Systematic Study of Hadronic Observables in Nucleus Nucleus Collisions at CERN SPS



r e c e i v e d b i l a t e r a l c o c h l e a r a b l a t i o n wh i l e c o n t r o l g r o u p d i d n o t . AD mo d e l wa s e s t a b l i s h e d b y b i l a t e r a l c o c h l e a r a b l a — t i o n t h r o u g h r e t r o a u r i c u l a r i n c i s i o n . Te c h n o l o g y o f r e a l —t i me p o l y me r a s e c h a i n r e a c t i o n( RT— PCR)a n d i mmu n o —
d e r i v e d n e u r o t r o p h i c f a c t o r , B D NF ) 和 其 功 能 性 受 体 酪 氨 酸激 酶 B ( t r o p o my o s i n r e c e p t o r k i n a s e B, T r k B ) 与 听皮 层 可 塑 性 的关 系 。 方 法 4 8只 S D大 鼠 随机 分 为 实 验 组 和 对 照 组 , 每组 2 4只 , 采 用 耳 后 切 口暴 露 听 泡 并 打 开 , 实 验
t r o p o my o s i n r e c e p t o r k i n a s e B( Tr k B)a n d t h e p l a s t i c i t y o f a u d i t o r y c o r t e x( AC)i n a u d i t o r y d e p r i v a t i o n( AD)f o a n —


a) study controls for ___________ (select the most important factor) ♦ b) study controls for any additional factor (This criteria could be modified to
Development: Identifying Items
• Identify ‘high’ quality choices with a ‘star’
• A maximum of one ‘star’ for each item within the ‘Selection’ and ‘Exposure/Outcome’ categories; maximum of two ‘stars’ for ‘Comparability’
2. Representativeness of the cases a) consecutive or obviously representative series of cases ♦ b) potential for selection biases or not stated
3. Selection of Controls a) community controls ♦ b) hospital controls c) no description
1. Is the case definition adequate? a) yes, with independent validation ♦ b) yes, eg record linkage or based on self reports c) no description
Bias and Confounding






关键词 动态血压监测;血压管理;指南;高血压2020 Chinese Hypertension League Guidelines on Ambulatory Blood Pressure MonitoringWriting Group of the 2020 Chinese Hypertension League Guidelines on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring.Corresponding Author: WANG Jiguang, Email: jiguangwang@2020中国动态血压监测指南中国高血压联盟《动态血压监测指南》委员会指南与共识AbstractHypertension is an important risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) has become an indispensable technique for the detection of hypertension, risk assessment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, therapeutic monitoring, and guidance of the individualized treatment. Based on the “2015 expert consensus on the clinical use of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring”, the current guideline updates recommendations on the major issues of ABPM, such as the device requirements and methodology, interpretation of the reported results, clinical indications, application on special populations, the utility in the community and future perspectives. It aims to guide the clinical application practice of ABPM in China.Key words ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; blood pressure management; guideline; hypertension(Chinese Circulation Journal, 2021, 36: 313.)高血压是心脑血管疾病的重要危险因素,与心脑血管疾病发病和死亡密切相关[1-3]。









Title: Claude Mckay’s Transnational Writing in Home to HarlemAbstract: Claude McKay’s Home to Harlem depicts the black transnational experience of the early 20th century. Academics mainly studied the influence of McKay’s personal transnational experience and black internationalist thinking on his main character, but neglected the minor plot’s protagonist Ray and his nationality, and the significance of his sojourn in Harlem. Ray’s transnational migration experience not only embodies McKay’s complex transnational feeling and identity experience, but also reflects Harlem’s spatial significance as an ideal home for African diaspora and urban black community. The paper aims to examine Caribbean immigrants’ experience of modernity in Harlem which is interpreted as the geographic space for immigrants to evoke historical memories, the political space for constructing transnational identities and the multicultural space for accommodating differences. It is to prove that they manage to extricate themselves from the shackles of traditional concepts of nation, race and class and their confusion of identity by changing their established identity and redefining themselves, and thus participate in the production of racial space in American cities.60Foreign Language and Literature Research 2 (2021)外国语文研究2021年第2期Key words: Claude Mckay; Home to Harlem; transnational writingAuthor: Shu Jinyan is Ph. D. candidate at College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University (Tianjin, 300071, China), associate professor at School of Foreign Studies, Kashi University (Kashi 844000, China). Her major academic research interest includes American literature. E-mail: ******************1925年,阿伦•洛克在《新黑人》选集中将哈莱姆描述为一个国际化的文化之都,视其重要性堪比欧洲新兴民族国家的首都。



