2)She sat with her hands cupping her chin, staring at a corner of the little kitchen. 译文:她坐在那儿双手拖着下巴,眼睛凝视 着小厨房的一角。 3)Sunrays filtered in wherever they could, driving out darkness and choking the shadows. 译文:阳光射入了它所能透过的所以地方, 赶走了黑暗,驱散了幽影。
3) He had long been held in cordial contempt by his peers; now that contempt was no longer cordial. 译文:长期以来,他的同僚虽然看不起他,却还是 对他有些亲切感,现在,除看不起他之外,亲 切感也没有了。 4) He stalked away, but with a gnawing uncertainty in his breast. 译文:他昂首阔步地走开,心里半信半疑,感到十 分苦恼。
3) As a place to live, it left much to be desired. As a secret training base for a revolutionary new plane, it was an excellent site, its remoteness effectively masking its activity… 译文:作为居住的地方,这里有许多不足之处。但 作为完全新型飞机的秘密训练基地切实非常理 想的。它地处边陲,人们不易了解其中的活 动…… 4) The inside of each tent depended on the personality of its occupants. 译文:每个帐篷内怎样的布置,这要看各个使用者 的性格了。
一、分句法(—)副词的分译1)The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements.--中国人似乎为他们经济建设上取得的巨大成就感到自豪,这是合乎情理的。
2)Jerry quickly ordered everyone to put on life jackets, and tried unsuccessfully to put out the fire. --杰里立即叫大家穿上救生衣,并且奋力灭火,但却无济于事。
They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all. (adv.)他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。
She wished she were at Kangding. Ordinarily, she would have been here two hours ago. ( adv.)她真愿意那时已在康定。
Characteristically, Mr. Smith concealed his feelings and watched and learned.史密斯先生没有表露自己的感情,只是察言观色,心领神会,这是他的特点。
考研英语翻译第四章 翻译方法与技巧(句法)
一.分句法1、将原文中的一个单词译成句子1)They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all.他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。
(将一个副词译为一个句子)2)That region was the most identifiable trouble spot.那地区是个麻烦的地方,这是大家最容易看得出的。
(将一个形容词译为一句子)2、将原文中一个短语译成句子1)Sunrays filtered in wherever they could, driving out darkness, and choking the shadows.阳光射入了它能透过的几乎所有地方,赶走了黑暗,驱散了阴影。
(将一个名词语译为一个句子)3、将一个句子拆开译成两个或两个以上句子His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery.因为他没有遵守安全规则,机器出了故障。
(将一个句子译为一个主句和一个从句)二、合句法1、将原文中两个或两个以上的简单句译成一个单句His father had a small business in the city of Pisa. This city is in the north and near the sea.他的父亲在意大利北部近海的比萨做小生意。
(将两个单句译为一个单句)2、将原文中的主从复合句译成一个单句When I negotiate, I get nervous. When I get nervous, I eat.我在谈判时总是有些紧张。
3) They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all. 译文:他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。 4)He wished he were at home. Ordinarily, he would have been there three hours ago. 译文:他真愿那时候已在家里。要是在往常 的日子里,他早已到家三小时了。
3) He had long been held in cordial contempt by his peers; now that contempt was no longer cordial. 译文:长期以来,他的同僚虽然看不起他,却还是 对他有些亲切感,现在,除看不起他之外,亲 切感也没有了。 4) He stalked away, but with a gnawing uncertainty in his breast. 译文:他昂首阔步地走开,心里半信半疑,感到十 分苦恼。
Increased cooperation with China is in the interests of the United States. 译文: 同中国加强合作,符合美国的利益。 (在主谓连接处拆译)
2. Chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain in
1)In August 1946, on my fifth trip through China, bound for my Moscow home but not in haste, since my husband had died in the war, I came to Yanan. 译文:1946年八月,我在回莫斯科家的途中,第五 次路过中国;由于我丈夫已在战争中牺牲了, 当时我并不急于回去,就到了延安。 2)Their power increased with their number. 译文:他们人数增加了,力量也随之增强。
• A movie of me leaving that foxhole would look like a shell leaving a rifle.
• 我离开那个单人掩体速度之快,要是拍成 电影的话,会像出膛的子弹一样。
• He shook his head and his eyes were wide, then narrowed in indignation.
