Student Visa application form - INZ 1012 - 中文参照
PHOTO 照片http://www.m .tr/m faTÜRKİYE C UMHURİYETİ DIŞİŞLERİ BAKANLIĞIREPUBLIC OF TURKEY, MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRSVISA APPLICATION FORM 签证申请表1. Family name (as in passport) 姓2. 2. Maiden name 女性婚前姓FOR OFFICIAL US E ONLY 使馆专用栏Date of application: 申请日期Supporting documents:证实文件Valid passport 有效护照Financial means 资金来源Invitation 邀请函Means of trans port 交通工具Other: 其它Visa: 签证Refused 拒签 Granted 批准3. First name(s) (as in passport) 名字4. Date of birth (year-month-day) 出生日期5. ID-number 身份证号码 (optional)6. Sex 性别 Male 男 Female 女7. Place of birth 出生地City 城市 :……………….………….. Country 国家…………………………8. Marital status: 婚姻状况Single 单身 Married 已婚 Separated 分居 Divorced 离婚 Widowed 丧偶 Other 其他9. Current citizenship 现有国籍10. Citizenship at birth 出生国籍 11. Father’s full name 父亲全名 12. Mother’s full name 母亲全名13. Type of passport 护照类型Ordinary Passport 普通护照 Diplomatic Passport 外交护照 Service Passport 公务护照Travel Document (1951 Convention) 旅行文件 (1951年公约) Alien’s passport 外国人护照 Seaman’s Passport 海员护照Other (please specify) 其他 (请详细注明)…………………………………14. Passport number 护照号15. Issue and expiry date 签发日期和期满日起 16. Place of issue 签发地17. If you are resident in a country other than your country of origin, have you permission to return to that country? 如果您不在自己的国家居住,而居住在其他国家,您是否有返回该国家的许可?No 不能 Yes 能, (number and validity) (号和有效期) …………………………………………………………………………..18. Present occupation and profession现职业 19. Present work address 现工作地址Telephone/ Fax Number 电话 / 传真 E-mail address 电子信箱 20. Applicant’s home address申请人家庭地址Telephone number 电话号码 E-mail address 电子信箱21. Type of Visa: 签证类型 Transit 过境 Short stay 短期停留 Long stay 长期停留 22. Number of entries requested 入境次数 Single Entry 一次入境 Multiple entry 多次入境 23. Duration of stay 停留期限 - Visa is requested for 要求停留 : .................... days 天No 无 Yes 有 – When 何时………………………………….. Where 何地……………………………………………Type of Visa: 签证类型Single E ntry 一次入境Multiple Entry 多次入境Transit 过境Double Transit 两次过境Tourist 旅游Business 商务Work 工作Education 教育Other 其它…………………Valid 有效期From 自:................To 至:....................25. Have you ever been deported from or required to leave Turkey ? 是否曾被土耳其驱逐出 境或被要求离境?No 无Yes 有 –When 何时……………………………….. Where 何地………………………………………………… 26. In the case of transit, have you an entry permit for the final country of destination? 如过境,是否有最后目的地国的入境许可?No 无 Yes 有 valid until 有效期至: …………………..Issuing authority 签发机关:……............…….27. Purpose of trip 旅行目的Official 公务 Tourism 旅游 Business 商务 Cultural/Sports 文化/体育 Private visit 私人访问 (family or friends) (家庭或朋友) Medical reasons 医疗 Other 其它 (please specify) (请详细说明 ) 28. Date of arrival 抵达日期 29. Date of departure 离开日期30. Port of first entry or transit route第一入境港或过境路线31. Means of transport 交通工具 32. Who is paying for your trip and costs of living during your stay in Turkey?谁支付您的旅费以及您在土耳其停留期间的生活费?Myself 本人 Host person(s) 接待人 Host company 接待公司(State who and how and please submit corresponding documentation) (请说明谁和如何支付 并提交有关文件).......................................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................33. Name of host or company in Turkey and contact person in host company. If not applicable, give name of hotel or temporary address in Turkey. 在土耳其的接待人或接待公司的名字以及接待公司联系人的姓名。
Visa Application Form (VAF 10)这个毫无疑问是必须的,需要注意的是09年3月出了新表,不要用旧表了。
F’s passport +复印件这个没什么可说的,显然是必须的。
F’s family book (户口本)+ 复印件 + 翻译件这个可以不交,不是必须的。
F’s passport sized photo这个没什么可说。
J’s passport 复印件我的护照的资料页和所有签证页以及签字页的复印件。
J’s family book +复印件+翻译件我的户口本,其实没必要交。
J’s Police Registration Certificate 复印件我的**局注册纸的复印件,没必要交原件。
Marriage Certificate +原件+复印件结婚证,只要是配偶都必须交。
Bank Statement covering a 3 month period +复印件Letter from Natwest Bank +复印件三个月的bank statement和银行出的证明信。
