EPCs and ERS









1、国外的工程总承包(EPC)是英文:Engineer-Procure-Construct 头字母缩写,其中文含义是:“设计、采购、建造”。


















国外工程建设项目EPC总承包模式分析EPC模式,即设计—采购—施工( Engineering —Procure —ment —Con structio n )模式,指业主只选定一个总承包商,由总承包商根据合同要求,承担建设项目的设计、采购、施工及试运行,并交付工程的项目管理模式。

EPC模式最早开始应用于上世纪80年代,近年来EPC 模式在国际承包市场上的发展迅速,在欧美等西方国家和亚、非、拉广大发展中国家都已开始广泛使用。
























规范国际工程EPC项目设计管理EPC 是英文Engineering, Procurement and Construction 的缩写, 中文有人译作"设计、采购和施工"。

笔者认为Engineering一词在翻译时除了含有"设计"的意思以外, 还应有"项目规划、工程策划"等概念在里面。

EPC合同在FIDIC文件里通常叫做"银皮书", 实际上是由承包商负责设计的总承包合同, 也就是承包商要对项目负全责, 属于一种交钥匙项目,正式英文名称叫Conditions of Contract for EPC /Turnkey Projects, 可以说是"设计+施工(D+B)"合同方式的一种延伸。

EPC的最大特点是固定总价合同, 英文叫Lump Sum Contract或Fixed Price Contract, 与FIDIC"红皮书"的单价合同(Unit Price Contract)不同。

业主与承包商双方要先说好价钱(当然对应着就有一个较长的谈判过程, 而单价合同的这个过程很短, 也相对要简单得多)。

但签约时一定要一次包死, 因此承包商的价格中难免含有一定水分, 或者说留有相当余地, 以达到防范风险的目的, 而不像"红皮书"那样, 以"波纹理论"为原则去处理问题, 只要求承包商考虑已知因素。

在EPC合同的条件下, 承包商承担的风险比"红皮书"、"黄皮书"来得大, 因为把价格一次包死后就很难再索赔, 例如不良地质条件之类的未知因素, 在EPC中是由承包商承担的(而"红皮书"中明确规定属于索赔的范畴)。

这使得承包商在面对一次包死的硬性规定时, 只能想办法从设计上找"费用"。



大型展厅EPC总承包方案目录一、前言 (3)1.1 编制目的 (3)1.2 工程背景 (4)1.3 EPC总承包模式概述 (5)二、项目概况 (6)2.1 项目基本情况 (7)2.2 项目需求分析 (8)2.3 项目目标 (9)三、设计阶段 (10)3.1 设计原则与要求 (11)3.2 设计内容与范围 (12)3.3 设计团队组成及职责 (14)3.4 设计进度计划 (15)四、采购阶段 (16)4.1 采购原则与要求 (16)4.2 采购内容与范围 (18)4.3 采购方式与供应商选择 (19)4.4 采购进度计划 (20)五、施工阶段 (21)5.1 施工原则与要求 (23)5.2 施工内容与范围 (24)5.3 施工团队组成及职责 (25)5.4 施工进度计划 (26)六、调试与试运行阶段 (27)6.1 调试方案与计划 (28)6.2 试运行方案与计划 (30)6.3 调试与试运行进度计划 (32)七、质量保证与安全管理 (33)7.1 质量保证体系建立与运行 (34)7.2 安全管理制度制定与执行 (36)7.3 安全培训与演练 (37)八、竣工验收与移交阶段 (38)8.1 竣工验收流程与标准 (39)8.2 项目移交内容与程序 (40)九、运维与培训服务 (41)9.1 运维服务内容与标准 (42)9.2 培训服务内容与计划 (43)十、合同管理与付款方式 (44)10.1 合同条款明细 (46)10.2 付款方式与周期 (47)十一、风险管理与应对措施 (48)11.1 风险识别与评估 (49)11.2 风险应对策略与措施 (51)一、前言随着科技的不断进步和经济的飞速发展,各类展览展示活动日益增多,大型展厅的建设需求也随之增长。

为满足这一市场需求,我们针对即将实施的大型展厅EPC(Engineering, Procurement, Construction)总承包项目,特制定此方案。



epc总承包模式合同结构形式英文回答:EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) is a common contracting model used in the construction industry. Under this model, a single contractor is responsible forthe entire project, from design and engineering to procurement of materials and equipment, and finally, construction and installation.The structure of an EPC contract typically consists of several key components. Firstly, there is the scope of work, which outlines the specific tasks and deliverables required for the project. This includes the engineering design, procurement of materials, construction activities, and any other relevant activities.Next, the contract will define the project schedule and timeline. This includes the start and end dates of the project, as well as any important milestones or deadlinesthat need to be met. The schedule is crucial for ensuring that the project is completed on time and within budget.Another important aspect of an EPC contract is the cost and payment terms. The contract will specify the total project cost, as well as the payment schedule. This may include a lump sum payment, progress payments based on completed milestones, or a combination of both.Additionally, the contract will outline the responsibilities and obligations of both the contractor and the client. This includes the contractor's obligations to perform the work in accordance with the agreed-upon specifications and standards, as well as any warranties or guarantees provided by the contractor.Furthermore, the contract will address any potential risks and liabilities associated with the project. This may include provisions for insurance coverage, indemnification clauses, and dispute resolution mechanisms.Lastly, the contract will include any necessary legaland technical documents, such as permits, licenses, and technical specifications. These documents ensure that the project complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards.中文回答:EPC(工程、采购和施工)是建筑行业常用的承包模式。



全球四大著名EPC公司分析EPC是英文Engineering(设计)、Procurement(采购)、Con - structon (施工)的缩写。





(二)本文选择四家全球著名的EPC公司进行介绍和分析分别是ABB公司、Bechtel公司、Fluor公司和Halliburton公司1、ABB公司成立于1988年,总部设在瑞士苏黎士.在1998年全球最大的承包商排名中名列第一(见表1 )。




2002年公司完成合同额116亿美元,在2002年全球最大的承包商和设计公司排名中分别名列第9和第3 (见表1 )。





The insurance coverage shall be one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the delivered cost and insurance premiums shall be paid by the Contractor. Under such insurance, the indemnity must be payable in US dollars, freely usable to replace or repair such goods. The Contractor, acting as agent for YY, shall initiate proper action and pursue settlement regarding insurance claims whenever damages and/or losses are inflicted on the goods. The Contractor shall be authorized to receive the indemnity directly from the insurance companies unless otherwise directed by YY.保额为交付的材料或货物的价值的百分之一十(110%),保费由承包商支付。




