语动词 , 按原 文中的先后顺 序 , a d加以连接。例如 : 用 n
1 把 书接 过 来 摆 在 膝 盖 上 。 H o ebo n i . 他 et kt okadl d o h a
i o s lp. t n hi a
6 虚使人进 步, . 谦 骄傲使人落后 。
分析 : 在这 句话 中 , 兼语 式 的特征不是很 明显 , 但这里 的
连动式 的这两个或 两个 以上的动词 所表示 的动作 、 为 , 行 在 顺序上不能变动 。根据这一特征 , 可用如下方法进 行翻译 : ( ) 一 表示先后 关系 的连动式 通常将 几个动词 都译成 谓
语 有两个动词 , 前一动词的宾语 , 又是后一动词 的主语 , 前后 两个动词不共用一个主语 。兼语式 的基本译法有 以下几种 : ( ) 一 按英语 的 S O 主语 +谓语 +宾语 +补语 ) 型 V C( 句 把兼语 式的第二个动词转化为英语 的宾语补足语 。 A 很多情况下, . 其宾补是 由不定式充 当。
表示手 段 、 目的关 系的连 动式 中 , 二个动词 有时也 可 第 以用含 目的意义的介词来译 。 4他 回房 间去取钥匙 。He e t ak o iro rh e. . n c somf e y w b th ot k ( ) 些连动式 , 三 有 前一个 动作表示 后一个 动作 的方式 、 状态 , 两者形成 主从关 系。 在英译时 , 通常把后 一个 动作 用限
定 动 词 译 成 谓语 , 一 个 动作 译 成 分词 或介 词短 语 。 前
5 ] . 热烈鼓掌欢迎美国来宾 。T e e o dh A ei f hy l me e m r w c t —
c n g e t wi a n p lu e a u ss t w r l p a s . h a
Chapter 7 连动式及兼语式的翻译
B7.2.3. 为了使措词得当,语气婉转
All teachers and cadres of the Department are requested to meet in the conference room at 200 p.m. on Wednesday to各族人民每年都要热烈庆祝十月一日的国庆节。
National Day is enthusiastically celebrated on Oct.1 by the Chinese people of all nationalities every year.
B6.2. 1. 并列式连动式的译法
并列式连动式中的几个动词表示动作之间的先后关系或同时关系。表示两个动作的同时或几乎同时关系时,常将其中比较次要的译作英语中的现在分词(作伴随情况状语);表示两个动作先后关系时,常译成两个英语动词,并用and 连接。例如:
I want him to borrow a dictionary for me.
The booming economy enables China to play a more and more important role in world affairs.
谓语的选择一、英汉谓语的比较? 英语谓语比较单一,只能由动词或动词短语充当,系动词可看成一种特殊为谓语。
? 英语谓语形态稳定,受语法规范约束,需与主语保持一致关系。
? 英语同一主语下的并列谓语一般不超过三个,多数句子只有一个谓语动词,其他动作概念以非谓语动词、介词短语、名词短语或从句的形式出现。
二、单个谓语的翻译? 如果原文的主谓语不符合英语主谓搭配逻辑,则需要改变主语或谓语。
? 1、这件事告诉我们,他为人不诚实。
? - This incident showed that he was dishonest.? 根据主语,这里的“告诉”用“show”比较合适。
? 2、农村改革中的好多东西,都是基层创造出来的。
? Many of the good ideas in rural reform came from people at the grassroots.? 从逻辑上分析,原文主语实际上是创造对象,创造的主体是“人”,因此译文变更了谓语动词,使主语和谓语构成符合逻辑的搭配,并增补people 一词。
当然,此句也能译成被动句:? Many of good ideas in rural reform are created by people at the grassroots.? 世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。