日本留学生回国后申请签证流程英文版Japan Student Visa Application Process After Returning to ChinaFor students who have completed their studies in Japan and wish to return, understanding the visa application process can be crucial. Here is a step-by-step guide to applying for a visa to enter Japan after returning home from your studies.1. Determine Your Visa TypeThe first step is to determine the type of visa you need. If you are returning to Japan for employment, you may need a work visa. If you are visiting for tourism or family reasons, a visitor's visa may suffice. Make sure you know the specific requirements for the visa type you need.2. Gather Required DocumentsThe next step is to gather all the necessary documents for your visa application. This usually includes a valid passport,proof of your status in China (such as a residence permit or proof of employment), and documents related to your studies in Japan (such as your degree certificate and transcripts). You may also need to provide proof of your financial stability, such as bank statements or proof of income.3. Fill Out the Visa Application FormOnce you have gathered all the necessary documents, you need to fill out the visa application form. This form asks for personal information, details about your planned stay in Japan, and other relevant information. Ensure that you fill out the form accurately and completely.4. Submit the ApplicationAfter filling out the form, you need to submit your application to the Japanese Embassy or Consulate in China. You may need to make an appointment for this, and it is important to check the opening hours and submission deadlines before you go.5. Attend the Interview (If Required)Some visa types require an interview with a visa officer. If this is the case for your visa type, make sure you prepare well for the interview and have all the necessary documents with you.6. Wait for the DecisionAfter submitting your application, you will need to wait for a decision. The processing time can vary depending on the visa type and the workload of the Embassy or Consulate. Make sure you check their website or contact them for updates on your application status.7. Receive Your VisaIf your visa application is approved, you will receive your visa in the mail or at the Embassy/Consulate. Once you have your visa, you can make your travel plans to Japan.In conclusion, applying for a visa after returning from studies in Japan can be a straightforward process if you arewell-prepared and understand the requirements. By following these steps and submitting a complete and accurate application, you can successfully obtain a visa to return to Japan.日本留学生回国后申请签证流程对于在日本完成学业并希望回国的留学生来说,了解签证申请流程至关重要。
visaapplicationform英国签证表格填写指导(vf9app8)第一篇:visa application form英国签证表格填写指导(vf9&app8)英国签证申请表介绍【摘要】英国签证,也叫英国入境许可,是粘贴在您的护照或旅行证件上的准许您进入英国的许可证。
第一种:在线申请,使用UKBA的Online Application System 用英文在线填写签证申请表格。
传真: 00852-2877 0586电邮: nzis.hongkong@网址: 中文网址:/china学生签证——回国学生申请学生签证必须提供:1.有效护照。
如果护照无法递交,请提供出生公证书和身份证2.填写完整并签字的学生签证申请表(INZ 1012)以及中国公民赴新西兰访问,留学,工作的补充表(INZ 1027)3.申请人近期护照照片一张4.入学接收信5.申请费6.资金证明或填写完整并签字的学生资金担保表(INZ 1014)7.健康证明(如适用)8.品行证明(如适用)请注意:如果缺少上述几项中的任何一项, 申请材料将被退回。
健康要求:1.所有来自肺结核高发生率的国家或者在递交申请的前5年中在所有肺结核高发生率的国家停留时间总计为3个月或以上,并且计划前往新西兰停留超过6个月的申请人必须提供一份完整的短期入境签证胸部X光表(INZ 1096)。
详细信息和肺结核低发生率国家名单请参照健康状况要求宣传手册(INZ 1121)。
2.计划在新西兰停留12个月以上的申请人必须提供一份完整的体格检查与胸部X光表(INZ 1007)。
如果申请人过去曾经完成过短期入境签证胸部X光表(INZ 1096)或体格检查与胸部X光表(INZ 1007),并且在递交申请时此表没有超过24个月;除非签证官或者移民官要求,你可能不需要提供新的短期入境签证胸部X光表(INZ 1096)或体格检查与胸部X光表(INZ 1007)。
传真: 00852-2877 0586电邮: nzis.hongkong@网址: 中文网址: /china品行要求:17岁或17岁以上的申请人如果打算在新西兰停留24个月以上, 应该提交未受刑事处分公证书。
英国短期学生签证(Short Term Study Visa)详解
英国短期学生签证(Short Term Study Visa)详解---------------------------------------英国短期学生签证(Short Term Study Visa)详解一般来讲,同学们来英国读书都是申请的Tier 4 General Student Visa(普通学生签证)或者Tier 4 Child Student Visa (儿童学生签证),这两种签证适用于在英国就读长期课程,那么,如果只是来英国就读短期课程,或为期11个月的英语语言课程,应该申请哪一种签证呢?今年4月份后,UKVI重新调整并简化了学生访问类别。
在不超过11个月学习的学生访问者统分短期课程访问者,应该申请的是Short-term study Visa (短期学生签证)。
但是如果是只是参加不超过4周的教育交流活动,则需要申请Standard Visitor visa (普通访客签证,关于这类签证的详情,咱们下期细聊)。
