浙江大学保送生考试试题归类 翻译

2014年浙江大学考博真题和参考答案1. 听力听力 Part A 原文:原文: In In my my my opinion, opinion, opinion, technology technology technology has has has become become become too too too advanced. advanced. advanced. I I I am am am 17-years-old, 17-years-old, 17-years-old, and and and I I I can can can still still remember a time when I did not have a computer in my home, and if you did, it was uncommon. Not until the mid-1990s was it common for (middle class families ) to have computers. In our society society today, today, today, almost almost almost every every every single single single family family family has has has at at at least least least one one one computer computer computer if if if not not not more, more, more, and and and these these computers computers are are are incredibly incredibly incredibly advanced advanced advanced compared compared compared to to to what what what you'd you'd you'd have have have had had in in your your your home home home a a short short ten ten years ago. Over the years, I have seen technology bloom; all I have known my entire lifetime, is that that there there there is is going going to to to be be be something something something bigger, bigger, bigger, I I I should should should really really really say say say smaller, smaller, smaller, and and better (out on the market ) in no time. I can't believe how fast manufacturers are coming out with new technology. What will happen in the future, will technology become so advanced is changes the course of our humanity? humanity? Y ou Y ou can can can do do do everything everything everything you you you want want want from from from a a a computer, computer, computer, work, work, work, play,play,(talk to friends ), research, and even order food! A person could live their entire life jammed up in a room with a computer, computer, and and and they they they would would would have have have access access access to to to everything everything everything they they they need! need! need! It It It is is is insane! insane! insane! The The The advances advances advances in in communication technology are blowing up all over the place as well. I, myself just bought a new camera phone, and this phone is amazing. The picture quality is superb, and not only that but I (have access to the ) internet on my PHONE! I can't believe how the cell phone market has so drastically increased. The first phone I ever had was five years ago, when I was 12 years old. That phone phone today today today would would would be be be considered considered considered huge, huge, huge, clunky, clunky, clunky, heavy, heavy, heavy, and and and "old". "old". "old". I I I personally personally personally couldn't couldn't couldn't even even imagine myself walking around with that phone (without being embarrassed ). It just goes to show how much things have changed in five years, and people just keep on taking it all in. Every time time I I I have have have bought bought bought a a a new new new phone phone phone since since since that that that point, point, point, six six six months months months later, later, later, I I I have have have wanted wanted wanted a a a new new new one one because because my my my phone phone phone was was was not not not up up up to to to date. date. date. Can Can Can you you you believe believe believe it, it, it, after after after not not not even even even a a a year year year a a a phone phone phone can can completely go off the market because it is not advanced enough? The manufacturers are putting these things out faster than people can buy them. 2. 听力听力 Part B 原文原文括号内为答案括号内为答案It is an honor to speak with you today on the issue of ( public health disparities ). I would first like to thank the organizations that made this event possible. This has truly been a collaborative effort among a diverse group of constituents. I think this sets a positive tone and precedent for a healthy and and spirited spirited spirited discussion. discussion. discussion. As As As many many many of of of you you you may may may know, know, know, reforming reforming reforming and and and improving improving improving our our our health health health care care system is an issue that is close to my heart. I believe that in the richest and most powerful country in the world, we ought to be able to provide (basic health care )to all of our citizens. It is vitally important that we lessen the impact and burden of illness on all people in communities, regardless of race, gender, or religions. Our discussions today are critically important to rectify the injustices that many people face in our current health care system. Today’s sessions have a greater purpose than mere discussions and networking opportunities----today’s conference signifies a n increased an increased and (necessary call for action ) among our region’s top health professionals. Public health is directly connected to poverty, income, education, and community. We cant’ look at health care in a silo and assume it is only a luxury for the well off. Health care needs to be provided to all people of all color. We are morally responsible for (improving the disparities in health care ) because a healthy healthy society society society is is is the the the foundation foundation foundation on on on which which which we we we build build build our our our schools, schools, schools, our our our neighborhoods, neighborhoods, neighborhoods, and