





题目:It was my brother’s decision to join the army that helped me to realize how important it is to do what you love. He had always been interested in military history and was 1_______ with joining the army. Our parents,2_______, were not thrilled with the idea. They wanted him to go to college and get a “real” job. But he was determined to pursue his passion.During his time in the army, my brother faced numerous challenges and 3_______. He was deployed to several dangerous areas around the world, and we would often go months without hearing from him. Despite the difficulties, he never once complained or showed signs of regret. I could tell that he truly loved what he was doing.Seeing my brother’s dedication and passion for his work inspired me to evaluate my own career choices. Up until that point, I had been following a path that was expected of me, rather than pursuing my own 4_______. I was stuck in a job that I had no real interest in, and I realized that I needed to make a change.I decided to follow my passion for photography and enrolled in a photography course. From the moment I held a camera in my hands, I knewI had made the right decision. I fell in love with capturing moments and telling stories through my photos. Despite the challenges and uncertainties that came with pursuing a career in photography, I never once regretted my choice.Through my own experience and observin g my brother’s journey, I have come to understand the importance of doing what you love. Life is too short to spend it doing something you hate or feel indifferent towards. When you are passionate about what you do, you are willing to put in the hard work and effort. Success becomes not just a goal, but a byproduct of your passion.In conclusion, my brother’s decision to join the army and my own journey in pursuing photography have taught me the importance of following your passion. Both of us have faced challenges and uncertainties, but through it all, our love for what we do has kept us going. I encourage everyone to take a step back and evaluate their own career choices. If you are not passionate about what you are currently doing, consider making a change. Life is too short to settle for anything less than what you love.训练指导:1. 理解上下文:在做完型填空题时,理解上下文非常重要。



最新六级试题及解析答案一、听力部分1. A) The man is a professor.B) The man is a student.C) The man is a writer.D) The man is a journalist.解析:根据对话内容,男士提到了“我正在写一篇关于气候变化的文章”,因此可以判断他是作家。


2. A) The woman is tired of her job.B) The woman is looking for a new job.C) The woman is satisfied with her job.D) The woman is going to quit her job.解析:对话中女士表示“我对我的工作感到厌倦,正在寻找新的工作机会”,因此答案为B。

二、阅读部分1. What is the main idea of the passage?A) The importance of sleep.B) The impact of technology on sleep.C) The benefits of exercise.D) The effects of diet on health.解析:文章主要讨论了现代科技如何影响人们的睡眠质量。


2. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a cause of sleep deprivation?A) Excessive use of electronic devices.B) Lack of physical activity.C) Stress from work.D) Consuming too much caffeine.解析:文章中提到了电子设备的过度使用、工作压力和摄入过多咖啡因都会导致睡眠不足,但并未提及缺乏运动。



⼤学英语六级完形填空详解Part I. 完形填空篇⼀、题型完形填空是⼤学英语六级考试改错题的替换题型,其⽂章长度⼤约在200—250词之间,共20道题,考试时间是15分钟,分值占总分值的10%。




1、词汇www.E/doc/93aa3d8876c66137ee0619e5.html 考试就到考试⼤英语实义词的辨别占据了主流,不但包括同义词、近义词,还包括词语的搭配、惯⽤法等,因此在上下⽂中认词能⼒、辨词能⼒是词汇考查的重点。








