29 36 39 28 30
告警 VSWR minor alarm(1838) Failure in optical RP3 interface(3030) Configuration error: Not enough HW for LCR(3070) Connection lost Failure in replaceable baseband unit(3003) VSWR alarm(1837) Baseband bus failure(3020) RF module failure(3010) System module failure(3000) Temperature alarm(3040) Fan failure(3050) Fan failure during fan test(3050) BTS reference clock missing(3080) BTS reset required(4001) Failure In Optical Interface 1(3012) Failure In Optical Interface 0(3012) BTS is uncommissioned(4030) Incompatible SW version detected Commissioning error: Invalid Configuration file(3060) SW fallback(4082) Transport layer connection failure in S1 interface(6202) VSWR major alarm(1837) TX failure in MIMO(4003) BTS master clock tuning failure(1818) BTS synchronization is missing during startup(4160) BTS time not corrected Cell configuration data distribution failed(6253) Error in file server during SW download GPS Receiver alarm: Control Interface not available(4011) GPS Receiver alarm: EEPROM segments status(4126) NE disconnected before upload finished PPS reference clock missing in startup(4153) S1 interface setup failure(6308) Configuration error: Unit initialization failure(3070) Firmware SW mismatch(2056) Parallel RP3-01 link length mismatch(4072) TD-SCDMA minor alarm(4179) BTS internal SW management problem(3090) Cell power failure(4090) Configuration error: Unknown HW resource(3070) RF Loss of secondary optical interface(1930) System module failure F Failure In Optical Interface RRU optical/eletrical module absence 1(3012) RF BB bus connection transmission error(1906) Validation of signed file failed(4145) Failure in optical RP3 interface Unit blocked High memory consumption(6502) Failure In Optical Interface Abnormal CPRI interface to next hop 1(3012) 1935转速高 1932、33风扇坏
诺西GSM基站故障排查指导手册中国移动通信集团上海有限公司网络优化中心2013年9月目录1基站设备: (3)1.1腔体更换步骤 (3)2载频更换步骤 (3)2.1FLEXI EDGE站型载频更换步骤 (3)2.2MCPA站型载频更换步骤 (3)2.3主控板更换步骤 (4)2.4基站数据重配步骤 (4)3基站常见故障判断方法及处理 (4)3.1分集接收差异过大 (4)3.2VSWR驻波告警 (5)3.3传输故障 (5)3.4天线端口配置错误 (5)3.5基站配置错误 (5)4零话务: (6)4.1整体排除流程图 (6)4.2排查步骤 (6)4.3具体案例 (7)5器件故障(宏站): (7)5.1整体排除流程图 (8)5.2排查步骤 (8)5.3具体案例 (9)6器件故障(室分): (10)6.1排障流程图 (10)6.2排查步骤 (11)6.3具体案例 (12)7传输故障: (12)7.1整体排查流程图 (12)7.2排查步骤 (13)8天馈线故障: (13)8.1排障流程图 (13)8.2排查步骤 (13)8.3具体案例 (14)1 基站设备:定义:属于机架以内范围的设备故障,包括腔体,载频,主控板等需要更换或数据重配置,需在3天内完成排障。
目前诺西在上海移动现网中主要有2个系列的基站设备,分别为FLEXI EDGE 站型和MCPA站型,并以MCPA站型为主。
1.1 腔体更换步骤1)将故障所在的小区锁住2)将连接在腔体上的射频线做好标记3)先将腔体与载频的连接线拆除,然后依次拆除腔体上的连接线(只需拆除腔体一侧),卸除1/2跳线4)更换腔体,重新复原1/2跳线、射频线、连接腔体的数据线(切记所有连接线按原有顺序复原)5)解锁,重启BCF,观察所有载频是否正常工作、有无告警(注意有无话务,因动过1/2跳线需要观察RSSI值)6)与BSC确认此站是否处于正常状态(最好能等待1小时以上,观察故障是否会重复出现)2 载频更换步骤2.1 FLEXI EDGE站型载频更换步骤1)将故障载频锁住。