YY shall be named as co-insured under all insurance policies taken out by the Contractor pursuant to GC 34.1, except for Workman’s Compensation,and the Contractor's Subcontractors shall be named as co-insureds under all insurance policies taken out by the Contractor pursuant to GC 34.1 except for the Cargo Insurance During Transport, Workman's Compensation, and all insurer's rights of subrogation against such co-insureds for losses or claims arising out of the performance of the Contract shall be waived under such policies.YY集团应为承包商依照第GC 34.1部分规定投保的所有保险的共同被保险人,除了工人赔偿险;承包商的分包商应为承包商依照第GC 34.1部分规定投保的所有保险的共同被保险人,除了货物运输险,工人赔偿险;在该些保险单项下,所有承保人应放弃对以上共同被保险人的代位求偿权。


• 承包商通常需协助业主 (开发商) 与银行协商 贷款融资(Financing),因此在国际工程承 包中更为常见的形式是F+EPC,这也是中国 承包商的“杀手锏”
• 承包商有时候也会以其他形式参与国际工程 项目,例如DB、BT、BO、BOOT等。不过相 关形式涉及到资本金(Equity)的投入和退 出,更接近投资行为。
• d.在业主发出开工令后,组织分包商实施施工;并配合业主开展竣工验收等工作
• e.在与业主协商的基础上,部分总承包商还将承担建成项目的运营、维护工作。
• 2014年,250家最大国际承包商共完成海外营业额5440亿美元。从专业领域分布看,在交通运 输(1369亿美元)、石油化工(1282.2亿美元)和房屋建筑(1127.2亿美元)3个领域的营业 额仍居专业排名前3位,分别占25.2%、23.6%和20.7%的份额。
业主 (开发商)Vs. 承包商
• 业主(开发商):即项目的发起人与出资人。 业主的主要职责包括:
• a.开展项目的可行性研究:法务可行性、环境可行性、经济可行性
• b.获取项目的各项审批、协议:环评、购地/租地协议、购电协议、高速公路收费经营权等等
• c.提供资本金:业主需要为项目提供“开发费”(development fee, 主要是覆盖a, b所需各项 费用),亦需为总承包合同提供“资本金”(equity),通常占总承包合同金额的15%或者更 多,剩下的由银行提供融资(financing, 即借贷, 亦称为debt service)
国际工程总承包EPC简介20Βιβλιοθήκη 5年11月6日工程总承包EPC
• 随着基础设施、能源、房地产等工程承包项 目高度复杂化,开发商通常采取工程总承包 的方式,即与一家主要的承包商签署协议, 并由该承包商全面负责工程相关的设计( Engineering)、采购(Procurement)以及 施工(Construction), 因此工程总承包往往 又被称为EPC总承包。



海外电力 EPC 总承包项目质量管理发布时间:2021-07-05T01:19:45.748Z 来源:《福光技术》2021年5期作者:胡振云[导读] 近年来,随着我国能源市场的逐渐饱和以及“一带一路”政策的落地推行与迅速发展,我国的大型工程企业向外发展步伐不断加大。

中国电力工程有限公司北京 100048摘要:近年来,随着我国能源市场的逐渐饱和以及“一带一路”政策的落地推行与迅速发展,我国的大型工程企业向外发展步伐不断加大。



本文在海外 EPC 总承包电力工程项目管理特点的基础上,结合笔者的海外工程管理实践经验,对海外电力EPC 总承包项目的质量管理流程和关键点进行了探讨,以供参阅。

关键词:海外项目;EPC 总承包;质量管理海外 EPC 总承包电力工程项目管理特点持续时间长海外EPC 总承包电力工程项目的执行时间较国内同等级项目的执行时间长,且项目的合同金额多以美元计价,付款时间被拉长,需要承包商对设计、施工、安装、运输等各环节的人员进行合理调配和管理,将项目的成本和进度控制在合理的范围内,减少因时间带来的汇率,业主索赔等风险。

实施风险大海外EPC 总承包电力工程项目包括图纸设计、设备采购、施工安装等环节,且都存在不确定风险,使项目管理具有一定的复杂性。




成本控制难海外 EPC 总承包电力工程项目的成本控制要难于国内的工程项目。


EPC (工程总承包) 项目小知识

EPC  (工程总承包) 项目小知识

EPC (工程总承包)EPC(Engineering Procurement Construction)是指公司受业主委托,按照合同约定对工程建设项目的设计、采购、施工、试运行等实行全过程或若干阶段的承包。





中文名:设计采购施工外文名:Engineering Procurement Construction应用领域:建筑业包含内容:设计、施工、采购等一、定义EPC:工程(Engineering)、采购(Procurement)、建设(Construction),是国际通用的工程总承包产业的总称。


