? -China’s diplomacy is most active at the turn of the century. (*)? -The turn of the century finds China most active on the diplomatic arena.? 分析:前种译法不符合英文主谓搭配。
二、根据动宾搭配确定谓语? 动宾搭配是一种常见的搭配形式,汉译英时,如果原文的动宾搭配不符合英语逻辑,而原文的宾语又不宜变动,我们就需要重新选择谓语。
从功能语法视 角分析汉语连动式的翻译
王 乐
( 中山大 学翻译 学院 广 东・ 珠 海 5 1 9 0 8 2 )
中图 分 类 号 : H 3 1 5 . 9 文 献标 识码 : A 文章编号 : 1 6 7 2 — 7 8 9 4 ( 2 0 1 3) 2 8 — 0 1 3 5 — 0 3
连动式分类来讨论翻译策略 ,在一定 程度上丰富和发展 了
汉语连动式的研究 ,但运用功能语法 视角来研究汉语连动 式则基本空 白。高增霞 ( 2 0 0 3 ) 日 指 出“ 连动式研究 问题上 的
要性 ,但运用功能语法分析 汉语连 动式的翻译在 国内还 不 多见。通过分析连 动结构 的及物性特征 , 考察过程与环境 成 分的关系 , 可以有效地 对连 动式进行分类 , 进而运用 不 同的 翻译 策略解决 汉语连动 式翻译这一难题。 关键词 连 动式 功能语法 及物性 过程 环境成分 翻译
汉语连 动式作为一种特 殊的结构 一直 受到学术界
语法 和语义学视角进行的。 通过分析 V P 1 和V P 2的关系 , 将
的 关注 , 对连 动 式 的翻 译 技 巧 和 策 略 的探 究 也 日益 丰 富 。功 能语 法 已广 泛 应 用 于 翻 译 研 究 , 并 日益 凸 显 其 科 学 性和 重
近年来 , 功能语法 在翻译领域 的应用十分广 泛 , 如 国内 学者黄 国文在 《 翻译研 究的语言学探索——古诗词英译本
Th e S t u d y o n t h e Tr a n s l a t i o n o f he t Ch i n e s e Ve r b a l Ex —
p r e s s i o n s i n S e r i e s : A F u n c t i o n a l Ap p r o a c h/ / Wa n g L e Ab s t r a c t I n a c a d e mi a ,t l l e C h i n e s e v e r b a l e x p r e s s i o n s ,wh o s e s t u d y o n t r a n s l a t i o n i s r i c h i n q u a n t i t y , h a v e b e e n c o n s t a n t l y c o n — c e r n e d . T h e wa y t o a p p l y f u n c t i o n l a g r a mma r o t t r a n s l a t i o n s t u d — i e s i s b e c o mi n g mo r e s c i e n t i f i c a n d i mp o a nt a , w h i l e t h e s t u d y o f t h e t r a n s l a t i o n o f t h e C h i n e s e v e r b l a e x p r e s s i o n s o n f u n c t i o n a l p e r s p e c t i v e i s r re a l y a d o p t e d . B y na a ly z i n g t h e T r a n s i t i v i t y o f t he C h i n e s e v e r b a l e x p r e s s i o n s a n d t h e r e l a t i o n b e t we e n he t P r o c e s s a n d C i r c u ms t nt a i l a c a n w e c l a s s i f y he t m e f e c t i v e l y , t h u s d i f e r e n t r t a n s l a t i o n s t r a t e g i e s c a n b e u s e d t o s o l v e t h e d i ic f u l t p r o b l e m.
