Exercises for amplification



Good wine needs no bush. 酒好客自来。(注:英国从前流行一种风俗, 人们常在商店的门
口外挂某种东西作为该店经营某种商品的标志, 挂常春藤ivybush标志的常为酒店。)
Exercises of annotation
1. New York was never Mecca to me. 纽约从不是我心中的圣地麦加。
4. Even before they were acquainted, he had admired Osborn in secret. Now he was his valet, his dog, his man Friday.
他没有认识奥斯本之前,已经暗暗佩服他。如 今便成了他的听差,他的狗,他的忠仆星期五 *。 *星期五(Friday)是《鲁滨逊漂流记》故事中 Robinson Crusoe的忠实奴仆。
5. While it may seem to be painting the lily, I should like to add somewhat to Mr.Alistair Cooke's excellent article.
我想给阿利斯太尔·库克先生ome to Big Apple City Tour! 欢迎参加 大苹果市观光之旅!(大苹果市为纽约市的别 称。)
2.1.2 直译加注
(literal translation +annotation)
2. But I am short-tempered, frazzled from all responsibilities. I am the ‘ sandwich generation ’, caught between kids and parents.



翻译常用的八种技巧翻译常用的八种技巧1.重译法(repetition)2.增译法(amplification)3.减译法(omission)4.词类转移法(conversion)5.词序调整法(inversion)6.分译法(division)7.正说反译、反说正译法(negation)8.语态变换法(the change of the voices)第一节重译法(repetition)在翻译中,有时为了忠实于原文,不得不重复某些词语,否则就不能忠实地表达原文的意思。








如:1.We have to analyse and solve problems. 我们要分析问题,解决问题。

2.I eat and drink whatever I like, and sleep when I can not keep.我想吃什么就吃什么,想喝什么就和什么,眼睛睁不开了就睡觉。


People use naturalscience to understand and change nature.4.Aristocratic and democratic tendencies in a nation oftenshowthemselves in its speech.民族的贵族倾向和民族倾向常在其言语中表现出来。


Let’s revise our safety andsanitary regulations.二、英语常用省略,但为了明确,也为了强调某些内容,在汉语中常常要将省去的部分重译出来。



⼤学英语之基础英语综合教程第⼆册unit2KeytoExercises Unit 2The Virtues of Growing OlderKey to exercises:V ocabulary exercises:I. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words.1. are likely to2. break up / disintegrate3. as a whole4. powerless against / completely controlled by5. not surprising / only too naturalII. F ill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.1. delay2. Feverishly3. facade4. confronted5. premise6. dreaded7. automatically8. awaitingIII. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. obsessive2. moodiness3. tolerable4. beneficial5. satisfying6. hidden7. preference8. criticismsIV. C hoose a word or phrase that can replace the underlined part in each sentence without changing its original meaning.1. C2. D3. A4. A5. B6. DV. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. Synonym: conceal, disguise2. Antonym: narrow3. Synonym: satisfaction, happiness, joy4. Synonym: merits, advantages5. Synonym: fat, plump6. Synonym: well-built7. Antonym: old-fashioned, outdated8. Synonym: clearly, evidentlyVI. Write in each space one word that has the same prefix as underlined in each given word.1. prepare2. progress3. foresee4. parallel5. perimeter 教师⽤书中下划为per前缀,应为peri前缀6. diameter7. semiconductor8. decelerateGrammar exercises:I. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate forms of the nouns given.1. agony2. agonies3. experience4. experiences5. youth6. a youth7. a great help8. a good knowledge9. a gray hair10.workII. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate of the four choices given.1. A2. B5. A6. B7. B8. CIII. Complete the reading. Choose the correct words in parentheses. Choose X if no word is needed.a lot of / a little / some / a few / A / some / some / a lot of / X / many / X / a lot ofIV. Complete the following with every, each, everyone, every one or all.1.all, Every one, Every2.each3.Every4.each5.Everyone6.Each7.everyone, everyone8.EachV. Correct the errors, where found, in the following sentences.1. When planting these flowers, care must be taken not to damage the roots.you must take care2. Though received late at night, he started to work on the document immediately.Though he received the document late at night it3. Falling from such a height, we thought he would never survive.When he fell4. Reading the letter a second time, the meaning becomes clearer.When you read5. Reading the instructions repeatedly, what he meant became clear to me.I became clear about what he meant6. Shining in the sky we saw the first star.We saw the first star shining in the sky.7. The teacher walked behind the kids eating their lunches.who were eating8. While cleaning his gun, it went off unexpectedly.he was cleaningV. Make sentences of your own after the sentence given below, keeping the parts in italics in your sentences.1. e.g. We don’t go out much —as long as we can go for a drink once a week,we’re satisfied.As long as you have your health and your sanity, money isn’t really important.2. e.g. Obviously, the discomfort of the job is not enough to prevent this young manfrom his goal —making money for his education.Obviously, if you want to lose weight very quickly, you should do two things at the same time: eat less and exercise more! 3. e.g. Food is a real need, but what about the sugarcoated breakfast food advertisedon television? It’s neither necessary nor nutritious.The customer neither needs nor plans to buy candies and chewing gums, which are attractively displayed.Translation exercises:I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 许多中年⼈去健⾝房锻炼,到街上跑步,为的是延缓衰⽼。



