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Unit4 Don’t eat in class.

第六课时Section B 3a - Self Check (写作课)

Teaching Goals:


Talk about rules.

Don’t run in the hallways.

Can we eat in the classroom?

We must be on time for class.

What does he have to do?


Learn to use can ,have to, must and the useful expressions( What do you have to do? What can I do?etc.)



No rules no standards!(没有规矩不成方圆!)


Teaching and learning steps:

Step1. Pre-writing activities

1. Revision(话题复习):

Task 1 Talk about school rules:

First, write down on the line. Then talk about it in pairs.






Task 2 Talk about family rules.

First, ask and answer in pairs. Then write it down on the line.

Work in pairs:

A: What do you have to do?

B:I have to do the dishes.

Task 3 Make sentence.

Use can, can’t, have to/must and don’t to write about the rules at school.(Self check 2)

1.arrive late/class _____________________________________

2.listen/teacher ______________________________________

3.be noisy/library _________________________________

4.speak English/English class __________________________

5.eat/dinning hall __________________________________


2.Leading- in(导入):

Play a video about happy family .

T: Here is a video about happy family. Is Liuxing happy?

S1: No. T: Why?

S2: Because he has too follow many rules at home and school.

T: I think we all have many rules at home and school. Is it fair? Let ’s talk about rules together. 3.Talk about some pictures(看图说话):

T: In order to be a good boy, What does Liu Xing have to do? Please look at the pictures and talk about them in pair.

Here is an example:

Choose one picture and ask and answer in pairs. Then ask some pairs to show us.

A: What does Liu Xing have to do? B: He has to make the bed. A: Anything else? B: He can ’t sleep in class. A:…

【设计意图】利用精美的图片激发学生练习说话的热情,这种深入浅出的“开场白”,具有承前启后,温故而知新的作用,且有利于中下等学生进入状态,扎实推进。 4.

Activity 3a . (补全对话):

Task 1 Complete Zhao Pei ’s letter to Dr. Know using have to/must, can or not.

Task 3 Complete the chart with the rules in your home and school. Put an x for the rules you


Zhao Pei

Is she happy?why?what can she do?Dear Dr. Know, ____ you help me? I ’m not happy because there are too many rules at home. Every morning, I ____ get up at six o ’clock. At school, I _______ wear a school uniform, and I ______ keep my hair short. After school, I ____ play with my friends or watch TV because I ____ do my homework. I ____ relax on weekends either because I _____ learn to play the piano. I never have fun, what ___ I do?

Zhao Pei

Check the answers.