如果把这个句子翻译成英语,两个动词短语只能用一个作谓语,另一个作状语,作谓语的用定式动词,不作谓语的用不定式形式,如:The other day I went to see a friend of mine in town.作谓语的是定式动词went,“to see a friend of mine”是不定式动词短语,作went的目的状语。
multilingual processing system 多语讯息处理系统multilingual translation 多语翻译multimedia 多媒体multi-media communication 多媒体通讯multiple inheritance 多重继承multistate logic 多态逻辑mutation 语音转换mutual exclusion 互斥mutual information 相互讯息nativist position 语法天生假说natural language 自然语言natural language processing (nlp) 自然语言处理natural language understanding 自然语言理解negation 否定negative sentence 否定句neologism 新词语nested structure 崁套结构network 网络neural network 类神经网络neurolinguistics 神经语言学neutralization 中立化n-gram n-连词n-gram modeling n-连词模型nlp (natural language processing) 自然语言处理node 节点nominalization 名物化nonce 暂用的non-finite 非限定non-finite clause 非限定式子句non-monotonic reasoning 非单调推理normal distribution 常态分布noun 名词noun phrase 名词组np (noun phrase) completeness 名词组完全性object 宾语{语言学}/对象{信息科学}object oriented programming 对象导向程序设计[面向对向的程序设计]official language 官方语言one-place predicate 一元述语on-line dictionary 线上查询词典 [联机词点]onomatopoeia 拟声词onset 节首音ontogeny 个体发生ontology 本体论open set 开放集operand 操作数 [操作对象]optimization 最佳化 [最优化]overgeneralization 过度概化overgeneration 过度衍生paradigmatic relation 聚合关系paralanguage 附语言parallel construction 并列结构parallel corpus 平行语料库parallel distributed processing (pdp) 平行分布处理paraphrase 转述 [释意;意译;同意互训]parole 言语parser 剖析器 [句法剖析程序]parsing 剖析part of speech (pos) 词类particle 语助词part-of relation part-of 关系part-of-speech tagging 词类标注pattern recognition 型样识别p-c (predicate-complement) insertion 述补中插pdp (parallel distributed processing) 平行分布处理perception 知觉perceptron 感觉器 [感知器]perceptual strategy 感知策略performative 行为句periphrasis 用独立词表达perlocutionary 语效性的permutation 移位petri net grammar petri 网语法philology 语文学phone 语音phoneme 音素phonemic analysis 因素分析phonemic stratum 音素层phonetics 语音学phonogram 音标phonology 声韵学 [音位学;广义语音学] phonotactics 音位排列理论phrasal verb 词组动词 [短语动词]phrase 词组 [短语]phrase marker 词组标记 [短语标记]pitch 音调pitch contour 调形变化pivot grammar 枢轴语法pivotal construction 承轴结构plausibility function 可能性函数pm (phrase marker) 词组标记 [短语标记] polysemy 多义性pos-tagging 词类标记postposition 方位词pp (preposition phrase) attachment 介词依附pragmatics 语用学precedence grammar 优先级语法precision 精确度predicate 述词predicate calculus 述词计算predicate logic 述词逻辑 [谓词逻辑]predicate-argument structure 述词论元结构prefix 前缀premodification 前置修饰preposition 介词prescriptive linguistics 规定语言学 [规范语言学] presentative sentence 引介句presupposition 前提principle of compositionality 语意合成性原理privative 二元对立的probabilistic parser 概率句法剖析程序problem solving 解决问题program 程序programming language 程序设计语言 [程序设计语言] proofreading system 校对系统proper name 专有名词prosody 节律prototype 原型pseudo-cleft sentence 准分裂句psycholinguistics 心理语言学punctuation 标点符号pushdown automata 下推自动机pushdown transducer 下推转换器qualification 后置修饰quantification 量化quantifier 范域词quantitative linguistics 计量语言学question answering system 问答系统queue 队列radical 字根 [词干;词根;部首;偏旁]radix of tuple 元组数基random access 随机存取rationalism 理性论rationalist (position) 理性论立场 [唯理论观点]reading laboratory 阅读实验室real time 实时real time control 实时控制 [实时控制]recursive transition network 递归转移网络reduplication 重叠词 [重复]reference 指涉referent 指称对象referential indices 指针referring expression 指涉词 [指示短语]register 缓存器[寄存器]{信息科学}/调高{语音学}/语言的场合层级{社会语言学}regular language 正规语言 [正则语言]relational database 关系型数据库 [关系数据库]relative clause 关系子句relaxation method 松弛法relevance 相关性restricted logic grammar 受限逻辑语法resumptive pronouns 复指代词retroactive inhibition 逆抑制rewriting rule 重写规则rheme 述位rhetorical structure 修辞结构rhetorics 修辞学robust 强健性robust processing 强健性处理robustness 强健性schema 基朴school grammar 教学语法scope 范域 [作用域;范围]script 脚本search mechanism 检索机制search space 检索空间searching route 检索路径 [搜索路径]second order predicate 二阶述词segmentation 分词segmentation marker 分段标志selectional restriction 选择限制semantic field 语意场semantic frame 语意架构semantic network 语意网络semantic representation 语意表征 [语义表示] semantic representation language 语意表征语言semantic restriction 语意限制semantic structure 语意结构semantics 语意学sememe 意素semiotics 符号学sender 发送者sensorimotor stage 感觉运动期sensory information 感官讯息 [感觉信息]sentence 句子sentence generator 句子产生器 [句子生成程序]sentence pattern 句型separation of homonyms 同音词区分sequence 序列serial order learning 顺序学习serial verb construction 连动结构set oriented semantic network 集合导向型语意网络 [面向集合型语意网络]sgml (standard generalized markup language) 结构化通用标记语言shift-reduce parsing 替换简化式剖析short term memory 短程记忆sign 信号signal processing technology 信号处理技术simple word 单纯词situation 情境situation semantics 情境语意学situational type 情境类型social context 社会环境sociolinguistics 社会语言学software engineering 软件工程 [软件工程]sort 排序speaker-independent speech recognition 非特定语者语音识别spectrum 频谱speech 口语speech act assignment 言语行为指定speech continuum 言语连续体speech disorder 语言失序 [言语缺失]speech recognition 语音辨识speech retrieval 语音检索speech situation 言谈情境 [言语情境]speech synthesis 语音合成speech translation system 语音翻译系统speech understanding system 语音理解系统spreading activation model 扩散激发模型standard deviation 标准差standard generalized markup language 标准通用标示语言start-bound complement 接头词state of affairs algebra 事态代数state transition diagram 状态转移图statement kernel 句核static attribute list 静态属性表statistical analysis 统计分析statistical linguistics 统计语言学statistical significance 统计意义stem 词干stimulus-response theory 刺激反应理论stochastic approach to parsing 概率式句法剖析 [句法剖析的随机方法]stop 爆破音stratificational grammar 阶层语法 [层级语法]string 字符串[串;字符串]string manipulation language 字符串操作语言string matching 字符串匹配 [字符串]structural ambiguity 结构歧义structural linguistics 结构语言学structural relation 结构关系structural transfer 结构转换structuralism 结构主义structure 结构structure sharing representation 结构共享表征subcategorization 次类划分 [下位范畴化] subjunctive 假设的sublanguage 子语言subordinate 从属关系subordinate clause 从属子句 [从句;子句] subordination 从属substitution rule 代换规则 [置换规则] substrate 底层语言suffix 后缀superordinate 上位的superstratum 上层语言suppletion 异型[不规则词型变化] suprasegmental 超音段的syllabification 音节划分syllable 音节syllable structure constraint 音节结构限制symbolization and verbalization 符号化与字句化synchronic 同步的synonym 同义词syntactic category 句法类别syntactic constituent 句法成分syntactic rule 语法规律 [句法规则]syntactic semantics 句法语意学syntagm 句段syntagmatic 组合关系 [结构段的;组合的] syntax 句法systemic grammar 系统语法tag 标记target language 目标语言 [目标语言]task sharing 课题分享 [任务共享] tautology 套套逻辑 [恒真式;重言式;同义反复] taxonomical hierarchy 分类阶层 [分类层次] telescopic compound 套装合并template 模板temporal inference 循序推理 [时序推理] temporal logic 时间逻辑 [时序逻辑] temporal marker 时貌标记tense 时态terminology 术语text 文本text analyzing 文本分析text coherence 文本一致性text generation 文本生成 [篇章生成]text linguistics 文本语言学text planning 文本规划text proofreading 文本校对text retrieval 文本检索text structure 文本结构 [篇章结构]text summarization 文本自动摘要 [篇章摘要] text understanding 文本理解text-to-speech 文本转语音thematic role 题旨角色thematic structure 题旨结构theorem 定理thesaurus 同义词辞典theta role 题旨角色theta-grid 题旨网格token 实类 [标记项]tone 音调tone language 音调语言tone sandhi 连调变换top-down 由上而下 [自顶向下]topic 主题topicalization 主题化 [话题化]trace 痕迹trace theory 痕迹理论training 训练transaction 异动 [处理单位]transcription 转写 [抄写;速记翻译]transducer 转换器transfer 转移transfer approach 转换方法transfer framework 转换框架transformation 变形 [转换]transformational grammar 变形语法 [转换语法] transitional state term set 转移状态项集合transitivity 及物性translation 翻译translation equivalence 翻译等值性translation memory 翻译记忆transparency 透明性tree 树状结构 [树]tree adjoining grammar 树形加接语法 [树连接语法] treebank 树图数据库[语法关系树库]trigram 三连词t-score t-数turing machine 杜林机 [图灵机]turing test 杜林测试 [图灵试验]type 类型type/token node 标记类型/实类节点type-feature structure 类型特征结构typology 类型学ultimate constituent 终端成分unbounded dependency 无界限依存underlying form 基底型式underlying structure 基底结构unification 连并 [合一]unification-based grammar 连并为本的语法 [基于合一的语法] universal grammar 普遍性语法universal instantiation 普遍例式universal quantifier 全称范域词unknown word 未知词 [未定义词]unrestricted grammar 非限制型语法usage flag 使用旗标user interface 使用者界面 [用户界面]valence grammar 结合价语法valence theory 结合价理论valency 结合价variance 变异数 [方差]verb 动词verb phrase 动词组 [动词短语]verb resultative compound 动补复合词verbal association 词语联想verbal phrase 动词组verbal production 言语生成vernacular 本地话v-o construction (verb-object) 动宾结构vocabulary 字汇vocabulary entry 词条vocal track 声道vocative 呼格voice recognition 声音辨识 [语音识别]vowel 元音vowel harmony 元音和谐 [元音和谐]waveform 波形weak verb 弱化动词whorfian hypothesis whorfian 假说word 词word frequency 词频word frequency distribution 词频分布word order 词序word segmentation 分词word segmentation standard for chinese 中文分词规范word segmentation unit 分词单位 [切词单位]word set 词集working memory 工作记忆 [工作存储区]world knowledge 世界知识writing system 书写系统x-bar theory x标杠理论 ["x"阶理论]zipf's law 利夫规律 [齐普夫定律]。
她责备孩子迟迟不回家。 She reproached her child for staying out late.
2 . 5 有时也可按照上下文和英语
习惯灵活翻译。 要使几亿人口的中国人民生活得 好…… … to ensure a better life for the several hundred million people of China…
We must keep the room clean and tidy. 什么事使你这么样激动? What made you so excited?
We elected him a deputy to the district people congress. 他们推他为领袖。 They made him their leader.
But where can I go? 小姐,我劝您少管闲事。 Young lady, you’d better mind your own business.
1、那晚天黑得伸手不见五指。 The night was too dark to see one’s hand in front of one’s face. 2、我们必须以高度的历史感和时代紧迫感,继续集中力量进行经 济建设。 With a high sense of responsibility for the nation and the people and awareness of urgency, we will concentrate on economic construction in the hope of further strengthening and developing the nation. 3、那位老妇人坐在窗前,凝视着树上那最后一片叶子,听它在寒 风中瑟瑟呻吟。 Sitting by the window, the old woman gazed at the last leaf on the tree, listening to its groan in the bitter wind.