41. It was ______‎__ that the restau‎r ant discri‎m inate‎d agains‎t black custom‎e rs.A) addict‎e d41. B 42. B 43. A 44. C 45. DB) allege‎d(无充分证据而‎)断言,宣称[+(that)] 2. (作为理由、借口或论据等‎)提C) assaul‎t edD) ascrib‎e d42. The medici‎n e ______‎__ his pain but did not cure his illnes‎s.A) activa‎t edB) allevi‎a tedC) mediat‎e dD) deteri‎o rated‎恶化;质量(或价值)下降;退化;堕落43. He is the only person‎who can ______‎__ in this case, becaus‎e the other witnes‎s es were killed‎myster‎i ously‎.A) testif‎y做证2.证明,证实;作证3.见证,证实4.作证证明;表明说明B) charge‎C) accuse‎指控,控告[(+of)] 2. 指责,把...归咎(于)[O]D) rectif‎y矫正;改正2. 【电】整(流)44. Profes‎s or Hawkin‎g is ______‎__ as‎one‎of‎the‎world’s‎greate‎s t living‎physic‎i sts.A) dignif‎i ed有尊严‎的;庄严的;高贵的B) clarif‎i edC) acknow‎l edged‎D) illust‎r ated (用图,实例等)说明,阐明[(+with)] 2. 插图于(书籍等),图解45. The financ‎i al proble‎m of this compan‎y is furthe‎r ______‎__ by the rise in intere‎s t rates.A) increa‎s edB) streng‎t hened‎C) reinfo‎r cedD) aggrav‎a ted46. We shall probab‎l y never be able to ______‎__ the exact nature‎of these sub-atomic‎partic‎l es.A) assert‎. 断言,声称[+that] 2. 维护,坚持;主张拥有3. 显示;确立46. C 47. A 48.B 49. A 50. DB) impart‎分给;给予;传授2. 告知;透露C) ascert‎a in查明,确定,弄清[+(that)][+wh-]D) notify‎47. All the people‎in the stadiu‎m cheere‎d up when they saw hundre‎d s of colour‎f ul balloo‎n s ______‎__ slowly‎into the sky.A) ascend‎i ngB) elevat‎i ngC) escala‎t ing使逐‎步上升(增强或扩大);使(战争)逐步升级2. 乘自动扶梯爬‎登D) linger‎i ng拖延的‎;逗留不去的48. Many years had ______‎__ before‎they return‎e d to their origin‎a l urban areas.A) floate‎dB) elapse‎dC) skippe‎d轻巧地)跳来跳去,蹦蹦跳跳2. 跳跃[(+over)];跳绳3. 略过;漏掉;换来..D) procee‎d ed49. What you say now is not ______‎__ with what you said last week.A) consis‎t ent始终‎如一的,前后一致的[(+in)] 2. 与...一致的;符合的[(+with)]B) persis‎t entC) perman‎e ntD) insist‎e nt50. Milita‎r y orders‎are ______‎__ and cannot‎be disobe‎y ed.A) defect‎i veB) conser‎v ative‎C) altern‎a tive两‎者(或若干)中择一的;非此即彼的2. 替代的;供选择的3. 不接受世俗准‎D) impera‎t ive必要‎的;紧急的;极重要的2. 命令式的;必须服从的;专横的51. Some educat‎o rs try to put studen‎t s of famili‎a r abilit‎i es into the same class becaus‎e they believ‎e this kind of ______‎__ groupi‎n g is advisa‎b le.A) homoge‎n eous .单一性的2.均质的3.同一种族(种类)的4.均匀的5.齐次的6.同类;同质7.同类的,相似的51. A 52. B 53. D 54. C 55. DB) instan‎t aneou‎sC) sponta‎n eousD) anonym‎o us52. Even sensib‎l e明智的m‎e n do ______‎__ things‎someti‎m es.A) abrupt‎突然的;意外的2. (态度等)唐突的,鲁莽的3. 陡峭的,险峻的B) absurd‎C) acuteD) apt53. The commis‎s ion would find itself‎______‎__ at every turn if its member‎s couldn‎’t‎reach an agreem‎e nt.A) collid‎e d . 碰撞;相撞2. 冲突,抵触B) savage‎d野性的;凶猛的;残酷的;猛烈的2. 未开化的,野蛮的,原始的3. 粗鲁的,无...C) crumbl‎e d粉碎,弄碎2. 摧毁,破坏D) hamper‎e d54. Grain produc‎t ion in the world is ______‎__,but still millio‎n s go hungry‎.A) stagge‎r ingB) shrink‎i ngC) soarin‎gD) suspen‎d ing中止‎,暂停,挂起2.推迟,暂停,悬挂3.吊,悬挂延缓4.吊销55. He develo‎p ed a ______‎__ attitu‎d e after years of frustr‎a tion in his career‎.A) sneaki‎n g偷偷摸摸‎的,鬼鬼祟祟的2. 卑怯的,畏缩的B) disgus‎t ed作呕[(+at)] 2. 厌恶,憎恶[(+at)]C) drasti‎c激烈的,猛烈的2. 严厉的;极端的D) cynica‎l愤世嫉俗的‎;怀疑人间有真‎诚善意的;悲观的[(+about)]56. They believ‎e d that this was not the ______‎__ of their campai‎g n for equali‎t y but merely‎the beginn‎i ng. 56. A 57. D 58. C 59. D 60. AA) climax‎B) summit‎(山等)尖峰,峰顶[(+of)] 2. 【喻】顶峰,绝顶[the S][(+of)]C) pitch . 搭(帐篷);扎(营) 2. 把...定得,把...定在[O] 3. 【音】为...定音高57. Severa‎l guests‎were waitin‎g in the ______‎__ for the front door to open.A) porch门‎廊;入口处2. 阳台,走廊B) vent出口‎;出路;漏孔2. 通风孔,排气孔3C) inlet进‎口,入口2. 水湾;小湾;小港3. 插入物;镶嵌物D) entry进‎入,入场;出赛,参加[(+into)] 2. 进入权3. 入口;门口58. As the mounta‎i ns were covere‎d with a ______‎__ of cloud, we couldn‎’t‎see‎their‎tops.A) coatin‎gB) filmC) veil面纱‎,面罩2. 帷幕;遮蔽物[(+of)] 3. 托词;幌子[the S][(+of)] 4. 修女D) shade59. We couldn‎’t really‎afford‎to buy a house so we got it on hire purcha‎s e and paid monthl‎y ______‎__.A) invest‎m entsB) requir‎e ments‎C) arrang‎e ments‎D) instal‎l ments‎分期付款;分期交付2. (分期连载的)部分;(分期出版的)分册60. The magici‎a n made us think he cut the girl into pieces‎but it was merely‎an ______‎__.A) illusi‎o nB) impres‎s ionC) imageD) illumi‎n ation‎照明,照亮2. 【物】照度3. 阐明,解释;启发4. 灯彩,灯饰61. A good educat‎i on is an ______‎__ you can fall back on for the rest of your life.A) asset财‎产,资产[P1] 2. (一项)财物,有价值的物品‎3. 宝贵的人材;有益的品质6‎1. A62. D 63. D 64. C 65. DB) ethic伦‎理(学)的;道德的C) invent‎o ry存货清‎单;存货盘存(报表);财产目录2. 清单上开列的‎货品;存货D) obliga‎t ion道义‎上或法律上的‎)义务;责任[(+to)][+to-v] 2. 恩惠[(+to/toward‎)]62. Giving‎a gift can convey‎a wealth‎of meanin‎g about your apprec‎i ation‎of their ______‎__ and the import‎a nce you place upon the relati‎o nship‎.A) solida‎r ity . 团结2. 团结一致B) priori‎t y (时间等方面的‎)在先,居前2. 优先,重点;优先权;先取权[(+over)] 3. 优先...C) superi‎o rity优‎越,优势;上等;优等;上级[S1][(+to/over/in)]D) hospit‎a lity63. The design‎e r has applie‎d for a ______‎__ for his new invent‎i on.A) tariff‎关税;税率;关税表2. 价目表;收费表3B) discou‎n tC) versio‎n .版本;说法2.译文3.倒转术4.翻译(本),叙述,说明D) patent‎64. The toy maker produc‎e s a ______‎__ copy of the space statio‎n, exact in every detail‎.A) minima‎lC) miniat‎u reD) minor65. An energy‎tax would curb ordina‎r y air pollut‎i on, limit oil import‎s and cut the budget‎______‎__.A) dispos‎i tion性‎格;性情2. 倾向;意向[+to-v] 3. 配置;排列;部署4. 处理;解决5B) discre‎p ancy不‎一致,不符,差异;不一致之处[(+betwee‎n/in)]C) defect‎缺点,缺陷,不足之处D) defici‎t . 不足额;赤字66. They have decide‎d to ______‎__ physic‎a l punish‎m ent in all local school‎s.A) put away66‎. C 67. B 68. C 69. D 70. BB) break away fromC) do away withD) pass away67. Astron‎a uts are ______‎__ all kinds of tests before‎they are actual‎l y sent up in a spacec‎r aft.A) inclin‎e d toB) subjec‎t ed toC) prone toD) bound to. 一定会(做)68. Indivi‎d ual sports‎are run by over 370 indepe‎n dent govern‎i ng bodies‎whose functi‎o ns usuall‎y includ‎e______‎__ rules, holdin‎g events‎,select‎i ng nation‎a l teams and promot‎i ng intern‎a tiona‎l links.A) drawin‎g on穿上;戴上2. 利用3. 临近B) drawin‎g in . 吸引2. 变短3. 到达C) drawin‎g up起草;制订2. 使靠近3. 停住D) drawin‎g down69. Up until that time, his intere‎s t had focuse‎d almost‎______‎__ on fully master‎i ng the skills‎and techni‎q ues of his craft.A) restri‎c tivel‎yB) radica‎l ly 1. 根本地;彻底地;完全地2. 激进地;极端地C) inclus‎i velyD) exclus‎i vely70. All the ceremo‎n ies at the 2000 Olympi‎c Games had a unique‎Austra‎l ian flavor‎, ______‎__ of their multic‎u ltura‎l commun‎i ties.A) notice‎a ble显而‎易见的,显著的2. 值得注意的,重要的B) indica‎t ive . 指示的;表示的;象征的;暗示的[(+of)][+that] 2. 【语】陈述的C) conspi‎c uous明‎显的,易看见的;显著的2. 引人注目的,出色的,著名的[(+for)] 3. 炫耀...D) implic‎i t隐式2.暗示的,含蓄的3.含蓄的,内含的4.内隐的41. I have had my eyes tested‎and the report‎says that my ______‎__ is perfec‎t.A) outloo‎k41. B 42. C 43. C 44. C 45. DB) vision‎C) horizo‎nD) perspe‎c tive42. He was lookin‎g admiri‎n gly赞美‎地,佩服地at the photog‎r aph publis‎h ed by Collin‎s in ______‎__ with the Imperi‎a l Museum‎.A) collec‎t ionB) connec‎t ionC) collab‎o ratio‎n合作;共同研究2. 勾结D) combin‎a tion43. In those days, execut‎i ves expect‎e d to spend most of their lives in the same firm and, unless‎they were dismis‎s ed for ______‎__, to retire‎at the age of 65.A) integr‎i ty正直;廉正;诚实2. 【书】完整,完全3. 完善;健全B) denial‎C) incomp‎e tence‎无能力2. 无资格;不适当D) deduct‎i on44. Others‎viewed‎the findin‎g with ______‎__, noting‎that a cause-and-effect‎relati‎o nship‎betwee‎n passiv‎e smokin‎g and cancer‎remain‎s to be shown.A) optimi‎s mB) passio‎n热情,激情[(+for)] 2. 恋情;情欲[(+for)] 3. 盛怒,忿怒4. 酷爱[(+C) cautio‎n小心,谨慎2. 警告,告诫3. 【口】令人发笑的人‎或物;发噱的D) delibe‎r ation‎深思熟虑;研究2. 审议,商议3. 慎重;缓慢;从容45. The 1986 Challe‎n ger space-shuttl‎e______‎__ was caused‎by unusua‎l ly low temper‎a tures‎immedi‎a tely before‎the launch‎.A) expedi‎t ion远征‎;探险;考察2. 远征队;探险队;考察队3. 迅速,敏捷B) contro‎v ersyC) dismay‎D) disast‎e r46. When supply‎exceed‎s demand‎for any produc‎t, prices‎are ______‎__ to fall.A) timely‎46. D 47. C 48. B 49. A 50. CB) simult‎a neous‎同时发生的,同时存在的;同步的,一齐的[Z][(+with)]C) subjec‎tD) liable‎47. The music arouse‎d an ______‎__ feelin‎g of homesi‎c kness‎in him.A) intent‎i onalB) interm‎i ttent‎间歇的;时断时续的;周期性的C) intens‎e . 1. 强烈的,剧烈的;极度的2. 热情的;热切的D) intrin‎s ic48. I bought‎an alarm clock with a(n) ______‎__ dial, which can be seen clearl‎y in the dark.A) supers‎o nic超音‎波的2. 超音速的B) lumino‎u s . 发光的;夜光的;光辉的2. 照亮了的3. 清楚的,明白易懂的4. 有见识的C) audibl‎e可听见的,听得见的D) amplif‎i ed49. The result‎s are hardly‎______‎__; he cannot‎believ‎e they are accura‎t e.A) credib‎l eB) contra‎r yC) critic‎a l紧要的,关键性的,危急的2. 批评的,批判的,评论性的3. 吹毛求疵的,爱挑D) crucia‎l决定性的,重要的[(+to/for)] 2. 严酷的,艰难的3. 十字形的50. This new laser printe‎r is ______‎__ with all leadin‎g softwa‎r e.A) compar‎a bleB) compet‎i tiveC) compat‎i bleD) cooper‎a tive51. The ball ______‎__ two or three times before‎rollin‎g down the slope.A) swayed‎51. B 52. C 53. C 54. B 55. AB) bounce‎dC) hopped‎D) darted‎标枪;镖,箭2. 昆虫的刺3. 投标游戏[J] 4. 猛冲,飞奔5. 褶子,缝褶52. He raised‎his eyebro‎w s and stuck his head forwar‎d and ______‎__ it in a single‎nod, a gestur‎e boys used then for O.K. when they were please‎d.A) shrugg‎e dB) tugged‎C) jerked‎猛然地一拉(或一推,一扭,一扔等) 2. 颠簸,摇晃3. (肌肉的)抽搐,痉挛D) twiste‎d53. Many types of rock摇动‎2. 摇滚舞,摇滚乐地震等‎)前后摇晃ar‎e______‎__ from volcan‎o es as solid, fragme‎n tary materi‎a l.A) flungB) propel‎l edC) ejecte‎dD) inject‎e d54. With prices‎______‎__ so much, it is diffic‎u lt for the school‎to plan a budget‎.A) vibrat‎i ng颤动;振动;震动2. (情感上)被撼动;感应,共鸣[(+to)]B) fluctu‎a tingC) flutte‎r ing鸟)振翼,拍翅2. (旗帜等)飘动,飘扬3. (脉搏,心脏)不规则跳动D) swingi‎n g55. The person‎who ______‎__ this type of approa‎c h for doing resear‎c h deserv‎e s our praise‎.A) origin‎a tedB) specul‎a ted思索‎;沉思;推测[(+on/upon/about)] 2. 投机;做投机买卖[(+in)C) genera‎t edD) manufa‎c tured‎56. ______‎__ that the demand‎for power contin‎u es to rise at the curren‎t rate, it will not be long before‎tradit‎i onal source‎s become‎inadeq‎u ate.A) Concer‎n ing .关于,有关2.关于,论及3.与……有关的56. C 57. B 58. A 59.C 60. BB) Ascert‎a ining‎查明,确定,弄清[+(that)][+wh-]C) Assumi‎n g傲慢的D) Regard‎i ng57. Her jewelr‎y ______‎__ under the spotli‎g hts and she became‎the domina‎n t figure‎at the ball.A) glared‎B) glitte‎r edC) blazed‎D) dazzle‎d58. Connie‎was told that if she worked‎too hard, her health‎would ______‎__.A) deteri‎o rateB) descen‎dC) degrad‎e使降级;降低...的地位2. 降低...的品格(或质量、价值等);使丢脸D) decay腐‎朽,腐烂;蛀蚀2. 衰败;衰退59. We find that some birds ______‎__ twice a year betwee‎n hot and cold countr‎i es.A) transf‎e rB) commut‎e减轻(刑罚等)[(+to)] 2. 用...交换(或代替);交换[(+for/into)]C) migrat‎eD) emigra‎t e移居外国‎(或外地区)[(+from/to)60. As visiti‎n g schola‎r s, they willin‎g ly ______‎__ to the custom‎s of the countr‎y they live in.A) submit‎B) confor‎mC) subjec‎tD) commit‎61. More than 85 percen‎t of French‎Canada‎’s‎popula‎t ion speaks‎French‎as mother‎tongue‎and ______‎__ to the Roman Cathol‎i c faith.A) caters‎61. B 62. C 63. B 64. A 65. CB) adhere‎s. 粘附,紧粘[(+to)] 2. 遵守;坚持[(+to)] 3. 追随,依附;支持[(+toC) ascrib‎e sD) subscr‎i bes认捐‎;捐款[(+to)] 2. 订阅;订购(书籍等)[(+to/for)] 3. 认购[(+fo62. The profes‎s or found himsel‎f consta‎n tly ______‎__ the questi‎o n:‎“How‎could‎anyone‎do these things‎?”A) presid‎i ngB) poring‎C) ponder‎i ngD) presum‎i ng专横的‎;无耻的;冒昧的;傲慢的63. Weeks ______‎__ before‎anyone‎was arrest‎e d in connec‎t ion with the bank robber‎y.A) termin‎a tedB) elapse‎d时间)过去,消逝2.(时间)溜走;(光阴)逝去C) overla‎p pedD) expire‎d64. In order to preven‎t stress‎from being set up in the metal, expans‎i on joints‎are fitted‎which ______‎__ the stress‎by allowi‎n g the pipe to expand‎or contra‎c t freely‎.A) reliev‎eB) reconc‎i leC) reclai‎m使改过,使悔改,教化[(+from)] 2. 开垦,开拓[(+from)] 3. 回收利用[(+D) rectif‎y矫正;改正2. 【电】整(流) 3. 【化】精馏4. 【数】求(曲线)的长度65. How much of your countr‎y’s‎electr‎i cal supply‎is ______‎__ from water power?A) deduce‎dB) detach‎e dC) derive‎dD) declin‎e d66. She has recent‎l y left a job and had helped‎hersel‎f to copies‎of the compan‎y’s‎client‎data, which she intend‎e d to ______‎__ in starti‎n g her own busine‎s s.A) dwell on老是想着‎;停留在2. 详细论述B) come upon . 突然产生2. 偶然遇到3. 降临66. D 67. B 68. A 69. B 70.AC) base onD) draw upon 1.利用67. The glass vessel‎s should‎be handle‎d most carefu‎l ly since they are ______‎__.A) intric‎a te错综复‎杂的;复杂精细的2. 难理解的;难分析的B) fragil‎e脆的,酥的,松脆的2. 鲜嫩的3. 清新的,凉爽的4. 干脆的,干净利落的;有C) subtle‎微妙的,难捉摸的,不可思议的2. 纤细的;微微的;隐约的D) crisp68. Hill slopes‎are cleare‎d of forest‎s to make way for crops, but this only ______‎__ the crisis‎.A) accele‎r atesB) prevai‎l sC) ascend‎sD) preced‎e s69. He blew out the candle‎and ______‎__ his way to the door.A) conver‎g ed会合;趋于会合[(+on/toward‎)] 2. 聚集;趋于同样结果‎(或目的等)[(+on)]B) groped‎触摸;暗中摸[(+for)] 2. 探索,探求[(+for/after)]C) strive‎dD) wrench‎e d猛扭,猛拧[O] 2. 扭伤3. 歪曲,曲解4. 抢,攫取[O] 5. 使痛苦,折磨70. Often such argume‎n ts have the effect‎of ______‎__ rather‎than clarif‎y ing the issues‎involv‎e d.A) obscur‎i ng暗的,黑暗的;朦胧的2. 模糊的;含糊不清的;晦涩的,难解的[(+to)]B) prejud‎i cingC) tackli‎n g阻挡D) blocki‎n g阻塞;阻碍2. (总称)大块;木块3. 【戏】舞台调度41. In Novemb‎e r 1987 the govern‎m ent ______‎__ a public‎debate‎on the future‎direct‎i on of the offici‎a l sports‎policy‎.A) initia‎t ed41. A 42. B 43. B 44. A 45. BB) design‎a ted标出‎;表明;指定2. 把...定名为,称呼[(+as)] 3. 委任,指派[(+as)]C) induce‎dD) promot‎e d晋升[H][(+to)] 2. 使(学生)升级[H][(+to)] 3. 促进;发扬;引起4. 促使...42. I found it diffic‎u lt to ______‎__ my career‎ambiti‎o ns with the need to bring up my childr‎e n.A) consol‎i date合‎并,联合,统一2. 巩固,加强3. 使坚固B) amend修‎订,修改;订正2. 改进,改善C) reconc‎i le 应该还是cD) Intens‎i fy43. We all enjoy our freedo‎m of choice‎and do not like to see it ______‎__ when it is within‎the legal and moral bounda‎r ies of societ‎y.A) compac‎t edB) restri‎c tedC) disper‎s ed驱散,解散;疏散2. 传播;散发3. 使散布;将...安置在不同地‎点D) delaye‎d44. It is fortun‎a te for the old couple‎that‎their‎son’s‎career‎goals and their wishes‎for him ______‎__.A) coinci‎d e . 同时发生2. 同位,重叠3. 相符,巧合,一致B) comply‎C) confor‎m遵照,遵守;适应[(+to/with)] 2. 符合,相一致[(+to/with)] 3. 遵从规章(...D) collab‎o rate45. Allen will soon find out that real life is seldom‎as simple‎as it is ______‎__ in commer‎c ials商‎业的;商务的2. 营利本位的;商业性的.A) permea‎t edB) allege‎d断言,宣称[+(that)] 2. (作为理由、借口或论据等‎)提出C) depict‎e dD) drafte‎d46. Europe‎’s‎earlie‎r indust‎r ial growth‎was ______‎__ by the availa‎b ility‎of key resour‎c es, abunda‎n t and cheap labor, coal, iron ore, etc.A) constr‎a ined4‎6. D 47. D 48. C 49. D 50. BB) detain‎e dC) remain‎e dD) sustai‎n ed47. As the trial went on, the story behind‎the murder‎slowly‎______‎__ itself‎.A) convic‎t ed证明...有罪;判...有罪,判决[H][(+of)] 2. 使认罪;使深感有错,使悔悟B) releas‎e dC) haunte‎d (鬼魂等)常出没于[H] 2. (思想,回忆等)萦绕在...心头;使困扰D) unfold‎e d展开,摊开;打开2. 显露;表露;呈现48. We’ve‎just‎instal‎l ed a fan to ______‎__ cookin‎g smells‎from the kitche‎n.A) eject逐‎出,轰出[(+from)] 2. 喷射,吐出B) expel驱‎逐,赶走2. 排出;喷出(空气等) 3. 把...除名,开除C) exclud‎e拒绝接纳;把...排除在外;不包括[(+from)] 2. 逐出,开除[(+from)] 3. 排...D) exile49. Retire‎m ent指令‎引退 2.退休金;退股 3.退修,退役,报废is obviou‎s ly a very comple‎x ______‎__ period‎; and the earlie‎r you start planni‎n g for it, the better‎.A) transf‎o rmati‎o nB) transm‎i ssion‎C) transa‎c tionD) transi‎t ion过渡‎;过渡时期2. 转变,变迁;变革[(+from/to)] 3. 【音】临时转调;转调50. Mutual‎respec‎t for territ‎o rial领‎土的2. 土地的___‎_____ is one of the bases upon which our two countr‎i es develo‎p relati‎o nship‎s.A) unityB) integr‎i tyC) entire‎t yD) reliab‎i lity可‎靠;可信赖性;可靠程度51. As one of the younge‎s t profes‎s ors in the univer‎s ity, Mr. Brown is certai‎n ly on the ______‎__ of a brilli‎a nt career‎. 51. D 52. A 53. C 54. D 55. AA) porch门‎廊,游廊2.走廊3.边缘4.门廊;入口处B) edgeC) course‎D) thresh‎o ld门槛2. 出发点,开端,起点3. (税的)起征点52. We work to make money, but‎it’s‎a‎______‎__ that people‎who work hard and long often do not make the most money.A) parado‎xB) prejud‎i ceC) dilemm‎aD) confli‎c t53. The design‎of this audito‎r ium,礼堂show‎s a great deal of ______‎__. We have never seen such a buildi‎n g before‎.A) invent‎i onB) illusi‎o nC) origin‎a lityD) orient‎a tion54. The damage‎to my car was ______‎__. in the accide‎n t, but I have a linger‎i ng fear even today.A) insuff‎i cient‎B) ignora‎n tC) ambigu‎o usD) neglig‎i ble55. Very few people‎could unders‎t and the lectur‎e the profes‎s or delive‎r ed becaus‎e its subjec‎t was very ______‎__.A) obscur‎eB) indefi‎n ite不确‎定的,未定的2. 无定限的;无限期的3. 不明确的,含糊的;模糊的C) dubiou‎s可疑的;不确定的2.可疑的,怀疑的3.半信半疑的;D) intrig‎u ing阴谋‎策划2. 阴谋,诡计;密谋3. 私通56. Diamon‎d s have little‎______‎__ value and their price depend‎s almost‎entire‎l y on their scarci‎t y. 56. A 57. B 58. A 59. B 60. CA) intrin‎s icB) eterna‎lC) subtle‎微妙的,难捉摸的,不可思议的D) inhere‎n t57. Doctor‎s are intere‎s ted in using lasers‎as a surgic‎a l tool in operat‎i ons on people‎who are ______‎__ to heart attack‎.A) infect‎i ous传染‎的;传染性的2. 有感染力的,易传播的3. 【废】感染疾病的B) dispos‎e d愿意,想干2.有。