以契约组建的联合体分为:合包集团(松散型联合体)Consortium 和联营体(紧密型联合体)JV,主要用于EPC项目。








CONTENTS目录1General Provisions一般规定 (6)1.1Definitions定义 (6)1.2Interpretation解释 (12)1.3Communications通信交流 (13)1.4Law and Language法律和语言 (13)1.5Priority of Document文件优先次序 (14)1.6Contract Agreement合同协议书 (14)1.7Assignment权益转让 (15)1.8Care and Supply of Document文件的照管和提供 (15)1.9Confidentiality保密性 (16)1.10Employer’s Use of Contractor’s Documents雇主使用承包商文件 (16)1.11Contractor’s Use of Employer’s Documents承包商使用雇主文件 (17)1.12Confidential Details保密事项 (17)1.13Compliance with Laws遵守法律 (17)1.14Joint and Several Liability共同的和各自的责任 (18)2The Employer雇主 (18)2.1Right of Access to the Site现场进入权 (19)2.2Permits, Licences or Approves许可、执照或批准 (20)2.3Employer’s personnel雇主人员 (20)2.4Employer’s Financial Arrangements雇主的资金安排 (21)2.5Employer’s Claims雇主的索赔 (21)3The Employer’s Administration雇主的管理 (22)3.1The Employer’s Representative雇主代表 (22)3.2The Employer’s personnel其他雇主人员 (22)3.3Delegated Persons受托人员 (23)3.4Instructions指示 (24)3.5Determinations确定 (24)4The Contractor承包商 (24)4.1The Contractor’s General Obligations承包商的一般义务 (25)4.2Performance security履约担保 (25)4.3Contractor’s Representative承包商代表 (27)4.4Subcontractors分包商 (28)4.5Nominated Subcontractors指定的分包商 (28)4.6Co-operation合作 (29)4.7Setting out放线 (30)4.8Safety procedures安全程序 (30)4.9Quality Assurance质量保证 (31)4.10Site Data现场数据 (31)4.11Sufficiency of the Contract Price合同价格 (31)4.12Unforeseeable Difficulties不可预见的困难 (32)4.13Rights of way and Facilities道路通行权于设施 (32)4.14Avoidance of Interference避免干扰 (33)4.15Access Route进场通路 (33)4.16Transport of Goods货物运输 (34)4.17Contractor’s Equipment承包商设备 (34)4.18Protection of the Environment环境保护 (35)4.19Electricity, Water and Gas电、水和燃气 (35)4.20Employer’s Equipment and Free-Issue Material雇主设备和免费供应的材料 (36)4.21Progress Reports进度报告 (37)4.22Security of the Site现场保安 (38)4.23Contractor’s Operations on Site承包商的现场作业 (39)4.24Fossils化石 (39)5Design设计 (40)5.1General Design Obligations设计义务一般要求 (40)5.2Contractor’s Documents承包商文件 (41)5.3Contractor’s Undertaking承包商的承诺 (42)5.4Technical Standards and Regulations技术标准和法规 (43)5.5Training培训 (43)5.6As-Built Documents竣工文件 (44)5.7Operation and Maintenance Manuals操作和维修手册 (44)5.8Design Error设计错误 (45)6Staff and Labour员工 (45)6.1Engagement of Staff and Labour员工的雇用 (45)6.2Rates of Wages and Conditions of Labour工资标准和劳动条件 (45)6.3Persons in the Service of Employer为雇主服务的人员 (46)6.4Labour Laws劳动法 (46)6.5Working Hours工作时间 (46)6.6Facilities for Staff and Labour为员工提供设施 (47)6.7Health and Safety健康和安全 (47)6.8Contractor’s Superintendence承包商的监督 (48)6.9Contractor’s Person nel承包商人员 (48)6.10Records of contractor’s Personnel and Equipment承包商人员和设备的记录 (49)6.11Disorderly Conduct无序行为 (49)7Plant, Materials and Workmanship生产设备、材料和工艺 (49)7.1Manner of Execution实施方法 (49)7.2Samples样品 (50)7.3Inspection检验 (50)7.4Testing试验 (51)7.5Rejection拒收 (52)7.6Remedial Work修补工作 (53)7.7Ownership of Plant and Materials生产设备和材料的所有权 (53)7.8Royalties土地(矿区)使用费 (54)8Commencement,Delays and Suspension开工、延误和暂停 (54)8.1Commencement of Works工程的开工 (54)8.2Time for Completion竣工时间 (55)8.3Programme进度计划 (55)8.4Extension of Time for Completion竣工时间延长 (56)8.5Delays Caused by Authorities当局造成的延误 (57)8.6Rate of Progress工程进度 (57)8.7Delay Damages误期损害赔偿费 (58)8.8Suspension of Work暂时停工 (59)8.9Consequences of Suspension暂停的后果 (59)8.10Payment for Plant and Materials in Event of Suspension暂停时对生产设备和材料的付款 (60)8.11Prolonged Suspension托长的暂停 (60)8.12Resumption of Work复工 (60)9Tests on Completion竣工试验 (61)9.1Contractor’s Obligations承包商的义务 (61)9.2Delayed Tests延误的试验 (62)9.3Retesting重新试验 (63)9.4Failure to Pass Tests on Completion未能通过竣工试验 (63)10Employer’s Taking Over雇主的接收 (64)10.1Taking Over of the Works and Sections工程和分项工程的接收 (64)10.2Taking Over of Parts of the Works部分工程的接收 (65)10.3Interference with Tests on Completion对竣工试验的干扰 (65)11Defects Liability缺陷责任 (66)11.1Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects完成扫尾工作和修补缺陷 (66)11.2Cost of Remedying Defects修补缺陷的费用 (66)11.3Extension of Defects Notification Period缺陷通知期的延长 (67)11.4Failure to Remedy Defects未能修补的缺陷 (67)11.5Removal of Defective Work移出有缺陷的工程 (68)11.6Further Tests进一步试验 (69)11.7Right of Access进入权 (69)11.8Contractor to Search承包商调查 (69)11.9Performance Certificate履约证书 (70)11.10Unfulfilled Obligations未履行的义务 (70)11.11Clearance of Site现场清理 (71)12Tests after Completion竣工后试验 (71)12.1Procedure for Tests after Completion竣工后试验的程序 (71)12.2Delayed Tests延误的试验 (72)12.3Retesting重新试验 (73)12.4Failure to Pass Tests after Completion未能通过的竣工后试验 (73)13Variations and Adjustments变更和调整 (74)13.1Right to Vary变更权 (74)13.2Value Engineering价值工程 (75)13.3Variation Procedure变更程序 (75)13.4Payment in Applicable Currencies以适用货币支付 (76)13.5Provisional Sums暂列金额 (76)13.6Daywork计日工作 (77)13.7Adjustments for Changes in Legislation因法律改变的调整 (78)13.8Adjustments for Changes in Cost因成本改变的调整 (79)14Contract price and Payment合同价格和支付 (79)14.1The Contract Price合同价格 (79)14.2Advance payment预付款 (79)14.3Application for Interim Payments期中付款的申请 (81)14.4Schedule of Payments付款价格表 (82)14.5Plant and Materials intended for the Works拟用于工程的生产设备和材料 (83)14.6Interim Payments期中付款 (83)14.7Timing of Payments付款的时间安排 (84)14.8Delayed Payment延误的付款 (85)14.9Payment of Retention Money保留金支付 (85)14.10Statement at Completion施工报表 (86)14.11Application for Final Payment最终付款的申请 (86)14.12Discharge结清证明 (87)14.13Final Payment最终付款 (88)14.14Cessation of Employer’s Liability雇主责任的中止 (88)14.15Currencies of Payment支付的货币 (88)15Termination by Employer由雇主终止 (90)15.1Notice to Correct通知改正 (90)15.2Termination by Employer由雇主终止 (90)15.3Valuation at Date of Termination终止日期时的估价 (92)15.4Payment after Termination终止后的付款 (92)15.5Employer’s Entitlement to Termination雇主终止的权利 (93)16Suspension and termination by Contractor由承包商暂停和终止 (93)16.1Contractor’s Entitlement to Suspend Work承包商暂停工作的权利 (93)16.2Termination by Contractor由承包商终止 (94)16.3Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractor’s Equipment停止工作和承包商设备的撤离 (95)16.4Payment on Termination终止时的付款 (96)17Risk and Responsibility风险和职责 (96)17.1Indemnities保障 (96)17.2Contractor’s Care of the Works承包商对工程的照管 (97)17.3Employer’s Risks雇主的风险 (98)17.4Consequence of Employer’s Risks雇主风险的后果 (99)17.5Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights知识产权和工业产权 (99)17.6Limitation of Liability责任限度 (101)18Insurance保险 (101)18.1General Requirements for Insurances有关保险的一般要求 (101)18.2Insurance for Works and Contractor’s Equipment工程和承包商设备的保险 (104)18.3Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property人身伤害和财产损害险 (106)18.4Insurance for Contractor’s Personnel承包商人员的保险 (107)19Force Majeure不可抗力 (107)19.1Definition of Force Majeure不可抗力的定义 (107)19.2Notice of Force Majeure不可抗力的通知 (109)19.3Duty to Minimise Delay将延误减至最小的义务 (109)19.4Consequences of Force Majeure不可抗力的后果 (109)19.5Force Majeure Affecting Subcontractor不可抗力影响分包商 (110)19.6Optional Termination, Payment and Release自主选择终止、支付和解除 (110)19.7Release from Performance under the Law根据法律解除履约 (111)20Claims, Disputes and Arbitration索赔、争端和仲裁 (112)20.1Contractor’s Claims承包商的索赔 (112)20.2Appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board争端裁决委员会的任命 (114)20.3Failure to Agreement Dispute Adjudication Board对争端裁决委员会未能取得一致时 (115)20.4Obtaining Dispute Adjudication Board’s Decision取得争端裁决委员会的决定 (116)20.5Amicable Settlement友好解决 (118)20.6Arbitration仲裁 (118)20.7Failure to Comply with Dispute Adjudication Board’s Decision未能遵守争端裁决委员会的决定 (119)20.8Expiry of Dispute Adjudication Board’s Appointment争端裁决委员会任命期满 (119)1General Provisions一般规定1.1Definitions定义In the Conditions of Contract (“these Conditions”), which include ParticularConditions and these General Conditions, the following words and expressions shallhave the meaning stated. Words indicating persons or parties include corporationand other legal entities, except where the context requires otherwise.在合同条件(“本条件”),包括专用条件和通用条件中,下列词语和措辞应具有以下所述的含义.除上下文另有要求外,文中人员或当事各方等词语包括公司和其他合法实体.1.1.1The Contract consignee合同1.1.1.1“Contract”means the Contract Agreement, these Conditions, theEmployer’s Requirement, the Tender, and further document (if any) which are listedin the Contract Agreement.“合同”系指合同协议书、本条件、雇主要求、投标书和合同协议书列出的其他文件(如果有).“Contract Agreement”means the contract agreement referred to inSub-Clause 1.6 [Contract Agreement], including any annexed memoranda.“合同协议书”系指第1.6款[合同协议书]中所述的合同协议书及所附各项备忘录.“Employer’s requirements” means the document entitled employer’srequirements, as included in the Contract, and any additions and modifications tosuch document in accordance with the Contract. Such document specifies thepurpose, scope, and/or design and/or other technical criteria, for the Works.“雇主要求”系指合同中包括的,题为雇主要求的文件,其中列明工程的目标、范围、和(或)设计和(或)其他技术标准,以及按合同对此项文件所作的任何补充和修改.“Tender”means the Contractor’s signed offer for the Works and allother documents which the Contractor submitted therewith (other than theseConditions and Employer’s Requirements, if so submitted), as included in theContract.“投标书”系指包含在合同中的由承包商提交的为完成工程签署的报价,以及随同提交的所有其他文件(本条件和雇主要求除外,如同时提交).“Performance Guarantees”and “Schedule of payments”mean thedocuments so named (if any), as included in the Contract.“履约保证”和“付款计划表”系指合同中包括的具有上述名称的文件(如果有).1.1.2Parties and Persons各方和人员1.1.2.1“Party” means the Employer or the Contractor, as the context requires.“当事方(或一方)”根据上下文需要,或指雇主,或指承包商。









