Examiners’ Report Principal Examiner Feedback October 2020Pearson Edexcel GCEMusic Technology (9MT0)Paper 04:Producing & AnalysingEdexcel and BTEC QualificationsEdexcel and BTEC qualifications are awarded by Pearson, the UK’s largest awarding body. We provide a wide range of qualifications including academic, vocational, occupational and specific programmes for employers. For further information visit our qualifications websites at or . Alternatively, you can get in touch with us using the details on our contact us page at /contactus.Pearson: helping people progress, everywherePearson aspires to be the world’s leading learning company. Our aim is to help everyone progress in their lives through education. We believe in every kind of learning, for all kinds of people, wherever they are in the world. We’ve been involved in education for over 150 years, and by working across 70 countries, in 100 languages, we have built an international reputation for our commitment to high standards and raising achievement through innovation in education. Find out more about how we can help you and your students at: /ukOctober 2018Publications Code 9MT0_04_2010_ERAll the material in this publication is copyright© Pearson Education Ltd 2018Pearson Education Limited. Registered company number 872828with its registered office at 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL, United Kingdom9MT0/04 Principal Examiner’s Report to Centres 2020This paper is the paper that was going to be used in June 2020. It wasn’t changed in any way because of Covid-19. This was a re-sit paper for candidates who weren’t happy with their Teacher Assessed Grade. Consequently, only 22 candidates sat this paper. All scripts were marked by the Chief Examiner because no other examiners were required for such a small cohort.Despite the small cohort, all questions reflected a full range of responses. Paper totals ranged from 15 to 90.With the practical questions, if the examiner cannot hear the work clearly, it cannot be credited. Many candidates could not be credited for work they may have done because they did not solo the track or left the metronome on.Centres were well prepared for the examination. There weren’t any of the normal problems with muddled CD files or CDs missing etc. However, there were some missing word processor cover sheets. Also, please ensure that the CDs are data CDs, not audio CDs; about half of the CDs were audio CDs which meant that the candidate’s details weren’t imbedded in the files.In general, for questions 1-4, please export the whole song from bar 1. This makes it much easier for examiners to align the audio for assessment. Also it reduces the risk of candidates missing part of their bounce.Question 1This question was intended to be a series of short answer and accessible questions to ease the candidates into the exam. These gradually got harder throughout question 1.(a) Most candidates correctly identified the cymbal was reversed.(b) Most candidates correctly identified bar 21.(c) The closed hi-hat was often missed out completely, maybe because it played the same rhythm at the kick drum and candidates didn’t notice it.(d) This question required the simple process of dragging the out of time audio in time, then copy and pasting an extra kick in bar 30. Many candidates scored good marks here, but there were some unexpected responses. Some candidates time stretched the drums to make them in time for most of 23-29, but then the rest of the song was out of time and the section 23-29 gradually drifted out of time. Some candidates, instead of copying an extra kick into bar 30, dragged all of bars 30-33 back a beat, so the final kick of the song was missing.Question 2Question 2 tested the candidates’ knowledge and understanding of MIDI sequencing and synthesis. (a) Many candidates obtained 2 marks, showing that candidates had been well prepared for the new technical numeracy part of the specification.(b)Only the best candidates noticed that the release was very short, many leaving an audible tail presumably from a preset. Some candidates chose a close preset so managed to score a couple of marks by being close enough, e.g. for the waveform. Some candidates left the MIDI file on a default piano and didn’t change the octave so scored 0.(c) This was mostly answered well. Some candidates introduced rhythm errors to other parts of the song.Question 3Question 3 was testing wave theory, and then audio editing.(a)(i)(ii)(iii) Most candidates got these correct. For part (i), many answered “saw” possibly thinking of the waveform of the timbre rather than the LFO that is modulating the sound.(a)(iv) Technical numeracy is the new aspect of the 2018 specification that was introduced following feedback during re-development from universities. Candidates had to perform a calculation to work out the frequency of the LFO having been given some clues about its period. Candidates received some marks for some working if it was clear to follow. Often candidates didn’t know how to convert from time domain to frequency domain, i.e. f=1/T. A few good candidates successfully scored 4 marks.(a)(v) Many candidates mislabelled the graph x-axis, mistaking frequency for time. Many candidates squandered marks by not presenting diagrams and labelling accurate enough to credit; it was too roughly drawn, e.g. the period wasn’t clearly labelled from peak to peak but about 0.8 of the period instead. Error carried forward from (a)(i) was credited with wave shape.(b) & (c)(i) These were very easy questions intended to guide candidates through c(ii) so most candidates scored full marks.(c) This question required candidates to create a bassline that played in unison with the synth riff from a small segment of given audio. Most of the bassline could be generated by looping but some copy and pasting of individual notes was required for the variations. The click in the given audio was made deliberately intrusive so candidates had to work hard to remove it. The easiest way to remove it was to re-draw the sample that caused the click, however nearly all candidates that attempted click removal did it with fading with varying degrees of success.The most common audio submission was the bass just looped throughout, completely ignoring the fills that the candidate had correctly identified in (c)(i), e.g. bar 13 was just looped through and the rest was missing in bar 29. Some candidates who tried to edit bar 13 had incorrect pitches and rhythm. Some candidates left the synth riff and piano in the bounce so clicks could not be assessed.No candidate scored full marks for this question; all candidates had different issues that prevented them scoring 8, e.g. a click or a wrong note in bar 13.Question 4Question 4 was testing the candidates’ understanding of data compression formats.