翻译中的三种符号学意义摘要: 将符号学运用于翻译学研究已成为当今翻译学发展的一大趋势,翻译学借鉴了符号学的理论侧重传达语言符号的所指意义、语用意义和言内意义,从而达到不同言语产物在翻译上的等值,因此从符号学的角度分析翻译中意义的转换是十分必要的。
关键词: 符号学;翻译;所指意义;语用意义;言内意义一、语义的符号学定义符号学认为意义是一种关系,即符号(语言单位也是一种符号)与符号所标示的东西之间的关系。
The Translation of English and Chinese Address Forms from the Perspective of Social Semiotics 作者: 杨钦翔 李炳炎
作者机构: 湖南人文科技学院,湖南娄底417000
出版物刊名: 河池学院学报
页码: 54-57页
年卷期: 2010年 第1期
主题词: 称呼语 社会符号学 翻译 功能对等
【关键词】符号学习语翻译《红楼梦》【中图分类号】G64 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)37-0103-01引言语言学和符号学作为翻译领域理论研究的重点途径,所侧重的点有所不同,前者通过是对语言形象的研究,将翻译视为语言的综合性处理。
1.2《诗经》简介《诗经》是中国文学史上第一部诗集,汇集了自西周初期(公元前11世纪)至春秋中叶 (公元前6世纪) 约500年间的诗歌305首,对中国诗歌的发展影响深远。
它风格简约自然,真实地反映了现实生活,表达了真挚的思想感情,具有强烈的现实主义精神; 其次,《诗经》中多处运用赋、比、兴的手法,同时运用大量修辞手法来传情达意。
— —
以第 三 回为例
安 然
( 华 东 理 工 大 学 外 国语 学 院 , 上海 2 0 0 2 3 7 )
摘要 : 以《 红楼 梦 》 第三 回为例 , 结 合 社会 符 号 学 的翻译 标 准“ 意 义相 等 , 功 能相 似 ” , 分 别在 指 称 意
义、 言 内意义 和语用 意 义三个 方 面对原 文和译 文 进行 对 比。通 过揭 示 这 三种 意 义在 译 文 中的具 体
— —
A Ca s e S t u d y o f t h e Th i r d Cha p t e r
AN Ra n
( S c h o o l o f Fo r e i g n La n g u a g e s ,Ea s t Ch i n a Un i v e r s i t y o f S c i e n c e a n d Te c h n o l o g y,S h a n g h a i 2 0 0 2 3 7 ,Ch i n a )
pr a g ma t i c me a ni n g
动的全过程 , 言之 , 换 文本 不能 孤立 于 社会 情境 。3 符 ) 号学意义的解 释涉 及符 号 所在 的 结构 ( t c r) 即: su t e 。 r u
理论 基础
1社会符号学 翻译法 、 符号学认 为世 界是 由符 号组 成 的。万 事万 物都 可
任何文字符号 的意义 只能 借 助于 其它 ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้关 符号 才能 得
第2 9卷
湖北 师范学 院学报( 哲学社会科学版 )
Ju a o ue N r a U i r t P ispyadSc l cec ) o r l f b i om l nv sy( hl oh n oi ine n H ei o aS
V0. 9 12
第 3期
N . 2o o 3. 0 9
他将 语 言 分 为 六类 , 们 是 : ) 息 功 能 (no t e 他 t 信 i r i f mav
象。因此韩 礼德主张用 社 会 符号 学 观点 研 究语 言 。师 从韩礼德 的美 国语 言学家 冈瑟 克雷斯 发展 了其 老师 的 观点 , 著有专著《 会符 号学 》 书 中细致 的 拴释 了语 言 社 ,
的再 现 了语 用 意 义及 其 相 应 的功 能 。
( 关键词] 社会符 号学;意 义;功能 ;翻译 ; 红楼 梦
[ 中图分类号 ] 09 H 5
[ 文献标识码 ] A
[ 文章编号 ]09 43 (09 0 — 14 0 10 —73 20 )3 02— 6
意义和社会不可分割 的关系 。用社 会符号学研究语 言 的好处在于将信息 , 其意义 与社会联系起来 。 社会符号学 翻译 法的代 表人物 是尤 金. 达。他认 奈
[] 8 王力. 中国现代语法[ . M]北京 : 商务印书馆 , 8. 15 9
[ 特约编辑 : 赵秀璐 ]
5 — 3
个整体, 同构成 了词语和话语 的总体社会符号学意 共法有关的各种组合关系; 章中旬式的变化、 段落 的安排
和衔 接 、 粘连等 各个 层 次 。简单 点 说 , 以理 解为 篇章 通 可 过使 用语 言符 号所 表现 出来 的风格 。在 翻译 三种 意义时 , 由于 各种语言 符号 之间 的显著差 异 , 言内意义 是最难保 留
社会符号学是“ 研究符号系统和社会与人类关系的科 学 ” 产生于 2 纪 8 …, 0世 0年代 中期 , 在 符 号学 的基 础 是
上 发展而来 的。 瑞士著 名 的语 言学 家 索绪 尔 提 出语 言 是一 种表 达 概
收稿 日期 :0 0—1 21 0—1 2
意义, 言内意义和语用意义。指称意义是语言符号和它所 描绘或叙述的主观世界 或客观世界 的实体之间的关系。 言内意义是语言符号之间的关系。语用意义是语言符号 与语言符号使用者之间的关系。语用意义在很大程度上 受制于语言的社会文化环境 。 语言符 号的三类意义作为
[ ] H C C . pM a m  ̄C OOab a M] 1A C P ra M T a C r 3 [ . r K m
M o r :Ha K , 9 4. c ̄a y a 15
[ ] H C C . yca a MTx [ . c : ax , 2 A C P P c a p ̄ ana M]Moha H ya K r t
义 瑚。
二 、 会符号 学翻译 法 社
美国著名翻译理论家尤金 ・ 奈达将社会符号学应用
[ 关键词】 社会符号 学; 杨译《 儒林外 史》 ; 言 内意义; 转换 【 中图分类号】 H3 1 5 . 7 【 文献标识码】 A 【 文章编号] 1 6 7 3 - 0 0 4 6 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 4 - 0 1 8 7 - 0 2
二、 杨译《 儒林外史》 言 内意义的转换
《 儒林 外史》是我 国文学史上一部杰 出的现实 主义
的长篇讽 ̄ l t 4 , 说 。白面世 以来 , 该小说先 后被译 成了英 、 言 内意义必须跟 其他类型 的意义 区分 开来 , 因为它 法、 德、 俄、 日等 多种 文字 , 深受 国内外读者 的欢迎 , 并 引 指的不是指称 意义或情感意义之类 的语言外 部的意义 , 起 了各 界学者浓厚的研究兴趣 。 本文将 运用社会符号学 而是存在 于语 言 内部 的有意义 的关系 。在 特定语境 中 , 翻译理论 , 评 析《 儒林外史》 英译本言 内意义 的转换 。 社会符号学的翻译理论简介 1 . 世 界是 由各种 符号 系统组成 的 , 任何 事物都 可以 看 作是一个符 号 。作为承载社会 文化信 息的符号 系统 ,
o w t h e s pr in g b r e e z e p l a y s o n my t h a t c h e d h u t . 假想 的声音 , 或 者通过 比喻象征 等修辞来 愉悦感 官 ; ( 5 ) n 酬应 功能 , 在 于使 交 际者之 间保 持接 触 , 也 可反 映交 际 中 国古诗 词 的英译 就好 比数学 中 的 “ 哥德 巴赫猜 者 间的社会关系 ; ( 6 ) 元语 言功能 , 指语言解 释或命名 自 想” , 其难点在于其字 面意义可 以翻译 传达 , 但原 文诗歌 身 特点的功能 。语 言的前 四种 功能是主 要的 , 往 往不能 寥寥几 字 营造 的 意境 以及采用 的修 辞却难 以再 现于译 截 然分 开 ; 而后两种功能则仅用 于局部 。 文 中。在此例 中 , 原文第二 、 第 四句诗 的最后 一个字 , 即 4 . 意义 和功能是 衡量译 文质量不 可缺少 的两个 方 “ 书” 、 “ 庐” 的韵母都是 U , 属 于中国古 诗修辞 中常见 的押 面。完美 的翻译应 全部传达语 言符号所 具备 的意义 , 对 尾韵 。而译者将 “ I ” 分别作 为第一 和第三句 的主语 , 并置 等再现原文 的语 言功能 。但是 , 原语 和译 语符号 各种意 于句 首 , 构成 了押 头韵 的修 辞 ; 又将 b e a t 、 h u t 两个 以清
习语 是 一 种长 期相 沿 习用 的 固定 的语 言表 达 形式 , 因 其 言 简 意 赅 , 象 生 动 且 富 含 哲 理 而 被 视 为 语 言 中 的 形 精 华 ,在 语 言 表 达 中 ,常 常 起 到 画 龙 点 睛 的 作 用 。 汉 语 言 历 史 悠 久 , 漫 长 的 发 展 过 程 中 , 生 和 积 淀 了 大 量 在 产 的 习 语 。 何 准 确 地 传 递 蕴 含 在 这 些 习 语 中 的 深 厚 意 义 如 是 翻 译 活 动 中经 常 遇 到 的 一 个 难 题 。 文 拟 从 社 会 符 号 本 学 的 角 度 浅 要 地 谈 一 谈 汉 语 习 语 在 英 译 过 程 中 的 意 义
传递 。
( r s t gm ast nligm aig ,一 个 好 的译 者 在 Ta l i en r s t enn ) n an a an 翻 译 活 动 中应 尽 可 能 地 将 话 语 的 三 种 意 义 都 传 达 出 来 ,
实 现语 法 、 义 、 用三 个层 面 的等 值 转换 。然 而在 翻 语 语
摘 要: 习语 中往 往 蕴 含 着 丰 富 的 意 义 , 何 ; 地 将 其 传 递 到 译 语 中去 是 翻 译 活 动 中 的 一 个 难 题 。 如 住确 本 文 从 社 会 符 号 学 的 三 种 意 义入 手 , 讨 了 汉 语 习语 在 英 译 过 程 中 的 意 义 传 递 问题 , 出语 用 意 义 是 汉 语 习 探 指
译 实 践 中 ,由 于 源 语 和 译 语 语 言 系 统 、 化 背 景 方 面 存 文 在 的 巨 大 差 异 , 三 种 意 义 的 等 值 转 换 几 乎 很 难 同 时 获 这 得 。 因 此 ,如 何 处 理 翻 译 过 程 中 言 内 、指 称 和 语 用 意 义 的传 递 问题对 翻 译 工作者们 构 成 了一个 严 峻 的挑战 , 而 这 一 点 在 语 言 特 点 显 著 、 化 意 蕴 丰 富 的 汉 语 习 语 英 译 文
2023年8月第40卷 第4期西南科技大学学报:哲学社会科学版Journal of Southwest University of Science and TechnologyAug. 2023Vol. 40 No. 4社会符号学视角下许渊冲《琵琶行》英译的解读廖志勤 詹丽梅(西南科技大学外国语学院 四川绵阳 621010)【摘要】社会符号学翻译理论作为一种跨学科翻译理论,为翻译研究提供了一个新的视角,将其融入诗歌分析中,可以更加深入分析其中的内涵。
【关键词】翻译;社会符号学;许渊冲 ;《琵琶行》英译【中图分类号】H315.9 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-4860(2023)04-0051-06收稿日期:2022-11-20 修返日期:2023-01-24作者简介:廖志勤(1963-),女,汉族,四川达州人,教授,硕士。