诺西e N o d e B常见故障处理说明方案集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]诺西常见故障标准化处理说明书1诺西FlexiBTS7650告警处理<告警名称>BASESTATIONFAULTY<处理方法>按照故障可能的原因分类,分别列出处理方法如下:1.1BTSBlocked1.2BTSinternalSWmanagementproblem1.3BasebandBusfailure1.4SystemModulefailure1.5IncompatibleSWversiondetected1.6S1interfacesetupfailure1.7Temperaturealarm2诺西FlexiBTS7651告警处理<告警名称>BASESTATIONOPERATIONDEGRADED<处理方法>按照故障可能的原因分类,分别列出处理方法如下:2.1BTSreferenceclockmissing2.2BTSresetrequired2.3TransportlayerconnectionfailureinX2interface3诺西FlexiBTS7652告警处理<告警名称>BASESTATIONNOTIFICATION<处理方法>按照故障可能的原因分类,分别列出处理方法如下:5.1BTStimenotcorrected5.2Fanfailure5.3Fanfailure4诺西FlexiBTS7653告警处理<告警名称>CELLFAULTY<处理方法>按照故障可能的原因分类,分别列出处理方法如下:3.1CellBlocked3.2BasebandBusfailure3.3Cellpowerfailure3.4Configurationerror:NotenoughHWforLCR3.5FailureinopticalRP3interface3.6Temperaturealarm3.7RFLossofsecondaryopticalinterface3.8RFModulefailure3.9VSWRalarm5诺西FlexiBTS7654告警处理<告警名称>CELLOPERATIONDEGRADED<处理方法>按照故障可能的原因分类,分别列出处理方法如下:4.1VSWRalarm4.2FailureinopticalRP3interface6诺西FlexiBTS7655告警处理<告警名称>CELLNOTIFICATION<处理方法>按照故障可能的原因分类,分别列出处理方法如下:6.1TXfailureinMIMO6.2Radioresourcesswitchedoff。
.一体化代维项目试点课题研究成果故障处理案例库中国移动通信集团福建有限公司二○一二年四月目录:1 基站专业 (6)1.1天馈类 (6)1.1.1.Antenna connection faulty. (6)1.1.2.Rx levels differ too much between main and diversity antennas (7)1.1.3.RSSI detected Rx signal difference exceeding threshold (9)1.1.4.ERxx DDU module has detected VSWR above minor limit at A (Or B) (11)1.1.5.ECxx RTC module has detected VSWR above major limit at antenna (12)1.1.6.RF module detected VSWR above major limit (13)1.1.7.The reflected power of remote tune combiner is too high (15)1.1.8.CHANNEL FAILURE RATE ABOVE DEFINED THRESHOLD (16)1.1.9.MEAN HOLDING TIME BELOW DEFINED THRESHOLD (19)1.1.10.EXCESSIVE TCH INTERFERENCE (21)1.1.11.BTS WITH NO TRANSACTIONS (22)1.2基站硬件类 (24)1.2.1Oven oscillator adjustment function interrupted (24)1.2.2ESMA System module has lost connection to ESEA System Extension module (25)1.2.3ESMx System module has lost connection to all modules on optical ports (27)1.2.4FBUS HW failure (28)1.2.5LAPD failure (29)1.2.6ECxx RTC module received insufficient Tx power (30)1.2.7EXxx TRX module Tx power overdriven at DPC (31)1.2.8ERxx DDU module has detected no Tx power at TxB input (32)1.2.9RF Module has detected no TX power in internal filter block (33)1.2.10The RF receiver frequency hopping synthesizer 1 is not locked (34)1.2.11The transmitter output power has dropped at least 3 dB (35)1.2.12EXCESSIVE TCH INTERFERENCE (36)1.2.13CHANNEL FAILURE RATE ABOVE DEFINED THRESHOLD (37)1.2.14The tuning of a cavity has failed in remote tune combiner. (39)1.2.15Tuning carrier is not detected in remote tune combiner (40)1.2.16The synthesizer in remote tune combiner is faulty (41)1.2.17There is disturbance in the serial DL bus or bus is broken (41)1.2.18Performance of the main branch LNA in remote tune combiner is degraded (42)1.2.19ECxx RTC module cavity tuning synthesizer faulty. (43)1.2.20Master