商务英语函电Unit 8 Letters of Insurance
【精品】国际贸易 商务函电 英语版unit 8(可编辑

▪ Part One
Basic Knowledge Concerned
▪ Part Two
Letter-writing Guide
Other Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences ▪ Part Three
2.Indicating your decision: do or do not accept the packing requirements
We are ready to accept your packing requirements. 我们打算接受贵方的包装要求。 We feel regretful to inform you that... 遗憾地告诉贵方……
Thanks for your packing guidance, but regret our inability to meet your request of the special packing material. 谢谢贵方的包装指示,不过遗憾的是我们没有能力满足贵方 对使用这种特殊包装材料的要求。
a packing list to confirm the detailed information of the shipment of cargo exported. From the packing list, the buyer and the carrier can determine in how many packages the whole lot is packed and the particular items in each package. We can also regard a packing list as a more specific version of a commercial invoice without price information.

关于保险的英语函电范文买方以及回电Buyer's Letter:Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to inquire about your insurance services and policies for my upcoming business venture. I understand the importance of having comprehensive insurance coverage to protect my investments and assets in case of any unforeseen events or emergencies.I would like to know more about the types of insurance plans you offer, including coverage for property, liability, and employee benefits. Additionally, I am interested in learning about your claims process and how quickly claims are processed and settled.Could you please provide me with more information on your rates, coverage limits, and any additional services or benefits that come with your insurance plans? I would also appreciate it if you could send me a detailed brochure or information packet outlining the various options available to me.Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon to discuss how we can move forward with securing the appropriate insurance coverage for my business.Sincerely,[Buyer's Name]---Response Letter:Dear [Buyer's Name],Thank you for your inquiry regarding our insurance services. We appreciate your interest in our company and are happy to provide you with more information on the insurance plans we offer.We offer a wide range of insurance products, including property insurance, liability insurance, and employee benefits packages. Our coverage options are designed to protect your assets and investments in the event of any unforeseen circumstances, such as accidents, natural disasters, or theft.Our claims process is straightforward and efficient, ensuring that claims are processed and settled promptly so that you can get back to business as soon as possible. Our team of experts is always available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have throughout the claims process.In terms of rates and coverage limits, we can provide you with a customized quote based on your specific needs and requirements. Our rates are competitive, and we offer flexible payment options to suit your budget.We will send you a detailed brochure and information packet outlining our insurance plans and services. Please let us know if you have any specific questions or if there is anything else we can assist you with as you make your decision.Thank you again for considering our company for your insurance needs. We look forward to working with you to provide the best insurance coverage for your business.Sincerely,[Insurance Company's Name]。

Perils of the sea 海上风险 Extraneous risks 外来风险
Marine Risks
Perils of the sea are those caused by natural calamities and accidents.
General Additional Coverage 一般附加险
General additional coverage includes:
偷窃、提货不着险 淡水雨淋险 短量险 混杂、沾污险 渗漏险 碰损、破碎险 串味险 受潮、受热险 钩损险 包装破裂险 锈损险
实际全损 (Actual T.S) 推定全损 (constructive T.S) 共同海损 (General Average) 单独海损 (Particular Average)
Total Loss (全 部损失)
Partial Loss (部分损失)
Total loss
Total loss refers to the loss of the entire shipment caused by the occurrence of one of the perils of the sea, fire, or some other reasons. 由于海难,火灾或其他原因引起 的全部运输货物的损失,灭失或全部变质, 或不可能归还被保险人。 In includes actual total loss and constructive total loss. 分为实际全损和推 定全损。
Marine Insurance
外贸英文函电Ch.8 Insurance