存 在 意 义 与 实 用 意 义 。符 号 的完 整 意义 应 该 是 这 三 方
面 意义 的总 和 。
段 , 源 文 的 意 义最 大程 度 地 移 植 到 译 文 中 。 文 以社 使 本
会 符 号 学 翻 译 法 为切 人 点 , 以符 号 学 的 意 义 观 为 指 导 ,
莫 里斯 将 符 号 学 意 义 观 运 用 于 语 言 研 究 ,认 为 词
尔 指 出 : 语 言 是 表 达 思 想 的符 号 系 统 ,因 此 它 可 比作 “
收 稿 日期 : 0 5 O - 5 初 稿 ) 2 0 — 5 2 修 改 稿 ) 20一 1 1( ;0 5 0 - 0(
6 2
词 、 、 、 之 间 的 脉 络 关 系 , 有 句 段 篇 还 有 文本 与 读 ( ) 之 间 的 关 系 , 以涵 盖 语 言 交 际 中 的 听 者 可
义 观 . 仅 重 申 了 索 绪 尔 的 意 义 即关 系 这 一 论 断 . 且 不 而 将 这 种 关 系 具 体 化 为 三 维 关 系 。 它 既 包 括 文 本 与所 指
言学 教 程)C us e ea Lnusc) 书 中 . (o r i G nrl ig ii - en ts 索绪
的 关 系 产 生 了符 号 学 的三 个 方 面 意 义 , : 式 意 义 、 即 形
根 据 使 人 们 了 解 各 种 不 同 话 语 水 平 的 语 言 符 号 的 本
性 , 且 也 没 有 充 分 剖 析 语 言 与 文 化 之 问 的 关 系 , 使 而 这 得 以社 会 符 号学 为 方 向 的 翻译 研 究 显 得 尤 为 重 要 。” …
义 也 可 以分 为 三 方 面 : 1 言 内 意 义 , 符 号 相 互 之 间 () 即
关键词:《三体》;翻译研究;社会符号学;意义转移AbstractThe Three-Body Problem is the masterpiece of the Chinese contemporary science fiction writer Liu Cixin, which also serves as a milestone in the history of Chinese science fiction creation. Ever since its publication, the novel has swept the board with various domestic awards. It’s not until the Chinese-American writer Ken Liu translated the novel into English that The Three-Body Problem attracted a world-wide attention and won the 73rd Hugo Award for Best Novel. The success of the translation has also attracted the attention of more and more translators and scholars. The translation of The Three-Body Problem s has far-reaching significance for the development of Chinese science fiction, and it deserves careful and in-depth research.Sociosemiotics is an interdiscipline based on sociology, semiotics and linguistics. Translation theory from the sociosemiotic perspective points out that the nature of translation is cross-linguistic, cross-social and cross-cultural intersemiotic transmission, emphasizing the nature of language as signs while paying attention to the non-linguistic factors that affect the process of translation, including context, culture, register and so on. From the sociosemiotic point of view, translation is the process of encoding and decoding signs in different social and cultural contexts, which is also the reproduction of the meanings of source language as signs in the target language. Here the meanings refer to referential meaning, linguistic meaning and pragmatic meaning.This thesis takes Ken Liu’s English translation of The Three-Body Problem as the research object, and adopts the sociosemiotic approach to translation study. Based on the sociosemiotic translation criterion proposed by Professor Chen Hongwei-- “correspondence in meaning”, it is intended to make a comparative analysis of the typical examples in original Chinese novel and the English translation, in order to reveal the reproduction and loss of meanings of language signs in the process of translation under the translation criterion “correspondence in meaning”, focusing on analyzing and discussing the transfer of meanings as well as translator’s corresponding translation strategies and methods, probing into the important role meaning transfer plays in the success of the translation of The Three-Body Problem in the light of sociosemiotics, thus providing reference for the translation of such Chinese science fictions.In general, the sociosemiotic approach to translation points out the nature of language as signs, emphasizing the transfer of the meanings of the original language in the process of translation, which provides a relatively comprehensive new perspectivefor translation studies. This thesis adopts sociosemiotic approach to translation to analyze Ken Liu’s English translation of The Three-Body Problem, which makes up for the lack of research on Chinese science fictions in this field, providing reference for the translation and translation study of contemporary Chinese literary works.Key words: The Three-Body Problem; translation study; sociosemiotics; meaning transferContents中文摘要 (I)Abstract (II)Contents ....................................................................................................................... I V Chapter 1 Introduction (1)1.1 Research Background (1)1.2 Research Significance (2)1.3 Research Questions (3)1.4 Structure of the Thesis (3)Chapter 2 Literature Review (5)2.1 Brief Introduction to The Three-Body Problem (5)2.1.1 The Writer Liu Cixin and His Novel (5)2.1.2 The Translator Ken Liu and His Translation (6)2.2 Previous Studies on the Translation of The Three-Body Problem (7)2.2.1 Studies on Chinese Science Fiction Translation (8)2.2.2 Studies on the Translation of The Three-Body Problem (9)Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework (11)3.1 Origin and Development of Sociosemiotics (11)3.1.1 Semiotics (11)3.1.2 Sociosemiotics (13)3.1.3 Sociosemiotics and Translation Study (15)3.2 Sociosemiotic Approach to Translation (17)3.2.1 Translation Criterion: Correspondence in Meaning (17)3.2.2 Three Types of Meanings in the Light of Sociosemiotics (19) Referential Meaning (19) Linguistic Meaning (19) Pragmatic