• (2)用 do, do so 来代替重复出现的主要 动词或整个谓语部分。 • 我们开了一次会,劝大家到群众里面 去。后来许多人去了,得到了很好的 效果。 • We held a forum and advised them to go among the masses. Later on, many did, and the results were very good. • 你答应了帮助他就应当去帮助他。 • You should help him since you have promised to do so.
• 这是一个伟大的胜利,是中国从 古未有的大胜利,也是十月革命 以后一个带有世界性的大胜利。 • This is a great victory, a great victory without parallel in the history of China, a great victory of world significance following the October Revolution.
• 你不愿意落后,她也不愿意落后。 • You don’t want to lag behind. Neither does she.
• Exercises: • 电子管通常用来放大,而真空管则是电子管的另 一名称。 • An electron tube is generally used for amplification, and vacuum tube is another term for this device. • 我们的毛病还很多。我们不怕说出自己的毛病, 我们一定要改正自己的毛病。 • We still have many failings. We are not afraid to admit them and are determined to get rid of them.

英语翻译Translation for English mayors

英语翻译Translation for English mayors

• Regardless of your job, you know the role you should play at work: receptionist/ goodwill ambassador, customer service/problem solver, etc. • Too rapid depreciation of the dollar could push the sputtering, export-dependent economies of Germany and Japan into recession. The effects could spread to US, since hopes for a revival of US exports hinge a healthy world economy. • Such savings can more than offset the poor quality of Net calls---an issue that disappears anyway in the case of data transmission.
• The company’s strengths are high quality and good distribution with good networks for sales and services. • At the early stage, Marketing came into banks not in the form of “marketing concept” but in the form of the “advertising and promotion concept”. • This contract can only be altered, amended or supplemented in accordance with documents signed and sealed by authorized representatives of both parties.



①没有人不爱惜他的生命,但①很少人珍视他的时间 Nevertheless, ①few people treasure their time ②as much as their life. (1)反译法(Negation):“没有人不爱惜”和“很少人珍 视”译为few people treasure.
出版过《浪漫的与古典的》和《文学的纪律》两本文艺批 评专著。 在美国哈佛大学留学时,曾选修美国新古典主义大师白璧 德的《十六世纪以后之文艺批评》课程,在文艺思想上深 受白璧德的影响。因此30年代他的文艺思想主要集中体现 在以下几个方面: 1:文学根基于人性。 2:文学家必须保持自由的人格。 3:提倡文学的节制与理性,用理性和节制作为衡量文学 作品优劣的一种标准。

1915年秋考入清华学校。第一篇翻译小说《药商的妻》 第一篇散文诗《荷水池畔》发表于1921年5月28日《晨报》第7版。 1923年8月毕业后赴美国科罗拉多州科罗拉多学院留学。 1924年到上海编缉《时事新报》副刊《青光》,同时与张禹九合编 《苦茶》杂志。不久任暨南大学教授。 1926年回国任教于南京东南大学。 1934年应聘任北京大学研究教授兼外文系和《北平晨报》副刊《文艺》。 1938年抗战开始,梁实秋在重庆主持《中央日报·平明副刊》。任国 民参政会参政员,国民政府教育部小学教科书组主任,国立编译馆翻 译委员会主任委员。抗战后回任北平师大教授。 1949年到台湾,任台湾师范学院(后改师范大学)英语系教授,后兼系 主任,再后又兼文学院长。 1961年起专任师大英语研究所教授。 1966年退休。曾携妻子游美,在美台两地轮流居住,其妻辞世后重返 台湾。 1975年同韩菁清结婚。 1987年11月3日病逝于台北。

