Marketing 1 市场营销1 商务英语

02 What Is
Scope of Marketing
1. Goods 2. Services 3. Experiences 4. Events 5. Persons
6. Places 7. Properties 8. Organizations 9. Information 10.Ideas
Industrial/Business Market: In this market, the industrial or business buyers purchase products like raw materials (iron ore, coke, crude oil etc.), components (wind-screen, tyres, picture tubes, micro-processors etc.), finished products (packaging machine, generators etc.), office supplies (computers, pens, paper etc.) and maintenance and repair items (grease, lubricating oil, broom etc.). Apart from products, due to outsourcing the industrial buyers also require a number of services like accounting services, security services, advertising, legal services etc. from the providers of these services.

Marketing (English Version) In today's fastpaced business world, marketing plays a pivotal role in the success of any organization. It is theart and science of understanding customer needs and creating products or services that satisfy those needs. Effective marketing strategies can differentiate a brand, increase customer loyalty, and drive business growth. Let's delve into the key aspects of marketing and explore how it can benefit your business.Marketing (English Version)The Heart of Business GrowthAt its core, marketing is about building relationships.It's about connecting with your audience in a way that resonates with their values and aspirations. To achieve this, a holistic approach is essential, one that integrates traditional tactics with digital innovation to create a seamless and engaging customer experience.Understanding the Customer JourneySegmentation and TargetingNot all customers are created equal, and effective marketing acknowledges this diversity. Segmenting your audience based on demographics, psychographics, behaviors, or other relevant factors allows you to tailor your message todifferent groups. This targeted approach ensures that your marketing efforts are more relevant and, consequently, more effective.The Power of StorytellingStories are a universal language that can evoke emotions and create lasting memories. In marketing, storytelling is a powerful tool that can humanize your brand and make it more relatable. By crafting narratives that align with yourbrand's values and mission, you can forge a deeper connection with your audience and inspire them to take action.Leveraging Digital ChannelsMeasuring SuccessMarketing is an investment, and like any investment, it needs to be measured for return. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as conversion rates, customer acquisition costs, and customer lifetime value provide a clear picture of your marketing efforts' effectiveness. By analyzing these metrics, you can refine your strategies, optimize your budget, and ensure that your marketing activities contribute to your business's bottom line.Continuous ImprovementMarketing (English Version)The Art of Persuasion and EngagementThe essence of marketing lies in its ability to persuade and engage. It's not just about selling products; it's about selling an experience, a lifestyle, and a vision. Here's how businesses can harness the full potential of marketing to achieve their goals.Crafting a Compelling Brand IdentityInfluencing Consumer BehaviorUnderstanding the psychology behind consumer behavior is crucial for marketers. By identifying the triggers that lead to purchasing decisions, you can design campaigns that nudge potential customers towards conversion. This involves not only the rational aspects of product features and benefits but also the emotional appeal that can often be the deciding factor in a consumer's choice.The Role of Content MarketingContent marketing is the strategic creation and distribution of valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. It's about educating your customers, entertaining them, and providing solutions to their problems. From blog posts to videos, infographics to podcasts, highquality content can establish your brand as an authority in your industry and build trust with your audience.Collaborating with InfluencersCustomer Engagement and Retention Ethical Marketing Practices。
现代商务英语第6章促销(Sales Promotion)

第6章 促销
(Sales Promotion)
A Reviver letter 振兴信
the “Reviver”, the purpose of which is to keep the regular customers and to expend the business, because they are the main buyers of sales potential.
2. Demographic factors
Demographic changes also influence the international firm. For many products, population size may be used as a broad preliminary indicator of market potential. However, population size should only be used in conjunction with income levels and other measures, as a large population may represent little potential where income levels are quite low.
3. Characteristics of culture
For the firm in international markets there are four major characteristics of culture: a) it is learned, b) interrelated, c) adaptive and d) may operate at times as subcultures including nationality, religion, age and occupation. The two ways in which a person develops cultural norms and values are learning by socialization and learning through accumulation.