Meaning (20)Chapter 4 Sociosemiotic Analysis of the Meaning Transfer in the Translation of The Three-Body Problem (21)4.1 Transfer of Referential Meanings (21)4.1.1 Transfer of General Referential Meaning (21)4.1.2 Transfer of Referential Meaning in Culture-loaded Expressions (23) Idioms (24) Common Sayings (25) Chinese Culture-specific Expressions (27)4.2 Transfer of Linguistic Meanings (29)4.2.1 Transfer at the Phonological Level (29)4.2.2 Transfer at the Lexical Level (31)4.2.3 Transfer at the Syntactic Level (33)4.3 Transfer of Pragmatic Meanings (34)4.3.1 Transfer of Indexical Meaning (34)4.3.2 Transfer of Expressive Meaning (35)4.3.3 Transfer of Imperative Meaning (36)4.3.4 Transfer of Associative Meaning (37)4.3.5 Transfer of Social Meaning (38)4.4 Summary (39)Chapter 5 Conclusion (41)5.1 Major Findings and Enlightenment (41)5.2 Limitations and Suggestions (43)Acknowledgements (45)Bibliography (46)Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research BackgroundAs a new academic discipline, sociosemiotics was formally proposed in the late the 1970s, on the background of the redefinition of human nature since the middle of the 19th century. Hence, the main thrust of this discipline must also lie in the reinterpretation of human nature. As a result, various problems related to human science can be explained and analyzed from this perspective. Therefore, sociosemiotics, ever since it was proposed, has been widely applied in discourse analysis, applied linguistics, pedagogy, children’s language study, advertising, architecture and many other fields. Translation, as a kind of social behavior and one of the most complex mental work of human beings, should also be analyzed from the perspective of sociosemiotics, which is the inevitable trend of the development of these two disciplines. We believe that the research on translation from the perspective of sociosemiotics should set a new record in the field of translation study, and the sociosemiotic approach to translation study should also be able to provide necessary theoretical guidance for translation practice as well.The Three-Body Problem is a science fiction novel by the famous sci-fi writer Liu Cixin, which tells the stories of the information exchange and communication between the Earth’s human civilization and the three-body civilization, the fight of life and death, and the rise and fall of two civilizations in the universe. The original Chinese version 《三体》(Santi) by Liu Cixin has become one of the most popular science fiction novels in China ever since its publication. And in 2006, it won the Galaxy Award,the most recognized and prestigious award for science fiction in China. However, not until the novel was translated into English by Ken Liu, has it attracted the world-wide attention. The English translation by Ken Liu was published by Tor Books in 2014. In the same year, it was nominated for the 2014 Nebula Award for Best Novel. Later in 2015, this English translation by Ken Liu won the 2015 Hugo Award for Best Novel, which indicates that besides the success of the original Chinese version, the English translation of this novel might be worth learning. It’s necessary to study the translation through multiple perspectives.This thesis tries to apply sociosemiotic approach to the study of the successful translation of The Three-Body Problem by Ken Liu, thus providing enlightenment forthe translation of the Chinse literature works, aiming to better transmit Chinese culture.1.2 Research SignificanceNowadays, translation studies stand on the threshold of a very exciting new phase, which is changing at a great rate. Translation scholars both at home and abroad have come to know that translation studies are characterized by sociological turn, ecological turn, complement of theories and cross-disciplinary studies involving the fields such as sociology, ecology, education, philosophy and psychology, etc. Many researches show that among these theories the sociosemiotic approach to translation is the most holistic perspective, as it studies language as signs and translation as the process of encoding and decoding signs, revealing the intrinsic nature of sings and external relation among signs, which provides a relatively all-inclusive scope for translation study.Sociosemiotic approach has been proved as comparatively all-embracing and most scientific in translation practice, since it breaks with the traditional idea of equivalence and opens new perspectives to translation studies at home and abroad, thus it has attracted great attention in domestic translation circles and has been warmly accepted by most scholars in China. It has been applied to interpreting the translation practice in the fields of both literary translation and non-literary translation like idioms translation, trademark translation, advertising translation, etc. And among those studies on literary translation, most of the source texts used in the case studies are traditional Chinese literary works like Dream of the Red Chamber and