
此外,在国家环保标准的差异,以及当前的国际贸易规则和协议是不完整的provids 绿色贸易壁垒的借口。

绿色贸易壁垒的外文文献绿色贸易壁垒的外文文献:Title: Green Trade BarriersAbstract: Green trade barriers refer to environmental regulations and standards imposed by countries on imported goods, with the aim of promoting environmental protection and sustainability. While these measures are intended to reduce the negative impacts of international trade on the environment, they can also create barriers to trade, especially for developing countries that may not have the resources to meet the stringent requirements. This paper examines the concept of green trade barriers, their impact on trade, and the policy options available to address these issues.Introduction: As global environmental concerns continue to grow, countries are increasingly adopting environmental regulations and standards to promote sustainability and protect natural resources. These measures can include a range of policies, such as emissions standards, energy efficiency requirements, and restrictions on hazardous substances. While these policies are intended to promote environmental protection, they can also have unintended consequences for international trade. Specifically, they can act as barriers totrade, particularly for developing countries that may not have the resources to meet the stringent requirements.What are Green Trade Barriers? Green trade barriers could be defined as environmental regulations and standards that restrict the trade of goods based on their environmental impact. These measures are intended to promote environmental protection and sustainability, but can also create barriers to trade, especially for developing countries that may not have the resources to meet the stringent requirements. Examples of green trade barriers include:Emissions standards: These are regulations that limit the amount of pollution that can be produced by a particular product or industry. For example, the European Union has set strict emissions standards for automobiles, which can make it difficult for foreign automakers to sell their products in the EU.Energy efficiency requirements: These are regulations that require products to meet certain energy efficiency standards. For example, the United States has energy efficiency requirements for appliances, which can make it difficult for foreign appliance manufacturers to sell their products in the US.Restrictions on hazardous substances: These are regulations that limit or ban the use of certain hazardous substances in products. For example, the EU has banned the use of lead in certain products, which can make it difficult for foreign manufacturers to sell their products in the EU.Impact of Green Trade Barriers: While green trade barriers are intended to promote environmental protection, they can also have unintended consequences for trade. Specifically, they can act as barriers to trade, particularly for developing countries that may not have the resources to meet the stringent requirements. This can result in a number of negative impacts, including:Reduced export opportunities: Green trade barriers can limit the export opportunities for developing countries, particularly those that rely heavily on exports for economic growth.Increased costs: Compliance with green trade barriers can be costly, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries that may not have the resources to invest in new technology or processes.Unequal playing field: Green trade barriers can create an unequal playing field for developing countries, particularlythose that may not have the resources to meet the same standards as developed countries.Policy Options: There are a number of policy options available to address the issues of green trade barriers. These include:Capacity building: Developing countries can be supported through capacity building initiatives, such as technology transfer, to help them meet the requirements of green trade barriers.Harmonization of standards: Developing countries can be encouraged to adopt international environmental standards, which can help to harmonize regulations and reduce the potential for trade barriers.Mutual recognition agreements: Countries can enter into mutual recognition agreements, which recognize each other's environmental standards and reduce the potential for trade barriers.Conclusion: While green trade barriers are intended to promote environmental protection, they can also create barriers to trade, particularly for developing countries. There are a number of policy options available to address these issues, including capacity building, harmonization ofstandards, and mutual recognition agreements. By addressing these issues, it is possible to promote both environmental protection and trade, while ensuring that developing countries are not unfairly disadvantaged.。

外文翻译原文The green barrier to free tradeMaterial Source: Financial Daily from THE HINDU group of publicationsAuthor: C. P. Chandrasekhar,Jayati GhoshAT the and of the latest round of meetings of the agricultural negotiations committee of the WTO, the optimism that negotiators would meet the March 31 deadline for working out numerical targets, formulas and other “modalities” through which countries can frame their liberalization commitments in a new full-fledged round of trade negotiations has almost disappeared. That target was important for two reasons:First,it is now becoming clear, that even more than was true during the Uruguay Round, forging an agreement in the agricultural area is bound to prove extremely difficult. Progress in the agricultural negotiations was key to persuading the unconvinced th at a new “Doha Round” of trade negotiations is useful and feasible.Second, the Doha declaration made agricultural negotiations one part of a `single undertaking' to be completed by January 1, 2005. That is, in a take `all-or-nothing' scheme, countries had to arrive at, and be bound by, agreements in all areas in which negotiations were to be initiated in the new round. This means that if agreement is not worked out with regard to agriculture, there would be no change in the multilateral trade regime governing industry, services or related areas and no progress in new areas, such as competition policy, foreign investment and public procurement, all of which are crucial to the economic agenda of the developed countries.The factors making agriculture the sticking point on this occasion are numerous. As in the last Round, there is little agreement among the developed countries themselves on the appropriate shape of the global agricultural trade regime. There are substantial differences in the agenda of the US, the EU and the developed countries within the Cairns group of agricultural exporters. When the rich and the powerful disagree, a global consensus is not easy to come by. But that is not all.Even if an agreement is stitched up between the rich nations, This is because the outcomes in the agricultural trade area since the implementation of the Uruguay Round (UR) Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) began have fallen far short of expectations. In the course of Round, advocates of the UR regime had promised global production adjustments that would increase the value of world agricultural trade and an increase in developing country share of such trade.That is, the US proposals are clearly not in the direction of reducing state support for agriculture, but of manipulating the agricultural support regime in the direction of what was defined to be non-trade distorting in the course of the Uruguay Round. Seen in this background, the new stand on agricultural support still being discussed among EU members is by no means bizarre. The European Commission's recently released proposals for reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) do not promise any cut in total spending. But they do not point to any substantial increase either, since the EU leaders agreed last year to a 1 per cent ceiling on annual increases in the farm budget. In addition, the proposals currently being discussed make an effort to link subsidies less directly with production, thereby rendering them non-trade distorting. The difficulty the EU faces is that of mooting and then winning agreement among its members on doing away with export subsidies and on making a complete transition to Green Box measures. Since the support afforded to agriculture in EU countries is large and multifarious, a complete transition is not easy to achieve.France, for example, which receives more money from the CAP than any other country is vehemently opposed to that transition, with vocal support from President Chirac. As a result, the EU in its proposals submitted in December to the agricultural negotiations committee, has called for retaining the Blue Box and for continuing with the Peace Clause, which protected Blue Box measures from being challenged during the implementation period of the Uruguay Round.That is, the EU wants the right to openly and transparently support and protect its farmers, and wants adequate elbowroom within the agreement to do so. But the fact that it is unwilling to go the US way, by opting for less transparent support measures that have been defined as acceptable helps those who paint it as the stumbling block on the road to free trade. The reason for the peculiar situation is that through the manoeuvres made during the Uruguay Round, especially the famous Blair House accord, the rich nations managed to obtain Cairns group concurrence and developing country support for an agreement that provided inadequate marketaccess and little reduction in protection in the developed countries in the agricultural area.This they did by holding out the threat of trade chaos if no agreement was reached and by promising that:●This was an interim arrangement which would be assessed starting a year beforethe completion of the implementation period;●The worst form of domestic support such as the blue box measures would bedropped at that point; and●liberalization would be further intensified starting in 2000. Unfortunately, notonly has the experience with the implementation of the not-so-liberal Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture been wanting on many counts, but there is strong pressure to continue with the manoeuvring by dressing up all support measures in Green, as is the case with the US, or by just refusing to meet the Uruguay Round commitments, as is true of the EU.This makes it extremely difficult to once more win Cairns group concurrence and developing country support for a new Agreement on Agriculture, which offers merely a small advance along an older protectionist route. Unfortunately for the developed countries, they had gone for the "single undertaking", all-or-nothing strategy with the hope that they can use small concessions in areas such as agriculture, drug patents and special and differential treatment to win major battles in the areas of competition policy, foreign investment and public procurement. But with no agreement among them even on those concessions and an agreement on agriculture proving a stumbling block, those visions born of greed are threatening to blur.The threat to the forces of corporate globalisation comes not just from the anti-globalisation movement outside. An important enemy seems to lie within, as well.译文绿色贸易壁垒对自由贸易的影响资料来源:印度金融日报2003年1月28日作者:钱德拉塞卡戈什在结束对农业谈判世贸组织,乐观委员会的会议,谈判将符合3月31日为制定一个数值目标,公式等“模式”的框架,各国可以通过其最新一轮的开放承诺的最后期限新的全面的贸易谈判回合已经几乎消失。

文献出处: Johnson R. The research of household electrical appliances export trade and trade barriers [J]. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2015, 12(5): 12-22.原文The research of household electrical appliances export trade and trade barriersJohnson RAbstractWith the rapid development of economy, the global ecological environment suffered seriously damage, and some negative external economic factors occurred, such as there have been resource depletion, the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, and so on, which requires countries to adopt environmental protection measures to safeguard the earth. Due to the developed countries have strong economic strength, science technology, and pay attention to environmental protection concerns earlier, the developin g countries can’t reach the environmental standards that drawled up by developed countries, which making all related to environmental protection measures to be considered as" green barriers”. Household electrical appliances industry is one of the most fastest-growing industry in our country, it should continue to give play its export advantage. The household electrical appliances enterprises must understand and identify the essence of the green barriers, find out the characteristic of various EU green barriers which household electrical appliances encounter, through analyzing the reasons why household electrical appliances repeatedly suffer green barriers, the article use theoretical and empirical method to research the influence from EU green barriers to our electrical appliances export, the household electrical appliances companies should improve the production technology in a positive manner, enhance product quality and technical content, so that they can calmly deal with the green barriers.Keywords: Green Barriers; Household Electrical Appliance Products; Export Trade1 IntroductionUnder the background of global integration, free trade has become the trend of The Times, however, trade liberalization brought a lot of the negative externality of economic factors, such as environmental pollution, shortage of energy and resources,the ozone layer loss, etc., these directly affect the human survival life circle, the international environmental protection and therefore more and more be taken seriously, make the international trade and international environmental protection, is contradictory to each other again, green barrier is one kind of product. As in the long-term development, the economic and technological development level is different, lead to countries and attentions to the requirement of environmental protection are also different. Developed countries with strong economic strength and scientific technology, attention to environmental protection, early and develop more stringent environmental standards, puts forward higher requirements for the product, while developing countries due to the environmental protection starts late and when there are contradictory with the environmental protection and economic development, will be based on reality, priority to the development of the domestic economy, makes the developing countries to the requirements of environmental protection in developed countries. In fact, due to the environmental protection level gap of different countries, related to the environmental protection measures are considered "green barriers". Green barriers as the world's production of environmental protection consciousness enhancement, and plays a role in the development of a country's home appliance industry. In this paper, through theoretical analysis was carried out on the green barrier system, understand the reason of developed countries to implement green barriers, the developed countries to the electrical appliances product, by studying the implementation of a series of green barriers measures and characteristics, looking for home appliance export under the cause of the green barrier, analyzes the influence of the EU green barriers to home appliance trade.2 Literature reviewIn the tide of globalization, countries to promote trade liberalization, cancellation of tariff barriers, and along with the rapid development of international trade, has become an increasingly important problem of non-tariff barriers in trade. Environmental factors has become one of the main factors affecting international trade in recent years, as a result, people began to look at, related to the environmental protection effect of free trade measures as barriers to trade, namely "green barrier".About the definition of green barriers, a dispute about the theoretical circle. Now many scholars to environmental measures as a form of "barriers", the theory is based on environmental factors will increase the cost of the export of goods and technology requirements, prevent a country's goods exports, while the importer can through the implementation of green barriers to reduce imports of goods and weaken the international competitiveness of imports, thus effectively protect the goods and the market, so it is a kind of protectionist measures.Brian R.C operand, Scott Taylor (2006) (Trade, Growth and the Environment), when receiving the Nobel Prize in economics in December 1979 in a speech put forward: "in the developed world to control the Growth rate of less developed countries is the main link Trade". Developed countries depend not only on the development of economy and technology advantages, but also on the political position in international activities, and other advantages. Technology advantage is just one of the means to achieve the purpose of political discrimination is substantial. And is the basis of green barriers to the implementation of economic strength, technical level and industry foundation, the developed countries can use to trade for their own protection. Gallagher (2006) the research points out that the emergence of green barriers to trade increased export customs clearance when the uncertainty of the factors. Trade uncertainty affects the size and price, its effect is equivalent to a certain level of tariff barriers, essence is the imposition of trade protectionism. Toms (2009) argue that green barrier is a developed country with its advantage of science and technology, through a variety of legal forms, environmental standards and health standards in the regulation of foreign trade, set access restrictions on imported goods trade system, is to protect the environment by implementing trade protectionism. Blus (2013) to establish a trade price gradient field space control model, through the green barriers of tariff barriers substitution effect theory and empirical research, it is concluded that the fall in tariff rates generally international background, the developed countries and emerging industrialized countries or regions in order to protect their own products and industries and will use tariffs alternative technologies, can achieve the purpose ofAnd some other scholars believe that the green barrier is well-meaning, it is beneficial to environmental protection and human health of environmental protection industry and green product trade rapid growth, is a country's industrial structure adjustment, promote the sustainable development of economy. Along with the adoption of environmental protection new technology, new technology, products in the technology knowledge, make the international trade goods structure increasingly by mainly resource-intensive and labor-intensive to technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive, promoted the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure. Esty and Geradin (2008) points out that the protection of ecological environment is the responsibility of each earth people and consensus, it is free and fair trade is one of the two goals of human beings. They believe that free trade is serious damage to the environment, the WTO and the governments should develop more strict and harsh trade and environmental protection laws and regulations, improve trade standard of environmental protection, green barriers will no doubt greatly increase. Akinmulegun (2009) argue that green trade is a new trade way, will replace the traditional way of international trade, is the result of the implementation of sustainable development of the society, and in many developing countries see it as a barrier to hinder the development of free trade is not reasonable, put forward from the green, the standardization of terms of trade and environment of external costs two ways to solve the difficult problems in the implementation of green trade.Alfaro (2009) pointed out that when inconsistent environmental protection and economic development, developing countries will be at the expense of the environment, the development of its economy, it ignored the rationality of green barriers. They believe that green barrier is developed based on the rules formed by the environmental protection and the gradual evolution of trade barriers, which have the function of trade protection, but it is the product of scientific and technological progress, is the embodiment of the progress of human civilization, has strong rationality. Ayadi (2005) was analyzed by using the "people-oriented" concept of "green barriers" problem, to admit its rationality and modernity. They think that poorpeople in developing countries and the world more dependent on the natural environment, more need to protect the environment and ecology, we should face the reality, adoption of foreign trade on economic "reversed transmission mechanism", "green barrier" of "challenge" into "opportunity" of economic and social development. Ayanwale (2006), making use of the environmental Kuznets curve in this paper, the green trade barriers in developing countries have a positive effect, makes the developing countries to speed up the pace of the environmental protection and technology reform, the status quo of global environmental improvement has a promoting effect.2.2 The formation of green barriersThe formation of green barriers has both inside and outside factors. From the external cause, the environmental protection across the globe, green consumption is widely admired; Tariffs and traditional non-tariff barriers have quit, make protectionist barriers to seek new means. The generation of green barriers is free trade and environmental protection products of trend. Anderson in 1992 published "The Greening Of world trade" (The Greening Of The World Trade Issues).He thinks that a country in international trade must give priority to protect the environment, to reduce and eliminate the pollution and damage the environment products production and sales, in order to protect the environment and human health, all countries have the right to take tariff and non-tariff measures, control product exports even pollute the environment, any product should be included in the cost of environment and resource costs, make the ecological environment resource and environmental cost internalization. Greene (2003) from the Angle of ecology, research the causes of green trade barriers, think the deteriorating environmental problems is the objective reasons of green trade barriers in developing countries the backwardness and environmental awareness on environmental protection science and technology, the related laws and regulations lag is caused by developing countries cannot span of the main causes of green trade barriers. Findlay (2009) argue that the rapid development of economic globalization and increasingly severe global environmental problems is the relationship between international trade and environmental protection is increasinglyclose a crucial reason. From internal cause and the different types of countries due to its economic development level is different, the environmental protection standard, under the background of national interests is supreme reality, injected the most advantageous for the emergence of green barriers. Dollar (2008) argue that the developed countries use the rising green wave in the world, building non-tariff barriers "" environment, its essence is to achieve the purpose of trade protection3 The influence of green barrier3.1 The impact on the international competitivenessDue to the environmental protection consciousness between developed countries and developing countries and the differences between science and technology, formulation and implementation of green barriers is much by developed countries. And about the relationship between environmental regulation and international competitiveness research, academic circles appeared two factions, the traditional school and correct school. Traditional school representative Palmer, Oates and Putney (1995) argues that the implementation of environmental regulation will lead to rising production costs, thereby reducing international competitiveness, and severe environmental quality improvement benefits brought by the environmental regulation may be lower than the losses suffered by their markets to foreign competitors. Revisionist view environmental regulation makes competitive don't send a rose, Porter and Vanderlin (1995) on severe degree of environmental regulation and international competitiveness on the surface of the relationship between the flux in a dynamic framework, found that strict environmental regulation is possible to improve the international competitiveness of a country's industry. Elite and Frederickson (1998) suggested that the growing demand for the environmental quality will cause pollution tax subsidies and production increase at the same time, so as to make the tax and subsidy policy changes, and may lead to increase in exports, decrease imports, the country's international competitiveness.3.2 The influence of green barrier on international tradeThe implementation of the green barriers, the most direct response is to increase the export of goods cost, improve the technical threshold of imports, have the functionof the restricted imports of goods, bring serious harm to exporters. Crespo (2005) was analyzed by using the model of demand and supply the influence of green barrier on international trade, due to the developed countries and developing countries of different development level of science and technology and the differences in environmental standards, developed countries can formulate strict environmental standards to achieve the purpose of restricting imports. When the developed countries in the implementation of these environmental policies and measures with a strong color of trade protectionism, makes the international trade in the unreasonable restrictions and distortions, seriously hindered the modernization in developing countries, harm the interests of developing countries, and brings to the world trade new obstacles and difficulties. Burgess (2010) based on the theory of economics of supply and demand and the elasticity theory, from the two aspects of green taxation and market access restrictions of the importer effects were analyzed, and found the green taxation and market access restrictions from the price and quantity affects the importer of the domestic economy, and the implementation of the green barrier, will make the limited products continue to increase in developing countries as well as the pollution industry transfer to developing countries.译文家电产品出口贸易与贸易壁垒研究Johnson R摘要当前,经济不断地发展,全球生态环境却遭到严重的破坏,出现了资源耗竭、温室效应、臭氧层耗损等经济的负外部性因素,这就要求各国采取环保措施来维护我们赖以生存的地球。