商务英语词汇大全一、基本商务术语1. 商务活动(Business Activity)2. 市场营销(Marketing)3. 销售额(Sales Revenue)4. 成本(Cost)5. 利润(Profit)6. 投资回报率(Return on Investment, ROI)7.SWOT分析(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)8. 目标市场(Target Market)9. 市场细分(Market Segmentation)10. 定位(Positioning)二、商务谈判术语1. 谈判(Negotiation)2. 合同(Contract)3. 报价(Quotation)4. 还价(Counteroffer)5. 成交(Close the Deal)6. 付款方式(Payment Terms)7. 交货期(Delivery Time)8. 质量保证(Quality Assurance)9. 售后服务(Aftersales Service)10. 合作伙伴(Business Partner)三、商务函电术语1. 询盘(Inquiry)2. 报盘(Offer)3. 订单(Order)4. 发票(Invoice)5. 装箱单(Packing List)6. 信用证(Letter of Credit, L/C)7. 汇票(Bill of Exchange)8. 托运单(Shipping Order)9. 提单(Bill of Lading)10. 保险(Insurance)四、人力资源术语1. 招聘(Recruitment)2. 简历(Resume)3. 面试(Interview)4. 培训(Training)5. 薪资(Salary)6. 福利(Benefits)7. 绩效考核(Performance Appraisal)8. 晋升(Promotion)9. 劳动合同(Labor Contract)10. 职业规划(Career Planning)五、企业运营术语1. 企业战略(Corporate Strategy)2. 企业文化(Corporate Culture)3. 组织结构(Organizational Structure)4. 部门(Department)5. 团队协作(Teamwork)6. 项目管理(Project Management)7. 生产计划(Production Plan)8. 供应链管理(Supply Chain Management)9. 库存(Inventory)10. 客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management, CRM)六、财务与会计术语1. 财务报表(Financial Statements)2. 资产(Assets)3. 负债(Liabilities)4. 所有者权益(Owner's Equity)5. 现金流(Cash Flow)7. 资产负债表(Balance Sheet)8. 利润分配(Profit Distribution)9. 折旧(Depreciation)10. 纳税(Taxation)七、国际贸易术语1. 进口(Import)2. 出口(Export)3. 贸易壁垒(Trade Barrier)4. 关税(Tariff)5. 配额(Quota)6. 原产地证明(Certificate of Origin)7. 贸易术语(Trade Terms,如FOB、CIF等)8. 国际支付(International Payment)9. 外汇(Foreign Exchange)10. 世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization, WTO)八、市场营销策略术语1. 市场调研(Market Research)2. 产品生命周期(Product Life Cycle)3. 广告(Advertising)4. 促销(Promotion)5. 公关(Public Relations)6. 品牌战略(Brand Strategy)7. 网络营销(Internet Marketing)8. 社交媒体营销(Social Media Marketing)9. 客户满意度(Customer Satisfaction)10. 忠诚度计划(Loyalty Program)九、企业管理术语1. 领导力(Leadership)2. 决策(Decision Making)3. 风险管理(Risk Management)4. 企业伦理(Business Ethics)5. 知识管理(Knowledge Management)6. 创新能力(Innovation Capability)7. 企业形象(Corporate Image)8. 危机管理(Crisis Management)9. 持续改进(Continuous Improvement)10. 企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)十、电子商务术语2. 在线支付(Online Payment)3. 网络安全(Network Security)4. 顾客评价(Customer Review)6. 网络营销策略(Online Marketing Strategy)7. 搜索引擎优化(Search Engine Optimization, SEO)8. 率(Clickthrough Rate, CTR)9. 转化率(Conversion Rate)通过这些词汇的积累,您将能够在商务交流中更加得心应手,展现出您的专业素养和沟通能力。
商务英语阅读教程 Unit 4