⼯程总承包模式可按照过程内容分成:1、E P C模式(设计采购施⼯)/交钥匙总承包设计采购施⼯总承包(EPC:即Engineering(设计)、Procurement(采购)、Construction(施⼯)的组合)是指⼯程总承包企业按照合同约定,承担⼯程项⽬的设计、采购、施⼯、试运⾏服务等⼯作,并对承包⼯程的质量、安全、⼯期、造价全⾯负责,是我国⽬前推⾏总承包模式最主要的⼀种。


2、E P CM模式设计采购与施⼯管理总承包(EPCM:即Engineering(设计) 、procurement (采购)、Construcion management(施⼯管理)的组合)是国际建筑市场较为通⾏的项⽬⽀付与管理模式之⼀,也是我国⽬前推⾏总承包模式的⼀种。

EPCM 承包商是通过业主委托或招标⽽确定的,承包商与业主直接签订合同,对⼯程的设计、材料设备供应、施⼯管理进⾏全⾯的负责。





EPC 交钥匙总承包与代建制在城市更新项目中的结合研究【摘要】从 EPC 交钥匙总承包与代建制的起源、模式特点、项目风险及适用范围进行比较并分析二者结合的可行性,为日后承接类似项目提供一种新的思路。

【关键词】 EPC 交钥匙总承包;代建制;结合;一、引言近年来,随着建筑市场的发展,承接工程的模式已经从单纯的施工总承包慢慢转变成了施工总承包、总承包管理与 EPC 总承包等多种模式并存的现状,建筑行业在地区经济发展方面展现出了积极的作用,在工程建设中,投资控制是一项重点工作内容,为了实现投资的最大化利用,切实提升工程项目的安全性及可靠性,做好工程承包模式的优化与应用十分重要,代建制与 EPC 总承包是经常使用到的工程模式,两者通长以“甲方”、“乙方”的合作模式在工程中发挥着不同的作用,本文以威海路 500 号城市更新项目的合作模式作为载体,研究将两种模式组合的一种特殊合作模式。

二、模式特点对于 EPC 总承包的缘起,部分观点是: EPC 这种承包模式给业主带来设计优化的经济利益,是业主推行 EPC总承包的根本动力。

根据对 EPC 模式的溯源,EPC 最早出现在西方国家私人业主的工业与民用建筑中,特别是大型项目。

而在我国 EPC 模式的推广则主要是为加强与国际惯例接轨,克服传统的“设计-采购-施工”相分离的承包模式,使建设工程质量责任主体明确,有利于追究工程质量责任和确定工程质量责任的承担人,从而保证工程的施工质量。