(a) As usual with gating questions, weaker candidates made incorrect references to certain frequencies being cut. Other candidates incorrectly that the vocals were cut without carefully listening to the audio; the vocals are intact in the recording. Only the best candidates noticed the issue with the breaths.(b) This memory recall question was mostly answered correctly showing that candidates showed knowledge about what lossy compression was. However, in later questions it was apparent that they didn’t understand it.(c) Many responses seemed random with no understanding of the various formats. Like any multiple choice question, some candidate’s lucked into 1 mark by filling in the boxes. Only a couple of candidates got this question correct.(d)(i) Most candidates showed a complete lack of understanding of data compression and incorrectly responded with references to sibilance. Only 2 or 3 candidates correctly identified the artefacts.(d)(ii) The artefacts are deliberately really noticeable in this recording, but not indecipherable like 1kbps. This was mostly answered incorrectly. There were some lucky guesses (judging by the understanding in the other questions). The best candidates understood that 40kbps would create the noticeable artefacts in the recording.(e) This question required candidates to interpret some graphical information to compare a lossy data compressed format with an uncompressed audio file.Candidates who just memorised information from revision without understanding it could not score very highly in this question because it was designed to test higher levels of understanding: candidates not only had to recall and use technical vocabulary associated with frequency response and noise, but interpret the unfamiliar data given in the graphs, and then evaluate the sound quality of the two formats.Most candidates seemed slightly confused as to what they were looking at: they showed no comprehension of the vertical lines being sine waves and the other signal being the noise. There were many incorrect references to AAC being louder than CD; these candidates were looking at the noise and assuming that was the wanted signal (rather than unwanted noise). Some even said that it was louder because it was compressed (confusing dynamic compression with data compression). Some candidates even incorrectly said that CD was data compressed (because it is compact) and AAC was not data compressed so was better; they were completely ignoring the information in the graphs.There were many confused and unclear answers that used technical terms but made no sense, mimicking learning. These weren’t credited. Some responses were a whole page of uncreditworthy text.No marks were given for “better sound quality”; this was not precise enough. Candidates needed to refer to frequency response and signal to noise ratio to be credited.Noticing that CD had a flat frequency response scored the most common mark. Some candidates went on to state that AAC had a reduced high frequency response.Only the best handful of candidates scored decent marks by fully understanding what the graphs were showing and linking that to how the audio will sound in practice.As it was designed to, this question differentiated across the higher grades successfully.Question 5This question has a range of editing, processing and effects-based tasks to cater for a wide range of candidate ability. Although all questions differentiated across the grade range, they were targeted at different ability levels. Question (a) was targeted at E candidates, (b) was targeted a little higher, gradually building until (e) which was aimed at A candidates.Candidates should answer the questions and not add other creative panning, dynamic processing, EQ and effects not specified in the question. Otherwise full credit may not be given because the processing that the question asks for may not be clearly audible.(a) The majority of candidates were successful at panning the synth riff. Some weaker candidates were a little sloppy with the placement of automation so the transients were not hard panned properly.(b) This task was mostly successfully completed. The most common problem that candidates had was that the cut-off frequency either started too low, or was too slow to rise so the synth riff was not audible in bar 10.(c) Candidates struggled with this question even though a lot of clues were given in question 3. Most students used some kind of tremolo or gating, but the rhythm was incorrect. The best students scored 3 marks with the correct rhythm. There were some unsuccessful attempts with chorus etc.(d) I was very impressed that many candidates did this task correctly. There are several steps so it’s quite tricky. Firstly, the candidate needed to work out what the pitch should be, and then re-pitch the word without introducing significant artefacts. Most candidates scored 3 for a correct re-pitching. There were many 0 for no attempt. A few re-pitched to the wrong note, or introduced a glitch on the edit point.(e) This question was aimed at A/A* candidates. Therefore, it is expected that most candidates would be unsuccessful at completing it. Because this was quite an involved task, the paper gave clues in the bullet points to guide the candidates’ listening to the example in bar 6-7. Ideally candidates would put a very long reverb on an aux send followed by a gate which is side-chained to the drums; the threshold would need to be adjusted so that a choppy rhythm in the reverb is generated. Candidates less than about a B grade did not score more than 1 mark for some kind of reverb added, or gating on the dry vocal ruining the mix balance. A few candidates correctly set up the side chaining reverb but still failed to score full marks because the rhythm wasn’t as intricate as the example; the gate was only being triggered by the kick rather than the intricate rhythm of the other drums. Though not perfect, one candidate of the 22 candidates scored a full 6 marks, with a decent attempt at recreating the rhythm.