Water Margin. Little concern has been given to the translation of contemporary Chinese literary works from the perspective of sociosemiotics. Especially for the Chinese science fiction translation, no research has been conducted yet. Therefore, it is of both theoretical and practical significance to conduct the tentative study of Ken Liu’s translation of The Three-Body Problem from this perspective.Based on the sociosemiotic approach to translation, this thesis will analyze the challenges and translation methods in translating The Three-Body Problem from the perspective of sociosemiotics to provide insights on the translation of Chinese science fictions under the guidelines for the “going-out” project of Chinse literature and culture, aiming to better transmit Chinese culture.1.3 Research QuestionsThis study is conducted with the aim of exploring the following questions:(1) Does the translator Ken Liu achieve “correspondence in meaning” in the English translation of The Three-Body Problem?(2) Is there any loss of meaning in the translated text? How does that happen?(3) How does Ken Liu endeavor to achieve “correspondence in meaning” in the process of translation from the perspective of sociosemiotics?(4) What is the significance of sociosemiotic approach to the translation of Chinese literature?Based on sociosemiotics, this thesis would try to make a tentative study of the transfer of the three types of meanings in the translation of The Three-Body Problem, which are referential meaning, linguistic meaning and pragmatic meaning under the guidance of the translation criterion in light of sociosemiotics. Qualitative analysis is the major method adopted in this thesis. The specific theoretical framework and how it is applied to translation study will be introduced later in chapter three. In addition, comparative analysis between the original text and the translated text is conducted in chapter four to analyze the discuss and translation methods in translating The Three-Body Problem to achieve “correspondence in meaning”, which is a comprehensive translation criterion guided by sociosemiotics. Accordingly, three steps would be carried out as follows:First, the author will provide a literature review of The Three-Body Problem, as well as the previous studies which have been conducted on the translation by Ken Liu.Second, the author will introduce the theoretical framework of this research, which includes the origin and development of sociosemiotics and the necessity and advantages to apply the sociosemiotic approach to translation.Third, the author will pick out typical translation examples in The Three-Body Problem which carry the characters of the transfer of the three semiotic meanings.Finally, the author will apply the sociosemiotic approach to analyze the examples to figure out whether the translator Ken Liu has reproduced the referential meaning, pragmatic meaning and linguistic meaning, and which translation methods he has adopted to achieve correspondence in meaning respectively.1.4 Structure of the ThesisThis thesis consists of five chapters as follows.Chapter One provides a general introduction to this thesis, which includes the research background, research significance and objective, research questions and methodology and the layout of the whole thesis.Chapter Two is the literature review related to this translation study of The Three-Body Problem from a sociosemiotic perspective, which includes a brief introduction to the author Liu Cixin and his masterpiece Santi, the original Chinese version, a brief introduction to the translator Ken Liu and his translation of The Three-Body Problem, as well as a review on the previous studies of the translation of The Three-Body Problem.Chapter Three serves as the theoretical basis of this thesis, which elaborates the origin and development of sociosemiotics in detail and explores the sociosemiotic approach to translation with the translation criterion “correspondence in meaning”. A detailed introduction to the three types of meanings is also presented in this chapter, showing the advantages of sociosemiotic approach to translation study and providing reliable scientific theoretical foundation for this thesis.Chapter Four is the most essential part of this thesis, in which the author analyzes and discusses Ken Liu’s translation of The Three-Body Problem from the perspective of sociosemiotics. The most typical examples are collected from Ken Liu’s translation to compare with the original Chinese version by Liu Cixin, in order to investigate if the meanings, which are referential meaning, linguistic meaning and pragmatic meaning, are perfectly reproduced in the translation under the guidance of the translation criterion from the perspective of sociosemiotics. And the author tries to find out what translation strategies and methods the translator Ken Liu has adopted respectively to achieve the correspondence in meaning.Chapter Five is the last part, which serves as a conclusion of this thesis. In this chapter, the