and and our our economy. economy. Health Health Health care care care is is not not a a privilege----it privilege----it is is is a a right. right. I I I know know know we we we have have have along along along road road road to to to travel travel travel in in achieving equality in health status. I know that everyone here knows this. And I am hopeful that perhaps more people than ever are (finally waking up to this reality ). Part C1 原文原文 3个选择题个选择题There were very few places in the world that Jules Verne, the writer,, did not visit. He went round the world a hundred times or more. Once he did it in eighty days, unheard of in the nineteenth century. He voyaged sixty thousand miles under the sea, toured around the moon, exploded the center of the earth, and chatted with natives in Australia. Jules Verne, the man, was a stay-at-home. He was more likely to be tired from writing than from traveling. He did make a few visits to Europe and North Africa. And he made one six-week tour of New York State. But that was all. He spent less than one of his seventy-seven years really traveling. Yet he was the world’s most extraordinary tourist. H is books are crowded with hunting and fishing expeditions. Jules actually His books are crowded with hunting and fishing expeditions. Jules actually went hunting only once. Then he raised his gun and shot off the guard’s hat! He neve r held a test tube in his hand. But he was an inspiration to the scientist in the laboratory. Long before radio was invented, he had TV working in his books. His name for it was phono-telephoto. He had helicopters fifty years before the Wright brothers flew their first plane at Kitty Hawk. In fact, there were few wonders of the twentieth century that this man of the nineteenth century did not foresee. In his stories you can read about neon lights, moving sidewalks, air-conditioners, sky-scrapers, guided missiles, tanks, electrically operated submarines, and air-planes,and so on. 第一个问题第一个问题 问这个人是干什么的问这个人是干什么的 选the writer Part C2 Part C2 原文原文原文 第2篇 3个选择题个选择题Very old people do raise moral problems for almost everyone who comes in contactwith them. Their values values—this —this can’t be repeated too often—often—are are not necessarily ourvalues. Physical comfort, cleanness and order are not necessarily the most importantthings. The social services from time to time find themselves faced with a flat withdecaying food covered by small worms, and an old person lying alone in bed, takingno notice of the worms. But is it interfering with personal freedom to insist thatthey go to live with some of their relatives so that they might be taken better careof? Some social workers, the ones who clear up the worms, think we are in dangerof carrying this concept of personal freedom to the point where serious risks arebeing taken with the health and safety of the old. Indeed, the old can be easilyhurt or harmed. The body is like a car, it needs more mechanical maintenance as itgets older. You can carry this comparison right through to the provision of spareparts. But But never never forget that such operations operations are are painful experiences, experiences, however however goodthe results will be. And at what point should you stop to treat the old body? Isit morally right to try to push off death by seeking the development of drugs toexcite the forgetful old mind and to activate the old body, knowing that it isdesigned to die? You can’t ask doctors or scientists to decide, because so longas they can see the technical opportunities, they will feel bound to give them atry, on t try, on the principle that while there’s life, there’s hope.he principle that while there’s life, there’s hope.he principle that while there’s life, there’s hope.第三篇第三篇Animals do not possess a language in the true sense of the word. In the highervertebrates, as also in insects, particularly in the socially living species of bothgreat great groups, groups, groups, every every every individual individual individual has has has a a a certain certain certain number number number of of of inmate inmate inmate movements movements movements and and and sounds soundsfor expressing feelings. It has also innate ways of reacting to these signalswhenever it sees or hears hears them them them in in a fellow-member fellow-member of of the species. species. The The highly socialspecies of birds such as the jackdaw or the graylag goose, have a complicated codeof such signals which are uttered and understood by every bird without any previousexperience. The perfect co-ordination of social behaviour which is brought aboutby these actions and reactions conveys to the human observer the impression thatthe birds are talking and understanding a language of the own. Of course, this purelyinnate signal signal code code of of an an animal species species differs differs fundamentally fundamentally from from human human language, language,every word of which must be learned laboriously by the human child. Moreover, beinga genetically fixed character of the species a genetically fixed character of the species——just as much as any bodilycharacter character——this so-called language is, for every individual animal species,ubiquitous in its distribution. Obvious though this fact may seem, it was,nevertheless, with something akin to nevertheless, with something akin to naïve naïve naïve surprise that I heard the jackdaws in surprise that I heard the jackdaws innorthern Russia “talk talk”” exactly the same, familiar “dialect dialect”” as my birds at homein Altenberg. The superficial similarity between these animal utterances and humanlanguages diminishes further as it becomes gradually clear to the observer that theanimal, in all these sounds and movements expressing its emotions, has in no waythe conscious intention of influencing a fellow member of its species. This is provedby the fact that even geese or jackdaws reared and kept singly make all these signalsas soon as the corresponding mood overtakes them. Under these circumstances theautomatic and even mechanical character of these signals becomes strikingly apparentand reveals them as entirely different from human words.