Synthetic vs. Analytic学生资料和作业2012

Synthetic vs. Analytic学生资料和作业2012

Synthetic vs. AnalyticPlease refer to your textbook section two of chapter four (amplification and omission).名词的数补充练习:1. His attempts to copy other slapstick comedians who were popular at that time were a failure. However, he gradually began to develop the character of the tramp that we always connect with his name.虽然他想要复制当时流行的闹剧的想法失败了,但他逐渐塑造了一个流浪者的形象,而我们总是把这个形象和他的名字联系在一起。

2. His eyes were ringed in red, the evidence of fatigue and frustration.他因疲倦和挫败感而双眼泛红、3. The new government was torn by rivalries and was unable to establish its authority throughout China.这个新政府内部各派系对立争斗,并不能在全中国树立起应有的权威。

4. The first acts were finally hammered out by the western countries led by France to explore the possibilities of a rapprochement with that country.以法国为首的西方国家终于拟就了第一批行动,目的在于探索与中国修好的种种可能性。

5. The judge let the man off with warnings not to cause trouble again.法官释放了那个人并警告他不要再惹麻烦。



Repetition(重复法)For English repetition, Fowler (1951:218) has this to say in The King’s English:Even when the repetition is a part of the writer’s original plan, consideration is necessary before it can be allowed to pass: it is implied in the terms “rhetorical” or significant repetition that the words repeated would ordinarily be either varied or left out; the repetition, that is to say, is more or less abnormal, and whatever is abnormal may be objectionable in a single instance, and is likely to become so if it occurs frequently.Compare Chinese with English:1. 一个地方有一个地方的全局,一个国家有一个国家的全局,一个地球有一个地球的全局。

A locality has its own over-all interest; a nation has another and the earth yet another.(nominal substitution)2. 我们的民族再也不是一个被人侮辱的民族了。

Ours is no longer a nation subject to insult and humiliation. (nominal substitution)3. 夺取这个胜利,已经是不要很久的时间和不要花费很大的气力了;巩固这个胜利,则是需要很久的时间和要花费很大的气力的。



如何从事有氧运动英语作文Title: Engaging in Aerobic Exercise。

Engaging in aerobic exercise is vital for maintaining overall health and well-being. Aerobic activities, also known as cardio exercises, help improve cardiovascular health, increase endurance, and manage weight. In this essay, we will explore the significance of aerobic exercise and provide insights into how to incorporate it into your daily routine.Firstly, let's understand what aerobic exercise entails. Aerobic exercises are activities that elevate your heartrate and breathing for a sustained period. These include brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, dancing, and aerobics classes. The primary focus is on increasing oxygen consumption to fuel the muscles, enhancing the efficiencyof the cardiovascular system, and burning calories.One of the key benefits of aerobic exercise is itspositive impact on heart health. Regular aerobic activity strengthens the heart muscle, improves blood circulation, and lowers blood pressure. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, and coronary artery disease. Additionally, aerobic exercise helps to increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels while lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, further promoting heart health.Moreover, engaging in aerobic exercise can enhance overall fitness and endurance. It improves lung capacity, allowing for better oxygen intake and utilization during physical activity. This increased endurance translates into improved stamina for daily tasks and recreational activities. Regular aerobic exercise also contributes to better sleep quality, reduced stress levels, and improved mood due to the release of endorphins, often referred to as "feel-good" hormones.Now, let's discuss how to incorporate aerobic exercise into your routine effectively. Firstly, it's essential to choose activities that you enjoy and are suitable for yourfitness level. Whether it's brisk walking in the park, swimming laps at the pool, or joining a dance class,finding activities that you find enjoyable increases the likelihood of sticking to your exercise routine.Setting specific and achievable goals is anothercrucial aspect of incorporating aerobic exercise into your lifestyle. Whether your goal is to run a certain distance, swim a certain number of laps, or attend a certain number of aerobics classes per week, having clear objectives helps to keep you motivated and focused.Furthermore, scheduling your aerobic workouts into your daily or weekly routine can help make exercise a regular habit. Whether you prefer to exercise in the morning, during lunch breaks, or in the evening, consistency is key to reaping the benefits of aerobic exercise. Consider blocking out specific times in your calendar dedicated to exercise to ensure you prioritize physical activity.Additionally, varying your aerobic workouts can prevent boredom and plateaus in progress. Incorporating a mix ofactivities such as walking, running, cycling, and swimming not only keeps things interesting but also challenges different muscle groups and promotes overall fitness.Lastly, it's essential to listen to your body and incorporate rest days into your routine to prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injury. Adequate rest and recovery are integral parts of any exercise program, allowing your body to repair and rebuild muscle tissue for improved strength and performance.In conclusion, engaging in aerobic exercise is paramount for maintaining optimal health and well-being. By understanding the benefits of aerobic exercise and implementing strategies to incorporate it into your routine, you can enjoy improved cardiovascular health, increased endurance, and enhanced overall fitness. Remember to choose activities you enjoy, set realistic goals, schedule regular workouts, vary your exercises, and prioritize rest and recovery for long-term success.。