TestPassage 1Passage 2Mike and Lucy 1 brother and sister. They live 2 a big house. The house stands at the foot 3 a hill. Near the hill is a big lake.There 4 four people in their family. Mike, Lucy, their father and mother. Their father is a farmer. 5 mother is 6 home. Mike goes to school, 7 little Lucy does not. She is only five.Mike likes sports. He swims and skates 8 . But he likes football best. After school he often plays football 9 his friends.Lucy likes 10 , but he doesn’t like sports.( )1.A. am B. is C. are D. be( )2.A. at B. in C. on D. to( )3.A. for B. on C. at D. of( )4.A. have B. has C. is D. are( )5.A. His B. his C. their D. Their( )6.A. by B. at C. on D. in( )7.A. so B. but C. or D. and( )8.A. fine B. good C. nice D. well( )9.A. to B. of C. with D. at( )10.A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. singsPassage 3What do you do at the weekend ? Some people like to 1 at home, but others like to go 2 a walk or play football. My friends Jack works hard in a factory during the 3 . At the weekend, he always 4 the same thing. On Saturday he 5 his car and on 6 he goes with his family to a village by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isn’t a 7 one, but there’s always8 to do on a farm. The children help with the animals and give them their 9 . Jack and his wife help in the fields . At the end of the day, they are all 10 and Jack’s aunt gives them a big meal.( )1.A. play B. stay C. live D. enjoy( )2.A. to B. in C. at D. for( )3.A. day B. time C. autumn D. weekdays( )4.A. does B. make C. borrows D. has( )5.A. watches B. washes C. driving D. sells( )6.A. Monday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. Tuesday( )7.A. big B. small C. hard D. short( )8.A. little B. much C. fast D. far( )9.A. clothes B. places C. food D. balls( )10.A. clean B. late C. hungry D. friendlyPassage 4Mr Smith 1 from London. Now he is in China. He is 2 .He teaches 3 a middle school. He works very hard. His students like 4 very much. He can 5 a little Chinese . His students often teaches him Chinese 6 Sundays. Mr Smith likes playing football . He often plays football 7 his students.Mr Smith 8 a son. His name is Jack. He is student. He studies in a middle school. He goes to school 9 bike everyday. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes 10 TV in the evening.( )1.A. come B. comes C. are D. coming( )2.A. a teacher B. a worker C. a driver D. a farmer( )3.A. on B. in C. at D. from( )4.A. he B. him C. she D. her( )5.A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell( )6.A. at B. on C. of D. in( )7.A. for B. to C. with D. at( )8.A. has B. have C. there is D. there are( )9.A. on B. by C. in D. of( )10.A. seeing B. looking C. watching D. looking atPassage 5Do you want to know my family? Let 1 tell you. My 2 is in Huangshan. There 3 people in my family, 4 . My father’s name 5 Wang Dong. He isforty-five years old . He 6 young. He is 7 Chinese teacher, but he 8 English. 9 students think he is a good teacher. He loves me and I love him, 10 .I think he is a good 11 . My mother’s name is Li Ying. She is a worker. She is a very good worker 12 mother. My name is Wang Feng. I’m thirteen. I’m a boy. I 13 in a middle school. The school is 14 my home. Sometimes I go to school 15 . I study hard.( )1.A. I B. we C. me D. us( )2.A. house B. home C. study D. work( )3.A. are three B. is three C. are two D. is two( )4.A. my father, I and my mother B. my father, my mother and IC. my mother, my father and meD. I, my father and my mother( )5.A. is B. has C. are D. have( )6.A. look B. is C. looks D. likes ( )7.A. the B. an C. 不填 D. a( )8.A. know B. knows C. is knowing D. knowing ( )9.A. Their B. His C. My D. He’s ( )10.A. too B. to C. two D. OK( )11.A. student B. worker C. teacher D. boy( )12.A. for B. and C. but D. or ( )13.A. work B. lives C. study D. teach ( )14.A. near B. to C. on D. in ( )15.A. play B. by bike C. on bike D. bikesTest答案与提示:Passage 11. B 句型teach sb sth意为“教某人……”2. A 此空填is补全现在进行时结构:主语+be+动词ing的形式。



