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对外承包工程管理条例Administrative Regulations on Contracting

Foreign Projects

English Version中文版





生效日期:2008年09月01日所属分类:承包、发包与分包(建筑法->承包、发包与分包)Promulgation Date: 07-21-2008

Effective Region: NATIONAL

Promulgator: State Council

Document No: Order of the State Council No. 527

Effectiveness: Effective

Effective Date: 09-01-2008

Category: General(Construction


全文:Full text:

对外承包工程管理条例Administrative Regulations on Contracting

Foreign Projects

国务院令第527号Order of the State Council No. 527

2008年7月21日July 21, 2008


总理温家宝The Administrative Regulations on Contracting Foreign Projects, which were adopted at the eighth executive meeting of the State Council on May 7, 2008, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of September 1, 2008.

Premier Wen Jiabao

对外承包工程管理条例Administrative Regulations on Contracting

Foreign Projects

第一章总则Chapter I General Provisions

第一条为了规范对外承包工程,促进对外承包工程健康发展,制定本条例。Article 1 These Regulations are formulated to regulate the administration of the contracting of foreign projects and enhance the sound development of the contracting of foreign projects.

第二条本条例所称对外承包工程,是指中国的企业或者其他单位(以下统称单位)承包境外建设工程项目(以下简称工程项目)的活动。Article 2 For the purpose of these Regulations, the term "contracting foreign project" refers to an activity of a Chinese enterprise or any other unit (hereinafter referred to as unit) of contracting an overseas construction project (hereinafter

referred to as construction project).


国务院有关部门制定和完善促进对外承包工程的政策措施,建立、健全对外承包工程服务体系和风险保障机制。Article 3 The state encourages the units to contract foreign projects and improve the quality and level of such projects.

The relevant departments under the State Council shall formulate and improve the policies and measures favorable for contracting foreign projects, and establish and improve the service system and risk prevention mechanism for contracting foreign projects.


开展对外承包工程,应当遵守工程项目所在国家或者地区的法律,信守合同,尊重当地的风俗习惯,注重生态环境保护,促进当地经济社会发展。Article 4 When contracting foreign projects, the units shall safeguard national interests, social public interests and the legal rights and interests of their staff being sent abroad.

A unit contracting foreign project shall abide by the law of the country or region where the construction project is located, stick by the contract, respect the local customs and habits, pay attention to ecological and environmental protection and promote the local economic and social development.



省、自治区、直辖市人民政府商务主管部门负责本行政区域内对外承包工程的监督管理。Article 5 The competent commerce authorities of the State Council shall take charge of the supervision and administration of the foreign project contracting activities, and the relevant departments under the State Council shall take charge of the relevant administrative work within their respective scope of duties and functions.

The competent commerce authorities of the State Council shall organize and arrange construction enterprises to participate in contracting foreign projects.

The competent department of commerce of the people's government of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall take charge of the supervision and administration of the foreign project contracting