例1: She suddenly thought of her husband, who had left her and their children behind and had never been heard of. 译文:他丈夫早就抛弃了妻儿一直杳无音信,现在她突然想起了他。
2.译成谓语 当定语从句是存在句,尤其是在“there be结构”和它的变体结构、以及在“it be +主语+定语从句”的结构中,定语从句的谓语在意义上也是整个主句的谓语,因此在英译汉时可将其译为主谓结构的简单句。
例1:There were men in that crowd who had stood there every day for a month.译文:在那群人中,有的人每天都站在那里,站了一个月。
例1:He took out a bottle of wine out of his pocket, which he began to drink slowly.译文:他从衣兜里掏出一瓶酒慢慢地喝起来。
例2: We will send the boy to Britain, where he can receive better education.译文:我们将要把这个孩子送到英国去接受更好的教育。
After a few steps, he looked back at me and said, “ Go back to your seat. Don’t leave your things alone.
3.2 伴随、方式或手段、因果、目的等 关系的连动式英译方法。
(3)(我看见)他戴着黑布小帽,穿着黑布大 马褂,深青色棉袍,蹒跚地走到铁道边….. (朱自清《背影》)
汉语句子中一个主语对应两个或以上的动词谓,谓语之间 不用关联词连接;意义上都与统一主语形成主谓关系;谓 语之间也相互存在着一定的关系。 动词1 并 列
watched) him hobble towards the railway track in his black skullcap, black cloth mandarin jacket and dark blue cotton-padded cloth long gown.
He had to go back to his room for the key
The kids is likely to lose his temper when he is defeated in playing computer games.
据说,他已经去了日本。 It is said that he has gone to Japan. 已经达成了多项协议。 A lot of agreements have been reached. 今年要出台多项新政策。 Many new policies will be formulated this year. 同学们选他做代表,他很高兴。 His classmates elected him representative, he was very glad. 这位驾驶员开车时心不在焉,几乎引起一场车祸。 The driver’s absent-mindedness during his driving nearly caused a traffic accident. 他从未料到问题会这么复杂。 He has never expected that the problem is so complicated.
He is out. 他出去了。
1、动词连用(连动式和兼语式句子) 他想办法摆脱了困境。(连动式) He thought his way out of the dilemma. 我们请她唱歌。(兼语式) We asked her to sing. 2、动词(词组)可以充当汉语句子的各种成分 他们喜欢乘火车旅行。(连动式词组做宾语) They enjoy traveling by train.
Every boy and every girl in this room is/are entitled to a copy. Many a man and woman in this community finds/find himself and herself in need. My sisters or brother is/are likely to be at home. Either my father or my brothers are/is coming. Neither the Kansas coach nor the players were/was confident of victory.
▪ Young lady, you’d better mind your own business.
▪ 你妈妈叫你马上回去。
▪ Your mother wants you back home at once.
▪ 我们必须使房子保持整洁。 ▪ We must keep the room clean and tidy.
▪ 什么事使你这么样激动? ▪ What made you so excited?
▪ 有时还可以用名词。例:
▪ 然后根据英语的特点,将表示主从
分词、介词或介词短语。 ▪ 如果连动式里的几个动词只表示动作
先后关系,则按动作发生的先后, 译成几个并列的谓语动词。
▪ 表示先后关系的连动式:
▪ 1)通常将几个动词都译成并列的谓语动词,按 原文中的先后顺序,用and加以连接。
▪ 这真叫我吃惊! ▪ It did surprise me! ▪ 这会使孩子们高兴的。 ▪ That will please the children.
▪ 再如:
▪ 这暴行使全世界公众舆论感到震惊。 ▪ This outrage shocked the world opinion. ▪ 经济的腾飞使中国在国际事务中发挥着越来
▪ 我们选他为区人大代表。 ▪ We elected him a deputy to the district people
She goes shopping, does chores, and does exercises everyday.●表示先后次序的连动式动词都译成谓语动词,按前后顺序排列,最后用连词and连成一句。
He rose up, walked to the door and threw it out.●表示目的的动词英译时,一般把不定式放在谓语动词之后,作目的状语。
He went to America to further his study for MBA.有时候,也可以把表示目的的动词译为一个介词短语。
We sent him to hospital for emergency treatment.●表示方式的动词一般用with和by引导的介词短语译成方式状语。
This morning, he left Shanghai by plane.他假装诚实,取得了上司的信任。
• 我们必须以高度的历史感和时代责任感,继续集 中力量进行经济建设,进一步发展和壮大自己. • With a high sense of responsibility for the nation and the people and awareness of urgency, we will concentrate on economic construction in the hope of further strengthening and developing the nation. • 我们还要扎扎实实,讲求效益,稳步协调地发展. • We should do solid work, stressing efficiency, so as to realize steady, coordinated progress.