实用英语翻译5 Amplification & Omission

实用英语翻译5 Amplification & Omission

• 汉语中有许多没有主语的句子,英语则一般需要主 语; 另外汉语中很多名词前都没有代词,需要增补。
• 大作收到,十分高兴。 • I am very glad to have received your writing. • 没有调查就没有发言权。 • He who makes no investigation and study has no
• It’s better to be wise by the defeat of others than to be wise by the defeat of your own.
• 从别人的失败中吸取教训比从自己的失败中吸取教 训更好。
• The fox may grow old, but never good. • 狐狸会变老,永远难变好。 • 江山易改本性难移。
• 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 • Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit
makes one lag behind. • 姐姐在等我,我得走了。 • My sister is expecting me, so I must be off now. • 他不来我不走。 • I shall not go until he comes.
Amplification & Omission
基本翻译技巧之 增 词&减 词
Amplification Omission Translation of Letters Exercises
How to translate the “wash”?
1) Mary washes before meals. 2) Mary washes after getting up. 3) Mary washes for a living. 4) Mary washes in a restaurant.



如何提升唱歌水平英语作文How to Enhance Your Singing Skills.Singing is a captivating art form that allows individuals to express themselves, connect with emotions, and share their creativity with the world. While some people may possess natural talent, developing exceptional singing skills requires dedication, practice, and the right techniques. Here are some effective strategies to elevate your singing abilities and reach your full vocal potential:1. Take Vocal Lessons: Engaging with a qualified vocal coach is an invaluable investment in your singing journey.A skilled teacher can provide personalized guidance, identify areas for improvement, and tailor exercises tosuit your unique vocal needs. They will help you develop proper vocal techniques, including breath control, resonance, and diction, while also expanding your vocal range and agility.2. Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is the cornerstone of vocal improvement. Set aside dedicated time each day to practice scales, vocal exercises, and songs. Start with shorter sessions and gradually increase the duration as your stamina and skills develop. By engaging in regular practice, you will strengthen your vocal muscles, improve your pitch accuracy, and develop greater control over your voice.3. Explore Different Genres: Exposing yourself to various musical genres will broaden your vocal horizons and enhance your versatility as a singer. Experiment with different styles, such as pop, classical, jazz, or folk, to discover new vocal techniques and expand your repertoire. By incorporating elements from diverse genres into your practice, you will develop a more well-rounded and expressive singing voice.4. Focus on Breathing Techniques: Proper breathing is the foundation of effective singing. Learn diaphragmatic breathing, which engages the muscles below your lungs to provide a steady airflow to your vocal cords. Practicecontrolled inhalation and exhalation exercises to increase your lung capacity and sustain notes effortlessly. By mastering breathing techniques, you will improve your vocal power, projection, and endurance.5. Develop Vocal Resonance: Vocal resonance refers to the amplification and projection of your voice. It is achieved by using your vocal tract and body cavities as resonators. Explore different vocal exercises that resonate in your chest, head, and nasal cavities. By learning to control and amplify your resonance, you will enhance your vocal presence and make your singing more vibrant and impactful.6. Enhance Vocal Diction: Clarity of diction is crucial for ensuring that your lyrics are intelligible and emotionally resonant. Practice exercises that focus on enunciation, pronunciation, and articulation. Use tongue twisters and vocal warm-ups to improve your diction and make your singing more expressive and engaging.7. Learn Music Theory: Understanding basic music theorywill empower you as a singer. Study scales, intervals, chords, and rhythm to enhance your musical knowledge and expand your vocal abilities. Music theory will enable youto interpret songs more effectively, improvise melodies,and collaborate seamlessly with musicians.8. Record and Monitor Your Progress: Regularly record your singing and listen back to it critically. This will help you identify areas for improvement and track your progress. Analyze your pitch, tone quality, dynamics, and overall performance to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses. Use recordings as a valuable tool for self-assessment andto gauge your improvement over time.9. Seek Feedback from Peers and Professionals: Constructive feedback from trusted sources can provide invaluable insights into your singing. Share yourrecordings with vocal coaches, music teachers, or fellow singers for their feedback on your technique, vocal quality, and overall performance. Be open to suggestions and usethem to refine your skills and achieve continuous improvement.10. Attend Workshops and Masterclasses: Participating in workshops and masterclasses led by renowned vocalists and coaches can accelerate your vocal growth. These intensive sessions provide opportunities to learn advanced techniques, receive personalized guidance, and connect with other singers. Engage in Q&A sessions, observe demonstrations, and seek mentorship to enhance your knowledge and skills in a focused environment.Conclusion:Enhancing your singing skills is a journey that requires dedication, practice, and the right techniques. By embracing these strategies, you will develop a stronger, more versatile, and expressive singing voice. Remember to maintain consistency in your practice, seek guidance from experienced vocalists, explore different genres, and continually refine your skills through feedback and self-assessment. With perseverance and a passion for singing, you can unlock your full vocal potential and share your voice with the world in a truly captivating manner.。