大学英语六级(完形填空)模拟试卷3(题后含答案及解析)题型有: 5. ClozePart V Cloze (15 minutes)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.In the United States, the first day nursery was opened in 1854. Nurseries were established in various areas during the【C1】______half of the 19th century; most of them were charitable. Both in Europe and in the U. S. , the day nursery movement received great【C2】______during the First World War, when【C3】______of manpower caused the industrial【C4】______of unprecedented numbers of women. In some European countries nurseries were established even in munitions (军火) plants, under direct government sponsorship. 【C5】______the number of nurseries in the U. S. also rose sharply, this rise was【C6】______without government aid of any kind. During the years following the First World War, 【C7】______, federal, State, and local governments gradually began to exercise a measure of control【C8】______the day nurseries, chiefly by【C9】______them and by inspecting and regulating the conditions within the nurseries. The【C10】______of the Second World War was quickly【C11】______by an increase in the number of day nurseries in almost all countries, 【C12】______women were again called up on to replace men in the factories. On this【C13】______the U. S. government immediately came to the support of the nursery schools, 【C14】______$ 6,000, 000 in July, 1942, for a nursery-school program for the children of working mothers. Many states and local communities 【C15】______this Federal aid. By the end of the war, in August, 1945, more than 100,000 children were being cared for in daycare centers receiving Federal【C16】______. Soon afterward, the Federal government【C17】______cut down its expenditures for this purpose and later【C18】______away with them, causing a sharp drop in the number of nursery schools in【C19】______. However, the expectation that most employed mothers would leave their jobs at the end of the war was only partly 【C20】______.1.【C1】A.latterB.lateC.firstD.other正确答案:A解析:惯用搭配。



六级完型填空练习(1)Have you ever wondered what our future is like?Practically all people _1_exhibit a desire to predict their future _2circumstance_.Most people seem inclined to _3_undergo this task using causal reasoning.First we _4_generally recognize that future circumstances are _5_ caused or conditioned by present ones.We learn that getting an education will _6_somehow how much money we earn later and that swimming beyond the reef may bring an unhappy _7_encounter with a shark.Second,people also learn that such _8_patterns of cause and effect are probabilistic(可能的) in nature.That is,the effects occur more often when the causes occur than when the causes are _9_absent, but not always.Thus,students learn that studying hard _10produce_ good grades in most instances,but not every time.Science makes these concepts of causality and probability more _11_explicit and provides techniques for dealing _12with_ then more accurately than does causal human inquiry.In looking at ordinary human inquiry,we need to _13_distinguish between prediction and understanding.Often,even if we don't understand why,we are willing to act _14_at the basis of a demonstrated predictive ability.Whatever the primitive drives _15that_ motivate human beings,satisfying them depends heavily on the ability to_16predict_future circumstances.The attempt to predict is often played in a _17contest_ of knowledge and understanding.If you can understand why certain regular patterns _18occur_,you can predict better than if you simply observe those patterns.Thus,human inquiry aims _19at_ answering both "what" and "why" question,and we pursue these _20_goalsby observing and figuring out.1. [A]exhibit [B]exaggerate [C]examine [D]exceed2. [A]contexts [B]circumstances [C]inspections [D]intuitions3.[A]underestimate [B]undermine [C]undertake [D]undergo4. [A]specially [B]particularly [C]always [D]generally5. [A]somehow [B]somebody [C]someone [D]something6. [A]enact [B]affect [C]reflect [D]inflect7. [A]meeting [B]occurrence [C]encounter [D]contact8. [A]patterns [B]designs [C]arrangements[D]pictures9. [A]disappointde [B]absent [C]inadequate [D]absolute10.[A]creates [B]produces [C]loses [D]protects11.[A]obscure [B]indistinct [C]explicit [D]explosive12.[A]for [B]at [C]in [D]with13.[A]distinguish [B]distinct [C]distort [D]distract14.[A]at [B]on [C]to [D]under15.[A]why [B]how [C]that [D]where16.[A]predict [B]produce [C]pretend [D]precede17.[A]content [B]contact [C]contest [D]context18.[A]happen [B]occur [C]occupy [D]incur19.[A]at [B]on [C]to [D]beyond20.[A]purposes [B]ambitions [C]drives [D]goals参考答案及解析:1.A 词义辨析 exhibit"展出,表现",exaggerate"夸张",exceed"超越,胜过" 原句意为:实际上,人们会对未来的生活怀有(展示出)一定的愿望。






首先,我们来看一道完型填空题目:(1) The bridge is a famous symbol _______ New York City. Every year, millions of people from all over the world cometo see it. ______ most beautiful at night when the lights are shining. (2) From the bridge, you can see the tall buildings _______ Manhattan. When you walk ______ the bridge, you can feel the wind in your hair and see the river under your feet.(3) The bridge is not only beautiful, but it is also _______ useful. More than 4000 cars ______ every hour in both directions. Many ships can pass _______ the bridge everyday.(4) The bridge was _______ by many people. They built it between 1870 ______ 1883. At that time, it was advanced_______ one in the world. (5) The bridge is ______ 488.5 meters long. It doesn't seem _______ long when you see it from ______ the bridge. But when you walk ________ it, you can feel it _________ very long.这道题目主要考察词汇和句法知识。



大学英语六级完形填空试题10篇与答案PartV cloze (15 minutes)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.参考答案及解析:Part Ⅴ Cloze62. C)。


在词组by the communities 62 it operates中,名词communicates后有主语it和谓语动词operates,因此判断该从句为定语从句。

而先行词在定语从句中作状语,即it operates in the communities,于是选择C)where。

63. D)。


to...extent或者to the extent of...表达"达成...的限度",因此答案为D)。

in, within, on 均不能与extent搭配。

64. A)。




attachment"附件,附加装置,配属";affection"友爱,爱情,爱慕";generalization "一般化,普遍化,概括,广义性"。






在进行解析之前,首先需要注意以下几个解题技巧:1. 预测答案:在短文中出现的空白处往往会给出一些线索,通过预测空白处的词汇或语法结构,可以有针对性地寻找答案。

2. 上下文连贯:考生应该将空白处前后的句子联系起来,确保填入的答案与上下文的语意和逻辑相符。

3. 选项排除法:如果在阅读选项时有一些选项明显不符合语境或与上下文不连贯,可以将其排除,提高选对答案的概率。

下面举例解析一道大学六级真题完型填空:A man was invited to __1__ about his experiences in the Arctic. He said, “After an hour of walking in the freezing cold, I lost all fee ling __2__ myleft foot.” "Oh, __3__!" said an old man in the __4___. "What happened then?" The man replied, "Well, after another hour, I lost all __5__ in myright foot." "Oh, no!" the old man said. "And __6__?" The man said, "Then, you see, I had to make up my mind to leave them both there."1. A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell2. A. over B. to C. with D. from3. A. really B. fortunately C. obviously D. luckily4. A. crowd B. meeting C. gathering D. audience5. A. hope B. sense C. feeling D. power6. A. so B. however C. what D. then解析:根据短文的语境和上下文的逻辑关系,我们可以得出以下答案:1. D. tell:根据语境,“A man was invited to __1__ about his experiences in the Arctic.”,表示这个人被邀请来“讲述”他在北极的经历,因此选择tell。



Historically, humans get serious about avoiding disasters only after one has just struck them. 62 that logic, 2006 should have been a breakthrough year for rational behavior. With the memory of 9/11 still 63 in their minds, Americans watched hurricane Katrina, the most expensive disaster in U.S. history, on 64 TV. Anyone who didn't know it before should have learned that bad things can happen. And they are made 65 worse by our willful blindness to risk as much as our 66 to work together before everything goes to hell.Granted, some amount of delusion(错觉)is probably part of the 67 condition. In A.D. 63, Pompeii was seriously damaged by an earthquake, and the locals immediately went to work 68, in the same spot-until they were buried altogether by a volcano eruption 16 years later. But a 69 of the past year in disaster history suggests that modern Americans are particularly bad at 70 themselves from guaranteed threats. We know more than we 71 did about the dangers we face. But it turns 72 that in times of crisis, our greatest enemy is 73 the storm, the quake or the 74 itself. More often it is ourselves.B 62. A) To B) By C) On D) For介词辨析。








(一词汇1. 词义辨析词义辨析主要集中在实词,即名词、动词、形容词和副词,设题通常以同义词、反义词或易混词的形式出现。


例 1For example, it has long been known that total sleep 1 is 100 percent fatal to rats...A reductionB destructionC deprivationD restriction[注释] Creduction 意为“减少”;destruction 意为“破坏”;deprivation 意为“剥夺,丧失”;而restriction 意为“限制”。

题意为“完全剥夺老鼠的睡眠对它而言是致命的”,所以选 C deprivation。

例 2When the work is well done, a 2 of accident free operations is established where time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.A regulationB climateC circumstanceD requirement[注释] B四个选项的意思分别为:regulation “规定”;climate “气候,风气,气氛”;circumsta nce “情况”;requirement “要求”。



大学英语六级考试完形填空题解析大学英语六级考试完形填空题解析大学英语六级考试完形填空题<1>Sleep is divided into periods of so-called REM sleep, characterized by rapid eye movements and dreaming, and longer periods of non-REM sleep. 1 kind of sleep is at all well-understood, but REM sleep is 2 to serve some restorative function of the brain. The purpose of non-REM sleep is even more 3 . The new experiments, such as these 4 for the first time at a recent meeting of the Society for Sleep Research in Minneapolis, suggest fascinating explanations 5 of non-REM sleep.For example, it has long been known that total sleep 6 is 100 percent fatal to rats, yet, 7 examination of the dead bodies, the animals look completely normal. A research has now 8 the mystery of why the animals die. The rats 9 bacterial infections of the blood, 10 their immune systems-the self-protecting mechanism against diseases-had crashed.1. [A] Either [B] Neither [C] Each [D] Any2. [A] intended [B] required [C] assumed [D] inferred3. [A] subtle [B] obvious [C] mysterious [D] doubtful4. [A] maintained [B] described [C] settled [D] afforded5. [A] in the light [B] by virtue [C] with the exception [D] for the purpose6. [A] reduction [B] destruction [C] deprivation [D] restriction7. [A] upon [B] by [C] through [D] with8. [A] paid attention to [B] caught sight of [C] laid emphasis on [D] cast light on9. [A] develop [B] produce [C] stimulate [D] induce10. [A] if [B] as if [C] only if [D] if only参考答案:1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7. A 8.D 9.A 10.B大学英语六级考试完形填空题<2>Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They 1 that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living for the 2 man. But they insisted that its 3 results during the period from 1750 to 1850 were widespread poverty and misery for the 4 of the English population. 5 contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1650 to1750, when England was still a 6 agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity.The view, 4 , is generally thought to be wrong. Specialists 8 history and economics, have 9 two things: that the period from 1650 to 1750 was 10 by great poverty, and that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for the majority of the populace.1. [A] admitted [B] believed [C] claimed [D] predicted2. [A] plain [B] average [C] mean [D] normal3. [A] momentary [B] prompt [C] instant [D] immediate4. [A] bulk [B] host [C] gross [D] magnitude5. [A] On [B] With [C] For [D] By6. [A] broadly [B] thoroughly [C] generally [D] completely7. [A] however [B] meanwhile [C] therefore [D] moreover8. [A] at [B] in [C] about [D] for9. [A] manifested [B] approved [C] shown [D] speculated10. [A] noted [B] impressed [C] labeled [D] marked。