• 我们已经办理了必要的保险。 • 保险将由买方办理。 • 对这种性质的货物只投保水渍险是不够的,请 加保偷窃提货不着险。 • 除了水渍险和战争险外,你们还保其它的险吗?
回复:你方第123号订单订购的500箱玩具 你方七月二十三日来函收悉,得知贵公司 要求我们给标题项下的货物保险,费用由你 方自理。 兹欣然通知你方:我们已与中国人民保险 公司就上述货物保了一切险,金额为9,800美 元。保险单正在缮制中并将在本月底连同我 方保险费索款通知单一并寄给你方。 顺便告知,我们正在安排将这500箱玩具 装运到八月十二日起航的“太湖”轮上。
Re: Your order No. 123 for 500 Cases of Toys We have received your letter dated 23 July requesting us to effect insurance on the captioned shipment for your account. We are pleased to inform you that we have covered the above goods with the People’s Insurance Company of China against All Risks for $ 9 800.
碰损、破碎险 Risk of Clashing and Breakage 串味险 Risk of Odor 受潮受热险 Sweating and Heating Risk 钩损险 Hook Damage Risk 锈损险 Risk of Rust
Terms of Insurance
Insurance clause Insurance amount Insurance claim Insurance coverage Insurance policy Insurance premium Insurance agent Insurance declaration 保险条款 保险额 保险索赔 保险范围 保险单 保险费 保险代理人 保险声明书
外贸英语函电Chapter 8 Letter of Credit

1) The quantity to be delivered each month must not be less than 30 metric tons. 每月应交的数量不得少于三十公吨。
2) 单据已交银行议付。
The documents have already been delivered to the bank for negotiation.
Be able to write letters of extension of an L/C
Be able to write letters of amendment to the L/C
Chapter 8 Letters of Credit
➢ Main & Difficult Points
2) 航班预计中午到达上海。 The flight is due in Shanghai at noon. 3) 双方定于下周签订合同。 Both sides are due to sign a contract in the next week. 4) 明年我们的薪水等级应该修改。
Our salary scales are due for revision next year.
▪ shipping mark
▪ shipping container 船运集装箱
▪ shipping order
▪ shipping space
▪ shipping date
▪ shipping day
▪ steamer ship
▪ motor vessel
涉及本合同的争执或执行本合同中所发生的一切争执应通过友好 协商予以解决。
Unit eight外贸函电

E-mail 2
Titanium Ores 锡矿石 The high quality of our products and the smooth execution of your first order leads to further cooperation between us. 我方高质量的产品以及贵方首次订单的顺利执行使 得我们进行进一步的合作。 Execution of an order ? After an order is placed and a contract is signed, it is time to fulfill or execute the order, including make payments, packing, shipping, the insurance and so on.
When ?
1. In which situation, can a short form of contract, i.e. a Sales Confirmation or a Purchase Order be possibly used? a high degree of trust between the exporter and importer; with relative small amount 2. In which situation, can a long form of contract, i.e. a sales contract or a purchase contract be possibly used? a comparatively low degree of trust; the transacted goods are complicated; with a larger total amount
《商务英语函电教程》Unit 8付款条款

General View
2、Modes of payment in international trade 1)Remittance Remittance means that the importer remits the amount of money to the exporter through banks according to the terms and time stipulated in the contract. There are kinds of remittance: Mail Transfer (M/T) Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) Demand Draft (D/D)
General View
3) Check A check is an unconditional order in writing addressed by the customer (drawee) to a bank(draw) signed by the customer authorizing the bank to pay on demanding a specified sum of money to or to the order of a named person or to bearer (payee). A check is a special kind of draft in that the drawee is always a bank with which the drawer has an account. Besides, a check is always paid upon presentation. If the drawer wants to write a check now but does not want the payee to collect the money immediately, the drawer can postdate the check.
外贸英语函电 Chapter 8 Letter of Credit 1

