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• 尽管操作装置对断路器的可靠性具有主要的影响, 但注意不同的制造厂按不同形式选择操作装置是 非常有趣的。
长句译法 • • • • 顺译 倒译 分译 综合
• What the world found shocking about the ambush last week was how careful it was planned, the quantity of weapons assembled by two boys not yet old enough to drive legally and their cleverness in pulling a fire alarm to empty the school right into their field of fire. • 令整个世界深感震惊的是上星期的那场伏击策划 得多么细心,两个尚不到合法驾驶年龄的小男孩 所收聚的武器是如此之多,而他们的作法又是何 等的高明 — 他们拉响火警,将全校师生骗出教师, 正好进入他们的火力范围内。
旋转 凹凸不平 面包圈
• Scientists are learning a great deal about how the 地壳 large plates in the earth’s crust move, the stresses 板块 between plates, how earthquakes work, and the general probability that given place will have an earthquake, although they still cannot predict earthquakes. • 尽管科学家仍无法预测地震,但对地壳中的大板 块如何运动、板块间的压力如何、地震如何发生、 某地区发生地震的一般概率多少,他们了解得越 来越多。
• 在某种程度上,立交桥和地下道的建设,在加速 和分流交通方面迈出了具有决定意义的第一步, 从而缓解了交通不畅的局面。但要从根本上解决 交通问题,仍需依赖地铁系统。
冶金的 • 易熔炉渣
The classical metallurgical processes of smelting the oxides with carbon in the presence of a fusible slag, such as are used for the production of many of the commoner metals, are not applicable to the range of rather rare elements about which this section is written, if the metals are required in pure condition.
• 传统的冶金过程是用碳将熔渣中的氧化物熔化, 许多普通金属都是这样生产的,但这种方法不适 用于生产本文所提到的这些稀有金属元素,尤其 是需要获得纯净金属时更是如此。
合金Leabharlann Baidu压铸
• If such alloys possess other properties which make them suitable for die casting, they are obvious choices for the process, because their lower melting point will lead to longer die lives than would be obtained with alloys of higher melting points. • 如果这类合金具有使它们适于压铸的其他性能, 它们显然可以被选来用于压铸,因为它们熔点低, 比起高熔点合金来可以延长压铸模寿命。
科技英语的特点 • 逻辑的严密和准确 • 多重修饰限定成分 • 从句套叠
步骤: 1.认清句法,理清结构 2.把握要点,切分整理 3.组织汉语,顺畅表达
长句译法 • • • • 顺译 倒译 分译 综合
• However, even if prediction becomes possible, people who live in areas where earthquakes are a common occurrence will still have to do their best to prevent disasters by building structures that are resistant to ground movement and by being personally prepared.
• Just as a pace satellite, once it has got away from the pull of the earth’s atmosphere, continues to circle round and round the earth for ever, so an electric 水银 current circling a frozen ring of mercury should continue to flow for ever, if the temperature is kept below the essential four degrees above absolute zero. • 如果把冷冻的水银环的温度保持在低于绝对零度 以上4度的话,环绕水银流动的电流就必定会不停 的流动。正如人造卫星一旦摆脱地球大气的引力, 就会永远绕地球运行一样。
• You have all heard it repeated that men of science 归纳和 work by means of induction and deduction that by 演绎 the help of these operations, they, in a sort of sense, 提取 manage to extract from Nature certain natural laws, and that out of these by some special skill of their own, they build up their theories. • 你们都多次听说过,科学家是用归纳法和演绎法工 作的,他们用这种方法,在某种意义上说,力求从 自然界找出某些自然规律,然后,他们根据这些规 律,用自己的某种非同一般的本领,建立他们的理 论。
长句译法 • • • • 顺译 倒译 分译 综合
• “This rotating, lumpy doughnut provides strong evidence that something exotic is going on deep in the heart of the Milky Way,” said Terry Jones, an astronomer at the University of Minnesota who, as a member of an international team, has been studying the phenomenon. • 作为国际考察小组的一名成员,一直对这个现象 进行研究的明尼苏达大学天文学家特里· 琼斯说: “这个不断旋转的像炸面包圈样的凹凸不平的 (氢气)环提供了有力的证据,说明在银河系中 心深处有一种奇异的东西在活动。”
• 然而,即使可以预测,居住在地震频发区的人们 还是应尽力预防灾难,办法是建造能够抗震的房 屋,同时做好个人准备。
• The absence of pesticides and the emphasis on natural fertilizer are designed not only to keep the 不被污染experiment as untainted as possible, but also to protect the health of the human consumers; 生物圈 because all the air and water in Biosphere II is continually recycled and regenerated, it is important 再生 that no poisons be introduced into the system anywhere. • 不使用农药和强调天然肥料的目的不仅是为了使 实验尽可能不被污染,也为了保护使用者的健康; 因为“第二生物圈”的空气和水全部是不断地再 循环和再生的;所以不在此生态系统中任何地方 引入毒物是很重要的。
• It is very interesting to note the differently chosen 操作装置 operating mechanism by the different manufacturers, in spite of the fact that the operating mechanism has a major influence on the reliability of 断路器 the circuit-breakers.
立交桥 •
Up to a point, flyovers and underpasses, being the first really decisive steps to speed up and divert traffic, have eased the situation, but a considerable contribution toward a satisfactory solution can be made by underground railway networks.
Try to discover the features of EST
• It is nothing else than impurities pernatally inherent in ore that seriously affect the quality of the latter, which is formed as a result of geological vicissitudes including diastrophic movement, eruption of volcano, sedimentation, glaciation and weathering etc., under the action of which pyrogenic rocks, volcanic complex, aqueous rocks, sedimenatry rocks etc., come into being, some of which exist in a stage of symbiosis, the main cause of the absence of pure rocks in nature, wherein lies the reason for the need of separation technology and apparatus, namely, ore-dressing devices and equipment, (which has been) so far impotent to meet the requirements of metallurgical industry the scientists make every endeavor to elevate to a new high by laser separation.