3 JUNE 2011 VOL 332 SCIENCE 1160PERSPECTIVESPropagating bacteria in a lab f or thousands of genera-tions may seem tedious, oreven irrelevant, to most evolution-ary biologists. Nonetheless, such experiments provide an opportunity to deduce quantitative principles ofevolution and directly test them in controlled environments. Combined with modern sequencing technolo-gies, as well as theory, recent micro-bial experiments have suggested a critical role for genetic interactions among mutations, called epistasis, in determining the pace of evolution. T wo papers in this issue, by Khan et al . on page 1193 ( 1) and Chou et al . ( 2) on page 1190, present precise experimental measurements of these epistatic interactions.Microbial evolution experiments in a simple, constant environmentreveal a characteristic pattern: At fi rst, a population rapidly acquires benef icial mutations, but then adaptation progressively slows sothat thousands of generations pass between subsequent benefi cial substitutions ( 3). Unexpected outcomes, however, can and do occur even in these simple experimental conditions. Populations evolve a dramatically elevated mutation rate ( 4), discover rare phe-notypic innovations ( 5), or diverge into dis-tinct lineages that either coexist ( 6) or com-pete vigorously as each strain races to acquire more adaptive mutations ( 7). Recent theory suggests that a common cause underlies all these phenomena: the structure of epistatic interactions among mutations.Epistasis describes how the fi tness conse-quence of a mutation depends on the status of the rest of the genome. In one extreme exam-ple, called sign epistasis, a mutation may be benefi cial if it arises on one genetic back-ground, but detrimental on another. Although interactions among genes may seem an obvi-ous fact of biology, the myriad possible forms of epistasis have made it diffi cult to formu-late predictive evolutionary models or to infer such interactions from empirical data. Nev-ertheless, epistasis is at the heart of classi-cal theories, such as the evolution of sex ( 8), and also of modern concepts such as robust-ness and evolvability (a population’s ability to evolve) ( 9). Moreover, recent theoretical work ( 10) suggests that the overall dynami-cal pattern of adaptation observed in long-term microbial experiments can be explained by a prevalence of what is called antagonistic epistasis, in which benefi cial mutations con-fer less benefi t in combination than they do individually.To quantify epistasis among benef icial mutations and to test these theoretical predic-tions, both Khan et al . and Chou et al . exam-ined the initial substitutions that occurred in populations of bacteria adapting in the labo-ratory. The researchers identifi ed the hand-ful of mutations across the genome that had substituted in an evolved strain, and then con-structed intermediate strains containing com-binations of these mutations. By measuringthe fi tness benefi ts conferred by these muta-tions, individually and in combination, the researchers were able to directly quantify the extent and form of epistasis (see the fi gure).Both studies found a predominance of antagonistic epistasis, which impeded the rate of ongoing adaptation relative to a null model of independent mutational eff ects. Chou et al . further interpreted the prevalence of antagonistic epistasis in terms of meta-bolic costs and benefi ts. The concordance of results from the two studies is noteworthy, especially because Khan et al . analyzed Esch-erichia coli populations [from the long-term experiments of Lenski ( 3)], whereas Chou et al . studied an engineered strain of Methylo-bacterium extorquens . The remarkable preci-sion with which both studies quantifi ed epis-tasis among benefi cial mutations was made possible only by leveraging whole-genome sequencing combined with the ability to reconstruct mutational combinations andassay them in the same environment in whichthe mutations fi rst arose.The view of epistasis across a genome that emerges from this work contrasts sharply In Evolution, the Sum Is Less than Its PartsEVOLUTIONSergey Kryaz himskiy ,1,2 Jeremy A. Draghi ,1 Joshua B. Plotkin 1Laboratory experiments with bacteria shedlight on how epistatic interactions infl uence the pace of evolution.Ancestor strain Adapted strain Reconstruct intermediates Evolves in labDiminishing returns Fitness W abFitness W b Fitness W a 1st mutation 2nd mutation 3rdmutation F i t n e s sAntagonistic epistasis W ab < W a • W b Antagonistic epistasis. Bacteria adapt to a laboratory environment by acquiring benefi cial mutations. Khan et al . and Chou et al . identifi ed the mutations that accrued in an adapted strain, and measured their fi tness benefi ts (growth advantage relative to the ancestor). The mutations conferred smaller marginal benefi ts in combination than they didindividually. This antagonistic epistasis causes progressively slower rates of adaptation over time.C R E D I T : A D A P T E D B Y P . H U E Y /S C I E N C E1Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Phila-delphia, PA 19103, USA. 2Department of Organismic andEvolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138,USA.E-mail:******************.eduPublished by AAASo n J u n e 2, 2011w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o mPERSPECTIVESwith the type of epistasis found among adap-tive mutations within a single protein ( 11). Notably, Weinreich et al. studied mutations in an antibiotic resistance gene, β-lactamase, and found a prevalence of sign epistasis, which limits the number of genetic paths that evolution can follow ( 11). In contrast, the epistasis documented by Khan et al. and Chou et al. exerts less constraint on the order of substitutions that increase fi tness, so that the specifi c path that evolution will take is less predictable. At the same time, the pre va-lence of antagonistic epistasis measured by the two groups ensures a predictable tempo of adaptation characterized by diminishing marginal returns ( 10).Although these new experiments suggest a consistent principle of how epistasis shapes the pattern of adaptation, many questions must be answered before their results can be extended to evolution outside the labora-tory. It remains unclear, for instance, whether these results would be altered by changing fundamental evolutionary parameters, such as population size, rate of mutation, and rate of re combination. Likewise, it is uncle ar whether experiments in simple environments,with only one or a few niches for coexistingstrains, will refl ect the pattern of adaptation inmore complex ecologies, such as Pseudomo-nas fl uorescens in structured environments( 6). Nonetheless, the compelling consistencybe twe e n the se two studie s should inspireefforts to test the generality of their fi ndings,by measuring epistasis in a wide range ofexperimental and even natural systems.These studies, and the long-term labora-tory evolution experiments from which theyderive, represent a resounding achievementfor the reductionist approach to studyingbiology. The mechanistic picture they paintof evolution is complex but not incompre-hensible; although epistatic interactions leadto surprising phenomena, the advantagesof a frozen “fossil record” of laboratory-raised isolates, and the ease of manipulat-ing—and, now, fully sequencing—evolvedstrains enables researchers to tease apart andexamine the underlying causes of these phe-nomena. Moreover, the theory and conceptsdeveloped to explain these simple experi-me nts may have broad payoffs. Alre ady,epistasis has been implicated in the evolu-tion of drug resistance in infl uenza viruses( 12) and in bacterial pathogens ( 13). Ulti-mately, populations of bacteria tediouslypropagated in the lab may be key to predict-ing the next moves of the most mutable anddangerous human pathogens.References1. A. I. Khan, D. M. Dinh, D. Schneider, R. E. Lenski, T. F.Cooper, Science332, 1193 (2011).2. H.-H. Chou, H.-C. Chiu, N. F. Delaney, D. Segrè, C. J.Marx, Science332, 1190 (2011).3. S. F. Elena, R. E. Lenski, Nat. Rev. Genet.4, 457 (2003).4. P. D. Sniegowski, P. J. Gerrish, R. E. Lenski, Nature387,703 (1997).5. Z. D. Blount, C. Z. Borland, R. E. Lenski, Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. U.S.A.105, 7899 (2008).6. P. B. Rainey, M. Travisano, Nature394, 69 (1998).7. R. J. Woods et al., Science331, 1433 (2011).8. A. S. Kondrashov, Nature336, 435 (1988).9. G. P. Wagner, L. Altenberg, Evolution50, 967 (1996).10. S. Kryazhimskiy, G. Tkačik, J. B. Plotkin, Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. U.S.A.106, 18638 (2009).11. D. M. Weinreich, N. F. Delaney, M. A. Depristo, D. L.Hartl, Science312, 111 (2006).12. J. D. Bloom, L. I. Gong, D. Baltimore, Science328, 1272(2010).13. S. Trindade et al., PLoS Genet.5, e1000578 (2009).10.1126/science.1208072Behavior and the Dynamic Genome GENOMICSAlison M. Bell 1,3 and Gene E. Robinson 2,3Does behavior evolve through gene expression changes in the brain in response to the environment?W he n circumstance s change, an organism’s fi rst response is oftenbehavioral. But how does adap-tive behavior evolve, given that it requires constant and often instantaneous interac-tions between an individual and its environ-ment? The dominant view emphasizes new random DNA mutation as the starting point. This may lead to behavioral variation. If the resulting variants have different fi tness values, then natural selection could result in behavioral evolution through changes in allele frequencies across generations. An alternative theory proposes environmentally induced change in an organism’s behavior as the starting point ( 1), and “phenotypic plas-ticity” that is inherited across generations through an unspecifi ed process of “genetic assimilation” ( 2). Despite numerous exam-ples ( 3), the latter as a driver of behavioralevolution has never been widely accepted,perhaps as a reaction against Lamarckian-ism—the idea that characteristics acquiredby habit, use, or disuse can be passed onacross ge ne rations. Howe ve r, be havioralgenetics and genomics, especially for ani-mals in natural populations, lend some plau-sibility to the phenotypic plasticity view.The ability to analyze genome-wide geneexpression through “transcriptomics” hasshown that the genome responds dynami-cally to stimuli ( 4). One illustrative exam-ple is the honey bee. The African honey bee(Apis mellifera scutellata) responds muchmore fi ercely when its hive is attacked thando other subspecies of honey bee. Evolu-tionary changes in brain gene expressionmay have resulted in an increase in respon-siveness to alarm pheromone (the chemicalbees use to alert each other to danger) forAfrican honey bees ( 5). About 10% of thesame genes regulated in the brain by alarmpheromone are also differentially expressedbe twe e n African and the le ss aggre ssiveEuropean honey bees. These genes, actingover both physiological and evolutionarytime scales, provide a possible mechanismfor how behavioral plasticity might driverapid behavioral evolution through changesin gene regulation. In an environment withmore predators, colonies producing morebees with lower thresholds for respondingto alarm pheromone would have fared bet-ter, which would then result in a popula-tion with patterns of gene expression whoseoutput was an “aroused” behavior, even inthe absence of alarm pheromone. Althoughthis view does not rule out the possibilitythat these differences in aggression arosethrough new mutation, the transcriptomicsagrees with the idea of “genetic accommo-dation” ( 3), the modern, more inclusive ver-sion of genetic assimilation, which couldinvolve e ithe r e volutionary incre ase s ordecreases in plasticity. In certain environ-ments, plastic genotypes might be favored,but in other environments, nonplastic gen-otypes might be preferred instead. Futurestudies will determine whether differencesin honey bee aggression can be explainedby selection on regulatory regions of the1Department of Animal Biology, University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801, USA. 2Department of Ento-mology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801,USA. 3Neuroscience Program, Program in Ecology, Evolution-ary Biology and Conservation, Institute for Genomic Biology,University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801, USA.E-mail:******************.eduPublished by AAAS o n J u n e 2 , 2 0 1 1 w w w . s c i e n c e m a g . o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o m SCIENCE VOL 332 3 JUNE 20111161。