Marketing is the ongoing process of 【moving people closer to making a decision (to purchase,
use, follow or conform to someone else’s products, services or values) 】.
营销一词的含义是什么?市场营销是一个不断 推进的过程,该过程的目的是促使人们心动到 做出各种决定诸如购买他人的各种产品、享用 他人提供的各种服务、以及遵循他人的各种价 值取向。营销人员运用市场营销推广组合的变 量来制定营销推广计划。
Comprehensive Reading
修饰 process
C. Sometimes (50%) D. Never(0%)
In what ways are you easily persuaded into buying something? By______.
A. TV commercial B. Newspaper Advertisement C. Quality D. package E. Brochures F. Leaflets G. Price H. After-sales service
n. 产品 n. 制造业者,厂商 市场调查
n. 品牌 n. 市场营销 媒体计划
n. 形象塑造 实体环境
n. 人员 n. 放置 目标市场
distribution channel generic advertising at no cost marketing effort process drawback product pricing marketing mix charge junk mail sales strategy at regular price

《商务英语》(市场营销专业英语)课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:060651课程名称:商务英语英文名称:Specialized English in Marketing课程类别:专业选修课学时:36学分:2适用对象:市场营销专业考核方式:考查先修课程:市场营销原理,管理学原理二、课程简介《商务英语》(市场营销专业英语)培养学生在市场营销的实际工作以及研究工作中运用英语的能力,课程通过阅读和分析内容广泛的材料,扩大学生的知识面,加深学生对商务英语的理解,培养学生对国际商务活动(主要指市场营销活动)的了解和熟悉程度,提高分析能力、逻辑思维与独立思考的能力,巩固和提高学生在商务领域(主要指市场营销)里运用英语语言技能的能力。
四、教学内容及要求第一讲营销概述(Unit 1 Introduction to Marketing)(一)目的与要求1.本讲要求学生掌握市场营销的一些基本概念,如市场营销、市场营销战略、4P等;2.要求熟悉市场营销的历史发展阶段;3.要求了解市场营销每个历史发展阶段的特点。
(二)教学内容1.主要内容:1)S ome concepts in marketing;2)The evolution of marketing:production era,sales era, marketing era, relationship marketing era3)Case study: strategic issues in Chinese marketing2.基本概念和知识点:基本概念:marketing,marketing strategy,position,segmentation,target market, 4Ps(product, place, price, promotion ), brand value知识点:have some knowledge of the 4Ps in Chinese market3.问题与应用(能力要求): 无。

在这段经济低靡的时期,IBM 进行了一场具有重大意义的改革:所有的高层管理人员在与重要客户面谈之后,将客户的问题和要求上报给公司。
商务英语unit4 Marketing

What is Marketing?
Kotler’s definition:
“Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others.”
The product is the physical product or service offered to the consumer. In the case of physical products, it also refers to any services or conveniences that are part of the offering. Product decisions include aspects such as function, appearance, packaging, service, warranty, etc.
• Consumers favor products that are available and highly affordable
• Improve production and distribution
• Consumers favor products that offer the most quality, performance and innovative features
Marketing Concept

