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Xin Qiji bold as creative tone, created a large number of words, make bold become a common practice, consolidate and develop the bold style, and eventually established the bold faction. "To gas as the style of CI " is the foundation of Xin Qiji this achievement, which shows Xin Qiji's unique aesthetics and pursuit, but also the connotation of "writing words" creation and core.

This article mainly discusses Xin Qiji "form, with gas as the words" the style of CI expression and significance. Beginning from the ancient "Qi" theory and the "gas" and literature gradually with began to explore, with the background of the times and Xin Qiji's own characteristics, analysis of Xin Qiji's advocacy of "gas", "bleed into the word" necessity and objective, think Xin Qiji words of "gas" core, is central plains and the southern people which was from the husband of the gas, is the peril of the national integrity and heroic character, is the Chinese nation for a kind of spiritual quality of rolling and thriving and prosperous. It runs through the creation of Xin Qiji's beginning, is the core of Xin CI creation, decided the Xin CI style and artistic characteristics, to build the Xin Qiji battle, utilitarian ideas of literary creation. Whether it is "heroic", "dismal gas" or "graceful of gas", is the core pursuit under different historical environment performance.

Xin Qiji can do it "luck into words in the creation, in terms of Qi", and the era background and his unique personality charm and pursuit of life are inseparable, and the CI concept also prompted Xin Qiji to innovation in the theme content, artistic style of works, and so on, so that its glow Jiaxuan’s the unique spirit of personality, the word also presents the aesthetic style unique, regardless of the strength of character or in literary works have far-reaching impact on future generations.

Key words:Xin Qiji;gas;Jia Xuan’s Ci;Style of Ci


序言................................................ - 1 - 一.“以气为词”的滥觞和发展.......................... - 2 -

1.何为“气” .......................................... - 2 -

2.孟子“浩然之气”..................................... - 2 -

3.曹丕“文以气为主”.................................... - 3 -

4.韩昌黎“气盛言宜”.................................... - 3 - 二.“气”在辛弃疾词中的体现.......................... - 4 -

1.豪迈之气............................................ - 4 -

2.悲凉之气............................................ - 6 -

3.婉约之气............................................ - 7 - 三.辛词“以气为词”风格的形成原因及意义............. - 8 -

1.词如其人............................................ - 8 -

2.融气入词............................................ - 8 -

3.引典为词........................................... - 10 -

4.意义与影响 ......................................... - 10 - 参考文献............................................ - 11 - 致谢.................................... 错误!未定义书签。