的表达与正常对照组 、 自身对照组差异均有统计学意义 ( 0 0 ) M P< , 5 , D组间差异 也有统计 学意义 ( 0 0 ) P< . 1 ;
而 TMP2m N I 一 R A的表达则逐渐下降 。各 自身对照组 MMP2 T M - R A的表达 与 MD组变化 趋势 大致 相 -、I P2m N
E ry e p e s n o t i t l p o en s - n st s e i h b t ri h o t ro b o s s lr fg i e i a l x r s i fma rx me al r t i a e 2 a d i i u i i t e p se ir f r u ce a o u n a p g o o t s n o n i
同。结论 MM -/ I - 间动态平衡失调可 能是启 动豚 鼠 F M巩 膜细胞 外基 质早期 主动 重塑 的重要 因 P2 TMP2之 D 素。 ( 中国跟耳鼻喉科杂志 ,0 0 1 :57 ) 2 1 ,0 7 —8
【 关键词 】 近视 ; 形觉 剥夺 ; 巩膜重塑 ; 基 质金 属蛋 白酶 2 基质金属蛋 白酶抑制剂 2 豚鼠 ; ;
ec u e i w aem nc l er a o ( )a 14 7 1 n 1 a set e dc D te e y ahgi apg a m d ooua dp vtn MD t ,, , ad2 yr pci l t i ueF M,h f ee n s r i i 4 d e v yon lt
为 5组 , 眼形觉剥夺 ( ooua dp vt n MD) 单 m ncl er a o , r i i 右眼 14 7 1 、1d 、 、 、4 2 制备 F M 动物模型 , D 未遮盖眼为 自身对 照组 。各组豚 鼠进 行检影验光和 A超测量眼轴长度 。提取后极部巩膜总 R A, 步法逆转 录聚合酶链 反应 检 N 二 测各组后极部巩膜 MMP2及 TMP2mR A的表达水平 。结 果 - I - N 除 1d外 , 各组 MD后极部巩膜 MMP2m N . R A