EPC 的出现一方面是因为建筑行业技术更新周期的缩短和市场竞争激烈的压力,业主对工程的关注由传统的 C (成本)、P (质量、性能、功能)、T (时间) 变为T (时间)、P (质量、性能、功能)、C(成本),时间成本的重要性大于实体建设成本;另一方面是业主更加注重投资的回报,更加注重项目的后期运营,EPC 模式可以有效克服设计、采购、施工相互制约和相互脱节的矛盾,有利于设计、采购、施工各阶段工作的合理衔接,有效地实现建设项目的进度、成本和质量控制符合建设工程承包合同约定,确保获得较好的投资效益。







工程总承包中还有解释:设计采购施工中的EPC是英文Engineering, Procurement and Construction的缩写。


当“设计”理解时,Engineering与同样可理解为“设计”的Design 的含义大不相同。




Engineering (工程设计)Procurement (设备采购)Construction (主持建设)国外的工程公司(国内叫做设计院)负责给业主搞工程就是这种模式,三个阶段都负责;国内的很多公司也都是这种模式而且做得很不错,像中国电工设备总公司一类的公司。

产品电子代码EPC的全称是Electronic Product Code,中文称为产品电子代码。

EP C的载体是RFID电子标签,并借助互联网来实现信息的传递。





EPC总承包又可分为两种类型:EPC(max s/c)和EPC(self—perform construction)。

EPC(max s/c)是EPC总承包商最大限度的选择分承包商来协助完成工程项目,通常采用分包的形式将施工分包给分承包商。

其合同结构形式是:EPC(self-perform construction)是EPC总承包商除选择分承包商完成少量工作外,自己要承担工程的设计、采购和施工任务。

其合同结构形式是:2、交钥匙总承包(LSTK-Lump Sum Turn Key)交钥匙总承包是指承包商负责工程项目的设计、采购、施工安装和试运行服务全过程,向业主交付具备使用条件的工程.交钥匙总承包也可分为两种类型,其一是总承包商选择分承包商分包施工等工作,其二是总承包商自行承担全部工作,除少数必须分包的内容外,一般不进行分包.交钥匙总承包的合同关结构与EPC工程总承包的合同结构是相同的。

3、设计、采购、施工管理承包(EPCm —Engineering、Procurement、Construction management)设计、采购、施工管理承包是指承包商负责工程项目的设计和采购,并负责施工管理。



设计、采购、施工管理承包的合同结构是:4、设计、采购、施工监理承包(EPCs —Engineering、Procurement、Construction superintendence)设计、采购、施工监理承包是指承包商负责工程项目的设计和采购,并监督施工承包商按照设计要求的标准、操作规程等进行施工,并满足进度要求,同时负责物资的管理和试车服务。