四、你的联系方式/Section4.Your Contact Information五、其他声明事项/Section5.Other Declaration如有其他需要声明事项,请在下面说明/If there is more information to declare,please give the information below.六、他人代填申请表/Section6.Application Form Completed by Another Person如是他人为你填写签证申请表,请其填写以下栏目/If this application was completed by another person on behalf of七、重要事项/Section7.Important我已阅读并理解此表所有问题,并对照片及填报内容的真实性和准确性负责。
I have read and understood all the questions in this application.I shall be fully responsible for the answers and the photo, which are true and correct.I understand that type of visa,number of entries and duration of each stay will be decided by consuls,and any false,misleading or incomplete statement may result in the refusal of a visa for or denial of entry into China.申请人签名/App lica nt’s Signature:日期/Date/Date(YY-MM-DD)(YY-MM-DD)(YY-MM-DD)::。
student pass 申请流程
student pass 申请流程新加坡学生准证(Student Pass)的申请流程如下:在收到目标院校的offer之后,学生需要按照学校要求填表、缴费,然后等待教育部和移民局的批文。
根据新加坡移民局的要求,待学生准入信(IPA)批准后,学院会邮件学生,提醒其登录新加坡移民局网站确认信息,学生需要下载e Form并签字或者在线填写。
确认e Form签字并上传新加坡移民局网站后,学生或需支付申请费。
几个工作日后,学生需要再次登录新加坡移民局网站确认申请状态,如IPA已经得到批准,学生可下载电子版的IPA Letter。
同时下载体检表格(Medical Examination Report)和Terms & Conditions of STP - Applicant’s Acknowledgement & signature为入境新加坡后申请正式学生证做准备。
新加坡学生准证申请流程的详细步骤如下:1. 收到学校录取通知书后,根据录取通知书上的要求,准备好所有需要的材料。
2. 在学校填写入学申请表,并提交相关材料。
3. 等待新加坡移民局的审批结果。
4. 如果申请被批准,将收到新加坡移民局的通知,并需要在规定的时间内前往新加坡移民局领取学生准证。
5. 在领取学生准证时,需要提交一些必要的材料,包括护照、签证、财务证明、健康证明等。
6. 等待新加坡移民局颁发学生准证。
7. 在收到学生准证后,需要按照规定的时间前往新加坡报到并注册。
Domanda di visto per gli Stati Schengen Schengen Visa Application form 申根签证申请表 Modulo gratuito This application form is free 此表格免费提供Consolato Generale d’Italia - Canton Consulate General of Italy in Guangzhou 意大利驻广州总领事馆nell'esercizio del loro diritto di libera circolazione. Essi presentano la documentazione comprovante il vincolo familiare e compilano lecaselle n. 34 e 35.The fields marked with * shall not be filled by family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens (spouse, child or dependent ascendant) while exercisingtheir right to free movement. Family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens shall present documents to prove this relationship and fill in fields No 34and 35.Sono a conoscenza del fatto che il rifiuto del visto non dà luogo al rimborso della tassa corrisposta.I am aware that the visa fee is not refunded if the visa is refused. / 本人知道即使签证被拒也不能退还签证费.Applicabile in caso di domanda di visto per ingressi multipli (casella n. 24)Applicable in case a multiple-entry visa is applied for (cf. field No24) / 适用于申请多次入境签证 (参照字段24)Sono a conoscenza della necessità di possedere un'adeguata assicurazione sanitaria di viaggio per il primo soggiorno e per i viaggi successivi sul territorio degli Stati membri.I am aware of the need to have an adequate travel medical insurance for my first stay and any subsequent visits to the territory of Member Status.本人知道须预备有足够保额的旅游医疗保险作为首次及其后各次出发到申根国家领域之用Informativa sul trattamento dei dati personaliLa raccolta dei dati richiesti in questo modulo, la sua fotografia e, se del caso, la rilevazione delle sue impronte digitali sono obbligatorie per l'esame della domanda di visto e i suoi dati anagrafici che figurano nel presente modulo di domanda di visto, così come le sue impronte digitali e la sua fotografia, saranno comunicati alle autorità competenti degli Stati membri e trattati dalle stesse, ai fini dell'adozione di una decisione in merito alla sua domanda.Tali dati, così come i dati riguardanti la decisione relativa alla sua domanda o un'eventuale decisione di annullamento, revoca o proroga di un visto rilasciato, saranno inseriti e conservati nel sistema d'informazione visti (VIS) per un periodo massimo di cinque anni, durante il quale essi saranno accessibili alle autorità competenti per i visti, a quelle competenti ai fini dei controlli sui visti alle frontiere esterne e negli Stati membri, alle autorità competenti in materia di immigrazione e di asilo negli Stati membri ai fini della verifica dell'adempimento delle condizioni di ingresso, soggiorno e residenza regolari sul territorio degli