(f) The stems are deliberately mastered at wildly varying volumes to ensure that the candidate needed to listen (rather than look at fader positions) to earn credit. The best candidates that used their ears to balance all five parts achieved full marks. Many candidates had a tendency to leave the drums too quiet as in the original audio files.(g) Unlike most years, tails were left intact this year. However, the main problem was candidates leaving 2 seconds (1 whole bar) at the start.Question 6It’s important that the candidates write clearly, or use a word processor. There was one example where even after trying to decipher it, I couldn’t read much of the writing so couldn’t credit it.There were two candidates who left this question blank even though the rest of the paper was quite good. Did they not see the question having completed their mix?Also it was important to clearly state which guitar the candidate was discussing. There were a few examples where this wasn’t stated or even implied so credited could not be given because some of the settings were opposite or different for the different guitars.This question was designed to differentiate across all of the grades, including A*. E grade students tended to score about 4 marks. Only A students showed an intuitive understanding and scored more than 15 marks. Two candidates scored a full 20 marks. Similarly to 4(e), candidates are expected to apply their knowledge to an unfamiliar diagram/picture and extrapolate how it would sound.The vast majority of candidates were able to score some AO3 credit by identifying the types of EQ used. One candidate regurgitated their revision by citing reams of gating theory but had little evaluation of how the guitars would sound so credit would be limited as explained in the opening paragraph of the mark scheme.AO4 marks were awarded for describing the impact of the parameters on the sound, and the suitability of these settings in a mix. It was intended that some of the features of the mix required improvement, e.g. the gate threshold on the rhythm guitars which would yield silence! Only a few students noticed this. Many students confused gating with compression, thinking that the gate was a compressor.There was much incorrect terminology with the parametric EQs. Many candidates incorrectly referred to these as a notch filter or BPF.Noting that the guitars were hard panned resulting in a wide stereo picture was the easiest AO4 mark to score.Very few candidates commented on the routing, e.g. insert order, reverb as inserts.The best responses discussed the merits of opposite EQs on the different guitars, correctly described how the gating would sound and commented on the suitability of the reverb.。
1、E/emark法规介绍 2、认证图册 3、起源 4、分类 5、E、e编号 6、要求 7、应用范围 8、产品认证/认证介绍 9、认证流程 10、工程更改 11、特别说明
❖ 2002年10月起,根据欧盟指令72/245/EEC,以及修正指 令95/54/EC的要求,凡是进入欧盟市场进行销售的汽车电 子电器类产品,必须通 过e-Mark相关测试认证,标贴e标 志,欧盟各国海关才会予以放行,准许进入当地市场。通 常ECE成员愿意接收符合ECE法规的测试报告及证书。E 标志证书涉及的产品是零部件及系统部件,没有整车认证 的相应法规,获得E标志认证的产品,是为市场所接受的。 国内常见E标志认证产品有汽车灯泡,安全玻 璃、轮胎、 三角警示牌、车用电子产品等,E标志认证的执行测试机 构一般是ECE成员国的技术服务机构。
❖ E标志源于欧洲经济委员会(Economic Commission for Europe, 简称ECE)颁布的法规(Regulation)。当前ECE包 括欧洲28个国家,除欧盟成员国外,还包括东欧,南欧等 非欧国家。ECE法规是推荐各成员适用,不是强制性标准。 成员国可以套用ECE法规,也可以延用本国法规。当前从 市场需求来看,通常ECE成员愿意接收符合ECE法规的测 试报告及证书。E标志证书涉及的产品是零部件及系统部 件,没有整车认证的相应法规。获得E标志认证的产品, 是为市场所接受的。国内常见E标志认证产品有汽车灯泡, 安全玻璃,轮胎,三角警示牌,车用电子产品等。E标志 认证的执行测试机构一般是ECE成员国的技术服务机构。 E标志证书的发证机构是ECE成员国的政府部门。
印度 仪器认证标准
DOE 认证标准法规: 美国联邦法规:10CFR429 和 10CFR430;其中 10CFR429 规定了样品选用规范 和报告规范;10CFR430 规定了测试方法和符合性宣告规范。
DOE 认证主要涵盖的产品: Battery Chargers (充电器类):蓝牙耳机、蓝牙音响、运动手环、手
机、平板、车载 DVD、MP3、MP4 等带小容量电池的产品; External Power Supplies(电源适配器):平常使用的手机、平板等的
提供样品测试 实验室测试 实验室出报告 实验室安排注册
DOE 认证注意事项 DOE 认证要求申请商或者进口商为美国公司,所有没有美国公司是申请不 了 DOE 认证的。
DOE 认证详细介绍以及具体产品类
DOE 认证简介(电源必须达到 6 级 DOE 能效)
美国能源部(Department of Energy)简称 DOE. DOE 依据美国能效相关法 规颁布了 DOE 认证,这便是 DOE 认证的来源。 DOE 颁布 DOE 认证其主要的目的是节能减排、帮助用户节约电能,从而达到 降低能耗需求、减少温室效应等相关作用。现在所有在 DOE 认证范畴内的产 品都需要满足最新法令法规的要求。
|||生活|一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就这么忘记了..|-----郭敬明认证大全产品认证:如:CE认证,UL认证,CCC认证,CB认证,E认证,GS认证,VDE认证;德国认证:德国GS(Germany safety)安全认证标志认证;德国VDE(Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker)电气工程师协会标准认证:德国TUV(TUV Rheinland Group)莱茵公司认证;德国VDA6认证;美洲认证:美国CUL(Canadian underwriter laboratory)(相当于加拿大的UL认证);美国NRTL(National recognized Testing Lab)国家认可实验室认证;美国UL(Underwriters Laboratories)安全检验实验室认证;美国EPA(U.S Environmental Protection Agency)环境保护署认证;美国CIPN(Certificated International Professional Negotiat Negotiant)注册国际谈判师认证美国ETL(ETL Testing Laboratories Inc)测试实验室公司认证;美国Energy Star能源之星认证;美洲UC认证;美国FCC(Federation Communication Certification)联邦通信委员会通讯认证/电磁兼容认证;美国ASME(American Society of Mechanical Engineers)机械工程师学会认证;美国ANS标准认证;美国SEI(安全保护设备研究所)认证;美国CPSC消费者协会认证;北美NEBC认证;美国ASTM认证;北美ENTELA认证(ENgineering TEsting LAboratory);美国SNELL认证;美国CQ&R认证;美国DTCMC(Discreet Training Center Management Center);美国SAE机动车工程师学会认证;美国PCM公司认证;日本PSE产品安全认证;日本T-MARK政府强制性认证;日本JATE电气通信终端产品审查协会认证;日本VCCI志愿干扰控制委员会电磁兼容认证;日本JIS(Japanese Industrial Sign)工业标志认证;日本JQA(Japan Quality Assurance)品质保证机构认证;日本S-MARK安全认证标志;日本JET电气用品实验所认证;日本VCCEI认证;日本JISC认证;日本VCC1认证;日本VCC2认证;日本RCJ认证;加拿大认证:加拿大CSA(Canadian Standards Association)标准协会认证;加拿大IC(Industry Canada)工业部认证;加拿大QMI认证;加拿大Corel认证;荷兰认证:荷兰KAMA科码认证;英国认证:英国BS(British Standard)标准协会认证;英国UCL(University College London)伦敦大学学院认证;英国QEC认证;英国LLOYD`S劳氏认证;英国AMBA(Association of MBA)工商管理硕士协会认证;英国MBA工商管理硕士;英国OHSMS18000:职业安全卫生安全管理体系;英国OHS(其他职业健康与安全标准);澳大利亚认证:澳大利亚SAA安全认证;澳大利亚C-TICK电磁容容认证;澳洲RCM法则符合标志认证;韩国认证:韩国KTL认证韩国KS认证;韩国KSA认证;韩国EK-Mark认证;韩国RRL认证;欧盟/欧洲认证:欧盟Key-mark认证;太阳能认证欧盟EMC电磁兼容认证;欧盟CEV认证;欧盟GMP认证;欧盟LVD(Low Voltage Differential)低电压电气设备认证;欧盟CE欧盟安全认证,;欧盟EEC认证;欧盟PPE认证;欧盟ENEC标准电气认证;欧盟E-mark认证;欧洲EN71认证(玩具);欧洲Ergonomics-Mark人体工学标志认证;欧洲EN46000管理体系认证;Nordic标志北欧四国安全认证标志;欧盟ECE认证;欧美汽车工业标准DOT;欧盟VDA6.1汽车行业标准认证;欧盟EMI电磁传导干扰认证;欧盟EMC(Electro magnetic compatibility)(包括EMI、EMS);欧洲HAR认证;欧盟ENEN认证;欧洲ETSI电信标准协会认证;欧洲EQUIS管理发展基金会针对工商学院国际性质量认证体系,欧洲最严格质量认证体系;欧盟WEEE认证;欧盟ROHS认证;欧洲ENS(European Norms, Ens)标准认证;意大利认证:意大利IMQ质量标志院认证;意大利IG认证;意大利ETS/RTS认证;挪威认证:挪威N-Norway认证;挪威NEMKO电器标准协会认证;挪威DNV认证;丹麦认证:丹麦Demko电器标准协会认证;芬兰认证:芬兰CDCC认证;中东认证:沙特沙特阿拉伯SASO(Saudi Arabia Standard Organization)标准组织认证;科威特工业管理局PAI认证;沙特GCC认证;沙特GEC认证;伊朗VOC认证;中国认证:中国CCC认证;中国CQC自愿性产品认证;中国CCLC北京中轻联认证中心;中国CSC中标认证中心;中国CCIC商品检验公司;中国CNAB国家认证机构认可委员会;中国GSG强制性产品认证;中国CEMC电磁兼容认证中心;中国CAL国家认证认可监督管理委员会认证;中国CNACL实验室国家认可认证;中国CNAL国家实验室认证;中国CSQA船级社质量认证;中国GSP(Good Supplying Practice)认证;中国CEPREI认证;中国电子音响协会A标认证;俄罗斯认证:俄罗斯GOST-GOSSTANDARD-Russia;国际性认证:国际电工委员会IEC60968;国际电工委员会60969认证;国际CETL认证;国际ITS认证;国际IEC国际电工认证;ISO9001:2000认证;ISO9002认证;ISO9003认证;ISO17799/BS-779信息安全认证;ISO13485认证;ISO14000环境体系认证;ISO14001:2004版;ISO14001:1996版;ISO14000:清洁生产与环境管理体系;ISO14012:环境审核指南;ISO14010:环境审核指南--通用原则;ISO 