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Homocysteine-Induced Caspase-3Activationby Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Endothelial Progenitor Cells from Patients with Coronary Heart Disease and Healthy DonorsLi L I,1Bang-chuan H U,2Shi-jin G ONG,1and Jing Y AN1;y1Intensive Care Unit and Zhejiang Provincial Key Laborary of Geriatrics,Zhejiang Hospital,12Lingyin Road,Hangzhou,China2Intensive Care Unit,Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital,158Shangtang Road,Hangzhou,ChinaReceived January28,2011;Accepted April15,2011;Online Publication,July7,2011[doi:10.1271/bbb.110074]Previous studies have suggested an association of hyperhomocysteinemia-induced vascular pathology with enhanced apoptotic potential of endothelial pro-genitor cells in patients with coronary heart disease. Our results indicate that500 mol/L homocysteine induced endothelial progenitor cell apoptosis and acti-vation of caspase-3,both of which were abolished by 100 mol/L and200 mol/L salubrinal,an agent that prevents endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced apopto-sis.The addition of500 mol/L homocysteine caused a release of Ca2þfrom intracellular stores,and enhanced phosphor-eukaryotic initiation factor2 phosphoryla-tion at Ser51and the expression of a glucose-regulated protein of78kDa and a C/EBP homologous protein independently of extracellular Ca2þ.These effects of homocysteine on endothelial progenitor cells were significantly greater in patients with coronary heart disease than in healthy donors.Thesefindings suggest that homocysteine induces endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated activation of caspase-3in endothelial progenitor cells,an event that is enhanced in patients with coronary heart disease.Furthermore,enhanced endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated activation of caspase-3in endothelial progenitor cells might be involved in hyperhomocysteinemia-associated vascular pathology.Key words:homocysteine;endothelial progenitor cells;apoptosis;endoplasmic reticulum stressIt is generally recognized that hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy)is an important risk factor for coronary artery disease(CAD),1)but the pathogenesis of its vascular action remains to be elucidated.Accumulating evidence has demonstrated that endothelial dysfunction plays a major role in HHcy-related vascular pathology.2)Endo-thelial dysfunction is a loss of balance between injury and repair capacity.Recent studies suggest an important role of endothelial progenitor cells(EPCs)in endothelial repair after injury.3)CAD Patients have decreased numbers of EPCs with impaired functional capacity.4) In vitro,homocysteine(Hcy)dose-and time-depend-ently decreases EPC numbers and impairs cell prolifer-ation,migration,and vasculogenesis capacity.5)Im-paired EPC numbers and functional capacity have been identified in a murine model with HHcy.6)One possible explanation for the reduced capacity of EPCs is increased apoptosis of premature progenitor cells.Recently,Bao found that Hcy induces apoptosis of EPCs in vitro.7) Taken together,thesefindings suggest an association of Hcy with the enhanced apoptotic potential of EPCs in CAD patients.The endoplasmic reticulum(ER)has a high sensitivity to alteration in Ca2þhomeostasis,and a low luminal Ca2þconcentration([Ca2þ]ER)leads to oxidative stress and the accumulation of misfolded or unfolded proteins, resulting in ER dysfunction and stress.8)ER stress is triggered by an accumulation of misfolded proteins in the ER that bind to an ER chaperone glucose-regulated protein of78kDa(Grp78).This causes the unfolded protein response(UPR),resulting in the dissociation of Grp78from the three major ER stress sensors:protein kinase RNA-like ER kinase(PERK),activating tran-scription factor-6(ATF6),and inositol-requiring pro-tein-1(IRE-1).9)PERK-dependent phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor2 (eIF2 )results in trans-lational attenuation,reducing the load of new protein synthesis on the ER.These responses re-establish homeostasis and normal ER function.If ER stress is severe or prolonged,apoptotic cell death is induced.8) Several apoptosis pathways are known to be involved, the central role being played by the proapoptotic transcription factor C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP).8)Transcriptional induction of CHOP depends mostly on activation of PERK/eIF2 .ER stress has been found to be involved in endothelial dysfunction and related vascular pathologies.Upregulation of Grp78 and other ER stress-related genes was detected in a murine model of myocardial infarction.9)Both cytopro-tective and apoptotic components of ER stress signaling are upregulated in heart failure.High levels of apoptosis and of the expression of Grp78and CHOP were found withinfibrous caps of atheroma and ruptured plaques of both autoptic human coronary specimens and atherec-tomy specimens from patients with unstable angina pectoris.10)A previous report provided evidence of the relevance of ER stress to macrophage apoptosis and enlargement of the necrotic core in advanced athero-y To whom correspondence should be addressed.Tel:+86-571-87987373ext5083;Fax:+86-571-87980175;E-mail:yanjing2011@yahoo.-Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem.,75(7),1300–1305,2011sclerotic plaques.11)Although there are no reports regarding ER stress in EPCs,other resources of adult stem and progenitor cells,such as mesenchymal stem cells,have been reported to be induced to apoptosis via the ER pathway.12)Hence,we hypothesized that there is ER stress-induced apoptosis in EPCs.Hcy is a well-known inducer of ER stress.Apolipo-protein E-deficient mice fed a HHcy diet exhibit increased expression of molecular markers of ER stress in both early and late atherosclerotic lesions.13)In a rat model of HHcy,increased expression of ER stress-associated proteins,including Grp78,CHOP,and cas-pase-12,was found in myocardial tissue.14)In vitro,Hcy induces ER stress and cell apoptosis in cardiomyo-cytes,14)smooth muscle cells,15)and endothelial cells.16) Although these studies indicate that Hcy is closely associated with ER stress-mediated cell apoptosis,it is yet not clear whether ER stress contributes to HHcy-related vascular pathology,or how this might occur. Hence,we investigated the possible role of Hcy in ER stress-mediated apoptosis in EPCs from CAD patients and healthy donors in an attempt to elucidate the mechanisms underlying HHcy-related vascular pathol-ogy associated with CAD.Materials and MethodsMaterials.EGM-2endothelial medium and EGM-2-MV-Single-Quots were purchased from Clonetics(San Diego,CA).Fura-2AM, fura-FF AM,and pluronic acid were from Molecular Probes(Leiden, Netherlands).Hcy,fibronectin(FN),thapsigargin(TG),ionomycin, 1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N0,N0-tetraacetic acid(BATPA), and anti-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase(GAPDH)anti-body were from Sigma-Aldrich(St.Louis,MO).Salubrinal was from Tocris(Bristol,UK).Anti-Grp78and-phospho-eIF2 (Ser51)anti-bodies were from Cell Signaling Technology(Danvers,MA).Anti-CHOP antibody and horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary IgG antibody were from Santa Cruz Biotechnology(Santa Cruz,CA). Other reagents are indicated below.Subjects.Patients with CAD were recruited from the Cardiovascular Disease Clinic and Ward at Zhejiang Hospital(Zhejiang,China).A diagnosis of CAD was reached by coronary angiography.Patients with malignant disease,peripheral vascular disease,proliferative retinop-athy,or recent(<2months)acute coronary syndrome,inflammation, bleeding,or blood transfusion were excluded,since these conditions and procedures might have affected the number or function of EPCs. None of the patients had been treated with statins or erythropoietin in the preceding2months.The control subjects were age-and sex-matched healthy volunteers.This study was approved by the Research Ethics Review Board of Zhejiang Hospital and complied with the Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association(Helsinki Declaration of 1964,as revised in2002).Informed consent