Stati membri, dell'identificazione delle persone che non soddisfano, o non soddisfano più, queste condizioni e dell'esame di una domanda di asilo e della designazione dell'autorità responsabile per tale esame.A determinate condizioni, i dati saranno anche accessibili alle autorità designate degli Stati membri (per l’Italia il Ministero dell’Interno e le autorità di Polizia) e a Europol ai fini della prevenzione, dell'individuazione e dell'investigazione di reati di terrorismo e altri reati gravi.Il Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (Piazzale della Farnesina 1, 00135 Roma, è l'autorità italiana responsabile (titolare) del trattamento dei dati.E’ suo diritto ottenere, in qualsiasi Stato membro, la comunicazione dei dati relativi alla sua persona registrati nel VIS e l’indicazione dello Stato membro che li ha trasmessi e chiedere che dati inesatti relativi alla sua persona vengano rettificati e che quelli relativi alla sua persona trattati illecitamente vengano cancellati. Per informazioni sull’esercizio del suo diritto a verificare i suoi dati anagrafici e a rettificarli o sopprimerli, così come sulle vie di ricorso previste a tale riguardo dalla legislazione nazionale dello Stato interessato, vedi e informazioni saranno fornite su sua richiesta dall'autorità che esamina la sua domanda. L’autorità di controllo nazionale italiana competente in materia di tutela dei dati personali è il Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali (Piazza di Montecitorio 121, 00186 Roma,; tel.: +39.06696771).Dichiaro che a quanto mi consta tutti i dati da me forniti sono completi ed esatti. Sono consapevole che dichiarazioni false comporteranno il respingimento della mia domanda o l'annulla mento del visto già concesso, e che possono comportare azioni giudiziarie ai sensi della legislazione dello Stato membro che tratta la domanda.Mi impegno a lasciare il territorio degli Stati membri prima dello scadere del visto, se concesso. Sono informato/a che il possesso di un visto è soltanto una delle condizioni necessarie per entrare nel territorio europeo degli Stati membri. La mera concessione del visto non mi dà diritto ad indennizzo qualora io non soddisfi le condizioni previste dall'articolo 5, paragrafo 1 del regolamento (CE) n. 562/2006 (codice frontiere Schengen) e mi venga pertanto rifiutato l'ingresso. Il rispetto delle condizioni d’ingresso sarà verificato ancora una volta all'atto dell'ingresso nel territorio europeo degli Stati membri.Information on the processing of personal dataThe collection of the data required by this application form, the taking of your photograph and, if applicable, the taking of your fingerprints, are mandatory for the examination of the visa application; and any personal data concerning you which appear on the visa application form, as well as your fingerprints and your photograph will be supplied to the relevant authorities of the Member States and processed by those authorities, for the purposes of a decision on your visa application.Such data as well as data concerning the decision taken on your application or a decision whether to annul, revoke or extend a visa issued will be entered into, and stored, in the Visa Information System (VIS) for a maximum period of five years, during which it will be accessible to the visa authorities and the authorities competent for carrying out checks on visas at external borders and within the Member States, immigration and asylum authorities in the Member States for the purposes of verifying whether the conditions for the legal entry into, stay and residence on the territory of the Member States are fulfilled, of identifying persons who do not or who no longer fulfil these conditions, of examining an asylum application and of determining responsibility for such examination. Under certain conditions the data will be also available to designated authorities of the Member States (for Italy: the Ministry of Interior and the Police authority) and to Europol for the purpose of the prevention, detection and investigation of terrorist offences and of other serious criminal offences. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Piazzale della Farnesina 1, 00135 Roma,, is the Italian authority responsible (controller) for processing the data.You have the right to obtain in any of the Member States communication of the data relating to you recorded in the VIS and of the Member State which transmitted the data, and to request that the data relating to you which are inaccurate be corrected, and that the data relating to you processed unlawfully be deleted. For information on the exercise of your right to check your personal data and have them corrected or deleted, as well as on legal remedies according to the national law of the State concerned, see and information will be provided upon request by the authority examining your application. The Italian national supervisory competent authority on the protection of personal data is the Italian Authority for Data Protection (Piazza di Montecitorio 121, 00186 Roma,; tel.: +39.06696771).I declare that to the best of my knowledge all particulars supplied by me are correct and complete. I am aware that any false statements involve my application being rejected or to the annulment of a visa already granted and may result in prosecution under the law of the Member State that process the application.I undertake to leave the territory of the Member States before the expiry of the visa, if granted. I am aware that possession of a visa is only one of the prerequisites for entry into the European territory of the Member States. The mere granting of a visa does not entitle me to compensation if I fail to fulfil the conditions of Article 5 , paragraph 1, of the Council Regulation n. 562/2006 (Schengen Borders Code) and I am thus refused entry. The prerequisites for entry will be checked again on entry into the European territory of the Member States.个人信息管理个人信息管理说明说明该申请表中所有关于您的个人信息、照片或采集的指纹样本均为审核您的签证所需。
1. 短期学生签证(Short-term student visa)短期学生签证适用于计划在英国进行短期学习的学生,例如参加短期语言课程或参加短期交换项目。
2. 学生签证(Student visa)学生签证是适用于计划在英国进行长期学习的学生。
根据学习的类型和持续时间的不同,学生签证分为以下几种类型:- 学前教育签证(Child student visa):适用于年龄在4至17岁之间的学生。
- 普通学生签证(General student visa):适用于年满16岁且计划在英国就读全日制课程的学生。
- 课程和学校评级系统(CAS)学生签证(CAS student visa):适用于获得英国高等教育机构CAS号码的学生。
- 学生临时签证(Student visitor visa):适用于计划在英国进行短期课程学习(不超过6个月)的学生。
3. 毕业生签证(Graduate visa)毕业生签证是适用于在英国完成学位课程的国际学生。
4. 学生实习签证(Student internship visa)学生实习签证适用于希望在英国进行实习或工作经验的学生。
5. 伴读签证(Dependent visa)伴读签证适用于学生的配偶、伴侣或子女。
加拿大留学签证的大签与小签加拿大留学小签小签(Study Visa)是申请人护照上所贴的“VISA”,此类签证就是申请人出入境的一个凭证,可称为出入境签证。
如果学生拿到的小签是四年的,想在大三回国,只要他的Study Permit没有到期,就不用续签visa,拿现在使用的护照就可以返回加拿大了。
加拿大留学大签申请人入境加拿大时移民局所发的学生许可(Study Permit)签证,俗称大签。
大签与小签的区别因为Visa的纸张大小是小于Study Permit的,因此Visa才叫小签,Study Permit叫大签。
According to the provisions of Article 33 and Article 67 of People's Republic of China on Exit and Entry Administration Law and Article 34 of Regulations of the People 's Republic of China on the Administration of Entry and Exit of Foreigners,it is proposed that the alien residence permit is declared void and all legal consequences arising therefrom are the responsibility of the holder.
在中国强制注销/Forced cancellationin China
回国注销(提交回国机票复印件,回国后将签证注销页拍照回执存档,如回国三日内未收到拍照回执,将强制注销)/Back home Cancellation(submit a copy of the ticketback home,take a photo of the visa cancellation pageas receipt to archive. Ifthe photo receipt is not receivedin 3 days,itwill be forced to write off)