Buyer Behavior Marketing Research Market Segmentation
Case Study
Contents two
What Is Marketing?
由湖南卫视与蒙牛乳业联手推出的这一活动,在 2005年让亿万中国人兴奋不已。AC尼尔森的调查 显示,2005年6月蒙牛酸酸乳在广州、上海、北 京、成都四城市的销售超过100百万公升,是 2004年同期的5倍。 点评:位居“2005年度中国九大营销案例策划案” 榜首,“超级女声”是众望所归。其成功不仅在 于产品和宣传形式的创新,还在于它通过低成本 运作获得了轰动效应,一个电视节目带动企业产 品、节目生产者、移动运营商、“超女”本人四 者共赢,实现了销售系统和媒介系统的完美整合。
It has to You have to
tell people
available about it
2005年“五·一”假期,一群商务精英聚集敦煌, 组成了两个勇敢者队伍,每人携带一部飞利
浦手机作为唯一的通信工具和摄影工具,开始了 为期六天的“商务精英野外生存挑战赛”。七 月,类似的活动又在新疆北部的喀纳斯举行。
The Product Life Cycle
The Product Life Cycle
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【商务英语】市场营销(中英)1.Marketing 市场营销:通过计划和执行关于产品、服务和电子的定价、促销和分销,从而创造交换,以实现个人和组织的目标的过程)The process of planning and executing (执行、实行)the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services and ideas to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.——the definition emphasizes the diverse activities marketers perform.(强调市场商人不同的行为活动) Deciding what products to offerSetting pricesDeveloping sales promotions and advertising campaignsMaking products readily available to customers2. The marketing Concepts(市场营销观念:企业分析消费者需求,制定比竞争对后更好的决策来满足这些需求的哲学)The Production Concept 生产观念The Selling Concept 推销观念The Marketing Concept 市场营销观念The Production Concept 生产观念The idea that a firm should focus on those products that it could produce most efficiently and that the low-cost products would create the demand for those products.The Selling Concept / sales concept 推销观念(利用广告这种重要方式来与其顾客沟通从而获取他们的订单)The Marketing Concept市场营销观念Difference between Selling and Marketing销售与营销的区别Selling:先销售再…Marketing:先调查市场需要再…Emphasis is on the product.Emphasis is on customers’ wants.Company first makes the product and then figures out how to sell it.Company first determines customers’ wants and then figures out how to make and deliver a product to satisfy those wants.Management is sales-volume-oriented.Management is profit-oriented.Planning is short-run, in terms of today’s products and markets.Planning is long term, in the sense of new products, tomorrow’s market, and future growth. Stresses needs of seller.Stresses wants of buyers.3.The Marketing Mix / The 4P’s of Marketing市场营销组合1)Product(产品:有形和无形,包括包装、色彩、品牌、服务,甚至销售商的声誉)Consumer products消费品:produced for and purchased by households for their use. Industrial products 工业产品:are sold primarily for use in producing other products.2)Price(价格:消费者为获得产品所必须支付的金额)Refers to the value or worth of a product that attracts the buyer to exchange money or something of value for the product.Loss Leader Pricing (亏本出售商品)selling things in its lower price than its cost price in order to attract customers to purchase the products.Penetration Pricing (渗透定价法---心理定价策略)设定最初低价,以便迅速和深入地进入市场,从而快速吸引来大量的购买者,赢得较大的市场份赖。

1.Marketi n g 市场营销:通过计划和执行关于产品、服务和电子的定价、促销和分销,从而创造交换,以实现个人和组织的目标的过程)The process of plannin g and executi ng (执行、实行)the concepti on, pricing, promoti on, and distrib u tion of goods, service s and ideas to create exchang es that satisfy individ ual and organiz a tiona l objecti ves.——the definit i on emphasi zes the diverse activities markete rs perform.(强调市场商人不同的行为活动)Decidin g what product s to offerSetting pricesDevelopi ng sales promoti ons and adverti sing campaig n sMaking product s readily available to custome r s2. The marketi ng Concept s(市场营销观念:企业分析消费者需求,制定比竞争对后更好的决策来满足这些需求的哲学)The Product i on Concept生产观念The Selling Concept推销观念The Marketi ng Concept市场营销观念The Product i on Concept生产观念The idea that a firm shouldfocus on those product s that it could produce most efficie ntly and that the low-cost product s would createthe demandfor those product s.The Selling Concept / sales concept推销观念(利用广告这种重要方式来与其顾客沟通从而获取他们的订单) The Marketi ng Concept市场营销观念Differe n ce between Selling and Marketin g销售与营销的区别3.The Marketi ng Mix / The 4P’s of Marketing市场营销组合1)Product(产品:有形和无形,包括包装、色彩、品牌、服务,甚至销售商的声誉)Consume r product s消费品:produce d for and purchas ed by househo l ds for their use.Industr ial product s 工业产品:are sold primari ly for use in produci ng other product s.2)Price(价格:消费者为获得产品所必须支付的金额)Refersto the value or worth of a product that attract s the buyer to exchang e money or somethi ng of value for the product.Loss LeaderPricing (亏本出售商品)selling thingsi n its lower price than its cost price in order to attract custome rs to purchas e the product s.Penetra tion Pricing (渗透定价法---心理定价策略)设定最初低价,以便迅速和深入地进入市场,从而快速吸引来大量的购买者,赢得较大的市场份赖。