• 1891 teaching Sanskrit and historical linguistics at the University of Geneva for the remainder of his life.
• 1907 teaching the Course of General Linguistics, which he would offer three times, ending in the summer of 1911.
• Course in General Linguistics (Cours de linguistique générale )《普通语言 学教程》
Members: Li Shuang Liu Zhitian Ma Qing
Main Viewpoints
• Signifier and Signified 语言 的能指与所指
The signifier is the pointing finger, the word, the sound-image.
The signified is the concept, the meaning, the thing indicated by the signifier.
• He is widely considered one of the fathers of 20th century linguistics.
• 1857 born in Geneva
• 1875-1876 studying physics and chemistry at the University of Geneva (日 内瓦大学)

IB Biology SL. IB生物标准课程词汇. Glossary_of_terms_for_biology_SL_at_CAIS

IB Biology SL. IB生物标准课程词汇. Glossary_of_terms_for_biology_SL_at_CAIS
Distinguish betweenconsumers,
Consumer: an organism that ingests other organic matter that is living or recently killed.
Glossary of terms for biology SLat CAIS.
The following are the definitions you will need to know during the IB biology course. Some of these definitions correspond to the command term “define” whereas others correspond to different command terms such as “state”, “outline” and “distinguish” where you may need a specific definition or concept.
Distinguish betweenautotrophand
Autotroph: an organism that synthesizes its organic molecules from simple inorganic substances.
Heterotroph: an organism that obtains organic molecules from other organisms.
Detritivore: an organism that ingests non-living organic matter.

Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses:系统综述和Meta分析

Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses:系统综述和Meta分析
• Founded 1993
Canadian Cochrane Network & Centre
CC built on 10 Principles
• collaboration • building on the enthusiasm of individuals • avoiding duplication • minimizing bias • keeping up to date • striving for relevance • promoting access • ensuring quality • continuity • enabling wide participation
Davidoff F et al. (1995) EBM; A new journal to help doctors identify the information they need. BMJ 310:1085-86.
Hale Waihona Puke Statistical Quality of Medical Research gets low marks!
The Cochrane Collaboration - origins
• Archie Cochrane – “It is surely a great criticism of our profession that we have not organized a critical summary, by specialty or subspecialty, adapted periodically, of all relevant randomized controlled trials.”
Most studies are too small


1982年诺贝尔生理学 医学奖
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1982
"for their discoveries concerning prostaglandins and related biologically active substances"
Sune K. Bergström – Autobiography
I was born January 10th, 1916 in Stockholm, Sweden. 1944 1946 - 47 1947 - 58 1958 - 80 1963 - 66 D. Med. Sci., Biochemistry, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Research Fellowship, Basel University, Basel Professor of Physiological Chemistry, The University of Lund, Lund Professor of Chemistry, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Dean of the Medical Faculty, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Rector of Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Chairman of the Board of Directors, The Nobel Foundation, Stockholm Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine,Stockholm President of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences



布地格福联合泛福舒改善稳定期COPD 患者肺功能的临床研究王杨广,麦景亮,张建平台山市第二人民医院呼吸与危重症医学科,广东台山529224【摘要】目的研究布地格福联合泛福舒改善稳定期慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者肺功能的临床效果。

方法选取2021年6月至2022年10月期间台山市第二人民医院收治的80例稳定期COPD 患者作为研究对象,按随机数表法将患者分为联合组和对照组各40例。


比较两组患者的治疗效果,治疗前及治疗1个月、2个月、3个月后的肺功能指标[第一秒用力呼气容积(FEV 1)、用力肺活量(FVC)、FEV 1/FVC],治疗前后的免疫球蛋白指标[免疫球蛋白A (IgA)、免疫球蛋白G (IgG)、免疫球蛋白M (IgM)]和治疗期间的不良反应发生情况。

结果联合组患者的治疗总有效率为95.00%,明显高于对照组患者的75.00%,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);治疗前,两组患者的FEV 1、FVC 、FEV 1/FVC 比较差异均无统计学意义(P >0.05),治疗1个月、2个月、3个月后,两组患者的FEV 1、FVC 、FEV 1/FVC 均明显升高,且联合组明显高于对照组,差异均具有统计学意义(P <0.05);治疗前,两组患者的IgA 、IgG 、IgM 比较差异均无统计学意义(P >0.05),治疗后,两组患者的IgA 、IgG 、IgM 均升高,且联合组患者的IgA 、IgG 、IgM 水平分别为(2.32±0.42)g/L 、(13.06±2.48)g/L 、(1.96±0.21)g/L ,明显高于对照组的(1.76±0.38)g/L 、(9.82±2.56)g/L 、(1.68±0.34)g/L ,差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05);联合组患者的不良反应总发生率为22.50%,略低于对照组的30.00%,但差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。