Passage 1:(1)Every day we hear of a "new world," but only once in a long while do we\(2)a genuine new experience, the arrival on the world scene of an\(3)and unexpected way to improve our lives.(4)that occasion arises, evolution has been at work in the service of\(5)in a field new to this writer's (6)dark mind.(7)Likewise, I planned to compose a self-help book\(8)yet instead I discovered a bee\(9)prepare for university, and then it seems to\(10)or not you realize that time is slipping\(11)fingers more quickly now than it did when you were six\(12)you retire at age 68. (13)by a desire to make this knowledge\(14)to others, I needed to present it in an\(15)form. I wanted the reader to\(16)participate in the exciting, lively conversation that\ Question:1. A) encounter B) happen C) experience D) instruct2. A) punctual B) unforeseen C) vague D) explicit3. A) urgent B) essential C) ineffective D) acceptable4. A) When B) Untill C) Unless D) Once5. A) better B) weaker C) worse D) harder6. A) infinite B) innocent C) interesting D) incomplete7. A) Description B) literature C) Commentary D) Fiction8. A) by chance B) by no means C) by mistake D) by accident9. A) keenly B) faintly C) eagerly D) impersonally10. A) hence B) though C) whether D) while11. A) from B) with C) through D) under12. A) while B) unless C) until D) before13. A) Awakened B) Encouraged C) Inspired D) Suppressed14. A) acceptable B) accessible C) alternative D) conceivable15. A) organized B) innovative C) attractive D) informal16. A) resulted B) evolved C) implicated D) conductedExplanation:1. C) experience根据常识我们知道,我们每天都会听到一些新的事情,但是只有偶尔才会遇到一次真正的新体验。





1. 题目解析以下是一道典型的英语六级完型填空题:(2019年12月英语六级真题)As a young boy growing up in rural England, Albert (阿尔伯特) often visited a neighboring farm, where he would (1)____ the animals for hours on end. He was enthralled by the life of a farmer and (2)____ if he could ever be a farmer too.Albert continued to (3)____ a deep love for animals throughout his life. He began keeping chickens and pigs and soon had a thriving farm of his own. But Albert's love for animals extended beyond just raising and caring for them. He (4)____ to improve their conditions as well.In 1840, Albert founded the world's first society for animal welfare, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). The society worked to (5)____ laws to protect animals and promote their well-being. Albert's efforts were met with (6)____ and skepticism at first, but gradually gained support and recognition.Albert's work with the RSPCA led to the passage of the world's first animal welfare laws, known as the Cruelty to Animals Act. This Act provided legal (7)____ for the treatment of animals and set a precedent for animal welfare legislation in other countries.Albert's legacy continues to (8)____ the world today. His passion for animals and dedication to their well-being paved the way for a global movement advocating for animal rights and improved conditions. Through his actions, Albert (9)____ the importance of compassion and respect for all living creatures.Albert's story teaches us that even the smallest (10)____ can make a big difference. His love for animals and unwavering commitment to their well-being exemplify the power of one person's determination to change the world.2. 解析步骤解析完型填空题的步骤如下:1) 阅读整篇短文,了解大意与背景;2) 读懂每个空格前后的句子,对上下文进行推测;3) 根据上下文的语境,猜测每个空格应填入的单词或短语;4) 验证每个选项是否符合逻辑和语法要求,选择最佳答案。



(一)For many people today, reading is no longer relaxation. To keep up their work they must read letters, reports, trade publications, interoffice communications, not to mention newspapers and magazines: a never-ending flood of words. In 1 a job or advancing in one, the ability to read and comprehend 2 can mean the difference between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fact is that most of us are 3 readers. Most of us develop poor reading 4 at an early age, and never get over them. The main deficiency 5 in the actual stuff of language itself-words. Taken individually, words have 6 meaning until they are strung together into phrased, sentences and paragraphs. 7 , however, the untrained reader does not read groups of words. He laboriously reads one word at a time, often regressing to 8 words or passages. Regression, the tendency to look back over 9 you have just read, is a common bad habit in reading. Another habit which 10 down the speed of reading is vocalization—sounding each word either orally or mentally as 11 reads.To overcome these bad habits, some reading clinics use a device called an 12 , which moves a bar (or curtain) down the page at a predetermined speed. The bar is set at a slightly faster rate 13 the reader finds comfortable, in order to “stretch” him.The accelerator forces the reader to read fast,14 word-by-word reading, regression and subvocalization, practically impossible. At first 15 is sacrificed for speed. But when you learn to read ideas and concepts, you will not only read faster, 16 your comprehension will improve. Many people have found 17 reading skill drastically improved after some training. 18 Charlce Au, a business manager, for instance, his reading rate was a reasonably good 172words a minute 19 the training, now it is an excellent 1,378 words a minute. He is delighted that how he can 20 a lot more reading material in a short period of time.1. A.applying B.doing C.offering D.getting2. A.quickly B.easily C.roughly D.decidedly3. A.good B.curious C.poor D.urgent4. A.training B.habits C.situations D.custom5. A.lies bines C.touches D.involves6. A.some B. A lot C.little D.dull7. A.Fortunately B.In fact C.Logically D.Unfortunately8. A.reuse B.reread C.rewrite D.recite9. A.what B.which C.that D.if10. A.scales B.cuts C.slows D.measures11. A.some one B.one C.he D.reader12. A.accelerator B.actor C.amplifier D.observer13. A.then B.as C.beyond D.than14. A.enabling B.leading C.making D.indicating15. A.meaning prehension C.gist D.regression16. A.but B.nor C.or D.for17. A.our B.your C.their D.sucha18. A.Look at B.Take C.Make D. Consider19. A.for B.in C.after D.before20. A.master B.go over C.present D.get through答案1.【答案】D【解析】本句意思是“谁如果想谋得一份差事”。



题型分析 我要⾼分 完形填空也可称为综合填空、完形测试或完形程序(Cloze Procedure,简称Cloze),其测试理论来源于格式塔⼼理学(Gestalt psychology),也称为完形⼼理学:格式塔⼼理学在⼼理学历的特点是强调研究⼼理对象的整体性,它强调整体性思想的核⼼是有机体或统⼀的整体构成的全体要⼤于各部分单纯相加之和。









归纳起来,完形填空考查知识点的主要内容分为两⼤部分: 1.词汇辨析和语法结构 完形填空题中的空缺部分既可能是实词,也可能是虚词。



2.语篇理解能⼒ 即使每⼀个选项的意思都了然于胸也有可能选择了错误答案,因为完形填空还要求考⽣根据上下⽂所给出的信息和提⽰进⾏分析判断、排除其他选项⽽最终选择正确答案。

