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The modern world of high technology could not have come about except for the development of the computer. Different types and sizes of computers find uses throughout society in the storage and handling of data, from secret governmental files to banking transactions to private household accounts. Computers have opened up a new era in manufacturing through the techniques of automation, and they have enhanced modern communication systems. They are essential tools in almost every field of research and applied technology, from constructing models of the universe to producing tomorrow’s weather reports, and technique use has in itself opened up new areas of conjecture. Database services and computer networks make available a great variety of information sources. The same advanced techniques also make the invasions of privacy and restricted information sources possible, and computer crime has become one of the many risks that society must face if it is to enjoy the benefits of modern technology.

A computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions, or program, and then carry out this program by performing calculations on numerical data or by compiling and correlating other forms of information. The type of computers are mainly inclusive of Microcomputer, Minicomputer, Mainframe Computer and Supercomputer, etc. Microminiaturization , the effort to compress more circuit elements into smaller and smaller chip space is becoming the major trend in computer development. Besides, researchers are trying to develop more powerful and more advanced computers.

Any customers all pass the operate system to use the calculator, not direct carry on the operation to the hardware of the calculators. The operate system is a bridge that communicates the customer and calculator. Every general-purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs. Operating systems perform basic tasks and provide a software platform. The choice of operating systems determines to a great extent of the applications. Therefore OS is very important.

The operate system is in the charge of Computer resource control program to execute system software. Say in a specific way,the OS is the most basic in the calculator software system, also constituting the part most importantly, it is responsible for the management and controls the calculator system in all hardware resources and the software resources, can make of various resources matched with mutually, moderating to work with one accord, full develop its function, exaltation the efficiency of the system, still take the interface function of the customer and the calculator system at the same time, use the calculator to provide the convenience for the customer. The operate system is a huge management control procedure, including 5 management functions mostly: Progress and processing the machine manage, the homework manage, saving management, equipments management, document management. Divide the line from the function, the tiny machine operate system can is divided into the single mission operate system, single many mission operate systems of customer and many mission operate systems of multi-user of single customer. At present there are several kinds of OS on the computer which are DOS, OS/2, UNIX, XENIX, LINUX, Window2000, Netware etc.

In order for a computer to perform the required task, it must be given instructions in a language that it understands. However, the computer’s own binary based language, or machine language, is difficult for humans to use. Therefore, people devised an assembly language to shorten and simplify the process. In order to make a computer more friendly to use, programmers invented high level languages, such as COBOL, FORTRAN, ASSEMBLER, PASCAL, C++, etc, which made the computers easier to use. For the time being, HTML and XML are very useful languages as well.

The database is often used to describe a collection of related data that is organized into an integrated, sophisticated structure that provides different people with varied access to the same data. A database management system is an extremely complex set of software programs that controls the organization, storage and retrieval of data in a database. A successful DBMS is often characterized with the four principal features: (1)Data Security and Integrity; (2)Interactive query; (3)Interactive data Entry and Updating; (4)Data Independence. The intelligent databases are becoming more popular in that they can