运动与健康相辅相成英语"Exercise and Health: A Perfect Combination"Exercise is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. It not only helps to keep the body in good physical shape but also has numerous benefits for mental and emotional well-being. The combination of exercise and health is a perfect synergy that can lead to a better quality of life.Regular physical activity has been proven to have a positive impact on overall health. It helps to maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer, and improve cardiovascular and muscular fitness. Moreover, exercise can also enhance flexibility, balance, and coordination, which are crucial for preventing injuries, especially as we age.In addition to the physical benefits, exercise has aprofound effect on mental health. It can alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, reduce stress, and improve mood. Physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins, which are natural mood lifters, and can provide a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence. Furthermore, engaging in regular exercise can also improve cognitive function and contribute to better sleep patterns.The relationship between exercise and health is notone-sided. Just as exercise is crucial for maintaining good health, a healthy lifestyle is equally important for supporting an active and effective exercise routine. A balanced diet, proper hydration, and adequate rest are all essential components of a healthy lifestyle that can complement and enhance the benefits of physical activity.In conclusion, the combination of exercise and health is indeed a perfect synergy. Regular physical activity not only contributes to physical fitness but also has a profound impact on mental and emotional well-being. At the same time, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for supporting and maximizing the benefits of exercise. Byembracing both components, individuals can achieve a higher quality of life and overall well-being.。



运动改善睡眠途径英语作文Improving Sleep through Exercise。


Sleep is essential for our overall well-being. It helps our bodies to rest and recover, and it is crucial for our mental and physical health. However, many people struggle with getting a good night's sleep. One way to improve sleep quality is through exercise. In this essay, we will explore how exercise can help improve sleep and discuss some effective ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine.How Exercise Improves Sleep。

Exercise has been shown to have a positive impact on sleep quality in a number of ways. First, exercise helps to regulate our body's internal clock, also known as the circadian rhythm. By engaging in physical activity duringthe day, we can help to synchronize our internal clock with the natural light-dark cycle, making it easier to fall asleep at night.Second, exercise can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which are common factors that can disrupt sleep. Physical activity releases endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. By reducing stress and anxiety, exercise can help to calm the mind and promote relaxation, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.Third, exercise can help to improve sleep quality by promoting the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. Research has shown that regular exercise can increase melatonin levels in the body, leading to more restful and restorative sleep.Effective Ways to Incorporate Exercise into Your Daily Routine。