It belongs to [technical trade barrier]
Green barrier, used by some developed countries with their technology advantages through formulating legislation, complicated environmental protection conventions, regulations, standards and some other patarrier
Green trade barrier(绿色贸易壁垒) is a set of rules, policies and regulations used to restrict and even ban certain export -and-import trade directly or indirectly in order to protect the ecological environment, natural resources and keep healthy of human being, animals and vegetation.
• Products without the green label packaging will be banned.
• Improve the quality of the products to meet the standards
• Strengthen the communication and cooperation with other countries in the world and use the global power to repel the trade barriers

本科毕业设计(论文)中英文对照翻译(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意修改编辑!)文献出处:Martin B. The Green Barriers and Agricultural Product Export [J]. Asian Social Science, 2017, 1(6): 34-45.原文The Green Barriers and Agricultural Product ExportMartin Beck.AbstractAs an agricultural country, the export of China's agricultural products are often suffered the restrictions from the green barriers. The positive green barriers can regulate the agricultural production in China, and promote the agricultural development and international trade; on theother hand, the negative green barriers would increase the cost of trade, trade friction, and prevent the development of international trade. So the research of influence of green barriers on China's agricultural products is very realistic. According to the influence of green barriers on China's agricultural exports, the corresponding countermeasures can be made to deal with the green barriers and improvement of China's competitiveness in the international competition. This study examines the causes, influences and methods of green barriers on China's agricultural products export based on the questionnaires of 200 staffs of agricultural trade companies in Xi'an of Shaanxi province in China. To address this issue, Partial Least Square method is applied and the empirical result shows that there is a positive and significant effect from causes, influences, and methods towards the China's agricultural products export.Keywords: green barriers, agricultural product, export, China1. IntroductionThe green barrier is one of the most frequent measures in developed countries from the 1990's (Feng, 2007). As an agricultural country, the export of China's agricultural products are often suffered the restrictions from the green barriers. The positive green barriers can regulate the agricultural production in China, and promote the agricultural development and international trade; on the other hand, the negativegreen barriers would increase the cost of trading, even cause trade friction, and prevent the development of international trade. Green barriers are also called environmental barriers and green protectionism, which is a new trade barrier since 1990s. Buyers will impose green barriers on sellers' export when the buyers want to protect their own limited resources, human, animal, plant health and ecological environment in the modern international trade. Green barriers take place when importers have strict environmental protection laws and regulations to manage their own environment and technology standards. The green barriers are becoming not only the serious challenges faced by China's agricultural export products but also the biggest obstacle for China's agricultural exports (Y u, 2010). To deal with the green barriers, it is important to identify the causes of green barriers on China's agricultural products export, which are from both import and export countries. The limited agricultural technology of China is one significant cause. Due to the limited agricultural technology of China, the agricultural export products can't meet the high environmental standards mentioned in "green barriers" of the import countries. In the process of export, the quarantine system, import standards and complex inspection process that are regulated by the import countries are also the main causes. The complex process built by import countries is the biggest obstacle for China's agricultural products export.As agricultural trade plays a key role in China's foreign trade, how to break restrictions of green barriers impacted on agricultural export products and how to effectively regulate China's agricultural production with the correct use of the green barriers are the big problems for China's future development (Wang &Liu, 2007). By changing the negative influence and making use of the positive in influences of green barriers in China, the sustainable development of China's agricultural trade can also be promoted in the future.In most previous researches, the authors focus on the negative influences of green barriers. But the green barriers also have positive influences on the agricultural products export. The most significant issue for further exploration in the study is to effectively take use of the positive influences to improve China's agricultural products export. This study will make an empirical analysis of the positive influences of green barriers with questionnaires. Therefore, examining the relationship between green barriers and China's agricultural products export is the general objective of this study. More specifically the examination of the relationship between the causes, influences, and methods of green barriers with China's agricultural product export is taken into account in this paper.The focus of geographic location is Xi'an of Shaanxi province in China. One of the core industries in Xi'an is agricultural products export,and recently the agricultural products export in Xi'an is developing increasingly. So Xi'an is chosen to be the geographic location for this research. The unit of analysis focus of the study is 200 staffs of agricultural trade companies in Xi'an of Shaanxi province in China. The agricultural trade companies have comprehensive views about the green barriers. The research methods in this paper are questionnaire survey. SPSS and PLS will be used to analyze the data collecting from the survey.The organization of this paper is as follow: section 2 reviews the literature, section 3 describes the methods used, section 4 presents the empirical results and section 5 concludes. 2. Literature Review Green barriers are also called environment barriers, and green protectionism. Because the importers of products want to protect their own limited resources, human, animal, plant health and ecological environment in the modern international trade, through the formulation and implementation, they issued strict environmental protection laws and regulations to achieve environment protection and technology standards. The green barriers prevent foreign products enter into the domestic markets. Their aim is to protect domestic products and one of the new type non-tariff barriers (Feng, 2007). 2.1 Causes of Green Barriers After China entered into WTO, most of the developed countries set up green restrictions to the export products of China. This leads thedramatic dropping of China's commodities, especially the agricultural products. The domestic and foreign experts have done a lot of research about the green barriers in China.As mentioned by Zhu, Guo and Lan (2008), the environmenta l standards of developed countries are generally much higher than those of the developing countries. Especially a few developed countries make different standards for the imported products and domestic products, which makes the products of developing countries have more difficult to enter into the developed markets.The comparative advantage of price in developing countries is an indirect cause of green barriers (Ren, 2010). Developing countries are often rich in resources, especially China. The rich natural resources make the lower price of exported products from developing countries. With the comparative advantage of price, the developing and developed countries will have an enormous trade surplus. The developed countries due to the protection of their domestic market, will work out a policy with strict technical standards (Zhao, 2004).2.2 Influence of Green BarriersSong (2009) analyses the formation and the new characteristics of green barriers in the global economic crisis. The author also points out that the new developing dynamic of each country's green barriers in theglobal economic crisis, and mainly from the laws and regulations puts forward the measures of green barriers for China. ChenXu (2009), points out that green barriers has the duality, on the one hand, they are used by some developed countries as a limit or hinder of foreign products or services to enter into the international market and the developed countries, and have certain "legitimate" status; On the other hand, they objectively protect the global natural environment, original resources and human health. In view of this situation, on the one hand China can strengthen the propaganda of education and legislation to solve the green barriers in the international trade (Huang, 2007); On the other hand, China should reasonably use the green barriers in the international trade to improve the agricultural products' quality, and improve the technology innovation of China's agricultural products. At present many areas of China have make corresponding measures for the green barriers. For example, the implementation of "Definite List System" in Japan has affected the exports of eel and tea in Jiang Xi province. In order to solve the problem, the Inspection and Quarantine Institutions of Jiang Xi province add a technology group to deal with the "Definite List System" and the new European Food Hygiene Regulations. This technology group specially analyses the influence and measures for Jiang Xi export commodities to deal with "Definite List System", and report information to the relevant departments and enterprises, give consultation, and solveproblems (Green, 2012). To some degree, the technology group has made great progress. The Chinese products that are most seriously affected by "green barriers" in global trade include agricultural products, textiles and clothing, leather products, electronic products and so on (Chen, 2009).The WTO accession has significantly lowered the tariff level to an average of 3.8% in developed countries and 14% for developing countries (Huang, 2007). The drop in tariff should presumably increase the market share of Chinese tea in importing countries, but that unfortunately did not happen. China's tea export, with its major markets in EU and Japan, has been substantially affected by the increasingly stringent pesticide residue control standards promulgated by China's trading partners (Zheng, 2003).2.3 Methods to Deal with Green Barriers Y u (2010) mentioned that many global experts have done quite a lot research about the negative influence of the green barriers on China agricultural products export and made deeply detailed analysis of the countermeasures, but proposed less ideas on the positive impact. Only through analyzing both the positive and negative influences, China can put forward the corresponding measures for the green barriers in the light of these influences.Yin (2009) argued that developing green industries and enhancing China's international image are the necessary methods to deal with green barriers. At present, China's trade dependence has been higher than the U.S., Japan, India and Brazil. If China only focuses on improvingopenness, due to the deteriorating terms of trade, it will result in an outflow of resources. Therefore China should improve the quality of trade and optimize trade structure, which make China's products achieve the environmental standards and improve the quality of export products. There are three important factors.As a developing country, China has little environmental and security standards and even no standards for majority products. So an effective measurement to deal with green barriers is to improve the domestic environmental and safety standards. Efforts to integrate the standards of international and developed country are still a beginning and continue to advance slowly. The Measures on the Management of Environmental Standards, promulgated by SEPA, reflect a growing awareness and recognition of international or developed-country environmental standards (Seffens, 2011). It provides that the Chinese monitoring organization may use current international standards and standards in developed countries when verbalizing new environmental standards. Therefore, based on the literature above quoted and also the objectives of the paper, following hypotheses will be tested: Hypothesis 1: There is a significant relationship between the causes of green barriers and China's agricultural product export. Hypothesis 2: The impact of green barriers influencers toward China's agricultural product export is significant. Hypothesis 3: The impact of effective solutions of green barriers towardChina's agricultural product export is significant. 2.4 Research Model In this paper, the relationship between green barriers and China's agricultural products export (dependent variable) is investigated. In order to vividly show the green barriers in China, this study will identify three aspects of green barriers, which are causes, influences and methods (independent variables). The three aspects are also the three steps to analyse green barriers in China. To analyse green barriers, the causes are the first step. Then identifying the influences is the second step. The last step is the suitable methods based on causes and influences. 3. Research MethodQuantitative research is chosen to be the main approach of this research. The data collection of this study will use survey, which is a non-experimental method. In survey research, respondents answer questions through interviews or questionnaires. In order to ensure the reliability of the survey, it is important that the questions are made appropriately. This research will use cross-sectional surveys. Cross-sectional surveys are used to gather information on a population at a single point in time. The sampling technique used in this paper is Cluster Sampling. This research focuses on the agricultural trade companies in China. All the samples are collected in Xi'an of Shaanxi province since the core industry of Xi'an is agriculture.译文绿色贸易壁垒与农产品出口Martin Beck.摘要:作为一个农业大国,中国农业产品的出口往往受到绿色壁垒的限制。