西宁外籍人员子女学校XINING INTERNATIONAL ACADEMYXIAStudent Application FormPassport Name:________________________________ _________________________________________ Family Name Given NameDate of Birth:_________________________________ Age:______________________________________ Grade Level Applying for:___________________________________________________________________New Student Admissions Procedures and Application FormWelcome to Xining International Academy (XIA). Thank you for your interest in sending your child to XIA. Please follow the admissions procedure and fill out the following form.Admissions Procedure1. The completed Student Application Form and Medical Form2. One passport-size photo of the child3. One copy of the child’s passport and visa. One copy of each parent’s passport and visa.4. One copy of school records from the current school.5. Application Fee of RMB 1,000 (non-refundable)Student InformationPassport Name:_____________________________________ __________________________________Family Name Given NameEnglish Name:________________________________________Sex:___________ Date of Birth:__________________________ Nationality:______________________Passport No:______________________________ Type of China Visa:____________________________Address in Xining:______________________________________________________________________Telephone No. (Both Parents or Guardian)__________________________________________________Parent/Guardian InformationMarital Status of Parents: ___Married ___Divorced ___Separated ___WidowedStudent lives with: ___Father ___Mother ___GuardianSibling Information (only those under 18 years of age)Education HistoryHas your child ever skipped a grade? ___Yes ___NoHas your child ever been in a gifted program? ___Yes ___NoHas your child ever been given additional learning support? ___Yes ___NoHas your child ever had a psycho-educational assessment or has a school recommended that your child have one done? ___Yes ___NoIf you answer yes to any of the above questions, please give details:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________Billing InformationWho will be financially responsible for the tuition and fees?___Parent ___Employer ___Other, please specify________________________________________________________Terms of Acceptance1. My child is expected to cooperate with the XIA staff and support the school rules and regulations as stipulated in the Parent/Student Handbook.2. My child is allowed to receive instruction in faith-based values while he/she is studying at XIA. He/she is expected to participate in the full XIA program and curriculum.3. Students, while at school, when on the XIA school bus or on organized field trips, are supervised by staff members and/or other responsible adults who will exercise all reasonable caution. Should an accident occur, the school is not liable for damages that may occur.4. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that students are covered by a comprehensive medical insurance policy during their time at XIA.5. Tuition and fees are payable in accordance with the tuition/fee schedule for the year enrolled. Attendance privileges may be suspended or report cards withheld of all tuition fees and other payments have not been made on time.6. Permission is granted to XIA to use student’s photos in print or digital format on the school material, as well as on its websites. Discretion will always be a priority.7. Parents are responsible for obtaining visas, resident permits and other legally required documentation.8. All supporting documents provided to XIA are without omissions or falsification. In the event that the information provided has been deliberately falsified or omitted, XIA reserves the right to expel, at any time, an enrolled student.9. I authorize XIA to contact the applicant’s former school for the purpose of obtaining and/or verifying student records.Signature of Father/Guardian_____________________________________ Date:_______________________________ Signature of Mother/Guardian____________________________________ Date:_______________________________。
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Evidence that your parent or legal guardian cares for you in your home country. 合法监护人证明
A Confirmation of Enrolment if you are a student returning to the same provider and studying the same programme.
