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1.________ tiger is ________ dangerous animal.

答案:The;a 句意:老虎是一种危险的动物。第二空表泛指用a;表种类可以用a/an或the,为了避免重复,第一空须用定冠词the表示类指。

2.Jim, ________ student,is studying hard.

答案:a a student作为同位语使用,表泛指,对Jim进行解释说明。

3.I don't think the experiment is ________ failure.At least we have gained ________ experience for future success.

答案:a;/ failure表示“失败”的概念时,是不可数名词;表示具体的“失败的人或事物”时,则为可数名词.类似的单词还有:danger,surprise,pleasure,success,honour, difficulty等。experience 作“经历”讲时,是可数名词;作“经验"讲时,是不可数名词。

4.George couldn’t remember when he first met Mr Anderson, but he

was sure it was ________ Sunday because everybody was at ________ church.

答案:a;/ 句意:乔治不记得他是什么时候初见安德森先生的,但是他确定那是一个星期天,因为大家都在做礼拜.第一空用a表示泛指;at church “做礼拜",at the church “在教堂"。

5.Of the two poems, I like the shorter one better.I think it's really ________ most interesting one.

答案:a 该空泛指一首非常有趣的诗。most相当于very,表示“非常”.

6.Exploring ________ space is exciting,yet dangerous.

答案:/ space意为“太空”时是抽象名词,其前不用冠词。

7.There was ________ chair by the window.On ________ chair sat a young woman with a baby in her arms.

答案:a; the 句意:窗户旁边有一把椅子。椅子上坐着一位年轻妇女,怀里抱着一个婴儿.第一空表泛指,故用不定冠词a;第二空指上文提到的那把椅子,应用定冠词the。

8.All the fellow workers were shocked by the news that Bob was appointed ________ director of the factory.

答案:/ 句意:所有工友对于鲍勃被任命为工厂主管的这一消息感到很震惊。表职位或官衔的名词作补语时,前面多不带冠词.

9.I can't tell you ________ way to the Wilson’s because we don't have ________ Wilson here in the village.

答案:the; a 句意:我无法告诉你去往威尔逊家的路,因为我们村子里没有一个叫威尔逊的人。way后面有介词短语作定语,是特指,因此way前应用定冠词;表示人名的专有名词Wilson在此泛指“一个叫威尔逊的人”,所以其前用不定冠词。

10.Tom is ________ taller of the two boys.

答案:the 当用于比较级前表示“两者中较……的”时,应用定冠词the。

11.I fell in love with the city ________ first time I came here.

答案:the 句意:我第一次来这里的时候就爱上了这座城市。在序数词first前应用定冠词the。

12.The man caught the thief by ________ arm.

答案:the 句意:那人抓住了小偷的胳膊。“动词+sb.+介词+the+身体部位”为固定结构,故应填the。

13.He was born in ________ 1990s when his mother worked in a


答案:the 句意:他出生于二十世纪九十年代,那时他的母亲在一家工厂工作.the 1990s “二十世纪九十年代",在表示世纪、年代的词前应用定冠词the。

14.Henry pretended not to know me, but in ________ fact, we were good friends.

答案:/ in fact是固定短语,意为“事实上,实际上”,应用零冠词。

15.Mary can play ________ violin well, but she can't play ________ piano.

答案:the; the 句意:玛丽小提琴拉得好,但她不会弹钢琴。西洋乐器名词与play连用时,名词前应用定冠词the。

16.You’d better go abroad by ________ plane so as to get there earlier.

答案:/ 表示交通工具的名词与by连用时,名词前不用冠词.

17.We have no classes on ________ Sunday, so we often go to play ________ football.

答案:/; / 句意:我们星期日不上课,因此我们经常去踢足球。表示星期、球类的名词前通常不用冠词。