BS3交联分析β淀粉样蛋白的寡聚结构石镜明;贺学;廉会娟;吴涛;武美娜;孙正启【摘要】使用交联剂双琥珀酰亚胺辛二酸酯磺酸钠盐(Bis (sulfosuccinimidyl),BS3)对Aβ1-42进行交联,通过与之前报道的戊二醛交联进行比较分析,可以看出BS3更适合分析蛋白的寡聚状态,这将为Aβ蛋白及类似的易聚集蛋白在体内、外研究提供很好的参考.%An agent namedbis(sulfosuccinimidyl) (BS3) is used to cross-link Aβpared with glutaraldehyde which was previously reported as an Aβ cross-linking agent,it is not difficult to find that BS3 is more suitable for the analysis of protein in extra-membrane Aβ oligomers states,which will provide a good experimental me thod to analyze Aβ protein and similar easy aggregation protein in vivo and vitro studies.【期刊名称】《西北大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(047)002【总页数】5页(P222-226)【关键词】双琥珀酰亚胺辛二酸酯磺酸钠盐(BS3);β淀粉样蛋白;寡聚体【作者】石镜明;贺学;廉会娟;吴涛;武美娜;孙正启【作者单位】西藏民族大学医学院/高原环境与疾病相关基因研究实验室,陕西咸阳712082;西藏民族大学医学院/高原环境与疾病相关基因研究实验室,陕西咸阳712082;西藏民族大学医学院/高原环境与疾病相关基因研究实验室,陕西咸阳712082;西藏民族大学医学院/高原环境与疾病相关基因研究实验室,陕西咸阳712082;西藏民族大学医学院/高原环境与疾病相关基因研究实验室,陕西咸阳712082;西藏民族大学医学院/高原环境与疾病相关基因研究实验室,陕西咸阳712082【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q518.4AD是老年性痴呆症中常见的型式,目前全世界大约2420万AD患者,预计每20年将翻一番,中国照料痴呆的直接花费大约为每年28亿美元[1-2]。



DOI:10.16661/ki.1672-3791.2020.17.204《果蝇唾腺染色体的制备及观察》实验综述报告①叶玉娟 宁丙乾 陈艳荣(黄山学院生命与环境科学学院 安徽黄山 245041)摘 要:该文阐述了本科院校遗传学实验课程中难度较大的《果蝇唾腺染色体的制备及观察》实验,从培养材料起,对唾腺的剥离、解离、染色、压片,再到观察唾腺染色体的实验步骤和注意事项都进行了详细的叙述。


关键词:唾腺染色体 染色 实验综述中图分类号:Q243 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2020)06(b)-0204-02Abstract:This paper describes the experiment of "preparation and observation of salivary gland chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster", which is very diff icult in the course of genetics experiment in undergraduate colleges.From the point of culture materials, the experiment steps and precautions of salivary gland chromosome observation are described in detail. This experiment is of great signif icance to biology students of undergraduate colleges. It can not only help students master the key technology of stripping salivary gland of Drosophila larvae, but also help students understand the morphological and genetic characteristics of multiline chromosomes more directly.Key Words: Salivary gland chromosome; Dyeing; Experimental overview1 实验目的(1)掌握剥离果蝇幼虫唾腺的技术,并学习制作果蝇唾腺染色体标本的方法。


























这 个 词 组 在 西 方 语 言 中 具有 超越 当 下 的历 史感 。 中 国
的集 体 记 忆 研 究 逐 渐 沦 为 了 ‘ 当代 群体 记 忆 研 究 ’ , 一 个 不 甚 准 确 的 翻 译 , 让我 们 自己束 缚 了 自己的 研 究 视 野 。 ” | 7 ] ( )基 于 客 体 切 入 式 研 究 传 统 。 这 种 研 究 传 二 统 是 以特 定 的记 忆 对 象 为 出 发 点 或 切 入 点 , 从 客 体 的 视 野 对 记 忆 对象 进 行 历 史 考 古 和 挖 掘 ,分 析 不 同时 期 、 不 同 人 群 对 特 定 记 忆 事 实 ( 事 件 、活 动 、人 如
其 骨 架 结构 的两 极 ,工 其 手 段等 中介 系 统 则 是 把主 体
和 客 体 联 系 起来 的 中介 变 量 。 社会 记 忆 无 论 是 被 视 为 静 态 的 社会 文化 现 象 ,还 是被 视 为 动 态 的 社 会 认 识活 动 , 都 具有 这 三 个 最 基 本 的客 观 要 素 结 构 。 ”[ 循 着 4 J 这 一 结 构 , 我 们 来 反 观 社 会 记 忆 研 究 成 果 , 可 以发 现 ,现有 的研 究 成 果 在 某种 程 度 上 与 社 会 记 忆 的这 一 一 基 本 要素 结 构 暗 合 。笔 者将 其 称 为 “ 种切 入 方式 的 三 研 究传 统 ”,具 体 来 说 :
分 社 会 史 的 学 者 )所 遵 循 。在 我 国 当前 社 会 记 忆 研 究 中 ,如 , 王汉 生 、刘 亚 秋 的 《 会 记 忆 及 其 建 构一 一 社
一 项 关 于 知 青 集 体 记 忆 的研 究 》 、 景 军 的 《 堂 记 神 忆 》 、方 慧 蓉 的 《“ 事 件 境 ”与 生 活 世 界 中 的 “ 无真