• 允许战俘领取红十字会的食品包裹,也允 许他们写信,不过信要受到检查
• 允许战俘领取红十字会的食品包裹,也允 许他们写经过检查的信。
• Chairman Mao might have spoken with understandable pride of his policy of “selfreliance”.
• 我记得那个寒冷的夜里,你从外面抱进来 了一捆干柴。在你放下双臂时,一只金花 鼠跳了下来。(在连词and处切分)
• 英语中的副词、形容词和名词等都可分译。 • 1. 副词 • The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of
their economic achievements. • 中国人似乎为他们在经济上取得成就而自
• They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all. • 他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。 • Tobacco addicts remain hopelessly blind
• 电话铃响过几秒钟后,海伦·玛奇拿起话筒。 听到艾伦问起琼,她的声音流露出迷惑的 语调。(在连词and处切分)
1. 词的合译
1) You will supply financial power, and we’ll supply man power. Isn’t that fair and square?
Valley are understandably proud of their achievements.
这些在硅谷工作的科学家对他们取 得的成就感到自豪,这可以理解。
B. 形容词: 1)That region was the most
identifiable trouble spot.
那地区是个麻烦的地方,这是大家 最容易看得出来的。
中国历史上的许多辉煌成就令许多西方人心 驰神往:其内容博大精深,其文化多姿多彩, 其历史悠长久远,她在数千年之前在制作众 多极品中所使用的精湛技艺至今还令专家们 惊叹不已。
2)He shook his head and his eyes were wide, then narrowed in indignation.
Unit 10 分句法、合句法 (P65) Division and Combination
英语和汉语在句子结构上存在差异, 这种差异包括词、短语、句子等的时间和 空间顺序,也包括表达内容和形式方面的 不同。在翻译时,需要对原来的句子结构 进行调整。
通过分句法和合句法的学习,抛弃原 来逐字逐句翻译的习惯,初步掌握这两种 翻译技巧,并能够运用到翻译实践中去。
分句法是指把原文的一个简 单句译成两个或两个以上的句子。
The opinions of the attendants about this issue were far from unanimous so that some of them began to quarrel with each other.The atmosphere at the meeting became tense at the moment.(2)从关联词(如转折处)断句[例2]昨天出了好几起交通事故,或许是因为有大雾的缘故吧!There were several traffic accidents yesterday.Maybe because of the heavy fog.(3)从意义完整、独立处断句[例3]一转眼,20年就这样过去了,回首往事,是幸福,还是惆怅,恐怕连自己也难以搞清。
Twenty years has elapsed in the twinkling of an eye.When looking back,I’m afraid that we won’t know what we can find in the past,happiness or sadness?(4)原文出现总说或分述时要断句[例4]我们恢复和采取这些贸易方式的原因很简单:因为我们出口商品就是为了我们国外客户的需要。
例4: Chaplin, whose mother was ill for many years, had to dance in streets to earn money. 译文:由于母亲病了好多年, 译文:由于母亲病了好多年,卓别林不得不到街 头表演去挣钱。(表示原因) 。(表示原因 头表演去挣钱。(表示原因) 例5:But the Southern States wanted to set up a country of their own, where they would be free to keep black slaves. 但是南方各州却想建立他们自己的国家,以便在 但是南方各州却想建立他们自己的国家, 那里他们可以随心所欲地继续把黑人当作奴隶。 那里他们可以随心所欲地继续把黑人当作奴隶。 (表示目的) 表示目的)
He took out a bottle of wine out of his pocket, which he began to drink slowly. 译文:他从衣兜里掏出一瓶酒慢慢地喝起来。 译文:他从衣兜里掏出一瓶酒慢慢地喝起来。 例2: We will send the boy to Britain, where he can receive better education. 译文:我们将要把这个孩子送到英国去接受更 译文: 好的教育。 好的教育。
B. 把原文中的主从复合句(Complex 把原文中的主从复合句( Sentence) Sentence)译成一句
1. If we do a thing, we should do it well. 我们要干就干好。 我们要干就干好。 2. It was in mid-September, and the new midstudents attended the military training under the blazing sun. 九月中旬,新生在骄阳下军训。 九月中旬,新生在骄阳下军训。 3. Home after seven years. Home. The word had meant so much to him. 阔别了七年的家, 家,阔别了七年的家,这个词对他是多么亲切 啊!