Letter F
• issue:开出,出具 open(establish)the L/C 开立信用证 • duly:如期 • on perusal:经详阅 • transshipment:转船运输(转运) • partial shipment:分批装运(分运) shipment • direct steamers steamers:直达班轮 • few and far between:稀少 • ship via Hong Kong:经由香港转船 • more often than not:经常 • to our mutual benefit:互惠 • amend … to read:将…改成
Structure of Amending a L/C
rm importer that L/C been receive 2.State that discrepancy has been found and reasons for amendment 3.Wish to receive the amendments
• 4、根据付款时间的不同,可分为远期信用 证(time L/C)和即期信用证(sight L/C) • 5、按受益人对信用证的权利可否转让,可 分为转让信用证(transferable L/C)和不 可转让信用证(untransferable L/C)
– 可转让信用证只能转让一次,第二受益人不能 将信用证再转给其他任何人,但能重新转给第 一受益人
We are looking forward to receive your L/C soon.
Letter A
• • • • • • • • • • refer to: 兹谈及 covering: 含 up to the present:到目前为止 upon receipt of:一俟收到 needless to say:毋庸置疑 put in an awkward position:处于尴 尬境地 elapse:过去,失效 ready for shipment:备妥待运 take immediate action:立刻行动 further delay:继续延误

商务英语函电u8【课题】UNIT 8 InsuranceⅠ【教材版本】闫兴伯黄宪西.中等职业教育国家规划教材——商务英语函电(国际商务专业).第二版.北京:高等教育出版社,2006【教学目标】知识目标:熟记本单元(保险)的常见词汇和句型。
【教学过程】第一环节导入1.提问:⑴.What is the purpose of insurance ?⑵.How many risks do you know?2. 学生讨论问题并回答问题(见PPT)⑴. The purpose of insurance is to provide compensation for those who suffer from lossor damage. It is a contract of indemnity, which is generally made in the form of an insurance policy. LIoyd’s is a famous organization incorporated in London in 1871, and the People’s Insurance Company of China (PICC) established in 1949, is the sole state-owned insurance organization in China.⑵主要保险种类All Risks 综合险(一切险)Breakage of Packing Risk 包装破碎险Clash & Breakage Risks 碰损、破碎险Failure to Deliver Risk 交货不到险F.P.A. (Free from Particular Average)平安险Fresh and/or Rain Water Damage Risks 淡水雨淋险Hook Damage Risk 钩损险Import Duty Risk 进口关税险Intermixture & Contamination Risks 混杂、玷污险 Leakage Risk 渗漏险Rejection Risk 拒收险Rust Risk 锈损险Shortage Risk 短量险S.R.C.C.( Strikes, Riots & Civil Commotions) 罢工、暴动及民变险Sweating & Heating Risks 受潮受热险T.L.O.(Total Loss Only) 全损险T.P.N.D.(Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery) 偷盗及提货不着险W.A. (With Average) =W.P.A. ( With Particular Average) 水渍险War Risk 战争险第二环节新授课1. Pre-Study(1)Terms to LearnA. 教师带读,学生跟读商务书信中的常见词汇P115,P117。
《国际商务函电双语教程》chapter 8

W.P.A. insurance covers:
W.P.A.covers wider than F.P.A. Aside from the risks covered under F.P.A. conditions as above, this insurance also covers partial losses of the insured goods caused by heavy weather, lightening, tsunami, earthquake, and/or flood and so on.
Insurance (保险)
Background Information Sample Letters
Letter 1 Letter 2 Useful Expressions Key to Exercises
the importance of insurance in international trade
General Additional Risks
(1) Theft,Pilferage and Non—delivery Risk,T.P.N.D.; (2) Fresh Water and Rain Damage Risk,F.W.R.D.; (3) Leakage Risk; (4) Shortage Risk; (5) Intermixture and Contamination Risk; (6) Clash and Breakage Risk; (7) Taint of Odour Risk; (8) Sweat and Heating Risk; (9)Hook Damage Risk; (10) Breakage of Packing Risk; (11) Rust Risk.
商务英语函电Unit 8 Letters of Insurance[精]
![商务英语函电Unit 8 Letters of Insurance[精]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/98c4c15b0912a21615792900.png)
8-2 Leading in导入
Insurance is a necessary part of foreign trade. Have you ever seen letters of insurance? If you want to write a letter of insurance, what do you think a letter of insurance includes? According to the study of this unit, you will learn how to write letters of insurance.
• 8) The insured amount is to be specified or at least determinable.
• Complimentary close
• Seller’s company name
C. The Main Point of Letters of Insurance保险函电的 要点
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
8-5 Sample Letters of Insurance 保险函电样信
Specimen 1 • June 25, 2010 • Re: Order No.52765 • Dear Chen Bin, • Regarding the Order No.52765, the shipping date is
This is an exceptionally low rate and we trust you will gives us the opportunity to handle your insurance business. 这是特别低的费率,相信你们会给我们处理保险业务的机 会。
Letters of Insurance

