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The old and medieval English literature(8th-14th century )

The renaissance period(14th –mid17th c)

The neoclassical period(mid17th -18th c)

The romantic period(mid18th -mid19th c)

The Victorian period(1836-1901)

Modern period(20th - )


一.The old and medieval English literature(8th-14th century)

1.The Venerable Bede(A.D673-735) “father of English history”《the essiesiastical history of the English people》《the anglo-sarxon chronic》epic——Beowulf

2.mid11th-mid14th 亚瑟王和圆桌骑士《Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,高文爵士和绿衣骑士》

3.Geoffy Chaucer(杰弗利·乔叟,1343-1400)“the father of English poetry” ;“the first one who used London dialect ” in《The Canterbury Tales,坎特伯雷故事集》(1387-1400,a prologue\24 tales,描写14th 英国现状)

二.The renaissance period (14th –mid17th c)

1.Sonnet:contains 14 lines of iambic pentameter rhymed in various patterns 14行5音步抑扬格诗行(ababcdcdefefgg)

e.g: So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,

So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

2.Thomas More(托马斯·莫尔1478-1535) Matp:《Utopia,乌托邦》(in Latin)

3.Francis Bacon(培根1561-1626) “杰出essayist in English history”《the essays》

4.Edmund Spenser(埃德蒙·斯宾赛,1552-1599) “the poet’s poet”;Matp:《The Faerie Queen,仙后》(1579);create “Spencerian Stanza ,斯宾塞诗体”。

5.Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) “the greatest playwright 戏剧作家before Shakespeare”

6.Willian Shakespeare(1564-1616) “the greatest playwright and poet of Renaissance Age”;四大悲剧:《Hamlet,哈姆雷特,1601》《Othello,奥赛罗,1604》《King Lear,李尔王,1605》《Macbeth,麦克白,1605》Matp:《HenryⅥ,亨利四世》《A Midsummer Night Dream,仲夏夜之梦》《The Merchant of Venice,威尼斯商人》《As You Like It,皆大欢喜》《Twelfth Night,第十二夜》《Venus and Adonis》(长诗)

7.John Donne 《the flee》

8.John Milton(弥尔顿,1608-1674) a puritan(清教徒) Matp:《Paradise Lost,失乐园,1667》《Paradise Regain,复乐园,1671》《Samson Agonistes,力士参孙,1671》9.John Bunyan(约翰·班扬) 清教散文家《The Pilgrem’s Progress,天路历程》10.John Dryden(约翰·德莱顿) 英国古典主义最杰出代表;17th 的第一位桂冠诗人;戏剧家;文艺批评家

三.The neoclassical period(mid17th -18th c)

1.Alexander Pope(亚历山大·蒲柏) Enlightment启蒙运动的enlighterier启蒙运动者;first one introduced rationalism to England and his satiric

2.Daniel Difoe (丹尼尔·迪福) 《Robinsin Crusoe,鲁滨逊漂流记》“the first realistic novel in English ”; “the father of English and European novels,现代小说之父”

3. Jonathan Swift(斯威夫特) 《Gulliver’s Travels,格列佛游记》;“comic epic of prose”“first to give modern novels its structure and style”

4.Samuel Johnson(塞缪尔·约翰逊) 《A Dictionary of The English Language,英语辞典》

5. Henry Fielding(约翰·菲尔丁) 《Tom Jones,汤姆·琼斯》全名《The History of Tom Jones , a Foundling 弃儿汤姆·琼斯的历史》

6.Sentimentalism感伤主义文学,18th 20年代Matp: Sameul Richardson(理查逊)的《Pamela,帕米拉》和《Clarissa ,克拉丽莎》、哥尔斯特的《The Vicar of Wakefield,威克菲尔德牧师传》、Laurence Sterne (斯特恩)的《A Sentimental Journey,伤感的旅行》

四.The romantic period (mid18th -mid19th c)

1.“Gothic哥特式”:具有恐怖意义的小说,恐怖、神秘、超自然三个特征,18th 兴起Matp: Mary Shelley(玛丽·雪莱) 的《Frankenstein: the Modern Prometheus,弗兰肯斯坦:现代普罗米修斯》

2. “the Lake Poets湖畔诗人”:英国早期浪漫主义作家;代表人物William Wordsworth(威廉·华兹华斯)、Samuel Taylor Coleridge(塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治)、Robert Southey(罗伯特·骚塞);华兹华斯和柯勒律治合著的《Lyrical Ballads,抒情歌谣集》成为了英国诗坛上浪漫主义文学的宣言;1843年华兹华斯荣获“Poet Laureate,桂冠诗人”

3. Percy Bysshe Shelley (雪莱):Matp: 《Ode to West Wind,西风颂》、《To the Skylark,致云雀》、《Prometheus Unbound,解放了的普罗米修斯》、《Adonais》which bewail the death of John Keats

4. George Gordon Byron(拜伦):Matp:长篇叙事诗“comic epic”《Don Juan,唐璜》

5. John Keats (约翰·济慈) :英国浪漫主义诗人Matp:《Ode to Nightingale,夜莺颂》、《To Autumn,秋颂》、《Ode to Melancholy,忧郁颂》

6. Walter Scott(沃尔特·司格特):Matp: 《Ivanhoe,艾凡赫》