英语二作文 坚持锻炼的好处

英语二作文 坚持锻炼的好处

英语二作文坚持锻炼的好处The Benefits of Regular Exercise.Exercise is often considered a vital component of a healthy lifestyle. It not only keeps the body fit and strong but also has numerous other benefits that improve our overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the various advantages of maintaining a regular exercise routine.Improved Cardiovascular Health.One of the most significant benefits of regular exercise is its positive impact on cardiovascular health. Exercise helps to strengthen the heart, improve blood circulation, and lower blood pressure. It also reduces the risk of developing conditions like heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. By keeping the cardiovascular system healthy, regular exercise helps us to maintain a high quality of life.Enhanced Physical Strength and Endurance.Exercise plays a crucial role in building musclestrength and endurance. Regular physical activity strengthens muscles, bones, and joints, making them more resilient to injury. It also improves flexibility and balance, reducing the risk of falls and other accidents. Whether it's weight training, cardio exercises, or yoga, each type of exercise offers its unique benefits in termsof physical strength and endurance.Weight Management.Exercise is an essential component of weight management. It helps to burn calories, reduce fat, and maintain a healthy body weight. Regular exercise combined with a balanced diet can effectively prevent obesity and itsrelated health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and joint problems.Improved Mental Health.Exercise has a profound impact on our mental health. It releases endorphins, the "happy hormones" that boost our mood and reduce stress levels. Regular exercise can help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and enhance overall cognitive function. It also acts as a great stress reliever, helping us to cope with the demands of daily life.Enhanced Social Interaction.Exercise often involves participating in groupactivities or joining a gym. This provides an excellent opportunity for social interaction and making new friends. Regular exercise can help improve social skills, boostself-confidence, and reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness. The sense of belonging and community engagement can further enhance one's motivation to maintain a regular exercise routine.Improved Quality of Life.Regular exercise has a positive impact on our overall quality of life. It improves physical and mental health, enhances social interaction, and promotes a sense of well-being. By staying fit and healthy, we are able to perform daily tasks more efficiently, enjoy life more fully, and pursue our passions and hobbies with greater ease.In conclusion, the benefits of regular exercise are numerous and far-reaching. It improves cardiovascular health, enhances physical strength and endurance, aids in weight management, boosts mental health, enhances social interaction, and improves the overall quality of life. Incorporating a regular exercise routine into our daily lives is a simple yet effective way to promote health and happiness. Let's make the commitment to stay active and enjoy the rich rewards that regular exercise brings.。



健康运动英语作文六级Healthy Exercise。

As people's living standards have improved, more and more people are becoming aware of the importance of exercise for their health. Exercise can help people maintain a healthy weight, strengthen their muscles and bones, and improve their mental health. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits of exercise and how to make it a part of your daily routine.Firstly, exercise can help people maintain a healthy weight. In today's society, many people lead sedentary lifestyles and consume high-calorie foods, which can lead to obesity. Exercise can burn calories and help people maintain a healthy weight. Moreover, exercise can strengthen people's muscles and bones. As people age, their muscle mass and bone density decrease, which can lead to a higher risk of falls and fractures. Exercise can help prevent these problems by building muscle and bone mass.Secondly, exercise can improve people's mental health. Exercise releases endorphins, which are chemicals that can improve people's mood and reduce their stress levels. Moreover, exercise can help people sleep better, which can improve their overall well-being.To make exercise a part of your daily routine, it is important to choose an activity that you enjoy. This could be anything from running to swimming to dancing. It is also important to set realistic goals and gradually increase the intensity of your exercise over time. For example, if you are new to exercise, you could start by walking for 30 minutes a day and gradually increase the time or intensity of your workout.In conclusion, exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It can help people maintain a healthy weight, strengthen their muscles and bones, and improve their mental health. By choosing an activity that you enjoy and setting realistic goals, you can make exercise a partof your daily routine and reap the benefits of a healthier life.。



英语作文-如何进行适度的有氧运动训练Regular aerobic exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It not only helps improve cardiovascular health, but also boosts mood, increases energy levels, and aids in weight management. However, it is important to engage in moderate aerobic exercise to prevent injury and achieve optimal results.To begin with, it is crucial to choose the right type of aerobic exercise that suits your fitness level and interests. Options include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing, and aerobics classes. Start with activities that you enjoy and gradually increase the intensity and duration as your fitness improves.In addition, it is recommended to aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week, spread out over several days. This can be broken down into 30 minutes of exercise on most days of the week. It is important to listen to your body and take rest days when needed to prevent overtraining and burnout.Furthermore, proper warm-up and cool-down exercises are essential to prevent injury and prepare your body for exercise. Warm-up exercises should include dynamic stretches and light cardio to increase blood flow to the muscles. Cool-down exercises, on the other hand, should focus on stretching to improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness.Moreover, incorporating variety into your aerobic exercise routine can help prevent boredom and plateaus. Try mixing up your workouts with different activities, such as swimming one day and cycling the next. This not only keeps things interesting but also challenges different muscle groups for a well-rounded workout.Additionally, it is important to stay hydrated before, during, and after exercise to prevent dehydration and maintain optimal performance. Drink water regularly throughout the day and consider carrying a water bottle with you during your workouts.Lastly, it is crucial to listen to your body and adjust your exercise routine accordingly. If you experience pain or discomfort during exercise, stop immediately andconsult a healthcare professional. Remember that consistency is key to seeing results, so make exercise a regular part of your routine.In conclusion, engaging in moderate aerobic exercise is essential for overall health and well-being. By choosing the right type of exercise, setting realistic goals, incorporating variety, staying hydrated, and listening to your body, you can enjoy the benefits of aerobic exercise while minimizing the risk of injury. Remember to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity to achieve optimal results.。