Chapter 9
• The insurance company agrees to pay if a specified undesirable event occurs. • The result is that the burden of any loss is borne not by the unfortunate individual directly affected but by all the persons involved.
Chapter 9
• 3. The middle part provides information of and discuss about insurance.
• As to the insured value, our general practice is to insure at invoice value plus 10%. • The contract calls for an insurance policy (保险 单), so a certificate of insurance (保险证明) will be rejected by the bank. • The rate of 0.315% is acceptable to us and we shall be glad if you will effect immediate insurance, ICC(B) including War Risk, at the rate quoted on the goods mentioned below.
• 承担投保义务
• 把风险降至最小 • 与……相当 • 注意,务必,保证 • 保险期限 • 预订运货空间
《外贸函电》Unit8 Insurance

UNIT 8 InsuranceI.Teaching Aims and RequirementsHelp students to write a business letter about insuranceHelp students to learn additional sentence patterns abou insurance II. ContentsStudying letters about insuranceStructure of a business letter about insuranceAdditional sentence patterns about insuranceIII. Focus on and DifficultiesKey words, phrases and sentence patternsThe structure of the letter about insuranceIV. Teaching steps1. Types of insurance policy2.Parties involved3.Risks and Losses4.Structure of the bodyGenerally speaking,there are mainly three kind of business letter about insurance:1) letter about asking thye seller to cover the insurance for the buyerWhen asking the seller or the buyer to cover the insurance,thefollowing points should be mentioned:>the exact business terms adoped>the exact kind of insurance requested< the sum of premium2) Types of coverage adoped , the following points should bementioned:>The relevent goods and the documents No.>Informing the addressee the types of coverage adoped>Confirming the premium3) Letter of replying letter requesting the excessive insurance> The relevent goods and the documents No.>The extra premium agreed> The party pay the extra premiumV. Practical ExercisesComplete the following sentences:1.We will____________(投保水渍险)2.(该保险单为我们保了)————TPND3.Buyer’s request for insurance to be covered up to the inland citycan be accepted on condition __________(额外保费由买方负担)4.The PICC enjoys high prestige among trade circles at home andabroad__________(由于收费低廉,理赔公正迅速)Practical Writting敬启者我们非常遗憾地通知你方,不能对你方所订购的1000台计算机按发票金额150%投保,因为我们的惯例是按发票金额110%投保。
函电unit 8 transport and insurance

2. Principal Parties involved in shipment 当事人
the consignor/shipper 发货人,托运人 ,
--the person who delivers goods or commits the delivery to others
the carrier
Scenario 1
Shipping Advice (装船通知)
Suggestive Writing Structure
• 1. To refer to the covering L/C. goods, or S/C. • 2. To state name of vessel, sailing Date, estimated time of arrival and other detailed information about shipment • 3. Expectation
Date of Shipment
Suggestive Writing Structure Opening: To refer to the subject and the covering sales information
Explanatory Paragraph: To state the reason(s) for advancing the shipment
Unit 8 Transport and Insurance
Shipment (装运)
To consolidate the major terms of shipment To write effective letters regarding shipment
Unit 8商务英语函电

