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1.He hurried home,never once looking back to see if he________.(2020·江苏,27)

A.was being followed B.was following

C.had been followed D.followed

答案 A

解析句意为:他匆忙回家了,一次也没有回头看看他是否正被跟踪。这里if引导的宾语从句用过去进行时表示过去某一时刻(hurried home)正在进行的动作。又因he与follow之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。综合可知选A项。

2.He’s been informed that he ________ for the scholarship because of his academic


A.hasn’t qualified B.hadn’t qualified

C.doesn’t qualify D.wasn’t qualifying

答案 C

解析句意为:他已被告知,因为他的学术背景,他没有获得奖学金的资格。本空的谓语动词qualify在这里用作不及物动词,表示“有资格,有权利”,此处并不表示延续性的动作,而是说明“他没有资格”这一实际情况,因此用一般现在时的否定式doesn’t qualify。3.—________ that company to see how they think of our product yesterday?

—Yes.They are happy with it.(2020·北京,24)

A.Did you call B.Have you called

C.Will you call D.Were you calling

答案 A


4.In the 1950s in the USA,most families had just one phone at home,and wireless phones ________ yet.(2020·北京,29)

A.haven’t invented

B.haven’t been invented

C.hadn’t invented

D.hadn’t been invented

答案 D

解析句意为:在20世纪50年代的美国,大多数家庭家里仅有一部电话,那时无线电话还没有被发明出来。由in the 1950s可知句子说的是过去发生的事情,又由yet可知,要用完成时,故空格处用过去完成时;又因phones与invent之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态。综合可知,选D项。

5.People ________ better access to health care than they used to,and they’re living longer as a result.(2020·北京,33)

A.will have B.have

C.had D.had had

答案 B

解析句意为:人们有了比过去更便捷的医疗服务,因此人们更长寿了。句子说的是现在的情况,故用一般现在时,选B项。have access to有权使用,有机会接近。

6.I_______ down to London when I suddenly found that I was on the wrong road.(2020·天津,8) A.was driving B.have driven

C.would drive D.drove

答案 A

解析句意为:我正开车去伦敦,这时突然发现我走错路了。be doing...when...是固定句式,表示“正在做……这时……”。

7.More efforts,as reported,________ in the years ahead to accelerate the supply-side structural reform.(2020·江苏,22)

A.are made B.will be made

C.are being made D.have been made

答案 B

解析句意为:据报道,为加快供给侧结构性改革今后几年要付出更多的努力。根据时间状语in the years ahead可知,此处要用一般将来时,再结合主语more efforts与动词make之间为被动关系可知答案为B。

8.Dashan,who ________ crosstalk,the Chinese comedic tradition,for decades,wants to mix it up with the Western stand-up tradition.(2020·江苏,29)

A.will be learning B.is learning

C.had been learning D.has been learning

答案 D

解析句意为:大山已经学习相声——中国传统喜剧形式——数十年了,他想把中国相声与西方单口相声融合起来。根据时间状语for decades和主句谓语动词wants可知,此处表示从过去到现在(有可能延续到将来)的动作,故此处要用现在完成进行时。

9.Jack ________ in the lab when the power cut occurred.(2020·北京,21)

A.works B.has worked

C.was working D.would work

答案 C

解析句意为:杰克正在实验室里工作这时突然停电了。be doing...when...(某人)正在做某事,