外文翻译原文Causes and Countermeasures of Green Trade BarrierMaterial Source: Fiji Times Author: Steven W. Popper Abstract: The green trade barriers is the chronic problem of China's export enterprises, to China great economic losses to China in international trade at a very bad position. Its causes are mainly environmental issues of globalization, the rise of new trade protectionism and national technical level, differences in economic strength. The solution to this problem the most effective way is the enterprise of a green marketing strategy.In the process of economic globalization, trade and closer ties between the global environment, and a major impact on world economic development. States have introduced a variety of environmental protection laws, regulatory measures, however, these measures have resulted in a de facto trade barriers in developing countries from developed countries and even the challenges, so that China in international trade at a very bad position. According to statistics, join the WTO, the impact of green barriers by the year 2002 only the loss of China's export trade volume of up to about 170 billion U.S. dollars. Green trade barriers on China’s exports, market size and export trade, export growth, foreign trade and export sectors (agriculture, food, machinery and electronic products, textile and apparel products, medicines, etc.), export volume, export costs, the effectiveness of exports and so on have been produced varying degrees of impact, and even the credibility of China's export enterprises and commodities, etc. are all adversely affected, leading to some of the products of foreign consumer confidence in China's decline on China's exports have long-term adverse effects.First,Analysis of the formation of the green trade barriers(1) The globalization of environmental problems is the external reason for the formation of the green trade barriers. Environmentally sustainable development path chosen by triggered a worldwide environmental movement, it is in environmental issues against the backdrop of globalization, countries of the world throughparticipation in international conventions, international environmental organizations, aimed at protecting the natural resources, ecological environment and human health, environmental systems and standards. These systems and standards embodied in the trade, that is, from other countries, products and services to set up green barriers to restrict imports, thereby creating a de facto barriers.(2) The rise of new trade protectionism is the root cause of the green trade barriers. WTO trade protectionism did not make disappear, but increased competition forced the governments to reduce the level of protection in the tariff means the case, to find more effective non-tariff barriers to protect domestic markets and industries. Green barriers reasonable, legitimate and extensive features make it the preferred means of trade protectionism. Developing countries facing a hard choice: either to withdraw from the developed country markets, or followed by the developed countries, production and national economic strength is not consistent with the high input, high-tech "green products." But in any case, developing countries have to pay a heavy price. From both the developed countries to protect domestic industries, has become a standard setter. This is the "green barrier" as a new form of protectionism in international trade to the rapid development of the fundamental reason.(3) The national technical level, differences in economic strength is green trade barriers objective reasons. Although people have recognized the concept of sustainable development, but they differ on how to achieve. Developed countries due to economic development level and high level of environmental protection technology, its environmental requirements and standards is also high. In developing countries due to financial and technical constraints, simply can not meet the environmental requirements in developed countries. This is the objective, causing the green barriers. As world commodity with a wide range of production processes and standards varied, the development of uniform global environmental standards is extremely difficult Luoguo based on national interest considerations have to set their own environmental standards, resulting in vastly different green certification and implementation of the system and indirectly caused his country's products discrimination, the formation of a new green barriers.Second, in order to respond to green marketing, green trade barrierDeveloping countries should get rid of the dilemma of the situation as described above must be produced that meet environmental standards, and to achieve corporate profitability products. In my opinion, enterprises green marketingstrategy is the most effective approach. Green marketing refers to the promotion of sustainable development as the goal for the realization of economic benefits, consumer demand and environmental benefits of a unified, enterprise based on scientific and normative principles, through purposeful and planned to develop products and with other market players the exchange value of their products to meet market demand as a management process. Enterprises to implement green marketing strategies can not only make our products meet environmental standards, and by implementing green marketing idea can be realized cost reduction or increase value-added products in order to achieve profits. Specifically, companies must grasp the following aspects:(1)A development of green products: By implementing green marketing ideas to reduce business costsGreen marketing should be built on green production basis. Green Product refers to the production, use and disposal of environmentally friendly or endanger small conducive to recycling, and recycling products.Green production related to green product design, green materials, the use and the use of green packaging, and several other elements. In the green design, while ensuring quality of products under the premise firmly grasp the theme of the green, taking full account of products in the manufacture, sale, use and end of life issues such as post-recycling. Designed for use with a reusable, renewable, biodegradable and easy handling characteristics of the green material; attention to minimize the types of materials to increase their likelihood of re-use, and to simplify the follow-up treatment, reduce waste and reduce raw material consumption. This will not only be able to achieve the environmental objectives but can also reduce costs, improve product value, thereby improving economic efficiency; the same time, pay attention to the use of green packaging. Green packaging is conserving resources, reducing waste, recycling after use or recycled easily and do not pollute the environment packaging. Green packaging in the developed countries have been widely popular in China is still in its infancy. This requires the Chinese enterprises in the packaging process, China must strive to reduce packaging costs, but also taking into account packaging waste pollution on the environment, and constantly developed a new type of green packaging materials.(2)Development of green technology: through technological innovation to reduce costsGreen Marketing in China at the present stage of development a key issue ishow to do "both economical and environmental protection", to resolve this problem the most thorough way to great efforts to develop green technology, the implementation of technological innovation. With the knowledge economy era, the rapid development of high-tech world, an eco-friendly, green-oriented large groups of subjects is rising to the ecological and environmental protection as the center of wave shape. This green technology research and development has opened up broad prospects laid a solid foundation. Eco-technology innovation will not only allow rapid popularity of green products, but also prompted a significant decline in production costs, thus providing the rapid diffusion of green marketing might.(3)Establish a corporate brand image of green:The green brand to increase product value-added contentGreen Marketing in the enterprise is required to establish a corporate focus on green brand image, through the corporate brand to increase the green content of value-added products, thereby enhancing the product price. Enterprises can use various media to publicize himself has done in the green fields, and actively participate in various matters relating to environmental protection, with practical actions to strengthen enterprises in the public eye impression. At the same time, companies should vigorously promote green consumption and fashion, warning people to use green products, green marketing support and guide the green consumer demand.(4)To Green Governance: By turning waste into Bora improve enterprise profitabilityGreen governance. Is to take effective measures to tackle pollution. This will require enterprises not only to achieve a useful resource of waste in the use and development of chemical harm into, but also to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation between enterprises, will the other side of the waste as their raw materials or energy, turning waste into treasure, and thus to achieve the purpose of improving profitability of the business.Additionally, businesses should actively seek industry associations, government and business sector to support the diplomatic service. Through organized and exporting countries to negotiate as much as possible to develop practical products that environmentally friendly production standards in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises.译文绿色贸易壁垒的成因及对策资料来源:斐济时报作者:Steven W. Popper 摘要:绿色贸易壁垒是长期困扰中国出口企业的问题,给中国造成了极大的经济损失,使中国在国际贸易中处于极为不利的地位。

外文翻译一:Technical trade barriers could sour China tiesContenmporary Economic Research 2004,(05)WUZhen With the international society for environmental protection of the people environmental protection consciousness wide attention and the unceasing enhancement, the westMany countries use the party, in this era of international trade transactions of a new kind of non-tariff measures - green trade barriers, to limit the other countries to get their products into the best interests of foreign trade. The green trade barriers is a double-edged sword, for China's economy and the development of environmental protection industry, challenging has opportunity. Therefore, our country should be in opposition to high levels of environmental standards, at the same time, and to adapt to the international trend of environmental protection, and adopt feasible measures to promote the sustainable development of China's foreign trade.Chinese tiesChina announced a trade surplus of US$26.9bn for June, a record not just in China, but worldwide. Exports grew by 27.1% year on year, to US$103.3bn, while,import growth fell to 14.2%. The lood of Chinese goods on world markets is credited with having suppressed inflationary pressures in the global economy. At the local level, however, governments have come under strengthening pressure from domestic business sectors to halt the flow of goods that erode their profit margins and, in extreme cases, threaten their survival.However, governments are sharply constrained in their choice of responses. As a member of the WTO, China is protected from the most direct methods for restricting trade flows: import tariffs and trade quotas.Alternatives such as persuading China to adopt self-imposed export restraints or higher export taxes are unlikely to prosper. This is partly because the government in Beijing has shown itself capable of resisting international moral suasion. But it is also because the central government is not always able to implement coherent policy that achieves specific aims without causing problems elsewhere.For instance, the announcement last monththat export-tax rebates would be reduced on arange ofproducts starting on July 1at mayhave contributed to the June surplus byencouraging exporters to beat the rush.Restrictions imposed on some productclassifications have seen manufacturers tweaktheir production to put their products in a newand unrestricted category.The government also lacks clout when it comes to making centrally-imposed regulations stick in the regions, where political and business interests are often closely aligned.barriers influenceThe only option remaining to governments seeking to slow the tide of imports is using non-tariff barriers such as technical and safety standards. Like tariffs and quotas, these are regulated by the WTO, but the rules allow national governments much greater leeway in their use, as long as they match the standards applied to domestic producers and are applied equally in all foreign countries.As a result,the number of objections to Chinese imports on safety, phytosanitary or technical grounds is likely to increase sharply over the coming years. The need for such measures is also likely to become a central dispute between domestic actors in affected economies, with producers for home markets lobbying against importers.As China’s economic and geopolitical emergenc e proceeds, there will also be growing popular pressure on politicians to defend national interests. If the recent growth phase in the world’s leading economies moderates sharply or is reversed, pressure to protect domestic jobs will also intensify. In both circumstances, barriers to trade will offer politicians a convenient weapon.The protectionists will find their argument strengthened by China’s own record on quality and health standards; shortcomings in this area have been brought increasingly to the fore recently, both at home and abroad.Dodgy solutionAs the latest trade figures show, attempts to slow the Chinese juggernaut—imposed both from within and without—have had little impact, and the same is likely to be true of non-tariff barriers. These may act to slow imports at the margins, but growth in China’s low-cost manufacturing base and the slow pace of revaluation of the currency mean that the flood of Chinese goods onto world markets is unlikely to be stemmed. However, rising antagonism in dealings between the major economies and China over trade has implications in other areas. The tenor of relations between China and the leading powers it appears destined to join will help to define the character of the new global power structure.A China that feels victimised, resented and misrepresented will be more defensive and less likely to engage in global affairs in a cooperative way. Elsewhere, satisfying domestic lobbies threatened by China’s rise could encourage protectionist leanings more broadly, helping to sour the global trade negotiating process and denying the global economy the benefits of freer trade. Neither is China defenceless against an onslaught of technical barriers to trade; China has a long history of imposing retaliatory (and in some cases vastly disproportionate) phytosanitary and safety sanctions on countries that seek to obstruct its trade. When, in 2005,South Korea cited health concerns to ban the sale of Chinese Kimchi, a traditional Korean dish imbued with semi-magical properties, China retaliated by threatening imports of cars and mobile phones from Korea. Japan and the US have also been subject to a number of such measures.技术贸易壁垒对中国的关系来源:当代经济研究作者:武振时间:2004,(05)随着国际社会对环境保护的广泛关注和人们环保意识的不断增强,西方不少国家利用这一时代要求,在国际贸易交易中实行了一种新的非关税壁垒措施—绿色贸易壁垒,来限制其他国家产品的进入以获取本国对外贸易的最大利益。