Unit 8 Insurance1.FPA / WPA 平安险/ 水渍险2.All Risks 一切险3.insurance policy / insurance certificate 保险单/ 保险凭证4.insurance premium 保险费5.extra premium = additional premium 额外保费6.extra expenses 额外费用,额外支出7.extra / additional charges 额外费用8.general practice = customary practice = usual practice 惯例9.in the same currency 用相同货币10.claims of damage损坏索赔11.insurance clause 保险条款12.cover Breakage for the article 为这批货物投保破碎险13.cover insurance = take out insurance = effect insurance 投保14.under the impression 有印象15.additional coverage 附加险16.Warehouse to Warehouse Clause 仓至仓条款17.inland insurance 内陆险18.on one’s behalf 代表某人19.the insurance rate 保险费率20.in other directions 在其他国家21.the special risk 特别险22.the basic insurance 基本险23.the ordinary marine risk 通常海洋运输货物险24.be subject to a franchise of 5% 有5%的免赔率pensate sb. for the loss 赔偿某人损失26.the provisions of the insurance policy 保单条款27.premium rebate 保险费回扣28.canned mushroom / goods / meat / fruits 罐头蘑菇/ 罐头货/ 罐头肉/ 罐头水果29.insurance agent 保险代理30.insurance company 保险公司31.insurance coverage 保险范围32.the scope of cover 保险范围33.general average 共同海损34.particular average 单独海损35.Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery 偷窃提货不着险36.Rain Fresh Water Damage 淡水雨淋险37.Risk of Shortage 短量险38.Intermixture and Contamination Risks 混杂沾污险39.Leakage Risk 渗漏险40.Cash and Breakage Risks 碰撞破碎险41.Taint of Odor Risk 串味险42.Sweating and Heating Risks 受潮受热险43.Hook Damage 钩损险44.Loss or Damage Caused by Breakage of Packing 包装破裂险45.Rusting Risk 锈损险46.Failure to Delivery Risk 交货不到险47.Import Duty Risk 进口关税险48.On Deck Risk 舱面险49.Rejection Risk 拒收险50.Aflatoxin 黄曲霉素险51.War Risk 战争险52.Strikes Riots and Civil Commotion / SRCC 罢工民变暴动险(罢工险)53.extraneous risks 外来风险54.the People’s Insurance Company of China / PICC 中国人民保险公司55.China Insurance Clause / CIC 中国保险条款56.Institute Cargo Clauses / ICC 伦敦保险协会货物条款57.meet with a favorable reception 畅销58.not good enough 不太够用59.Green Beans / Soybeans 绿豆/黄豆60.prepare financial statement 编制财务报表61.make a trial balance 编制试算表62.debit note / credit note 借记单/ 贷记单63.debit balances / credit balances 借项余额/ 贷项余额64.prompt and equitable 迅速而公正65.survey agent 调查机构66.enjoy world reputation 享有世界声誉67.settle claims 理赔68.the ledger accounts 分类帐户69.apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请某事70.the authorities 当局71.keep sb. posted / informed of sth. 随时告知某人某事72.make a general survey of sth. 对某事作全面调查73.for one’s account 由某人承担/ 为某人购买74.for the account of sb. 为某人购买75.international settlement 国际结算76.forward sth. to sb. 将某物发送给某人77.sustain loss or damage 遭受损失或损坏78.excessive insurance 超额保险79.in addition to 除外80.It is understood that / It goes without saying 不言而喻/ 不用说81.in this aspect / respect / regard 在这方面82.be apt to deteriorate 易于变质83.installment premium 分期支付的保险费84.premium receipt / tariff 保险费收据/ 保险费价目单85.premium system 奖金制度。
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as follows 如下 so far 到目前为止 lot (商品等的)一批,一摊 end users 最终用户 get dissatisfied with 不满意
B. The Basic Structure of Letters of Insurance保险信函 基本结构
Unit 8 Letters of Insurance保险
8-1 Objectives 目标
1、Getting familiar with the new words and expressions. 2、To have a good understanding of risks and losses. 3、To have a good understanding of insurance clauses. 4、Understanding the guidelines to and main contents of writing letters of insurance. 5、Practice writing a letter of insurance by using words and expressions in the list. 6、Master the writing methods of letters of insurance through doing more exercise. 7、Try their best to write out the letters of insurances.
When you place insurance for the shipment of our porcelainware, please do not forget to include the risk of breakage.