TRX detected that connection to slave TRX is lost (44)1.2.21Interface problems between O&M and DSP SW (45)1.2.22Baseband bus major operation error occurred in ESMx System module (46)1.2.23EXxx TRX module SW download from ESMA System module failed (47)1.2.24Power unit input voltage fault (48)1.2.25Supply voltage to ESMA near low/high limit (48)1.2.26No connection to power unit (49)1.2.27Power unit input voltage fault (50)1.2.28EXxx TRX module cooling fan(s) report no rotation (51)1.2.29ESEA System Extension Module fan(s) out of order (52)1.2.30ESMA System module has detected no fans (52)1.2.31TSxx temperature is dangerously high (53)1.2.32RF module ambient temperature outside operating range (54)1.2.33Cabinet door is open./Cabinet cover is open (55)1.3基站数据配置类 (56)1.3.1Commissioned RF cabling does not match BTS configuration (56)1.3.2Mismatch between BSC/MMI configuration file and the actual (57)1.3.3TRX object allocation failed in RF module (57)1.3.4Too few antennas available for Rx diversity (58)1.3.5PDU control has switched off ECxx RTC Module (59)1.3.6ESMA System module has lost connection to FSEx External Alarm (60)1.3.7Module power cable connections are incorrectly configured (61)1.3.8ERxx DDU module connected to wrong EXxx TRX module (62)1.3.9TRX is stuck in waiting for system information state (63)1.3.10Configuration of BCF Failed (64)1.4基站传输类 (66)1.4.1.PCM FAILURE (66)1.4.2.Difference between PCM and base station frequency reference (67)1.4.3.FAR-END ALARM (68)1.4.4.FREQUENCY ERROR/ LOSS OF INCOMING (69)2 数据专业 (71)1 基站专业1.1天馈类1.1.1.Antenna connection faulty.1.1.2.Rx levels differ too much between main and diversity antennas1.1.3.RSSI detected Rx signal difference exceeding threshold1.1.4.ERxx DDU module has detected VSWR above minor limit at A (Or B)1.1.5.ECxx RTC module has detected VSWR above major limit at antenna1.1.6.RF module detected VSWR above major limit1.1.7.The reflected power of remote tune combiner is too high1.1.8.CHANNEL FAILURE RATE ABOVE DEFINED THRESHOLD1.1.9.MEAN HOLDING TIME BELOW DEFINED THRESHOLD1.1.10.EXCESSIVE TCH INTERFERENCE1.1.11.BTS WITH NO TRANSACTIONS1.2基站硬件类1.2.1Oven oscillator adjustment function interrupted1.2.2ESMA System module has lost connection to ESEA System Extension module1.2.3ESMx System module has lost connection to all modules on optical ports1.2.4FBUS HW failure1.2.5LAPD failure1.2.6ECxx RTC module received insufficient Tx power1、1.2.7EXxx TRX module Tx power overdriven at DPC1、1.2.8ERxx DDU module has detected no Tx power at TxB input1、1.2.9RF Module has detected no TX power in internal filter block、1.2.10The RF receiver frequency hopping synthesizer 1 is not locked1、1.2.11The transmitter output power has dropped at least 3 dB1、1.2.12EXCESSIVE TCH INTERFERENCE1.2.13CHANNEL FAILURE RATE ABOVE DEFINED THRESHOLD1.2.14The