经济管理学院毕业论文(外文文献翻译部分)文献题目:Green Barriers Trade and its Influenceson China's Foreign Trade绿色贸易壁垒及其对中国对外贸易的影响姓名:学号:专业:国际经济与贸易学院:经济管理学院指导教师:Journal of Economic SurveysGreen Barriers Trade and its Influences on China'sForeign TradeThomas J. SargentABSTRACTIn recent years, green consumption has become a main trend of the consumption in many developed countries and these countries began to make strict standards to restrict the entry of foreign products below their standards of environmental protection.Key words:Green Barriers; products; TradeIn recent years, green consumption has become a main trend of the consumption in many developed countries and these countries began to make strict standards to restrict the entry of foreign products below their standards of environmental protection. These regulations have many unfavorable influences on the export of developing countries and are generally known as "Green Barriers to trade". In accordance with the provisions of the Agreement on Green Barriers to Trade of WTO, "Green Barriers to Trade" is defined as the compulsory and arbitrary Green regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures of the importing countries in the name of the protection of human health and environment that actually form barriers to trade with an aim to protect its home market and domestic products.1. Analysis on the causes of formation of "Green Trade Barriers"Firstly, the worsening of ecology is the major reason for "Green Barriers". With the development of industry and technology, the economy increases very fast and the human life has been improved. But at the same time, the development of economy is at a cost of the destruction of environment. The environmental problems have aroused public attention and the international society has begun to make laws to protect environment. In June, 1972, the United Nations published the Stockholm Declaration and stressed the importance of the protection of environment. From then on, more and more people concern about theenvironmental problems. The concept of environment has influenced the life of humankinds in every layer and the developed countries began to make very strict environmental protection rules under the pressure of public, which forms a barrier to the international trade.Secondly, the differences between countries in technology, environmental standards and investment directly cause the "Green Trade Barriers". As we know, developed countries surpass the developing countries in science and technology. Even if they make very strict environmental standards, their domestic products can reach the requirements of strict environmental standards while such standards may constitute barriers to products from developing countries. In fact, these standards may become discriminations against products from the developing countries and constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination between country.Thirdly, the rise of protectionism in some developed countries contributes much to the formation of Green barriers. In modern market economy, competition is more severe than before. The domestic industries are directly facing competition from the products of other countries, and they will urge their governments to take effective measures to protect them from the foreign products. While because of the multilateral negotiations of WTO, the tariffs have been greatly cut down and the use of non-tariff measures has also been restricted. Therefore, many developed countries have to resort to some legal restrictions of importation such as Green barriers to protect their home industries, which gives rise to the increase of Green barriers.2. The main forms of Green barriers tradeIn accordance with the related provisions of WTO Agreement on Green Barriers to Trade, the Green barriers are usually in the forms as follows:2.1Green TariffSome developed countries would impose import surtax on products that may cause pollution or harms to the environment. If such measure is abused, it will constitute a Green barrier to trade.2.2Green StandardsGreen standards refer to those compulsory Green standards provided through legislation. With their superiority in economy and technology, developed countries tend to make higher Green standards with no consideration on the interests of the developingcountries. Such high Green standards will in fact constitute a barrier to the products from developing countries which are inferior in technology.2.3 Package RequirementsCertain developed countries stress too much on the protection of environment and require the products should be packed with materials that will have no harm to the environment. If the products are not packed in this way, they will not be allowed to sell in the developed countries. If such requirements are unnecessarily strict, they will be a barrier to the international trade.2.4 Sanitary and quarantine inspection systemOn the excuse of the protection of the health of human, animals and plants, developed countries tend to use very strict sanitary and quarantine inspection to restrict the importation of the products from the developing countries and protect their domestic industries.3. Influences of Green barriers on China's foreign tradeChina has suffered great loss due to the "Green barriers". In 2002, vegetables from Taizhou were prevented from entering Japan because of Japanese strict inspection and the price was greatly cut down. Also in 2002, the aquatic products from Ningbo were restricted by European Union (EU) because they could not reach the sanitary standards of EU. Due to Green trade barriers, 60 kinds of Chinese agricultural chemists were banned by EU because they could not reach the Green standards of EU. In accordance with the statistics of United Nations, China has suffered a loss of $7.4 billion in 2002 due to "Green barriers trade". China's export to EU, Japan, Korea and other countries decreases notably. Generally speaking, agricultural products and foodstuff, textile products and mechanical and electronic products are the three main industries which suffer great loss because of the strict Green barriers. Since these three products constitute the majority of Chinese exportation, we can easily draw a conclusion: "Green barriers to trade" has become one of the major obstacles in Chinese exportation.4. Countermeasures to the Green barriers of the developed countriesAs mentioned above, it is a fact that the Chinese export products are facing Greenbarriers of the developed countries and has suffered great loss. Therefore Chinese exporters should think carefully about the countermeasures to eliminate the unfavorable influences of such measures. First, we should make full use of the preferential treatment to the developing countries stipulated in the Agreement of Green trade barrier. According to the provisions of the Agreement of Green trade barrier, developed countries should take account of the special development, financial and trade needs of developing country members with a view to ensuring that such Green regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures do not create unnecessary obstacles to exports from developing countries. So, as a developing member of WTO, China is entitled to such preferential treatment. Secondly, China should make use of the Dispute Settlement System of WTO to protect her interests. Different from GATT, WTO has set up a powerful dispute settlement system to solve the disputes between the members of WTO. So, if our interests are harmed by the unfair Green barriers of other WTO members, we can resort to Dispute Settlement Body to settle this dispute and urge other members to change their unfair practices so as to protect our interests. Thirdly, China should stress the protection of environment and take measures to improve the quality and Green level of her export products to meet higher Green standards, which will fundamentally solve the problem of Green barriers.References[1]John, Smith. 2007, Green trade protectionism to Chinese agricultural product export influence Economics ,4,34-56.[2] Anderson, J.L., 2001, The Greening of World Trade Issues, Journal of Marketing Research, 24, 347-356.[3] Gallagher, R., 2003, International Trade in Agricultural Products, Journal of General Management, 3, 1, 43-62.绿色贸易壁垒及其对中国对外贸易的影响萨金特莱斯大学经济管理学院摘要:近年来,绿色消费在许多发达国家中已成为一个主要的消费趋势,这些发达国家开始采取严格的措施来限制一些国家的产品进入其国内市场。

农产品贸易绿色壁垒中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)The green barrier to free tradeC. P. ChandrasekharJayati GhoshAs the March 31 deadline for completing the "modalities" stage of the proposed new round of negotiations on global agricultural trade nears, hopes of an agreement are increasingly waning. In this edition of Macroscan, C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh examine the factors and the players constraining the realisation of such an agreement.AT THE END of the latest round of meetings of the agricultural negotiations committee of the WTO, the optimism that negotiators would meet the March 31 deadline for working out numerical targets, formulas and other "modalities" through which countries can frame their liberalisation commitments in a new full-fledged round of trade negotiations has almost disappeared. That target was important for two reasons.First, it is now becoming clear, that even more than was true during the Uruguay Round, forging an agreement in the agricultural area is bound to prove extremely difficult.Progress in the agricultural negotiations was key to persuading the unconvinced that a new `Doha Round' of tradenegotiations is useful and feasible.Second, the Doha declaration made agricultural negotiations one part of a `single undertaking' to be completed by January 1, 2005. That is, in a take `all-or-nothing' scheme, countries had to arrive at, and be bound by, agreements in all areas in which negotiations were to be initiated in the new round. This means that if agreement is not worked out with regard to agriculture, there would be no change in the multilateral trade regime governing industry, services or related areas and no progress in new areas, such as competition policy, foreign investment and public procurement, all of which are crucial to the economic agenda of the developed countries.The factors making agriculture the sticking point on this occasion are numerous. As in the last Round, there is little agreement among the developed countries themselves on the appropriate shape of the global agricultural trade regime.There are substantial differences in the agenda of the US, the EU and the developed countries within the Cairns group of agricultural exporters. When the rich and the powerful disagree, a global consensus is not easy to come by.But that is not all. Even if an agreement is stitched up between the rich nations, through manoeuvres such as the BlairHouse accord, getting the rest of the world to go along would be more difficult this time.This is because the outcomes in the agricultural trade area since the implementation of the Uruguay Round (UR) Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) began have fallen far short of expectations. In the course of Round, advocates of the UR regime had promised global production adjustments that would increase the value of world agricultural trade and an increase in developing country share of such trade.As Chart 1 shows, global production volumes continued to rise after 1994 when the implementation of the Uruguay Round began, with signs of tapering off only in 2000 and 2001. As is widely known, this increase in production occurred in the developed countries as well.Not surprisingly, therefore, the volume of world trade continued to rise as well after 1994 (Chart 2). The real shift occurred in agricultural prices which, after some buoyancy between 1993 and 1995, have declined thereafter, and particularly sharply after 1997. It is this decline in unit values that resulted in a situation where the value of world trade stagnated and then declined after 1995, when the implementation of the Uruguay Round began.As Table 1 shows, there was a sharp fall in the rate of growth of global agricultural trade between the second half of the 1980s and the 1990s, with the decline in growth in the 1990s being due to the particularly poor performance during the 1998 to 2001 period.Price declines and stagnation in agricultural trade values in the wake of the UR Agreement on Agriculture were accompanied and partly influenced by the persisting regionalisation of world agricultural trade.The foci of such regionalisation were Western Europe and Asia, with 32 and 11 per cent of global agricultural trade being intra-Western European and intra-Asian trade respectively (Chart 3). What is noteworthy, however, is that agricultural exports accounted for a much higher share of both merchandise and primary products trade in North America and Western Europe (besides Latin America and Africa) than it did for Asia.Thus, despite being the developed regions of the world, agricultural production and exports were important influences on the economic performance of North America and Western Europe.It is, therefore, not surprising that Europe is keen on maintaining its agricultural sector through protection, while the US is keenon expanding its role in world agricultural markets by subsidising its own farmers and forcing other countries to open up their markets. The problem is that the US has been more successful in prising open developing country markets than the large EU market.Thus, out of $104 billion worth of exports from North America in 2001, $34 billion went to Asia and $15 billion to Latin America, whereas exports to Europe amounted to $14 billion.The Cairns group of exporting countries (Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, the Philippines, South Africa, Thailand and Uruguay), for some of whom at least agricultural exports are extremely important, want world market to be freed of protection as well as the surpluses that result from huge domestic support in the US and the EC.We must note that $35 billion of the $63 billion of exports from Latin America went to the US and the EU. More open markets and less domestic support in those destinations is, therefore, crucial for the region.The fact that Europe has been successful in its effort at retaining its agricultural space with the help of a CommonAgricultural Policy that both supports and subsidises its agricultural producers is clear from Chart 4, which shows that intra-EC trade which accounted for 74 per cent of EU exports in 1990, continued to account for 73 per cent of total EU exports in 1995 and 2001.But North America, with far fewer countries in its fold, has also been quite insular. Close to a third of North American exports are inter-regional. Little has changed since the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture.It is widely accepted that three sets of actors account for this failure of the AoA:First, in order to push through an agreement when there were signs that the Uruguay Round was faltering, the liberalisation of agricultural trade in the developed countries was not pushed far enough;Second, is the ability to use "loopholes", especially those in the form of inadequately well-defined Green and Blue Box measures, in the AoA, to continue to support and protect farmers on the grounds that such support was non-trade distorting; and Finally, there are violations of even the lax UR rules in the course of implementation, which have been aided by the failure of the agreement to ensure transparency in implementation.Not surprisingly, some countries, especially the Cairns group of exporting countries, have proposed an ambitious agenda of liberalisation in the agricultural area.Tariffs are to be reduced sharply, using the "Swiss formula", which would ensure that the proportionate reduction in the tariffs imposed by a country would be larger, the higher is the prevailing bound or applied tariff in that country.翻译:题目:自由贸易中的绿色壁垒作者:C. P. Chandrasekhar 、Jayati Ghosh随着对全球农产品贸易“模式”阶段新一轮谈判完成的截止时间3月31日的临近,要想达成一致的希望越来越弱。