英语作文-高效的有氧运动训练计划Aerobic exercise, also known as cardio, is vital for maintaining cardiovascular health, improving endurance, and aiding weight loss. An efficient aerobic workout plan can maximize these benefits by incorporating a variety of exercises, intensity levels, and durations. This document outlines a comprehensive aerobic training program designed to enhance fitness and health.The Foundation of Aerobic Training。

To begin, understanding the principles of aerobic training is essential. Aerobic exercise involves continuous, rhythmic activities that increase heart rate and breathing. The goal is to strengthen the heart and lungs, thereby improving the body's oxygen utilization. Common aerobic activities include walking, running, cycling, swimming, and rowing.Creating an Efficient Aerobic Workout Plan。



通过运动调节情绪英语作文Exercise is a powerful tool for regulating emotions. Whether it's going for a run, practicing yoga, or playing a team sport, physical activity has the ability to improve mood, reduce stress, and increase overall well-being. In this essay, we will explore the various ways in which exercise can be used to regulate emotions, the scientific evidence behind its effectiveness, and personal anecdotes of individuals who have experienced the positive impact of physical activity on their mental health.First and foremost, it's important to understand the physiological mechanisms that underlie the connection between exercise and emotions. When we engage in physical activity, our bodies release endorphins, which are chemicals that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. This release of endorphins is often referred to as the 'runner's high,' and it is associated with feelings of euphoria and general well-being. Additionally, exercise has been shown to reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, leading to a decrease in anxiety and tension. These biological responses to physical activity provide a scientific basis for the positive impact of exercise on emotional regulation.Moreover, the act of exercising can serve as a form of meditation or mindfulness practice, allowing individuals to focus on the present moment and let go of negative thoughts and emotions. Whether it's through the rhythmic motion of running, the intentional breathing of yoga, or the concentration required in a game of basketball, exercise can help individuals achieve a state of flow, where they are fully immersed in the activity and experience a sense of calm and contentment. This aspect of exercise as a mental practice is particularly beneficial for individuals who struggle with anxiety, depression, or other mood disorders.Furthermore, the social aspect of certain forms of exercise can alsocontribute to emotional regulation. Team sports, group fitness classes, and outdoor activities provide opportunities for social interaction and connection,which are essential for mental well-being. The camaraderie and support that come from exercising with others can foster a sense of belonging and reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. Additionally, the accountability and motivation that come from exercising with a partner or group can help individuals stay consistent with their physical activity, leading to long-term benefits for their emotional health.In addition to the physiological and social aspects of exercise, there is also a sense of empowerment and accomplishment that comes from setting and achieving fitness goals. Whether it's completing a marathon, mastering a new yoga pose, or simply improving one's endurance or strength, the sense of progress and achievement that comes from regular exercise can boost self-esteem and confidence. This sense of empowerment can spill over into other areas of life, leading to a more positive outlook and greater resilience in the face of challenges.Finally, it's important to acknowledge the individual experiences of those who have used exercise to regulate their emotions. Countless personal anecdotes attest to the transformative power of physical activity in managing stress, overcoming depression, and finding joy and purpose in life. From individuals who have used running as a form of therapy to those who have found solace in the meditative practice of swimming, the stories of real people serve as a testament to the profound impact of exercise on emotional well-being.In conclusion, exercise is a multifaceted and powerful tool for regulating emotions. Its physiological effects, mental benefits, social aspects, sense of empowerment, and personal impact all contribute to its effectiveness in improving mood, reducing stress, and enhancing overall well-being. As individuals, communities, and societies, we should prioritize the promotion of physicalactivity as a means of supporting mental health and emotional resilience. Whether it's through policy initiatives, community programs, or individual lifestyle choices, the integration of exercise into daily life can have far-reachingpositive effects on the emotional well-being of individuals.。



如何训练身心健康英语作文How to Train for Physical and Mental Health。

Physical and mental health are two of the most important aspects of our lives. A healthy body and mind can help us live longer, happier, and more fulfilling lives. Therefore, it is essential to take care of both our physical and mental health. In this essay, we will discuss how to train for physical and mental health.Physical Health。