4. Asking for an answer or looking forward to further communication
• Date • Salutation • Body • 1) Letters of this kind usually have a reference. • 2) The opening sentence gives reference to the previous
correspondence and the purpose of the letter (about insurance). • 3) The middle part provides information of insurance and discusses about insurance. • 4) The closing part either asks for an answer or looks forward to further communication.
3. Information of and discussion about insurance
As requested, we have covered insurance for the shipment against WPA, TPND, SRCC and War Risk.
按照你方的要求,我们已将货物投保水渍险、偷窃提货不 着险、罢工暴动民变险和战争险。
8-5 Sample Letters of Insurance 保险函电样信
Specimen 1 • June 25, 2010 • Re: Order No.52765 • Dear Chen Bin, • Regarding the Order No.52765, the shipping date is
1. Letters of this kind usually have a reference. Re: Policy A-3425-05 已读保险单A-3425-05 Re: Policy No.52765 已读保险单No.52765 2. Giving reference to the previous correspondence and the purpose of the letter (about insurance). Answering your letter of February 24 in regard to insurance, we would like to inform you of the following. 关于你方2月 24日有关保险的询问,我们的答复如下。 Thank you for your letter of May 24, informing us of your insurance rate. 感谢你在5月24日的信中通知了我们保险费率。
approaching rapidly, and we would like to deal with the insurance.
6. In international trade, sea transportation accounts for the biggest share in international cargo transportation. Therefore marine insurance has become the most important insurance. Arrangements for sea shipments insurance may be made by either the buyer or the seller, in accordance with the terms of sale. 7. Air shipments insurance is often purchased from the air carrier. There are companies that deal in international insurance known as international insurance carriers. Besides, insurance can also be arranged through freight forwarders. These agents are familiar with the import rules and regulations of foreign countries, the export regulations of their government, the methods of shipping, and the documents.
11. payment ['peimənt] n. 支付;报偿 12. individual [,indi'vidjuəl] n. 个人;个体 13. share [ʃɛə] n. 一份;一部分 14. cargo ['kɑ:gəu] n. 货物 15. shipment ['ʃipmənt] n. 装运;装载的货物 16. term [tə:m] n. 条件;条款 17. purchase ['pə:tʃəs] vt. 购买;获得 18. carrier ['kæriə] n. 运送人;搬运人 19. freight [freit] n. 货物;货运 20. forwarder ['fɔ:wədə] n 运送者;运输业者 21. regulation [,regju'leiʃən] n. 规则;条例;管理
• 5) Decide whether it is the policy or the certificate that is required. When an insurance certificate is required, the policy comes along, but not vice versa.
22. go through 经历,讨论,举行 23. result in 导致,结果是 24. due to 因为,由于,应归于 25. in return 作为回报,作为交换 26. account for 占,占百分比 27. deal in 经营,买卖
8-4 Layout, Basic structure, Main points of Letters of Insurance 保险函电格式,基本 结构,要点
This is an exceptionally low rate and we trust you will gives us the opportunity to handle your insurance business. 这是特别低的费率,相信你们会给我们处理保险业务的机 会。
We shall be glad if you will now prepare and send us the policy and meanwhile let us have your cover note and statement of charges for the following, our first shipment under policy. 如果你们现在能预备并寄来保险单,同时寄 来暂存保单(保险证明)及本保险单项下我方下列第一批 货物费用的报告单,我们将非常高兴。
8-2 Leading in导入
Insurance is a necessary part of foreign trade. Have you ever seen letters of insurance? If you want to write a letter of insurance, what do you think a letter of insurance includes? According to the study of this unit, you will learn how to write letters of insurance.
• 6) Be clear about the risks that are necessary for you to cover. Unnecessary risks do not serve anything other than cost more money.