毕业论文英文参考资料姓名学号年级专业系(院)指导教师20xx年x月x日原文部分(英文)(3500个单词左右)Analysis of the impact of green barriers on China's exports of agricultural products(From: Journal of Northeast Agricultural University, 2005, (2))In recent years, the environment-protection in international trade inclines to be stronger and stronger, the new developing non-tariff trade barriers such as the green (organic) trade barrier have become certain rationality, disguise and technology under the title of environmental protection, and become the effective weapon of trade protectionism more and more. It has already formed the difficult door hank for us through the swift and violent development in a few years, assaulting the export of our agricultural products seriously. Whether we could cross this green protective screen become the key problem for the continuous and constant development of our agricultural products export under the new situation of China's accession to the WTO.1.Implications, Characteristics and Formulation of Green Barrier1.1 Implication of the green barrierThe meaning of trade barrier includes tariff barrier and non-tariff trade barriers, and the technological barrier is the main form of non-tariff trade barriers. With the constant development of TBT(Technical barriers to trade),the green barrier has already become the important component of TBT.Green barrier is a kind of neutral barrier. Normal green barrier means to take rational measure of trade actually to protect environment legally. And the rational green barrier means that the importer implement import restrictions on ecological environment protection, natural environment, the health animals and plants. Up to now, it has already permeated through planning from the initial raw materialsof products to each link, such as production procedure, packing and selling, consumer’s usage and scrap and dealing, etc. Progressively. It stipulates according to relevant environmental protection standards, requires the import goods should not only be in accordance with the quality level, and should also be in accordance with the environmental protection request from designing, making, packing to consuming link of handing etc., and can't cause danger to ecological environment and human health. Such new trade protective measure can stop abroad products effectively, especially environmental consciousness bad, backward in technique entry of product of developing country.1.2 The formulation of the green barrierWith the rapid economic growing of various countries, the global environmental question is aggravated day by day after the World War II. In face of the ecological environment that is destroyed and polluted miserably, the green peace organization has sent out the sharp accusation: the mankind has made the paradise of a piece of rubbish, world people increasing at double and spreading like the pestilence have caused the extinction of 500 animals and plants, it is robbing the fuel on the earth. When the holding capacity of the ecological environment reaches limit, it will begin to carry the terrible vindictiveness to the mankind. In face of the severe vindictiveness of natural environment, day-by-day the international community has lifted the powerful environmental tide. People also gradually realize that it is mankind's common responsibility to protect the environment, and we must adopt the common action.The formulation of the green barrier of trade protectionism and needs are not out of ecological environment protection and human health there is one side reason is that trade of its rationality. But its profound reason is that trade protectionism resumes, and several negotiations between GATT and WTO have already kept the tariff very low, cariouscountries are unable to achieve the goal of exercising restraint in importing to cause through the tariff. "Protecting the national economic benefits" is basic hopes when various countries carry on international trade, so adopting restriction when foreign products enter national market, and guaranteeing national products that occupied domestic market become natural acts1.3 Characteristics of the green trade barrioThere are era backgrounds in appearances of the green trade barrier of rationality of the surface content. "Limit increased" which Club of Rome published in 1972. The report and the first world environments summit meeting holding at Stockholm of Sweden in the same year have promoted the development of environmental protection sport of the world. Mankind begin to think the relations of the environment, economic growth and social welfare, to intro-sped the prevailing consumption mode, followed the world environmental doctrine sport, and to think the production, trade and environmental protection factor while consuming be paid more and more concerns. On the other hand, the deterioration of environment is constant day by day, and arouses highly concerns of the people all around the world, especially on the environmental protection of developed country. People care more and more about life quality, pay close attention to the ecological environment, and pursue non-harmful consumption. Although the green trade barrier seems has catered to the public’s needs, and is in accordance with sustainable development goals of various countries, the trade protectionism restrains the foreign products from importing in fact.The legitimacy of the external form lies in a series of countries as a kind of brand-new main difference between green trade barrier and other non-tariff trade barriers. Border legislates in order to legislate to stipulate and implement publicly accusing to using publicly at home. Haveall made the corresponding regulation to the green trade barrier in PTO, relevant trade agreement and international environmental convention. At present, more than 150 multilateral international protocols have already been signed in the world. The extension of the scope of application with various countries actively pursues the sustainable development strategy.The range of the green trade barrier is more and eating, wearing, using, living, transporting to playing, and from means of livelihood to means of production, all products trade related to ecological environment, natural health belong to it and protect resources and human health belong to it and protect the content. In the last few years, some fields, such as service trade, technological trade have expanded beyond the trade of the products.2 Forms of the Green Barrier2.1 Green technical standardIt is usually some countries to pass the legislative means in the name of environmental protection to make a series of mandatory strict environmental protection technical standards, in order to forbid or exercise restraint in importing. These standards are all made according to one' s own production and engineering level by developed countries, so it is very difficult for developing country to reach these standards.2.2 Green packing systemIt means that the packaging of the products is harmless to ecological environment and health, can economize resources, and is easy to resolve naturally. Because of the development of the international economy, the packing article is increasing constantly, caused a large number of rubbish and esource waste. Various countries’ governments adopt countermeasures to use the green pack to promote, the main measures include stipulating legislative form that forbids using a certain material and encourage using resources that can be recycled etc. by way of legislation2.3 System of environmental health quarantineThe government of a country has the right of taking quarantine measures to protect mankind and health of animals and plants, especially to guarantee the people and animals food exempt from the influence of pollutant, toxin, additive, etc., and to guarantee that the mankind exempts from importing the harm with diseases caused by the animals and plants. Regulation of "the hygiene and animal and plant quarantine measure agreement": each member has the right to take the hygiene and animal and plant quarantine measure, but should be by protecting the lives of the mankind, livestock and plant or not exceeding healthily, and should not violate the non-discrimination principle.3.The Impact of“Green Barrier”on the Trade of Chinese Agricultural ProductsAgricultural products have been a competitive product of the foreign export of our country within quite a long time. After reform and opening-up, as our country exports the constant improvement of the product specification, the export of agricultural products has already dropped to the secondary position, but the annual volume of export is still large. At present, main agricultural products that our country exports are meat birds, beasts and eggs, marine product, fruits and vegetables products, etc. Because of the prevailing of green barrier, the export of Chinese agricultural products receives serious influence in recent years3.1 Green barriers have limited the present stage of export range of Chinese agricultural productsThe important export markets of agricultural products of China are developed countries and some new developing industrialized countries, such as USA, Japan, European Union, etc., and these countries implement the green country with more serious barrier exactly. They rely on the advanced technological advantage to examine the system of quarantiningafter making strict hygiene on animals and plants, agricultural products produced with the processing technical standard, residue amount of agriculture chemical and toxicant and require etc., the packing of product and treatment which pack the offal. These complicated, harsh standard and system influence the export range of agricultural products of our country seriously, because a lot of agricultural products can't be exported without according with these regulations and requirement. The agricultural product range of the "green barrier" is bigger and bigger. The implemented technological ranges of barrier in some developed countries for Chinese agricultural products export increase constantly, and have already included most agricultural products, such as grain, fruit, Vegetables, livestock produce, aquatic produces, birds' products, tea, etc.3.2 Green tariff respectsIn recent years, the western countries are collecting, replenishing and carrying on the environment to dump the investigation to the import of agricultural products constantly in the name of protecting the environment, to impose the import surtax with polluting the environment or influencing the ecological agricultural product lesson, even limit, forbid importation.3.3 Market access respectsThe importer should check the production equipment of the exporter, thus guarantee that the imported products can respond to the request that national environmental protection is standard. In this way, the exporter will pay the fund, technology and human extra resources, will increase the cost of goods, and worsen the terms of trade of the exporter.3.4 Strengthen the control on agricultural product trade of Chinafrom developed countriesThe developed countries relying on the status of the big tradingnation and advanced technological advantage make the strict environmental protection regulation and relatively harsh technical standard to control the agricultural product exports of developing countries. Ten addition, World Trade Organization has not made the clear norm to the environmental question in international trade at present, causing developed country members to utilize this "green area" to play "the edge ball", and in the name of taking advantage of protecting the environment to implement trade discrimination against developing countries. China is hurt deeply in this respect4 Countermeasures for Chinese Agricultural Product Trade to Deal with Green Barrier4.1 The green marketing of barrierThe green marketing of barrier which also called environmental marketing or ecological marketing to cross over the green barrier, requires all enterprises to establish environmental consciousness in the whole course of producing and managing with the sustainable development strategy, to launch it in order to dispel, reduce the products and marketing activity to ecological environmental impact of service, and through the micro behavior of enterprises to promote the sustainable development of the human environment and economy. In develop the green products, it should begin with collecting relevant international green information actively in green marketing, research and analyze, and process the information deeply for the use of enterprises. In addition, enterprises should choose the green resource, should pay attention to the green design, develop green packaging, process the link of selling etc. to check strictly in production, in order to improve product quality conscientiously. Enterprises will make the green marketing association, green products and green price, green channel, green will be promoted and combined together organically, implementing the green marketing strategywill be in all round way. Green marketing is based on regular marketing, emphasize that unites the interests three of consumption demand, enterprise's interests and environmental protection organically, it is a kind of more advanced social marketing, green marketing pays attention to environmental protection even more than social marketing. The main content of green marketing is to collect green information, green products, counting and packing, making the green price, setting up green marketing channel and promoting etc. green green, enterprises can already improve the competitiveness in the international market of the products through one's own green image while implementing " green marketing ", can play and lead and strengthen function green on the public consumer behavior, help to open up the green product market4.2 To carry out IS014000 authentication conscientiously, adopt the green standard activelyGuide the new development of the marketing strategy. ISO14000 is the international environmental management standard, its aim is through setting up and implementing environmental management to achieve and improve the environmental behavior, purpose to prevent environmental pollution continuously, it is the new environment management, which is suitable for all enterprises. No matter for enterprises or for the brand, ISO14000 is all the first passport of international trade; it is "green pass" which breaks the green harrier that any country sets up.4.3 The policy of the agriculture4.3.1 Set up to the environmental protection type agricultural production subsidy measure. Improve the “green”content that our country exports agricultural products during a shorter time, should use high-efficient, low-toxicity pesticide, equilibrate fatly and examining the soil and applying fertilizer from encouraging peasants at first, develop " green agriculture " to start with, the government for enoughcompensation to the economic losses that peasants implement the environmental plan and suffer4.3.2 Carry on financial support to the supply of the environmental protection type agricultural assets product. Government to environmental protection research and development and produce, offer, replenish and reward of means of agricultural production, the route to supply from the agricultural goods and materials with is set about, change the thinkings of development of agricultural goods and materials such as the existing chemical fertilizer,etc., develop and produce and turn environmental protection and giving consideration to type means of agricultural production of output to to develop and produce by the high-efficient type means of agricultural production, improve agricultural productivity on the basis of sustainable development.4.3.3 Support environmental protection type research of agricultural science and technology and technology popularization in a more cost-effective manner, encourage the agricultural production structure to optimize. Study on environmental protection type agricultural technology and push away, use, can get up, get, protect the environment and keep the double efficiency of the output.4.3.4 Set up and replenish beasts and birds cultivating, transporting, butchering, environmental protection of the processing course. We should be in propagating, improving the standard of peasant household's animal's welfare consciousness in a more cost-effective manner, help peasant households to carry out cultivating, transportation of the welfare content up to standard with slaue standard in financial support way4.3.5 Support and lead it and study links of popularizing, transporting, processing etc. and offer the service up to standard of high quality in environmental protection type agricultural products in a more cost-effective manner, create conditions for evading the trade barriereffectively4.4 Accelerate the construction of standardized systemPerfect agriculture's standardized system, realize the standardization of agriculture produces, it not merely helps to bring about an agricultural advance to promote agricultural products international competition, can improve the international environment of the agricultural products trade of our country too. It should adopt the international standard and advanced standard of foreign countries actively first to accelerate the construction of standardized system, accelerate formulation and modification of the agricultural quality level of our country; Secondly should pay close attention to the epidemic prevention test work of the animals and plants, define the epidemic-stricken area of the harmful organism, it is not the epidemic-stricken area and the minuent is popular, and then break the green barrier abroad; Accelerate the environmental technological cooperation with the principal trade partner, the agreement signing relevant environmental standards to recognize each other finally. The development of the environmental protection industry of our country is still at primary stage, both environmental technology and environmental management has greater disparity with the developed country, it is unrealistic to reach the strict environmental standard of developed country in a short time, so we should promote the environmental technological cooperation with the principal trade partner while strengthening environmental management, combine environmental technology of my what country have now, management level and economic endurance, through carrying on the bilateral negotiation with the principal trade partner, try to sign the agreement recognizing each other, reduce the trade barrier formed because of difference of environmental standards4.5 Advance agriculture's structural strategical reajustment4.5.1 Improve agricultural products quality in an all-round way. Must accelerate introduction, seed selection and popularize the new variety, develop the characteristic products of high added value in a more cost-effective manner, high-quality ones that realize agricultural products melt, improve the special-purpose and applicability of agricultural products progressively4.5.2 Further speed up the development of animal husbandry. Accelerate the development of the animal husbandry, promote the planting by the development of animal husbandry, drive the processing industry, promote benign cycle between structural rationalization of agriculture and industry. Should take the effective measure at present, strengthen the improved variety of beasts and birds and beed the system and epidemic prevention system construction, develop feed industry and livestock produce deep processing, develop animal husbandry into a great industry4.5.3 Develop agricultural products and enter industry in a more cost-effective manner, expand high value, high added value agricultural product to export, this is an important measure which expands foreign exchange earning of agricultural products, develop deep processing of agricultural product, expand the agricultural product export, the ability to strengthen foreign exchange earning of agricultural products. Accelerate the development of processing of farm products, keeps fresh, the introduction, development of warehousing and transportation technology and apparatus improve the processing of farm products and keep fresh horizontally4.5.4 Optimize agriculture's regional overall arrangement. Adjust and optimize the regional structure rationally, develop characteristic agriculture in a more cost-effective manner. Coastal developed area and big city suburb will develop high-efficient agriculture and agricultureoriented for export and foreign exchange earnings actively; The fragile area of the ecology should devote more efforts to conceding the land to forestry and grass, develop industry of planting forest or fruit tress, grass industry and animal husbandry. Grain-production area take, through structural adjustment, give play to grain-production advantage, develop high-quality, special-purpose grain variety4.5.5 Develop the township enterprise, accelerate rural urbanization paces. Improve the agricultural competitiveness, must accelerate agricultural workforce's shifting, improve the agricultural labor productivity. Advance structural adjustment, system innovation and technology of township enterprise to create, encourage the township enterprise of many kinds of ownership forms to develop, expand the rural employment channel. Speed up the development of small town, reform the household register system of the small town, support peasants to enter the cities and towns and work and do business4.6 Making sustainable strategy4.6.1 Accelerate establishing the system of perfecting agricultural standard; improve the quality leve1 of agricultural products Should participate in the international standardized activity voluntarily, study and follow the trail of the international standard constantly conscientiously, adopt the international standard and advanced standard of foreign countries actively, accelerate the revision of making of the agricultural quality level of our country, in order to strengthen the export competitiveness of agricultural products of Gina. Should strengthen the quality inspection of agricultural products and measure system construction, introduce and develop monitoring technology- and equipment in the same level with the developed country, promote main agricultural products to examine the technology upgrading which measure the system, accelerate the process of connections withinternational standards. At the same time, should do a good job of quality authentication, it is important means to ensure food security quality and break through the "green barrier" of trade to implement quality safety approval to the food and agricultural product.4.6.2 Developing the environmental protection industry activelyThe countries all over the world support the environmental protection industry on legislating and policy, the reason is that its production cost is high, with high technical content, the Fund is intensive, general enterprises are unwilling to make the investment, so need supporting especially. To meet demands of consumer, we should design and develop the green products.4.6.3 Setting up green pack system of export productsGreen packing refers to be packed environmentally friendly, be circulated packaging used in utilization or regeneration. Because the packaging offal has already gradually become one of the important origins of the ecological mentally friendly environment pollution, to a environ-one may choose wrappings of reclaiming, it is already of the world first-selection of wrappings all over current countries References译文部分(中文)浅析绿色壁垒对我国农产品出口的影响近年来,在国际贸易中的环境保护倾向不断增强,在环境保护的名义下新发展的非关税壁垒如绿色(有机)壁垒已经成为合理的,隐蔽性和技术性,也使得贸易保护主义的影响范围越来越广。


