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The car which was _C__ in the accident is being repaired in the garage. A. hurt B. ruined C. damaged D. destroyed
8. injure vt. 损害 injured adj. 受伤的 injury n. 伤害; 损害
9. shock vt./vi (使)震惊;震动 n. 休克;打击;震惊
shocked adj. (某人)感到震惊的 shocking adj (某事 )令人震惊的 be shocked at 对…….感到震惊
eg. I was shocked to hear that he had died. The news of his death came as a shock to me . 他的死讯传来,我感到很震惊。
1. 他没有敲门就突然进入房间.
He burst into the room without knocking at the door. 2.飞机坠毁起火了. The plane crashed and burst into flames.
3. 他们全都突然笑起来/哭起来/唱起来. All of them burst out laughing/crying /singing.
只接不可数名词的有:a great deal of、 a large amount of
a lot of、lots of、plenty of、a large/great quantity of
14. frighten vt. 使惊吓;吓唬
fright n. 惊吓;恐怖
1).When she heard the news,she _____D__. A.burst into laughing B.burst out into laughing C.burst out laughter D.burst into laughter 2).Every time ____he thought of his past ,he could’t help bursting___D___. A.when;out tears B.that ;into crying C.which;into crying D./;out crying
4. as if 后的从句可用两种语气
When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it were broken. 当铅笔一部分放进水里,看起来好像折断了似的。 (虚拟)
come to an end. 结束
end up with
Her sudden arrival put an end to their meeting. 她的忽然来到使他们的会议终止了。
The job came to an end last month. 这项工作上个月完成了。
At the dinner we usually begin with soup and end
greed---- greedy
fat---- fatty
fog----- foggy
2. burst vi.vt. (burst---burst---burst)
使某物爆炸,胀破,爆破, 破裂 burst in/into a door/ room /building 突然进入门/
burst into sth. = burst out doing 突然…起来
injure, wound, hurt与 harm 的区别
injure 指(人)在平时或事故中受伤 wound 多指外伤,如枪伤,尤其是指在战争 中 受伤 hurt vi. 疼痛, 感到疼痛和情感上受到伤害 harm 用于肉体或精神上的伤害均可
Their criticisms _h_a_v_e_h__u_r_t him deeply. Smoking will __in__ju_r_e_d_his health. He was slightly __in_j_u_r_e_d_in the car accident. He got _w__o_u_n_d_e_d_in the fighting. What you said _h_u_r_t_my feeling.
be buried in…= bury oneself in…埋头于;专心于
be buried in thought 沉思
bury oneself in study 埋头研究;专心学习
13. a (great) number of 许多、大量的
只接可数名词的有:a large/great number of、 a good/great many 、 a good/great many of 、 the/these/those/one’s
C.shocking, shocking D.shocked,shocked
10. rescue n. 搭救;解救;营救 The rescue team reached the mines at once after the accident happened.
v. 解救;救出;营救
He rescued the man from drowning.
by the end of in the end ★at the end of “在…尽头;在…末” ★by the end of “到/截止……末”;主句一般用完成 时 ★in the end 意思“最后、终于”= at last/ finally 1. Wash your hands ___a_t_t_h_e_e_n_d__o_f__ the experiment.
health→ healthy wealth →wealthy
blood---- bloody mud---- muddy
sun----- sunny cloud----cloudy
rain---- rainy
wind--- windy
taste---- tasty
ice---- icy

frightening adj. ← frighten vt. →frightened adj
使惊吓;吓唬 受惊的;受恐吓的
frighten away 吓跑
frighten off 吓得不做;吓跑
frighten sb. Into/ out of doing 恐吓某人做/不做某事
frighten sb. out of his wits 吓得某人魂不附体
7. destroy ; damage ; ruin 的区别 destroy 指彻底毁坏以至难以修复 damage 指部分损坏还可以修复 ruin 多用于借喻中, 泛指一般的“弄坏了 ”
The village _A__ after the war. A. lay in ruins B. lay at ruins C. lay in ruin D. lied in ruins
People _w_e_r_e_s_h_o_c_k_ed(shock).
We _w__e_r_e_s_h_o_c_k_e_d_a_t____ the news.
The news is __sh_o_c_k_i_n_g___(shock)
表示情感的动词 excite, surprise, interest, bore, move, shock, disappoint, satisfy, (惊讶,兴趣,乏味,感动, 失望 ,满意) 变为形容词时可加ing(指物)或加ed (指人)
Unit 4 Earthquakes Words and Expressions
1. smelly : smell+ y = adj.
smell n./v (smelt/ smelled)
A smelly gas came out of the cracks.
扩展: n.+y构成形容词
即时练习 单句改错
1.We know Bob had cancer ,but it still
came as^shock when he died.
2.All of the people present felt __B__at the ___news.
A.shocking ,shocked B.shocked;shocking
frighten sb. to death 把某人吓得要死
葡萄酒,属于碱性的含酒精饮料,含有丰富的 镁、钙、钾、铁等矿物质,还富含维生素。 更值得注意的是,葡萄的果皮或种子含有 单宁酸、黄酮类化合物特聚酚类物质,可 以防止造成老化或癌症,预防老年痴呆症、 高血压、感冒及加强免疫力。
rescue workers = rescuers n. come / go to one’s rescue 来援救某人
We _c_a_m_e__to__h_i_s _r_e_sc_u_e_ (来救他)and pulled him out of the lake.
11. trap vt. 使陷入困境 / n.陷阱.困境 Many people were trapped in the big fire. 许多人被困在大火中。
2. How many English words had you learned _b_y_t_h_e__en__d_o_f_ last term?
3. He tried various jobs andi_n__th_e__e_n_dbecame a teacher.
bring/put an end to 使终止
3.event (重要的,不同寻常的)大事件 situation 状况;形势;处境 accident 事故;意外的事 incident 附带的小事件
The most important __B___ of this month is the largest storm that we have seen in the past ten years. A.accident B.event C.incident D.situation
=All of them burst into laughter/tears/songs.
burst out +v-ing :suddenly begin doing sth
扩展: burst into leaf burst into flower
长出叶子 开花
n. a burst of ...一阵... a burst of laughter /thunder /applause(欢呼)
It looks as if it`s going to rain.
5. at an end= finished 结束,终结(作表语)
We were very happy when the work was at an end. Compare: at the end of
fall/get into a trapped 陷入困境
The thief__B__ a trap at last. A.fell B.got into C.walked D.got in
12. bury vt. 埋葬; 葬
The boy buried the dead bird in the backyard. 男孩们把死鸟埋在后院。 vt. 使沉浸(或专心于)
up with fruit. 在宴会上,开始的一道菜通常是汤,最后的一 道是水果。
6. in ruins 严重受损/毁坏 eg. An earthquake left the whole town in
ruins. ruin n.废墟(常用复数形式)vt. 毁灭 eg. The storm ruined the crops. 暴风雨毁坏了庄稼