tuning of a cavity has failed in remote tune combiner.1.2.15Tuning carrier is not detected in remote tune combiner1.2.16The synthesizer in remote tune combiner is faulty1、1.2.17There is disturbance in the serial DL bus or bus is broken1、1.2.18Performance of the main branch LNA in remote tune combiner is degraded1、1.2.19ECxx RTC module cavity tuning synthesizer faulty.1、1.2.20Master TRX detected that connection to slave TRX is lost1、1.2.21Interface problems between O&M and DSP SW1、1.2.22Baseband bus major operation error occurred in ESMx System module1、1.2.23EXxx TRX module SW download from ESMA System module failed1.2.24Power unit input voltage fault1、1.2.25Supply voltage to ESMA near low/high limit1、1.2.26No connection to power unit1.2.27Power unit input voltage fault1、。
/ 2018/10/19
用SITEMASTER测试天馈的 驻波比和回驳损耗是否正常 是 检查载波、连线、合路器、基 带单元等,对各种板件逐个进 行排查,看有无问题板件 无 查看有无传输类告警 特别是误码 无 看是否有干扰,确定哪几块载 波并和其它载波进行对调,看 干扰是否消失 否 报给网优并协助其找出干 扰源,一般干扰消除后告警 自动消失 是 观察7745告警等基站起来 一小时后是否消失 否 是 恭喜 有 通知传输组并协助处理好 传输问题后再观察 掉话告警是一个有很多种原 因的告警,此流程主要是从 硬件故障这个角度来写的, 但在处理此告警的过程中, 还有很多其它非硬件的因素 需要考虑在内,所以在排除 硬件故障以后如果告警还在, 则需网优的大力支持。 如频点、邻区、功率控制 方位角、俯仰角、地势地貌、 盲区较多等都可能引起掉话 告警。 有 更换故障单元再进行观察 进行故障定位,处 理好天馈后再观察
报给网优,请其检查参数 频点、相邻小区情况等
/ 2018/10/19
告警号: 7601 告警内容: 7601、Difference between PCM and base station reference. frequency
/ 2018/10/19
告警说明: 7601是ULTRASITE站型的时钟告警
/ 2018/10/19
故障处理手册1.BBP 单板问题1.1BBI 板心跳检测失败1.2BBP 板心跳检测失败1.3BBI 板配置但不在位超时1.4Q922 通路检测失败1.5BBI/BBP 光口断链1.6小结及案例2.GPS 类故障2.1时钟源状态告警(GPS)2.2时钟锁相环状态次要告警2.3时钟锁相环状态严峻告警2.4没有时钟源告警2.5GPS 大频偏2.6串口通信特别2.7小结及案例3.RRU 类故障3.1RRU 配置但不行用超时3.2RRU 心跳检测失败3.3RRU 下行光口断链告警3.4RRUDPD 自检失败告警3.5小结及案例4.小区及载波类故障4.1小区未建立4.2小区已建立但不行用4.3辅载2,HSPA 不行用4.4小结及案例5.功率驻波类告警5.1下行无可用校准通道告警5.2上行无可用校准通道告警5.3下行输出欠/过功率告警5.4下行通道告警/上行通道告警5.5下行驻波比告警5.6放射/接收通道天线通道幅相全都性告警5.7小结及案例6.传输类告警6.1E1/T1 信号丧失6.2E1/T1 告警指示6.3E1/T1 远端告警指示6.4E1/T1 帧失步6.5E1/T1 环回故障6.6E1T1 高误码率门限告警6.7小结及案例7.信令类告警7.1IMA 链路信元定界失步故障7.2IMA 链路帧失步故障7.3IMA 链路延迟失步故障7.4IMA 链路远端接收故障7.5IMA 链路接收故障7.6IMA 组配置失败故障7.7IMA 远端组配置失败故障7.8IMA 组内激活链路数缺乏故障7.9IMA 远端组内激活链路数缺乏故障7.10ALCAP 断链故障7.11AAL2PATH上的AIS 故障7.12SAAL 断链故障7.13NCP 告警7.14CCP 告警7.15小结及案例8.其他故障告警8.1PSU 特别8.2DHCP 启动告警8.3OM 通道断链告警8.4小结及案例处理故障的原则:处理故障前请先对告警进展分析。
检查SGSN产生的S-CDR与SA-CDR,并进性对 比,发现S-CDR与SA-CDR的上下行流量相同,排除 了话单错误的可能性,接下来需要对比原始话单与计 费中心产生的话单的qubie
------>localSequenceNumber(4) value: 20 ------>timeOfFirstUsage(5) value: 09 02 01 04 22 18 +08 00 ------>timeOfLastUsage(6) value: 09 02 01 04 39 45 +08 00 ------>timeUsage(7) value: 0 ------>serviceChangeCondition(8) value: 0 ------>sgsnAddress(10) -------->SEQUENCE(16) ---------->iPTextV4Address(2) value: ------>volumeUplink(12) value: 83678 ------>volumeDownlink(13) value: 296865 ------>serviceIdentifier(17) value: 33554433 -->consolidationResult(35) value: normal(0)
NA0 07FF05/007-255-005 HSTP1 AV-SP 5