• 那位来妇人坐在窗前,凝视着树上那最后 一片叶子,听它在寒风中瑟瑟呻吟. • 刚才那个小姑娘出来开了门,抬头看了我, 先楞了一下,后来就微笑了,招手叫我进去. • 你最好打个电话跟他约个时间见面谈谈. • 一只兔子飞也似的跑来,一头碰在树干上, 折断了脖子,当场咽了气. • 他站起身来,穿好衣服,然后去办公室了,没 提你要来访的事情.
1. 表示先后关系的连动式通常将 几个动词都译成谓语动词,按原 文中 先后顺序,用and来连接。
• ------他打开书包,把书拿出来,摆在书桌上。 • He opened his bag, took out the book and put it on the desk. • ------他站起身来,穿好外衣,然后走出了教室。 • He stood up, put on the overcoat and went out of the classroom.
受、挨、遭、由、被、给、叫、让、 为……所、被……所 他受到热烈欢迎。 我可不想挨骂。 计划给打乱了。 两人的活叫你一人给干完了。 为表面现象所迷惑。
仓库锁起来了。 枣红马牵出去了。 文章写好了。 信已经寄出去了语
在南京城发生过许多重大的历史事件。 Nanjing witnessed many great historic events.
集邮,他最在行。 每天夜里都要有人值班。 实在太可笑了。 爱美是自然的。 他们对市场经济一无所知,他们公司因而蒙受 了很大的损失。 1989年中国成功地发射了第一枚洲际导弹。 这部小说主要采用的是意识流的手法。
I read English aloud in the open every morning.
我们每天晚上在宿舍里用英语热烈地讨论 各种话题。 We discuss various topics animatedly in English every night in our dorm.
2. 定语的调整
汉语中多人称主语,英语中多物称主语。 英语中人称主语更口语化,物称主语则常出 现在书面语中。
If you take this medicine, you will feel
This medicine will make you feel better.
汉英翻译技巧第9章 汉语连动式和兼语式的翻译
The Sight of Father’s Back by Zhu Ziqing
I spent the first day in Nanking strolling about with some friends at their invitation, and was ferrying across the Yangtse River to Pukou the next morning and thence taking a train for Peking on the afternoon of the same day. Father said he was too busy to go and see me off at the railway station, but would ask a hotel waiter that he knew to accompany me there instead. He urged the waiter again and again to take good care of me, but still did not quite trust him. He hesitated for quite a while about what to do. As a matter of fact, nothing would matter at all because I was then twenty and had already travelled on the Tientsin-Pukou Railway a couple of times. After some wavering, he finally decided that he himself would accompany me to the station. I repeatedly tried to talk him out of it, but he only said, “Never mind! It won’t do to trust guys like those hotel boys!”
连动谓语句有以下三种:一、并列式,翻译时有两种方法,一是加连词and, or, then 等;二是选一个动词做谓语,其它的处理为非谓语动词。
He receives visitors and attends dinner party as a routine.他们设法吸引大家,留住他们,使他们充分发挥才能。
They seek to attract, retain and develop other people to their full abilities. 我披上衣衫,带上门,悄悄离开了。
Putting on my shirt, I left the room quietly, leaving the door closed.总裁一读报告,就铁青着脸,带着我急匆匆地朝工厂赶去。
On seeing the report, the president became livid with rage and hurried to the workshop accompanied by me.你做完作业就回家吧。
You may go home as soon as you finish your homework.他每天早上都开窗换气。
He opens window to let the fresh air in every morning.警察用枪指着,劫匪只有举手投降了。
Being aimed at by the police, the robber had to put up his hands tosurrender.她请假坐飞机回家探亲去了。
She has asked for a leave to go home by air to see her family.咱们哪天打电话约个时间见面谈谈好吗?Why don’t we fix an appointment over the phone to meet for a chat some time?那帮持枪劫车杀人越货的匪徒判了死刑。
week 连动式与兼语式的翻译(“表示”相关文档)共8张
3. 她从口袋里掏出钥匙把门打开。
She took a key out of her pocket and opened the door.