14011:环境审核指南--审核程序--环境管理体系审核;ISO14004;TL9000电信业质量管理体系;国际SAFETY产品安全测试实验室认证;IQNET国际认证联盟;台湾认证:台湾BSMI(bureau of Standards ,Metrology and Inspection)标准局强制性认证;台湾BCIQ认证;台湾NCC认证;泰国认证:泰国TAS认证(由泰国国家认可委员会办公室(设在泰国工业部之下的政府机构)具体运作和执行,对按照国际要求有能力进行特定活动的认证机构提供正式的认可);泰国TISI认证;香港认证:香港OFTA(Hong Kong Office of the Telecommunication Authority)香港电讯管理局认证;香港HKAS (Hong Kong Accreditation Service)实验室认证;香港HKSI(Hongkong Safety Identification)安全认证中心;香港STCC认证;香港HKQAA认证;澳大利亚:澳大利亚AS/NZS认证;澳大利亚DE-ESB认证;SMA认证;比利时认证:比利时CEBEC认证;英国认证:英国BSI认证;英国皇家皇冠认证标志UKAS;英国BST自助终端产品的强制性认证;英国BEAB认证;英国ASTA认证;英国M&S认证;英国BS8800职业健康与安全标准认证;瑞士认证:瑞士SEV认证;瑞士电工协会(Swiss Electrotechnical Association)SEA认证;瑞士SGS通用公证行产品/体系认证;瑞士专业雇员联盟TCO质量与环境认证;瑞士IMD认证;瑞典认证:瑞典SEMKO电器标准协会;瑞典SWEDEN认证;瑞典CCV通信设施认证;法国认证:法国NF认证;法国LCIE-SNQ认证;法国BVQI认证;法国UTE(UNION TECHNIQUE DE L’ELECTRITE)电工技术联合会认证;阿根廷认证:阿根廷IRAM认证;阿根廷SMARK认证;奥地利认证:奥地利OVE认证;奥地利VE认证;巴西认证:巴西CVV认证;巴西ABNT认证;巴西INMETRO认证;保加利亚认证:保加利亚BDS认证;保加利亚VVV认证;南非认证:南非标准局SABS认证;智利认证:智利INN认证;哥伦比亚认证:哥伦比亚ICONTEC认证;古巴NC认证;捷克认证:捷克EZU认证;埃及认证:埃及EOS认证;希腊认证:希腊ELOT认证;匈牙利认证:匈牙利MEEI认证;波兰认证:波兰CBJW认证;波兰BBJ.认证;冰岛认证:冰岛RER认证;印度认证:印度ISI认证;印度STQC认证;印尼认证:印尼SNI认证;爱尔兰认证:爱尔兰NSAI认证;卢森堡认证:卢森堡SEE认证;马亚西亚认证:马来西亚SIRIM国家水务局及计量认证组织认证;马来西亚标准工业研究院SIRIM. JBE (ST)认证;墨西哥认证:墨西哥DGN认证;墨西哥NOM认证;新西兰SANZ认证;秘鲁认证:秘鲁ITINTEC认证;以色列认证:以色列SII.认证;以色列Indi.认证;菲律宾认证:菲律宾PSA认证;波兰认证:波兰PCBC认证;葡萄牙认证:葡萄牙IPQ认证;新加坡认证:新加坡SISIR认证;新加坡PSB认证;新加坡IDA认证;斯洛伐克认证:斯洛伐克SVPU认证;西班牙认证:西班牙AENOR认证;土耳其认证:土耳其TSE认证;。
DELTA MKSIssuerSpecificationSurfacePHR ZNT ZNFE SW ZNFE SW ZNFE SI ZNNIV SI ZNS2 ZNS3 ZNNID SW ZNNID SW ZNNID SI ZNNID SI 10 / PHR 20 / ZNT 30 / ZNFE 40 / ZNS 50 / ZNS SW 55 / ZNS SIBaseZnph + Öl Zn ZnFe ZnFe ZnFe ZnNi Zincflake Zincflake ZnNi ZnNi ZnNi ZnNi Znph Zn ; ZnFe ZnFe Zincflake Zincflake ZincflakepassivationDörken-ProductCoating thickness / weightCorossion protection against white redBMWBMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMWGS 90010GS 90010 GS 90010 GS 90010 GS 90010 GS 90010 GS 90010 GS 90010 GS 90010 GS 90010 GS 90010 GS 90010transparent appropriate passivation Zn-phosphate DELTACOLL® 80 black DELTACOLL® 80 GZ black (threaded parts ) ZnFe min. 5µm 0,5-2 µm SEALer ZnFe min. 5µm; 0,5-2 µm SEALer 240 h 120h 480h 480hDELTA-PROTEKT® KL100 DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 301 GZ appropriate passivation appropriate passivation appropriate passivation appropriate passivation DELTACOLL® 80 black DELTACOLL® 80 GZ black ( threaded parts ) DELTACOLL® 80 transparent DELTACOLL® 80 GZ transparent ( threaded parts )min. 8µm min. 8 µm ZnNi min. 6 µm; SEALer min. 6 µm ZnNi min. 6 µm; SEALer min. 6 µm ZnNi min. 6 µm; SEALer min. 6 µm ZnNi min. 6 µm SEALer min. 6 µm 1-4 µm 6h (DIN 50021-SS) 8h in non-threaded areas 48 h480h 720h 10 cycles VDA; ISO 4541, or per request 720h SS 10 cycles VDA; ISO 4541, or per request 720h SS 10 cycles VDA; ISO 4541, or per request 720h SS 10 cycles VDA; ISO 4541, or per request 720h SSN 600 00.0N 600 00.0 N 600 00.0 N 600 00.0 N 600 00.0 N 600 00.0transparent black chromate DELTA®-TONE 9000 DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ black DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ silvermin. 5µm min. 5µm min. 5µm min. 10µm min. 10µm360h 480h240h 360hThese information are based on our current knowledge and our interpretation of the specifications. No legal guarantee can be derived from our information. 06.06.2007/Rev.13DELTA MKSIssuerSpecificationSurfaceBasepassivationDörken-ProductCoating thickness / weightCorossion protection against white redDaimlerChryslerDaimler-Chrysler Daimler-Chrysler Daimler-Chrysler Daimler-Chrysler Daimler-ChryslerDBL 8440DBL 8440 DBL 8440 DBL 8440 DBL 8440 DBL 8440 .21 .22 .23 Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake .20 ZincflakeDELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEAL silver DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH300 DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 B + DELTA®-SEAL black DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEALGZ silver DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 B + DELTA®-SEAL black DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 <30µm <30µm <30µm 240h 240h 480h 480h 480h <30µm 720hDaimler-Chrysler Daimler-Chrysler Daimler-Chrysler Daimler-Chrysler Daimler-ChryslerDBL 8440 DBL 8440 DBL 8440 DBL 8440 DBL 8440.30ZincflakeDELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEAL silver DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 300 DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 B + DELTA®-SEAL black DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ silver DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 B + DELTA®-SEAL black<12µm720h.31 .40 .41Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake<12µm <12µm <12µm240h480h 240h240hThese information are based on our current knowledge and our interpretation of the specifications. No legal guarantee can be derived from our information. 06.06.2007/Rev.13DELTA MKSIssuerDaimler-Chrysler Daimler-Chrysler Daimler-Chrysler Daimler-Chrysler Daimler-Chrysler Daimler-Chrysler Daimler-Chrysler Daimler-Chrysler Daimler-ChryslerSpecificationSurface.15 .16 .66BaseZn Zn ZnNi ZnNi ZnFepassivationDörken-ProductDELTACOLL® 80 GZ transparent DELTACOLL® 80 GZ transparent DELTACOLL® 80 GZ transparent DELTACOLL® 80 GZ transparent DELTACOLL® 80 GZ transparent DELTACOLL® 80 GZ transparent DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + add. lubricationCoating thickness / weightZn: 10-12µm Sealert: 1-2µm Zn: 6-8µm Sealer: 1-2µm ZnNi: 10-15µm Sealer: 1-2µm ZnNi: 6-8µm Sealer: 1-2µm ZnFe: min. 8µm Sealer: 1-2µm ZnFe: 6-8µm Sealer: 1-2µmCorossion protection against white168h 96h 480h 120h 360hred360h 240h 720h 720h 600hDBL 8451 DBL 8451 DBL 8451 DBL 8451 DBL 8451 DBL 8451 DBL 9440DBL 9440 DBL 9440.76 .86 .96ZnFe120h480h.40ZincflakeDELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ silver DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 301 GZBasecoat > 5µm720hDaimler-ChryslerDBL 9441Daimler-ChryslerDBL 9441.40 (d=min. 4,2, for tapping screws) .40 (d=min. 4,for screw connection in thermoplastics) .50 (d=min. 4,2, for tapping screws) .50 (d=min. 4,for screw connection in thermoplastics)ZincflakeDELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100min. 5µm480hZincflakeDELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100min. 5µm480hDaimler-ChryslerDBL 9441ZincflakeDELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEAL blackZincflake min. 4µm; org. min. 6µm; total. Max. 25µm Zincflake min. 4µm; org. min. 6µm; total. Max. 25µm240h480hDaimler-ChryslerDBL 9441ZincflakeDELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEAL black240h480hThese information are based on our current knowledge and our interpretation of the specifications. No legal guarantee can be derived from our information. 