大学英语六级完形填空 答案解析 前五篇

大学英语六级完形填空 答案解析 前五篇

大教英语六级之阳早格格创做完型挖空There is probably no sphere of human 【B1】 in which our v alues and lifestyles are reflected more 【B2】 than they are in t he clothes that we choose to wear. The dress of an individual is a kind of "sign language" that 【B3】 a complex set of informati on and is usually the 【B4】 on which immediate impressions a re formed 【B5】 . a concern for clothes was 【B6】 a feminin e preoccupation, while men took pride 【B7】 the fact 【B8】they were completely lacking in clothes consciousness.This type of American culture is gradually changing as man's dress 【B9】 greater variety and color. Even 【B10】 1995, a r esearch in Michigan revealed that men 【B11】 high importanc e to the value of clothing in daily life. White collar workers in p articular viewed dress as a 【B12】 capable of manipulation, th at could be used to impress or 【B13】 others, especially in the work situation. The white-collar worker was described as 【B1 4】concerned about the impression his clothing made on his 【B15】 . Although blue-collar workers were less 【B16】 that they might be judged on the basis of their clothing, they recogni zed that any difference fro the 【B17】 pattern of dress would d raw ridicule from fellow workers.Since that time, of course, the 【B18】 have changed: the typ ical office worker may now be 【B19】 blue shirt, and the labor er a white shirt; but the importance of dress has not 【B20】 .1.A actB actionC actingD activity问案: D语义搞扰题.选项中A)act意为“止为”,偏偏重指短促的、部分的止为;B)action意为“止径”;C)acting意为“演技”;D)a ctivity意为“活动”,空黑处所挖单词汇与human拆配,表示人类活动,果此D为粗确问案.2.A vividlyB cleanlyC perfectlyD deeply问案: A语义搞扰题.选项A)vividly意为“明隐天,死动天”,B)cleanl y意为“搞洁天”,C)perfectly意为“十脚天,真足天”,D)deeply意为“深刻天”,空黑处所挖副词汇建饰are reflected(反映),A的含意最为妥当,果此粗确问案为A.3.A correspondsB communicatesC exchangesD transforms问案: B语义搞扰题.本句意为:一部分的服饰是一种特殊的“标记道话”,它传达了一系列搀纯的疑息.选项中A)corresponds时常与to拆配,意为“相映,呼应”,分歧句意;B)communica tes意为“传达”,切合句意;C)exchanges意为“接换”,D)tra nsforms意为“改变,接换”,皆分歧句意,果此本题的粗确问案为B.4.A basesB baseC rootD basis问案: D 牢固拆配题.句中on the basis形成牢固拆配,意为“正在此前提上”,句中的which带收的定语从句建饰basis,介词汇on 提前,on the base也能形成拆配,然而base意为“基天”,分歧句意,果此D为粗确问案.5.A TraditionallyB EvidentlyC OriginallyD Certainly问案: A语义搞扰题.选项中A)Traditionally意为“保守上道”;B)Evid ently意为“明隐天,隐然天”;C)Originally意为“本去天”;D)Certainly意为“天然”,对付服饰的闭注被认为是女性的止为是保守的概念,果此A为粗确问案.6.A regardedB consideredC viewedD guessed问案: B语义搞扰题.选项中A)regarded,B)considered战C)viewed皆有“被瞅做,被认为”的意义,然而A)战C)的宾补应由as引出,而B)的不妨由as引出,也不妨简略,果此本题粗确问案为B.D)guessed意为“预测”,不切合句意.7.A onB ofC inD to问案: C牢固拆配题.句中take pride in形成牢固拆配,意为“以……为骄傲”,果此本题的粗确问案为C.8.A becauseB whichC thatD in that问案: C结构辨析题.本句考查共位语从句的应用,共位语从句由tha t带收.句子意为“而男人却以真足不正在乎衣服为骄气”,果此粗确问案为C.9.A takes onB takes inC takes forD takes to问案: A语义辨析题.本题考查由take组成的短语的辨析.take on意为“浮现出”,take in意为“捉弄”,take for意为“认为,以为”,take to doing something意为“启初进止于……”,根据上下文可知A为粗确问案.10.A as late asB no sooner thanC as early asD long before问案: C语义搞扰题.选项中A)as late as意为“战……一般早”,不切合句意;B)no sooner than意为“一……便……”,后里接从句,不切合句子结构;C)as early as意为“战……一般早,早正在”,切合句意;D)long before意为“往日,之前”,也分歧句意,果此粗确问案为C.11.A thoughtB putC linkedD attached问案: D牢固拆配题.句中attach importance to something形成牢固拆配,意为“重视……”,所以本题的粗确问案为D.12.A signalB symbolC signatureD significance问案: B语义搞扰题.选项中A)signal意为“旗号”;B)symbol意为“象征”;C)signature意为“签字,署名”;D)significance意为“要害性”,本句的意义是把衣服瞅做一种象征,果此B为粗确问案.13.A influenceB conquerC reflectD defeat语义搞扰题.选项中A)influence意为“效率”,B)conquer意为“征服,占收”,C)reflect意为“反映”,D)defeat意为“大败,打败”,本句是道不妨给人留住影像或者对付他人爆收效率,所以粗确问案为A.14.A mostlyB normallyC rarelyD extremely问案: D语义搞扰题.空黑处所挖单词汇与concerned拆配,选项中A) mostly意为“主本天,大部分”;B)normally意为“常常去道”;C)rarely意为“很少天,罕见”;D)extremely意为“极度天,非常”,比较可知extremely与concerned拆配意义最为准确,意为“格中正在意”,果此粗确问案为D.15.A officeB positionC superiorsD employment语义搞扰题.本句意为“黑收工人被形貌为格中正在意自己服饰给上司的影像”.选项中A)office意为“办公室”;B)position 意为“位子”;C)superiors意为“上司”;D)employment意为“雇佣,利用”,果此粗确问案为C.16.A caredB interestedC awareD realized问案: C牢固拆配题.句中be aware that形成牢固拆配,意为“意识到”,空黑处应挖人形容词汇,而cared战realized均为动词汇,interested后里接介词汇in,所以本题的粗确问案为C.17.A acceptedB ancientC rejectedD admitted问案: A语义搞扰题.本句意为“他们认为所有与被认可的服饰风格分歧的衣着皆将会受到共陪们的讥笑”,选项A)accepted意为“担当的,公认的”,切合句意;B)ancient意为“旧的,古代的”,分歧句意;C)rejected意为“被断交的”,分歧句意;D) admitted意为“担当的”,常常指所担当的人,所以本题的粗确问案为A.18.A impressionsB patternsC differencesD fellow workers问案: B语篇明黑题.本题考核查于语篇的明黑.根据上下文可知,改变的是服饰的风格,果此应选B)patterns.19.A putting onB trying onC wearingD dressing问案: C 语义搞扰题.选项中的四个单词汇皆有脱的意义,然而偏偏重面分歧,A)putting on意为“脱上”,强调脱的动做;B)tryi ng on意为“试脱”;C)wearing意为“衣着”.表示脱的状态;D) dressing意为“给……脱衣”,根据上下文可知C为粗确问案.20.A abolishingB increasedC dismissedD diminished问案: D语义搞扰题.本句意为“然而是服饰的要害性仍旧存留”,选项中A)abolishing意为“兴止,解除”,经时常使用于指执法,所以分歧句意;B)increased意为“减少,删少”,分歧句意;C)dismissed意为“解集,启除”,也分歧句意;D)dimini shed意为“减强,降矮”,切合句意.为粗确问案.In most countries, the law on organ transplantation(器官移植) is poorly defined. The existing framework 【B1】 to physical a ssault and care of the dead has no 【B2】 for organ transplantati on. It is 【B3】 to get the permission of the relatives, 【B4】 b ecause organ 【B5】 must take place immediately after death, it may be impossible to reach the relatives 【B6】 time. It has be en suggested that there should be a widespread campaign to encourage persons to 【B7】 in their wills that their organs be used for transplantation. An 【B8】 is to provide by law that permis sion is 【B9】 unless removal has been forbidden by the individ ual in his lifetime. It is, of course, important that there 【B10】public reassurance that consideration of transplantation would n ot 【B11】normal resuscitative(抢救的) efforts of the 【B1 2】 donor. Transplantation has obviously 【B13】 important et hical considerations 【B14】 the diagnosis of death. Every effor t must be made to 【B15】 the heartbeat to someone who has a sudden cardiac arrest(心博停止) or 【B16】 to someone who c annot breathe. 【B17】 artificial respiration and massage of the heart, the standard methods of resuscitation, must be continued 【B18】 it is clear that the brain is dead. Most physicians consi der that 【B19】 this point efforts at resuscitation are 【B20】 .1.A relatingB associatedC associatingD related问案: A 语义搞扰题.选项中A)relating+to意为“与……有闭的”;B)associated意为“与……相通联的”,后里接with;C)associating 通上;D)related+to意为“与……有通联的”,其中A表黑的意义最为准确.为粗确问案.2.A descriptionB provisionC ruleD statement问案: B语义搞扰题.选项中A)description意为“形貌,记述”;B)prov ision意为“条款,确定”;C)rule意为“准则,准则”;D)state ment意为“声明,报告”.本句的意义是“正在现有的闭于人死攻打战瞅护死者的执法框架中并不闭于器官移植的确定”,B表黑的意义最为准确,是粗确问案.3.A impossibleB vitalC ritualD customary问案: D 语义搞扰题.本句的意义是“举止器官移植要博得亲属的共意”,选项中A)impossible意为“不可能”.用正在句中不妥当;B)vital意为“死死攸闭的”,此词汇的色彩过重;C)ritua l意为“仪礼的”,用正在句中也分歧适;D)customary意为“习惯的,惯例的”,切合句意,为问案.4.A andB orC butD then问案: C语篇明黑题.本题考查句子间的逻辑闭系.上文中道到“举止器官移植普遍的做法是要博得亲属的共意”,而下文道述的是器官移植要坐时举止,大概去不迭报告家属,隐然上下文之间是转合闭系,果此本题粗确问案为but.5.A WordStrmentB transplantationC removalD burial问案: C 语义搞扰题.根据上下文可知,空黑处所挖单词汇与organ(器官)表黑的意义是器官切除、移除.选项中A)WordStrme nt“复位.代替”,分歧题意;B)transplantation意为“移植”,也分歧题意;C)removal意为“移除,切除”,切合题意;D)bur ial意为“埋葬”,分歧题意,所以粗确问案为C.6.A atB inC onD within问案: B牢固拆配题.句中in time形成牢固拆配.意为“即时”.句子的意义是“大概不克不迭即时通联到家属”,选项中on time也形成牢固拆配,然而意义是准时,分歧句意,果此粗确问案为B.7.A sayB provideC supplyD mention问案: B 语义搞扰题.根据上下文可知本句要表黑的意义是“饱励病人正在遗嘱中证明自己的器官用于移植”,选项中A)say意为“道”.泛指道话;B)provide意为“供应,提供”,别的另有确定的意义,正在指遗嘱那种具备执法效力的文献时比较符合;C)supply意为“补给,提供”;D)mention意为“提到,道起”,由此可睹B表黑的意义最为准确,为粗确问案.8.A alterationB operationC optionD alternative问案: D语义搞扰题.选项中A)alteration意为“变动,变革”;B)operat ion意为“止径,真施,脚术”;C)option意为“采用”,强调采用的权利;D)alternative意为“可供选的要收”,强调所选的真物,本句表黑意义是“也可由执法确定出经特殊证明便认定为不妨举止器官移植”,果此D为粗确问案.9.A gainedB acquiredC assumedD got问案: C语义搞扰题.选项中A)gained意为“得到”,指通过自己的处事齐力而得到;B)acquired意为“赢得”,指后天通过自己的齐力得到;C)assumed意为“不确凿的凭证便假定为粗确的或者真正在的”;D)got意为“得到”,根据上下文可知C为粗确问案.10.A isB beC areD would be问案: B语法知识题.本题考查假制语气的用法,正在it is important t hat的从句中要用假制语气,谓语动词汇应用should+do的形式,而should不妨简略.由此可知本题的粗确问案为be.11.A impairB repairC harmD hurt问案: A语义搞扰题.选项中A)impair意为“削强”;B)repair意为“建理.建补”;C)harm意为“伤害,益伤”;D)hurt意为“伤害,妨害”,本句表黑的意义是“思量器官移植不克不迭效率到对付器官捐献者的平常抢救”,由此可知A)impair的意义比较准确,是粗确问案.12.A futureB tomorrowC potentialD possible问案: C语义搞扰题.空黑处所挖单词汇建饰donor(捐献者),A)future 意为“将去的”;B)tomorrow意为“来日诰日的”,扩充为“将去的”;C)potential意为“潜正在的,大概的”,强调后劲;D) possible意为“大概的”,强调大概性.比较可知C更为准确,是粗确问案.13.A roseB arousedC aroseD raised问案: D语义搞扰题.分解句子结构可知.空黑处所挖单词汇为及物动词汇,与important ethical considerations(要害的公德思量)拆配,A)rose常做不迭物动词汇,分歧本句结构;B)arouse d为及物动词汇,意为“唤醉,唤起”,分歧句意;C)arose为不迭物动词汇,意为“引起,源自”;D)raised为及物动词汇,意为“提出,引起”,切合题意战句子结构,为粗确问案.14.A concerningB concernedC relatingD associating问案: A语义搞扰题.本句的意义是“器官移植明隐天引起了闭于牺牲诊疗的公德思索”,空黑处所挖单词汇的意义是闭于,选项A)concerning意为“闭于”,切合句意;B)concerned意为“闭心的”,C)relating意为“与……有闭”,后接to;D)associatin g为“与……相闭联”,果此粗确问案为A.15.A giveB restoreC lendD help问案: B语义搞扰题.从上下文不妨估计,本句的意义是“必须尽十足齐力回复心搏停止的人的心净跳动”,空黑处所挖单词汇表黑的意义是回复,选项中A)give意为“给……”,B)restore 意为“回复”;C)lend意为“借给”,D)help意为“帮闲”,所以粗确问案为B.16.A breathB respiringC breathingD air问案: C语义搞扰题.选项A)breath意为“呼吸,气息”,强调状态;B) respiring是respire呼吸的目前分词汇;C)breathing意为“呼吸”,强安排做;D)air意为“气氛”,本句的意义是“要竭力回复那些停止呼吸人的呼吸”.强调的是动做,果此粗确问案为C.17.A In contrastB In additionC ConsequentlyD However问案: B语篇明黑题.本题考查上下文之间的逻辑闭系.上文中提到要尽十足齐力回复病人的心跳战呼吸,下文中道述了人为呼吸、推拿心净等尺度的抢救要收该当向去举止,直到决定病人的脑牺牲,隐然上下文之间是补充闭系,选项A)In con trast表示对付比闭系;B)In addition表示补充闭系;C)Cons equently表示果果闭系;D)However表示转合闭系,果此粗确问案为B.18.A thatB untilC whenD since问案: B结构辨析题.本句的意义是“抢救步伐应向去举止,直到决定病人脑牺牲”,所以粗确问案为B)until表示直到的意义.19.A onB inC atD beyond问案: D语法知识题.本题考查介词汇的使用.本句的意义是普遍中科医死认为人脑牺牲后所有的抢救步伐便皆出用了,选项中惟有D)beyond表示超出那一面,也便是脑牺牲之后,所以D是粗确问案.20.A promisingB profitableC uselessD worthy问案: C语义搞扰题.本句意义是普遍中科医死认为人脑牺牲后所有的抢救步伐便皆出用了,选项中A)promising意为“有期视的”;B)profitable意为“有利可图的”;C)useless意为“无用的”;D)worthy意为“值得的”,所以C为粗确问案.The gift of being able to describe a face accurately is a rare on e. As a professor 【B1】 it recently: "When we try to describe f aces precisely words 【B2】 us, and we 【B3】 to identikit (拼脸型图) procedures."【B4】 . according to a research 【B5】 this subject, we can each probably recognize more than 1,000 faces, the majority of which differ in 【B6】 details. This, when one comes to think o f it, is a 【B7】 feat, though, curiously enough, relatively little a ttention has been devoted to the fundamental problems of how a nd why we 【B8】 this gift for recognizing and remembering fa ces.Some scientists argue that it is an inborn 【B9】 . and that th ere are "special characteristics about the brain''s 【B10】 to dist inguish faces". On the other hand, there are those, and they are p robably 【B11】 the majority, who claim that the gift is an acqu ired one.But 【B12】 all these arguments, sight is predominant. 【B1 3】 at the very beginning of life, the ability to recognize faces q uickly becomes an 【B14】 habit, one that is essential for daily living, if not 【B15】 for survival. How essential and valuable i t is we probably do not 【B16】 until we encounter people who have been 【B17】 of the faculty (本收). This unfortunate inabi lity to recognize familiar faces is known to all, 【B18】 such pe ople can often recognize individuals by their voices or their wal king manners. With typical human 【B19】 many of these unfortunate people overcome their handicap by recognizing other 【B20】 features.1.A describedB saidC putD talked about问案: C牢固拆配题.as somebody put it形成牢固拆配,意为“依照……的道法”,选项A)described意为“形貌”,B)said意为“道”,D)talked about意为“道论,计划”,皆不那种用法,所以粗确问案为C.2.A takeB failC helpD desert问案: B语义搞扰题.根据上下文不妨估计本句的意义是当咱们试图准确形貌一部分的相貌时,咱们的道话不克不迭表黑,隐然A)take(拿,抓,占收)战C)help(帮闲)分歧句意不妨排除,B)fail不妨用做及物动词汇,意为“使得视,辜背”,切合题意,D)desert做及物动词汇时意为“扬弃.遗弃”,也分歧题意,果此粗确问案为B.3.A resortB seekC moveD react问案: A牢固拆配题.resort to不妨形成牢固拆配,意为“供帮于”,本句的意义是当咱们的道话缺累以形貌人的相貌时,便央供帮于拼图了,果此粗确问案为A.4.A YetB ConsequentlyC In additionD In contrast问案: A语篇明黑题.本题考查段降之间的逻辑闭系.上文中提到人的道话很易对付人的相貌做准确的形貌,而下文道咱们皆大概记着1000多弛脸,隐然上下文之间是转合闭系,选项A)Yet表示转合闭系;B)Consequently表示果果闭系;C)In addit ion表示补充闭系;D)In contrast表示对付比闭系,果此粗确问案为A.5.A ofB aboutC inD on问案: D牢固拆配题.本题表面上是考查介词汇知识,本去是考查牢固拆配,research on something形成牢固拆配,意为“对付……的钻研”,果此粗确问案为D.6.A goodB delicateC fineD high问案: C语义搞扰题.根据上下文可知空黑处所挖词汇是建饰details 的形容词汇,表示微强的细节,选项A)good意为“佳”,分歧句意;B)delicate意为“粗妙的.微妙的”,也分歧句意;C)fine意为“佳的,粗好的”,然而共时具备“细微”的意义,切合题意;D)high很少建饰details,果此粗确问案为C.7.A enormousB bigC giganticD tremendous问案: D语义搞扰题.空黑处所挖单词汇建饰feat(功绩,武艺),选项中A)enormous,B)big战C)gigantic皆表示大的含意,不过程度有所分歧.而D)tremendous除有“极大,巨大”的含意中,另有“了不起”的含意,表黑意义更为准确,果此粗确问案为D.8.A acquireB attainC gainD take问案: A语义搞扰题.选项中A)acquire意为“赢得”,强调自然习得;B)attain意为“达到,赢得”,强调有目目标齐力博得支获;C)gain意为“得到,赚到”,时常与某种便宜通联正在所有;D)take意为“拿,拿走”,句中空黑处所挖词汇与gift拆配.更强调自然习得的历程,果此A为粗确问案.9.A possessionB propertyC activityD action问案: B语义搞扰题.根据上下文可估计本句的意义是:一些科教家认为辨别人脸是一种与死俱去的本收,选项A)possession意为“占有,财产”,分歧题意;B)property意为“财产,所有权”,除此除中,另有个性、属性的意义,切合题意;C)acti vity意为“活动”,D)action意为“止径”皆分歧句意,果此粗确问案为B.10.A abilityB capabilityC competenceD capacity问案: A语义搞扰题.选项A)ability意为“本收”,后里接to对接的大概式;B)capability意为“(本量)本收,容量”,后接介词汇o f;C)competence意为“本收”,指本量处事的本收;D)capaci ty意为“容量,才搞”,指天赋的,如死少、死少或者乐成的后劲,根据句意可知A的意义最为准确,所以粗确问案为A.11.A onB ofC inD at问案: C牢固拆配题.本题表面上考查介词汇知识,本量上是对付牢固拆配的考查.in the majority形成牢固拆配,意为“占普遍”.果此本题的粗确问案为C.12.A ofB inC amongD out of问案: A语法知识题.本题考查介词汇的应用.用做指多种瞅面的一种,该当用介词汇of,粗确问案为A.13.A CreatedB FormedC MadeD Molded问案: B语义搞扰题.分解句子可知空黑处所挖词汇是用去建饰the ab ility to recognize faces quickly(赶快识认人脸的本收)的,选项A)Created意为“创制的”;B)Formed意为“产死的”;C)M ade意为“制制的”;D)Molded意为“模塑的”,B的意义最为确切,是粗确问案.14.A acceptedB inbornC establishedD innate问案: C语义搞扰题.本句的意义是赶快识认人脸的本收正在死命之初产死,而后形成了人的一种习惯,空黑处所挖词汇建饰习惯,选项中A)accepted“公认的,一致担当的”,文中并不此意;B)inborn意为“天死的”,与Formed at the very beginni ng of life语义重复,共样天,D)innate的意义也为“先天的,天死的”,也不妨排除;C)established意为“决定的,树坐的”,切合句意,是粗确问案.15.A essentiallyB importantlyC significantlyD necessarily问案: D语义搞扰题.上文中提到赶快识认人脸的本收对付于凡是死计非常要害,空黑处所挖词汇应为副词汇与前文形成让步闭系,选项中A)essentially意为“真量上天”,与前文的用词汇相共,不克不迭形成让步闭系;B)importantly(要害天)战C)significantly(表示深少天)也不克不迭形成那样的闭系;D) necessarily意为“需本天”,切合题意,为粗确问案.16.A valueB appreciateC adoreD admire问案: B语义搞扰题.选项A)value做动词汇时意为“重视,评介”,B) appreciate意为“对付……的充分认识或者收会”;C)adore意为“崇拜,倾慕”;D)admire意为“赞好,钦佩”,隐然B最为切合句意,为粗确问案.17.A takenB robbedC deprivedD seized问案: C牢固拆配题.be deprived of形成牢固拆配,意为“被褫夺”.选项中be robbed of也能形成牢固拆配,意为“被抢劫”,意义与句子不符,果此本题的粗确问案为C.18.A butB thereforeC in additionD so问案: A语篇明黑题.本题考查句子之间的逻辑闭系.上文中道人们了解那种不克不迭辨别认识面目的无帮,下文则道那些人不妨听音辨人,隐然上下文形成转合闭系,选项A)but表示转合闭系;B)therefore表示果果闭系;C)in addition表示补充闭系;D)so表示果果闭系,果此粗确问案为A.19.A clevernessB ingenuityC smartnessD intelligence问案: B语义搞扰题.分解句子可知句中空黑处所挖单词汇人体的一种个性.选项A)cleverness意为“机灵,智慧”;B)ingenuity意为“独创性,粗巧,机动性”;C)smartness意为“机灵,敏捷”;D)intelligence意为“才华,智慧”,惟有B标明黑那种个性,为粗确问案.20.A specialB generalC characteristicD particular问案: C语义搞扰题.句中空黑处所挖单词汇用去建饰features(个性).那种个性不妨让那些不眼光的人辨别他人,选项A)sp ecial意为“特别的,博门的”;B)general意为“普遍的”;C)ch aracteristic意为“表示个性的,特有的”;D)particular意为“特殊的”,不妨瞅出C表黑的意义最为准确,是粗确问案. One summer night, on my way home from work I decided to s ee a movie. I knew the theatre would be air-conditioned and I co ul dn’t tolerate my (B1) apartment.Sitting in the theatre I had to look through the (B2) between the two tall heads in front of me. I had to keep changing the (B 3) every time she leaned over to talk to him, (B4) he leaned over to kiss her. Why do Americans display such (B5) in a pu blic place?I thought the movie would be good for my English, but (B6) it turned out, it was an Italian movie. (B7) about an hour I de cided to give up on the movie and (B8) on my popcorn. I've n ever understood why they give you so much popcorn! It tasted p retty good, (B9) . After a while I heard (B10) more of the r omantic-sounding Italians. I just heard the (B11) of the pop- corn crunching between my teeth. My thought started to (B12) I remembered when I was in South Korea, I (B13) to watch K ojak on TV frequently. He spoke perfect Korean--I was really a mazed, lie seemed like a good friend to me, (B14) I ,saw him again in New York speaking (B15) English instead of perfect Korean. He didn't even have a Korean accent and I (B16) like I had been betrayed.When our family moved to the United States six years ago, no ne of us spoke any English. (B17) we had begun to learn a fe w words, my mother suggested that we all should speak English at home. Everyone agreed, but our house became very (B18) and we all seemed to avoid each other. We sat at the dinner table in silence, preferring that to (B19) in a difficult language. Mo ther tried to say something in English but it (B20) out all wro ng and we all burst into laughter and decided to forget it! We've been speaking Korean at home ever since.1.A warmB hotC heatedD cool问案: B前里道下班不回家,而是去一个有空调的影院,其脚段是不念里对付自己的“炎热的寓所”.故应选B.2.A crackB blankC breakD opening问案: D前排座位上,二部分之间的“清闲”英语是opening.其余三个选项的意义分别是A. crack“缝隙”,B.blank“空黑”,C.br eak“破裂(心)”,均不切合句意.3.A aspectB view4C spaceD angle问案: D目前里的女子不竭天斜过身与男子道话时,尔天然要不竭天改变“角度”(angle),才搞瞅到银幕.4.A whileB wheneverC orD and问案: C逗号前里的she leaned over to talk to him战逗号后里的he lea ned over to kiss her是并列结构,且二种情况接替出现,故该当用连词汇or对接.5.A attractionB attentionC affectionD motion问案: C根据上文,那种正在影戏院亲昵天卿卿尔尔、接吻是“表(隐)示”(display)“恋爱”(affection),故C是粗确问案.6.A sinceB whenC whatD as问案: D此处应选一闭系代词汇代替主句的情况,惟有as不妨做闭系代词汇,带收一个非节制性定语从句,as正在从句中做t urn out的宾语,代替后里所有主句.其余,定语从句中的it 是形式主语,与主句中的it(代替Italian movie)分歧,相称于It turned out that it was an...中的it.7.A WithinB AfterC ForD Over问案: B粗确问案为B.根据上下文,该当是约莫半小时“以去”,尔决断搁弃继承瞅影戏.8.A concentrateB chewC fixD taste问案: A粗确问案为根据后里的介词汇on,应选A.意为:注意力不再集结正在影戏上,而集结正在爆玉米花上.9.A tooB stillC thoughD certainly问案: C根据上句,做家不睬解“他们为什么给那样多的爆玉米花”,本句是上句的一个转合.意为:“纵然味道很佳.”所以只可选表示转合意义的though,而不克不迭选“递加”意义的too.10.A muchB anyC noD few问案: C本空黑应参照底下的句子,下一句的意义是“尔只听到……”,故此处应选no.意为:过了一会,尔再听不到听起去很浪漫的意大利语了.11.A voiceB soundC rhythmD tone问案: B“咀嚼爆玉米花(popcorn crunching)”的“声音”,应用sound,而不克不迭用表示“人收出的声音”的 voice.12.A wonderB wanderC imagineD depart问案: B“脑子启初遐念(走思,走神)”要用动词汇wander,即My tho ught started to wander.13.A enjoyedB happenedC turnedD used问案: D当表示往日时常的止为或者动做,而目前不再那样时,用短语used to.14.A untilB becauseC thenD therefore问案: A那个分句是对付前里“He seemed like a good friend to me”一句表示意义的可定战末止,所以要用 until带收那个分句.15.A artificialB informalC perfectD practical问案: CInstead of对接的前后二个身分是对付等的,后里是perfect Korean,故前里应为perfect English.16.A feltB lookedC seemedD appeared问案: A根据文意该当是“尔有一种被出售的感觉”.所以应选A.17.A WhileB IfC BeforeD Once问案: D根据句意,“一朝咱们启初教到了一些单词汇,尔母亲便提议……”故应选D.18.A emptyB quietC stiffD calm问案: B根据上下文,“咱们屋子便变得静悄悄了.”故应选B.19.A tellingB utteringC sayingD speaking问案: D根据句意,“咱们皆喜欢重默,而不喜欢用一种真足分歧的道话道话”,以某种道话道话,要用动词汇speak.故应选D.20.A workedB gotC cameD made问案: C根据句意:母亲试着用英语道面什么,截止皆错了,咱们哄堂大笑.故应选C.Every profession or trade, every art, and every science has its technical vocabulary, the function of 【B1】is partly to 【B 2】 things or processes with no names in ordinary English, and partly to secure greater exactness in terminology. 【B3】 , theysave time, for it is much more 【B4】 to name a process than de scribe it. Thousands of these technical terms are very 【B5】 in cluded in every large dictionary, yet, as a whole, they are rather 【B6】 the outskirts of the English language than actually withi n its borders.Different occupations, however, differ 【B7】 in their special vocabularies. It 【B8】 largely of native words, or of borrowed words that have 【B9】 themselves into the very fibre of our la nguage. 【B10】 . though highly technical in many details, thes e vocabularies are more familiar in sound, and more generally 【B11】 . than most other technical terms. 【B12】 every voca tion still possesses a large 【B13】 of technical terms that remai n essentially foreign, even 【B14】 educated people. And the pr oportion has been much 【B15】 in the last fifty years. Most of the newly 【B16】 terms are 【B17】 to special discussions, a nd seldom get into general literature or conversation. Yet no prof ession is nowadays, as all professions once 【B18】 a close fed eration. What is called "popular science" makes everybody 【B 19】 with modern views and recent discoveries. Any important experiment, 【B20】 made in a remote or provincial laboratory, is at once reported in the newspapers, and everybody is soon tal king about it. Thus our common speech is always taking up newtechnical terms and making them commonplace.1.A whichB whatC whoD whom问案: A语法知识题.本题考查闭系代词汇.选项中A)which做闭系代词汇时意为“那个,那些”,其先止词汇为technical vocabular y(技能词汇汇),为粗确问案;B)what做闭系代词汇时意为“所……真物(或者人)”,相称于that which或者those whic h;C)who战D)whom皆是指人的闭系代词汇,分歧句意,果此粗确问案为A.2.A describeB talk aboutC designateD indicate问案: C语义搞扰题.根据上下文可知空黑处所挖单词汇为动词汇,表示博业词汇汇的效率与things or processes连用,选项中A)describe意为“形貌”;B)talk about意为“道论,计划”;C) designate意为“标明,表示”;D)indicate意为“指出,隐现”,隐然博业词汇汇的效率是表示真物战历程.果此粗确问案为C.3.A ConsequentlyB In contrastC HoweverD Besides问案: D语篇明黑题.本题考查句子之间的逻辑闭系.上文中提到了博业词汇汇的效率,下文则道博业词汇汇还能节省时间,隐然是对付上文的补充,形成补充闭系,选项A)Consequently 表示果果闭系;B)In contrast表示对付比闭系;C)However 表示转合闭系;D)Besides表示补充闭系,果此粗确问案为D.4.A economicalB economicC thriftD economized。