二.(15题,15分)单选题(顺序打乱了)分)单选题(顺序打乱了)The two friends sat in a corner and __B__ away to each other about the weather .a .talked b .chatted c .muttered d .whispered He is going to __D__ the meeting on the subject of war and peace in a minute .a .speak b .talk c .remark d .address Although not an economist himself, Dr. Smith has long been a severe critic of the government's ___A___ policies. a. economic b. economical b. economical c. economy d. economics d. economics There are not many teachers who are strong _C_of traditional methods in English teaching. a. sponsors b. contributors b. contributors c. advocates c. advocates d. performers A friendship may be ___B___ , casual, situational or deep and lasting. a. identical b. superficial b. superficial c. critical d. original d. original Nobody Nobody yet yet yet knows knows knows how how how long long long and and and how how how seriously seriously seriously the the the shakiness shakiness shakiness in in in the the the financial financial financial system system system will will will _C_ _C_ down the economy. a. put b. settle b. settle c. drag d. knock d. knock We are _D_ to the idea, but we doubt whether the time is ripe to put it into force. a. equal b. adequate b. adequate c. considerate d. sympathetic People People were were were surprised surprised surprised to to to find find find that that that Mr. Mr. Mr. Johnson Johnson Johnson had had had the the the ability ability ability to to to ___B__ ___B__ ___B__ everything everything everything he he he was was involved in. a. Prevail b. dominate c. preside c. preside d. instruct You can do it if you want to, but in my opinion it’s not worth the __D__ it in volves. a. force b. trial b. trial c. attempt d. effort The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for __D__ her attitude toward customers. a. straightforward b. partial b. partial c. favorable d. hostile You must pack plenty of food for the journey. __D__, you will need warm clothes, so pack them too. a. Equally b. Incidentally c. Inevitably c. Inevitably d. Likewise d. Likewise This __B_ was conducted to find out how many people prefer rice. a. examination b. survey b. survey c. inspection d. test As a defense against air-pollution damage, many plants and animals __B__ a substance to absorb harmful chemicals a. relieve b. release b. release c. dismiss c. dismiss d. discard He said that very clearly so that nobody was in any___B__ about what was meant. a. wonder b. doubt c. question d. consideration 三.完形填空(20题 20分)分)Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die. But people now live longer than they (1) . Yet, all living things still show the (2) of aging, which will eventually (3) death. Aging is not a disease, (4)as a person passes maturity, the cells of the body and the (5) they form do not function as well as they did in childhood and teenage years. The body provides less (6) against disease and is more (7) to have accident. A number of related causes may (8) aging. Some cells of the body have a (9) long life, but they are not (10) when they die. As a person ages, (11) of brain cells and muscle cells decreases. Other body cells die and are (12)by new cells. In an aging person the new cells may not be as workable or as capable (13) growth as those of a young young person. person. person. Another Another Another (14) (14) (14) in in in aging aging aging may may may be be be changes within changes within the the cells(15). cells(15). cells(15). Some Some Some of of the the protein protein chemicals in cells are known to change with age and become less elastic. This is (16) the skin of old people wrinkles and hangs loose. This is also the reason why old people (17) in height. There may be other more important chemical changes in the cells. Some complex cell chemicals, (18)DNA DNA and and and RNA, RNA, RNA, store store store and and and (19) (19) (19) information information information that that that the the the cells cells cells need.Aging need.Aging need.Aging may may may affect affect affect this this this (20) (20) (20) and and change the informationcarrying molecules so that they do not transmit the information as well. 1.C A A .would B B .be used to C .used to D . used 2.B A A .function B .effect C C .affect D D . sign 3.D A A .lead in B .give in C C .run into D . result in 4.but 5.D A A .hands B B .feet C C .heart D . organs 6.B A A .energy B .protection C .vigor D . power 7.A A A .likely B B .probable C .possible D . alike 8.B A A .attend to B B .contribute to C C .add to D . devote to 9.fairly 10.A A A .replaced B .reborn C .recovered D . surrendered 11.C A .a number B B .the amount C .the number D . a great