统计公关活动在各类媒体上的曝光 次数和覆盖范围。
分析企业在公关活动中体现的社会 责任意识和行为。
评估企业在危机事件中的公关表现 和应对能力。
通过调查了解公关活动对企业公众 形象的改善程度。
04 促销案例分析
在视频ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ享网站、在线视频平台等新媒体 上发布广告,吸引观众的注意力。
通过发送电子邮件的方式,向目标客户推 广产品或服务。
为客户提供一定的折扣优惠,吸引客户购 买。
在购买特定产品或服务时,向客户 提供免费的赠品或礼品,以增加客
推出会员卡服务,为客户提供一定的优惠 和特权,增加客户忠诚度和购买意愿。
统计促销活动参与人数和参与率,了解活动 吸引力。
调查客户对促销活动的满意度,了解客户对 活动的评价。
评估促销活动期间销售量的提升情况,分析 活动对销售的拉动作用。
分析促销活动后客户的复购情况,评估活动 的长期效果。
为客户提供积分奖励计划,客户在购买产 品或服务时可以累积积分,累积到一定程 度可以兑换礼品或折扣。
03 促销效果评估

mothers. They thought
just changed diapers for
Pampers were too thick,
babies twice a day—morning
because they changed Pampers from P & G and evening. Therefore
The Marketing Environment
Vanessa Chen Applied Foreign Languages Department, PYP
2.1.2 市场营销环境与企业营销活动
市场营销环境是企业生存和发展的条件, 对企业具有强制性,企业必须适应环境, 然而企业又具有能动性,对环境具有反作 用。
正面影响 负面影响
Vanessa Chen Applied Foreign Languages Department, PYP
新住房 新汽车 节日 旅行 分期消费 交通 退休 疾病 保险 购物 饮食
正面影响 负面影响
Vanessa Chen Applied Foreign Languages Department, PYP
= PI-所得税- 非商业性开支 = 个人消费+储蓄/投资 eg.2001我国城镇人均DPI=6,280元,Max上海=10,000
△ 可自由支配的个人收入 = DPI-储蓄-购买生活必需品的固定开支
2、区别货币收入 & 实际收入
Vanessa Chen Applied Foreign Languages Department, PYP
商务英语翻译Unit 15 市场营销_OK

national markets, total advertising can be reducted
significantly. ( )
2. The creative presentation is what the advertisers say .( ) 3. MarketinFg ideas that worked in one country may work in
sentences and paragraphs relating the marketing. 4. Master the difficult words and expressions.
Passage One
Standardized Marketing Strategy
Passage One Notes
5. The most significant disadvantages of standardization is simply that cultural, political, and economic differences among countries may make it all but impossible to use a single standardized marketing strategy:标准化最大的劣势就是,由于不同国家 的文化、政治和经济差异,导致几乎不可能使一 个单一的标准化市场战略。“all but impossible”, 应译成“几乎不可能”。
商务英语翻译Unit 15 市场营销[精]
![商务英语翻译Unit 15 市场营销[精]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8e2b1578c281e53a5802ffe5.png)
• What is the key component of the marketing strategy ? And what components can it be divided into?
Passage One Notes
1. The following questions need to be answered. Does yhe product itself need to be changed? Are existing sales promotion and advertising campaigns applicable to the new market? Should the type of distribution network used in the firm’s other foreign market be replicated in the new market? There is no easy answer to any of these questions:公司需要回 答下列问题:产品本身需要改进吗?现存的促销和广告活动 在新市场适用吗?适用于公司其他外国市场的营销网络能再 次在新市场适用吗?上述任何一个问题都不好回答。 “replicate”这里不能译成“复制”,应意译成“再次使用”; 同样“easy answer”,应改变词性,意译成动词“好/容易回 答”;“no”相应的地应译为“不”而不是“没有”,否定 的翻译也是一个常见的技巧。
Passage One Reading Comprehension
市场营销 双语