Appendix:Green Barriers from the Standpoint of SustainableDevelopmentAbstract: Green barriers are one kind of non-tariff barrier (NTB). This paper points out that green barriers evolved from sustainable development theory and environmental protection, but are compatible with true comparative advantage. The best way to surmount green barriers for Chinese enterprises is to implement circular production processes and clean production techniques.Key Words:Green barriers, sustainable development, ecology environment, circular economy, life-cycle analysis.1. IntroductionSince the opening up and economic reform of China, its foreign trade volume has risen continuously from US$20.6 billion in 1978 to US$1,422 billion in 2005. The sum of exports plus imports as a fraction of GDP is 65.8%, the share of exports is 36.2%, the share of imports is 29.6% in 2006 in China (The National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2006). Exports mainly concentrate on labor intensive and resource intensive industries: labor intensive products accounting for 40% of total manufacturing exports and resource intensive including rubber and metal products accounting for 20%. This export pattern depletes resources and causes high emissions and high pollution, a serious environmental problem in China (Gu, 2005). In addition,besides agricultural products, the exportation of mechanical and electrical products is facing increasing technical barriers such as noise, pollution, safety standards, energy saving, and recycling requirements. Every year,about US$8 billion of export products are affected by foreign green labeling and trademarks and US$24 billion of products are indirectly influenced since packing methods do not satisfy the environmental protection standard of developed countries. Therefore, how to treat and cope with green barriers is imperative for China’s foreign trade.2. Green BarriersWhile there are no accurate and clear definitions in international treaties oragreements, a‘green barrier’ is a new term to mean the application of stri ct technical standards and regulations in international trade (Dong, 2003). Besides a green environmental label, green barriers also include environmental surtaxes, market access requirements, green technology standards, green packaging, green sanitary measures and green subsidiaries (Leng, 2005).Normally, a green barrier is regarded as an environmental barrier implemented by developed countries, who, on the grounds of protection of animal or plant life, establish strict and compulsory measures to restrict certain imported products (Gao, 2004). According to some authors, green barriers are a type of protectionism, unfair to developing countries and restricting their economic development (Tang and Tan, 2004).In fact, the evolution and practice of green barriers conforms to sustainable global economic development along the lines of true comparative advantage. Developed countries realized sooner the facts concerning environmental externalities and their damage to humans and the environment.Some developed countries set up technological standards on the environment and natural resources, requiring that both the end products and all the production processes (R&D, producing, packing, transporting, consuming and recycling) conform to environmental protection requirements. Hence, green barriers have appeared on the international trade stage.If green barriers are defined as unfair and discriminatory measures relating to trade as some Chinese scholars think, a resisting and rejecting attitude will persist. This will ignore the positive effects of green barriers on protecting the environment as well as the health of human beings, animals and plants. Unless arbitrary or unjustifiable environmental trade methods hinder international trade, a rational attitude and analysis should be adopted.3. A Rational Analysis of Green BarriersGreen barriers are the outcome of economic development (Feng, 2004). Mass production and development of technology bring about two results. One is the positive effect on economy, increasing income and living standards; the other is thehuge, sometimes irreversible negative influence on natural resources and the environment. Many examples can be seen worldwide:desert encroachment, deforestation, water shortages, acid rain, biodiversity reduction; in short, air, land and sea pollution in general. While enjoying the increased welfare caused by high economic growth, the world is suffering serious environmental deterioration (Na, 2000). Our Common Future(WCED, 1987) put forward the idea of sustainable development in 1987, calling for a common endeavor that human beings should protect the environment and the health of people, animals and plants. The WCED defined sustainable development as development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In 1994, the IISD proposed the Winnipeg Principles as a means for reconciling international trade and development so as to achieve sustainable development (IISD, 1994). These principles constitute a starting point to integrate trade, the environment and development. The central idea in considering internalizing the environment through international cooperation is regulation in international trade. Economic growth arising from trade liberalization is the necessary condition for sustainable development, but trade liberalization without sufficient environment regulation will induce environmental degradation (Wang, 2005). Therefore, based on sustainable development theory and compatibility with comparative advantage (see theAppendix), green barriers have a positive and rational effect.3.1. An International Environmental Management SystemIncorporating Rational Green BarriersFirst of all, the WTO/GATT is not against environmental measures related to trade adopted by its member countries. Article XX (b) and (g) allow WTO members to adopt and enforce measures if these are either necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health, or if the measures relate to the conservation of exhaustible natural resources. However, such measures should not represent a disguised restriction on international trade nor be discriminatory in application. This Article has been regarded as the general principle for dealing with environmental disputes underthe WTO. In addition, environmental exceptions can be found in many WTO agreements like the Agreement on Agriculture, the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and others . These regulations imply that countries have the right to establish protection of human, animal or plant life or the environment, subject to the requirement that the protection does not constitute arbitrary discrimination or unwarranted restriction on trade. Therefore, a green barrier as an environmental measure related to trade, has been widely accepted, at least in principle, by WTO members.Furthermore, the ISO promulgated ISO 14000 in 1996 in order to maintain global ecological balance and to harmonize environmental protection and economic development. ISO 14000 includes environmental management standards, environmental auditing, environmental labeling, and environmental impact assessments. It aims at establishing an Environmental Management System , promoting its implementation through environment assessment and auditing to improve the global environment. ISO 14000 has an active effect on reducing resource depletion and abating pollution emission. The European Union has applied ISO14000, requesting that all imported goods meet its environment standards covering materials, production, marketing, consumption and disposal. If ISO14000 can be adopted universally, it will diminish arbitrary trade barriers and promote the development of world trade along the lines of true comparative advantage. An international unified system to regulate the environment issue is necessary in order to achieve global sustainable development.3.2. The Positive Externality of Green BarriersThe positive externality of green barriers is not only embodied in environmental and technological effects, but also in aligning world production according to true comparative advantage. The existence of green barriers requires the internalization of the environment cost into the process of production. The products must be friendly to the environment and should not damage the environment in production, transit or disposal. These requirements make traded goods comply with environmentalregulations and standards so as to protect the ecological environment of importing and exporting countries, as well as to create more resources for environmental investment. Protecting the environment in one country will have a positive impact on its neighbors and the global environment; hence acting as a positive global externality. The emergence of green barriers reflects the demand for the coordinated development of the environment and the direction of development of human society. The implementation of green barriers also accelerates the strength of environmental and green consumption awareness.Stringent environmental standards and market access requirements in developed countries will spur developing countries to learn advanced technologies and improve production levels while providing for environmental protection. These green barriers will bring about a positive externality of technology spillover if their implementation has an active influence on the greening of world production.3.3. The Stimulating Effect of Green BarriersThe Porter Hypothesis, proposed by Michael Porter of Harvard University, puts forward the debate on the relationship between environmental regulation and competitiveness. According to the Porter Hypothesis, strict environmental regulations can induce efficiency and encourage innovations that improve competitiveness. This is because strict environmental regulation triggers the discovery and introduction of clean technologies and environmental improvements. In this way, the innovative effect can induce production processes and products to be more efficient and clean. The social cost savings that can be achieved by innovation are sufficient to cover both the compliance costs directly attributed to new regulations and the innovation costs . As a result, appropriate and stringent environmental regulation will lead to improvements in social welfare as well as the private net benefits of firms operating under such regulations .The concept of green barriers integrates principles and theories of environmental science, management, and ecology. Applied to the processes of producing, storage, using, marketing and recycling, rational green barriers are conducive to structuring acomplete and environment-friendly management system. Except for those which violate the non-discriminatory principles of the WTO, green barriers have a stimulating effect on environmental R&D, technology innovation, clean production and green marketing. In the case of frivolous barriers, they only protect environmentally unfriendly production in the home country.4. The Circular Economy and Green BarriersGreen barriers can restrict some trade activities which negatively affect natural resources, the environment, human health or life. Developed countries have established a green fence to imported goods. For China, the fundamental way to surmount green barriers is to transform traditional production and development modes; that is to say to carry out a circular production process (CP) which is based on the principle of efficient utilization of resources and protecting the environment.Since industrialization, economic development has been characterized by high exploitation of resources and high emissions. The traditional producing and economic method, from production, consumption to waste disposal, is the process of ‘from cradle to grave’. The circular economy, on the other hand, is a nearly closed-loop system , provided that residual waste not recycled is disposed of in a green manner. The theme of a circular economy is the exchange of materials where one facility’s waste, including energy, water and materials as well as information is another facility’s input . CE promotes reducing and reusing of waste ‘from cradle to cradle’. In terms of reconciling economic development and environmental improvement, CP is a green production mode.The basic principle of implementing CE is reducing, reusing and recycling. Reducing refers to reducing the materials entering production and consumption. Reusing means prolonging the durability of products and services,while recycling can reduce disposal needs.Based on ecological rules, the CP mode reasonably utilizes natural and environmental resources in an industry chain among various enterprises and industries similar to a natural ecology chain. It promotes the optimum use of resources,recycling of material and eliminating environment deterioration.Second, CP production is especially helpful for Chinese enterprises attempting to surmount green barriers. Technology spillover encourages enterprises to improve green production and optimize the social exporting pattern. The social benefit of CP will reduce environmental damage. At the same time, it will narrow the gap of environmental technology standards, upgrading the ability to cope with green barriers .Third, CE implementation can rebound to increasing eco-efficiency, forming sustainable comparative advantage and casting off comparative cost traps. Due to the increasing scarcity of resources and decreasing environment quality, developing countries are not environmentally factor abundant. The export advantages of these countries, including China, are based on cheap natural resources and lax environmental policies and standards. However, this advantage is unsustainable and will finally lose out with the integration of the environment into the international trade regime. The internalization of environmental cost contributes to reducing the excessive depletion of resources for export. It will protect Chinese export enterprises from the censure of eco-dumping. The sooner the implementation of CP, the larger are export benefits to be gained.Sustainable comparative advantage based on environmental costs being internalized can eliminate the negative environment externality of production and reflect the social value of ecological production.5. ConclusionUnder the current circumstances of globalization, world trade and the economy are tending towards green production and environmental protection.The green barriers faced by China’s exports are a signal to China’s foreign trade development. It is desirable to realize that environmental standards and green barriers are not intentionally aimed at undermining China’s exports due to Most-Favored Nation Treatment, but are required for the world environment and for human health and safety. Therefore, it would be in vain to complain, criticize or resist green barriers. The effective means and ways to overcome barriers and seek true comparativeadvantage are to introduce the circular economy concept, carrying out clean production. The internalization of environment cost can make China’s exp orts comply with international environmental standards and lead to sustainable, true comparative advantage and growth.附录:从可持续发展的角度看绿色壁垒摘要:绿色壁垒是一种非关税壁垒。

