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11, got on well with each other=never a fight, had a great time

get on well with=get along

12, does her own housework=you clean it up by yourself

13, be unwise to buy another house=their present house is not too bad

wise 明智的

14, turn cold all of a sudden=the weather turn so quickly

all of a sudden突然

15, restaurant=how about ordering some vegetables and fruits?

16, did not feel any danger =I’d go and buy things when I was 8 years old.

17, same company=I work on the 9th floor

18, looking for an appointment=can I take a look at it?


11, give her more information=any suggestions

12, go without dessert=watch my weight

13, can speak a foreign language=but Japanese , and English are the only languages I can speak. 14, see professor Smith=go to his office after class

15, pass the message to the man= leave a note, I can give it to her

16, got emotional problems=get upset easily over little thing

17, buy the tickets beforehand=in advance

18, ran into a tree=crashed into a tree


11, appeal more to viewers over 40=people over 40 might find the program worth watching 12, admire her in writing=I had no idea you were a marvelous writer.

13, save some trouble=picked it up from the waste paper basket and left it on the desk.

14, he quit teaching in June=not since June

15, read only part of the book=read a few chapters

16, attend to her husband=her husband was injured in a car accident

17, not far from their old one=two blocks from their old home

18, had a hard time find a parking place=I drove two blocks before I spotted a place.


11, overweight=a little out of shape

12, hotel reception=had reserved a room for me

13, having confidence in her son=he is sure do well in the next exam

14, have a short break=go out and get some fresh air.

15, in perfect condition=never felt better in my life

16, keeps some old furniture in her new house=just give away the useless pieces,

17, forgot lending the book to the man=sorry not to have returned it earlier.

18, doesn’t look like a sportsman=most people don’t think so either.


11, give his ankle a good rest=stop regular activities.

12, theater=balcony

13, sad occasion=attend the funeral

14, focus on the main points of her lectures=concentrate on the important ideas

15, spilt coffee on the man’s jacket=have you jacket cleaned

16, hard to understand=plot (情节)was complicated

17, attending every lecture=never miss a lecture

18, not provide anything better=I doubt they’ll have anything different


11, lost contact with=out of touch

12, painter=color

13, make inquires elsewhere=have you inquired ?

14, ga in some weight=hadn’t spent time exercising

15, doesn’t like abstract paintings=haven’t acquired a taste for yet

16, may have put notebook amid in the journals=did you check the pile of journals

17, want to get some sleep-----was up till 3 this morning

18, chance is slim----the other two seemed better qualified.






11, enjoyed great popularity=she was popular even when she was a child.

12, have a holiday=we’ll be getting away for a while.

13, courageous=I really admire his courage.

14, buy a new machine=invest in a recent model

15, not excited about new position=no, not really

16, offer a drive to the party=give her a ride

17, finalizing the contract=go over all the articles of the contract once more before signing it 18, ordered some paper=completed the order form on line yesterday.


11, get some small change=you can get it through the money changer

12, buying a gift for a child=I’d suggest this toy train

13, taking photographs=do you let people know when you ‘re taking pictures of them? 14, provide little information=but I was really young at that time