• NA0 07FF05/007-255-005 HSTP1 UA NA0 07FF04/007-255-004 HSTP2 AV-EX 7 NA0 07FF05/007-255-005 HSTP1 AV-SP 5
•在将滨江电力3小区的时隙配比TDDframeconf改为1后,分 别验证3个小区的上传速率,均达到了15Mbps以上;
案例一:长河水产市场下载速度低 案例二:滨江电力公司上传速率低 案例三:海斯终端无法搜网 案例四:海斯终端ATTCH 失败 案例五:远见智能第1小区下载速率偏低问题 案例六:室分小区随机接入失败 案例七:基站有信号,Attach不成功 案例八:参数配置导致切换失败 案例九:修正测试规范BF Gain计算公式
案例描述: •在对滨江电力公司进行单站验证的过程中,在进行上传业务 时发现该站点的3个扇区的速度均比较低,只能达到约 2~5Mbps,而在前期的测试中,该站的上传速度表现一直很 好达到了15Mbps以上;
•1.在滨江电力1扇区测试中显示 BLER较高,MCS较低;
案例一:长河水产市场下载速度低 案例二:滨江电力公司上传速率低 案例三:海斯终端无法搜网 案例四:海斯终端ATTCH 失败 案例五:远见智能第1小区下载速率偏低问题 案例六:室分小区随机接入失败 案例七:基站有信号,Attach不成功 案例八:参数配置导致切换失败 案例九:修正测试规范BF Gain计算公式
【解决方案】通过sscom32在hisi终端的bluetooth口发送命令,将hisi终 端的鉴权与基站侧的鉴权进行同步。设备连接后,通过sscom32打开终端 的bluetooth端口,发送命令:g_ulSmcControl=1,点击发送后,鼠标 移至运行窗口按enter,返回值value = 1即表示操作成功,然后关闭 bluetooth端口,如下图所示。
原因分析:分析判断可能原因:1、备用通路不通2、诺西端局硬件或配臵问题3、中兴端局硬件或配臵问题原因排查:SCTP(STREAM CONTROL TRANSMISSION PROTOCOL 流控制传输协议)能在两个端点之间提供稳定、有序的数据传递服务,在SIGTRAN协议的应用中,SCTP 上层用户是SCN 信令的适配模块(如M2UA、M3UA),下层是IP网。
通路1图1 局间偶联示意图图2 诺西端局偶联配臵示意图如上图所示,诺西端局的偶联建立在GISU板上,每一块GISU板对应一个偶联。
诺西常见故障标准化处理说明书1 诺西FlexiBTS7650告警处理<告警名称>BASESTATIONFAULTY<处理方法>按照故障可能的原因分类,分别列出处理方法如下:1.1BTSBlocked1.2BTSinternalSWmanagementproblem1.3BasebandBusfailure1.4SystemModulefailure1.5IncompatibleSWversiondetected1.6S1interfacesetupfailure1.7Temperaturealarm2 诺西FlexiBTS7651告警处理<告警名称>BASESTATIONOPERATIONDEGRADED<处理方法>按照故障可能的原因分类,分别列出处理方法如下:2.1BTSreferenceclockmissing2.2BTSresetrequired2.3TransportlayerconnectionfailureinX2interface3 诺西FlexiBTS7652告警处理<告警名称>BASESTATIONNOTIFICATION<处理方法>按照故障可能的原因分类,分别列出处理方法如下:5.1BTStimenotcorrected5.2Fanfailure5.3Fanfailure4 诺西FlexiBTS7653告警处理<告警名称>CELLFAULTY<处理方法>按照故障可能的原因分类,分别列出处理方法如下:3.1CellBlocked3.2BasebandBusfailure3.3Cellpowerfailure3.4Configurationerror:NotenoughHWforLCR3.5FailureinopticalRP3interface3.6Temperaturealarm3.7RFLossofsecondaryopticalinterface3.8RFModulefailure3.9VSWRalarm5 诺西FlexiBTS7654告警处理<告警名称>CELLOPERATIONDEGRADED<处理方法>按照故障可能的原因分类,分别列出处理方法如下:4.1VSWRalarm4.2FailureinopticalRP3interface6 诺西FlexiBTS7655告警处理<告警名称>CELLNOTIFICATION<处理方法>按照故障可能的原因分类,分别列出处理方法如下:6.1TXfailureinMIMO6.2Radioresourcesswitchedoff。
诺西GSM常见告警处理建议一、 UltraSite BTS常见告警1、7600 BCF FAULTY 基站故障(1) Crystal oscillator damage 晶体振荡器损坏 Oven oscillator is broken 晶体振荡器故障处理建议:更换BOIA单元。
(2) Base station synchronous failure 基站同步失败处理建议:①检查同步线及接头②检查传输设置的同步设置③更换BOIA单元并重启BCF。
(3) BIOA unit to the temperature too high BIOA 单元温度太高处理建议:①确保周围环境温度在允许的范围内②检查机柜风扇单元③更换BOIA单元。
1、7601 BCF OPERATION DEGRADED 基站性能下降告警(1)Power unit output voltage fault./Power unit input voltage fault./No connection to power unit电源单元输入或输出电压故障,或者无法连接到电源单元处理建议:更换所有出故障的电源单元。
(2)Power unit temperature is dangerously high电源单元温度太高处理建议:①确保周围环境温度在限定范围内②检查机柜风扇③更换电源单元(3)Difference between PCM and base station frequency reference.PCM链路和基站的频率参考有差异处理建议:①检查2M线和2M头子②调整基站主时钟,观察时钟是否稳定③更换BOIA。
(4) Flash operation failed in BOI or TRX BOI或者TRX闪存操作失败处理建议:更换BOIA。