deal 12.replaced 13.C A .to B .for C .of D . in 14.A A .factor B B .effect C C .reason D . element 15.C A .for themselves B .of themselves C .themselves D .on their own 16.why 17.B A .increase B .shrink C C .lengthen D . decrease 18.such as 19.D A .pass away B B .pass by C C .pass off D D . pass on 20.D A .improvement B .procession C .approach D . process 四阅读(4篇,20分)分)阅读第一篇阅读第一篇In the same way that a child must be able to move his arms and legs before he can learn to walk, the the child child child must must must physiologically physiologically physiologically be be be capable capable capable of of of producing producing producing and and and experiencing experiencing experiencing particular particular particular emotions emotions before these emotions can be modified through learning. psychologists have found that there are two two basic basic basic processes processes processes by by by which which which learning learning learning takes takes takes place. place. place. one one one kind kind kind of of of learning learning learning is is is called called called "classical "classical conditioning". this occurs when one event or stimulus is consistently paired with, or followed by, a reward reward or or or punishment, punishment, punishment, it it it is is is through through through classical classical classical conditioning conditioning conditioning that that that a a a child child child learns learns learns to to to associate associate associate his his mother's face and voice with happiness and love, for he learns that this person provides food and comfort. negative emotions are learned in a similar fashion. The second kind of learning is called "operant conditioning." this occurs when an individual learns to to do do do things things things that that that produce produce produce rewards rewards rewards in in in his his his environment environment environment and and and learns learns learns not not not to to to do do do things things things that that that produce produce punishments. for example, if a mother always attends to her baby when he cries and cuddles him until he is quiet, she may teach him that if he cries he will get attention from mother. thus, the baby will learn to increase his crying in order to have his mother more. Every Every day, day, we we grow grow grow and and and have have have new new new experiences. experiences. experiences. we we we constantly constantly constantly learn learn learn by by by reading, reading, reading, watching watching television, interacting with some people, and so forth. this learning affects our emotions. why is it that we learn to like some people and dislike others? if a person is nice to us, cares about us, we learn to associate this person with positive feelings, such as joy, happiness, and friendliness. on the other hand, if a person is mean to us, does not care about us, and even deliberately does things to harm us, we learn to associate this person with negative feelings, such as unhappiness, discomfort, and anger. 1. the author's main purpose in writing the passage is to _B_. a) teach children how to learn to produce and experience certain emotion b) give the general reader an account of two basic kinds of learning c) give parents some advice on how to modify their children's emotions through learning d) discuss with psychologist how positive and negative feelings are produced 2.if 2.if your your your jokes jokes jokes often often often find find find already already already echo echo echo in in in a a a person, person, person, you you you will will will learn learn learn though though though _B_ _B_ _B_ that that that telling telling jokes to this person is fun, and you will try with greater efforts to be humorous in his presence. a) classical conditioning b) operant conditioning c) neither of them d) some other sorts of conditioning 3. 3. if if if a a a child child child is is is bitten bitten bitten or or or startled startled startled several several several times times times by by by a a a dog, dog, dog, he he he may may may learn learn learn to to to associate associate associate furry furry animals with pain or startle and thus develop a fear of furry animals. this is a typical example of learning through _A_. a) classical conditioning b) operant conditioning c) both of them d) neither of them 4. in the third paragraph, the author is _D_. a) discussing how we grow and have new experiences every day b) talking about learning to modify emotions through operant conditioning c) concentrating on learning by reading, watching television, interacting with people, and so on d) using examples to further illustrate learning through classical conditioning 5. in the following paragraphs the author will most probably go on to discuss __C_. a) definitions of positive feelings and negative feelings b) the third kind of learning c) further examples of learning through operant conditioning d) none of the above 阅读第2篇,篇,Do we need laws that prevent us from running risks with our lives? If so, then perhaps laws are needed prohibiting the sale of cigarettes and alcoholic drinks. Both products have been known to kill kill people. people. people. The The The hazards hazards hazards of of of drinking drinking drinking too too too much much much alcohol alcohol alcohol are are are as as as bad bad or or worse worse worse than than than the the the hazards hazards hazards of of smiking