Chapter 1 The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing第一章国际市场营销学的范围和挑战1. MarketingMarketing: the process of building lasting relationships through planning, executing and controlling the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create mutual exchange that satisfy individual and organizational needs and objectives.营销是个人和集体通过创造,提供出售,并同他人交换产品和价值,已获得其所需所欲之物的一种社会和管理过程。
Marketing and salesMarketing is the process of seeking to uncover consumers’requirements and adopting the information to product’ distribution and promotion.Sale is to sell what that has already been produced to customers without thinking of the customers’ needs and wants.2. Basic elements of the marketing concept⑴Needs: is a state of deprivation of some basic satisfaction.需求是指没有得到某些基本满足的感受状态。
Physical needs for food, clothing, warmthSocial needs for belonging, respect and affectionIndividual needs for knowledge and self-expression(2)Wants: are devices for specific items that can satisfy those needs.欲望是指对具体满足物的愿望。

商务英语市场营销方案答案市场营销方案(Market Marketing Plan)市场营销方案是一个组织制定和实施以实现其市场目标的计划。
营销策略:1. 产品定位:公司将定位为提供高质量、环保的家居产品的品牌。
2. 产品线扩展:公司计划扩展产品线,包括家电、家具和家居装饰等,以满足消费者不同的需求。
3. 价格策略:公司将采用竞争性定价策略,以吸引消费者,并提供高性价比的产品。
4. 渠道选择:公司将与大型家居用品零售商建立合作关系,将产品销售到消费者。
5. 市场推广:公司将采取多种市场推广手段来提高品牌知名度和促进销售,包括电视广告、网络广告、社交媒体营销、促销活动等。
6. 品牌建设:公司将通过品牌建设来树立自身的形象和价值观,包括在产品包装上体现环保理念、与环保组织合作进行公益活动等。
实施计划:1. 第一年:公司将投入更多的资源进行产品研发和设计,开展市场调研,并与供应商建立合作关系。
2. 第二年:公司将推出新产品线,并进一步扩大销售渠道。
3. 第三年:公司将不断改进产品和服务质量,提高消费者满意度。
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1.Marketing 市场营销:通过计划和执行关于产品、服务和电子的定价、促销和分销,从而创造交换,以实现个人和组织的目标的过程)The process of planning and executing (执行、实行)the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services and ideas to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.——the definition emphasizes the diverse activities marketers perform.(强调市场商人不同的行为活动)❖Deciding what products to offer❖Setting prices❖Developing sales promotions and advertising campaigns❖Making products readily available to customers2. The marketing Concepts(市场营销观念:企业分析消费者需求,制定比竞争对后更好的决策来满足这些需求的哲学)❖The Production Concept 生产观念❖The Selling Concept 推销观念❖The Marketing Concept 市场营销观念The Production Concept 生产观念The idea that a firm should focus on those products that it could produce most efficiently and that the low-cost products would create the demand for those products.The Selling Concept / sales concept 推销观念(利用广告这种重要方式来与其顾客沟通从而获取他们的订单) The Marketing Concept市场营销观念Difference between Selling and Marketing销售与营销的区别3.The Marketing Mix / The 4P’s of Marketing市场营销组合1)Product(产品:有形和无形,包括包装、色彩、品牌、服务,甚至销售商的声誉)Consumer products消费品:produced for and purchased byhouseholds for their use.Industrial products 工业产品:are sold primarily for use inproducing other products.2)Price(价格:消费者为获得产品所必须支付的金额)Refers to the value or worth of a product that attracts the buyer to exchange money or something of value for the product.Loss Leader Pricing(亏本出售商品)selling things in its lower price than its cost price in order to attract customers to purchase the products.Penetration Pricing (渗透定价法---心理定价策略)设定最初低价,以便迅速和深入地进入市场,从而快速吸引来大量的购买者,赢得较大的市场份赖。