06.06.2007/Rev.13DELTA MKSIssuerSpecificationSurfaceBasepassivationDörken-ProductCoating thickness / weightCorossion protection against white redDaimler-ChryslerDELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 300PS 10633Daimler-ChryslerZincflake DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEAL720hDELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL Daimler-Chryslermin. 12,5µm400hPS 7626Zincflake DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ min. 12,5µm 400hDaimler-ChryslerFiatFiat95.75.1295.75.12FAR/ZN/OR FAR/ZN/OR II RIV / EC 5 RIV / EC 5 F RIV / EC 5 LUBZincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake ZincflakeDELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL DELTA®-TONE 9000 / DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 105 DELTA®-TONE 9000 / DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + TT DELTA®-TONE 9000 / DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ DELTA®-TONE 9000 / DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 301 GZ DELTA®-TONE 9000 / DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ DELTA®-TONE 9000 / DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 301 GZmin. 8µm min. 16µm min. 5µm min. 5µm min. 5µm300h 400h 480h 480h 480h9.57513min. 5µm480hRIV / EC 5 PLZincflakemin. 5µm480hmin. 8µm480hRIV / EC 8 PLZincflakemin. 8µm720hThese information are based on our current knowledge and our interpretation of the specifications. No legal guarantee can be derived from our information. 06.06.2007/Rev.13DELTA MKSIssuerSpecificationSurfaceBasepassivationDörken-ProductDELTA®-TONE 9000 / DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ SCHWARZ DELTA®-TONE 9000 / DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VL 450 DELTA®-TONE 9000 / DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ SCHWARZ DELTA®-TONE 9000 / DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VL 450Coating thickness / weightmin. 5µmCorossion protection against white red480hRIV / EC 5 PL NeroZincflakemin. 5µm480hmin. 8µm720hRIV / EC 8 PL NeroZincflakemin. 8µm720hFordFordWSD M21 P10 WSD M21 P11WSD M21 P11min. 15g/m² => min. 5µm B2 ( S303 ) B1 ( S301 ) Zincflake DELTA®-SEAL black DELTA®-TONE 9000 DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL silver min. 28g/m² => min. 8µm min 25g/m² => min. 8µm Basecoat min. 22g/m² => min. 4µm T => min. t min. 20g/m² 6µm i Basecoat 16 / ² i 3 120h 480hFordB2 ( S307 )Zincflake480hFordWSD M21 P11B5Zincflake120hThese information are based on our current knowledge and our interpretation of the specifications. No legal guarantee can be derived from our information. 06.06.2007/Rev.13DELTA MKSIssuerSpecificationSurfaceBasepassivationDörken-ProductCoating thickness / weightmin. 7µm ( typical 8-10µm ) Basecoat min. 5µm ( typical 5-8µm ) Topcoat min. 7µm ( typical 8-10µm ) Basecoat min. 5µm ( typical 5-8µm ) Topcoat min. 7µm ( typical 8-10µm ) Basecoat min. 2µm ( typical 2-4µm ) Topcoat max. 16µmCorossion protection against white240hred840hFordWSS-M21P42A1ZincflakeDELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEAL GZM silverFordWSS-M21P42A2ZincflakeDELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ black120h840hFordWSS-M21P42A3 ( S442 )ZincflakeDELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 302 GZ120h840hWSS-M21P46S 443ZnFeSurTec, ConventiaDELTA-PROTEKT® VH 353 GZVICT 2 weeksVICT 6 weeksGMGME 00255AZincflakeDELTA®-SEALmin. 8µmGME 60206 -E-Grade 1 =72hGME 60206 -E-Grade 1 =72hGMGME 00255 BZincflakeDELTA®-TONE 9000min. 10µmGME 60206 -K-Grade 3 =288h slight changes on the surface allowed GME 60206 -K-Grade 3 =288h slight changes on the surface allowedGME 60206 -K-Grade 3 =288h slight changes on the surface allowedGMGME 00255ZincflakeDELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100min. 10µmGME 60206 -K-Grade 3 =288hThese information are based on our current knowledge and our interpretation of the specifications. No legal guarantee can be derived from our information. 06.06.2007/Rev.13DELTA MKSIssuerSpecificationSurfaceBasepassivationDörken-ProductCoating thickness / weightBasecoat: min. 8µm Topcoat: min. 4µmCorossion protection against whiteGME 60206 -K-Grade 3 =288h max. 5% zinc corrosion allowed GME 60206 -K-Grade 3 =288h max. 5% zinc corrosion allowed GME 60206 -K-Grade 3 =288h max. 5% zinc corrosion allowedredGME 60206 -K-Grade 3 =288hGMGME 00255ZincflakeDELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEALGMGME 00255CZincflakeDELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEALBasecoat: min. 8µm Topcoat: min. 4µmGME 60206 -K-Grade 3 =288hGMGME 00255ZincflakeDELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 300Basecoat: min. 8µm Topcoat: max. 3µmGME 60206 -K-Grade 3 =288hGMGME 00255EDELTA®-SEAL GZmin. 8µmGME 60206 -E-Grade 1 =72h GME 60206 -K-Grade 3 =288h max. 5% zinc corrosion allowed GME 60206 -K-Grade 3 =288h max. 5% zinc corrosion allowed GME 60206 -K-Grade 3 =288h max. 5% zinc corrosion allowedGME 60206 -E-Grade 1 =72hGMGME 00255ZincflakeDELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 302 GZBasecoat: min. 8µm Topcoat: min. 4µm Basecoat: min. 8µm Topcoat: min. 4µm Basecoat: min. 8µm Topcoat: min. 4µmGME 60206 -K-Grade 3 =288hGMGME 00255FZincflakeGME 60206 -K-Grade 3 =288hGMGME 00255ZincflakeGME 60206 -K-Grade 3 =288hThese information are based on our current knowledge and our interpretation of the specifications. No legal guarantee can be derived from our information. 06.06.2007/Rev.13DELTA MKSIssuerSpecificationSurfaceBasepassivationCr VI-free blue passivation Cr VI-free uncoloredDörken-ProductCoating thickness / weightA: Zn 15(+10) µm B: Zn 8(+5) µm } + Coll: 4-6µm A: Zn 15(+10) µm B: Zn 8(+5) µm } + Coll: 4-6µm A: Zn 15(+10) µm B: Zn 8(+5) µm } + Coll: 4-6µm B: ZnFe 8(+5) µm + Coll: 4-6µmCorossion protection against whiteA: 120h 10% WC allowedB: 120h 10% WC allowed A: 120h 10% WC allowedB: 120h 10% WC allowed A: 120h 10% WC allowedB: 120h 10% WC allowed B: 144h no changesredA: 360h B: 240h A: 360h B: 240h A: 360h B: 240hGMGME 00252GME 00252A6-X-V / B6-X-VZnDELTACOLL® 80 GZ transparentGMA7-X-V / B7-X-VZn passivation Cr VI-free thick layerpassivation Cr VI-free black passivationDELTACOLL® 80 GZ transparentGMGME 00252A8-X-V / B8-X-VZnDELTACOLL® 80 GZ transparentGME 00252 GM GMB9-X-VZnFeDELTACOLL® 80 GZ blackB: 144hGMW 3359silverZincflakeDELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEAL GZM silver DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEAL GZM black144h <5% limited by tolerance ( h bzw. Htolerence is the lower limit ) Under head < 25µm 144h <5%480hblackZincflake480hGMGMW 14100 GM 7111MsilberZincflakeDELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL silber DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL silber DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100min. 15µm240hsilberZincflakemin. 