(5)POWER SUPPLY FAULT 电源模块故障处理建议:电源模块(PSUX)没有输出电压,电源模块坏或没有输入电压,更换电源模块或提供电源给电源模块3、7602 BCF NOTIFICATION 基站提示告警(1) Temperature inside the TRX is high 载频高温告警处理建议:①检查风扇单元告警是否处于激活状态②检查并确保没有异物堵塞③确保基站环境温度在允许范围内(2) Temperature inside the TRX is low 载频低温告警处理建议:①确保环境温度在允许的范围内②检查风扇单元。
诺西常见故障标准化处理说明书1 诺西Flexi BTS 7650告警处理<告警名称>BASE STATION FAULTY<处理方法>按照故障可能的原因分类,分别列出处理方法如下:1.1 BTS Blocked如图所示,用site manager登录基站后,点击unblock BTS解锁基站,基站重启后告警会自动消除。
1.2 BTS internal SW management problem1.3 Baseband Bus failure1.4 System Module failure1.5 Incompatible SW version detected1.6 S1 interface setup failure查1.检查基站上MME IP配置是否正确2.从site manager上PING MME IP,确认传输是否正常,如果test result是connected说明S1接口传输正常;3. 检查基站上的TAC和PLMN配置,是否与规划一致;4. 检查基站BTS ID是否与其他站冲突,可以通过MME上查询该BTS ID对应的IP地址是否为当前基站IP来确认;1.7 Temperature alarm2 诺西Flexi BTS 7651告警处理<告警名称>BASE STATION OPERATION DEGRADED<处理方法>按照故障可能的原因分类,分别列出处理方法如下:2.1 BTS reference clock missing2.2 BTS reset required2.3 Transport layer connection failure in X2 interface常建立1.检查X2口两端基站是否状态正常,是否都可连接并且小区on air,无7650,7653告警;2.检查两端基站的LNADJ配置,是否都已经将对端加为邻站,并且BTS ID和IP地址是否配置正确;3.检查LNADJ中的控制方式,没有特殊要求的情况下,最好两端都配置为oamcontrolled4.所有检查结果正常的情况下,可以同时在两边基站都删除对应的LNADJ,然后再重新添加;3 诺西Flexi BTS 7652告警处理<告警名称>BASE STATION NOTIFICATION<处理方法>按照故障可能的原因分类,分别列出处理方法如下:5.1 BTS time not corrected5.2 Fan failure5.3 Fan failure4 诺西Flexi BTS 7653告警处理<告警名称>CELL FAULTY<处理方法>按照故障可能的原因分类,分别列出处理方法如下:3.1 Cell Blocked区。
诺西微蜂窝泄露优化案例一、故障现象:大华国际室分由于在路面上泄漏电平在 -70DB 左右, 在路面上占用到该小区起呼和切到该小区都会导致电平快速衰落而掉话。
二、原因分析:流程图2.1重选使用新的重选策略,增加了参数 TEO 和 PET 的设置。
旧的重选策略采用 C2算法,但只设置了 C1和和 REO 。
无论任何时候,只要邻区的 C2值大于服务小区,就立即进行小区重选。
新的重选策略采用 C2算法, 增加了对参数 TEO 和 PET 的设置。
在 PET 时间内, 可以通过TEO 来暂时减小邻区的 C2值,以此来降低重选到目标小区的概率。
在 PET 时间后,则又恢复到现有的重选策略,不会影响室外到室内的手机重选。
该类设置的优点是可以通过参数设置来实现分时间段的控制某个邻区 C2的大小来决定重选的时机,适用于室分系统的信号外泄的情况。
新策略的原理如下:空闲模式下, MS 的小区重选以 C2为标准(前提是参数 PI=Y ,计算方式如下:C2 = C1 + cellReselectOffset - temporaryOffset x H(penaltyTime-Twhen penaltyTime 640orC2 = C1 - cellReselectOffset when penaltyTime=640WhereH(x=1 when x>=0AndH(x=0 when x<0T 是一定时器,初始值为 0。
当某小区被 MS 记录在信号电平最强的六个小区表中时,则对应该小区的计数器开始计数;当该小区从 MS 信号电平最强的六个邻区表中删除时,相应的计数器 T 被复位。
cellReselectOffset 用来人为的修正小区重选参数 C2。
temporaryOffset 的作用是:从计数器 T 开始计数到计数器 T 的值达到penaltyTime 规定的时间期间,给 C2一个负作用的修正。
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一体化代维项目试点课题研究成果故障处理案例库中国移动通信集团福建有限公司二○一二年四月目录:1基站专业 (5)1.1天馈类 (5)1.1.1.Antenna connection faulty. (5)1.1.2.Rx levels differ too much between main and diversity antennas (6)1.1.3.RSSI detected Rx signal difference exceeding threshold (7)1.1.4.ERxx DDU module has detected VSWR above minor limit at A (Or B) (8)1.1.5.ECxx RTC module has detected VSWR above major limit at antenna (10)1.1.6.RF module detected VSWR above major limit (11)1.1.7.The reflected power of remote tune combiner is too high (12)1.1.8.CHANNEL FAILURE RATE ABOVE