too many cigarettes. All right then, let's pass a law closing the liquor stores and the bars in this country. Let's put an end once and for all to the ruinous disease from which as many as 10 million Americans currently suffer--alcoholism. But wait. We've already tried that. For 13 years, between 1920 and 1933, there were no liquor stores stores anywhere anywhere anywhere in in in the the the United United United States. States. States. They They They were were were shut shut shut down down down abilished abilished abilished by by by an an an amendment amendment amendment to to to the the Constitution and by a law of Congress. After January 20, 1920, there was supposed to be no more manyfacturing, selling, or transporting of "intoxicating liquors". Without any more liquor, people could not drink it. And if they did not drink it, how could they get drunk? There would be no more dangers to the public welfare from drunkenness and alcoholism. It was all bery logical. And yet prohibition of liquor, beer, and wine did not work. Why? Because, law or no law, millions of people still liked to drink alcohol. And they were willing to take risks to get it. They were not about to change their tastes and habits just because of a change in the law. And gans of liquor smugglers millions of gallons of the outlawed beverages across the Canadian and Mexican borders. Drinkers were licky to know of an illegal bar that served Mexican or or Canadian Canadian Canadian liquor. liquor. Crime Crime and and and drunkenness drunkenness drunkenness were were were both both both supposed supposed supposed to to to decline decline decline as as as a a a rusult rusult rusult of of prohibition. Instead, people drank nore alcohol than ever-often poisoned alcohol. 1. Which of the following was NOT characteristic reason for the proposal of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution and the V olstead Act? A a) There would be no further danger to the public from alcoholism. b) There would be a rise in the cost of alcoholic beverages. c) Without liquor, people would not drink. d) People would not become drunk of create a public nuisance. 2. During Prohibition, illegal alcohol was_C___. a) sold openly b) no longer a temptation c) a major factor in the passage of the V olstead Act d) brought across the Mexican and Canadian borders 3. During Prohibition, people__B__. a) lived in fear of the law b) were willing to risk arrest for the pleasure of liquor c) recklessly endangered their comunities d) were respectful of the legal sanctions placed on them 4. When enacting the prohibition law, government officials assumend that__D__. a) every American would buy alcohol illegally b) all criminal activities would cease c) patrols of the Canadian border would halt the sale of alcohol d) the social threat from drunkerness would decline 5. It can be inferred from the passage that__A__. a) the Congress was wise to repeal Prohibition b) the Prohibition Era was characterized by a decrease in crime and drunkenness c) during Prohibition, most Americans stopped drinking d) laws should be passed to ban the sale of alcoholic beverages 第三篇第三篇As people continue to grow and age, our body systems continue to change. At a certain point in your life, your body system began to weaken. Your joint may become stiff. It may become more difficult for you to see and hear. The slow change of aging causes our bodies to lose some of their ability ability to bounce back from disease and injury. In order to live longer, we have always tried to to bounce back from disease and injury. In order to live longer, we have always tried to slow or stop this process that leads us toward the end of our lives. Many factors contribute to your health. A well-balanced diet plays an important role. The amount and type of exercises you get is another factor. Your living environment and the amount of stress you you are are are under under under is is yet yet another. another. another. But But But scientists scientists scientists studying studying studying senescence senescence senescence want want want to to to know: know: know: Why Why Why do do people grow old? They hope that by examining the aging process on a cellular level medical science may be able to extend the length of life. There is nothing to be afraid of as old age approaches. Many consider the later portions of life to be the best time for living. Physical activity may lessen, but often you gain a broader understanding of yourself and the world. What What we we we consider consider consider old old old age age age now now now may may may only only only be be be middle-aged middle-aged middle-aged someday someday someday soon. soon. soon. Who Who Who knows knows knows with with with so so many advances in medical science happening so quickly, life spans may one day be measured in centuries, rather than in years! 1. When people become aging, they will lose some of their ability to bounce back from disease and injury, “bounce back” here means __A__.A. to improve in health after one ‟s disease and injury B . to run fast C. to recover from disease and injury D. to jump after recovering 2. In order to live longer, ___A___. 。
浙江大学保送生考试试题归类 面试