If you are applying for a pathway student visa, a covering letter detailing your intended programmes of study (to accompany your offers of place) and a signed pastoral care declaration from your pathway education providers.
The fastest and easiest way to apply for a student visa is online. Once you have your documents prepared, it should take less than 15 minutes to complete the online application form. If you’re travelling with your partner or you’re a dependent child coming with a parent or guardian, you should use the paper form instead. To apply online, go to /StudentApply
Foreign feepaying students
An offer of place(s) from a New Zealand education provider(s) that meets the requirements set out at /offerofplace, or 学校录取通知书
Evidence from the scheme organiser that you have been accepted to an approved student exchange scheme.
Evidence that your tuition fees:
have been paid 学费付款收据
are covered by a foreign government loan, or
will be paid by your home country government.
Evidence that you are exempt from tuition fees, or
Foreign feepaying students
Accompanied by a parent or legal guardian
Domestic students
Aged 16-17 and/ or in year 12 or 13 at secondary school, wishing to work
Completed, signed application form. 完整的签字申请表
Appropriate fee and immigration levy. 签证费
Two passport-sized colour photographs. 2张彩色护照照片
Passport or travel document. 护照原件
Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007
Under the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007 it is an offence to provide immigration advice without being licensed or exempt. If your immigration adviser is not licensed when they should be, Immigration New Zealand will return your application. For more information and to view the register of licensed advisers, go to the Immigration Advisers Authority website or email info@. Lawyers provide immigration advice and are exempt from licensing under the Immigration Advisers Licensing Act. For more information and to view the register of immigration lawyers, go to the New Zealand Law Society website . When filling in this form, please write clearly in English using CAPITAL LETTERS.
OFFICE USE ONLY Client no.: April 2016
Date ation no.:
INZ 1012
Student Visa Application
for a temporary stay in New Zealand
Apply for your visa online – it’s faster & easier
If you are already studying in New Zealand, evidence of:
previous student performance and progress, and
attendance records.
Evidence of your financial support, as described in Section F: Fee-paying PhD and scholarship students.
If you are a dependent child of a Religious worker visa holder, either:
evidence that your parent meets the minimum income threshold, or
a signed and completed sponsorship form indicating that the religious organisation sponsoring your parent will support you.
Applicants in the circumstances below must provide the relevant documents (more than one section may apply to you)
Applicants who are... Must provide...
Permission to work 20 hours per week and/or full-time during the summer holiday period from your:
parents, and
education provider (not required if you are over 18 and at secondary school and wish to work during the summer holiday period), and Exchange Provider Organisation (if you are an exchange student, e.g. AFS, Rotary).
When filling in this form, please write clearly using CAPITAL LETTERS.
Application checklist
Information and documents you must supply
Exchange students
New Zealand Aid Programmesupported students Foreign governmentsupported students
Evidence of pre-purchased outward travel, or
Evidence of sufficient funds to purchase outward travel (additional to your living funds), or E资it金he证r 明a s文p件onsorship form or a financial undertaking form guaranteeing to cover the cost of outward travel from New Zealand.
Medical or chest X-ray certificates if required by Section C: Your health. 体检报告或X光报告
Police certificates if required by Section D: Your character.
If you are applying from outside New Zealand, evidence that you/ your family have sufficient funds to pay your tuition fees after your visa application is approved in principle.