author makes a summary of the major findings of this study, trying to provide some enlightenment for the future translation study. The author also points out the limitations of the research, propounding suggestions for further studies.Chapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Brief Introduction to The Three-Body ProblemAs a representative work by China’s multiple-award-winning science fiction writer Liu Cixin, the series of The Three-Body Problem has attracted great domestic and overseas attention. In the year of 2006, it won Chinese Science Fiction Galaxy Award, which is the sole one for this genre of literature in China. In 2014, The Three-Body Problem, the first volume of the series, was translated into English by a Chinese American science fiction writer Ken Liu and then nominated for the 2015 Nebula Award of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. Later in August of the same year, The Three-Body Problem won the 73rd Hugo Award for Best Novel, which means that Chinese science fiction has been lifted to world-class level through the creative writing by Liu Cixin and the successful translation of The Three-Body Problem by Ken Liu.2.1.1 The Writer Liu Cixin and His NovelLiu Cixin has been the leading figure in Chinese science fiction industry ever since the publication of his most famous work The Three-Body Problem in the year of 2007. He is a famous and outstanding Chinese science fiction writer, who has won the Galaxy Award for nine times in a row. He is also the winner of the 2015 Hugo Award (for The Three-Body Problem) and the 2017 Locus Award (for Death’s End) as well as nominee for the Nebula Award.Born in 1963, Liu Cixin was a student in North China University of Water Conservancy and Electric Power, majoring in hydraulic engineering. And after graduating in 1988, he worked as a computer engineer at a power plant in Shanxi and started writing science fiction in his spare time as a hobby. The education background and work experience conduct a profound effect on his writing style. Liu’s work is considered as hard science fiction, a category of science fiction characterized by an emphasis on scientific accuracy, which might be largely attributed to his major in college and his work experience.In 1989, Liu Cixin was labeled with the first cyberpunk Chinese author after thepublication of his maiden science fiction China 2185 and he rapidly came to fame after his novel With Her Eyes won the Galaxy Award in 1999. As a productive science fiction writer, so far Liu Cixin has published over 18 short stories, 16 novellas, 9 work collections and 8 novels, with The Three-Body Problem, Ball Lightening and The Era of Supernova as the most famous ones, among which the series of The Three-Body Problem have enjoyed a great popularity in the western world since the publishing of their English version.The Three-Body Problem begins with the madness of Cultural Revolution in China. The leading role Ye Wenjie, who is a student majoring in astrophysics in Tsinghua University witnesses the tragic death of her father in the catastrophe. And she is sent off for hard labor to the Northeast China. Later by accident, Ye joins The Red Coast Base, a secret military project in Mao’s day responsible for the search of alien lives. After years of futile effort, one night when Ye is on night-shift, she finally receives messages from an extraterrestrial civilization, thus learning about the existence of the Trisolaris.Since Ye gets desperate at human nature, she pins her hope on the much more developed alien civilization to improve human beings. She secretly exposes the coordinates of the earth to the Trisolarans who are looking for opportunities of escaping from their planet with unbearable climate condition, and answers the messages without permission to help the immigrants from the Trisolaris to take control of the Earth. Before the arrival of the invaders, the development of the basic science on the earth suddenly stagnates. Through playing a mysterious virtual reality game called “Three Body”, nanotech scientist Wang Miao gradually discovers the secret. Doomsday is coming.In a word, The Three-Body Problem has been the most popular science fiction in China and also widely known among the foreign readers ever since its publication. Thus, the genre of science fiction in China earns unprecedented attention, which will certainly promote its development.2.1.2 The Translator Ken Liu and His TranslationKen Liu, the translator of The Three-Body Problem, is a Chinese American writer and translator of science fiction, as well as a lawyer and programmer. He was born in 1976 in Lanzhou of China. At the age of 11, Ken emigrated to America with his family,and has been a tax lawyer after getting his doctor’s degree. Apart from being a lawyer, Ken Liu is also an amateur but prolific science fiction writer. His works have been published in Asimov’s, Lightspeed, Clarkesworld, Analog, Fiction and Science Fiction and Strange Horizons. Ken’s first novel, The Grace of