中考英语真题分项汇编专题01-名词 (全国通用)

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专题01 名词

1. The ________ rang and Pat answered it. It was his son calling from New York.

A. telephone

B. doorbell

C. clock

D. bike




考查名词辨析。telephone电话;doorbell门铃;clock时钟;bike 自行车。结合语境和下一句“It was his son calling from New York.”可知帕特的儿子从纽约打电话来,所以应该是电话铃声响了。故选A。


2. —Do you know March 21st is World Sleep Day? Sleep is important to us.

—Yes. A good sleep gives us ________ and makes us happy. A. truth B. fame C. energy D. culture




考查名词辨析。truth事实;fame声誉;energy能量;culture文化。根据“A good sleep gives us”可知睡眠让人精力充沛。故选C。

3. —Jack, I have no idea for the report.

—Me neither. Why don’t we ask the teacher for ________?

A. help

B. jokes

C. food

D. tickets




考查名词辨析。help帮助;jokes玩笑;food食物;tickets票。根据“I have no idea for the report”及“Why don’t we ask the teacher for”可知,两个人对于报告都没有想法,所以建议向老师寻求帮助,故选A。


4. So many young people regard _______ as the most delicious drink.

A. salad

B. porridge

C. milk shake




考查名词辨析。salad沙拉;porridge粥;milk shake奶昔。根据“the most delicious drink”可知,奶昔是饮料,故选C。(2022·江苏连云港·中考真题)

5. The hat is not the right ________ for me. I’d like a smaller one.

A. size

B. style

C. colour

D. material 【答案】A




material材料。根据“I’d like a smaller one”可知,是尺寸不合适,故选A。


6. My grandma is good at paper-cutting. She can cut o ut pictures in the ________ cartoon characters.

A. ability

B. weight

C. shape

D. quality



【详解】句意:我奶奶擅长剪纸。她能把图片剪成卡通人物的形状。考查名词辨析。ability能力;weight重量;shape形状;quality质量;根据“cut out pictures in the...cartoon characters”可知,是剪出卡通人物的形状,故选C。

7. We youths do our best for our dreams and together a small success can give us a sense of ________.

A. achievement

B. department

C. treatment






考查名词。achievement成就;department部门;treatment治疗;entertainment娱乐。根据“a small success can give us a sense of”可知,表达成就感,用名词“achievement”。故选A。


8. —I want to learn more about the history of Tang Dynasty. —Why not use the Internet to find more ________?

A. information

B. messages

C. advice

D. discussions 【答案】A



考查名词辨析。information信息;messages消息;advice建议;discussions讨论。根据“Why not use the Internet to find more...”可知,是上网查找信息,故选A。


9. —Do you like black coffee, Miss Green?

—No, I’d like sweet coffee. Please put some ________ in