绿色贸易壁垒对我国农产品出口的影响外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Analysis and countermeasure of international green trade barrier The green trade barrier limits the development of the international trade by manysteps. It obstacles the integration of the international economy the free developmentof the world trade. It is in some countries,especially in some developing countriesthe production for export lost greatly. However, under the limitation of the green tradebarrier,the air and water resource have been polluted badly,and the soil resourcedecreasing and the loss of life.1.The definition of the green trade barrier . The green trade barrier is also named as green barrier. It refers to protection of theinner market by means of the limitation by the strict environment protectiontechnology or the green signs inthe import,which can keep the foreign merchandisesoutside. This causes an immense impact on the international trade order. 2.The reason of appearance of green trade barrier 1The change of view of value. Along with the development of the industrialization and the growth of the worldeconomy,the increasing destroy and pollute getting more and more serious. This hasdirectly affected the living and development of human beings. And this successfullydrew an attention of the international society. The way of people thinking, behavior ofconsumption and view of consumption have changed. The new conception of value thethat concentrate on quality of living and creating green civilization; need for greenproduction with pollution and harm to human are increasing. The people in developedcounties have formed a good view of value for green production also providesdeveloping countries chance and challenges. 2The traditional lawless tax barrier gets condemn of the international society. In order to bring up the newborn industries,some mature industries gainunpredicted profit. But even this,they never thought of the protection of the innermarket.However after the operation of the General Agreement On Tariffs andtrade the import tax has been decreased ever since. Non-tax barrier has beenlimitations. The chance and space for traditional trade barrier are getting smaller andsmaller. On this occasion,the developed countries begin to search for new ways oftrade protections for the sake of development of their own industries. And green tradebarrier come into use. 3Different standards in different countries. Economys state stays in different level owing to the different technology level.So there are great differences in the ability of environment protection in differentcountries. This leads to different environment protection standard. It is a hard to saywhich standard is the best one,because different environment standard has a directimpact on the cost. And this would have great impact on the world competence, whichaffected the balance of the international income and expenses .In order to limit theimport from developing countries,the developed countries find the green trade to beexcuses to protect their own industries. 3.The impact of the green tradebarrier on China The green trade barrier has both good and bad impact on one country. But it indeedhas different impact on different countries. Limited by the technology,China has alower ability to deal with the barrier and catch up the chance to improveitself.Moreover,China mostly focuses on export labor-centered production. By far it hasreceived negative impact from the barrier. For the time being,this kind of barrierexists everywhere,and grow stronger and stronger,which has struck our market andeconomy seriously. 1The negative impact on the green trade barrier ①It prevents the export form China and weakens the export internationalcompetence. ②It influences the bilateral even multilateral relationship with other countriesgetting to problems. Recently,the developed countries circumscribe the importation from acclaimingthat those goods are not the green production. Thus bring up the conflictions. Thedeveloped countries enjoy a free form of trade in a certain trade zone,which reducethe standard of trading rather than trading from outside of the zone. So,countries likeChina are hard to break through thetrade barrier. All those confliction are bad forChina. The situations are against China. ③It accelerates the pollution for products and makes the metastasis to China. Thestandard of environment protection are low,the systems are not perfect with lowstandard of green production in China. Because of this,a lot of production of lowquality are entering Chinese market leads to many foreign waste cases spring upeverywhere. All of this shows that China are lacking of a perfect supervising system.Without a good management there will be no efficient working. According to theinvestigation,from 1997 to 2000,the foreign waste are increased from 990,000 tonto 17,500,000 ton. There is evidently no doubt that these foreign waste have madethe environment more serious in China. But in the items got the investment nearlyhave no supervising on environment protection,which let the industries causingpollution have transferred in China. 2The positive impact on the green trade barrier. In the developed countries,the environment policy helps to strengthen themanagement of industry environment,and applies the high tech to develop the greenproduction,which can lower the cost. Thus we can gain high social and economyefficiency,and finally get the production of high quality. ①It does good to Chinas continuous development. The task of environment protection should be accomplished by all the humanbeings.The skills of management in developed countries are in an advantage placethan that in the developing countries. China as a developing country is supposed tolearn the experience of developed countries which can be made good use of topromote the harmonious development of environment and economy development. Weshould insist in the principle of continuous development which is good to ourconstruction of exportation. Furthermore,this can promote the industries to producemore and more technology-focused production and helps to break through the greentrade barrier while doing international trade. ②It get the industries change their trading concept. The law of environment protection in developed countries is more perfect than inChina. The conception of environment protection has been applied in every aspectwhile doing business activity. For example:use green package,sail greenproductionwith green after sail services provided,introduce environment protection knowledge,do promoting of green production with green theme and establish a green image ofcompany. With activities of above,everyone can protect the environment and natureconsciously. 4. Breaking the barrier 1The government plays the role of the lead to help to develop the” greenenvironment protection” industries. ①adjust the construction to the” green environment production industriesquot. ②complete the” law of the green tradequot,resist the barrier. 2For the industries,they should face to the challenge to produce more” greenproductionquot. ①Collecting quotgreen informationquot,developing quotgreen productionquot. The companies are supposed to take part in international economic technologyconference and business trade expo or visit others who are of abundant”greeninformation” and exchange with each other. The most essential way of breaking”green trade barrier”is to establish a nice international image. The industries shouldestablish a good supervision of production design and material picking,productionandwaste recycling,recto explore a green production needed by the market.Furthermore,the industries should pay much attention to financial input and thetraining of the employers. ②Strengthen the green management. Improve the market competence. Thequotgreen management” refers to a management that require industries form akind of sailing conception of conform the rule of green trade by continuous mind andgreen environment requirement. It is an effective way of breaking through thebarrier. The green environment protectionism is recognized as a worldwide trade newproblem,which need to face it and challenge it. Correcting trade standard is allcountries are aware of its unavoidable ability. In the WTO system,environmentprotection has been on the agenda. If we want to be successful in changing China agreat trading country into a great trading world power , we have to doself-improvement and raise the conception of environment protection. So only whenwe make every effort to do improvement can we break through the green tradebarrier. 5. Our strategy and thinking on green trade barriers 1Strengthen education and drumbeating,raise awareness of environmentalprotection. the acceleration of the awareness of environment from all people can notbe separated from extensive publicity and education. Propagandize foreign trade andeconomy and environmental protection,especially do some work on universalenvironmental pact and environmental standards,making all the economic and tradeworkers at different levels fully understand the crucial and practical significance ofenvironment in this field. We should do a good job on the negative reports on foreigntrade and environmental protection,lead environmental protection awareness intoenterprises business decisions,and foster a sense of crisis and urgency. 2Establish and improve environmental protection laws and regulations ,strengthen execution of trade environment. we In the respect of preventing pollution, have set up some laws and regulations,but they are not in accordance with practical needs,maneuverability is not good,punishment is not enough;we are actually using economic methods to makeenterprises buy and sell drainage right,rather than urging them to deal with.Consequently aftertimewe should improve every environmental protection regulationwith the priority of prevention and strengthen supervision and management. Tostrengthen governments environmental management function,to punish acts againstenvironmental laws legally,develop the effect of green products and environmentalsigns,strengthen all the consumers surviving effects,develop green industry intosupporting industry,green product into fist product. 3Develop green market,green product,green marketing. With the strengthening of the awareness of environmental and resource protection anew industry with the purpose of protecting environment and resource——greenindustry is growing fast. At the same time,it has driven the development andformation of green product and green market. It is reported that in the following tenyears green product will lead the main markets in the world. We should adoptourselves with this tide change product designation package promote productquality, increase environmental items, make the best to achieve the standards of everytechnique, security, and sanitation, environment, adopt the tide of greenconsumption andneeds, also developlow-environment-protection-cost, good-quality green productthat is in accordance with universal environmental standards. 4Strengthen international exchange and cooperation,use international power toresist trade barrier. Although Uruguay will make an” Decision on Trade and Environment” toenhance awareness of environmental protection also it will make some basic items inwhich include security items to prevent developing countries from beingdiscriminated by developed countries. Therefore we can make use of some relevantitems and international agreements and unite other developing countries to resistdiscriminating strategies adopted by developed countries who are making use of greenprotection,and promote the development of our foreign trade. 6. Conclusion With the world economy developing fast,the developed country hold higherstandards and stronger awareness of environmental protection. We are in the thedeveloping stage, protection of green products have great effect on the exportationof our products,we must adapt our country and our foreigntriage with this new tideand follow relevant regulations strictly.国际绿色贸易壁垒的分析和采取的对策绿色贸易壁垒通过多种途径限制国际贸易的发展。

原文与译文原文与译文GREEN BARRIERS FROM THE STANGPOINT OFSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTAbstract: Green barriers are one kind of non-tariff barrier (NTB). This paper points out that green barriers evolved from sustainable development theory and environmental protection, but are compatible with true comparative advantage. The best way to surmount green barriers for Chinese enterprises is to implement circular production processes and clean production techniques.Key Words:Green barriers, sustainable development, ecology environment, circular economy, life-cycle analysis.1. IntroductionSince the opening up and economic reform of China, its foreign trade volume has risen continuously from US$20.6 billion in 1978 to US$1,422 billion in 2005. The sum of exports plus imports as a fraction of GDP is 65.8%, the share of exports is 36.2%, the share of imports is 29.6% in 2006 in China (The National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2006). Exports mainly concentrate on labor intensive and resource intensive industries: labor intensive products accounting for 40% of total manufacturing exports and resource intensive including rubber and metal products accounting for 20%. This export pattern depletes resources and causes high emissions and high pollution, a serious environmental problem in China (Gu, 2005). In addition, besides agricultural products, the exportation of mechanical and electrical products is facing increasing technical barriers such as noise, pollution, safety standards, energy saving, and recycling requirements. Every year, about US$8 billion of export products are affected by foreign green labeling and trademarks and US$24 billion of products are indirectly influenced since packing methods do not satisfy the environmental protection standard of developed countries. Therefore, how to treat and cope with green barriers is imperative for China’s foreign trade.2. Green Barriers2.1 Implication of the green barrierWhile there are no accurate and clear definitions in international treaties or agreements, agree barrier is a new term to mean the application of strict technical standards and regulations in international trade (Dong, 2003). Besides a green environmental label, green barriers also include environmental surtaxes, market access requirements, green technology standards, green packaging, green sanitary measures and green subsidiaries (Leng, 2005). Normally, a green barrier is regarded西安交通大学城市学院本科生毕业设计(论文)as an environmental barrier implemented by developed countries, who, on the grounds of protection of animal or plant life, establish strict and compulsory measures to restrict certain imported products (Gao, 2004). According to some authors, green barriers are a type of protectionism, unfair to developing countries and restricting their economic development (Tang and Tan, 2004).In fact, the evolution and practice of green barriers conforms to sustainable global economic development along the lines of true comparative advantage. Developed countries realized sooner the facts concerning environmental externalities and their damage to humans and the environment. Some developed countries set up technological standards on the environment and natural resources, requiring that both the end products and all the production processes (R&D, producing, packing, transporting, consuming and recycling) conform to environmental protection requirements. Hence, green barriers have appeared on the international trade stage. If green barriers are defined as unfair and discriminatory measures relating to trade as some Chinese scholars think, a resisting and rejecting attitude will persist. This will ignore the positive effects of green barriers on protecting the environment as well as the health of human beings, animals and plants. Unless arbitrary or unjustifiable environmental trade methods hinder international trade, a rational attitude and analysis should be adopted.The meaning of trade barrier includes tariff barrier and non-tariff trade barriers, and the technological barrier is the main form of non-tariff trade barriers. With the constant development of TBT(Technical barriers to trade),the green barrier has already become the important component of TBT.Green barrier is a kind of neutral barrier. Normal green barrier means to take rational measure of trade actually to protect environment legally. And the rational green barrier means that the importer implement import restrictions on ecological environment protection, natural environment, the health animals and plants. Up to now, it has already permeated through planning from the initial raw materials of products to each link, such as production procedure, packing and selling, consumer’s usage and scrap and dealing, etc. Progressively. It stipulates according to relevant environmental protection standards, requires the import goods should not only be in accordance with the quality level, and should also be in accordance with the environmental protection request from designing, making, packing to consuming link of handing etc., and can't cause danger to ecological environment and human health. Such new trade protective measure can stop abroad products effectively, especially environmental consciousness bad, backward in technique entry of product of developing country.2.2 The formulation of the green barrierSince the opening up and economic reform of China, its foreign trade volume has risen continuously from US$20.6 billion in 1978 to US$1,422 billion in 2005. The sum of exports plus imports as a fraction of GDP is 65.8%, the share of exports is 36.2%, the share of imports is 29.6% in 2006 in China (The National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2006). Exports mainly concentrate on labor intensive and resource intensive industries: labor intensive products accounting for 40% of total manufacturing exports and resource intensive including rubber and metal products accounting for 20%. This export pattern depletes resources and causes high emissions原文与译文and high pollution, a serious environmental problem in China (Gu, 2005). In addition, besides agricultural products, the exportation of mechanical and electrical products isfacing increasing technical barriers such as noise, pollution, safety standards, energy saving, and recycling requirements. Every year,about US$8 billion of export productsare affected by foreign green labeling and trademarks and US$24 billion of productsare indirectly influenced since packing methods do not satisfy the environmental protection standard of developed countries. Therefore, how to treat and cope withgreen barriers is imperative for China’s foreign trade.With the rapid economic growing of various countries, the global environmental question is aggravated day by day after the World War II. In face of the ecological environment that is destroyed and polluted miserably, the green peace organizationhas sent out the sharp accusation: the mankind has made the paradise of a piece of rubbish, world people increasing at double and spreading like the pestilence have caused the extinction of 500 animals and plants, it is robbing the fuel on the earth.When the holding capacity of the ecological environment reaches limit, it will beginto carry the terrible vindictiveness to the mankind. In face of the severe vindictivenessof natural environment, day-by-day the international community has lifted the powerful environmental tide. People also gradually realize that it is mankind's common responsibility to protect the environment, and we must adopt the common action.The formulation of the green barrier of trade protectionism and needs are not out of ecological environment protection and human health there is one side reason is thattrade of its rationality. But its profound reason is that trade protectionism resumes,and several negotiations between GATT and WTO have already kept the tariff verylow, carious countries are unable to achieve the goal of exercising restraint in importing to cause through the tariff. "Protecting the national economic benefits" isbasic hopes when various countries carry on international trade, so adopting restriction when foreign products enter national market, and guaranteeing national products that occupied domestic market become natural acts2.3 Characteristics of the green trade barrierThere are era backgrounds in appearances of the green trade barrier of rationality ofthe surface content. Limit increased which Club of Rome published in 1972. Thereport and the first world environments summit meeting holding at Stockholm of Sweden in the same year have promoted the development of environmental protectionsport of the world. Mankind begin to think the relations of the environment, economicgrowth and social welfare, to intro-sped the prevailing consumption mode, followedthe world environmental doctrine sport, and to think the production, trade and environmental protection factor while consuming be paid more and more concerns. On the other hand, the deterioration of environment is constant day by day, and arouses highly concerns of the people all around the world, especially on the environmental protection of developed country. People care more and more about life quality, pay close attention to the ecological environment, and pursue non-harmful consumption. Although the green trade barrier seems has catered to the public’s needs,西安交通大学城市学院本科生毕业设计(论文)and is in accordance with sustainable development goals of various countries, the trade protectionism restrains the foreign products from importing in fact.The legitimacy of the external form lies in a series of countries as a kind of brand-new main difference between green trade barrier and other non-tariff trade barriers. Border legislates in order to legislate to stipulate and implement publicly accusing to using publicly at home. Have all made the corresponding regulation to the green trade barrier in PTO, relevant trade agreement and international environmental convention. At present, more than 150 multilateral international protocols have already been signed in the world. The extension of the scope of application with various countries actively pursues the sustainable development strategy.The range of the green trade barrier is more and eating, wearing, using, living, transporting to playing, and from means of livelihood to means of production, all products trade related to ecological environment, natural health belong to it and protect resources and human health belong to it and protect the content. In the last few years, some fields, such as service trade, technological trade have expanded beyond the trade of the products.①Nationality of the basic characteristics of the nominal: Green trade barriers to protect the world's resources, environment and human health, and trade limited sanctions. People in the modern society, the living environment and quality of life of the increasingly high demand, will naturally focus on environmental issues, for possible environmental and health goods and services performance out of the high sensitivity of the harm. The green trade barrier is holding the common psychological, makes trade protection have ingenious rationality in name and formulation.②Legal form: Although the green trade barriers which belongs to the category of non-tariff barriers, but the difference is that most of the non tariff barrier is not relevant picture through open legislation to stipulate and implement measures, while the green trade barrier is a series of domestic and international public law as the basis and foundation. Since 70 time, the international community by the relevant international organizations and international conference has developed a number of multilateral environmental agreements, rules. They are in the form of international environmental law and in shock and impact on the international trade, plays an important role can not be ignored.③Extensive protection content: Green barriers to protect the content is very extensive, it is not only related to regulations and many commodity resources related to environmental protection and human health in the production and sales of and restrictions, but also produce great pressure on those who need to reach a certain security, health, antifouling, standard industrial manufactured goods, foreign trade and so on developing countries economic development is of great challenge. At the same time, because of the uncertainty and plasticity of green barriers to trade protection measures, so in the implementation and the operation, is also very easy to some developed countries to resist from the products of developing countries has to原文与译文be difficult.④Protection mode of concealment: And measures of non-tariff barriers, ascompared with import quantity and quota, green barriers has more concealment. First of all, unlike the quota and license management measures that, obviously has the unreasonable and discriminatory allocation, not easy to cause trade friction。