1. Exercise regularly。

Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good physical health. It helps to keep our muscles strong, our bones healthy, and our hearts in good condition. Exercise also helps to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.2. Eat a healthy diet。

A healthy diet is crucial for maintaining good physical health. It should be rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. A balanced diet can help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and maintain a healthy weight.3. Get enough sleep。

ploring the Benefits of Exercise for Mental Health

ploring the Benefits of Exercise for Mental Health

ploring the Benefits of Exercise for Mental Health Exercise has long been known to have numerous benefits for physical health, but it is also becoming increasingly clear that exercise can have a significant positive impact on mental health as well. In this essay, we will explore the benefits of exercise for mental health from multiple angles.Firstly, exercise has been shown to have a positive effect on mood. When we exercise, our bodies release endorphins, which are natural chemicals that make us feel good. This can lead to a sense of euphoria and an increase in overall happiness. Additionally, exercise has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, which are two of the most common mental health disorders. By engaging in regular physical activity, individuals can improve their mental health and overall well-being.Secondly, exercise can help to reduce stress levels. When we experience stress, our bodies release cortisol, a hormone that can have negative effects on both our physical and mental health. Engaging in regular exercise can help to reduce cortisol levels, leading to a reduction in stress and anxiety. Additionally, exercise can provide a healthy outlet for stress and tension, allowing individuals to release pent-up emotions and feel more relaxed and calm.Thirdly, exercise can improve cognitive function. Studies have shown that regular exercise can improve memory, attention, and overall cognitive performance. This is likely due to the fact that exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which can improve brain function and promote the growth of new brain cells. Additionally, exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults.Fourthly, exercise can improve self-esteem and body image. By engaging in regular physical activity, individuals can improve their physical fitness and overall appearance, leading to a greater sense of self-confidence and self-esteem. Additionally, exercise can help individuals to develop a more positive body image, leading to a reduction in negative self-talk and an increase in overall happiness and well-being.Fifthly, exercise can improve social connections and reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. By participating in group exercise classes or sports teams, individuals can meet new people and develop new friendships. Additionally, exercise can provide a sense of community and belonging, leading to a reduction in feelings of loneliness and isolation.Lastly, exercise can promote better sleep. Regular physical activity has been shown to improve sleep quality and reduce the risk of sleep disorders such as insomnia. This is likely due to the fact that exercise can help to regulate the body's circadian rhythm, leading to better sleep patterns and a more restful night's sleep.In conclusion, exercise has numerous benefits for mental health, including improving mood, reducing stress, improving cognitive function, improving self-esteem and body image, improving social connections, and promoting better sleep. By engaging in regular physical activity, individuals can improve their mental health and overall well-being.。

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Exercises for amplification and omission

1)The problem of possible genetic damage to human populations from radiation exposures, including those resulting from the fallout of testing of atomic weapons, has quite properly claimed much popular attention in recent years.
2)Driven by the government's desire for a credible auto industry and by enterprises' need to achieve economics of scale, automakers have embarked on expansion programmes that envisage annual output of 600,000 vehicles by the mid-1990s, compared with just 63,000 in 1991.

3)In addition English is the language of commerce of the second language of many countries which formerly had French or German in that position.

4)The sight of those fields of stubble and turnips, now his own, gave him many secret joys.

5)With determination, with luck, and with the help from lots of good people, i was able to rise from the ashes.

6)My work, my family, my friends were more than enough to fill my time.

7)The growth of class consciousness among workers was inhibited by continued high levels of employment and rising earning for almost 15 years, combined with the propaganda of views in the labor movement reflecting the influence of Keynesian theory.

8)Governments also took a strong lead in promoting more rapid progress toward gender equality by giving special emphasis to female education, improving family planning services, technologies to lessen women's workloads, and equal opportunity legislation.

9)During the recent months South Africa has promoted a policy of apparent reform, aimed at domestic coercion and at the deceiving of international public opinion.

10)In spite of all our economies and efficiencies and with any new programmes, basic necessary domestic spending provided for in this year's budget will grow to almost a trillion dollars over the
next five years.


He was imaged as a superman with magical power whom our generation were crazy for.

In 1941, German invaded Soviet, while Japan attacked Pearl Harbour, which involved American into the World War 2.

He always works until 2 am the go to sleep and the second day doesn’t wake up until afternoon. He tries to change it, but fails.

Our monitor is a genuine communist party member, he advocated wagging the dog

LiuYiRan sat at the window, looking at the fair, bustling, let his heart can't help but feel sad up.。