【面试】透露一哈面试的T,反正都在变哈!!!你们肯定做不到原题的!!!做到了BG不解释!!!1 自我介绍(包括成绩排名,兴趣爱好,保送资格的由来,1分半,多了打断!)2 话题讨论(中文,我们是给了3个词语,早恋,门当户对,为达目的,不择手段!选一个自己说说就可以了,注意友情提示,尽量靠前,不是第一个,后面说的人都要抢着说了,我准备第二个说,结果硬是被各位女生逼到了第八,最后我开场一个女士优先,化解了一下紧张的局势,因为大家都笑了!)3 英语TOPIC(我们是CHOOSE A WORD OR MORE WHICH CAN DESCRIBE YOURSELF,我是外国语学校的保送,不过就我是竞赛类的,结果英语被完暴!!!英语TOPIC给出来,目测0.5S就听到我们学校的某大神开口啦,WELL,AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED就开始了,然后说了3MIN,其他人都是3MIN左右,而且还有个人说的很有深度,说的老师都点头哈腰的,感觉她们说的比老外还好。
我只说了1MIN啊,被完暴了!!!)总结:大概就是这么个样子吧,最后说一下,去之前准备个自我介绍是必须的,因为都是没有准备时间的,给出来了就开始!!然后第二三个环节是尽量前面第一个,或者抢到第二个什么的,或者作最后一个,总结性发言,不过一定要确定自己有这个能力啊!!!最后祝大家成功!!!第三题是英语题(不能笔记),大意是有人说literature已经out of date,你怎么看。

浙江大学保送生考试------ 智力考试题1、比分析问题、解决问题更高的境界是什么?2、为什么电脑硬盘是从字母C开始命名的?2,一个英文题,一个数被24除余10,被8除余几?3、士兵最讨厌的月份是几月? 答案:三月,因为March还有行军的意思5,美国的一个计划,通过一个什么东西,看到了开普勒-22,一个恒星,问距离和半径?4.二进制数1101111表示为16进制为_____.A. 7EB.6FC.5DD.4E5.英语应用题,通话计费问题.6.The positive number Z divided by 24 and the reminder is 10,divided by 8,the reminder is __.A.5B.4C.3D.213. 电饭煲电灯电脑之类的电器问哪个经过的电流最小11、请估算从杭州某军用机场到钓鱼岛的空中距离。
(刚开始题是这么打的“5,6.6,9”我就没整明白6.6还是6,6,后来改成“,”反正这个题怎么出都是白送分,6×9-5×6=24;5×6.6-9=24)使用三种方法,由5,6,7,8得到24.2.数独(这个题简直了,前面简单的就是菜鸟水平,我基本没停笔就写完了245679,然后后面剩下138三个数,我试了4次才试出结果,晕了)3. 逻辑推理1、爱因斯坦你一定不陌生吧,他的等式E=mc2使核时代诞生了。

一、选择题(多选):1. 十八大的政治局常委有?[秒杀]2. 十八大中提出的社会主义核心价值24字中,涉及公民个人层面的八个字是?[新出来的没听过,乱填,4个词错了1个]3. 马拉松全程长度?[不会]4. 核桃、菠萝、菠萝蜜、葡萄哪些是在树上长的?[==不知道菠萝蜜是什么啊TAT]5. 上海合作组织的成员国?[秒杀]6. 二进制数11100101的十六进制是?[秒杀]7. (英文题)一种电话套餐,$10月租,前40个电话$0.08/个,40个以后的$0.04/个,问一个人某月打了50个电话,要付多少钱?[秒杀]8. 中国常青藤联盟(简称C9)学校除了清华、北大、浙大还有?[秒杀]9. 世界四大网球公开赛有?10. 收藏于浙江省博物馆和台北博物馆的富春山居图的画家及其年代分别是?[你妹!]11. 把所有2012年诺贝尔奖获奖者的图片列出来,然后match对应的获奖项目。
[秒杀]3. 浙大校训是___________。
[只记得求是,真是拙计]4. 竺可桢学院的英文___________。
[呵呵--]5. 中国共青团的英文___________。
[秒杀]6. 金砖国家是什么____________。
[秒杀]7. 三大球是______、_____、____;三小球是_____、_____、_____。
[秒杀]10. 为救学生而致使双腿截肢的最美女教师的名字是____________。
]11. 成为访问新中国的第一位美国总统是____________,在____________签署《中美联合公报》。

杭州保送生英语面试题目Hangzhou unripe interview form and interviewInterview time: 10 to 12 minutes and 30 minutes;Types of interview: one group, arts and separate groups of five hybrid, liberal arts;Science students English interview, interview English with Chinese students in liberal arts.Science students by 3 teachers do the examiner teacher took the students prior to the personal statement respectively questions, is mainly personal problems, generally 3 to 4 questions.Liberal arts students interview with more than 10 questions, each question answer time limit, mostly for the students themselves.English interview. There are 3 teachers in each room,of 5 candidates. Candidates have 5 questions can choose.The examinee to selected topics, once replaced Title opportunity. In order to answer their own self introduction, to smoke the problem, finally, on 5 problems discussed by the whole group of mon students, time is 20 minutes.Because of the consistent with the "inclusive" thespirit of tolerance, north of the interview questions asall inclusive, in the interview questions, test students' views on social hot issues aounted for half of the problem.Hangzhou unripe part of interview questions:The launch of the 1 Tiangong-1 have what view and butt?2 economic development China and prices on the rise, how do you understand?3 see how the Vatican Observatory in construction please scientists to study?4 talk about your understanding of the land policy, China's land resources allocation.5 do you think what kind of food is "green food"?6 many people "clinical medicine" after graduation rather than in a big city and sell drugs, rather than go to the country to practice medicine, how to look at?7 look at how the relationship between economic growth and national happiness index?8 some people think that entrance selection system must be unified, so conducive to the selection of talents and social justice, but also somebody thinks, should bemultiple selection based on the selection of the college entrance examination, please talk about your view.9 some people often adopt the roadside abandoned pets, and support, some people think that this is a love animals, love life, what do you see?1 Comparative Analysis about the spirit of contract in China of "honesty" and Western "".2 "the scientific spirit of suspicion" and "being suspicions character" what's the difference?3 bining personal experience, talk about the "send person rose, the hand there are lingering fragrance" view.4 how to distinguish between "if some enlightenment" and "suddenly have a brain wave"?。

题目一:英译汉原文:"In the pursuit of knowledge, every individual is an explorer, and the more we learn, the more we realize how much we do not know."参考答案:在追求知识的过程中,每个人都是探险者,我们学得越多,就越意识到我们不知道的有多少。
”参考答案:China has a long history and a rich culture, among which calligraphy is an important component of Chinese culture.题目三:英译汉(科技领域)原文:"The advent of quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize the field of cryptography, offering new ways to secure data against the ever-growing threats of cyber-attacks."参考答案:量子计算的出现有可能彻底改变密码学领域,为数据安全提供新的方法,以抵御日益增长的网络攻击威胁。
”参考答案:Once a contract is signed, both parties should abide by the terms of the contract. Any breach of contract by either party should bear the corresponding legal responsibilities.题目五:口译练习(商务谈判场景)情景描述:一位中国企业家与外国投资者进行商务谈判,讨论合作事宜。