Chapter 3 分句、合句、换序3.1分句译法(Division)▪ e.g. They seemed to enjoy those rewards which they had purchased by a course of unremitting fatigue and by victories which almost exceeded belief.3.1.1 Definition:分句译法又称之为“拆句法”或者“断句译法”,就是把比较长的句子译成较短的句子。
3.1.2 拆开并列句▪ e.g. The shark swung over and the old man saw his eye was not alive and then he swung over once again, wrapping himself in two loops of the rope. (Earnest Hemingway: The Old Man and the Sea)▪ e.g. It is very easy to bring some books from the bookstores and libraries, but to learn the knowledge in the books and put the knowledge into practice is by no means an easy job.3.1.3 拆开名词从句▪ e.g. It was in vain that the old lady asked her if she was aware she was speaking to Miss Pinkerton. (W. M. Thackeray: Vanity Fair)▪ e.g. It is certain that man will eventually solve the riddle of UFO.3.1.4 拆开定语从句▪ e.g. Just then the fish gave a sudden lurch that pulled the old man down onto the bow.( Earnest Hemingway: The Old Man and the Sea)▪ e.g. There is now a single accepted pronunciation for the vast majority of words in ordinary polite use, deviation from which is regarded either as a provincialism or as a vulgarism.3.1.5 拆开状语从句▪ e.g After singing a concert in this city, he said he wanted to greet his admirers backstage as he always does.▪ e.g. 这首歌并不曾继续多久,//就和笛声共同消失在黑暗里了。
法律文体通常具有权威性和严谨性的 特点,语言规范、正式、庄重,强调 语义的准确性和表述的严谨性。
在法律文体的英汉翻译中,分句法常 用于将长句拆分成短句,以突出法律 条款的核心内容和逻辑关系,使译文 更加符合法律文体的规范要求。
在法律文体的英汉翻译中,合句法常 用于将多个短句合并成一个长句,以 保留原文的法律术语和表述方式,使 译文更加准确严谨地传达原文的含义 。
在英汉翻译中,要注意行文流畅性,避免出 现生硬或过于直译的情况。可以通过调整语 序、增减词汇、改变句式等方式,使译文更 加自然、流畅,符合目标语言的表达习惯。
考虑到文化差异,准确传达原文的文化内涵 。
英汉翻译中,要特别注意文化因素的差异。 由于不同文化背景下的语言表达习惯和思维 方式存在差异,因此需要深入了解目标语言 的文化背景,准确传达原文的文化内涵,避 免出现文化误解或冲突。同时,要注意尊重 目标语言的文化习惯和表达方式,使译文更
• 英汉翻译分句法 • 英汉翻译合句法 • 英汉翻译分句、合句法的运用 • 英汉翻译分句、合句法的注意事项
01 英汉翻译分句法
切分依据主要包括句子的逻辑关系、语法结构以及语义内容等 。通过合理切分,能够使译文更加流畅、自然,符合中文表达
在切分长句时,可以按照主句和从句、主语和谓语、以及意群 等进行划分。同时,需要注意保留句子间的衔接和连贯,避免
第一节 分句、合句法
英语和汉语在句子结构上存在差异,这 种差异包括词、短语、句子等在时间和空间 顺序的不同,也包括在表达内容和形式方面 的不同。 在翻译时,需要对原来的句子结构进行
分句法和合句法是改变原文句子结构的两 种重要方法。 所谓分句法,就是把原文的一个简单句译 成两个或两个以上的句子。 所谓合句法,就是把原文两个或两个以上 的简单句或一个复合句在译文中用一个单句
• 我们知道,诗人一般总喜欢押头韵,觉得 重复一个声音会产生美的效果。(原文两 句都比较短,且有相同的主语译文合成一 句,语气较顺。)
词的合译 • 1) You will supply financial power, and we’ll supply man power. Isn’t that fair and square?
•你们出钱,我们出人,这难道还不公平吗? • 2) His father is a man who forgives and forgets. 他的父亲非常宽容。 • 3) Her son was wise and clever , but her daughter was silly and foolish. •她的儿子非常聪明,可女儿却很笨。
个或两个以上的英语句子共用相同的主语的时 候,由于汉语不喜欢重复主语,也不喜欢用代 词作主语,不如把几句话串联成汉语的一句话 (孙致礼,2003:93)。
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因为,在汉语中,很少有名词性短语在句子中担任独 立成分的情况,采用分句法翻译,能让译文更加完整通顺, 符合汉语的表达习惯。 1.I cannot see my grandfather again, a regretful thing. 我再也不能见到我的祖父了。这是多么遗憾的事。 2.The wrong power-line connections will damage the motor. 如果把电线接错,就会损坏电动机.
