125 次的讀速讀取鬍鬚密度。


360-D靈活刀頭這款 Philips 電鬚刨專為貼合您的面部輪廓而設計,極為靈活的刀頭可 360 度旋轉,帶來徹底和舒適的剃鬚體驗。

Hair -Guide精確刀頭全新設計的精確電鬚刨具備鬍鬚導向槽,以實現更佳的修剪效果,令肌膚極為舒適。

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