Kings, won the Locus Best First Novel Award and was a Nebula finalist. In 2012, his short story The Paper Menagerie won the Hugo and Nebula Award for the best short story, which makes Liu the first Chinese American to receive these two most prestigious awards for science fiction. One year later, The Man Who Ended History: A Documentary got Hugo Award nomination for vest novella and his Mono No Aware won the 2013 Hugo Award for the best short story.In addition to writing science fiction, Ken Liu contributes a lot to the translation of excellent Chinese science fictions, and the translation works have also been widely accepted. In 2011, Ken Liu translated The Fish of Lijiang by Chen Qiufan, the English version of which won the 2012 World Fantasy Award. From then on Liu has born the responsibility to introduce Chinese Science fiction to the western world.In 2012, Ken Liu started to translate The Three-Body Problem, the English version of which was then published in 2014. The writer Liu Cixin spoke highly of the translation. “Translation is an activity across two different cultures and spaces. As for The Three-Body Problem, Ken Liu works as the bridge linking the two cultures. Ken Liu’s translation is great, almost perfect. The Three-Body Problem was nominated for best novel by many world science fiction prizes, including the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award, the John W. Campbell Award, the Prometheus Award and the Locus Poll Winners. Then in August 2014, it received the Hugo Award for best novel. Moreover, Ken Liu translated Folding Beijing, a work by Chinse female science fiction writer Hao Jingfang, and the English edition won the 2016 Hugo Award for best novella.To draw a conclusion, due to great translating skills, special background and rich knowledge of Chinese and western cultures, Ken Liu has been an outstanding Chinese science fiction translator to promote Chinese culture to the world stage.2.2 Previous Studies on the Translation of The Three-Body ProblemThe Three-Body Problem is a successful Chinese science fiction novel by the famous sci-fi writer Liu Cixin, which has attracted a world-wide attention and sweptthe board with a bunch of nominations of many world science fiction prizes since the publication of its translated version by Ken Liu. It brings Chinese science fiction to the world stage, promoting the dissemination of Chinese literature and culture. A lot of researches have been conducted from different perspectives to probe into the success of Ken Liu’s translation of The Three-Body Problem. In this section, a detailed review of previous studies on Chinese fiction translation, on translation of The Three-Body Problem and on translation study from sociosemiotic perspective is provided.2.2.1 Studies on Chinese Science Fiction TranslationThe earliest translation activities in China can be dated back to the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 B.C.). Compared with this long period of history, science fiction translation is not undertaken by the Chinese until the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republican Era (1840-1919) when science fiction was introduced in China as a new literary genre. In the initial stage, science fictions were spread one-sidedly from western countries to China. However, from the 1980s on, Chinese science fiction starts to make its debut in the world. In the meanwhile, studies on Chinse science fiction translation emerge as more and more translation scholars begin to pay attention to this field.Wang Xueming and Liu Yi divide science fiction translation in China into four periods in their collaborated article Science Fiction Translation in China: Retrospect and Prospect (2015). The fourth period extending from the 1990s to 2015 is defined by them as a time when original Chinese science fictions are mushrooming up and even getting translated into foreign languages. The infertility of Chinese science fiction translation into foreign languages is largely due to the prejudice most prominent Chinese translators hold against science fiction and its translation.As a result, study on Chinese science fiction translation turns out to be an even less explored area in China. Most of the previous researches conducted on science fiction translation in China are targeted at science fictions translated into Chinese. For instance, Fu Yanyan concludes in her master’s thesis A Study on Guo Jianzhong’s Thoughts and Practice of Science Fiction Translation (2013) that both the translation practice and researches made by professor Guo Jianzhong, a famous science fiction translation theorist, focus on science fiction in Chinese. It is necessary and important to conduct translation studies on the C-E translation of Chinese science fiction to bridge the research gap.2.2.2 Studies on the Translation of The Three-Body ProblemAs The Three-Body Problem translated by Ken Liu wins the Hugo award, more and more researches have been carried out on this science fiction translated from Chinese into