15µm240hGMIveco18-1101A22-23min. 5µmA26-27DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 315 GZmin. 6,5 µmJaguarJaguarJMS 10.22.05Class A JMS 10.22.05 Class B Zincflake Zincflakemin. 5µm DELTA®-TONE 9000 DELTA®-TONE 9000 min. 6,5µm 240h 400hThese information are based on our current knowledge and our interpretation of the specifications. No legal guarantee can be derived from our information. 06.06.2007/Rev.13DELTA MKSIssuerSpecificationSurfaceBasepassivationDörken-ProductDELTA®-TONE 9000 / DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 DELTA®-TONE 9000 / DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ DELTA®-TONE 9000+ (SEAL) DELTA®-TONE 9000+ (SEAL) DELTA®-TONE 9000+ (SEAL) DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 315 DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 315 DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 315 DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 315 DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 315 DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEALCoating thickness / weightmin. 5µmCorossion protection against white red240hLandroverLandroverLRES.21.ZS.05LRES.21.ZS.05240 ( Class A ) 480 ( Class B ) 26 d 0 26 d 1 DEL 9 A DEL 9 B DEL 9 S ZLV DGO ZLV MGL ZLV MGO ZLV FGL ZLV FGOZincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflakemin. 6,5µm >12µm >12µm min. 8µm + (4µm) min. 12µm + (4µm) min. 4µm + (4µm) min.12g/m² min.18g/m² min.18g/m² min.24g/m² min.24g/m² 20-35 g/m²400h 480h 480h 500h 1000h 48h 48h 600h 600h 1000h 1000h 600hPorschePorschePN 11003-1PN 11003-1PSAPSA PSAB153315B153315 B153315B153320Renault Renault Truck VW01-71-002/--Q 01.71.4002/F TL 244S3200hSYZZincflakemin. 15µm600hOfl-r642ZnNitransparent, blue DELTACOLL® 80 transparent; DELTACOLL® 80 GZ transparent DELTA-PROTEKT VH 350-Serie120h barrelware, or 240hOfl-r643 VW VW VW TL 244 TL 244 TL 244 Ofl-r645 Ofl-r672ZnNitransparent, blue240 hZnNi ZnNitransparent, blue black (Cr III)DELTA® -Lube components : ZnNi 8 - 25µm threaded parts : ZnNi 8 15µm no zinc-corrosion after testing time, light changes (120h barrelware, or 240h 120h barrelware, or 240hThese information are based on our current knowledge and our interpretation of the specifications. No legal guarantee can be derived from our information. 06.06.2007/Rev.13DELTA MKSIssuerSpecificationSurfaceBasepassivationDörken-ProductDELTACOLL® 80 black; DELTACOLL® GZ blackCoating thickness / weightthreaded parts : ZnNi 8 - 15µmCorossion protection against white g , g g ( i.e. white haze ) allowed redOfl-r673 TL 244 TL 244 Ofl-r677ZnNiblack (Cr III)DELTACOLL® 80 transparent; DELTACOLL® 80 GZ transparent DELTA-PROTEKT VH 350-Serie240 hVW VWZnNiblack (Cr III)DELTA® -Lube120h barrelware, or 240hThese information are based on our current knowledge and our interpretation of the specifications. No legal guarantee can be derived from our information. 06.06.2007/Rev.13DELTA MKSIssuerSpecificationSurfaceOfl-t602 Ofl-t610 Ofl-t611 Ofl-t615BaseZincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zink-Lamellen Zincflake ZincflakepassivationDörken-ProductDELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 300 DELTA®-TONE 9000 DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 300 DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA® -Lube DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 301 GZ DELTA®-TONE 9000/ DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100+ DELTA®-SEAL GZ DELTA®-TONE 9000/ DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100+ DELTA®-SEAL DELTA®-TONE 9000/ DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ DELTA®-TONE 9000/ DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA®-SEALCoating thickness / weightmin. 8µm , max. 18µm min. 8µm , max. 18µm min. 8µm , max. 18µm min. 8µm , max. 18µm min. 8µm , max. 18µmCorossion protection against white red720h; 96h/180°C: 480h 480h 720h; 96h/180°C: 480h 720h 720h; 96h/180°C: 480hVW VW VWTL 245TL 245 TL 245VWTL 245Ofl-t647 Ofl-t330TL 233VW TL 233 VW TL 233 VW TL 233 VW VWmin. 6µm (of which min. 3µm Zincflake), max 25µm no changes of the surface (white haze) after 120h min. 10µm (of which min. 6µm Zincflake), max 25µm240h, + no creeping corrosion in the cut surfaceOfl-t350ZincflakeOfl-t650Zincflake480h, + no creeping corrosion in the cut surfaceOfl-t630Zincflake appropriate passivation appropriate passivation Zn-phosphate Zn-phosphateTL 242TL 242NA NA NA NAZn ZnNi Zn ZnNiDELTA®-SEAL GZ DELTA®-SEAL GZ DELTA®-SEAL DELTA®-FLEX S black DELTA®-SEAL, DELTA®-FLEX S blackthreaded parts 6-8µm Zn + 810µm DS, other max. 12µm Zn + max.12µm DS no changes after 480h 480hVW VW VWTL 265TL 265DS > 20µm240h240hThese information are based on our current knowledge and our interpretation of the specifications. No legal guarantee can be derived from our information. 06.06.2007/Rev.13DELTA MKSIssuerSpecificationSurfaceBasepassivationNo passivation No passivation Thin layer passivationDörken-ProductCoating thickness / weightCorossion protection against white redVW VW VWTL 217TL 217 TL 217Ofl-c310 Ofl-c330 Ofl-c340Zn Feuerverzinkung ZnOfl-c341 VW VW TL 217 TL 217 Ofl-c342ZnThin layer passivationDELTACOLL® 80 GZ - transparent ; DELTACOLL® 80 transparent DELTA-PROTEKT VH 350-Seriebarrel 48h; rack 72h144hZnThick layer passivation DELTACOLL® 80 GZ - transparent ; DELTACOLL® 80 transparent DELTA-PROTEKT VH 350-SerieOfl-c343 VW VW VW VW VW TL 217 TL 217 TL 217 TL 217 TL 217 Ofl-c347ZnThick layer passivationbarrel 96h; rack 168h240hZnThick layer passivation No passivation No passivation Thin layer passivationDELTA® -Lube168hOfl-c610 Ofl-c630 Ofl-c640Zn Feuerverzinkung ZnOfl-c641 VW VW TL 217 TL 217 Ofl-c642ZnThin layer passivationDELTACOLL® 80 GZ - transparent ; DELTACOLL® 80 transparent DELTA-PROTEKT VH 350-Seriebarrel 48h; rack 72h240hZnThick layer passivation DELTACOLL® 80 GZ - transparent ; DELTACOLL® 80 transparent DELTA-PROTEKT VH 350-SerieOfl-c643 VW VW TL 217 TL 217 Ofl-c647ZnThick layer passivationbarrel 96h; rack 168h360hZnThick layer passivationDELTA®-LubeThese information are based on our current knowledge and our interpretation of the specifications. No legal guarantee can be derived from our information. 