is a pricing strategy where the organization sets a low price to increase sales and market share. “Introductory”.Price Skimming(撇脂定价法---心理定价策略)将产品的价格定的较高,尽可能在产品生命初期,在竞争者研制出相似的产品以前,尽快的收回投资,并且取得相当的利润。
Means the charging of relatively high prices that take advantage of early customers’ strong need for the new product, and then decreasing it slowly as sales begin to decline.Differential Pricing(区别定价法)involves allowing the same product to be priced differently.3)Place (分销:代表公司为使产品达到目标顾客手中所进行的各种活动)Place / Distribution refer to how you will sell your products to your customers.4)Promotion(促销:代表公司宣传其产品优点和说服目标顾客购买所进行的各种活动)Personal selling(人员销售)、Advertising、Sales promotion(销售促销)、Publicity(宣传)4.The Product Life Cycle 产品生命周期(PLC)❖Introduction Phase 引入期❖Growth Phase 成长期❖Maturity Phase 成熟期❖Decline Phase 衰退期(4p-市场营销在每一个时期呈现的不同特点)Limitations of the Product Life Cycle Concept 产品生命周期的局限性---不适用于产品销量的预测,之使用与一般预测。
5.1)Consumer Buying Behavior(消费者购买行为:作为个人使用产品和决策构成消费者购买行为。
社会、心理、人口和环境因素)Need recognition →Search→Evaluation of alternatives(比较同类产品讯息)→Purchase decision→After-purchase evaluation(评估购买行为)Several factors affect the buying decision of consumers.❖Social factors: family members , peers❖Psychological factors: attitude, personality❖Personal characteristics: age, education❖Specific conditions2)Industrial Buying Behavior 企业购买行为The purchase decision making of organization such as manufacturers, service providers, government agencies, institutions, and non-profit groups is referred to as industrial buying behavior.6.Marketing Research (市场营销调研有效的调研包括5个步骤)Forming the research question确定问题和研究目标Research design制定调研计划Data collection: secondary data, primary data资料搜集Data analysis资料分析Choosing the best solution确定最好的解决方法7.Market Segmentation (市场细分:按照购买者所需的个别产品或营销组合,把一个市场分为若干不同的购买者群体的行为)The division of a market into different homogeneous group of consumers.❖Mass marketing(大量营销)❖Target marketing(目标营销)1)Requirements of Market Segments 市场细分的要求❖Identifiable(可确认的): The differentiating attributes(部分)of the segments must be measurable so that they can be identified.❖Accessible(可以达到的):The segments must be reachable through communication and distribution channels.❖Substantial: The segments should be sufficiently large to justify the resources required to target them.❖Unique needs(独特的需求):To justify separate offerings, the segments must respond differently to the different marketing mixes.❖Durable(耐用持久的):The segments should be relatively stable to minimize the cost of frequent changes.2)Segmentation Bases 细分依据❖Geographic segmentation bases(地理因素): city, state, region.❖Demographic segmentation bases(人口因素):age, income,education, occupation, sex, race, social class.❖Psychographic segmentation bases(消费心理因素): attitudes, personality, opinions, lifestyles, interests, motives.❖Behaviouralistic segmentation(消费行为因素): Based on actual customer behavior toward products.。