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( ) 1. Who got the first prize in the painting competition

A. Eric.

B. Nancy.

C. Alex.

( ) 2. How does the man usually go to work

A. By bus.

B. On foot.

C. By bike.

( ) 3. What does Betty think of the report

A. It’s bad.

B. It’s excellent.

C. It’s so-so.

( ) 4. How many times has the man been to America

A. Once.

B. Twice.

C. Never.

( ) 5. How much will the man pay

A. $ 55.

B. $ 95.

C. $ 110.




( ) 6. What’s the relationship between the two speakers

A. Sister and brother.

B. Teacher and student.

C. Mother and son. ( ) 7. Where are they

A. At home.

B. At school.

C. In an office.


( ) 8. When does Mary go to practice singing

A. On Wednesday evenings.

B. On Saturday afternoons.

C. On Sunday mornings.

( ) 9. Why does she hardly ever go to concerts

A. Because she quite enjoys being alone.

B. Because she doesn’t have much money.

C. Because she likes watching TV at home.


( ) 10. What are they mainly talking about

A. Holiday activities.

B. Weekend plans.

C. Favorite movies.

( ) 11. How does the woman like Ice Age 4

A. It’s great.

B. It’s funny.

C. It’s boring.

( ) 12. When will they meet

A. At 4:00.

B. At 6:00.

C. At 8:00.


( ) 13. What is Panda Express

A. A zoo.

B. A movie.

C. A

( ) 14. Where will they probably visit next

A. A museum.

B. A park.

C. A beach.

( ) 15. Where will they meet when they get back

A. At the bus.

B. At the restaurant.

C. At the hotel.第三节


A. Town Cinema

B. Old Town School

C. Bus Stop

D. Old John Hotel

E. Flower Shop

16. ________ 17. ________ 18. ________ 19. ________ 20. ________



( ) 21. She has got two cats now. ______ black and white one is called Rosie and ______ brown one Joseph.

A. The; a

B. A; the

C. The; the

D. A; a

( ) 22. If you want to change the world, you have to ______ yourself first.

A. enjoy

B. check

C. help

D. change

( ) 23. He has born in Italy, but he has made China his ______.

A. family

B. address

C. house

D. home

( ) 24. ---What ______ the noise, Bill

---Sorry, I broke my glass.

A. is

B. was

C. has been

D. will be

( ) 25. My grandpa told a good story, but I told a ______ one.

A. good

B. better

C. best

D. worse

( ) 26. ---Dad, must we wait until the light becomes green

---Yes, I’m afraid we ______. That’s the traffic rule.

A. can

B. may

C. have to

D. need

( ) 27. ---Hey, Tom. Let’s go swimming.

---Just a moment. I ______ a message.

A. send

B. sent

C. am sending

D. have sent ( ) 28. ---Excuse me. I’m looking for Be the Best of Yourself.

---Sorry. The book you ask for ______ out.

A. is selling

B. is sold

C. was selling

D. will be sold

( ) 29. ---What did you get ______ your birthday, Tony

---An iPad3, for my aunt.

A. to

B. at

C. with

D. for

( ) 30. ______ a light when necessary. You will bring light to other people and yourself.

A. Try on

B. Get on

C. Turn on

D. Put on ( ) 31. He thinks himself somebody, but we think him ______.

A. nobody

B. anybody

C. somebody

D. everybody