was obtained in writing from all subjects.Isolation,incubation,and identification of EPCs.EPCs were prepared as described previously.5)Briefly,mononuclear cells were isolated from peripheral blood by Ficoll density gradient centrifugation and cultured on human FN-coated dishes in EGM-2endothelial medium supplemented with EGM-2-MV-SingleQuots and20%FBS.Cellular apoptosis detected byflow cytometer.EPCs were seeded and pre-cultured at37 C for24h.After treatment with various drugs for various durations,EPCs were collected and treated according to the protocol in the Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit (Merck,Germany).The percentages of apoptotic cells were determined with a FACSCaliburflow cytometer with CellQuest software(BD Pharmingen,San Diego,CA).Measurement of caspase-3activity.The activity of caspase-3was evaluated using a colorimetric activity assay kit(Chemicon Interna-tional Molecular,Temecula,CA)following the manufacturer’s instructions.Briefly,the cells were lysed for30min on an ice bath. The lysed cells were centrifuged at12;000Âg for10min.After the protein concentration was determined,100m g of the protein was incubated with50m L of a reaction buffer and5m L of the caspase-3 substrate(Ac-DEVD-pNA)on a96-well plate.The activity of caspase-3was measured using a spectrophotometer at405nm,and the results were expressed as fold increase over mean value of the control.Measurement of the intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2þ]c).To monitor[Ca2þ]c,cells were incubated at37 C with 2m mol/L of fura-2AM for45min.Fluorescence was recorded from 1mL aliquots of magnetically stirred cell suspensions(108cells/mL) at37 C using a spectrophotometer(Zeiss,Jena,Germany)with ex 340and380nm and em505nm.Changes in[Ca2þ]c were monitored using the fura-2340/380fluorescence ratio and calibrated.Ca2þrelease was estimated using the integral of the rise in[Ca2þ]c for 2.5min after the addition of agents.Measurement of the free calcium concentration in the intracellular stores([Ca2þ]ER).Endothelial progenitor cells were incubated with 5m mol/L of fura-FF AM for1h in the presence of0.025%pluronic acid,and were loaded with10m mol/L dimethyl BATPA for30min. EPCs were then collected by centrifugation at1;000Âg for10min and resuspended in HEPES-buffered saline.Fluorescence was recorded from1mL aliquots of magnetically stirred cell suspensions (108cells/mL)at37 C using a spectrophotometer(Zeiss)with ex 340nm and em505nm.Changes in[Ca2þ]ER were expressed as F n/F0,considering F0asfluorescence of fura-FF in the absence of free Ca2þ.Immunoblotting.Following treatment,whole-cell lysates were prepared as described previously.17)In some experiments,immuno-blotting for CHOP protein was additionally performed on nuclear extracts prepared using a Nuclear Extraction Kit following the manufacturer’s protocol(Millipore,Billerica,MA).The protein concentration was determined by the Lowry method.Ten m L of protein was loaded in each lane and subjected to SDS–PAGE(8%), and then transferred to a polyvinylidene difluoride(PVDF)membrane. The blots were probed with antibodies against phospho-eIF2 ,Grp78, CHOP,or GAPDH.Horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies were used in conjunction with an ECL chemiluminescence detection system(Roche,Mannheim,Germany)and quantified by scanning densitometry.Statistical analysis.All data are presented as meanÆSEM. Statistical evaluation of the data was performed by Student’s t test for paired or unpaired observations and by analysis of variance (ANOVA).Scheffe’s test for multiple comparisons was used to identify differences among groups.Values were considered to be significantly different at p<0:05.ResultsComparison of the numbers of EPCs from CAD patients and healthy donorsApproximately5Â106mononuclear cells from every CAD patient and healthy control were seeded.The number of EPCs was significantly higher(0:064Æ0:004)in the CAD patients than in the healthy controls (0:032Æ0:004;p<0:01,n¼12in each group) (Fig.1).Comparison of apoptosis of EPCs induced by Hcy from CAD patients and healthy donorsThe apoptosis of EPCs induced by Hcy was examined in the presence of various concentrations of Hcy(0,50, 100,and500m mol/L)over24h and in the presence of 500m mol/L Hcy for0,12h,24h,and48h.As shown inEnhanced Caspase-3Activation in EPCs from CAD Patients1301Fig.2,after 24h Hcy induced a detectable increase in the percentage of apoptotic EPCs with 100m mol/L to 3:8Æ0:8%and 5:1Æ0:9%in healthy donors and CAD patients respectively,with a maximal effect at 500m mol/L (7:4Æ1:2%vs.8:2Æ0:8%,p <0:05),andalso after 48h of treatment (13:7Æ1:3%vs.15:9Æ0:9%,p <0:05)in healthy donors and CAD patients.Hcy induced ER-dependent caspase-3activation in EPCs from CAD patients and healthy donorsCaspase-3activation of EPCs induced by Hcy was examined in the presence of various concentrations of Hcy (0,50,100,and 500m mol/L)for 24h and in the presence of 500m mol/L Hcy for 0,12h,24h,and 48h.Hcy induced caspase-3activity in a dose-and time-dependent manner in healthy donors and CAD patients,with a maximal effect at 500m mol/L (3:8Æ0:5-and 4:7Æ0:4-fold increases vs.control untreated cells;p <0:05,n ¼6in each group)and after 48h of treatment (4:8Æ0:5-and 5:7Æ0:4-fold increases vs.untreated cells;p <0:05,n ¼6in each group)(Fig.3A and B).To determine whether the caspase-3activation in-duced by Hcy is a result of endoplasmic reticulum stress,we used salubrinal,a cell-permeant,selectiveinhibitorparison of Numbers of Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs)from Patients with Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)and Healthy Donors.Mononuclear cells from CAD patients and healthy controls (5Â106per subject)were seeded.Values are mean ÆSEM .ÃÃp <0:01as compared with healthy donors (n ¼12).ABparison of Apoptotic Rates of EPCs from Patients with CAD and Healthy Donors in the Presence of Various Concentrations ofHomocysteine (Hcy)(0,50,100,and 500m mol/L)for Different Durations (0,12h,24h,and 48h).Values are mean ÆSEM .Ãp <0:05as compared with healthy donors (n ¼6).A BC DFig.3.Hcy-Induced Caspase-3Activation Is Endoplastic Reticulum (ER)-Dependent in EPCs.A,EPCs from CAD patients and healthy donors were incubated with various concentrations of Hcy (0,50,100,and 500m mol/L)for 24h and caspase-3activation was evaluated using a colorimetric activity assay kit.B,EPCs from CAD patients and healthy donors were incubated with 500m mol/L Hcy for different durations (0,12h,24h,and 48h).C and D,Pretreatment for 30min with various concentrations of salubrinal (10,100,200m mol/L)or vehicle with 500m mol/L Hcy for a further 24h.Caspase-3activation and the apoptosis rate of EPCs were measured.Values are mean ÆSEM .Ãp <0:05as compared with healthy donors;y p <0:05as compared with 500m mol/L Hcy-treated cells (n ¼6).1302L.L I et al.of eIF2 dephosphorylation that protects cells from endoplasmic reticulum stress.18)EPCs from healthy donors and CAD donors were stimulated with Hcy (500m mol/L)after pretreatment with various concen-trations of salubrinal(10,100,and200m mol/L)for 30min.The Hcy-evoked increase in caspase-3activity was inhibited by pretreatment with salubrinal in both CAD patients and healthy donors,with a maximum effect at200m mol/L,with1:3Æ0:5-and1:6Æ0:4-fold increases vs.control(untreated cells)in healthy donors and CAD patients respectively(p<0:05,n¼6in each group)(Fig.3C).Figure3D shows that salubrinal inhibited Hcy-induced apoptosis of EPCs from healthy donors and CAD patients.Hcy mobilized Ca2þfrom intracellular poolsThe intracellular free calcium concentration and [Ca2þ]ER were measured in the presence of50,100, and500m mol/L Hcy.In a Ca2þ-free medium,treat-ment of fura-2-loaded EPCs with Hcy induced a dose-dependent increase in cytosolic Ca2þdue to Ca2þrelease from intracellular Ca2þcompartments.Cyto-solic Ca2þconcentrations,both at rest and after stimulation with Hcy,were significantly greater in CAD patients than in healthy donors(Fig.4A–D).To investigate further the ability of Hcy to release Ca2þfrom intracellular stores,EPCs were loaded with fura-FF,a common tool to measure compartmentalized Ca2þ.In addition,cells were loaded with dimethyl BAPTA and suspended in a Ca2þ-free medium (100m mol/L EGTA added)to avoid interference with cytosolic and with extracellular Ca2þrespectively.As shown in Fig.4E,Hcy(0,50,100,and500m mol/L) decreased[Ca2þ]ER due to Ca2þrelease in a dose-dependent manner.The Ca2þremaining in the stores after10min of treatment with Hcy was estimated by the addition of TG(1m mol/L),an inhibitor of sarcoendoplasmic Ca2þATPase,in combination with ionomycin(50nmol/L),to deplete the intracellular Ca2þstores fully(Fig.4F).ACEBDFFig.4.Hcy Mobilized Ca2þfrom Intracellular Pools in EPCs.Fura-2-loaded EPCs from CAD patients and healthy donors were suspended in a Ca2þ-free medium and then treated with Hcy(50,100, 500m mol/L).A–C,Traces are representative of four independent experiments.D,Values are meansÆSEM.