DEFINED THRESHOLD (13)1.1.9.MEAN HOLDING TIME BELOW DEFINED THRESHOLD (15)1.1.10.EXCESSIVE TCH INTERFERENCE (16)1.1.11.BTS WITH NO TRANSACTIONS (18)1.2基站硬件类 (19)1.2.1Oven oscillator adjustment function interrupted (19)1.2.2ESMA System module has lost connection to ESEA System Extension module (20)1.2.3ESMx System module has lost connection to all modules on optical ports (21)1.2.4FBUS HW failure (22)1.2.5LAPD failure (23)1.2.6ECxx RTC module received insufficient Tx power (24)1.2.7EXxx TRX module Tx power overdriven at DPC (25)1.2.8ERxx DDU module has detected no Tx power at TxB input (26)1.2.9RF Module has detected no TX power in internal filter block (27)1.2.10The RF receiver frequency hopping synthesizer 1 is not locked (27)1.2.11The transmitter output power has dropped at least 3 dB (28)1.2.12EXCESSIVE TCH INTERFERENCE (29)1.2.13CHANNEL FAILURE RATE ABOVE DEFINED THRESHOLD (30)1.2.14The tuning of a cavity has failed in remote tune combiner (31)1.2.15Tuning carrier is not detected in remote tune combiner (32)1.2.16The synthesizer in remote tune combiner is faulty (33)1.2.17There is disturbance in the serial DL bus or bus is broken (34)1.2.18Performance of the main branch LNA in remote tune combiner is degraded (34)1.2.19ECxx RTC module cavity tuning synthesizer faulty (35)1.2.20Master TRX detected that connection to slave TRX is lost (36)1.2.21Interface problems between O&M and DSP SW (36)1.2.22Baseband bus major operation error occurred in ESMx System module (37)1.2.23EXxx TRX module SW download from ESMA System module failed (38)1.2.24Power unit input voltage fault (39)1.2.25Supply voltage to ESMA near low/high limit (39)1.2.26No connection to power unit (40)1.2.27Power unit input voltage fault (41)1.2.28EXxx TRX module cooling fan(s) report no rotation (41)1.2.29ESEA System Extension Module fan(s) out of order (42)1.2.30ESMA System module has detected no fans (43)1.2.31TSxx temperature is dangerously high (44)1.2.32RF module ambient temperature outside operating range (44)1.2.33Cabinet door is open./Cabinet cover is open (45)1.3基站数据配置类 (46)1.3.1Commissioned RF cabling does not match BTS configuration (46)1.3.2Mismatch between BSC/MMI configuration file and the actual (46)1.3.3TRX object allocation failed in RF module (47)1.3.4Too few antennas available for Rx diversity (48)1.3.5PDU control has switched off ECxx RTC Module (49)1.3.6ESMA System module has lost connection to FSEx External Alarm (49)1.3.7Module power cable connections are incorrectly configured (50)1.3.8ERxx DDU module connected to wrong EXxx TRX module (51)1.3.9TRX is stuck in waiting for system information state (52)1.3.10Configuration of BCF Failed (53)1.4基站传输类 (54)1.4.1.PCM FAILURE (54)1.4.2.Difference between PCM and base station frequency reference (54)1.4.3.FAR-END ALARM (55)1.4.4.FREQUENCY ERROR/ LOSS