浙江大学英语考试真题及答案English: The Zhejiang University English exam is a comprehensive test that assesses students' proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The reading section consists of passages from various genres, including academic articles, news reports, and literary texts. Students are required to answer comprehension questions and demonstrate their ability to understand and interpret the written material. The writing section typically includes prompts that require students to write essays or short responses on different topics. This section evaluates their ability to develop and organize ideas, as well as their language accuracy and coherence. The listening section usually involves listening to conversations, lectures, or interviews and then answering questions based on the audio. This tests students' listening comprehension skills and their ability to extract important information from spoken English. Lastly, the speaking section assesses students' ability to communicate orally. They are usually given a topic and are required to give a short presentation or engage in a conversation with the examiner. Overall, the Zhejiang University English exam aims to evaluate students' English language proficiencyacross all four skills and is designed to test their ability to understand and communicate effectively in English.中文翻译: 浙江大学英语考试是一次综合性测试,评估学生在阅读、写作、听力和口语方面的能力。

浙江大学考博英语-试卷3(总分:112.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、 Structure and Vocabulary(总题数:15,分数:30.00)1.Outside my office window there is a fire______on the right.(分数:2.00)A.escape √dderC.stepsD.stairs解析:解析:fire escape意为“防火安全楼梯(位于楼房的外侧面)”;ladder意为“梯子”;steps意为“台阶”;stairs意为“楼梯”,指室内的。
2.I______with the Browns during my stay in New York City.(分数:2.00)A.put inB.put downC.put onD.put up √解析:解析:put up意为“宿夜”;put in意为“度过,消磨(时间等)”;put down意为“写下,记录”;put on意为“上演,演出”。
3.Operations which left patients______and in need of long periods of discovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable.(分数:2.00)A.exhausted √B.unhealthyC.upsetD.fearful解析:解析:exhausted意为“精疲力竭的”;unhealthy意为“不健康的”;upset意为“苦恼的,不适的”;fearful意为“担心的,可怕的”。
4.Farmers are allowed to grow small gardens of their own and they sell their vegetables______the black market.(分数:2.00)A.on √B.atC.inD.for解析:解析:on the market意为“上市,出售中”,其他介词搭配不合适。

浙江大学考博英语-试卷3(总分:112.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、 Structure and Vocabulary(总题数:15,分数:30.00)1.Outside my office window there is a fire______on the right.(分数:2.00)A.escape √dderC.stepsD.stairs解析:解析:fire escape意为“防火安全楼梯(位于楼房的外侧面)”;ladder意为“梯子”;steps意为“台阶”;stairs意为“楼梯”,指室内的。
2.I______with the Browns during my stay in New York City.(分数:2.00)A.put inB.put downC.put onD.put up √解析:解析:put up意为“宿夜”;put in意为“度过,消磨(时间等)”;put down意为“写下,记录”;put on意为“上演,演出”。
3.Operations which left patients______and in need of long periods of discovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable.(分数:2.00)A.exhausted √B.unhealthyC.upsetD.fearful解析:解析:exhausted意为“精疲力竭的”;unhealthy意为“不健康的”;upset意为“苦恼的,不适的”;fearful意为“担心的,可怕的”。
4.Farmers are allowed to grow small gardens of their own and they sell their vegetables______the black market.(分数:2.00)A.on √B.atC.inD.for解析:解析:on the market意为“上市,出售中”,其他介词搭配不合适。

浙江大学2015年考博英语真题翻译汉译英原文One in four Britons would not trust their neighbour to take delivery of a parcel and 10 per cent suspect them of having stolen post in the past, a survey has found.一项调查发现,四分之一的英国人表示不会嘱托自己的邻居代领包裹,甚至有10%的英国人怀疑他们的邻居之前偷拿过他们的包裹。
More than two thirds (68 per cent) wouldn't trust them with their keys, and more than one in 10 (11 per cent) actually suspect them of having pinched a parcel in the past.超过68%的人表示不放心将钥匙交给邻居保管,还有11%以上的人怀疑邻居曾偷拿他们的包裹。
An independent study of 2,000 shows that barely half of people know who their neighbours are.一项针对2000名受访者的独立调查显示,仅有一半受访者认识自己的邻居。
A majority would never ask their neighbours to look after the likes of keys (68 per cent), pets (89 per cent), relatives (94 per cent) or homes (56 per cent) while they were out and even taking in parcels is taking trust too far for more than a third of us (35 per cent), according to research for InPost UK,据英国InPost调查,大多数人外出前从不会让他们的邻居帮忙保管钥匙(68%)、照看宠物(89%)或亲戚(94%)以及看管房子(56%),甚至超过三分之一(35%)的人从不拜托邻居代领包裹。


记10分)从A ,B, C, D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案.1.“Excuse me, I’d like _____ that blue handbag.”“ I’m sorry, madam, but the blue one _____.”A. to have; was sellingB. to buy; has been soldC. buying; sellsD. to take; sold2. Lucy has beening working _____ since she got ____A in the French test.A. more harder; aB. much harder; anC. as harder; theD. more hardly; another3.--- “Would you mind moving your bag from the seat, please?”---“_______.”A. You are wrongB. Never mindC. Oh, sorry C. Don’t you think so4. The naughty boys were made ____ their maths homework the next day.A. handing upB. hand outC. to hand inD. to handing off5. “I can’t stop worrying about my exam tomorrow.”“__________”A.That’s all right, never mind.B. I’m sure you’ll do wellB.You’ve done a great job D. Good luck to you6. October 1 , 2005 is the day _____ I’ll forever remember in my life.A. thatB. whenC. on whichD. from which7. _____ we can’t get seems better than ____ we have.A. What; whatB. what; thatC. that; thatD. that; what8. Mr Smith, there is a man at______ front door who says he has ____ news for you of great importance.A. the; /B. the; theC. /; /D. /; the9. We ____ each other the best of luck in the examination.A. hopedB. wantedC. wishedD. expected10.A: Good morning, Mega Music Store. Can I help you?B: Hello, __________.A: Certainly. The order number is CD 39 dash 2Bk and the price is $39.99.A.I’d like to know if I can order the new Discovery.?B.How much is the new Discovery CD?C.I’d like to know how I can get to the music store?D.How can I get some information about the new Discovery CD?