English. When inputting the key words “The Three-Body Problem” and “translation” in the online database CNKI which is a comprehensive integrated knowledge resources system, the author got 87 related papers on Ken Liu’s translated version of The Three-Body Problem, according to which it can be found that the studies are mainly conducted from three aspects.First, several researches are conducted to study Ken Liu’s translation from a certain perspective of linguistics. Chen Ziyue studies the translation of The Three-Body Problem in her paper On Science Fiction Translation from the Perspective of Chesterman’s Translation Norms—A Case Study of the English Version of Santi (2015). The author examines The Three-Body Problem form the categories of norm theory, namely the preliminary norms, the initial norms and the operational norms. And it is found out that Ken Liu’s translation is line with these translational norms. In the dissertation On Translator’s Responsibilities in The Three-Body Problem from the Perspective of Translation Ethics(2017), Li Yang explored the translator’s responsibilities of Ken Liu during the translation of The Three-Body Problem within the theoretical framework of translation ethics. And Liu Yang conducts a analysis of the translators of The Three-Body Problem form the feminist perspective in An Analysis of the Translation Strategies of The Three-Body Trilogy from the Gender Perspective (2019), aiming to find out whether the translators’ adoption of various translation strategies embody their fender consciousness and subjectivity.Second, some other studies are to investigate the translator Ken Liu’s personal characteristics. Song Gairong and Gong Yulong conduct a comparative study in linguistic level in their paper A Corpus-based Comparative Study of Ken Liu’s and Howard Goldblatt’s Translation Style (2016). The corpus of Ken Liu’s translation is made up of 13 novels he translates, including The Three-Body Problem. Through a close examination of the corpus in the light of Mona Baker’s monolingual comparable research mode, it is concluded that in the lexical level, Ken Liu’s translation enjoys a high degree of diversity with the utilization of long and complicated words. And Liang Yue in the year of 2019, based on the explanation of translator’s style made by Bakerand the corpus-based approach, Liang Yue takes three representative translations of Ken Liu, The Three-Body Problem included, as the research object and analyzes the translator’s style of Ken Liu both quantitatively and qualitatively in her thesis A Corpus-Based Study on Translator’s Style of Ken Liu (2019).Third, the acceptance abroad of Ken Liu’s translation of The Three-Body Problem is also studied. For instance, Liao Ziwei looks into the acceptance of The Three-Body Problem in the west in the article Overseas Promotion of Contemporary Literature from the Perspective of Translating and Introducing Effect (2016). Yang Jingyan illustrated how the translator Ken Liu and the original works affect the result of Hugo awards from the perspective of Bourdiwu’s concept of field, capital and habitus in her dissertation Hugo Awards and Sci-Fi Fiction Translation– A Study on the Translation of The Three-Body Problem and Folding Beijing From the Perspective of Bourdieu’s Cultural Sociology (2017).Though The Three-Body Problem has made a great hit in the western world, only a small scale of study has been conducted to promote the output of outstanding Chinese science fictions. The study on the C-E translation of The Three-Body Problem from the perspective of sociosemiotics is a new topic to which scholars have paid no attention before.Moreover, hardly any study of translations deals with the role that the concrete social institutions play in the quite complex phenomenon of communication-through-translation, while sociosemiotic approach is a relatively new but scientific and comprehensive approach to conduct such translation studies, so that in this thesis the author attempts to study Ken Liu’s translation from the perspective of sociosemiotics.。
《儒林外史》 称呼语研究
2018年18期总第406期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS社会符号学视角下网络流行语英译中指称意义的再现文/李丽丽【摘要】在当今的信息化时代,网络上不断涌现出一些流行语。
【关键词】社会符号学翻译法;网络流行语;指称意义【作者简介】李丽丽(1994.1- ),女,山西运城人,陕西师范大学外国语学院16级硕士,研究方向:翻译理论与实践。
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的确切和字面的意义 ” 。在杨译 《 儒林 外史》 中, 原文和译文 彼 此 的字 面意义保持 一致 的情 况下 , 译者往往 采用 了直译 , 完 全
引 起 了各 界 学 者 浓 厚 的研 究 兴 趣 。 本 文 将 运 用 社 会 符 号 学 翻 译理论 , 评析《 儒林外史》 英译本 中指称意义的转换 。
情况 , 即原语 的符 号意义 只能在译语 中得到部分 对等 , 甚至完 全不对等 的转换 。在杨译《 儒林外史》 中, 其指称 意义 的转换也 同样存在着上述三种情况。 ( 一) 指 称 意 义 的 完 全 对 等 再现 作为语言符号具 备的基本 意义 , 指称 意义通 常指 的是 “ 词
《 儒林外史》 是我 国文学史上 一部杰 出的现实 主义 的长 篇 讽刺小说 。它以批判科举制度为 中心 , 深刻暴露 和抨击 了封 建
社会后期知识分子 的丑陋灵魂 。 白面世 以来 , 该小 说先后被译 成 了英 、 法、 德、 俄、 日等 多 种 文 字 , 深 受 国 内外 读 者 的 欢 迎 , 并
第2 8卷第 4期
总第 1 4 6期
湖 北 函 授 大 学 学 报
J o u r n a l o f HU BE I C o  ̄e s p o n d e n c e Un i v e r s i t y
V o 1 . 2 8 . NO. 4( G e n . N O. 1 4 6 ) F e b . ( 1 a s t ho u r h e a d c o mp l e t e l y -y o u’ r e l i k e垒!