OF INCOMING (56)2数据专业 (58)1 基站专业1.1天馈类1.1.1.Antenna connection faulty.1.1.2. Rx levels differ too much between main and diversity antennas1.1.3.RSSI detected Rx signal difference exceeding threshold1.1.4.ERxx DDU module has detected VSWR above minor limit at A (Or B)1.1.5.ECxx RTC module has detected VSWR above major limit at antenna1.1.6.RF module detected VSWR above major limit1.1.7.The reflected power of remote tune combiner is too high1.1.8.CHANNEL FAILURE RATE ABOVE DEFINED THRESHOLD1.1.9.MEAN HOLDING TIME BELOW DEFINED THRESHOLD1.1.10.E XCESSIVE TCH INTERFERENCE1.1.11.B TS WITH NO TRANSACTIONS1.2基站硬件类1.2.1 Oven oscillator adjustment function interrupted1.2.2ESMA System module has lost connection to ESEA System Extension module1.2.3ESMx System module has lost connection to all modules on optical ports1.2.4FBUS HW failure1.2.5LAPD failure1.2.6ECxx RTC module received insufficient Tx power1、1.2.7EXxx TRX module Tx power overdriven at DPC1.2.8ERxx DDU module has detected no Tx power at TxB input1、1.2.9RF Module has detected no TX power in internal filter block、1.2.10 The RF receiver frequency hopping synthesizer 1 is not locked、1.2.11 The transmitter output power has dropped at least 3 dB、1.2.12 EXCESSIVE TCH INTERFERENCE1.2.13 CHANNEL FAILURE RATE ABOVE DEFINED THRESHOLD、1.2.14 The tuning of a cavity has failed in remote tune combiner.1.2.15 Tuning carrier is not detected in remote tune combiner1、1.2.16 The synthesizer in remote tune combiner is faulty、1.2.17 There is disturbance in the serial DL bus or bus is broken1、1.2.18 Performance of the main branch LNA in remote tune combiner is degraded1、1.2.19 ECxx RTC module cavity tuning synthesizer faulty.、1.2.20 Master TRX detected that connection to slave TRX is lost1、1.2.21 Interface problems between O&M and DSP SW1、1.2.22 Baseband bus major operation error occurred in ESMx System module1、1.2.23 EXxx TRX module SW download from ESMA System module failed1、1.2.24 Power unit input voltage fault1、1.2.25 Supply voltage to ESMA near low/high limit1、1.2.26 No connection to power unit1.2.27 Power unit input voltage fault1、1.2.28 EXxx TRX module cooling fan(s) report no rotation、1.2.29 ESEA System Extension Module fan(s) out of order1.2.30 ESMA System module has detected no fans、1.2.31 TSxx temperature is dangerously high1、1.2.32 RF module ambient temperature outside operating range1、1.2.33 Cabinet door is open./Cabinet cover is open、1.3基站数据配置类1.3.1Commissioned RF cabling does not match BTS configuration1.3.2Mismatch between BSC/MMI configuration file and the actual、1.3.3TRX object allocation failed in RF module1.3.4Too few antennas available for Rx diversity1.3.5PDU control has switched off ECxx RTC Module1.3.6ESMA System module has lost connection to FSEx External Alarm1.3.7Module power cable connections are incorrectly configured。