的 一 项 对 本 患 者 样 本 的 基 线 NP 得 分 的 分 析 中 , 妄 想 、 I 以
是通过 急性 阻断 纹 状 体突 触后 多巴胺 D。 受体 介 导 的 。
本 研 究 的 目 的 是 评 价 卡 巴 拉 汀 2次 / d口 服 , 剂 量 最 曰
幻 觉 、 漠 、 郁 的 得 分 相 加 作 为 4项 症 状 的 亚 量 表 , 4 淡 抑 这 个 方 面症 状 被认 为是 路 易体 痴 呆 的主 要症 状 。由于 行 为迟 缓 和 注 意 能 力严 重 受 损是 路 易体 痴 呆 的 主 要症 状 , 们 将 我
关 键 词 :路 易体痴 呆 ;卡 巴拉 汀
中 图 分 类 号 :R7 9 1 文 献 标 识 码 :A 文 章 编 号 : 1 0 — 9 3 ( 0 2 0 — 1 3 0 4 . 6 0 62 6 2 0 ) 30 8 — 3
1 1 言
路 易 体 痴呆 在过 去 1 o年 中已 被 认 定 是 老 年 人 痴呆 的 常见类型 , 占痴 呆 的 1 ~2 。表 现 为波 动 性 认 知 障 碍 5 o
抑郁 情 绪 、 眠障 碍 、 睡 听幻 觉是 路 易 体痴 呆 的常 见 神 经 精神 症 状 。 这一 大 组 患者 的治 疗 比较 困难 , 为在 大 多数 其他 对 因 疾病 中作 为治 疗 精神 行为 症 状主 要 手段 的抗 精神 病 药 物 用 于这 种 类 型痴 呆时 却 可 以诱 发严 重 的 、 不可 逆 的 、 常 是致 并 命的 敏 感反 应 。 尸检 研 究发 现 , 抗 精神 病 药物 的敏 感 反应 对 可 使 路 易体 痴呆 的死 亡率 增加 2 3 , 种反 应 至 少 部分 ~ 倍 这
性 和 安 全性 。