a sw an … ’ ’
范进从二十岁便 开始参加 童生试 , 在 应考二 十余 次之后 , 终 于 在 五 十 四岁 时 进 学 成 功 中 了 秀 才 , 本 想 向丈 人 胡 屠 户 商 借 盘缠参 加乡试 , 结果胡 屠户根本 不看好他 , 反 而 把 他 骂 得 狗 血 淋 头 。在 此 语 境 中 , 译者 直译 “ 癞蛤蟆想 吃天鹅 肉” , 完全保 留 再现了原文指称意义。此外 , 虽然相 当多 的英语 读者不甚 熟悉
的 指 称 意 义 的 转换 , 从 而 证 明 了译 者 杨 宪 益 夫妇 深 刻地 领 悟 了原 著 , 较 成 功 地在 译 文 中传 递 了指 称 意 义 及 其 信 息 功 能 。
[ 关键词】 社会符号 学; 杨译《 儒 林外史》 ; 指称 意义; 转换 [ 中图分类号]G 6 4 2 [ 文献标识码 ]A [ 文章编号 ]1 6 7 1 — 5 9 1 8 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 0 4 — 0 1 5 7 — 0 3 [ 本刊网址 ]h t t p : / / w w w. h b x b . n e t 而, 在绝 大多数情 况下 , 不 同民族 的人们对 自然和社 会的认 知
2 0 1 5年 2月 ( 下)
从社会符 号学视 角看杨译 《 儒林外 史》 中指称 意义 的转换
陈 勇
( 许 昌学院外 国语学院 , 河南许 昌 4 6 1 0 0 0 )
[ 摘 要] 本 文运 用社会符号 学的翻译理论 , 根据“ 功能相似 , 意义相符” 的翻译标 准, 评析 了《 儒林 外史》 英译 本 中
社 会 符 号 学 的翻 译 理 论 ( 一) 世界是 由各 种符 号系统组成 的, 任何 事物都 可以看作
是一个符号。作 为承载社会文化信 息的符号 系统 , 语言符 号系 统具有强烈的社会性 。社会 即文化 , 因此 , 翻译 不 仅 是 语 言 符 号的转换 , 更 是 不 同社 会 环 境 , 不 同文 化 的转 换 。 ( 二) 翻译 即翻译意义 。语言符号的意义包括指称意义 、 言 内意义 、 语用意义 。任何 语 言符 号或 语言符 号构建 的文 本 , 在 具 体的语境 中 , 可 以 同时具 备上述三 种意义 , 也 可以只具备 一 种或任何两种意义 。 ( 三) 社会符号学的翻译理 论主张采 用英 国翻译理 论家纽 马克 的观 点 , 即语 言有 六 种 功 能 : ( 1 ) 表情功能 , 表达 言者 、 作者 或信息源 的思 想感 情 ; ( 2 ) 信息 功能 , 反 映语 言 以外 的现 实世 界; ( 3 ) 祈使功能 , 在于使读 者或 听众做 出文本所期 望 的反 应 ;
角度和深度存 在差异 , 因此 社 会 文 化 差 异 也 十分 明 显 , 不 同 的 语 言之 间也就不可避免地存在着语义部 分对应 , 甚 至不对应 的
d o i : 1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s n . 1 6 7 1 — 5 9 1 8 . 2 0 1 5 . 0 4 - 0 7 7
对等再 现了原文 的指称意义 。 例 1 .不要 失了你 的时 了!你 自己只觉 得 中了一个相 公 ,
就‘ 癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉 ’ 来!
“ Do n’ t b e a f o o l ! ”… “J u s t p a s s i n g o n e e x a mi n a t i o n h a s
释或命名 自身特点的功能。语 言的前四种功能是 主要的 , 往往 不能截然分开 ; 而后两种功能则仅用于局部 。 ( 四) 意义 和功 能是衡 量译 文质量 不 可缺 少 的两个 方 面。 完美 的翻译应 全部传达语言符号所具 备的意义 , 对等再现原 文 的语 言功能。但是 , 原语 和译语符 号各种意义 同时对应 的情 况 很 少 。译 者必 须 根 据 语 境 对 原 文 的三 种 符 号 学 意 义 进 行 取 舍 , 保证原文最 主要 的意义 的正确传达。功能对等也 “ 不能用数学 上对等 的意义去理解 ‘ 对等’ , 而 应该 用近似 ( p r o x i m i t y ) , 即功 能对等 的近似程度上来 加以理解 ” , 使译 文读者 获得与原 文读 者尽可能相 同的感受 。因此 , 运用社会 符号学理论进行 翻译研 究和实践 , 应 当遵循 “ 功能 相似 , 意义相符 ” 的标 准 ; 而且 , 功能 较“ 虚” , 语义较 “ 实” , 实现 了语义相符 , 也就实现 了功能相似 。 二、 杨译《 儒林外史》 指称意义的转换 般来说 , 人类所处 的 自然环境和经历 的社会活动 大致相