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3.将原句中的形容词分译成单独的句子 1.His announcement got a mixed reaction. 他的声明引起了反响,有好有坏。 2.That region was the most identifiable trouble spot. 那个地区是个麻烦的地方,这是大家最容易看得出来 的。 3.Buckley was in a clear minority. 巴克利属于少数派,这是明摆着的事实。
责任编辑:张 琛 出版日期:2009年9月 IDPN:308-2009-163 课件章数:14
第六节 分句法和合句法
2.6.1 分句法 I 把原句中的单词分译成单独的句子 把原句中的短语分译成单独的句子 句子的分译 分句法在汉译英中的应用
II III VI 课后练习 练习答案 2.6.2 合句法 I II III IV 课后练习 练习答案
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2. 并列句的分译。 两个或两个以上的简单句用并列连词连在一起构成的 句子,叫做并列句,其基本结构是“简单句+并列连词+ 简单句”。并列句中的各简单句意义同等重要,相互之间 没有从属关系,是平行并列的关系。常见的并列连词有 and, or, so, but, yet, for, however, then等。在翻译 实践中,并列句常常在各分句连接处加以切分,译成两个 或两个以上的句子。 1.Unfortunately, the want of the family had kept him from school and he seemed to feel the loss. 不幸的是,他因家境贫寒不能上学。他似乎痛切地感 受到这种损失。 (在and处切分) 2.I must be off now, or I’ll be late for school. 我得走了,不然上学要迟到的。 (在or处切分)
翻译 HY
• 3) Buckley was in a clear minority. • 巴克利属于少数派,这是明摆着的事实。 • 4) That region was the most identifiable trouble place. • 那地区是个麻烦的地方,这是大家很容易 看出来的。
• 那些机器必须经常上润滑油。
• The structure of the steel and the resulting properties will depend on how hot the steel gets and how quickly or slowly it is cooled.
翻译 HY
• The mother may have spoken with understandable pride of her child. • 母亲在谈到她的孩子时,也许有自豪感,这是可 以理解的。
• She had made several attempts to help them find other rental quarters without success. • 她已试了好几次,要帮他们另找一所出租的房子, 可是并未找到。
翻译 HY
• 英汉两中语言在句法结构存在很大差异。英语重形合,连接词较为发 达,句子结构层层包孕,叠床架屋,句子在空间上呈大树型结构,长 句较多;汉语重意合,句子与句子之间缺乏必要的连接词,积词成句, 积句成章,流水句较多,呈线型排列,一句接一句,短句较多,句子 结构呈竹竿型分布。针对英汉句子结构的不同特征,在翻译时要根据 各自的语言习惯作响应的转换,以确保译文通顺流畅。 • 在进行英汉翻译时,有时我们可以把原文的整个句子结构保存下来或 稍加些许改动即可。但在多数情况下,需对原句子作较大的改动以符 合目的语的表达习惯。分句法和合句法就是改变句子结构的两种重要 的方法。
《翻译理论与实践》第6讲 分句合句法,名词从句,被动语态的译法
对于英语原文的被动结构, 我们一般采 取下列的方法: 1.翻译成汉语的主动句。英语原文的被 动结构翻译成汉语的主动结构又可以 进一步分为几种不同的情况。 (1) 英语原文中的主语在译文中仍做 主语。
在采用此方法时, 我们往往在译文中使 用了 “加以”, “经过”, “用……来” 等词来体现原文中的被动含义。
The hospital was already spreading a fame for its food.
Their power increased with their number.
Other questions will be discussed briefly. 其它问题将简单地加以讨论。
The whole country was armed in a few days. 几天以内全国武装起来了。
(2) 将英语原文中的主语翻译为宾语, 同时增补泛指性的词语(人们,大家等) 作主语。
他摇了摇头,双目睁得圆圆的,接着 又眯成一条线,脸上露出了愤怒的
பைடு நூலகம்
2) 把原文中的一个短语(分词短语、 名词短语、介词短语)译成句子,使 原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以 上的句子。 She sat with her hands cupping her chin, staring at a corner of the little kitchen.