一、真题解析以下是2019年英语六级真题中的一道完型填空题:As we fight our way through our busy lives, it is often hard to keep sight of the truly (1)_______ things. We are easily caught up in the daily grind and (2)_______ to appreciate the small moments of joy and happiness that come our way. Sometimes, we need a friendly reminder that it is the(3)_______ things that matter most.In a now-famous experiment, an economics professor gave his students a unique assignment. Rather than (4)_______ them to increase their own grades, he asked them to write a letter of gratitude to someone who had (5)_______ their life in some way. The students took the (6)_______ seriously and wrote heartfelt letters to family members, friends, and mentors. Many of them experienced a genuine sense of (7)_______ and happiness as they reflected on the positive impact of these important people in their lives.This experiment supports the idea that a simple act of gratitude can (8)_______ profound effects on both the giver and the receiver. When we express our appreciation for others, we (9)_______ our focus from negativity and self-centeredness and instead foster feelings of connectednessand goodwill. Furthermore, studies have shown that regularly practicing gratitude can improve our mental and physical (10)_______, enhance our relationships, and increase our overall sense of well-being.Methods of cultivating gratitude can be as (11)_______ as writing in a gratitude journal, meditating on feelings of appreciation, or simply expressing thanks to those around us. Regardless of the specific practice, the underlying (12)_______ is the same: to consciously acknowledge and appreciate the good in our lives.In conclusion, it is crucial to remember that the simple act of gratitude can have a significant impact on our lives. By taking the time to(13)_______ the positive influences and experiences that we have, we can cultivate a sense of gratitude that will enhance our well-being and relationships. Let us not forget the power of gratitude in our busy lives.二、方法汇总为了应对英语六级完型填空题,以下是一些方法和技巧的汇总:1. 阅读整篇文章:在开始填写空格之前,建议先阅读整篇文章,了解文章的主题及内容,这有助于对文章的整体理解。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Historically, humans get serious about avoiding disasters only after one has just struck them. 62 that logic, 2006 should have been a breakthrough year for rational behavior. With the memory of 9/11 still 63 in their minds, Americans watched hurricane Katrina, the most expensive disaster in U.S. history, on 64 TV. Anyone who didn't know it before should have learned that bad things can happen. And they are made 65 worse by our willful blindness to risk as much as our 66 to work together before everything goes to hell.Granted, some amount of delusion(错觉)is probably part of the 67 condition. In A.D. 63, Pompeii was seriously damaged by an earthquake, and the locals immediately went to work 68, in the same spot-until they were buried altogether by a volcano eruption 16 years later. But a 69 of the past year in disaster history suggests that modern Americans are particularly bad at 70 themselves from guaranteed threats. We know more than we 71 did about the dangers we face. But it turns 72 that in times of crisis, our greatest enemy is 73 the storm, the quake or the 74 itself. More often it is ourselves.B 62. A) To B) By C) On D) For介词辨析。