06.06.2007/Rev.13DELTA MKSIssuerSpecificationSurfaceBasepassivationDörken-ProductDELTA-PROTEKT® EK 800/801Coating thickness / weightCorossion protection against whiteDIN 50017 KKredDIN 50017 KKVW VW VW VW VWTL196TL 196 TL 196 TL 196 TL 196nicht definiert Ofl-s611 Ofl-s617 Ofl-s621 Ofl-s627 Zn Zn ZnNi ZnNi Thick layer passivation Thick layer passivation Thick layer passivation Thick layer passivationDELTA-PROTEKT® EK 800/801 DELTA-PROTEKT® EK 800/801 + TTFluid DELTA-PROTEKT® EK 800/801 DELTA-PROTEKT® EK 800/801 + TTFluid DELTA®-SEAL DELTA®-TONE 9000 DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL 5-8 µm 240h 10-12µm 480h 10-12µm 15-20µm max. 16µm max. 16µm max. 16µm max. 16µm 144h 192h 480h 720h threaded parts 5-8µm Zn/ZnNi + 10-12µm KTL other 5-12µm Zn/ZnNi + 10-15µm KTL 5cycles: no changes 30 cycles15cycles: no changes60 cyclesVolvoVolvo Volvo VolvoSTD 5752,53STD 5752,53 STD 5752,53 STD 5752,53Y 530-1 Y 530-2 Y 530-2B Y 530-3 Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake ZnFe Zincflake ZnFe Zincflake Tri-Tec100 (SurTec 695) / Conventec 7269 Tri-Tec100 (SurTec 695) / Conventec 7269Volvo CCVolvo CC Volvo CC Volvo CCVCS 5737,19 VCS 5737,19 VCS 5737,29 VCS 5737,29Y 100-3 Y 100-4DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 353 GZ DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH302 DELTA-PROTEKT® VH 353 GZ DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH302VICT 2 weeks VICT 3 weeksVICT 6 weeks VICT 9 weeksY 200-3 Y 200-4VICT 2 weeks VICT 3 weeksVICT 6 weeks VICT 9 weeksThese information are based on our current knowledge and our interpretation of the specifications. No legal guarantee can be derived from our information. 06.06.2007/Rev.13DELTA MKSIssuerSpecificationSurfaceN67F 827 11+12 N67F827 13+14 N67F 827 21+22 N67F 827 23+24 N67F 827 31+32 N67F 827 33+34BaseZincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake ZincflakepassivationDörken-ProductDELTA®-TONE 9000 DELTA®-TONE 9000 DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL silver DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ silver DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL black DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ black DELTA-PROTEKT® KL100 DELTA-PROTEKT® KL100 + DELTA®-SEAL silber DELTA-PROTEKT® KL100 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ silber DELTA-PROTEKT® KL100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH300 / 301 GZCoating thickness / weightmin. 5µm min. 8µm min. 8µm min. 8µm min. 8µm min. 8µmCorrosion protection against white red480h 720h 240h 240h 240h 240h 480h 480h 480h 480hBoschBosch Bosch Bosch Bosch Bosch800 00/ 3+4800 00/3+4 800 00/3+4 800 00/3+4 800 00/3+4 800 00/3+4N67F 827 44Zincflakefor new constructionsmin. 8µm720hBosch Bosch Bosch BoschY265 F21056/1Y265F21056/1 Y265F21056/1 Y265F21056/1Pos. 1ZntransparentDELTACOLL® 80 GZ transparentZn min. 8µm + approx. 8µm Coll Zn min. 8µm + approx. 10µm Coll Zn min. 8µm + approx. 10µm Coll Zn min. 8µm + approx. 10µm Coll min. 8µm120h360hPos. 2 Pos. 3 Pos. 4Zn Zn Zntransparent transparent transparentDELTACOLL® 80 GZ transparent DELTACOLL® 80 GZ transparent DELTACOLL® 80 GZ transparent120h 120h 120h360h 360h 360hContinental TevesContinental Teves Continental Teves Continental Teves Continental TevesATE N 106 61ATE N 106 61 ATE N 106 61 ATE N 106 61 ATE N 106 61Nr. 1601DELTA®-SEAL120hNr. 1602 Nr. 1611 Nr. 1613 Nr. 1614 Zincflake Zincflake ZincflakeDELTA®-SEAL GZ DELTA®-TONE 9000 DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL GZmin. 8µm min. 8µm approx. 8µm + approx. 6µm approx. 8µm + approx. 6µm120h 240h 480h 480hThese information are based on our current knowledge and our interpretation of the specifications. No legal guarantee can be derived from our information. 06.06.2007/Rev.13DELTA MKSIssuerContinental Teves Continental Teves Continental Teves Continental Teves Continental Teves Continental Teves Continental Teves Continental Teves Continental Teves Continental TevesSpecificationATE N 106 61 ATE N 106 61 ATE N 106 61 ATE N 106 61 ATE N 106 61 ATE N 106 61 ATE N 106 61 ATE N 106 61 ATE N 106 61 ATE N 106 61SurfaceNr. 1621 Nr. 1623 Nr. 1624 Nr. 1631 Nr. 1633 Nr. 1634 Nr. 1635 Nr. 1636 Nr. 1641 Nr. 1642 355 / 0BaseZincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake ZincflakepassivationDörken-ProductDELTA®-TONE 9000 DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ DELTA-PROTEKT® KL100 DELTA-PROTEKT® KL100 + DELTA®-SEAL silver DELTA-PROTEKT® KL100 + DELTA®-SEAL black DELTA-PROTEKT® KL100 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ silver DELTA-PROTEKT® KL100 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ black DELTA-PROTEKT® KL100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH300 DELTA-PROTEKT® KL100 + DELTA-PROTEKT® VH301 DELTA®-SEALCoating thickness / weightmin. 12µm approx. 10µm + approx. 8µm approx. 10µm + approx. 8µm min. 8µm min. 8µm + min. 6µm min. 8µm + min. 6µm min. 8µm + min. 6µm min. 8µm + min. 6µm min. 8µm + min. 2µm min. 8µm + 2µm 8 - 15µmCorrosion protection against white red480h 720h 720h 600h 600h 600h 600h 600h 600h 600h 120hContinental TevesATE N 106 36.31 ATE N 106 36.31 ATE N 106 36.31 ATE N 106 36.31 ATE N 106 36.31 ATE N 106 36.31 ATE N 106 36.31 ATE N 106 36.31355 / 0G 355 / 1 355 / 2 355 / 2 G 355 / 3 355 / 3G 355/4 Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake Zincflake ZincflakeDELTA®-SEAL GZ DELTA® -TONE 9000 DELTA® -TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ DELTA® -TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL DELTA®-TONE 9000 + DELTA®-SEAL GZ DELTA® -TONE 9000 (acc.. TL-233-A)8 - 15µm 8 - 20µm 10 - 25µm 10 - 25µm 15 - 35µm 15 - 35µm min. 8µm120h min. 480h min. 480h min. 480h min. 800h min. 800h min. 720hContinental Teves Continental Teves Continental Teves Continental Teves Continental Teves Continental Teves Continental TevesThese information are based on our current knowledge and our interpretation of the specifications. No legal guarantee can be derived from our information. 06.06.2007/Rev.13。
DOE认证法规标准有哪些?美国DOE认证通用照明产品新法规一、DOE是什么?DOE全称department of energy,是美国能源部的简写,我们通常说的DOE是指美国电子电气产品的DOE能效认证。
依据的法规为美国联邦法规 (code of federalregulations),是美国市场的强制性要求之一。
二、DOE认证法规标准DOE依据的法规为美国联邦法规 (code of federalregulations)。