二. 完形填空. (15分)Underwater CaveIt was a worrying time for the air-sea rescue(营救) team from Provence in southern France. Three divers had gone (1)________ and the(2) _______ that they were still alive were bad.With Henri Cosquer on board, the rescue boat motored (3)______ the coast to the area where the divers had (4)_______, and anchored(抛锚,停泊) alongside some limestone cliffs(悬崖,峭壁). Beneath the surface, Cosquer explained, was a cave--- his own private cave, which he had discovered six years (5) ______, and which he had been exploring ever since. The cave was one of the most dangerous he had ever seen, which was one reason why he (6)______ told anyone about it. He suspected(猜想) that the divers had (7)______ found the entrance, and come to grief (不幸) in the narrow passagers beyond.Cosquer and the rescue team put on their diving (8)________ and entered the tiny opening, little more than a meter high. Inside, pitch black had it not been for their torches, was a long narrow passage. Clouds of silt (淤泥) were (9)_______ up by the divers’ flippers as they passed, and the team quickly (10)_______ disorientated(辨不清方向). But Cospuer knew (11) _________ he was going.Soon, as he (12) ______, they found the (13)_______ of the three missing divers, (14)_____ his cave had been discovered and a tragedy(悲剧) had occurred, Cosquer knew that the authorities(官方) would seal(封闭) its entrance off to prevent further accidents. But before they did he knew the cave’s other (15) ______ would have to shared with the rest of the world.1. A. missing B. lost C. away D. dead2. A. possibilities B. facts C. chances D. reasons3. A. across B. through C. along D. towards4. A. appeared B. disappeared C. missed D. lost5. A. before B. ago C. time D. passed6. A. ever B. already C. still D. never7. A. already B .possibly C. accidentally D. probably8. A. machine B. suit C. oxygen D. equipment9. A. created B. made C. stirred D. caused10. A .grew B. became C. turned D. happened11. A. when B .how C. what D. where12. A. thought B. considered C. expected D. concluded13. A .bodies B. hands C. legs D.arms14. A. Now that B. because C. Suddenly D. However15. A. fact B. secret C. story D. wonder三.阅读理解。


2014年浙江大学考博英语真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Structure and V ocabulary 2. Cloze 3. Reading Comprehension 4. Chinese-English TranslationStructure and V ocabulary1.The two friends sat in a corner and______away to each other about the weather.A.talkedB.chattedC.mutteredD.whispered正确答案:B解析:固定搭配。
2.He is going to______the meeting on the subject of war and peace in a minute.A.speakB.talkC.remarkD.address正确答案:D解析:近义词词义辨析。
talk有“交谈”的意思,通常与介词to/with/about 搭配;speak一般接某种语言,不接说话的内容;remark“评论”,较正式,指某人对他人观点或者言行的评论;address做动词时表示“向……讲话,向……发表演说”的意思,为及物动词,一般用于正式场合。
通常搭配address the meeting on sth.表示“就……议题在大会上发言”。
3.Although not an economist himself, Dr. Smith has long been a severe critic of the government’s______policies.A.economicB.economicalC.economyD.economics正确答案:A解析:形近词辨析。
浙江大学保送生考试试题归类 翻译

翻译题: 把古文翻译成英文1、道可道,非常道。
The Way that can be told of is not an Unvarying Way; The names that can be named are not unvarying names. It was from the Nameless that Heaven and Earth sprang; The named is but the mother that rears the ten thousand creatures, each after its kind.Truly, 'Only he that rids himself forever of desire can see the Secret Essences' ; He that has never rid himself of desire can see only the Outcomes.These two things issued from the same mould, but nevertheless are different in name.This ' same mould' we can but call the Mystery, Or rather the 'Darker than any Mystery', The Doorway whence issued all Secret Essences.2、大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。

西南联大西迁到了昆明,浙大西迁到了____(遵义)3.联合国常任理事国五个国家的最高领导人是_______(这个随意)[美国奥巴马(总统)英国卡梅伦(首相)法国萨科齐(总统)中国胡锦涛(主席)俄罗斯普京(总统)] 4。
2011中央经济工作会议说:____宏观经济政策的_____和稳定性(保持连续性),明年要增强调控的针对性、______、______.(灵活性前瞻性)5.国际货币基金组织IMF的新总裁____(拉加德)6.24点4 4 10 10选择题:中国古代文化的“风骨”在现代美学里对应:A优美B崇高C悲剧D喜剧国际志愿工作日是12.9 还是12.5 还是3。
5 还是5。
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翻译题: 把古文翻译成英文
The Way that can be told of is not an Unvarying Way; The names that can be named are not unvarying names. It was from the Nameless that Heaven and Earth sprang; The named is but the mother that rears the ten thousand creatures, each after its kind.
Truly, 'Only he that rids himself forever of desire can see the Secret Essences' ; He that has never rid himself of desire can see only the Outcomes.
These two things issued from the same mould, but nevertheless are different in name.
This ' same mould' we can but call the Mystery, Or rather the 'Darker than any Mystery', The Doorway whence issued all Secret Essences.
What the great learning teaches, is to illustrate illustrious virtue; to renovate the people; and to rest in the highest excellence.
The point where to rest being known, the object of pursuit is then determined; and, that being determined, a calm unperturbedness may be attained to. To that calmness there will succeed a tranquil repose. In that repose there may be careful deliberation, and that deliberation will be followed by the attainment of the desired end.
Things have their root and their branches. Affairs have their end and their beginning. To know what is first and what is last will lead near to what is taught in the Great Learning.
3、天命之谓性率性之谓道修道之谓教道也者,不可须臾离也. 可离,非道也.是故君子戒慎乎其所不睹,恐惧乎其所不闻.莫见乎隐,莫显乎微
八阵图[唐] 杜甫