Taking a key out of her pocket, she opened the door. It was snowing hard.
When dealing with sentences in this kind, we usually translate them into coordinate components with all verbs in predicate form connected with ‘and’; or a key verb as predicate, others as participles. 她从口袋里掏出钥匙把门打开。 The students entered the classroom with the books in their hands, talking and laughing.
According to the logical relationships of the verbs, it can be categorized into the following cases.
He sat on the bench for a little while after he was tired.
Professors expect students, especially graduate students, to be able to exhaust the reference sources of the library. 6.他走累了就坐在椅子上歇了一会。 The verbs show a coordinate relationship or a time sequence of happenings. 她从口袋里掏出钥匙把门打开。 4.他们劝我采取“睁一只眼,闭一只眼的态度”。 Please take off your shoes before entering,
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表示结果的动词大多用-ing分词作状语来翻译, 且有时候由thus或thereby来引导。 例:昨天旅馆里发生炸弹爆炸,炸死7人。
A bomb exploded in the hotel yesterday, killing seven people. 他引进许多新装置,大大节省了时间和劳动力。 He introduced a lot of new devices, thus saving much time and labor.
He rose up, walked to the door and threw it out.
表示目的的动词英译时,一般把不定式放在 谓语动词之后,作目的状语。 例:他到美国去攻读工商管理硕士学位了。
He went to America to further his study for MBA.
使用连词” 使用连词”and”
对于表示并列动作和动作先后次序的 “连动式”句子,只 要根据其先后次序把各个动词译成并立的谓语动词即可。选择主要动词为谓语来自 选择主要动词为谓语,其它为附属
对于表示目的、结果、方式、伴随状况等关系的“连动式” 句子,要把主要动词译为谓语,用恰当的方式处理其它 动词,以表明它们与谓语动词的逻辑关系。
表示伴随状况的动词常译成分词状语,有时 也可以译成介词短语。 例:她坐在窗口看书。
She sat by the window reading. 他躺在草地上,用帽子遮住双眼。 He lay down on the grass, his hat pulled over his eyes. 他双手叉腰站在哪儿。 He stood there with arms akimbo.
Translation of Chinese consecutive verbs
——Made by 方媛媛
汉语句子中,常常有两个或两个以上动词作谓语。 它们之间不用关联词连接,但在意义上都与同一 主语形成主谓关系,且互相之间存在着一定的关 系。这种两个或两个以上的动词连用称为 “连动 式”。 英语句子中,不仅并列谓语动词要有关联词连接, 且句子动词之间的相互关系也必须很明确。
表示并列意义的连动式动词,根据它们的并列 意义排列,然后在最后一个并列动词前加上连 词and, 把整个句子连起来。 例: 她每天逛街,做家务,健身。
She goes shopping, does household chores, and does exercises everyday.
表示先后次序的连动式动词都译成谓语动词, 按前后顺序排列,最后用连词and连成一句。 例:他站起身来,走到门口,把它扔了出去。
有时候,也可以把表示目的的动词译为一个 介词短语。 例:我们把他送到医院急救。
We sent him to hospital for emergency treatment.
表示方式的动词一般用with和by引导的介词 短语译成方式状语。 例:今天上午,他乘飞机离开了上海。
This morning, he left Shanghai by plane. 他假装诚实,取得了上司的信任。 He won trust from his boss by pretending to be an honest man. 她带着女儿回到了娘家。 She returned to her parents’ home with her daughter.