美国联邦法规(10 CFR 430)明确指出:凡是进入美国市场的外接式电源供应器,都应达到最小能效等级level IV,且需在产品上明确标示出。
第一是产品达到联邦法规在能效要求的符合性宣告(Compliance Statement),第二是产品的首次证书报告(First Certification Report),两份文件均须邮寄至美国能源部(DOE, Department of Energy)。
四、DOE认证范围:Battery Chargers (充电器类):蓝牙耳机、蓝牙音响、运动手环、手机、平板、车载DVD、MP3、MP4等带小容量电池的产品;External Power Supplies(电源适配器):平常使用的手机、平板等的充电器;目前电源适配器DOE强制要求满足6级能效要求;五、DOE通用照明产品新法规生效日期:DOE新法规一:将在2022年7月8日正式生效。
DOE 认证是美国能源部的一项节能计划,旨在帮助消费者选择更加节能的产品,减少能源浪费和环境污染。
DOE 认证的标准主要包括以下几个方面:
1. 能源效率:产品必须符合能源效率标准,能够在相同的使用条件下,比同类产品更加节能。
2. 可靠性:产品必须经过严格的测试和验证,确保其在使用过程中能够稳定可靠地运行。
3. 安全性:产品必须符合相关的安全标准,确保使用过程中不会对人体和环境造成危害。
4. 可持续性:产品的生产和使用过程必须符合可持续发展的原则,减少对环境的影响。
DOE 认证的标准是由美国能源部制定的,符合这些标准的产品可以获得DOE 认证标志,消费者可以通过这个标志来选择更加节能的产品。
实验设计(DOE)用在分析A和 改善I阶段,以确定影响Y的主 要因子、建立Y与X的关系、 确定因子的最佳水平配置
实验设计介绍 设计实验的全因子方法 设计实验: 减少实验次数:
23 案例
多个水平的全因子设计 为设计实验做计划和准备 投石器模拟 总结 实验设计附录
2005.05 All Rights Reserved; Copyright,2001 The Processwise Consultant Inc.
跟踪和分析不同组合产生的结果在变量数多于4个的情况下会 引起混乱
使用 “-“和 “+“ 表示每个因子的两个水平 • 也叫做高水平和低水平 • 如果存在标准条件,通常表示为 减号(-),新条件通常
表示为加号 (+)
速度 55 65 压力 30 35
运行 1 2
85 91
运行 1 2
速度 +
压力 +
运行1 为实验所有因子的“低”水平 (-);运行2 实验所有因子的“高”水平 其他组合将是高低水平的混合
All Rights Reserved; Copyright,2001 The Processwise Consultant Inc.
因子 (X) Factors
要研究的输入或流程变量 案例:速度,压力,辛烷值
防静电面料 证书
内科主治医师分类模拟题常见症状与体征(一)A1/A2型题1. 下列引起发热的原因中属抗原-抗体反应的是A.白血病B.脑出血C.风湿热D.中暑E.淋巴瘤答案:C2. 下列发热疾病中,不伴结膜充血的是A.流行性出血热B.钩端螺旋体病C.结缔组织病D.斑疹伤寒E.麻疹答案:C3. 鸡鸣样咳嗽见于A.肺脓肿B.喉结核C.慢性支气管炎D.百日咳E.支气管扩张答案:D4. 有关出血性疾病的表述不当的是A.维生素C缺乏将导致血管壁功能异常B.严重感染可导致血管壁功能异常C.血友病患者凝血功能障碍D.血小板增多导致凝血功能亢进E.再生障碍性贫血导致血小板生成减少答案:D5. 下列引起咯血的疾病中,不属于肺疾病所致者是A.肺结核B.肺吸虫C.肺脓肿D.肺水肿E.肺炎答案:D6. 下列哪种疾病导致的发绀,不属于周围性发绀A.下肢静脉曲张B.血栓性静脉炎C.上腔静脉阻塞D.心脏压塞E.慢性阻塞性肺气肿答案:E7. 常观察紫绀的部位不包括A.甲床B.鼻尖D.舌E.唇答案:C8. 关于黏液性水肿,正确的是A.为非凹陷性水肿B.月经前期明显C.四肢末端较明显D.见于肢端肥大症E.是长期营养缺乏所致答案:A9. 胸痛随呼吸、咳嗽而加重常见于A.胸膜炎B.心肌梗死C.心绞痛D.带状疱疹E.反流性食管炎答案:A10. 肾源性水肿的特点是A.颈静脉怒张B.低蛋白血症C.肝大D.首先出现于身体下垂部位E.先消瘦,后水肿11. 呼吸深慢见于A.尿毒症酸中毒B.肺部疾病C.呼吸肌麻痹D.过度紧张E.情绪激动答案:A12. 常见的呼吸频率变化有A.呼吸过速B.叹气样呼吸C.潮式呼吸D.间歇呼吸E.暂停呼吸答案:A13. 吸气性呼吸困难常见于A.肺实变B.心力衰竭C.喉、气管或大支气管的狭窄或梗阻D.胸膜病变E.重度贫血答案:D14. 潮式呼吸的特点A.由深快到深慢,再由深慢到深快C.由浅慢到浅快,再由浅快到浅慢D.由浅快到深慢,再由深慢到浅快E.由浅慢到深快,再由深快到浅慢答案:E15. 异常支气管肺泡呼吸音见于A.支气管肺炎B.肺脓肿空洞形成C.肺炎球菌肺炎实变期D.空洞性肺结核E.压迫性肺不张答案:A16. 严重吸气性呼吸困难的主要特点是A.哮鸣音B.鼻翼扇动C.端坐呼吸D.呼吸加深加快E.三凹征答案:E17. 关于胸膜摩擦音的听诊特点,错误的是A.呼吸两相均可听到B.屏气时消失C.吸气末或呼气初较明显D.在后下侧胸壁易听到E.有时可随体位变动而消失或复现答案:D18. 下列咳嗽性疾病中,常合并咯血的是A.自发性气胸B.肺结核C.脓胸D.支气管哮喘E.间质性肺炎答案:B19. 下列不出现颈静脉怒张的是A.右心衰竭B.左心衰竭C.心包积液D.缩窄性心包炎E.上腔静脉阻塞综合征答案:B20. 大量咯血指的是A.一次咯血量80mlB.每日咯血量100mC.每日咯血量在200ml以上D.每日咯血量在500ml以上E.每日咯血量在300ml以上答案:D21. 引起慢性腹痛的病因一般不包括B.结核性腹膜炎C.异位妊娠破裂D.胃溃疡E.Crohn病答案:C22. 突发剧烈胸痛伴呼吸困难和发绀常见于A.心绞痛B.大叶性肺炎C.急性左心衰D.急性心肌梗死E.肺梗死答案:E23. 上消化道出血最常见的原因是A.消化性溃疡B.食管-胃底静脉曲张破裂C.胆道结石D.血友病E.急性胃粘膜病变答案:A24. 乳头血性分泌物最常见于A.乳腺癌B.乳腺纤维瘤C.乳腺小叶增生D.急性乳腺炎答案:E25. 引起腹水最常见的疾病是A.结核性腹膜炎B.肝硬化C.缩窄性心包炎D.胃癌转移E.Budd-Chiari综合征答案:B26. 有关心前区震颤正确的是A.常见于二尖瓣关闭不全B.常见于主动脉瓣关闭不全C.震颤系血液流经狭窄的瓣膜口或异常通道时产生的涡流所致D.可分为收缩期震颤、舒张期震颤E.以手掌触诊确定震颤的具体部位和时相答案:C27. 下列由血管因素引起的紫癜是A.过敏性紫癜B.血小板无力症C.DICD.ITPE.血友病答案:AA.正常只能听到第一心音S1和第二心音S2B.第三心音S3出现在心室舒张早期C.S2音调较高而脆,在心底部最响D.部分儿童和青少年可闻及第四心音S4E.S1音调低钝,强度较响答案:D29. 血尿是指离心沉淀后的尿液在光镜下每高倍视野有红细胞A.8个以上B.3个以上C.2个以上D.5个以上E.10个以上答案:B30. 第一心音增强见于A.二尖瓣关闭不全B.二尖瓣狭窄C.心肌梗死D.左心衰竭E.一度房室传导阻滞答案:B。
为了确保一个零件的尺寸、材料、功能、或外观的要求(如有要求)的符合性,了解PSO 和PPAP之间的关系是非常重要的(PPAP的详细解释参见*附录E)。
本手册不适用于生产Mercedes-Benz, Freightliner, 或其它品牌车型及产品的DC厂。
scope certificate认证范围
scope certificate认证范围什么是Scope Certificate(认证范围)?Scope Certificate,也称为认证范围,是在ISO认证中使用的一个重要概念。
Scope Certificate是通过认证机构的审核和验证程序来确定的,它对于组织来说是一种声誉的象征,也是宣示其产品或服务质量的标志。
为什么Scope Certificate重要?1. 增强组织的信誉度:Scope Certificate是组织对其认证范围的官方声明,具备认证范围的组织相对于其他没有Scope Certificate的组织拥有更高的信誉度。
2. 提升出口竞争力:通过获得Scope Certificate,组织可以证明其产品或服务符合国际标准和质量要求,这对于在国际市场上拓展业务和提升竞争力至关重要。
许多国际贸易伙伴会要求供应商提供Scope Certificate作为合作的前提。
3. 增加客户信任:Scope Certificate可以提供客户对组织的信任和保证,因为它意味着组织在特定领域有一套成熟的质量管理体系,并遵守相关法规和标准。
对于消费者来说,选择获得Scope Certificate的组织意味着他们在购买产品或使用服务时更有信心。
Scope Certificate的获取过程1. 选择认证机构:组织需要选择一家经过许可的认证机构来进行ISO认证。
2. 申请认证:组织向认证机构提交ISO认证申请。
3. 审核与评估:认证机构将派遣审核员对组织的质量管理体系进行审核和评估。
A Regulation is a legislative act of the European Union which becomes immediately enforceable as law in all member states simultaneously. 法规是欧盟通过立法来强制立即并同时在所有成员国执行
Emark Basic Introduction 5/9/2011
Zhang Junqing
EEA 1957 EEC 1960 EFTA 1973 EEC 1981 EEC 1986 EEC 1995 EU 2004 EU 2007 EU
欧盟申请国 潜在申请国 已有发证机关 EEA: 欧洲经济区(除瑞士)
布鲁塞尔条约: 建立欧洲共同体(EC)
马斯特里赫特条约: 建立欧洲联盟(EU)
(1992年2月7日签署,1993年11月1日生效,包括了欧洲的绝大多数国家,成为欧洲的经济和政治利 益的代言人。)
Zhang Junqing
E(e)-Mark认证基本知识介绍 EEC/EC 指令
指令由欧盟委员会下属的工作组提出制订或修改指令的建议,经欧盟理事会表决通过后 执行。所有成员国必须采用并强制执行。 目前颁布的指令约为130项 指令中涉及到了零部件,系统,整车
Emark Basic Introduction 5/9/2011
Emark Basic Introduction 5/9/2011
前2位代表法规版 本号,02代表某法 规标准的02版本
后4位代表证书 编号,由认证机 构颁发
E1—德国 E2—法国 E3—意大利 E4—荷兰 E5—瑞典 E6—比利时 E7—匈牙利 E8—捷克 E9—西班牙 E10—南斯拉夫 E11—英国 E12—奥地利 E13—卢森堡 E14—瑞士 E16—挪威 E17—芬兰 E18—丹麦 E19—罗马尼亚 E20—波兰 E21—葡萄牙 E22—俄罗斯 E23—希腊 E25—克罗地亚 E26—斯洛文尼亚 E27—斯洛伐克 E28—白俄罗斯 E29—爱沙尼亚 E31—波黑 E37—土耳其
依据标准:ECE .R28 产品文件审核工作,可在审核前按法规要求先行准备,审 核时间大约为0.5天; 产品检测内容:声学特性测试,耐久性测试,检测时间大约为 4-5天; 生产一致性审核大约需要2天的时间; 在喇叭上必须打刻E标;
依据标准:ECE.R43 产品文件审核工作,可在审核前按法规要求先行准备, 审核时间大约为0.5天; 产品检测内容:碎块测试,机械强度测试,耐环境测试,光 学质量测试,燃烧性能,耐化学药品测试,柔性和折叠测 试,检测时间大约为15-20天; 生产一致性审核大约需要2天的时间; 在玻璃上必须打刻E标;
E法规体系下的认证:主要涉及系统和零部件,源于欧洲 经济委员会(Economic Commission of Europe, 简称ECE) 颁布的法规(Regulation),该法规受众面广,非强制要 求,一旦某国车辆管理机构接受就要承认该认证的有效性 e法规体系下的认证:涉及整车、系统和零部件,源于欧 洲经济共同体(European Economic Community), 现改名 为欧盟所颁布的指令(Directive),该指令在欧盟国家内强 制通行
如何申请E-mark认证E标志源于欧洲经济委员会(Economic Commisssion of Europe, 简称ECE)颁布的法规(Regulation)。
但E-mark 是非强制性认证,成员国可拒绝接受。
各国的证书有相应的编号:E1—德国E2—法国E3—意大利E4—荷兰 E5—瑞典E6—比利时E7—匈牙利E8—捷克E9—西班牙E10—南斯拉夫E11—英国E12—奥地利E13—卢森堡E14—瑞士E16—挪威E17—芬兰E18—丹麦E19—罗马尼亚E20—波兰E21—葡萄牙E22—俄罗斯E23—希腊E25—克罗地亚E26—斯洛文尼亚E27—斯洛伐克E28—白俄罗斯E29—爱沙尼亚E31—波黑E37—土耳其 E24—爱尔兰E32-拉脱维亚 E34-保加利亚 E36-立陶宛 E39-阿塞拜疆 E40-马其顿E42-欧盟(注) E43-日本 E45-澳大利亚 E46-乌克兰 E47-南非E48-新西兰 E54-韩国 E49-塞浦路斯 E50-马耳他 E52-马来西亚E53-泰国 E56-黑山共和国 E58-突尼斯注:⑴ E42时,欧盟各成员国使用ECE符号批准认证。
⑵ 编号存在空缺,本表中未出现即为空缺。
DOE目录编辑本段主要释义⒈=Designated Operational Entity (指定经营实体),CDM(清洁发展机制)中的第三方独立审核机构⒉试验设计Design Of Experiments,在质量控制的整个过程中扮演了非常重要的角色,它是我们产品质量提高,工艺流程改善的重要保证。
⒊ =Department of the Environment (英国)环境事务部⒋ =Department of Energy (美国)能源部编辑本段概述通常,在CDM项目中,DOE的职能就是要对CDM(清洁发展机制)项目进行定性的“审定(Validation)”和定量的“核查(Verification/ Certification)”。
所谓DOE(D ES ignated Operational Entity,指定经营实体),是EB批准的独立的第三方审定/核查机构,负责对CDM项目审定或核查等职能。
欧洲联盟(EU)对医疗器械的监管建立在医疗器械指令(Medical Device Directives)和医疗器械监管法规(Medical Device Regulation)的基础上。
不同的风险等级需要满足不同的技术规范和质量管理要求,如ISO 13485质量管理体系。
根据《医疗器械监督管理办法》等法规,医疗器械的生产企业必须获得医疗器械生产许可证,并按照GB/T 19001-2016(ISO 9001)和YY/T 0287-2017(ISO 13485)等标准建立和实施质量管理体系。
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