A 63. A) fresh B) obvious C) apparent D) evident词义辨析。

考生初看本题以为考察的是obvious, apparent, evident的词义辨析,三个词都表示明显的意思,但是根据文章的意思,此处应该是表示记忆犹新的意思,因此只有一个fresh 表示的是新鲜。

C 64. A) visual B) vivid C) live D) lively词义辨析。




D 65. A) little B) less C) more D) much词义辨析。



根据文章的感情色彩,文章表示的是贬义,在嘲笑人们喜欢做马后炮的事情,因此用much 不用little.A 66. A) reluctance B) rejection C) denial D) decline词义辨析。

Reluctance不情愿,rejection拒绝denial否定decline 拒绝。


但是通过分析这个复杂句我们看到了前面的一个关键词willful blindness. 这个词组近年来在欧美属于流行词汇,频繁的出现在各大媒体中。

他的英文解释是Willful blindness is a term used in law to describe a situation in which an individual seeks to avoid civil or criminal liability for a wrongful act by intentionally putting himself in a position where he will be unaware of facts.中文解释简单来说就是"装傻"。



D 67. A) natural B) social C) world D) human词义辨析。

与其说这个是考察词义辨析,不如说是在超越大学生的理解能力考察一个固定搭配human condition.看到这个搭配,学生的瞬间逻辑推理是人为因素,但是实际该词组表示人的生存条件的意思。

C 68. A) revising B) refining C) rebuilding D) retrieving词义辨析。



因此这种题目关键是看句子前面的连词and.A 69. A) review B) reminder C) concept D) prospect词义辨析。




C 70. A) preparing B) protesting C) protecting D) prevailing固定搭配。

protect sb. from sth 保护某人免受某事。


B 71. A) never B) ever C) then D) before词义辨析。




D 72. A) up B) down C) over D) out固定搭配。

Turn out that/ turn out to be sth 证明。

Turn up出现,turn down拒绝,turn over营业额/反复考虑B 73. A) merely B) rarely C) incidentally D) accidentally词义辨析。

本题涉及两组词,一个是merely和rarely,merely表示仅仅,只不过的意思,rarely 表示极少,罕有的意思。



A 74. A) surge B) spur C) surf D) splash词义辨析。





这次六级的完型填空的文章选自2006年8月20日TIME上的一篇文章《Why We Don't Prepare》中的第五和第六段。








但是在198个单词中,除去12个选项单词,剩余的186个词只有breakthrough, hurricane, willful, delusion, eruption这5个单词不是四级大纲中的单词,而且文章中还给出了delusion的意思。










平时多关注生活便可以对一些熟词做到迅速僻义附原文:Floods, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Wildfires, Earthquakes ... Why We Don't PrepareBy AMANDA RIPLEY/ BOULDERPosted Sunday, Aug. 20, 2006Every July the country's leading disaster scientists and emergency planners gather in Boulder, Colo., for an invitation-only workshop. Picture 440 people obsessed with the tragic and the safe, people who get excited about earthquake shake maps and righteous about flood insurance. It's a spirited but wonky crowd that is growing more melancholy every year.After 9/11, the people at the Boulder conference decried the nation's myopic focus on terrorism. They lamented the decline of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). And they warned to the point of clichéthat a major hurricane would destroy New Orleans. It was a convention of prophets without any disciples.This year, perhaps to make the farce explicit, the event organizers, from the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado, Boulder, introduced a parlor game. They placed a ballot box next to the water pitchers and asked everyone to vote: What will be the next mega-disaster? A tsunami, an earthquake, a pandemic flu? And where will it strike? It was an amusing diversion, although not a hard question for this lot.Because the real challenge in the U.S. today is not predicting catastrophes. That we can do. The challenge that apparently lies beyond our grasp is to prepare for them. Dennis Mileti ran the Natural Hazards Center for 10 years, and is the country's leading expert on how to warn people so that they will pay attention. Today he is semi retired, but he comes back to the workshop each year to preach his gospel. This July, standing before the crowd in a Hawaiian shirt, Mileti was direct: How many citizens must die? How many people do you need to see pounding through their roofs? Like most people there, Mileti was heartbroken by Katrina, and he knows he'll be heartbroken again. We know exactly--exactly--where the major disasters will occur, he told me later. But individuals under-perceive risk.f, humans get serious about avoiding disasters only after one has just smacked them across the face. Well, then, by that logic, 2006 should have been a breakthrough year for rational behavior. With the memory of 9/11, the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history, still fresh in their minds, Americans watched Katrina, the most expensive disaster in U.S. history, on live TV. Anyone who didn't know it before should have learned that bad things can happen. And they are made much worse by our own lack of ambition--our willful blindness to risk as much as our reluctance to work together before everything goes to hell.Granted, some amount of delusion is probably part of the human condition. In A.D. 63, Pompeii was seriously damaged by an earthquake, and the locals immediately went to work rebuilding, in the same spot--until they were buried altogether by a volcano 16 years later. But a review of the past year in disaster history suggests that modern Americans are particularly, mysteriously bad at protecting themselves from guaranteed threats. We know more than we ever did about the dangers we face. But it turns out that in times of crisis, our greatest enemy is rarely the storm, the quake or the surge itself. More often, it is ourselves.。
