商务英语函电Unit 8 Letters of Insurance

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6. In international trade, sea transportation accounts for the biggest share in international cargo transportation. Therefore marine insurance has become the most important insurance. Arrangements for sea shipments insurance may be made by either the buyer or the seller, in accordance with the terms of sale. 7. Air shipments insurance is often purchased from the air carrier. There are companies that deal in international insurance known as international insurance carriers. Besides, insurance can also be arranged through freight forwarders. These agents are familiar with the import rules and regulations of foreign countries, the export regulations of their government, the methods of shipping, and the documents.
8-5 Sample Letters of Insurance 保险函电样信
Specimen 1 • June 25, 2010 • Re: Order No.52765 • Dear Chen Bin, • Regarding the Order No.52765, the shipping date is
• 6) Be clear about the risks that are necessary for you to cover. Unnecessary risks do not serve anything other than cost more money.
• 7) In your letter, state the coverage as clearly as possible.
8-2 Leading in导入
Insurance is a necessary part of foreign trade. Have you ever seen letters of insurance? If you want to write a letter of insurance, what do you think a letter of insurance includes? According to the study of this unit, you will learn how to write letters of insurance.
1. Letters of this kind usually have a reference. Re: Policy A-3425-05 已读保险单A-3425-05 Re: Policy No.52765 已读保险单No.52765 2. Giving reference to the previous correspondence and the purpose of the letter (about insurance). Answering your letter of February 24 in regard to insurance, we would like to inform you of the following. 关于你方2月 24日有关保险的询问,我们的答复如下。 Thank you for your letter of May 24, informing us of your insurance rate. 感谢你在5月24日的信中通知了我们保险费率。
A、Layout of Letters of Insurance 保险函电格式
as follows 如下 so far 到目前为止 lot (商品等的)一批,一摊 end users 最终用户 get dissatisfied with 不满意
B. The Basic Structure of Letters of Insurance保险信函 基本结构
This is an exceptionally low rate and we trust you will gives us the opportunity to handle your insurance business. 这是特别低的费率,相信你们会给我们处理保险业务的机 会。
We shall be glad if you will now prepare and send us the policy and meanwhile let us have your cover note and statement of charges for the following, our first shipment under policy. 如果你们现在能预备并寄来保险单,同时寄 来暂存保单(保险证明)及本保险单项下我方下列第一批 货物费用的报告单,我们将非常高兴。
New words and Expressions
1. insurance [in'ʃuərəns] n. 保险;保险业;保险金额 2. trade [treid] n. 贸易;行业;交换 3. transportation [,trænspə'teiʃən] n. 运输;运输工具;交 通费 4. procedures [prə'si:dʒə] n. 程序;步骤;常规 5. unload ['ʌn'ləud] vt. 卸货;摆脱;去掉 6. process ['prəuses] n. 进程;步骤;程序 7. financial [fai'nænʃəl] adj. 财政的;金融的 8. premium ['pri:miəm] n. 奖金;酬金;保险费 9. arrangement:[ə'reindʒmənt] n. 安排;约定;布置 10. twk.baidu.comansit ['træ nsit] n. 运输;过境
22. go through 经历,讨论,举行 23. result in 导致,结果是 24. due to 因为,由于,应归于 25. in return 作为回报,作为交换 26. account for 占,占百分比 27. deal in 经营,买卖
8-4 Layout, Basic structure, Main points of Letters of Insurance 保险函电格式,基本 结构,要点
approaching rapidly, and we would like to deal with the insurance.
• Date • Salutation • Body • 1) Letters of this kind usually have a reference. • 2) The opening sentence gives reference to the previous
correspondence and the purpose of the letter (about insurance). • 3) The middle part provides information of insurance and discusses about insurance. • 4) The closing part either asks for an answer or looks forward to further communication.
• 5) Decide whether it is the policy or the certificate that is required. When an insurance certificate is required, the policy comes along, but not vice versa.
3. Information of and discussion about insurance
As requested, we have covered insurance for the shipment against WPA, TPND, SRCC and War Risk.
按照你方的要求,我们已将货物投保水渍险、偷窃提货不 着险、罢工暴动民变险和战争险。
Unit 8 Letters of Insurance保险
8-1 Objectives 目标
1、Getting familiar with the new words and expressions. 2、To have a good understanding of risks and losses. 3、To have a good understanding of insurance clauses. 4、Understanding the guidelines to and main contents of writing letters of insurance. 5、Practice writing a letter of insurance by using words and expressions in the list. 6、Master the writing methods of letters of insurance through doing more exercise. 7、Try their best to write out the letters of insurances.
• 8) The insured amount is to be specified or at least determinable.
• Complimentary close
• Seller’s company name
C. The Main Point of Letters of Insurance保险函电的 要点
When you place insurance for the shipment of our porcelainware, please do not forget to include the risk of breakage.
4. Asking for an answer or looking forward to further communication
11. payment ['peimənt] n. 支付;报偿 12. individual [,indi'vidjuəl] n. 个人;个体 13. share [ʃɛə] n. 一份;一部分 14. cargo ['kɑ:gəu] n. 货物 15. shipment ['ʃipmənt] n. 装运;装载的货物 16. term [tə:m] n. 条件;条款 17. purchase ['pə:tʃəs] vt. 购买;获得 18. carrier ['kæriə] n. 运送人;搬运人 19. freight [freit] n. 货物;货运 20. forwarder ['fɔ:wədə] n 运送者;运输业者 21. regulation [,regju'leiʃən] n. 规则;条例;管理