Ãp<0:05as compared with healthy donors.EPCs from healthy donors were loaded with fura-FF and dimethyl1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N0,N0-tetraacetic acid and suspended in a Ca2þ-free medium.Cells were stimulated with Hcy(10,100,500m mol/L)and changes in[Ca2þ]ER were monitored.E, Traces are representative of four independent experiments.F,Ca2þremaining in the stores after10min of treatment with Hcy was estimated by adding a combination of thapsigargin and ionomycin to deplete the intracellular Ca2þstores fully.Values are meanÆSEM.Ãp<0:05as compared with untreated cells.Enhanced Caspase-3Activation in EPCs from CAD Patients1303Hcy induced UPR activation in EPCs from CAD patients and healthy donorsSince Hcy induces Ca2þefflux from intracellular stores,which can induce ER stress,UPR activation was detected by immunoblotting using specific anti-phos-pho-eIF2 and anti-Grp78antibodies.As shown in Fig.5A and B,in a Ca2þ-free medium,Hcy(500 m mol/L)induced time-dependent phosphorylation of eIF2 and expression of Grp78.These were signifi-cantly greater in the EPCs from the CAD patients than from the healthy donors.The maximal effect of Hcy was obtained after48h of treatment in CAD patients and healthy donors.In a medium containing1mmol/L of Ca2þ,similar results were obtained for the phos-phorylation of eIF2 and the expression of Grp78(data not shown).Since prolonged or severe ER stress is linked to the triggering of programmed cell death,the effect of Hcy on CHOP,a major ER stress-inducible pro-apoptotic transcription factor that operates as a downstream component of the ER-stress pathway,was investigated. We found that CHOP expression increased after treatment with Hcy(500m mol/L)for various times (0,12,24,and48h).Maximum CHOP expression was obtained at48h of exposure to Hcy(Fig.5C).In a medium containing1mmol/L of Ca2þ,similar results were obtained for the expression of CHOP(data not shown).DiscussionIn this study,we confirmed the observations of Bao7) and Alam,19)who reported that Hcy induces apoptosis of peripheral EPCs in vitro.We report for thefirst time that the Hcy-induced apoptotic potential of EPCs from patients with CAD was higher than that from healthy donors.Furthermore,Hcy-induced EPC apop-tosis was operational via ER stress-mediated caspase-3 activation.Patients with CAD show decreased numbers of EPCs with impaired functions,which can be due to several mechanisms such as calcium signaling and oxidative stress.The imbalance between oxygen radical genera-tion and antioxidant power plays an important role in the pathogenesis of Hcy-related vascular pathology,and oxidative stress has been found to be involved in the development of vascular and blood cell apoptosis, including EPCs.7)We report for thefirst time that Hcy induced ER stress in EPCs,independently of extracel-lular Ca2þlevels,by promoting Ca2þefflux from intracellular stores.The mechanism underlying Ca2þrelease from intracellular stores by Hcy was not further investigated,but it is probably attributable to the oxidant actions of Hcy.Oxygen radicals have been reported to induce Ca2þrelease in various cell types,including endothelial cells,20)smooth muscle cells,21)and cardio-myocytes.22)ABCFig.5.Hcy Induced Unfolded Protein Response(UPR)Activation in EPCs.EPCs from healthy donors and CAD patients were treated in a Ca2þ-free medium with500m mol/L of Hcy for various durations,and eIF2 phosphorylation and Grp78and CHOP expression were determined by immunoblotting.GAPDH was assayed to verify equal loading of cell lysates.The left panels show representative immunoblots,indicating that Hcy induced eIF2 phosphorylation and Grp78and CHOP expression in a time-dependent manner.The three right panels show quantification of the bands by densitometry.Results are normalized to the levels of GAPDH and are shown as percentages of untreated control cells from four independent experiments.Ãp<0:05as compared with healthy donors.1304L.L I et al.In our study,Hcy enhanced phosphorylation of eIF2 at Ser,and increased the expression of Grp78and CHOP in a time-dependent manner.Other ER stress activators, such as TG can increase Grp78and CHOP,confirming the ability of Hcy to induce ER stress in EPCs.ER stress has been suggested to lead to the activation of certain caspases,including caspase-3,caspase-4,and caspase-9.23)We found that Hcy caused time-and dose-depend-ent activation of caspase-3.The activation of caspase-3 is probably attributable to ER stress,since salubrinal,a cell-permeant inhibitor of eIF2 phosphatase at Ser, prevented the caspase-3activation induced by Hcy. However,another mechanism might be involved in Hcy-induced caspase-3activation.Alam et al.reported that Hcy induces apoptosis in EPCs through the mitochon-drial pathway.19)We found that high concentrations of Hcy induced greater survival/rescue molecules,phosphorylated eIF2 and Grp78expression,and apoptotic molecules, and enhanced CHOP and activated caspase-3expression in peripheral EPCs from CAD patients.Thesefindings might be explained by a loss of efficiency of the UPR due to UPR dysfunction induced by Hcy.UPR dysfunc-tion has been found in a number of disorders,including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,24)renal disorders,25) and diabetes mellitus.Additional evidence suggests that ER stress and UPR dysfunction play important roles in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis,contributing to endothelium dysfunction.26)Here we report for thefirst time that there was UPR dysfunction in CAD.Our finding that Hcy-induced EPC actions,including Ca2þmobilization,eIF2 phosphorylation,Grp78and CHOP expression,and caspase-3activation,were significantly greater in patients with CAD than in healthy donors, suggests that Hcy is more efficient at inducing EPC effects in CAD patients than in healthy donors.Taken together with the reported higher Hcy levels in CAD patients,thesefindings suggest that plasma Hcy plays an important role in the pathogenesis of HHcy-related vascular pathology.Our results indicate that ER stress, and subsequently eIF2 phosphorylation and Grp78and CHOP expression,were similar in EPCs from healthy donors and CAD patients at rest.This might be because, despite thefinding that resting[Ca2þ]c in EPCs from CAD patients was enhanced as compared with healthy controls,the amount of Ca2þaccumulated in the stores was comparable in the EPCs from CAD patients and healthy donors.Thus,the ER stress level at rest was comparable in the EPCs from CAD patients and healthy donors.In summary,our results indicate for thefirst time that the Hcy-induced apoptotic potential of EPCs from CAD patients is greater than that from healthy donors. Furthermore,Hcy-induced EPCs apoptosis is opera-tional via ER stress-induced caspase-3activation.The EPCs from CAD patients showed a higher sensitivity to Hcy than those from healthy donors.Thesefindings provide evidence of a new mechanism underlying Hcy-induced apoptosis that might be involved in the patho-genesis of HHcy-related vascular pathology.AcknowledgmentsThis study was partly supported by the Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang Province,China (2006C13018),the Health Bureau of Zhejiang Provence (2009A017,2010KYB017),and the Zhejiang Province Natural Science Foundation(Z2100237,Y2110801). 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