具体步骤如下:1. 数据预处理:对原始数据进行清洗、归一化等预处理操作,确保数据的质量和可比性。

2. 特征提取:通过无监督学习方法(如主成分分析等)提取数据的特征。

3. 聚类分析:使用适当的聚类算法(如K-means算法等)对数据进行聚类分析。

4. 计算Calinski-Harabasz指标:根据聚类结果计算每个聚类的Calinski-Harabasz指标值。

5. 确定相变点:根据Calinski-Harabasz指标的变化趋势,确定数据的拓扑相变点。







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a r X i v :n u c l -e x /9909002v 1 3 S e p 1999Systematic Study of HadronicObservables in Nucleus Nucleus Collisionsat CERN SPSR.Ganz 1for the NA49collaboration1Max-Planck-Institut f¨u r Physik M¨u nchen,F¨o hringer Ring 6,D-80805M¨u nchen,Germanye-mail:Rudolf.Ganz@cern.chAbstractThe possible transition of nuclear matter to a deconfined phase in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions is explored by a systematic variation of the collision system by means of system size,beam energy and centrality of the collision all measured within the same experiment NA49at the CERN SPS.The investigation takes advantage of the large number of hadronic observables covered over a wide phase space by the acceptance of the NA49TPCs.1.IntroductionThe aim of studying nucleus-nucleus collisions at relativistic beam energies is the potential creation of a new state of matter,the Quark Gluon Plasma,in which quarks are no longer confined to a single nucleon but can move quasi-freely over a larger volume.The highly dense environment,an essential for the occurance of this state,might be established for a short period of time in collisions of two heavy nuclei at relativistic beam energies at the CERN SPS.Because so far no signature has been put forward,which would uniquely identify the transition to such a state simply by its mere observation,only a systematic study can reveal the onset of such a new phenomenon.The NA49collaboration at CERN SPS has undertaken such a systematic approach by a variation of the initial state of the collision in terms of collision systems (p+p,p+Pb and Pb+Pb),different centralities and two beam energies (40AGeV and 158AGeV).Due to the versatility of NA49[1]in all these systems a large number of observables has been surveyed over wide phase space (see [2]and ref.therein),all within the same experimental setup.Here we present only a few aspects focussing on identified charged particle spectra and two particle correlations.2.Identified particle spectraIn NA49two methods of identifying particles areutilized.The more stringent method utilizes a time-of-flight measurement by four scintillator walls over 1010 1.5〈π-1000.5122.53d N /d y n o r m a l i ze dy±〉〈K ±〉−pNA49 preliminary Figure 1.Shape of the rapidity distribution of average charged pions,kaons and anti-protons.The results are from p+p collisions (dashed line)and Pb+Pb collision (solid lines)in six bins of centrality and are normalized at y =0.a flight-path of 13m.Since in this case the coverage of phase space is rather limited the results presented here are based on the second method,which exploits the specific energy loss dE/dx (resolution typically 4%)deposited by charged particles in the gas of the four large volume time projections chambers of NA49[1].Figure 1shows a comparison of the shapes of the rapidity distributions for pions (<π++π−>/2),kaons (<K ++K −>/2),and anti-protons200.〈p T 〉 [G e V /c ]x FFigure 2.Average transverse momentum in dependence on Feynman-x x F for π+in p+p,central p+Pb and central Pb+Pb collsions.measured in p+p collisions as well as in Pb+Pb collisions at six different bins of centrality (average impact parameters <b >≈2.6,4.6,5.7,7.0,8.5and 10.5fm)all at the incident beam energy of 158AGeV.It appears that the shapes are almost identical over this large variety of collision systems even though the change in system volume and geometry is rather sizeable.Turning attention to the transverse momentum distribution,the first question one might ask is,whether it is independent from thelongitudinal component.This is addressed in figures 2and 3by plotting the average transverse momentum <p T >versus the longitudinal momentum component,the latter being represented by the x-Feynman x F variable.For pions the seagull-shaped wing of figure 2contradicts the independence of the two ‡.This might be due to the contribution of low-p T pions from resonance decays at mid-rapidity,whereas a direct production rules at more forward rapidities.For proton spectra the situation is changed.Here,with the exception of the asymmetric projectile-target system p+Pb,the assumption of an independence between longitudinal and transeverse momentum is well supported by an almost constant <p T >value for regions of rapidities (figure 3).To interpret this one should keep in mind that in this energy regime the proton yield is still‡A fact not to be necleted when extrapolating results from narrow acceptance experiments into full phase space.〈p T 〉 [G e V /c ]x FFigure 3.Same representation as previous figure but shown for protons instead.dominated by the number of incoming projectile and target nucleons.The overall increase in <p T >from p+p to Pb+Pb might be attributed to the increased transfer of longitudinal momentum into transversal degrees of freedom due to multiple collisions.3.Two particle correlationsTwo particle correlations,here by means of the quantum mechanical interference of two identical pions,offer the opportunity to study the space-time evolution of heavy ion collisions in a direct way.With respect to the observation of a deconfined phase,this might be important since a transition should be accompanied by an increase in entropy,which in the final state of the collision should emerge as an increase in overall multiplicty or/and as an increase in the systems space-time extent compared to the case when no such transition has occured.In the right column of figure 4the dependence of the fitted radius parameters on the number n part of nucleons participating in the collision is shown for Pb+Pb collisions at different centralities compared to NA49results from p+p reactions and to the NA35results [5]on S+S at 200AGeV.The transverse radii R side and R out grow continously whereas R long appears constant when increasingn part .R 2diff=R 2out −R 2side ,being sensitive to the duration of the particle emission phase,is positive over the full range and R diffgrows linearly with3Figure 4.Left column:Dependence of radii on the center of mass energy.The 4.7AGeV points are AGS Au+Au data from E866[6].The 8.7AGeV radii are our very preliminary 40AGeV Pb+Pb results and the 17.2AGeV points are for central 158AGeV Pb+Pb.Right column:Dependence of the radii on number of participants in the collision.The △correspond to different centralities in 158AGeV Pb+Pb.Symbol ⋆is for central 200AGeV S+S [5]and •is for the 158AGeV p+p result.The ⋄is the RQMD 1.08result for central S+S and the RQMD 2.3result for central Pb+Pb.The line in R side corresponds to the geometrical transverse size of the overlap region of the two colliding nuclei.(<y ππ>≈4.2and <k t >≈0.12GeV /c .)n part .When comparing the measured radii with those extracted from the RQMD model,similar to the findings of NA35,a good agreement is found for R side ,but both versions of the model overestimate R out and R long .It is instructive to compare R side with an estimate of the geometrical transverse size of the overlap region in the collsions (line §in figure 4)which demonstrates that the§The line in R side corresponds to the average distance of points in the overlap region of two spheres of radius 1.16A 1/3offset by the impact paramter from the center of the the collision,projected into a randomly oriented reaction plane.interferometric radii reflect the late freeze-out stage which is preceeded by a strong expansion of the dense collision zone produced shortly after the collision [4].The left column of figure 4shows the collision energy dependence of the radius parameters displaying results for the highest AGS energy at 11.6AGeV,the SPS measurements at 158AGeV and the (very preliminary)results from the 40AGeV commissioning run of NA49in 1998.The 40AGeV and the 158AGeV results correspond to<y ππ>−y cms。