阿诺河从佛罗伦萨流经比萨 入海。
被动语态的译法 英语中被动语态的使用范围极为广泛, 尤 其是在科技英语中, 被动语态几乎随处可 见, 凡是在不必、不愿说出或不知道主动 者的情况下均可使用被动语态. 在汉语中, 也有被动语态, 通常通过“把” 或“被”等词体现出来, 但它的使用范围 远远小于英语中被动语态的使用范围, 因 此英语中的被动语态在很多情况下都翻译 成主动结构。
Lesson 11 Division分句、合句法:很多情况下,翻译句子的时候,需要调整原来的句子结构,分句法和合句法是调整原文句子的两种重要的方法。
I.分句法division切分(—)副词的分译Jerry quickly ordered everyone to put on life jackets, and tried unsuccessfully to put out the fire.杰里立即叫大家穿上救生衣,并且奋力灭火,但却无济于事。
(二)形容词的分译Buckley was in a clear minority. 巴克利属于少数派,这是明摆着的事实。
(三)动词的分译The maximum demand for electricity today is expected to double within a decade.可以预料,目前对电的最大需要量在十年内可望增加一倍。
(四)短语的分译To be scientific, we must test the formulas and the conclusions by experiments.(不定式短语)要使之具有科学性,我们必须用实验来验证这些公式和结论。
(五)非人称主语句的分译The good tidings filled the whole nation with joy. 捷报传来,举国欢腾。
Poor acoustics spoilt the performance. 音响效果不好,演出大为逊色。
(六) 长句的分译There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met.(拆开定语从句)我访问过一些地方,遇到不少人,要谈起来,奇妙的事可多着呢。
英语专业英译汉 第九章分句合句法课堂
(二)把原文中的一个短语译成句子,使原文 的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子。
(三)把原文的一个句子拆开,译成两个或两 个以上的句子。
1)Films, gramophone records and magnetic tapes will provide them with a bewildering amount of information.
1.He arrived in Washington at a ripe moment internationally. 他来到华盛顿,就国际形式来说,时机正合适。
2. Doctors and men both talked about a miracle drug constantly almost with awe. 医生和伤病员常常谈起一种神奇的药物,而且谈 时几乎都带着一种敬畏的口气。
2) She had such a kindly, smiling, tender-gentle, generous heart of her own, ...
3) One bad winter we watch the river creep up the lower meadows.
4) It seemed to him unquestionable that fortunately he had been permitted to look upon one of the world's really great men.
? 分句法--把原文的一个简单句译成两个或两 个以上的句子。
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• 英语长句较多。句子修饰语多且长,句子 结构复杂;而汉语中长句则相对较少,修 饰语也较少且短。所以英译汉时,不能照 样克隆复制,而是得根据汉语的特点,灵 活处理。分句(切分)就是一种常见的方 法,是指把英语中的长句分译成两个或两 个以上的句子。 • 分句分三类:单词分译、短语分译、句子 分译
2. In the course of my travels in America I have been impressed by a kind of fundamental malaise which seems to me extremely common and which poses difficult problems for the social reformer. 我在美国旅行期间,注意到了一种根深谛固的忧郁症。我觉得这种 忧郁症似乎极其普遍,这给社会改革家出了难题。(在第一个 which引导的从句前切分。) 3.The day of the big snow, when you had to shovel the walk and couldn‘t find your cap and asked me how to wind a towel so that it would stay on your head--- you, in the white towel turban, like a crazy king of the snow. 那天下着大雪,你得去铲除道上的积雪。一时又找不到帽子,就 问我怎样才能把毛巾裹在头上又不让它掉下来。那时的你,头上 裹着白毛巾,简直像一个雪中古怪的国王。(在破折号处切分。)
By inserting, we mean the use of dash, bracket and comma to insert the difficult part in translation. Correct use of dash, bracket or comma to insert the difficult part will keep the original style untouched and it is convenient to do so, in the meanwhile, it can avoid careless omission. On this and succeeding days, during which our anticraft guns were doubled in numbers, very hard and continuous air fighting took place over the capital, and the Luftweffe were still confident through their overestimation of our losses. 在当天和随后的几天(我们的高射炮在这几天增加了一倍),首都 上空发生了连续不断的激烈空战,德国空军由于过多地估计了我们 的损失,因而仍然信心十足。
句子分译可以分为简单句的分译、并列句的分译、主从复合句的 分译以及其他情况的分译。
(一)简单句的分译(根据情Fra bibliotek,灵活处理)1。Daybreak comes with thick mist and drizzle。 黎明时分,大雾弥漫,细雨蒙蒙。 2。A peasant and his family were working in a little field beneath the singing larks。 有个农民一家人正在一小块地里干活,头顶上云雀在歌唱。 3. A therapeutic mattress was installed for Kennedy’s bad back. 肯尼迪的背有毛病,所以为他准备了能起治疗作用的床垫。
1.Scofflaws abound in amazing variety.
