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The medium-size EBZ55 type tunnelling road-header is mainly used in tunnelling operations of the medium coal lane and the half coal crag lane digging the tunnels,.It marks by features of compact construction , good adaptability, a short body and a low center of gravity ,it is also easy to operate and convenient to overhaul. This paper is mainly make a design for the overall machine and something else relevant to the structure and transmission of the cutting unit.The cutting unit driving force of EBZ55 is provided by the cutting motor。Tunneling road-header normally adopt explosion-proof water-cooled electric motors to drive the cutting head, using water spray to strengthen the cooling effect, for improve the ability of continuous overloading and adapt to the complex and volatile cutting load. Based on the theory of 2K-H type planetary reducer, this paper design a appropriate 2K-H type planetary reducer which can be use in cutting unit. The design of 2K-H type planetary reducer has optimize the selective gear.

Keywords:Cantilever tunneling machine ;cutting unit ;Planet reduction gear


摘要 (1)


目录 (3)

第1章绪论 (6)

1.1设计背景和目的 (6)

1.2掘进机的分类 (6)

1.3国外悬臂式重型掘进机的发展 (7)

1.4国内重型掘进机的发展概况 (8)

1.5国内外重型掘进机的发展趋势 (9)

1.6EBZ-55型掘进机简介 (10)

1.6.1 产品特点及用途 (10)

1.6.2 使用环境条件 (10)

1.6.3 产品型号名称及外形 (10)

第2章总体设计 (12)

2.1总体参数 (12)

2.2掘进机截割部各组成部分设计 (12)

2.2.1 截割部 (12)

2.2.2 装载部 (14)

2.3刮板输送机 (15)

2.4行走部 (16)

2.5机架和回转台 (17)

2.6液压系统 (17)

2.7电气系统 (19)

第3章截割机构设计 (20)

3.1截割头 (20)

3.2截割减速器 (21)

3.3电动机 (21)

3.4悬臂伸缩装置 (21)

第4章减速器结构设计和校核 (23)

4.1减速器概述 (23)

4.2减速器级齿轮设计 (23)

4.2.1 齿轮材料热工艺处理及制造工艺选定 (23)

4.2.2 减速器原理图 (23)

4.2.3 确定各主要参数 (24)

4.2.4 行星齿轮强度验算 (31)

第5章减速器低速级齿轮设计 (40)

5.1确定各主要参数 (40)

5.1.1 齿数确定 (40)

5.2计算变位系数 (40)

5.2.1 a-c传动 (40)

c 传动 (41)

5.2.2 b

5.3计算几何尺寸 (41)

5.4齿轮啮合要素计算 (42)

5.5齿轮强度验算 (42)

5.6行星齿轮强度验算 (46)

5.7减速器其他零件校核 (54)

5.7.1 输入轴校核 (54)

5.7.2 轴承校核 (57)

5.7.3 键的校核 (58)

第6章掘进机的检修及维护保养 (61)

6.1机器的日常维护保养 (61)

6.2机器的定期维护保养 (61)

6.3润滑 (62)

6.4液压系统用油 (63)

6.5电气 (63)

第7章机器常见故障原因及处理方法 (65)

7.1截割部 (65)

7.2装运部 (65)