绿色贸易壁垒研究一、绿色壁垒的含义及特征绿色壁垒(Green Barriers ,GBs)是绿色贸易壁垒(Green Barriers to Trade ,GBT)的简称,又被称为环境贸易壁垒(Environmental Trade Barriers ,ETBs)、环境壁垒(Environment Trade)、绿色保护主义。

外文原文The green barrier to free tradeC. P. ChandrasekharJayati GhoshAs the March 31 deadline for completing the "modalities" stage of the proposed new round of negotiations on global agricultural trade nears, hopes of an agreement are increasingly waning. In this edition of Macroscan, C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh examine the factors and the players constraining the realisation of such an agreement.AT THE END of the latest round of meetings of the agricultural negotiations committee of the WTO, the optimism that negotiators would meet the March 31 deadline for working out numerical targets, formulas and other "modalities" through which countries can frame their liberalisation commitments in a new full-fledged round of trade negotiations has almost disappeared. That target was important for two reasons.First, it is now becoming clear, that even more than was true during the Uruguay Round, forging an agreement in the agricultural area is bound to prove extremely difficult.Progress in the agricultural negotiations was key to persuading the unconvinced that a new `Doha Round' of trade negotiations is useful and feasible.Second, the Doha declaration made agricultural negotiations one part of a `single undertaking' to be completed by January 1, 2005. That is, in a take `all-or-nothing' scheme, countries had to arrive at, and be bound by, agreements in all areas in which negotiations were to be initiated in the new round. This means that if agreement is not worked out with regard to agriculture, there would be no change in the multilateral trade regime governing industry, services or related areas and no progress in new areas, such as competition policy, foreign investment and public procurement, all of which are crucial to the economic agenda of the developed countries.The factors making agriculture the sticking point on this occasion are numerous. As in the last Round, there is little agreement among the developed countries themselves on the appropriate shape of the global agricultural trade regime.There are substantial differences in the agenda of the US, the EU and the developed countries within the Cairns group of agricultural exporters. When the richand the powerful disagree, a global consensus is not easy to come by.But that is not all. Even if an agreement is stitched up between the rich nations, through manoeuvres such as the Blair House accord, getting the rest of the world to go along would be more difficult this time.This is because the outcomes in the agricultural trade area since the implementation of the Uruguay Round (UR) Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) began have fallen far short of expectations. In the course of Round, advocates of the UR regime had promised global production adjustments that would increase the value of world agricultural trade and an increase in developing country share of such trade.As Chart 1 shows, global production volumes continued to rise after 1994 when the implementation of the Uruguay Round began, with signs of tapering off only in 2000 and 2001. As is widely known, this increase in production occurred in the developed countries as well.Not surprisingly, therefore, the volume of world trade continued to rise as well after 1994 (Chart 2). The real shift occurred in agricultural prices which, after some buoyancy between 1993 and 1995, have declined thereafter, and particularly sharply after 1997. It is this decline in unit values that resulted in a situation where the value of world trade stagnated and then declined after 1995, when the implementation of the Uruguay Round began.As Table 1 shows, there was a sharp fall in the rate of growth of global agricultural trade between the second half of the 1980s and the 1990s, with the decline in growth in the 1990s being due to the particularly poor performance during the 1998 to 2001 period.Price declines and stagnation in agricultural trade values in the wake of the UR Agreement on Agriculture were accompanied and partly influenced by the persisting regionalisation of world agricultural trade.The foci of such regionalisation were Western Europe and Asia, with 32 and 11 per cent of global agricultural trade being intra-Western European and intra-Asian trade respectively (Chart 3). What is noteworthy, however, is that agricultural exports accounted for a much higher share of both merchandise and primary products trade in North America and Western Europe (besides Latin America and Africa) than it did for Asia.Thus, despite being the developed regions of the world, agricultural production and exports were important influences on the economic performance of NorthAmerica and Western Europe.It is, therefore, not surprising that Europe is keen on maintaining its agricultural sector through protection, while the US is keen on expanding its role in world agricultural markets by subsidising its own farmers and forcing other countries to open up their markets. The problem is that the US has been more successful in prising open developing country markets than the large EU market.Thus, out of $104 billion worth of exports from North America in 2001, $34 billion went to Asia and $15 billion to Latin America, whereas exports to Europe amounted to $14 billion.The Cairns group of exporting countries (Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, the Philippines, South Africa, Thailand and Uruguay), for some of whom at least agricultural exports are extremely important, want world market to be freed of protection as well as the surpluses that result from huge domestic support in the US and the EC.We must note that $35 billion of the $63 billion of exports from Latin America went to the US and the EU. More open markets and less domestic support in those destinations is, therefore, crucial for the region.The fact that Europe has been successful in its effort at retaining its agricultural space with the help of a Common Agricultural Policy that both supports and subsidises its agricultural producers is clear from Chart 4, which shows that intra-EC trade which accounted for 74 per cent of EU exports in 1990, continued to account for 73 per cent of total EU exports in 1995 and 2001.But North America, with far fewer countries in its fold, has also been quite insular. Close to a third of North American exports are inter-regional. Little has changed since the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture.It is widely accepted that three sets of actors account for this failure of the AoA: First, in order to push through an agreement when there were signs that the Uruguay Round was faltering, the liberalisation of agricultural trade in the developed countries was not pushed far enough;Second, is the ability to use "loopholes", especially those in the form of inadequately well-defined Green and Blue Box measures, in the AoA, to continue to support and protect farmers on the grounds that such support was non-trade distorting; andFinally, there are violations of even the lax UR rules in the course of implementation, which have been aided by the failure of the agreement to ensure transparency in implementation.Not surprisingly, some countries, especially the Cairns group of exporting countries, have proposed an ambitious agenda of liberalisation in the agricultural area.Tariffs are to be reduced sharply, using the "Swiss formula", which would ensure that the proportionate reduction in the tariffs imposed by a country would be larger, the higher is the prevailing bound or applied tariff in that country.中文译文自由贸易中的绿色壁垒作者:C. P. Chandrasekhar 、Jayati Ghosh随着对全球农产品贸易“模式”阶段新一轮谈判完成的截止时间3月31日的临近,要想达成一致的希望越来越弱。
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外文原文The green barrier to free tradeC. P. ChandrasekharJayati GhoshAs the March 31 deadline for completing the "modalities" stage of the proposed new round of negotiations on global agricultural trade nears, hopes of an agreement are increasingly waning. In this edition of Macroscan, C. P. Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh examine the factors and the players constraining the realisation of such an agreement.AT THE END of the latest round of meetings of the agricultural negotiations committee of the WTO, the optimism that negotiators would meet the March 31 deadline for working out numerical targets, formulas and other "modalities" through which countries can frame their liberalisation commitments in a new full-fledged round of trade negotiations has almost disappeared. That target was important for two reasons.First, it is now becoming clear, that even more than was true during the Uruguay Round, forging an agreement in the agricultural area is bound to prove extremely difficult.Progress in the agricultural negotiations was key to persuading the unconvinced that a new 'Doha Round' of trade n egotiatio ns is useful and feasible.Second, the Doha declarati on made agricultural n egotiati ons one part of a 'si ngle undertaking' to be completed by January 1, 2005. That is, in a take 'all-or-nothing' scheme, countries had to arrive at, and be bound by, agreements in all areas in which negotiations were to be initiated in the new round. This means that if agreement is not worked out with regard to agriculture, there would be no change in the multilateral trade regime governing industry, services or related areas and no progress in new areas, such as competition policy, foreign investment and public procurement, all of which are crucial to the economic agenda of the developed countries.The factors making agriculture the sticking point on this occasion are numerous. As in the last Round, there is little agreement among the developed countries themselves on the appropriate shape of the global agricultural trade regime.There are substantial differences in the agenda of the US, the EU and the developed countries within the Cairns group of agricultural exporters. When the richand the powerful disagree, a global consensus is not easy to come by.But that is not all. Even if an agreement is stitched up between the rich nations, through manoeuvres such as the Blair House accord, getting the rest of the world to go along would be more difficult this time.This is because the outcomes in the agricultural trade area since the implementation of the Uruguay Round (UR) Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) began have fallen far short of expectations. In the course of Round, advocates of the UR regime had promised global production adjustments that would increase the value of world agricultural trade and an increase in developing country share of such trade.As Chart 1 shows, global production volumes continued to rise after 1994 when the implementation of the Uruguay Round began, with signs of tapering off only in 2000 and 2001. As is widely known, this increase in production occurred in the developed countries as well.Not surprisingly, therefore, the volume of world trade continued to rise as well after 1994 (Chart 2). The real shift occurred in agricultural prices which, after some buoyancy between 1993 and 1995, have declined thereafter, and particularly sharply after 1997. It is this decline in unit values that resulted in a situation where the value of world trade stagnated and then declined after 1995, when the implementation of the Uruguay Round began.As Table 1 shows, there was a sharp fall in the rate of growth of global agricultural trade between the second half of the 1980s and the 1990s, with the decline in growth in the 1990s being due to the particularly poor performance during the 1998 to 2001 period.Price declines and stagnation in agricultural trade values in the wake of the UR Agreement on Agriculture were accompanied and partly influenced by the persisting regionalisation of world agricultural trade.The foci of such regionalisation were Western Europe and Asia, with 32 and 11 per cent of global agricultural trade being intra-Western European and intra-Asian trade respectively (Chart 3). What is noteworthy, however, is that agricultural exports accounted for a much higher share of both merchandise and primary products trade in North America and Western Europe (besides Latin America and Africa) than it did for Asia.Thus, despite being the developed regions of the world, agricultural production and exports were important influences on the economic performance of North America and Western Europe.It is, therefore, not surprising that Europe is keen on maintaining its agricultural sector through protection, while the US is keen on expanding its role in world agricultural markets by subsidising its own farmers and forcing other countries to open up their markets. The problem is that the US has been more successful in prising open developing country markets than the large EU market.Thus, out of $104 billion worth of exports from North America in 2001, $34 billion went to Asia and $15 billion to Latin America, whereas exports to Europe amounted to $14 billion.The Cairns group of exporting countries (Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, the Philippines, South Africa, Thailand and Uruguay), for some of whom at least agricultural exports are extremely important, want world market to be freed of protection as well as the surpluses that result from huge domestic support in the US and the EC.We must note that $35 billion of the $63 billion of exports from Latin America went to the US and the EU. More open markets and less domestic support in those destinations is, therefore, crucial for the region.The fact that Europe has been successful in its effort at retaining its agricultural space with the help of a Common Agricultural Policy that both supports and subsidises its agricultural producers is clear from Chart 4, which shows that intra-EC trade which accounted for 74 per cent of EU exports in 1990, continued to account for 73 per cent of total EU exports in 1995 and 2001.But North America, with far fewer countries in its fold, has also been quite insular. Close to a third of North American exports are inter-regional. Little has changed since the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture.It is widely accepted that three sets of actors account for this failure of the AoA: First, in order to push through an agreement when there were signs that the Uruguay Round was faltering, the liberalisation of agricultural trade in the developed countries was not pushed far enough;Second, is the ability to use "loopholes", especially those in the form of inadequately well-defined Green and Blue Box measures, in the AoA, to continue to support and protect farmers on the grounds that such support was non-trade distorting; andFinally, there are violations of even the lax UR rules in the course of implementation, which have been aided by the failure of the agreement to ensuretransparency in implementation.Not surprisingly, some countries, especially the Cairns group of exporting countries, have proposed an ambitious agenda of liberalisation in the agricultural area.Tariffs are to be reduced sharply, using the "Swiss formula", which would ensure that the proportionate reduction in the tariffs imposed by a country would be larger, the higher is the prevailing bound or applied tariff in that country.中文译文自由贸易中的绿色壁垒作者: C. P. Chandrasekhar 、Jayati Ghosh随着对全球农产品贸易“模式”阶段新一轮谈判完成的截止时间3月31日的临近,要想达成一致的希望越来越弱。