玩忽法令者形形色色,令人吃惊。//比较:。。。令人吃惊的多 种多样。 2.At present people have a tendency to choose the safety of the middle-ground reply.
现在,人们都倾向于采取不偏不倚的态度来回答问题,因为它安全, 不招风险。/// 。。选择不偏不倚回答问题的安全。 3。We recognize that China’s long-term modernization program understandably and necessarily emphasizes economic growth. 我们认识到,中国的长期现代化计划以发展经济为重点,这是 可以理解的,也是必要的。// 。。。可以理解和必要地强 调。。。。
• 有的长句的翻译需要根据意群的分布等具体情况 来进行灵活处理. • Suddenly the door bursts open and the Time Traveller
appears, diry, disheveled, and bedragged,with a nasty cut on his chin. 突然,门猛然开了,时间旅行家出现。他十分肮脏,衣冠不整, 满身是泥,下巴额被严重划伤。(在appear后切分) The day before I was to leave I went walking across the river to the red mesa, where many times before I had gone to be alone with my thoughts. 临行前一天,我淌过河来到红石山下。我以前曾多次来过这里, 独自遐想一番。(where 后为一意义单位,所以切分。)
3. I remember the cold night you brought in a pile of logs and a chipmunk jumped off as you lowered your arms.
我记得那个寒冷的夜里,你从外面抱进来一捆干柴。在你放下双臂 时,一只金花鼠跳了下来。(在连词and处切分)
几个小时过去了,莉迪亚一直处于半清醒的睡眠状态。她做了个梦, 梦见了让·雅克,觉得他就在她的身边。(介词短语分译)
3. Once considered an art colony, Sansalito is now a chic enclave of boutiques and high-priced homes nestled in the hillsides. 索萨利托曾被认为是艺术的聚集地,可现在山坡上却到处是时装精 品店和高级住宅,豪华漂亮。 (分词短语分译)
(三)主从复合句的分译:常在分句连接处加以切分,分译成两个 或两个以上的句子。
1.White House officials have acknowledged during the past week that disclosure of the secret dealings was the latest and most serious in a number of recent issues that have raised broad questions about the administration’s credibility. 在过去的一周中,白宫官员们承认,秘密交易的泄露是近来发生 的一系列问题中最新最严重的一个。这些问题已使许多人对政府 的信誉明显地产生了怀疑。(在that引导的从句前切分。)
4. In 1921 his mother’s death was closely followed by that of his three-year-old daughter Marigold.
1921年他的母亲去世,紧接着他3岁的女儿玛丽戈尔德也死去。 或两个以上的句子。
Three other techniques to translate the long sentences
1) Reversing(倒置法): It means changing or adjusting the sentence structure thoroughly or partly in order to have translation arranged in harmony with the Chinese syntax. And he knew how ashamed he would have been if she had known his mother and the kind of place in which he was born, and the kind of people among whom he was born. 他出生在这一类人中间,出生在这种地方,他还有这样的母亲;这些 要是让他知道的话,他会多麽丢人。
3)Recasting(重组) By recasting, we mean breaking the crust structure of original sentence on the basis of complete digestion, having the original reorganized and rearranged according to the original meaning. The great difficulty of introducing radically new computer architectures which requires customers to rewrite most of their software excluded the possibility for these techniques to find their way to the commercial marketplace. 采用全新的计算机体系结构,势必要求用户改写其大部分软件,因 此难以付诸实现,这就排除了这种技术进入商品市场的可能性。